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B15418 Meditations vppon the mysteries of our holy faith with the practise of mental praier touching the same composed in Spanish by the R.F. Luys de la Puente ... ; and translated into English by F. Rich. Gibbons ... Puente, Luis de la, 1554-1624.; Gibbons, Richard, 1550?-1632. 1610 (1610) STC 20485; ESTC S1664 417,169 706

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life and much more for the good credit or his Gouernment that all may see that hee was both wise and holy in all whatsoeuer hee ordained Psal 82.19 Ierem. 12.1 Abacuc 1.6 1. Cor. 4.5 and permitted So that neither the good may complaine any more then that Vertue was oppressed nor the wicked glorye that Vice was exalted and finally to confounde the rashe Iudgements of those that dared to iudge what they knewe not Hereupon the Apostle counselleth that wee should not iudge before the time vntill our Lord come who also will lighten the hidden things of Darkenesse and will manifest the Counsailes of the hartes The third cause is the glory of Christ IESVS our Lord that hee may not onely discouer himselfe in Heauen to the good but also that in Earthe where his Ignominye was apparent hee may manifest himselfe to the wicked and that those which sawe his Humilliation may see the rewarde thereof And for this cause the place of Iudgement shall bee the Valley of Iosaphat Ioel. 3.2 neere to Ierusalem and the mount of Oliues that in the same place where hee was Iudged condemned and crucified for our Sinnes they may all see him with greate honour to bee the Iudge both of the quicke Actuum 10.42 and the deade and that hee that ascended to Heauen in the fight of a fewe Disciples shall descende as it was tolde by the Angells in the sight of the whole worlde to Iudge them all Actuum 1.11 For these causes the remembrance of Iudgement may moue mee to Ioye Thankefullnesse and Praise glorifying God for his soueraigne Prouidence wherewith hee designed it for so high endes Psal 95.11 8. and wi●h ●●uid inuiting all Crearures to rejoice and clap their handes for Ioye for that our Lord shall come to Iudge the Earthe and shall Iudge all People and all Princes with Iustice and equitye righting wrongs without acception of Persons The second Pointe SEcondly Matt. 24 5. Marc. 13 5. Luc. 21.8 Erunt signa in sole c. Sapien. 5 18. are to bee considered the signes precedent to this Generall Iudgement as Christe our Lord reckoneth them in his Gospell pondering their number and terrour the things which they signifye the effectes which they shall cause in men the manner how they shall come to passe and with all the causes wherefore they come to passe 1. First I am to ponder the number of them for all Creatures as the VViseman saieth shall bee armed to take vengeance on the Enemies of their Creator all the worlde shall fight for him against rashe incōsiderate Sinners And as all haue beene instruments of Gods mercye to doe them greate benefits so then they shall bee instruments of Gods Iustice to doe them greate Dammages and with greate reason for that they abused them to the iniurye of their Creator And although they now dissemble this wrong then they shall manifest it with terrible signes 2. Secondly I will ponder their terriblenesse discoursing of some of them The Sun shall bee obscured the Moone shall bee turned into the colour of Blood The Starres or Comets shall fall from Heauen like Lightening and the powers of Heauen shall bee mooued for they shall make a fearefull noise like a Clocke when it is let loose to strike the hower the Earthe shall dreadefully tremble like Mongibels opening it selfe in many partes the Sea shall bee in a tumult with terrible waues the windes encountring one another shall raize horrible Tempestes Dreadefull thunder claps with fearefull flashes of Lightening shall sounde in the aire Sapi●n 5 22. 2 Mach. 5.2 and there shall appeare affrighting visions and horrid monstres much more horrid then in Egipt Ierusalem The wilde and sauage beastes and venemous Serpents shall stray vp and downe running in all partes with horrible howlings roarings and hissings 3. But how terrible soeuer these signes bee they will afflict much more with the terrour of the things which they signifye and which men apprehende Haec autem omnia Initia sunt malorū because all these are but as a draught of the dreadefull euills which they expect for the worlde shall bee the very pourtraiture of Hell The darkenesse of the Sun menaceth eternall Darkenesse in chastizement of the darkenesse of the Soule The blood of the Moone is the signe of the Indignation of God which shall take vengeance of them for staining themselues with the blood of Sinnes The falling of the Starres from Heauen is the signe of the most vnhappy fall which they shall take from the Heauen of the Churche to the bottomelesse pit of Hell for they threwe themselues downe headlong from the heigth of Grace to the Depth of Sinne. The furye of the Elements and Beastes prognosticateth the terriblenesse of the Infernall Furyes against them for liuing like Beastes without any order Arescētibus hominibus prae timore or gouermnent of their Passions 4. From hence it will arise that men shall wither with feare and Astonishment aswell for the euills which they experiment as for those which they expect Prou. 17.22 being seized vpon by the sad Spirit that withereth the bones O what a difference shall there bee in this case betweene those that haue a good and secure and those that haue an euill and vnquiet Conscience for albeeit that all shall feare yet the feare of the good shall bee mixed with greate confidence in Gods mercye And so our Sauiour Christe comforteth them saying Lucae 21.28 VVhen these things begin to come to passe open your eyes and lift vp your heades for they are signes that your redemption is at hande the ende of your labours and the beginning of your rest But the feare of the wicked shall bee full of Desperation Sap. 17.10 Psal 13.5 and greate Impatiencie for as the VViseman saithe an euill Conscience augmenteth their feare and paine And if already saithe Dauid they tremble with feare where they haue nothing to dreade how much more will they tremble where they haue so much to tremble at beginning presently to haue that trembling and gnashing of teethe which they shall euer haue in Hell Pondering all these things and euerye one of them I will exhort myselfe to the feare of God and detestation of my Sinnes saying to myselfe How is it o my Soule that thou fearest not the wrathe of allmighty God who the more mercifull hee is now shall then bee the more rigorous why embracest thou not with loue the Sacraments and signes of his Grace before the terrible signes of his wrathe fall vpon thee If the Pillars of Heauen shall then tremble why doest not thou fortifye thyselfe with a celestiall Life that though thou fearest yet thou maiest not fall O infinite God naile my fleshe vvith thy holy feare Colloquie Psal 118 120. making mee feare thy terrible Iudgements Let my bones bee vvithered vvith sorrovve for hauing offended thee rather then I should bee vvithered vvith an vnproffitable feare Let
omnes qui in domo sunt vestra Si amatur à vobis corpus Christi id est vnitas Ecclesiae rapite eos ad fruendum dicite Magnificate Dominū mecum exaltemus nomen eius in idipsum If you Loue God attract and drawe to the Loue of God all those that are joyned with you and all those that liue in your house If you loue the bodye of Christe which is the vnitye of the Churche attract them all to enjoy God and say vnto them with Dauid Magnifye ye our Lord with mee and let vs praise his name together and herein bee not sparing nor backward but Rapite quos potestis hortando portando rogādo disputando rationem reddendo cum mansuetudine lenitate Gaine vnto God as many as you can by all possible meanes according to your habilitie by exhorting them by supporting them by entreating them by disputing with them and by giuing them reason for all things appertaining to Christian Faithe perfection with all Meekenesse and Lenitye to the ende that all may magnifie God with one and the same spirite of loue For this diuine fier whose propertye is Pro. 30.16 neuer to say enough is not contented to inflame the hearte of him whome it possesseth that hee alone with all whatsoeuer is within him should burne in the loue of his Creator but without all trace of enuie it extendeth its sparkles and flames to all his kinred freindes and neighbours to all those that are any way joyned vnto him but especially to those of his owne house that liue vnited with him in the same profession that there may bee no one at all therein but may loue and glorifye God with great feruor in such sort that inkindled with this fier they may fasten it vpon others and those others vpon more that so it may bee dilated thoroughout the whole worlde fulfilling that desire wherewith our Lord IESVS Christ came from heauen as hee himselfe declared it Luc. 12.49 saying I came to cast fier on the earth and what will I but that it bee kindled And this was my intention in writing these meditations wherewith by the vertue of Gods Spirit Psal 38.4 this coelestiall fier may bee inkindled in our heartes The forme whereof with other Aduertisements how to make best proffit of them I will set downe in the Introduction which followeth especially in the fourth and last paragraph ● And if it shall please our Lord that I attaine to what I pretend I beseeche the Christian Reader that shall participate of this fier to put in vre the counsell of the Psalmist Psal 33.4 and of his Commentator S. Augustine with mee magnifying and praising God the fountaine of all good and procuring that this fier may bee communicated to others to the ende that all men both present and to come may loue magnifye and praise our Lord God world with out end THE INTRODVCTION TO THESE MEDITATIONS Wherein is set downe a Summarye of such things as are comprehended in the practise and exercize of Mentall Praier SO high and soueraigne is the exercise of Mentall praier wherein wee meditate vpon the mysteries of our holy Faithe and conuerse familiarly with God our Lorde that the principall master thereof can bee no other but the holy Ghost himselfe who as S. 1. Ioan. 2 27. Iohn saithe is the Vnction that teacheth all things by whose inspiration the holy Fathers learned it and left vs in writing many aduises and documents of much importance how to exercize it with proffit following the motion of that principall master whome they followed in imitation of whome making my proffit of their doctrine and experience I will heere make a summary of the principall things wich mentall praier comprehendeth which stallbee briefe cleare and distinct that all may vnderstand it and reduce it to practize omitting larger declarations and discourses of what I shall saye to that which other Doctors haue written thereof Neuerthelesse for the manifestation of the truthe and authority of what I am to saye aswell in this summary as in the meditations of this booke I will alledge in the margent the Fountaines from I whence I haue drawne it which are three The first is the Sacred Scripture Ioan. 5.39 the principall Founte of this Spirituall Science wherein is contained life euerlasting and the most excellent meanes that are to arriue to haue a taste of it in this life and full possession of it in the life to come The second Fountaine is the holy Fathers who were the masters of mysticall Theologie or diuinitie making choise of the most auncient and by God most illustrated or lightened therein such as were S. Dyonise S. Basile S. Augustine S. Chrysostome Cassian S. Gregory S. Bernard and such others and with them I will likewise take for my Guide our Father and Founder Ignatius of glorious memorye following the order and forme which hee left vs in his booke which hee made of Spirituall Exercises the authoritie whereof is very greate aswel for that wee beleeue and not without much foundation that hee wrotte it by speciall reuelation and inspiration of God as the holy Spirit interiourly dictated vnto him and taught him these Exercises as also for that it was approoued by Pope Paulus Tertius in a Bull graunted the yeare 1548. which goeth in the beginning of the saide Booke whose approbation experience hath confirmed with meruailous effects which our Lord God hath wrought and daily worketh in those which exercize his meditations as it is largely prosecuted by Father Pedro de Ribadeneyra in the Historye Lib. 1. cap. 8. which hee wrote of the life of this excellent man I will heere adde onely concerning his booke that the kingdome of Heauen which is comprehended in the Doctrine thereof Matth. 13.32 is like as is also the diuine Scripture from whence hee extracted it to a graine of mustard seede which being the leaste of all seedes groweth to such greatenesse that it becommeth as it were a tree vpon whose branches the foules of the aire doe repose for if wee beholde but the outside and apparence of this booke it is litle and breife and written in a plaine and simple stile but if wee regarde what is contained within it is effectuall in vertue ardent in affections lofty in sense large in discourse and ample in the seuerall manners of praying and contemplating in such sorte that vpon the branches thereof they may finde rest and spirituall foode who like the foules of the aire soare aloft in contemplation Ad Philip 3.20 hauing as S. Paule saith their conuersation trafficke in heauen All this shall bee clearely made manifest by that which wee shall pointe at in this breife Introduction shall more amply discourse of in the sixe partes of this booke which are as it were sixe branches of the tree of these soueraigne Exercises Cant. 2.3 Apoc. 22.2 Cant. 2.5 whose shadowe shall bee the refuge of such as
sea or the song of the Lambe which Saint Iohn maketh mention of saying Greate and mer vailous are thy vvorkes lord God omnipotent iust and true are thy vvaies king of the vvorldes VVho shall not feare thee o Lord and magnifye thy name because thou onely art holy and thy Iudgements are manifest to all From hence I will mount vp to ponder the execution of the sentence of the Righteous beholding how all the blessed are carried aboue the ayre following their Captaine Iesus singing a thousand songs of Ioye and glorifying God for having deliuered them from such and so greate Perille with those wordes of the Psalmist Psalm 123.6 Blessed bee our Lorde that hath not giuen vs a pray to theire teethe our soule as a sparrovve is deliuered from the snare of the foulers The snare is broken and vvee are delivered our helpe is in the name of our Lorde vvhich made Heauen and Earthe And in this manner they shal penetrate the whole Heauens vntill they arriue at the Empyreall Heauen where Christe our Lorde shall place them in those Thrones of glorye which they are to possesse raigning with him thoroughout all eternitie with greate peace and tranquillitie Colloquie O happy labours of a vertuous life which are so well rewarded in life everlasting Cheere vp thyselfe o my soule with the hope of these rewardes and embrace with greate feruencye these Labours The conclusion of what hath beene saide THere remaineth for conclusion of what hath formerly beene spoken that I consider myselfe in this worlde as in a middle place betweene Heauen and Hell Sermo 31. ex paruis and that I am here as Saint Bernard sayeth like as Novices are in a house of Probatiō God proving mee with the preceptes hee imposeth vpon mee and with the afflictions that hee sendeth mee but yet assisting mee with his Grace to issue out of them wellapproued If I prooue ill following the diuells partye by the irreuocable sentence of God I shall bee caste out of the worlde into Hell But if I prooue well fullfilling the will of God by his sentence I shall be exalted from the worlde vnto Heauen VVhereupon it behooueth me to consider very well how I liue that I may issue out of his worlde well approoued Colloquie Psalm 25.1 O eternall Cod that madest this Earthe like a House of probation to exercise men vvhome thou hast ordained for heauen prooue mee and exercize mee preuenting mee ●vith thy Mercye that I may obey thee insuchsorte that at the daye of indgement thou maiest approoue mee and admitte mee into thy kingdome Amen The sixtenth Meditation of Hell as concerning the eternitye of the paines and the terriblenesse of the place and of the inhabitanies thereof and the tourmentours The first Pointe FIrst what Hell is we must consider what Hell is in such manner as by Faithe wee are instructed that knowing the definition thereof wee may tremble to heare the name Hell is a perpetuall prison full of fier and of innumerable and very terrible torments to chastize perpetually such as dy in mortall sinne Or otherwise Hell is an eternall estate wherein sinners for the punishement of their sinnes want all that Good which they may desire for their content endure all kindes of euills which they may feare for their torment So that in Hell is ioyned togither the priuation of all that good which men enioy in this life and angells in the other and the presence of all those euills which afflict men in this life and the diuells in the other This I may ponder discoursing thouroughout all euills and miseries that I fuffer or see others suffer augmenting them and eternizing them with my consideration for all that in this life is suffred is litle lasteth but a litle time because it hath an end but that which is suffred in Hell is exceeding much and shall continue an infinite continuance which hath competencye with that of God for it thall continue as long as God shall continue If I heere suffer Hunger and thirst I must vnderstand that in Hell I shall haue another kinde of Hunger and thirst incomparably greater and besides that euerlasting If I here suffer any dolour or dishonour or pouertye or heauinesse or want of friendes c. All this I shall suffer in Hell with such excesse that that which is here is at it were painted or but like a blaste but that there shall all of it bee most terrible and shall neuer haue an ende for after it hath continued fifty thousand yeares there remaine other fiftye thousande millions to passe and these beeing passed there remaine others and then others without number or end For Cain hauing beene in Hell more then fiue thousand yeares is as if hee began but to daye And it is some two thousand yeares now that the couetous Diues burneth in hell and asketh but one droppe of water Colloquie and hee shall for euer burne and for euer desire it Then vvhat follye is it o my soule for not suffring in this life so small and so ●hort afflictions to put thy selfe in daunger to fuffer euills so greate and so euerlasting Hovv is it that thou vvilt not beare patiently that litle and briefe that thou sufferest seeing thou deseruest to suffer so greate and se euerlasting for thy sinnes O eternall God illustrate mee vvith thy soueraigne leght that by the evills present I may knovve the terriblenesse of those that are eternall and may liue in such manner that I may meritte to bee free from them Amen The Second Pointe SEcondly I am to consider the causes and Circunstances of this eternitie pondering how that all that is in Hell is eternall First the Damned is eternall not onely as concerning his soule but also his Bodye for hee shall bee Immortall neither can hee kill himselfe Apocal. 9.6 nor can any other kill him neither will God annihilate him And though hee himselfe should desire Death it will flye from him and God will not accomplish this his Desire rather his raving to dissolue himselfe will terriblie torment him seeing hee cannot obtaine what hee desireth Secondly Eccles 1.2 the place of the Prison is eternall and cannot bee ruinated For the Earthe in the middest whereof Hell is shall continue for ever Isa 30.33 The fier likewise shall bee eternall for the eternall breathe of God as the Prophet Isayes saith shall serue for Brimstone to preserue it and so that it shall haue neede of no other fewell Or if brimstone serue for fewell it shall likewise bee eternall for the same breathe of God shall preserue it And Fier which hath the Vertue to burne Psalm 28.7 and to consume hath there by Gods Omnipotencie its Vertue divided for there it burneth and consumeth not And so that which forever burneth forever continueth Thirdly Marc. 9.44 the VVorme that there biteth shall bee eternall and none as Christ our Saviour saide shall bee able to kill it
thou didst well ponder the terriblenesse of Hell Iob. 10.21 O good Iesus ayde mee to bevvaile bitterly my sinnes that I may not goe to this Tenebrous land couered vvith the shadovve of Deathe the lande of those that are in Despaire The fifth Pointe FIfthly I am to consider the misery wretchednesse and discorde of the Inhabitantes of this place which are Captiues in this prison Pondering how they want all the good respectes that are of Bountye discretion Nobillitie Parentage Frendship and loyalltie and are clothed with all the contrary respectes with straunge abhomination For in Hell are all sortes of Persons some were Angells of seuerall Hierarchies and Quiers beautifull Potent and verie resplendent Others were Emperours kings and Princes with diuerse estates and Titles of nobillitye Others were sage Philosophers eloquent and learned in diuerse sciences Others courteours discreete affable liberall gratefull and well conditioned Others Parents kinsmen and Allyes Fathers and sonnes Brothers or Cosin germanes Others very greate freindes and acquaintance Companions and Neighbours But in entring into Hell they loose all these respectes Iob. 10.22 without hauing as Iob saieth any order or Concorde but confusion and horrour All make themselues mortall enemyes one to another filling themselues with wrathe rancour enuye impatience and rage one against another that one can not endure to see the other nor to giue him a good worde The father abhorreth the sonne and the sonne the Father the Lord his vassall and the vassall his Lord one cursing another and biting themselues with rage And specially those which in this life loued with a disordinate loue and were Companions in sinnes shall much more abhorre one another and their paines shall bee augmented with the rage to see themselues togither For as burning coales when they are togither the one kindleth the other so these infernall Coales kindled with the fier of their wrathes shall adde heate to the ardent heate of their companions Adde to this the most painefull imagination that perforce in despight of them they shall bee eternally togither not being able to flye or diuide themselues one from another For flying from one whome thy much abhorre they light vpon anothere that is worse and so shall they haue a perpetuall and cruell warre hauing no bodye to pacifye nor to comforte them for from the earthe none will goe though hee could nor none shall come from heauen though hee would For none that is good will daigne to entre into so infamous a place Insomuch that Christe our lorde when hee descended into Hell entred not into this place nor gaue them any comfort VVhat will Princes then thinke to see themselues consorted with Plebeyans and entreated by them with such insolencie and hatred what a torment will it bee to liue perforce with my enemyes that actually abhorre mee and curse mee without beeing able either to stoppe their mouthes or myne owne eares what a paine will it bee neuer to see person that wisheth mee well nor is compassionate of my miseries but that rather encreaseth them Cassian collat 16. c. 2. 1. Cor. 13.13 O my soule grounde all thy friendshipt vpon true charitie For this onely is eternall and perisheth not and vvithout it all the rest shall perish Haue peace as much vs in thee lyeth vvith all men that thou maiest not enter into the companye of so man vvicked The sixte Pointe SIxtly I am to consider the terriblenesse of those hellish tormentours and executioners First generally in hell euery one of the damned is a Tormenter of all and all are tormenters of one saying and doing things as is abouesaide to torment them Moreouer the diuells are terrible tormenters of men reuenging themselues vpon them for the rage they haue against God and against IESVS Christ And therefore they torment them with affrighting visions with horrible imaginations and with all other meanes that their fierce Cruelty can invent Besides all this the third and the most cruell tormenter is the worme of conscience which biteth and shall eternally bite with terrible crueltye For the damned wretche remembring the sinnes hee hath committed and the inspirations hee had to get out of them and to haue freed himselfe of those torments and yet that thorough the sinne of his owne peruers freewill hee entred into them himselfe will bee his owne torturer and will bite himselfe and would rent himselfe in peices with incredible bitternesse and rage heerein fullfilling that punishement where of S. Augustine speaketeh lib. 1. cōfessionū Thou dist commaunde it o Lord and so it commeth to passe that the disordinatt minde should bee its owne tormente for his sinnes are his tortures and his vnbrideled passions his tormentours so that hee himselfe is most greiuous to himselfe Learne then o my soule Colloquie Mat. 5.26 to hearken to this beating of thy conscience and make peace vvith thy good Aduersarye that priketh thee vvhen thou sinnest for in hell like a madde dogge the vvill barke and bite reuenging the iniurye thou didst her vvhen in this life thou contemnedst her The fourth tormentour will bee the Inuisible hande of God which dischargeth it selfe vpon the dāned sing his omnipotentcie against them who knowing this turne their rage against him breaking out into horrible blasphemyes and desiring that he-might cease to bee Colloquie But all is turned to the increase of their doulour and torment O most heauy hande of the omnipotent vvho can abide thee O vvhat a dreadfull thing is it to fall into the handes of the liuing God beeing offended sunder o Lord very farre from mee this thy hande of Chastizement and touche mee vvith that of thy mercie that beeing freed from these feares I may euer enioye thee vvorld vvithout ende Amen The seuenteenth Meditation of the paines of the Senses and interiour faculties and of the paine of losse or Damnation which is suffered in hell AS the sinner embraceth two greate euills which are to seperate himselfe from God the Fountaine of liuing water Ierem. 2.13 and to turne vnto the creatures to enioye their perishing delightes so in Hell he is punished with two sortes of paines one which they call of Losse or Damnation Paena Damni Paena sensus Hiere 2. for the first euill and another which they call of Sense for the second and with this wee will begin because to haue sense is most easye The first Point 1. FIrst Paena sensus Sapien. 11.17 I am to consider the paine which the Damned doe suffer when they haue a bodie For according to the lawes of Gods iustice Per quae quis peccat per haec torquetur By vvhat things a man sinneth by the same also he is tormented And seeing sinne entreth by the senses in them must bee thee punishement thereof This may bee pondered running thorough all the fiue The Sight shall bee tormented by beholding their Enemies neere them and by suffering horrible visions which the diuells will set before them taking
maledictions and blasphemyes As I am meditating these vices I must consider what sinnes I haue committed in euery one of them making of them an humble confession in the presence of God Colloquie sayng vnto him I accuse myselfe o my God that I am full of pride that vvhatsoeuer I doe is vaine glorie my vvordes smell of boasting and my actions and desires are poysoned vvith ambition O that I had neuer fallen into such sinnes pardon mee o Lord and deliuer mee from them I will also reprehend myselfe with these reprehentions which are frequēt in holy scripture 1. Cor. 4.7 saying to myselfe O vile silly man vvhat hast thou that thou hast not receiued And if thou hast receiued vvhy doest thou glorie as if it vvere thine ovvne Art thou novv full Art thou novv riche VVouldst thou raigne alone as if thou hadst no neede of others If thou thinkest so beholde God vvill say vnto thee as hee sayde to another as proude Apo●al 3.17 thou arte blinde poore naked and miserable Blinde because thou knovvest not thyselfe Poore of vertues naked of good vvorkes and miserable vvith grieuous sinnes VVhy arte thou provvde dust and ashes Eccles 10.9 Eccles 25.3 VVhy art thou puffed vp vile vvorme Flye flye from pride for beeing poore and provvde thou shall bee abhorred by God The Second Point SEcondly I am to consider the terrible punishements that God hath inflicted Pro. 18.12 Mat. 23.12 Luc. 14.11 18 14. and doth inflict vpon some prowde men in this life and what hee will inflict vpon all of them in the other These chastizements are pointed at in that sentence so frequent in scripture He that exalteth himselfe shall bee humbled VVherein are included three terrible chastizements of the prowde to witte to depriue them of the excellencye they haue to denye them what they desire and in steede thereof to giue them basenesse and confusion which they feare which is verified in many sortes and may bee pondered by diuerse examples that haue happened Isa 14.12 The angells thorough pride lost the excellencies of grace and obtained not their preheminences in the seates of glorie but were cast from the empireall Heauen to the abisme of hell VVith this example I am to terrifie myselfe as Christe our Lord terrified his Apostles when they boasted that the diuells obeyed them saying vnto them Luc. 10.18 I savve Sathan as a lightning falle from Heauen As who should saye So shall you fall if you bee prowde For pride of angells maketh diuells and will make diuells of apostles I●ā 6.71 Thorough the like chastizements passed Adam Nabuchodnosor Cyrus Herod and others that desired to bee as God Gē 3.17 Dan. 4.28 Ezech. 28.6 Actuum 12.23 Ex. D. Ber. ser 54. in Cant. D. Greg. lib. 11. moral cap. 8. Orat. 17. de humil vana gloria Actuum 5.5 and gaue him not the glorie that is due vnto him 2 From hence I will ascende to ponder that the greatest chastizement that God in this life inflicteth vpon one sinne is for that cause to permitte many others and to take from them the speciall fauours of his Grace which should preserue them from them And in this manner he chastizeth pride which is the cause of those interiour drinesses discomforts and abandonings that happen vnto vs and thorough it God permitteth grieuous fallings into luxuries and infidelites Ananias and Saphira as S. Basile saieth for vaine glory solde their goods to bee accounted for perfect and for this God permitted them to retaine halfe the price for the which they died sodainely loosing with their life the honour they desired which strooke a greate feare into all the churche and should strike a feare into mee because the punishement of a fewe should bee a warning for manye And if I bee prowde I shall bee peraduenture one of these fewe punished vnlesse I amende 3 Then will I ponder how at the leaste I cannot escape from the terrible chastizements of the other life where all the prowde shall suffer speciall confusion with terrible shame to see themselues so contemned And those which here pretended the highest place shall there haue the lowest at the feete of Lucifer the king of the prowde yea and the Diuells themselues shall scoffe at him vsing for a mocke that of the prophet Isaias Isai 14.10 Et tu vulneratus es sicut nos nostri similis effectus es detracta est ad inferos superbia tua Thou also art vvounded euen as vve thovv art made like vnto vs in punishement as thou hast beene in sinne Thy pride is dravven dovvne to hell and to the deepest lakes thereof Then what greater madnesse can there bee then to seeke with pride that excellencye whose ende is eternall confusion Mat. 7.3 D. Bern. in Apologia ad Guilielmum Ab batem And what greater folly then for a glory which passeth like the winde to oblige mee to an ignominye that shall neuer haue ende O pride vvhat a greate beame art thou in the eye foolishly blinding it that it cannot see its ovvne Hurt O humble IESVS take from my eyes this greate beame that I fall not by reason of it into these so exceeding greate Losses The third Pointe 1. THe third pointe is to consider the greate good that I shall get if I mortifie pride and imbrace humilitie especially for the ende that I doe pretende which is to purifie my soule These benefits are comprehended in our sauiour Christes promise whē hee saide Mat. 23.12 Luc. 14.11 1● 14. He that humbleth himselfe shall bee exalted wherein hee setteth downe three greate benefits which hee doth to those that truely humble themselues freeing them from the miseries whereinto they haue fallen Preseruing in them the graces and excellencies that they haue receiued and exalting them a newe to others that are greater so that those which humble themselues with a contrite hearte for hauing sinned are exalted by Christe in the very same wherein they humble themselues for hee pardoneth them their sinnes putteth from them the punishements they deserued giueth them his grace and charitie exalteth them to the dignitie of the sonnes of God heareth their praiers and filleth them with greate giftes Iacob 4.6 3. Reg. 21.29 Luc. 18.10 For God resisteth the provvde and giueth grace to the humble King Achab because hee humbled himselfe before God was deliuered from the chastizement that was menaced vnto him The Publican was iustified for his humility the Pharisee being reproued for his Pride In like manner the iust humbling themselues are exalted by God in iustice itselfe augmenting vnto them sanctitye and the giftes of grace and the honour and glorye which thereby they doe meritte And hereupon saieth the vviseman Eccles 3.20 Luc 1.48 The greater thou art humble thy selfe in all things and thou shallt finde grace before God as our blessed lady the virgin did and was exalted to bee the mother of God and the sonne
