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A07146 The reliques of Rome contayning all such matters of religion, as haue in times past bene brought into the Church by the Pope and his adherentes: faithfully gathered out of the moste faithful writers of chronicles and histories, and nowe newly both diligently corrected & greatly augmented, to the singuler profit of the readers, by Thomas Becon. 1563. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1563 (1563) STC 1755; ESTC S101368 243,805 590

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purgatorye is the Masse For when any soule appeareth to any mā to haue any helpe he desireth masses prayeth to haue masses songen for him Right as meate and drinke comforteth a mā when he is feble so the sacrament of y e altare cōforteth y e soules y e masses bene done for It is written in Legenda aurea how a Byshop suspended a prieste bycause he coulde saye none other masse but of Requiem whiche he song euery day deuoutly after hys cōning Then on a day as the byshop went towards mattens it semed to hym y e dead bodies rose came about hym and sayd Thou haste sayd no masse for vs. And moreouer thou haste taken our priest awaye frō vs. Loke y t thys be amended or els God will in shorte tyme take vengeance on thee for our sake Then was y e byshop greatly afeard and anon he ●ad the priest syng masse of Requiem as he dyd tofore And so he dyd as ofte as he myghte Also we fynde y e fyshers set their nets in haruest and they tooke vp a great pece of Ise and y t was the coldeste Ise that euer they felte and it woulde not melte for the Sunne And so brought they y e Ise to y e Byshop For he had a great brennyng heate in his foote and it was the coldest y t euer he felte Then spake there a voyce to hym oute of the Ise and sayd I am a soule y e suffereth my penaunce here in thys Ise. For I haue no frendes y t will doe masses for me I shall be deliuered of my penance and y u shalt be whole of thy sickenesse if thou wilt say masse for me And he sayd he woulde sing for him and bad tell hym hys name And euer while he was at masse he layd the Ise vnder his foote and euer as he sayd masse the Ise melted away And so within a while y t Ise was molten and y e soule was deliuered frō pain and y e bishop was whole of hys sicknesse Then the soule appeared to him w t much ioy sayd With y e masses singing I am brought oute of payne into euerlasting blesse The like fables many diuerse are tolde of Gregorius Magnus of Petrus Cluniacensis of Iacobus de Voragine c. But y e author of y e booke entituled Sermones discipuli rehearseth ten māner of things wherwith y e soules y t are in purgatorye maye be deliuered oute of their paynes The fyrst is the setting vp of candles at massetime before y e sacrament or before Images in y e honor prayse of God and of his Saintes The seconde is Sensyng of the Altare when Masse of Requiem is songen for the soules departed with thys inwarde desyre that God will deliuer y e soule from the stenche of purgatorie where it is now punyshed The thyrd is sprinckling of holy water vpon the Sepulchres or graues vpon y e bones of the dead And here must they desyre y t as the heate of thys present fyre is cooled by y e sprinckling of water so likewyse the heate of y e fire of purgatory may be tempered cooled for y e soule y t we praye for thorowe the deaw of the heauenly grace mercye The fourth is Prayer for the dead And here must we direct our praiers vnto saints in heauen for the soules y t are in purgatorye y t they may make intercession for thē vnto God for they may do much with God And for thys cause we send y e saints vnto y e heauenly king as massengers y t they may obtayne of that King indulgence pardon and fauour for those soules Therfore must we in thys behalfe deuoutly pray to s. Mary to S. Peter c. The fyft is oblations and offeryngs for y e soules departed y t they may be deliuered from the dets which they owe vnto God ▪ The sixt is fastings watchings afflictions knelings for y e soules departed as it is specifyed in the popes decrees Ieiunia viuentium sunt auxilia defunctorum The fasting of y t liuing ar y e helpes of the dead The seuenth is paying of y e dets of the dead This profiteth y e soules y t are in purgatorye beyond al measure For while y e dettes are vnpayd y e soules are greuously punyshed in