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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06477 A dreame of the diuell and Diues most terrible and fearefull to the seruantes of Sathan, but right comfortable and acceptable to the children of God : plainely described by way of dialogue, verie necessarie to be read aduisedly, and heard attentiuelie, both of rulers and inferiours, rich, and poore, younge and olde, wise and simple, that wish rather to dwel in heauen, then in hell. Lupton, Thomas. 1589 (1589) STC 16947.5; ESTC S108956 49,122 110

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soone and whosoeuer come thither last will thinke they come soone enough There are such a sort of greedie guts on the earth that thinke be like that they shall not haue enough to liue on during their life though they haue twentie mens liuings and a thousand mens riches els I thinke they would not daily gather so greedily as they do yea and that when they are of such an old age that they know assuredly they cannot long liue What say yee to him that was aboue three score yeeres of age that laid out two hundreth pound as a fine for the lease of a farme the former lease wherof would not be expired of almost seuen-score yeare after Eu. Mary I say he was like to be none of the children of God but rather one of the sonnes of sathan he had bin better to haue cast that money downe the channel for then perhaps some poore body might haue had part thereof for neither he nor his child nor yet his childes childe is like to enioy that lease neither to haue any commoditie therby for I thinke few woulde be so fond as to buy his interest therein being so long to come O what mad men are they that pay so much aforehand for such earthly liuings as shall neuer come to their hands which their children and childrens children shall neuer enioy and will not giue to the poore one smal portion which they lend vnto the Lorde whereby they shall enioy an euerlasting inheritance in the kingdome of heauen the assurance whereof they are most sure to haue immediatly after their death which perhaps will be within a yeere two or three or not very long after y e laying out of their mony truely I thinke the day of iudgement will be before that lease begin wherefore he paid his two hundred pound Theo. Surely I am of your opinion which I can shewe by good and probable coniectures And though it be not for vs presumptuously or arrogantly to search or iudge when the day of iudgement shall bee and though Christ saieth Of that day and houre knoweth no man no not the Angels of heauen but my Father onelie Yet I hope if not curiously we may coniecture by conferences of the scriptures times with other signes and tokens touching the yeere or time thereof whereby we may make vs the more ready against his comming and also feare vs the more to offende Besides if the time bee short as it can not bee verie long it may make vs leaue building such sumptuous vaine and costly houses yea and not to prepare or lay out so much money for lands or worldly liuing for our children or Posterity but to imploy it to better vse and vpon charitable workes that may doo vs good Eu. Then I pray you if it be not troublesome to you shewe mee some coniectures when and how long you thinke it will be to the latter end of the world Theo. I were verie vncourteous if I woulde not seeing you haue taken paines in reuealing to mee such a long discourse of your dolefull dreame of the diuell and Diues First as God created both heauen and earth and all thinges therein in sixe dayes and rested the seuenth day and hallowed it so it may be gathered that Adam and his Posteritie shall continue on the earth sixe thousand yeeres And as God rested the seuenth day from his labours so after the sixe thousande yeeres it is like that the children of God shall rest their labours from in the endlesse ioyes of heauen nowe to approoue this the better by the ancient prophesie of Elias it appeareth that the worlde shall continue but sixe thousande yeeres Two thousand vnder the Lawe of nature or without a prescript lawe two thousand yeeres vnder the Law writ that is the Lawe giuen by God to Moses and two thousand vnder the law of Christ that is the holy Gospel And further S. Peter seemeth to agree with the same who saieth That one daie is with the Lorde as a thousand yeeres and a theusand yeares as one day So that creating the worlde in time that is in sixe dayes there by sixe dayes creating of the worlde may signifie 6000. yeeres continuing of the worlde after And to make it the better appeare that Saint Peter wrote this concerning the continuance and ende of the worlde Applying euery day to the creation to a thousand yeeres in the continuation or vntill the consumation of the worlde hee a little before in his Epistle dooth as it were Prophesie that such mockers shall bee in the latter dayes as shall iest and as it were deride such as speake of the comming of Christe to his iudgement seeming bp their wordes as though there woulde be no such thing And these are his wordes concerning that matter that followes This first vnderstand saith he that there shall come in the last dayes mockers which will walke after their owne lustes and say where is the promise of his comming For since the fathers dyed all thinges continue in the same estate wherein they were at the beginning This they know not and that willinglie that the Heauens a great while agoe were and the earth that was in the water appeared vp out of the water But the heauens verelie and the earth which are now