of thy eternall in hell where the fiue senses as allready hath beene noted shall suffer incredible torments in chastizement of their vnbrideled appetites Therefore o my soule shut the dores and vvindovves of thy senses if thou vvillt not haue deathe disorder enter in thereat Stoppe and bridle thy mouthe that thyne ovvne tongue doe not kill thee Hedge in thy eares vvith Thornes that others mens tongues doe not pricke thee dravving from vvhat thou hearest sinnes of thyne ovvne The third Pointe THe third Pointe shall bee Mortification of the Senses to consider the greate good which the holy curbing and mortification of the the senses bringeth with it First for that besides shutting the dore against so many euills as haue bene spoken of it openeth it for the spirit of God to enter into the soule which willingly inhabiteth in soules mortified to the fleshe and to the delightes of the senses It likewise openeth it to let in the spirit of praier deuotion and contemplation for our Lord loueth to conuerse with soules that are inclosed gardens and there hee speaketh vnto their hearte conforting and communicating vnto them his giftes And for this cause when wee pray Math. 6.6 hee commaundeth vs to enter in to the closet of our hearte and to shut after vs the gate of our senses that nothing may enter in to disturbe our praier to interrupt the conuersation wee haue with our celestiall Father 2. Besides this the senses when they doe their actes according to the will of God which is the ende of their mortification are the dores and windowes whereby life entreth and what they seee and heare taste and speake aydeth them to obtain the spiritual life of grace and augmentation therof From whence I am to inferre what S. Ia●ob 3.11 Iames the apostle saithe That as a fountaine giueth not forth out of one hole sweete and sowre water so from the selfe same tongue ought not to procede blessing and cursing good wordes to blesse God and euill wordes to curse our neighbour but all ought to bee good wordes pleasing to God profitable to my neighbour and sweete to my owne conscience and in like manner in at the selfe same eyes and eares ought not to enter life and deathe but they ought allwaies to be shut to all that is an occasion of deathe and open to that which should giue mee life herein consisteth their true abnegation 3. To this I am to adde that the modestie and mortification of the senses is a signe and testimony of the interiour vertues it much edifieth our neighbours and casteth from it such a fragrancie that it filleth the house of the Churche Ex D. Ambr. lib 2. de virginibus and religion with good credit and renowne for as a good portall honoreth the house and giueth a desire to enter in to see what is within so the modestly and composing of the senses and exteriour membres is the most beautifull portall of vertue and a religious life making it so amiable that it prouoketh a desire to enter in to enjoy what interiourly is inclosed within it wherupon saide S. Ad Phil. 4.5 Paul That our modestie should bee manifest to all men for that God is nigh and present with vs and in the presence of so potent a king all wee his seruauntes ought to carrie our selues very modestly Finally the fiue senses shall receiue in heauen as afterward shall be seene particular crownes of glory with greate pleasure in rewarde of the mortification that they suffered on earthe And so with the hope of all these benefits I will encourage myselfe to mortyfie them with greate feruour I wil conclude this meditation with a sweete colloquye with our Lord Christ crucified pondering the mortification of his fiue senses which hee suffered on the Crosse The which on the one side was most holy casting forth resplendent rayes of admirable vertues and on the other side was most paineful with the mixture ofterrible dolours which hee suffered for the sinnes that I with my fiue senses committed And discoursing how his eyes were obscured with spittle his eares tormented with blasphemyes his smelling with the smell of mount Caluarye his taste with gall and vineger and his touching with VVhippes thornes and nailes beeing compassionate of all this I will say vnto him Colloquie It grieueth mee o svveete Sauiour for the sinnes that I vvith my fiue senses haue committed for the vvhich thine vvere so direfully tormented by the dolours vvhereof pardon I beseeche thee the many sinnes of mine With the blood that issued out of thy fiue precious vvoundes vvashe the staines that haue issued from these my fiue impostumated fountaines Cease novv o Lord their abhominable current and ayde mee vvith thy grace to destaine it that imitating the mortification that thou didst exerctze in thy life and sufferedst in thy deathe I may meritte to obtaine thy glorie Amen The XXVII Meditation vpon the Interiour Faculties of the Soule The first Pointe THe first pointe shall bee to consider the vices and sinnes that haue their particular seate in the vnderstanding and the hurtes that proceede therefrom examining that parte which appertaineth to mee in euery one of them which may in all bee reduced to seuen 1 The first is D. Th. 2.2 q. 77. ignorance of those things that I am obliged to knowe as are those which I ought to beleeue to aske to receiue and to doe which are included in the creede and praier of pater noster in the sacraments and in the commaundements of God and in the other obligations proper to euery mans estate and office for I can but ill accomplishe them not vnderstanding them And as S. 1. Corin. 14.38 Paul saieth if any man knowe not hee shall bee vnknowen God saying vnto him I knowe thee not VVith this vice ciphreth much the culpable forgetfullnesse of God and of his lawe and of such things as I may and ought to remember of which wee may likewise say that whosoeuer forgetteth shall bee forgotten for if I sinfully forget God and his things God willbee forgetfull of mee and mine 2 The second vice is Imprudence D. Tho. 2.2 q. 53. o● Precipitation VVante of consideration in those things that I haue to doe or say casting myselfe into them with violence of passion without first considering whither they bee lawfull or vnlawfull or without taking concerning them conuenient counsell From whence proceede innumerable errours and defectes in all the matters of vertue 3 The third Vice is Temeritie 2.2 q. 60. ar 3. in iudging the sayings and doings of my neighbours condemning them or supecting amisse of them without sufficient foundation wherein I doe iniurie to God our Lorde vsurping his authoritie and interposing myselfe to iudge that secret that is properto his tribunall I likewise doe iniurie to my neighbour condemning him without sufficient reason therefore and I doe hurt to myselfe for ordinarily I come to fall into that
gratefull vnto him for it with the greatest gratitude that possibly wee may applying herein the counsell of the wiseman Suffer not the good daye to passe Et particula boni doni non te praetereat Eccles 14.14 And let not so much as the least parcell of the good guift escape thee but make vse of the good lot that hath befallen thee For as wee much esteeme the leaste parte whatsoeuer of this sacrament for that whole Christe is therein so wee are to esteeme euery litle parte of the day and tyme that wee haue him with in vs seeing in eache parte therof hee his able to doe vs greate fauours if with a deuout and thankefull minde wee dispose ourselues to receiue them especially for that this sacrament as S. Dionisius saieth is the cōsummation De Eccles hi●rar cap. 3. D. Tho. 4. q. 65. art 3. fullfilling and perperfection of all the other and the most effectuall meanes that God hath giuen vs for our perfection And seeing wee haue him present to communicate it vnto vs it is reason to inlarge the vessell of our harte to receiue it To this ende wee are here to exercize with greatest feruour the three actes of thankes giuing that were set downe in the 34. meditation spending the tyme not so much in newe considerations seeing those that are set downe are sufficient as in newe affections and canticles of praise and thankes giuing in this forme ensuing The first Pointe 1. FIrst I am greately to quicken my faithe of the presence of this our lord that is with in me beholding the inuisible as if I did visibly beholde him and breifely pondering that hee is the same Lord of whome I conceiued so greate excellencies when I prepared myselfe to communicate And seeing where the king is there is the court I may imagine as S. Gregorie saieth that hee is Inuironned with thousandes of the courtiers of heauen Lib. 4. Dialogo cap. 58. in whose companie prostrate in spirtte before his feete and admiring that so greate a God is harboured in so humble a place I will breake out first into affections of humilitie of reuerence and of mine owne confusion sometymes saying with S. Peeter Departe from mee o Lord and goe forth from this wretched litle ship for I am a great sinner And sometymes with S. Luc. 5.8 Luc. 1.43 Psalm 8.2 Colloquie Elizabeth I will say vnto him whence is it to mee that my God and my Lord commeth to visite mee O eternall God vvhat is man that the ●art mindefull of him Or the sonne of man that thou visitest him Thou madest him lesse then the angells by beeing clothed vvith vile fleshe and commest thou from heauen accompanied vvith angells to harbour thyselfe vvithin him O our Lord and God hovv admirable is thy name thoroughout all the earthe seeing thou hast made it thy Habitation as vvell as heauen 2. In the Preface Isai 6.3 Then will I breake out into affections of praise and thankes-giuing vsing some canticles of the churche Sometyme I will say as the Seraphins Holy holy holy is the Lord God of hostes that hath humbled himselfe to dwell in this smoky cloudie temple of my soule Sometymes I will crie out with the Hebrewe children that accompanied Christe on Palme-sunday saying Math. 21.15 O king of Israel and Sauiour of the worlde blessed bee hee that that hath come from on high to visit mee I not knowing how to deserue it Daniel 3.52 Other sometymes with the three youthes that were in the furnace in Babilon I will inuite all creatures to praise our Lord for this fauour that hee hath donne mee 3. Or in imitation of this canticle I will make another inuiting to the same ende the nine quires of angells and the quires of the patriarkes and prophets of the apostles and euangelistes of the martirs and doctors bishops and confessours preistes and leuites virgins and widowes Colloquie and all the Sainctes in heauen in this forme May thy Angells Archangells and Principallities blesse thee o Lord may they praise and glorifie thee for euer May thy povvers Vertues and Dominations blesse praise and glorifie thee vvorlde vvithout ende May the Thrones Cherubins and Seraphins blesse thee praise thee c. Blesse our Lord o yee Patriarkes and Prophetes praise him and glorifie him for euer Blesse our Lord o yee Apostles and Euangelistes praise him c. And in this manner I may goe through all the sainctes Psalm 102.1 4. I may likewise with Dauid inuite all faculties and sences and all the cogitations and affections of my harte that all togither may assemble to adore and glorifie this our Lord for the parte that they all haue in this soueraigne benefit May my eies blesse thee o Lorde for they haue seene thee in this sacrament and my lippes for they haue touched thee Colloquis and my tongue and pallate for they haue tasted thee and my brest for hat it is thy habitation Psalm 34.10 and let all my bones say O Lord vvho is like vnto thee Let my memory budde forth thy praises my vnderstanding magnifie thee my vvill loue thee my appetites desire thee and let them all bee dissoued in thy presence singing the glorie of thy Comming The Second Pointe 1 Then am I to recall to my memory the Offices of Christ our lord and the endes that hee had in comming to visite mee beeing glad and iojfull to haue within mee my Redeemer my phisition my maister and all my good and with a greate affection I will spiritually embrace him with the armes of humilitie and charitie speaking that of the Canticles Cāt. 3.4 I haue founde him vvhome my soule loueth I vvill keepe him and not let him goe I will for no cause parte from his sweete Companie and for no labour Ad Gal. 4.26 nor tribulation will I leaue his amitie I will allwaies haue him with mee till hee cary mee to the house of my mother which is the caelestiall Hierusalem where I may enioye him with perfect security 2. Then like Dauid in the presence of this our lord I will powre forth my praier and set before him all my necessities and miseries recounting them as if hee knewe them not because hee delighteth to heare them beseeching him to doe his offices in remedying them seeing this was the ende of his comming and the comming of so greate a prince should not bee in vaine And therefore I may say vnto him I Colloquie o Lord am sicke of grieuous Infirmities and passions pride vvrathe sensuallitie and couetousnesse haue prostrated mee Thou art the Omnipotent phisition and hast come to my soule to cure mee cure mee according to thy povver and leaue mee vvhole say in this entraūce as thou saidest entring into the house of Zacheus Luc. 19.9 Hodie salus huic domui facta est this day saluation is made to this house And because thy saying is doing it shall bee as thou saiest I
and Puritye deliuer vs from Sinne and make vs meeke and chaste Amen And in imitation of her I will shut vp the Garden of my Bodye and Soule if God shall inspire mee therevnto vnder the locke of a Vowe and if in this manner I cannot locke it vp I will place for Garders those Vertues that garde Chastitye The Sixt Pointe SIxthly Of the Betrothing to S. Ioseph D. Tho. 3. p. q. 29. Mat. 1.18 Luc. 1.34 35. I am to consider how the time of the Incarnation approaching very neere the blessed VIRGIN our LADYE by reuelation from God was batrothed to a just man named Ioseph shee beeing certified that it should bee without perill of her Chastitye to the which shee readily obeyed Vpon the which I will ponder the causes why God our Lord would that his mother should bee despoused wherein hee discouereth the Prouidence hee hath of those that are his The first was to conceale the mystery of the Incarnation the Childe bearing of the VIRGIN vntill the full time Hee had likewise heerein a Care of the Honour of his Mother that they might not esteeme her as an Adulteresse As also that shee might haue one to sustaine and serue her in her Afflictions and to accompany her in her Peregrinations that her Sonne might haue a Tutour or Foster father to bring him vp and prouide for him And finally to haue occasion to magnifye S. Ioseph exalting him to such a Dignitye as to bee the Spouse of the Mother of God the Foster father of the Sonne of God O most louing Father Colloquie I giue thee thankes for the care thou hast of thy Children Seruants prouiding for their Honour for their Ease and sustentation preuenting in time the Remedye of what may molest them and seeking out Occasions to magnifye them Happy is hee that is vnder thy Wing and Protection Prouide for mee o Lord that am thy Creature that I may allwayes bee imployed in seruing thee seeing thou art allwayes imployed in gouerning mee Secondly I am to ponder in the VIRGIN the greate Faithe and Confidence that shee had in God that her Chastitye should not bee indaungered by her Mariage As also the greate Obedience that shee shewed in accepting this Estate which shee had so earnestly refused denying her owne will and resigning it to the Will of God Wherein I am to imitate her according to my Estate perswading myselfe that for my Obedience to God if I trust in him with a liuely Faithe I shall not loose Vertue nor Consolation nor any thing whatsoeuer in reason I can desier for my Saluation For God hath both Knowledge and Power to ioyne Virginity with Wedlocke Contemplation with Occupation and the Beautye of Rachel with the fruitefullnesse of Lia without receiuing any harme the one by the other The seuenth Pointe SEuenthly Of the feruent zeale wherewith shee desired the Incarnation I am to consider the feruent Desires the blessed VIRGIN had of the comming of God into the Worlde the which so much the more increased by how much the time of the Incarnation approached neerer the holy Spirit inspiring them into her whose propertye is when hee will graunt any thing to the elected to inspire into them liuely desires thereof that with their Desier with Praier they may dispose themselues to receiue it Besides this 2 Cor. 5.14 the VIRGIN was sollicited by her owne Charitye with the two most noble Actes thereof Loue of God and of our neighbour zeale of the Glorye of God and of the Saluation of Soules for as shee very much loued God shee desired to see him allreadye made man the better to knowe his Greatenesses to beholde his meruailous Workes and to conuerse familiarly with him Then vsed shee vnto him that of the Canticles Cant. 8.1 VVho shall giae to me thee my Brother sucking the Breastes of my mother that I may finde thee without and kisse thee and now no man dispise mee I will take holde of thee and bring thee into my Mothers howse there thou shallt teache mee and I will giue thee a cuppe of spiced wine and new wine of my Pomegranates O how happy were I if I might see thee allreadye in humane fleshe sucking at the breastes of some Woman and might finde thee out of thy Heauen conuersing visibly with men vpon Earthe that I might giue and receiue of thee the kisse of Peace Then would I procure to conuerse with thee and to heare thy Doctrine in this Temple and to inuite thee to what thou most of all desirest giuing thee my whole Loue with many Affections and Actes of Charitye Hereunto was added that her feruent zeale did eate her vp seeing the offences against God and the perdition of men and therefore with many and greate Gronings and Praiers desiring of God to come to their Remedye shee repeated with greate Affection the praiers of Dauid and of Isaias which the Church vseth in the Aduent Psal 79.3 84.8 Isa 64.1 45.8 saying vnto allmighty God Raise o Lord thy might and come to saue vs Shewe vs thy mercye and giue vs thy Saluation O that thou wouldest breake the Heauens and descende Drop dewe ye Heauens from aboue and let the clowdes raigne the Iust Be the Earthe opened and bud forth a Sauiour Finally the Praiers of the blessed VIRGIN preuailed so much with God our Lorde that though the Worlde were so wicked as soone after wee shall see and that mankinde no wayes merited this fauour shee only counterpeised the Demerits of all and with her merits and Praiers was a meane that the Sonne of God hastened his Incarnation without making any accoumpt of the Indignitye of the Worlde O meruailous efficacye of the Praier of the VIRGIN I rejoice o blessed LADYE Colloquie that thou wast so powerfull with God as to make him mende his pace and hasten his comming beseeche him also to make haste to come to visit mee and that I may bee worthy of his visitation Inuocate the Diuine Spirit to inspire mee with feruerous Desires thereof Amen The fifth Meditation Of the time that God chose to annuntiate and execute the Mysteries of the Incarnation THree times might our Lord God haue made choise of D. Th. 3. p. q. 1. ar 5. 6. to execute the Decree of his Incarnation The first was in the beginning of the Worlde assoone as Adam had sinned The second in the middle of it Continuance Abac. 3.2 which the Prophet Abacuch calleth In the midle of yeares The third about the ende But the Diuine Wisdome made choise of the first time to promise this mysterie as concerning the Remedye of Sinne of the second to execute it And of all the rest to gather the copious fruites that from it were to spring ordaining it thus for our Good for the Causes that in the ensuing pointes shall bee pondered The first Pointe FIrst D. Th. 2.2 q. 2. ar 7. ex Gen. 3. I am to
the signes to knowe that thou art borne spiritually within me Ex D. Berser 4. de Resurr are Innocency of an Infant in Life Silence in Tongue Pouertye in Habit and Humillitye in choosing to myselfe that vhich is most vile and contemptible on Earthe Imprint them o my Sauiour in my Soule that it may be like vnto thee that thou maiest be pleased to be borne and to inhabite therein The third Pointe ANd while the Angell was telling this to the Shepheardes Luc. 2.13 sodainely there was with him a multitude of the Heauenly armye praising God and saying Glory in the highest to God and in Earthe peace to men of goodwill Vpon this pointe I am to consider who sent these Angells and to what ende and the Hymne or Canticle which they repeate He that sendeth them is the eternall Father to honour his Sonne who was so humbled for his Loue for he had allwaies a care to exalt him when he humbled himselfe and that the Angells likewise might instruct men by their example what they are to doe in this case I humbly thanke thee Colloquie o eternall Father for this care that thou hast to honour him that humbleth himselfe VVell hath he merited that thou shouldst honour him seeing he hath humbled himselfe to honour thee And seeing it is iust that I should honour praise him teache me to sing this Hymne of the Angells with the same spirit that they sang it Gloria in Altissimis Deo Glorye in the Highest to God Luc. 2.14 In these wordes the Angells teache vs that all this worke of the Incarnation is the Glorye of God in a supreame excellencye so that none of his workes is so glorious vnto him as this for the which he meriteth to be praised by all such as professe Highnesse of Life and in Heauen for this hee is especially glorified and reason would he should be so heere on Earthe seeing for this cause it is full of the glorye of God as the Seraphines saide Isa 6.2 when the Prophet Isaias sawe the glorye of this our Lorde O king of glorye lift vp my Hearte to the highest that I may glorifye thy name on Earthe Colloquie Ioa. 12.41 1 Cor. 10.31 as the Angells doe glorifye it in Heauen VVhatsoeuer I shall doe or say let it be to thy glorye without seeking my owne and from my mouthe shall neuer departe this worde Glorye be to God three and one-Glorye to the Father and to the Sonne and to the Holy Ghoste Glorye to the Father for that he gaue me his Sonne Glory to the Sonne for that he became man for my redemption and glory to the Holy Ghoste from whose Loue this VVorke did proceede Et in terra Pax. And in Earthe peace which is to saye Luc. 2.14 By this notable worke commeth Peace to the inhabitantes of the Earthe and not a peace limited but very compleate Peace with God and with Angells Peace to euery one with himselfe and with all other men for this Sauiour bringeth Reconciliation of the worlde to his Father the Remission of Sinnes Victory ouer the Deuills Subiection of the fleshe to the Spirit Vnion and Concord of willes one with another and with God from whence proceedeth Alacritye of Conscience Phil. 4.7 and that Peace which passeth all Vnderstanding O Prince of Peace seeing it is written that in thy dayes Iustice should be borne Colloquie and Abundance of Peace till the moone should haue an ende Psal 71.7 I humbly beseeche thee to take from me all worldely mutabillitye and to fortifye mee with diuine Sanctitye and Peace Hominibus bonae Voluntatis To men of good will Luc. 2.14 In this third worde we are to ponder that allbeeit Peace originally springeth from the good will that God beareth vs with the which he offereth it vnto all men yet in effect they only enjoye it that haue good Will well intentioned conformable to the Will of God and subject to his diuine Lawe So that Peace is not promised to men for beeing of good Vnderstanding or sharpe wit neither for greate abillities nor notable talents and naturall partes for with all these things there may be much Warre and Discorde and Enmitye with God whereas if all these should faile me yet Peace shall not be failing vnto me if I haue good Will And therefore I am to make more account thereof then of all the rest Hom. 5. in Euang. for as S. Gregory sayeth Nihil ditius bona voluntate There is nothing more riche more amiable nor more peaceable then good Will As contrarily there is nothing more miserable more full of Disturbance and of Horrour then euill Will And therefore with greate feruencye I am to beg of the Sauiour that is borne that hee will deliuer me from the euill and giue me the good seeing it lyeth in his Gift Heerepon another Text sayeth Hominibus bona voluntas Bee good Will vnto men O most sweete Sauiour Colloquie giue me this good VVill which thou offerest vs that I may denye my owne VVill Rom. 12.1 and may followe thine good pleasing and most perfect seeing thine is the beginning of all good and mine left to it owne free will the roote of all euill The fourth Pointe THe Angells hauing been a while with the Shepheardes retourned to Heauen and we may piously beleeue that they went by the Inne of Bethlehem without any sensible noise and that there they renewed their Song so that the blessed VIRGIN and S. Ioseph might heare it and adore the Childe newe borne with greater reuerence as their God and their king O what content receiued the blessed VIRGIN with this Musicke and how thankefull was shee to the eternall Father for the honour he did to his Sonne and how Ioyfull to beholde so greate an Hoste of Angells and how confirmed in Faithe calling to mynd that which is written Heb. 5.6 Let all his Angells adore him I o my God adore thee with them Colloquie and with them I sing Gloria in this poore maunger of thine and I desire that all the VVorlde may sing it vnto thee in thy Church that by all thou maiest be glorified worlde without ende Amen The ninetenth Meditation Of the going of the Shepheardes to Bethlehem and what there happened vnto them and all the rest vnto the Circumcision The first Pointe THe Angells being departed Luc. 2.15 the Shepheardes exhorted one another saying Let vs goe ouer to Bethlehem and let vs see with our eyes this worde that is donne which our Lorde hath shewed to vs. And they came with speede and they founde MARIE and Ioseph and the Infant layed in the Manger Where I am to ponder first how the Shepheardes forgot not this reuelation but charitably animated one another to this iourney for that the Inspirations and Commaundements of God are not to be forgotten but executed exhorting vs with wordes examples to the Accomplishment heereof Ezech. 3.13
wherewith he moueth teacheth me to circumcize and cut of all my Superfluities in Pampering Honour Rem 2.28 Colos 2.11 and commodities of the fleshe mortifying my disordinate Vices and Affections to accomplish the Lawe of God yea if neede were therefore to shed my blood for in this manner is the true Spirit obtained Serm. 10. And in this sence saide an holy man as S. Dorotheus reporteth Da sanguinem accipe Spiritum Giue blood and thou shalt receiue Spirit for the perfection of the Spirit is not obtained but with the coste of blood mortifying and circumcizing all the affections of fleshe blood Besides this I am willingly to suffer others to circumcize me and to ayde mee to take away these superfluities whither they doe it with a good intention or with an euill intention to to doe me disgrace suffering them with Patience to circumcize and cut of from me some of my Delicacye my Honour and Commoditye although it be with the shedding of my blood for as S. Heb. 12.1 Paul saide It maketh not much who fighteth against sinne when he commeth not to resist it vnto blood as our Sauiour Christ did Vnto whome I am to say Exo. 4.25 Sponsus sanguinis tu mihi es My beloued thou art to me a Spouse of blood for for thy sake I will suffer with a good will any Circumcision or mortification that may happen though it be to the shedding of my blood for thee To this ende it will helpe me to consider that our Sauiour Christ shed his precious blood in three places and by the handes of three sortes of persons First in Circumcision by the minister of God that did it to a holy ende Secondly in the Garden by himselfe with the consideration of the Afflictions of his Passion which made him to sweate blood Thirdly in the house of Pilate and on mount Caluary by the hande of the Tormentors and ministers of Sathan And all this that I may perswade myselfe that I am likewise to be prepared to shed my blood and to suffer in these three sortes First subjecting myselfe to what the ministers of God shall ordaine although it be to the cutting of and circumcizing what I most loue Secondly I being the Tormentor of myselfe mouing myselfe with such Consideration to workes of Penance and mortification chastizing my fleshe and depriuing myselfe of whatsoeuer hindereth me in the Seruice of God though it greiueth me neuer so much Thirdly suffering those Dolours and Afflictions which happen vnto me by the handes of my enemies though they doe it with a damnable intent O good IESVS Colloqui● by that blood which thou shedst vpon these three occasions I beseeche thee encourage my hearte that if neede be it may offer itselfe to shed it blood vpon the like occasions And seeing it hath so much to circumcize which selfe Loue detaineth it from doing circumcize it o Lord by thy owne hande and lay a plot that others may circumcize it that there may remaine in it no superfluous thing that may be displeasing to thy diuine maiestie Of this shedding of blood which happened in the Circumcision there may be made another very deuoute meditation in that forme that shall be set downe in the fourth parte concerning the blood that our Sauiour Christ shed in his passion The XXI Meditation Luc. 2.21 D. Th. 3. p. q. 37. ar 2 Of Imposing vpon our Sauiour the name of IESVS The first Pointe FIrst I am to consider who Imposeth this name vpon the Childe and for what cause and how he accepteth it Pondering how the principall giuer of this name was not the VIRgin nor S. Ioseph nor the Angell but the eternall Father for the excellencye of this Childe is so greate that no Creature neither of Earthe nor of Heauen was able of himselfe to giue him a name befitting him but only his eternall Father who knewe him and knewe the ende wherefore he was Incarnate and what office he was to execute as he was man And for this cause among many names that he might haue giuen him he would haue him called IESVS which is to say a Sauiour For his comming into the Worlde was principally to saue vs and this was his Office And albeit others had this name yet they were but figures and shadowes of this Soueraigne Childe who with full mouthe and thorough his excellencye deserueth to be called IESVS Sauiour and Deliuerer not only of bodyes but also of Soules which he doeth with three admirable excellencyes First for that he deliuereth vs from all kinde of euills of Ignorances and Errours of Sinnes and of Punishments aswell temporall as eternall So that there is no euill so greate from the which this Sauiour is not able to deliuer vs. Secondly for that he not only deliuereth vs from euill but also graunteth vs most excellent good that our Healthe and Saluation might be most abundant and perfect and therefore hee communicateth vnto vs celestiall grace and Wisdome the Vertues and Giftes of the holy Ghoste with abundance of merits to gaine the crowne of glorye vntill we enter euen into the lande of promise not as IESVS the Sonne of Nun Deut. 31.7.20 into the lande that floweth with the milke and honye of temporall Delicacies which recreate the bodye but into the Lande that floweth the milke and honye of eternall Delicacyes which recreate and fill the Soule without ende The third excellencye is in the manner of sauing vs by reason of which this name of IESVS could not agtee with him that was only God nor only man nor to any of all the Angells that are created but only to Christe whose properly it is by reason of his being true God and true man for being man alone he could not saue vs being God alone he might haue saued vs meerely by his mercye but as God and man he saueth vs also with the rigour of Iustice gaining by the Speares pointe and by his owne merits the Saluation signified by his name Isa 63.1 And therefore this our Lord being asked who he was aunswered Ego qui loquor Iustitiam qui propugnator sum adisaluandum I that speake Iustice and am a defendor to saue O most sweete IESVS Colloquie happy may be vnto thee this name so glorious which is giuen thee this daye I reioice that it is not an emptye name nor a name of Shadowe as others haue had it but a name full of truthe and of all perfection Reioice o my Soule with the excellencies of this so soueraigne a Sauiour and say with the Prophet I will ioye in our Lord Abac. 3.18 and will reioice in God my IESVS and my Sauiour for he is my fortitude he will giue me feete like a Stagge to runne away from Sinne and as a Conquerour he will exalt me aboue the Heauens with his Saintas with whome I may praise him with Hymnes and with Psalmes worlde without ende Amen I may likewise ponder how our
