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A09620 Phisicke for the soule verye necessarie to be vsed in the agonie of death, and in those extreme and moste perillous seasons, aswell for those, which are in good health, as those, which are endewed with bodily sicknesse. Translated out of Latine into Englishe, by H. Thorne. John Chrysostom, Saint, d. 407. De patientia et de consumatione huius sæculi, de secundo advento. aut; Thorne, Henry, fl. 1567-1584. 1567 (1567) STC 19893A.7; ESTC S106667 56,136 144

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† Sirach 6. If thou sée a wise man go thou vnto him early in the morning and let thy foote tread the path vnto his gate For this counsell is not only good for them that cannot reade but also for them that can For many there be which read and know not what they read Take héede therefore that thou doe not little regarde the * 2. Cor. 6. grace bestowed on thée by the frée gift of Christ but be thou carefull to séeke how thou mayest please the lorde that thou mayest procure and get vnto thée the blisfulnesse of his saintes For it is written Blessed are they Psal 119. which keepe his testimonies and seeke him with their whole hart See that the enimie let thée not that when thou wouldst read he make thée slouthfull and put other businesse in thy heade which shall pull thée awaye saying First finishe thou these small affaires and so shalt thou reade without trouble of minde For howe often sendeth he in those things that maye encourage thée vnto handie labour And he obiecteth such matters that he may the sooner withhold thée from reading being the greater profite For as much as the deuill perceyuing man to be disposed to reade setteth against him by these and other lyke occasions seeking if he may by any meanes possible let him yet co●●ent thou not vnto him but be euen as the Hart Psal 42. which thirsteth and desireth to come vnto the water springs that is to say vnto the holy scriptures that thou mayest drinke out of them such things as are méete and profitable for thée as for example When it is giuen thée to know any sentence let it not escape thée but pouder vpon it in thy minde write in thine hart and thou shalt kéepe it neuer able to bée rased out of thy memorie For it is written I will thinke vpon thy righteousnesse Psal 119. And againe I haue hidde thy words within my hart that I shoulde not sinne against thée And in an other place Wherewith shall a yong man clense his waye Euen by ruling himselfe after thy worde For who is he that is mindefull of the worde of the lorde and amendeth not his wayes Is not hée alwaies a reprobate a cast awaye caytife which remembereth nothing but rather forgetteth that which he once knew Truely God sayth vnto such an one Psal 50. Wherefore talkest thou of my righteousnesse and takest my testimony in thy mouth Whervpō he commaundeth that thing to be takē from him which he séemeth to haue Math. 25. And what was there commaunded to bée taken from him which he séemed to haue Faith For he calleth himselfe a christian Tit. 1. but denyeth it in his déedes and he is worse than an infidell And therefore he commaundeth the holy ghost to be taken from him which he receyued in the daye of his redemption and that he séemed to haue also And such a man shal become like vnto a wine vessell thorow the which the wine is spilte and lost they that sée him know it not supposing him to he full but when wine shoulde be drawen out of him then he appéereth vnto all men to be emptie Therefore euen so such a man shall appéere emptie in the daye of iudgement and his déedes shall be manifest vnto all the world And such are they which wil saye vnto the king in that day Math. 7. Lorde haue not we prophesied in thy name and haue done many great things in thy name And the king will answere and saye vnto them Verily I saye vnto you I knowe you not Thou seest déerely beloued that such a man hath nothing at all Be thou therfore mindfull of the worde of God and amende thy lyfe Beware thou suffer not the birdes to descende and deuoure the seede of the sonne of God For he himselfe saide that the séede is the worde which ye haue heard Math. 13. Therefore hide thou the séede in the sorowes of thy lande that is to wit hide the worde in the middell of thine hart that thou mayest bring forth some fruit vnto the lord in feare And when thou readest read diligently and boldly and handle eche lyne moderatly considering thereof Endeuor not to reade ouer many leaues but if any obscure sense happen vnto thée let it not gréeue thée to pervse the verse twice or thrice vntill thou vnderstande the meaning and force thereof Furthermore when thou preparest thy selfe to