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B00290 The booke of common prayer, and adminystracion of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies in the Churche of Englande.; Book of common prayer Church of England. 1553 (1553) STC 16288A; ESTC S123394 285,183 443

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or hys deputie shall appoynt the place the chauncels shall remayne as they haue done in tymes past And here is to be noted that the Minister at the tyme of the communion and at all other tymes in hys ministracion shall vse neyther Albe Vestment nor Cope but beeyng Archebisshop or Bisshop he shall haue and weare a rochet and being a Priest or Deacon he shal haue and weare a surples onelye ¶ An ordre for Morning prayer daylye throughoute the yeare At the beginning both of Morning praier lykewise of Euening prayer the Minister shal reade with a loude voyce some one of these sentences of the scriptures that folowe And then he shall saye that whiche is wrytten after the sayde sentences Ezechiel xviii AT what tyme soeuer a sinner dooeth repente hym of his synne frō the bottome of his heart I wyll putte all hys wickednes out of my remembraunce sayeth the Lorde Psal li. I doe knowe myne owne wickednes and my synne is alwaye agaynst me Psal li. Turne thy face awaye from oure synnes O Lorde and blot out all oure offences Psalm li A sorowfull spirite is a sacrifice to God despyse not O Lorde humble and contryte heartes Ioel. ii Rente youre heartes and not your garmentes and turne to the Lord youre God because he is gentle and merciful he is paciente and of muche mercy and suche a one that is sory for youre affliccyons Dani. ix To thee O Lorde God belongeth mercy and forgeuenes for we haue gone awaye from thee and haue not harkened to thy voyce wherby we might walke in thy lawes whyche thou hast appoynted for vs. Ierem. ii Correct vs O Lord and yet in thy iudgement not in thy furye leste we shoulde be consumed and brought to nothing Math. iii Amend your lyues for the kyngdome of God is at hand Luke xv I wyll goe to my father and saye to him father I haue synned agaynste heauen and agaynste thee I am no more worthy to bee called thy sonne Psa cxlii Entre not into iudgement with thy seruauntes O lorde for no fleshe is righteous in thy sighte i. Iohn i. Yf we saye that we haue no synne we deceyue our selues and there is no trueth in vs. DEarely beloued brethren the scripture moueth vs in sondrye places to acknowledge and confesse our manifold sinnes and wickednes that we should not dissemble nor cloke them before the face of almyghtie God oure heauenly father but confesse them with an humble lowely penitent and obedient heart to th ende that we may obtayne forgeuenes of the same by his infinite goodnes and mercy And although we oughte at all times humbly to knowledge our sinnes before God yet ought we most chiefly so to do whē we assemble and mete together to rendre thankes for the greate benefites that we baue receyued at his handes to set foorth his moste worthy prayse to heare his most holy worde and to aske those thinges whych be requisite and necessarie aswell for the body as the soule Wherfore I praye and beseche you as many as be here present to accompanie me with a pure heart and humble voyce vnto the throne of the heauenly grace saying after me ¶ A generall confession to bee sayde of the whole congregacion after the Minister kneelyng ALmighty and most merciful father we haue erred straied from thy waies lyke lost shepe We haue folowed to much the deuises desires of our own heartes We haue offended against thy holy lawes We haue lefte vndone those thynges whiche we oughte to haue done and we haue done those thynges whyche we oughte not to haue done and there is no healthe in vs but thou O Lorde haue mercy vpon vs myserable offendours Spare thou them O God which confesse theyr faultes Restore thou them that be penitent accordyng to thy promyses declared vnto mankynde in Christe Iesu oure Lorde And graunt O most mercyfull father for hys sake that we may hereafter lyue a godly ryghteous and sobre lyfe to the glory of thy holy name Amen ¶ The absolucion to be pronounced by the Minister alone ALmightye God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ whiche desireth not the death of a sinner but rather that he may turne from hys wyckednes liue and hath geuen power and commaundement to hys ministers to declare pronounce to hys people being penitent the absolucion and remission of theyr synnes he pardoneth and absolueth all them whyche truely repent vnfaynedly beleue hys holy ghospell Wherfore we beseche him to graunte vs true repentaunce and hys holy spirite that those thynges maye please hym whiche we doe at thys presente and that the rest of our lyfe hereafter may bee pure and holy so that at the last we may come to his eternall ioye through Iesus Christe oure Lorde ¶ The people shall aunswere Amen Then shall the Minister begyn the Lordes prayer with a loude voyce OVre father which arte in heauen halowed bee thy name Thy kingdome come Thy wyll bee done in earth as it is in heauen Geue vs thys day our dayly bread And forgeue vs oure trespasses as we forgeue them that trespasse agaynste vs. And leade vs not into temptacion But delyuer vs from euell Amen ¶ Then lykewyse he shall saye O Lorde open thou oure lippes Aunswer And our mouth shall shewe foorth thy prayse ¶ Priest O God make spede to saue vs. ¶ Aunswer O Lorde make hast to helpe vs. ¶ Priest Glory be to the father and to the sonne to the holy ghoste As it was in the beginnyng is nowe and euer shall bee worlde without ende Amen Prayse ye the Lorde ¶ Then shal be sayd or song this Psalme folowyng O Come let vs syng vnto the Lord let vs hartely reioyce in the strength of oure saluacyon Let vs come before hys presence with thankesgeuyng and shewe oure selfe glad in hym with Psalmes For the Lorde is a great God and a great kyng aboue al Goddes In hys hand are all the corners of the earthe and the strength of the hylles is hys also The sea is hys and he made it and his handes prepared the drye lande O come let vs worship and fall downe and knele before the Lorde oure maker For he is the Lorde oure God and wee are the people of his pasture and the shepe of hys handes To daye yf ye wyll heare hys voyce harden not youre heartes as in the prouocacion and as in the day of temptacyon in the wyldernes When your fathers tempted me proued me and sawe my workes Fortie yeares long was I grieued with this generacion and sayde it is a people that doe erre in theyr heartes for they haue not knowen my wayes Vnto whom I sware in my wrathe that they shoulde not entre into my reste Glory be to the father and to the sōne to the holy ghost As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer shall be worlde wythout ende Amen Then
Prophete of the highest for thou shalt goe before the face of the Lord to prepare hys wayes To geue knowledge of saluacion vnto his people for the remission of theyr synnes Through the tender mercy of our God wherby the daye spryng from an high hath visited vs. To geue light to them that sit in darkenes and in the shadowe of death and to guide our fete into the way of peace Glorye bee to the father and to the sonne and to the holy gost As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer c. Or els thys Psalme Iubilate deo psa c O Be ioyfull in the lord al ye landes serue the lord with gladnes and come before his presence with a song Be ye sure that the lord he is god it is he that hath made vs and not we our selues we are his people and the shepe of his pasture O goe youre waye into hys gates with thankesgeuing and into his courtes with prayse be thankefull vnto hym and speake good of hys name For the Lord is gracious his mercy is euerlasting and hys trueth endureth from generacion to generacion Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the. c. As it was in the beginning is now and euer shal be world without ende Amen Then shal be sayd the Crede by the Minister and the people standing I Beleue in god the father almightie maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Chryste hys onely sonne our Lorde Which was conceiued by the holy goste borne of the virgin Marye Suffred vnder Ponce Pilate was crucified dead and buryed he descended into hell The thyrd daye he rose agayn from the dead He ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hande of God the father almightye From thence shall he come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beleue in the holye goste The holye Catholyke Churche The communyon of Saynctes The forgeuenesse of synnes The resurreccyon of the body And the lyfe euerlastyng Amen ¶ And after that these prayers folowyng aswel at Euenyng prayer as at Morning prayer all deuoutely knelyng The Minister first pronouncyng with a loude voyce The Lorde be with you Aunswere And with thy spirite The Minister ¶ Let vs pray Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ Then the Minister Clerkes and people shall saye the Lordes prayer in Englishe with a loude voyce ¶ Our father which art in heauen c. Then the Minister standing vp shal saye O lorde shewe thy mercy vpon vs. Aunswere And graunt vs thy saluacion ¶ Priest O Lorde saue the kyng Aunswere And mercifully heare vs when we call vpon thee ¶ Priest Indue thy ministers with righteousnes Aunswere And make thy chosen people ioyfull Priest O lord saue thy people Aunswere And blesse thyne enheritaunce Priest Geue peace in our tyme O Lorde Aunswere Because there is none other that fighteth for vs but onely thou O God Priest O God make cleane our heartes within vs. Aunswere And take not thyne holy spirite from vs. Then shall folowe three Collectes The first of the day which shal be the same that is appointed at the Communion The second for peace The third for grace to liue wel And the two last Collectes shal neuer alter but dayly be said at Morning prayer throughout all the yeare as foloweth The second Collecte for Peace O God whiche arte aucthour of peace and louer of concorde in knowledge of whom standeth oure eternall lyfe whose seruice is perfecte freedome defende vs thy humble seruauntes in al assaultes of our enemies that we surely trustyng in thy defence may not feare the power of any aduersaryes through the might of of Iesu Christ our lord Amen The thyrd Collect for grace O Lord our heauenly father almightie and euerlasting god which hast safely brought vs in the beginning of thys daye defende vs the same with thy mightie power and graunte that this day we fall into no synne neither runne into any kinde of daunger but that all our doynges maye be ordered by thy gouernaunce to doe alwayes that is righteous in thy syghte throughe Iesus Chryste oure Lorde Amen ¶ An ordre for Euening prayer throughout the yeare The Priest shall saye ¶ Our father which art c Then lykewyse he shall saye O Lorde open thou our lyppes Aunswere And our mouth shall shewe foorth thy prayse Priest O God make spede to saue vs. Aunswere Lord make hast to helpe vs. Priest Glory bee to the father to the sonne to the holy goste As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer shall be world without ende Amen Prayse ye the Lorde Then Psalmes in ordre as they be appoynted in the Table for Psalmes excepte there be proper Psalmes appoynted for that daye Then a Lesson of the olde Testamente as is appoynted lykewyse in the Kalender except there be proper Lessons appoynted for that day After that Magnificat in Englishe as foloweth Magnificat MY soule doeth magnifie the Lorde and my spirite hath reioysed in God my Sauioure For he hath regarded the lowelines of his handmayden For behold from henceforth al generacions shal cal me blessed For he that is mightie hath magnified me and holy is hys name And hys mercy is on them that feare hym throughout al generacions He hath shewed strēgth with hys arme he hath scattered the proude in the ymaginacyon of theyr heartes He hath put down the mightie from their seate and hath exalted the humble and meke He hath fylled the hungrye with good thynges and the riche he hath sente emptye awaye He remembryng his mercy hathe holpen hys seruaunte Israel as he promised to our forefathers Abraham and hys seede for euer Glory bee to the father and to the sonne to the holy ghost As it was in the beginnyng is nowe and euer shal be worlde without ende Amen ¶ Or els this Psalme Cantate domino psa xcviii O Syng vnto the Lorde a newe song for he hathe done merueylous thynges With his owne ryght hand and with hys holye arme hath he gotten hymselfe the victory The Lorde declared hys saluacyon hys ryghteouseness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen He hathe remembred hys mercye and trueth towarde the house of Israel and all the endes of the world haue seen the saluacyon of oure God Shew youre selues ioyfull vnto the Lorde all ye landes sing reioyce and geue thankes Prayse the Lorde vpon the harpe syng to the harpe with a Psalme of thankesgeuyng With trompettes also shawmes O shewe youre selues ioyfull before the Lorde the kyng Let the sea make a noyse and all that therein is the round worlde and they that dwell therein Let the floudes clappe theyr handes and let the hylles be ioyfull together before the Lorde for he is come to iudge the earthe With righteousnes shall he iudge the world and the people with equitie Glory be to the father c. As it was in the
then art thou Helias he saieth I am not Art thou the Prophet he aunswered no. Then sayd they vnto him what art thou that we may geue an aunswere vnto thē that sent vs what sayest thou of thy selfe he saide I am the voyce of a cryer in the wildernes make straight the way of the lord as said the prophet Esay And they which were sente were of the Phariseis and they asked hym and sayde vnto hym Why baptisest thou then if thou bee not Christ nor Helias nether that Prophet Iohn aunswered them saying I baptise with water but there stādeth one among you whom ye know not he it is whiche though he came after me was before me whose shoe latchet I am not worthy to vnlooce These thynges were done at Bethabara beyond Iordan where Iohn did Baptise ¶ Christmas daye ¶ The Collecte ALmightie God which hast geuē vs thy onely begottē sonne to take our nature vpon him and this day to bee borne of a pure virgin Graunt that we being regenerate and made thy childrē by adopcion and grace may dayly be renued by thy holy spirite through thesame oure Lord Iesus Christ who lyueth and reygneth with c. Amen ¶ The Epistle Hebre. i. GOd in times past diuersly and many wayes spake vnto the fathers by Prophetes but in these laste daies he hath spoken to vs by his owne sōne whō he hath made heyre of al thinges by whom also he made the world Whiche sonne beyng the bryghtnes of hys glory and the veri ymage of his substaūce ruling al thinges with the worde of his power hath by his owne person purged our sinnes and sitteth on the right hand of the maiestye on high being so much more excellent then the Aungels as he hathe by inheritaunce obteyned a more excellent name then they For vnto whiche of the Aungels saide he at any tyme Thou art my sonne this daye haue I begotten thee And agayn I wil be his father and he shal be my sōne And again when he bringeth in the first begotten sonne into the worlde he sayth and let al the Aūgels of God worship him And vnto the Aungels he sayth He maketh his Aungels spirites his ministers a flame of fire But vnto the sonne he sayeth thy seate O god shal be for euer and euer The scepter of thy kingdom is ryght scepter Thou hast loued righteousnes and hated iniquitie wherfore God euen thy God hath annoynted thee with oyle of gladnes aboue thy felowes And thou Lorde in the beginning hast layd the foundacyon of the earth and the heauens are the workes of thy handes They shall peryshe but thou endurest But they all shall waxe olde as dooeth a garmente and as a vesture shalte thou chaunge them and thei shal be chaunged But thou art euen thesame and thy yeares shall not fayle The Gospell Iohn i. IN the beginnyng was the word and the word was with God and God was the word The same was in the beginnyng with God All thynges were made by it and without it was made nothyng that was made In it was lyfe and the life was the light of men and the light shineth in the darkenes and the darkenes cōprehended it not There was sent frō God a mā whose name was Iohn Thesame came as a witnesse to beare witnesse of the lyghte that all men throughe him mighte belieue He was not that lyghte but was sent to beare witnesse of the lyghte That lyghte was the true lyght whyche lyghteth euery man that cometh into the worlde He was in the world and the worlde was made by him and the worlde knewe him not He came among hys owne and his owne receyued him not But as many as receyued him to thē gaue he power to be made sōnes of God euen them that beleued on hys name whych were borne not of bloude nor of the wyll of the fleshe nor yet of the wyll of man but of God And the same word became fleshe dwelt among vs and we saw the glory of it as the glory of the only begotten sonne of the father full of grace and trueth ¶ Sainct Stephens daye ¶ The Collecte GRaunt vs O Lorde to learne to loue oure enemies by the example of thy martyr Sainct Stephē who prayed for hys persecutours to thee whiche lyuest c. Then shall folow a Collecte of the Natiuitie whiche shal be sayde continually vnto Neweyeares daye ¶ The Epistle Actes vii ANd Stephen being full of the holy ghost loked vp stedfastly with his eyes into heauen and saw the glory of God Iesus standyng on the ryght hand of God said behold I seethe heauens opē the sonne of man standing on the right hand of God Then they gaue a shoute with a loude voyce stopped their eares ranne vpon him all at once and cast him out of the citie and stoned hym And the witnesses layd downe theyr clothes at a yong mans feete whose name was Saule And they stoned Stephen callyng on and saying Lord Iesu receyue my spirite And he kneled downe and cryed with a loude voyce Lord laye not thys synne to theyr charge And when he had thus spoken he fell a slepe ¶ The Gospell Mathew xxiii BEholde I sende vnto you Prophetes and wyse menne and Scribes and some of them ye shall kil and crucifye and some of them shall ye scourge in youre Sinagogues and persecute them from citie to citie that vpon you maye come all the ryghteous bloude whiche hathe been shed vpon the earthe from the bloud of ryghteous Abel vnto the bloud of Zacharias the sonne of Barachias whom ye shew betwene the temple and the aultare Verely I say vnto you all these thynges shall come vpon thys generacyon O Ierusalem thou that killest the Prophetes and stonest them whiche are sent vnto thee howe often woulde I haue gathered thy children together euen as the henne gathereth her chickens vnder her winges ye would not Behold your house is left vnto you desolate For I say vnto you ye shall not see me henceforth til that ye say Blessed is he the cometh in the name of the lord Sainct Iohn Euangelistes day ¶ The Collecte MErciful lord we beseche thee to cast thy bright beames of lighte vpon thy Churche that it beyng lightened by the doctrine of thy blessed Apostle and Euangeliste Iohn maye attayne to thy euerlastyng giftes Throughe Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen ¶ The Epistle i. Iohn i. THat whiche was from the begynnyng whyche we haue hearde whyche we haue seene with oure eyes whiche we haue loked vpon and our handes haue handled of the worde of life And the life appeared and we haue seen and beare witnes and shew vnto you that eternall lyfe whiche was with the father and appeared vnto vs. That whiche we haue seene and hearde declare we vnto you that ye also maye haue felowship with vs and that oure felowship may bee with the father and his sonne Iesus Chiste And this
we wryte vnto you that ye may reioyce and that your ioye may bee full And this is the tidinges which we haue heard of him and declare vnto you that God is light and in him is no darkenes at al. If we say we haue felowship with him and walke in darkenes we lie and doe not the trueth But and if we walke in lyght euen as he is in lighte then haue we felowship with him and the bloud of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from al synne If we saye we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and the truth is not in vs. If we knowledge oure sines he is faithfull and iuste to forgeue vs our sinnes and to clense vs fom al vnrighteousnes If we say we haue not sinned we make him a lyer and hys worde is not in vs. ¶ The Gospell Iohn xxi IEsus sayd vnto Peter folow thou me Peter turned about and saw the disciple whom Iesus loued folowing which also leaned on his breast at supper sayed lord which is he that betrayeth thee when Peter therfore saw him he sayd to Iesus Lord what shall he here doe Iesus sayd vnto hym if I wil haue him to tary till I come what is that to thee Folowe thou me Thē went this saying abroad among the brethrē that that disciple should not die Yet Iesus sayd not to him he shall not die but if I will that he tarye till I come what is that to thee The same disciple is he which testifieth of these thinges and wrote these thinges we knowe that his testimony is true There are also manye other thynges which Iesus did the whiche if they shoulde bee written euery one I suppose the world coulde not conteine the bokes that should be written ¶ Thinnocentes day ¶ The Collecte ALmighty God whose praise this day the yong Innocentes thy witnesses haue confessed and shewed forth not in speakyng but in dying mortify and kil all vices in vs that in our conuersacion oure life maye expresse thy faythe whyche with oure tonges we due confesse throughe Iesus Christe our Lorde ¶ The Epistle Apo. xiiii I Loked and loe a lambe stode on the mount Sion and with him an hundred and .xliiii. thousand hauing his name his fathers name written in their foreheades And I heard a voyce from heauen as the sounde of many waters and as the voice of a great thūder And I heard the voyce of harpers harpyng with theyr harpes And they song as it were a new song before the seate and before the .iiii. beastes and the elders and no man could learne the song but the hundred fourtye and .iiii. thousande whiche were redemed from the earth These are they whiche were not defiled with women for they are virgins These folow the lambe whersouer he goeth These were redemed from menne beyng the firste fruites vnto God and to the lambe and in their mouthes was founde no gyle for they are without spot before the throne of God ¶ The Gospell Math. ii THe Angel of the lord appeared to Ioseph in a slepe saying arise take the child and his mother flee into Egipt be thou there til I bring thee worde For it will come to passe the Herode shall seke the childe to destroye him So when he awoke he toke the childe and his mother by night and departed into Egipt and was there vnto the death of Herod that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lorde by the Prophet saying oute of Egipt haue I called my sonne Then Herod when he saw that he was mocked of the wise menne he was exceading wroth and sent forth menne of warre and slewe al the children that were in Bethleem and in all the coastes as many as were two yeares olde or vnder according to the time which he had diligently knowen out of the wisemen Then was fulylled the which was spokē by the Prophet Ieremy wheras he sayd In Rama was there a voyce heard lamentacyon weping and great mourning Rachel wepyng for her children and woulde not bee comforted because they were not The Sunday after Christmas daye ¶ The Collecte Almightye God whiche hast geuen vs. c. As vpon Christmas daye ¶ The Epistle Gala. iiii ANd I say that the heire as long as he is a childe differeth not from a seruaunt though he bee Lord of all but is vnder tutours and gouernours vntyll the tyme that the father hath appointed Euen so we also when we were children were in bondage vnder the ordeinaunces of the worlde But when the time was full come God sent his sonne made of a woman and made bond vnto the lawe to redeme them whyche were bonde vnto the lawe that we throughe eleccion myghte receyue the inherytaunce that belongeth vnto the naturall sonnes Because ye are sonnes God hath sente the spirite of hys sonne into oure heartes whyche cryeth Abba father Wherefore nowe thou art not a seruaunte but a sonne If thou be a sonne thou art also an heyre of God through Christe The Gospell Math. i THis is the boke of the generacion of Iesus Christe the sonne of Dauid the sonne of Abraham Abraham begat Isaac Isaac begat Iacob Iacob beegat Iudas and hys brethren Iudas begat Phares and Zaram of Thamar Phares begat Esrom Esrom begat Aram Aram begat Aminadab Aminadab begat Naasson Naasson begat Salmon Salmon begat Boos of Rahab Boos begat Obed of Ruth Obed begat Iesse Iesse begat Dauid the kyng Dauid the king begat Salomon of her that was the wife of Vrie Salomon begat Roboam Roboam begat Abia Abia begat Asa Asa begat Iosaphat Iosaphat begat Ioram Ioram begat Osias Osais begat Ioatham Ioatham begat Achas Achas begat Ezechias Ezechias begat Manasses Manasses begat Amon Amō begat Iosias Iosias begat Iechonias and his brethren about the tyme that they were caried away to Babilon And after they were broughte to Babilon Iechonias begat Salathiel Salathiel begat zorobabel zorobabel begat Abiud Abiud begat Eliachim Eliachim begat Azor Azor begat Sadoc Sadoc begat Achin Achin begat Eliud Eliud begat Eleasar Eleasar begat Matthan Matthan begat Iacob Iacob begat Ioseph the husband of Mary of whom was borne Iesus euen he that is called Christ And so all the generacions frō Abraham to Dauid are .xiiii. generaciōs And from Dauid vnto the captiuitie of Babilon are .xiiii. generacions And frō the captiuite of Babilō vnto Christ are .xiiii. generaciōs The byrth of Iesus Christ was on this wise When hys mother Mary was maried to Ioseph beefore they came to dwell together she was founde with childe by the holye gost Then Ioseph her husband because he was a ryghteous man and would not putte her to shame was mynded priuely to departe from her But whyle he thus thoughte beholde the Aungell of the Lorde appeared vnto hym in slepe saying Ioseph thou sōne of Dauid feare not to take vnto thee Marye thy wyfe for that whiche is conceiued in her cometh of the holy gost She shal bring
