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A93131 The Quakers wilde questions objected against the ministers of the Gospel, and many sacred acts and offices of religion. With brief answers thereunto. Together with a discourse [brace] 1. Of the Holy Spirit of God, his impressions and workings on the souls of men. 2. Of divine revelation, mediate and immediate. 3. Of error, heresie, and schism: the nature, kindes, causes, reasons, and dangers thereof: with directions for avoiding the same. All very seasonable for these times. / By R. Sherlock, B D. at Borwick-Hal in Lancashire. Sherlock, R. (Richard), 1612-1689. 1655 (1655) Wing S3255; Thomason E858_1; ESTC R203556 215,435 300

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endevours in the use of means so God gives his blessing thereupon That promise Jer. 31.34 they shall teach no more every man his neighbour saying Know the Lord for all men shall know me from the least to the greatest is expressed indeed to be fulfilled under the Gospel because the means of knowing God under the Gospel are more plentiful and effectual then under the Law Heb. 8.4,10 to wit through the reeelation of Jesus Christ and the miraculous inspiration of his Apostles immediately from heaven And whereas 't is promised Isa 54.13 thy children shall be taught of the Lord this promise is fulfilled in that we have the teaching the doctrine of the Lord Jesus even his holy Gospel who came down from heaven on purpose to teach us Tit. 2.11,12 Tit. 2.11,12 The grace of God which brings down salvation hath appeared unto all men teaching us that denying c. thus we are taught by the Lord Jesus outwardly in the doctrine of his Gospel and inwardly by the motions and dictates of his holy Spirit And yet for all this the best and most knowing of men arrive not to such a perfection of knowledge in his gifts as not to need teaching because whilest 1 Cor. 13.9,10 11,12 we are in this life we know but in part and prophesie but in part but when that which is perfect c. question 14 Whether they be not Antichrists and disobey Christ that have the chiefest places in Assemblies stand praying in the Synagogues which Christ did forbid his Disciples to act such things and cryed woe against those that did act them answer They that vain-gloriously affect the chiefest places in the Assemblies to offer up their private prayers standing in publique places that they may be seen and they that love to be called of men Master are hypocrites and sinners and lyable to the wo denounced by Christ against such But it is one thing to occupy the chief place in any meeting for some one must have it and another thing out of pride and vain-glory to affect it and so of being called Master 'T is one thing to stand praying in the publique Assemblies that the people may both see and hear and joyn with us and another thing to stand praying privately in publique meetings only to be seen and thought religious And whereas you seem to apply these mistaken and misunderstood sayings of Christ to all Ministers and most uncharitably demand whether such be not Antichrists to this I shall only say the Lord forgive you the hardness of your heart and unjust censures of your Christian brethren Is it a mark of Antichrist to preach and pray with the people of God in publique and at such times to stand in an higher and more convenient place that the people may hear and joyn with us examples of which practise I have already given you out of Scripture If we do these things in the pride of our hearts the Lord only knowes it and will avenge it 'T is not for you to censure and condemn us herein for in so doing you discover more pride of heart and look more like Antichrist then those you uncharitably taxe and term so question 15 Whether they be not Antichrists and of the Devill and no Ministers of Christ which doth not abide in the Doctrine of Christ answer They that swerve from the Doctrine of Christ are of the spirit of Antichrist 1 Joh. 4.6 And they that oppose the dictates and commands of the Spirit of truth speaking in the word are led by the spirit of error which is the Devil who was a lyer from the beginning and afterward coloured his lies and errors with the words of truth perverted Isa 8.44 Mat. 4.4.6 quoting and misapplying the Scriptures the better to insinuate his falshoods which things I could wish were not too appliable to you and your sect I am sure that your malice and hatred to Ministers because they oppose your errors your bitter envyings railings and revilings both of them and other your Christian brethren whom you call carnal the wicked and the people of the world your false and uncharitable applications of the woes and curses of the Scriptures to all such who are wiser then to be brought under your delusions and in a word your justifying your selves and condemning others are all of them undeniable signs that you are not led by the spirit of Truth which is the spirit of meekness and humility of unity love and charity Gal. 6.1 Col. 3.12,13 1 Joh. 4.6,7 Hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error 1 Joh. 4.6 Even by love and charity therefore it followes Beloved let us love one another for love comes of God and every one that loves is born of God and knoweth God and he that loveth not knoweth not God for God is love question 16 Whether they be not seducers that draw people from the anointing which is in them and tell them that they must be taught of man whereas the anointing teacheth them they need no man teach them but as the anointing teacheth them and the promise is to him that doth abide in it eternally answer By the anointing within 1 Joh. 2.27 is meant that measure and proportion of spiritual wisdome and understanding in the things of God whereby according to command we are enabled to try the spirits whether they be of God or no because many false Prophets are gone forth 1 Joh. 4.1 which the foregoing words doth imply c. 26. These things have I written unto you concerning them that deceive you Now this spiritual unction or knowledge of the truth which is from the Spirit whosoever hath received need not be taught of man if he abide in the truth which he hath received and do not give heed to seducing spirits And I would to God that all who are called the Lords people had their hearts sprinkled with this spiritual ointment and their eyes anointed with this eye-salve Rom. 3.38 that they might see to discern betwixt light and darknesse betwixt true Prophets and such as deceive the simple lest suffering themselves being blinde to be led by the blinde they both fall into the ditch Mar. 15.14 question 17 Whether they do not bewitch the people who withdraw them from the spirit within to observe the ordinances of the world and traditions of men without as the Galatians were bewitched Gal. 3.1 answer I must tell you that there is not only a holy and good spirit within and that 's but in too few but there 's also an evill and seducing spirit within and that 's in too many even the spirit that doth bewitch men and draw them aside from the doctrines and commands of the Spirit of truth and to strive by all means to draw the people off from giving heed to seducing spirits is not to observe the ordinances of the world and traditions of men as you pervert the text but to obey the commands of Gods true Spirit who foretelling of false
it is also further observable The reason why God suffers false Prophets to arise viz. for the probation and trial of our proficiency and integrity in the love and service of God for so saith the Father upon those words Aug. for the Lord your God proveth you to know whether ye love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul Tentat nos Dominus non ut sciat ipse quem nihil latet sed ut scire nos faciat quantum in ejus dilectione profecerimus God suffers us to be tempted tryed and proved by the lying wonders of false Prophets arising amongst us not that he himself may know what is in us to whom the hearts of all men are naked and bare but that we may thereby know our selves and our own proficiency and constancy to the principles of truth and integrity The very same reason is given by the Apostle for the necessity of heresies 1 Cor. 11.19 For there must be heresies among you that they which are approved among you may be known 1 Cor 11.19 Quolibet errore caecentur c. Aug. de civ Dei lib. 18. With what error soever our enemies are blinded or with what wickedness soever they are deprav'd 't is for the proof trial and exercise of the graces of Gods Spirit within us Have they received power to afflict persecute imprison c. 'T is for the trial of our patience in suffering and charity in loving our enemies and praying for our persecutors as becomes the Disciples of Christ Mat. 5.44 Mat. 5.44 Do they only by fair words and cunning speeches distil their false and poysonous Doctrines Gal. 6.1 'T is for the trial of our wisdome in resisting and beneficence in perswading and endevouring to restore them with the spirit of meeknesse proving whether God will give them repentance to the acknowledgement of the truth that they may escape the snare of the Devil of whom they are taken captive at his will 2 Tim. 2.25,26 2 Tim. 2.25,26 Secondly Try the spirits whether they be of God or no Try them how but by the revelations of the Spirit which is of God who being the Spirit of truth must necessarily therefore in all his qualifications and impressions be consentaneous and agreeable to himself Aug. Veritas veritati congrua one truth ever holds proportion with another nay all truths are as it were the images and resemblances one of another they are all links of the same golden chain which affixt to the throne of heaven displayes ' its radiant lustre unto the mindes of men upon earth They are all but streams flowing from one and the same fountain the God of truth There is nothing then that we are to receive for truth but what is consonant and agrees with the Spirit of truth which ever blessed Spirit speaking in the Word hath thereby prescribed and given us a sure and infallible rule of truth What the Apostle cals a being filled