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A00294 A booke intituled, The English Protestants recantation, in mattersof religion wherein is demonstratiuely proued, by the writings of the principall, and best learned English Protestant bishops, and doctors, and rules of their religion, published allowed, or subscribed vnto, bythem, since the comminge of our King Iames into England, that not onely all generall grownds of diuinitie, are against the[m], but in euery particular cheife question, betweene Catholicks & them, they are in errour, by their owne iudgments : diuided accordingly, into two parts, whereof the first entreateth of those generall grounds, the other of such particular controuersies, whereby will also manifestely appeare the vanitie of D. Morton Protest. Bishop of Chester his boke called Appeale, or, Ansuueare to the Catholicke authour of thebooke entituled, The Protestants apologie. Broughton, Richard. 1617 (1617) STC 10414; ESTC S2109 209,404 418

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argue thus All that be in blessednes in heauen and instate of excellencie with God and worthie of honor and both heare or know our prayers and doeings and pray for vs are to be honored and may be prayed vnto But the Saincts and Angells in heauen be such and in this condition Therefore they are to be honored and may be prayed vnto The Maior is apparantly true and with those conditions graunted by these best Protestant writers The Minor that the Saincts and Angells in heauen are in that state is thus proued by these English Protestants D. Feild writeth thus The Feild l. 3. c. 31. pag. 143. Saincts in heauen doe pray for all in generall And thus againe of Vigilantius the Hereticke Yf hee absolutely denyed that the Saincts departed doe pray for vs wee thinke hee erred for wee Protestants hold they pray in genere Then it is proued the Saincts be in heauen and glorie a state worthie honor and that they pray for vs now I will proue they heare our prayers by these Protestant writers because they teach vs that they knowe our Protestations Professions and expect our seruyces D. Feild to make vs know that hee thinketh they knowe these things for Feild pag. 192. a Doctor may not make things that vnderstand not to vnderstand and be made wittnesses of things they knowe not hath these words Wee protest and professe before God men and Angells his frend D. Willet writeth thus Willet Antil in epist dedic anglic That the Angells expect his Maiesties faithfull seruice Then they knowe his seruice And if they knowe the deeds and seruices of princes and Kings are to doe their seruice faithfully No doubt but they knowe the deeds of Subiects also and in doeing faithfull seruice the subiect is not to be freed where the Soueraigne is not exempted And concerninge Prynce Henry his sonne thus their Theater prayeth vppon whose parson I pray that the Theat of gr Britt pag. 37. n. ● Angells of Iacobs God may euer attend to his greate glorye and greate Britaynes happines And as these for the Kinge and his sonne So the Protestant Bishop of Lincolne D. Barlowe enueying against his Catholicke Aduersarie not writing of Q. Elizabeth as himself did Barlowe Answere to a nameles Oath pag. 69. freeing her from all mortall syn in her whole life hath these words ô blessed Trinitie and all you glorious Angells can you endure this hellish blasphemye and brooke these slawnderous us impieties in silence and vnreuenged Then I hope if a Protestant Bishope may inuocate and pray to the Angells to take reuendge to hurt and hinder mee it will be as agreeable to the lawes of Charitie and true Religion to desire their help assistance and pray vnto them to releyue our wants in our time of necessitie or at any time to honor them The like vnto this is written by D. Wilkes and other Wilkes obedience pag. §. 3. Wotton def of Perk. pag. 12. Protestants And M. Wotton proueth the same of the Saincts in heauen in this maner The Saincts departed wee loue and honor of their credit with God wee doubt not their care of men wee deny not And to assure vs that they haue not a care of vs onely in generall but in particular also and so knowe our actions first M. George Close parson of blacke Torrington in deuonshire M. George Close ser before the Iudges at Exeter in his sermon before the Iudges at Exeter mouing wicked lawyers to Repentance vrgeth it in these words So shall the Angells reioyce in your contrition allmightie God accept your Confession and the whole world keepe an holy day for your satisfaction Therefore if the Angells knowe our particular internall Actions such as Contrition and sorrowe of mynde is how much more those that be externall and in no wayes shrowded from their vnderstandings And to this veritie his Maiestie himself giueth testimonie speaking Kings speache die 21. Martij An. 1609. at Whitehall