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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00278 VVhether it be a mortall sinne to transgresse ciuil lawes which be the commaundementes of ciuill magistrates. The iudgement of Philip Melancton in his epitome of morall philosophie. The resolution of D. Hen. Bullinger, and D. Rod. Gualter, of D. Martin Bucer, and D. Peter Martyr, concernyng thapparrel of ministers, and other indifferent thinges. Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560. aut; Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575. aut; Gwalther, Rudolf, 1519-1586. aut; Bucer, Martin, 1491-1551. aut; Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575. Briefe examination for the tyme, of a certaine declaration. aut 1570 (1570) STC 10391.5; ESTC S119567 38,613 108

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Cantabrigiensi professori Regio Thomas Cantuariensis AFter my hartie salutations ryght welbeloued Maister Bucer I haue read that booke which ye haue sent to Doctour Peter Alexander concernyng the controuersie betwixt M. Hoper and the Bishop of London in which booke many thinges are learnedly declared and largely disputed Wherfore now I pray you that ye would send vnto me your iudgement of these questions expressed with as short breuitie of wordes as ye can VVhether without the offence of God it maye be lawfull to the Ministers of the Churche of Englande to ●se those vestures whiche at these dayes they weare and so be prescribed of the magistrate VVhether he that shal affirme that it is vnlawfull or shal refuse to weare this apparrel offendeth agaynst god for that he saieth that thing to be vncleane that God hath sanctified and offende agaynst the magistrate for that he disturbeth the politike order To these questions yf ye wyll make most briefe aunswere and sende vnto me your iudgement as soone as ye may possibly you shall do me great pleasure God be with you From Lambeth the seconde of December The aunswere of M. Bucer to the foresayde letters AFter I had receaued yesterday towarde nyght the letters of your most Reuerende fatherhood immediatlye I applyed my mynde to aunswere bearing in remembrance what I owe vnto your fatherhood especiallye in suche a matter as is most agreeing to my ministery Your fatherhood requireth of me that I would write my sentence with as much breuitie of wordes as I coulde to the questions proposed vnto me I muste needes confesse that I am verye hardely brought to vtter my iudgement to particuler questions in the restitution of religion specially such as be intricated with great controuersies amongst godly men For as the holy scriptures and dayly experience teacheth Satan procureth all that he can to set them together at variaunce with bitter contentions in the articles of doctrine and discipline of Christe especially suche men who be godly stirred to receaue and to restore the kingdome of Christ whose godly endeuours he laboureth yf he can not make them quite frustrate yet by his sleyght to hynder them whereby they shoulde not attempt a perfit restitution of the Churche yf they ioyned together with their vttermost power God requireth of vs that we shoulde worshyp hym with all our heart with all our soule with our whole power that we shoulde at once take vppon vs the sweete yoke of his sonne Therfore now he calleth vpon vs by the terrour of his iudgement where he hath sent so great lyght of his trueth as at this day doth appeare whatsouer vntowarde wylles men haue that they can not playnely withdraw● them selues from his commaundementes vtterly to reiect the yoke of his sonne Which matter Satan vnderstandeth well inough he is not ignoraunt howe fayne we would be gods by our first corrupted natiuitie and howe we woulde gladly temper all religion to serue our lustes and affections therevpon he woulde perswade men to go in a certayne meane where as none can be in dede that is that men may refuse and do some thynges at their pleasures to serue their only lord God which thinges yet he reputeth not so acceptable in them selues nor man hym selfe thinketh his affections to be brydled by them bu● in such thinges wherein the whole worship of God doth consiste our whole saluation doth stande our fleshe being the very lumpe of sinne and perdition is wonderfully crucified for that he can not make hym selfe God qualifiyng and moderatyng Gods eternall preceptes With this craftie sleyght hath that auncient enemie driuen miserable Germanie vnto these present calamities wherewith they be nowe oppressed God forbidde Christ Iesus I say our only Saui●ur forbid that he preuayleth agaynst Englande with this craftie sutteltie But now to the questions according to my duetie Concernyng the former this is my sentence whiche I beleue I