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A87593 Hosannah to the Son of David: or A testimony to the Lord's Christ. Offering it self, indifferently, to all persons; though more especially intended for the people, who pass under the name of Quakers. Wherein not so much the detecting of their persons, as the reclaiming the tender-hearted among them from the error of their way, is modestly endevoured, by a sober and moderate discourse, touching the Light and law in every man; referring to what is held forth by them in their several books and papers, herein examined and discussed. By a lover of truth and peace Jackson, John, fl. 1651-1657. 1657 (1657) Wing J78; Thomason E927_5; ESTC R202615 156,564 177

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sensuall having not the Spirit therefore not the manifestation thereof for there can be no manifestation where the thing it selfe is not But the Spirit himselfe dividing to every man severally as he please gives forth his manifestation to every man for the profit and benefit of others for to that end were those manifestations set in the Church and given to severall Persons of the Church for the use and benefit of the whole and so is this Scripture to be understood i. e the manifestation of the Spirit to whatsoever it be and to whomsover it is given it is given them for edification and profit of others The Spirit it selfe may be given to a Person for himselfe to bear witnesse with him to be his evidence or Testimony in things partaining to himselfe Rom. 8.16.26 and in 1 Cor. 2.12 Now we have received the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things which are freely given to us of God But when God is pleased to give to any Person the manifestation of his Spirit in a word of Wisedome a word of Knowledge in gifts of healing or workes of miracles tongues or Prophesies these and such as these are given for to profit others withall rather then the Persons themselves to whom they are distributed and so it is witnessed in the place before named which discovers the end of the Spirits manifestation viz. to profit withall The Fourth branch of what is asserted touching the little light which shines in the dark heart is next to be considered Fourthly I finde that it is affirmed touching the little light which shines in the dark heart That it is the sure word of Prophesie whereunto ye do well to take heed 2 Pet. 1.19 Reply To make tryall of the truth of what is affirmed it is necessary to examine the Scripture to see whether it intermeddle in this matter which it is brought to bear witnesse unto viz. the little light which shines in the dark heart of every man whether that be the sure word of Prophesie here mentioned the Scripture words are these We have also a sure word of Prophesie whereunto ye doe well that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place untill the day dawn and the day starr arise in your hearts Knowing this First that no Prophesie of the Scripture is of any private Interpretation For the Prophesie came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were mooved by the holy Spirit In this portion of Scripture it may apparrantly be discerned that the Apostle doth not say of the little light which shines in the dark heart that it 's the sure word of Prophesie For there is no such word in this Text as the little light shineing in the darke heart and therefore so to affirme and to bring this Scripture for proofe is to wrong the Scripture except it can be made forth that it ought to be so understood and that that is the true and proper meaning thereof which neverthelesse would fall under reproofe as centring in a meaning a thing by them so branded with reproach of which mention hath been made before But as it s not exprest in the words of the Apostle so it will be found not to be meant or intended as spoken of the little light shining in mans darke heart a being the sure word of Prophesie in this place mentioned for it 's evident the Apostle speaks of the word of Prophesie contained in the Scriptures as himselfe explaines himselfe as may appear by considering the words and the scope thereof For the Apostle Peter knowing that hee must shortly put of his Tabernacle as our Lord Jesus Christ had shewed him vers 14. endeavors the establishment of the scattered Saints in the doctrine of the power and comeing of our Lord Jesus Christ 15.16 and this he doth by two Arguments One drawne from the testimony of himselfe and others who were eye witnesses of his Majesty when he received from God the Father honour and glory when there came a voice to him from the excellent glory which voice they heard when they were with him on the holy Mount Matth. 17. the 8. first verses to which John might referre John 1.14 The other argument to establish and confirme them in the present truth i. e. the power and comeing of our Lord Jesus was drawne from the Testimony of the Prophets in the holy Scriptures and therefore adds vers 19.20 21. 