furth a sonne and thou shalt call hys name Iesus for he shall saue hys people from their sinnes Al this was done that it might be fulfilled whiche was spoken of the Lorde by the Prophete saying Beholde a mayde shall be with childe and shasll bryng foorth a sonne and they shall call hys name Emanuell whiche if a man interprete is asmuche to saye as God with vs. And Ioseph assone as he a woke out of slepe did as the Aungell of the Lord had bidden him and he toke his wyfe vnto hym and knew her not til she had brought forth her fyrst begotten sonne and called his name Iesus ¶ The Cyrcumcision of Christ ¶ The Collect. ALmightie God whiche madest thy blessed sonne to be circumcised and obedient to the law for man graunte vs the circumcision of the spirite that our heartes and all our membres being mortifyed from all worldlye and carnal lustes may in al thynges obey thy blessed wil through thesame thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde ¶ The Epistle Rom. iiii BLessed is that man to whom the Lorde will not impute sinne Came this blessednes then vpon the vncyrcumcision or vpon the cyrcumcision also for we say that fayth was rekoned to Abraham for righteousnes How was it then rekoned when he was in the cyrcumcision or when he was in the vncircumcisiō not in tyme of cyrcumcision but when he was yet vncyrcumcised And he receiued the sygne of cyrcumcision as a seale of the righteousnes of fayth which he had yet beeyng vncyrcumcised that he should be the father of al them that belieue though they be not cyrcumcised that righteousnes might bee imputed to them also and that he might bee the father of cyrcumcision not vnto them onely which came of the cyrcumcised but vnto thē also that walke in the steppes of the faythe that was in oure father Abraham beefore the tyme of cyrcumcision For the promyse that he shoulde be heyre of the worlde happened not to Abraham or to hys sede through the lawe but through the ryghteousnesse of fayth For if they whiche are of the lawe be heyres then is fayth but vayn and the promise of none effecte ¶ The Gospell Luke ii ANd it fortuned assone as the Angels wer gone away from the shepeheardes into heauen they saide one to another let vs goe now euen vnto Bethleem and see this thing that we heare saye is happened whiche the Lorde hath shewed vnto vs. And they came with hast and found Mary and Ioseph and the babe layde in a maunger And when they had seene it they published abroade the saying that was tolde them of that chylde And all they that heard it wondred at those thinges which were tolde them of the shepeheardes But Mary kept all those sayinges and pondred them in her hearte And the shepeheardes returned praysyng and laudyng God for all the thynges that they had hearde and seene euen as it was tolde vnto them And when the eyght daye was come that the chylde should bee circumcised hys name was called Iesus whyche was named of the Aungell before he was conceyued in the wombe Yf there bee a Sundaye betwene the Epiphanye and the Circumcision then shal be vsed the same Collecte Epistle Gospell at the communion whiche was vsed vpon the daye of Circumcision ¶ The Epiphanie ¶ The Collecte O God whiche by the leadyng of a starre diddest manyfeste thy onely begotten sonne to the Gentyles Mercifullye graunte that we whiche knowe thee nowe by fayth maye after thys lyfe haue the fruicion of thy glorious Godhead throughe Chryste oure Lorde ¶ The Epistle Ephe. iii. FOr thys cause I Paule am a prysoner of Iesus Chryst for you Heathen yf ye haue heard of the ministracion of the grace of God whiche is geuen me to you warde For by reuelacion shewed he the misterye vnto me as I wrote afore in fewe wordes whereby when ye reade ye maye vnderstande my knowledge in the misterie of Christe whiche mistery in tymes paste was not opened vnto the sonnes of men as it is nowe declared vnto his holye Apostles and Prophetes by the spirite that the Gentiles should be inheritours also and of the same body partakers of hys promyse of Christe by the meanes of the gospell whereof I am made a minister accordyng to the gyfte of the grace of God whyche is geuen vnto me after the woorkyng of hys power Vnto me the leaste of all saynctes is thys grace geuen that I shoulde preache among the Gentyles the vnsearcheable ryches of Chryste and to make all menne see what the felowship of the mistery is whyche from the beginning of the worlde hathe been hid in God whiche made all thynges throughe Iesus Christe to the entent that nowe vnto the rulers and powers in heauenly thynges myght be knowen by the congregacyon the manifolde wysedome of God according to the eternall purpose which he wroughte in Christe Iesu our Lorde by whō we haue boldenes and entraunce with the cōfidence whiche is by the fayth of hym ¶ The Gospell Mat. ii WHen Iesus was borne in Bethleem a cytie of Iury in the tyme of Herod the kyng Beholde there came wise menne from the Easte to Ierusalem saying where is he that is borne kyng of the Iewes For we haue seen hys starre in the Easte and are come to wurshippe hym When Herod the kyng had hearde these thynges he was troubled and all the citie of Ierusalē with hym And when he had gathered all the chiefe priestes and Scribes of the people together he demaunded of them where Chirste shoulde bee borne And they sayde vnto him at Bethleem in Iury. For thus it is wrytten by the Prophete And thou Bethleem in the lande of Iury arte not the leaste among the Princes of Iuda for oute of thee there shal come vnto me the capitayne that shall gouerne my people Israel Then Herode when he had priuely called the wyse menne he enquired of them dylygently what tyme the starre appeared and he bad them goe to Bethleem and sayde goe youre waye thether and searche diligently for the chylde And when ye haue founde hym bryng me woorde agayne that I maye come and wurshyp hym also When they had hearde the kyng they departed and loe the starre whyche they sawe in the Easte wente before them tyll it came and stoode ouer the place wherein the childe was When they sawe the starre they were exceadyng glad and wente into the house and founde the chylde with Marye hys mother and fell downe flat and wurshipped him and opened theyr treasures and offered vnto hym gyftes Golde Frankyncense and Mirre And after they were warned of God in slepe that they should not goe again to Herode they returned into their own countrey another way ¶ The first Sunday after the Epiphanie ¶ The Collecte LOrde we beseche thee mercifully to receiue the praiers of thy people which cal vpon thee and graunt that thei may both perceiue and know what thynges they oughte
to doe and also haue grace and power faythfully to fulfyl the same through Iesus Christ our Lorde ¶ The Epistle Rom. xii I Beseche you therfore brethren by the mercyfulnesse of God that ye make your bodyes a quicke sacrifice holy and acceptable vnto god which is your reasonable seruing of god and fashion not your selues like vnto this worlde but bee ye chaunged in your shape by the renuing of your minde the ye may proue what thing that good acceptable and perfect wil of God is For I say through the grace that vnto me geuen is to euery man among you that no man stande high in his own conceite more then it becommeth hym to esteme of hymselfe but so iudge of himselfe that he bee gentle and sobre accordyng as God hath dealte to euery man the measure of fayth for as we haue many membres in one body and all membres haue not one office s o we beyng many are one body in Christ and euery man among our selues one anothers membres ¶ The Gospell Luke ii THe father and mother of Iesus went to Ierusalem after the custome of the feast day And when they had fulfylled the dayes as they returned home the chylde Iesus abode styl in Ierusalem and hys father and mother knewe not of it but they supposyng hym to haue been in the cumpanye came a dayes iourneye and soughte hym amonges theyr kynsfolke and acquayntaunce And when they founde hym not they went backe agayne to Ierusalem and sought him And it fortuned that after three dayes they found him in the temple sitting in the middest of the doctours hearing thē and posing them And all that heard hym were astonied at hys vnderstanding and aunsweres And when they sawe hym they meruayled and hys mother said vnto hym sonne why hast thou thus dealt with vs Behold thy father I haue sought thee sorowyng And he said vnto them how hapned that ye sought me wist ye not that I must goe aboute my fathers busines And they vnderstode not that saying whiche he spake vnto them And he wente downe with them and came to Nazareth and was obedyente vnto them but hys mother kepte all these sayinges together in her heart And Iesus prospered in wisedome and age and in fauoure with God and men ¶ The second Sunday after the Epiphanie ¶ The Collecte ALmightie and euerlasting god which doest gouerne al thynges in heauen and earth mercifully heare the supplicacions of thy people and graunte vs thy peace all the dayes of our lyfe ¶ The Epistle Rom. xii SEeing that we haue diuerse giftes accordyng to the grace that is geuen vnto vs if a man haue the gift of prophecie let him haue it that it be agreeing to the faith Let him that hath an office waite on his office Let him that teacheth take hede to his doctrine Let him that exhorteth geue attendaunce to hys exhortacyon If any man geue let hym doe it with synglenesse Lette hym that ruleth dooe it with diligence If any manne shewe mercye let hym dooe it with cherefulnesse Lette loue be withoute dissimulacion Hate that whiche is euill and cleaue to that whyche is good Be kynd one to another with brotherly loue In geuing honour goe one before another Be not slothfull in the busines which you haue in hand Be feruent in spirite Applye your selues to the tyme. Reioyce in hope Be paciente in tribulacion Continue in prayer Distribute vnto the necessitie of the sainctes Be ready to harboure Blesse them which persecute you blesse I say and curse not Be merye with them that are merye wepe with them that wepe be of like affecciō one towardes another Be not hye minded but make your selues equall to them of the lower sorte ¶ The Gospell Iohn ii ANd the thyrde daye was there a mariage in Cana a citie of Galile and the mother of Iesus was there And Iesus was called and hys Disciples vnto the mariage and when the wyne fayled the mother of Iesus sayde vnto him they haue no wine Iesus sayde vnto her woman what haue I to do with thee Myne houre is not yet come His mother said vnto the ministers whatsoeuer he sayth vnto you doe it And there were standyng there .vi. waterpottes of stone after the maner of purifying of the Iewes conteynyng two or three fyrkyns a piece Iesus sayde vnto them fyll the waterpottes with water And they fylled them vp to the brymme And he sayde vnto them drawe out nowe and beare vnto the gouernoure of the feaste And they bare it When the ruler of the feaste had tasted the water turned into wyne and knewe not whence it was but the ministers which drewe the water knewe he called the bridegrome and saide vnto hym euery man at the beginning doeth sette furth good wyne and when men be dronke then that which is woorse but thou hast kept the good wyne vntill nowe This begynnyng of myracles dyd Iesus in Cana of Galile and shewed his glorye and his disciples belieued on hym ¶ The third Sunday after thepiphanie ¶ The Collect. ALmightie euerlasting god mercifully loke vpon our infirmities and in all our daungers and necessities stretche foorth thy ryghte hande to helpe and defende vs through Christ our Lord. ¶ The Epistle Rom. xii BE not wise in your owne opinions Recōpence to no man euil for euil Prouyde aforehand thinges honest not onely before God but also in the sight of all men If it be possible as much as is in you liue peaceably with all men Dearely beloued auenge not your selues but rather geue place vnto wrath For it is written vengeaunce is mine I will reward saith the lord Therfore if thine enemy hunger fede him if he thyrst geue him drinke For in so doing thou shalt heape coales of fyre on hys head Be not ouercome of euill but ouercome euyll with goodnes ¶ The Gospell mat viii WHen he was come down frō the mountayn much people folowed hym And beholde there came a Leper worshipped him saying Master if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane And Iesus put forth his hand touched him saying I wil be thou clene immediatly his leprosy was clensed And Iesus said vnto him tell no man but goe shew thy self to the Priest offer the gift that Moses commaūded to be offred for a witnes vnto thē And when Iesus was entred into Capernaum there came vnto hym a Centurion besoughte hym saying Maister my seruaunte lyeth at home sycke of the paulsey is grieuously payned And Iesus sayde when I come vnto him I will heale him The Centurion aunswered sayde Syr I am not worthy that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe but speake the woord onely my seruaūt shal be healed For I also am a man subiect to the auctoritie of an other haue souldiers vnder me I say to thys man goe he goeth to another man come he cometh to my seruaunt doe thys he doth
speaking of the kyngdome of God and gathered them together and commaunded them that they should not depart from Ierusalem but to wayte for the to promysse of the father whereof sayeth he ye haue heard of me For Iohn truely baptised with water but ye shall be baptysed with the holye goste after these fewe dayes When they therefore were come together they asked of hym saying Lorde wilt thou at this time restore agayne the kyngdome of Israel And he sayd vnto them it is not for you to knowe the tymes or the seasons which the father hath put in his owne power But ye shall receiue power after the holy gost is come vpon you And ye shal be witnesses vnto me not onely in Ierusalem but also in all Iewrye and in all Samaria and euen vnto the worldes ende And when he had spoken these thynges whyle they behelde he was taken vp on hye and a cloude receyued hym vp oute of their sighte And while they loked stedfastly vp toward heauen as he went beholde two men stoode by them in white apparell whiche also sayed ye menne of Galile why stande ye gasyng vp into heauen This same Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauē shal so come euen as ye haue seen hym goe into heauen ¶ The Gospell Mar. xvi IEsus appeared vnto the eleuen as they sate at meate and caste in theyr teeth their vnbeliefe and hardens of heart because they belieued not them which had seen that he was risen again from the dead and he sayd vnto them Goe ye into all the world and preache the gospell to al creatures he that belieueth and is baptised shall bee saued But he that beleueth not shall bee damned And these tokens shall folowe them that beleue In my name they shal cast out deuils thei shal speake with newe tongues they shal driue awaye serpentes And if they drinke any deadly thyng it shall not hurte them They shall lay their hande on the sicke and shal recouer So then when the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and is on the right hand of God And they went forth and preached euery where the Lord working with them and confirming the worde with miracles folowing ¶ The Sunday after the Ascencion daye ¶ The Collect. O God the king of glory which hast exalted thyne only sonne Iesus Christe with great triumphe vnto thy kingdom in heauen we beseche thee leaue vs not coumfortles but send to vs thine holy gost to comfort vs and exalte vs vnto the same place whither our sauiour Christ is gone before who liueth and reigneth c ¶ The Epistle i. Pe. iiii THe ende of all thinges is at hande be ye therfore sobre and watche vnto prayer But aboue all thynges haue feruente loue among youre selues for loue shall couer the multitude of linnes Be ye herberous one to another without grudging As euery mā hath receyued the gifte euen so minister thesame one to another as good ministers of the manifold graces of god If any man speake let him talke as the wordes of God If any man ministre let hym doe it as of the habilitie whiche God ministreth to hym that God in all thynges maye bee glorifyed through Iesus Christ to whome bee prayse and dominion for euer and euer Amen ¶ The Gospell Iohn xv WHen the comforter is come whom I wil send vnto you from the father euen the spirite of trueth which procedeth of the father he shal testifie of me And ye shal be are witnes also beecause ye haue been with me from the beeginning These thynges haue I sayed vnto you becaus ye should not be offended They shal excommunicate you yea the tyme shall come that whosoeuer killeth you wil thinke that he doeth god seruice And such thinges wyl they doe vnto you because they haue not knowen the father neyther yet me But these thynges I haue told you that whan the time is come ye may remembre then that I tolde you ¶ Whitsunday ¶ The Collect. GOd which as vpon this day hast taught the heartes of thy faithful people by the sending to them the light of holy spirite Graunt vs by the same spirite to haue a right iudgement in al thynges and euermore to reioice in his holy comfort through the merites of Christ Iesu our sauyour who liueth and reigneth with thee in the vnitie of thesame spirite one God world withoute ende ¶ The Epistle Actes ii WHen the fiftie dayes were come to an ende they were all with one accorde together in one place And sodeynly there came a sound from heauen as it had been the cummyng of a mightye wynde and it fylled all the house where they sate And there appeared vnto them clouen tongues lyke as they had been offyre and it fate vpon eche one of them and they were all fylled filled with the holy ghoste and began to speake with other tonges euen as the same spirite gaue them vtterance Thē were dwelling at Ierusalem Iewes deuout men out of euery nacyon of them that are vnder heauen When thys was noysed about the multitude came together and were astonied because that euery man heard them speake wyth hys own language They wondred all and meruailed saying among themselues beholde are not all these whiche speake of Galile And how heare we euery man hys owne tong wherin we were borne Partians and Medes and Elamites and the inhabiters of Mesopotamia of Iewry and of Capadocia of Pontus and Asia Phrigia and Pamphilia of Egipt and of the parties of Libia whiche is besyde Syrene and straungers of Rome Iewes and Proselites Grekes and Arrabians we haue heard them speake in our own tongues the great workes of god ¶ The Gospell Ioh. xiiii IEsus sayd vnto hys disciplines Yf ye loue me kepe my commaundmentes and I wil praie thee father and he shall geue you another coumforter that he may abide with you for euer euen the spirite of trueth whom the world cannot receiue because the world seeth him not neyther knoweth hym But ye knowe him for he dwelleth with you and shall bee in you I wyll not leaue you coumfortles but wil come to you Yet a litle whyle and the world seeth me no more but ye see me For I lyue and ye shall lyue That daye shall ye knowe that I am in my father and you in me and I in you He that hath my commaundementes and kepeth them the same is he that loueth me And he that loueth me shall beeloued of my father and I wyll loue hym and wyl shewe myne own selfe vnto hym Iudas sayeth vnto hym not Iudas Iscarioth Lorde what is done that thou wylte shewe thy selfe vnto vs and not vnto the world Iesus aunswered and sayed vnto them if a man loue me he wil kepe my sayinges and my father will loue hym and we will come vnto hym and dwell with him He that loueth me not kepeth not my sayinges And the worde which ye heare is
Trinitie ¶ The Collect. GRaunt Lorde we beseche thee that the course of thys world may be so peaceably ordred by the gouernaūce that thy congregacion may ioyfully serue thee in all godly quietenes through Iesus Christ our Lorde ¶ The Epistle i. Pet. iii BE you all of one mynde and of one hearte loue as brethren be pietifull be curteous meke not renderyng euyll for euyll or rebuke for rebuke but contrarywyse blesse knowyng that ye are thereunto called euen that ye should bee heyres of the blessyng For he that dooeth long after lyfe and loueth to see good dayes lette hym refrayne his tongue from euil his lippes that they speake no gyle Let him eschew euil and doe good let him seke peace and ensue it For the eyes of the Lord are ouer the righteous his eares are open vnto their prayers Again the face of the Lord is ouer thē that do euil Moreouer who is he that wil harme you if ye folowe that which is good yea happye are ye if anye trouble happen vnto you for righteousnes sake Be not ye afrayd for any terrour of them neither be ye troubled but sanctifye the Lord God in your heartes ¶ The Gospell Luke v. YE came to passe that when the people preaced vpon hym to heare the woord of God he stoode by the lake of Genazareth saw two shippes stand by the lakes side but the fishermen were gone out of them were washyng their nettes And he entered into one of the shippes which pertained to Simon and prayed him that he woulde thrust out a little from the lande And he sate down taught the people out of the shyp When he had left speakyng he sayde vnto Simon launche out into the depe let slip your nettes to make a draught And Simon aunswered and sayd vnto him Maister we haue laboured al nighte and haue taken nothyng Neuerthelesse at thy commaundemente I will looce furth the nerre And when they had so done they inclosed a greate multitude of fysshes But theyr nette brake and they beckened to theyr felowes which were in the other shyppe that they shoulde come and helpe them And they came and fylled bothe shippes that they souke agayn When Simon Peter sawe this he fell down at Iesus knees saying Lorde goe from me for I am a sinnefull man For he was astonied and all that were with him at the draughte of fishes whiche they had taken and so was also Iames and Iohn the sonnes of zebede whiche were parteners with Simon And Iesus sayde vnto Simon feare not from hencefurth thou shalte catche men And they brought the shippes to lande and forsoke all and folowed him The sixth Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Collect. GOd Which hast prepared to them that loue thee suche good thinges as passe al mās vnderstanding Powre into our heartes suche loue towarde thee that we louing thee in all thynges may obteyne thy promises whiche excede all that we can desyre through Iesus Christ our lord ¶ The Epistle Rom. vi KNowe ye not that all we whiche are baptised in Iesus Christ are baptised to dye with him We are buried then with hym by baptisme for to dye that likewise as Christ was raysed frō death by the glory of the father euen so we also shoulde walke in a newe lyfe For if we bee graft in death like vnto him euen so shall we be partakers of the holy resurrecciō Knowing thys that your olde man is crucifyed with him also that the body of sinne myght vtterly be destroyed that hencefoorth we shoulde not bee seruautes vnto sinne For he that is dead is iustified frō sinne Wherefore if we be dead with Christe we beleue that we shal also liue with him knowing that Christ beeing raysed from death dyeth no more Death hath no more power ouer him For as touching that he dyed he dyed concernyng sinne once And as touchyng that he liueth he liueth vnto God Lykewyse considre ye also that ye are dead as touching sinne but are aliue vnto God through Iesus Christ our Lorde ¶ The Gospell Math. v. IEsus sayd vnto his disciples except your righteousnes exceade the ryghteousnes of the Scribes and Phariseis ye cannot entre into the kingdom of heauen Ye haue heard that it was sayde vnto them of olde time Thou shalte not kyll whosoeuer kylleth shal be in daunger of iudgement But I saye vnto you that whosoeuer is angry with hys brother vnaduisedlye shal be in daunger of iudgement And whosoeuer saye vnto his brother Racha shal be in daūger of a coūsel But whosoeuer faith thou foole shal be in daūger of hel fyer Therefore if thou offrest thy gifte at the altare and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought agaynst thee leaue there thyne offering before the altare and goe thy way first and be reconciled to thy brother then come and offer thy gift Agree with thine aduersarye quickelye whyles thou arte in the waye with him lest at any tyme the aduersary deliuer thee to the iudge the iudge delyuer thee to the minister and then thou be cast into prieson Verely I saye vnto thee thou shalte not come out thence tyll thou haue payde the vttermost farthing The seuenth Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Collecte LOrd of al power and might whiche art the auctour geuer of al good thinges graffe in our hartes the loue of thy name increase in vs true religion nouryshe vs with all goodnes and of thy greate mercye kepe vs in the same through Iesus Christ our Lord. ¶ The Epistle Rom. vi I Speake groslye because of the infirmitie of your fleshe As ye haue geuē your membres seruaūtes to vnclennes and to iniquitie from one iniquitie to an other euen so now geue ouer your mēbres seruauntes vnto righteousnes the ye may be sanctifyed For when ye wer seruauntes of sinne ye were voyde of righteousnes What fruite had you then in those thinges whereof ye are now ashamed for the end of those thinges are death But now are ye deliuered frō synne made the seruaūtes of God haue your fruite to be sanctified the ende euerlasting life For the rewarde of sinne is deathe but eternall life is the gift of God through Iesus Christ our Lord. ¶ The Gospell mar viii IN those dayes when there was a very great cōpanye and had nothyng to eate Iesus called his disciples vnto him said vnto them I haue compassion on the people because thei haue been now with me three dayes and haue nothyng to eate And yf I sende them awaye fastyng to theyr owne houses they shall faynt by the waye for diuers of them came from farre And his Disciples aunswered hym where shoulde a man haue bread here in the wildernesse to satisfye these And he asked them howe many loaues haue ye They sayd seuen And he commaunded the people to sitte downe on the grounde And he toke the seauen loaues And when he had geuen thankes he brake