are kept by the same word in store and reserued vnto fire against the day of iudgement and perdition of vngodlie men And then follow these words wherein he compareth a day of the Lord to a thousand yeeres saying Dearely beloued be not ignorant of this one thing how that one day is with the Lord as a thousand yeeres and a thousand yeares as one day the Lord is not slacke to fulfill his promise as some men count slacknes but he is patient towards vs c. Heere it dooth seeme by the former and following words of Saint Peter that euery day of Gods creating of the worlde dooth signifie a thousand yeres of the continuation of the world which sixe thousand yeeres seemeth to bee the longest that the world can continue But that the time shal be shortined and not last so long it is manifest by the words of Christ who saith But for the chosens sake these daies shall be shortned Nowe let vs consider of likely coniectures concerning the shortned time Christ sath in the same Chapter As the time of Noe was so shall the comming of the sonne of man be for as in the dayes before the flood they did eate and drinke marrie and were married euen vntill the day that Noe entred into the Ship and knew of nothing till the floode came and tooke them all awaie So shal also the comming of the sonne of man be c. Now as the people in maners and wickednesse in the latter ende before the fire will bee like in their maners and dooings to the people at the time of the floode so it may bee coniectured that the first time to the flood and
pleade on their side But their Gold and their Siluer wherewith they were so fedde shall pleade truely against them whereby they shall iustly be condemned to my dungeon of hell there to remaine with me in vnquenchable fire for euer except they repent and amende and then may they not thinke that that was good Gold and sweete fees that hath brought them to such a place And these Iudges that will bee bribed or defende a false matter shall be sure at the last day to haue such a true and vpright Iudge that will not be bribed by any meanes and that will iudge them so vprightly against whome their owne oath shall rise and bee a witnesse that they shall be condemned to remaine with me in hell fire for euer and whereas they delay iudgement of true causes founde before them whereby the parties are deferred of their right or thereby for want of execution obtaine not their right yet Christ will bee such a Iudge at the last day that they shall haue their iudgement by and by without any deferring therof whereby presently they shall haue execution in the horrible flames of hel fire for euer and so they shall neither be kept from their due nor deferred of their right as they haue done to the poore on the earth Then saide Diues Ah woe be to these Fees and bribes that shall bring them to such a dolefull place where repentance wil not serue nor mercie can be had Therefore such wicked Lawiers were best to leaue taking of such Fees and to pleade in true causes yea and rather to helpe poore men in their true suites without Fees wherfore they shal haue richer Fees then any on the earth can giue them and such Iudges were best to leaue taking of bribes and not to defend or maintaine false causes and not to deferre iudgement to the hindering of iust execution or to auoyde thereby any from their right no not for feare or friendship of any bee they neuer so great vnlesse they be greater then God or can do more for them then Christ but to repent these their diuellish dealings whiles they are aliue on the earth least they come in this doleful dungeon of hel wherein I am where is nothing but crying yelling mourning and weeping gnawing and gnashing of teeth not for an houre or two not for a day nor a weeke no nor a moneth nor a yeare nor yet a thousand nor for ten thousand yeares but euen for euer euer world without end which to me damned wretch that I am is most dolefull and horrible because I am in endlesse torments without any mercie to be had but to them that are yet on earth that may auoide it by repentance a godly warning Theo. Oh these words doo pearce my heart if I were a Lawier these fearefull wordes that now I haue heard of you would make me fearefull in taking of fees either of the rich least I should pleade therefore in wrong causes or of the poorer sort that are wronged or oppressed least I shoulde not deserue my fees Yet there haue bin and are Lawiers as it is thought so greedy of gold and so carelesse howe they get it that will take a peece of golde or two to pleade their Cliants cause but when the time commeth they neither come to the barre neither speake one word in their Clients cause but are occupied in an other place for some other that belike hath giuen them greater fees Surely such Lawiers goe about to sell their soules to the diuell for gold But it may be that these Lawiers are so busie in an other of their Clients cause who receiued them first the matter being doubtfull and intricate that they cannot haue time to speake in their other Clients cause and so they wil giue their Client the gold again they had on him Eu. It may bee so but I can hardly beleeue it you shall take fewe Lawiers with that fault for many of them are so greedie of gold that they keepe all fast that they finger and it is hard to get that from thē that they haue receiued but if they should repay their gold to their Client yet the case might stand so that that were not enough for suppose that then were the very peremptorie day for the trying of his Clients cause and the partie through pouertie had no moe