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A91363 A little cabinet richly stored with all sorts of heavenly varieties, and soul-reviving influences. Wherein there is a remedy for every malady, viz. milk for babes, and meat for strong men, and the ready way for both to obtain and retain assurance of salvation: being an abridgement of the sum and substance of the true Christian religion; wherein the cause of our salvation, the way, the guide, the rule, the evidence, the seals, &c. and the connection of these points together, and dependancy of them one upon another: this I have endeavoured to do orderly, exactly, methodically, with much plainness and clearness. / By Robert Purnell. Purnell, Robert, d. 1666. 1657 (1657) Wing P4237; Thomason E1575_1; ESTC R209217 254,040 517

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not eat lest I die the devil saith ye shall not die upon this the woman did eat and gave to her husband and he did eat and thus through Satans temptations our father and mother rebelled against our God Oh father Adam what hast thou done For through it wast thou that didst sin yet thou art not fallen alone but we all that came of thee as being then in thee we are infected by thee and so are become Satans conquest out of whose hands there is no redemption unless the Lord Jesus Christ come down from heaven and lead captivity captive and open the prison doors and let the prisoners go free all Adams posterity are pertakers of his sin and misery Of Providence IF we look upon Gods providence in some few particulars only we shall wonder seeing Joseph disgraced and imprisoned David persecuted Christ arraigned and condemned Paul accounted one of the worst of men Innocent Naboth stoned true Churches as in Hesters time ready to be swallowed up Many things may fall out by Gods providence contrary to our desires that are not contrary to our good 1. Consider that God takes notice and knoweth all things 2. He upholdeth and governeth and disposeth of the world so as it pleaseth him 3. This providence reacheth to every thing so that the smallest things are governed and upheld by him 4. That of all creatures God hath most care and respect to man 5. We are to consider that the good or evil that befals a bad or good man or woman is not without but by Gods providence 6. That God doth whatsoever pleaseth him in heaven and earth 7. God in his ordinary providence maketh use of means and yet he is free to work without above and against them as he pleaseth 8. As the providence of God doth reach to all creatures in all things so after a more speciall manner he taketh care of his Church and people and disposeth all things to the good thereof God can look sowrly and chide bitterly and strike heavily even when and where he loves dearly Abraham Job Jacob and David Moses Ieremiah Ionah Ioseph Paul and many others met with many things that were contrary to their desires and endeavours that were not contrary to their good God hath a continuall care over all his creatures once made sustaining and directing them with all that belongeth to them and effectually disposeth of them all to good ends Ephes 1. 11. Rom. 11. 36. Ier. 23. 23. Col. 3. 11. Psal 139. 2. 119. 91. Of Mans recovery GOD who at first made man in his own Image and made him Lord of the creation endued him with wisdom knowledge and understanding above all other creatures and made him for so noble an end as to serve him here and reign with him hereafter man soon fell from his blessed state yet was not the love of God obliterated but more abundantly manifested in sending his dear Son to take our nature and yield obedience to his righteous law make satisfaction for our transgression and to bring in an everlasting righteousness and to make proclamation to us that his Father so loved the world that he gave him his only begotten Son that whosoever believed in him should have everlasting life Iohn 3. 16. And whosoever did come to him should in no wise be cast off Iohn 6. 37. Adams righteousness from which he fell was but a righteousness of the creature but the righteousness of Christ is the righteousness of the Creator Adams righteousness was a mutable righteousness that might be lost a righteousness that might be sinned away but the righteousness of Christ is an everlasting righteousness that cannot be sinned away Prov. 8. 18. Dan. 9. 24. Psal 119. 142. Of Vocation or effectuall calling VOcation is Gods acquainting men with his gracious purpose of salvation by Christ and so inviteth them to come unto him Heb. 2. 14. and so revealeth unto them his Covenant of grace Mat. 11. 27. 16. 17. John 14. 21. Psal 25. 14. and so bringeth them out of darkness to light Acts 26. 18. So God becomes in Christ their Father he doth not only outwardly by his word invite but inwardly also and powerfully by his spirit allure and win their hearts to cleave to him inseparably unto salvation Psal 25. 14. 65. 4. Acts 2. 39. Or effectuall calling is the work of Gods spirit in us whereby he doth first convince us of our sins and misery enlightning our minds in the knowledge of Christ and renewing our wills he doth perswade and invite us to embrace Jesus Christ freely tendred to us We read that many were called to the wedding but they made their excuses and most of those that came were compelled to come in Luke 12. 23. the Lord doth force none by violence but draw them by perswasions The Gospel cals many outwardly that after perish eternally Our vocation depends upon Gods election not upon our preparations how was Paul disposed and affected when Christ called him God is for us in predestinating us God is for us in calling us God is for us in justifying us God is for us in glorifying us if God be thus for us who can be against us he hath predestinated us before we were he hath called us when we were averse to him he hath justified us when we were sinners he will glorifie us and cloath us with his own righteousness That we may be neither drawn enticed or forced from our Religion let us build upon a right foundation IT is impossible that any soul should enjoy a firm and setled peace whose confidence towards God is grounded upon conditionall promises or his own best and choicest performances For the wanting in himself the condition of the one and not yeilding a perfect exact universall perpetuall obedience to the other the Law will be condemning Conscience accusing and the heart misgiving and all proclaiming that there is still in all thy duties imperfection something polluted and something defective so that thy most spirituall duties are not wound up to command they are all tainted with disproportion to rule and beleprosed with spots so that it is in vain to expect a bed of rest in the barren wilderness of our own performances for that bed is shorter then that a man can stretch himself on it and the covering is narrower then that a man can wrap himself in it Oh the spots the blots the blemishes that are to be seen upon the face of our fairest duties so that we may say with the Church Isa 64. 6. all our righteousness are as filthy rags which if rested upon will as certainly undo us and everlastingly destroy us as the greatest evill that can be committed by us the consideration of this was the cause of those words Hos 14. 3. Neither will we say any more to the works of our hands ye are our gods For in thee the fatherless find mercy Jer. 3. 23. Truly in vain is salvation hoped for from the Hills and from the
impartiality of his justice c. by all which it doth appear most certain that Christ will come Psalm 50. 3. Luke 21. 27. Mat. 25. 31. Mat. 24. 30. Jude 14 15. 2 Cor 5. 10. 2 Pet. 3. 2. That day is very near although no man knows the time of Christs coming exactly in respect of the day and hour yet there are signs set down by Christ and his Apostles shewing that that day is not far off and further it doth plainly appear it is near yea very near by these demonstrations 1. By the fulfilling of prophesies 2. By the appearances of providences 1. By the fulfilling of prophesies viz. We have seen the Father against the son and the son against the father and the mother against the daughter and the daughter against the mother wars and rumors of wars and a great falling away and perillous times as earth-quakes many false prophets and Doctrine of Devils and some coming in the name of Christ saying I am he the unbelief that is in most and that state of security and falling from the truth once professed and the revealing of the man of sin 2 Thess 2. 1 2. These and the like are clear testimonies that the day of the Lord is at hand 2. This day is near as appears by the appearance of providences as it was in the dayes of Noah and as it fell out in the dayes Lot c. 1 Thes 5. 3. When they shall say peace and safety then suddain destruction cometh upon them 2 Tim. 3. 1 5. This know that in the last dayes perillous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truth-breakers false accusers fierce despisers of those that are good c. Surely these things do now abound by which we know the day is near the Lord hath promised to avenge his people speedily Luk. 18. 5. Zeph. 1. 14. The great day of the Lord is near is near Isa 13. 6. Howl ye for the great day of the Lord is at hand Joel 1. 15. For the day of the Lord is at hand Joel 2. 1. For the day of the Lord is come for it is nigh at hand Heb. 10. 37. Yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry Object But that day and hour knoweth no man Answ Men may guess at the time and not miss much for all that for instance did not Moses through faith see the redemption of the first captivity Daniel of the second and Abraham the day of Christ and the spouse her beloved coming skiping upon the mountains and a few in Israel were found waiting for their redemption doth not the foot-steps of Christs coming begin to appear The manner of his coming THe Lord Jesus will certainly and surely like a Soveraign like a King in Majesty triumphing in much glory attended with the Arch-Angel and all the host of heaven the trumpet will be sounding the world burning the earth shaking mens hearts failing Psal 46. 