sit downe and read or to heare an other first praye vnto God saying thus Scripture is attenttyfely to be reade with prayer Psal 119. O lorde Iesu Christ open myne eyes and the eares of my hart that they may heare thy words and vnderstande them and may O lorde fulfill thy wyll hide not thy commaundements from me bicause I am a straunger on the earth but open and discouer mine eyes and I will consider the maruellous things of thy lawe For in thée Oh my God haue I trusted that thou shouldst lighten mine hart Also I beséeche thée so praye vnto God alwaies that he will illuminate thy minde and open vnto thée the effect and force of his worde For many haue erred Rom. 1. counted themselues wise they became fooles not vnderstanding what was written and falling into blasphemies haue therein perished Therfore if thou in reading finde any thing hard to be vnderstoode take héede the enimy teach thée not to say within thy selfe it is not so as this word expresseth for how should it be so and suche lyke But if thou beléeue God beléeue his word also and say vnto the enimie Come behinde me sathan For I know thée not The worde of God is a pure worde as tryed siluer clensed Psal 11. and purged from the earth seauen folde and in it is no peruerse matter other else haulting as the prouerbe is but all things therein séeme good in the wise mans sight and are righteous before them that finde knowledge and I truely am a foole and knowe not the scriptures but well vnderstande they are spiritually written For the apostle sayeth Rom. 7. that the lawe is spirituall Then looke vp towardes heauen saying these wordes Lorde I beleue thy worde and doe not gaine say it but I trust in the worde of thy holy spirite Preserue me therefore O lorde that I may finde fauour in thy sight For I séeke none other thing but only to be saued Oh mercifull father that I maye obtaine thy grace and fauour For thine is the kingdome and mercie for euer and euer Amen Peroratio I Beséeche you therefore brethren déerely beloued in the lorde that ye endeuour your selues to haue these things daylie in memorie I meane faith hope charitie and humilitie that they may be sealed vp by prayers vnto God and meditations of holy scriptures For if you haue those things and doe abound in them they will not leaue you emptie and barren touching the knowledge of Iesus Christ For the 〈◊〉 man which hath not those things but neglecteth his owne saluation is blind groping the waye with his hande 2. Petr. 1. forgetting that he is cleansed from his olde sinnes and it shall happen vnto him as it is sayde in the true prouerbe 2. Petr. 2. The dogge is returned againe vnto his domite and the washed swine vnto his dur●ie puddle They therefore 2. Petr. 2. that haue escaped the pollutions of the worlde as it is written and haue renounced them in there baptisme and are come vnto the knowledge of our lord Iesus Christ and are afterwards againe entangled with them there ende shall bée worse than there beginning For it had bene better for them not to haue knowne the waye of truth then when they haue knowne it to returne backe againe vnto the things which were forsaken Let vs therfore being the déere and faythfull seruauntes of God and his christian chosen souldiours diligentlye and earnestly take vp the foresaide armour in oure hartes and not haue them in minde by an outwarde showe that we battayling well and treading downe al the power of the enimie Ephe. 5. Collos 3. may be deliuered from the curse to come vpon the children of vnbeléefe and that we maye finde grace Hebr. 4. and mercie in that horrible daye before the iust iudge Rom. 1. which will rewarde euerie man according to his déedes to whome with the almightie father and the holy spirite belongeth honor and glory now and for euer world without ende Amen FINIS The Table PHisick for the soule verie necessarie to be vsed in the agony of death and in these extreme and most perillous seasons c. folio 1. Faith is chiefely necessarie for the sick to abide the paines of the bodye and the temptations wherwith he is pestered folio 3. The articles of our faith are diligently to be considered of the sick folio 5 Wherefore sicknesses are sent vnto vs from God folio 5 There be three things which torment vs most greeuously and cruelly and doe trouble oure mindes in the agonie of death that is to wit sinne death hell or damnation folio 8 ¶ A prayer for the same folio 8 What is to bee done when sinne doth vexe and stirre our consciences folio 9 The testimonies of scripture for the remission of sinnes through Christ must be diligently repeated vnto the sick c. folio 11 Whether the sick may lawfully seke the phisitions helpe and vse phisicke or