Prophets that might knowe him and manifest him as he made Zacharias and Elizabeth Prophets to manifest him before he was borne to this ende he layed his hande vpon Simeon preparing him for his office with those admirable Vertues recounted by the Euangelist saying first that he was a iust man and religious fearing God and puntuall in the obseruation of the whole lawe without admitting any breache thereof for no man is saide to feare but he that auoydeth the leaste sinnes of all according to that saying of the wiseman He that feareth God Eccl. 7.19 Nihil negligit despiseth nothing by making small accoumpt thereof Secondly that he had greate hope and therewith feruent desires of the comming of Christ for the saluation of his people And thirdly he joyned thereunto feruent and continuall praiers earnestly requiring this comming and that hee might be worthy to enjoy it In this manner he spent his life and with these Vertues he made himselfe worthy to be the habitation of the holy spirit From whence I will collect that greate puritye and Sanctitye of life giue a man greate confidence to aske and desire greate things at Gods handes Exod. 33.18 Cant. 1.6 like Moyses when he saide vnto God Shewe me thy glorye and discouer thy face vnto mee And like the Spouse in the Canticles Tell me o thou whome my Soule loueth where thou feedest thy flocke and where thou reposest at noone daye And like this holy olde man who desired to beholde the Messias with his eyes obtained it for as S. Bernard saieth Serm. 32. in Cant. Greate faithe meriteth greate things and the farther thou stretchest thy foote of Confidence into the benefits of our Lorde the greater thou shalt obtaine of his liberall hande Secondly I will ponder how the holy Spirit who doeth the will of those that feare him and heareth the desires of the poore that loue him would consolate and rewarde this holy olde man aunswering to his petitions with an excellent promise that he should see Christ before his Deathe that we might vnderstand what a happinesse it is to knowe how to treate with the holy Ghoste and to haue him within vs withfullnesse of grace For he himselfe as S. Paul saieth requesteth in vs and for vs Rom. 8. with gronings vnspeakeable giuing vs assurances that the praier which proceedeth from him shall be heard and dispatched in conuenient time albeit the accomplishment thereof be somewhat delayed as it happened to holy Simeon Daniel 10.2 for God will haue vs to be vnwearied with hoping in this manner to dispose ourselues to receiue what we hope for Thirdly I will ponder how that which is promised to all the Iust after their deathe is sometimes graunted in parte to such as are very deuoute before their Deathe that is to beholde Christ in this life with the eye of Contemplation Matt. 5.8 Exod. 33.20 D. Aug. in Soliloq c. 1 fullfilling heerein vnto them that promise which saieth Blessed are the cleane of Hearte for they shall see God O eternall God which saidest No man can see me and liue Moriar vt te videam videam vt hic moriar May I die to beholde thee and may I beholde thee that I may die may I beholde thee in this life by contemplation that I may die to myselfe with perfect mortification and may I die this happy deathe that I may afterwardes beholde thee in thy soueraigne Glorye Amen The Second Pointe THe same day that the blessed VIRGIN carried her Sonne to the Temple Luc. 2.27 holy Simeon inspired and moued by the holy Ghoste went likewise thither and seeing them enter he knewe by the light of Heauen that that Childe was Christ and taking him in his armes he blessed God and saide Now thou doest dismisse thy Seruant o Lord according to thy worde in peace because mine eyes haue seene thy Saluation c. Heere I will consider first the Fidellitye and Liberallitye of the Spirit in fullfilling his worde and consolating this iust man giuing him more then he promised him He promised him that he should see Christ and he giueth him leaue to take him in his armes to embrace and kisse him and very louingly to vnite him to himselfe for as the Apostle sayed Eph. 3.20 God is powerfull to doe all things more abundantly then we desire or vnderstande wherewith I am to animate myselfe earnestly to serue this our Lord who is large in promising but much more liberall in accomplishing what hee promiseth if there be faithe in him that receiueth it But applying this to what now passeth I will consider that as when as the blessed VIRGIN entred into the Temple albeit there where there present many persons of all estates and Conditions as learned men Preistes noble men and Plebeyans only to Simeon God opened his eyes with his celestiall light that he might knowe him in rewarde of his good life and of the Spirit wherewith he came to the Temple the rest making no difference betweene that Childe and others because exteriourly he differed not from them so likewise now among many that come vnto the Church there are but fewe that knowe with celestiall light the presence of IESVS in the blessed Sacrament and adore him with Deuotion meriting to receiue him in their heartes and with ioye to be partakers of his giftes For albeit our Sauiour Christ desireth to giue himselfe to be knowen of all men yet fewe dispose themselues like Simeon that he may accomplish his desire in them O my Soule come in Spirit to the Temple where IESVS is that thou mayest enioy his happy sight Colloquie and mayest embrace him with the armes of his sweete Loue. Secondly I will ponder the greate alacritye of this holy man and the abundance of ioye that he receiued with the beholding touching of that holy babe and the greate fullnesse that his Soule receiued acknowledging himselfe well rewarded for all the Afflictions passed in the long life that he had liued And as it seemed vnto him that he had no more to desier nor no more to see in this life hauing seene the Sauiour he conuerted all that was in him to glorifye God and to praise him for this fauour protesting that now he should dye in peace whensoeuer it was Gods pleasure O my Soule Colloquie seeke the eminent knowledge of IESVS with the which thou shalt esteeme all that is created as dung Phil. 3 8. that thou mayest gaine Christ in whome thou shal s haue whatsoeuer thou canst desier If thou beholdest him with a liuely faithe what more wilt thou beholde If thou embracest him with strict Charitye what more wouldest thou possesse And if he be thine what can be wanting vnto thee Graunt me o good IESVS by the merits of this Sainct some raye of that light which thou gauest him on this daye that I may knowe thee and loue thee as he knewe and loued thee for ouer and euer Amen
Angell Gardian may bee alledged that hee comply with the Office hee holdeth to present our praiers vnto God and to procure a good dispatche of them and that his honour is interessed in our beeing good and hauing a happy issue of our pretention of Heauen and that seeing the Deuill sleepeth not to tempt vs that hee sleepe not but bee watchfull to defende vs. After this sorte wee may speake to the rest of the Sainctes that shall offer themselues in the matter of meditation or to whome wee are deuoted rather to stirre vp deuotion in ourselues then to moue them thereby for as they loue vs and desire our Saluation they are very much inclined to sollicite it Of the Vertues that accompany Mentall Praier and of their Excellencies §. 3. BY what hath beene deliuered in the two precedent paragraphes it followeth how excellent a thing Mentall Praier is wherein are exercized so many Lib. 2. de orando Deo ad finém and so heroycall Actes of the most principall Vertues that are in Christian life For the which S. Iohn Chrysostome saide with very greate reason That as when a Queene entreth into a Citty there enter with her in her Company many Ladyes Noblemen of the Courte beside her Garde and Innumerable People that followe her so when Praier entreth into the Soule there enter with her all the Vertues accompanying the Spirit of Praier Some Vertues goe before preparing the waye and disposing the Soule to pray as it ought as are Faithe Humillitye Reuerence and Puritye of Intention and others which hereafter wee shall speake of according to that saying of the VViseman Eccles 18 ●3 Before Praier prepare thy Soule and bee not as a man that tempteth God Other Vertues goe side by side with her as are Charitye Religion and Deuotion and VVisesedome and those other guiftes of the holy Ghost which illuminate the Vnderstanding and ayde meruailously to Praier as in the 27. meditation of the fifth parte of this woorke shall bee seene Innumerable other Vertues followe after her as are feruent Desiers and Purposes of all that is good in matter of Obedience and Patience of Temperance Modestye Chastitye and the rest And aswell the one as the other inweaue themselues with Praier and among themselues exercize diuerse Actes that are an Ornament and Decking the one of the other for Humillitye ioyneth herselfe with Confidence and Charitye D. Chri. lib. 2. de orando ● Deo Homil. in Psal 4. Nilus ca. 13. de oratione Climacus gradu 28 Charitye with Religion and Thankesgiuing Religion with Obedience and Resignation and thus with a celestiall and diuine Consort they make a musicke of many voices VVhereupon many holy Fathers say That Praier maketh men like Angells not onely for that it is a VVorke of the superiour faculties wherein men are like them but for that it communicateth vnto men an Angelicall life full of puritye and Sanctitye By Praier when it is perfect they participate the ardent Loue of the Seraphins the fullnesse of knowledge of the Cherubins the peace and quietnesse of the Thrones the rule ouer themselues of the Dominations the power against Diuells of the Povvers the Magnanimity for meruailous thinges of the Vertues the discretion in gouernment of the Principallities the Fortitude in difficult and hard things of the Archangells and the Obedience in all things of the Angells and finally the VVisdome Chastitye and Cleane-nesse of the celestiall Spirites For there can bee nothing saithe S. Chrysostome more wise nor more just nor more holy then a man that speaketh to God as it is meete for him from whome hee receiueth most aboundantly those g●●●●es and graces wherein consisteth true VVisdome and perfect Iustice and Sanctitye The reason hereof is because as our Lord is very courteous and gentle and Inspireth vs to pray hee speaketh to vs when wee speake to him and conuerseth familiarly with those that enter into theire heart to treate and conuerse with him and the conuersation and speache of God is not of wordes alone but of workes Serm. 45. in Cantica for as S. Bernard saieth Locutio verbi est infusio doni For God to speake is to communicate guiftes infusing his Graces and Vertues vpon them to whome hee speaketh filling them with that spirituall joy that cannot bee expressed with that peace that passeth all Vnderstanding 1. Petr. 1.8 Ad Phil. 4.7 Psal 84.9 And hereupon saide Dauid I will heare what our Lord God will speake in mee because hee will speake peace vpon his People vpon his Saintes and vpon them that are conuerted to the Heart Hereupon it is that in Praier wee are in such sorte to speake vnto God that wee bee attentiue to hearken and to heare what hee speaketh vnto vs by his Inspirations to obey them and to dispose ourselues to receiue those guiftes which thereby hee pretendeth to communicate vnto vs as wee shall see in the second parte in the 26. meditation By what hath beene saide appeareth the excellencye and necessitye of mentall Praier of the which Cassianus saith Colla. 9. c. 1. That it hath such a connexion with all Vertues that neither they can bee perfectly obtained nor conserued without Praier nor perfect Praier bee obtained without them for it saith hee is the ende of all and to it are directed all the Labour and Trauell wee take to gaine them Forasmuch as Praier whereof wee here treate in its perfect degree embraceth vnion with God by the mean 〈◊〉 actuall knowledge and Loue with greate Ioye in possessing him Gradu 28. From whence it ariseth that God as S. Iohn Climacus sayeth in Praier payeth in readye mony a hundreth times double of that which is left or laboured for his cause besides greate pledges of the last rewarde that is to bee giuen in the life euerlasting Many things I might say of this Soueraigne Vertue which I omitte because this booke is written for those that desire to exercise it in respect of the greate estimation they holde of it And in the Prologues and Introductions to euery one of the sixe partes of this booke some thinge shall bee spoken to discouer the excellencye of this soueraigne exercise and the good that proceedeth of it Of the matter of Mentall Praier for Meditation §. 4. THE matter of Mentall Praier wherein the three Faculties of the Soule especially the Vnderstanding are to exercize their Actes is all that which God hath reuealed in the Diuine Scripture especially the principall mysteries of our Faithe which therein are most expressed and recommended These mysteries may bee reduced in generall to three Orders Ex D. Dionys cap. 3. de Eccles Hierar cap. 5. P. Ignatius in annot annotatio 10. Iacob 4.8 Psal 33.6 accomodated to the diuerse Estates of those that meditate among the which some are sinners that desire to get out of their Sinnes or young Principiants or beginners that desire to mortifye the Vices and Passions of
the benefits which hee had donne to his Soule and to his People Some with a spirit of Contrition to aske him pardon of his Sinnes and other some with a spirit of Affliction joyned with greate Confidence to Implore his ayde in Tribulations And therefore to ruminate them or to say them with proffit wee must clothe ourselues as Cassianus aduertiseth with the same spirit wherewith they were spoken Collat. 10 cap. 10. as if wee ourselues had made them to the same ende And euen Experience teacheth vs that hee that feeleth himselfe cheerefull for the benefits receiued from God sayeth with Deuotion the Psalmes of Ioy as are Benedic anima mea Domino omnia quae intra me sunt nomini sancto eius c. Laudate Dominum de caelis c. And at such time hee findeth not so much juice in the Psalme of Miserere mei Deus And contrarily hee that is afflicted with his Sinnes sayeth with Deuotion the Psalme of Miserere mei and applyeth not himselfe then to the Psalmes of Ioye VVhich wee are to consider that wee may choose for matter of meditation those wordes and Praiers which accord with that Spirit which wee feele and with the ende that wee pretende This second forme of Praying is most proper to those that walke in the Illuminatiue way pretending the knowledge and Vnderstanding of the Verities of Faithe so to encrease in Spirit and of this wee will set downe the practise in the second and third parte meditating in this sorte vpon the Salutation of the Angell vpon the Song of the Virgin vpon the Praier of the Pater noster and vpon certaine Sentences and Praiers of our Lord Christe vpon whose wordes wee will alwaies medltate with more attention because as the Spouse saide His Lippes are distilling the first Mirrhe Cant. 5.13 Ioan. 6.68 Ibidem 63. that is they teache most excellent Vertue the first and most surpassing of all other and as S. Peter saide His wordes are the VVordes of eternall life and our Lord himselfe saieth That his wordes were Spirit Life And therefore whosoeuer meditateth them as is fitting hee shall drawe out aboundance of Spirit and most pure life of Grace by the which hee may bee worthy of life euerlasting 3. The third forme of Praying is by way of Aspirations and Affections which aunswere to the respirations of the bodye procuring that betweene Respiration and Respiration there may breathe out from the inward parte of our Soule some holy Affection or some Groning of the Spirit or some short Praier of those which wee call Iaculatorye spending the whole time that is betweene one respiration and another in the Pondering or Vnderstanding and Spirituall Taste of what wee desire or aske or of the thing for the which wee grone and sigh vnto God This forme is most accomodated to those that walke in the Vnitiue waye aspiring and thirsting for Actuall Vnion with God and with this desire they labour to pray with the greatest continuation and frequencye that they can for Praier is as necessarye for the perfect spirituall life of the Soule as respiration is for the life of the Bodye according to that of Dauid which sayeth Psal 118 131. I opened my mouthe and drevv breath because I desired thy Commaundements And in testimonye heereof as often as they open their mouthe to breathe so often would they praye And now seeing this is not possible thorough our Imbecillitye they take at certaine times some space for this exercize frequenting in this forte the Iaculatory Praiers whereof wee will presently speake casting them vp to Heauen like Dartes or Arrowes which are shotte from the Hearte as from a Bowe with vehement Affection of Loue. Of Contemplation and of the manner how some may vse Mentall Praier without manifoldnesse of Discourse §. 10. BY what hitherto hath beene saide the ordinary formes that are to bee vsed in Mentall Praier are declared which are accomodated to all fortes of Persons that desire to treate with God though all goe not after one manner For some in their Praier haue more discourse and lesse affection others contrarily content themselues with litle discourse and busye themselues most in affections And others haue neede of no more but a single sight of the Truthe and therewith they are moued to all the Actes of Deuotion that haue beene rehearsed and these enjoy that which wee call Contemplation Ex D. Tho. 2.2 q. 180. art 3. which as S. Thomas saieth is a single Viewe of the eternall Veritye without variety of Discourses penetrating it with the Light of Heauen with greate Affections of Admiration and Loue vnto the which ordinarily no man arriueth but by much exercize of meditation discourse In such manner as a VVoman when shee intendeth to marrye with a man spendeth many daies in asking and certifying her selfe what hee is Inquiring of his linage wealthe Condition Healthe Affabilitye Discretion Vertue and other partes discoursing and thinking much vpon them and finding him to bee to her liking shee is content to loue him and takes him for her Spouse but afterwardes when she hath knowen him and taken him for her Husband shee needeth make no newe Discourses but with onely seeing him or remembring him or hearing his name she loueth him and desireth to giue him Content and to bee allwayes in his Companye The like passeth with a Scholler that would make choise of some newe master or with a Seruaunt that intendeth to take a newe Lorde or with one freinde that desireth to make a newe and strict league of Freindship with another Euen in like sorte Principiants in Vertue in the Exercise of Praier had neede to spende much time in meditations and Discourses inquiring what and who God is who is Christe our Sauiour his perfections and Vertues and his meruailous workes mouing themselues with these Considerations to loue him and to take him for their master for their Lorde for their freinde and Spouse of their Soules But after they are much exercised and practized herein it hapneth oftentimes that a single viewe or remembraunce of God without newe discourses is enough to inflame them in his Loue and in the other affections aforesaide Yea there are some that with onely hearing the name of IESVS or Father or with hearing the name of Mortall sinne Hell or Heauen penetrate in a moment what is comprehended therein with greate Assections of Loue or Sorrowe True it is that as our Vnderstanding layeth not much holde on things that it perceiueth not with the Senses it easily looseth the estimation of spirituall and diuine things and forgetteth them and so hath neede often to renewe those meditations and Discourses which it made at the first for otherwise it will finde itselfe much distracted and drye vnlesse it bee when as our Lord by speciall fauour will without them giue light and knowledge enough to inkindle the Affections of Loue communicating the grace of Contemplation By what hath beene saide
this connexion and vveeding out from mee this disordinate Loue that I may loue thee and serue thee vvith all my Hearte and vvith all my Povvers For thou art my Loue and my repose to vvhome bee Honour and Glorye vvorlde vvithout ende Amen The matter of these three pointes shall bee handlest more at large in the sixth parte The fourthe Pointe FRom these same Principles I am to drawe another practike Conclusion as the foundation of the Purgatiue VVaye that is to saye that I am to detest Sinne aboue all the most detestable things of the VVorlde for that mortall Sinne onely is contrarye to my finall ende and by it onely is it lost So that neither Pouertye nor Infamie nor Dishonour nor Dolour nor Infirmitye nor Basenesse of Parentage nor Rudenesse of VVitte nor VVant of naturall Sciences nor all the other miseries of the VVorlde are directly contrary to my finall ende nor shall I loose it for them but onely for mortall Sinne by the which as much as lyeth in mee I destroye the true finall ende which is God denying him Ad Titū 1.16 Ad Phili. 3.19 Ad Ephe. 5.5 as S. Paul sayeth by any workes I faine another finall ende to myselfe which is the Creature which I take for God And hereupon saithe the same Apostle That Gloutons holde their Belly for their God Prowde men their Glorye and Couetous men make an Idoll of their money This Veritye shal bee considered in the Meditations ensuing to moue vs to the abhorring of so greate an euill as Sinne is and to purifye ourselues thereof with greate care The second Meditation of the greiuousnesse of Sinne by the Examples of the Sinne of the Angells of Adam and other Particulars THE ende of this meditation is to knowe by Examples the greiuousnesse of Sinne to abhorre it and the terriblenesse of Gods Iustice in chastizing it to feare him and to appease him with Penance and the Instabillity of man in good to knowe his weakenesse and not to trust to himselfe but to humble himselfe before God And all this I am to begge of our Lord at my entrance to meditation beseeching him to Illustrate with his diuine Light my Vnderstanding to knowe it to mooue my VVill to haue a feeling of it with greate Affections of Contrition and to ayde mee that I may bee warned by others harmes before the Chastizement light vpon myne owne Heade And that this meditation those which followe may make the deeper Impression in the Soule I am to forme first in my Imagination Daniel 7 9. a figure of Christe IESVS our Lord as of a Iudge seated vpon his Tribunall to Iudgement with a seuere Countenance from whose Throne issueth out a riuer of fier to burne Sinners and I will imagine myselfe before him like a deepe heynous Offender bounde with the Fetters and Chaines of innumerable Sinnes fearing and trembling like one that deserueth to bee condemned and burnt with that terrible fier The first Pointe D. Tho. 1 p. q. 63. Isaia 14 12. Luc. 10.13 2. Petr. 2 4. Apocal. 12.9 THe first Pointe is to call to minde the Sinne of the Angells who were created by God in the Empyreal Heauen replenished with VVisdome Grace but abusing their Frewill they grewe prowd against their Creator for the which they were throwne out of Heauen cast into Hell loosing for euer the ende blessednesse for the which they were created 1. Vpon this Veritie taught vs by the Catholike Faithe I may discourse pondering three things First how Liberal God was to the Angells creating them according to his owne Image Likenesse communicating vnto them without any merit of theirs most excellent giftes of Nature Grace By reason whereof wee may say of all as was sayed of one That they were adorned with nine Stones very precious that is with nine Excellencies which Lucifer Ezech. 28.13 the rest receiued in their Creation For God made them Pure Spirits without mixture of Bodye Immortall without feare of Corruption Intellectual with greate Delicacye of VVitte Free that nothing could force their VVill VVise with fulnesse of all naturall Sciences Powerfull aboue all Inferiour Creatures Holy with the giftes of Grace Charitye the rest of the Vertues Inhabitants of the Paradise of Delightes which is the Empyreal Heauen And finally Capable of seeing God clearely with promise of this Glorye if they perseuered in his Seruice which they might easily doe were obliged thereunto by the Lawe of Gratitude for these 9. Titles 2. Secondly I will consider how Ingratefull some of them were against God growing arrogant with these giftes arming themselues with them against him of whome they had receaued them not giuing him that Reuerence and Obedience which they ought to haue giuen him with Humilitie but employing their Libertie Forces to offend him whome for so many Titles they ought to haue serued 3. Thirdly I will ponder how terrible God shewed himselfe to chastize them presently without giuing them time of Repentance depriuing them for that onely Sinne of those giftes of Grace which hee had giuen them Luc. 10.18 throwing them like Lightening from Heauen to the euerlasting fiers of Hell without respect either to the beautie of their nature or to the greatenesse of their Estate or that they were his Creatures made according to his Image and Likenesse or that they were exceeding wise or that they had beene his freindes for one mortall Sinne onely is sufficient to obscure all this and is worthy of so terrible punishement 2. Petr. 2 4. which S. Peter saithe Gods Iustice permitted and ordained for our Example For if hee spared not the Angells sinning but tyed with rhe ropes of their Sinne threwe them vnto Hell to bee there tormented although they were so noble how much lesse will hee omitte to punishe men obstinate in their Transgressions being so base 2. Petr. 2 11. And if the Angells Fortitudine Virtuce maiores non portant aduersum se execrabile iudicium vvho are greater then men in strength and povver beare not the execrable Iudgement against them but with greate raging and Impatiencie how much lesse shall feeble Ad Hebr. 10.31 and wretched men bee able to endure it O how horrible a thing it is to fall into the handes of the liuing God handes so heauye that the Angells themselues cannot suffer them These three things I am to applye to myselfe pondering how liberall God hath beene towardes mee doing mee innumerable Benefits and how Ingratefull I haue beene to him committing innumerable Sinnes and how I haue deserued that God should punishe mee as hee did the Angells yea and much more for their Sinne was but one mine many theirs was but a Sinne of Thought onely in matter of Pride mine both of Thought VVorde and Deede in matter of Pride of Luxury of VVrathe and of other Vices theirs was not Injurious to the bloud of IESVS Christe for it was not