thus It is a Christian dutie in euery man reddere rationem fidei and not to be ashamed to giue an account of his profession before men and Angells as oft as occasion shall require Therefore seing Auditors in taking Audite must needs knowe the Reckonings and Accompts of their Accomptants the Angells and Saincts cannot be Ignorant of our Actions done before them as his Maiestie expresseth And D. Couell in Examination of Puritaine writeth thus Couell examinat pag. 195. Doth any man thinke the Angells doe not help vs being ministring spirits and seing God hath giuen his Angells chardge ouer vs may wee not pray to haue their assistance From whence thus I argue againe They that be in glorie can helpe vs and haue charge ouer vs to minister and men may pray to haue their assistance and they attend to further our requests may be requested and prayed vnto But the Angells and consequently the Saints in heauen be in these conditions towards vs Therefore they may be requested and prayed vnto The Maior is euident and the Minor also sufficiently proued by this last citation from D. Couell and thus confirmed agayne Couell exam sup pag. 178. by him The Angells attend to further our Requests Therefore wee may request their help Further I argue thus That which is the doctrine of the L. Protestant Archbishops and D. Feilds true Greeke Church may not be reiected But this doctrine of prayer and honor to Saincts and Angells is such Therefore not to be reiected The Maior being before graunted The Minor is thus proued by the Greeks in their censure of Protestants where speaking of the one onely true God they haue these words Hieremias in censur cap. 21. Wee doe not acknowledge other for God besids thee But wee make all Saincts Mediators and cheefely and excellently aboue all others the Mother of God himself Mary the Mother of God And wee constitute all Saincts Mediators and Aduocates for vs. And they pray not onely for vs but also for those which be deade so that they dyed not in mortall syn For in such a case no Iob or Daniell though they should stand vp to pray should deliuer their children Wee call vppon our Lady Angells Archangells that Precursor and Prophet of our Lord the Baptist also the glorious Apostles Prophets Martyrs and holy Pastors and Doctors also the Companie of holy women and all Saincts to make intercession for vs synners Hitherto the Censure of the Greeke Church both teaching the same doctrine with the Church of Rome and preuenting the friuolous obiections of Protestants in this poynt Againe thus I argue That which was the doctrine of the primatiue Church free from superstition as his Maiestie wittnesseth Confer pag. 69. is true doctrine and to be embraced But the practize and doctrine of the Romane Church to pray to Saints was the doctrine of that time Therefore it is true and to be embraced The Maior is graunted and proued by Protestants before And the
argue againe That which was the true Church in the time of Luther within an hundred yeares by the confession of Protestants wherein as in the true Church of Christ Christianitie Baptisme Ordination and power of Ministry were receaued and which brought forth of renowned Kinges and Queenes many Saincts in heauen and many moste learned holy and ver●uous Doctors and Popes themselues and yett of that faithe which the present Church of Rome now teacheth must needs be the true Churche of Christ But the present Romane Church is such by these Protestants Therefore by them it is the true Churche of Christ The first proposition is euidently true for if as before by these Protestants there is no saluation out of the true Church so many glorious Saincts and holy ones Kinges Queenes Popes and Doctors that could not be excused by ignorance muche lesse made glorious in it could not haue gone to heauen Now supposeinge that euery Church true or false consisteth of the heade and other members of him or them that rule and those that be ruled of the shephards and sheepe Bishops Preists and those vnder their chardge Thus I proue the Minor proposition of the Church of Rome consistinge of the Pope supreame heade Bishops Doctors Preists and other members D. Feild writeth thus of this Church The Romane and Latine Church continued the true Church of God euen till Feild pag. ●2 our time Therefore why was it refused by them or how not since chaunged can it be now otherwise againe hee writeth in these words Wee doubt not but the Churche in Feild pag 182. which the Bishop of Rome exalted himselfe was notwithstanding the true Church of God that it held a saueing profession of the truthe in Christ and by force thereof conuerted many contryes from error to truthe Therefore the doctrine of it beeing truthe it must needs be the true Church Hee further acknowledgeth with D. Feild pag. 72. Couell def of Hook pag. 73. Couell and others that Luther and