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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04511 A sermo[n] made by Iohn Chrisostome patriarche of Constantinople, of pacience, of ye end of ye world, and of ye last iudgeme[n]t. Whereunto is added an other homelie made by John Brentius of the vertue of Christes resurrectio[n] tra[n]slated into Englishe by Thomas Sa[m]pson; De patientia et de consumatione huius sæculi, de secundo adventu. English John Chrysostom, Saint, d. 407.; Brenz, Johannes, 1499-1570. Homelye of the resurrection of Christe. aut; Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-1589.; Castellion, Sébastien, 1515-1563. 1550 (1550) STC 14638; ESTC S103723 22,075 82

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in the day of his redempcyō whiche he semeth to haue so that suche a mā is lyke a wyne vessell which rūneth oute by reason of a leake wherthrough the wyne is loste whiche thynge they that knowe not where they see the vessell thyncke that it is full but when any wyne shoulde be drawē out of it then appeareth it vnto all men that it is emptie In lyke maner also such a man when an accompte shal be asked of him at the daye of iudgement he shal be found emptie and then his workes shal be open vnto all men Of this sort are they also which shal saye vnto the kynge at that day Lord haue we not prophecied Mat. vii in thi name haue we not done many good dedes And when the kynge answereth he shall saye vnto theym Verely I say vnto you I know you not Thou seest brother that suche a one hath nothyng at al. Be thou therfore myndfull of the worde and directe thy way Take hede that thou doest not suffer the birdes to lyght downe to eate vp the seede of the sonne of God Luke viii For he sayd that the seede is the word whiche ye do heare Hyde therefore the seede in the furrowes of thy hert that is to say hyde the word in the myddest of thy herte that thou mayest brynge forthe vnto God some frute in feare But when thou readest reade diligētly and earnestly and handle the sentence weying it aduisedly labour not to reade ouer many leaues but if thou chaunce vpon any harde thynge let it not greue the to read ouer that verse twis or thrise tyll thou vnderstande the meanynge and pyth of it But when thou preparest thy selfe to sytte downe to reade or elles to heare an other pray vnto God fyrst saying Lord Iesu Christ open mine eyes and the eares of my hearte that they may heare thy wordes and vnderstande them A prayer and that they maye do thy wyll O Lord. Psal 119. For I am a straunger in the earth hyde not thy commaūdementes from me But open myne eyes I shall beholde the maruayles of thy law For in thee o my God haue I trusted that thou maiest gyue lyght vnto my herte Yea my brother I besech the praye so alwayes vnto god that he wyl gyue lyght vnto thy mīd and that he wyl make opē vnto the the strength of his wordes For manye haue erred trustynge to their owne wytte and sayinge that they were wyse Roma i. they became fooles and dyd not vnderstande the thynges that were written and so fallyng into blasphemies did perishe If thou therfore in thy readyng fynde anye thynge that is hard to be vnderstanded take heed that the wicked enemie do not teache the to saye within thyne owne selfe it is not so as that worde speaketh For howe shoulde it be so and on such like sorte But if thou beleue god beleue his wordes also say vnto the Deuyll Go behynde me aduersarie Mat. xvi for I knowe thee not The wordes of the Lorde are pure wordes Psal xii as the siluer whiche from the erthe is tried purified seuen times in the fire There is no euel thynge in them nor doubtful but all thynges in them cōtayned are good in their sight that are wyse and al thinges in them are perfecte to them that find knowledge But I am a fole am ignorāt yet I know that they are writtē spiritually For the Apostle sayeth that the lawe is spirituall And so loke thou vp in to Heauen and saye Lorde I haue beleued thy wordes and saye not agaynst them A prayer but I trust vnto the wordes of thy holy ghost Therfore saue me thou O Lorde that I may fynd fauour before thee For I seake no other thynge but onelye that I maye be saued O mercyfull that I maye obtayne thy grace for thyne is the kyngdome mercye for euer So be it ¶ An Homelye of the Resurrection of Christe and of the power and frute therof written in Latyn by Iohn Brentius and translated into Englyshe by T.S. NOwe that I shal speake of the Resurrection of our Lord Iesu Christ I desyre you that you all wyl herken with suche eares and myndes not