haue learned of the holy Scriptures First I woulde not impart my aunsweres to any ministers of the Englishe Churches but to suche as be the true faythfull dispensours of all the mysteries of God suche as do labour to deliuer vnto the people with great fidelitie the whole gospel of Christ his whole doctrine and discipline and labour to instyll it and beate it into their myndes They that be suche Ministers of the Churches of Englande maye as I thynke we●re with Gods pleasure those vestures which be at this day in vse and thei I thinke shall do so muche the better after they hau● preached the cleare doctrine of Christ our s●uiour with the detection and detestation a● well of the whole Antichriste of Rome a● of any other aduersarie to Christe Yf the● then professe by the wearyng of these ga●mentes to haue no purpose at all to stablish any wicked deuises that Antichriste hath obtruded to the people Nor that Priestes be ● them selues more holy or more able to pacifie God then other Christian men be No● that they present Christe to the father in th● holy communion as they vse to affirme o● that they can applye his merite at their pleasure by the vertue of the worke it selfe to any man more then he doth receaue by his owne proper fayth of the wordes and sacramente● of god So that also he professeth that he thereby do not meane Aaronicall rites to be restored againe but that he doth by his fact perfourme only his obedience to the Kynges Maiestie and to suche whom God hath appoynted to determine of these externall rites of the Churche with common consent by th● worde of God to this ende that all offences of disorder and breache of publique consent may be auoyded And also to protest that euery creature of God is good to Godlye men yea also for signification And therefore all true Godly men may godly vse those rites whiche wicked men haue abused howsoeuer vngodly And furthermore to protest that they neither the Kinges maiestie nor the great councell of the Realme meane to retayne or to cherishe any superstition in vsyng these vestures But forasmuche as the vse of these vestures hath ben practised godly of the right holy fathers before the Pope was Antichrist of Rome may at this day serue to the settyng forth of the holy ministerie and of the whole Christian profession to the instruction of the younger and simpler people so that there be a godly signification ioyned therevnto and the same also godly taught And that they declare that the rulers woulde not remoue these vestures wherby they myght geue occasion to the weaker in the fayth to despyse or contemne the true ministerie of Christe or els to geue them any suspition by so doyng as though thei were led with a certaine irreligious leuitie to ouerthrowe and abolishe al thinges vsed before in religiō yea of those thinges whiche may serue to some good vse And further they may protest that the people ought in beholdyng these vestures to haue their
to some commendation of the ministery and therof also to some edification of faith For how can it be but that he which promised to blesse al the workes of our hādes whiche we take in his name wyll denye his blessyng to these signes seeyng he hath no where forbidden such a vse of thē as we haue expounded and hath made vs Lordes of the Sabboth all other thinges of this worlde But if we graunt that these thinges which I haue spoken concernyng the vse of suche signes maye be it is surely the part of brotherly charitie commaunded vs by God to leaue such vse of such signes in such a church free to the iudgement and conscience of that congregation except we see an open abuse eyther of superstition as yf these thynges were vsed as conteyning in themselues some part of godly worship of themselues or of cōtention as if they displeased the greater and better part of the Churche or of gettyng of good wil of some men whom in these things we ought not to gratifie because they therby go about to bring a seruitude vnworthy for Christian men It was euident at saint Paules tyme by the most cleare Scriptures of God that the vse of dayes meates and all other externe things was made free it was a sure token of infirmitie in faith to doubt thereof yet the holy ghost pronoūceth that such weaklings ought to be receaued not to the troubling of their cogitations and not to be contemned of the stronger in fayth that in these thinges it myght be graunted to euery one to be sure of his owne sense seyng that the Lorde had receaued these weaklynges Nowe if the holy ghost woulde haue men to yeld so much to them which were in a manifest errour inasmuch as thei depended vpō him in the chiefest necessarie partes of sincere religion what ought to be graunted to these cōcerning the free vse of external things whom we can not conuict of anye errour by