with the Spirit Eph. 5.18,19 he also cals the dwelling of the word of Christ in us richly which any one that will compare the places may perceive whence it is easie to observe that the Apostle means no other by being filled with the Spirit then to be full of the Word of Christ or to be mighty in the Scriptures and the reason is because the holy Spirit is not only the great Dictator of the Scriptures unto us but also our guide in several respects as to the right understanding of them rule 1 The first rule of trial then is the holy Word of God in general that 's the grand general rule that 's the great square or level according to which we are to try and examine the rectitude truth and integrity both of the doctrines and opinions of others without and also the impressions and workings of the Spirit within Gal. 1.8 Though we or an Angel from Heaven should preach unto you another Gospel besides that you have received let him be accursed Gal. 1.8 Though we preferring authority of the Gospel they had preached before their own authority the Preachers thereof nay before the authority of celestial spirits Though an Angel from Heaven c. He saw saith the Father Aug. that it might so come to passe that Satan transforming himself into an angel of light and working by his mediators and instruments those deceitful workers who transform themselves into the Apostles of Christ 2 Cor. 11,13,14 might so cousen and deceive them if they did not keep close to the Gospel received which is the true rule of faith therefore he saith another Gospel besides c. praeter any thing that is besides that holds not square and is not level to that rule Qui praetergreditur fidei regulam non procedit in via sed recedit à via he that goes besides and not according to the rule of faith goes not forward in the way but backward from the way of truth so 1 Joh. 4.8 We are of God speaking of himself and the rest of his fellow Apostles He that knoweth God heareth us acquiescendo doctrinae nostrae cleaves to our doctrine Lyra. and he that is not of God heareth us not neither is obedient to our word And hereby know we the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error q. d. He that cleaves to our doctrine is guided by the Spirit of truth and he that doth not so by the spirit of error But the spirit of error will come with his scriptum est likewise as he did against our Lord himself Mat. 4. And all hereticks and schismaticks do generally alledge Scriptures and wrest the very sayings of the Spirit of truth against himself to insinuate thereby their lies and errors For as Tertullian observes of the writings of Ovid Virgil Homer both the matter of them hath been transferr'd unto other uses and the verses applyed to other matter Even so do hereticks deal with the holy writings of inspired men De Praeser adv Haer. cap. 39. Nec periclitor dicere c. I fear not to say that the Scriptures were so disposed by the wisdome of God that they might accidentaliter and by the by even administer matter to Heresies since I read that heresies must come and without the Scriptures they cannot come For 't is in the production of heresies as of natural things Corruptio unius est generatio alterius the corruption of truth is the generation of heresie all heretical opinions being generally grounded upon and flowing from the fountain of truth the Scripture not as they are in themselves rightly interpreted and understood but as they are wrested and perverted either in the words or in the sense either by additions or diminutions or by not considering them together but divided into parts and taken up by shreds and pieces for the avoiding whereof these following rules must be observed in the trial of spirits by the Scriptures rule 1 First try and examine by
negligent and delinquent and for instruction in righteousnesse to the proficient That the man of God Gloss Lyra. he who is ordained to divine offices as Timothy was may be to that end perfected and thoroughly furnished to every good work 2 Tim. 3.16 And of the Scriptures in the verse before 't is said they are sufficient to make us wise to salvation viz. being spiritually understood saith the Inter. Gloss That they are the means both of our illumination and sanctification which are the ends of the Spirit is clear from the prayer of our Lord Joh. 17.17 Joh. 17.17 Sanctifie them with thy truth thy Word is truth The Word of God is the Word of truth for our illumination and the Word of grace for our sanctification and this prayer of our Lord was granted saith Lyra in behalf of his Apostles when the holy Spirit descended on them at the feast of Pentecost Regeneration which is the same with sanctification and to be born of God and to be born of the Spirit is ascribed to the Word of God as the conveyance of the Spirit in this respect or as the means of our new birth Jam. 1.18 Of his own will begat he us by the Word of truth Jam. 1.18 And Joh. 1.17 The Law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ Joh. 1.17 Now what else are the gifts of the Spirit or at least whereunto do