as vayne men are wont to gyue to ydle now and then also to hurtefull tales whiche do onely seake this that they maye be delyghted waste the tyme but with suche eares and myndes as very godly men do gyue to hym that entreateth of the most highe and chiefe matier of holy relygion and of oure perpetual saluaciō For if Christ had not rysen agayne our preachynge hadde been in vayne as Paule sayeth oure faythe were in vayne the testimonye of the Apostles of the resurrection of Christe were in vayne the dead shulde not ryse agayne we shuld yet remayne in our synnes all they which are fallen a sleape in Christ were loste finally yf that in this lyfe only we had faith in Christ we were thē the most miserable of all men Wherfore most dere frendes if euer we dyd care as there ought to be none other so greate a care to knowe the thynges that Christ dyd the cause of our saluacion dost most aboue all thynges enforce vs that we well do vnderstande the rysyng agayne of Christ from the dead We shall first therfore shew that Christe verely is risen from the dead then what profyte what glorye what maiestye the resurrection did bringe to Christ him selfe Lastly what profyte what health yea and what happines hath happened vs euen vnto vs I saye by the resurrection of Christe i. Tim. ii Remember Paule writeth to Timothe that Iesus Christ rose agayne from deathe By which admoniciō he doth meane that there oughte nothynge amonges godly men to be more esteamed then the resurrection of Christe And that I may here take my begynnynge not only those argumentes by which Christ shewed him self alyue vnto his disciples after his resurrection do wytnesse the rysynge agayne of Christe from the deade but also the prophecies of the prophetes which were before the resurrection of Christ In the .xv. psalme he saith Therfore dyd my herte reioyce and my tong was glad moreouer my fleshe also shal rest in hope Because thou wylte not leaue my soule in hell neyther wylte suffre thyne holye one to se corrupcion And in an other Psalme The Lorde sayd to my lorde syt on my ryght hande vntyll I make thyn enemyes a fotestole vnder thy feete And that these be prophecies of the resurrection of Christe Peter wytnesseth in his first sermon which he made vpon witsondaye as it is written in the second chapter of the Actes of the Apostles To this agreeth Esaie Hys sepulchre sayth he shall be glorious For it appeareth by the begynnynge of that chapter which is the .xi. that Esaye in that place doeth preache of Christ and Paule approueth the same in the .xv. chapter to the Romayns And againe Esay sayeth in the .liii. chapter
Dauid and all the holy Prophetes Apostles and Martirs and all those righteous men which pleased God in the life of their fleshe and how many shalt thou heare there shalte maruayle at their lyfe whom a litle before thou desirest but to see They shal there come vnto the beyng very glad for thy saluacion Howe shal we then be inwardly moued What vnspekable ioye shall that be when the kinge in his gracyous good moode shall saye vnto them that be on his ryght hande Mat. ●● Come ye children of my father possesse the kingdome whiche is prepared for you frome the begynnyng of the worlde Then shalte thou my brother receyue that most gloryous kyngdome and the princely crowne of glorye of the hande of the Lorde from thence forthe shalte thou raigne with Christ Then shalte thou receiue for thine enherytaunce those euerlastyng goodes which God hath prepared for thē that loue him Then euer afterward shalte thou be without carefulnes without al feare Cōsider my brother what it is to raigne in heuen for as we said before thou shalt receyue the crowne of glorye at the hand of the Lord and shalt frō thenceforth raigne with Christ ●●y with thy selfe my brother what a thynge it is alwayes to beholde the face of God What a lyght is in it 〈…〉 The Sunne shall neuer be thy day lyght as Esai said the lyght of the Moone shall neuer shine vnto the but the Lord God shal be thine euerlastyng lyght and thy God shall be thy glorye Beholde my brother what maner of ioyes are layed vp for them which feare the Lord and whiche do kepe hys cōmaūdementes Furthermore cast in thy mind my brother also the destruction of synners The destructyon and the payne of the euyll men When they shall be brought before the dredful iudgement seate with howe great bashfulnesse shal they be amased before the iust iudge when they shall not haue one worde to answere Howe shall they be ashamed whē the Lord shall speake vnto them in his wrathe and in his anger shal trouble