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A67067 The types unvailed, or, The gospel pick't out of the legal ceremonies whereby we may compare the substance with the shadow, written for the information of the ignorant, for their help in reading of the old testament / by Tho. Worden ... Worden, Thomas. 1664 (1664) Wing W3579; ESTC R1856 214,980 310

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in prayer to God thy self in the greatest necessity thou mighst comfort thy self in this thy High Priest is praying for thee for saith the Apostle he ever liveth to make Intercession for us Heb. 7. 25. This is the ground why thy barrel of Meal wasteth not and thy Cruse of Oil spend not it self in time of Famine and why the Plague cometh not nigh thy dwelling place in pestilentious seasons Job 5. 17 18 to 23. Secondly The next thing we are to speak of is the time how long this is to last or how long this interceding work of Christ was to continue for Believers not only for the Saints under the Old Testament seasons but for the Saints under the New Testament seasons also even for us saith the Apostle Rom. 8. 34. And such a High Priest became us Heb. 7. 26. And this will further appear if you consider this work in the Type of it as it s held out to you Exod. 30. 8. And when Aaron lighted the lamps at even he shall burn Incense upon it a perpetual Incense before the Lord throughout your Generations Now observe it was perpetually to burn before the Lord throughout their Generations there was not a Generation but must have the benefit of this Altar of Incense so is Christ an Intercessour for the Elect in all Generations and not only for time either of the day or of the night but Christ is pouring out his interceding groans to the Father for his people Therefore saith the Apostle Heb. 7. 25. He ever liveth to make Intercession for us Use 3. O soul then doubt not thy case goeth on in Heaven well enough there is alwayes prayer going up to God for thee to keep thee night and day from danger so long as Moses his hands were kept up by Aaron and Hur it went well enough with Israel Exod. 17. O but here are the hands of Christ lifted up for thee night and day to keep thee from the Arrow that flieth by day and the shaft which flieth by night Read that place Isa 27. 2 3. In that day sing ye a Vineyard of Red Wine I the Lord do keep it I will water it every moment least any hurt it I will keep it night and day O Christ is interceding night and day for thee against all evils It may be thou fearest that sin and corruption will undo thy soul that the Devil and temptation will be thy ruine that wicked men will swallow thee up in the end O soul look up to Jesus Christ under all this eye him at the Throne of grace wrestling by his strong crys for thee O soul live upon this in doubting seasons O go on in the way of thy duty with chearfulness O remember the Lord is with thee his Spirit shall be with thee his Prayers with thee O fear not O saith David The Lord is on my side I will not fear what man can do unto me O soul whatever thy danger be that shall beset thee whether it be from Hell or this World it can never seize thee while Christ is at prayer for thee but Christ as thou hast heard ever liveth to intercede on thy behalf Object But some may say then why are men so strict to enjoyn the people to pray is it not enough that Christ their High Priest prayeth for them in Heaven I answer It is true in point of prevailing with God for the Elect so Christ their High Priest prayeth enough for them And in this sense there is no need of Believers praying I mean so as if their prayers did give any strength to the Priestly work or office of Jesus Christ therefore that cursed Tenent of the Papist is to be abhorred by all true Christians which teacheth that the prayers of the Church meriteth or procureth the grace of God by its own strength or efficacy blindly mistaking that place James 5. 16. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much Now in this sense there is no need of Believers prayers for this will be to destroy the Mediator-ship of Christ and to render his Priestly office of no effect for in point of merit o● worth God only accepts of the prayers of Christ and of the Elects for his sake according to that word in Matth. 3. 17 This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased But secondly notwithstanding the Intercession of Jesus Christ yet in point of obedience to God it is a Christians duty to pray So much as this is handed out to you in the Priesthood of old Read Luke 1. 8 9 10. Speaking of Zecharias the Priest While he was executing the Priests office before God in the order of his course according to the custom of the Priests office his lot was to burn Incense when he went into the Temple of the Lord and the whole multitude of the people were praying without at the time of the Incense Now Zecharias the Priest represents our Lord Jesus in the work of his Priestly interceding office for the Elect and you read that nowithstanding Zecharias was interceding at the Incense Altar within the Temple yet the people were to pray at the same time without strongly proving that although Jesus Christ our Gospel High Priest still intercedes in Heaven for the Elect yet notwithstanding it is highly the duty of all the Elect while without the Temple of glory and remain yet in the body to pray This will farther appear if you consider that place in Rev. 8. 3 4. And another Angel came and stood at the Altar having a golden Censer in his hand and there was given unto him much Incense that he should offer it with the prayers of all Saints upon the Golden Altar which was before the Throne and the smoak of the Incense which came up with the prayers of the Saints ascended up before God out of the Angels hand If you would know who this Angel was or is you may read Rev. 1. 13. and there you shall as I have said already find him to be Jesus Christ in all his Priestly Formalities as our High Priest And in this Chapter he is set forth to you in the performance of his work of Intercession for the Saints by having a Golden Censer in his hand which was what the High Priest under the Law did administer before the Lord withall Numb 16. 46 47. And the Angel had Incense given him to offer up to God in the Censer which was in his hand which Incense I understand to be meant the infinite worth of his bloud and righteousness which is continually pleaded by Christ as a ground of full satisfaction to God for the Elect It s said there was much Incense given to this Angel that is as the Apostle elsewhere saith in Col. 1. 19. It pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell which sheweth the abundant worth and efficacy that lay in the death and righteousness of Christ therefore he is able to save to the uttermost all