6. And then the Lord will roar out of Sion and utter his voice from Jerusalem and the heavens and earth shall shake Joel 3. 16. A fire stream came forth from before him thousands ministred unto him Dan. 7. 10. And ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him this day of the Lord is great and terrible who can abide it the sight of Christs presence shall be doubtless an incredible brightness and majesty in which he shall appear for he shall come in the clouds of heaven Mat. 26. 64. with incredible glory Mat. 25. 31. accompanied with the whole Army of his Angels as before and with a great shout and voice of the Arch-Angel 1 Thes 4. 16. And by reason of his brightness the Sun and the Moon shall be darkned as lesser lights by the greater and stars shall fall from heaven that is they shall seem as it were to fall and the powers of heaven shall be shaken Mat. 24. 29. Mat. 13. 24. Yea at his sight heaven and earth shall fly away Rev. 20. 11. There shall not be a destruction of the nature of the Sun Moon and Stars as some say for the Scripture doth speak of a new heaven and new earth old renewed and so at Christs second coming he shall renew all things See Ezek. 32. 6 7. Act. 3. Rom. 8. he shall come in the glory of his Father Mat. 16. 27. with power and great glory Mat. 24. 30. the glory of a thousand Suns made into one will be but as sackcloth to that wherein Christ shall appear in mans nature the wicked shall be punished with everlasting destruction from his presence and the glory of his power 2 Thes 1. 9. and when his glory shall be revealed the Saints shall be glad with exceeding joy 1 Pet. 4. 13. The signs of Christs coming ALthough no man knows the time of Christs coming exactly in respect of the day and hour yet there are signs set down by Christ and his Apostles shewing that that day is not far off what extream security and impiety false prophesie false Christs pestilence famine earth-quakes treacheries want of faith and charity have not these things already abounded Mat. 24. 32 33. When ye see these things the end is near 1 Thes 5. 1 2 Concerning the times and seasons brethren it is not needfull that I write unto you for you your selves know well that that day of the Lord will come as a thief in th● night therefore learn a parable of the fig-tree when its branch is yet tender and putteth forth leaves ye know that summer is nigh so likewise ye when ye shall see all these things come to pass know that it is near ev●n at the door Christ shall come visibly VVE read Mat. 24. 64. hereafter shall you see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory Rev. 1. 7. Behold he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him the damned shall see him to their amazement and the godly shall him to their joy and consolation Rev. 22. 4. They shall see his face and his name shall be in their for●heads Acts 1. 11. This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven that is Christ going up into heaven was visible so Christs coming out of heaven shall be visible Matthew 26. 64. The posture a Christian should be in at his coming BE ye also ready for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man cometh hold out faith and patience but a little and he that shall come will come and will not tarry Mat. 24. 44. Luke 12. 35 Let your loyns be girt about and your lamps burning and you your selves looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Tit. 2. 13. Be ye
A LITTLE CABINET RICHLY Stored with all sorts of Heavenly Varieties and Soul-reviving Influences Wherein there is a remedy for every Mala-dy viz. Milk for babes and meat for strong men and the ready way for both to obtain and retain assurance of Salvation Being an Abridgement of the Sum and Substance of the true CHRISTIAN Religion Wherein The Cause of our Salvation the Way the Guide the Rule the Evidence the Seals c. and the connection of these points together and Dependancy of them one upon another This I have endeavoured to do orderly exactly methodically with much plainness and clearness By ROBERT PURNELL John 14. 6. I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh to the Father but by me John 17. 3. This is life eternal that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent London Printed by R. W. for Thomas Brewster at the three Bibles at the West end of Pauls 1657. Purnel's Cabinet The EPISTLE Dedicatory To all the Churches congregated according to the order of the Gospel with all that in every place call upon the name of the Lord Iesus viz. to the strangers scattered throughout England Scotland Wales and Ireland that are in love sweetly united or that yet have their Spirits too much imbittered OF all people in the world those are the only happy people whose God is the Lord Psal 144. 15. Whether they are high or low learned or in the worlds account illiterate that are tempted or deserted afflicted or oppressed they are pretious in the account of God though vile and contemptible in the eyes of men c. my brethren for your sakes this piece is come to publike view which is neither deficient in necessaries nor abundant in superfluities the consideration of the shortness of our time and the largness of volumes and the weakness of our memory engaged me in this work Our tender father who knows what is best for us hath gathered up all practical Divinity into ten precepts and our Saviour hath reduced those ten into two and all that we can pray for or against into six heads or petitions my dear friends labour to keep close to God in this loose age spend not your pretious time in complaining on others but endeavour in the use of all means to reform your selves beware of scandals take them not where they are make them not where they are not lay the foundation of mortification deep reserve no lust from the stroke of Jesus Christ take heed of pleasing your selves in a bare formall profession labour to be rooted in Christ and abide in his doctrine let your speech be alway with Grace and a word or two of Christ in every company beware of sleighting or neglecting of any of the ordinances of God or giving those to sinners that belong to Saints consider the truth is the same in all ages only it shines more and more clear from age to age untill that which is perfect is come and that which is imperfect be done away the truth held forth is the same though with more of God and less of man such addition is no innovation but an illustration not new light but new sight a man may not be said to make a new world when he makes a new discovery of the old world despise not the providences of God in the world they are signs of Gods mind if not of his love read your own hearts in the defects of others put your confidence in nothing beneath God himself Can the stone rest without its center the Camelion without air the Salamander without fire or the Fish without water surely they cannot Our center is God all things beneath him are mutable and fleeting and failing viz our best friends may fail us our eyes fail our tongues fail our strength fail our flesh and our heart may fail nay our spirits may fail Ps 143. 7. But the Lord if we trust in him will neither fail nor forsake us Heb 135. In a word he is a Sanctuary to the oppressed he is life indeath health in sickness joy in grief liberty in bondage comfort in despair riches in poverty honour in disgrace heaven in hell I will hold you no longer in the Porch but invite you into the house such as I have I will set before you desiring you to taste of every dish before you spend your judgement of the Feast for what is wanting in the first course may be made up in the second account nothing so pretious as Gods favour nothing so fearfull as his displeasure nothing so hatefull as sin nothing so desirable as grace beware of partial obedience mercenary love pretended zeal legal sorrow and feigned humility for except your rig hteousness exceed that of the Pharises your Sacrifice that of Cain your Confession that of Pharaoh your Fasting that of Ahabs your Weeping that of Sauls your Reformation that of Iebu's your Restitution that of Iudas's your Faith that of Simon-Magus's your Fear and Trembling that of Felix's 〈◊〉 ye may die in your sins Read well this book and mark diligently what variety of heavenly treasure there is comprized in this Cabinet and forget it not for you shall buy much for little cost and read much to thy great gain If I may prevail with thee to to read it once thy Love to it will constrain thee to read it again and again thou shalt find it for order Methodicall for matter Spiritual for brevity Compendious and for use Precious I leave you to him that never forsakes his and remain Your Servant for Christs Sake ROB. PURNELL The Epistle to the Impartial Reader Ingenious Reader IT was in my thoughts if I did ever present any thing to publike view again to have written only of the Kingdom and coming of our Lord Iesus Christ in the glory of his Father attened with the Arch-Angels and all the host of heaven so much spoken of in the Scripture and confirmed by the testimonies of the Prophets Apostles and Angels but since there is a Doctrine sprung up and carried on with a high hand that in part or whole denies the Scriptures of truth to be the word of God and so neglect and slight the Ordinances of God therein contained and so endeavour to undermine the Doctrine of Christ I thought good to make a speedy and safe retreat back again to guard and defend the first principles of Religion that so I might retain that which I had spent many years to obtain and not change a rocky foundation for a sandy foundation and the pure perfect safe and sure ruleof the written word for a supposed or pretended light within who not contenting themselves with those plain and precious rules and that clear light that shines in the word they are only led by their own phantasies daily creating to themselves diversity of new opinions and so break the bonds of love and fall off from the communion of Saints as though it were no Article
