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A94353 Elijah's mantle: or, The remaines of that late worthy and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. John Tillinghast. Viz. I. The conformity of a saint to the will of God. On Act. 21.14. II. The will of God and Christ concerning sinners. On Gal. 1.4. III. No condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. On Rom. 8.1. IV. Christs love to his owne. On Joh. 13.1. V. True gospel humiliation. On Zach. 12.10. VI. The most effectual means to kill and subdue sin. On 1 Joh. 2.2 VII. The advocateship of Jesus Christ, a great ground of saints comfort and support under sins and infirmities. On 1 Joh. 2.2. VIII. The only way for saints to be delivered from the errors and evils of the times. On 1 Tim. 6.11. IX. Of the Old Covenant, from Gal. 4.30. being so farre as the author had proceeded, in a treatise of the two covenants, before his death. Published by his owne notes. Tillinghast, John, 1604-1655.; Manning, John, d. 1694. 1658 (1658) Wing T1172; Thomason E1557_1; ESTC R203796 263,858 498

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of his care and love towards his sheep expressed in his knowing owning of them preserving them bringing them to his fold and laying down his life for them concludes all with this This commandement have I received of my Father As if hee should say It is my Fathers Commandement that I should take care of own my sheep bring them into the fold dye for them Now this will and command of the Father it cannot but have special influence upon Jesus Christ to make him willing to save sinners especially it we do but consider two things 1 That this command of the Father it was a special command given to Christ as hee was Mediator or as he was our second Adam As the first Adam had one special command over and above the Moral Law which was written in his heart in his first Creation viz. of not eating the forbidden fruit which was given him as godly men speak over and besides all the ten Commandements to bee a trial a signe or symbole of his obedience to all the rest so as that by his eating or not eating of the forbidden fruit God would judge of all his other obedience So this command of dying to save sinners it was a special Law given to Christ as second Adam over and above the Moral Law which is common to him and us to be as a sign or symbole of his obedience to all Gods other commands so that had Christ failed here God would have accounted him obedient in nothing Yea God the Father layes this upon Christ that look as hee did expect his love hee should bee mindful to perform this his command and therefore from his obedience hereunto hee comforts himself in his Fathers love that hee did love him Joh. 10.17 18. Therefore doth my Father love mee because I lay down my life that I might take it again No man taketh it from mee but I lay it down of my selfe have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again This Commandement have I received of my Father 2 That this will or command of the Father it remains and is infull force even to the last day so long as there are any poor sinners whom the Father hath given to Christ unsaved as Joh. 6.39 40. And this is the Fathers will which hath sent me that of all which hee hath given mee I should lose nothing but should raise it up again at the last day And this is the will of him that sent mee that every one which seeth the Son and beleeveth on him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day Christ cannot quit himself of this command untill the last day till such time as hee hath brought all those souls whom the Father will have to bee saved into Heaven 2 Because not onely his Fathers command but his own interest is much ingaged in the salvation of sinners and therefore hee must needs bee willing Every one is willing with that wherein his own interest lyes 1 The interest of his honour and advancement hee should lose much of his honour should not sinners bee saved It is a dishonour to take a work in hand and not go through with it it argues either want of ability or unfaithfulness Christ hath taken the work in hand There is a twofold glory that Christ hath a Personal glory and a Mediatory glory which undoubtedly is and shall bee a very great addition to Christs personal glory of which Christ speaks Joh. 17.10 And all mine are thine and thine are mine and I am glorified in them As a Prince may have a twofold glory by noble birth and noble atchievements and the latter is a great addition to the former Now though Christ should have his personal glory though sinners should never bee saved yet his glory as Mediator that should bee lost 2 Of his Pleasure Christ takes abundance of pleasure in the salvation of sinners as Prov. 8.30 31. Then was I by him as one brought up with him and I was daily his delight rejoycing alwayes before him rejoycing in the habitable part of his earth and my delights were with the sons of men Joh. 4.34 Jesus saith unto them My meat is to do the will of him that sent mee and to finish his worke Luke 10.21 In that houre Jesus rejoyced in Spirit and said I thanke thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight compared with 17. and 18. verses And the seventy returned again with joy saying Lord even the Devils are subject unto us through thy Name and hee said unto them I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven Now should hee not bee willing to save them all this should bee lost 3 Of his gain this should bee lost should hee not bee willing to save sinners because Christ can put his death to no other use For a man to give much for a thing which can bee put but to one use and when hee hath it not to put it to that use but resolve the contrary is to throw his mony on the Dung-hill Now Christ can put his blood to no other use it cannot bee laid out for the use of Angels because it was a sacrifice offered up in anothers nature and not in theirs Heb. 2.16 For verily hee tooke not on him the nature of Angels but hee took on him the seed of Abraham yea the good Angels though they are confirmed by Christ yet is it not by Christ as Mediator but by Christs personal mediation Christ is head of Principalities and Powers but not as hee is Mediator so onely hee is head of the Church but as hee is the second person should Christ bee head to them as Mediator there would bee no difference betwixt Christ being a head to Angels and men And as for the bad Angels they are excluded from it so that Christs blood can bee put to no other use 4 Of his Fathers love for his Fathers love seems to bee linked to his obedience in this particular as Joh. 10.17 18. Therefore doth my Father love mee because I lay down my life that I might take it again c. This Commandement have I received of my Father These four things wherein chiefly mens interesses do lye viz. their credit honour or advancement their pleasure profit and love of friends Christ should lose all these should hee not bee willing that sinners should bee saved 3 Because the several offices of Christ would bee in a great part frustrated should not Christ bee willing to have poor sinners saved As for the Prophetical office what use would there bee of his teaching either outwardly by sending forth Messengers and Ambassadors or inwardly by his Spirit were hee not willing sinners should bee saved except it were to aggravate mens condemnation onely For the Priestly office what use would there bee of Christs
