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A34921 Isagoge ad Dei providentiam, or, A prospect of divine providence by T.C., M.A. T. C., M.A. 1672 (1672) Wing C6818; ESTC R4623 270,847 560

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Providence at the top thereof Behold the Lord stood above it Gen. 28. 13. He that was above had an eye on what was beneath I saw the Lord saith Micaiah sitting on his throne c. 1 King 22. 19 c. God's Providence is there Visioned-forth or set out to Micaiah In the first Chapter of Job there is a Providential scheme or draught of what was to take place in Job's case there Ezekiel's Vision of the Wheels is a confutation of the Wheel of Fortune They who know God have the Wheel of Providence to meditate and discourse of 2. From positive Assertions in Scripture The Lord looketh from heaven he beholdeth all the sons of men from the place of his habitation he looketh upon all the inhabitants of the earth he fashioneth their hearts alike he considereth all their works Psal 33. 13 14 15. The eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the evil and the good Prov. 15. 3. Behold the fowls of the air for they sow not neither do they reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly Father feedeth them Are ye not better than they Mat. 26. See also Mat. 10. 29. 3. From Divine Assumptions and Appropriations of the work of Providence to God himself When the Lord answered Job out of the Whirl-wind how doth he challenge to himself a supream Agency in and over the Creatures Who saith he provideth for the Raven his food Job 38. 41. And in Isa 45. 7. I form the light and create darkness I make peace and create evil I the Lord do all these things 4. From Expostulations Checks Comminations bottomed on the consideration of Divine Providence So Psal 50. These things hast thou done and I kept silence thou thoughtest that I was altogether such a one as thy self but I will reprove thee and set them in order before thine eyes Now consider this ye that forget God lest I tear you in pieces and there be none to deliver v. 21 22. And so likewise in Psal 94. Vnderstand O ye brutish amongst the people and ye fools when will ye be wise He that planted the ear shall he not hear He that formed the eye shall he not see He that chastiseth the heathen shall he not correct He that teacheth man knowledg shall he not know v. 8 9 10. 5. From the Religious forms of speech by which are implied the verity of God's Providence extending to affairs in the world Thus saith the Lord of Hosts the God of Israel As yet they shall use this speech in the land of Judah and in the Cities thereof when I shall being again their captivity The Lord bless thee O habitation of Justice and Mountain of Holiness Jer. 31. 23. For that ye ought to say If the Lord will we shall live and do this or that James 4. 15. I trust saith Paul to tarry a while with you if the Lord permit 1 Cor. 15. 7. 6. From Prayers made to God The Scripture hath no Altar for an unknown God We are not taught to pray to Fortune to our own Wills Saints or Angels None of these are the Father which is in Heaven whose is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory The Orthodox Prayers of Saints are demonstrations that they were not Heterodox in the point of Providence they acknowledged a Providence on earth who were ever and anon looking up in prayer to the God of Heaven See Ezra 8. 21 22 31. Neh. 2. 4 with 18. Rom. 1. 10. And thus I have shewed how there is a Providence This was an old Article of the Saints Creed I shall for further clearing up the point 1. Lay down other Arguments 2. Reply to some Objections 3. Draw some Consectaries or Inferences Of these in their order CHAP. I. 1. FRom God himself And so observe 1. That the appellations or titles given to Him are implications of the thing He is Jehovah who gives the Creatures their beeing and operation Acts 17. 28. He is the Judg of all the earth Gen. 18. 25. He is the King of all the earth Psal 47. 7. He is the First Cause I will hear the heavens and the heavens shall hear the earth c. Hos 2. 11. * Non sanè multum interesse utrum quis Deos esse neget an eos omni procuratione atque actione privet mihi enim qui nihil agit esse omninò non videtur Cicer. lib. 2. de nat Deor. To deny then his Providence is to take up the Bucklers against these no less glorious than true Appellations of his But 2. His glorious Attributes of Power Goodness Wisdom Justice are as so many demonstrations of his Providence for all these the World existing are not dormant These Attributes are richly interwoven in the works of Providence The Scripture saith unto Pharoah Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up that I might shew my power in thee and that my Name might be declared throughout all the earth Rom. 8. 17. Thou art good and dost good Psal 119. 68. O Lord how manifold are thy works in wisdom hast thou made them all the earth is full of thy riches Psal 104. 24. But God is the Judg he putteth down one and setteth up another Psal 75. 7. Lastly The Lord's creation of the World doth according to the Logick of the Scripture infer his Providence For 1. He is called the faithful Creator 1 Pet. 4. 19. The Lord leaves not the stately House of the World after he hath erected it 2. Considerations or Motives for supportation and consolation are couch'd in God's creation of the World so that they who have an interest in God may hope for a display of his Attributes in his government of the World so in Isa 40. Hast thou not known hast thou not heard That the everlasting God the Creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not neither is he weary c. v. 28 29. 