have likewise foretold of these dayes I will instance in a few for all First David Psal 62. 7. there he speaks of the continuance of Christs kingdom as long as the Sun and Moon endureth then he speaks of the extent of this Kingdom vers 8. and that is from sea to sea then he speaks who shall be the subjects of this kingdom vers 11. and that is some of all Nations Isaiah likewise hath not only spoken of the incarnation birth life and doctrine and death resurrection and ascension of Christ but also he hath prophesied of his second coming in power to gather his spiritual kingdom and of the extent injoyment glory and duration of that kingdom See one place for all Isaiah 2. 2 3 4. Jeremiah also bares witness to the same truth Jer. 30. 31 32 33. Ezekiel also hath spoken of this kingdom and reign of Christ Ezek. 34. 11. Daniel hath spoken of this kingdom and raign of Christ Daniel 2. 44 45. Hosea bares witness to the same truth Hos 1. 10 11. 3. 4 5. Amos also hath foretold of these things Chap. 9. 11. to the end Obadiah also speaks to the same truth ver 21. Micah speaks to the same Chap. 4. 6 7. Malachy speaks of his coming and kingdom Chap. 3. 2. 2. We have the testimony of all the Apostles speaking frequently of Christs second coming in all the four Evangelists and in almost all the Epistles to the several Churches see Mat. 24. from 29. to the end and Mark 13. from 24. to the end and Luke 12. from 31. to the end and Luke 21. from 25. to the end and Joh. 14. 3. compared with Joh. 17. 24. So in the Epistles it is called the appearing of the glory of the great God Titus 2. 13. and it is set out with Angelical attendance 2 Thes 1. 7 8 9 10. See a farther testimony of this truth 1 Thes 1. 10. Phil. 3. 20. 3. We have the testimony of Angels Act. 1. 10 11. and whilest that they looked stedfastly towards heaven as he went up behold two Angels stood by them in white apparrell which said ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven behold if the testimony of the Prophets yea all the Prophets and the testimony of the Apostles be not enough then here is the testimony of Angels which is accounted stedfast Heb. 2. 2. In a word the second coming of Christ might be farther proved by the immutability of Gods decree and infallibility of his promises and impartiality of his justice c. but I meet with no sort of people denying this truth except a few of those spoken of in the Gospel saying where is the promise of his coming these people have renounced their reason and made nonsense the mother of their devotion therefore their arguments are not worth the answering but the great difficulty lieth amongst those men that do believe a second coming of Christ in power and great glory and thesemen fall into these three ranks the first saith that Christ shall come and reign personally on the earth a thousand years before the last judgement a second sort stands up and saith he shall not reign personally but spiritually a thousand years in his Saints a third sort steps in and contradicts the two former saying there is neither personal reign nor spiritual reign to be looked for at Christs next coming for he comes to judge the world and so to put an end to all things here below c. let the reader consider that it is with us now a little before the second coming of Christ as it was with the Jews and others a little before the first coming of Christ for it is apparent they were in three divisions as we now are as appears by their darkness in these three portions of Scripture that speaks of Christs first coming One Scripture said Mich. 5. 2. thou Bethleem out of thee shall come one to rule Israel Another Scripture said Isaiah 9. 2 6. the land of Zebulon and Nepthaly the people which were in darkness have seen a great light ver 6. for unto us a child is born unto us a Son is given c. A third Scripture Hos 11. 1. we read these words out of Egypt have I called my Son now in these three Scriptures the Prophets did seem to vary in their prophecies and the people after about the coming of Christ in flesh differing as to the place where or in which of these three Christ should be born this difference of theirs begat this great question in Court Mat. 2. 4. Herod gathered together all the chief Priests and Scribes and demanded of them where Christ should be born and they said unto him in Bethleem c. Now the thing that I would have the reader to take special notice of is this that these three Scriptures were fulfilled at the coming of Christ one after another for he was born in Bethleem called out of Egypt and came to the land of Zebulon and there preached and the people that sate in darkness saw a great light c. and why may not all these three things fall in together at the second coming of Christ in power to wit a persosonal coming a spiritual reign and all the time of the reign a judging of the world let not us make those things inconsistent which may be consistent in a sense warily understood this I am sure whilst we are contending what Christ shall do when he comes that we let slip our precious time and not so prepare as we ought for his coming Oh what a state are things in here every one tuging for his interest O Lord put in for thine too do thou gain and let all sit down with loss whose gain lies not in thine cozen all creatures by bringing about a swifter a fuller a more universal happiness by the appearance of our Lord Christ then ever heart could imagine Let the reader consider these eleven things 1. There shall be a coming of Christ in power and great glory 2. That day is very near 3. The manner of his coming 4. The signs of his coming 5. He shall come visibly 6. The posture a Christian should be in at his coming 7. It is the duty of all to wait for his coming 8. The benefits that a Christian shall have at his coming 9. The consideration of his coming should cause us to live here above our contents and discontents 10. The sad condition of all out of Christ at his coming 11. He shall come terribly 1. There shall be a coming of Christ in power and great glory which we have proved before by the testimony of all the Prophets and Apostles and some of the Angels we have proved this truth further by the immutablity of Gods decree and by the infallibility of his promises and by the
dwelleth Righteousness beholding and being filled with the fruition of the glorious presence of God and of the Lamb Jesus Christ in the company of innumerabl Angels and Saints 1 Cor 13. 10. Psal 16. 11. Rev. 3. 21. 2 Pet. 3. 13. Psal 17. 15. 1 Tim. 4. 17. Heb. 12. 22. O what variety of joyes may be considered in the glorification of man in the delights of heavenly mansions and in the blessed society of the Saints but chiefly in the beholding of God the body glorified the soul shall be far more prefect then it was in the state of innocency for in it shall be understanding without error light without darkness wisdom without ignorance reason without obscurity the Lord shall in the sight and hearing of all world pronounce unto his servants Matthew 25. 34. Come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world 1. Come ye here is our union and communion with the Trinity 2. Blessed here is our absolution from all sins and our endowments with all happiness 3. Of my father here is the Author from whom proceeds our felicity 4. Inherit here is faith ending in fruition and the promises in possession 5. The Kingdom behold our birth right according to grace 2 Tim. 1. 9. 6. Prepared See Gods fatherly care for his chosen John 14. 2. 7. From the foundation of the world O the free and eternal love of God in Christ having made this introduction let me crave leave of thee reader to speak more particularly of the most glorious state of a Christian in heaven after the sentence of absolution at the last day of judgement and to this point I shall rather lisp then speak being not able to conceive much less to describe that most excellent bliss and eternal wait of glory but we may take a scantling thereof thus the Lord in his word doth set forth to our capacity the glory of our eternal life after death in eight things 1. Their bodies shall shine as the brightness of the Sun 2. The soul shall be far more perfect then it was in the state of innocency 3. Consider the place where we shall be and that is in the third heaven 4. Consider whose presence we shall enjoy Father Son and and holy Spirit Saints and Angels c. 5. In this s●ate we shall know one another 6. In this state we shall speak one to another 7. Consider the variety of joy that there shall be in heaven 8. Consider the duration and continuance of this blessed state 1. Their bodies shall shine as the brightness of the Sun in the firmament like the glorious body of Christ The Glory of a thousand Suns made into one will be but as sack-cloath to that wherein Christ shall appear in mans nature he being in the Glory of his Father Mat 16. 27. And we shall be like him 1 John 3. 2. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the Sun in the Kingdom of their father as appears in this Scripture Mat. 13. 43. 