therefore saith it because it is Law but here it is Law because he saies it If you should have a Cause upon the trial and should have assurance of these three things First That you have the ablest and most faithful Counsellor to mannage your businesse that the whole Kingdome doth afford Secondly That the Principles of Justice give the Cause unto you and Thirdly That the Law in the whole and every part of it is of your side how confident would you bee that you should carry it Sinners there is never a Cause that you entrust the Lord Jesus Christ with but you shall have assurance of all these things first that you have the best the mostable and faithful Advocate which Heaven or Earth affords and then that both the Principles of Justice and the Law are for you for whatever cause it is Christ pleads be hath both these of his side 6 He is such an Advocate as hath the Judge of the Court of his side it is no little priviledge to have the Judge of a mans side a Counsellor befriended may speak when another shall have his mouth shut Jesus Christ hath the Judge of the Court where he pleads on his side being his Father and therefore Christ is befriended when the Devil shall bee commanded silence and have his mouth stopt then Christ shall have free liberty to speak and plead his Cause 7 Hee is a prosperous and successful Advocate such an Advocate as ever hath and doth carry his Clients Cause Should you hear of an Atturney or Counsellor that never took Cause in hand but carried it what flocking think you would there be from one end of the Country to the other to such a man such a one should not want practice Beloved Christ is such an Advocate which never yet took up Cause but carried it and therefore he is Jesus a Saviour such an Advocate as hath and doth save his Clients harmlesse O let him not want practice bring O bring your Causes to him 3 Whose Cause it is that Jesus Christ as an Advocate pleads Ans 1. Not the cause of all men John 17.9 I pray for them I pray not for the world but for them which thou hast given me for they are thine Though there are Advocates for a Town or Corporation of County yet never was there such an Advocate heard of as was to plead the Causes of all the World Christ is no such Advocate But. 2 The Causes Christ pleads are the Causes of the Elect these whom the Father hath given Christ now the Elect of God are either such as are for the present in their unregenerate estate yet in Gods secret Decree of election or else such as are regenerated the Causes of both these Christ pleads such of Gods Elect which are not regenerated he pleads for them that they might be converted and by reason of this intercession of Christ the patience of God bears with them all the time of their unregenerate condition such as are regenerated he pleads for them and by vertue of this intercession they are preserved their Graces are quickned their Corruptions mortified they comforted strengthened c. both these are set forth in that place of Iohn 17.20 Neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shal beleeve on me through their word First He prayes for Disciples converted Secondly for those that were to bee converted 4 What those things are that Christ intercedes for Ans 1. Hee pleads for his Church and people in general 1 He pleads for the peace welfare and prosperity of his Churches Zach. 1.12 Then the Angel of the Lord answered and said O Lord of Hosts how long wilt thou not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the Cities of Judah against which thou hast had indignation these threescore and ten years The Church was at present in a low condition in the bottome as vers 8. the Enemies of God did ride the backs of the people of God Christ in this condition pleads for his Church vers 12. and what hee pleaded for you may perceive by the answer he hath vers 13 14 15 16 17. And the Lord answered the Angel that talked with me with good words and comfortable words so the Angel that communed with me said unto me cry thou saying Thus saith the Lord of Hosts I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousie and I am very sore displeased with the Heathen that are at ease for I was but a little displeased and they helped forward the affliction Therefore thus saith the Lord I am returned to Jerusalem with mercies my House shall be built in it saith the Lord of Hosts and a line shall bee stretched forth upon Jerusalem cry yet saying Thus saith the Lord of Hosts my Cities through prosperity shall yet bee spread abroad and the Lord shall yet comfort Sion and shall yet chuse Jerusalem 2 He pleads for the union of his Saints and Churches Ioh. 17.21 That they all may be one as thou Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us that the world may beleeve that thou hast sent me How should this stirre up Saints in divided times to union doth Christ plead for union above and shall we wrangle below Doth he endeavour it with his Father and shall not wee endeavour it with one another 2 He pleads for particular Souls 1 He pleads for Gods forbearance of them in an unconverted estate Luke 13.8 And he answering said unto him Lord let it alone this year also till I shall digge about it and dung it 2 He pleads for their conversion Luk. 23.34 Then said Iesus Father forgive them for they know not what they doe 3 He pleads that they might bee delivered from the evils of the World Iohn 17.15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil 4 He pleads for upholding Grace in temptation Luke 22.31 32. And the Lord said Simon Simon behold Satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as Wheat but I have prayed for thee that thy faith faile not 5 He pleads for the Comforter to bee given to them Joh. 14.16 And I will pray the Father and hee shall give you another Comforter 6 He pleads for his continuance with them Joh. 14.16 That hee may abide with you for ever 7 He pleads for their perseverance Joh. 17.11 And now I am no more in the world but these are in the world and I am come to thee holy Father keep through thine owne Name those whom thou hast given mee that they may bee one as we are 8 He pleads for their Sanctification vers 17. Sanctifie them through thy truth thy Word is truth 9 He pleads for their glorification vers 24. Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given mee 5 The manner of his pleading
1 He presents the persons of his Saints before his Father saith Christ such a thing I plead for and behold here is the Person see what hee is in how near relation to me they are those that thou hast given me they are mine and they are thine see Lord they are no other I speak for 2 Hee presents all the wants of his Saints he spreads these before God Lord they want preserving grace persevering sanctifiing c. 3 He presents his owne merits and righteousnesse before his Father Lord saith Christ is there no righteousness in this poor sinner behold here is righteousness Doth thy Justice require satisfaction behold here it is I have glorified thee it may bee Lord these sin and dishonour thee but I have glorified thee 4 Hee mannageth their cause as his own in his own Name Hee takes up their cause and saith Lord their cause is my cause it is the cause I am ingaged in and have dyed for Joh. 17.10 I am glorified in them as to say Lord if it were onely for them indeed thou mightest deny mee but their cause is my cause their cause and mine their glory and mine is linked together 5 Hee useth arguments with the Father hee doth not barely plead but useth arguments What arguments in John 17. the pattern of Christs Intercession in heaven doth Christ use with his Father vers 6 7 8 9 10 11 c. Hee answers all the Objections that Satan brings against poor souls See Zach. 3.1 2. And hee shewed mee Joshua the high Priest standing before the Angel of the Lord and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him And the Lord said unto Satan The Lord rebuke thee O Satan even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee is not this a brand plucked out of the fire 6 Hee useth authority in pleading Joh. 17.14 Father I will hee layes a kinde of heavenly command as I may say upon the Father hee leaves his petitions as his will which must bee fulfilled 6 The Prevalency of Christs Intercession 1 The person pleading is a great person Heb. 4.14 a great High Priest and that in a threefold respect First great indignity such will bee heard hee is King of Kings Secondly great in power and so able to give whatsoever hee pleads for and therefore undoubtedly will not let his prayers bee lost All power is given to mee So Joh. 14.13 14. And whatsoever yee shall aske in my Name that will I do that the Father may bee glorified in the Son If yee shall aske any thing in my Name I will do it If anything in heaven or in earth bee useful for Saints hee can command all Thirdly great in favour with God long acquaintance makes persons great in favour Christ was