purgatorye The eyght is offering vp of bread wine y t it may please God likewise to feede y e hungry soule and to geue drink to y e thirstye soule y t is in purgatorye Likewyse y e exercisyng of the works of mercy for the soules departed as in geuing meate to y e hungry drinke to the thirstye lodging to the harbourlesse clothes to the naked c. The nynth is when a man accomplisheth fulfilleth y e penaunce for the soules departed whiche y e soules themselues were bounde to do in this world when they were yet liuing For the more any man doth for them in thys world the lesse haue they to suffer in the paynes of purgatorye The tenth is the celebratiō of masses And thys is the greatest and most principall remedye and helpe that can bee deuised for the deliueraunce of soules out of Purgatorye For we reade y t a certayne soule was appoynted of God to ligh in Purgatorye xv yeares which notwithstandyng thorowe one Masse was deliuered oute of all those paynes For thys worde Missa whiche we in Englyshe call Masse is deriued a Mittendo y t is of sendyng For in the Masse grace is sente to a synner being in synne and to y e soules a playne deliueraunce from all payne Therefore sayth Austen y t there is no masse celebrated but y e two vertuous workes do concurre and ar brought to passe The one is a conuersion of a synner from his sinne The other is a deliueraunce of a soule out of purgatorye But some mā peraduenture wil here demaunde howe it commeth to passe y t the soules which are in purgatorye do knowe the suffrages which are here done for the I answere the Aungels which do here abide tary with vs do many times visite y e soules in purgatory declare vnto thē y e suffrages which we do for thē here so comfort thē O how ioyfull a thyng is this to them Serm. 41. de anim Besydes these remedies aforesaid against the troublous torments of painful purgatorye which the selye simple soules suffer for y e satisfaction of Gods iustice as the papists teach there is an other remedye which I of late founde in y e latter end of an old written boke And this is of so great vertue y t whosoeuer deuoutly practiseth it shal w tout doubte as it is there specifyed deliuer one soule out of purgatory at the least yea and that within .ix. dayes Probatum est Fyrst on the sonday cause a masse to be song or said in
a sainte In the yeare c. 1336. Volat Christ. Massae Pope Sixtus the fourthe made Bonauenture the Grayfryer a saint In the yeare c. 1471. Chron. Chronica Pope Alexander the thyrd made Barnarde the Monke a saint In the yeare c. 1161. Iacobus Meyer Pope Innocent the eyght made Heliopolde sometyme Duke of Austria a Saint In the yeare c. 1484. Chroni Ioannes Stella Pope Innocent the thyrd made Hughe of Lincolne a saint In the yeare c. 1195 Fasciculus Temporum Pope Clement the fourth made Hedwigis sometime Duchesse of Polonia a saint In the yeare c. 1165. Ioannes Laziardus Fasciculus Temporum Ioannes Stella Pope Boniface the nynth made Brigite the Nunne a saint In the yere c. 1379 Ioan. Laziardus Chron. Pope Leo the nynth made Vuolfgange Byshop of Ratisbone a sainte In the yeare c. 1049. Chron. Pope Gregory the seuenth made Iohn Gaulbert the Monk a saint In the yere 1073. Chron. Pope Innocent the second made Hughe the Charterhouse Monke a sainte In the yeare c 113 ▪ Chron. Pope Boniface the eyght made Lewes Kyng of Fraunce a saint In the yere 1290. Ioan. Laziard Chron. Pope Innocent the fourth made Edmunde Archebishop of Cantorburye a saint and Peter de verona the Blackfryer he canonised also for a saint willed hym to be taken for a confessour saint In the yere c. 1242. Sabell Ioan. Stella Ioan. LaZiard Chron. Pope Eugenius the fourth made Nicolas de Toleto an Austen frier a sainte In the yeare c. 1430. Ioan. Stella Chron. Pope Clement the fyfte made Pope Celestine a saint vnder the name of Peter In the yeare c. 1304. Ioan. Laziard Pope Paschalis made Charles y e great a Sainte In the yeare c. 1164. Christi Massaeus Pope Leo the tenthe made Fraunces the Heremite a saint In the yere 1507 ▪ Christ. Massae Pope Alexander the thyrde which I had almost forgottē made Thomas Becket Archbishop of Cantorbury a saint In the yeare c. 1161. Plat. D. Barns Pope Alexander sayth the Englishe Festiuall sent letters into England to the Archbishop Stephen and to other Abbottes and Prelates commaunding them to take vp Thomas