2. The soul shall be far more perfect then it was in the state of innocency sor in it shall be understanding without errour Light without darkness wisdom without Ignorance reason without obscurity memory without oblivion the Will also shall be without perversness joy without sorrow pleasure without pain In the slate of innocency there was in man a possibility not to Sin but in the state of Glory there shall be no possibility to sin In a word both body and soul in heaven shall be in such a blessed state that neither our tongue can express it nor our mind conceive it The soul shall be more happy in being present with Jesus Christ in heaven then if it had been present with Adam in the state of innocency Adam was instated only in an earthly paradise but now thou being with Christ art instated in an everlasting Kingdom Again Adam though pleased in a state of innocency yet he was liable to lose that blessed slate and did lose it though he were a perfect creature but by Christ we are instated in a Kingdom that cannot be shaken or lost Again When Adam was made by God in innocency he enjoyed only the society of beasts on the earth and birds of the air but when Christ brings a soul to heaven God the Father Son and holy Ghost Angels and Saints shall be his companions 3. Consider the place where the Saints shall be after the Judgement and that is in the third heaven we read of Saints departed that they see the face of God They that are in the third heaven are in the presence of God the Saints departed are in the third heaven they are in paradise Luke 23. 43. which is the third heaven 2 Cor. 12. 2 4. The place of the blessed is usually known by the name of the third heaven the third heaven is a shining body created immediately of God the throne of his special presence and of the gracious manifestation of his perfections and the habitation of the blessed both Angels and men The whole Region of the air unto the Moon is in Scripture called the first heaven from the Moon to the highest stars inclusively the second heav●n That which is above these the place of happiness is the thi●d heaven 2 Cor. 12. 2. This third heaven is called a house not made with hands 2 Cor. 5 A City whose mak●r and builder is God Heb. 11. 10. The City of the living God H●b 12. 22. This is Ch●ists fathers house John 14. 2. Paradise Luke 23 43. Heaven the Heaven of Heavens 1 Kin. 8. 27. The wo●ld 〈◊〉 this is the great City of the g●eat King he measured with the reed twelve thousand ●urlo●gs the length and the bredth and the height of it are equal Rev. 21. 16. It is the Court of God and Christ wherein are habitations for in numerable company of Saints and Angels John 14. 2. Heb. 12. 22 23 24. This heaven of heavens hath twelve foundations Rev. 21. 14. The matter of the building of the wall of it was of Jasper and the City was pure gold like unto clear glass Rev. 21. 18. the form four square ver 16. Twelve thousand furlongs that is fifteen hundred English miles square the gates are in number twelve made of twelve pearls every several gate was of one pearl ver 21. Situate East West North and South three looking every way ver 13. Having ingraven upon them the names of the twelve Tribes of Israel and twelve Angels for the keepers of them the streets are of pure gold ver 21. It s Temple is God and the Lamb its Light the glory of God and the Lamb its Inhabitants are the Lords people ver 24. It s water a pure river of Life Chap. 22. 1. Its fruits are the fruits of the tree of Life ver 2. In a word there is no place so glorious by creation so beautiful with delectation so rich in possession so comfortable for habitation
understand these four choise things viz. 1. That Christ by the will of God gave himself a Ransome and sacrifice of a sweet smelling Savour unto God in behalf of the Elect Joh. 6. 7. Heb. 5. 10. 10. 9 10. Eph. 5. 2. 2. That this ransome was alone and by it self a perfect satisfaction to Divine Justice for all their sin Heb. 1. 3. When he had by himself purged our sins sate down on the right hand of the Majesty on high Heb. 10. 10. by the which will we are sanctified by the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all verse 14. For by an offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified 1 John 1. 7. The blood of Christ cleanseth us from all sin 3. That God accepted it and declared himself well pleased and fully satisfied therewith Mat. 3. 17. And loe a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Isa 4. 2. 1 4 6. I will give thee for a Covenant of the people for a light of the Gentiles c. God was so well pleased in him that he hath Covenanted and sworn that he will never remember their sins nor be wroth with them any more Isa 43. 25. 4. That by this ransome of his we are delivered from the curse of the Law Gal. 3. 13. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law being made a curse for us To close up all as to the nature of this Covenant Let me tell thee the main substance of the Covenant is in these words I will be their God and they shall be my people but sprinkling with clean water taking away the stony heart and giving a heart of flesh all these are nothing but the fruits of the Covenant So Christ is given for a Covenant to the people that is the Covenant of Grace takes its being from Christ to us Adam was all mankind as all mankind was in Adam in the loyns of Adam so Christ is the Covenant and all the Covenant is as it were in the loins of Christ and springs to us out of him in this sense he is the Covenant-maker he is the Covenant-undertaker he is the Covenant-manager he is the Covenant-dispenser he doth every thing in the Covenant he makes the articles he draws God the Father to an agreement unto the articles Psal 110. 3. thy people shall be a willing people in the day of thy power and God is in Christ reconciling the world unto himself 2 Cor. 5. 9. Hence Christ is also called the Mediator of the Covenant that is he is one that hath the managing of it on both sides and he alone is able to bring both sides together and make up a conclusion and thus Christ is the Covenant and the Mediator of the Covenant c. The second thing to be enquired into is with whom this Covenant was first made THis Covenant was not made with us but with Christ for us God did not immediately make this Covenant with us we were children of disobedience and of wrath who were not capable of any such Covenant and conditions but it was made with Christ for us that upon the making of his soul an offering for sin he would give unto his seed eternall life Zech. 9. 11. As for thee also by the blood of thy Covenant I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water Adam lost his righteousness the foundation of the first Covenant But the righteousness of Christ the second Adam can never be lost it being grounded upon better promises Heb. 8. 6. The Covenant made with Christ hath these promises Gen. 12. 3. In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed 2 Cor. 1. 20. All the promises of God are Yea and Amen in him so then this Covenant was made with him actively as a person that performed all the conditions upon which the promises were grounded but with us passively as the Persons to whom the benefits of these promises do belong if Christ merited nothing for himself but wholly for the Elect of God then all the promises made to him do belong to them or the Covenant which was made with him as Mediator doth belong to us for whom he doth mediate Now the parties concerned in this Covenant are first God the Father and Jesus Christ the Mediator and the Church or body of Christ for whom he was to mediate Now this Covenant being made with Christ he as a Surety is bound to perform and see performed all the duties that God requires of believers so he was arrested and brought to the bar of Gods justice where he is convicted adjudged and arraigned as a sinfull transgressor so he suffered the uttermost rigor of the Law and not one grain of justice abated him nor a farthing of the debt forgiven him no nor so much as one sin unaccounted for or blotted out till satisfaction was first made and given But after the full account and perfect payment this Surety Christ Jesus pleaded for a dismission and discharge and so got a generall discharge acquittance and releasment under the King of Heavens hand and seal for us c. If any man desire further satisfaction whether this Covenant was first made with Christ for us yea or no. Let him consult with these precious Scriptures Psalm 89. 24 27 28. Hebr. 13. 20. Isaiah 42. 6. Isa 55. 3. Zach. 6. 13. Isa 50. 56. Zach. 9. 11. Isa 53. 10. Now if any one ask what were the conditions between the Father and the Son when this Covenant was made they are as followeth First see what God the Father promised unto Christ on his part 1. That he would anoint him and fill him with the Spirit above all others Heb. 1. 9. Isa 11. 2. 2. That he would prepare him a body to sacrifice for sins Heb. 10. 5 10. 3. That he would uphold him and strengthen him that he should not be ashamed by the things he should suffer Isa 42. 6. 50. 5 7. 4. That he would justifie and glorifie all his seed Isa 50. 8. Joh. 17. 22 24 Isa 53. 11. 5. That he should see and enjoy the travell of his soul and the purchases of his blood Isa 53. 10. Heb. 2. 7. 6. That he should have all power in heaven and in earth given him till all his enemies were made his footstool Ephes 5. 25 27 Matthew 28. 18. 1 Cor. 15. 28. Next let us examine what Christ did perform or promise to perform on his part 1. To become a Mediator Surety and Saviour for all those that his Father should give him Heb. 8. 6. Heb. 7. 22. Act. 13. 23. Ioh. 17. 11 12. Ephes 1. 10. Col. 1. 20. 1 John 2. 1. 2. To take upon him the nature of man and so to become flesh in his Fathers appointed time Gal. 4. 4. Mat. 11. 27. John 17. 4. 3. That he would glorifie his Father by keeping revealing and doing his will John 15. 10. John 6. 39. 4.
