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A08224 The prophetie of the spirit of loue. Set-fourth by HN: and by him perused a-new, and more distinctlie declared. Translated out of Base-almayne into English Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?; Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579. 1574 (1574) STC 18560; ESTC S113271 49,873 80

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The Prophetie of the Spirit of Loue. Set-fourth by HN And by Him perused a-new and more distinctlie declared Translated out of Base-almayne into English. Beholde I will sende myne Angell or Messenger which shall prepare the Way or makeplaine the Path before Mee Hee shall turne the Heart of the Fathers to the Children · and the Heart of the Childrē to the Fathers that I com not and vtterlie smyte or destroy the Earth wyth the Cursse Malach. 3. a. 4. a. Math. 11. b. 17. b. Mar. 1. a. Luc. 1. b. ANNO. 1574. Nowe goeth the Iudgment ouer the Worlde Now becometh the Prince of this Worlde cast-out Iohn 12. Now is the Saluation the Power and the Kingdom becom our Gods and the Might his Christes Apo. 12. The Preface IN the Tyme of the Beginning or Risinge of the great Daye of the righteous Iudgment of God vpon the Earth and of the Appeeringe of the Comminge of our Lorde Iesu Christ in his Maiestie the Mosthighest hath powred-out from hym ⁏ with a mightie and vehement Drift or Operation of his holy and gratious Woorde thissame Propheatie of his Spirit of Loue vpon the Earth and brought thesame to light through HN his elected Minister 2. Wher-withall the Lorde ⁏ through the same his elected Minister maketh-manifest and knowne vnto all People ⁏ with Correction Discipline and Exhortation the horrible Destruction of all vngodlye and vnrepentaunt vnregenerated Men together with the Deceipt and Falshod of their malitious Heartes 3. Also figureth-fourth before their Vnderstandinges their Self-wisedom false Imagination of the Knowledg and the peruerse Thoughtes which captiue and seduce them and setteth eauenso their Vnfaythfulnes ⁏ as a couered or cloked Whoordom and their Vnlust to the Loue ⁏ as a Sluggishnes and Foolishnes euidentlie before their Eyes and consequentlie warneth euery-one of the Destruction To th ende that they all should therby ⁏ to their Preseruation and Saluation geeue-ouer and inclyne themselues vprightlie to the Obedience of the Loue · repent them for their Sinnes · and take the Mercye of God or the Grace of the Lorde which the Lord ⁏ through the Spirit of his Loue proffereth or presenteth so beninglie vnto them groundlie to Heart · lyue in all vpright Righteousnes · and eauenso ⁏ in the Reuealing of the great Daye of the Lorde becom preserued in the Godlynes 4. Let euery-one therfore haue a good regard to thissame Doctrine of Prophetie and take it effectuallie to Heart what thesame requireth The Prophetie of the Spirit of Loue. The first Chapiter THIS is the Sounde of the Voyce of the true Spirit of Loue wherwith the Lorde visiteth the Wickednes of the People vpon Earth To th ende that it mought becom fulfilled which the Lorde hath spokē through his holie Propheates like-as ther standeth writen The Lorde shall go-fourth out of his Dwellinge and visit the Wickednes of the Inhabiters of the Earth in such-sort that the Earth also shall disclose the Bloud which shee hath swallowed-vpp and not hyde thesame any lenger 2. THe Lorde ؛the God of Heauen moued Mee in his Minde ⁏ or Spirit his Powre incōpassed Mee with a Russhing-noyse and the Glorie of the same God of Heauen became great in my Spirit of his Loue in such-wise that the great Cleernes of God whollye inuironed Mee and shone rounde-aboutmee Wher-through the Sight of myne Eyes became cleerer then Chrystall and myne Vnderstanding brighter then the Sunne in such-sort that I insawe with myne Eyes the great Long-suffering of god and how lardge thesame extended ouer the Children of Men and perceaued ⁏ with myne Vnderstandinge the Breakinge-fourth of the greate Daye of the righteous Iudgment of God vpon the Earth with which Breaking-fourth of the-same great Daye God wil also now in the last tyme ⁏ as a Reuenger against all his Enemies make-vpp himself and appeere and iudg the vniuersall Earth with Righteousnes accordinge to his Promises 3. I insawe also that God will powre-fourth his Wrath and Indignation ouer all them that haue not ⁏ to their Amendement taken-heede vnto hys Loue Grace Long-sufferinge · but in the Mercy of God and in the Time of Grace ⁏ when-as the Mercy was proffered vnto them refused thesame and eauenso ⁏ bydinge sluggish towardes the Will of the Lorde