no. folio 18 What is to be done when death bringeth terror and feare vpon vs. folio 18 The testimonies of scripture for the resurrection of the dead folio 20 We will adde also other sentences of scripture conteyning plentifull comfort folio 23 What is to be done when hell or eternall damnation cōming in our minds doth feare vs. folio 25 Of the making of a testament and confession of sinnes vnto God folio 34 Of the sacrament of the lords supper folio 35 The sorow which many take more then is requisite for the death of their parents and frendes ought to be tempered by the right rule of reason folio 37 A precept contayning an exhortation vnto al them which professe the name of Christ folio 39 Peroratio folio 40 A fourme and methode or right order to comfort the sick folio 41
Phisicke for the Soule verye necessarie to be vsed in the Agonie of death and in those extreme and moste perillous seasons aswell for those which are in good health as those which are endewed with bodily sicknesse Translated out of Latine into Englishe by H. Thorne Quid prodest homini si vniuersum mun 〈…〉 tur animae autem suae detrimentum pa 〈…〉 MATH 16. What shall it man auaile if all the worlde he gaine And after that of his owne soule he do the losse sustaine Pervsed and allowed according to the Queenes Maiesties Iniunctions IMPRINTED AT LONDON by Henry Denham Phisick for the Soule very necessary to be vsed in the Agonie of death and in these extreme and moste perilous seasons as well for those that are in good health as those which are endued with bodily sicknesse Translated out of Latine into ●●●lishe by H. Thorne DIseases troubling our bodies and corporall death shak● our mindes with ho●rible feare 〈◊〉 much that of● 〈◊〉 wee tremb●● 〈◊〉 the recy●●●cion of them Mans natur● 〈◊〉 had leauer not to bee at all 〈…〉 cannot but waxe pale 〈…〉 when these sicknesses doe ap● 〈◊〉 déede no calamitie can b● 〈◊〉 more cruell none more horrible none more houge then the sicknesse of the soule and the death and destruction therof Euery man abhorreth euery man detesteth and escheweth by Sea and lande punishments pitifull labors diseases and this bodily death But we ought much more to endeuor our selues to auoide and leaue off the occasions of those euilles that is to wit sinne and wicked●●sse and that we ought to dread the heauie 〈◊〉 of God which wée prouoke against 〈◊〉 ●ers and manifold offences 〈◊〉 ●our bodily health is ympaired we straigh● wayes poste vnto the Phisitiō here we spare for no charges we lesse estéeme all things then the safegarde of our life we procure medicines remedies at a great price 〈◊〉 the intent that this oure earthen vessell 〈◊〉 ●otsheard mought be againe repaired 〈◊〉 ●●thin short space after notwithstan● 〈…〉 ●die to breake Why doe wée not 〈…〉 ●die and carefulnesse desire and 〈…〉 ●ies against the diseases and 〈…〉 Soule béeing farre more 〈…〉 ●ore perillous For what 〈…〉 ●an take if he did abounde 〈…〉 ●s of the whole worlde and did liue a thousand yeares togithers a●● ioyed continual and most exquisite pleasu●● of this lyfe and were not incumbred wi● any trouble of sicknesse or other calamiti● But yet in the meane while his soule 〈◊〉 infected with the deadlye gilt and poys● sinne and oppressed with the cruell tir● of Sathan God was displeased at him 〈◊〉 he most certainly knewe that after the 〈◊〉 of this life hée shoulde suffer eternall de● and damnation both of body soule Therfore Christ said Watch. For ye know ne●ther the day nor yet the howre in the wi●● the sonne of man shall come And le● 〈◊〉 shoulde followe light friuolous 〈◊〉 things the good most profitable no ●ded he showeth vs a most compendi●●taine and sure way to aspire vnto tr●● 〈◊〉 citie where as he sayeth Séeke ye 〈◊〉 kingdome of heauen and the righteou● 〈◊〉 thereof and all these things shall bée ●stred vnto you The cares of lyuing and 〈◊〉 establishing of oure wealth other 〈◊〉 yea many times foolishe bruckle 〈◊〉 ●ting which nothing preuaile vs b● 〈◊〉 ●ten the occasions of verie greeuou● 〈…〉 and most wicked offences 〈…〉 〈…〉 vs night and day But in the séeking getting of heauenly ●●ches what thing is more flow thē we are ●●hat more negligent what more vnadui●●●● what more foolish What blindnesse or ●●●●nesse I pray you ought more to be fea● 〈◊〉 Whilst wee liue in good health scarce 〈◊〉 ●uch as one little thought at any time 〈◊〉 ●meth in our mindes of the lyfe to come 〈◊〉 of that our temporall death But when 〈◊〉 we lie downe and are sicke death nowe as 〈◊〉 were knocking at oure dores when wée ●●ould stande vp in the front and fight then 〈◊〉 ●ast we begin to thinke of the taking 〈◊〉 ●r weapons against Sathan and of 〈◊〉 ●endment of oure life These things 〈◊〉 ●ufficient argument