those that come to God by him Heb. 7. And to be a propitiation in his bloud for the sins of the whole world John 1. 2 2. That is there was so much Incense given this Angel by the Lord or so much vertue put into the death of Christ that although it was never intended for all the world yet there is a vertue or a sufficiency in his death able to save all the world at once And it s said the Angel offered Incense that is the Lord Jesus Christ was interceding at the Throne of grace for the Saints Now pray observe all this was done with the prayers of all Saints so that the Saints are set forth as a praying people as well as Christ is set forth as an interceding High Priest Christs prayers and his peoples prayers going up together before the Lord make up the great cloud of Incense which went up from the Altar Thus you see the point cleared that Christs interceding in Heaven at his Fathers right hand for Believers doth not give any liberty to the least neglect in prayer here on earth therefore doth our High Priest himself enjoyn prayer to be made by the Saints that live under his Priesthood Matth. 26 41. And farther says that men ought to pray always Luke 18. 1. So likewise the Apostles of Christ they tell you that the subjects of this Gospel Priesthood must pray James 5. 13. and that they must pray every where 1 Tim. 2. 8. and that without ceasing 1 Thes 5. 17 and that men should continue instant in it Rom. 12. 22. and that men should pray always night and day Eph 6. 18. Thes 2. 3 10. and for one another James 5. 16. with this advice that it must be in the Holy Ghost Jude 20. likewise this hath been made the Character of a good man Acts 9. 11 and on the contrary a prayerless heart is looked upon in Scripture to be a wicked heart Job 27. 10. Thirdly and lastly I come to speak of the end or main purpose of the work of the Incense Altar or of the work of Christs Intercession which he driveth on in Heaven for Believes Now the purpose of this glorious work of Christs Intercession it was to make Reconciliation for sin or amongst many other things one main● thing was this viz. the keeping up a constant peace between God and the Soul therefore it was called the office for atonement Exod. 30. 10. And Aaron shall make an atonement upon the horns of the Incense Altar once a year with the bloud of the sin offering of atonements once in the year shall he make atonement upon it throughout your Generations its most holy to the Lord. This the Apostle applies to Jesus Christ Heb. 2 17. where you have the Apostle speaking of Jesus Christ as our Gospel High Priest succeeding Aaron of old the Apostle hath this saying about it in Verse 17. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his Brethren that he might be a merciful High Priest in things pertaining to God and that he might make Reconciliation for the sins of the people Note here That he might make Reconciliation for the sins of the people or an atonement which is all one so that this was the end or purpose of the High Priests atonement it was to keep peace between God and the people under the Law this you may see read Numb 16. 46 47 48. And Moses said to Aaron take the Censer and put fire therein off the Altar and put on Incense and go quickly unto the Congregation and make an atonement for them for there is wrath gone out from the Lord the Plague is begun And Aaron took as Moses commanded him and ran into the midst of the Congregation and behold the Plague was begun among the people and he put on Incense and made an atonement for the people and he stood between the dead and the living and the Plague was stayed Thus you see clearly what the purpose and end of the Priests interceding or making atonement for the people amounts unto it is to interpose between Gods wrath and the people or to keep God at peace with the people which is the proper work of Jesus Christ now in glory to make peace for the Saints and to interpose by his Intercession between the anger of God and their sinning souls who labours by those strong cries sighs and groans with many tears which cannot be uttered to prevail with God that he would be pleased for his own death and righteousness sake to pass by those many sins failings and infirmities which his people are apt to commit And as in the like case we read of Moses Exod. 32. 11 12 13. So doth Christ of whom in the work of Intercession Moses was the Type cast himself at the feet of God praying begging intreating that he would be pleased to pass by the sins and daily infirmities of his people and not remember their iniquities against them but that he would extend his Love Favour and Grace to their souls as afore-time and would lead them and conduct them by his special grace to the good land of Canaan the land of promise which was purchased for them by his own bloud upon the Cross at Jerusalem and begs his Father that he would be pleased to look more upon his bloud and righteousness for them and less upon their sins And doth confess as Moses did that the people are and ever have been a stiff-necked and rebellious people ever since he knew them but yet still crys good Father put up all the injuries done against thy glory by this people and let not thy wrath wax hot against the sheep of thy pasture O remember the promises which thou hast made to me concerning this people That a seed should serve me a Generation of men should call me blessed Psal 22. 30. and Psal 72. 17. And that I should see of the travel of my soul and be satisfied Isa 53. 11. and therefore prays that the Father would consider what loss it would be to him who was his Son should the people miscarry how all his sufferings would be lost the end of his coming in the flesh would be lost the fruit of all his Sermons works of Miracles and works of Righteousness would be lost therefore in John 17. 24. Prays saying Father I will that they whom thou hast given me may be with me where I am that they may behold ●y glory which thou hast given me for thou hase loved me before the Foundation of the world Use 4. O then soul thou seest where to fly under the guilt of sin O what comfort wlll this afford a poor doubting soul that shall well digest this truth into his soul that Jesus Christ is interceding for him now in Heaven how will the knowledge of this feed the hearts of Gods people in times of doubts O let not the Wolves catch any comfort from hence this is what belongs to the true