speake euery man truth vnto hys neighbour forasmuche as we are membres one of another Be angry sinne not Let not the sunne go downe vpon youre wrathe neither geue place to the backbyter Let hym that stole steale nomore but let hym rather laboure with his handes the thing which is good that he may geue vnto him that nedeth Let no filthy communicacion procede out of your mouth but that which is good to edifye withal as ofte as nede is that it may minster grace vnto the heaters And grieue not the holye spirite of God by whom ye are sealed vnto the day of redempcion Let all bitternes and fiercenes and wrath and roaryng and cursed speakyng be put awaye from you with al maliciousnes Be ye curteous one to another mercyfull forgeuyng one another euen as God for Christes sake hath forgeuen you ¶ The Gospell Math. ix IEsus entred into a shyp passed ouer and came into hys owne citie And beholde they brought to hym a man sicke of the paulsey lying in a bedde And when Iesus sawe the fayth of them he sayde to the sycke of the Paulsey Sonne bee of good there thy sinnes bee forgeuen thee And behold certayn of the Scribes sayde within themselues this man blasphmeth And when Iesus sawe theyr thoughtes he sayd wherefore thinke ye euill in youre heartes Whether is it easier to say thy sinnes bee forgeuen thee or to saye aryse and walke But that ye maye knowe that the sonne of man hathe power to forgeue sinnes in earth Then sayeth he to the sicke of the Paulsey Aryse take vp thy bed and goe vnto thyne house And he arose and departed to his house But the people that saw it meruayled and glorified God which hath geuen such power vnto menne ¶ The .xx. Sundaye after Trinitie ¶ The Collecte ALmighty and merciful God of thy bountifull goodnes Kepe vs from all thinges that may hurt vs that we being ready both in body and soule maye with fre heartes accomplishe those thinges that thou wouldest haue done thorow Iesus Christe oure Lorde ¶ The Epistle Ephe. v TAke hede therfore howe ye walke circumspectly not as vnwyse but as wise menne redemyng the time because the dayes are euill Wherefore bee ye not vnwise but vnderstande what the will of the Lorde is and bee not dronken with wine wherin is excesse But be fylled with the spirite speakyng vnto your selues in Psalmes and Nimnes and spirituall songes syngyng and makyng melody to the lord in your heartes geuing thankes alwayes for all thynges vnto God the father in the name of our Lorde Iesus Chryste submitting your selues one to another in the feare of God ¶ The Gospell Mat. xxii IEsus saide to hys disciples The kingdome of heauen is like vnto a man that was a Kyng whyche made a mariage for his sonne and sent furthe hys seruauntes to call them that were bydden to the wedding and they would not come Agayne he sent furth other seruauntes saying Tell them whiche are bidden beeholde I haue prepared my diner myne Oxen and my fatlynges are kylled and all thynges are ready come vnto the manage But they made lyght of it and went theyr wayes One to hys farme place another to his marchaundise and the remnaunt toke his seruauntes intreated them shamefully and flewe them But when the kyng heard thereof he was wroth and sente furth his men of warre and destroied those murtherers and brēt vp theyr city Then said he to his seruauntes the mariage in dede is prepared but they whiche were bidden were not worthy Goe ye therfore oute into the hye wayes and as many as ye fynd byd them to the mariage And the seruauntes went furth into the hye wayes and gathered together all as many as they coulde fynde bothe good and bad and the wedding was furnished with geastes Then the kyng came in to see the geastes and when he spyed there a man whiche had not on a wedding garmente he said vnto hym frend how camest thou in hither not hauing a wedding garment And he was euen specheles Then said the king to the ministers take and bind him hand and foote and cast hym into vtter darkenes there shal be wepyng and gnashyng of teeth For many bee called but few are chosen The .xxi. Sundaye aftter Trinitie ¶ The Collecte GRaunte we beseche thee mercifull Lorde to thy faythfull people pardon and peace that they maye be clensed from all theyr sinnes and serue thee with a quiet mynde through Iesus Christe oure Lorde ¶ The Epistle Ephe. vi MY brethren bee strong throughe the Lorde and through the power of hys myghte Put on all the armour of God that ye may stand against all the assaultes of the deuill for we wrestle not agaynste bloud and fleshe but against rule againste power agaynste worldlye rulers euen gouernours of the darkenes of thys worlde againste spirituall craftines in heauenlye thynges Therefore take vnto you the whole armour of God that ye may be hable to resiste in the euyll day and stande perfect in all thynges Stande therfore and your loynes gyrd with the trueth hauyng on the brestplate of ryghteousnesse and hauyng shooes on youre feete that ye maye bee prepared for the gospell of peace Aboue all take to you the shyelde of faythe wherewith ye maye quenche all the fyery dartes of the wicked And take the helmet of saluacyon and the sweord of the spirite which is the worde of God And pray alwaies with all maner of prayer and supplycacion in the spirite and watche therunto with all instaunce and supplicacion for all sainctes and for me that vtteraunce may be geuen vnto me that I may open my mouthe freely to vtter the secretes of my gospell wherof I am a messenger in bondes that therein I may speake freely as I ought to speake ¶ The Gospell Iohn iiii THere was a certayn ruler whose sōne was sycke at Capernaū A ssone as thesame hearde that Iesus was come out of Iewry into Galile he went vnto him and besought him that he woulde come downe and heale his sonne For he was euen at the poynte of death Then said Iesus vnto him except ye see signes and wonders ye will not beleue The ruler sayd vnto hym Sir come downe or euer that my sonne dye Iesus sayeth vnto him Goe thy waye thy sonne liueth The man beeleued the word that Iesus had spoken vnto him he went his way And as he was going downe the seruauntes met hym and tolde hym saying thy sonne liueth Then enquired be of thē the houre when he began to amende And they sayde vnto him yesterday at the seuenth houre the feuer lefte him So the father knewe that it was the same houre in the whych Iesus sayde vnto him thy sonne liueth and he beleued and all his housholde This is agayn the second miracle that Iesus did when he was come out of Iewry into Galile ¶ The .xxii. Sundaye after Trinitie ¶ The Collecte LOrde we beseche
thee to kepe thy houshold the churche in continuall godlines that through thy proteccyon it maye bee free from all aduersities and deuoutlye geuen to serue thee in good workes to the glory of thy name Thorow Iesus Christ our Lorde ¶ The Epistle Philip. i. I Thanke my God with all remēbraunce of you alwayes in al my prayers for you pray with gladnes because ye are come into the felowship of the gospell frō the firsteday vntil now And am surely certified of thys that he which hath begon a good worke in you shall perfourme it vntil the day of Iesus Christe as it becometh me that I shoulde so iudge of you all because I haue you in my heart forasmuch as ye are al companions of grace with me euē in my bondes and in the defending and establishing of the gospel for god is my recorde how greatly I long after you all from the very heart roote in Iesus Christe And thys I praye that your loue may encrease yet more and more in knowledge and in al vnderstanding that ye may accept the thynges that are most excellent that ye may be pure and such as offende no man vntil the day of Christ beeing filled with the fruite of righteousnes which cometh by Iesus Christ vnto the glory and prayse of God ¶ The Gospell Mathew xviii PEter said vnto Iesus Lord how oft shal I forgeue my brother if he sinne against me till seuen times Iesus saith vnto him I say not vnto the vntil seuen times but seuenty times seuē times Therefore is the kyngdome of heauen lykened vnto a certayne man that was a kyng whiche would take accoumptes of his seruaūtes And whē he had begon to reckon one was brought vnto him which ought him ten thousand talētes but forasmuch as he was not hable to pay his lord commaunded him to be solde and his wife and childrē and all that he had and payment to be made The seruaunt fel down besought him saying Syr haue pacience wyth me and I wil pay thee al. Then had the lord pietie on that seruaunt and losed him and forgaue him the debte So the same seruaunt went out found one of his felowes which ought him an hundred pence and he laid handes on hym toke him by the throte saying pay that thou owest And his felow fel down besought hym saying haue pacience with me and I wil pay thee all And he would not but went cast him into priesō til he should pay the debte So whē his felowes saw what was done they wer very sory and came and tolde vnto their Lord all that had happened Then his Lord called him and sayd vnto hym O thou vngracious seruaunt I forgaue thee al that debte when thou desiredst me shouldest not thou also haue had cōpassion on thy felow euen as I had pietie on thee And his lord was wroth and deliuered him to the Tailers til he should pay all that was due vnto him So likewise shal my heauēly father doe also vnto you if ye from your heartes forgeue not euery one his brother their trespasses The .xxiii. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Collecte GOd our refuge and strength whiche art the author of al godlynes be ready to heare the deuoute prayers of the Churche and graunt that those thinges which we aske faythfully we maye obtayne effectually Through Iesus Christ our Lorde ¶ The Epistle Phil. iii. BRethren be folowers together of me looke on them whiche walke euen so as ye haue vs for an ensample For many walke of whō I haue told you often and now tel you weping that they are the enemies of the crosse of Christ whose ende is damnaciō whose bely is their God and glory to their shame which are worldly minded But our conuersacion is in heauē from whence we loke for the sauiour euen the Lorde Iesus Christ which shal chaunge our vile body the he may make it lyke vnto his glorious bodye accordyng to the working wherby he is hable also to subdue all thynges vnto hymselfe ¶ The Gospell Mat. xxii THen the phariseis weut out toke counsaill how they might tāgle him in his wordes And they sent out vnto him their disciples with Herodes seruauntes saying Master we knowe that thou art true teachest the way of god truely nether carest thou for any mā for thou regardest not the outward apearaūnce of men Tei vs therefore how thinkest thou Is it lawful that tribute be geuē vnto Cesar or not But Iesus perceiuing their wickendnes said why tēpt ye me ye ypocrites Shew me the tribute moneye And they toke hym a peny And he said vnto thē whose is this image and superscripcion they sayd vnto him Ceasars Then said he vnto them geue therefore vnto Ceasar the thinges which are Ceasars and vnto god those thinges whiche are gods When they heard these wordes thei merueiled and left him and went theyr waye ¶ The .xxiiii. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Collecte LOrd we beseche thee assoile thy people frō their offences that through thy bountifull goodnes we maye be deliuered from the bandes of all those synnes which by our frailtie we haue committed Graunt this c. ¶ The Epistle Colossi i. WE geue thankes to God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ alwaies for you in our prayers for we haue heard of your fayth in Christ Iesu and of the loue which ye beare to all sainctes for the hopes sake whiche is layed vp in store for you in heauen of which hope ye heard before by the true worde of the gospel which is come vnto you euen as it as fruitfull and groweth as it is also among you from the daye in the whiche ye heard of it and had experience in the grace of god thoughe the truth as ye learned of Epaphra our deare felow seruaūt which is for you a faithfull minister of Christe whiche also declared vnto vs your loue which ye haue in the spirite For thys cause we also euer sence the daye we hearde of it haue not ceased to praye for you to desire that ye might be fulfilled with the knowledge of hys wyl in all wysedome and spiritual vnderstanding that ye might walke worthi of the Lord that in all thynges ye may please being fruitful in all good woorkes and increasyng in the knowledge of God strengthéd with al might through his glorious power vnto all pacience and long suffering with joyefulnes geuing thankes vnto the father whiche hath made vs mete to bee partakers of the inheritaunce of sainctes in lyght ¶ The Gospell Math. ix WHyle Iesus spake vnto the people behold there came a certain ruler and worshipped him saying my daughter is euen nowe deceased but come lay thy hand vpō her and she shal liue And Iesus arose and folowed him and so did his disciples And beholde a woman whiche was diseased with an issue of bloud twelue yeres came behind him and touched the hemme of his
same hath now possessed a plat of ground with the reward of iniquitie and whē he was hāged burst a sunder in the middes al his bowels gushed out And it was knowen vnto all the inhabiters of Hierusalem insomuche that the same fielde is called in theyr mother tongue Acheldama that is to say the bloudy fielde For it is written in the boke of Psalmes his habitacyon bee voyde and no man be dwelling therin his bisshoprike let another take Wherfore of these men whyche haue companied with vs all the tyme that the Lorde Iesus had al hys conuersaciō among vs beginning at the Baptisme of Iohn vnto that same day that he was takē vp from vs must one be ordeined to be a witnes with vs of his resurreccion And they appoynted two Ioseph whyche is called Barsabas whose sirname was Iustus and Mathias And whē they praied they said Thou Lord whiche knowest the heartes of all men shew whether of these two thou hast chosen that he may take the roume of this ministraciō and Apostleship frō whiche Iudas by transgression fell that he might go to hys owne place And they gaue forth their lottes the lot fel on Mathias and he was coumpted with the eleuen Apostles ¶ The Gospell Math. xi IN that tyme Iesus aunswered and sayde I thanke thee O father Lorde of heauen earth beecause thou haste hyd these thynges from the wise and prudente and hast shewed them vnto babes verely father euen so was it thy good pleasure All thynges are geuen vnto me of my father And no man knoweth the sonne but the father neyther knoweth any man the father saue the sonne and he to whōsoeuer the sonne wil open him Come vnto me al ye that labour and are laden and I wil ease you Take my yoke vpon you learne of me for I am meke lowly in hearte and ye shal fynd rest vnto your soules for my yoke is easy and my burdē is light ¶ The annunciacion of the virgin Mary ¶ The Collecte WE beseche thee lord powre thy grace into our heartes that as we haue knowen Christ thy sones incarnacyon by the message of an Angle so by his crosse and passion we maye bee broughte vnto the glorye of hys resurreccyon Through the same Christ our Lorde ¶ The Epistle Esay vii GOd spake once agayne vnto Ahaz saying requyre a token of the Lord thy god whether it be toward the depthe beneathe or towarde the heyght aboue Then sayde Ahaz I wil require none nether wyll I tempt the Lorde And he sayde hearken to ye of the house of Dauid is it not inough for you that ye bee greuous vnto men but ye muste greue my GOD also And therefore the Lord shall geue you a token Behold a virgin shal conceiue and beare a sonne thou his mother shall call his name Emanuel Butter and hony shall he eate that he may knowe to refuse the euyll and choose the good ¶ The Gospell Luke i. ANd in the sixth moneth the Aungel Gabriel was sent from God vnto a citie of Galili named Nazareth to a virgin spoused to a man whose name was Ioseph of the house of Dauid the virgins name was Mary And the Aungel went in vnto her said Haile ful of grace the lord is with thee blessed art thou amog women When she saw him she was abashed at his saying and cast in her minde what maner of salutacion that should bee And the Aungle said vnto her feare not Mary for thou hast found grace with God Behold thou shalte conceyue in thy wōbe beare a sonne shalt call his name Iesus He shal be great and shal be called the sonne of the highest And the Lord God shal geue vnto him the seat of his father Dauid and he shal reygne ouer the house of Iacob for euer and of his kyngdom there shal be none end Then sayd Mary to the Aungel How shall this be seeing I knowe not a man And the Aungle aūswered and sayd vnto her the holy ghost shal come vpon thee and the power of the hiest shal ouershadow thee Therefore also that holy thing which shal be borne shal be called the sonne of God And beholde thy Cosyn Elizabeth she hath also conceiued a sonne in her age And thys is the sixthe moneth which was called baren for with God nothyng shall bee vnpossible And Mary sayde beholde the handmayde of the Lorde bee it vnto me accordyng to thy worde And the Aungel departed from her ¶ Sainct Markes daye ¶ The Collecte ALmighty god which hast instructed thy holy churche with the heauenly doctryne of thy Euangeliste Sainct Marke geue vs grace so to bee established by thy holy gospell that we be not lyke children caried a waye with euerye blast of vayne doctrine Through Iesus Christe our Lorde ¶ The Epistle Ephe. iiii VNto euery one of vs is geuen grace accordyng to the measure of the gift of Christ Wherefore he sayeth when he wente vpon hie heled catiuitie captiue and gaue giftes vnto men That he ascēded whatmeaneth it but that he also descended fyrste into the lowest partes of the earth he that descended is euen the same also that ascended vp aboue all heauens to fulfyll all thynges And the very same made some Apostles some prophetes some Euangelystes some shepeheardes and teachers to the edifying of the sainctes to the worke and administracion euen to the edifying of the body of Christe till we al come to the vnitie of the fayth and knowledge of the sone of God vnto a perfect man vnto the measure of the ful perfect age of Christ That we henceforth shoulde be no more children waueryng and caryed about wich euery winde of doctrine by the wylines of men through craftines wherby they lay awayt for vs to deceyue vs. But let vs folowe the trueth in loue and in al thinges growe in him which is the head euen Christe in whom yf all the body bee coupled and knytte together throughout euery ioynte where with one ministreth to another accordyng to the operacion as euery part hath his measure he encreaseth the bodi vnto the edifiing of it selfe throughe loue ¶ The Gospell Iohn xv I Am the true vyne and my father is a husbandeman Euerye braunche that beareth not fruite in me he wyll take awaye And euery braunche that beareth fruite will he pourge that it maye bring foorth more fruite Nowe are ye cleane through the wordes whiche I haue spoken vnto you Byde in me and I in you As the braunche cannot beare fruite of it selfe except it bide in the vyne no more can ye except ye abide in me I am the vyne ye are the braunches He that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forthe much fruite For withoute me can ye doe nothyng Yf a man byde not in me he is caste forth as a braunche and is withered And mē gather them and cast them into the fyre they burne Yf ye
heauen whatsoeuer thou loocest in earth shal be looced in heauen ¶ Sainct Iames the Apostle ¶ The Collect. Graunt O merciful god that as thy holy Apostle sainct Iames leauing his father and al that he had without delaye was obedyente vnto the callyng of thy sonne Iesus Christ and folowed him So we forsaking al worldly and carnall affeccyons maye bee euermore ready to folowe thy commaundementes through Iesu Christe our Lord. ¶ The Epistle Actes xi IN those dayes came Prophetes frō the citie of Ierusalem vnto Antioche And there stode vp one of them named Agabus and signified by the spirite that there should be great dearth throughout al the world which came to passe in the Emperour Claudiug dayes Then the disciples euery man according to his habilitie purposed to send succour vnto the brethren which dwelt in Iewry which thing they also did and sent it to the elders by the handes of Barnabas and Saule At thesame tyme Herode the kyng stretched forth his handes to vexe certayne of the congregacion And he kylled Iames the brother of Iohn wyth the sweord And because he saw it pleased the Iewes he proceded farther and toke Peter also ¶ The Gospell Math. xx THen came to him the mother of zebedes chyldren with her sonnes worshipping him and desiryng a certayne thyng of hym And he sayed vnto her what wylte thou She sayed vnto hym Graunte that these my two sōnes may sit the one on thy right hand and the other on thy left in thy kingdom But Iesus answered saied ye wote not what ye aske Are ye hable to drinke of the cup that I shall drinke of and to be baptysed with the baptisme that I am baptised with They said vnto him we are He said vnto them ye shal drinke in dede of my cup and be baptised with the baptisme that I am baptised with but to sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to geue but it shall chaunce vnto them that it is prepared for of my father And when the ten heard thys they disdained at the two brethren But Iesus called them vnto him and said ye know that the princes of the nacions haue dominiō ouer thē and they that are great mē exercise auctoritie vpon thē It shal not be so among you But whosoeuer will be greate among you let him be your minister and whosoeuer wyll be chiefe among you lette him be your seruaunt Euen as the sonne of mā came not to be ministred vnto but to minister and to geue hys lyfe a redempcion for many ¶ Sainct Bartholomewe ¶ The Collect. O Almightie and euerlasting god which hast geuē grace to thy Apostle Bartholomewe truly to beleue and to preache thy word graunt we beseche thee vnto thy churche both to loue that he beleued and to preache that he taughte through Christ our Lord. ¶ The Epistle Actes v. BY the handes of the Apostles were many signes And wonders shewed among the people And they were al together with one accorde in Salomons porche And of other durst no mā ioyne hymself to them neuertheles the people magnified thē The number of them the beleued in the lorde both of men and women grewe more and more insomuch that they brought the sicke into the stretes and laid them on beddes couches that at the leastway the shadowe of Peter when he came by might shadow some of them There came also a multitude out of the cities rounde aboute vnto Ierusalem bringing sicke folkes and them whiche were vexed with vncleane spirites And they were healed euery one ¶ The Gospell Luke xxii ANd there was a strife among them whiche of thē should seme to be the greatest And he said vnto them the kinges of nacions reygne ouer them and they that haue autoritie vpon thē are called gracious lordes But ye shall not so be But he that is greatest amōg you shal be as the yonger and he that is chiefe shal be as he that doeth minister For whether is greater he that sitteth at meate or he that serueth Is not he that sitteh at meate But I am amōg you as he that ministreth Ye are they which haue bidden with me in my tēptacions And I appoynt vnto you a kingdom as my father hath appoynted vnto me that ye maye eate drynke at my table in my kyngdome and sytte on seates iudgeing the twelue tribes of Israel Sainct Mathewe ¶ The Collect. ALmightie God which by thy blessed sonne diddest call Mathew from the receipt of custome to be an Apostle and Euangelist Graunt vs grace to forsake all couetous desyres and inordinate loue of riches and to folowe thy sayd sonne Iesus Christ who liueth and reigneth c. ¶ The Epistle ii cor iiii SEeing that we haue such an office euē as god hath had mercy on vs we goe not out of kind but haue cast frō vs the clokes of vnhonestie and walke not in craftines neither handle we the woorde of God deceiptfullye but open the trueth and report our selues to euerye mans conscience in the sight of God If our gospel bee yet hydde it is hydde among them that are lost in whom the God of thys worlde hath blinded the mindes of them which belieue not lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ which is the ymage of God shoulde shyne vnto them For we preache not our selues but Christe Iesus to bee the Lorde and our selues your seruantes for Iesus sake For it is god that cōmaūdeth the light to shine out of darkenes which hath shined in our heartes for to geue the lyght of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Iesus Christ ¶ The Gospell Math. ix ANd as Iesus passed forth from thence he saw a man named Mathew sitting at the receipt of custome and he sayde vnto hym folowe me And he arose and folowed him And it came to passe as Iesus sate at meate in his house beeholde manye publicanes also and sinners that came sate down with Iesus his disciples And when the Phariseis saw it they said vnto his disciples why eateth your master with Publicanes sinners But when Iesus heard that he said vnto them They the be strong nede not the Phisiciō but they that are sicke Go ye rather and learne what that meaneth I wil haue mercy and not sacrifice for I am not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentaunce ¶ Sainct Michael and all Aungels ¶ The Collect. Euerlasting God which hast ordeyned and constituted the seruices of al Aungles and men in a wonderful ordre mercifully graunt that they which alway doe thee seruice in heauen may by thy appoyntmēt succour and defend vs in earth through Iesus Christ our Lorde c. ¶ The Epistle Apoca. xii THere was a great battail in heauē Michael and hys Angles fought with the dragon the dragon fought with his Angels and preuayled not neither was their place foūd any more in heauen