the rest of his Religion ●ere baptized receaued their christianitie ordination and power of Ministery in that Church as the true visible and apparant Church of Christ Hee telleth vs further that diuers of the Romane Churche euen of the best learned be Feild pag. 182. saued and Sayncts in heauen Then the vnlearned neede not feare to followe their guides goeinge before and theacheing them the way to heauen D. Willet writeth thus it is Willet Antilog pag. 144. not denyed by any Protestant but many renowned Kings and Queenes of the Romane faithe ar Saincts in heauen And speakeing of the Kings Mother that glorie of late Princes Q. Mary of Scotland Hee attributeth vnto her and her Religion that of the Romane Churche such holines and truthe that it preuailed with God not onely for herself but her same also his words be these The childe of Willet Engl pref to the K. before Antil Sutcliffe Ans to the lay pet pag. 34. such prayers and teares cannot possibly fall away D. Sutcliffe acknowledgeth the scholemen so far and famously to be Papists as they terme Catholicks that hee nameth them especially Pope Innocent the thirde Thomas Aquinas Scotus Albert Durand the most renowned in schooles particuler Agents of the Romane Church and foretops of Popery and ioyneth them in that sence with the late Doctors of the Church of Rome defendeing in their writeings the doctrine thereof Hardinge Allen Bellarmine Baronius And yett D. Couell highly speaketh in the Couell def of Hook pag. 24. praise of suche men in this maner Alexander Hales whoe made his summe that excellent worke by commaundement of Pope Innocentius the fourth was called the fowntayne of life because of that lyuely knowledge that flowed from him hee was scholler to Bonauenture a Scholler not inferior to himselfe of whome hee was wont to say that in Bonauenture hee thought Adam sinned not meaninge of that Illumination which was in him and doubtles there was much in him as though hee had not beene darkened by the fall of Adam And therefore the Church called him the Seraphicall Doctor To these Aquinas was not inferior whoe came so neare vnto S. Augustine whome in his booke Couell against Burg. against Burges hee esteemeth the cheifest Doctor that euer was or shall be excepting the Apostles that some thought hee had all his workes by hart and by a common prouerbe it was spoken that the soule of S. Augustine duelt in Aquinas in whome aboue all the rest foure contraryeties were saide to excell aboundance breuitie facilitie securitie in resp●ct whereof hee gayned the Title to be called Angelicall And to speake somewhat of our Popes themselues so odious with this people The Protestant Relator findeth much vertue deuotion and pietie in them which haue beene euen in these dayes amonge which to particular in the last Pope Clement Relation of Relig. cap. 42. 43. 8. hee writeth of him in this maner Hee did often weepe vppon pietie and godly compassion at his Masses Processions c. his eyes were still watreinge sometimes streameing with teares in so much that for weepeing hee seemed another Heraclitus Relation cap. 29. sup hee was a good Pope a good Prince a good prelate And to exclude Ignorance hee writeth thus the Papists crye maynely in all places for triall by disputation Then if our Popes be so holy so good Popes good men good Princes good Prelates our Kings and Queenes and best Learned Saincts our Pastors Doctors and Teachers that be the Popes Agents and foretops of popery moste excellent for learninge and pietie their writeings renowned their doctrine secure wee may securely followe them and as securely conclude by these Protestants that onely this Church of Rome is the true Church of Christ Lastely in this question I argue thus That which by the confession of Protestants is our mother Churches and from which no Churche ought further to seperate it selfe then it is separated from it self when it was in her best estate for true doctrine and in which shee still continueth in all things necessarie to saluation so vndoubtedly that they confesse it in plaine words to be the familye of Iesus Christ part of the howse of God and visible Church that they which liue and dye in it may be saued must needs be acknowledged by them for the true Church of Christ But the present Romane Church by these Protestants is suche And therefore by them the true Church of God The Maior proposition is euidently true for all children to which all other Churches in respect of Rome or compared ar bownde to obey their Mother especially teacheing all necessarie truth as is here supposed And that which is the Mother Church which is the highest if it be a part of the howse of God and visible Church and the familie of Iesus Christ it must needs be the moste excellent part thereof the heade and cheife and so absolutely the true Church such societies being named by the