onely due to Christ as the Virgin Mary the Mother of God as they can term her and Saint Peter Paul and John besides many other late canonized Saints whom they attribute the honour of the Priesthood unto unto whom they dedicate the Services Pray what Saint or Angel were the Jews to create to themselves in this great work besides their High Priest which was of the Lords own institution by Moses 2. As to the work the High Priest was to do when in the Tabernacle within the rail First he was to take the blood of the sacrifice and to sprinkle the mercy-seat therewith Levit. 16. 14 15. which shews the prevalency and force of Christs intercession now in heaven for us Christ enters heaven with the worth of his Merits and in the vertue of his Blood and shews the Father a sufficient ground for what he intercedes about Lord here is my Blood for this request and for the other petition which I put up to thee in the behalf of my people below if I ask grace or pardon Lord here is my blood upon the mercy-seat if I ask deliverance for them from their enemies Lord here is my blood for it upon the mercy-seat Secondly The Priest was to adde to this strong cryes and prayers by the burning incense Altar for the people praying to God for pardon for them and that he would accept their persons and their sacrifices and would be their God and would bless their souls and would send them help from his holy Sanctuary Levit. 16. 12 13. This is the very work of Christ now in Heaven the blessing of his people with all spiritual blessings in heavenly things is from him it s attributed to Christ Acts 3. 26. Unto you first God having raised up Jesus Christ sent him to bless you in turning every one of you from his iniquities therefore soul what ever thou wantest of this nature apply thy self to the Priest of Blessings and thou shalt not fail Again then was the Priest to take of the Incense and cast it into the fire which was upon the Incense Altar that so a cloud of Incense might arise before the Lord Lev. 9. 22 23. This was to shew us for our comfort what abundance of acceptable matter goeth up to God in the intercession of Christ a whole cloud of Incense and certainly this must prevail with God in the behalf of his people for that 's the purpose of Christs offering up incense it was not for himself but his people it is the Incense of his own blessed worth and excellency which is in a way of powerful Intercession of fered up to God with his peoples duties to make them and their services a sweet smelling savour to God and after this manner and to this purpose you have our Saviour represented again by the Spirit to John after his Ascention ●e● 8. 3 4. Where the purpose of the going up of this cloud of Incense is laid open to you it is as I have said to perfume all the rest of the Saints prayers duties and services as that they may be a sweet smelling savour to God this makes the weakest services of the weakest Believer acceptable to God therefore soul when ever thou art about to perform any duty to God and findest that thou canst not do it but with weakness yea much weakness then take that weak duty and cast it into the Incense fire of intercession which standeth upon the Altar Christ in the vessel of the hot burning coals of his zeal and love to thee and for thy good and then it will ascend up with the rest of Christs and his peoples to God in that great cloud where it will be acceptable indeed CHAP. 34. What the Priest was to do for the people upon all occasions besides his solemn Work in the Tabernacle FIrst the High Priest was to take notice of every uncleanness that should be found amongst the people either in their persons garments or in their houses Levit. 14. from the 3. to the 40. verse as that if any plague or leprosie sore or ulcer should break forth upon the person of any of the people then were they to go to the High Priest and shew it him and he was to look upon it and endeavour their cleansing All this is to be set upon a door of access for a poor doubting soul to come to Christ in the worst of times for look what work the High Priest under the Law was to do for the seed of Abraham according to the flesh the same is Christ a Believers Gospel High Priest to do for Abraham according to Faith and this action of the High Priest to the Israelites in a case of bodily mallodies leads you to Christ in a case of spiritual malladies I believe the want of knowledge into this mystery hath occasioned many doubts and fears in many poor souls who hath not had Satan a little wanting to make the most of their ignorance in this matter in a way of heaping on their trouble vvho stir up corruption in the soul what he can and labours to create guilt upon the conscience and vvhen he hath filled the soul vvith all manner of sores and spiritual plagues and running griefs then doth Satan labour to plaister them abroad upon the conscience to the affrighting of the soul off of Christ and tells the soul that certainly the holiness of Christ vvill never endure to have fellovvship vvith such a soul his nature is too pure to cast an eye upon such an impure piece as the soul is therefore the soul vvere better sit still vvhere he is then to think of going out to Christ for it vvill be but lost labour Thus he labours to over-shoot the Priestly office of Christ and shevvs the soul much of Christ according to his divine Nature not suffering the soul to have the least vievv of considered as a High Priest vvho vvas appointed to be such on purpose to have to do vvith ●linde lame sick sore corrupted deformed desperate and damned sinners that he might heal them Isa 6. 1. 2. and for a demonstration to the point in hand you may observe through the whole Life of Christ in the dayes of his flesh these vvere the most vvhich he for the most part of his time conversed vvithal It vvas for this the Pharisees upbraided Christ as a friend to Publicans and Sinners because he eat and drank mostly vvith such besides our Saviour himself tells you That he came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance Use 1. O therefore soul be not discouraged for the future let not Satan hinder thee for time to come of making use of Christ in times vvhen thou findest thy sores and plagues and corrupted issues upon thy soul O then above all times come to Christ if thou at such a time as this is standest off from Christ thou art guilty of robbing Christ of one great part of the glory of his High Priesthood thou shut'st out