19. We have also a more sure word of Prophesie whereunto you doe well that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place untill the day dawne and the day-starr arise in your hearts 20. Knowing this first that no Prophesie of the Scripture is of any private interpretation 21. For the Prophesie came not in old time by the will of man So that it is evident that the more sure word of Prophesie which he exhorts them to take heed unto is the prophesie of the Scripture or Scriptures of the Prophets which agree with and confirm this thing which he was an eye and ear witness of and had declared unto them viz. the power and comeing of our Lord Jesus to which agrees that which is testified In 1 Pet. 10 11 12. and more particularly that of Paul who confirmed his doctrine By the like Testimony Acts 26.22.23 witnessing both to small and great saying none other things then those which the Prophets and Moses did say should come From whence it plainly appears that as the Apostle would confirme them in the truth of what he had testified touching the power and comeing of our Lord Jesus by telling them what he and others had both heard and seen when they were with him on the holy mount where they were eye-witnesses of his Majesty and heard the voice which gave testimony from heaven touching him Yet for further confirmation of them in this truth he referrs them to the concurrent testimony of the Prophets and to that more sure word of Prophesie contained in the holy Scriptures with this connexion Also we have also a more sure word of Prophesie besides my Testimony ye have the testimony of the Prophets in the words of their prophesie which he modestly proposeth as of more weight to them then his report might be unto them from what he had either heard or seen And therefore adds not only we have a sure word of Prophesie but a more sure word of Prophesie and strengthens that saying by what followes viz. Knowing that no Prophesie of the Scripture is of any private interpretation for the Prophesie came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Spirit which Testimony being founded upon the Scriptures he might in relation to their beliefe thereof call it a more sure word as to them And if it be but remembred that he being an Apostle of the circumcision Gal. 2.7 8 as James also
will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me 1. Tim. 3.16 Beleeved on in the world received up into glory And he shall send Jesus Christ which before was preached unto you whom the heaven must receive untill the times of restitution of all things Acts 3.20 21. For our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ who shall change our vile body or body of vileness that it may be fashioned like his glorious body Phil. 3.20 21. according as John also testifies 1 Joh. 3.2 3. But we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is Thus then in relation to his bodily presence he is considered as without us as is testified 1 Pet. 3.22 Heb. 1.3 Col. 3.1 Act. 7.56 But in relation to his spiritual presence so he filleth all things Ephes 4.10 and in respect thereof it may be sayd Whither shall I go from thy spirit or whither shall I flee from thy presence Psal 139.7 8 9 10 11 12. and though the influence of his supporting and susteining presence extendeth to all things upholding them by the word of his power Heb. 1.3 though they see it not Col. 1.17 Yet his special Resience and presdence is with such as being joined to the Lord are become one spirit and are his house his Temple where he abides as one at home and that for ever as is testified 1 Cor. 6.17 19 20. He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit What know you not that your body is the temple of the holy spirit in you which ye have of God and ye are not your own for you are bought with a price therfore glorifie God in your body and in your spirit which are God's Nor is this union of Spirit or spiritual union this residence or Temple presence as the state of a wayfaring man which tarries but for a night for this is the word of promise Joh. 14.16 17. I will pray the Father and he shall or will give you another Comforter that he may abide with you for ever even the Spirit of truth Ye know him he dwelleth with you and shall be in you Now the Lord is that Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty 2 Cor. 3.17 The fear of Casting out is removed and gone and the soul put into a capacity of serving the Lord without fear in holiness and righteousness before him all the dayes of its life Such persons being joyned to the Lord and become one Spirit with him Beholding with open face or with the face unveil'd which veil is done away in Christ the glory of the Lord are changed into the same Image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord and of such persons such Temples such spiritual houses may it be said as anciently it was said of the typical place of Gods residence and abode 2 Chr. 7.16 I have chosen and sanctified this house Mine eyes and my heart shall be there perpetually Psal 132.14 This is my rest for ever here will I dwell for I have desired it I will make the Horn of David to bud which was is and shall be accomplish'd in the Lord Jesus whom God hath raised up as an horn of salvation in the house of his servant David Luk. 1.69 By whom he hath begun to repair the breaches and build again the tabernacle of David which was fallen down and will build again the ruines thereof and will set it up that the residue of men may seek after the Lord and all the Gentiles upon whom my name is called or as many as the Lord our God shall call Act. 2.39 saith the Lord that doth all these things Act. 15.16 17. Then shall the body be compleated and every joynt supplyed the Saints perfected and gathered into one in the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ Who as he is the head of the body Ephes 4.16 5.23 in whom the universal body or Church of the first born become a perfect man being fitly joyned together in due order of membership to the compleating thereof So is he the foundation or chief corner stone of the building in whom every living stone is framed together built together an holy Temple in the Lord an habitation of God through the spirit Thus is the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit both Author and finisher of faith in every one that beleeves As considered the object of faith so is he held forth in the Word as one who himself in his own body hath done whatsoever was necessary to bring us to God and this he did for us and without us Phil. 2.7 8. 