to prooue that we 〈◊〉 ●dued with a slender and weake fayth 〈◊〉 ●at we are little exercised in the christi● 〈◊〉 ●arfare God be mercifull vnto vs. ●ut truely euerie age is méete to amend ●●d no repentance commeth to late so that it 〈◊〉 ●ne before the ende of this lyfe Yet I 〈…〉 ●ll and earnestly giue admonishment 〈◊〉 ●●an do linger and deferre the doing 〈…〉 ●e vntill this last and most bit●● 〈…〉 ●or euen they which are strong and in good health all their life 〈◊〉 haue prepared and furnished the●●e ●gainst this howre of departing they 〈◊〉 and with much adoe scarcely defende ●selues from the deceiptes guiles 〈◊〉 and inuasion of that most passing 〈◊〉 subtill enimie what shall bée d●●●● those which beeing voide of al feare of 〈◊〉 knowing not howe to repent haue li●●●● filthie and dissolute and naughtie life 〈◊〉 I besech you shall they fight how shall th● resist Now therfore seeing that there is a gr●●● multitude and aboundance of people eue●● where and séeing that the Ministers of 〈◊〉 Gospell are not néere at hand in all pla●● neyther are able to performe their dilige●● or office alwaies and vnto all men we of good and godly minde willing to profite a men haue written this waye and forme● comforting instructing and admonishin● the sick collected out of the worde of God 〈◊〉 their commoditie profite especially which● are yet ignoraunt and not instructed suffi●●ently in the Sentences of holy Scripture 〈◊〉 such occasiōs that they hearing those thing read vnto them maye thereof conceiue tru●● 〈◊〉 ●●solation or comfort least they 〈…〉 ●alse hearted should dispaire and pe●●●in the bitter Agonie of death 〈◊〉 is chiefly necessarie for the Sick 〈◊〉 ●de the paines of the body and 〈◊〉 temptations wherwith he is pestered MAn therefore lying on bed by vehemencie of sickenesse and béeing in daunger of death is assayled and ouerwhelmed with dyuers and gréeuous tēptations against 〈◊〉 which he must contende and striue And 〈◊〉 of all this is a most bitter temptation 〈◊〉 ●hen the most horrible Image of death bée●●g as it were before our eies wée thinke ●at we must forsake and leaue the most de●●ctable and pleasaunt light of this lyfe and ●●ll our deare kinsfolkes and friends Finally ●hat wée muste héere forgo all our pleasant 〈◊〉 welbeloued things And anon our sinnes ●●mmitted against the will and commaun●●ment of God doe present themselues vn●o 〈◊〉 vs rushing in with a great violence are cléerely renued and waxe raw againe and they séeme to be many moe in number and more gréeuous then euer they did before so that they maruellously torment vexe and trouble our conscience Here death Gods iudgement Hell damnation feare and trembling like an hoste gathered togither torment our olde man with moste violent and troublous stormes of verie great dolors and terrors and doth assault and shake our
to abyde him when he did hyde the greatest part of his maiestie althoughe he came downe not offended with them nor spake he vnto them wrathfully Therefore consider this if they were not able to abide his comming which comforted them when that neyther the burning heauens were dissolued neyther the earth and that is in it was burnte when that neyther they which sounde the Trumpet did blow as that trumpet shal be sounded which shall rayse vp al them that haue slept from the beginning of the world neyther any other of the terrible things to come did then happen how shall we do when he shal come downe with intollerable wrath The second cōming of the lord Psal 50. furye and shall sit vppon the throne of hys glory and shall call the earth Euen from the East vnto the Weast and from all the costes of the earth that he may discerne and knowe his people and giue to euery man according vnto his deserts what men alas behooueth vs to be when that we shal stand stripped and naked readie to bée brought foorth vnto the iudgemēt seat Where then shall that painted colour and the force and strength of the fleshe become then where shall that deceitfull and vnprofitable beautie the pleasantnesse of mans voyce impudent shamelesse babling become Where then is the trimming and decking vp with clothes and the delight pleasure of most foule and filthie sinne Where then are they which drinke wyne with pyping and singing and haue no regarde or respect vnto the workes of GOD where then is the contempt despising of them which nowe lyue without feare Then where is delicasie and nysitie For all those things shall passe away and shall be dissolued as the corrupt ayre Loke for this matter Sapi. 5. Where then is the gréedie desire of money and riches and vnmercifulnesse hir continuall companion Where then is pride which disdaineth all men thinketh hir selfe to be somewhat Where then is the vaine and vnprofitable glorie of man the great might tirannie Where then is the king the prince the capitaine Where then are the puffed vp magistrates contemning God in comparison of their owne riches When they shall perceyue that this saying must bée spoken of them They maruailed they are moued they are troubled feare is come vpon them Oscae 13. Iere. 50. Psal 48. 