vs and encline our heartes to kepe thys lawe Minister Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy god in vayne for the lord wil not hold him giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne People Lorde haue mercy vpon vs and encline our c. Minister Remembre that thou kepe holy the Sabboth daye Syre dayes shalt thou laboure and doe all that thou haste to doe but the seuenth daye is the Sabboth of the LORDE thy God In it thou shalt doe no maner of worke thou and thy sonne and thy doughter thy manseruaunt and thy mayde seruaunte thy Catell and the straunger that is within thy gates for in vi daies the lorde made heauen and earth the Sea and all that in them is and rested the seuenth daye Wherfore the Lord blessed the seuenth day and halowed it People Lorde haue mercy vpon vs and encline our c. Minister Honoure thy father and thy mother that thy dayes may be long in the lande whiche the Lorde thy god geueth thee People Lorde haue mercy vpon vs and encline our c. Minister Thou shalt doe no murther People Lorde haue mercy vpon vs and encline our c. Minister Thou shalt not commit adultery People Lorde haue mercy vpon vs and encline our c. Minister Thou shalt not steale People Lorde haue mercy vpon vs and encline our c. Minister Thou shalt not beare false witnes against thy neyghbour People Lorde haue mercy vpon vs and encline our heartes to kepe this lawe Minister Thou shalte not couete thy neighbours house Thou shalte not couet thy neighbours wyfe nor his seruaunte nor hys mayde nor his oxe nor his asse nor any thyng that is hys People Lorde haue mercye vpon vs and write all these thy lawes in our heartes we beseche thee ¶ Then shall folowe the Collect of the day with one of these two Collectes folowing for the Kyng the Prieste standing vp and saying Priest ¶ Let vs praye ALmightie God whose kyngdome is euerlasting power infinite haue mercye vpon the whole congregacion and so rule the heart of thy chosen seruaunte Edwarde the sixth our king gouernour that he knowyng whose minister he is may aboue all things seke thy honour and glory that we his subiectes duly considering whose autoritie he hath may faythfully serue honor humbly obey him in thee and for thee according to thy blessed woord ordinaunce Through Iesus Christe our Lorde who with thee and the holy gost liueth and reygneth euer one God world without end Amen ALmightie and euerlasting god we be taughte by thy holy woord that the heartes of kinges are in thy rule and gouernaunce that thou doest dispose and turne them as it semeth best to thy godly wisdom we humbly beseche thee so to dispose gouerne the hearte of Edward the sixth thy seruaunt our king and gouernour that in al his thoughtes wordes and workes he may euer seke thy honor and glory and study to preserue thy people committed to hys charge in wealth peace and godlines Graunte thys O mercyfull father for thy deare sonnes sake Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ Immediately after the Collectes the Priest shall reade the Epistle beginning thus ¶ The Epistle written in the. 〈◊〉 Chapter of 〈◊〉 ¶ And the Epistle ended he shall saye the Ghospell begynnyng thus ¶ The Ghospell written in the. 〈◊〉 Chapter of 〈◊〉 ¶ And the Epistle and Ghospel beeing ended shal be sayde the Crede I Beleue in one god the father almightie maker of heauē and earth and of al thinges visible and inuisible And in one lord Iesu Christ the onely begotten sonne of god begotten of his father before al worldes God of God light of light very god of very god begotten not made being of one substaunce with the father by whom all thinges were made who for vs men and for our saluacion came down from heauen and was incarnate by the holy gost of the virgin Mary and was made man was crucified also for vs vnder Pōcius Pilate He suffred and was buried and the third day he arose again according to the scripture and ascended into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of the father And he shall come againe with glory to iudge both the quicke and the dead Whose kyngdome shall haue none ende And I beleue in the holy gost the lord and geuer of life who procedeth from the father the sonne who with the father and the sōne together is worshipped glorified who spake by the Prophetes And I beleue one Catholyke and Apostolike churche I acknowledge one Baptisme for the remissiō of synnes And I loke for the resurreccion of the dead and the lyfe of the worlde to come Amen After the Crede yf there bee no sermon shall folowe one of the homelies already set forth or hereafter to be sette forth by common auctortie After such sermon homely or exhortaciō the Curate shal declare vnto the people whether there bee any holy dayes or fasting daies the weke folowing and earnestlye exhorte them to remember the poore saying one or moe of these sentēces folowing as he thinketh most conuenient by his discrerion Math. v. Lette youre lighte so shine beefore menne that they maye see youre good workes and glorifie youre father whyche is in heauen Math. vi Lay not vp for your selues treasure vpō the earth where the rust and moth doeth corrupte and where theues breake through and steale But lay vp for your selues treasures in heauen where neither ruste nor mothe doeth corrupte and where theues doe not breake throughe and steale Mat. vii Whatsoeuer you woulde that men shoulde doe vnto you euen so doe vnto them for thys is the law the Prophetes Mat. vii Not euerye one that sayeth vnto me Lorde Lorde shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doeth the wil of my father which is in heauen Luke xix Zache stode forth and said vnto the Lord behold lord the halfe of my goodes I geue to the poore and if I haue done any wrong to any man I restore foure folde i. Cor. ix Who goeth a warfare at any tyme of his owne cost who planteth a vineyard and eateth not of the fruite thereof Or who fedeth a flocke and eateth not of the milke of the flocke i. Cor. ix If we haue sowē vnto you spirituall thinges is it a great matter yf we shall reape your worldly thynges i. Cor. ix Doe ye not knowe that they which minister aboute holy thynges lyue of the sacrifice They whiche waite of the altare are partakers with the altare Euen so hath the lorde also ordayned that they whyche preache the gospell should lyue of the gospell ii Cor. ix He whiche soweth litle shall reape little and he that soweth plenteouslye shall reape plenteouslye Let euery man doe according as he is disposed in his heart not grudgeing or of necessitie for God loueth a cherefull geuer Gala. vi Let hym
Communion eyther by one of them or els by one of the Minissters or by the Prieste hym selfe all kneling humbly vpon their knees ALmightie god father of our lord Iesus Christ maker of al thinges iudge of al men we knowledge bewayle our manifold sinnes and wickednesse whiche we from tyme to tyme moste greuously haue committed by thought worde and dede agaynste thy deuyne Maiestie prouokyng moste iustly thy wrath and indignacion agaynst vs we doe earnestly repent be heartelry sory for these our misdoynges the remembraunce of them is grieuous vnto vs the burthe of them is intollerable haue mercye vpon vs haue mercye vpon vs moste mercifull father for thy sonne oure Lorde Iesus Chriestes sake forgeue vs all that is past graunt that we may euer hereafter serue and please thee in newnesse of lyfe to the honor and glorye of thy name Through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ Then shal the Priest or the Bishop being present stand vp and turning himselfe to the people says thus ALmightie God our heauenly father who of hys great mercy hath promised forgeuenes of sinnes to al them whiche with hartie repentaunce and true fayth turne vnto him haue mercye vpon you pardon deliuer you frō all your sinnnes confirme and strength you in all goodnes and bryng you to euerlastyng lyfe through Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen ¶ Then shall the priest also saye Heare what comfortable wordes our sauiour Christ saith to all that truely turne to hym Come vnto me all that trauayle and be heauy laden and I shal refreshe you So God loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten sonne to th end that al that beleue in him should not peryshe but haue lyfe euerlastyng ¶ Heare also what Sainct Paul sayeth This is a true saying a worthy of al men to be receyued that Iesus Christ came into the world to saue synners ¶ Heare also what Sainct Iohn sayeth Yf anye man synne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ righteous and he the propiciacyon for our synnes After the which the priest shall procede saying Lyft vp your heartes Aunswere We lyfte them vp vnto the Lorde Prieste Let vs geue thankes vnto our Lorde God Aunswere It is mete and right so to doe Prieste It is very mete righte and oure bounden duetie that we should at al times and in al places geue thankes vnto thee O Lorde holy father almightie euerlasting god ¶ Here shall folowe the proper Preface accordyng to the tyme if there be any specially appointed or els immediatly shall folowe Therefore with Aungels c. ¶ Propre Prefaces Vpon Christmas daye and seuen dayes after BEcause thou diddest geue Iesus Christe thine onely sonne to bee borne as thys daye for vs who by the operacion of the holy ghoste was made very man of the substaunce of the Vyrgyn Marye his mother and that without spot of sinne to make vs cleane from all sinne Therfore c. ¶ Vpon Easter day and seuen dayes after BVt chieflye are we bounde to prayse thee for the glorious resurreccion of thy sonne Iesus Christe our Lord for he is the very Paschal lābe which was offered for vs hath taken awaye the sinne of the worlde who by hys death hath destroyed death and by hys risyng to lyfe agayne hathe restored to vs euerlastyng lyfe Therfore c. ¶ Vpon the Ascencion daye and seuen dayes after THroughe thy moste deare beloued sonne Iesus Christ our Lord who after his most glorious resurrecciō manifestly appeared to al his apostles and in their sight ascended vp into heauen to prepare a place for vs that where he is thether might we also ascend and reigne with him in glory Therfore with c. ¶ Vpon whitsonday and sixe dayes after THrough Iesus Christe our Lorde accordyng to whose most true promise the holye ghoste came downe this daye frō heauen with a sodain great sound as it had been a mightie wind in the likenes of fiery tonges lightyng vpon the Apostles to teache them and to leade them to all trueth geuyng them bothe the gyft of diuerse languages and also boldenes with feruent zeale constantly to preache the Gospell vnto all nacions whereby we are brought out of darkenes and errour into the cleare light and true knowledge of thee and of thy sonne Iesus Christ Therfore with c. ¶ Vpon the feast of Trinitie onely IT is verye mete righte and our bounden duetie that me should at all tunes and in all places geue thankes to thee O Lorde almightie and euerlasting God which art one God one lord not one onely person but three persones in one substaunce for that which we beleue of the glory of the father the same we beleue of the sonne and of the holy ghost without anye difference or inequalitie Therfore with c. ¶ After which Preface shall folowe immediately ¶ Therfore with Angelles and Archangelles and with all the company of heauen we laude and magnifie thy glorious name euermore praysing thee and saying Holy holy holy Lorde God of hostes heauen and earth are full of thy glory glory be to thee O Lord most high Then shall the Priest kneeling downe at Gods borde saye in the name of all them that shall receiue the Communion thys prayer folowing WE doe not presume to come to this thy Table O mercifull Lord trusting in our owne righteousnes but in thy manifolde great mercies we be not worthy so much as to gather vp the crūmes vnder thy table but thou arte the same Lorde whose propertie is alwayes to haue mercy graunt vs therfore gracious Lorde so to eate the fleshe of thy dere sonne Iesus Christ and to drinke his bloud that our sinfull bodies may be made cleane by his body our soules wasshed through his most precious bloud and that we may euermore dwel in him and he in vs. Amen ¶ Then the Priest standing vp shal say as foloweth ALmightie God our heauenly father which of thy tender mercy diddest geue thyne onely sonne Iesus Christ to suffre death vpon the crosse for our redempcion who made there by his one oblacion of himselfe once offered a full perfecte and sufficient sacrifice oblacion and satisfaccyon for the synnes of the whole world and did institute and in his holy Gospel commaund vs to continue a perpetuall memorye of that hys precious death vntyll hys comyng agayne Heare vs O mercifull father we beseche thee graunte that we receiuing these thy creatures of bread wine according to thy sonne our Sauiour Iesu Christes holy institucion in remembraūce of his death and passion may be partakers of his most blessed body and bloud who in the same nyght that he was betrayed tooke bread and when he hadde geuen thankes he brake it and gaue it to hys Disciples saying Take eate this is my body which is geuen for you Doe this in remēbraunce of me Lykewyse after supper he tooke the cup and when he had geuen thankes he gaue it to thē saying
tyme they broughte children vnto Christ that he shoulde touche them and his disciples rebuked those that brought them But whē Iesus sawe it he was displeased and sayde vnto them suffre litle children to come vnto me and forbid them not for to suche belongeth the kingdome of god Verelye I saye vnto you whosoeuer doeth not receyue the kingdome of God as a litle childe he shall not entre therein And when he had taken them vp in his armes he putte hys handes vpon them and blessed them After the Gospell is readde the Minister shall make thys briefe exhortacion vpon the wordes of the Gospell FRendes you heare in this Gospel the wordes of oure Sauioure Christe that he commaunded the children to bee brought vnto him Now he blamed those that woulde haue kepte them from hym Nowe he exhorted all men to folowe theyr innocencie You perceiue how by his outwarde gesture and dede he declared hys good wyll toward them For he embraced thē in his armes he layd his handes vpon them and blessed them doubt not ye therfore but earnestlye belieue that he wyll likewyse fauourablye receyue these presente infantes that he wyll embrace them with the armes of hys mercye that he wyll geue vnto them the blessyng of eternal lyfe and make thē partakers of his euerlastyng kyngdome Wherefore we being thus perswaded of the good wil of our heauenly father towarde these infantes declared by his sonne Iesus Christe nothing doubting but that he fauourably alloweth this charitable worke of ours in bringing these childrē to his holy Baptisme let vs faithfully and deuoutlye geue thankes vnto him and say ALmightie euerlasting god heauenly father we geue thee humble thankes that thou haste vouchsafed to call vs to the knowledge of thy grace and fayth in thee encrease thys knowledge and confirme this fayth in vs euermore Geue thy holy spirite to thse infantes that they may be borne again and be made heyres of euerlasting saluacion through our Lord Iesus Christ who liueth and reigneth with thee and the holy spirite now for euer Amen ¶ Then the Priest shall speake vnto the Godfathers and Godmothers on thys wyse WElbeloued frendes ye haue brought these childrē here to be Baptised ye haue praied that our Lord Iesus Christ would vouchsafe to receiue them to laye his handes vpon thē to blesse thē to release them of their sinnes to geue them the kyngdome of heauen and euerlastyng lyfe Ye haue heard also that our lord Iesus Christ hath promised in his gospel to graūt al these thinges that ye haue praied for which promyse he for his parte wyl moste surely kepe and perfourme Wherefore after thys promyse made by Chryste these infantes must also faythfully for their part promyse by you that be their suerties that they wil forsake the deuil and al his workes and constantly beleue gods holy word and obediently kepe his commaundementes Then shall the Priest demaunde of the Godfathers and Godmothers these questions folowyng Doest thou forsake the deuil and al his workes the vaine pompe and glory of the world with al couetouse desyres of the same the carnall desyres of the fleshe so that thou wylte not folowe nor be led by them Aunswere I forsake them all Minister Doest thou beleue in god the father almightie maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his onely begotten sonne our lord and that he was conceiued by the holy gost borne of the virgin Mary that he suffered vnder Poncyus Pilate was crucified dead and buried that he went down into hell and also did rise agayne the thyrd daye that he ascended into heauen and litteth at the right hande of god the father almightie and from thence shal come again at the end of the world to iudge the quicke and the dead And doest thou beleue in the holy gost the holy Catholique Churche the cōmunion of sainctes the remiss ion of synnes the resurrecciō of the fleshe and euerlasting life after death Aunswere All this I stedfastly beleue Minister Wylt thou be Baptysed in thys fayth Aunswere That is my desyre Then shall the Priest saye O Merciful god graunt that the olde Adam in these children may be so buried that the new man may be raysed vp in them Amen Graunte that all carnall affecions may dye in them and that all thynges belongyng to the spyryte maye lyue and growe in them Amen Graunt that they may haue power and strength to haue victory and to triumphe against the deuill the world and the fleshe Amen Graunt that whosoeuer is here dedicated to thee by oure office and ministery may also be endued with heauenly vertues euerlastynglye rewarded through thy mercy O blessed lord God who doest liue and gouerne all thinges world without ende Amen ALmightie euerliuing God whose moste dearelye beloued sōne Iesus Christ for the forgeuenes of our sinnes did shead out of his most precious side bothe water bloud and gaue commaundement to hys disciples that they should goe teache all nacyons and baptise them in the name of the father the sonne and of the holy ghost Regarde we beseche thee the supplicacions of thy congregacion and graunt that all thy seruauntes whyche shall bee baptised in thys water may receyue the fulnes of thy grace and euer remaine in the noumbre of thy faithfull and elect children throughe Iesus Chryst our Lorde Then the Priest shal take the childe in his handes and aske the name and naming the childe shall dippe it in the water so it be discretely and warely done saying N I Baptise thee in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy goste Amen And yf the child bee weake it shall suffise to powre water vpon it saying the foresayd wordes N I Baptise thee in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy gost Amen Then the Priest shall make a crosse vpon the childes forehead saying WE receyue thys childe into the congregacion of Christes stocke and doe sygne hym with the sygne of the crosse in tokē that hereafter he shall not bee ashamed to confesse the fayth of Chryste crucified and manfully to fight vnder his banner agaynst sinne the worlde and the deuill and to continue Christes faythfull souldioure and seruaunt vnto hys lyues ende Amen Then shall the Priest saye SEyng now derely beloued brethren that these children be regenerate and grafted into the body of Christes congregacyon let vs geue thankes vnto God for these benefites with one accorde make oure prayers vnto almyghtye God that they maye leade the rest of theyr lyfe accordyng to this begynnyng Then shal be sayde Our father whiche arte in heauen c. Then shall the Priest saye WE yelde thee hearty thankes most merciful father that it hath pleased thee to regenerate thys infant with thy holy sprite to receyue hym for thy owne child by adopcion and to incorporate hym into thy holy congregacion And humblye we beseche thee to graunte that he being dead vnto
the vyrgyn Marye that he suffered vnder Poncyus Pylate was crucifyed dead and buryed that he wente downe into hell and also did ryse agayn the thyrd daye that he ascended into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of god the father almightie and from thence he shall come agayne at the ende of the worlde to iudge the quicke and the dead And doe you in hys name belieue in the holy ghost The holy Catholyque Church The Communion of Sainctes The remyssyon of synnes Resurreccyon and euerlastyng lyfe after deathe ¶ Aunswere All thys I stedfastly belieue ¶ Let vs praye ALmightie and euerlastyng God heauenly father we geue thee humble thankes for that thou haste vouchsaued to cal vs to the knowledge of thy grace and faith in thee encrease this knowledge and cōfyrme thys faythe in vs euermore Geue thy holye spyrite to thys infante that he beyng borne agayne and beeyng made heyre of euerlastyng saluacyon throughe oure Lorde Iesus Christ may continue thy seruaunt and attaine thy promise throughe thesame oure Lorde Iesus Christ thy sonne who liueth and reigneth with thee in the vnytie of the same holye spirite euerlastyngly Amen Then shall the Minister make this exhortacion to the Godfathers and Godmothers FOrasmuche as thys chylde hathe promised by you to forsake the deuyll and all hys workes to belieue in God and to serue hym you muste remembre that it is youre parte and duetye to see that thys infant bee taughte so soone as he shal be hable to learne what a solemne vowe promyse and profession he hathe made by you and that he maye knowe these thinges the better ye shall call vpon him to heare sermons And chiefly ye shall prouide that he maye learne the Crede the Lordes prayer and the ten Commaundementes in the englyshe tong and all other thynges whiche a christian man ought to knowe and belieue to his soules health and that this child may be vertuously brought vp to leade a godly and a christen lyfe Remembring alwaye that Baptisme doth represent vnto vs our profession whiche is to folowe the exaumple of oure sauioure Christe and bee made lyke vnto hym that as he died and rose agayn for vs so should we whyche are baptised dye from synne and rise agayne vnto righteousnes continually mortifying all oure euill and corrupte affeccyons and daylye procedyng in all vertue and Godlynes of liuyng And so furth as in Publyque Baptisme But yf they which bryng the infantes to the Church doe make an vncertayn aunswere to the priestes questions and saye that they cānot tell what they thought did or sayd in that great feare and trouble of mynde as oftentimes it chaunceth then let the priest baptise hym in fourme aboue written concernyng Publique baptisme sauyng that at the dyppyng of the childe in the Fonte he shall vse thys fourme of woordes If thou be not Baptised already N. I Baptise thee in the name of the father and of the Sonne and of the holy Goste Amen ¶ Confirmacion wherin is conteyned a Cathechisme for children TO the end that Confirmacion may be ministred to the more edifying of such as shall receiue it accordyng vnto S. Paules doctrine who teacheth that all thynges shoulde bee done in the Churche to the edificacyon of the same it is thought good that none herafter shal be confirmed but suche as can saye in theyr mother tong the Articles of the faythe the Lordes prayer and the .x. Commaundementes And can also aunswere to such questyons of thys shorte Cathechisme as the Bisshoppe or such as he shall appoynt shall by hys discretion appose them in And thys ordre is most conuenient to bee obserued for diuerse consideracions Fyrst because that when children come to the yeres of discretion and haue learned what theyr Godfathers and Godmothers promised for thē in Baptysme they may then themselues with theyr owne mouth with theyr owne consent openly before the Churche ratifye and confirme thesame and also promise that by the grace of God they wyll euermore endeuoure themselues faythfully to obserue and kepe such thynges as they by theyr owne mouthe and confession haue assented vnto Secondly forasmuch as Confirmacion is ministred to them that bee Baptised that by imposicion of handes and prayer they maye receyue strength and defence against all temptacyons to sinne and the assaultes of the world and the Deuil it is most mete to be minystred when childrē come to that age that partly by the fraylty of theyr owne fleshe partly by the assaultes of the world and the Deuill they begyn to be in daunger to fall into sondrye kyndes of synne Thirdly for that it is agreable with the vsage of the Church in times past wherby it was ordeyned that Confirmacion shoulde be ministred to them that were of perfect age that they being instructed in Chrystes religion shoulde openlye professe theyr owne fayth and promise to be obedient vnto the will of God And that no man shall thynke that anye detriment shall come to chyldren by deferryng of theyr Confyrmacion he shal knowe for trueth that it is certayne by Goddes woorde that chyldren beeyng baptised haue all thynges necessarie for theyr saluacyon and be vndoubtedly saued A Cathechisme that is to say an instruccion to be learned of euery childe before he be brought to be Confirmed of the Bysshop Question What is your name Aunswere N. or M. Question Who gaue you thys name Aunswere My godfathers and godmothers in my Baptisme wherin I was made a member of Chryst the childe of God and an inheritour of the kingdome of heauen Question What did your godfathers and godmothers then for you Aunswere They dyd promyse and vowe three thynges in my name First that I shoulde forsake the deuill and all hys workes and pompes the vanities of the wicked worlde and all the synful lustes of the flesshe Secondly that I shoulde beleue al the articles of the christen faith And thirdly that I should kepe Goddes holy wil and commaundementes and walke in thesame all the dayes of my lyfe Question Doest thou not thinke that thou art bounde to beleue and to doe as they haue promised for thee Aunswere Yes verely And by Gods helpe so I wil. And I hertelye thanke oure heauenly father that he hath called me to thys state of saluaciō through Iesus Christ our sauiour And I pray god to geue me his grace that I maye continue in the same vnto my lyues ende Question Rehearse the articles of thy beliefe Aunswere I Beleue in god the father almightie maker of heauen of earth And in Iesus Christ his only sonne our lorde Whiche was conceyued of the holye ghoste borne of the of virgin Mary Suffred vnder Pōce Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into hell The thyrde daye he rose agayne from the dead He ascended into heauen and sitteth at the right hande of god the father almightie From thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beleue in the holy gost The holy Catholyke Churche