1 Pet. 2.21 24. As considered the Author and Finisher of faith in bringing us to God so he performeth all in us by his Spirit from the very first step of conviction laying himself as a foundation in the judgement and will to the very top stone of the building and that he might be all in all It remains to consider some certain passages expressed in a Letter written by a friend of this conscience and perswasion the particulars whereof follow viz. Dear Friend I Truly own in thee a breathing after the Lord and unsatisfiedness till thou hast found him whom to know is life eternal but the mistake is about the way to attain Now the way for lost man to return to have Communion and fellowship with the pure and holy God is by Christ who saith I am the way But where to find this Christ or way here lyeth not only the difference but also for the want of the knowledge of this and walking in it is the true cause of mans misery and thou thy selfe art not ignorant of the several forms that cry Loe here and loe there yet the way is but one Search the Scriptures and see if Christ be not only the way but also Christ near and while we consider Christ at a distance is it any more than those that are of the world which say Depart from us we desire not the knowledge of thy wayes To this will that other Scripture agree When they knew God they glorified him not as God these had such a knowledge of God that they might thereby have glorified him as God which not doing they were given up to vile affections Now to know him that is the gift of God if ever we will we must know him as God holds him forth Christ saith of himself that he is the dore Can any one enter to God otherwayes than by Christ He also saith he is the light Can any one come to God but he must receive the light Also there are measures of this light The first measure or degree of light is that which discovers sin and iniquity and
this in sundry places Those which have seen the mighty works of God as a Creator upon themselves or others I say the mighty works of God as a Creator these are said to glorifie God in owning and acknowledging him to be the Author thereof confessing him to be the only God or the God of Gods so did that proud King Nebuchadnezzar Dan. 3.28 29. Blessed be the God of c. Because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort Dan. 4.2 3. I thought it good to shew the signes and wonders which the high God hath shewed toward me how great are his signes and how mighty are his wonders vers 34. And I blessed the most high and I praised and honoured him that liveth for ever Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extoll and honour the King of heaven all whose works are truth and his wayes judgement and those that walk in pride he is able to abase Thus he glorified God as the most high God Dan. 5.21 ascribing to him the glory due to his name so may and so ought every naturall man to own God as his Creator and to ascribe to him glory and honour The contrary whereof appears in his son Belshazzar Dan. 5.22 And thou his Son hast not humbled thy heart though thou knewest all this and the God in whose hand thy breath is hast thou not glorified whence it is evident that the father did but the Son did not glorifie God i.e. ascribe unto him the greatnesse of his power soveraignty and dominion and extoll and praise him according thereunto as the most High the only God of Gods as they in Rev. 11.13 in that terrible and dreadfull Earthquake who being affrighted gave glory i.e. ascribed glory to the God of heaven In like manner did the Centurion glorifye God in giving testimony to our Lord Jesus at the time of his death Luk. 23.47 when he saw what was done he glorified God saying Certainly this was a righteous man Luk. 7.15 16. and there came a great fear on all and they glorified God saying That a great Prophet is risen up among us So that when in that passage it is said Because when they knew God they glorified him not as God and the inference thereupon viz. those had such a knowledg of God that they might thereby have glorified him as God It is to be remembred what that Such Knowledg was Now what that kind of knowledge of God was which they had is declared that is Such as whereby they saw his eternal power and Godhead and could distinguish between him and any Created being they were not to be instructed that a bird or a beast or a creeping thing or the Image of a man was not the true and living God the Author and fountain of all created beings for they knew full well the contrary they had sufficient demonstration to the contrary both without them and within them Neverthelesse they being so stupidly brutish as contrary to their light and knowledge to bid defiance to the most high God and to cast off the knowledge of him and to erect contrary to truth and reason such beastly and brutish gods which are lies and no gods viz. Birds and beasts and creeping things as they did Rom. 1.23 The righteous Lord as a just recompence of reward gave them up to all uncleanesse blindnesse bruitishnesse a dreadfull reward of so horrible a sinne vers 24.26.28 A fearfull example to all such who having attained to any measure of the knowledge of God though but as a Creator and yet doe not glorifie him as such by ascribing unto him the honour due to his name according to those words of truth 1 Cor. 16.23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30. Jer. 10.7 Rev. 15.4 Who would not fear THEE O King of Nations and glorifie thy name sing unto the Lord all the earth shew forth from day to day his salvation declare his glory among the heathen for great is the Lord ye kinreds of the people give unto the Lord glory and strength the glory due to his Name But for any to know the true God and that there is no other gods but he nor any