3. There is an indissoluble or firm knot knit betwixt the Lord's creating and governing the World for what is Providence but a kind of continued Creation and therefore that word is used to set forth Providence by in Scripture see Psal 51. 10. and 104. 30. Isa 43. 7. Again to acknowledg God the Creator and some other the Governour is to rob the Lord of his glory against which robbery he vehemently protesteth as in Isa 42. 8. Lastly observe in Isa 45. the same God there who made the Earth and created Man upon it in v. 12 raised up Cyrus and prospered him in v. 13. There is no reason then to break the band of amity or alliance betwixt Creation and Providence which the Lord so conjunctively owneth and appropriateth to himself see Jer. 27. 5 6. 2. From Providence it self There is an intrinsecal or inbred light in Providence by which it is seen But ask now the beasts and they shall teach thee and the fowls of the air and they shall tell thee or speak to the earth and it shall teach thee and the fishes of
on it It may be observed how Providence passeth not by this or that as inconsiderable in the word In Isa 34. there is mention made of the Cormorant Bittern Owl Raven Vultures and all these as symptoms or tokens of desolation v. 11 12 13 14 15. Now observe what follows in v. 16. Seek ye out the book of the Lord and read no one of these shall fail none shall want her mate for my mouth it hath commanded and his Spirit it hath gathered them Now more particularly The Word may be considered 1. By way of prediction or fore-telling matters so strictly or pr●cisely 2. By way of positive assertion there are such and such propositions in which this and that are predicated of the subject as instances frequently do occur in the Proverbs of Solomon referring to the righteous and the wicked 3. By way of Commination or Threatning 4. By way of Promise According to all these Considerations Providence doth harmonize Let the Word according to the fore-mentioned ways be understood a-right and Providence will not be found a-wrong The Word and Providence are like two sticks in the water which seem crooked by reason of the Medium or the waters in motion and yet neither of them are really so There is a misapprehension on man's part too often both in reference to the Word and Providence These do accord witness those passages in the word That it might be fulfilled which was spoken Ezra 1. 1. That he might perform his saying which the Lord spake 1 King 12. 15. and the like There must needs indeed be an accord between the Word and Providence seeing Infinite Power Wisdom Truth Justice do make up the match God will not be wanting in his Providence to maintain the reputation of his Word yea the harmony of Providence is sometimes so audible that a Pagan ear can discern it The Captain of the guard took Jeremiah and said unto him The Lord thy God hath pronounced this evil upon this place now the Lord hath brought it and done according as he hath said Jer. 40. 2 3. See Deut. 29. 24 25. Thirdly There is an Harmony of Providence with the Prayers of Saints So 1 Joh. 5. 14. And this is the confidence that we have in him That if we ask any thing according to his will he heareth us There are many Exemplifications for this both in the Old and New Testament Mention may after be made of Exemplifications and likewise somewhat be spoken concerning the answer to prayers in a distinct following Observation Here it may suffice that the accord of Providence with Prayer may be distinguish't 1. Into a Negative one and yet without a contradiction Foundation for this we have in Amos 7. the Prophet there hath a Vision of Grashoppers and hereupon he prays O Lord forgive I beseech thee by whom shall Jacob arise for he is small The reply to this prayer we have v. 3. The Lord repented for this it shall not be saith the Lord. 2. There is a positive accord of Providence with Prayer not only what shall not be but what shall be hath its accord with Prayer Elias prayed earnestly that it might not rain and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months and he prayed again and the heaven gave rain and the earth brought forth her fruit Jam. 5. 17 18. Fourthly There is an Harmony of Providence with it self Providence for the main is the same in all Ages A man's head and face are still the same though his hair be cut and his beard be shaven and his apparel or garb different There is a substantial Harmony of Providence with Providence If the Harmony be not a literal one or for kind the same yet there is an Harmony in regard of the general nature as it is either frowning or smiling Otherwise To what end are the Dispensations of God in former Ages commended to the serious meditation of others in after-ages Now these things saith Paul were our examples to the intent we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted neither be ye idolaters as were some of them as it is written The people sate down to eat and to drink and rose up to play Neither let us commit fornication as some of them committed and fell in one day three and twenty thousand Neither let us tempt Christ as some of them also tempted and were destroyed of serpents Neither murmur ye as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples and they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come 1 Cor. 10. 6 7 8 9 10. Moreover here let it be weighed how Providential Dispensations are streams issuing from the Word whether considered as unwritten before Moses his days or written as after Smiling Dispensations and frowning ones are the births of Promises and Threatnings If then the Word of God be Heaven's standing-rule for man's use and that as it hath both Promises and Threats annexed Psal 19. 