soule of our dere brother here departed we therefore commit hys body to the ground earth to earth asshes to asshes dust to dust in sure certaine hope of resurreccion to eternal lyfe through our Lord Iesus Christ who shal chaunge our vile bodi that it may be like to his glorious body according to the mightie working wherby he is hable to subdue all thynges to hymselfe Then shal be sayde or song I Heard a voyce from heauen saying vnto me write from hence for the blessed are the dead whiche dye in the Lorde Euen so sayeth the spiryte that they rest from theyr laboures Then shall folow this lesson taken out the .xv. Chapter to the Corinthians the firste Epistle CHrist is rysen from the dead and become the fyrste fruites of thē that slepe For by a man came death and by a man came the resurrecciō of the dead For as by Adam all dye euen so by Christe shal all bee made alyue but euery man in his owne ordre The firste is Christe then they that are Christes at hys comyng Then cometh the end when he hath deliuered vp the kyngdom to god the father when he hath put down al rule and al auctoritie and power For he muste reigne tyll he hath put all hys enemies vnder his fete The last enemie that shal be destroied is death For he hath put al thinges vnder his fete But whē he sayeth all thynges are put vnder hym it is manifest that he is excepted whyche did putte all thynges vnder hym When all thynges are subdued vnto him then shal the sonne also himselfe bee subiecte vnto hym that putte all thynges vnder him that god may be al in al els what doe thei which are Baptised ouer the dead yf the dead ryse not at al Why are they then Baptised ouer them yea and why stande we alwaye then in ieopardye by oure reioysyng whiche I haue in Christ Iesu our Lord I die dayly That I haue foughte with beastes at Ephesus after the maner of mē what auantageth it me if the dead rise not again Let vs eate drinke for to morowe we shal dye Be not ye deceyued euil wordes corrupt good maners Awake truely out of slepe sinne not For some haue not the knowledge of god I speake this to your shame But some man wyl saye how arise the dead With what bodi shal they come thou foole that which thou sowest is not quickened except it die And what sowest thou thou sowest not the body the shal be but bare corne as of wheate or some other but god geueth it a body at his pleasure to euery sede his own body Al fleshe is not one maner of fleshe but there is one maner of flesh of mē other maner of flesh of beastes other of fishes another of birdes There are also celestial bodyes there are bodyes terrestrial But the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another There is one maner glory of the sunne and another glory of the moone another glory of the starres For one starre differeth from another in glory so is the resurreccion of the dead It is sowen in corrupcion it riseth again in incorrupcion It is sowen in dishonoure it riseth agayn in honour It is sowen in weakenes it riseth again in power It is sowen a naturall body it riseth agayne a spirituall body There is a natural body there is a spiritual body as it is also written the first man Adam was made a liuing soule and the last Adam was made a quickening spirte How beit that is not first which is spiritual but the which is natural then that which is spiritual The firste man is of the earth earthy The second mā is the lord from heauen heauely As is the earthy such are they that be earthy And as is the heauenly such are they the are heauenly And as we haue borne the image of the earthy so shall we beare the Image of the heauenly Thys say I brethren that fleshe and bloud cannot inherite the kingdome of god neyther doeth corrupcion inherite vncorrupcion Behold I shewe you a mistery We shall not all slepe but we shall al be chaunged and that in a momente in the twinkeling of an eie by the last trumpe For the trumpe shal blow the dead shal rise incorruptible and we shal be chaunged For this corruptible must put on incorrupcion this mortal must put on immortalitie When this corruptible hath put on incorrupciō this mortal hath put on immortalitie thē shal be brought to passe the saying that is written Death is swalowed vp in victorie Death where is thy sting Hell where is thy victorye The sting of Death is synne and the strength of synne is the lawe But thankes be vnto god which hath geuen vs victory through our Lorde Iesus Christ Therfore my deare brethren be ye stedfast and vnmoueable alwayes riche in the worke of the Lord forasmuch as ye know now that your labour is not in vayne in the Lorde The Lesson ended the Priest shall saye Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. ¶ Our father which art in heauen c. And leade vs not into temptacion Aunswere But delyuer vs from euill Amen The Priest ALmightie god with whom doe liue the spirites of them that depart hence in the Lord and in whom the soules of them that be elected after they be deliuered from the burthen of the fleshe be in ioye felicitie We geue thee harty thākes for that it hath pleased thee to deliuer this N. our brother out of the miseries of thys synneful world beseching thee that it may please thee of thy gracious goodnes shortely to accōplishe the numbre of thine elect and to hast thy kyngdome that we with thys our brother al other departed in the true faith of thy holy name may haue our perfect consummacion blisse both in body soule in thy eternall and euerlastyng glory Amen ¶ The Collecte O Merciful god the father of our lord Iesus Christ who is the resurreccion and the lyfe in whom whosoeuer beleueth shal liue though he die And whosoeuer lyueth and beleueth in him shal not die eternally who also taught vs by his holy Apostle Paul not to be sorye as men without hope for them that slepe in him We mekely beseche thee O father to rayse vs from the death of synne vnto the lyfe of righteousnes that when we shall depart this lyfe we may rest in him as our hope is this our brother doeth and that at the general resurreccion in the last day we may be foūd acceptable in thy sight and receiue that blessing which thy welbeloued sonne shall then pronounce to all that loue and feare thee saying Come ye blessed chyldren of my father receiue the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world Graunte this we beseche thee O merciful father through Iesus Christe our
heauenly father to comfort my self in affliccion and temptacyon with these articles of the christen faith it is not in my power For fayth is thy gyft and forasmuche as thou wylte bee prayed vnto and called vpon for it I come vnto thee to praye and beseche thee bothe for that and for all my other necessities euen as thy deare beloued sonne oure Sauiour Chryst Iesus hathe hym selfe taught vs. And from the very botome of my hearte I crye and saye O oure father whyche arte in heauen c. ¶ Prayers to be sayde in the mornyng O Mercyfull Lord God heauenly father I rendre most hygh laudes prayse and thankes vnto thee that thou hast preserued me bothe thys nyghte and all the tyme and dayes of my lyfe hytherto vnder thy proteccion and hast suffred me to lyue vntill thys presente houre And I beseche thee hartely thou wylte vouchesafe to receyue me thys day and the residue of my whole lyfe from hencefoorthe into thy tuicion rulyng and gouernyng me with thy holye spiryte that all maner of darkenes of misbeliefe infidelitie and of carnall lustes and affeccions may be vtterly chased and driuen out of my heart and that I may bee iustified and saued both body and soule thorow a right and a perfect fayth and so walke in the lyght of thy most godly trueth to thy glorye and prayse and to the profite and furtheraunce of my neighbour thorow Iesus Christ our Lorde and sauiour Amen ALl possible thankes that we are hable we rendre vnto thee O Lorde Iesus Christe for that thou hast willed thys nyght past to bee prosperous vnto vs and we beseche thee lykewyse to prosper all thys same daye vnto vs for thy glory and for the health of oure soule and that thou which art the true light not knowing ani going down and which art the sunne eternal geuing life foode and gladnes vnto all thynges vouchsafe to shyne into oure myndes that we maye not any where stumble to fall into any synne but may through thy good guiding and conductyng come to the lyfe euerlastyng Amen O Lorde Iesus Christe which art the true sunne of the world euermore arysyng neuer going down which by thy moste holesome appearing fight doest bring furth preserue nourish and refreshe all thinges aswel that are in heauē as also that are on earth we beseche thee mercifully and fauourably to shine into oure heartes that the nyghte and darkenes of sinnes and the mistes of errours on euery side drieuē away thou brightly shining within our hertes we may al our lyfe space goe without any stumbling or offence may decently and semely walke as in the day time being pure and cleane from the woorkes of darkenesse and abounding in al good workes which god bath prepared for vs to walke in whyche wyth father and wyth the holy gost lyuest and reygnest for euer and euer Amen O God and lord Iesus Christ thou knowest yea hast also taught vs how great the infirmitie weakenesse of man is and how certain a thyng it is that it can nothing doe without thy godly helpe If man trust to himself it cannot be auoyded but that he muste headlong runne and fall into a thousande vndoynges and mischiefes O oure father haue thou pietie compassion vpon the weakenes of vs thy children bee thou prest ready to helpe vs alwayes shewing thy mercy vpon vs prospering whatsoeuer we godlye goe aboute so that thou geuing vs light we may see what thynges are truely good in dede thou encouragyng vs we may haue an earnest desire to thesame and thou being oure gyde we maye come where to obtayne them for we hauing nothyng but mistrust in our selues doe yelde and commytte oure selues full and whole vnto the alone whiche workest all thynges in al creatures to thy honour glory So be it ¶ A prayer agaynst temptacion O Lorde Iesus Christe the onely staye and fence of oure mortal state our onely hope our onely saluacyon oure glory our triumphe who in the fleshe which thou haddest for oure onely cause taken vpon thee didst suffre thy selfe to be tempted of Sathan and who onely and alone of all men didst vtterly ouercome vanquishe sinne death the worlde the deuil and al the kingdome of hell and whatsoeuer thou hast to ouercomed for our behofe it is that thou hast ouercomed it neyther hath it been thy wyll to haue any of thy seruauntes kepe battail or fight with any of the foresaid euis but of purpose to rewarde vs with a crown of the more glory for it and to thintente that thou myghtest lykewyse ouerthrow Sathan in thy members as thou hadst afore done in thyne owne person geue thou we beseche thee vnto vs thy souldyers O Lion moste victorious of the trybe of Iuda strength against the roaring Lion which continually wandreth to and fro sekyng whom he may deuour Thou being that same serpent the true geuer of health and life that wer nayled on high vpon a tree geue vnto vs thy litle sely ones wilines agaynst the deceitfull a wayting of the most subtyle serpente Thou beyng a lambe as white as snowe the vanquisher of Satans tyranny geue vnto vs thy litle shepe the strength and vertue of thy spirite that beeyng in oure owne selues weake and feble and in thee strong valeant we may withstande and ouercome all assaultes of the deuyll so that our gostly enemy may not glory on vs but beeing conquerers through thee we may geue thankes to thy mercye which neuer leaueth them destitute that put their truste in thee who lyuest and reygnest God for euer wythoute ende Amen ¶ A prayer for obteyning of wysedome Sapien. ix O God of our fathers and Lord of mercy thou that hast made all thynges with thy worde and ordeyned man through thy wisedom that he should haue dominacion ouer the creature whiche thou haste made that he shoulde order the worlde accordyng to equitie righteousnes execute iudgement with a true heart geue me wisdō which is euer about thy seat put me not out frō among thy children for I thy seruaūt sonne of thy handmayde am a feble person of a shorte tyme and to yonge to the vnderstandyng of thy iudgement lawes yea though a man be neuer to perfecte among the children of men yet if thy wisedome be not with him he shal be nothing worthe Oh sende thy wisedome out of thy holye heauens and from the throne of thy maiestie that she maie be with me and labour with me that I maie know what is acceptable in thy sight for she knoweth and vnderstandeth all thinges and she shall conducte me right soberlye in my woorkes and preserue me in her power So shall my workes be acceptable Amen A Prayer against worldly carefulnes O Most deare tender father our defender nourisher endue vs with thy grace that we may cast of the great blindnes of our mindes carefulnes of worldly thinges may put our
any man saye oughte vnto you saye ye the Lorde hath nede of them and strayght way he wyll let them goe All thys was done that it myghte bee fulfylled whiche was spoken by the Prophete saying Tel ye the daughter of Syon behold thy king cometh vnto thee meke sitting vpō an Asse and a colte the foale of the Asse vsed to the yoke The disciples went and did as Iesus commaunded them and brought the Asse and the colt and put on them their clothes and set him theron And many of the people spred theyr garmentes in the way Other cutte downe braunches from the trees and strawed them in the waye Moreouer the people that went before and they that came after cryed saying Hosanna to the sonne of Dauid Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lorde Hosanna in the highest And when he was come to Ierusalem all the citie was moued saying who is thys And the people sayed this is Iesus the Prophete of Nazareth a citie of Galile And Iesus went into the temple of god and cast oute all them that solde and bought in the temple and ouerthrewe the tables of the money chaungers and the seates of them that solde doues and sayd vnto them It is written My house shal be called the house of prayer but ye haue made it a denne of theues ¶ The second Sunday in Aduent ¶ The Collecte BLessed Lorde whiche hast caused al holy scriptures to bee wrytten for oure learning graunte vs that we maye in suche wyse heare them reade marke learne and inwardlye dygeste them that by pacyence and coumforte of thy holy worde we maye embrace and euer holde fast the blessed hope of euerlasting lyfe which thou hast geuen vs in our Sauioure Iesus Christ ¶ The Epistle Rom. xv WHatsoeuer thynges are written afore time they are written for oure learning that we throughe pacience and coumfort of the scriptures mighte haue hope The God of pacience and consolacyon graunt you to be like minded one towardes another after the ensaumple of Christ Iesu that ye al agreing together may with one mouth prayse God the father of our lord Iesu Christ wherfore receiue ye one another as Christe receiued vs to the prayse of God And this I saye that Iesus Christe was a minister of the circumcision for the trueth of God to confirme the promyses made vnto the fathers and that the Gentiles might prayse God for hys mercy as it is written For this cause I wil prayse thee among the Gentiles and syng vnto thy name And again he sayeth reioyce ye Gentiles with his people And agayne praise the lord al ye Gentiles and laude him al ye nacions together And agayne Esay sayth there shal be the roote of Iesse and he that shall rise to reigne ouer the Gentyles in him shall the Gentiles trust The God of hope fil you with all ioye and peace in beleuing that ye maye be riche in hope through the power of the holy gost ¶ The Gospell Luke xxi THere shal be signes in the sunne in the Moone and in the starres in the earth the people shal be at their wittes ende through despayre The sea and the water shall roare mens heartes shal faile them for feare and for lokyng after those thinges whyche shall come on the earth For the powers of heauen shall moue And then shall they see the sonne of man come in a cloude with power and great glory Whē these thynges begyn to come to passe then loke vp and lift vp your heades for youre redempcion draweth nye And he shewed them a similitude behold the figtree and al other trees when they shoote forth their buddes ye see know of your own selues that sommer is then nye at hand So likewise ye also whē ye see these thinges come to passe be sure that the kingdom of God is nye Verely I say vnto you this generacion shal not passe till all be fulfilled Heauen and earth shall passe but my woordes shal not passe ¶ The third Sunday in Aduent ¶ The Collect. LOrd we beseche thee geue eare to our prayers and by thy gracious visitacion lighten the darkenesse of our heart by our Lord Iesus Christe ¶ The Epistle i. Cor. iiii LEt a man this wyse esteme vs euen as the ministers of Christe and stewardes of the secretes of god Furthermore it is required of the stewardes that a mā be foūd faithful with me it is but a very small thing that I shoulde bee iudged of you eyther of mans iudgemente no I iudge not myne owne selfe for I know nought by my selfe yet am I not therby iustified It is the Lorde that iudgeth me Therfore iudge nothing before the time vntil the lord come which wil lightē thinges that are hidde in darkenes and open the counsayles of the heartes and then shal euery man haue prayse of God ¶ The Gospell Math. xi WHen Iohn being in prieson hearde the workes of Christ he sent two of his disciples and sayd vnto him Art thou he that shall come or doe we looke for an other Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto them Goe shew Iohn agayn what ye haue heard seen The blynde receyue theyr sighte the lame walke the Lepers are cleansed and the deafe heare the dead are raysed vp and the poore receiue the glad tydinges of the gospell and happy is he that is not offended by me And as they departed Iesus began to saye vnto the people concernyng Iohn What went ye out into the wildernes to see A rede that is shaken with the wynde or what wente ye oute for to see A man clothed in softe raymente beholde they that weare soft clothing are in kinges houses But what went ye out for to see a Prophete verelye I saye vnto you and more then a Prophete For thys is he of whom it is written Behold I sende my messenger before thy face whiche shall prepare thy way before thee ¶ The fourth Sunday in Aduent ¶ The Collect. LOrd rayse vp we pray thee thy power come among vs and with greate myght succoure vs that whereas through our sinnes wickednes we be sorelet hindred thy bountiful grace mercy thorow the satisfaccion of thy sonne our Lord may spedely deliuer vs to whō with thee and the holy gost be honor and glory world without ende ¶ The Epistle Phili. iiii REioyce in the Lord alway and agayn I saye reioyce Let pour softnes be knowen to all men the lord is euen at hande Be careful for nothyng but in all prayer supplicacion let your peticions be manifest vnto god with geuing of thankes And the peace of God which passeth all vnderstāding kepe your heartes and mindes through Christ Iesu ¶ The Gospell Iohn i. THis is the record of Iohn when the Iewes sent Priestes Leuites from Ierusalem to aske him what art thou And he confessed denied not and sayde playnely I am not Christ And they asked him what
it Whē Iesus hearde these woordes he merueiled sayde to them that folowed him verely I say vnto you I haue not foūd so great fayth in Israel I say vnto you that many shal come frō the East Weste and shall reste with Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kyngdome of heauen but the children of the Kingdome shabe caste oute into vtter darkenes there shall bee wepyng and gnashyng of teeth And Iesus said vnto the Centurion Goe thy waye and as thou beleuest so bee it vnto thee and hys seruaunte was healed in the selfe same houre The fourth Sunday after Christmas ¶ The Collecte GOd whiche knowest vs to bee sette in the middest of so many and great daungers that for mans fraylnesse we cannot always stande vprightly Graunte to vs the health of body and soule that all those thinges whiche we suffre for sinne by thy helpe we may wel passe and ouercome through Christe oure Lorde ¶ The Epistle Ro. xiii LEt euery soule submitte hymselfe vnto the auctoritie of the higher powers for there is no power but of God The powers that be are ordained of God whosoeuer therefore resisteth power resisteth the ordinaunce of god But they that resiste shal receiue to themselues damnacyon For rulers are not fearefull to them that doe good but to them that doe euill Wilt thou be withoute feare of the power doe well then and so shalte thou bee praysed of the same for he is the minister of God for thy wealth But and if thou doe that whiche is euil then feare for he beareth not the sweorde for nought for he is the minister of God to take vengeaunce on them that do euyll Wherefore ye muste nedes obey not onely for feare of vengeaunce but also because of conscyence and euen for this cause pay ye tribute For they are Goddes ministers seruing for that purpose Geue to euery man therefore hys duetye tribute to whom tribute belongeth custome to whom custome is due feare to whom feare belongeth honour to whō honour pertayneth ¶ The Gospell Mat. viii ANd when he entered into a shippe his disciples folowed hym And behold there arose a great tempeste in the sea insomuche as the shyppe was couered with waues but he was aslepe And hys disciples came to hym and awoke hym saying Master saue vs we peryshe And he sayde vnto them why are ye fearefull O ye of lytle faythe Then he arose and rebuked the wyndes and the sea and there folowed a greate calme But the men meruayled saying what maner of man is thys that bothe wyndes and sea obeye hym And when he was come to the other syde into the countrey of the Gergesites there met with hym two possessed of deuils which came oute of the graues and were oute of measure fierce so that no manne myghte goe by that waye And behold they cried out saying O Iesu thou sonne of God what haue we to doe with thee Arte thou come hither to tormente vs beefore the tyme And there was a good waye of from them a heerde of Swyne fedyng So the deuils besought him saying If thou cast vs oute suffre vs to goe into the heerd of Swyne And he sayde vnto them goe youre wayes Then wente they oute and departed into the heerd of Swyne And beholde the whole heerd of Swyne was caryed headlong into the sea and peryshed in the waters Then they that kepte them fled and went theyr wayes into the cytie and tolde euery thyng and what had happened vnto the possessed of the deuils And beholde the whole citye came oute to mete Iesus and when they sawe hym they besought hym that he woulde departe out of theyr coastes ¶ The fifth Sundaye after the Epiphanie ¶ The Collecte LOrde we beseche thee to kepe thy Churche and householde continually in thy true relygion that they whyche doe leane onely vpon hope of thy heauenly grace maye euermore bee defended by thy myghtye power Through Christe oure Lorde ¶ The Epistle Collo iii. PVt vpon you as the electe of God tendre mercy kindnes humblenes of mynde mekenesse long suffryng forbearyng one another and forgeuing one another yf any man haue a quarell agaynste another as Christe forgaue you euen so doe ye Aboue all these thinges put on loue which is the bonde of perfectnes And the peace of God rule your heartes to the which peace yeare called in one bodye And see that ye be thankefull Let the word of Christe dwell in you plenteously with all wisedome Teache and exhort your owne selues in Psalmes and Hymnes and spirituall songes singing with grace in youre heartes to the Lorde And whatsoeuer ye doe in woorde or dede doe all in the name of the Lord Iesu geuyng thankes to God the father by hym ¶ The Gospell Mat. xiii THe kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto a manne whiche sowed good seede in his fielde but while men slepte his enemie came and sowed tares among the wheate and wente his waye But when the blade was sprong vp had brought furth fruite then appeared the tares also So the seruaūtes of the housholder came and sayde vnto hym Sir didst not thou sowe good seede in thy fielde from whence then hathe it tares He sayde vnto them the enuyous man hathe doone this The seruauntes sayde vnto him wilte thou then that we goe and wede them vp But he sayd naye leaste while ye gather vp the tares ye plucke vp also the wheate with them let bothe growe together vntill the haruest and in the tyme of haruest I wyll saye to the reapers gather ye fyrste the tares and bynde them together in sheaues to bee brente but gather the wheate into my barne The sixth Sunday if there be so many shal haue thesame Collect Episstle and Gospell that was vpon the fifth Sundaye ¶ The Sunday called Septuagesima ¶ The Collecte O Lord we beseche thee fauourably to heare the praiers of thy people that we which are iustli punished for our offences maie be mercifullye delyuered by thy goodnesse for the glori of thy name through Iesu Christ our sauiour who liueth and reygneth worlde withoute ende ¶ The Epistle i. Cor. ix PErceiue ye not howe that they whiche runne in a course runne all but one receiueth the rewarde So runne that ye maye obtayne Euery man that proueth masteries abstaineth from all thynges And they doe it to obtayne a crowne that shall peryshe but we to obteine an euerlastyng crowne I therfore so runne not as at an vncertayne thyng So fight I not as one that beateth the ayre but I tame my bodye and bryng it into subieccion lest by any meanes it come to passe that when I haue preached to other I my selfe shoulde be a castawaye ¶ The Gospell Mat. xx THe kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto a manne that is an housholder whiche wente oute early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyarde And when the agremente was made with the labourers for a peny a daye he
is the sea of Ciberias and a greate multitude folowed hym because they sawe his miracles which he dyd on them that were diseased And Iesus went vp into a mountayne and there he sate with his disciples And Easter a feast of the Iewes was nie Whē Iesus then lift vp hys eyes and sawe a greate company come vnto him he saied vnto Philip whence shall we bye bread that these may eate This he said to proue him for he hymselfe knew what he would doe Philip aunswered him two hundreth peniworth of bread are not sufficient for thē that euery mā may take a litle One of his disciples Andrewe Simon Peters brother sayth vnto hym There is a ladde which hath fiue barley loaues two fisshes but what are they among so many And Iesus sayd make the people sit down There was much grasse in the place so the men sate downe in numbre aboute fyue thousande And Iesus toke the bread and when he had geuen thankes he gaue to the disciples and the disciples to them that were sette down and likewise of the fisshes as muche as they woulde When they had eaten ynough he sayed vnto his disciples gather vp the broken meate whiche remayneth that nothyng bee lost And they gathered it together and filled .xii. baskets with the broken meate of the fiue barley loaues which broken meate remayned vnto them that had eaten Then those men when they had seen the miracle that Iesus dyd sayd this is of a trueth thesame Prophete that should come into the worlde The fifth Sunday in Lent ¶ The Collecte WE beseche thee almightie God mercifully to looke vpon thy people that by thy great goodnes they may bee gouerned and preserued euermore both in boby soule through Iesus Christ our Lorde ¶ The Epistle Hebre. ix CHriste beeyng an hye Priest of good thynges to come came by a greater a more perfecte tabernacle not made with handes that is to saye not of this building neither by the bloud of Goates and Calues but by his owne bloud he entred in once into the holy place and founde eternall redempcion For yf the bloud of Oxen of Goates and the asshes of a yong kowe when it was sprinkled purifieth the vncleane as touchyng the purifying of the fleshe howe muche more shall the bloud of Christ which through the eternal spirite offred him selfe withoute spotte to God purge youre conscyence from dead workes for to serue the liuing god And for this cause he is the mediatoure of the new Testament that through death which chaunsed for the redempcyon of those transgressions that were vnder the fyrste Testamente they whych are called myghte receyue the promesse of eternall inheritaunce ¶ The Gospell Iob. viii WHich of you can rebuke me of sinne Yf I saye the trueth why doe ye not beleue me He that is of God heareth goddes wordes Ye therfore heare thē not because ye are not of god Then aunswered the Iewes and sayd vnto hym say we not wel that thou art a Samaritane and hast the deuill Iesus aunswered I haue not the deuil but I honor my father and ye haue dishonoured me I seeke not myne owne prayse there is one that seketh iudgeth Verely verely I say vnto you if a man kepe my saying he shal neuer see death Then sayd the Iewes vnto him nowe know we that thou hast the deuil Abrahā is dead and the Prophetes thou sayest if a man kepe my saying he shall neuer tast of death Art thou greater then our father Abraham whiche is dead And the Prophetes are dead whom makest thou thy selfe Iesus aunswered Yf I honoure my selfe mine honor is nothing it is my father that honoureth me whiche you saye is youre God and yet ye haue not knowen hym but I know hym if I say I know him not I shal be a lier like vnto you But I know him and kepe his saying Your father Abraham was glad to see my daye he saw it and reioysed Then sayd the Iewes vnto him Thou art not yet fifty yeare olde haste thou seene Abraham Iesus sayd vnto them Verely verely I say vnto you ere Abraham was borne I am Then toke they vp stones to cast at hym but Iesus hidde himselfe and went out of the temple ¶ The Sunday next before Easter ¶ The Collecte ALmighty and euerlastyng God whiche of thy tender loue towardes man hast sēt our sauiour Iesus Christ to take vpon hym oure fleshe and to suffre deathe vpon the crosse that all mankynde shoulde folow the example of hys greate humilitie mercifully graunte that we both folowe the example of his pacience and be made partakers of hys resurreccion thorow thesame Iesus Christ our Lorde ¶ The Epistle Philip. ii LEt thesame mynde bee in you that was also in Christ Iesu whiche when he was in the shape of God thought it no robbery to be equal with God neuerthelesse he made him selfe of no reputacion taking on him the shape of a seruaunt and became lyke vnto man and was found in his apparel as a man He humbled himselfe and became obedient to the death euen the death of the crosse Wherfore God hathe also exalted him on highe geuen hym a name whiche is aboue all names that in the name of Iesus euery knee shoulde bowe bothe of thynges in heauen and thinges in earth and thynges vnder the earth and that all tongues shoulde confesse that Iesus Christe is Lord vnto the prayse of God the father ¶ The Gospell Mat. xxvi ANd it came to passe when Iesus had finished all these sayinges he sayde vnto hys disciples ye know that after two dayes shal be Easter and the sonne of manne shal be delyuered ouer to bee crucifyed Then assembled together the chiefe Priestes and the Scribes and the elders of the people vnto the palace of he hygh Priest which was called Caiphas and held a coūsel that they might take Iesus by subteltie and kil him But they sayde not on the holy daye leste there bee an vproare among the people Whē Iesus was in Bethanie in the house of Simon the Leper there came vnto him a woman hauing an Alabaster boxe of precious ointmēt and powred it on his head as he satte at the boarde But when his disciples sawe it they had indignacion saying wherto serueth this waste This oyntment migtht haue been well solde and geuen to the poore When Iesus vnderstode that he sayd vnto them why trouble ye the woman for she hath wrought a good worke vpon me For ye haue the poore alwayes with you but me ye shall not haue alwayes And in that she hathe caste thys oyntmente on my body she did it to bury me Verely I saye vnto you wheresoeuer thys Gospell shal be preached in all the worlde there shall also this be tolde that she hathe done for a memoriall of her Then one of the twelue which was called Iudas Iscarioth went vnto the chiefe Priestes and sayd vnto them what will ye