their infidelity 3. Means to get into this Covenant endeavour to believe for although faith be not an instrument to procure it yet it is to receive justification and salvation which is freely given us by Jesus Christ and so peace in the soul doth come by believing God is the Author and giver of peace Christ the Prince and promiser of peace the Spirit the worker and sealer of peace and the Gospel the word and ground of peace and the Ministers the messengers of peace and this blessed Covenant is sometimes called a Covenant of peace but if thou endeavour to believe and canst not consider God doth not take men into Covenant because they believe and are holy but that they might believe and be holy in this Covenant he doth promise faith and holiness to men and through it he doth convey it to them and this Covenant being without conditions it doth give a man the greatest encouragement to believe and cast himself into the arms of Christ and to put on a strong confidence of inheriting the precious promises seeing that in their accomplishment they depend not upon works and conditions on our part let us then do as Benhadads servants did 1 King 20. 31 32 33. Yea let us resolve with the woman of Canaan not to be beaten off with any discouragements this act of faith is stiled a taking the kingdom of heaven by force Job 13. 15. though he slay me yet will I trust in him see 2 King 7. 4 5. 4. Dwell much upon the consideration of those promises that God hath made viz. To bring men into the bonds of the Covenant and to work a willingness and an ability to receive what he gives to believe what he saith and to observe and do what he commandeth What shall I say more would we indeed get into this Covenant then the work we have to do is twofold 1. To get a Title to Gods love 2. To get assurance that we have a title the first is done by consideration and believing the second is done by examination and diligence to make our calling and election sure Object But you have said before that there is no condition of this Covenant on mans part and now you put men upon the use of means to get into this Covenant now I would fain know what difference there is between means and conditions are they not as one Answ Every means is not a condition though every condition be a means Now Gods order and method in bestowing the blessings of the Covenant upon a person or a people is in the use of means in Exek 36. there are some sixteen promises one after another made to the people without any condition on the peoples part Be it known saith the Lord to them not for your sakes but for my own names sake I will do this for you but I will hand these mercies to you in the use of means verse 37. I will yet for this be enquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them And surely mistaken is Mr. Samuel Richardson that saith in his book called the Saints desire pag. 46. that there is no means to be used by man to get an interest in this Covenant or to partake of it 1. Break your Covenant with your old sins and your lusts or else God will not enter into Covenant with you Mat. 6. 24. 2. Come with an humble submission to yeild up thy self to the obedience of the will of God If any will be my disciple he must deny himself 3. Come before God in the name of a Mediator and make a Covenant with him by his sacrifice Psal 50. 5. 4. By faith look at the gracious invitations of God and consider his readiness and willingness to enter into Covenant with us 2 Chron. 30. 8 9. John 6. 39. The eighth thing to be enquired into is this when may a man or woman be said to be in this Covenant 1. A Man or woman old or young is then properly actually and expresly in Covenant with God when God hath come to it in a promise of the Gospel so that the soul doth feel it self under the power of the promise then it begins to know he is in Covenant so the Lord in and through this Covenant brings a poor soul to see and seeing to admire the superabundant riches of his free grace and love and so humbly and thankfully embraceth the same and the heart thus wrought upon exceedingly desires that such kindnesses of God might not slip out of mind but that the consideration of this soul-ravishing heart-melting grace and loving kindness might carry him forth stedfastly to believe and dearly to love cheerfully to honour and obey this God of mercy in soul body and spirit so long as the Sun and Moon endureth so the soul begins to be carried forth out of self unto God and in God alone finds rest and satisfaction 2. Faith and works doth evidence our being in the Covenant faith doth evidence it to our selves and works to others but faith and works do evidence no otherwise then organically as it is an organ or instrument by which we do apprehend it 3. Then may a man be said to be in the Covenant when he doth find his soul carried forth to a secret resting relying leaning staying and hanging upon Christ alone for life and happiness 4. A man may be said to be in this Covenant when he doth find within this frame of spirit Oh that I had more of God that I were filled with Christ oh that I had his righteousness to cover me his grace to pardon me his power to support me his wisdom to counsell me his loving kindness to refresh me and his happiness to crown me 5. Again a man may be said to be in this Covenant when in some good measure a soul doth come to see that Christ did legally interpose and put himself between God and man to mediate and intercede for them and so voluntarily became obedient unto his Fathers will and by undergoing bearing and suffering the warth and curse due to him for his sins And so Christ took away the sins reconciled him to God redeemed him from the Law and delivered him from the wrath to come 6. A man may be said to be in this Covenant when he doth freely accept of free pardon and a surety under the Gospel Gospel grace neglected is the great condemnation of the world how mindfull should we be of the Apostles counsell Receive not the grace of God in vain that is receive it not only in word but in power as it is a quickning spirit or spirit and life not begetting a form only of a profession but as changing and transforming into the Image of God and altering the inward disposition of the heart 7. A man may be said to be in this Covenant when he finds in himself a conscientious improvement of the word of God for self purifying the word hath a purifying faculty in it John 15.
that against fundamentals of Faith Christ and his Offices those are fundamentals 1 Cor. 3. 11. Eph. 2. 20. yet the Apostles as we said before till the sending of the Holy Ghost upon them were in an errour about Christs Kingly Office taking it to be temporal rather then spiritual Justification by Faith alone is a Fundamental Rom. 3. 28. Gal. 4. 5 6. yet for a season as before the Galatians lay under that gross errour of that necessity of Legal works with Faith But it is a dangerous thing for any of the Lords people to fall into such gross errours hereby their minds are darkened Eph. 4. 18. and corrupted 2 Cor. 11. 3. bewitched Gal. 3. 1. Now consider how grievous it is to have a mans mind corrupted if the mind be darkness how great is that darkness c. Oh here is the love of God in restoring his people again into the truth and yet for all this he calls them the children of truth 1 Joh. 3. 19. they can do nothing against the truth but for the truth 2 Cor. 13. 8. their loins are girt about with truth Eph. 6. 14. whereas carnal men remain in errour and are men 1. Of corrupt minds destitute of the truth 2 Tim. 3. 8. and turning away their ears from the truth 2 Tim. 4. 4. 2. Or they hold the truth in unrighteousness Rom. 1. 18. 3. Or they are not able to come to the knowledge of the truth 2 Tim. 3. 7. 4. They have no love to the truth 2 Thes 2. 9 10. and no wonder if such persons be unstable and led away with the errour of the wicked c. Of Knowledge first of God secondly of our selves the properties of it and means of attaining it and the benefits we have by it Of Knowledge TO lack knowledge is a very evil thing to scorn to learn is worse and to hate knowledge is worst of all Hos 6. 6. I desired the Knowledge of God more then burnt offerings Hos 4. 1. The Lord hath a controversie with the inhabitants of the Land because there is no knowledge of God in the Land 1 Cor. 15. Some have not the knowledge of God I speak this to your shame Hos 4. 6. My people perish for want of knowledge Prov. 1. 22. How long ye simple ones will ye love simplicity and fools hate knowledge Prov. 2. 16. When wisdom entereth into thy heart and knowledge is pleasant to thy soul discretion shall preserve thee understanding shall keep thee Eph. 2. 17. Therefore be ye not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is What shall I say more knowledge is that understanding which we have both of God and his Word and Will and of our own selves it is a store-house of all wisdom and the beginning of salvation it is a spiritual vertue to speak little and well words are the shadow of works and works the substance of words much talking and little practising is like to an empty vessel that doth give a greater sound then they that be full much knowledge little practise is like a great tree that makes a large shew but bears no fruit To close up this first of knowledge in general let me tell the Reader that a man without knowledge is as a workman without hands or as a painter without eyes or as a traveller without legs or as a ship without sails or as a bird without wings or as a body without a soul there is a threefold knowledge or illumination First general and natural the light of Reason Secondly spiritual and supernatural Thirdly there is a knowledge of middle illumination betwixt these two more then meerly natural but less then truly supernatural Of the knowledge of God SOme have not the knowledge of God saith the Lord by his servant Paul I speak this to your shame 1 Cor. 15 c. Again another Scripture saith This is life eternal to know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent John 17. 3. Again it is death to be ignorant of him for he will come in flaming fire rendering vengeance on them that know him not 2 Thes 1. 8. So that all regenerate persons have true knowledge though it be an imperfect knowledge they do truly though weakly know God as doth appear in these Scriptures Jer. 31. 34. John 6. 45. 1 Cor. 13. 9 12. 1 John 5. 20. In a word to know him is to know all things for they have their being from him to be ignorant of him is to be ignorant of all things So that such an one doth know nothing as he ought to know Let the reader turn to the first page of this book where I have laid down as much as I understand in this mysterie Of the knowledge of our selves IT is a most excellent thing for a Christian to know himself and then at the best he would see himself to be but vanity and an unpofitable servant to God and so begin to cease from man whose breath is in his nostrils Oh what are the best of men they have no better lodging for his noble soul then a cottage of clay and that so frail and crasie as were it not once or twice a day dawbed over it would fall about his ears and wheresoever he goes he is forced to carry this clog this clay Whereas Angels free from these shakels of flesh can move from heaven to earth even as swiftly as can our very thoughts Nay take the best piece in man his soul search and see his understanding is full of darkness blindness and vanity Psal 94. 11. 1 Cor. 2. 24. Unteachableness and incredulity See 2 Cor. 4. 4. Secondly the will of man is wholly depraved as being contrary to God his will word and spirit in all things it will not depend nor wait on God it is unconstant in good resolutions it is very apt to disobey the will of God as we may see in Father Adam Thirdly as for the memory that is also full of corruption that it will forget the things that it should remember and remember the things it should forget it will hold fast trifles and let go matters of moment Fourthly The Conscience that is wholly corrupted that is without feeling whereas it should excuse or accuse It doth abuse and pervert the light it hath by making great sins small and small sins great Fifthly Our affections they are also corrupted they come as a tempest and carry us away either to make us over-love or over-grieve or over-joy and so we hate our brother whom we should love and love our lusts whom we should hate What shall I say our understanding is darkened our will depraved our affections disordered our memory misimployed and conscience benummed c. We were conceived in sin brought forth in iniquity we have lived in vanity and without the riches of Gods grace we shall dye in misery The Charecters or Properties of true knowledge 1. THE knowledge that is from God subjects the soul