7 8. 2 Tim. 3. 16. the Providence of God then must have its standing-harmony with Providence Some difference there may be as the state of man is considered before the fall of our first Parents and as God of old did prescribe some Rules to the Jews with which his Providence did keep pace and likewise in respect of the Lord 's more immediate owning and ruling that people A difference there is in these and such like respects but yet not such as doth overturn the Harmony of Providence with Providence Providence now hath its Harmony formal in some things equivalent in other things with Providence in times of the Old Testament CHAP. II. 1. VVHAT a vanity and folly is it then for persons to busie themselves about other pretended Harmonies If there be such bread in the Father's House what have the Children to do with husks There are a sort of bastard-Harmonies cry'd up and doted on which want a Scripture-legitimation These like Worms eat away the kernel of men's thoughts and affections from better things and so leave an empty shell which though it do not break the teeth in cracking yet defiles the mouth by the putrifi'd stuff in it 1. There is the pretended Harmony of things with Judicial Astrological Predictions Porrò Astrologi quicunque alii divinatores qui quasi simiae Dei videri volunt omnino deridendi sunt Nec enim fieri potest ut de rebus futuris contingentibus ac praesertim liberis vera praedicent nisi forte aliquando casu veritatem attingant nam cum omnibus causis necessariis contingentibus liberis voluntas Dei praesideat prae-emineat poffit causas inferiores quando libuerit impedire nemo vera praedicere potest nisi cui Deus voluntatem suam manifestare voluerit ut saepe prophetis suis manifestavit Bellar. in opusc de ascensione mentis ad Deum qu. 12. which are not
towards Heaven Twelfthly There are the sallies of Providence in regard of some glorious Discovery of God to the Soul by way of consolation Every day is not in this sense a Christian's gaudee-day Jacob had a golden dream indeed when in it Behold I am with thee and will keep thee saith the Lord to him Gen. 28. 15. That passage of signal Providence was never to be forgotten by Jacob it was of use to him thorow his whole life it was not an every-day's Providence though he had experience of God's Providence every day In 1 Kings 12. 9. God's appearing twice to Solomon is there taken notice of Paul was caught up into the third Heaven 2 Cor. 12. 2. I make no question but divers Saints of God have had somewhat like experience of God's out-goings towards their souls There are some high-days of Providence if I may so term them and oh that such high-days where and when they are may not puff up persons Lastly There are the sallies of Providence in regard of Death and that as they respect 1. The fore-running warning preparatory-intimations of Death Moses and Joshua sang sweetly like Swans before their death Christ observes that Providence in the woman's anointing his feet with ointment of Spikenard Let her alone said he to grumbling Judas against the day of my burying hath she kept this Joh. 12. 7. Memorable service of English-Generals under Sir John Norrice p. 46. It is recorded of Sir Anthony Wingfield slain at Brest in Britain in the year 1594 That at his last going into Britain he so disposed of his Estate as if he were never to return and the same day or day before his death took such order for his debts as if he had a presage of his end Some have fore-told the day of their death others have dropt such passages at times when no visible signs of death then as after have been better understood by their sorrowful Friends 2. These Death-sallies respect the kind of death The Lord takes some out of the world in way of Martyrdom as Stephen Acts 7. 59. James Acts 12. 2. Others dye a natural death and that notwithstanding all the attempts of men to the contrary This was Luther's case who dies in his bed do Emperor and Pope what they can to the contrary 3. These Death-fallies respect assistance against Satan then The Devil is busie then I have always saith a pious Divine observed Mr. John Barlow in his Ser. on Psal 73. 24. pag. 50. that when Satan most tempteth the truly religious they seldom recover that sickness he hath great skill to discover how nature is weakned and therefore taketh the fittest time for the purpose It 's reported of Mr. Pemble how the Tempter assaulted him by way of syllogism on his death-bed as was understood by Pemble's denying sometimes the Major other-whiles the Minor-Proposition Our Saviour Christ when the time of his Passion drew nigh said to his Apprehenders This is your hour and power of darkness Luke 22. 53. And what darts Satan shot at him in the bows of People Soldiers the Malefactor may be understood Luke 23. 34 to 40. As the temptations may be more than ordinary then so are the sallies of Providence in a way of assistance It is said in reference to Christ when the bitter Cup was in his hand there appeared an Angel from Heaven strengthning him Luke 22. 43. The Lord helps his people in shooting this gulph They will be out of gun-shot in a little time and Death will be the death of temptations The Sheep shall not be pluck't out of Christ's hand though Satan catch at them John 10. 28. 4. And lastly These Death-sallies respect Comforts at death which are dispenced after a more than ordinary sort to some as in Stephen's case Acts 7. 