to be feared served but he and yet to bid defiance to him and that measure of knowledge which they have of him and imbrace other gods whether birds or beasts or creeping things yea though it should be a man or the Son of a man the Image of a man it is an aggravation of sin and 't will be so in the judgement and 't were better such had never known this knowledg but had been made birds or beasts or creeping things or had never seen the light for the untimely birth is more happy than such Whoso is wise and will observe those things even they shall understand the loving kindnesse of the Lord Psal 107. last verse To the Soule-ly Sensual or Natural Man Whether Civil or Profane SOlomon applying his heart to know to search and to seek out wisdome and to know the wickedness of folly even of foolishness and madness Eccles 9.3 centers all in the heart of the Sons of men from whence proceeds evil thoughts Adulteries Fornications Murders Thefts Covetousness Wickedness Deceit Lasciviousness an evil Eye Blasphemy Pride Foolishness all these evil things come from within and defile the man as he that is the truth it self testifies Mar. 7.21 22. But in the beginning it was not so and this testimony the Holy spirit gives by the mouth of him that made this diligent search Ecclesiast 7. ult Lo this ●nly have I found that God made man upright but they have sought out many Inventions As all the Inventions which defile the man proceed from within the man as above so all those defiling Inventions were sought out and fetch'd in by the man whose destruction is of himself for in the beginning God saw every thing that he had made and behold it was very good and Man was made in his own Image In the Image of God created he him Gen. 1.27 God made man upright Nevertheless Man in honour abideth not he is like the beasts that perish His bow abode not in strength he sought out many Inventions Tumbles down from his excellency and is driven out among beasts and made to eat grass as the Ox or husks with the Swine Till the time appointed of the most High be determined and mans understanding be caused to return and the splendor honour and brightness of his kingdome be restored and excellent Majesty added to him by being new created in Christ Jesus and renewed in the spirit of his mind in righteousness and holiness of truth being born again by the spirit or from above without which change passing upon him no man can see or enter into the kingdome of God Nor is this the Condition of some men only but it is the lot and portion of all the Generations of mankind all having sinned and come short of the Glory of God there being none that doth
was among whom the Prophesies of the Scriptures were of great esteem as appears by our Lord himselfe who so reports of them and sends them thither for Testimony of him John 5.39 To which Paul also appeales Acts 26.22 As Peter in like manner doth after the effusion of the holy Spirit In the 2. of the Acts 30. Acts 3.20 to 25. Acts 10.43 Considering him I say as an Apostle of the circumcision and these scattered strangers to whom he writes to be such who are called by James the twelve Tribes scattered abroad among whom the writings of the Prophets had been so greatly esteemed it was more to the believing Jewes who were in the dispertion to finde it written in the Scriptures of the Prophets beside what Peter the Apostle both heard and saw then if they had only received it upon his Evidence and Testimony Therefore it is an additionall and concurrent Testimony Also a more sure word of the Prophets As if he had said ye have not only my word though I have told you both what we have heard and were eye witnesses of But we have Also the Testimony of the Prophets whose word of Prophesie is by inspiration of God for holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Spirit thus ye have for witnesse both theirs and ours I might Further add That the word of Prophesie whereunto the Apostle saith that they doe well to take heed as unto a light shining or as unto the shining of a light in a dark or squalid or filthy place 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a metaphoricall speech As if he should say you shall doe well to attend to the more sure word of Prophesie as you would doe to the light of a Lamp or Torch in a darke and filthy place so doe to the word of Prophesie till the day dawne and the * day starr arise in your hearts till the day break and the shadowes fly away but if this may not be admitted to be the scope of the Apostle but that still it is insisted upon that the little light which shines in the dark heart of every man is the more sure word of Prophesie whereunto they doe well to take heed I would yet say a few words more in this case occasioned from those two terms in the Text i. e. More and Vntill * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 More is a word of comparison and must referre to some positive tearm to which it hath relation i. e. More sure then what What answers to this Question It must be sought in something going before it some other word of Testimony there is besides this in comparison of which this is a more sure word not the onely word where any person or thing is more excellent then another there is of necessity some other besides it selfe which hath its excellency also in the degree If therefore the light shineing in the dark heart of every man be a more sure word of Prophesie or witnesse then there is some other word of witnesse beside this little light which must supply the place to this comparison and so this light is not the onely word or witnesse but a more sure word in comparison of some other word beside it touching the other expression i. e. Vntill I have to say 2 The little light of which so often mention hath been made