1. Cor. 1. there shall be sorowes as of a woman trauailing with child they shal be consumed with a vehemēt spirit Where then shal be come the wisedome of the wise with all there newe inuentions Wo bee vnto them They are moued they are troubled as a dronken man and all there wisedome is swalowed vp 1. Corin. 1. 2. Petr. 3. Where then is the worldly wise the scribe and the treasurer of this vaine world Way and consider déerely beloued what maner of men we ought to be when that we must yeelde an accompt of all that we haue ●●ne as well small as great things For vntill that we according to iust iudgement fully make satisfaction what shall our estate and condicion bée in that houre and how carefull shall we bée that we maye obtaine fauour in the sight of God Math. 25. And what ioy shall we haue which shall be placed on the right hande of God How then shall we féele our selues when that all the saintes of God shall gréete vs Abraham shall salute thée Isaac and Iacob Moyses Noe Iob Dauid and all the holy prophetes apostles and martirs and all good men which haue pleased God in the lyfe of there fleshe And how many shalt thou there heare whose lyfe thou shalt haue in admiration whome thou wouldest euen now wyllingly sée They will there come vnto thée reioysing at thy saluation After what sort shal we then be affected How inestimable shall that ioy bée when the gladsome king shall say vnto them which stand on his right hande Math. 25. Come ye blessed of my father take to your inheritance the kingdome which was prepared for you from the beginning of the worlde Then shalt thou receyue a most decent kingdome Sapi. 5. and crown of beautie at the lordes hand and after that shalt raigne with Christ Then shalt thou inherite al these eternall things 2. Timo. 4. which God hath ordained for them that loue him Then shalt thou euer afterward be without dread and heauinesse Ponder and consider what it is to raigne with Christ in heauen For as I haue tolde thée thou shalt receyue a diademe at the hande of the lorde and shalt euer after raigne with Christ Thinke with thy selfe what a thing it is to beholde the face of God for euer what a brightnesse hath it For then there shall be no sunne to giue the day light Esay 60. as Esay sayeth and the rising of the Moone shall not lighten the night Apoc. 21. Esay 64. 1. Cor. 2. But the lord God shall be thine eternall light and thy glorie Beholde what ioyes are layed vp in store for them the feare the lord and kéepe his commaundements The perdition of the wicked Consider againe also the perdition of sinners when they shall be brought foorth vnto the terrible iudgement seat of God with how great confusion then shall they be taken before the iust iudge hauing not one worde to aunswere how shall they be ashamed Psal 2. when the lorde shall speake vnto them in his wrath and vexe them in his sore displeasure Math. 25. saying depart from me ye wicked into eternall fyre which is prepared for the deuill and his Angels Alas what miserie and affliction shall there spirit suffer when that all men shall crie out aloude saying Let the sinners be turned into hell Psal 9. and all nations which forget God What time wil they howle out wayling and lamenting when they shall bée caried awaye that they maye be cruelly tormented world without ende what place alas is that where is wayling and gnashing of téeth called hell the which sathan himselfe abhorreth what is that Gehenna fyre vnquenchable Esay 66. Marc. 9. Math. 22. what is that worme venimous neuer ceasing howe greeuous are those vtwarde darkenesse alwayes continuing what are the ministers appointed for tormentes which lacking mercie and without compassion reprooue and punish Then they that are tormented will gréeuously crie vnto the lord Pro. 1. and he wil not héere them Then shall they vnderstand that all things which they had in this lyfe are vaine and transitorie Read for this Ecclesiastes and such things as they supposed here to be pleasant to be founde more bitter than gall and poyson Then where is the pleasure of the fleshe so termed falsely To feare God is true pleasure Psal 63. For there is none other pleasure but to feare the lorde This is the pleasure this replenisheth the soule as it were with marrow fatnesse Then shall they be in desperation of themselues and of the