they tend but to the clear understanding of the truth of God revealed by Jesus Christ which revelations are the sum of his Gospel and what else are the graces of Gods Spirit but accumulative an obedience to this truth even an obedience to the Gospel of Christ 1 Cor. 1.24 Hence it is termed the power of God and the wisdome of God And his Gospel the law of the Spirit of life Rom. 8.2 2 Cor. 3.6 Rom. 8.2 2 Cor. 3.6 So that the preaching reading hearing or in a word the clearing of this Gospel unto the mindes of men is the conveyance of the Spirit thereinto An example whereof see Act 18.44 Whilest Peter yet spake these words Act. 10.44 the words of the Gospel the holy Ghost fell on them all that heard the Word 3. The Holy Sacraments both Baptism and the Supper of the Lord are effectual means also for the conveyance of the holy Spirit 'T is promised upon our Baptism with repentance Act. 2.38 Act. 2.38 Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the holy Ghost And this is also verified from the example of Christ our head upon whose Baptism in Jordan the heavens were opened and the holy Ghost descended in shape of a dove and lighted on him Mat. Mat. 3.16 3.16 denoting unto us that by the virtue and power of Baptism not only the heavens are opened Remig. but also the gift of the holy Ghost is received therefore are we said to be born again of water and of the holy Ghost and without that the heavens are shut against us There is no admission into the celestial Kingdome Joh. 3.5 Joh. 3.5 Except a man be born of water and the holy Ghost he cannot enter into the Kingdome of heaven The Apostle St. Paul couples both Sacraments together as the conveyances of the Spirit 1 Cor. 12.13 1 Cor. 12.13 By one Spirit we are all baptized into one body and are all made to drink of one Spirit where we have the Spirit joyned with Baptism and with the Lords Supper also for what else can be meant by drinking of one Spirit but an allusion to the eating and drinking of the holy body and bloud of our Lord whereof himself testifies Joh. 6.55,56 My slesh is meat indeed and my bloud is drink indeed He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud dwelleth in me and I in him Joh. 6.55 that is is make partaker of my Spirit or of my gifts and graces For in such a spiritual sense we must needs understand the words except we admit them in the grosse carnal and corporal sense of the Romanists Hence Christ is termed by the Apostle a spiritual meat and a spiritual drink 1 Cor. 10.3.4 1 Cor. 10.3 And they did all eat the same spiritual meat and did all drink the same spiritual drink for they drank of the same spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was Christ A spiritual meat and and spiritual drink Christ was to the Israelites of old in those Sacramental Symbols of his presence with them the Rock and the Manna and the like but in a more full measure and clear manner he is to us in those consecrated elements of his holy Supper which being rightly administred and rightly received are spiritual food indeed for we eat and drink the very Spirit of Christ therewithal that is are made partakers of his gifts and graces But how comes it to passe then that these blessed means of grace these conveyances of the Spirit are so often ineffectual Many men do daily pray often hear and read the Word of God have been engraffed into the body of Christ by Baptism and many times receive the blessed Eucharist and yet little or no newes do they hear of the Spirit very little stirrings of the heart few good motions do they feel within they are never the better nor a whit the more enricht either with spiritual gifts or graces for the use of these means The cause whereof is the hardnesse of mans heart which receives not the impressions of the Spirit the corruption of mans nature which quenches the sacred fires of Piety and Charity before they be well inkindled in the soul the exorbitant and unruly lusts of the flesh and of the world which resist the good motions lustings and strivings of the Spirit of God Intus existens prohibet alienum when the fruits of the flesh have overgrown the soul there 's no room for the fruits of the Spirit to take rooting there These two kindes of fruits cannot grow both in one heart but the one will choak overgrow and destroy the other To this outward means of grace then and of the Spirit the inward qualifications the infitting of the soul to receive the impressions of the Spirit must be added Actus activorum in patiente disposito as the patient is disposed and fitted to be wrought upon accordingly so is the power and efficacy of the Agent so that according as the hearts of men are more or lesse perspirable and plyable to the impressions of the Spirit accordingly so are his workings and inspirations upon the heart The holy Spirit is compared in Scripture to water Joh. 7.38 39. and as the water is of a diffusive nature and knows no bounds but as 't is limited by the channel or vessel that holds it so the Spirit is in himself of a spreading quality and is only straitned by the