our Wilderness-condition this was made the condition between God and the people for Canaan of old so reasons the Apostle Heb. 3. 11. So I swear in my wrath they should not enter into my rest so ver 18. And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest but to them which believed not so that the condition between God and the people made Canaan of old their reward for sticking close to God in a way of dependency during the time of all their Trials Temptations and Afflictions in the Wilderness so likewise doth the Apostle make the same qualifications a condition between God and his people touching this latter Canaan and applies the matter so Heb. 4. 1. Let us fear lest a promise being left us any of us should come short through unbelief Now by coming short of a Gospel Canaan through a spirit of unbelief the Apostle must mean I say by Canaan either the ultimate glory or else a Canaan or Kingdom of glory here below that it cannot be the ultimate glory for if we will maintain Election before time then none of those that were ever Elected to that Canaan can ever fall short of it more if Election be the fruit of the eternal purpose of God according to the counsel of his own will so saith the spirit of our being Predestinated or Elected Ephes 1. 11. In whom also we have obtained an Inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things according to his own will Now if this will of God admits of no change as the Scripture speaketh Malachi 3. 6. Rom. 11. 29. And that it is his will that all those he elected or chose to glory shall inherit John 6. 39. Then certainly its not of the ultimate glory which the Apostle intends in Heb. 4. 1. but of a rest much of this side that rest which the Apostle makes to agree with Canaan of old with respect to the conditions of it upon which they were to be enjoyed But if you understand by the rest that Christ will have a glorious Kingdom or Canaan in this world which he hath onely appointed for such as have or shall follow him with faithfulness in this life wheresoever he goeth as that none of all the Saints shall taste of it but suffering faithful ones then according to this notion the exhortation in Hebrewes 4. 1. will hold with election and predestination or else it will not for we say that the Scriptures which speaks of absolute election and predestination to a thing which election and predestination is an absolute fruit of Gods unchangeable councel and will and yet to say that the same thing is conditional as that if the conditions be not performed the thing may not be is to me so great a mystery which cannot be unridled But if we place it nere as it must be to reconcile the point that the ultimate Canaan of glory is a fruit of Gods absolute will which cannot be altered Therefore saith our Saviour those which are appointed unto it shall never perish Iohn 10. 28 And that there is a Canaan which the Saints that are faithful to Christ shall enjoy in this life as for the promise of which though the Elect cannot any one of them fall short of the promise of the ultimate glory yet they may of this This Doctrine will hold good in both ends without thwarting other foundation truths and that this Kingdom of Canaan promised the suffering faithful Saints must be as I have said here below I shall give you some Scriptures to prove it But first you are to note that our Saviour gives you to understand that there are two Kingdoms or Canaans which he makes to be distinct the one from the other one he calls his own that is its his by purchase and promise as he is a Mediator and undertook to bring about Salvation to the Elect as you may read in Isa 53. 11 12. with Psal 2. 6. with ver 8. I say our Saviour makes this Kingdom to be distinct from the fathers read that place in Rev. 3. 21. To him that overcometh I will grant to sit with me upon my Throne even as I also have overcome and am set down with my Father in his Throne so that you see here is the Son of mans Throne and the Fathers Throne so Mat. 19. 28. And he said Verily I say unto you that ye that have followed me in the Regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory Mark that when the Son of man shall sit in the Throne of his glory there is the Son of mans Kingdom of glory or Canaan of glory as well as the Fathers So in Rev. 20. There is by the Holy Ghost two Canaans or Kingdoms of glory spoken of in a distinct manner one from the other in ver 4. And I saw Thrones and they that sate upon them and judgment was given to them which answers to that in Matth. 19. 28. Which Canaan or Kingdom you see is given as the to reward the Saints for their sufferings for Christ therefore in the same verse it s said to be the portion of those which were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God and which had not worshipped the beast or his Image neither had received his mark upon their fore heads or in the hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years Now look you into the 11. ver of the same Chap. And you shall see the Fathers Canaan or Kingdom very distinct from the former which was Christs but by him given to the suffering Saints And I saw a great white throne and him that sate thereon from whose face the Earth and the Heavens fled away Secondly That this promised Canaan or Kingdom which is in Heb. 3. 11. is called a rest must be here on Earth and in this world which will appear if you examine the Scriptures which speak of it To instance in that of Mat. 19. 28. It s said there that in that Canaan Kingdom they shall sit upon twelve Thrones Judging the twelve tribes of Israel now how can this be applyed to the ultimate glory if the Saints must sit upon Thrones to Judge then it follows there must be some to be judged but if this be meant of Heaven pray who shall the Saints Judge there or who will there be in Heaven for them to Judge so Rev. 2 26 27. He that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end I will give power over the Nations and he shall rule them with a rod of Iron and as the Vessels of a Potter shall they be broken to pieces Now pray observe how can this be applyed to the ultimate glory what Iron Rods of severity will there be in Heaven beside the Saints shall rule over the Nations what Nations will there be in Heaven for the Saints to rule over you read in Mat. 25 31 32. with 41. That when the Canaan