not hee thy Father that hath possessed thee and made and created thee God that begatte thee thovv hast forsaken and hast forgotten our Lorde thy Creator and Redeemer 2. Secondly I will ponder the benefits of my Redemption where enter the Incarnation of the eternall VVorde and all the Labours and Trauailes of the Life Passion and Deathe of our Lord Christe beholding him as our Father Pastor Phisition Master and Sauiour So that with my Sinnes I haue injuried him that holdeth all these Titles with mee And as the Apostle saithe I haue crucifyed IESVS Christe within mee Ad Heb. 6.6 10.29 I haue trodden vpon the Sonne of God I haue trampled vpon his bloud I haue despised his examples I haue troden vnderfoote his Lawes and his Precepts and I haue liued as if no such Redemption for mee had euer passed in the worlde Colloquie Then hovv is it o my Soule that thou meltest not in Toares hauing offended such a Father such a Master such a Pastor and Redeemer Hovv is it that thy Hearte doth not cleaue asunder vvith Griefe for hauing offended vvith thy Sinnes him that dyed to deliuer thee from them O my Redeemer hovv much grieueth it mee to haue offended thee Pardon o Lorde my offences VVashe vvith thy bloud the spots of my Transgressions by vertue vvhereof I purpose vvith thy grace no more to retourne to pollute myselfe vvith them 3. In this sorte I may ponder the benefits of my Sanctification where entreth Baptisme and the rest of the Sacraments especially that of Penance and Eucharist and the Inspirations of the holy Ghoste and other innumerable both manifest and secret Benefits as also the promise of future benefits in the Glorification and Resurrection with all the which I am to charge myselfe and with greate astonishment to admire at myselfe that I haue aunswered so many benefits with so euill seruices holding competencie or sufficiencie with God hee by doing mee fauours and giuing mee greate giftes and I by doing him Injuries and committing grieuous Sinnes considering that euery Sinne after a sorte is an Infinite Ingratitude for beeing against an Infinite Benefactour and against infinite benefits that from his hande I haue receiued giuen with infinite Loue without any merits of mine To exaggerate the more the grieuousnesse of my Sinnes in this respect it shall bee good to profit my selfe of some Histories that make to this purpose as of that of Ioseph Genes 39 9. that it seemed vnto him impossible to sinne with the wife of his Lorde of whome hee had receiued so many benefits And that of Saul 1. Reg. 19 6. who though he were a cruell persecutor of Dauid yet hee grewe meeke when hee heard tell the greate Seruices that hee had donne him And when hee sawe that Dauid killed him not when hee had power to kill him hee had compunction and saide Thou arte Iuster then I 1. Reg. 24 18. for thou hast donne mee good turnes and I haue rendred thee euill O my Soule hovv canst thou sinne against thy God Colloquie and Lord from vvhome thou hast receiued all the Good thou hast O God of my Heart hovv much more iust art thou then I for thou ceasest not to doe mee mercies and I cease not to doe thee offenses Thou hauing povver to take avvaye my Life and my Beeing yet doost it not and I hauing no povver to take avvay thine yet as much as it lyeth in mee I attempt to doe it Thou didst cut of the Heade of the Giant and didst breake the Heade of the Serpent to deliuer mee frem Deathe and I subiect myselfe thereunto by offending thee VVho is it that hauing povver to kill his Enemye killeth him not and yet thou vvilt dye that hee may not dye Pardon o Lord my bestiall Vnthankefullnesse and ayde mee vvith thy abundant grace that I may no more returne to fall into so horrible a miserie The third Pointe THirdly I am to consider what motiue I had to Sinne for doubtlesse it encreaseth the greatenesse of the Injurie when it is donne vpon a very light cause and Occasion For why did I offend God For a Litle VVantonnesse of the Flesh for a Punctillo of Honour for a Small Interest of VVealthe for a slight pleasing of myne owne VVill finally for things most vile that passe like Smoke and are as if they were not in Comparison of God And yet beeing such for them I denyed by my VVorkes the liuing God Ad Titū 1.16 and made of them to myselfe an Idoll and false God esteeming them more then the true God crucifying Christe within mee to giue life vnto Barrabas which is Sinne. O my Lorde Ierem. 2.12 Colloquie vvith greate reason sayest thou to the Heauens that they should bee affrighted and to the gates of Heauen that they should breake and breake vvith amazement for tvvo euils vvhich thy People committed and yet I vvretched Sinner haue committed them infinite times leauing thee that art the fountaine of liuing VVater to dravve vvith Labour out of broken Cisternes that cannot containe VVater O Labour ill employed● O Inconsiderate Chaunge I left the infinite God and the perpetuall Fountaine of infinite and eternall Good for a thing of nothing of Temporall and perishing Good vvhich like a broken Cisterne looseth vnperceaueably the vvater that it holde Gen. 25.34 and remaineth drye O my Soule if the Deede of Esau seeme so vile vnto thee that solde his birth-right for a small Dishe of Pottage Ad Heb. 12. hovv much more vile shall thine bee that sellest thy birt-bright of Heauen for a litle interest of Earthe Hee soulde it to redeeme his Life and thou to sell it incurrest Deathe And if hee founde no place of Repentance to reuoke the sale it vvere very iust that thou also shouldst not finde it seeing thy sinne vvas greater then his But set seeing that Gods mercie is greater approache vnto it vvith Humillitye that hee may defeate by his Grace the euill sale that thou madest by thy Sinne. Finally in this meditation and in the following I am to laye fast holde on this Veritie for it is an incredible follye to beleeue by Faithe what I beleeue and yet to liue in that manner that I liue that is to beleeue that Sinne is so euill as wee haue described it and yet for all this to committe it to beleeue that God is so good and so right a Iusticier and yet notwithstanding to offende him and so in the rest The fourth Pointe THE fourth pointe shall bee to breake out with these Considerations into an exclamation with an Affection vehement and full of Amazemene As that the Creatures haue suffered me I hauing so greiuously offended their Creator and Benefactor Genes 3.24 That the Angells who are the ministers of Gods Iustice haue not vnsheathed their fiery swordes against mee That they haue garded mee and beene the Aduocates of so wicked a man as I. That the Sunne Moone and
Starres haue illumined mee with their Light and preserued mee with their Influences That the Elements the birdes of the Aire the Fishes of the Sea the Beastes and Plantes of the Earthe haue helped to sustaine mee I confesse that I deserue not the Bread I eate nor the VVater I drinke nor the aire I breathe neither am I worthy to lift vp my Eyes to Heauen I haue rather deserued that flashes of fier should discende from thence to burne mee like Sodome Gomorrha or that the Earthe should open and swallowe mee aliue like Dathan Abyron that newe Hells should bee founde and newe Torments inuented to chastize my grieuous Sinnes And seeing that the Goodnesse VVisdome Immensenesse Omnipotencie Liberallitie Beneficence and Charitye of God haue not beene sufficient to bridle mee it had beene Iust that his Iustice should haue appeared to auenge the injuries donne to these diuine Perfections Sap. 5.18 and Soueraigne Benefits and should haue giuen Licence to all Creatures as shall bee giuen at the Daye of Iudgement to take Vengeance on mee for the injuries that I did to the Creator and to them Colloquie to offende him But o my God my Creator seeing that of thy Mercie thou hast thought good to suffer mee adde this benefit to the former thinking it good likevvise to pardon mee Amen The sixt Meditation of the grieuousnesse of Sinne by comparison betweene the temporall and eternall Paines wherewith it is chastised The first Pointe FIrst I am to consider the greiuousnesse of mortall Sinne by comparison with all the paines and miseries that are in this life pondering that it is the cause of these temporall euills God thereby chastizing it most iustly For proofe hereof I may runne in Discourse thorough the exteriour Goods which wee call the Goods of Fortune and thorough those which belong to the Bodye of the which Sinne is the Destruction First it destroyeth Riches God depriuing Sinners of them because they abuse them as hee spoiled the Egiptians of their Iewells and the Iebusites and Cananites of their Countries Sinne likewise destroyeth Honour for whosoeuer taketh as much as lyeth in him the honour from God and from his Neighbour deserueth to loose his owne Honour For this the high Preiste Heli and his Sonnes lost the Honour of Preisthood with their life God saying vnto them Qui contemnunt me 1. Reg. 2.30 1. Reg. 13 14. 15 23. Dan. 4.23 erunt ignobiles They that contemne mee shall bee base Sinne destroyeth the Scepter and the Gouernment For disobedience God tooke from Saul the kingdome that hee had giuen him And Nabuchodonosor with vaine-glorious boasting lost his also liuing seuen yeares like a Beaste God cutting downe that sightly Tree for that his Sinnes deserued not that hee should stand vpright And it is a iust Chastizement that hee should neither haue Dignitie nor Commaunde on Earthe that subjecteth not himselfe to the king of Earthe and of Heauen and that hee should haue no preeminence ouer men who by Sinne makes himselfe like vnto Beastes Besides this Sinne destroyeth the Healthe God chastizing Sinners with manifoldnesse and Varietie of Infirmities and Sores from Heade to Foote Isai 1.6 For hee deserueth not to haue Healthe that employeth it to offende him that gaue it him and whosoeuer hath his Soule sicke beeing albe to heale it is worthy to haue his Bodye sicke and not to bee able to eure it as the Lame man that in eight Ioan. 5.2 and thirty yeares could not bee healed in the Probatiea pond where others were healed Sinne taketh away Content and Alacritie causing a mortall Sadnesse which dryeth the bones giueth a Life worse then Deathe itselfe Thren 3.15 Like vnto the Citty that saide God hath filled mee vvith bitternesse and made mee drunke vvith VVormevvod Or as the miserable king Antiochus that saied 1. Mach. 6.11 2. Mach. 9.11 To hovv much Tribulation and to vvhat VVaues of Sadnesse am I come I that vvas merry and beloued in my kingdome Sinne taketh away Life procuring Deathe by a thousand disastrous meanes Exod. 12 29. 14 27. for the Sinnes of Pharao and his kingdome an Angell killed in one night all the first begotten and another day drowned his Armye of innumerable men And another Angell in the Campe of Senacherib 4. Reg. 19 35. Exod. 32 28. Leuit 10.2 Num. 11.33 2. Reg. 24.13 killed one hundred fourescore and fiue thousand men and many Israelites perished in the Desertes with diuerse straunge kindes of Deathe Finally Sinne causeth those three terrible euills that were offered to Dauid to choose one of them in punishment of his Offence Famine VVarre and Pestilence with the which innumerable men perishe with exceeding greate miserie and rage For Sinne likewise come Earthquakes Tempests at Sea Deluges Fiers Lightenings Haile Stormes and other such chastizements for as Sinne is the Injurie of the vniuersall Creator all the Creatures are Instruments of his Vengeance Then I will applye all this to myselfe beholding my euills and miseries and I shall vnderstand that they haue all come vpon mee justly for my Sinnes that I may knowe and see by Experience as Ierem●e saithe how euill Ierem. 2.19 and bitter it is to forsake God and not to feare him And so from the horrour which I haue of these paines I shall extract a horrour of my Sinnes saying to myselfe Seeing thou art so much afraide of temporall miseries Colloquie vvhy art thou not afraide of Sinne vvhich is the cause thereof If thou tremblest at Pouerty and Dishonour vvhy tremblest thou not at Sinne from vvhence they both proceede And if thou flyest the sicknesse of the bodye vvhy flyest thou not the sickenesse of the Soule seeing that endes vvith a temporall Deathe but this hath a Deathe euerlasting O eternall God illuminate mee vvith thy Soueraigne Light that thorough the feare I conceiue of the euills of the bodye I may learne to feele the euills of the Soule The second Pointe SEcondly I am to consider that Sinne is an euill incomparably greater then all the temporall euills that haue beene spoken of and that with them wee cannot paye the leaste parte of the paine that one onely mortal Sinne deserueth pondering some manifest reasons of this Veritie alledged by the Saintes 1. The first for that all the euills that haue beene spoken of depriue of Goods created which are very much limited Ex D. Th. 1. p. q. 48. ar 6. Luc. 18.19 but Sinne depriueth of an Infinite good which is God And as God onely is for Excellencie called Good because the other things created though they haue some goodnesse yet being compared with that of God it is as it were nothing so Sinne onely may bee called absolutely euill and the malice of other miseries is as if it were not in Compatison thereof nor all togither are sufficient to impose vpon mee the title of euill D. Dionis c. 4. de diuinis nominibus if I
wee are in o whoe beguiled thee and brought thee vnto vs Finally the Soule shall bee stript naked of those morall D. Th. in addit q. 98. ar 1. ad 3. Ibid. art 7. and politike Vertues which it acquired in this Life it shall remaine without Prudence or Fortitude or Iustice or any other and if any Sciences bee left it that it gotte with its industrie it shall bee to its greater paine for not hauing negotiated therewith the Science that might haue redeemed it from all this miserie In this manner shall bee accomplished therein that dreadefull sentence of holy Iob Iob. 20.14 Colloquie His breade in his belly shall bee turned into the gall of Aspes the riches vvhich he hath deuoured he shall vomite out and God shall dravve them forth out of his belly O my Soule looke that thou doest not vomite vvith thy VVill the Riches of Grace and Charitie that thou receiuedst for aftervvardes they vvill make thee vomitte perforce Faithe and the Vertues that thou hadst gained And those Sciences vvich novv thou gainest vvith delight shall turne into the gall of Aspickes to torment thee These are the principall fruites which out of these Considerations I am to collect endeuouring to negotiate with those Talents that God hath giuen mee Matt. 25 26. leaste at the reckoning daye God take them from mee as from the slothefull seruant leauing mee onely those which like Aspickes Dragons shall most cruelly gnawe my Hearte because I proffited myselfe so euilly with them The fifth Pointe 1. FIftly I am to consider the finall Sentence which in that very Instant of Deathe Christe our Lord pronounceth against the Sinner intimating it vnto him with an Interiour and terrible voice saying to him alone the same wordes that hee will afterwardes say to all the VVicked in the Generall Iudgement Matt. 25 41. Depart from mee thou accursed of my Father into that eternall fier that is prepared for Satan and his Angells that is to say get thee from hence abominable Sinner that meritest not to stand in my presence nor to enter into my Glory goe into eternall fier which thy Sinnes doe deserue in Companye of Satan to whose Infernall Power I remitte thee that hee may carry thee with him 2. This Sentence beeing giuen in the very same Instant God forsaketh the Soule and the Angell Gardian abandoneth it saying to it as to Babilon Ierem. 51.9 I did enough to cure thee labouring thy Saluation and thou wouldst not therefore I leaue thee to the power of him who shall take that Vengeance of thee which thy Rebellion deserueth And in the very same moment the Diuell shall attache the wretched Soule without either admitting or hearing Supplications or Praiers and carry it into Hell So that the Sinner in the twinckling of an eye from his bed where hee lay very delicately inuironned with many friendes and kinsmen Iob. 21.23 dieth as Iob saithe in a moment with a Deathe to appearance happy and peaceable but in the very same moment hee descendeth to Hell passing from one extreame of temporall good to another extreame of eternall euill O what will the vnhappy Soule feele in that first entrance into Hell when it seeth what it left and what it findeth Isai 14.11 when it seeth and feeleth a bed of fier the matresses of wormes the company of Diuells and all the rest of Torments from which shee hath no hope euer to escape O Iust Iudge haue mercye vpon mee Colloquie Et cum veneris Iudicare noli me condemnare And when thou commest to Iudge doe not condemne mee O my Soule feare this Sentence of eternall Damnation and liue in such sort that thou maiest meritte to bee deliuered from it The sixt Pointe SIxtly I am to consider the Sentence that shall bee giuen to the Iust Christ our Redeemer saying inuisibly to him with an amiable voice Matt. 25 34. Matt. 25 21. Come thou blessed of my Father possesse the kingdome prepared for thee from the foundation of the vvorlde VVell fare thee good and faithfull Seruant because thou hast beene faithfull ouer a fevve things I vvill place thee ouer many things enter into the ioye of thy Lord. And at that very Instant the Deuill departeth affronted and the Angell Gardian receiueth the Soule other Angells as they came to the Soule of poore Lazarus comming to accompanye it Luc. 16.22 and all with greate ioy carry it to heauen to enjoy that eternall good when it hath nothing to bee purged in Purgatorie O what ioye shall the Soule haue in that her first and so much desired entrance that which was before full of Dolours humbled with Contempts and troubled with Feares in a moment shall see herselfe farre otherwise all her Paine turned into Glorie and her mourning into Rejoicing in the Companye of Angells in a place of repose and ingulfed in the viewe of her God 2. These things considered I will make Comparison betweene the good and the euill and I shall see as Dauid saithe the Deathe of the wicked most vile Psal 33.22 Psal 115 15. and abhominable the ende of their Rest and Beginning of their Torments And contrarily the ende of the good is precious in the sight of God the ende of their Labours and beginning of their rest and herewith I will animate myselfe to procure a good Deathe wherein I may receiue a good Sentence encouraging myselfe to Penance and to the exercizes of Vertues trusting in the benignitie of the Iudge who will sentence mee with mercie if in my Life I make proffit thereof 3. I will conclude with a speeche to the most blessed Virgin who at that hower interposeth not herselfe in this Iudgement for when the Soule departeth the bodye the Doore of Intercession and pardon is locked vp and that of rigorous Iustice is opened beseeching her that now presently shee willbee my Aduocatrice Intercessour negotiating for mee this good Sentence and obtaining for mee workes worthie thereof To which ende it will aide mee to saye with Spirit those last wordes which the Churche putteth in the praier of the Aue Maria and those which it vseth in another Hymne saying Maria mater gratiae Mater misericordiae Tu nos ab Hoste protege Hora mortis suscipe Marye mother of Grace mother of mercye defende vs from the Enemye and at the hovver of Deathe receiue vs. O Soueraigne Virgin seeing thou art the Aduocatrice of Sinners bee my Aduocatrice before thy Sonne appease with thy Intercession his wrathe obtaining for mee time of true Repentance before the time bee past wherein I may doe it And seeing the Sentence giuen in Deathe is irreuocable negotiate for mee o most benigne mother that it may bee fauourable towardes mee that I may see the blessed fruite of thy wombe IESVS and enjoy him in thy companye worlde without ende Amen To the Intention of this meditation is much to the purpose that which in the third parte shall
art ignorant what shall become of thee to morrowe for thy life is as a Vapour which soone vanisheth awaye Therefore it were fitter thou shouldst say If our Lorde will and If I shall liue I will doe this or that for otherwise thou shallt finde thyselfe deceiued if God haue determined the contrarye The second Deceite is to promise to myselfe not onely long life but also to assure myseffe that I shall haue healthe strength and content with all the goods that I possesse and that they also shall last as long as I from whence it proceedeth that hereupon I exhort my Soule saying Requiesce comede bibe epulare Take thy rest eate drinke and make good cheere giue thyselfe to banquetting and Pleasure for thou shallt want nothing And this is a most grieuous Illusion for all this dependeth vpon God who can take from mee my goods before my life bee ended and though hee take not away them Eccles 5.18 hee may as ecclesiastes saith take from mee my healthe and strength that I may not enjoy them The third Deceite is to forget to prouide what is necessarye for the other life as if there were no more but this present And this was the most quallified folly of this riche man that hauing prouided his Soule of so much wealthe to passe this temporall life hee was alltogither obliuious to prouide it of those necessarye goods for life euerlasting for the which it must needes bee that the vnhappy Soule that in this miserable life did eate drinke and banquet must afterwardes endure perpetuall Hunger and Thirst and eternall miserye Pondering these three deceites I will examine if my Soule bee beguiled with them and will exhort her contrarily to this riche man saying vnto her O my Soule promise not to thyselfe many yeares Colloquie for peraduenture thou shallt not liue out this present Glory not of to morrovve for thou knovvest not vvhat the daye that is to come shall bring forth Giue not thyselfe to rest but to labour not to feastings and banquets but to Fasting and Teares Prouer. 27.1 Eccles 9.5 Haue a care of eternall life vvhich attendeth thee for after Deathe there is no meanes to meritte any durable rest or saciety O eternall God deliuer mee of thy Infinite goodnesse from these miserable Deceites before Deathe seaze vpon mee in them Exhort thou my Soule to vvorkes that are pleasing vnto thee that this day it may more and more separate itselfe from all such things as offend thee Amen The second Pointe SEcondly I am to consider the greate losses they suffer in Deathe that haue beene thus beguiled all their Life drawing them from the wordes of our Lord God to this riche man Stulte hac nocte animam tuam repetent à te quae parasti cuius erūt Thou foole this night they require they Soule of thee and the goods that thou hast scraped together whose shall they bee wherein are touched fower greiuous losses Psal 33.22 for the which king Dauid had greate reason to say that the Deathe of Sinners is very euill 1. Stulte The first Losse is to dye in his very Folly without falling into a reckoning thereof till it bee past remedye For late or earely both good and euill shall come to perceiue their errours but in a different manner for the wicked continue in their errour vntill Deathe and then with the experience of their torments and miseries they fall into a reckoning how much in their life time they were beguiled Sap. 5 calling themselues Insensati men without wit or Iudgement But the good in their lifetime perceiue their errour by the light of faithe prepare themselues for Deathe before Deathe seaze vpon them Therefore o my Soule to perceiue thine owne errours take for thy mistresse this diuine Light if thou willt not haue the experience of eternall miserye to bee thy mistresse and beware by other mens daungers before this Losse light vpon thee with thyne owne 2. Hac nocte The second Losse is to dye in the night that is by a sodaine and hasty Deathe in the midst of their Crimes for oftentimes when men are healthefull contented as this riche man was God intimateth vnto them the Sentence of Deathe and executeth it with all passing from a temporall night to an eternall Matth. 8.12 from the interiour Darkenesse of the Heart to the exteriour of Hell VVith this feare I will aske very earnestly of our Lorde that hee would in such manner aduise mee of the perill of my Deathe that I may haue time to dispose myselfe thereunto Isai 38.1 4. Reg. 20.1 as hee aduised king Ezechias by the meanes of the Prophet Isaias saying vnto him Order thy house for thou shalt dye But to this ende I am not to expect Reuelations from Heauen but my Prophet Isaias must bee the light of Faithe and of reason the Inspiration of God the Experience of the Deathe of others the greiuous sicknesse that assaileth mee and the aduise of the Phisition when hee telleth mee I am in daunger And generally seeing I haue no certaine daye of Life and euery daye I may expect Deathe it is wisdome to imagine that God sayeth this daye vnto mee Order to day thy Soule for to morrowe thou shalt dye to doe it presently 3. The third Losse is to dye by force Repetent and with violence requiring and pulling out their Soule in despite of them VVherein I will ponder the difference betweene the Iust vnbeguiled and betweene Sinners beguiled for the Iust offer themselues voluntarily to Deathe when Gods will is that they should dye and they say vnto him with Dauid Psal 141.8 Psal 30.6 Deliuer o. Lord my Soule out of this prison that it may praise thy holy name and Into thy handes I commend my Spirit for thou redeemedst mee o God of Truthe And although nature somewhat shunneth Deathe yet Grace preuaileth against it when God requireth of thē their Soule they yeilde it with greate resignation But the wicked abhorre Deathe and beare it very Impatiently therefore it is saide that the Deuills the ministers of Gods Iustice doe require and pull from them their Soule against their will Colloquie O eternall God graunt mee that I may liue so vnfleshed from all things of this life that there may bee no neede to pull from mee my Soule perforce Require it of mee vvhen thou vvilt for I am ready and vvilling to giue it vnto thee in vvhat day soeuer thou requirest it The third Pointe 1. THirdly I am to consider the dreadefullnesse of that terrible question that God our Lord maketh The things that thou hast prouided vvhose shall they bee wherein is represented the finall Losle of those who as hath beene saide liue forgetfull of Deathe which is sodainely and with greate griefe to leaue the goods which they possessed without enjoying them or disposing of them or knowing to whome they shall come
this is to saye vnto them The goods that thou hast gathered togither whose shall they bee whose shall bee the house wherein thou liuest and the bed wherein thou sleepest The riche garments wherewith thou attirest thyselfe And the treasures of golde and siluer that thou hast in thy Chestes whose shall bee the seruants that now serue thee and the friendes that now entertaine thee and the office and dignitye for which all doe the honour Psal 38.7 O wretched man that heapedst vp treasures without knowing for whome thou didst gather them for thye wretched Soule for whome thou didst prouide them can now no longer enjoye them 2. This question I am to make to myselfe examining what kinde of goods I haue heaped vp in this life and saying to myselfe The goods that thou hast gathered in thy Life whose shall they bee when thou art deade Shall they peraduenture bee thy Soules Eccles 2.19 Psal 48.18 or shall one bee thy heire whome thou knowest not If they bee temporall goods certainely they shall bee none of thine for the riche man dying shall carrye nothing with him nor shall descende with the glorye that hee hath but if they bee spirituall goods of Vertues and good workes thine they shall bee Apoc. 14.13 for these accompanye those that dye in our Lorde and forsake them not till they put them in the throne of his glorye Therefore o my Soule labour to treasure vp goods that in Life and Deathe may allwaies bee thine and of which no bodye can depriue thee 3. Like this Question I will make another to myselfe saying This Soule that thou hast now in thy bodye whose shall it bee Shall it peraduenture bee Gods or the Diuells Shall it bee Christes that redeemed it or Sathans to whome it hath subjected itselfe If I am in mortall Sinne and dye therein doubtlesse it shall bee the Diuells hee will come to require it of mee and will carrye it away for it is his thorough Sinne. But if I bee in the grace of God and perseuere therein it shall bee Gods and hee will come for it to carrye it with him Therefore foorthwith doe penance for thy Sinnes that if to day the Prince of Darkenesse should come hee may not finde in thy Soule any thing that is his Ioan. 14.30 Psal 118.94 and so may leaue it O king of Heauen and of Earthe Tuus sum ego saluum me fac I am thine saue mee my Soule is thine for thou didst create it it is thine for thou didst redeeme it let it also bee thine sanctifying it vvith thy grace that it may bee perpetually thine crovvning it vvith the revvarde of thy Glorye Of the horride Deathe of king Balt hazar Amen The fourth Pointe FOr Conclusion and Confirmation of what hath beene saide in these three pointes I will consider a terrible example and stampe thereof in king Balthazar who beeing eating and drinking in a banquet sodainely sawe two fingers of an hande which wrolte vpon a wall these wordes Mane Thecel Phares Hee hath counted hee hath weighed hee hath diuided Dan. 5.25 VVhich Daniel expounded in this forme God hath counted thy kingdome and it is come to an ende Hee hath weighed thee in his Scale and hath founde thee light Hee hath diuided thy kingdome and deliuered it to the Medes and Persians And so it hapned the same night hee dying miserably Applying this to myselfe if I liue in the like forgetfullnesse I am to Imagine that sodainely will come a daye or a night wherein God our Lorde with the fingers of his Omnipotencie will write in the VVall of my Conscience the Sentence of these three wordes Iob. 14.5 First God hath numbred the dayes of thy Life and those which thou hast to enjoye thy kingdome thy VVealthe thy Honour Dignitye and Office and they are allready compleate and this day shall bee the last Secondly hee hath peised thee in his Scale examining thy workes without omitting any one and hee hath founde that they were light and not compleate workes for that thou hast not fullfilled all thy obligations Thirdly God hath diuided Apocal. 3 2. and separated from thee thy kingdome thy wealthe and dignitye the goods that thou possessedst and hath deliuered them to thy Enemies or to straungers and to others to enjoye them Hee hath likewise diuided thy Bodye Soule and thy Bodye hee hath deliuered to the wormes to eate and thy Soule to the Diuells to torment it And in the very same hower that God shall intimate this Sentence hee will execute it and none shall bee able to resist him Colloquie O vvhat tremblings shall I then feele more terrible then those of king Balthasar O vvhat clamours and Lamentations vvhat Troubles and Agonyes of Deathe shall afflict my poore Soule vvith so much the greater Torment by hovv much the Forgetfullnesse vvas the greater Remember mee o God for thy mercye and imprint in my Soule the memorye of these three Sentences that I may alvvaies remember the account that thou hast made of my dayes and of the last vvhich must bee the ende of them that I may liue vvith such care that at the daye of Iudgement vvhen thou shalt peize mee in thy Scale thou maiest not finde mee defectiue but entire and full in all my vvorkes and that although thou diuidest from mee the kingdome of the Earthe thou mayest not exclude mee from thy kingdome of Heauen Amen The thirteenth Meditation of the Generall Iudgement and of the Signes For the first Sunday of Aduent and things precedent to that Daye The first Pointe FOR the foundation of this matter Of the causes of Iudgement I am to consider the truthe of that Article of our Faithe that teacheth vs that besides the particular Iudgement that is made of euery man in the hower of Deathe there shall bee another Generall Iudgement of all mē togither in the ende of the worlde which Iudgement shall bee publike and visible ordained by the Diuine Prouidence for many causes First to confirme the Sentence that was giuen in the particular Iudgement and to manifest to the VVorlde the equitye thereof D. Tho. 5 p. q. 59. art 5. and with all to supplye what there wanted For in Deathe Iudgement is made of the Soule onely not of the bodye and sometimes it happeneth the Soule to bee condemned in the Iudgement of God and the bodye to bee carried to the Graue with greate honour Or contrarily the Soule to bee caried with greate glorye to Heauen and the Bodye with greate Ignominye to the Graue And seeing Bodye and Soule were vnited togither in seruing or offending God it is iust that there should bee a Daye wherein Iudgement should bee made of them both VVhereupon I will animate my fleshe to serue the Spirit seeing that with it it is also to bee Iudged The second cause is for God to shew him self for the honour of the Iust that were oppressed in this