thē sayīg Departe from me ye cursed into euerlastynge fire Mat. xxv whiche is prepared for the Deuil and his aungels Alas alas in what affliction and perplexitye shall their spirites be when all shall maynely crye out sayinge Let the synners be turned into hell Psal ix and all nacyons whiche do forget GOD. Alas alas what a sorowful sōg shall they synge wryngyng their handes and sorowyng whē they shal be at the poynte to be ledde awaye that they maye be cruelly punisshed for euer and euer Alas alas what a place is that where there is wepyng gnasshynge of teeth whiche is called Hell the whiche place the Deuil him selfe doeth horriblye feare Alas what a fyre is that fire of Hell whiche shal be neuer quenched oute Alas what a poyson worme is that that neuer ceasseth gnawynge Esay 66. Ezech. xx Mark ix Alas how greuous are those vtter darknesses whiche contynue for euer Alas what manner of mynysters are they whiche are appoynted to haue the ordrynge of the tormētes whiche lackynge bothe mercye and tender hert do styl spitfully vpbrayde and beete Then they whiche are punysshed shall crye strongly vnto the Lord and he shal not heare them Thē shal they knowe that al thynges that were in this lyfe were but vaine thinges and transitorie and the thynges whiche they thoughte here to be swete they fynde that they are more bitter thē any gal or poyson Where is then the plesure of the fleshe which is falsly so called For there is no other pleasure but to feare the Lord. To feare the lorde is true pleasure For it is the true pleasure for this doth in dede fyll the soule as with luste and fatnes Then shal they despaire of them selues and of the workes which they haue wrought Then shal they confesse sayinge Iust is the iudgement of God Haue we herde these thynges wolde we not turne from our euill workes And then it shal no thynge auayle them Alas wo is me whiche beyng taken with such synnes as no man hath done the lyke haue synned aboue the nūber of the sande and am holden backe of them as if it were with many yron cheynes I haue no hope that I shal loke vp into heuen To whom then shall I flee but vnto the thou mercifull but vnto the whiche doest not remēber wronges A prayer HAue mercy vpon me o God after thy great mercye and accordynge to the multitude of thy mercyes do away my iniquitie Wasshe me more from my synnes Psal 51. and purge me from my wyckednes for I knowe myne iniquitie and my synne is euer agaynste me Agaynste the onely haue I synned and I haue done euill in thy syght Vnto the do I flee for thy great mercy and thy goodnes I haue prouoked thee and I do flee vnto thee euen for thy very gentlenes to be entreated I haue call the awaye and I flee vnto thee for thy greate goodnesse and thy gentlenesse And I pray vnto thee beseching thee that thou wylte turne thy face from my synnes and put awaye all my mysededes Make in me a cleane herte O God and renue a ryght spirite within me for thy only names sake For I haue nothynge that I shulde offer vnto the not one good work no cleane herte but trustynge in thy mercies I caste my selfe vppon thē Chrisostom had no good workes to be saued by That thou wylt worke in me repentaunce so that I fal not easyly agayne into sinne but frō this tyme forth I may serue the in holines and ryghteousnes all the dayes of my lyfe forthine is the Kyngdome and Empire for euer and euer So be it I Beseche thee my brother which lokest for these thinges that thou studye to be found cleane and without spot in peace Yf anye euyll thoughte come vnto the laye hold on this sworde that is to say thinke vp on the feare of GOD and thou shalte cut downe all the power of the enemye Take vnto the also in steade of a trompet the holye scriptures for as the trompette gathereth together the souldyours euen so the holy scriptures when they crye vnto vs they gather together our thoughtes in the feare of the Lorde For oure thoughtes are as souldyours which do fyght the fielde agaīst the enemyes of the kynge And agayne As the trompet that soūdeth in the tyme of battayle stirreth vp the corrage of the yonge men and them that fyght agaīst the enemyes euen so the holye scriptures do styrre vp thy redynes vnto that whiche is good make the manly agaynst euil affections Therfore my brother asmuche as thou canste compell thy selfe to be often occupied in them that they maye gather together thy thoughtes which the enemye doeth scater abrode by his wycked inuencions suggestinge vnto the euyll lustes eyther els some tymes sendyng vpon thee some troubles either els nowe and then ministryng vnto