red wine I the Lord do keep it and water it every moment Use 2. O then how do this call upon the Ministers of Christ to be vigilant taking all opportunities to hold forth their Lamp lights of truth to the Candlestick the Church Ministers are Lamps and they were set apart by God for the benefit of his people to enlighten and comfort them in needful times you know the charge which is given Ministers in Isa 40. 1. Comfort ye comfort ye my people saith the Lord speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem how careful was St. Paul of his duty herein what opportunities did he take on all hands to guide the Church and enlighten the Church with his Lamp light of knowledge Acts 20. 24. Who accounted not his life dear to himself so that he could but finish his Ministry with joy O what a dreadful thing is it for one of these Lamps to wax out or withdraw its shinings when the Church of God lieth ready to perish for his not discharging his duty to them for men to prove faint careless and negligent in the discharge of duty in and to the Church which God calls his Candlestick St. Paul calls this a being guilty of the bloud of fouls Acts 20. 26 You may likewise see what God doth account of this thing read Ezek. 3 20. Use 3. How should this humble Ministers of the Gospel what a blow would this consideration give the old Adam within them and pluck down the pride and confidence of all proud Ministers who may swell high with the conceit of their gifts and parts and so come to think high of themselves beyond what they should or ought to think forgetting that at best they are but bare empty Lamps in themselves who can do nothing nor can say any thing or be of any use to the Church of God without Divine assistance you know a Lamp without Oil in it is of little use in a house or family the house may be full of darkness for all that if the Lamp be without Oil in it O so are Ministers of as little use without the Oil of Gods assisting presence goes along with their labours they can do little good to any soul in point of conversion or comfort gifts and parts and flourished notions will do little in order to the raising of a dead soul to life or to the comforting a of dejected soul in the hour of temptation It was once the saying of Melancthon about a Sermon once preached by him to a Country people who pomised himself upon the well preaching of it a great harvest of Converts but upon his next coming that way and finding the little effect of it crys out old Adam was too hard for young Melancthon Alas Brethren the greatest Aristotle or Learned Philosopher in the world can do nothing here without Gods quickning comforting spirit be with him saith St. Paul our sufficiency is not of our selves but of God yet St. Paul had great parts and abilities but he looks not upon these things but upon God for success If God did not pour oil into him and thereby fitted him for his work as a Minister of the Gospel he knew he should remain but a dark Lamp without the least use to any man or woman therefore how should this make such men think low and mean thoughts of themselves and be humble both before God and man Use 3. This serves to inform Christians about their duty in this case First To keep close to their Ministers and Pastours for spiritual light and knowledge and not to slight them so and to turn the back upon them as some have done I do not intend those who under the notion of Ministers of the Gospel can cunningly undermine the Gospel neither do I mean such as can mind and turn with every turn of state but I mean those Ministers who have given evidence of the uprightness of their hearts and sincerity of soul to God as Jo●h●a and Caleb did in backsliding times to be men of other spirits then to run back again with the stream of the times or the cry of the multitude to the old Egyptian darkness from whence they were delivered I say to slight these Ministers is to slight those burning Lamps of light and truth which God in mercy hath left amongst his people for direction through their wilderness to their spiritual Canaan We have had sufficient experience of this great evil of late years into how many evils and mischiefs and fearful Apostasies have thousands of professours run themselves upon leaving their sound Ministers and Pastours O what horrid darkness hath their over-spread the minds of some professours that would dare to profess an open separation from their Pastors and sound teaching Ministers which were the Lamps of light and comfort which God in mercy held out to them O therefore Christians have a care you do not slight and despise these heavenly Lamps saith St. Paul to Timothy Let no man despise thee you know the exhortation in Mal. 2 7. Thou shalt seek the Law at his mouth the reason is given you in these words for the Priests lips shall preserve knowledge Secondly Let this teach Christians to love the Ministers of Jesus Christ O keep this upon your heart daily that the Ministers of Christ are the Lamp lights to enlighten your souls in the time of darkness our Saviour calls them the lights of the world Mat. 5. 14. Ye are the light of the world that is such as are appointed to guide the feet of the Saints into the way of peace the Apostle says that the Ministers of Christ are such as watch for your souls and must give an account for them to God in the last day reade Hebrewes 13. 17. O my Brethren your Ministers they are more to you and can do more for you then the eyes of your bodies and how choice are you of that member your eyes you account your Jewels when that 's gone you account the Mercy next to life is gone But truly great Mercies and greater Jewels are Ministers if good and sound to the people of God whether they know it or not the Gallatians Church were well acquainted with the worth of their Teachers and Ministers of Christ there was once a time when they valued them beyond their bodily eyes Gal. 4. 15. For I bear you record saith Saint Paul that if it had been possible you would have plucked out your own eyes and have given them to me Certainly if you loose them you will loose the best of your eyes O therefore bless God heartily who hath yet continued his Lamp lights amongst you which yet maintain their burning and shining lights in the midst of you though it be wholly dark over Egypt yet you have your Lamps burning in Gosher O pray hard for them O let Heaven ring with your cryes about your Ministers O put on for them as you would for your treasure your all that God may yet stay them in the midst