Lawiers to pleade his cause but he and so through his Lawiers absence the matter might goe against him then the poore man should vndoo himselfe with giuing of his owne golde And therefore it is not enough alwayes for the Lawiers to giue the fees hee hath receiued againe to his Client Theo. Then it is too much for a Lawier to receiue golde or double fees of two or three and neuer come to the Barre and speake neuer a word for any of them Eu. It is not too much for such Lawiers as meane to goe to the diuell for the more they take and the lesse they doo for it the better dooth the diuell like them and the more willingly into hell hee will receiue them and when they are once there they wil say that they are the deerest fees that euer they tooke But if the Lawiers would take but one fee on a day which were enough before God especially according as the fees are that some do take then they should bee sure to pleade for their Client and so they should not neede to wearie themselues and runne from Barre to Barre and from Court to court but thereby shoulde deserue their fees or do their worldly duty for their fees Many a poore man that labours ten times as much as they in a day yea and that with the sweate of their bodie and browes are well content with two grortes for their whole dayes worke whereas some greedy Lawiers though they haue two Roials for two houres pleading think they haue not sped very well yet if one of these poore labourers should take wages of two or three men to worke with them all in one and worke with none of them but one as iustly they cannot they that hee thus deceiued perhaps would cause him to bee set by the heeles although he might perhaps serue all their turnes well enough afterwardes but if one Lawier that hath great aboundance and is too rich do take fees of two or three seuerall persons in one morning more then hee is able to pleade for whereby their Clients may happily be vndone as is before said they may not be importunate on them to haue their fees againe nor yet may exclaime of them therefore for if they doo they may chance be cast in prison for their labour or for asking their owne But such Lawiers that robbeth thus their poore Clients as though it were by authoritie without repentance and Gods great mercie shall bee vtterly spoiled of the glorious kingdome of Heauen and shall be throwne into the euerlasting prison of hell where Diues is whose damnable
to him for health and helpe or for the gifte of pacience therein their lying in the streete without houses might make them to looke vppe to heauen where they haue houses prepared for them and earnestly thanke God therefore and theyr pouerty mighte cause them to reioyce that they haue their ritches laide vp in heauen and so by this their patient pouertie if they repent their sinnes and beleeue that they shall be saued onely by the death and passion of Iesus Christ they are sure to possesse the endlesse kingdome of heauen and to auoide this most dolefull dungeon of hell where I am Therefore if I were on the earth againe as I cannot I would haue a poore estate to choose for riches procure pleasure and pleasure increaseth sinne and sinne bringeth Gods vengeance and Gods vengeance bringeth damnation and damnation bringeth hell Therefore they that are ritch vnlesse they bee plentifully endued with that feare and grace of GOD as many great and rich men haue beene are in such a daungerous estate as they little thinke off Then saide the diuell and many of the poore and beggerly sort considering their impatiencie spite enuie and malice are in a more daungerous case then they thinke of For their pouertie and paine maketh them impatient their want maketh them weepe their hunger maketh them houle and crie and their miserie maketh them mourne and so through this their worldly care I graunt manie of them doo cleane forget God and take not him for their father and doo not onely wish themselues out of the worlde but also doo ridde themselues out of the world by cutting their throates and hanging themselues and by diuers other meanes which is no small ioy vnto me For through this their wicked liuing and desperate deathes they are mine owne deere children and none can take them from mee when I haue them once in hell then saide Diues belike they thinke that all their cares pouertie miserie and trouble is ended when this their life is ended but that is not so but onely to the godlie and faithfull children of God for whosoeuer dieth impatiently impenitently vnfaithfully sinfully and desperately whether they be poore or rich though their earthly troubles miseries and calamities doo end yet then their euerlasting sorrowe care woe griefe and most extreame tormentes in hell doo beginne So that whereas they thinke by their death they goe from paine to ease they goe from a sweete short comfortable sorrowe to a most terrible and vnsufferable endlesse woe and tormentes Therefore they that be aliue on the earth may reioyce and be glad though they haue neuer so great pouertie trouble miserie or calamitie for that is but short and can last but a while but if they once come hether to hell where I am then their most intollerable paines shall neuer cease nor the fire that shall burne them can neuer bee quenched O that my torment and paines saide Diues might haue an ende or bee ended in time then I should thinke my selfe most happie O that I might bee in hell but so manie yeares as the greatest barne in a countrie woulde holde cornes of Wheate nay rather then faile mustard seedes for then at length though it woulde bee