into that darkenesse not permitting him libertie to exercise the workes of light or of ioye VVhervpon a mans owne will not being fullfilled shall bee the Hell of itselfe to chastize it for those many times that in this life it was fullfilled contrarie to the will of God Finally I will consider that the Hearte of one of the damned is like a most bitter sea whereinto enter ten Riuers of most terrible torments Fiue for the fiue exteriour senses And other fiue for the fiue interiour faculties to chastize the sinnes they committed against the ten commaundements of Gods lawe or against any one of them For as the Apostle saithe whosoeuer breaketh one Iacob 2.10 Colloquis shall passe thorough the same kinde of torment which hee shall that breaketh all Then vvhat greater vnhappinesse can there bee then that those faculties vvhich God our lord gaue mee to enioy him and to innoble myselfe should bee conuerted into my cruell executioners to torment and confounde mee Immense God ayde mee to mortifie and subdue the faculties vvhich thou hast giuen mee and let mee bee their tormentour in this life rather then they should bee mine in the life to come The fourth Point FOurthly Pana damni D. Tho. 1.2 q. 87. ar 4. I am to consider that paine which they call of losse or Damnation which is infite because it depriueth of an infinite good which is God So that these wretches shall for euer bee banished from heauen and depriued of the blessednesse and ende for the which they were created and of the cleare beholding of God of the loue that maketh blessed and of that Riuer of delightes which proceedeth from all all which shall giue them terrible torment and heauinesse especially those who in this life beleeued therein For allbeeit that their vnderstanding bee obscured to knowe other things it shall not bee so to ponder and esteeme this Gods diuine Iustice so ordaining it for their greater torment 1 The terriblenesse of this paine may bee considered two wayes the first is by that which holy men feele here who haue the light of heauen to knowe the greatenesse of the Glorie and the high felicity that it is to see God who holde it for an extreame paine to want this sight and tremble onely to thinke on it as is noted in the third pointe of the sixte Meditation Thesecond waye is by that which the damned themselues feele by wanting this high felicitye not in so much as it is an honest Good for they neither loue God nor any holy thing But for so much as they want that which should giue them high and eternall rest and free them from so horrible a torment This I may come to find out by some likenesse of things of this life For if men haue so much feeling to bee depriued of an Inheritance wherevnto they had some right how much more shall they feele to bee depriued of the eternall inheritance of heauen to which they might haue had right if they had not forfeited it thorough sinne And if the priuation of finite and limited goods and delightes doth so much grieue the hearte how much more will it bee grieued with the priuation of an infinite Good wherein are eminently comprehended all the goods and pleasures created And if among terrible things deathe is the most terrible because it diuideth the soule from the bodye and from this visible worlde how much more terrible shall eternall deathe bee wherein the soule is diuided from God from his kingdome and from the inuisible worlde And as neither eye hath seene nor Eare hath hearde 1. Cor. 2.9 nor hath it ascended into the hearte of man vvhat things God hath prepared in Heauen for them that loue him So likewise it is not possible to imagine the terriblenesse of the euills that are included in wanting for euer these Goods O infinite god Colloquie let all the other paines of sence bee discharged vpon mee so I may bee vvithout sinne rather then thou shouldst chastize mee vvith this paine of lesse depriuing mee thorough my sinne of thy amiable presence To this paine is annexed the wanting of the sight and companye of our Sauiour Christe of his most blessed mother of the nine Quires of angells and of all those that are blessed The which shall inflict much terrible Torment vpon these wretches when in the daye of iudgement they shall see parte of the glorie of this blessed Companie and shall bee diuided from them the memorie whereof shall perpetually remaine in them with a furious Enuye and rage Finally by the terrible euills which they suffer they shall collect what most excellent Goods they want because they coniecture that God will bee as liberall in rewarding as hee is terrible in chastizing that in that most beautiful place of heauen hee hath as many Delectations as there are torments in that most wretched place of hell of which greate goods to see themselues depriued will exceedingly augment their euills VVith these considerations I will cast deepe roote in the affections of the feare of God and detestation of my sinnes accompanying them with a greate confidence in Gods mercye that hee will deliuer mee from this extreme miserie so will I begge it of our Lord saing vnto him I confesse o my god Isa 26.10 that I am that miserable sinner vvho in the lande of the sainctes committed innumerable sinnes for the vvhich I deserue not to see thy glorie nor to bee admitted into the companye of those that enioye it I am sorrye for those sinnes by vvhich I haue merited so greate punishment Pardon them o Lord thorough thy mercye that the vvorke of thy Handes bee not destroyed nor vvant that ende for vvhich it vvas created Let not mee helpe to people Hell nor to bee fevvell for that neuer ending fier Psalm 6.6 suffer mee not to fall into an estate vvherein I thould curse and abhorre thee For in hell vvho shall praise thee No no o Lorde it must not bee so for I must for euer loue and blesse thee and after this life thou must place mee in the other vvhere I may loue and praise thee vvorlde vvithout ende Amen Here followe other Meditations and formes of Praier to obtaine puritye of soule and perfect Mortification of her vices and Passions TO obtaine perfect Puritie of soule which is the perpetuall ende of the Purgatiue waye there are ordained certaine formes of Praier prescribed in the ninth § of the introduction of this booke of which the first containeth for matter of Meditation the Seuen capitall or Principall Vices commonly called the Seuen deadely sinnes And the Ten commaundements of the lawe of god And the Three faculties and Fiue senses of Man And it is very profitable to knowe more particularly the multitude and greatenesse of our sinnes and to learne how to examine the conscience as well for sacramentall Confession as for the quotidian examination which is euery night to bee made And finally
pangs and bitternesses of eternall galls according to the sentence pronunced against Babylon As much as shee hath glorified her selfe and hath ben in delicacies Apocal. 18.7 Colloquie so much giue her torment and mourning Then vvhat doest thou o my soule vvhy doest thou not bevvaile thy Gluttonyes vvhy doest thou not amend thee of them Beholde that temporall fullnesse drunkennesse shall bee chastized vvith eternall hunger and thirst And if like Esau for a vile dishe of meate thou sellest the inheritance of heauen Genes 25.33 Ad Heb. 12.17 thou shallt peraduenture haue no time to recouer it Consider hovv many haue beene chastized for this vice and beevvare by other mens harmes least torment light vpon thee for thine ovvne The third Pointe Thirdly Of Temperance Fasting I am to consider the greate Benefits and Rewardes that I shal receaue of God if I mortifie Gluttonye and perfectly embrace Temperance and fasting reducing them to other three rankes opposite to the three punishments of Gluttonie Some are proper to them selues like good fruites of a good tree others our Lord addeth to showe how much this vertue doth please him others are rewardes of heauen wherewith hee rewardeth it For first abstinence payeth in readie money the paine which it hath in the beginning for it easeth the bodie it preserueth from infirmities it conserueth the healthe it inlargeth the life it recreateth the soule it ableth it for praier and for receiuing celestiall comforts it taketh away the Armes of his enemy the fleshe and subiecteth it to the spirit to incourage it to vndertake glorious enterprises in the seruice of God Besides this Bern. ad fratres de monte Dei. God beeing so liberall and compassionate as he is consenteth not that wee should liue voyde of some pleasures And therefore those whoe abstaine from bodily foode hee recreateth with the foode of the soule and for sensuall Consolations hee giueth them spirituall So that they loose no consolation but better it transporting it from the fleshe to the spirit To these hee communicateth celestiall illuminations like as to Daniel and giueth them notable victories like as to his three companions against Nabuchodonosor and exalteth them to very high contemplation as hee did Moyses and Helias Mat. 17.3 giuing them parte of his glorious Transfiguration in rewarde of their fasting and mortification 3 Finally God rewardeth them in heauen with a spirituall fulnesse seating them with Christe at his table that they may eate and drinke in his kingdome of that foode which God himselfe eateth Therfore o my soule if thou desirest to attaine to greate sanctitye vpon earthe and to obtaine greate rewardes in heauen begin with temperance and fasting for the which God represseth vices Ecclesia in praefat quadragesimae Ad Gal. 5.24 exalteth the spirit graunteth vertues and crowneth with Rewardes O svveete IESVS seeing all that are of thy partie ought to crucifie the fleshe vvith the vices and desires therof graunt mee that I may mortifie mine as thou didst mortyfy thine By that thirst vvhich thou suffredst on the Crosse and by the Gall and vinegar vvhich they gaue thee to drinke graunt mee I beseeche thee a temperance so perfect that in eating and drincking I may satisfie my necessitie and not serue my delight and a fasting so strict that like the Niniuites I may appease thy vvrathe Ionae 2.10 3.11 satisfie for my sinnes terrifie the diuells giue ioye to the Angells and bee made partaker of thy giftes vvorlde vvithout ende Amen The xx Meditation vpon the vice of Luxurie and the vertue of Chastitie The first Pointe LVxurie is a disordinate appetite of sensuall pleasures D. Th. 2.2 q. 153. contrary to the order that God hath appointed therein In this vice wee may sinne first by thought consenting with the will to committe this sinne or taking pleasure to thinke vpon dishonest things with that delectation called by the schoolemen Morosa detaining our selues voluntarily in this delight or weakely resisting it or not remoouing the occasion from whence it ariseth 2 Secondly wee may sinne by worde speaking filthy things by the eare delighting to heare them or to heare musicke and dishonest songs by the eye beholding things that prouoke to dishonestye or seeing such like representations or reading bookes that treate of such things by the smell and taste smelling or eating and drinking things that prouoke to Luxurie hauing in all this sensuall delight for the ende 3 Thirdly wee sinne by the acte committed many waies If by ones selfe alone it is pollution if with a single woman it is fornication if with a married woman adultery if with a virgin deflowring If with a kinswomā Incest if with a religious womā or contrarye to the vowe of chastitie it is sacriledge if with one of the same sexe it is sodomye if with a beaste beastly brutishnesse Touching by ones selfe or by others for the same ende of delight are reduced to the sinne of the acte consummated In this pointe wee are not in praier to make much pause reckoning the particular circumstances of these sinnes least they should bee an occasion of newe Temptations and therefor they are rather to bee beewailed then thought vpon saying Colloquie VVretch that I am my life is so bestiall and filthye that I am ashamed to consider it afraide to looke backe on it leaste I should a newe bee infected with the euill odour thereof Looke on it o my God with thy eyes of mercye that from my eyes may issue fountaines of Teares wherewith I may purifie myselfe from so greate vncleannes The seconde Pointe 1. SEcondly I will consider three other fortes of Punishments correspondent to luxurie as before wee haue said of gluttonie but much greater for that it is a greater sinne The first punishment is innumerable miseries which this vice draweth with it our Lord permitting that the Angell of fathan who with the pricke of the fleshe ouerthroweth sinners should likewise giue them cruell buffets tormenting theyr bodies with a thousand Crosses 2. Cor. 12.7 with painefull lothsome and shamefull diseases with infamies and a thousand other Torments vntill they haue consumed their wealthe theire healthe their content and their life And as S. 1. Cor. 5.5 Paul deliuered ouer to sathan an incestious christian to bee bodily tormented so whosoeuer geueth himselfe ouer to this vice deliuereth both his bodye and soule to this cruell Tormentour Pro. 23.32 who though bee begin with pleasure yet finally hee stingeth like an adder and like a basiliske disperseth his poison 2. Besides this God to shewe the hatred hee beareth to this Vice Genes 6.12 19. 24. hath inflicted vpon it terrible chastizements for this vice principally came the deluge that drowned the worlde and the fier that burned Sodome and the greate slaughter that Moyses made of his Israelites putting in one day 24. thousande to the sworde And when as Phinees full of greate zeale publikely
fornace of sensuall temptations with a purpose to giue no consent vnto them Angells fauorably repaire vnto them to the ende that these flames doe not burne them nor touche them in the superiour parte of their soule and with winde and deawe of heauen they quenche the heate of the fleshe prouoking them to glorifie God for the victorye hee hath giuen them against it And therefore when I shall see myselfe forced with these temptations Colloquie I am to call vnto them saying O yee glorious Angells gardians of virgins protectors of the chaste Friendes and companions of men that are pure come yee and fauour mee that the fier that circlith mee may not burne mee Disperse the flame that burneth vvithin my fleshe that it may neither touche nor damnifie my spirit and negotiate for mee the gentle vvinde of Gods spirit that it may coole and refreshe the ardours of my fleshe 2. D. Basil in lib. de vera virginit The second fauour is that God himselfe with a particular protection assisteth to garde such as are chaste who by their puritie not onely make themselues like vnto angells but euen to the Lord of the angells himselfe the fountaine of all puritie who is delighted to conuerse familiary with the chaste and to admitte them to his freindship O eternall God that feedest among the lillies Colloquie Cāt. 2.2 D. Greg. ibi D. Hier. epist. ad Demetriadem Ex Cassian collat 12. cap. 8. lib. 6. cap. 9. Daniel 13.23 Oseae 2.19 for it is thy foode and thy pleasure to conuerse vvith chaste soules indue mine vvith chastitie that thou maiest daigne to inhabite it and to conuerse vvith it From these two fauours I am to collect a most effectual meanes tovanquishe temptations when on a sodaine and alone they assaile mee by lifting vp presently the eyes of my soule vnto the Angel which is present but much more to the presence of God himselfe shaming to doe before them what I would not doe before men and with this consideration I shall aunswere the temptation like as chaste Susanna did the dishoneste olde men that solicited her I will rather die then sinne in the presence of my God 3 The third fauour is for the carnall mariage that I renounce to admitte mee to a spirituall espousing himselfe spiritually with my soule with the espousal of faithe mercie and charitye and communicating vnto mee such soueraigne delightes of the spirit as I shall forget those of the fleshe fullfilling heerein his worde which hee gaue Mat. 19. Ita Cassian collat 12. c. 12. 13 when hee saide That whosoeuer should leaue a wife for his loue renouncing that facultie that hee had to bee married hee would giue him an hundred fold in this life that is a delight so greate that should a hūdred folde exceede the delight hee should haue in mariage for so excellent is the sweetnesse of chastitye Colloquia that it is impossible to knowe it but by proouing it O spouse of chaste soules graunt mee such vertue that thereby mine may bee thy spouse O my soul seeing thou art such a louer of delightes renoūce liberally the vile delightes of the fleshe that thou maiest enioye the most svveete delightes of the spirit 4 The fourth fauour is for those carnall children which I might haue had to giue mee abundance of spirituall children incomparably better filling mee with good workes with riche merits and with many soules gained to Christe by my example and worde of which I may bee the spirituall father and mother Isai 56.3 Non dicat Eunuchus c. fullfilling that which hee promised by his prophet when hee saide Let not the eunuche say behold I am a dry tree for I will giue him in my house and within the walles of my churche a place and a name much more excellent then those that haue children a sempiternall name that neuer shall perish O happie chaste man to whome God graunteth the soueraigne dignitie both of a sonne and of a father of a sonne by the singular grace of adoption and of a father in spirit by the copious fruites of Benedictiō 5 The fifth fauour comprehendeth many very singular graces and priuiledges which hee graunteth them in testimonie of the greate loue hee beareth to chastitie for as the chaste eleuate themselues aboue the ordinary lawes of nature liuing in fleshe as if they had no fleshe so God will sometimes exalt them a boue the ordinary lawes of grace in honour of their chastitie The virgin our Blessed Ladie thorough the rare vowe shee made of virginitie was exalted to the dignitie of the mother of God himselfe The euangelist Sainct Iohn for his puritye was much beloued by our Sauiour Christe from whome hee receiued extraordinarie fauours in the supper and on the crosse and greate reuelations in the which also for this cause were very famous Elias Eliseus Daniel and other sonnes of the Prophets and the fier of Babilon touched not the three children because they had vanquished the fier of Luxurye 6 The Last fauour is Apocal. 14.4 that singular priuiledge to followe the lambe in glorye where euer hee goeth for whosoeuer imitateth him in this life imbracing his virginitie D. Aug. lib. de vera vir ginit c. 27. D. Hier. lib. de laude virginit and puritie hee shall also imitate him in the other participating of his most excellent glorye vnited to his sweete companie with particular ioye O most pure immaculate lambe graunt mee that I may followe thy puritye both in bodye and spirit that in issuing out of this straite prison of the worlde I may with thee in thy spacious Heauen dilate myselfe and reioice Amen VVith the consideration of these sixe fauours I am to arme myselfe to resist those combats which shall happen to mee against chastitye saying as chaste Ioseph saide to the woman that sollicited him God hauing donne mee so many benefits Genes 39.9 and promising mee such fauours if I liue chaste Quomodo possum hoc malum facere peccare in Deum meum How can I committe this euill and sinne against my God Colloquie O Lord of heauen and of earthe I vvill leaue not onely my cloke like Ioseph but my honour vvealthe and life rather then offend thee For thou madest Ioseph for his chastitye and loyaltie vice-king of Egipt but mee for mine thou vvilt make a king in thy heauen The xxj Meditation of Auarice The firste Pointe AVarice is a disordinate desire of riches and temporall Goods wherein we may many waies sinne First in desiring to take that which is another mans contrary to the tenth commaundemēt of the lawe of God or taking it in deede or retaining it cōtrary to the seuenth which is not to steale Secondly with nigardise abusing that which is our owne not shating it when the lawe of iustice or of charitie and mercye obligeth vs with the needye but beeing harde-hearted against them Thirdly in in seeking
with the same measure that wee shall mete it shall bee measured to vs againe for our liberallity encreasing towardes our neighbours the liberallitie of God shall encrease towarde vs 2. Cor. 9.6 so that hee that soweth much shall reape much Therefor o my soule bee liberall towardes God and for his loue towardes others God by himselfe and by others willbee liberall towardes thee Prou. 11.24.25 Alij diuidunt propria ditiores fiunt For the soule vvhich blesseth shall bee made fatte that which giueth shall bee inriched and he that inebriateth himselfe also shalll be inebriated receiuing much because it giueth much 3. From hence I will mount to ponder the greate benefits that I shall receiue if I embrace the second waye of mortifing auarice forsaking all things for Christe and giuing them to the poore because as this is a much greater liberallitye towardes God so God shall bee much more liberall towardes mee fullfilling the promise which hee made to giue in this life a hunder folde for what wee giue him and afterwardes life euerlasting with a speciall promise to giue vs at the daye of iudgement thrones of greate glorye to iudge the tribes of Israel Mat. 19.28 Colloquie and the nations of the worlde O happye poueritie that is revvarded vvith so greate riches O blessed liberallitie vvhose guerdon is a measure so abundant O if I could mortifie the loue of terrene riches to obtaine diuine possessing all thinge in God O most svveete IESVS that camest from heauen to earthe to giue vs an example of pouertie by the vvhich vvee may mount from earthe to heauen and madest choise to dye naked vpon a crosse departing the vvorlde vvithout possessing any thing of the vvorld graunt mee to abhorre temporall riches that I may serue thee vvith perfection and obtaine riches euerlasting Amen 4. From these considerations I am to collect a very firme resolution to mortifie auarice in all things that in the first pointe haue beene spoken of obseruing some manner of pouertie conformable to my estate First liuing content with my estate though it bee but meane without coueting what is superfluous or what belongeth to others Secondly in vsing well what I haue and beeing liberall to those that wante Thirdly in taking away the ouergreate loue thereof 1. Cor. 7.30 possessing it as if I possessed it not Fourthly in delighting sometymes to suffer want of some thing to imitate in some thing the pouertie of my redeemer Finally endeuoring to serue him not because hee should giue mee temporall goods but because hee is worthy to bee serued with a hope that hee will giue me goods euerlasting Amen The XXII Meditation of wrathe and Impatience The first Pointe VVrathe is a disordinate appetite of reuenging iniuries D. Th. 2.2 q. 158. 1.2 q. 48. a disordred inflaming of the hearte for things that happen against our liking from whence proceede three sortes of sinnes Some of Thought as are the hatred of our neighbour determining to be reuenged of him desiring some misfortune to him reioycing at his mishaps sorrowing for his good happe and taking delight in reuenge Some sinnes are of the Tongue to witte Vindicatiue and iniurious wordes in presence or murmuring in absence maledictions high and vntuned wordes demonstrating choller contention and peruersenesse in disputations to maintaine a mans owne opinion and other such like Other sinnes there are of Facte contrarye to the fift commaundement as to kill to strike or euilly to entreate our neighbour against reason and iustice or to doe some acte onely to reuenge an iniurie or to require this reuenge of the iudges not for loue of iustice but for rancour and hatred not to pardon him that hath donne the iniurye when hee asketh pardon but giuing exteriour demonstrations of enimitye against him Also discordes processes brawlings schismes factions and warres proceede from wrathe with many other sinnes that accompagnie them 4 Finally with wrathe goeth ioyned Impatience for the euills that happen to vs against our healthe honour or wealthe ouercharging ourselues with heauinesse thorough a vehement and disordinate desire to be deliuered from them from whence vse to proceede many sinnes against God against our neighbour and against our selues Such as are complaintes against our Lord because hee afflicteth vs with appearances of blasphemye litle conformitye to his will Distrustes irksomnesse of life impatient desires of deathe and ragingly to lay violent handes vpon ourselues To bee ill-conditioned rough and intractable towardes others giuing them occasion of indignation and liuing at discorde with those of our owne house beeing angrie euen with the beastes and insensible things Ionae 3.9 as Ionas was angrye with the iuye that withered whē the sunne oppressed it with heate Considering these sinnes and finding myselfe culpable thereof before God I will conuert my wrathe against myselfe onely because I haue sinned beseeching our Lord that hee will assist mee to vanquish it O infinite God vvhose vvrathe is terrible Psalm 4.5 Colloquie but yet iust against those that are angrie vvithout measure cleare the eyes of my soule that considering the terrible chastizements that proceede from thy sacred indignation I may restraine those euill and vehement passions that proceede from mine The second Pointe SEcondly Ex D. Gre. li. 5 moral c. 30. circa illud Iob. 5. Stultū interficit iracūdia I will consider the dammages and chastizements of this vice as well those it bringeth with as those which God of his iustice addeth in this life in the life to come First anger destroieth the likenesse with God whose workes are ful of greate trāquillitie it disquieteth the conscience it stoppeth the fountaine of Gods mercie it strangleth the spirit of deuotion and the consolations of the holy ghoste who dwelleth and reposeth in the humble and meeke hearted Ex D. Basil hom de Ira. and flyeth from the wrathefull in whome the euill spirite inhabiteth For furious wrathe is a frenesye of the soule a short madnesse and a voluntary diuell that prossesseth the spirit with such visages as the diuell maketh when hee possesseth the bodye 2 Besides this as our Lorde is the God of vengeance hee exercizeth it with rigorous iustice against those that wrathfully reuenge themselues by killing or opressing their neighbours For the which sentence was giuen against the two first wrathfull homicides that were in the worlde Genes 4.15 24 Cain and Lamech that of Cain vengeance should bee taken seuen folde and of Lamech that was not warned by Cain seuenty times seuen that is a vengeance so compleate that it comprehendeth all the kindes of torments that are in this life 3 But aboue all I will ponder what Christe our Lord Mat. 5.23 saide in his gospell against this vice vvhosoeuer is angry vvith his brother shall bee in daunger of iudgement And vvhosoeuer shall say to his brother Raca shall bee in daunger of a councell and vvhosoeuer shall say thou foole
earthe to taste what is in heauen where all the blessed are contented and the least are partakers of their glorie that haue most thorough the ioie they receiue thereby And so I shall bee partaker of the prosperitie and ioie of all my neighbours hauing so many motiues of allacritie as I shall see good fortunes happen vnto them Colloquie Ad Gal. 4.18 O my soule begin foortvvith to exercize vpon earthe the life that thou hopest to enioye in heauen If thou vvilt needes haue enuye let it bee a holy enuye of the good imitating them in that vvhich is good endeuoring to excell all not to bee more honoured but that in thee God may bee more glorifyed vvorlde vvithout ende Amen The XXIIII D. Tho. 2.2 q. 35. Meditation of Slothe The first Pointe ACcidia which wee commonly call by the name of Slothe is a disordinate heauinesse and fastidious irksommesse of vertuous exercize Hereein wee may sinne manifoudly thorough the many vices that accompanie it The first is an ouergreate feare of the labour and hardenesse of vertue flying it for this cause from whence proprocedeth hauinesse and tediousnesse in the exercizes therof performing them with irksomnesse The second is pussillanimity D. Tho. 2.2 q. 133. and cowardise in enterprising difficult things in Gods seruice hiding for this cause the talents that God hath giuen mee not vsing them● when the lawe of iustice or charitie 〈◊〉 obligeth mee The third is slothe and negligence in fullfilling and obseruing the lawe of God the Euangelicall councells the statues and rules of my estate and office doing these things a litle more or lesse with breakings of delayes and repugnancies for feare and when I cannot otherwise leaue them vndonne with base endes and seruile and subtle intentions The fourth is inconstancie in prosecuting the actions of vertue and carriyng them to the ende with instabillitie in them dashing out of one into another to take away tediousnesse vntill I leaue of the good I haue begun retourning backe like a dog to his vomite The Fifth is dismaiednesse 2.2 q. 26. ar 4. and distrust of getting the vpper hande in pretention of vertue or of getting the victorie against temptations vntill wee fall into the abisme of desperation The sixth is rancour Ex D. Greg. lib. 31. moral cap. 31. and indignation against spirituall persons because their vertues and good examples vpbraide mee to my face or because I am offended with the aduises and corrections I receiue from them The seuenth is idlenesse in loosing that precious time which God hath giuen mee to labour As also ouermuch sleepe and drowsinesse in good workes specially in the spirituall exercizes of praier reading masse sermons and speeches concerning God thorough the small delight I take in them The eight is vagation in diuerse vnlawfull Ex Cassian lib. 20. c. 2. and vaine things to entertaine mee as are voluntary distractions of thought and imagination pratling and loosnesse of tongue in idle wordes vaine sportes beholding prophane representations curiosity of the senses wauing of the bodye gadding vp and downe the streetes heere and there for pastime and recreation and desiring change beeing constant in nothing but in inconstance Finally to this vice belōg all sinnes of omissions and negligences in Gods seruice which are innumerable and hardely shall you finde a good worke but it hath some of these defectes either in the beginning in the midle or in the ende wherefore I am greately to accuse myselfe before our Lord Colloquie saying vnto him I confesse o my God that in this vice onely I haue sinned so often that my sinnes are numberlesse and therefore I throvve them alltogither into the numberlesse multitude of thy infinite mercies that thou maiest remedie the numberlesse multitude of my miseries The Second Pointe SEcondly I am to consider the most grieuous hurtes proceeding from slothe Some that spring from itselfe and others added by the iust chastizement of God both in this life and in the other The first are the most grieuous For luke-warmnesse is painefull and perillous the shadowe of deathe and very neere neighbour to hell it emptieth the hearte of spirituall consolations Ex D. Bern. 3. 5. de ascen Luc. 11.25 it fillethe it with heauinesse and openeth the gate to innumerable temptations of the diuell who commeth to dwell and settle himselfe in that soule which hee findeth idle and vacant bringing with him seuen other worser diuells which are the multitude of sinnes for all gather themselues to the slothefull and idle soule Eccl. 33.29 Prou. 24.30 which as Salomon saieth like a vineyarde or graunge which is not cultiuated nor hath no trēche nor inclosure is full of the nettles of sinnes and of the thornes of passions and amaritudes it is trodden vpon and trampled by the diuells and by diuerse vnquiet thoughtes which like passengers enter in and issue out by it From whence proceedeth a strange pouertie of spirituall goods and an vnproffitable beggerie Prou. 20.4 for hee that in the winter of this life hath not plowed nor laboured shall begge in the summer of deathe and shall finde none to giue him what hee beggeth like the fiue foolish virgins who thorough slothe falling a sleepe begged oyle for their lampes Mat. 25.8 and none would bee giuen them 2 Besides this the iust sustaine exceeding greate losse by this lukewarmnesse which is as it were the canker of vertues the mothe of good workes the aloes of consciences the banisher of diuine consosolations the diminisher of merits and the augmenter of their labours for the lukewarme in vertue walke full of feares and desires Feares oppresse them and desires torment them They labour much Prou. 18.8 21.25 Mat. 20.12 and thriue but litle for the burthen of Gods lawe lyeth heauy vpon them and they merit but litle in bearing it because of the greate repugnancie and yrkesomnesse wherewith they beare it and so they liue in perill of forsaking it and of falling into the malediction of Ieremie which saieth Hiere 48.10 Cursed bee hee that doeth the vvorke of our Lord fraudulentlie And into that other most terrible one wherewith Christe our Lord menaced a lukewarme bishop saying vnto him that if hee amended not hee would vomite him out of his mouth and cast him both from himselfe Apocal. 3.16 and out of the misticall bodie of his churche Finally as the slothfull seruant which buried the talent of his Lord lost what hee had Matth. 25. and was cast into vtter darkenesse wherethere is perpetuall weeping and gnashing of teethe so the slothfull shall bee punished in hell with torment proportioned to his slothe taking from him the Talent of faithe and hope which hee had buried And because hee loued idlenesse and trembled at labour hee shall liue in perpetuall darkenesse not working but suffering trembling and gnashing of his teethe for the terriblenesse of the torments that hee suffereth Num. 14.22 O eternall God