55. The learned and pious Rivet in his last hours seems to have had a turf of the Heavenly Inheritance a first-ha●sel of Heaven a dawning of the joyful day of Eternity And thus far of the Sallies of Providence in regard of Death and other matters as hath been insisted on The Improvement of such Sallies follows CHAP. II. 1. OBSERVE and note well the Sallies of Providence If Gold-filings are with care paper'd up much more are the Wedges of Gold to be choicely laid up under Lock and Key It is observable how there is a note of attention or observation prefixt to the Narratives of the Sallies of Providence in the Sacred Scripture see Gen. 28. 12. Gen. 37. 15. 1 King 14. 10. 2 King 19. 7. Psal 78. 20. Acts 10. 19. 2. Be thankful to God for what share you have had in the signal Sallies of Providence on your behalf Hath Providence stept in for thy help holp up thy Cart when it was overturn'd or suddenly suppli'd thee with a firm Wheel for a broken one What remains now but the celebrating the Name of God with Halelujahs The Israelites had their Song for that Sally at the Red-sea Exod. 15. 1. We read of the Writing of Hezekiah King of Judah when he had been sick and was recovered of his sickness Isa 38. 9. Paul is affected with the Lord 's delivering him out of the mouth of the Lion 2 Tim. 4. 17. 3. Learn from the meditation of the Sallies of Providence to trust God both for thy self and Relations God's Saints have so done their faith in running backward hath fetch'd a leap forward So David in 1 Sam. 17. 37. So Paul 2 Tim. 4. 18. Abraham had an eye to the Sallies of Providence for his Son's marriage Gen. 24. 6 7. he useth the means sends his servant on a Nuptial-Embassie and so acquiesceth in God's Providence The Sallies of Providence on the behalf of Children are the best portion They who can leave little or nothing to Children yet if they leave them an interest in the Sallies of Divine Providence do leave them enough what is wanting one way these Sallies of Providence make up another way Oh that Parents therefore would take less care by taking more care less care for the Earth and more for Heaven The way to have things go well is for Parents and Children to have God for their God or to be reallly godly But of this in the next Meditation Nititur ergo Abraham promissione docet omnia gerenda esse in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fidei sive magnum sive exile appareat Sic nos quoque discamus Deo reddenda committenda esse omnia sive singularia sive usitata summa infima ut laetemur fortes simus in Domino omnem solicitudinem in eum projicientes Videtur res sordid● obscoena propemodum apparare filio nuptias sed in quanto pretio honore est in oculis Abrahae adeo ut non dubitet de Angelorum praesentia cura praesidio Lut● ad locum OBSERVATION XXIV PROVIDENCE hath its Courts in which the sons of men have their different stations CHAP. I. AS in the Temple of
have godly Protestants and that because the Lord hath his time to make inquisition for blood see Psal 9. 11 12. 3. By way of Diversion God doth sometimes in his Providence fill both the heads and hands of men full with work and so they are not at leisure to persecute his people Saul cannot follow his game in hunting David as a Partridg on the Mountains there was another hunting-match provided the Philistines had invaded the Land 1 Sam. 23. 27. with 1 Sam. 26. 20. Both ancient and modern Histories do furnish with exemplifications to the like purpose Providence hath thrown in a bone of contention and so there hath been a diversion and that without sometimes of an utter subversion of persons 4. By way of Conversion of parties or propagation of the truth in and by such motions stirrs or alterations as fall out in Kingdoms The Romans had the Jews under their yoak and that makes way for Christ's yoak to be put on the necks of some of the Soldiers for the Soldiers demanded of the Baptist saying And what shall we do Luke 3. 14. Cornelius was a Centurion of the band called the Italian band Acts 10. 1. In the Commotions of Germany some of the Spanish Soldiers became Gospellers as Lavater reports Ex Hispanis Militibus qui armis Germaniam religionis causa superioribus annis vexarunt non pauci ad fidem conversi quidem Martyres Christi facti sunt In lib. Prov. Sol. Com. c. 16. v. 17. 2. By way of purgation from sin and higher measures of sanctification God knows how to carry on his work whilst other kind of work is carri'd on by men They who are good become better by the sanctified evils of smart which befall them By this therefore shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged and this is all the fruit to take away his sin Isa 27. 9. The motions in the Babylonian State and after in the Persian as they were the Lord's Hammer to knock down the Babylonians who held captive the Lord's people had this tendency namely the cautioning of the Jews against sin and that because the Lord had frowned on them in the Babylolonian and smiled on them in the Persian So intimates Ezra saying And after all that is come upon us for our evil deeds and for our great trespass seeing that our God hath punished us less than our iniquities deserve and hast given us such deliverance as this should we again break thy commandments c. Ezra 9. 13. 14. CHAP. II. 1. TAKE notice of the care and love of God towards his people God forgets not the good of his people in the motions and commotions that are in the World Saints under their black clouds see not this and are ready to say otherwise But Zion said The Lord hath forsaken me and my God hath forgotten me Isa 49. 24. But what saith God Can a woman forget her sucking-child that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb yea they may forget yet will not I forget thee v. 25. 