from eternity brought up with the Father near relation makes persons great in favour and Christ is the onely childe of God A man that is great in favour will prevail when another cannot 2 The person hee pleads with is his Father Hee is Gods Son his onely Son the pleading of a Son is very prevalent with his Father This the Apostle makes use of Heb. 4.14 Seeing then that wee have a great High Priest that is passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast our profession Yea hee is such a Son as was ever obedient to his Father and hee pleads this his obedience Had you a childe that never angred you and hee should come and say Father I never angered you I pray do not deny mee such a request could you deny him when all the servants in the house cannot procure such a thing to bee done the Son doth but come and say Pray Father let it bee done and it is done Jesus Christ cannot but prevail because it is his Father hee pleads with 3 The cause hee pleads is a cause of Justice Many times when a great person or one in near relation to the Judge pleads though his cause bee unjust yet hee carries it what then will Christs pleading do who is so great in so near relation to the Judge and hath a just cause too think you Will not hee prevail 4 The person hee pleads with is our Father which further shews the prevalency of Christs Intercession If a Father have a childe hee loves dearly a little intreating will make him willing to do any thing for his good But now if another dearly beloved Son should come and plead for this childe with his father and the childes Father too how prevalent would that plea bee 5 God hath appointed him this as his office to plead Hee is an Advocate called by God Heb. 5.4 5. And no man taketh this honour unto himself but hee that is called of God as was Aaron So also Christ glorified not himself to bee made an high Priest Psal 2. Ask of me God would never have put Christ into this office were hee not willing to bee prevailed with whensoever Christ pleads God remembers that hee put Christ into this office and this makes his pleading very prevalent 6 God is as willing to give those things hee pleads for as hee is to plead for them If a man bee but willing to give there needs not much argument to prevail saith Christ Joh. 16.26 27. I say not I will pray the Father for you for the Father himself loveth you as to say I do not say that you shall have all meerly because I pray as if the Father were unwilling and my praying made him willing no nor so The Father himself loveth you and is willing to give you mercy though I pray not as to say I need not to pray for any want of love that is in the Fathers heart to you or willingness to give mercy if that were all I need never pray How willing then must hee needs bee when I pray 7 Why Christ is a Saints Advocate 1 Reason Because it is a part of his office viz. his Priestly office and Christ will not have any of his Offices lye vacant 2 Because it is much for Christs honour that the whole work of our salvation from first to last should bee so mannaged as that hee should still have a hand in it and every part thereof 8 How this makes for our support and comfort against and under all our sinnes and infirmities Answ In these three things 1 By Christs Advocateship God the Father is put in continual remembrance of that full and satisfactory sacrifice which was once offered for sin Hence Christ who intercedes for ever Heb. 7. his blood is said to speake Heb. 12.24 And to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel How did Abels blood speake Not with an audible voyce but by a teal representing Cains sin before God the Father 2 By Christs Advocateship there is a continual application of pardon to the soul Christs death did purchase his intercession doth apply and the application of pardon although it were perfected at once yet it
revelation proved p. 266 267 Vse 1. See hence what great obligations lye upon persons living under the Gospel Administration to be holy p. 267 Vse 2. This shews how great is their evil who take occasion from the grace of God to sin p. 268 Obs 2. That the discovery of the Grace of God in the Gospel towards sinners is the most effectual means of killing and subduing sin p. 269 270 The reasons of the Point p. 271. to 280 Vse 1. See how the grace of God is wronged in the world when men cry out this is your preaching of Free Grace what comes of it but to make a company of Hippocrites to make persons loose and prophane p. 281 Vse 2. Then wouldest thou overcome thy sins study the grace of God more ibid. 7 The Advocateship of Jesus Christ a great ground of Saints comfort and support under sins and infirmities On 1 Joh 2.2 The Text opened p. 287 Doct. The best and dearest of Gods Children are not priviledged from sin whilst they are here p. 288 Quest Why doth God suffer sin to be in his people answered in several particulars ibid. Vse Be not discouraged at the sight and feeling of sin in thee p. 290 Doct. The Advocateship of Jesus Christ now he is in Heaven is a great ground of comfort and support to Saints against and under all their sins and infirmities ibid. What the Office of an Advocate is p. 291 What manner of Advocate Christ is p. 292. to 298 Whose cause it is that Jesus Christ as an Advocate pleads ibid. What those things are that Jesus Christ pleads for p. 299. to 301 The manner of his pleading p. 301 302 The prevalency of Christs intercession p. 303 304 Why Christ is a Saints Advocate p. 305 How this makes for the Saints support and comfort p. 305 306 What we way learn hence as our duty p. 306 to 308 8 The only way for Saints to be delivered from the errours and evils of the times In two Sermons on 1 Tim. 6.11 Serm. I. The Text opened p. 309 Doct. The only and special way for a Saint to be delivered from the errours and evils of the times hee lives in is to have his heart as much as may be taken up with and his spirit exercised about high and spiritual things p. 310. This proved p. 310. to 313 What is meant by Spiritual things p. 313. to 319 Obj. Must a Saint only be exercised about Spiritual things are there not some external things which a Saint must exercise himself in and about answered p. 319. to 322 Obj. Will you deny all study of these things may not I study them at least to get satisfaction if it may be had concerning them or in case there bee any truth in them if possible to finde it out answered p. 322. to 326 Serm. II. The reasons of the Point p. 328. to 331 Vse 1. Hence we may learn what is the grand cause of all those errours and evils which swarm and abound in this our age p. 331 332 Vse 2. This tells us That there are many who yet are not humbled that stand upon slippery ground and will tumble in time if they doe not come off it p. 333 Vse 3. Wouldest thou be delivered from the dangerous errours and evils of the times and places thou dost live in imbrace this remedy get thy heart exercised in and taken up with Spiritual things p. 334 Motives to perswade to this p. 335. to 339 Quest How shall I come to have my heart taken up with spiritual things answered p. 340. to 344 9 Of the Old Covenant from Gal. 4.30 The Preface to the ensuing Discourse by a friend to the Author p. 345. to 359 The text opened p. 360 361 The Types unvailed and opened p. 362. to 364 Some general Positions Posit 1. That the application of Abrahams History c. to the two Covenants is a thing that stands upon Divine warrant p. 365 Posit 2. That the two Covenants are two divers and distinct Covenants not one under two Administrations ibid. Posit 3. That the ground of this distinction doth not lye in regard of time c. ibid. Four Notes from this Position p. 366. to 368 Posit 4. That the two Covenants are not two divers Covenants of Grace p. 369 Posit 5. That the two Covenants in the matters of our Justification and Salvation ought not to be confounded or joyned together but to bee separated at the greatest distance ibid. Quest When are the Covenants mixt or joyned together answered p. 369 370 Two things in the Text a Definitive Sentence the reason of it p. 371 Quest What are we to understand by the Old Covenant answered p. 372. to 375 Quest Whether are we to understand this