examining and reflecting vpon our workes shall bee set downe in the sixt parte in the meditation of what God saide hauing finished the worke of the Creation of the worlde Meditations for before Confession and Communion AS the Puritie of the soule which is the ende of the purgatiue way is perfectly obtained with the vse of the two sacraments of Confession and Cōmunion it shall not bee amisse here to set downe certaine Meditations whereby wee may prepare ourselues worthily to receiue them and by the way to teache principiants the manner how to make this preparation causing them to holde in estimation the frequencye of these two remedies that God hath left vs for our Saluation The XXX Meditation of the Excellencyes of the holy Sacrament of Confession of the Vertues that are exercised therein and of the Graces that are receiued The first Point FIrst D. Tho. 3. p. q. 84. art 6. 7. I am to consider the greate fauour that God hath donne to his churche and to mee as a member thereof in hauing instituted the holy sacrament of penaunce pondering some things that discouer the greatenesse of this benefit and animate mee to the vse thereof First it beeing proper to God alone to pardon sinnes Isai 43.25 Ioā 20.23 hee would put this power in the handes of the priestes assuring vs that hee would approoue in heauen the sentence that they should giue vpon earthe And hee ordained that these priestes should bee men subiect likewise to sinne and in neede of the selfe same remedye that they might bee the more compassionate of sinners And the power that hee gaue them was so ample that hee reserued to himselfe alone no sinne how greate soeuer nor limited vnto them the number of sinnes nor how often they were to pardon them for hee saide to S. Matth. 18.22 Peter that pardon should bee giuen not onely seuen times but seuenty times seuen that is without number or limitation In all which is apparent the goodnesse of this greate God Colloquie and the desire that hee hath to forgiue vs. O mercifull father seuenty and seuen times and thousands of times more may the angells of heauen lavvde thee for the fauour thou doest to vs sinners that liue vpon earthe As often as vve can sinne so often if vvee aske pardon of thee thou vvill pardon vs for thy mercye is greater then our miserye I vvill confidently approache to aske pardon for the iniurye seeing hee himselfe that is iniuried so liberally doth offer it mee 2. Secondly I will ponder how this soueraigne iudge beeing to make a most strict iudgement of our liues in the ende of them and in the ende of the worlde would mercifully chaunge this rigorous iudgement of our sinnes into the mercifull iudgement that wee shall make of them in this sacrament 1. Corin. 11.31 D. Cypr. serm de passione Nahum 1.9 so that as the Apostle saithe if here wee shall bee iudged and absolued wee shall no more bee iudged and condemned for those sinnes for to this ende the scripture saithe that hee neither iudgeth nor chastizeth one thing twise Finally this Sacrament according to the Prophecye of Zacharias is a fountaine of liuing water that God hath in his churche to washe the vncleanesse of our sinnes to heale the infirmities Zachar. 13.1 and woundes of our vices to restore vnto vs the life of grace the beautye of charitye and the splendour of vertues to repaire lost merites and to remedye the other hurtes of our sinnes And it is a continual and open fountaine for it is neuer drye nor God will neuer shut it so long a wee liue rather hee desireth that assoone as euer wee haue sinned wee should approache to washe our selues therein Colloquie Isai 12.3 O blessed bee the fountaine of Gods goodnesse from vvhēce springeth this fountaine of so greate mercye ●ome o my soule for vvater to this fountaine of thy Sauiour come vvith heauinesse by reason of thy sinne but vvith ioye thorough hope to vvashe thyselfe therein This pointe shall bee handeled more largely in the fift Parte The second Pointe SEcondly I am to consider what an excellent worke the acte of confession is to affect vs the more to exercise and frequent it pondering how Christ our Lord instituted this Sacrament in his churche that the faithfull might take occasion by their owne sinnes to exercise excellent actes of vertues wherewith they might not onely repaire the losses they receiued by them but also might gaine newe commodities These actes are principally seuen 1. The First is of faithe beleiuing firmely that the pardoning of sinnes which is proper to God alone hath beene communicated to Preistes Math. 18 18. putting in their handes the keyes of heauen wherewith they shall open the gates thereof that from thence may descende the celestiall giuftes and graces that iustifie sinners and that sinners may enter therein to enioy the kingdome which is promised to the iust The 2. acte is of hope aboue all humane hope for the confession of our owne crime which in the tribunalls of the worlde is a meanes to condemne the guiltye in this tribunall of heauen is a meanes to absolue him The 3. Acte is of charitye to which it pertaineth to bee greately sorrye for hauing offēded the infinite Goodnesse of God lost his grace and freindship desiring to repaire it by louing and seruing him with all our heartes The 4. is of heroicall humillitye humbling ourselues not onely before God but before men discouering vnto his ministers the secret things that are to humble vs and to cause in vs greate shame and confusion embracing this contempt for the loue of God and delighting that others should holde vs in that figure that wee holde ourselues The 5. is of excellent obedience in a matter as hath beene saide that is so harde and difficult and in subiecting ourselues to our confessors as to our superiours with a minde to obey them in whatsoeuer they shall ordaine to this ende The 6. is of iustice highly eleuated exercizing its actes as shall bee declared of accuser guilty witnesse iudge and executioner and subiecting ourselues to Gods minister not perforce but willingly with a minde to vndergoe his sentence and with a zeale to reuenge in ourselues the iniuries wee haue donne against God and to repaire and restore the hurtes that wee haue donne to our neighbour The 7. is of admirable fortitude ourselues vanquishing ourselues and the vehement inclination that men haue to couer their sinnes to defende and excuse them like Adam from whome all men doe inherite it Iob. 31.33 For which as holy Iob noteth whosoeuer vanquisheth himselfe herein is more then a man and sometimes wee had neede of no lesse fortitude to confesse with humilitie the sinne committed lib. 22. Moral cap. 12. then not to committe it For as S. Gregory saieth wee vse to suffer a greater warre in manifesting the sinne committed then would haue beene suffered
him with the same liuing Faith I shall receue the same grace Againe there is hee that went thorough the world teaching preaching curing the sick rasing the dead and doing good to all with innumerable miracles And especially I will ponder that it is hee himselfe that for my sake was takē scourged crouned with thornes scorned and crucified who being nailed on the Crosse praied for his enemies pardoned the theefe and promised him his paradice And seeing hee himselfe in parson is in the most blessed Sacramente representing his passion with the same blood that he shed therein he likewise both may and will worke in me the same effectes Finally he that dispoiled hell rose againe in glory and sitteth on the right hand of his eternall Father and shal afterwardes come to Iudge the whole worlde euen he himselfe with the same glory is in this holy Sacramente for not content to haue his Courte and Throne in heauen hee will also haue another Throne on earth for the comforte of vs that liue therein And there he doth to vs the offices that hee was wont to doe in the worlde of our Master Phisition Redeemer Pastor and High Preiste desiring that we should come vnto him with the same Faith and confidence as if we did see him in his mortall and visible fleshe seeing he himselfe is really there though couered vnder the accidents of bread wine O my svveete Redeemer Colloquie vvhat thankes may I giue thee for thy bovvles of mercy vvherevvith thou comest euery day to visit vs from on high VVhy chall not I considently come vnto thee seeing thou comest from heauen only for mee I adore thee glorifie thou in this venerable sacrament and in spirit I cast myselfe as thy feete like Mary Magdalen that thou maist pardon mee vvith the vvoman that had the fluxe of blood Ioan. 20.27 I much thy sacred Vestment that thou maist cure mee and vvith S. Thomas I feele thy soueraigne VVoundes that thou maiest illuminate mee quicken my Faith vvith the vvhich I say and confesse that thou art my Lord and my God vvorthy of Highest honour glory vvorlde vvithout ende Amen The Second Pointe Secondly I am to consider in what gentle and amiable maner Christe our Lord commeth to visite mee I being so miserable and abhominable a sinner 1. Numer 21.8 Ioan. 3.14 First I will ponder that it might haue sufficed for my saluatiō to beholde this most blessed Sacramēt as it suffized the Israelites beeing wounded by serpēts that their woūdes might bee healed to beholde a Breazen serpent erected vpon a pole which was the figure of this Sauiour Or it might haue suffized onely to touch it with the hāde Luc. 8.44 as the woman that had the fluxe of blood was whole with touching only the hem of his garment and to giue mee but this libertie were an ouergreate honour But the Charitie of this greate God was not contented herewith but that hee will also ioyne himselfe vnto mee with the most entire and penetrating vnion that any corporal thing can ioyne itselfe to man for in the forme of meate he entreth in at my mouth and passeth thorough my throate and maketh his dwelling and habitation within my breaste so long as the species of the sacrament doe remaine and so renueth that famous miracle whereof the prophet Hieremye spake Hierem. 31.22 a newe thing hath God done vpon the earthe Famina circundabit virum A woman shall beare within her a perfect man in wisdome and sanctitie which is Christe for euery day whatsoeuer womā or other Person that communicateth beareth within them for that time this man perfect in age and as greate and beautifull as hee is in Heauen 2 But this will seeme a much greater nouelltie vnto mee if I consider the vilenesse of the persone that beareth it within him the basnesse horible straightnesse of the house whereinto he entreth Colloquie O Soueraigne nevve man calestial Adam vvhat nevve inuentions of loue are these that shou makest to cherish meet knovvest thou peraduētur into vvhat house thou entresi● Behoulde vvhat I am a vessell of inyquitie a caue of basiliskes a house of perdition Then why wilt thou enter into so vild a harbour or how dare I entertain thee therein My tongue is a worlde of impieties how shall I touch therewith him that is the foūtain of all good My throte●●s a sinke of gluttonie and drunkennesse then how shall the auathor of purity sanctitie passe thorough it My brest is a puddle of wicked cogitations and desiers how shall I harbour therein him that is Charitie itselfe O Soueraigne kinge how well it befitteth thee to be the Father of mercy seeing thou wilt dwell in a house of so greate miseries Reneue it first o Lord cleanse adorne it that it may bee for thee a worthy abiding place O infinite God Inclina Caelos ●uos desc●nde Incline thy heauens descende Psalm 143.5 And seeing thou wilt descende humble thyselfe to dwell within me what is it for the heauens to humble themselues descend Let come the celestial vertues into my soule let come liuely Faith assured Hope much enkindled Charitie let come humilitie obedience deuotion conuerte into heauen that which must be the habitation of the king of heauen himselfe 3 The like Colloquies I am to make to the three persons of the Godheade beseeching them that they would make me a n●we man renued in spirit to receiue this new Celestiall Adam that is willing to harbour himselfe in my soule especially I will say to the holy Spirit O most holly Spirit that didst purifie adorne the soule of the most sacred Virgin that it might be avvorthy habitation for her some Purifye mee also and adorne me vvith thy grace seeing the some God that entred into her is to enter into me The third Pointe THirdly I am to cōsider the endes that Christe our lord pretēdeth in this cōming beseching him assone as he entreth to put thē in executiō that my indignitie may be no meanes of the hinderance thereof This may be pondred running through some of the offices that this our Lord did in the worlde which hee commeth to exercise in my soule 1. First he commeth as a Sauiour to pardon mee my sinnes applying vnto me the price of the blood hee shed for them Secondly he commeth to cure al my spirituall infirmities like a Phisition that entreth into the house of a sicke man and cōmeth neere him to apply vnto him his remedies Thirdly hee commeth as a Master to illustrate me with the light of his inspirations and to instruct mee in the way of vertue and perfection Fourthly he commeth as a high Preist to apply vnto me the fruite of the bloody sacrifice which hee oftred for me vpon the Crosse and to moue me to offer vnto him the sacrifice of an humble and contrite harte the Hostia of of
praise and the Holocaust of loue Fiftly he commeth as meate to sustaine me as to a child with the milke of his delitiousnesse and to vnite himselfe to me with the vnion of perfect loue and to giue mee the kisse of peace of reconsiliation and perfect amitie fullfilling the desire of the soule that said Let him kisse me with the kisse of his mouthe Cantic 1.1 make peace with me And in this forte I may runne through his other offices imagining that he cōmeth as a shepheard to gather me to his folde as a protector to defend mee and as a consuming fier to purifie inflame me 2 VVithall as I am pondring theese offices which Christ our Lord is willing to doe for me I will also ponder the great necessitie that I haue of them behoulding myselfe as a man captiued by the deuill for my sinnes sicke of diuers passions ignorante with many errours weake poore needy of sustētation for my soule to haue peace with my Creator and to bee gouerned protected and fauored by my Sauiour And making comparison betweene him and mee and beeweene his excellent offices my innumerable miseries I will breake out on the one side into affections of admirations and on the other into feruent desires of his comming Colloquie 3 Reg. 16.21 4. Reg. 4.34 saying vnto him O God of immense maiestie how is it that I am not beside myselfe considering this plotte of thy infinite Charitie Helias and Heliseus shrunke vp themselues ioyning themselues to a deade childe to restore him to life but thou restrainest thyselfe much more to a morsell of meate to ioyne thyselfe vnto mee and to raize mee againe to a newe and feruorous life It had beene sufficient that with thy worde thou hadst commaunded what thou wouldst and presently it had beene donne or that some seruaunt of thine like Gyezi had touched mee with thy staffe that I might liue but thou wouldest not but come in person to heale mee to reuiue mee and to recale mee Come then o my Sauiour and delaye not come and dissolue the miseries of thy seruaunt Awake thy omnipotencie and come that thou maiest presently saue mee Isai 64.17 Isai 45.8 O that thou wouldst breake the heauens and come that with thy comming the mountaines of my passions might dissolue and all my bowells might melt themselues in thy loue O heauens send this dewe O clowdes raine downe this iust one O land of the liuing bud out vnto mee this Sauiour O most sweete Sauiour come to my soule that longeth to receiue thee take from her all impeachements of thy entraunce exercize in her the offices that thou pretendest by thy comming Ioyne thee speedily vnto mee for I desire to see myselfe vnited with thee my onely summum bonum worlde with out ende Amen 3. This kinde of feruent Desiers is much to bee exercized in this Pointe for Christe our Lord will bee receiued with Desire and Hunger of his comming And this meate with how much the greater Hunger it is eaten with so much the more proffit it entreth And herein wee shall bee ayded with other places of diuine scriptur like vnto those which haue ben produced wherein the holy fathers declared the fēruent desier they had of the cōming of the Messias for the redemption of the worlde VVithe these desires I am to ioyne others of carrying the greatest purity of hearte that may bee endeuouring that as the body goeth to communicate fasting from all Corporall meate so that from the midnight before it must not haue eaten nor drunke any thinge how litle soeuer so also the soule may that day goe fasting of all sinne In such sorte that as neere as possibly may be from the night before 2. Corin. 7.1 it bee not spotted with any vncleanesse of fleshe or of spirit and that from my mouth there hath issued no idle worde nor from my hearte any euill thought for Christ our Lord being puritye itselfe it is our Dutie to receiue him with the greatest purity that possibly wee may And if thorough our Imbecility we doe fall into any sinne 1. Corin. 11.28 wee are first to purifie our selues thereof by the meanes of Confession the which is obligatorie if it be a mortall sinne or by the meanes of Contrition when it is but a light sinne and that wee were lately at Confession The XXXIV Meditation of spirituall Communion which is a disposing for Sacramentall Communion and for hearing Masse profitably SPirituall communion is an exercize of excellent Interiour actes 3. p. q. 80. a. 1. ad 3. by the which as S. Thomas saieth without receiuing the Sacrament wee participate the fruite of the Sacrement which is vnion with Christe And it serueth for two tymes and for two endes The first is duely to prepare ourselues before sacramentall Communion adorning the soule with actes of vertues proportioned to this caelestiall banquet The 2. is to heare masse euery day with proffit As the preiste when hee saieth masse togither offereth the sacrifize and receiueth the Sacrament so when I heare masse it is good that I doe other two such like things The first is to offer that sacrifize in thankes giuing for the benefits receiued or in satisfaction of my sinnes or of the sinnes of them that are departed And to obtaine of God the benefits that I require him for myselfe and for the whole churche for to all this is this sacrifize ordained as in the fourth parte shall bee declared The 2. is to receiue likewise the Sacrament spiritually eating Christ our Lord with a desire by meanes of the Actes of the three Theologicall Vertues Faith Hope Charity according to the which the same Lord himselfe said I am the bread of life Ioan. 6.3 s. he that commeth to me shall not hunger and hee that beleeueth in mee shall neuer thirst The manner of this communion disposing itselfe for the sacramentall is that which foloweth The first Pointe First we are to exersize actes of faith concerning this mysterie Actes of Faithe breifely pondring first the excelency and firmenesse of the foure pillars vpon which this Faith relieth that is to say that God wanted not infinite wisdome to inuent this meanes of our spirituall sustentation nor goodnesse to will it nor omnipotencie to execute it And seeing God is infallible truth in all that he reuealeth and that hee hath reuealed this mystery I am to beleeue him with all assurednesse much more then if I had seene him with my bodily eies 2. Vpō this foundation Faith is to exercize her actes denying the Iudgmēt that proceedeth from the sences and firmly beleeuing that vnder those species of bread and wine is Christ Iesus true God and man with all the integritie glorie maiestie that hee hath in Heauen And as there he inuiteeh and filleth the Blessed with the cleare sight of his Diuinitie humanitie so here hee will inuite and fill our desires of good thinges with the sight by
an abisme From all these cōsiderations I will collect a greate detestation of veniall sinnes for the good that they depriue mee of for the prison that they menace mee for the burthen wherewith they burthen mee and aboue all because God so abhorreth it as foorthwith wee shall ponder more at large The Second Pointe SEcondly I am to consider what a greate feeling those soules haue and mine shall haue of the obscuritie and darknesse of that prison which is to want the sight of God and what a terrible paine this is like to that which they call the paine of losse pondering the causes of this sence and Dolour 1. The first is for that there they haue a very liuely faithe of what God is and how good how beautifull and potent hee is how hee is our last ende and eternall blessednesse many of those clowdes and doubtes which here wee haue beeing taken away And this liuelinesse of faithe shall kindle their desire to see their last ende and consequently shall encrease the paine of their delay of beholding it Prouerb 13.12 for as the wiseman saithe Hope that is delaied afflicteth the hearte 2. The 2. cause is for that the loue of God is there in its perfection and exceedingly desireth to see its beloued to bee vnited with him and hath nothing to diuert it not entertaine it in this life with meriting newe glory augmenting its perfection and doing good to its neighbours all which ceaseth in purgatorie And if with all this some holy men haue here so greate longing to beholde God that they are much afflicted with the delay of the accomplishment of their desier and mourning say with Dauid VVoe to mee for my banishment hath beene much delaied Psalm 119.5 and my soule hath beene a long tyme a pilgrime on the earthe with how much more feeling shall the soules detained in purgatorie say this who loue are in paine and yet thriue not 3. The 3 cause of this paine is the suspension wherein those soules are not knowing how long tyme this prison and this delaying of beholding God shall endure for allbeeit they are conformable to the will of God yet for all this they are in great paine considering that originally it springeth from their owne sinne and frō their owne negligēce and carelesnesse aswell insatisfiing for their sinnes as in desiring to see God Refert Blosius in monili spiritu ali cap. 13. For as it was reuealed to S. Briget there is for this culpable lukewarmnesse a kinde of punishment in the other life which they call the purgatorie of desier wherewith they are chastized that were but lukewarme in their desire to see God 4. This Paine likewise is augmented by wanting the sight of our sauiour Christ of the most blessed virgin of the sweete society of the angells and sainctes in heauen and the sight of all other things which they beleiue and hope to beholde for of them all they haue a very liuely faithe confirmed by the experience of their immortallitie and of the purgatorie itselfe which they suffer The greatnesse of this paine I may simbolize by that which a discreete wise and noble man hath when hee is imprisoned in a very obscure prison of the inquisition without seeing the light of heauen any more but by some chinke or loope hole without hauing any communication with his kinred freindes or acquaintaunce and without knowing what passeth in the world or how long his imprisomnent shall continue And all beeit it is to bee beleiued that the Angell gardian commeth now and then to confort the soule of whome hee had care Tob. 5.12 Colloquie yet wee may imagine that it aunswereth him as blinde Tobyas awnsuered to S. Raphael vvhat Io● can I haue beeing seated in darkenesse vvithout seeing the light of heauen or my svveete Creatour and redeemer O my soule seeing thou beleiuest this paine that attendeth thee in purgatorie if thou payest not here vvhat thou ovvest for thy sinnes deferre not the payment that God may not deferre thee from beholding him clearely Desire vvith greate feruency to goe to beholde him remoouing from thee all that may deferre the accomplishment of this desire that vvith the ende of thy life there may bee an ende of thy paine and that thou mayest presentely enter into rest and gloris Amen The third Pointe THirdly I am to consider the paine which they call of sence which my soule shall suffer in Purgatorye tormented by the terrible fier thereof This is to bee pondered first for that this fier is the same with that of Hell in comparison whereof that of this life is as it were painted As also for that it wonderfully tormenteth as beeing the instrument of God and of a wrathfull God whose hande is exceeding heauye when hee reuengeth his iniurye For as the fier melteth the siluer to purifie it from drosse so this fier as the Prophet saieth Malac. 3.3 shall melt that is shall terribly afflict those soules to purifie them from the drosse they brought from the worlde So that whilest there is any thing to purifie D. Aug. in ps 37. D. Greg. in ps 3. peniten D. Tho. 3. p. q. 46 ar 6. ad 3. Colloquie the dolour shall continue for there is no sleepe nor distraction nor nothing else to temper the furie thereof as there is in this life And hereupon holy men conclude that the dolours of purgatorie exceede in that which is paine and torment the dolours that sinners endure in this life and those which martirs haue sustained yea and those that the king of martirs himselfe Christe Iesus our Lord did suffer to whome I am humbly to say O most svveete redeemer chastize mee not in thy fury vvith the fier of hell and purifie mee so in this life that I may haue no neede of the fier of purgatorie From this consideration I am to collect three affections and Intentions of very much Importance The 1. is a greate Feare of God and of the rigour of his Iustice For if I consider it well what neede I bee so much amazed that the maiestie of God standes beholding the soules burne in hell without hauing compassion of them seeing they are his enemies and persist in abhoring him as that his should see those of Purgatory burne enduring most terrible paines and sometimes for very light sinnes and yet louing them much and beeing beloued of them hee letteth them burne and bee in paine vntill they pay all that they owe Colloquie VVho shall not feare thee o king of the nations If thou thus burnest the fruitefull tree for a fevve thornes that vvere mingled vvith the good fruite hovv vviltt thou burne and tormēt the vvi hered barren tree that hath brought forth nothing but the thornes of greiuous sinnes The 2. intention is to satisfie in this life for my sinnes and to embrace willingly whatsoeuer penaunces and afflictions seeing they are all as nothing in comparison of these other For that which
is suffered in this life is but litle and for a little time and is very proffitable to encrease in vertue and to meritte augmentation of grace and glorye But in purgatory much is suffered and vnproffitably for the endes before saide And therefore I am to beeseeche our Lorde that if I shall bee carelesse of this payment it will please him to purifie mee with the fier of afflictions that I may pay here with gaine that which I shall afterwardes pay without gaine O my Sauiour that didst promise to purifie the sonnes of thy churche as golde and siluer is purified in the fier Colloquie Malac. 3.3 purisie mee as thou vvillt in this life that in departing out of it I may goe to enioye thee Amen The 3. intention is to auoide as much as possibly I may veniall sinnes 1. Cor. 3.12 seeing as the Apostle saieth they are no other thing but wood hay and stubble to make fewell for the sier that shall burne mee in purgatorye The which is a greate rashnesse if I haue the eyes of faithe to beholde it for if I should see a man cut wood from a mountaine and carry it to his house and asking him wherefore hee carryed that wood he should aunswere mee that it was to kindle a fier wherein to burne himselfe should not I holde him for a mad man then am not I much more madde doing things with so greate pleasure Colloquie Ex D. Thom. ibidem that shall burne mee in Purgatorie O my soule seeing thou art founded vpon so pretious a foundation as is Christe our Lord builde vpon it vvorkes of greate value Golde of charitie siluer of Innocencie And precious stones of solid vertues vvhich may remaine vvith thee vnto life euerlasting Bevvare thou minglest not vvith them vvorkes that shall perishe the vvood of auarice the haye of sensuallitie and the stubble of vanitie louing vvith some disorder the goods of this life for this shall bee sevvell for the sier that shall burne thee in the life to come O good Iesus deliuer mee from such madnesse preseruing mee from these sinnes by thy grace The fourth Pointe FOurthly I am to consider two notable things that are in the soules of purgatorie The first is the greate resignation that they haue in the will of God as touching the greatenesse and continaunce of their paines and the greate patience wherewith they suffer and accept their torments beeing pleased that God is iust and chastizeth them according to their merits and that hee purifieth them in that fiery fornace that beeing refined they may enter into heauen From whence I will learne to haue patience in my afflictions if I desier they should bee my purgatorie and not my hell seeing the lesser they are the more proffitable they are to pay my debtes with all and are contriued by Gods iustice to that ende And seeing what soeuer is in God is to bee loued if I loue him in deede I am to rejoice that hee is a iusticer Cant. 5.16 and that hee hath a place appointed to chastize my sinne beeing as it is so worthy of Chastizement The second is the greate desier that these soules haue to bee ayded by the faithefull that liue vpon the earthe with sacrifices prayers almes fastings and other satisfactorie workes As also with indulgences and other suffrages to get out quickely from those paines and to goe to enioy God which ought to mooue mee to fauour them as much I may though I take it from myselfe to giue vnto them For if I should see my freinde burne in a greate fier and could get him out without burning myselfe or any other hurt it were a greate crueltie not to get him out Then if by faithe I see these soules burne in such a terrible fier and may deliuer them with masses Indulgences and other good workes it will bee a greate charitie to bee carefull heerein And if what I would for myselfe I am to will for my neighbour it is iust to doe what I may to deliuer him that paineth in purgatorie as I would that others should doe for mee when I am there Ex D. Greg. lib. 4. Moral c. 57. Especially for that with this care I make myselfe worthy that God should then inspire others to ayde mee for the mercifull shall obtaine mercie in that kinde wherein they themselues vsed it And these very soules when they come to beholde God are very gratefull to those that fauored them in their afflictions and will solicite the fauour of God for vs in ours And all bee it I take from my selfe the satisfaction of the worke that I apply to the deade yet in giuing it for almes I augment the merit for charitie increaseth by taking from myselfe that I had neede of to succour the needy For all these reasons the holy scripture saieth that it is a holy 2. Machab 12.46 and meritorious care to pay for the deade that the paines of their sinnes may bee pardoned them for of this care followe those benefits that haue beene declared to those that pray for them VVith this meditation is concluded all that appertaineth to the purgatiue waie and to puritie which is the proper ende thereof whose defectes if any were in this life are remedied in the purgatorie of the other to enter with entire puritie into glorie which is the finall and last thing of the iust whereof meditations shall bee made in the ende of the 6. parte for that it is the last of Gods benefits and the farthest ende of the vnitiue way In the which the lust shall rest vnited vnto their God worlde without ende Amen The ende of the first Parte A TABLE OF THE CONTENTS IN THIS First Part. THe prologue to the Christian Reader page 1. The introduction to these meditations wherein is set downe a summarie of such things as are comprehended in the practise and exercize of mentall praier page 6. § 1. VVhat mentall praier is pag. 9. § 2. How we at to speake vnto God in mentall praier pag. 14. § 3. Of the vertues that accompanie mentall praier and of their excellencies pag. 20. § 4. Of the matter of mentall praier for meditation pag. 23. § 5. Of entrance into praier pag. 29. § 6. Of the manner of meditating and discoursing in praier and how we are to resist distractions that then doe combatte vs pag. 34. § 7. Of the manner how we may ayde our selues with the imagination and the tongue and the rest of the faculties for mentall praier pag. 40. § 8. Of the examination of praier and of the fruites that may be drawne from thence pag. 43. § 9. Of the seuerall formes of praying in diuerse matters accomodated to different persons and tymes pag. 46. § 10. Of contemplation and of the manner how some may vse mentall praier without manifoldnes of discourse pag. 50. § 11. Of the extraordinary formes of mentall praier and in what diuers manners God communicateth himself therein pag.