men might hear him touching what he had received from the Father for them if they would come to him for it 2. Reason why Christ cannot withheld any supply of grace from the Lords people is because of these relations he stands in to the Saints 1. He is their friend Iohn 15. 15. Now a friend is so far from withholding what is due that he will rather add something of his own to what was given 2. He is their Husband J●r 3. 14. Now is it usual for the Husband not to seek the good of his Wife 3. He is their head and they his body Eph. 5. 23. Can the head withhold any thing from any one of the members of the body doth he not give down his supplies to every part of the body freely truly no more can Christ withhold any supply of grace and mercy from his members which as their head he hath received for them Secondly How should this Qualification of faithfulness in Christ secure our hope and comfort against falling away totally from grace Oh how many poor souls are there in the world which are under tremblings about this thing Oh but I fear I may be cast totally out of the grace and favour of God Oh soul look up to Christ under this doubt if there be any Interest in heaven to be made against thy falling away from a state of grace thou maist be sure not to want it Soul remember will a poor mortal man when his Wife stands upon the trial of her life strive and tug and labour by Purse and Petition to make an Interest for his Wife both w●th Judge and Jury to save her life and dost thou think that Christ will fall short in this to thee who hast given up thy self to him as his Wife behold his interceding and advocating work in heaven for thee at this hour on purpose to preserve thee from this evil thou so much fearest and doth not the Apostle tell thee that he is heard in all he prayed for read these two places of Scripture Zach. 3. 1 2 3 4. 5. with Heb. 5. 7. And doth not our Saviour say that he is alwayes heard in heaven John 11. 42. Therefore saith the Apostle Heb. 13. 5 6. So that we may boldly say that the Lord is our helper and I will not fear what man can do unto me for he hath said I will never leave thee nor for sake thee Fear it not it can never be if ever he took thee into Covenant all the Devils in hell can never out thee more for he takes none into Covenant but such whom he loves and those whom he begins to love he loves to the end John 13. 1. And it s with an everlasting love Jer. 31. 3. It s true a Christian may lose the sense and sight of the love of God many days if not years But he can never lose the being of the love of Christ to his soul and as much as some talk of falling away from grace thou needst not trouble thy self much about that point but leave it to others that can better judge of the thing then thou canst besides if the notion were rightly understood by weak Christians viz. about falling from grace I think there would not be so many vain Disputations Doubts and Fears amongst them about it as there is Grace in Scripture is taken four manner of ways First For the state of grace into which a soul is placed through his believing in Christ by an indissolvable Covenant which is never to be violated or broken or altered more Psal 89. 34. This is the thing the Apostle is speaking of Rom. 3. 24. When he saith We are justified by his grace that is Believers are put into a justified state by the blood of Jesus Christ which we call a state of grace Rom. 5. 2. Secondly There is the means of grace that is all that provision which God hath provided in his word for the calling home of poor lost creatures to himself of this the Apostle speaks likewise 2 Cor. 6 1. Thirdly There are the habits of grace which are those divine dispositions or qualities of sanctifying grace placed in the heart at the time of our Conversion of which Iames speaks Iam. 4. 6 Fourthly There is the exercise or actings of this habitual grace which St. Peter speaks of 2 Pet. 3. Lastly now if by falling from grace men do intend by it grace in the second sense viz. from the means of grace so I say too and am so far an Arminian for our Saviour was of this Judgement Math. 13. 19 20 21 22. with Luke 14. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. Of this judgment was St. Paul 2 Cor. 6. 1. with Heb. 2. 3. That men and women may enjoy the means of grace in common with others and yet have no benefit by it Again they may go farther with that in Heb. 6. 4 5 6. To have great enlightnings and great tasts of it and by the powerful convictions of it made with Herod to do many good things but our Saviour tells you that they were such as were never truly rooted hence it is that the word was never truly rooted in their hearts Math. 13. 21. Now to be truly rooted is elsewhere expounded a rooting in Christ by Election Math. 24. 24. Luke 18. 7. Rom. 9. 11. Rom. 11. 5. Peter 1. 1 2. Again There are the actings or there is the exercise of grace now in this sense a Child of God may fall from grace that is he may go downd the win for a time he may abate in the degree of his love to and zele for and faith in Jesus Christ Thus it was with David and St. Peter and the Spouse Cant. 5. 2 3. And with Ephesus Rev 2 4. 5. Again Take grace in the habits of it now in this sense an Elected called soul can never fall from grace that is he can never lose the roots of his grace more they may be buried up with corruption as the fire is with its ashes sometimes but it can never be extinguisht or put out in the soul more but it will now and then appear as roots may lie many moneths in the Earth unseen in a Winter season but when the heat of the Sun draws near the Earth they will Spring again so though grace in the heart may have its Winter season and so lie hid under the clods of corruption for a time when Christ the Sun of Righteousness shall draw near the heart with his heating beams grace will then spring again Cant. 1. 12. When the King sitteth at his Table my spicknard sendeth forth the smell thereof I will give you one reason why grace in the heart can never be wholly extinguished because its a branch of the Covenant of grace which God hath made with the Elect in Christ Ier. 31. 33. But this shall be the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord I will put my