Beckettes bones and to lay them in a shryne and to set it where it might be worshipped of all Christen people Then the Byshop ordayned a day when y t should be done So ouer euen while they might haue space he toke with hym the Byshop of Salisburye and other monkes and Clerkes many and wente to the place where Thomas had layen fyftye yeres Then they kneled al on y e earth praying to Thomas deuoutly of help Then foure tooke vp the tombe with great dreade and quakyng and there they founde a little writing whiche was thys Here lyeth and resteth Thomas Archebyshop of Cantorburye Primate of Englande and the Popes Legate slayne for the ryghte of holye Churche the fyfte daye of Christmasse Then for greate deuotion that they had of the syghte all cryed Sainte Thomas Saint Thomas And then they toke the head to the Archebyshop to kysse and so they kyssed it al. And then they beheld his woundes and sayd They were vngratious that wounded thee thus And so layde hym in a shryne and couered it with clothe of golde and set torches aboute it brennyng and the people to watche it all nyght Then on the morowe came all the states of thys lande and bare the shryne to the place there as it is nowe with all reuerence and worship that they coulde The author of the festiuall sayeth y t thys Thomas did weare harde hayre next his bodye and a breche of y e same the whiche was so full of vermyn y t it was an horrible syght to see And yet he chaunged but once in fortye dayes The same author also writeth that the aforesayde Thomas Beckette made hys Confessoure euerye Wednisdaye and Fryday to beate him with a rodde vpon his bare body as a childe is beaten in the Schole that is to say on the arsse that he myghte suffer worthye penaunce Ranulphus Cestrensis in his Chronicle writeth that when Thomas Becket was translated Stephen Archbishop of Cantorburye duryng the said solemnitie founde haye and prouender to all men that would aske it in the way betwene London and Cantorbury Also in the day of the Translation he made wyne to runne in pypes continuallye in diuerse places of the Citye and so y e coste that Stephen made in thys solemnitie his fourth successour Bonifacius hardly payed it In Polichron Lib. 7. Cap. 34. Pope Alexander the thyrde ordained y t none shoulde be taken for a saint except he wer fyrst canonised and admitted to be a saint by y e byshop of Romes bull In the yeare 1161. Dec. 3. Tit. 46. Ca Reliquijs Polydor. Pantaleon From the tyme that the Popes began fyrst to canonyse to make saints vnto the reygne of Pope Iohn the .xxii. there are founde to be canonysed fyue thousande fyue hundred fyftye and fyue Saintes y t the Popes haue made as writteth the author of the Chronicle entitled Fasciculus Temporum Isuardus the French Monke diligently searching out the number of saintes found that euery day in the yeare there are moe than CCC Saintes to be serued suche a multitude of newe saintes haue the Popes of Rome brought into the Churche of their owne authoritye whom they haue sainted partly for fauour partly for mony partly of a blind zeale and partly for the satisfying of other mens corrupte affections And these must we take for saints worship pray vnto call vpon make our Intercessours Mediatours and Aduocates and yet know we not for all the popes canonisation whether they be saintes in heauen or deuils in hell It is much to be feared least this common saying be founde true in a greate number of our Popishe saintes The bodies of many are worshipped on earth whose soules are tormented in hell fier Of the Reliques of Saintes POpe Paschalis the firste deuised first of al the glorious setting out to sale of saints Reliques In the yeare c. 820. Fasci● Temp. Chron. Germ. Pope Clement the first commaunded that the Reliques of Saints should be reuerently kepte and had in greate honour In y e yeare c. 1300. Clement Lib. 3. Tit. 16. Capi. 1. Volat. Pantal. Pope Gregory y e fourth made a decree y e masse should be sayd ouer the bodyes of the Martyrs In y e yeare c. 831. Pol. Pope Boniface the fifth decreed that such as were but Benet Colet should not touch the Reliques of Saints but they onelye whiche are Subdeacons Deacons and Priestes In the yeare of our Lord. 617. Onuphrius Panuimus ●ac Phil. Bergom Pope Sergius y e first deuised the gorgious shrines of saintes to kepe Reliques in In the yeare c. 684.