of the whole Law or of a part only answered ibid. Eight Arguments to prove that not only the Ceremonial and Political Law but the Moral also appertaines to the Old Covenant p. 376. to 381 Obj. That by proving the Moral Law to belong to the Old Covenant and affirming the Old Covenant is to be cast out wee have destroyed and made voyd the Moral Law c. answered p. 382 Quest What is that of the Moral Law which doth appertaine to the Bond-woman and what that which appertaines to the Free-woman answered p. 383 Quest What was that which once was in the Moral Law as the Old Covenant which now by Christs bringing the same into the New Covenant is no longer in it Againe what is that that the Moral Law notwithstanding this its translation from the Old Covenant to the New doth still retaine of what it had before c. answered p. 385. to 390 Several useful Lessons arising from this double consideration of the Moral Law 1 We may learn how to reconcile such Scriptures as seeme to have opposition and contradiction in them about the Law p. 391. to 393 2 That the Moral Law doth still remaine as a Rule to Saints even in Gospel times this proved by Fourteen Arguments p. 394 to 401 3 That the very same work or duty for the substance or matter of it done by one may be a legal work done by another an Evangelical p. 402 403 4 That a true Beleever as he doth not expect life and salvation from his obedience to the Law so should he not fear death and condemnation either by his falling short in obedience or by his disobedience p. 404 Obj. Such a Principle as this doth open a wide gap to all manner of licentiousnesse answered p. 405 406 Q. 2. What kind of Covenant this Old Covenant is That the Old Covenant cannot bee a Covenant of Grace proved by thirteen Arguments p. 408. to 414 That it cannot be the same with the New proved by six Reasons p. 414 415 That the Old and the New cannot be two distinct Covenants of Grace p. 416. Hence learn 1 That it is not safe for us to take up Principles meerly from men though ever so good men and able p.
blowes up the designe of Satan Peters heart yea and his sin too for mark how bold afterwards is Peter above all and how fearful of being confident 2 Consider That as all things work together for good to Saints so there is gaine comes to them in the end and that by their corruptions I might here name all those I mentioned about temptation but that I forbear to multiply There is this gaine 1 It keeps the soul humble 2 Makes it look to strength without Put case my condition is clouded and thereby my whole life made discomfortable to me how shall I submit to the Will of God in that Ans 1. Consider thy case in this is not worse than hath been the case of Gods owne Children as Asaph Heman yea of Christ himself 2 Consider It may be thou didst abuse comforts when thou hadst them either 1 By Idolizing them or 2 VVaxing wanton under them as the Prodigall Son 3 Consider it may be thy clouding may but be a preparative to greater refreshings Joh. 17.19 20 21 22. And for their sakes I sanctifie my self that they also might be sanctified through the Truth neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shall beleeve on me through their word that they all may be one as thou Father art in me and I in thee that they also may bee one in us that the world may beleeve that thou hast sent me and the glory which thou gavest me I have given them that they may be one even as we are one 4 Consider That God doth thee no wrong though he cloud thy condition all thy dayes here whilst he gives thee Heaven hereafter 5 Consider That so long as thy soul in this condition is kept up from sinking it argues a secret supporting presence to be with thee though a sensible comforting presence is absent submit to Gods Will to want one whilst hee gives the other 6 Consider That it is a thing better that my condition should sometimes be dark than that it should always be clear 1 Because by a mans being sometimes dark he knowes how to prize light more A man that hath laine in a dark Dungeon knowes better how to prize the liberty of the Sunshine than another 2 Uncertainty of a mans condition puts a man upon search of his heart more then it may bee else he would hereby discoveries are made of corruptions which it may be else he had not found out Hereby he findes out it may bee the way by which he was led into this darkness which is a thing of great use to others and a mans self as a man that hath once sayled a dangerous Sea and found out the Shelves and Rocks this knowledge attained is of great use to himself and others 3 By being sometimes in the dark thou knowest how experimentally to have a sympathy with others in that condition Hebrews 5.2 Who can have compassion on the ignorant and on them that are out of the way for that he himself also is compassed with infirmities A man that hath been in misery knows how to pity another in it 4 By being sometimes in the dark thou art taught this lesson That discoveries of Cods face and presence are all of grace it is not in thine owne power to attain or maintaine them Psal 30.6 7. And in my prosperity I said I shall never be moved Lord by thy favour thou hast made my mountaine to stand strong thou didst hide thy face and I was troubled 5 By being sometimes in the dark God lets thee see something of the difference here betwixt Heaven and Hell and thereby thou comest to see the greatness of grace in delivering thee from the one and keeping thee to the other 6 By being sometimes in the dark many graces are tried which could never be tried wert thou alwaies in the light as 1. Faith 2. Patience 3. Contentedness 4. Love 5. Self-denial c. THE Will of GOD and CHRIST Concerning Sinners IN ONE SERMON ON Gal. 1.4 Who gave himself for our sins that hee might deliver us from this present evil world according to the Will of God and our Father TWo great things are handled in this Epistle as the principal parts thereof Justification and Sanctification Both these the Apostle compriseth in this verse Who gave himself for our sins here 's Justification That he might deliver us from this present evill world i.e. from all the evill and corruption which reignes in this present world and the children thereof and purifie us to himselfe a peculiar people zealous of goods works here 's our Sanctification Both which as they are willed and effected by Jesus Christ so also are they agreeable to the will of the Father He gave himself for our sins that hee might deliver us from this present evill world this was agreeable to the will of the Father according to the will of God and our Father In the words wee have 1 The close or harmony of the will of God and Christ in one and the same thing What Christ wills and effects that is the will of the Father 2 Two results or determinations of their wills thus closing 1 That sinners should have their sins done away and be saved The will of Christ who gave himselfe i. e. to bring this about he gave himself up to dye And this is likewise the will of the Father According to the will of God 2 That sinners should bee delivered from this present evil world and bee sanctified This is the will of Christ hee gave himself that hee might bring this about it was one special thing hee aimed at in giving himself for our sinnes and also the Fathers according to the will of God and our Father For the last clause According to the will of God hath reference to all the former both Christs giving himself for our sins and delivering us from the present evill world Doct. The great Lesson that lies before us in these words is That the Salvation and Sanctification of poor sinners is the will of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ Quest If you ask mee What will of God do you now speak of when you say thus The secret will or the revealed Ans I answer I speak of both it is both the secret will of God that sinners should be saved and the revealed also Yea the Apostle in those words According to the will of God intends both as is clear in that hee speaks of that will by which the Lord Christ was designed to dye that hee might justifie and sanctifie his people Now this was the secret will and revealed will both for in either Christ was and is designed to this work And indeed although wee make a distinction between these yet are they not two but one will whereof that which wee call the secret will is properly the act and that which wee call the revealed will the publication or declaration thereof Now as the enacting of a Law and publishing of