Cocke krow twise thou shalte denye me thre times But he spake more vehementelye no yf I shoulde dye with thee I wyll not denye thee Lykewise also sayde they all And thei came into a place which was named Gethsemane and he sayd to hys disciples sytte ye here whyle I goe asyde pray And he taketh with him Peter and Iames Iohn And beganne to waxe abashed and to be in an agony sayd vnto them My soule is heauy euen vnto the death tary ye here and watche And he went furth a little and fell downe flat on the ground and praied that if it wer possible the houre might passe from hym And he sayd Abba father all thinges are possible vnto thee take away thys cup frō me neuertheles not as I wil but that thou wylt be done And he came and founde them slepyng and sayeth to Peter Symon slepest thou Couldest not thou watche one houre watche ye pray lest ye entre into temptacyon the spirite truly is ready but the fleshe is weake And agayne he wente asyde prayed and spake the same wordes And he returned found thē a slepe agayne for theyr eyes were heauy neyther wyst they what to aunswere hym And he came the thyrde tyme and sayde vnto them slepe hencefurth and take youre ease it is inough The houre is come beholde the sonne of man is betrayed into the handes of sinners Ryse vp let vs goe Loe he that betrayeth me is at hand And immedyathly whyle he yet spake cometh Iudas whyche was one of the twelue with hym a greate noumber of people with sweordes and staues from the hie priestes and Scribes and Elders And he that betrayed him had geuen them a generall token saying whosoeuer I doe kisse the same is he take and leade him away warely And assone as he was come he goeth straight waye to him and sayeth vnto hym Master Master and kyssed hym and they layed theyr handes on hym and tooke hym And one of them that stoode by drewe oute a sweorde and smote a seruaunte of the hye Priestes and cutte of hys eare And Iesus aunswered and sayd vnto them ye be come oute as vnto a thefe with sweordes and staues for to take me I was dayly with you in the temple teachyng and ye took me not but these thynges come to passe that the Scripture shoulde bee fulfylled And they all forsoke him and ran away And there folowed him a certayn yong man clothed in linnen vpon the bare and the yong menne caught hym and he left hys linnen garment and fled from them naked And they led Iesus awaye to the high priest of all and with him came all the hye priestes and the Elders the Scribes And Peter folowed hym a great way of euen till he was come into the palace of the hie Priest and he sate with the seruauntes and warmed himselfe at the fyre And the hye priestes and al the counsell sought for witnes againste Iesu to put him to death and found none for many bare false witnes agaynste hym but theyr witnesses agreed not together And there arose certayne and broughte false witnes agaynste hym saying we hearde hym saye I wyll destroye this temple that is made with handes and within three dayes I will build another made without handes But yet theyr witnesses agreed not together And the hye Prieste stoode vp among them and asked Iesus saying aunswerest thou nothyng Howe is it that these beare wytnes agaynste thee But he helde hys peace and aunswered nothyng Agayne the hye Priest asked hym and sayde vnto hym Arte thou Christe the sonne of the blessed And Iesus sayd I am And ye shall see the sonne of man sittyng on the ryght hand of power and comyng in the cloudes of heauen Then the hye Priest rent hys clothes and sayde what nede we any further of witnesses ye haue heard blasphemy what thynke ye And they all condemned hym to bee woorthye of deathe And some beganne to spyt at hym and to couer hys face and to beate hym with fistes and to saye vnto hym Areade And the seruauntes buffeted hym on the face And as Peter was beneathe in the Palace there came one of the wenches of the hiest prieste and when she sawe Peter warmyng himself she loked on hym and sayd wast not thou also with Iesus of Nazareth And he denied saying I know him not nether wote I what thou sayest And he went oute into the porche and the Cocke krewe And a damosel when she sawe him began agayne to say to thē that stode by this is one of thē And he denyed it agayn And anone after they that stode by sayd agayn vnto Peter surely thou art one of thē for thou arte of Galile thy speche agreeth therto But he began to curse and to sweare saying I knowe not thys man of whom ye speake And again the cocke krewe and Peter remembred the woorde that Iesus had sayde vnto him before the cocke krow twise thou shalte denye me three times And he began to wepe ¶ Tuesday before Easter ¶ The Epistle Esai 1. THe Lord god hath opened myne eare therfore can I not say nay neyther withdraw my selfe but I offer my backe vnto the smiters and my chekes vnto the nippers I turne not my face from shame and spittyng and the lord God shall helpe me Therfore shal I not be confounded I haue hardened my face lyke a flyute stone for I am sure that I shall not come to confusion He is at hand that iustifieth me who will then goe to lawe with me Let vs stande one against another yf there be any that wil reason with me let him come here furth to me Beholde the lorde God standeth by me what is he then that can condemne me loe they shal be lyke as an old cloth the moth shal eate them vp Therfore whoso feareth the lord among you let hym heare the voyce of his seruaunt Whoso walketh in darknes and no light shineth vpon him let him put his trust in the name of the lord and hold him vp by his God but take hede ye all kyendle a fyre of the wrath of God stiere vp the coales walke on in the glisteryng of your owne fyre and in the coales that ye haue kyendled Thys cometh vnto you from my hand namely that ye shall slepe in sorowe ¶ The Gospell Mat. xv ANd anone in the dawnyng the hye Priestes held a counsell with the Elders and the Scribes and the whole congregacyon and bound Iesus led hym awaye and deliuered hym to Pylate And Pilate asked hym arte thou the Kyng of the Iewes and he aunswered and sayde to hym thou sayest it And the hye priestes accused hym of manye thynges So pilate asked hym agayne saying aunswerest thou nothyng Beholde howe manye thynges they laye to thy charge Iesus aunswered yet nothyng so that Pilate merueyled At that feast Pylate dyd delyuer vnto them a pryesoner whomsoeuer they woulde desyre And
it that the scripture might be fulfylled saying They haue parted my raymente among them and for my coate did they cast lottes And the souldiers dyd suche thynges in dede There stode by the crosse of Iesus hys mother and hys mothers sister Mary the wyfe of Cleophas and Marye Magdalene When Iesus therefore saw his mother and the disciple whom he loued stāding he sayth vnto his mother woman behold thy sonne Then said he to the disciple beholde thy mother And from that houre the disciple toke her for hys owne After these thynges Iesus knowyng that all thynges were nowe performed that the scripture might bee fulfylled he sayeth I thyrste So there stoode a vessell by full of vynegre therefore they fylled a sponge with vinegre and wounde it aboute with Isope and put it to his mouthe Assoone as Iesus then receyued of the vynegre he sayd It is fynished and bowed his head and gaue vp the ghoste The Iewes therefore because it was the preparyng of the Sabbothe that the bodies should not remayne vpon the Crosse on the Sabboth daye for that Sabboth daye was an hye daye besoughte Pilate that theyr legges myghte bee broken and that they mighte bee taken downe Then came the souldiers and brake the legges of the fyrst and of the other which was crucified with him But when they came to Iesus and sawe that he was dead already they brake not hys legges but one of the souldiours with a speare thruste hym into the syde and forthwith there came out bloud water And he that sawe it bare record and his record is true And he knoweth that he sayeth true that ye myght beleue also For these thynges were done that the scripture shoulde bee fulfylled ye shall not breake a bone of hym And agayne another scripture sayeth they shal loke vpon him whom they haue pearsed After this Ioseph of Aramathia whych was a disciple of Iesus but secretely for feare of the Iewes besought Pilate that he might take downe the body of Iesus And Pilate gaue him licence He came therfore toke the body of Iesus And there came also Nichodemus which at the beginning came to Iesus by night and brought of Myrre and Aloes mingled together aboute an hundreth pounde weight Then toke they the body of Iesus and wounde it in linnen clothes with the Odours as the maner of the Iewes is to burye And in the place where he was crucifyed there was a garden and in the garden a newe Sepulchre wherein was neuer man layde There layde they Iesus therefore because of the preparing of the Sabbothe of the Iewes for the Sepulchre was nye at hande ¶ Easter Euen ¶ The Epistle i. Pete iii IT is better yf the wyll of God be so that ye suffre for well doyng then for euyll doyng Forasmuche as Christ hath once suffred for synnes the iuste for the vniuste to bryng vs to God and was kylled as perteyning to the fleshe but was quickened in the spirites In whiche spirite he also wente and preached to the spirites that were in prieson whyche sometyme had been disobediente when the long sufferyng of God was once loked for in the dayes of Noe whyle the Arke was a preparyng wherein a fewe that is to saye eyghte soules were saued by the water lyke as Baptisme also nowe saueth vs not the puttyng a waye of the fylthe of the fleshe but in that a good conscyence consenteth to GOD by the resurreccyon of Iesus Christ which is on the right hand of God and is gone into heauen Aungels powers and mighte subdued vnto hym ¶ The Gospell Mathew xxvii WHen the euen was come there came a riche mā of Aramathia named Ioseph which also was Iesus disciple He went vnto Pilate and begged the body of Iesus Then Pilate cōmaunded the body to be delyuered And whē Ioseph had taken the body he wrapped it in a cleane linnen cloth laid it in his new toumbe which he had hewen out euen in the rocke rolled a great stone to the dore of the Sepulchre departed And there was mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting ouer agaynst the Sepulchre The next daye that foloweth the day of preparing the high Priestes and Phariseis came togather vnto Pylate saying Sir we remembre that this deceiuer saied while he was yet alyue After three dayes I wil rise again Commaunde therefore that the Sepulchre bee made sure vntyll the thyrd day lest his disciples come and steale him away and say vnto the people he is risē from the dead and the last errour shal be worse then the fyrst Pilate said vnto them ye haue a watche goe youre waye make it as sure as ye can So they went and made the Sepulchre sure with the watchemen and sealed the stone ¶ Easter daye At morning prayer in stede of the Psalme O come let vs. c. These Anthemes shal be song or sayd CHryste rysing agayne from the dead nowe dyeth not Death from henceforth hath no power vpon hym For in that he dyed he dyed but once to put a way synne but in that he liueth he liueth vnto god And so likewise counte your selues dead vnto sinne but liuing vnto God in Christ Iesus our Lord. CHrist is rysen agayne the first fruites of thē that slepe for seeing that by man came death by man also cometh the resurreccion of the dead For as by Adam all men doe dye so by Christ al men shal be restored to lyfe ¶ The Collecte ALmightie god which through thy only begottē sonne Iesus Christ haste ouercome death and opened vnto vs the gate of euerlasting life we humbly beseche thee that as by thy special grace preuenting vs thou doest put in our mindes good desires so by thi cōtinual helpe we may bring thesame to good effect through Iesus Christ our lord who liueth and reigneth c. ¶ The Epistle Collo iii. IF ye be risen again with Christ seke those thīges which are aboue where Christ sitteth on the right hande of God Sette youre affeccion on heauenly thinges and not on earthly thynges For ye are dead and your lyfe is hid with Christ in god Whensoeuer Christ which is our lyfe shal shew him selfe then shall ye also appeare with him in glory Mortifie therfore your earthy membres fornicacion vnclennesse vnnatural luste euil concupiscence and couetousnes whiche is worshippyng of Idols for whiche thynges sake the wrath of god vseth to come on the children of vnbeliefe among whom ye walked sometyme when ye lyued in them ¶ The Gospell Iohn xx THe first day of the Sabbothes came Mary Magdalen early whē it was yet darke vnto the Sepulchre and sawe the stone taken awaye from the graue Then she ranne and came to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Iesus loued and sayth vnto thē they haue taken away the Lord out of the graue and we cannot tell where they haue layd hym Peter therfore wente forth and that other disciple and came vnto the
mā is preached vnto you forgeuenes of sinnes and that by hym al that beleue are iustifyed from al thinges from whiche ye coulde not be iustifyed by the law Moses Beware therfore lest that fall on you whiche is spoken of in the prophetes beholde ye despisers and wonder and perishe ye for I doe a worke in youre dayes whiche ye shall not beleue though a man declare it vnto you ¶ The Gospell Lu. xxiiii IEsus stode in the middes of his disciples and sayde vnto them peace bee vnto you It is I feare not But they were abashed and afraide and supposed that they had seene a spirite And he sayd vnto them why are ye troubled why doe thoughtes arise in youre heartes Beholde my handes and my feete that it is euen I my selfe Handle me and see for a spirite hath no fleshe and bones as ye see me haue And when he had thus spoken he shewed them hys handes and hys feete And while they yet beleued not for ioye and wondred he sayde vnto them Haue ye here any meate And they offered him a piece of a broiled fishe and of an Honey combe And he tooke it and did eate before them And he sayd vnto them these are the wordes which I spake vnto you while I was yet with you That all muste nedes be fulfilled whiche were written of me in the law of Moses in the prophetes and in the Psalmes Then opened he their wittes that they myght vnderstande the Scriptures and sayde vnto them Thus it is written and thus it behoued Christ to suffre and to ryse again from death the third day and that repentaunce and remission of sinnes shoulde bee preached in hys name among al nacions and must begin at Ierusalem And ye are wytnesses of these thynges ¶ The first Sundaye after Easter ¶ The Collecte Almightie God c. As at the Communion on Easter daye ¶ The Epistle i. Iohn v. AL that is borne of god ouercometh the world And thys is the victorye that ouercometh the world euē our faith Who is he that ouercometh the world but he that beleueth that Iesus is the sonne of God This Iesus Christ is he that came by water and bloude not by water onely but by water and bloud And it is the spirite that beareth witnes because the spirite is trueth For there are three which beare recorde in heauen the father the word and the holy gost and these three are one And there are three which beare recorde in earth the spirite and water and bloud and these three are one If we receyue the witnesse of menne the witnesse of God is greater For this is the witnes of god that is greater which he testified of hys sonne He that beleueth on the sonne of god hath the witnesse in hymselfe He that beleueth not god hath made hym a lyer because he beleueth not the recorde that God gaue of his sonne And this is the record how that God hath geuen vnto vs eternall lyfe and thys lyfe is in hys sonne He that hathe the sonne hathe lyfe and he that hath not the sonne of God hath not lyfe ¶ The Gospell Ion. xx THesame daye at nyght whiche was the fyrst daye of the Sabbothes when the dores were shut where the disciples were assembled together for feare of the Iewes came Iesus stode in the middes and sayde vnto them Peace bee vnto you And when he had so sayd he shewed vnto thē hys handes and hys syde Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord. Then sayd Iesus to them agayne Peace be vnto you As my father sent me euen so sende I you also And when he had sayde these wordes he breathed on them and sayde vnto them receyue ye the holy goste Whosoeuers sinnes ye remitte they are remitted vnto them And whosoeuers synnes ye retayne they are retayned ¶ The second Sunday after Easter ¶ The Collecte ALmightie God which hast geuen thy holy sonne to be vnto vs both a sacrifice for synne and also an example of godly life Geue vs the grace that we maye alwayes most thankfully receyue that hys inestimable benefyte and also dayly indeuoure oure selues to folowe the blessed steppes of hys most holy lyfe ¶ The Epistle i. Pete ii THis is thanke worthy yf a man for conscience toward God endure griefe and suffre wrong vndeserued For what praise is it if when ye be buffeted for youre faultes ye take it paciently But and if when ye doe well ye suffre wrong take it paciently thē is there thanke with God For hereunto verely were ye called For Christ also suffered for vs leauing vs an ensaūple that ye should folow his steppes which did no sinne neither was there guyle founde in his mouthe which when he was reuiled reuiled not agayne whē he suffered he threatned not but committed the vengeaunce to him that iudgeth rightously which his owne self bare our sinnes in hys body on the tree that we beyng deliuered from synne shoulde lyue vnto ryghteousnesse By whose stripes ye were healed For ye were as shepe going astray but are now turned vnto the shepeheard and bysshop of youre soules ¶ The Gospell Iohn x. CHrist said vnto his disciples I am the good shepeheard a good shepeheard geueth hys life for the shepe An hyred seruaunt and he which is not the shepeheard nether the shepe are his own seeth the wolfe coming and leaueth the shepe and fleeth and the wolfe catcheth and skattereth the shepe The hired seruaunt fleeth because he is an hired seruaunt and careth not for the shepe I am the good shepeheard know my shepe am knowen of mine As my father knoweth me euē so know I also my father And I geue my lyfe for the shepe and other shepe I haue which are not of this folde Them also must I bryng and they shal heare my voice and there shal be ohe folde and one shepeheard The third Sunday after Easter ¶ The Collect. ALmightie god which shewest to al men that be in errour the lyght of thy trueth to the entent that they may returne into the way of righteousnesse Graunt vnto all thē that be admitted into the felowship of Christes religiō that they may exchew those thinges the be contrary to their profession and folowe all suche thynges as be agreable to the same through our Lorde Iesus Christ ¶ The Epistle i. Pete ii DErely beloued I beseche you as straungers and pilgremes abstain frō fleshly lustes which fighte against the soule and see that ye haue honest conuersacion among the gentiles that wheras they backbite you as euil doers thei may see your good workes and prayse god in the daye of visitacion Submytte youre selues therfore to euery man for the lordes sake whether it be vnto the kyng as vnto the chief head eyther vnto rulers as vnto them the are sent of hym for the punishment of euyll doers but for the laude of thē that doe wel For so is the
Iesus Christe whiche is father of all that called father in heauen and in earth that he woulde graunte you accordyng to the riches of hys glory that ye maye bee strengthed with myghte by hys spirite in the inner man that Chryste may dwell in your heartes by faythe that ye being rooted and grounded in loue might be hable to comprehend with all Sainctes what is the bredthe lengthe depthe and height and to know the excellent loue of the knowledge of Christe that ye might be fulfilled with all fulnesse whyche cometh of God Vnto hym that is hable to doe excedyng aboundauntly aboue all that wee aske or thinke according to the power that worketh in vs be prayse in the congregacion by Chryst Iesus throughout all generacyons from time to tyme. Amen ¶ The Gospell Luke vii ANd it fortuned that Iesus wente into a cytie called Naim and many of hys disciples wente with hym and muche people When he came nye to the gate of the citye beholde there was a dead man caryed oute whyche was the onely sonne of his mother and she was widowe and muche people of the cytye was with her And when the Lord saw her had compassion on her and sayde vnto her wepe not And he came nye and touched the coffen and they that bare hym stode styll And he sayde yong man I saye vnto thee aryse And he that was dead sat vp and beegan to speake And he delyuered hym to hys mother And there came a feare on them all And they gaue the glory vnto God saying A great Prophet is risen vp among vs and God hathe visited hys people And thys rumoure of hym went forthe throughout all Iewry and throughout all the regions whyche lye rounde aboute ¶ The .xvii. sundaye after Trinitie ¶ The Collecte LOrd we pray thee that thy grace may alwayes preuent and folow vs and make vs continually to be geuē to all good workes throughe Iesu Christ our Lorde ¶ The Epistle Ephe. iiii I Whiche am a priesoner of the Lordes exhort you that ye walke worthy of the vocacyon wherwith ye are called with all lowlines mekenes with humblenes of mynde forbearyng one another through loue and be diligēt to kepe the vnitie of the spirite throughe the bonde of peace beeyng one body and one spirite euen as ye are called in one hope of youre callyng Let there be but one Lorde one faythe one baptisme one God and father of all whiche is aboue all and througbe all and in you all ¶ The Gospell Luke xiii IT chaunced that Iesus wente into the house of one of the chiefe Phariseis to eate bread on the Sabboth day and they watched him And beholde there was a certayne man before him which had the dropsye And Iesus answered and spake vnto the Lawiers and Phariseis saying Is it lawfull to heale on the Sabboth daye And they helde their peace And he toke hym and healed hym and let hym goe and aunswered them saying which of you shal haue an Asse or an Oxe fallen into a pitte and wil not strayght way pull hym out on the Sabboth day And they coulde not aunswer hym agayn to these thynges He put foorth also a similitude to the geastes whē he marked how they preaced to be in the highest roumes and sayd vnto them when thou art bidden to a wedding of any man syt not downe in the hiest roume lest a more honorable man then thou be biddē of hym and he that bad him and thee come and say to thee geue this man roume and thou begin with shame to take the lowest roume But rather when thou arte bidden goe and sit in the lowest roume that when he that bad thee cometh he may saye vnto thee frend sit vp hyer Then shalt thou haue worship in the presence of them that sit at meate with thee For whosoeuer exalteth himselfe shall bee broughte lowe and he that humbleth himselfe shal be exalted ¶ The .xviii. Sundaye after Trinitie ¶ The Collect. LOrd we beseche thee graunte thy people grace to auoid the infeccions of the deuil and with pure hearte mind to folow thee the onely god through Iesus Christ our lord ¶ The Epistle i. Corin. i I Thanke my god alwayes on your behalfe for the grace of god which is geuē you by Iesus Christ that in all thynges yeare made ryche by him in al vtteraunce and in all knowledge by the whyche thynges the testimonye of Iesus Christe was confyrmed in you so that ye are behynde in no gyfte waytyng for the appearyng of oure Lorde Iesus Chryste whyche shall also strength you to the ende that you maye bee blameies in the day of the comyng of our Lorde Iesus Christe ¶ The Gospell Mat. xxii WHen the Phariseis had heard that Iesus dyd put the Saduceis to silence they came together and one of them whiche was a doctor of law asked him a question tempting him and saying Maister whiche is the greatest commaundemente in the lawe Iesus sayde vnto him Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soule and with all thy mynde This is the first and greatest commaundemente And the second is lyke vnto it Thou shalt loue thy neyghbour as thy self In these two commaundementes hang all the lawe and the Prophetes Whyle the Phariseis were gathered together Iesus asked them saying what thinke ye of Christ whose sonne is he They sayde vnto him the sonne of Dauid He sayde vnto them how then doeth Dauid in spirite cal him Lord saying The Lorde sayd vnto my Lorde sit thou on my righte hand tyll I make thine enemies thy fotestole If Dauid then call hym Lord how is he then his sonne And no man was hable to aunswer him any thing neither durst any man from that daye foorth aske hym any moe questions ¶ The .xix. Sundaye after Trinitie ¶ The Collect. O God forasmuch as withoute thee we are not hable to please thee Graūt that the working of thy mercy may in all thynges direct and rule out heartes Throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde ¶ The Epistle Eph. iiii THis I saye and testifie throughe the Lord that ye hencefoorthe walke not as other Gentyles walke in vanitye of theyr mynde whyle they are blynded in theyr vnderstanding beeyng farre from a Godly lyfe by the meanes of the ignoraunce that is in them and because of the blyndnesse of theyr heartes whiche beeyng past repentaunce haue geuen themselues ouer vnto wantonnes to woorke all maner of vnclennes euen with gredines But ye haue not so learned Christe If so bee that ye haue hearde of hym and haue been taught in him as the trueth is in Iesu as concerning the conuersacion in times past to lay from you the olde man whiche is corrupt according to the deceiuable lustes To be renued also in the spirite of your mind and to put on that new man whiche after God is shapen in righteousnes and true holynes Wherfore put a way lying and