Gods worde For howsoeuer I examine and expende those your two argumentes that is They are the imitation of the Aaronicall priesthood and the markes of Antichristes priesthood therefore ought to be eschewed of thē that loue Christ yet that thyng which you woulde is not hereby concluded For to imitate Aarons ceremonies is not of it selfe vitious but onely then when men vse them as necessarie to saluation or to signifie that christ is yet for to come to take flesh vpō him For yf by no meanes it be lawfull to vse those thinges which were of Aarons Priesthood or of the Gentiles then is it not lawful for vs to haue Churches nor holydayes For there is no expresse commaundemēt by word in the holy Scriptures of these thinges It is gathered notwithstāding from the example of the olde people that they are profitable for vs to the increase of godlinesse which thing also experience proueth For any thing to be a note of Antichriste is not in the nature of any creature in it self for to that end nothing was made of god but it hangeth altogether of consenting to Antichristes religion the professing thereof The which consent profession beyng chaunged into the consent and profession of Christianitie there can sticke in the thinges them selues no note or marke of Antichristes religion The vse of Belles was a marke of Antichristianitie in our churches when the people by them were called to Masses when they were rong against tēpestes now they are a token of Christianitie when the people by them are gathered together to the Gospel of Christ and other holy actions Why may it not then be that the selfe same garment may serue godly with godly men that was of wicked significatiō with the vngodly Truely I know very many ministers of christ most godly men who haue vsed godly these vestures at this day do yet vse thē So that I dare not for this cause ascribe vnto them any fault at al much lesse so heynous a fault of communicating with Antichrist for the which fault we may vtterly refuse to cōmunicate with them in Christ The Priestes of deuyls dyd celebrate in their sacrifices the distribution of bread and the cup as Iustinus Martyr Tertullian make mention What let is there why we may not vse the same ceremonies also You wyl say we haue a commaundement of the lord touching this ceremonie Very wel And by the selfe same it appeareth that same thing to serue amōg the chyldren of god to the seruice of Christ which the wicked abused in the seruice of Deuyls if the commaundement of Christ be added therto But it is the commaundement of Christe that in our holy actions we institute and vse al thinges so as comlynesse and order be obserued that fayth may be edified Nowe yf any Church iudge and haue experience such as I doubt not there are many this day in Germanie that the vse of suche vesture bringeth some commendation to the holy ministration and therby helpeth somewhat in the way of comlynesse and order to the encrease of fayth what I pray you can be brought out of the Scriptures why that Churche is not to be left to her owne iudgement in this matter neyther therefore to be contemned or to be called into question for her iudgement sake That Churche veryly wil kepe in these thinges a meane agreeable to the Crosse of Christe and wyll diligently attende that no abuse crepe into it If therefore you wyl not admit such libertie and vse of vesture to this pure and holye Churche because they haue no commaundement of the Lorde nor no example of it I do not see howe you can graunt to any Church that it maye celebrate the Lordes supper in the mornyng and in an open Churche especially consecrate to the Lord that the Sacramentes may be distributed to men kneeling or standyng yea to women aswel as to men For we haue receaued of these thinges neyther commaundement of the Lorde nor any example yea rather the Lord gaue a contrarie example For in the euenyng and in a priuate house he did make his supper and distributed the Sacramentes and that to men only and sittyng at the table But it wyll be obiected that in England many vse vestures with manifest superstition and that they do norishe confirme in the people superstition Euen so it maye be aunswered very many abuse al this whole Sacramēt as also Baptisme and all other Ceremonies Therefore let vs withstande this mischiefe vanquishe it vtterly Wherunto though it may be that the taking away of vestures may helpe somthyng yet to driue away all this mischiefe it wyl not suffice Nay the Priestes themselues must be first remoued and in their roomes placed faythfull ministers in the kyngdome of Christe suche as be learned in deede and godly affected To this therefore to this I say muste we chiefely endeuour our selues that the heartes of the people may be purged by fayth whiche fayth is first begun and