Corpus Christi The beginning of the feast of Corpus Christi The doctrine of the festiual concerning the feaste of Corpus Christi Pardon be longyng to the feast of Corpus Christi Midsommer day The Inuētion of the Crosse. The exaltacion of the Crosse. The transfiguration of oure Lorde The doctrine of the festiuall Thassmu●ion of our Lady Michelmasse day Dedicatiō daye or Churche holy day The feaste of al saint● The feaste of al soules The beginnyng of the feast of all Soules The cōceptiō and presentatiō of mary with the feastes of Aun● Ioseph Fraunces The visitacion of Marye Candelmasseday The feasts of the foure Euangelistes and of the foure Doctours Sonday A godlye lawe and worthy to be obserued This godly decree is s●lenderly obserued in Englande A generall rule for holy dayes The cōceptiō of mary The Annunciation of Mary The visitatiō of mary The beginning of saintes making Dominik● Fraunces Anthonye de padua Fryers Elizabeth ▪ Saintes Clara Peter Marter Stanislaus Saintes Lewes byshop of Colossa T●of Aquine Thomas byshop of Hereforde Saintes Bernardine the Grayfrier sainted Uincent Edmunde● Osmunde saintes Katerine sainted Iuo a saint Bonauenture a saint Bernarde a saint Heliopolde a saint Hughe of Lincolne a saint Hedwigis a saint Brigit a saint Vuolfgang a saint Iohn Gaulbert a saint Hughe the Monke a saint Lewes King of Fraunce a saint Edmund Peter de verona sainted Nicolas de Toleto a saint Pope Celestine a saint Charles y e great sainted Fraunces a sainte Thomas Becket sainted Of Beckettes translation Note A new idol set vp Becket the popes martyr saint A lousye saint an vnclenly Beckets penaunce very homely None saintes but such as the pope admi Swarmes of saintes The popes Sainctes ☜ Reliques set out to sale Reliques honoured Sainctes bones honored with Masses Hands of Shrines A good and godly acte but not profitable for the Popes market The anaūce● of Pilgrimages Pilgrimages ma●e not be hindred Pilgrimes may not be euill entreated Gregorye the firste a greate promoter of pardons Popes pardons nets for money and allurements vnto vice The ye●●● of Iubile A prophecye The yeare of Iubile altered ☞ Stations Christes natles worshipped Greate giftes for so litle labour Pardon beades Stringing of beades Note these scholepoīts The fyue Pardons beades The pardō that belōg to y e ●eads Bostō pardon Ghostly father Uowes chaunged Seruice neglected pardoned An ante di● The chappel of Scal● caeli Purgato●● White meates Fleshe Buriall Large promises They al at ●ow by the word of god brought to nought according to 〈◊〉 prophecy of christ Euery plāt that my heauenly ●ather hath not planted shal be plucked vp by the rootes The price of y e pardon The pardō of s Trinitye of hoūdeslowe Pardōs innumerable and good cheape ▪ Graciously considered Pardon of the Austen Friers Burton Lazare ▪ The pardō of Sainet Mary of ●unciuall ☞ Giue and it shall be giuen to you Giue money and the smoke of Rome shall be giuē to you The pardō of Saint Iohn of Beuerlay ☞ The pard●● of Saint Cornelis at We●●minster The sepulchre pardon̄ S. Erasmus pardon Fiue special giftes Money is the Marchant in all the popes affayres What is to be done that wee may haue true pardō What the popes pardons are Esay lv Math. xi Apoc. xxii Iere. ii Psal. xi The inuetour of the popes purgatory is not knowē The studie of Sathan The true purgatorye is y e bloud of Christ. The popes purgatorye diuersely maintained Where purgatorye is Luke xv The varietye of papists in placing of purgatorye The tormentes of Purgatory 1. Cor. iii. Psal. 66. Dist. 7. cap. Nullus ☞ Serm. 41. de animabus What most greuous paynes there are in Purgatory Example Howe is this proued The infinite multitude of soules in Purgatorye ☜ Iob. xix Remedies deuised by the papists agaynst the tormē●s of Purgatory The churches Church militant Church trinu●phant Church expectant Prayer for soules in Purgatory ☞ Prayer almosse Fasting pilgrimage pardons and Masses deliuer soules out of Purgatorye The profit of euerye Masse The doctrine of the festiuall cōcerning soules in Porgatory Of prayer for soules A narratiō A straunge sight Well proued substauncially of Almosse deedes for soules A narratiō Of Masses for soules ▪ ☜ A narratiō An other narration prodicious wōderful The great vertue of the masse Ten remedies to deliuer soules out of purgatorye Candles Sensing of the altare Sprinckeling of holy water Prayer for the dead Oblations for y e soules departed Fastinges ▪ watchings c. Q. xiii c. ii Animae Paying the dets of the dead Offering vp of bread and wine Fulfilling of y e deades penaunce The celebration of masses A narratiō Monstri simili Missa wherof it is deriued The vertues of the masse ☞ A fond fansye of the papistes Spedy deliueraunce of soules out of purgatorye Note this tale All is not golde that glistereth A trentall of Masses and what they are Trinities of Masses The .xii. vertues of the masse