eternall Father other sometimes to this royall king his Sonne and other sometimes to my selfe exhorting my selfe heere vnto in this manner Colloquie O my Soule praise and glorifye the celestiall Father for hauing giuen thee a King so potent so wise and so holy Rejoice at the good fortune that hath befallen thee to haue so louing a king of whome thou maiest obtaine fauour and interiour freindship If men make so much accoumpt to bee the minions of earthly kings how much more oughtest thou to accoumpt thyselfe for being the minion and fauorite of the king of Heauen O Soueraigne king I rejoice at those so infinite Greatenesses that thou hast for the which I beseeche thee to take mee vnder thy Protection Psal 22.1 for seeing thou art hee that doest gouerne mee I am sure te want nothing The Second Pointe SEcondly I am to consider the speeche that this Soueraigne king maketh to all his Vassalls Psal 2.6 perswading them to accomplish the precept of his Father saying vnto them My most Iust Will is 1 Ioa. 3.8 In hoc apparuit filius Dei. vt dissoluat opera diaboli Ioan. 12.26 to make Warre vpon mine Enemies the Deuill the Worlde and the Fleshe and vpon all Vices and Sinnes and triumphing ouer them to enter into the kingdome of my Father Therefore whosoeuer will followe mee in this enterprize let him liue like mee and hee shall raigne like mee let him imitate mee in the fight and doubtlesse hee shall haue parte in the Victorye And this is founded vpon that which the same our lord saide by S. Iohn If any man minister vnto mee let him followe mee where I am there also shall my minister bee which is to say Whosoeuer offereth himselfe to my seruice must liue as I liue and so shall hee enjoye the eternall rewarde that I enjoye Vpon this Vocation I will discourse pondering the sweetenesse and efficacye thereof and the greate reasons that are vsed to moue mee to heare and to followe this lord First for that hee that calleth mee is a king of so greate maiestie so greate a Benefactor and so franke a Giuer that for a thousand respects I am obliged to his seruice Secondly for that the enterprize is Iust and much more to my proffit then to his seeing it is ordained to destroye my Enemyes from whome I receiue so greate dammages Thirdly because hee goeth fighting before mee and descended From Heauen to giue mee an example heereof and is it much that a meane Souldiour should doe that which his Captaine Iudic. 7.17 9.49 and his king doth when as Gedoon and Abimelech but in saying to their Souldiours Doe what you shall see vs doe were Instantly obeyed Fourthly for the assurance that hee promiseth vs of the Victorye and the greate rewarde that hee wil giue vs if wee conquere Fiftly for the greate Glorye and Honour that will ensue heereof as well to him as to his Father and to all his Vassals O eternall king Colloquie Osea 11.4 I giue thee thankes for the sweetenesse where with thou callest vs attracting vs to thy seruice with Adams cordes weaued with so effectuall reasons O that all men by thy diuine Light might vnderstand them that all with ardent Charity might followe thee The third Pointe THirdly I will consider the diuerse kindes of men that are in the worlde to whose notice this Vocation arriueth The first is of those that make themselues deafe to this Calling who beeing deluded with the goods of this Life wil not followe this king pondering the Ingratitude and disloyaltye of these wretches compassionating their Deafenesse and condoling that the number of them should bee greate for as S. Serm. 21. in Cant. Bernard saieth All Christians desire to arriue where Christ is and yet fewe will followe after Christ All would haue the rewarde of those that followe him but there are not many that will endure the trauell to followe him who in chastizement of their disobedience Luc. 14.18 like those that were called to the banquet and excused themselues shall neuer attaine to enjoye his sweete Society to whome our Lord swore that they should neuer more taste of his supper vsing likewise vnto them that speeche of the diuine Wisdome Prou. 1.24 Because I called you and you heard mee not I will laugh at your perdition chastizing your Rebellion with Deathe euerlasting The second kinde is of those which are willing to followe this king and to accompanye him in this warfare marry yet not to neere contenting themselues to keepe his Commaundements desiring to remaine with their Riches and Dignities and to enjoye the lawfull Pleasures of Matrimonye because they haue not a minde to arriue to greater perfection like that young man that from his infancye had kept the Commaundements of God Matt. 19.21 and when Christ saide vnto him That if hee would bee perfect hee should sell all that hee had and giue it to the poore and come followe him hee went away sad and would not doe it contenting himselfe with doing what hee was wont to doe These allbeit they doe what is sufficient for their Saluation yet as their imitation commeth short so allso their rewarde shall bee short For it is a kinde of Shortnesse for a Souldier not to imitate his Captaine in all that hee can to his vttermost power when as his Captaine doth for him more then hee is obliged vnto The third kinde is of those who with a generous minde offer themselues to followe this king in all and thorough all obseruing not only his Precepts but allso his Counsells as hee himselfe obserued them liuing in Pouertye Chastitye and Obedience renouncing Riches and the lawfull Pleasures of Matrimonye yea and their owne Liberty perfectly to imitate their Lorde And these are Religious men who as they imitate Christ with more perfection so also they shall receiue of him a more copious rewarde one in this Life which is the hundred folde Matt. 19.29 and the other afterwarde in Life euerlasting Vnto this manner of Life it were reason that wee should all of vs offer ourselues not so much for the temporall and eternall interest that ensueth thereof as for the infinite obligation that wee haue to loue and serue this greate king And Because as the Wiseman saieth It is greate Glorye to followe our lord with Perfection Eccl. 23.38 Matth. 5.48 Luc. 6.46 And the neerer wee followe him the greater shall bee our glorye labouring to bee perfect as our heauenly Father is perfect and as is the king and master that for our example hee hath giuen vs. From hence it is that those who by a speciall Vocation haue not beene called to this kinde of Life are to make demonstration of the good will they haue to serue this Soueraigne king saying vnto him with the royall Prophet Dauid Psal 107.2 My hearte is prepared o God my hearte is prepared beholde mee heere readye to fullfil thy precepts
and likewise prepared to obserue thy Counsells I offer myselfe for thy Loue to followe thee in Pouertye and Chastitye abandoning my Libertye and all whatsoeuer I haue for thy Glorye if thou willt but daigne to call mee to such a kinde of Life To these three kindes of Persons may bee added a fourth which is of those that are called by this celestiall king not only to imitate him in Pouertye Chastitye and Obedience but also to bee his instruments to call others and by his fauour to fight not only against their owne Enemyes but also against the Enemves of their neighbours ayding them to their Saluation and inuiting them as VVisdome sayeth to mount vp to the Fortresse Prou. 9.3 and to the Walles of the Citty that is to the highest of Christian Perfection In this kinde enter those Religious whose ende is in imitation of the Apostles to attende not only to their owne Saluation and Perfection but also to that of others and such is the ende of our Society of IESVS for wee that are the Religious thereof profisse to bee the Cōpanions of IESVS in this enterprize and those which in this manner are called ought to bee exceedingly contented with their Vocation considering the highnesse thereof and to giue many thankes to him that called them offering themselues with greate Courage to vndertake whatsoeuer Trauailes and Peregrinations whither among Christians or Infidells euen vnto the shedding of their blood if neede bee for the Glorye of God and for the Saluation of their Soules vsing those wordes of the Prophet Isaias Isa 6.8 Beholde mee here o Lord send mee whither thou willt and how thou willt for I am readye to doe whatsoeuer thou commaundest mee The Conclusion of what hath beene saide By what hath beene saide in this meditation I Inferre with what spirit wee are to enter into the Meditations ensuing euery one endeuouring to imitate Christ our Lord most perfectly conformable to the Estate that hee hath chosen If hee bee a Religious man following his proper Institution with Perfection If hee holde an Estate of Continencye or Preisthood full filling all his obligations with integritye And if hee bee a married man dispoiling his hearte of disordinate Affections to the things that hee possesseth according to the rule of the Apostle which sayeth 1 Cor. 7.29 Those which haue wiues let them bee as if they had none those which buye and possesse as if they possessed not and those which vse this VVorlde as if they vsed if not doing all things in such sorte that for them they neither loose Christ nor growe colde in his loue and seruice But those which haue not yet taken an Estate and desire to make choice of that which is most conuenient for their Saluation and Perfection their ende must bee to regarde what our Lord Christ doth Inspire them to imitate him in that degree of Perfection where vnto they shall finde they are moued wherein they shall bee ayded by the 6.7 and 8. meditation of the third Parte The first Meditation Of the Decree made by the most holy TRINITY that the Second Person of the Deity should become Man for the redemption of Mankinde lost by the Sinne of Adam IN the Entrance of this meditation and of those ensuing which treate of this mysterie it shall not bee amisse to imagine God our Lōrd Three and One seated in a Throne of infinite Majestye Apoc. 4.3 inuironed as S. Iohn sawe him with the bowe of Heauen the Symbole of his infinite Mercye with the three Colours of his infinite Goodnesse Wisdome and Omnipotencye wherewith hee gouerneth all things and hath both Will Knowledge and Abillitye to remedye our miseries Then wil I imagine all mankinde and myselfe among them thorough the sinne of Adam Luc. 10.30 prostrate vpon the Earthe dispoiled wounded and halfe deade as was that poore man who in the waye of Iericho fell among theeues And the three Persons of the Deitye beholding them taking compassion on them and entring into Counsell what meanes they should take for their Remedye With this holy representation prostrate in Spirit before this Throne and adoring the most blessed Trinitye I wil humbly beseeche him to illuminate mee with his diuine Light that I may knowe to depth of the Counsell that hee tooke for our remedye in such sorte as may proffit mee And the louely veiwe of his coelestiall Bow shall encourage mee to approache as S. Heb. 4.16 Paule saieth with greate Confidence to the Throne of his Grace hoping to obtaine mercye and ayde in time conuenient as is this time of Praier The first Pointe THe first Pointe Ex D. Th. 3. p. q. 1. art 1. 2 q. 4. art 1. and the Foundation of those that followe shall bee to consider the Decree that God our Lord made in his Eternitye for the Remedye of mankinde that was lost by the Sinne of Adam pondering the causes that moued him therevnto some in the behalfe of his infinite Mercye and others in the behalfe of our owne Miserye and of the lamentable meanes whereby wee incurred it First Heb. 1.16 Nō Angelos apprehēdit sed semen Abrahae I wil consider that our Lord hauing created two sortes of Creatures to his owne image and likenesse to serue and to praise him to witte Angells and Men Angells in the Empyrean heauen and men in the terrestriall Paradise and hauing seene that a greate parte of the Angells sinned and so likewise the men hee determined to demonstrate the terriblenesse of his rigorous Iustice by chastizing the Angells 1. Petr. 2.4 bending against them the rigorous Bow of his Indignation and throwing them immediately From Heauen into Hell not giuing them any time of Repentance But to men though they deserued the same punishment hee was desirous to shewe the Riches of his infinite mercye determining to remedye them and to drawe them out of those miseries into which they had fallen by giuing them meanes to obtaine pardon of their sinne For in nothing is the mercye of God so resplendent Sap. 11.10 12.1 as in pardoning Sinnes and taking Compassion on his very Enemyes neither were it reason that mercy should omitte to shewe it selfe in a thing that so greately doth magnifye it And thus did hee with men according to that of S. Paul Ad Tit. 3.3 The Benignitye and Kindnes toward man of our Sauiour God h●th appeared in that hee hath saued vs not by the workes of Iustice which wee did but according to his infinite mercye For the which euery one of vs ought to giue infinite thankes to this our Lord considering that wee beeing creatures so vile that wee deserued to bee vnprotected by his Iustice Yet hee tooke vs vnder the protection of his mercye reiecting the Angells that were much more noble then wee Colloquie O eternall God true Father of mercye wherewith shall wee repay thee so soueraigne a benefit as this that without any merit of ours
VVherein is treated of her Natiuitye her Presentation in the Temple and her Betrothing to S. Ioseph The first Pointe FIrst Of the Natiuitye of our blessed LADIE Natiuitas tua gaudium annunciauit vniuerso mundo I am to consider how the nine Moneths after the Conception of the Virgin beeing accomplished shee was borne in the house of her Parents to the ioye of the whole Worlde according to the saying of the Church Pondering the ioye of the most holy Trinitye in seeing the birth of this his beloued Childe by whome hee intended to worke things so glorious for his owne Glorye and our Benefit And therefore it is to bee beleued that vpon that day hee communicated to the Angells of heauen and to the Righteous on earthe and to the holy Fathers in Limbus a newes of accidentall Alacritye allbeit all knewe not the cause thereof as a Prognostication of the Ioy that they should receiue by the comming of God into the Worlde whose Mother that Childe was to bee as the birth of the Morning causeth a certaine kinde of ioy and solace in liuing Creatures because it is a token of the rising of the sun For if many reioiced at the natiuitye of S. Iohn Luc. 1.14 because hee was the Day-starre and fore-runner of Christe many more doubtlesse reioiced at the Birth of the blessed VIRGIN who was to bee his mother And with this consideration I will moue myselfe to affections of Praise and ioye giuing the Much good doe it to the most holy Trinitye for the birth of this Babe To the eternall Father for that there is borne vnto him such a Daughter To the Sonne of God for that shee is borne that is to bee his Mother To the holy Spirit for that there is borne vnto him such a spowse O most blessed Trinitye Colloquie much good may it doe thee the Birth of this thy Beloued share to mee of that ioye which thou giuest to others because shee was borne also for me From hence I am likewise to collect another motiue of greate spirituall ioye Deuotiō to our blessed LADIE is a signe of predestination pondering that as the Natiuitye of the Virgin caused Alacritye in the Worlde for that it was a signe of the comming of the Sauiour to redeeme it so also when the Deuotion of the Virgin is bredde in the soule it causeth therein wonderfull ioye beeing a greate pledge that allmighty God will come to visite it and to saue it Heerevpon saide S. Anselme Lib. de excellent Virginis cap 4. That to bee much deuoted to our blessed LADY is a signe of being predestinated in heauen For with deuotion to her enter the effectes of Predestination shee negotiating them for such as are deuoted vnto her Shee as a mother solliciteth for vs the Inspirations of Heauen the Vocation of God the Grace of Iustification the Victorye of Temptations the Preseruation from falls the Augmentation of Merits the Perseueration in Grace and the Crowne of Glorye Colloquie Eccl. 24.16 as in the discourse of the Meditations ensuing shall bee seene O sacred and soueraigne Virgin who by the Commandement of God layest deepe rootes in the elected for Heauen fixe in my soule so deepe Rootes of thy deuotion and Imitation that they may bee assured pledges of my eternall Predestination The Second Pointe SEcondly Of the name of MARIE I am to consider how the Parents of this our blessed Ladye gaue vnto her the Name of MARYE as is credibly supposed by reuelation from God who also reuealed the name of the Baptiste and consequently with the name God pretended to declare the Greatenesses of this Childe Luc. 1.13 Nomen Virginis MARIA which as they were very many so also hee chose a name that in diuerse languages should haue many significations because shee was borne for the good of all Ex D. Bonauent in specul B. Virg. c. 3. Num. 24.17 For MARYE interpreted signifyeth Starre of the sea or Bitter sea Ladye or the Exalted Illuminated or Illuminatrice or Mistresse of People And all this is founde in the Virgin Shee is the Starre of the sea for that shee is the Light Consolation and Guide of those that sayle in the sea of this Worlde combated with the greate waues and tempestes of temptations and Perills of their damnation who by the Praiers of the blessed VIRGIN with her examples and with the fauours that shee doeth them are cheered and fortified and guessing at the right way arriue at the Porte of Saluation Shee is a Bitter Sea for diuerse respectes Ex D. Ber. serm 2. in missus est a Sea for the Immensenesse of celestial Graces contained within her communicated by the liberallitye of him that elected her for his Mother Bitter for the Immensenesse of Bitternesses that shee suffered in the Passion of her Sonne for God vseth to mete equally the measures of Consolations and Afflictions and so did hee with this sacred VIRGIN Shee is a Lady and Exalted for that shee was supereminently a Lady and Gouernesse ouer her Faculties and Appetites and ouer her Imagination and senses commaunding all with supreame Authority as already hath beene saide Shee is likewise Ladye of the Angells exalted aboue them all and is that much when as after a sorte shee was likewise the Ladye of God himselfe she commaunding him as hee was Man and hee obeying her as a sonne that was subiect vnto his Mother She is the Illuminated or Illuminatrice Luc. 2.51 for that shee receiued from God greate light of ce lestiall Wisdome not alone for herselfe but to illuminate others and therefore shee was the Mistresse of the Apostles and of all the faithfull as heereafter wee shall see With these breife considerations I will awake in my soule seuerall Affections of Ioye and Confidence and of greate Deuotion to the sacred name of MARIE beseeching the VIRGIN to doe vnto mee those offices that her name doth signifye O most sacred VIRGIN Colloquie with much reason I may say that thy blessed name like that of thy sonne is Oyle powred out for that it illuminateth cōforteth Cāt. 1.2 heateth and reioyceth my hearte Powre vpon mee this so pretious Oyle with a liberall hande and seeing thou art the Starre of the Sea guide and protect mee in my temptations and perills Seeing thou art a Sea of Graces and Bitternesses share them also with mee for it is no lesser a Grace to receiue giftes from Christ then to bewaile with bitternesse his paines Bee thou my Mistresse illuminating my ignorances ayding mee to bee Master of my Passions and guide mee in the pathe of Perfection that with the inuocation of thy holy name I may arriue to the toppe and excellencye thereof Amen Heere also may bee considered Vide Suarez tom 2. disp 3. sect 7. how this blessed Babe beginning to haue the vse of Reason whither in the wombe of her mother by speciall priuiledge like S. Iohn Baptist or about
all to the Glorye of God not to her owne saying that of the Canticles Cant. 7.13 All the fruites the newe and the olde my beloued I haue kept for thee that is all the Workes of my Life present and passed I will that they bee to thy Honour Rom. 14.7.8 Glory for I will neither liue nor dye to myselfe but to thee because I am thine Finally the blessed VIRGIN esteemed herselfe not only as the Handmaide of our Lord to serue him but also to serue all those of his House and Familye and therefore shee dedicated herselfe to the Seruice of her Parents when shee was in the Temple and of her Husband when shee was in his Companye And much better then Abigail might shee haue saide 1 Reg. 25. ●1 what shee saide to Dauid Loe let thy Seruant bee as an Handmaide to washe the feete of the Seruantes of my Lord. And with this Spirit of Humillitye shee allwaies chose for herselfe the lowest place in the House of God and the worst and most contemptible in the Worlde as heereafter wee shall see All these inward feelings had the blessed VIRGIN when shee called herselfe the Handmaide of our Lord and esteemed very highly of this Title for shee knewe how pleasing it was to God who vsed to call by the same name of Seruant the Messias his Sonne as hee was man and hee himselfe esteemed highly thereof as appeareth by what is deliuered by the Prophets Isa 41.8.9 44.1.21 Zach. 38. Colloquie Ps 115.16 And if I desier to bee deuoted to our blessed LADYE I am highly to esteeme myselfe for this name and for the Spirit which shee includeth in the saide things saying to God with Dauid O Lord I am thy Seruant I am thy Seruant and the Sonne of thy Handmaide then hast broken my bondes I will sacrifize to thee the host of Praise and will inuocate the name of our Lord. O God of my Soule I highly esteeme myselfe for beeing thy Seruant because thou createdst mee and againe for beeing thy Seruant because thou redeemedst mee I am the Sonne of thy Handmaide because by inheritance it falleth to my Lot to bee thy Slaue but especially I holde myselfe for the Sonne of thy Handmaide the blessed VIRGIN thy Mother by whose merits I beseeche thee to vnloose the Chaines of my Sinnes and Passions that beeing free from this euill Bondage I may serue thee with Libertye of Spirit and may praise and glorifye thy holy name worlde without ende Amen FIAT MIHI It was not without a mysterie that the B. VIRGIN saide not to the Angell I will doe what thou sayest but this Worde Fiat Bee it donne which God our Lord vsed when hee created the Worlde saying Bee Light made c. Gen. 1.3 For the VIRGIN vnderstoode that the Incarnation was aswell a Worke of the Omnipotencye of God as the Creation of the Worlde and that with one Fiat of his Omnipotencye it might bee donne though on her parte there was no Merit of so glorious a thing Allbeeit withall shee accepted it saying Fiat as who should say Al though there were no neede of my Consent because I am the Handmaide of God and hee may doe with his Handmaide what hee will And allbeeit beeing but a Handmaide I merited not that this thing should bee donne vnto mee yet notwithstanding seeing God will haue it so Fiat Let i● bee donne for I am pleased with all whatsoeuer that pleaseth him Whereby wee see the soueraigne Obedience and Resignation of the VIRGIN founded vpon the knowledge of her owne beeing nothing offering herselfe not to resist the Fiat of God as the Insensible Creatures resist it not or as that which is nothing resisteth not when God sayeth Let it bee donne But that wee may the better vnderstand the heigth of this consenting wee are to ponder that shee not only fixed her eyes vpon the Greatenesses foretolde her by the Angell but also vpon the terrible Afflictions which that Sonne who was offered vnto her was to suffer the which shee knewe well by the sacred Scriptures and that a very greate share of them was to light vpon his Mother And yet notwithstanding shee accepted this Dignitye of a Mother with the most heauye charge of that office And heereupon shee called herselfe a Handmaide as one that accepted it not to bee serued as a Ladye but to serue and suffer as a Handmaide I thanke thee Colloquie most sacred VIRGIN for the generous offer that thou makest with so greate Magnanimitye of Hearte may the Angells in Heauen praise thee and the righteous on the Earthe as likewise those that were in Lymbo expecting him And seeing that all haue a share in thy Consent beseeche thy Sonne to graunt mee such a resignation of myselfe vnto his holy VVill that I may resist nothing whatsoeuer hee commaundeth mee nor any affliction whatsoeuer that hee shall send mee 1 Reg. 3.18 but that to all my Replye may bee Fiat God is my Lorde whatsoeuer shall seeme good in his Eyes let that bee donne in mee his Seruant SECVNDVM VERBVM TVVM It is likewise not without a greate mysterye that the B. VIRGIN saide not to the Angell Bee it donne to mee as God commaundeth or willeth but Bee it donne to mee according to thy Worde for heerein shee declared the perfection of her Faithe Obedience For perfect Faithe beleeueth whatsoeuer God reuealeth by himselfe or by the meanes of others perfect Obedience obeyeth God in whatsoeuer hee commaundeth either by himselfe or by the meanes of his ministers for hee that heareth them heareth Christ Allbeeit Luc. 10.16 I may likewise contemplate that the B. VIRGIN in this Pointe exalted herselfe aboue herselfe aboue all the Angells aboue all whatsoeuer is created directing her Aunswere not so much to the Ambassadour as to allmighty God himselfe who sent the Embassage saying to the eternall Father Beholde heere the Handmaide of thee o Lord Colloquie bee it donne to mee according to thy VVorde not only according to what thou commaundest by this VVorde which the Angell deliuereth but according to the Desier of that VVorde Speeche which thou speakest within thyselfe in thy eternitye which is thy only Sonne who also desireth to bee mine And seeing it is his good Pleasure so to bee bee it as he commaundeth In Imitation of the B. VIRGIN I will also oftentimes say vnto God with the same Vnderstanding that shee had Beholde heere mee thy Slaue o Lord bee it doune to mee according to thy Worde for I am readye to put in practise all whatsoeuer shall bee ordained mee by thy Diuine VVorde The third Pointe THe Angell hauing heard the Aunswere of the B. VIRGIN retourned to Heauen Et discessit Angelus ab ea Luc. 1.38 And the Angell departed from her In this departure I am to consider first how ioyfull and contented the Angell was with the Aunswere of the Virgin beeing full of admiration