2. Learn how Divinity will see beyond State-Policy A right view of matters taken as to the Church is a prognostick how things may probably go in the general as to the State As there are different motions in the Affairs of State so these different motions have their correspondency with the different temper of a people professing godliness If hypocrisie instead of serious piety and other sins spread as a Gangrene no wonder if there are frowning-aspects one way or other Isa 10. 6. If serious prayer to God together with humiliation and reformation are made conscience of then hopes there are that he who hath torn will heal and he who hath smitten will bind up Hos 6. 7. 3. Give not way to inordinate fears unbeliefs and despondencies of heart in the midst of all the tossings and tumblings of affairs of the world Let persons mind their duty and let God alone to govern the world There are these quieting considerations 1. All the Affairs of the World are subjected to Christ who is the Head of the Church Eph. 1. 22. Now if Christ be thus the Head he is not without eyes he sees yea foresees what is to be done and he is not without sense sensible he is what is done in way of affront to his Members Whilst Saul was a persecuting he saith Saul Saul why persecutest thou me Acts 9. 4. Suppose a man's head did reach up so high as the Heavens he would feel the injury offered not only to a limb but to the least of his toes Though Christ the Head in regard of his bodily-presence be above the Clouds yet he hath a sense and feeling of what is done to the least of his Saints 2. The Christian hath a very large Charter or Grant of all things to work for good Rom. 8. 28 The Church hath a very large Joynture not only the pleasant Vineyards but the wild Copses of the World bring in a very rich Income to her All is hers for good 1 Cor 3. 22. and God thinks nothing too good for her I am the Lord thy God the Holy One of Israel thy Saviour I gave Egypt for thy ransom Ethiopia and Sheba for thee since thou was precious in my sight thou hast been honourable and I have loved thee therefore will I give men for thee and people for thy life Isa 43. 3 4. 3. God hath made that which is a Saint's Priviledg namely an holy quietness of heart under the stirs of the World to be a Saint's Duty in Psal 112. 7. He shall not be afraid of evil tidings his heart is fixed trusting in the Lord. Compare this with Luke 21. 9. But when ye shall hear of warrs and commotions be not terrified And that in John 14. 1. Let not your hearts be troubled ye believe ●… God believe also in me See further Phil. 4. 6. OBSERVATION XXVI PROVIDENCE outwits the Church's Enemies in their Policies or Contrivances against the Church CHAP. I. HOW God's Care is over his people in the Motions and Commotions that are in the World hath been touched Here it will not be impertinent to make an inquisition into an outwitting work of Providence as it respects the Adversaries of the Lord's people And the truth of the present Observation will appear three ways First From Comparisons in Scripture the scope of which are to set forth the Providence of God as baffling and be-fooling men's Policies and Devices against his people So Psal 124. 7. Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowler the snare is broken and ●e are escaped And in Psal 7 Behold he travelleth with iniquity and hath conceived mischief and brought forth falshood he made a pit and i● fallen into the ditch which he made his mischief shall return upon his own head and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pa●… v. 14 15 16. 2. From Exemplifications of such whose sinful Policy hath
are not only the whites and blacks in regard of Temporals but also in regard of Spirituals Our Saviour tells the Jews saying The kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof Mat. 21. 43. A wonderful change and that reciprocal or mutual as it respects different subjects there is this way according to that in Hos 1. 10. And it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them Ye are not my people there it shall be said unto them Te are the sons of the living God Again these whites and blacks not only in respect of persons singly considered but in respect of a Community or Society of persons That passage that there be no complaining in our streets Psal 144. 14. doth imply the different state of a Nation in regard of Temporal Mercies We read in Acts 9. 31. Then had the Churches rest thorowout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria And we read likewise how the Rest there was not an everlasting one Acts 12. 1. 4. Long then for an Heaven or the Everlasting Rest There is no such Checker-table there Be willing however that this Sacred Game of Providence be at an end Beware of foolish passion and irregular desires of death Let God alone to time all The longest Game of Providence here in matters will have its end Meditate on that of the Apostle 2 Cor. 5. 4. For we that are in this tabernacle do groan being burdened not that we would be uncloathed but cloathed upon that mortality might be swallowed up of life OBSERVATION XXXV One and the same Providence hath sometimes its Blacks and Whites or There is both Honey and Gall wrapt up in a Dispensation considered as a mixt one CHAP. I. THIS Observation however it may seem a Paradox yet is such an one which may be cleared up as Orthodox and that if we consider 1. Exemplifications from Scripture 2. The various wise Ends which God hath in mix't Dispensations 1. There are many Exemplifications of this Verity Noah must change his habitation he shut up in the Ark as in a Prison There are beasts within for his fellow-Prisoners and sad desolations without amongst the Beasts and Men the worse Beasts in a moral sense all this is afflictive But yet his being in the Ark in order to his preservation was a signal favour for so the Lord gives him to understand Gen. 7. 