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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06966 Newes out of heauen both pleasaunt [and] ioyfull, lately set forth to the great co[n]solacion [and] co[m]forte of all christen me[n]. By Theodore Basille. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1541 (1541) STC 1739; ESTC S109665 42,752 126

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shewyng himselfe vnfaynedly to haue risen vnto his disciples certayne other than shal he by the wōderfull power of his Godhead ascēd vp into heauē very God very mā in the presence of his disciples that they maye be faythefull wytnesses hereof to other sytte downe on y ● right hand of God his father as equal God concernynge his dette w t his father in all vertue puissaunce strength power By this his meruaylous ascencion shall he go prepare places for you in y ● house of his eternal father For he is y e way the trueth the lyfe No man cōmethe to y ● father but by him But this his meruaylous ascēciō shall he drawe you all vnto him By this his meruaylous ascēciō shal he gyue diuers spiritual gyftes vnto you thorowe the sendyng of y e holy ghost y ● swete cōfortour which shal lede you into al trueth Although he ascēde vnto his father yet wyll not he leue you cōfortles For by his deuyne spirite he wyll be w t you euē to the very cōsummacion ende of the world He wyll not leaue ●orsake you For he is called Emanual whych is by interpretaciō God is with vs. For he is that God which wyl euer accompany you so lōge as ye abyde in his worde Yea he wyll come dwell w t you He wyll offer himselfe to you euen as a gentle louynge father doth to his moost tēder childrē For this his promyse I wyll sayeth he dwell amonge thē be conuersant among thē I wyll be theyr God they shall be my people yea I wyll be theyr father they shalbe my sōnes and doughters Agayne though Christ shall syt on y e ryght hand of God y e father almyghty yet shal he not be ther ydle vtterly fallē frō sekyng your profyte For he shall ther continuallye pray make intercessiō to God his father for you This mā Christ Iesus is youre alone mediatoure so y ● yf onye of you dothe synne ye haue him to be your aduocate euen Iesus Christ y ● righteous And he it is y ● obtayneth mercy for your synnes Whatsoeuer also ye aske of the father in his name he wyll surelye gyue it you What wyll ye desyre more Are not these comfortable swete newes to heare y ● you haue this daye so precious a iewel borne amōg you yea gyuen you frely Uerely youre ioye oughte to be so great y t it coulde not be expressed B●t let vs hear mo ioyful tidīges Whā y ● tyme is ones come y ● this world shall haue an ende then shal this your LORDE and kynge Iesus Christ come full gloryo●●y from the right hand of his father in his maiesty before him shall be gathered al naciōs For at y ● voyce of y ● archangell trōpe of God shall all people ryse out of the erth w t theyr bodies both faythfull vnfaythfull They y ● haue done good shall come forth into y e resurrecciō of lyfe but they y ● haue done euell into y ● resurrecciō of dānaciō All shal be presēt before the iudgyng place of Christ. Euery mā shal receyue accordynge to theyr dedes Thā shal you which are his faythful people receyue for your corruptible body an īcorruptible body for your mortal body an immortal body euen such one as shal be lyke to his owne gloryous body It hath not yet appered that ye shal be But knowe ye that yf he ones appeare ye shall be lyke vnto him for ye shal se h●m as he is This day of iudgement shalbe to the wicked vnfaythfull a daye of wrath a daye of trouble heuines a daye of calamite misery a day of darkenes myst They shall walke as mē beyng blynde because they haue of fended the LORDE theyr bloude shalbe shed as y e dust theyr bodies as dūge hylles Neyther shall theyr syluer golde be able to deliuer thē in that daye of the LORDES wrath For to thē it shalbe sayde Departe from me ye cursed into euerlasting fyre which is prepared for y e dyuell his Aungels But y e daye to you which are his faythfull people and obedient to his worde shalbe a daye of cōsolacion cōforte ioye myrthe w t all gladnes For to you it shal be sayd Come ye blessed chyldrē of my father inheryte y ● kyngdom prepared for you from the begynnyng of the worlde For ye shall be taken vp in the cloudes for to mete y ● LORDE in the ayre and so shal ye euer he w t the LORDE in glory But who is able to expresse what ioy what pleasure what myrthe what gladnesse ye shal haue in heauē The eie hath not sene the eare hath not herde neither hath it entred īto y e herte of man y ● God hath prepared for them that loue hī Ye shall se him face to face vpon whom Aungelles desyre to loke With sorowe care thought ▪ payne or deathe shall ye no more be entangled God shall wype away al teares from your eyes Your ioye your gladnes youre myrth shall be perpetuall All the pleasure of this world cōpared to the leest ioy of heuen is nothynge For this celestiall citie is of pure gold lyke vnto clere glasse the foūdacions of the walles of this citie are garnisshed with all maner of precious stones the gates are of fyne pearle Yea the streres of this heauenlye citie are pure golde It hath no nede of the sonne neyther of the Moone to lighten it For the brightnes of God doth lighten it the lambe is the light of it In this citie shall ye glyster as the shynyng of heauē shalbe as y e sterres worlde without ende Ye shalbe as y ● aūgels of God y ● are in heauē Ye shall be pyllers in y e tēple of god Ye shall be clothed w t whyte garmētes ye shall sytte w t Christe vpō his seate ye shall eate Māna y ● is hyd ye shall eare of y ● tree of lyfe which is in the myddes of the Paradise of God Ye shall haue a whyte stone in the stone a newe name wrytten which no man knoweth sauyng he that receyuethe it Ye shall receyue the crowne of lyfe which the LORD hath promised to thē that loue him Ye shall receyue the vncorrupty●●● crowne of glory Ye shal receiue the crowne of righteousnes which the LORDE a ryghteous iudge in y ● daye shal gyue to all thē that loue his cōmynge To conclude ye shall accordynge to his promyse receyue euerlastynge lyfe in the whiche ye shall lyue w t god the father and this his sonne Iesus Christ your Lord
whiche is to loue oure neyghboure and to walke in a new lyfe For what naturall man sheweth vnkyndnes for kyndnes Who hateth where he is loued Mē therfore hearynge this vnspekable loue of God towarde them muste nedes loue him agayne out of this loue orderly bryng forth a true vnfayned loue toward theyr neyghbour and an herty desyre to walke wythou●e spotte in the syght of so gentle and louynge a father Yf we marke wel the Epistles of the blessed Apostle saynt Paule we shall esely perceyue that he in lyke maner vsethe this trade aforesayde almoost in all his Epistles but chefely to the Romaynes Galathians and Ephestans I therfore ponderyng with my selfe but latelye y e great decaye of y ● christen religiō the vtter destruccion almooste of all godly lyuynge thoughte w t my selfe that I coulde not at this present bestowe y e smale talent that God hath credited and lent vnto me better more aptely to the auauncement of gods glory edi●icacion of his church than to compyle some ly●●e treatyse oute of the holy scriptures whiche shoulde contayne in it these thynges aforesayd paint out as it were in a certayne table fyrst the knowledge of our selues and afterward the benefytes of God the father toward vs by Iesus Christ that men perceyuy●ge theyr owne abhominacion maye make the more haste to Gods goodnes whan they haue once tasted of that endeuour thē selues to walke worthy the kyndnes of god Thys thynge haue I done in thys worke folowynge accordynge as I trust to the pure vayne of the holy scryptures I haue entyteled the boke Ne. wes of heauen because it shewethe to vs the plesaunte ioyful confortable newes of Christe It openeth to vs aboundantly the syngular incomperable benefytes that we receyue of God thorowe Christ. The Ebuccinatour shewer declarer of these newes I haue made Gabriel the aūgell Embassadour of God because that he fyrste of all brought tydinges of Christes incarnacion to the mooste pure cleane virgyne Marye I wyll not prayse the boke vnlesse I shoulde seme to hunte after vaynglory neither wyl I dispraise it vnlesse I myght seme rasshely without a cause to condēpne that which is worthy prayse cōmendaciō of it selfe I leaue it therfore to y e iudgemēt of other that be ghostly