it is not two Laws but one So it is here And hence it follows that rightly understood they cannot bee contrary each to other but must of necessity agree because they are one for were they contrary they then should cease to bee one Yea they should not onely cease to bee one but cease to bee contraries destroy each other for authority to enact a Law to bee thus and thus and contradict the same in the publication thereof makes both a nullity So that our Conclusion is this viz. The Salvation and Sanctification of sinners is the will of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ This General I shall branch out into two particulars 1 That it is the will of God and Christ sinners should be saved It is the will of God and Christ sinners should be sanctified 1 Both God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ are exceedingly willing and earnestly and truly desirous that poor sinners should be saved This is proved Joh. 6.37 38 39 40. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out For I came down from heaven not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me And this is the Fathers will which hath sent me that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing but should raise it up again at the last day And this is the will of him that sent me that every one which seeth the Son and beleeveth on him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day Where we have the will of God and Christ set forth in several particulars 1 Christs will manifested 1 By his resolvednesse to entertain all poor sinners coming to him vers 37. I will in no wise not not i. e. nothing in the world shall ever make mee cast out that soul 2 By his great and long journey undertaken for and about their salvation vers 38. I came down from Heaven as to say do poor sinners doubt of my will to save them I do faithfully ingage my self to do it yea let them but consider what a long journey I have made about this work 2 God the Fathers will is shewed 1 By his act of Donation or giving of poor sinners to Christ putting them over into his hands to save them vers 37. All that the Father giveth me 2 By his mission of Jesus Christ vers 38. But the will of him that sent me which is put rather upon God the Fathers will than Christs not as if Christ had been unwilling but onely to convince poor sinners how much and how exceedingly the will of God the Father is in the thing as well as Christs Christ having before expressed his own willingnesse now assures them that hee could not bee more willing than his Father was yea of the two if any hee would make them beleeve that his Fathers will was firstly and mostly in the business 3 By that double charge that the Father layes upon the Son at his sending of him away 1 That none of those be lost which hee had committed to him vers 39. This is the Fathers will which hath sent me that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing as to say My Son I put over sinners to you commit them to your care and keeping look you to it that none of those I commit to you bee lost but that they bee all forth-coming in the day when I shall require them for I give them to you and I shall expect tale of them all from you again 2 That to every one beleeving on him hee should give eternal life vers 40. This is the will of him that sent me that every one which seeth the Son and beleeveth on him may have eternal life As to say My Son I send you down on earth among a company of poor sinners and when you come there you shall finde many poor sinners will beleeve on you this therefore is that I would have you to minde when you are gone and think of it as my will whosoever hee is that shall beleeve on you give him eternal life I charge you reject none but whoever hee bee give him eternal life This will of God and Christ in the salvation of poor sinners wee have also Heb. 10.7 8 9. Lo I come here is the will of Christ to do thy will O God here is the will of the Father When God said Sacrifice and offering I wil have no longer these will never satisfie my justice nor throughly save sinners whom I will have to bee saved but I have prepared and fitted thee to bee a sacrifice then saith Christ Lo I come here am I Father if sacrifice and offering will not do it here am I Father take my blood if that will do it or punish mee as thou wilt so that sinner may bee saved To this agree those words of Christ to his Disciples Joh 4.34 My meat here is the will of Christ shewed in his delight is to do the will of him that sent me here is the will of the Father And upon what occasion were these words spoken why upon occasion of the converting of a poor woman To our purpose likewise are those words of Christ spoken Joh. 17. in his last prayer to his Father vers 24. Father I will here is the will of Christ that those whom thou hast given me here is the will of the Father And very observable it is that as God the Father gave the Son a charge and command when hee went down to the earth that of all those which hee had given him hee should lose none Now Jesus Christ having done his work on earth and throughly saved them hee comes as it were in a way of commanding to his Father as if hee should say O Righteous Father you gave me a charge when I left heaven that of all those you had given mee I should lose none this command O righteous Father I have obeyed and of those which thou hast given mee I have lost none And now O Father I come to thee and this is my will which I will have to bee done that those whom thou hast given mee may bee with mee where I am Thus God and Christ seem as it were to command each other as though there were some unwillingnesse in either which is not so there being nothing that the hearts of both breathe more earnestly after than the salvation of poor sinners but onely speaking by way of condescention to our capacities to make us poor creatures sensible how exceeding willing they are to have poor sinners saved they speak thus The Father to shew his willingnesse layes a command upon Jesus Christ and doth as it were hasten him out of heaven about the work though yet there was no need of this it being the joy of his soul and his very meat and drinke to save sinners The Son likewise to shew his willingnesse having done his
So come to a Gospel-soul who hath this Son-like disposition wrought within him and ask him Why doe you pray so often and read the Word and spend so much time in running to Sermons and are so exact in your walking and conversing with men Why saith a Gospel-soul all this is my Fathers work and I love my Father Love is the great Gospel-motive as Fear the great Legal 4 The manifestation or discovery of the love of God to the soul As the Son-like disposition which is natural moves a Saint to obedience and holy walking so the manifestation or discovery of the great love of God without towards him whilst hee was a miserable sinner and rebel against God is very efficacious in a poor Soul that sees and beholds the same to bring him to obedience and holiness of life and conversation for hereby his love is set on work love is the begetter of love the love of God to us the begetter of our love to him We love him because he loved us first A poor sinner that was yesterday the last week or month in his sins hanging over Hell in the fetters of the Devil God comes to him and by the word of his grace layes hold of him snatcheth him out of his sins out of the Devils fetters and sets him out of the reach of Condemnation and then saith God now O Sinner behold and see what a miserable condition the last week or month thou wast in and what a blessed condition through my love towards thee thou now art in the Soul seeing this stands amazed and saith the Soul Lord seeing thy love towards mee hath been and is so great behold here I am now will I be thy Servant for ever whereas I have all my daies hitherto been at the