promises will support a distressed soul and reduce a wandring soul hope in the promises will confirm staggering souls and some undone souls The promises are the Anchor of hope as hope is the Anchor of the soul See Rom. 8. 24. Gal. 5. 5. Tit. 1. 2. 3. Hope hath much in reversion though little in possession hope can see a glimpse of heaven through the thickest cloud hope can see light through darkness life through death smiles through frowns and glory through misery hope holds life and soul the together it holds the soul and the promises togeit holds the soul and heaven together 4. Hope never takes off but puts the soul upon doing and obeying 1 Pet. 1. 3. it gives life and strength to all our duties 1 Cor. 9. 10. 5. Hope will enter into that within the vail Heb. 6. 19. Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul both sure and stedfast which entreth into that within the vail 6. Another property of hope is this it will help a soul to wait patiently upon God for any thing it doth stand in need of Rom. 8. 25. For if we hope for that we see not then do we with patience wait for it Of the encouragements to encourage us to hope in God 1. FIrst this is the way for a Christian to enjoy himfelf and to have God take pleasure in him also Psal 147. 11. The Lord takes pleasure in them that fear him in those that hope in his mercy Psal 33. 18. Behold the eye of the Lordis upon them that fear him upon them that hope in his mercy to deliver their souls from death c. 2. A believers comfort hope joy and confidence should be the same at all times and that for these five unanswerable reasons 1. Because God is unchangeable John 13. 1. 2. Because God ever looks upon his as they are in Christ Gal. 5. 17. Psal 103. 14. 3. Because the hope and comfort of a believer depends not upon his own doings but upon Christs holiness and righteousness 1 Cor. 1. 30 2 Tim. 1. 9. Heb. 13. 8. 4. Because Christ and all true believers in a sense are one 1 Cor. 12. 12 13. Ephes 5. 30. Heb. 2. 11. 5. Because we are not beloved for our own sakes but for Christs sake Mat. 3. 17. compared with Isa 43. 25. Mich. 7. 18 19 20. 6 I might speak of many more encouragements viz. As God doth command us to hope in him and commends us for so doing and blames and threatens us for not hoping in his mercy But if I should speak of every thing distinctly I perceive my book would swell to a greater volumn then I intended Of the distinguishing Characters between a well grounded and a presumptuous hope 1. FIrst the hopes of a regenerate man it is gotten by and grounded upon the word of God and therefore it is called the hope of the Gospel Col. 1. 23. Rom. 15. 4. But now the hopes of wicked men as they are gotten they know not how so neither do they know upon what they are grounded c. 2. True hope is bottomed upon the mercies of God and the merits of Christ and hence it is that Christ is called our hope 1 Tim. 1. 1. Because he is the foundation upon which believers do build all their hopes But now the false and presumptuous hopes of the wicked are built upon their own duties what they have done for themselves Mich. 3. 11. 3. True hope doth as well act for heaven as hope for heaven Psal 37. 3. Trust in the Lord and do good here is trusting and doing put together true hope doth act for heaven as well as hope for heaven But a presumptuous hope that hopes for heaven as its end but never acts holiness as its way to heaven in a word false hope doth hope much and act little Wicked men will hope for salvation but not work out their salvation c. 4. He that hath true hope doth make conscience to keep his heart pure and free both from the love of sin and the dominion of sin 1 John 3. 3. He that hath this hope in him purifieth himself as he is pure that is he doth endeavour so to do at least But now a false hope will hope for heaven though he walk on after the imaginations of his own heart as in Isaiah 51. 10. Thou hast walked in the greatness of thy wicked waies yet sayest thou not there is no hope though they had great sins yet they had great hopes for heaven but this hope is only a presumptuous hope 5. True hope flows from a long and well grounded experience in the waies of God and from an experience of the grace and beauty and love of God to him and from experience of the goodness and mercy and promises of God and also from an experience from his own heart which in some measure is enabled by Christ to withstand temptations subdue corruptions Such experiences as these are inlets to a well grounded hope But now the hopes of wicked men and women are only the results of ignorance deluding and presumptuous hopes without any former experience of the ways of God surely such hopes are vain and empty hopes that will end in miserv Prov. 11. 7. The hope of the wicked shall be cut off and when he dies his expectation shall perish See Job 8. 14. Whose hope shall be cut off and whose trust shall be a spiders Web. See Job 11. 20. Their hope shall be as the giving up of the ghost therefore let us take heed that we do not fancie to our selves false hopes of heaven on the one hand and have as much care on the other hand that you do not cast off grounded hopes and say there is no hope and have as much care that you do not harbour in your hearts common and ordinary conceits of this grace of hope for there is the same certainty the same excellency and the same efficacy in this grace of hope as there is in Faith and love First there is the same certainty in it Heb. 6. 11. It is called the full assurance of hope Secondly there is the same excellency in it Tit. 2. 13. It is called a blessed hope and there is also the same efficacy in it for as faith is said to purifie the heart Act. 15. 9. So likewise doth hope 1 John 3. 3. Every man that hath this hope in him doth purifie himself as he is pure Again there is the same difficulty in getting hope as there is in getting Faith for as it is gotten by the word preached so is hope too Col. 1. 23. And if Faith be wrought in us by the power of God as Heb. 12. 2. So is hope likewise wrought in us by the power of the Holy Ghost Rom. 15. 13. That ye may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost let our faith and hope then ●e in God 1 Pet. 1. 21. and let us not be moved away from the hope of
am shut out or excepted against 5. Water is copious and plentiful there is no less in the river for thy drinking there is enough for all men So is the blood of Christ it can never be drawn dry of his fulness we may all receive yet he never the more empty John 1. 16. 6. Water is a cleansing and purifying element and it resembles the blood of Christ fitly in that 1 Iohn 1. 7. The blood of Christ cleanseth from us all sin The inward thing signified is many times really exhibited and coveyed and sealed in the use of the outward hence are those expressions in Scripture of being born again of water and of the Holy Ghost Iohn 3. 5. of cleansing by the washing of water Ephes 5. 29. So again arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins Acts 22. 16. so Rom. 6. 3. we are buried with Christ by Baptism Surely the Ordinance of Baptism being rightly administred and rightly received doth effect that which it doth represent We should know that confirming Ordinances Sacraments or seals properly do not give us any right unto God and his Christ and promises but only seal up and confirm that right and interest which already we have in Gods Covenant of Grace God promised to Father Adam life and then he gave him the tree of life to be a pledge of his promise now it was not the tree of life that gave Adam life but God according to his promise Adam might have lived upon God in the promise without the tree for the tree could do him no good without the promise Thus God promised Christ and his benefits to the believing generation and then he gave Baptism to seal these promises So then it is not Baptism that saves us but the promises it is not water that purgeth our sins but the blood of the Covenant what shall I say more where God is pleased to dispense his seals they are great comforts and pledges of his love and where he denieth means and oportunity of enjoying the signs the things signified are never the further off or less effectual Davids child died the seventh day a day before the time appointed for circumcision and yet both his words and his carriage gives us to understand that he doubted not of the salvation of it So the thief upon the cross believing in Christ was received with Christ into Paradise though he were never baptized but he had the inward grace of baptism the washing of the blood of Christ though not the outward sign some have the outward sign and not the inward grace some have the inward grace and not the outward sign when God affordeth means we must wait upon him for a blessing in them and by them as his pipes of conveyance and when he doth not afford means we should not tye the working of his grace to them These things seriously considered may make any man admire why there should be so great contention jarring and wrangling about the time when and the persons to whom and the manner how this Ordinance is to be administred are not the Scriptures as clear in laying down this as they are in confirming the Ordinance it self now the Scripture being the rule we are to look for a precept for what we do otherwise the Lord will say who hath required these things at your hands and in the want of a precept we are to walk by example so saith the Apostle ye ought so to walk as ye have us for an example in the want of a precept and example necessary directions inferences and consequences may be made use of as I might prove at large but beware of drawing any of these against a plain precept and example Now give me leave to present a few of those precepts and examples recorded in the Scripture for the baptizing of a believer and when the reader hath answered these few I shall give him so many more for ought I know 1. For precept consider these three Scriptures Acts 2. 38. Then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you c. Acts 10. 48. And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Acts 22. 16. And now why tarriest thou arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins Now here being three precepts for the baptizing of believers can any man forbid water that these should not be baptized which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we Acts 10. 47. 2. For example consider these three examples Mat. 3. 13 14 15. Then cometh Jesus to John to be baptized ver 16. and Jesus when he was baptized went up straight way out of the water and loe the heavens were opened unto him c. Acts 2. 41. Then they that gladly received the word were baptized c. Acts 8. 12. They were baptized both men and women c. Behold here is both precept and example for baptizing of believers and that in the mouth of two or three witnesses and yet shall not every word be established Shew me the like for baptizing of children and I will write a book of recantation and acknowledge my error both to God and man But I am sure thou canst not do it without thou wilt make a new Scripture or grosly pervert this Let the Reader beware at last that he be not found amongst the number of those spoken of Luk. 7. 30. But the Pharisees and Lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves being not bapeized That Baptism is an Ordinance of the Gospel and that only believers hath right unto it hath been proved now I shall lay down a few reasons why children ought not to be baptized 1. Because we find no command nor example in the word of God that any Infants were baptized and we are forbidden to presume above what is written and further if we should admit of any one thing in the worship of God which we find no warrant for in the word of God we should be forced by the same reason to admit of many yea of any inventions of men 2. As an ●nfant is uncapable of examining himself and of discerning the Lords body and therefore not admitted to that Ordinance so also he is uncapable of believing and discerning the use and end of this Ordinance for there are many things about which Faith is to be exercised by him that is baptized I will instance in five 1. To exercise Faith in the blood of Christ for the washing away of sins See Acts 2. 38. compared with Acts 22. 16. Arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins calling on the name of the Lord 2. Special things held forth in this Ordinance that a child is not capable of discerning is the Mystical mortification of sin Rom. 6. 3. Know you not that so many of us that were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death ver 6. knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed c. 3.