learned taught of God Thys I dare boste y ● it contaynethe more true and christen learnyng than a great sorte of volumes y t we haue hyghly estemed in tymes paste He that shall make this boke his cōpagnion shal here fynd in fewe leaues that the whole Byble cōmētaries of the auncient doctors do teach of christ in many so y ● it might well be called y e treasure house of christē knowledge Neyther can any man iustely condempne or reiecte thys boke excepte he also wyl cotēne set at nought the moost sacred and holy Byble with the aucthorities wher of this lytle treatyse is sufficiently plenteously fortressed defensed agaynste the boryshe tethe serpētlyke tonges of these crakyng calūniatours subtyle Sycophātes which after the maner of Momus are redy to carpe reprehēde cōdempne euery mans worke enterprise be it neuer so godlye whā they themselues brynge for the nothyng at all that is worthy eyther the redyng or the hearynge except men haue pleasure to read or heare blasphemes Yf any man shal thynke that I set out Christ Christes benefytes to largely which I am sure no mā wyll do excepte he be a very Antechrist and a wicked Papist let hym knowe that I set for the Christe no more than the holy Scriptures do beare The argumente also of my matter requyrethe no lesse than I haue wrytten Christ must be declared otherwyse then Moyses For Christe is a sauyoure And he bryngeth ioye peace fauour tranquilite of conscience free remission of synnes Therfore as a Sauyoure must he be declared and not as an extreme reuenger At Christes byrthe the Aungell sayd to the shepeherdes Feare not for beholde I shewe vnto you great ioye which shalbe to all people For this day is a sauyour borne which is Christ the LORDE in the cytie of Dauid And Christ hymselfe after his resurreccion sayde to his Apostles Go ye into y e vniuersal world preach the Gospel that is to say good mery tydinges to euery creature He that shal beleue be baptised shalbe saued But he y ● shal not beleue shalbe condēpned Here may all men se that both the aūgell and Christ are on my syde agree with me in facte Neyther is y e preching of christ his benefytes a wyndow to all kynd of carnal liberte dissolute lyuyng as the vngodly Papistes with vnshamefaced forheades dolye but rather a prouocacion sterynge vp of men vnto true godlynes which when they se the exceadyng goodnes of God toward thē take streyght wayes an occasion to loue God agayne a valcaunt courage to do his moost godly wyll He that readeth this my worke to the ende shall easelye perceyue that I go not aboute to plucke men from good workes but rather animite encourage them vnto the doyng of good workes prouynge with manifest euydent scryptures y ● Christe is no sauyour but to such as wyth a contryte herte and an hūble spyrite confesse theyr sinne repent thē of theyr wyckednes call to God for grace amend theyr wycked conuer saciō correcte theyr synful maners walke in a newe lyfe go from vertue to vertue and serue God theyr maker all the dayes of theyr lyfe in holinesse in righteousnes For god dyd chose vs in christ as S. Paule sayeth thorowe loue before y e foūdacion of y ● worlde was layde y ● we should be sayntes w tout blame in his sighte And although by grace we are made safe thorow fayth and that not of oure selues for it is the gyfte of God cōmeth not of workes vnlesse any man shoulde boast hymselfe yet are we his workemāshyp created in Christ Iesu to good workes which God hath prepared that we should walke in them But I wyl make an end vnlesse the preface of the worke maye seme to be longer then the worke it selfe Nowe for asmuch as in the begynnyng of a new yeare men vse customably to sende one to another gyftes tokens whereby they declare the beneuolens and good wyll that is betwene them I for my parte knowyng howe greatly I am boūd to your ryght worshypfull maystershyp couetynge by some meannes to declare agayne my good wyl obse quious herte to youre moost bounteous gentlenes do send vnto you this lytle treatyse at this tyme for a newe yeares gyfte moost humbly desyrynge youre ryght worshypfull maystershyp to accepte and take in good worth this my lytle gyfte although not worthy youre graunde munificence yet as a memosynon memoriall of my studious mynde towarde