command of the Devil and mine owne Lusts now Lord behold I am at thy command command me what thou wilt This Paul speaks of 2 Cor. 5.14 For the love of Christ constraineth us as if he should say Would you know the reason why we which are Beleevers do not live to our selves serve the World our Lusts and Pleasures as you see others doe O there is all the reason in the world for it for when wee were Rebels Traytors Enemies to God dead in sins God then out of his infinite love gave his Son and Christ out of his infinite love dyed for us and the thoughts of this so great and unspeakable love doth so constraine us that we cannot but judge it the most equal and meet thing in the world that henceforth we should not live unto our selves but solely and alone to him that dyed for us 5 The certainty of the blessedness of a Saints eternal condition This is a very prevailing motive to know and beleeve that our eternal condition already taken care for by our Father and made so sure and out of doubt that neither Heaven nor Earth Men or Angels can ever deprive us of the blessednesse thereof When a poor Soul called to a duty comes to see that now the question is not about his Salvation whether God will save him or not for that is determined already God having chosen him and called him to be an Heir thereof and given him the seal or earnest thereof in his owne heart but only about his dutifulnesse whether he shall be a loving dutiful Childe and please his Father or an undutiful and grieve him O then saith the Soul doth the question indeed lye here Is there no question at all about my Salvation but hath God and my Father so provided for that that that is out of doubt Is this the question whether I shal be a dutiful Child or no and O shal I not be one Should I not be a Wretch indeed and worse than a Beast if for all this unspeakable love I should returne nothing but unkindness to my Father Hath God taken care that I shall not be punished in Hell and shall not I take care that he be not grieved in my heart Hath he taken care about my eternal good and shall not I about his glory I dare say were wee much in actual contemplation of this and our thoughts did but roule hereupon that wee stand reconciled to God in Christ Heaven is ours c. did we but when ever wee are called to any duty or tempted to sin take a little time before wee close with either to recollect our selves of the love of God in this thing and to get our faith a little upon the wing and our hearts warmed herewith we should never demeane our selves so basely and unworthily towards God and in the things of God as oft we doe our hearts would never bee so lively to sin and dead to duty as they are I am perswaded that put the case a poor Soul were much over-mastered with the prevalency of some Lust or Corruption if when he felt it stirre hee could look the same in the face and in faith say to it O my Corruption though I should now yeeld to thee yet this is certaine I shall never perish for the business of my Salvation is not now to bee cared for but that is past and over done and cannot bee reversed I say I am perswaded that this very saying this by faith would give a more deadly blow to sin than all the terrours of Conscience and the Law the fears of Hell and Damnation Legal promises Vowes and Covenants either will or can doe and this were hee able at such time in faith to say it hee should know and feele by experience So put the case a Beleever were under some violent Temptation could hee look Satan in the face and say thou wretched Devil thou wouldest tempt me to this and the other evil to grieve God but what a foole art thou for should I yeeld unto thee thy end would never be accomplished for thou shalt never have me I shall never perish the saying this in faith would more silence the tempter and suppresse temptations than can be done in any other way This therefore is a strong motive to Gospel-Holiness and such a one that I dare boldly say that the Soul that hath found his love and obedience at any time flowing from hence i. e. hath had a firme perswasion in his Spirit that Heaven was his and from this perswasion hath been stirred up to doe the will of God and hath gone about the same with more cheerfulnesse and delight than at another time may conclude that his obedience is a fruit of the Gospel and walking after the Gospel for how can it be legal seeing 1 Here is no working from slavish fear for what servile feare can there bee when I know before-hand that my condition is sure it doth not hang upon my working when I know before-hand that I am delivered from wrath and because I am delivered from wrath therefore I doe obey yet put the case I should not obey though being delivered from wrath I shall obey yet cannot my disobedience
failings in one thing or other It is a divine maxime there is no man that doth good and sinneth not All have sinned and come short of the glory of God Jew and Gentile saith the Apostle are all under sin Quest But why doth God suffer sinne to bee in his people Answ God hath many gracious ends in it as 1 To keep them humble Paul had a thorne in the flesh that hee might not bee exalted above measure Spiritual pride is one of the Saints greatest enemies God therefore suffers sin to bee in his that so they might bee kept low that they might alwayes see something in them as a ground or matter of humiliation something that they might bee continually reflecting upon to keep them low 2 To teach them to live by faith Should there bee no sin in us there would not bee that need of faith and of living by faith that by reason hereof there is The more a Christian falls the more hee is taught to live by faith When I see righteousness in my self I am prone to rest too much upon and to live upon that but when I can see no righteousness at all but do instead thereof see daily and hourly a great deal of unrighteousness I am led hereby to live out of my selfe upon anothers righteousnesse and hereby faith is kept in daily exercise 3 To prevent security The more enemies a man hath about him and near him the more watchful hee is thereby made Now God suffers these enemies to abide in his children that they may hereby bee continually awakened by the hourly alarms of these enemies and thereby kept from security 4 To exalt his own grace towards them The more sin is in those that are saved the more grace appears in their salvation 1 Tim. 1.13 14. Who was before a blasphemer and a persecuter and injurious but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbeleef And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus 5 To shew forth more of his power in them 1 In strengthening them against sin 2 In upholding them under their falls 3 In mortifying sin in them 6 To make them the more compassionate of their fellow-brethren under the like infirmities Gal. 6.1 Brethren if any man bee overtaken in a fault yee which are spiritual restore such an one in the spirit of meeknesse considering thy self lest thou also bee tempted Heb. 5.2 Who can have compassion on the ignorant and on them that are out of the way for that hee himself also is compassed with infirmity 7 To make them more to long to bee dissolved 8 To permit wicked men hereby to bee stumbled and offended at the wayes of God Use Then bee not discouraged at the sight and feeling of sin in thee but seek God that hee would work and wait upon him for the accomplishing of these and such like gracious ends in thee thereby Thus much in a word of the first thing in the Text viz. the SUPPOSITION If any man sin I come now to the second viz. The REMEDY prescribed or what that is which may support and comfort Saints notwithstanding this sin that dwells in them and that is the Advocateship of Jesus Christ Wee have an Advocate Doct. The Advocateship of Jesus Christ now hee is in heaven is a great ground of comfort and support to Saints against and under all their sins and infirmities In the opening of this I shall shew 1 What this office of an Advocate is 2 What manner of Advocate Christ is 3 Whose cause hee pleads 4 What hee pleads for 5 The manner of his pleading 6 The prevalency of it 7 Why Christ is a Saints Advocate 8 How this makes for our comfort and