loued and ensued the worldlie Foolishnes Malitiousnes and Self-mindednes as also the Infidelitie of the Good-thinking-wise more then the Saluation of God. 4. In all thissame ⁏ wherwith the Lorde so mooued Mee in his Minde I tooke good-heede ⁏ in myne Vnderstandinge what the Lord-his Meaning and Will was and wher-to or to what-maner of Seruice the Lorde mooued my Minde 5. When I then perceaued or vnderstoode it so was the Lord-his Meaning and Will vnto Mee eauen-such as his Beeinge ⁏ or Essence spake vnto Mee For the Beeing of God gaue-fourth hys Sounde and Voyce and spake vnto Mee H●… ⁏ through his Spirit of Loue all these Woordes and sayde 6. GO now out and byde alwayes in Mee and ⁏ going-before with thy Seruice er-euer the Cleernes of the great Daye of my righteous Iudgment do com let the Sounde of the Voyce of my gratious Woorde passe-fourth ouer the vniuersall Earth Shewe all People my Will declare my Lawes Ordinaunces or Institutions to the Vnunderstandingones forbeare not any lenger the Transgressinge of Men nether wynke thou hence-fourth at the Offences of any People but make-manifest their Vnrighteousnes vnto them and correct or reprooue them for all their Ignoraunce Blockishnes Self-seeking and Hypocrisie and for all their Lying-imagination of the Knowledg wherwith they geeue-fourth themselues before thee as-though I approoued their cause in which dooinge they all make-manifest their false Righteousnes before Mee and bringe their Filthynes before my Face makinge themselues eauenso to an Abhomination before myne Eyes 7. Let also the Slothfull and all such as go-on so negligentlie namely such as followe-after the Fasshion and Beeinge of the wicked Worlde or their Good-thinking and consider not on the Seruice and Requiring of my holy gratious Woord ⁏ that passeth-fourth vnder the Obedience of my Loue nor haue any regarde therto knowe and vnderstand that they all are an Abhomination and a Lothso●…es before myne Eyes and that I cannot away with them To th end that they all ⁏ thorough thy Seruice out of my Loue may turne them vprightlie to Mee my Loue · repent them for their Sinnes · and be preserued in the Cleernes of the Daye of my righteous Iudgment 8. NOw bowing myself in all Obedience to my God I went-fourth and bidde also alwayes in the Lorde eauen as the Lorde had commaunded mee And my Spirit being mooued thorough Gods Powre I gaue-fourth ●…e Sounde of the Voyce of the gratious Woorde of the Lorde like as I had also done in tymes-past 9. And eauenso ⁏ out of the Loue of my God and Christ became the gratious
shall be of value anye-more 6. For now in thissame Da●…e ⁏ O thou deceitfull Seede thou shalt becom taken-awaie or rooted-out from the Earth and buryed in the Hell where thy Death and the Burninge of thy Condemnation shall endure for euer and euer the which is thy Portion and thine Inheritaunce 7. O Thou Broode of the venemous Dragon yea of the Deuell and of the earthlie lyinge Generation which art begotten of the Seede of the Serpent and viperous Generation and hast alwaies ben a false and wicked Whoore vpon the Earth Ah com now fourth and let it appeere before the righteous Iudgment of God wher in thou of rightes-part shouldest execute the Iudgment and beare the Dominion or haue the preheminence on the Earth 8. Beholde I geeue thee to vnderstande and protest against thee before the Iudgment of God that all thy Matiers Iudgmēt and Affaires are ●…tterlie vnright or that thou errest greatlie in them all and hast alwaies dealt ⁏ as an adoulterous Harlot falslie and vnfaithfullie vpon the Earth 9. If-case now thou haue right in thy cause then iustifie or cleere thyself now before the Righteousnes of Christ his Holyones Therfore com now appeere by the Light of Loue or by the Daye of Christ and beholde thyself once ⁏ by the Light how defiled thou art with thy Whordom and whether also ther be any Right or Equitie by thee conformable to the vpright Being of the Bride of Christ. 