sufficient correccion for al her sinnes A voice cried in wildernesse prepare the way of the lord in the wyldernes make streight the path of oure God in the deserte Let al valleyes be exalted euery moūtaine hil be layed low whatso is croked let it be made strayght let the rough be made playne fieldes For the glory of the Lorde shal appeare and al flesh shal at once see it for why the mouth of the Lorde hath spoken it Thesame voice spake Now crye And the Prophet aūswered what shal I cry that al fleshe is grasse that al the goodlines therof is as the floure of the field The grasse is withered the floure falleth awaye Euen so is the people as grasse whē the breath of the lorde bloweth vpō thē Neuertheles whether the grasse wither or the the floure fade away yet the word of our god endureth for euer Go vp vnto the hie hil O siō thou that bringest good tidinges lifte vp thy voyce with power O thou preacher Ierusalem lifte it vp without feare and say vnto the cities of Iuda Beholde your god beholde the lord god shall come with power beare rule with his arme Beholde he bryngeth hys treasure with hym his workes goe before him He shal fede his flocke like an heardmā He shal gather the lambes together with hys arme and cary them in hys bosome and shal kindly intreate those that beare yong ¶ The Gospell Luke i. ELizabethes time came the she suould bee deliuered and she broughte foorth a sonne And her neyghbours and her cosins heard how the lord had shewed great mercy vpon her and reioised with her And it fortuned that in the eight day thei came to circumcise the childe and called his name zachary after the name of his father And his mother aunswered and sayd not so but his name shal be called Iohn And they sayed vnto her There is none in thy kynred the is named with thys name And they made signes to his father howe he woulde haue him called And he asked for writing tables and wrote saying hys name is Iohn And they meruayled all And hys mouth was opened immediatlye and his tong also and he spake praised god And feare came on all them that dwelt nye vnto hym And all these sayinges was noised abroade throughout al the hie countrey of Iewry and they the heard them layd them vp in their heartes saying what maner of child shal this be And the hand of the lord was with hym And his father zacharias was filled with the holy gost and prophecied saying Praised be the lord God of Israell for he hath visited redemed his people And hath raised vp an horne of saluaciō vnto vs in the house of his seruāt Dauid Euen as he promised by the mouth of his holy Prophetes which were sence the world began That we should be saued frō our enemies and frō the hand of al the hate vs. That he would deale mercifully with our fathers and remembre his holy couenaūt And he would perfourme the othe whiche he sware to our father Abrahā for to forgeue vs. That we beyng delyuered out of the handes of our enemies myghte serue hym without feare al the dayes of our life in such holinesse righteousnes as are acceptable for him And thou child shalt be called the Prophete of the hiest for thou shalt goe before the face of the lord to prepare his wayes To geue knowledge of saluacyon vnto his people for the remissiōn of synnes Through the tender mercy of our god whereby the day spring frō an high hath visited vs. To geue light to thē that sate in darkenes and in the shadow of death to guide our fete into the way of peace And the child grew waxed strong in spirite and was in wyldernes til the daye came when he should shewe hymselfe vnto the Israelites Sainct Peters daye ¶ The Collect. ALmightie god whiche by the sonne Iesus Christ hast geuen to thy Apostle Saincte Peter many excellente giftes and commaundest hym earnestly to fede thy stocke make we beseche thee al Bisshops and Pastours diligently to preache thy holy worde and the people obedientlye to folowe the same that they may receyue the crown of euerlastyng glory though Iesus Christ our Lorde ¶ The Epistle Actes xii AT the same time Herode the king stretched forth hys handes to vexe certaine of the congregaciō And he kylled Iames the brother of Iohn with the sweord And beecause he sawe it pleased the Iewes he proceded farther and tooke Peter also Then were the dayes of swete bread And when he had caught him he put him in prieson also delyuered hym to foure quaternions of souldiers to be kepte entending after Easter to bring him forth to the people And Peter was kept in prieson but prayer was made without ceasing of the congregacyon vnto god for hym And whē Herode would haue broughte hym out vnto the people thesame nyghte slepte Peter betwene two souldiers boūd with two chaines and the kepers before the dore kept the prieson And behold the Aungel of the lorde was there present and a light shined in the habitacion And he smote Peter on the side and styrred hym vp saying arise vp quickely And his chaines fel from his handes And the Aungel s ayd vnto hym gyrd thy selfe and binde on thy sandales And he so did And he sayth vnto him cast thy garment about thee folow me And he came out folowed him and wist not that it was trueth whiche was done by the Aungel but thought he had seen a vision When they were past the first second watche they came vnto the yron gate that leadeth vnto the citie whiche opened to them by the own accord And they went out passed thorow one strete and forth with the Angel departed from him And when Peter was come to himselfe he sayd nowe I know of a suretie that the lord hath sent his Aungell and hath deliuered me out of the hande of Herode and from all the wayting of the people of the Iewes ¶ The Gospell Mat. xvi WHen Iesus came into the coastes of the Citie which is called Cesarea Philippi he asked hys disciples saying whom doe men say that I the sonne of man am They sayed Some saye that thou art Iohn Baptist some Helias some Ieremias or one of the prophetes He saith vnto thē but whō say ye that I am Simō Peter aunswered and said Thou art Christ the sōne of the liuing god And Iesus aūswered and sayd vnto hym Happy art thou Simō the sonne of Ionas for fleshe and bloud hath not opened that vnto thee but my father whiche is in heauen And I say vnto thee the thou art Peter and vpon this rocke I wil build my cōgregaciō And the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it And I wil geue vnto thee the keies of the kyngdome of heauen And whatsoeuer thou bindest in earth shall be bounde in
And the great dragon the old Serpent called the deuil Sathanas was cast out which deceueth all the world And he was cast into the earth and his Angels wer cast out also with him And I heard a loud voyce saying heauē is now made saluacion and strength and the kyngdome of our God and the power of his Christ For the accuser of our brethren is caste down which accused them before god day and night And they ouercame him by the bloud of the lambe by the word of their testimony and they loued not theyr liues vnto the death Therfore reioyce heauens and ye that dwel in them Woe vnto the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea for the deuil is come down vnto you which hath great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a shorte tyme. ¶ The Gospell Mat. xviii AT the same time came the disciples vnto Iesus saying who is the greatest in the kingdom of heauen Iesus called a child vnto hym and set him in the middest of thē and said Verely I say vnto you excepte ye turne and become as children ye shall not entre into the kingdome of heauen Whosoeuer therfore humbleth himselfe as thys chyld thatsame is the greatest in the kingdom of heauen And whosoeuer receiueth suche a chylde in my name receyueth me But whoso doeth offende one of these litle ones whiche beeleue in me it were better for him that a milstone were hanged about his necke and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea Woe vnto the world because of offences necessary it is the offences come But woe vnto the man by whō the offence cometh Wherfore yf thy hande or thy fote hinder thee cut hym of and caste it from the. It is better for thee to entre into life halt or maimed rather then thou shoudest hauing two handes or two feete be caste into euerlasting fyre And if thine eie offende thee plucke it out and cast it from thee It is better for the to entre into life with one eie rather then hauing two eies to be caft into hel fyre Take hede that ye despise not one of these litle ones For I say vnto you that in heauē theyr Angels doe alwayes beholde the face of my father whyche is in heauen ¶ Sainct Luke the Euangelist ¶ The Collect. ALmightie god which calledst Luke the phisiciō whose prayse is in the gospel to be a phisiciō of the soule it may please thee by the holsome medicines of his holy doctrine to heale al the diseases of our soules throughe thy sonne Iesu Chryst our Lorde ¶ The Epistle i. tim iiii WAtche thou in al thinges suffre afflicciōs doe the worke throughly of an Euangelist fulfil thyne office vnto the vttermost be sobre For I am now ready to be offered and the tyme of my departyng is at hande I haue foughte a good fyghte I haue fulfylled my course I haue kept the faith From henceforth there is layd vp for me a crown of righteousnes which the lorde that is a righteous iudge shal geue me at that daye not to me onely but to all them the loue his cōming Doe thy diligence that thou maiest come shortly vnto me For Demas hath forsakē me and loueth this present world and is departed vnto The ssalonica Crescens is gone to Galacia Titus vnto Dalmacia only Lukas is with me Take Marke and bryng hym with thee for he is profitable vnto me for the ministracion And Tichicus haue I sent to Ephesus The cloke that I lefte at Croada with Carpus when thou comest bryng with thee and the bokes but specially the parchement Alexander the copersmith dyd me much euil the Lord rewarde hym accordyng to hys dedes of whom be thou ware also for he hath greatly withstande our wordes ¶ The Gospell Luke x. THe Lorde appoynted other seuentie and two also and sente them two and two before hym into euery citie and plate whether he himselfe would come Therfore he sayd vnto thē the haruest is great but the labourers are fewe Praye ye therfore the Lord of the haruest to sende forth labourers into the haruest Goe your waies beholde I send you forth as lambes among wolues Beare no wallet neither scrip nor shoes salute no man by the way into whatsoeuer house ye entre fyrst say peace be to this house And if the sonne of peace be there your peace shal rest vpon him if not it shal returne to you again And in the same house tary styll eating and drinking such as they geue For the labourer is worthy of hys rewarde ¶ Simon and Iude Apostles ¶ The Collect. Almightie God which hast builded thy congregacyon vpon the foundacion of the Apostles and Prophetes Iesu Christ himselfe beeing the head corner stone graunte vs so to be ioyned together in vnitie of spirite by their doctryne that we maye be made an holy temple acceptable to thee through Iesu Christ our Lorde ¶ The Epistle Iudi. i. IVdas the seruaunt of Iesu Christ the brother of Iames to them which are called and sanctified in god the father and preserued in Iesu Christ Mercye vnto you and peace and loue be multiplited Beloued when I gaue all diligence to write vnto you of the cōmon saluaciō it was nedeful for me to write vnto you to exhorte you the ye should continually laboure in the fayth which was once geuen vnto the sainctes For there are certayne vngodly men craftely crept in of which it was written afore time vnto such iudgement They turne the grace of our god vnto wantonnes and deny God which is the onely lord and our lord Iesu Christ My mynde is therefore to put you in remembraunce forasmuche as ye once knowe thys how that the lord after that he had deliuered the people out of Egipt destroyed thē which after beleued not The Aungels also whiche kepte not their first state but left their owne habitacion he hath reserued in euerlastyng chaynes vnder darkenesse vnto the iudgement of the great day euen as Sodom and Gomor and the cities about them which in lyke maner defyled themselues with fornicacion and folowed straunge flesh are set forth for an example and suffre the payne of eternall fyre like wife these beeing deceiued by dreames defile the fleshe despise rulers and speake euill of them that are in auctoritie ¶ The Gospell Iohn xv THis cōmaunde I you that ye loue together Yf the world hate you ye know it hated me before it hated you Yf ye were of the worlde the world would loue his owne howbeit because ye are not of the world but I haue chosen you out of the world therfore the worlde hateth you Remembre the worde that I saye vnto you the seruaunt is not greater then the Lord. Yf thei haue persecuted me they wil also persecute you Yf thei haue kept my saying they wil kepe yours also But al these thinges wil they doe vnto you for my names sake beecause they haue not knowen hym that
sinne and liuing vnto rightousnes and beyng buried with Christ in hys death may crucifie the olde man and vtterly abolishe the whole body of synne that as he is made partaker of the death of thy sonne so he maie be partaker of his resurreccion So that finally with the residue of thy holy congregacion he may be inheritour of thine euerlastyng kyngdome throughe Christe our Lord. Amen At the laste ende the Priest callyng the Godfathers and Godmothers together shall saye thys shorte exhortacyon folowyng FOrasmuche as these chyldren haue promysed by you to forsake the Deuil and all his workes to beleue in God and to serue him you must remembre that it is youre partes and duetyes to see that these infantes bee taughte so soone as they shal be hable to learne what a solemne vow promise and profession they haue made by you And that they maye knowe these thynges the better ye shall call vpon them to heare sermons And chyeftye ye shall prouyde that they may learne the Crede the Lordes prayer and the ten Commaundementes in the English tongue and al other thinges whiche a Christian man oughte to knowe and beleue to his soules health and that these children may bee vertuoustlye brought vp to leade a godly and Christen lyfe remembring alwaie that Baptisme doeth represente vnto vs oure professyon whiche is to folow the example of our sauiour Christ and to bee made lyke vnto hym that as he dyed and rose agayne for vs so shoulde we whyche are Baptised dye from synne and ryse agayne vnto ryghteousnesse contynuallye mortifying all oure euyll and corrupte affeccions and daily procedyng in all vertue and godlynes of lyuyng The Minister shall commaunde that the children be broughte to the Bishop to be confirmed of hym so sone as they can saye in their vulgare tong the articles of the faith the lordes prayer and the .x. commaundementes and be further instructed in the Cathechisme sette forthe for that purpose accordingly as it is there expressed ¶ Of them that be Baptised in priuate houses in tyme of necessitie The Pastours and Curates shall ofte admonyshe the people that they deferre not the Baptisme of infantes any longer thē the Sundaye or other holy daye nexte after the child be borne vnlesse vpon a great and reasonable cause declared to the Curate and by hym approued And also they shal warne them that without great cause and necessitie they Baptise not children at home in theyr houses And when greate nede shall compell them so to doe that then they minister it on this fashyon Firste let them that be present call vpon God for hys grace and say the Lordes prayer if the tyme will suffre And then one of them shall name the childe and dippe hym in the water or powre water vpon hym saying these wordes N I Baptise thee in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy gost Amen And lette them not doubt but that the childe so Baptised is lawfully and sufficiently Baptised ought not to be Baptised agayne in the Churche But yet neuerthelesse yf the chylde whyche is after thys sorte Baptised doe afterwarde lyue it is expedyente that he bee broughte into the Churche to the entente the Priest may examine and trie whether the child be lawfully baptised or no. And yf those that bryng any chylde to the churche doe aunswere that he is already Baptised then shall the Priest examine them further By whom the childe was Baptysed Who was present when the childe was Baptysed Whether they called vpon God for grace and succoure in that necessitie With what thyng or what matter they did Baptyse the chylde With what wordes the childe was Baptised Whether they thinke the child to be lawefully and perfectly Baptysed And if the minister shall proue by the aunsweres of suche as brought the childe that all thynges were done as they oughte to bee Then shall not be Christen the childe agayne but shall receyue hym as one of the flocke of the true Christian people saying thus I Certifye you that in thys case ye haue done wel according vnto due order concerning the baptising of this childe which being borne in original sinne and in the wrath of god is now by the lauer of regeneracion in Baptisme receyued into the noumber of the children of God and heyres of euerlastyng life for our Lord Iesus Christ doeth not deny hys grace and mercy vnto such infantes but most louingly doeth call them vnto him as the holy Gospel doeth witnesse to our comfort on thys wyse Mark x. AT a certayne tyme they broughte children vnto Christ that he shoulde touche them and his disciples rebuked those that brought them But whē Iesus sawe it he was displeased and sayde vnto them suffre litle children to come vnto me and forbid them not for to suche belongeth the kingdome of god Verelye I saye vnto you whosoeuer doeth not receyue the kingdome of God as a litle childe he shall not entre therein And when he had taken them vp in his armes he putte hys handes vpon them and blessed them After the Gospell is readde the Minister shall make thys exhortacion vpon the wordes of the Gospell FRendes you heare in this Gospel the wordes of oure Sauioure Christe that he commaunded the children to bee brought vnto him Now he blamed those that woulde haue kepte them from hym Nowe he exhorted all men to folowe theyr innocencye Ye perceiue howe by hys outwarde gesture and dede he declared hys good wyll toward them For he embraced thē in his armes he layd his handes vpon them and blessed them doubt ye not therfore but earnestlye belieue that he hath likewyse fauourablye receyued thys presente infante that he hathe embraced him with the armes of hys mercye that he hath geuen vnto hym the blessyng of eternall lyfe and made hym partaker of his euerlastyng kyngdome Wherefore we being thus perswaded of the good will of our heauenlye father declared by his sonne Iesus Chryste towardes this infant Let vs faithfully and deuoutly geue thankes vnto him and say the prayer whyche the Lord himselfe taughte and in declaracion of our faith lette vs recyte the articles contayned in our Crede Here the Minister with the Godfathers and Godmothers shall saye Our father whiche arte in heauen c. Then shall the priest demaunde the name of the chyld whiche beeyng by the Godfathers and Godmothers pronounced the Minister shall saye Dooest thou in the name of thys chylde forsake the Deuill and all hys woorkes the vayne pompe and glory of the worlde with all the couetous desires of the same the carnall desyres of the fleshe and not to folow and be lead by them ¶ Aunswere I forsake them all ¶ Minister Doest thou in the name of thys childe professe thys fayth to beleue in God the father almightye maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Chryste hys onelye beegotten sonne our Lorde and that he was conceyued by the holye ghoste borne of
thereto To helpe the fatherlesse and poore vnto theyr ryghte that the manne of the earthe bee no more exalted agaynste them In domino confido psalm xi IN the Lorde putte I my truste howe saye ye then to my soule that she shoulde flye as byrde vnto the hyll For loe the vngodly bende theyr bowe and make readye theyr arrowes within the quyuer that they maye prieuelye shoote at them whiche are true of heart For the foundacions wyll be caste downe and what hath the righteous done The Lorde is in hys holy Temple the Lordes seate is in heauen His eyes consydre the poore and his eye liddes tryeth the children of men The LORDE aloweth the ryghteous but the vngodly and hym that delighteth in wickednesse dooeth hys soule abhorre Vpon the vngodlye he shall rayne snares fyre and brimstone storme and tempeste thys shal bee theyr porcyon to drynke For the righteous Lorde loueth righteousnes hys countenaunce wyll beholde the thyng that is iuste Saluum me fac domine Psalm xii Euening prayer HElpe me Lorde for there is not on godly manne lefte for the faythfull are minished from among the chyldren of men They talke of vanitie euerye one with hys neyghboure they doe but flatter with theyr lippes and dissemble in theyr double hearte The Lorde shall roote out all disceytfull lippes and the tongue that speaketh proude thynges Whyche haue sayde with oure tongue wyll we preuayle we are they that ought to speake who is Lord ouer vs Nowe for the coumforteles troubles sake of the nedye because of the depe sighing of the poore I wyll vp sayeth the Lorde and will helpe euerye one from hym that swelleth agaynste hym and wyll sette them at reste The wordes of the Lorde are pure woordes euen as the siluer whych from earth is tryed and purifyed seuen times in the fyre Thou shalte kepe them O Lorde thou shalte preserue hym from thys generacyon for euer The vngodlye walke on euery syde when they are exalted the chyldren of men are put to rebuke Vsquequo domine Psalm xiii Howe long wylt thou forgeat me O Lorde for euer how long wilt thou hyde thy face from me Howe long shall I seeke counsayle in my soule and bee so vexed in my hearte howe long shall myne enemyes triumphe ouer me Consydre and heare me Lorde my God lighten myne eyes that I slepe not in death Leste myne enemie saye I haue preuayled agaynste him for yf I bee caste downe they that trouble me wyll reioyce at it But my truste is in thy mercye and my hearte is ioyeful in thy saluacion I wyll syng of the Lord because he hath delte so louingly with me yea I wyll prayse the name of the Lorde the moste hygheste Dixit incipiens psal xiiii THe foole hath sayd in hys heart there is no God They are corrupte and become abhominable in their doinges there is not one that doeth good no not one The Lord loked down from heauen vpon the children of men to see if there were any that woulde vnderstande and seke after God But they are al gone out of the way they are altogether become abhominable there is none that doeth good no not one Theyr throte is an open sepulchre with their tongues they haue deceiued the person of aspes is vnder their lippes Their mouth is ful of cursyng and bitternesse their feete are swyfte to shedde bloude Destruccion and vnhappinesse is in their wayes and the way of peace haue they not knowen there is no feare of god before theyr eyes Haue they no knowledge that they are all such workers of mischiefe eating vp my people as it were bread And call not vpon the Lorde there were they brought in great fear euen where no feare was for God is in the generacion of the righteous As for you ye haue made a mocke at the counsayle of the poore because he putteth hys trust in the Lorde Who shall geue saluacion vnto Israel out of Sion whē the Lord turneth the captiuitie of his people then shal Iacob reioyce and Israel shal be glad Domine quis habitabit psal xv Morning prayer Lorde who shall dwel in thy tabernacle who shal rest vpon thy holy hyll Euen he that leadeth an vncorrupte life and doeth the thing which is ryght and speaketh the trueth from hys hearte He that hath vsed no deceste in hys tongue nor done euill to hys neyghbours and hath not slaundered hys neyghbours He that setteth not by hymselfe but is lowlye in hys own eyes and maketh much of them that feare the Lorde He that sweareth vnto his neigbboure and dysapoynteth hym not though it were to his own hinderaunce He that hath not geuen his money vpon vsury nor takē rewarde against the innocent Whoso doth these thynges shall neuer fall Conserua me domine psal xvi PReserue me O god for in thee haue I put my trust O my soule thou hast said vnto the Lord thou art my god my goodes are nothing vnto thee At my delight are vpon the Saintes that are in the earth and vpon suche as excell in vertue But they that runne after another God shal haue great trouble Their drinke offeringes of bloud will not I offer neyther make mencion of their names within my lyppes The lord himselfe is the porcion of mine enheritaunce and of my cup thou shalt mayntayne my lot The lot is fallen vnto me in a fayre grounde yea I haue a goodly heritage I wil thanke the Lord for geuing me warning my reines also chasten me in the night season I haue set god alwayes before me for he is on my right hand therfore I shall not fall Wherefore my heart was glad and my glory reioysed my fleshe also shall rest in hope For why thou shalte not leaue my soule in hell neyther shalt thou suffre thy holy one to see corrupcion Thou shalt shewe me the path of life in thy presence is the fulnes of ioye and at thy right hande there is pleasure for euermore Exaudi domine iusticiam psal xvii HEeare the right O lord consider my complaint and hearken vnto my prayer that goeth not out of fained lyppes Let my sentence come forth from thy presence and let thyne eyes loke vpon the thyng that is equall Thou hast proued and visited myne hearte in the nyghte season thou hast tried me and shal finde no wickednes in me for I am vtterlye purposed that my mouth shall not offende Because of mennes workes that are done agaynste the wordes of thy lyppes I haue kepte me from the wayes of the destroyer O hold thou vp my goynges in thy pathes that my fotesteppes slyp not I haue called vpon thee O god for thou shalte heare me incline thine eare to me and hearken vnto my wordes Shewe thy marueilous louing kindnes thou that art the sauioure of them that trust in thee from suche as resiste thy ryght hande kepe me as the apple of an eye hide me vnder the shadow of thy wynges From the vngodly that