support 9 What wee may learn hence as matter of our duty 1 What is this office of an Advocate Answ The word Advocate is in Scripture no where used but in this place therefore to finde out what it is wee must look to the first rise of it Now it is a borrowed speech taken from the Civil Law in which those are called Advocates which wee in the Common Law call Councellors Now in Law the office of an Advocate is this to plead in a way of Justice and from principles of equity and justice anothers cause who is not so well able to plead it himself Christs office then as an Advocate is this to plead the causes of poor sinners who cannot themselves plead them and that in a way of Justice Here is the great difference betwixt Christs pleading and ours Whensoever wee plead wee plead but as petitioners but when Christ pleads hee pleads as an Advocate A petitioner hee brings his cause to the foot of mercy and leaves it there hee dares not appeal to Justice lest hee bee cast but now an Advocate hee pleads in a way of justice hee brings his cause to the bar of Justice and is willing it should bee tryed by Justice and stand or fall there When wee come with our causes to God wee must as petitioners throw them down at the foot of mercy and stand to the verdict of mercy but when Christ takes up our causes hee goes boldly to the bar of Justice and pleads them there hee makes appeals to Justice and saith Do but speak O Justice whether it bee not a fit and requisite thing that this poor sinner should have the cause go of his side I have dyed satisfied for him purchased this is it not a just and equal thing that it should go well with the poor sinner and his cause I will be tried even by thee O Justice 2 What manner of Advocate is Christ Answ 1. Hee is an Advocate in the superior Court An Advocate in the superior Court is better than in the inferior because there may bee an appeal from the inferior and a sentence there passed is not determinative because it may bee reversed above but now the Laws and Decrees of the superior Court they are binding and determinative there can bee no appeale thence but whatsoever is ratified there carries the authority and force of a Law with it Now Christ is an Advocate in the superior Court hee is an Advocate with the Father as in the Text and so Heb. 9.24 it is said that Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands but heaven it selfe the High Priests under the Law when they were to plead which was a part of their office they entred into the holy places made with hands they pleaded here below But now Christ our High Priest and Advocate hee is gotten into heaven it self and there hee pleads in Gods presence at the highest bar hee pleads So Heb. 4.14 Wee have a great High Priest which is passed into the Heavens Heaven now is the place where Jesus Christ is Priesting of it and where Christ is pleading with the Father for us And hence it comes to pass that whensoever Jesus Christ gets any sentence to bee
is reiterated over and over every new manifestation being as it were a new application 3 By Christs Advocateship Satan our enemy hath his mouth stopped above The Devil is busie in accusing of Saints but now Christ comes and saith hee Lord this is an enemy what hee speaks is false and hee speaks it out of malice Just as wee see it sometimes at Sessions or Assizes such a one comes and layes an accusation against such a one but in comes some Councellor that is very great and inward with the Judge and saith May it please you my Lord such a one is a very honest man I know him well and yonder is a base fellow that accuseth him out of spleen and what hee saith I will evidence to bee false and hereupon the man hath his mouth stopped Lastly What wee may learn hence as our duty 1 Come to Christ poor soul not withstanding all thy sins and infirmities Thou hast committed such and such sins against Christ and therefore art afraid to come to him Consider Christ is an Advocate on purpose for the comfort and incouragement of thy foul against sin the Apostle layes down Christs Advocateship here as a refuge against sin Come Christ will sue thee out a pardon I do not say that this is all Christ is an Advocate for to deliver from the guilt of sin no Christ is an Advocate too to plead for all grace for thee But I say this is one special end of Christs being an Advocate and the great end laid down here in the Text to secure thee from guilt The ability of Jesus Christ to save to the uttermost Heb. 7. is put upon this Office of being an Advocate Object O but I fear Christ doth not intercede for mee were I sure of that I should come Answ Hee intercedes for those that come and therefore come and thou mayest bee sure hee intercedes for thee 2 Doest thou finde at any time the Spirit inabling thee to poure out thy soul with groans here below then assuredly Christ prayes for thee above Object But though Christ intercede for mee yet will hee continue to intercede Will not my sin make him give over interceding Answ Hee intercede alwayes hee ever lives to make intercession it is the work as I may say hee lives in heaven to do it is his calling and Christ should bee out of his calling should hee not do it Intercession is as much his work in heaven as dying was on earth Object 3. But I eye my own salvation much in coming to Christ will hee intercede for such a comer Answ Hee intercedes for those that come to him for salvation Hee lives to make intercession for them 2 Duty Let us hold fast our profession Heb. 4.14 Seeing then that wee have a great High Priest that is passed into the Heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast our profession And Chap. 10. vers 23. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful that promised Doth Christ own us above before his Father let us own him before men 3 Duty Let us love Christ more and minde his glory more Is his love such as that he here on earth did lay out himself for us and in Heaven hee is laying out himself for us Then let us love him more and minde his glory and his honour more 4 Duty Let us bee frequent in our addresses to God by Christ 1 Let us come with more boldness seeing wee have such a one to speak for us 2 Let us come with more confidence 5 And lastly Let us improve this Intercession of Christ First Improve it in all our wants Secondly In all our doubts and fears Thirdly In all our duties Fourthly In all our falls Fifthly In all our temptations Sixthly In the busling of all our corruptions And in it Let us improve first The continuance of it i.e. There is no time wherein Christ doth not intercede Secondly The perfection of it Thirdly The prevalency of it Fourthly The continual acceptance of it The onely way for Saints to bee delivered from the Errors and Evils of the Times IN Two SERMONS on 1 Tim. 6.11 But thou O man of God flee these things and follow after righteousness godliness faith love patience meekness IN the former verses the Apostle discovers and condemns the evil practices and opinions of sundry false reachers crept in amongst the Churches in his dayes In this hee warnes Timothy and in him all Christians for the words are not spoken to Timothy as a Minister onely but also as a Christian it being the duty of all Christians though of those in such place more especially to shun and avoid these men their principles and practices But thou O man of God flee these things which that they might do hee sets them about work of another nature Follow after righteousness godliness c. What is the meaning of this I shall not explain the several termes and things onely this learn they are all spiritual things and of another nature to those things the false teachers cryed up So that in general the meaning is Follow spiritual things Wouldest thou escape the Errors and Evills of these men Then do not as they do stand doting about empty questions but follow after pursue high and spiritual things make it thy work and business to minde and speak such things I shall speak only of the latter part of the words and of them only as they are a direction though more is in them given to Timothy and all beleevers how they may escape the Errors and Evills of false teachers Follow after righteousness