called the powerfull word of faith which was in the beginning by which all things were made called also the unction of the holy one the manifestation of the spirit given to every one the Kingdome of Christ in every one the Grace of God which hath appeared to all the eye of the Lord which runs too and froe in the earth with many more such like Epethites which are ascribed to it I say if the little light which shines in the darke heart of every man be all this or any of this which hath been spoken of it what is it lesse then the day starr it selfe or what can be more ascribed to him who is the bright morning starr himselfe then is ascribed to it which neverthelesse this Scripture intimates must have the precedency and this must give way to that which is to come when the day dawnes and the day starr it selfe appears or ariseth in the heart For this is to be given heed unto or attended unto Vntill he come whose right it is Vntill the day dawne and the day starr arise Vntill Which forme of speech viz. Vntill denotes in Scripture Phrase a cessation of the former at the ariseing and appearance of the latter Doe this till I come Mich 5 3. Micah 7.3.10 Matth. 2.13 Flee into Aegypt and be thou there untill I bring thee word which was done vers 19 20 21. When that which is perfect is come that which is in part shall be done away whether Prophesies they shall cease c. 1 Cor. Let this little light be what it will be it is some such thing as is of use Vntill the day starr arise it hath its anointing with limitation it is but Vntill then let this be considered and applied by any Person in sobriety and tendernesse and let them say whether it doth not necessarily carry the truth and scope of this place to the Prophesies of the Scriptures which went before of Christ of whom it is said by the mouth of his Apostle Peter Acts 10.43 To him give all the Prophets witnesse and particularly it is affirmed touching the Lord Jesus his power and comeing Acts 3.20 21. And he shall send Jesus Christ which before was preach unto you Whom the heaven must receive Vntill the times of restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets since the world began for Moses truly said vers 22. Yea and all the Prophets from Samuel and those that follow after as many as have spoken have likewise fore-told of those dayes These words of the holy Prophets have been that which the holy Fathers the Believers in all ages have given attendance to or given heed unto as unto a light shineing in a dark place untill the day dawne and the day starr did arise according as is witnessed in the degree thereof so farr as to the accomplishing of that part of the performance of the words of the Prophets John 1.41 where Andrew saith to Simon we have found the Messiah which is by interpretation Christ and Phillip to Nathaniall vers 45. we have found him of whom Moses in the Law and the Prophets did write Jesus of Nazareth visiting his people with salvation as he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets which have been since the world began Luk. 1.71 Becomeing a day spring or Sun riseing upon them vers 78. after their long night or shadowy dispensation which neverthelesse was bespangled with variety of Prophesies all tending to this day starr or Sun-riseing to which they did well to take heed as unto a light shineing in a dark place Vntill he come
shake it out thy soul was afflicted distressed in its season the iron pierced and grieved thee sore the wounds which the archers had given thee were not throughly healed notwithstanding all thy medicines plaisters and thus thou remainedst till the time the word of Jehovah came the word of the Lord tryed thee as the Goldsmith tries metal in the fire 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 conflavit purgavit Esay 1.25 Was not thy soul then put upon it to make diligent search to see upon what foundation thou hadst been building all this while Did not this word or some such like as an arrow from the Almighty enter into thy soul other foundation can no man lay then that is laid which is Jesus Christ or this neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved or the like wast thou not as one in the fire under examination and tryall Did not thine heart throb within thee and was not the voyce of the Spirit in this word applying it with power to thy soule evidencing and demonstrating to thee that thou wert as yet unacquainted with the Lord Jesus as being the foundation of thy rest and peace that name that only name besides which there is none other given among men for salvation this name thou wert a stranger unto and never hadst any knowledg of this begot strange work in thy soul great were thy strivings and struglings to maintaine thy former building But this error in the foundation put thee to a great stand thou consultd'st thy friends with whom thou hadest mourned and fasted and prayed thou calledst up thy former experiences thy tendernesse of conscience which rendred thee exemplary to thine observers thy reformations vowes covenants resolutions strict performances both publique and private and concludest these could not grow in natures garden therefore sure it was some great temptation which had seized upon thee to make thee to question thy former evidence and to empaire thy former goodly structure and to rase the foundation thereof thus thou wouldest have healed the breach which the Spirit of God had begun to make in thee by the reasoning of thine own spirit drawne from thien own former experiences and the suffrage of thy friends and companions But this work of conviction being from the Lord and put into the hand of his owne spirit to effect he mightily and irresistibly convinced thee of unbeliefe and as the words of the men of Judah were said in another