the earth that he may iudge hys people Gather my sainctes together vnto me those that haue made a couenaunt with me with sacrifice And the heauens shall declare his righteousnes for God is iudge hymselfe Heare O my people and I wil speake I my selfe wyl testifie against thee O Israel for I am God euen thy God I wil not reproue thee because of thy sacrifices or for thy burnt offeringes because they were not alwaye before me I wil take no bullocke out of thy house nor he goates out of thy foldes For all the beastes of the forest are myne and so are the rattelles vpon a thousande hylles I knowe all the foules vpon the mountaynes and the wylde beastes of the fielde are in my syght If I be hungry I will not tell thee for the whole worlde is myne and all that therein is Thinkest thou that I will eate bulles fleshe and drinke the bloud of goates Offre vnto god thankes geuing and pay thy vowes vnto the most hiest And call vpon me in the tyme of trouble so wil I heare thee and thou shalt prayse me But vnto the vngodly fayd God why doest thou preache my lawes and takest my couenaunt in thy mouth Whereas thou hatest to bee refourmed and hast caste my wordes behynde thee When thou sawest a thefe thou consentedst vnto him and hast been partaker with the aduouterers Thou hast let thy mouth speake wickednes and with thy tongue thou hast set furth disceite Thou sattest and spakest against thy brother yea and hast slaundered thyne owne mothers sonne These thinges haste thou done and I helde my tongue and thou thoughtest wickedly that I am euen suche a one as thy selfe but I wyll reproue thee and sette beefore thee the thynges that thou hast done O considre this ye that forgeat god lest I plucke you awaye and there be none to deliuer you Whoso offereth me thankes praise he honoreth me and to hym that ordereth his conuersacion righte will I shewe the saluacion of God Miserere mei deus psal li. HAue mercy vpon me O god after thy great goodnes accordyng vnto the multitude of thy mercyes doe away myne offences Washe me througlye fro my wyckednesse and clense me from my synne For I knowledge my faultes my sine is euer before me Against thee onely haue I synned done this euil in thy sight that thou mightest be iustified in thy saying and cleare when thou art iudged Beholde I was shapen in wickednes and in synne hath my mother conceyued me But loe thou requirest trueth in the inward partes and shalt make me to vnderstande wysedome secretly Thou shalt pourge me with I sope and I shal be cleane thou shalt washe me and I shal be whiter then snowe Thou shalte make me heare ioye and gladnesse that the bones which thou hast broken maye reioyce Turne thy face frō my synnes put out all my misdedes Make me a cleane heart O God and renewe a ryghte spirite within me Cast me not awaye from thy presence and take not thy holy spirite from me O geue me the comfort of thy helpe agayne and stablyshe me with thy free spirite Then shall I teache thy wayes vnto the wicked sinners shal be conuerted vnto thee Delyuer me from bloud giltines O god thou that art the god of my health my tong shal syng of thy ryghteousnes Thou shalt open my lyppes O lord my mouth shall shewe thy prayse For thou desirest no sacrifice els would I geue it thee but thou delightest not in burnte offerynges The sacrfice of God is a troubled spirite a broken and a contrite heart O God shalt thou not despise O be fauourable and gracious vnto Sion builde thou the walles of Ierusalem Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of rightousnes with the burnte offerynges and oblacyons then shal they offer yong bullockes vpon thyne alter Quid gloriaris in malicia Psalm lii WHy boastest thou thy selfe thou tyrante that thou canste doe mischiefe Whereas the goodnes of god endureth yet daily Thy tongue ymagineth wickednesse and with lyes thou cuttest lyke a shar pe rasor Thou hast loued vngraciousnes more then goodnes and to talke of lyes more then righteousnes Thou hast loued to speake all wordes that may doe hurt O thou false tongue Therefore shall God destroye thee for euer he shall take thee and plucke thee oute of thy dwelling and roote thee out of the land of the lyuing The righteous also shall see this and feare and shall laugh hym to scorne Loe thys is the man that toke not God for his strengthe but trusted vnto the multitude of his riches and strengthed himselfe in hys wickednes As for me I am lyke a grene Olyue tree in the house of god my trust is in the tender mercy of god for euer and euer I will alwaye geue thankes vnto thee for that thou hast done and I wyll hope in thy name for thy saynctes lyke it well Dixit insipiens Psalm liii Euening prayer The foolyshe body hath sayd in hys hearte there is no God Corrupt are they and become abhominable in their wickednes there is none that doth good God loked downe from heauen vpon the children of men to see if there were any that would vnderstand seke after God But they are all gone oute of the way they are altogether become abhominable there is also none that doeth good no not one Are not they without vnderstandyng that worke wickednes eatyng vp my people as if they would eate bread they haue not called vpon god They were afrayde where no feare was for God hathe broken the bones of him that besieged thee thou hast put thē to confusion because God hath despysed them Oh that the saluacion wer geuen vnto Israel out of Sion Oh that the Lorde would delyuer hys people out of captiuitie Thē should Iacob reioyce Israel should be right glad Deus in nomine tuo Psalm liiii SAue me O god for thy names sake and auēge me in thy strength Heare my prayer O God and herken vnto the wordes of my mouth For straungers are riesen vp agaynste me and tyrauntes whiche haue not god before theyr eyes seke after my soule Beholde God is my helper the Lorde is with them that vpholde my soule He shall rewarde euill vnto myne enemies destroye thou them in thy trueth An offeryng of a free hearte will I geue thee and prayse thy name O Lorde because it is so comfortable For he hathe delyuered me out of al my trouble and mine eie hath seen hys desire vpon mine enemies Exaudi deus Psalm lv HEare my prayer O God and hyde not thy selfe frōmy peticion Take hede vnto me and heare me how I mourne in my prayer and am vexed The enemy crieth so and the vngodly cometh on so faste for they are minded to doe me some mischief so maliciouslye are they set agaynst me My hearte is disquieted within me and the feare of death is fallen vpon me Fearefulnes
thou Iordan that thou wart dryuen backe Ye moūtaines that ye skipped like Rammes and ye little hilles lyke yong shepe Tremble thou earth at the presence of the lord at the presence of the god of Iacob which turned the harde rocke into a standing water and the flinte stone into a springing well Non nobis domine Psal cxv NOt vnto vs O Lorde not vnto vs but vnto thy name geue the prayse for thy louing mercy and for thy truethes sake Wherfore shal the heathen say where is now their God as for our god he is in heauen he hath done whatsoeuer pleased hym Their Idols are syluer and gold euen the worke of mens handes They haue mouth and speake not eyes haue they and see not They haue eares and heare not noses haue they and smel not They haue handes and handell not fete haue they and walke not neyther speake they through their throte They that make them are lyke vnto them and so are all such as put their trust in them But thou house of Israel truste thou in the Lorde he is their succour and defence Ye house of Aaron put your trust in the lorde he is theyr helper and defender Ye that feare the Lorde trust ye in the Lorde he is theyr helper and defender The Lorde hath been myndfull of vs and he shall blesse vs euen he shall blesse the house of Israel he shal blesse the house of Aaron He shall blesse them that feare the Lorde both small and greate The Lorde shall encrease you more and more you and your chyldren Ye are the blessed of the Lorde whiche made heauen and earth All the whole heauens are the Lordes the earth hath he geuen to the chyldren of men The dead prayse not thee O Lorde neither al they that goe down into the sylence But we wyll prayse the Lord from thys tyme furth for euermore Dilexi quoniam Psal cxvi Mornīg prayer I Am well pleased that the Lord hath heard the voyce of my prayer That the hath enclyned hys care vnto me therfore wyll I call vpon hym as long as I lyue The snares of death compassed me rounde about and the paynes of hell gate holde vpon me I shall fynde trouble and heauines and I shall call vpon the name of the lorde O lorde I beseche thee delyuer my soule Gracyous is the lord and righteous yea out god is mercyfull The lord preserueth the simple I was in misery and he helped me Turne agayne then vnto thy rest O my soule for the lord hath rewarded thee And why thou hast deliuered my soule from death myne eyes from teares and my fete from fallyng I wil walke before the lord in the land of the lyuing I beleued and therefore wyll I speake but I was sore troubled I sayd in my hast all men are lyers What rewarde shall I geue vnto the Lord for al the benefytes that he hath done vnto me I wil receiue the cup of saluacion and cal vpon the name of the lorde I wyl paye my vowes now in the presence of all his people right deare in the sight of the Lorde is the death of hys saynctes Behold O lord how that I am thy seruaunte I am thy seruaunt and the sonne of thy handmayd thou hast broken my bones in sunder I wil offer to thee the sacrifice of thankesgeuing and wyl call vpon the name of the Lorde I will pay my vowes vnto the Lord in the sight of al his people in the courtes of the Lordes house euen in the middest of thee O Ierusalem Prayse the Lorde Laudate dominum psal cxvii O Prayse the Lorde all ye heathen prayse hym all ye nacions For his mercifull kindnes is euer more and more towarde vs and the trueth of the Lorde endureth for euer Prayse the Lorde Consitemini domino psal cxviii O Geue thankes vnto the Lord for he is gracious because hys mercy endurerth for euer Let Israel nowe confesse that he is gracyous and that hys merry endureth for euer Let the house of Aaron now confesse that his mercy endureth for euer Yea let them nowe that feare the Lorde confesse that his mercy endureth for euer I called vpon the Lord in trouble and the lorde heard me at large The lord is on my syde I wil not feare what man dooeth vnto me The lord taketh my part with them that helpe me therfore shall I see my desyre vpon myne enemyes It is better to trust in the lord then to put any confidence in man It is better to trust in the lord then to put any confidence in Princes All nacions compassed me rounde about but in the name of the lorde wyll I destroye them They kept me in on euery syde they kept me in I say on euery syde but in the name of the lord I wyll destroy them They came about me lyke Bees and are extinct euen as the fyre emong the thornes for in the name of the lord I wil destroye them Thou hast thrust sore at me that I myghte fall but the lorde was my helpe The lord is my strength and my song and is become my saluacion The voice of ioye and health is in the dwellynges of the ryghteous the ryght hande of the lord bringeth myghty thynges to passe The right hand of the lord hath the preheminence the right hand of the lord bringeth mightie thinges to passe I wil not die but liue and declare the workes of the lord The lorde hath chastned and corrected me but he hath not geuen me ouer vnto death Open me the gates of righteousnes that I may goe into them and geue thankes vnto the lord Thys is the gate of the lord the righteous shall enter into it I wil thanke thee for thou hast heard me and art become my saluacion Thesame stone which the builders refused is become the head stone in the corner Thys is the lordes doing it is marueilous in our eyes This was the day which the lord hath made we will reioyce and be glad in it Helpe me now O lord O lord sende vs now prosperitie B1essed be he that cometh in the name of the lord we haue wisshed you good lucke ye that be of the house of the lorde God is the lorde which hath shewed vs light binde the sacrifice with coardes yea euen vnto the hornes of the altare Thou art my god and I wyll thanke thee thou arte my God and I wil prayse thee O geue thankes vnto the lord for he is gracious and his mercy endureth for euer Beati immaculati psal cxix Euenīg prayer BLessed are those that bee vndefyied in the waye and walke in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that kepe his testimonies and seeke hym wih theyr whole heart for they which doe no wickednes walke in hys wayes Thou hast charged that we shal diligently kepe thy commaundementes O that my waies were made so directe that I might kepe thy statutes So shal I not be confounded whyle I haue respecte vnto
sente them into his vineyarde And he wente oute aboute the third houre and sawe other standyng idle in the market place and sayde vnto them goe ye also into the vineyarde and whatsoeuer is ryghte I wyll geue you And they wente theyr waye Agayne he went oute about the sixth and ninth houre and did lykewyse And about the .xi. houre he went oute and founde other standing idle and sayde vnto them Why stande ye here all the daye idle They sayde vnto hym because no man hathe hired vs. He sayeth vnto them goe ye also into the vineyarde and whatsoeuer is ryghte that shall ye receyue So when euen was come the Lorde of the vineyarde sayde vnto hys stewarde call the labourers and geue them theyr hyre begynnyng at the laste vntyll the fyrste And when they did come that came aboute the eleuenth houre they receyued euerye manne a penye But when the fyrste came also they supposed that they shoulde haue receyued more and they lykewyse receyued euery man a peny And when they had receyued it they murmured agaynste the good manne of the house saying these last haue wroughte but one houre and thou haste made them equall with vs which haue borne the burthen and heate of the day But he aunswered vnto one of them and sayed Frende I doe thee no wrong diddest thou not agree with me for a peny Take that thyne is and goe thy waye I will geue vnto this last euen as vnto thee Is it not lawfull for me to doe as me lusteth with myne owne goodes Is thine eie euill because I am good So the last shal be first and the first shal be laste For many be called but fewe bee chosen ¶ The Sunday called Sexagesima ¶ The Collecte LOrde God whiche seest that we put not our truste in any thyng that we doe mercyfullye graunte that by thy power we maye be defended against all aduersitie through Iesus Chryste oure Lorde ¶ The Epistle ii Cor. xi YE suffre fooles gladly seyng youre selues are wyse For ye suffre yf a man bryng you into bōdage yf a man deuoure yf a man take yf a man exalt him selfe yf a man smyte you on the face I speake as concerning rebuke as though we had been weake in this behalfe Howbeit wherinsoeuer ani man dare bee bolde I speake foolyshlye I dare bee bolde also They are Hebrues euen so am I. They are Israelites euen so am I. They are the seede of Abraham euen so am I. They are the ministers of Chryste I speake lyke a foole I am more In labours more aboundaunte In stripes aboue measure In pryeson more plenteouslye In deathe oft Of the Iewes fiue times receyued I .xl. stripes saue one Thrise was I beaten with roddes I was once stoned I suffred thrise shipwrake Nyght and daye haue I been in the depe sea In iorneying often in parels of waters in parels of robbers in ieopardies of mine owne nacyon in ieoparadies among the Heathen in parels in the citie in parels in wildernesse in parels in the sea in parels among false brethren in labour and trauayle in watchynges often in hungre and thirst in fastinges often in colde nakednes beside the thynges whiche outwardly happen vnto me I am combred dayly and do care for all congregacions Who is weake and I am not weake who is offended and I burne not Yf I must nedes boaste I wyll boaste of the thynges that concerne myne infirmities The God and father of our Lorde Iesus Christe whiche is blessed for euermore knoweth that I lye not ¶ The Gospell Luk. viii WHen muche people were gathered together and were come to him out of all cityes he spake by a similitude The sower wente oute to sowe hys seede and as he sowed some fel by the way side and it was trodē downe the foules of the ayre deuoured it vp And some fell on stones assoone as it was sprong vp it withered awaye because it lacked moistenes And some fel amōg thornes and the thornes sprang vp with it and choked it And some fell on good groūd and sprang vp bare fruite an hundreth fold And as he said these thinges he cried he that hath eares to heare let him heare And hys disciples asked him sayīg what maner of similitude is this And he sayde vnto you it is geuen to knowe the secretes of the kyngdome of God but to other by parables that when they see they should not see and whē they heare they should not vnberstande The parable is thys The sede is the word of God those that are besyde the waye are they that heare then cometh the deuil and taketh away the word out of their heartes leste they shoulde beleue and bee saued They on the stones are they whiche when they heare receiue the woorde with ioye these haue no rootes which for a while beleue and in tyme of temptacyon goe awaye And that which fel amōg thornes are they which whē they haue heard go forth are choked with cares riches and voluptuous liuyng bryng forth no fruite That which fell in the good grounde are they which with a pure and good heart heare the worde and kepe it and bryng forth fruite through patience ¶ The Sunday called Quinquagesima ¶ The Collecte O Lord which doest teache vs that al our doinges without charitie are nothyng worthe sende thy holy ghost powre in our heartes that most excellent gyft of charitie the very bond of peace and al vertues without the which whosoeuer liueth is counted dead before thee Graunte this for thy only sonne Iesus Christes sake ¶ The Epistle i. Cor. xiii THoughe I speake with tongues of menne and of Aungels haue no loue I am euen as foundyng brasse or as a tinkling Cimball And thoughe I coulde prophecye and vnderstande al secretes and all knowledge yea yf I haue all faythe so that I coulde moue mountaines out of theyr places and yet haue no loue I am nothyng And thoughe I bestowe all my goodes to feede the poore and thoughe I gaue my bodye euen that I burned and yet haue no loue it profiteth we nothyng Loue suffereth long and is courteous loue enuieth not loue doth not frowardly swelleth not dealeth not dishonestly seketh not her owne is not prouoked to angre thinketh none euyll reioyseth not in iniquitie But reioyseth in the trueth suffreth all thynges beleueth all thynges hopeth all thynges hopeth all thynges endureth all thynges Thoughe that prophecying fayle eyther tonges cease or knowledge vanyshe awaye yet loue falleth neuer awaye For oure knowledge is vnperfect and our prophecying is vnperfect But when that whiche is perfecte is come then that whiche is vnperfecte shal be doone awaye When I was a childe I spake as a childe I vnderstode as a childe I ymagined as a childe But assoone as I was a manne I put awaye a childishnesse Nowe we see in a glasse euen in a darke speakyng but then shall we see face to face Nowe I knowe
and he aunswered sayd Loue the lord thy god with al thy heart and with al thy soule with all thy strength and with al thi mind and thy neighboure as thy selfe And he said vnto him Thou hast aūswered right This doe and thou shall liue But he willing to iustitie himself said vnto Ielus And who is my neyghbour Iesus aunswered and sayd A certayn man descended frō Ierusalem to Hiericho and fell among theues which robbed hym of his raiment wounded hym and departed leauing him halfe dead And it chaunced the there came down a certayne Priest thatsame way when he sam him he passed by And likewyse a Leuite when he went nie to the place came and loked on hym and passed by But a certain Samaritaine as he iourneied came vnto him and when he saw him he had compassion on him and went to and bound vp his woundes and powred in oile and wine and set him on his own beast broughte hym to a common Inne and made prouision for him And on the morow whē he departed he toke out two pence and gaue thē to the host and said vnto hym Take cure of hym and whatsoeuer thou spendest more when I come againe I wil recompence thee Which now of these three thynkeste thou was neighboure vnto him that fel among the theues And he said vnto hym he that shewed mercy on hym Then sayd Iesus to him goe and doe thou lykewyse The .xiiii. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Collect. ALmightie euerlasting god geue vnto vs the increase of faith hope and charitie and that we may obtayne that whiche thou dooeste promyse make vs to loue that which thou doest commaunde through Iesus Christe oure Lorde ¶ The Epistle Gala. v. I Saye walke in the spirite and fulfill not the lust of the fleshe For the fleshe lusteth cōtrary to the spirite and the spirite contrary to the flesh these are contrary one to the other so the ye can not doe whatsoeuer ye would But and yf ye be ledde of the spirite then are ye not vnder the lawe The dedes of the flesh are manifest whiche are these adulterye fornicaciō vnclennes wantonnes worshipping of ymages witchecraft hatred variaunce zele wrath stryfe sediciōs sectes enuying murder dronkennes gluttonye and suche lyke Of the which I tel you before as I haue tolde you in tymes past that they whiche committe suche thynges shall not be inheritours of the kyngdom of God Contrarily the fruite of the spirite is loue ioie peace long suffering gentilnes goodnes faithfullnes mekenes temperaunce Against suche there is no lawe They truely that are Christes haue crucified the fleshe with the affeccions and lustes ¶ The Gospell Luke xvii ANd it chaunced as Iesus went to Ierusalē that he passed throughe Samaria Galile And as he entred into a certaine towne there met him ten mē that wer lepers whiche stode afarre of and put forth theyr voyces and said Iesus Maister haue mercy vpō vs. When he saw them he said vnto them goe shew your selues vnto the Priestes And it came to passe that as they went they were clensed And one of them when he saw that he was clensed turned backe agayne and with a loude voice praised God and fel down on his face at his fete and gaue him thankes And thesame was a Samaritain And Iesus aunswered sayd Are there not ten clensed but where are those nine There are not founde that returned agayne to geue God prayse saue onely thys straunger And be sayed vnto hym Aryse goe thy waye thy fayth hath made thee whole The .xv. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Collect. KEpe we beseche thee O Lorde thy Churche wyth thy perpetual mercy and because the frailtie of man without thee cannot but fal kepe vs euer by thy helpe leade vs to al thinges profitable to our saluaciō through Iesus Christ out Lorde Amen ¶ The Epistle Gala. vi YE see howe large a letter I haue written to you with myne own hande As many as desyre with outwarde apperaunce to please carnally thesame constrayne you to be circumcysed onely lest they should suffre persecucion for the crosse of Christe For they themselues whiche are circumcised kepe not the lawe but desyre to haue you circumcised the they might reioice in your fleshe God forbid that I should reioyce but in the crosse of our Lord Iesu Christ whereby the worlde is crucifyed vnto me and I vnto the world For in Christ Iesu neither circumcision auaileth any thyng at al nor vncircumcision but a new creature And as many as walke accordīg vnto this rule peace be on thē and mercy and vpon Israel that pertaineth to God From henceforth let no man put me to busines for I beare in my body the markes of the lord Iesu Brethren the grace of our Lord Iesu Christ be with youre spirite Amen ¶ The Gospell Mat. vi NO man can serue two Maisters for either he shall hate the one and loue the other or elles leane to the one and despise the other ye cannot serue god and Mammō Therefore I say vnto you be not careful for your lyfe what ye shall eate or drinke nor yet for youre body what raymente you shall putte on Is not the lyfe more worth them meate and the body more of value then raymente Beholde the foules of the ayre for they sowe not neither doe thei reape nor cary into the barnes and your heauenly father fedeth them Are ye not much better then they Which of you by takyng carefull thoughte can adde one cubyte vnto hys stature And why care ye for raymente Considre the lilies of the fielde how they growe They laboure not neither doe they spinne And yet I saye vnto you that euen Salomon in al his royaltie was not clothed lyke one of these Wherefore yf God so clothe the grasse of the field which though it stande to daye is to morowe cast into the fornace shall he not muche more doe the same for you O ye of litle faythe Therefore take no thought saying what shal we eate or what shal we drinke or wherwith shall we be clothed after all these thynges doe the Gentiles seke For your heauēly father knoweth that ye haue nede of all these thynges But rather seeke ye fyrste the kingdom of God and the ryghteousnesse therof and al these thynges shall bee ministred vnto you Care not then for the morowe for to morow day shall care for it selfe sufficyente vnto the daye is the trauaile therof The .xvi. Sundaye after Trinitie ¶ The Collecte LOrd we beseche thee lette thy continuall pitie clense and defende thy congregacion and because it cannot contynue in safetie withoute thy succoure preserue it euermore by thy helpe and goodnes through Iesus Christ our Lorde ¶ The Epistle Ephe. iii. I Desire that you faint not because of my tribulacions that I suffre for your sakes which is your praise For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of oure Lorde