10. Com-on now and let mee heare see Whether thou art able to excuse or cleere thyself by any-meanes that thou hast right in thy cause · or anye Inheritaūce with Christ ether Conformitie with the holie Church or Bride of Christ. But what shall be the sequell Trulie thou thyself shalt not choose but acknowledg by the Light that thou art false · and a meere Straunger vnto Christ and his Church and that thou likewise hast iudged falslie in all thy Iudgment · and alwayes dealt or walked wickedlie that thou also art worthie of the euerlasting Condemnation and that it appertaineth or belongeth not vnto thee to haue or beare anye Dominion vpon the Earth 11. But if thou refuse to com by the Light and wilt yet notwithstāding excuse or go-about to cleere thyself before all Eyes of the Fleash as-though thou haddest right in thy cause and maintaine that thou art the Bride or Church of Christ and that thou hast not dealt as an adoulterous Whore · but faithfullie as an vpright Maried-wife So will I then out of my Ielousie which I beare ouer thee O thou false Nature thou lying and vnfaithfull earthlie Man which art consubstantiated or an incorporated Bodie with the Antichrist cause thee to appeere before the Priestes or Elders of the holie Vnderstandinge and make thee to drinke-out ⁏ according to the Lawe of the Lord this Cupp of the bitter curssed Water of my Ielousie yea thesame shalt thou be constrained to drinke To th ende that it may eauenso therby becom manifest and knowen Whether thou art an adoulterous Whoore or the vpright faithfull Maried-wife of the Man Christ. 12. For verelie li●…e as the Ielousie of an Husbande standeth ouer his Wife that shee dealeth not faithfullie but as an adoulterous Whoore Eauēso standeth also my Ielousie ouer thee thou earthlie Man ⁏ which wilt be the Espoused-wife of the Man Christ or vauntest and geeuest-fourth thyself for thesame and also ouer all such as ⁏ with the Spirit of the earthlie and diuelish Beeing bost them to be the Maried-wife of Christ or of his Spirit of Loue. 13. FOr-that-cause if thou now account not thy self for an Whoore but esteemes●… thee for the faithfull Espoused-wife of Christ and that my ielous Conceauing cannot stand otherwise towardes thee but that thou art a presumpteous Whoore which dissembleth or playeth-the-hipocrite with Christ and coueredly committeth-whordom yet neuerthelesse wilt be iudged as a faithfull Espoused-wife of Christ So shalt thou then presentlie be constrained to drinke this bitter curssed Water of my Ielousie · and to beare the Curssinge of an adoulterous Whoore or of an vnfaithfull Wife 14. But if now thou be faithfull and the vpright Espoused-wife of Christ thē feare not to drinke these bitter Waters for any Destructiō that can chaunce vnto thee therout or endamaige thee therby For the vpright Maried-wyfe or Bryde of the Man Christ namelie the faithfull Communialtie of the Holyones of God or the Fellowe-members of Christ hath ben constrayned in times-past ⁏ by her Aduersaries to drinke such-like and the bitter Waters haue not hurt or endamaiged Her. 15. But trulie as for thee ⁏ O thou corrupt Nature of the earthlie Man thou shalt in thy vaine-glorious Bosting ⁏ that thou art the right Espoused-wife of Christ he found a Lyer · and as a wicked mischeuous and false Whoore and through these bitter curssed Waters thy Hippes or Thighes shall rot and thy Wombe breake and so shalt thou then becom made-manifest in thy whoorish Nature The XII Chap. BEHolde Heer-to thou must needes com and it shall now also fall vpon thee O thou vnfaithfull Seede thou earthlie and lying Man which hast at all tymes dealt or behaued-thee hypocritically and falselie against God the Father ⁏ by his Seruice of the Lawe against Christ the Sauiour ⁏ by his Seruice of the Beleef and against the Holie-gost ⁏ by his Seruice of the Loue and eauenso vaunted or geeuen-fourth thyself to be the Communiastie of Holyones or the Coioyned-bodye of the Bodye of Christ a●…-ouer the vniuersall Earth But thou shalt presentlie be forced to beare thy iust Sentence-of-iudgment Accusation As that thou art false and ⁏ against the pure Bryde Church or Coioyned-bodie of Christ a poluted or defiled Whoore and that thou art worthie of the eternall Condemnation and Fire of Hell. 2. And although thou woldest neuer-so-faine couer thee with thy Hipocrisie · and geeue-fourth thy self ⁏ in this Daye of the Loue as faithfull and vpright yet shalt thou not be able so to do For heere auaileth now no-lenger any Hipocrisie or Couerednes nether-yet likewise shall anyman knowe how to couer himself before thissame Light of the Loue but they must all now becom apparantlie-manifested ⁏ euen thesame that they are by thesame Light. 3. WHosoeuer now therfore is earthlie minded false and couered of heart and desireth to continew therin His Nature shall now right-soone bee seene or perceaued For the Light of this Daie shineth now so perfect-bright cleere that no Vngodlie nor any Hipocrites or false Hear tes let them thē holde themselues so presumpteous on their false Righteousnes as they will shall any-way be able to endure or bide-standinge in thissame Daie of the righteous Iudgment of God. 4. But whosoeuer is heauenlie minded and vpright of heart humbleth himself ⁏ with a goodwilling Heart vnder the Loue and