Doct. The only and special way for a Saint to be delivered from the Errors and Evills of the Times hee lives in is to have his heart as much as may bee taken up with and his spirit exercised about high and spiritual things I shall prove this point from 1 Tim. 4. Where the Apostle having foretold the dangerous errors of the latter times vers 1.2 3. presently mindes Timothy of spiritual things as the onely preservatives against distempers of this nature Vers 7. and 12. Exercise thy self rather unto godliness Bee thou an example of the beleevers in word in conversation in charity in spirit in faith in purity 2 Tim. 2.22 But follow righteousnesse faith charity peace with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart Having certified Timothy of the dangerous errors and fearful miscarriage of Hymenaeus and Philetus hee straightway gives him in charge to minde spiritual things as if hee had said Had Hymenaeus and Philetus laid aside their vain bablings and minded these things more they would never have miscarried as they have done So 2 Tim. 3. Having foretold of those perillous times which should bee in the last dayes vers 1 2. and given Timothy to understand that some there were already abroad whose temper and manners were like them which in after times should arise yers 6 8. hee presently mindes
for our justification declaring himself to have gotten the day of the Law Sin Hell and the Devil all the enemies of our salvation and likewise alluring us hereby that wee are already in him acquited God having forgiven us all our trespasses and shall assuredly one day rise as hee is risen to live with him in glory hereafter when this our corruptible shall put on incorruption and this our mortall shall put on immortality and death shall bee swallowed up into victory Again which our hearts should bee much taken up with How that Jesus Christ being now risen hee as the common person of the Saints and as a glorious Conqueror is ascended up into heaven herein triumphing over Principalities and Powers which he by his death had spoyled making a shew of them openly and leading captivity captive where being arrived hee is sate down at the right hand of the Father upon the Throne of Majesty in the heavens having Angels Principalities and Powers made subject unto him and all his enemies under his feet himselfe being invested with Majesty and Glory Sovereignty and Power Authority and Judgement all which hee improves for the good of his Saints Again farther How that the Saints as considered in him their common person are quickned together with him and raised up together and made to sit together in heavenly places being sharers and partakers with him in his life and death in his humiliation and exaltation hee personating them in both having his wisdome righteousness riches holiness made over to them so that they are compleat in him and of his fulnesse doe receive grace for grace Again yet farther how that Jesus Christ being now in the heavens is there imployed in making preparation and providing mansions for his Saints against they come thither and is continually ready to and busied in presenting the wants and petitions of his people to his Father hee also himselfe in all our exigencies and under all our infirmities making intercession for us so that wee are for ever safe and secure from all fear and danger hee ever living to make intercession for us From whence when all his Elect of Jew and Gentile shall bee called home hee shall gloriously come attended with his mighty Angels and ten thousands of his Saints when as the Spouse being arraied in fine linnen clean and white hee shall take her to himselfe and celebrate his glorious Marriage and having done justice upon all her enemies here below and judged quick and dead shall triumphantly carry her with himselfe into his Fathers Kingdome where shee shall for ever bee with him where hee is beholding the glory the Father hath given him and injoying with him fulnesse of glory fulnesse of joy and pleasures for evermore Again yet farther the thoughts whereof our thoughts should bee exercised about how that in the mean time that his people might bee gathered together and made meet to bee partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light hee hath and continually doth send forth his Spirit the great promise of the Father together with Messengers and Ambassadors having the everlasting Gospel in their mouths whereby those which everlasting love did in the beginning choose out of the world and predestinated to the adoption of Sons are in time through grace called and actually and personally having precious faith given unto them justified from all their iniquities united to him made children heires of God and joynt heires with Christ sanctified by the Spirit and through the applying of the blood of Jesus have their consciences purged from dead works to serve the ever living and true God daily going on from faith to faith and strength to strength till in the end they attaine the Resurrection of the dead and come to behold God in Sion Finally seeing and considering what glorious things are through grace wrought and prepared for us and which are in part and shall be in Gods time fully given to us it should bee the continual exercise of our hearts and that which wee should bee much taken up with how wee may come to attain and enjoy these things so as may make for the glory of God the good of others and our own comfort more It should bee our continual querying O how shall I come to know more of Christ more of the love of God in Christ How shall I come to beleeve in Christ more to live by faith more to injoy the fruit and comfort of my election through grace my redemption justification by Christ adoption in him union with him more How shall I come to bee more sanctified by the Spirit made more conformable to him have more of his Image imprinted upon mee feel him more in his Death and Resurrection have more fellowship with him in his sufferings O how shall I come to have corruption in mee daily more mortified my pride mortified my unbeleefe mortified my corrupt affections and passions mortified my luke-warmness earthly-mindedness deadness formality in duty mortified How shall I come to have my graces more quickned my faith love godly-sorrow humility self-denial patience thankfulness contentedness quickned O how shall I have a heart carried out more to glorifie God in the place calling I am in time opportunities I have How shall I have a frame of heart to go about the service of God more freely willingly cheerfully and to act in it more purely sincerely every day than other Such things and questions as these are I call Spiritual things and they are the things our hearts should bee exercised about Object Must a Saint onely bee exercised about Spiritual things are there not some external things which a Saint must exercise himselfe in and about Answ Yes there are outward Civil imployments which a Saint as a man is with moderation to bee exercised about And also there are outward Ordinances and institutions of Jesus Christ which a Saint as hee is a Christian out of obedience to his Masters command so far as the same is made clear to him is to bee exercised in and about in exercising himselfe in which though the things themselves are external yet hee injoyes much inward and spiritual communion with Jesus Christ therefore I do not oppose spiritual things to all things external neither would I bee so understood For though the Kingdome of God doth not consist in meat and drink yet meat and drink are usefull in their place and men in an ordinary way cannot live without it But now when I speak of a Saints exercising himself in spirituals I oppose spiritual 1 To things expresly forbidden which are simply in themselves evill and sinful being things not convenient nor becoming Saints Eph. 5.3 4. But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness let it not bee once named amongst you as becometh Saints neither filthiness nor foolish talking nor jesting which are not convenient Prophane courses become no man but worst of all a Saint 2 To things light and frivolous Things indeed unworthy the thoughts of a Saint