1. with Gen. 6. 8. Lot is taken prisoner but not slain Gen. 14. 13. Joseph had a Prison-palace or a Palace-prison for the Lord was with him and shewed him mercy and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison Gen. 31. 21. Moses is cast as an Exile into the Land of Midian and there God provides for him Exod. 2. 21. God takes away David's Child by death who might have proved as an upbraiding Monument of David's shame so an occasion of Warr in the Kingdom 2 Sam. 12. Jonah is swallowed by a Whale Jon. 1. 17. the fish's belly is his house of prayer and Jonah's prayer is a prevailing-one he who had a providential ingress hath a glorious egress The Lord spake unto the fish and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land Jon. 2. 10. Our Saviour tells his Disciples saying It is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the Comforter shall not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you Joh. 16. 7. Paul must suffer shipwrack and yet none of their lives in the Ship are lost Acts 27. 44. The same Man of God hath a thorn in the flesh a Messenger of Satan to buffet him yet this thorn is to open a passage for whatever Imposthumed-pride was gathered to an head The Devil an unclean Spirit becomes providentially a sanctifying-one in a sense God knows how to make the Devil do a good choar for a Saint whilst the Devil intends his own work Paul was of this belief as he professeth 2 Cor. 12. 7. 2. There are various wise ends in such mix't Dispensations Amongst others we may cast an eye on these 1. Sometimes he makes a display of fatherly displeasure There is a Rod but it is a gentle one Thou shalt not dye but the child shall surely dye said Nathan to David 2 Sam. 12. 13 14. 2. God will hereby wisely exercise the graces of his people as their faith and patience by the bitter part of the Dispensation and their love to him admiration of him and thankfulness for favour by the sweeter part of the Dispensation Thus Epaphroditus sickness yet not death and Paul's danger of being devoured by the Roman Lion had their influences on their graces according to the interwoven mixture in these Dispensations Phil. 2. 27. 2 Tim. 4. 16 17. 3. Hereby the Lord wisely consults an Antidote and Remedy against two Evils namely Pride and Despondency Jacob is not to be dejected he is a Prevailer he is not to be elated for he halted upon his thigh Gen. 32. 28 31. God's Dispensations are like well-levell'd Cannons which beat upon Pride and Despondency and so make sweeping-work with each of these files at once 4. The Lord teacheth the correspondency of his Providence with his Word We are lesson'd not to slight Heaven's Rod which hath its smarting-blow and not to faint for its blow is from a Father not an implacable Enemy see Prov. 3. 11 12. 5. Hereby God will put a difference betwixt Earth and Heaven Paul will have no need of a Thorn in the flesh when he is taken Tenant to the Heavenly Inheritance The joys of Saints in Heaven will run like a Crystal River without mixture of mud or dirt God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes Rev. 7. 17. CHAP. II. 1. LEARN what a wise God the Christian hath for his God The great Physician of Heaven so attemperateth the Physick as that it shall bear upon various ill humours With one and the same Beesom Providence sweepeth the Saints house clean to the joy and rejoycing of the Saint The Ship is so managed as that it neither overturns for want of ballast nor sinks into the sea by reason of burthen God doth balance the hearts of men as well as balance the clouds over the heads of men as is said Job 37. 16. He is excellent in power and in judgment and in plenty of justice he will not afflict v. 23. And in Jer. 10. 24. O Lord correct me but with judgment not in thine anger lest thou bring me to nothing 2. Beware then of fixing an eye only on the more gastly part of a Dispensation View the bright side as well as the dark side of thy Cloud There are two things here considerable 1. It is very rational or equitable that a proportionable surveigh should be taken of a Dispensation Hezekiah after he had heard the Prophet's heavy tydings saith Good is the word of the Lord which thou hast spoken for there shall be peace
as it were an house and by and by pulls it down If the bringing forth of some things is like the shooting up of Mushrooms quickly up and quickly down yet sure the Providence of God reacheth to these Mushrooms as well as to the Cedars of Lebanon There is no reason for ●oolish man to find fault with an All-wise God though he presents that on the stage of the World which hath not its imagined issue God hath wise Ends subordinate to his Glory in Dispensations of this nature 1. To let men know how the Lord he is God for things go according to his thoughts and not as men surmise and imagine according to the outward appearance of things O Lord saith the Psalmist how great are thy works and thy thoughts very deep A brutish man knoweth not neither doth a fool understand this when the wicked spring as gross and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish it is that they shall be destroyed for ever Psal 92. 5 6 7. For ●…y thoughts are not as your thoughts neither are your ways my ways saith the Lord for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts Isa 15. 8 9. 2. To display his Soveraignty more or less as he pleaseth What if the Lord shall dash vessels made shake off the fruit ere it be ripe as in abortive Infants Is He therefore to be quarrelled with May not he break the vessels as Jer. 18. 