to giue them an example of all Vertue thou bee borne in a poore manger thou bee circumcized and persecuted by Herod and the Iewes and that thou bee taken whipped crowned with Thornes and dye vpon a Crosse with greate Dolour and Contempt Therefore seeing thou louest mee for my Loue and for the good of thy Bretheren Ioan. 10.18 14.31 accept these Afflictions To this Will of the Father which our Lord Christ calleth the Commaundement and precept of his Deathe hee readily aunswered offering himselfe with a prompt and ready will to suffer all whatsoeuer and then was fullfilled that saying of S. Heb. 12.2 Paule That abandoning the Ioye of this Life and contemplating the eternall Ioye of the other hee embraced the Crosse not regarding that it was very Ignominious Then allso with an effectuall Will hee dranke the bitter chalice of his Passion and was baptized with the Baptisme of his Ignominies Mar. 10.39 and Dolours perseuering as hee himselfe saide in the bitternesse of this Drinke and of this Baptisme all the dayes of his Life vntill in the ende thereof hee effectually dranke it accomplishing all that his Father had ordained him But his Charitye and Obedience passed yet farther for that allthough that was so much that hee was to suffer yet not contented heerewith with a most generous Hearte and most ardent Thirst hee offered himselfe to suffer much more if his Father would ordaine it and that it might bee needefull for our good Act. 21.13 for if S. Paule when the Prophet Agabus tolde him that hee was to bee bounde Prisoner in Hierusalem aunswered that hee was readye not only to bee bounde but to dye also for the name of our Lord IESVS how much more would our sweete Lord IESVS when his Father related vnto him the Afflictions of his Life and Deathe immediately aunswere that hee was prepared not only to suffer those afflictions but others also much greater for his Loue. And that I may perceiue how much I am indebted to this our Lorde I am to consider how in that instant hee presented vnto his memory all mankinde and myselfe among them and offered himselfe to suffer all this for euery one in particular and for mee myselfe as if I alone had stoode in neede of his Remedye So that then was fullfilled that saying of S. Paul Gal 2.20 Hee that loued mee and deliuered himselfe for mee to Deathe offering himselfe thereunto for my Loue. O tender Babe and valorous Gyaunt Colloquie wherewith shall I repaye thee the Affection with which thou this day offerest thyselfe to runne thy Carreere Psal 18.6 accepting withall all those Afflictions which in the course thereof thou art to endure May the Angells praise thee for this singular fauour that thou hast donne vnto men and may my Soule glorifye thee for the Loue that then thou diddest beare mee for the which I offer myselfe to suffer whatsoeuer shall happen vnto mee in the Carreere of my Life thou fauouring mee with thy grace that therein I may not faile The eleuenth Meditation Of the Iourney which the eternall VVorde Incarnate made in his Mothers VVombe to the House of Zacharias to sanctifye his Forerunner S. Iohn the Baptist The first Pointe FIrst I will consider Luc. 1.44 how the Worde made fleshe beeing yet in the Wombe of his blessed mother with the exceeding greate desire hee had to saue men presently fixed his eyes vpon Iohn who was in the Belly of S. Elizabeth and was to bee his Fore-runner and seeing him to bee in Originall Sinne hee was greiued thereat and determined with himselfe forthwith to free him from that miserye and to sanctifye him taking possession of his Office of Redeemer which was giuen him in charge And to this ende hee effectually inspired his mother speedily to goe visit her Cosin that hee thereby might effect this his Worke. Wherein I am to ponder First the greate Desier that this our Lorde hath of our Saluation thanking him therefore and confounding myselfe for the litle Desier that I haue of mine As also how carefull hee is of the good of his elected and how vigilant in exercizing his office of Redeemer seeing hee began it from the Wombe of his mother not desiring to bee Idle any moment I will likewise ponder what a greiuous euill Sinne is and how much our Lord is displeased that his elect should bee in Sinne but a moment seeing for this cause hee inspired his mother so hastily to vndertake that iourney to free from Sinne his chosen Iohn Baptist O Diuine VVorde that madest thyselfe man to deliuer vs from Sinne Colloquie and deriuedst to enact this office with such speede Isa 8.1 that thou tookest for thy Surname Make speede hasten robbe and take Spoyles seeing thy names are not emptye but full come Lord with speede to free mee from my Sinnes make haste to sanctifye mee with thy Grace robbe my Hearte for thy Seruice and take it for the Spoyle of thy Victorye that from hence forth I may begin feruently to serue thee The Second Pointe SEcondly I am to consider how our Lord hauing power to sanctifye the Baptist from the place where hee was would notwithstanding inspire his mother to carrye him to the house of S. Elizabeth and there to worke this miraculous sanctification for causes very admirable and proffitable for our instruction First to giue newe Demonstrations of his Humillitye and Charitye For as these Vertues mooued him to come downe from Heauen and to come into the Worlde to visite it Luc. 1.79 Beda ibid. and to drawe it out of the Darkenesse and Shadowe of Deathe wheerein it stood so likewise they mooued him to come from Nazareth to visite Iohn and to drawe him out of Sinne the greater comming to visite the lesser to honour him and the Phisicion the Sicke to cure him The second cause was that his most blessed Mother might haue a share in this Action taking her for the Instrument of the first sanctification that hee wrought in this Worlde iustifying by her meanes the Childe Iohn that was in Sinne and replenishing with the holy Spirit his mother that was just to the ende that wee Sinners might vnderstand that to obtaine Pardon of our Sinnes the blessed Virgin was to be our Mediatrix that the Righteous might vnderstande that by her meanes they were to obtaine fullnesse of the holy Spirit and of his grace with the vertues and giftes that descende from Heauen and that therefore all might endeuour to loue and serue her and to be much deuoted vnto her O soueraigne VIRGIN Colloquie seeing to day togither with thy Sonne thou takest possession of the office giuen thee for our benefit prosecute it this day with mee obtaining for mee pardon of my Sinnes and abundance of spirituall Craces Amen The third cause was Inspirations of our Sauiour Christ for that it is the propertye of our Sauiour Christe in entring into a Soule to
come for allbeeit as thou art man thou issuest out of mee yet as thou art God thou willt alwaies remaine with mee With such Affections as these might the blessed VIRGIN be at this time this Hope filling her with greate alacritye for the greate Loue she bare to Virginitye From hence it proceeded that shee was free from those feares that other childing women haue and from those cares of their deliuerye which vse to afflict them with greate paine for she only was carefull to prepare her Soule with notable Actes of Vertue the better to serue her Sonne and likewise to prouide as farre forth as her Pouertye would suffer her for all things needefull for his birth In imitation of her I am to prepare myselfe for the natiuitye that I expect of the Sonne of God remouing those impediments that I shall finde in my Soule and adorning it with excellent Actes of Vertue according to that which in the precedent pointes we haue declared and to that which holy Church commaundeth on those dayes Luc. 3.4 with the very wordes of S. Iohn Baptist Prepare the waye of our Lorde make straight his pathes Ex Isai 49.3 euery valley shall be filled and euery mountaine and Hill shall be made lowe crooked wayes shal become straight and rough waies plaine and all fleshe shall see the saluation of God Which is to say Remoue from you vices that are contrary to the Sauiour that is borne and adorne you with Vertues like vnto his Remoue the basenesse of Pusillanimitye the loftinesse of Pride crooked Intentions and rough manners endeuouring in all that is possible to exalt your Spirit to the highest with Confidence and to abase it to the lowest with Humillitye directing your intentions to that which is heauenly without any mixture of what is earthly being meeke and gentle to all without giuing occasion of stumbling to any for such is the Sauiour that is to be borne and with such dispositions you are to receiue him These foure Vertues opposite to the foure Contrary Vices I am to procure for the ende aforesaide by the mediation of our B. LADYE the VIRGIN saying vnto her O most sacred VIRGIN Colloquie who with feruent desiers expectedst the natiuitye of thy Sonne and with excellent workes disposedst thyselfe to beholde and to embrace him negociate for me that I may remoue from me the impediments of his comming and may with greate dilligence prepare myselfe thereunto Amen The sixtenth Meditation Of the Iourney of our blessed LADYE the VIRGIN from Nazareth to Bethlehem The first Pointe FIrst D. Th. 3. p. q. 35. art 7. 8. for the foundation of the meditations ensuing I will consider how the Worde Incarnate beeing in the wombe of his mother would make the newest most admirable and holyest entrance into the Worlde that euer was or shal be painefull to himselfe and profitable to vs to settle the foundations of that Euangelicall perfection which he was to preache So that his first entrance into the Worlde was as S. Serm. de Natiu Cyprian sayeth a Patterne of our first entrance into Christian Religion that his Disciples might enter by the way he entred exercizing those Vertues that he exercized And to this ende he left all that the worlde loueth and seeketh and sought for all that which the worlde abhorreth and flyeth And therefore to be borne he disposed how to get out of Nazareth to leaue those commodities that he might haue had beeing borne in the house of his mother and among his kinred and freindes where he could not haue wanted the shelter of some warme lodging and couerture besides some daintinesse for his nourishment which Iohn Baptist failed not of beeing borne in his fathers house But he abandoned it all demonstrating how much he abhorreth the pampering of the flesh and what a louer he is of Pouertye seeing he forsooke that litle that his poore mother had and like a straunger would be borne in Bethlehem and in such a season when all things should be wanting vnto him With this example I will confounde myselfe for beeing so greate a Louer of myne owne commodities and delicacyes that not only I doe not flye from them but I carefully seeke for them and if I finde them not I afflict myselfe O IESVS of Nazareth Colloquie florishing with the flowers of celestiall Vertues which commest out of Nazareth to abandon the flowers of earthly delightes I humbly beseeche thee by this thy comming from thence that thou wilt be pleased to fauour my imbecillitye that I may renounce the flowers and flatteries of my fleshe desiring only the flowers of thy Vertues with the which thou maiest so adorne my Soule that thou maiest daigne to be borne therein Amen The second Pointe SEcondly I will consider the occasion that our Sauiour Christ tooke to make this iourney and to issue with his intent for In those dayes there came forth an edict from Caesar Augustus that the whole worlde should be enrolled And all went to be enrolled euery one into his owne Cittye And Ioseph also went vp from Galilee out of the cittye of Nazareth into Iewrye to the cittye of Dauid that is called Bethlehem for because he was of the house and familye of Dauid to be enrolled with MARYE his despoused wife that was with childe In this Action I will ponder how different are the thoughtes of God from those of men those of the king of Heauen from those of the king of Earthe For this his Edict was founded vpon Pride Ambition Arrogance and Auarice commaunding more then he might doe that is that the whole worlde should be enrolled as if all the worlde had beene his and desiring that all should professe themselues to be his Vassalls and should pay him tribute were they neuer so poore and needye But contrarily the king of Heauen Christ IESVS had all his cogitations placed in Humillitye Pouertye and Subjection and in treading downe Pompes Riches and Vanities He commeth not to commaunde nor to be serued but to obey and serue the whole Worlde And in confirmation heereof he willeth that his mother and he himselfe in her should be enrolled and professe themselues to be the Vassalls of Augustus Caesar and pay him tribute to confounde by this his example the Pride and Couetousnesse of the Worlde For if the king of kings and monarche of all that is created entreth into the Worlde humbling himselfe and protesting Vassallage to an earthly and euill king what is it for me to humble myselfe 1 Pet. 2.13 and to be subject to euery humane Creature for his Loue And what a pride will it be not to humble me to God himselfe acknowledging myselfe for his Vassall and paying him with Obedience the tribute that I owe him O king of Heauen Colloquie permitte not in me such pride seeing thou to remedye it didst so much humble thyselfe Secondly I will ponder that allbeit this edict was founded vpon Pride and Auarice
euen vntill deathe Pouertye Contempt Dolours Psa 87.16 and Afflictions and in all these thinges he suffered a thousand kindes of Afflictions electing such a manner of Life contrary to that of the Worlde to discouer by his example the Deceites and Errours of worldelings that doe followe it For as S. Bernard saieth It is a matter very euident that the worlde erreth choosing for his Companions Riches Honours and Delicacies when as Christ the Infinite wisdome who can neither deceiue himselfe nor beguile vs chooseth the contrarye With this Consideration I am to confounde myselfe in the presence of this most blessed Babe seeing how contrarily I haue liued to that which he teacheth purposing to imitate him from hence forwarde choosing to suffer what he suffereth and beseeching him to make me worthy to suffer with him and as he not of necessity but acceptably and willingly for his Loue. O soueraigne Childe Colloquie 2 Reg. 23.8 who like another Dauid art the wisest Prince among three for of the three diuine Persons thou art the second to whome wisdome is attributed what doest thou seated here in this chaire of the maunger being silent without speaking vnto vs Thou art the most tender litle worme of the wood that violently killest eight hundred for with the Contempt and Humilliation that thou hast in the worme-eaten wood of thy poore harbour thou killest with the violence of thy diuine Loue the innumerable violences of the Loue of the worlde O most wise and most valiant Prince which silently instructest and silently killest teache me to followe with silence thy Contemptes and kill in my Hearte worldely Affections that making myselfe a Worme in imitation of thee I may merit to ascende to beholde thee in the throne of thy Glorye Amen The eightenth Meditation Luc. 2.9 D. Th. 3. p. q. 36. Of the Ioye of the Angels at the Natiuitye of the Sonne of God and of the newes which they tolde to the Shepheardes The first Pointe FIrst I will consider what passed in Heauen at such time as our Sauiour Christe was borne on Earthe For the Hierarchies of the Angells as they clearely behelde the infinite maiestie and greatenesse of God and on the other side sawe him so humbled so thrust vp into a corner and so vnknowne among men they extremely admired this so greate Humillitye and being very carefull that he should bee honored and reuerenced by all desired if God would giue them leaue to come downe into the Worlde to manifest him make him knowne Then did the eternall Father giue that commaundement vnto all which the Apostle S. Heb. 1.6 Paule pondereth Et cum iterum introducit primogenitum in orbem terrarum dicit adorent eum omnes Angeli eius And when againe he bringeth in the first begotten into the Worlde hee sayth And let all the Angells of God adore him he saieth all not excepting any one And all of them from Heauen adored with high reuerence this Babe who being on Earthe behelde what they did The Seraphines inflamed in Loue beholding him helde themselues as frozen and with profounde Humillitye acknowledged him for their God The Cherubins full of knowledge in presence of this Childe esteemed themselues as Ignorant and with greate trembling adored him and reuerenced him as their Lord And the like did the other Quires of the Angells I reioice o all my Good Colloquie to see thee adored by thy Angells and it greiueth me greately to see thee so forgotten and vnknowne among men I o Lord adore thee togither with these blessed Spirits and doe heartily desire that all men might knowe and adore thee and if it lye in my power to giue them netice heereof Ecce ego mitte me Beholde me here Isa 6.8 send me For if thou sendest me I will flye with those wings which thou shalt giue me and like the Seraphines I will crye out thorough the Worlde saying Holye Holye Holy art thou Lord God of Hostes the earthe is full of thy glorye albeit with the smoke of the Humilliation which thou hast in this poore Stable it seemeth to be obscured The Second Pointe SEcondly I am to consider how the eternall Father would manifest the birth of his Sonne to the Shepheardes that were neere about Bethlehem watching and keeping their flocke sending to this ende an Angell which as it is thought was S. Gabriel inuested with a resplendent Bodye who inuironing them with a celestiall light sayed vnto them Luc. 2.10 Beholde I euangelize to you greate Ioy that shall bee to all the People because this day is borne to you a Sauiour which is Christe our Lord in the Citye of Dauid And this shal be a signe to you you shall finde the Infant swadled in clothes and la●ed in a manger Vpon this passage I will consider first how God would not manifest this mysterye nor send this Angell to the Sages of Bethlehem for they were prowde nor to the Riche for they were couetous nor to the noble for they were pampered but to the Shepheardes because they were poore humble labouring men that were watching and attending their office for such dispositions as these God requireth in those to whome he imparteth his mysteries and if he Imparteth them not with me it is because I want such a disposition seeing it was for this that he saied that he hideth these things from the wise Matt. 11.25 and prudent and reuealeth them to the litle ones that are humble and lowely Secondly I will consider that it is a matter of very greate Ioy that a Sauiour is borne to vs. He is not borne to himselfe for he commeth not to saue himselfe nor he is not borne to the Angels for he commeth not to saue them but to men and to me for he commeth to saue me For me he is borne and circumcized and all whatsoeuer he did and suffered it is all for me And that which passeth in the manger is all to pardon my Sinnes to inflame me in the Loue of Vertues and to inriche me with those merits O sweete IESVS Colloquie that which to thee is matter of Dolour is to me matter of Ioye I reioice that thou art so good that thou embracest my Dolours to giue mee thy Ioyes let not me o Lord be so vnhappye that thou being borne for the good of all men I should liue as if thou hadst not beene borne for the good of mee hunting prowdely after greatenesse and forgettyng thy lewelinesse and Humillitye Thirdly I will ponder how the signes to finde out the Sauiour that is borne are Infancye Swadling Cloutes and a maunger O infinite Greatenesse of God Colloquie who would euer haue imagined that things so base should be the signes to finde out and to knowe the God of maiestie but I now knowe o Lord that thou art delighted with these debasings and that thou art in the middest of them to moue me to procure them teaching me by the waye that
vnto vs Wisdome Iustice Sanctification Redemption Likewise if he be IESVS then he is exceedingly milde humble patient couragious modest obedient and Charitable for he is to be the patterne of all these Vertues Ioan. 1.16 and of his fullnesse all men are to receiue the Graces and Vertues wherewith they are to be saued Againe if he be IESVS then he is our master our Phisicion our Father our Iudge our Pastor our Protector and our Aduocate So that in IESVS only we haue all thinges and therefore I may say vnto him IESVS meus omnia O my IESVS Colloquie and my all thinges If I be sicke thou art my Healthe Ex D. Amb. lib. de Virg. ad finem and my all thinges If I be sicke thou art my Healthe if hungrye thou art my fullnesse if I be poore thou art my Riches if weake thou art my Strength if I bee ignorant thou art my Wisdome and if I am a sinner thou art my Iustice my Sanctification and Redemption O my IESVS and my all things graunt me that I may loue thee aboue all things and that in thee only I may seeke my repose and perfect sacietye for in thee only is altogither all that which can satiate mee for thou only art my sole summum bonum to whome be honour and glorye worlde without ende Amen Heereupon I may also discourse how in this sweetest name are included all the glorious names that the Prophets giue the Messias such as are those related by the Prophet Isaias saying Isa 9.6 That he shal be called God Strong Admirable Counseller Father of the Worlde to come and Prince of Peace Pondering how the name of God is fitting to IESVS for if hee had not beene God he could not haue remedied vs and the name of Strong or valiaunt for he is to fight against and to vainquish the Deuills the name of Admirable for all that is in him his Incarnation Life and Deathe is all newe and meruailous IESVS likewise is a Counsellor and the Angell of the greate Counsell for his Doctrine is repleate with admirable Counsells IESVS is the Father of the VVorlde to come engendring vs in the being of Grace and giuing vs the inheritance of Glorye He is the Prince of Peace pacifying vs with God and with men with abundance of all peace O greate IESVS Colloquie how well befitteth thee the greatenesse of these names and seeing they are not names emptye but full worke in me that which all of them signifye that I may glorifye thee for the glory that thou hast from them Amen From hence I may ascende to ponder the benefits that I haue in this sweete name of IESVS the which is the only meanes to obtaine pardon of all my Sinnes is the reason why I should be hearde in my praiers is the medicine of all my spirituall infirmities is my offensiue and defensiue Armour against the Diuells in all my Temptations is my Protection in all Daungers is my Light and my Guide in all my ignorances is to me a patterne and Example of all Vertues and finally is the fier and pricke that inflameth and inciteth me to procure them From these Considerations I am to collect a greate Desier that this most holy name may bee alwaies fixed in my memorye to be mindefull of it in my vnderstanding to meditate on it and in my Will to loue and to rejoice in it I am to imprint it in my Hearte that it may be alwayes vnited with me and to keepe it in my Tongue to praise and to blesse it delighting to publish the greatenesses thereof taking it for the beginning and ende of all my speeches and naming it with high reuerence both interiour and exteriour Phil. 2.10 seeing as the Apostle sayeth In the name of IESVS euery knee boweth both of Heauen Earthe and Purgatorye yea and those of Hell in dispite of them shall be forced to respect him O sweete IESVS Colloquie be IESVS vnto me in all my faculties exercizing in them the office of IESVS that they may likewise be exercized in all that pertaineth to thy honour for euer and euer Amen The XXII Meditation Of the comming of the three kings of the Easte to adore the Childe and of their entrance into Hierusalem The first Pointe FIrst D. Th. 3. p. q 36. ar 7. 8. Matt. 2.1 is to be considered the apparition of the Starre in the East when it appeared for what ende and what effectes it wrought in those three kings or Sages First I will ponder how the eternall Father desiring that his Sonne newe borne in Bethlehem should be knowen and adored not only of some Iewes but also of some Gentiles hauing sent an Angell to declare the newes of this birth to the Shepheardes the same daye he created in the East a most beautifull and bright shining Starre to be a signe that the Messias and king of Israel was borne of whome Balaam had prophecyed Num. 24.17 desiring that they also should come to acknowledge and to adore him seeing for the good of all in generall he was borne I giue thee thankes o soueraigne Father Colloquie for the care thou hast that thy Sonne should be knowen and adored by the Gentiles aswell for his Glorye and Honour as also for the proffit of those that are to knowe and to adore him O that all did knowe and adored him that all might participate the fruite of his Comming Secondly I will ponder Slothfulnesse in seeking Christ and the punishment thereof how that there were many in the Easte that sawe this Starre that admired at the beauty of it and that vnderstood what it signified but there were none that moued but only the three kings who resolued to goe to seeke out this king whose Starre they had seene the rest would not stirre for they were loth to leaue their Houses their wealthe their Wiues and their freindes and to departe out of their owne Countrey to vndertake such a long and laborious iourney into a straunge Lande and to an vncertaine place and the fleshe and the Diuell augmented all these difficulties to hinder them from this iourney that being fullfilled in them which is written The Sluggard sayeth A Lyon Prou. 22.13 26.13 and a Lyonesse are in the waye I shall be killed in the middest of the Streete to auoyde this Daunger I will not goe from home But these wretches flying from the Lyon encountered with the Beare Amos 5.19 and flying from temporall Deathe fell into eternall for it is to be beleeued that this was the cause of their eternall Condemnation they remaining in the darkenesse of their Infidellitye And this I am to applye to myselfe pondering how often the Starre of diuine Inspiration appeareth within my Soule solliciting me to seeke Christ and to embrace his Pouertye Humillitye and Vertues and albeit I vnderstand what this Starre meaneth yet I will not moue nor stirre a foote to seeke
From this example of holy Simeon I am to collect two things very proffitable to attaine to a good Deathe the first that deuoute holy men experiment in this life the accomplishment of the diuine promises as is that hundreth times as much as they left for Christ to be heard in their praiers to be protected by the diuine prouidence in their necessities and dangers and with this experience they recouer greate hope that God will accomplishe vnto them the promises of the life to come and animated with this hope they desier Deathe to enioy them saying with Dauid In peace I will sleepe Psal 4.10 and repose for thou o Lord hast singularly confirmed me in hope The second is that those holy men who haue arriued by Contemplation to see Christ his greatenesses haue tasted the sweetenesse of eternall things are forthwith weary of temporall as of things vile and vnworthy of their veiwe and so they holde life in torment and Deathe in desire saying with S. Paul Phil. 1 23 I desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ to beholde him and to enioy him for euer Therefore o my Soule if the peace and quietnesse wherein the Sainctes and holy men dye be pleasing vnto thee imitate the feruour and spirit wherein they liue for a feruent life is the cause of a quiet Deathe Finally I will ponder what content the B. VIRGIN receiued to see her Sonne knowne and reuerenced Luc. 2.33 and to heare the meruailes that were spoken of him for as S. Luke the Euangelist reporteth she and S. Ioseph were meruailing to heare these things and glorified the eternall Father for the knowledge that thereof he gaue vnto men The third Pointe THe blessed VIRGIN being in the middest of this ioye Simeon blessing her Luc. 2.34 saide vnto her with a propheticall Spirit Behold this Childe is set vnto the ruine and vnto the resurrection of many in Israel and for a signe which shall be contradicted and thine owne Soule shall a sworde pearce that out of many Heartes cogitations may be reuealed Concerning this prophecye I will consider first the dessignes of God in alaying the Contentments of the VIRGIN for that when as she was most joyfull of the honour that was donne vnto her Sonne he would discouer vnto her the Afflictions that the Childe was to suffer the sworde of sorrowe that for his sake should peirce her Soule that forthwith she might begin to beare the peircing of that sworde and might taste the bitternesse of his passion O most wise Colloquie and most louing God how much thou likest to giue vnto thy elected these mixtures of Consolations and disconsolations sometimes thou exaltest them vnto heauen Ps 106.26 and againe thou abasest them vnto the depths sometimes thou woundest their heart with the woundes of Loue and sometimes with the sworde of dolour demonstrating in the one and in the other the profundity of thy wisdome and the sweetenesse of thy Charitye which seeing thou hast so dessigned beholde me heere prepared for all peirce my Soule with this sworde as thou wilt so that I may be accounted in the number of thy elected Amen Secondly I will ponder two memorable things that Simeon prophecyed of the Childe the first that he was set for the resurrection and falling of many for that many for his cause should raise themselues from Sinne to a high degree of Sanctitye and others for that they would not make their proffit of his comming Isa 8.14 15. should come to fall into the depth of iniquitye of the which they themselues are in the faulte for Christ our Lord for his parte desireth to be a resurrection vnto all and not a stone of offence vnto any The second is that he should be a newe prodigious and admirable signe but yet a signe which his enemies should contradict resisting his Doctrine calumniating his miracles and persecuting his life euen vnto the nailing him to a Crosse Isa 11.10 where he should be to the elected a signe of life but to the reprobate of Damnation by whose power should be discouered the fidellitye and loyaltye of the Disciples which was couered in their Heartes Pondering these two things which continue euen to this daye I am to be astonished at the iudgements of God in this case and to be compassionate for the perdition of such a multitude of Infidells and euill Christians procuring to haue my Soule peirced with the sworde of Dolour as that of the blessed VIRGIN was peirced and withall beseeching this our Lord that his comming bee not to my fall but to my resurrection and that it may be to me a signe of life in whome I may beleeue and hope and whome I may loue and imitate in being one of his Disciples whome he calleth by the Prophet Isaias a signe and a prodigye Isa 8.18 endeuouring that my Wordes and Actions may be admirable like his And if heereupon it shall happen that many doe contradict and persecute me I am to reioice thereat taking it for an assurance that I am much fauored by God seeing he maketh me so like vnto his Sonne The fourth Pointe AT this time also the holy Spirit was pleased to manifest the Childe to another holy woman Luc. 2.36 as he manifested him to a holy man choosing to this ende an auncient widowe whose name was Anne who spent her life in fasting and praier seruing God in the Temple day and night And by Inspiration of the holy Spirit she went vnto the Temple when the Childe entred and knowing by the light of Heauen that he was the Messias she brake sorth into the praises of God and into speaking meruailes of the Childe to all that expected the redemption of Israel Heerein we may contemplate the seuerall wayes that God hath to cherish and comfort his Seruantes for to Simeon before he sawe the Sauiour he promised that he should see him to kindle the desire that he had to see him and to entertaine him with the promise but vnto Anne we knowe not that he made any such promise but that he sodainely inspired her to goe see Christ our Lord with whose sight he comforted her and rewarded the good and long seruices that in fourescore and foure yeares she had donne him Secondly I will ponder sixe vertues of this holy widowe whereby she made herselfe worthy of this fauour that is Chastitye continuall Praier Fasting Obseruation of Gods lawe Deuotion to such things as belonged to the diuine worship with Perseuerance in all for many yeares In these vertues I am to endeuour to imitate this holy woman if I desier to obtaine that which by them she obtained O king of glory Colloquie giue me these sixe wings of the Seraphines that serue thee in the temple of thy Church that I may flye with them in thy seruice vntill I arriue to enioy thee in the Temple of thy glorye worlde without ende Amen The XXVI Meditation wherein