of ultimate glory comes to take place that all the Nations shall be gathered together before God and the Godly taken up into Heaven and the wicked at the same time sent away into eternal darkness Now if the wicked must go down into Hell at the same time that the Godly must be received up into Heaven where then will the Nations be for the Saints to Rule over with Iron Rods so in Luke 11. 2. You are bid to pray for a Kingdom saying when thou prayest say Thy Kingdom come Now this very Kingdom must be on Earth for is not the Kingdom of grace as the Kingdom of grace is commonly understood because the Kingdom of grace was then in being and had been in being all along in all ages of the world before But this Kingdom which Christ bids his Disciples to pray for was a Kingdom yet to come Thy Kingdom come Neither can it be the Kingdom of glory for that is not said to come to us but we are said to be carryed up to it 1 Thes 4. 17. Yea it s so far from being the Kingdom of ultimate glory that its a Kingdom which cometh down out of glory upon the Earth Rev. 20. 2 3. And I John saw the holy City new Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her Husband and I heard a great voice out of Heaven saying behold the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself will be with them and be their God This you see how Canaan of old and this Gospel Canaan which the Apostle calls a rest to the people of God do agree for matter of place Secondly They are made to agree for the conditions upon which the subjects were to enter each place faith was required as necessary to the entring of old Canaan Heb. 3. 18 19. The same is required as necessary to this Gospel Canaan Heb. 4. 1. Again a following of God fully was required as necessary to enter the old Canaan Numb 14. 21 22. 23 24. The same is required as necessary to the entring of this Kingdom Mat. 19. 28. Thirdly They do agree for priviledges only in the general Canaan of old was a very pleasant delightful good land which afforded aboundance of comfort wealth and safety a full reward for all their travels temptations and afflictions which they went under for the Lord so is it with this Kingdom or Canaan much more full of glory will this be found to have I shall briefly present you with some of the glory and excellency of it in some few particulars In the general it is set forth to you as a glorious thing or a great piece of glory Isa 60. 1. Arise for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee But to be a little more particular about this Kingdom and here we must take notice of these First Something done or is to be done by Christ at the setting up of this Kingdom Secondly Then the priviledges of it But as to the first there will be a general and total destruction fall upon all the enemies of the Lord which shall be found in a way of hostile opposition against the setting of this kingdom for if you observe you may see how excellently well Israels coming into Canaan doth agree to this particular with respect to what the Scripture saith shall be done upon the wicked at the setting up of this kingdom for it is to be observed that just before their entering into the good Land the greatest slaughter that ever was made of the enemies of the Lord was at that time as you may see Josh 10. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. This was but a type of what shall be the portion of the wicked at the Saints entrance into their great Canaan priviledges Read Isa 43. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. So Isa 63. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Isa 66. 15 16. Joel 3. 2. with 14. Revelations 19. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21. Secondly when this is done and the great battle fought and the Lord Jesus hath strook through the loins of his enemies then will he take their kingdoms from them and give them unto the Saints in the whole world made up of both Jews and gentiles Dan. 2. 44. with Dan 7. 22. 27. Rev. 20 4. Matth. 19. 28. Rev. 2. 26 27. In which Kingdom it is clear that the Saints shall rule the Nations of the earth as the earth hath governed them for many years together in this world Psalm 45. 16 The Kingdom being delivered up into their hands then are they freed from the oppression and the oppressour which evil will never anoy the Saints more the Lord will so much restrain and moderate the rage of the wicked Isa 11. 6 7 8 9. Isa 35. 9. Isa 6. 18. Isa 54. 14. Secondly the Saints shall then in an eminent manner be a righteous holy people no hypocrite shall be there Isa 35. 8. Isa 60 21. Zach. 14. 20 21. Revelations 22. 15. Revelations 21. 17. Thirdly The Saints shall be then set wholly free from a timmerous and distracting fearful spirit in duty Zach. 12. 8. Isa 35. 4. Fourthly Their knowledge in all divine as well as in humane things will be wonderful to the administration of those which shall have to do with them yea so great shall the wisdom of the Saints be at that day that those persons who have been accounted the learned and wise of the times before shall be ashamed to acknowledge that ever they were such men Zach. 13. 4. 5. Isa 29. 24. Fifthly There shall so great a spirit of fear and dread drop from their countenances upon the wicked as that the very majesty of their presence will daunt them through the whole earth Cant. 6 10. Sixthly There shall be a mighty spirit of glory upon all the attempts and atchievements which the Saints shall bring forth at that day though now it be clothed with shame and disgrace in the eyes of the world yet then it shall seem otherwise Isaiah 54. 11 12. Isaiah 16. 14 15. Isaiah 66. 10 11 12. Seventhly This Canaan shall afford the Saints all manner of riches plenty and peace Isaiah 60. 78. with 12. 13. verses Zach. 14 14. Revel 21. 7. Revelations 22 2. Psalm 72. 6 7. Eighthly The very heavens and the earth shall receive their primitive excellency and first purities Ezek. 34. 27. Isa 65. 17. 2 Pet. 3. 13. Ninthly In this Canaan God will so bless the substance of it as that he will remove out of the way all these thorns and prickling briars which did any way render our comforts unpleasing to us or did any way imbitter them to our taste as the shortness of life God will take away that Isaiah 65. 20. with ver 22. As likewise God will remove all occasions of loss either as to goods or estate Isa 65. 21 22 23. Also