6 O house of Israel cannot I do with you as this potter saith the Lord and say to the Fig-tree Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever Mat. 21. 19. 3. To bring to light the sins of men by a probable face of things Shimei discovers his rooted venom in the fruits of it when David was made at by Absolom Achitophel and their followers 2 Sam. 16. If there be a likelihood of this or that Error to have favour and profit annexed to it though it be a very gross or palpable one yea though a heap of them what villany doth appear on the deck which before lay close under the hatches of the ship What coining of Distinctions which the great Master of the Mint will censure as false and felonious to the Crown of Heaven The Lord then is wise in setting up such Pumps which being ply'd throw forth black and slimy waters 4. To exercise the graces of persons for the graces of Saints may be both proved and improved by a probable face of things So it was in Abraham's offering up of Isaac his faith fear obedience were displayed Gen. 22. 12. with Heb. 11. 17 18 19. 5. To punish men for their sins Probabilities in matters make way for vindictive Certainties Pharaoh from a Probability is intangled into the Lord's Net in the Red-sea Exod. 14. 3. The red waters become bloody ones to the Moabites whose wrong conclusion from probable Premises proved a bloody one 2 King 3. 22 23 24. 6. To teach men constant dependance on God Men point and God disappoints They propose but God disposeth The wind of Providence is variable and therefore men had need eye God in the voyage It is not so soon done as said We will go into such a City and continue there a year and buy and sell and get gain See James 4. 13 14 15. Lastly To lesson thankfulness for a display of Mercy in dashing-things likely to take place A Copy of Conveyance is cut in pieces and a fresh one is drawn by the hand of Providence for the good of the party Ruth's marriage with the Kinsman was dash't and well for her whom Providence had intended for a more ingenuous and pious man What is dash't holds in many cases for the best God hath regard to his when he seemeth to have none He dams up a Well and opens a better Spring for them Their business best succeeds when it is sometimes quite dash't As there are blessed disappointments so there is ground to bless God for such disappointments which come from the Heart as well as the hand of gracious Providence OBSERVATION XLI There is an over-ruling Conduct of Providence in bringing matters to their journey's end and that notwithstanding letts in the way and the length of the way CHAP. I. AS there is a dashing-work of Providence as hath before been shewed so there is an Accomplishing-work in regard of what the Lord wills or willingly suffers to be in the world What the Lord will have take place must notwithstanding impediments and delays for a time And this appears to be so if we consider 1. The Power of God 2. The Wisdom of God 1. Nothing is too hard for Infinite Power to bring about The greatest blocks in the way like a feather are blown away with the breath of Providence All letts like the thin film of Ice shall be dissolved by the warm Sun-beams of Providential Influences The Israelites had lien long in the Egyptian Fornace it was too hot a work for Moses and Aaron to pluck them thence by the hand of violence that was not the Lord's way of delivering them and yet the Lord saved the people out of the Land of Egypt Jude ver 5. The Jews met with opposers in the Temple-work it is said how upon an Order from Artaxerxes Rehum and Shimshai with their companions made them to cease by force and power Ezra 4. 23. and yet this work which lay dormant for some years was finish't at last see Ezra 4. 24. with Ezra 6. 15. John 2. 20. 2. God according to his Infinite Wisdom hath ways to bring about matters in his own time notwithstanding hindrances and delays for a time In 1 Sam. 6. 5. the Philistins took the Ark of God they have it but must not hold it it must be had home again and how shall this be Let the Lord alone who can find out a way for its conveyance though it be in the Countrey of the Philistins seven months as it is related 1 Sam. 6. 1. Suppose those Fifty thousand three-score and ten men who were slain upon the return of the Ark 1 Sam. 6. 19. had been slain in battel in order to the rescue of the Ark yet the same way God took to bring it home would have availed though the difficulty of having it home had been greater in the eyes of the men of Israel who in this case had fought to no purpose And what is said in this case of the Ark holds in other matters Our Cock-shell Capacity is not receptive of the Ocean of Divine Wisdom Let this Sun arise and it scatters the clouds and mists that are in our eye A thousand ways infinite Wisdom hath to effect matters though we see never an one CHAP. II. 1. SEE the reason why there is dejection and despondency Men have both their eyes fixed on Hindrances and Delays and not half an one open to the Providence of God Whilst David pores on Saul's Power Subtilty and