now lye hid shall then be made known Luke 18. 17. and 12. 2. there is nothing covered that shall not then be revealed 1 Cor. 4. 5. He will bring to light the hidden things of darkness Matthew 24. 30. Then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and mens hearts fail for fear and for looking after those things that are coming on the earth Joel 3. 16. the Lord also shall roar out of Sion and utter his voice from Jerusalem and the heavens and the earth shall shake but the Lord will be the hope of his people Christ shall come terribly and yet seasonably THe day of the Lord is great and terrible who can abide it Joel 2. 11. There hath not been ever the like neither shall there be Joel 2. 2. there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since the creation Dan. 12. 1. Then shall be great tribulation such as was not from the beginning to this day Matthew 24. 21 22. A fire stream shall come forth before him and ten thousands shall be ministring unto him and ten thousand times ten thousand shall stand before him and the judgement shall be set and the books opened See Dan. 7. 10. Jude 14. Yet this coming will be seasonable to all that have an interest in him and did look for him and hasten to his coming and love his appearing for now they shall be like him 1 John 3. 2. Isa 25. 9. and Isa 2. 3 4. Rev. 21. 4. There be four things that Christ hath already done for his flock and five things he is now doing and six things more he will finish when he comes THere are four things that he hath already done viz. 1. He hath taken our nature upon him Heb. 2. 16. 2. He hath taken our sins upon him Isaiah 53. 6. 3. He hath taken the curse due to us upon himsef Gal. 3. 13. 4. He hath fully satisfied Divine justice for us Isa 53. 11. Then there are five things that he is now doing for us viz. 1. He is at the right hand of the Father making interceslion for us Heb. 7. 25. 2. He is teaching us as a Prophet and preserving us as a King and healing us as a Physitian and feeding us as a Shepheard c. 3. He is preparing for the destroying of Antichrist 2 Thes 2. 8. 4. He is making good his promise in pouring out his Spirit 5. He is turning our disunion into union Zeph. 3. 9. Then there be six things more that he will do for us when he comes 1. He will unvail himself and every eye shall see him Rev. 1. 7. 2. He will gather his spiritual Kingdom Psal 50. 5. 3. He will establish his Kingdom on the top of all kingdoms Isa 2. 2. 4. He will restore our judges as at the first and counsellors as at the beginning Isa 1. 26 5. He will make his enemies his footstool Psalm 110. 1. 6. He will make his people the head and not the tail Deut. 28. 13. Dan. 7. 27. Many more things hath Christ done for us many more he is doing and many more will he do when he comes Let the reader take notice these that I have named are but a taste Of the resurrection of the dead at the second coming of Christ THough the resurrection of the dead is above nature and mans corrupt reason yet it is neither against nature noragainst right reason the Scripture proves the resurrection of the dead by many testimonies examples types and reasons c. 1. The resurrection is proved by testimonies Job 19. 25 26. Dan. 12. 2. Hos 13. 14. Mat. 22. 31. and 27. 52. John 5. 28 29. Phil. 3. 21. 1 Thes 4. 2. By example of those that were raised 1 King 17. 22. 2 King 4. 34. 2 King 13. 21. Matthew 9. 25. and 27. 52 53. Luke 7. 14. John 11. 11. Acts. 9. 40. and 20. 10. 3. By types as Aarons rod budding Numb 17. Of the Jews returning from Babylon Ezek. 37. but chiefly of Enoch and Elias Gen. 5. and 2. Kin. 2. 4. This resurrection is also proved by reasons drawn first from the Covenant of God which is not broken by death Mat. 22. 30. But the chief reason is drawn from Christ who is not only the type and example of our resurrection but the beginning also thereof For the Life of the body the Church is from the head There is a first and a second Resurrection 1. THe first Resurrection as most do affirm is a Resurrection from the death of sin to the Life of Righteousness this is a Revocation from a state of death to a state of Life 2. There is a resurrection of the same body that man had in this life Iob 19. 26. The form of this resurrection consisteth in the re-union of body and soul and restoring of the de●d to Life and in the suddain change of those that remain upon the earth at his coming c. This resurrection is either of the godly or of the wicked There is a Resurrection to Life and another to condemnation John 5. 29. 1. Of the godly they shall be first raised and then freed not only from corruption and bodily defects but shall be crowned also with Glory 1 Thess 4. 16. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Arch-Angel and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first Agreeable to this Text is that in Rev. 20. 4 5. I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God which had not worshipped the beast nor his Image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and raigned with Christ a thousand years Ver. 5. But the rest of the dead lived not again untill the thousand years were finished this is the first resurrection blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection on such the second Death hath no power the Apostle Paul speaks to the same thing 1 Cor. 15. 23. But every man in his own order Christ the first fruits afterwards they that are Christs at his Coming 1 Thess 4. 14. For if we believe that Jesus dyed and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him 1 Cor. 15. 42 43 44. It is sown in corruption it is raysed in incorruption it is sown in dishonour it is raised in Glory it is sown in weakness it is raised in power it is sown a natural body it is raised a spiritual body ver 49. As we have born the Image of the earthly we shall also bear the Image of the Heavenly Adam The bodies of the Elect being thus first raised they shall have most excellent and supernatural qualities I will instance in four 1. As before they shall be raised in power whereby they shall be freed from all wants and weakness and enabled to continue without the use of meat and drink
great in respect of the greatness of their rewards and recompences there will be the loss of Gods presence to the one and the freedom of all misery to the other and the stamp of eternity put upon both it shall be a righteous sentence every cause shall be judged rightly Christ is called a righteous Judge 1 Tim. 4. 8. in righteousness doth he judge Rev. 19. 11. The Scepter of his Kingdom is a rig●teous Scepter he loves righteousness Psal 45. 6 7. The day of judgement is a day of the revelation of the righteous judgement of God righteousness shall be the girdle of his loyns this Judge cannot be byassed by favour there is no respect of persons with God he regardeth not the persons of men To draw towards a close let the reader consider that in this great day of judgement God will bring in every secret thing whether it be good or bad Eccles 12. 14. For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body whether it be good or bad 2 Cor. 5. 10. For he hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness Act. 17. 31. Oh did we meditate sometimes on this day and think of the preparations to it and the acting of it and the execution of the sentence we should tremble at his word surely at this day our consciences shall be so enlightned that all shall perfectly remember what ever good or evil they did in the time of their life the secrets of all hearts being then revealed and some shall be judged according to the Law of God which hath been revealed unto men whether it be the Law of nature only which is written in the hearts of all to leave them without excuse or that written word of God First the Old Testament and after also of the New as the ground of faith and the rule of life Romans 2. 12. and so by the evidence of every mans conscience bringing all his works to remembrance bearing witness with him or against him together by the testimony of such who by Doctrine or example have approved or condemned him What shall I say more this will be a great day in this respect also viz. as Christ doth come to judge things that are not judged so also he doth come to judge over again things that are judged amiss Eccles 3. 16 17. Moreover I saw under the Sun the place of judgement that wickedness was there and the place of righteousness that iniquity was there Then I said in my heart God shall judge the world in righteousness yea he shall judge both the righteous and the wicked Mark 13. 32. But of that day and that hour knoweth no man no not the Angels which are in heaven neither the Son but the Father See Mat. 24. 36 c. God is a knowing Judge a righteous Judge a powerful Judge I shall now proceed in order to speak of the state of both the damned and saved after the judgement is over and the sentence given and so close up all with a few words of advice and so of the end of the world Of the sad condition of a man out of Christ after his death judgement and sentence passed viz. Go ye cursed VVE find it written Mat. 25. 41. Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels consider five things in these words 1. Depart from me there is a separation from all joy and happiness 2. Ye cursed there is a dreadful excommunication 3. Into fire there is unexpressible pain 4. Everlasting there is the duration of punishment 5. Prepared for the Devil and all his angels ●ere are the tormented and tormenting compan●ons the 〈…〉 isery of this d●leful state may be reduced to these three heads 1. The unexpressible pains that they shall endure 2. The companions wicked men evil angels or devils 3. The duration of this miserable estate 1. The unexpressible pains that they shall endure the devil and his angels who being tormented themselves shall have no other ease but to wrack their fury in tormenting thee where shall be punishment without pitty misery without mercy sorrow without succour crying without comfort mischief without measure torment without ease where the worm dyeth not and the fire is never quenched in which flame thou shalt ever be burning and never consumed ever dying and never dead c. 2. Thy companions shall be wicked men evil angels or devils from the judgement seat thou must be thrust by Angels together with all the damned devils and reprobates into the bottomless lake of utter darkness that perpetually burns with fire and brimstone where thou shalt ever lament and none shall pitty thee thou shalt alwayes cry for the pain of fire and yet gnash thy teeth for the extremity of cold thou shalt weep to think that thy miseries are past remedy 3. The duration of this miserable estate doth multiply and aggravate thy misery this eternal condition admits of no change or alteration decay or consumption mans eternal condition admits of no future hopes or expectation waste or diminution mans eternal condition admits of no mixture or moderation mans eternal condition admits of no events or issues of providence mans eternal condition admits of no comparison or revocation there is no sounding a retreat after we are lanched into the Ocean mans eternal condition admits of no conclusion mans eternal condition admits of no conception Millions of ages pass away and yet not one minute wasted so that after thou hast endu ed them so many thousand years as there are grass on the earth or sands on the sea shore thou art no nearer to have an end of thy torments then thou wast the first day that thou wast cast into them yea so far are they from ending that they are ever beginning but if after a thousand times so many thousand years thy damned soul could but conceive a hope that these her torments might have an end this would be some comfort to think that at length an end will come but as oft as the mind thinketh of this word never it is as another hell in the midst of hell This is the second death the general perfect fulness of all cursedness the damned shall remain for ever in unspeakable torment of body and anguish of mind being cast out from the favourable presence of God and Christ and his Saints into utter darkness blackness of darkness weeping and gnashing ofteeth the worm that never dyeth the fire that never goeth out c. Of the happy and blessed estate of the Elect in Heaven THey shall be unspeakably and everlastingly blessed and glorious in bo●y and soul being freed from all imperfections and infirmities and endowd with perfect wisdom and holiness possessed with all the pleasures that are at the right hand of God seated as Princes in thrones of Majesly crowned with crowns of Glory possessing the third Heaven wherein
take in their company we are often in the company of those that we take no delight in Now do we indeed delight in the society of the Saints then we love them Psalm 16. 3 c. In a word such things as we love we keep with care possess with joy and loose with grief so much of the inward tryals of our love to the Saints Next of the external tryals of this love by which we may know that others do love us and by which they may know that we love them But these evidences are not so infallible as the other we read John 13. 35. By this shall all men know that ye are my Disciples if ye have love one to another and how doth our love unto another appear but in these or the like things viz. 1. He that doth love his brother will be apt to reprove him when he doth ill and praise him when he doth well a friend can bear a sharp reproof from a friend c. 2. Another evidence of love is this we acquaint those whom we love with our miseries lay open our griefs and account it some ease to discharge some of our sorrows into their bosoms their advice we ask and from them we look for assistance 2 Cor. 8. 3. 3. Where love is in the heart it will appear in the tongue 1 Cor. 13. Love is kind but there is a great deal of verbal and complementary love with men forbidden in the Scriptures of truth saying love not in word and tongue but in deed and in truth 4. Another Character of love is this when thou hast some injuries offered thee thou wilt not soon be angry 1 Cor. 13. 4. love suffereth long 5. Where there is love unto another there will be endeavours to do good unto another not only to the body but also to the soul they will be apt to say as the woman of Samaria did to her neighbours when she had found Christ her self she cals them to him John 4. 29. Come see a man which told me all things that ever I did is not this the Christ Or as David Psal 66. 16. I will tell you what God hath done for my soul Of the means of attaining a true love to the brethren 1. COnsider the Lord loves them and ●ath received them then say to thy self shall I hate and reject those that he loves and receives how unlike shall be to God 2. Consider that the Lord commands thee to love them and it is thy duty so to do and wilt thou rebel against God in not doing thy duty but the quite contrary 3. Consider they be members of the same body children of the same Father heirs of the same promises as thou art Consider I say thy relation to them 1 Cor. 12. 27. For relation is the ground of affection 4. Labour daily to have a higher esteem of all the Saints and a lower esteem of thy self so by degrees shalt thou come to love them indeed Phil. 2. 3. Let nothing be done through strife and vain glory but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better then themselves 5. Eye the work of God in them the Image of Christ in them and the gifts and graces of his Spirit adorning them and then thou wilt quickly love them and that with a pure heart fervently 1 Pet. 1. 22. Of the impediments and hinderances of love 1. THe first impediment that doth hinder love which we should do well to beware of is this beware of persecuting them either with tongue hand or pen Acts 9. 4. Saul Saul why persecutest thou me Zach. 2. 8. He that toucheth them toucheth the Apple of mine eye saith the Lord. 2. Beware of pride Prov. 13. 10. Only by pride cometh contention 3. Beware of offending them Mat. 18. 6. 4. Beware of giving credit to evil reports for many times it is a lye also take heed of evil surmisings and groundless jealousies and all other things that makes head against love E●hes 4. 31. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice Of the grace of hope the nature of it and the properties of it and encouragements to it and Characters of it IF any ask why I write of hope after love I answer because I find it so set down in the Scriptures written for our learning 1 Thes 5. 8. But let us who are of the day be sober putting on the breast-plate of Faith and love and for an helmet the hope of salvation Now first the nature of this hope may be thus That hope of the Gospel is a grace of God whereby we expect good to come patiently waiting till it come Rom. 8. 25. But if we hope for that we see not then do we with patience wait for it Look what the brest is to the child and the oyl to the lamp such is hope to the soul it lives upon the promises and every degree of hope brings a degree of joy into the soul Heb. 6. 18. It is built upon the truth and faithfulness of God 2 Tim. 2. 13. Or the hope of a Christian is built upon the love of Christ the blood of Christ the righteousness of Christ the satisfaction of Christ and the intercession of Christ and the free grace of God 1 Peter 1. 13. And upon the infinite power of God Rom. 4. 21. In a word true hope doth consist in Gods love in adoption and the truth of his promises and the power of performance 2 Tim. 1. 12. I know in whom I have believed and I am perswaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him c. Or hope is that vertue whereby we expect all good things from God and so patiently attend in the use of his appointed means for all things that we need Psal 22. 4 5. and 37. 7. and that not only when we have the means but also when we want all apparent means as the Israelites did in the Desart c. Or true hope is a well grounded and patient expectation of the accomplishment of all those spirituall and eternal good things which God hath promised through Jesus Christ to all that believe and expect them Of the Properties of this hope 1. FIrst this hope as an inward principle works out pollution and corruption as being repugnant thereunto 1 John 3. 3. And every one that hath this hope in him purifieth himself as he is pure 2. Hope is alwaies more or less exercised about heavenly things viz. Sometimes it is exercised about the righteousness of Christ sometimes it is exercised about the love of God the Father in giving Christ sometimes hope is exercised about the word and promises Psal 119. 49 81 114. and Psa 130. 5. In thy word do I hope Hope in the promises will keep the head from aking and the heart from sinking in a word the promises are the ladder by which hope gets up to heaven and so hope in the