should Satan object against thy Christ it s nothing he had the legal anointings of the father upon him to in right him to his work saith Christ Isa 61. 1. The spirit of the Lord is upon me and he hath anointed me to preach the Gospel That is the sense of what he means by preaching Lastly That which was appointed to consecrate the Priest withall the Priest was to eat it Exod. 29. 32 33. Which shews us that the work of the Priesthood lives in the heart of Christ it should be of that infinite delight to him as food is to the hungry stomack the Priest should eat in his office and work he should as it were live upon it and feed and feast himself with it as a man doth on his daily food so saith Christ himself speaking of this great work of the Priesthood it is my meat and drink to be imployed in and about it Iohn 4. 34. It is my meat and drink to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work All this is to encourage doubting souls to make use of Christ to bring their sins and sores and sorrows temptations and corruptions to him and their leporisiecal souls to him and the ignorant hard unbelieving dead carnal proud lustful revengeful hearts to him as their High Priest and lay them down at the door of his Priestly office O this is meat and drink to Christ the High Priest O for Christ to see his door crouded up full with halted mained blind leporous souls all waiting for a cure O this makes the heart of Christ leap in heaven saith Psal 40. 8. I delight to do thy will O God Now what was the great will of God it was that the desperate and damned should be saved by the Priesthood of Christ and that he should preach good tidings to the meek and that he should bind up the broken-hearted and preach liberty to the captive and let loose the prisoners and proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord Isa 61. 1 2. And that he should comfort all that mourn of the Elect Isa 40. 1 2. O saith Christ this is my delight it s my meat and drink to do my fathers will remember the Priest hath eaten in that with which he was consecrated Secondly So should it be with all the Ministers of the Gospel with what delght should they go about their work O saith St. Paul the goodness of God constraineth us or the love of God constraineth us 2 Cor. 5 14. This work was as meat and drink to him St. Paul had eaten in his Consecrating matter which was bitter in his belly but as sweet as Honey to his taste as it s said of the little book John was to eat Rev. 8. 9. CHAP 33. The work which the High Priest was to do for the people when chosen for them UNder which general there are these things to be considered First The place where the High Priest was to perform the work of the Priesthood Secondly The work he was to do when in the place for administration Thirdly What the Priest was to do for the people upon all occasions of need besides his solemn work in the Tabernacle First The place where the Priest was to perform the work of the Priesthood that was in the Tabernacle within the veil a place where none but the Priest was to enter Lev. 16. 16 17. This was a Type of Christs interceding work now he is in Heaven Heb. 9. 24. For Christ is not entred into the holy place made with hands but into heaven it self there to appear in the presence of God for us He is there to intercede forth blessings for us and to Advocate our Case he takes up all our accusations laid in against us There he answereth all objections which may be made in Heaven by the Law against us he is there to gather up all our Inditements which may be laid into our charge and he is always there for this work Christ is never absent when there is need for his presence on our behalf saith the Apostle he ever liveth to make Intercession for us it s likewise said that the people were not to go into the Tabernacle but were to stand without at the door of the Tabernacle Lev. 16. ●6 17. This shews us two things First The dark state which God held them under in comparison to us Gospellers it was little of the glory or of the mystery of the grace of the Gospel which that people knew its true they knew they had a High Priest within in the Tabernacle within the veil of it but what he did or acted they were not to look into what manifestations he had of God or glorious discoveries from God they were not to see or have any knowledge of therefore if the ministration of the Law were glorious much more will the ministration of the Gospel exceed in glory so reasons St. Paul 2 Cor. 3. 7 8 9 10 11 12. And he tells you wherein the Gospel is rather glorious in that the veil is taken away and we can now with open face behold as in a glass the glory of the Lord ver 16. 18. Secondly It shews us that at best while we are in this Tabernacle of our body we are absent from our greatest Vision of glory we are but in the outer Court we behold only the back-side of the Tabernacle in comparison to what we shall see when we come to pass within the veil where our High Priest is he saith Paul at best We walk by faith and not by sight 2 Cor. 5. 7. We have here but a few drops of our true Tabernacleglory brought whom to us by the eye of faith through Ordinances O but when we are out of the body we shall swim in the Rivers of all glorious perfection saith David Psalm 16. 11. Where we shall be brought into the presence of God where shall be the fulness of joy at whose right hand there are pleasures for evermore therefore saith Paul 2 Cor. 5. 8. We are confident I say and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord. Who would desire to live in this dark dungeon Tabernacle state apart from those celestial glories but rather who would covet as Paul did to be at whom to this blessed Canaan of rest where all true blessedness dwells Again It s observed that the people were to bring their offerings and lay them down at the door of the Tabernacle and the Priest was to take it and offer it for them before the Lord Levit. 1. 3. 4 5. This teacheth what believers should do now in Gospel dayes bring all their offerings to the Lord Christ all the duties in worship and offer it to him that he may present it in his own name to God O how doth this reprove that vain opinion of the Papists who dream of I know not how many High Priests in Heaven whom they adore with that respect which is