it shall be opened unto you for what man is there of you whom if his son ask bread will he give him a stone or if he ask a fish will he give him a serpent If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him Mat. 7. 7 c. Thirdly From the Experience of God's people Prayer may well be termed the Royal Exchange in a spiritual sense Here is a bartering for choise Commodities as Gold tried in the fire white Rayment Eye-salve Rev. 3. 18. Esther with the Jews did labour hard at this Sacred Pump of Prayer and their labour was not in vain for their hands lifted up to Heaven did knock down Haman with his Complices Esth 4. 16. with chap. 9. v. 25. Peter was kept in prison but prayer was made without ceasing of the Church unto God for him Acts 12. 5. Though Peter be in prison yet the Spirit of Prayer was at liberty and sets Peter at liberty for the prison which like a Jonas his Whale had swallowed him gives up the prisoner at the prayers of the Church To this testimony of the Saints Experiences add the testimony of God himself Isa 45. 19. I said not unto the seed of Jacob Seek ye me in vain 4. From the signal appearance of Providence at or nigh the very time that prayer is made There seems to be something in God's owning persons whilst they are at their work Abraham's servant observes this saying Before I had done speaking in my heart behold Rebeccah came forth with her pitcher c. Gen 24. 45. In Abijah's time they cried unto the Lord and the priests sounded with trumpets then the men of Judah gave a shout and as the men of Judah shouted it came to pass that God smote Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah 2 Chron. 13. 14 15. And whiles saith Daniel I was speaking and praying and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and presenting my supplication before the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my God yea whiles I was a speaking in prayer even the man Gabriel whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning being caused to flye swiftly touched me about the time of the evening-oblation c. Dan. 9 20 21. So in Acts 4. 31. When they had prayed the place was shaken where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost And so lastly to mention no more instances That of Peter is pertinent he was a prisoner the people of God then knock at Heaven's door and behold Peter knocks at the door of the house where many were gathered together praying Acts 12. 12. CHAP. II. 1. LEARN who are the men and women of gracious Providence they are such who make conscience of serious prayer to God They who go down into this Deep see the wondrous works of God Noah Daniel Job are the men who can do much with Providence if any thing be to be done as is intimated Ezek. 14. 14. And the effectual servent prayer of a righteous man availeth much James 5. 16. 2. How sad is the state of those who instead of laying up a stock of Prayers lay up a treasure of Guilts They curse blaspheme revile lye oppress persecute those who wish well to them and pray for them These continuing the old trade of sin cannot expect that Providence should look from Mount Gerrizzim to bless them but from Mount Ebal to curse them An heavy hand of Providence will meet with such who make light of Prayer and trample like Swine this Pearl with other Pearls under their feet See Job 21. 14 15. with 17 18 19 20 30. Rom. 2. 4 5 6 7 8 9. 1 Cor. 6. 9 10. 3. Observe one ground amongst others why pious ones are so taken up in prayer to God They well know their own Trade A Merchant who often sends his Ship to one and the same Port hath reason for it A Child is ever and anon in a room and there is an Honey-comb God's Children find it good for them to draw near to God Psal 73. 28. 4. Know who are the best provident Parents for Children they are such who by their prayers to God engage Providence to be a Portion and Joynture for their Children A little with a blessing left to some will out-last Farms Mannors yea Kingdoms left to others with a curse Pious Parents in being praying Parents are provident Parents they pray not in vain God may hear prayer for posterity one way or other See Gen. 17. 20. 5. Wicked men then are fools in their Rages and subtil Contrivances against pious praying-ones How quickly may God hear the groans of his people and so sweep away the Bodies of wicked men to their Graves and their Souls to Hell There was a prayer made for Peter and the design against him was broken and a prodigious death is the lot of an Herod who had designed the death of Peter Acts 12. 23. 6. There is no reason to lay aside Prayer no not whilst in the world We shall still stand in need of the Providence of God Daily Providence calls for daily-Prayer It 's pride to an height of it to think that Prayer is below a grown Christian When persons stand not in need of Providence to help and continue its help they may not so stand in need of prayer But alas where are the men or rather monsters who owe no debt to Providence The holy Scriptures do sufficiently confute this fancy see Job 1. 5. Mat. 6. 11. Luke 11. 1. Col. 4. 2. 7. See whence it is that the Devil makes opposition against prayer He is a cunning Pirate and knows that serious prayer is the Christian's Plate-Fleet He is sensible of the knocks and bruises which prayer gives his Serpent's head He hath been an observer of what great things God hath done on the prayers of his people No wonder then if he throw dirt and stones into this Well jogs the Christian when he is ready to fire at the mark and shakes his hand when he is about to write down his humble petition to God see Zech. 3. 1. Acts 16. 16 17 18. 8. Look not on those as enemies who call on you to call on God with your Families Shall a Physician be thanked for the Body a Lawyer for the Estate And is the Body Estate Soul and all of no regard as the concerns of all lye at stake in another way and that the best way too Surely they are Friends who antidote you against the curse of God see Jer. 10. 25. Prov. 3. 33. Lastly Observe the incomes of Providence by way of return unto prayer If it be said here I have prayed and prayed and yet no such returns are made as the Meditation or Observation on Providence imports I might at large reply but that would be a digression In a few things