vnreasonable long first I shoulde come out and bee released but alwayes to bee burning in the fire of hell and neuer to come out what a thing is it and what a dolefull case am I in Ah woe is mee woe is mee that euer I was borne fie on all my earthly riches fie on my earthly prosperitie fie on all my earthly ioy and pleasure woe bee to the time that I was vnmercifull to poore Lazarus which hath brought me to this endlesse woe in the fierie flames of hell where my paines shall neuer cease and my torments neuer end These are the last wordes that mee thought Diues did speake And so I haue declared to you my whole dreame of the diuell and Diues Theo. The dolefullest dreame that euer I heard they that doo heare it as I haue heard it I hope will feare hel as I meane to feare it Eu. I thanke God which made mee to dreame it for euer since I detest all sinne and wickednesse and as for worldly riches pleasure honour possessions and promotions I doo not regarde but all my care is to please God and that I may end my life repentantly and faithfully and to trust onely to be saued through the merites of my sauiour Iesus Christ whereby I may attaine after this life to the ioyes of heauen where poore Lazarus and al other the children of God shall rest and raigne for euer Theo. I thanke you most heartily for telling me this your most straunge and true dreame I was wont to teach you but now you haue meruellously instructed me thinking verely thorow your telling me this your dreame that I shall despise this worlde the more and offend God the lesse and furthermore feare to come to that terrible place of hell where Diues and the reprobate shall be in most extreame tormentes for euer Eum. The Lord keepe vs from it Theo. Amen Imprinted at London by T. Dawson for Henry Car dwelling in the old Change at the signe of the Cat and the fidle are to be sold at his shop in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Blazing Starre A Godly friende VVhy the wicked goe to sermons Free-wil an erronious opinion Marke wel Gen. 38. Gen. 40. Dan. ● Daniell 2. A great chaunge Luke 16. marke this Promises to God broken The enuie and spight of the diuel to man Moe shall be damned then saued Matth. 7. A lamentable saying of Diues What soeuer is giuen to the poore is lēt to God What is lent to the Deuill Marke this well Note this Theeues forget their promise when they haue their pardon Good to be humble Good to be merciful Mercy and pitty most necessary Mart. 25. VVicked rich men bewiched fooles The poore are the best guestes The fondnes or folly of worldlings A small regard of the rich to the poore The pitiful case of tenants thorow fines racking of rents The liberalitie of the diuell Marke well A sore saying Lawiers that take fees to defend wrong A sore saying against bribed Iudges Good coūsell for Lawiers Iudges A good warning Euill conscienced Lawiers Marke this well Matth. 5. Peace breakers the children of the diuell Lustie cutters and fighters Marke the fondnes of fighters what gaine they get To suffer iniury is a blessed thing Matt. 5. Matt. 5. Hel mentioned thrsie in one chap by Christ prooueth that there is a hell Marke this well A wicked saying of a naughty man Swearers the enimes of God Drunkards turned frō the image of God to the childrē of the Diuell Fornicators and aduouterers the diuels chappell where hee rousteth Marke this Wrong suffered patiently bringeth greate gainh The lawe ended by the weight of the purse not by the truth of the cause Hel fire the gaine of the oppressours of the poore Diues gyueth good counsel to oppressors wrongfull withholders A diuellish practise of oppressors A charitable thing very necessary to bee practised A lamentable thing not meet to be suffered The diuels rewarde to such wicked oppressors Wrong gotten goodes wilbe deere wares in the ende Matt. 6. The most necessarie counsell of Christ that biddeth vs not to be carefull Cōsider the prouision of worldly fathers for theîr children Marke this Vsurers do walke verie dangerouslie Vsurers excluded the kingdome of heauen Vsurie and lending of money not all one Matth. 7. Lending of money for gaine prooued vsurie Vsurers prooued the diuels children Marke the difference betweene the godlie lender and the vsurer A craftie diuellish vsurer A meete thing for Magistrats to looke to Greedie wicked farmers prooued the children of the diuell A fine paid for a farme 140. yeeres before hād Coniecturs of the later end or day of iudgement In lib. Rabin Cap. 1. 1. Pet. 3. Matth. 24. Matth. 24. Read Haruies astrological discourse of the sayde great Coniunction Matt. 24. Matt. 24. Reade for better instruction heerein the booke of the latter end or second comming of Christ. Make the fondnesse of an olde man Gaudy geare inticers to iniquitie and procures of pride Diues a hellish child because he went proudly dained poore Lazarus Great ruffs wherof one woule buy twenty shistes for the poore H fore saying against such wearers af ruffs Curious dames that haue their fingers dasht full of golde ringes A wise saying of Diues Marke Note this well Carefull keepers of their mony to bury them withall Marke Disdaineful and proud persons that must not haue the poore sit in the porch of their houses Proud and disdainfull persons that refuse or forbid fire watter to their poore neighbour Pore estate of Lazarus most happy VVorldlings think nothing worse then pouerty or beggery Christ would not haue beene so poore if he hadde best to be rich The poore estate most happy Marke wel Note this A dolefull saying to be well regarded and wayed of al men