Psal. 9● Luke xxiii Luke vii ☞ ☜ Math. vii The vertues of the masse out of y ● Festiual The vertue of the masse out of Stella Clericorum No coūcell of force without y e consent of the Pope Al bishops must be at a general councell A good an● necessary deuice Sene twice in the yere ☜ No coūcell lauful with out the consent of the Pope What is to be done if matters cānot be quietly cōposed in y e lesser Sinodes Appeare or elsaccursed The authoritie of the popes decrees Popes decrees equal w t the word of God All thinges ar subiect to the pope Popeiudge of al ▪ iudged of none ☜ A lawful general coūcel is abou● the pope The preeminence of the pope Heretikes banished Heretikes put to death by the secular power The temporall offices the ●opyshe Byshops butchers Ioan. viii ☜ Fraunces Martyrs Of the state of the faithful after this life Heretikes expelled out of the Churche A good law Note well The cōpanie of Heretikes is to be eschued auoyded The great councell Laterane Heretikes condemned to be committed to the seculer powers so put to death Priests degraded Prieste● goodes Laye men● goodes Suspect of heresie The temporall rulers sworn to roote out heretikes Note O tyranny A newe kinde of Heresie Heresiarch ▪ Dead men excommunicate The company of heretiques is to be eschued Understād by heretikes all suche as in anye point resiste the pope or his decrees No cōpany with excōmunicate persons Ioan. Ep. ii Spoylers of y e church excommunicate A good a godly law ☞ The names of excōmunicate persons published One excōmunicate person may not excommunicate an other Hinderers of pilgrimages or spoylers of pilgrimes accursed Smiters of byshops or priestes ▪ spoylers or burners of churches accursed Spoylers of pilgrimes Chaplens ▪ Clarkes monks c ▪ accursed Disobediēt to bishops accursed This pope mitigateth y ● rigor of y e ecclesiastical censure A frendly decree Thys is wicked Neither ba●●el better her ring The pope deposeth Princes Practise ▪ Destroyers of Abbeies excommunicate Preachers not authorised by the Pope or some bishop accursed No man ought to be excōmunicate before his matter be knowē Paiment of tythes ☞ The penaunce of him that hath slayne his mother What opinion of mariage had this Pope thinke ye A Pope more reasonable Note how loth the Popes are to go from their olde Mumsimꝰ A foolishe diuine of so wise a head 1. Cor. vii The penaunce of them that are negligent about the Sacrament of the Altare Beholde hys curiositye ☜ The penāce of the Clergy cōuicte of great fauts Penaunce dispensed with Penaunce enioyned of the ghostly Father A rule for penaunce A greate priuilege A reasonable order Note thys well Ioan. xi Sed perquā●egulam A decree not to be despised Absolution must be receaued knelyng Pope The colledge of Cardinals Holy lande Holy crosse Bishops Abbot● pr●ours mōks Chanons Friers nūnes c. Curates ▪ Persons Uicares Priestes Clarks c. The king Quene c. Duke Earles Barōs c Parisheners True tithers Tillers Shipmen Marchāts Benefactors of the Churche Pilgrimes and Palmers Sicke persons Women in our Ladies bondes The holye bread giuer Prayeng for soules departed The three estates of holy church The generall sētence red foure tymes in the yeare What cursing is Enemies to holy church are fyrst accursed as most greuous offendours ▪ ☜ ☞ In Popish Churches all thynges are in Latib besydes surfyng ☞ A Caueat What this word curs● signifyeth Two manner of curses The lesser curse ☜ The more curse Note ☜ Wakings Reasons why the sacramental wine is not reserued in churches as y e sacramentall bread is Buriall The order of halowing churches The vertue of holy water The order of halowing altares The popes power The pope is Melchizedech Ioan i Psa cxlviii ▪ Gene xix Exod. vii Ioan ii ▪ Miracles This man for lacke of scripture to proue hys popysh trāsubstantiation fleeth to carnall reasons fleshly similitudes as al other papistes doe A wise reason and a cupstantial 4 Reg. iiii The ●biqu●●ty of christs bodye The monstrous and vnreasonable doctrine of transubstantiation Fabula sin● capite An homely shifte and a soule Corin. xii Why y e host is lifted vp aboue the priests head Phil ii Rom x Amōstrous kinde of doctrine Chebbiquity of christ●● bodye The signe of the crosse helpeth forward transubstātiatiō ☜ What is to be done if gods bloud be frosen in the chalice An h●e point in a lowe house i. Corin. ii Titus i. Sacramentes iustifye after the doctrine of the papists Howe the sacrament is to be eaten The masse excelleth al prayses done to god Mary ledeth to heauen Prayer vnto Marye the Uirgin Suffrages of saintes Fasting Crosse. Confirmation or smering of the infantes forehead The greate vertue of cōfirmation Note Mary oure intercessour Three degrees of soules Soules maruelouslye good Soules maruelously euill Soules meanely euill Soules in purgatorye knowe what is done for thē in thys worlde Soules in heauen know what is done here