case to be fiercer then the words of the men of Israel so was the voice of the Spirit of God more powerfull in convincing reproving and silencing all the arguments of thine owne Spirit testifiing plainly that whatsoever thou had'st done hitherto not being founded upon Christ Jesus nor done as an obedience of faith thou wert but laying another foundation besides Christ which no man can or ought to lay that thou wert not building upon Christ the Foundation Gold Silver precious stones c. But thou wert laying these or something like these for a Foundation instead of Christ mean while he that the Father hath anointed to be the Corner stone elect and precious his name thou knewest not nor wert acquainted with either the necessity or the excellency of him whom to know is eternall life But thou contrarywise wert building a Towre to reach up to heaven to mount up by a Ladder of thine owne makeing the one end whereof though it were upon the earth and had it's footing in natures excellencies improved by education and other qualifications yet it would and should reach to the highest attainment and besides it there needed no other to give thee full fruition of thy soules desires Thy both foundation was laid in selfe that was the rise thereof and the top stone was selfe that was the end thereof selfe was at ends of the worke and this was discovered to thee by this convinceing spirit who caused thee to see where thou wert and the evill of what thou wert doing That thy very righteousnesse which to thee appeared so and which was commended of others for such was not the righteousnesse of faith but at the best a righteousnesse of works upon the beauty whereof the Spirit of the Lord did blow and the flower thereof past away faded and whithered as the grasse or flower of the feild fadeth and falleth off The glory of the Lord revealing it selfe in power through that word I will make waste Mountaines and hills and dry up all their hearbs and I will make the Rivers Islands and I will dry up the pooles and I will bring the blinde by a way that they knew not I will leade them in paths that they have not known I will make darknesse light before them and crooked things streight these things will I doe unto them and not forsake them Heare ye deafe and looke ye blinde that ye may see Thus wast thou convinced of thine error thine ignorance blindnesse and unbeliefe thy mountaines were laid waste and thy pooles dryed up and thou received'st the sentence of one deafe and blinde notwithstanding all thy former excellency which as a flower was now blown upon by the breath of the Lord and thy building discovered to have been begun in sand and not on the rocke the Lord Jesus of whose name and nature thou wert yet ignorant Neverthelesse the Lord who leaveth not himselfe without witnesse in the soules of his not only began his good worke in mercy truth and faithfulnesse convinceing thee of sin even in thy holy things viz. of unbeliefe which wrought no small stir in thee to see thy building which had been the fruit of many years wherein thou had'st with no small cost and travaile been exercised to see it all tumbled down in a moment and laid levell with the ground and not a stone left upon a stone but a new foundation discovered by thee not hitherto known nor understood where nor what it was And not only so but putting under his left hand he susteyned thee and kept thee from sinking under this conviction by opening a crevis of light discovering the righteousnesse of God in opposition to thine owne unrighteousnesse and to thy former seeming righteousnesse wherein thou seemest to have made such progresse nor was this a bare discovery that such a thing there was but what it was and how attainable viz. by faith in Jesus Christ who is made of God to the beleever wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption thus he convinced thee not only of sin but also of righteousnesse discovering and revealing the fountaine thereof Nor was this all but the same spirit led thee on to further measures of knowledge in order to the attainment thereof not suffering thee to be satisfied with the knowledge thereof at a distance but raised up in the strong desires and earnest longings to be possest thereof and to be made one therewith partly to quench the fiery sting and
with God with whom thou had'st confidence in thine addresses but thy discoveries being now of another kinde thou applyest to the meeting with God in them after another manner then thou wast wont Now thou soughtest and enjoyed'st God and the Creature under a pretence and specious shew of seeking to enjoy God in the Creature Nay did not the Creature eye it with God and take place of God and require that of thee which is proper only to God did'st not thou by hearkening to this deceiver who beguiled thee as he beguiled Eve didst not thou love and feare and seek after and delight in the Creature more then the Creator didst thou indeed glorifie God as God in proportion to what thou knewest of God and such discoveries as he had made forth of himselfe in thee when he caused his glory to shine in thy heart through the face or appearance of Jesus Christ but thou pretending to more wisedome and professing thy selfe to be wise becamest a foole and changed'st the glory of the incorruptible God into corruptible Images and worshipped'st the imaginations of thine owne braine Golden Gods or Silver Gods or such as were formed out of baser mettall the God of this world having deluded thee put out thine eyes and made thee to grinde in his mill serveing and loveing prizing and delighting in lying vanityes under pretence of liberty in Spirit or Christian freedom in the use of the Creature by which thou wert cheated as Solomons fool was by that whorish woman who notwithstanding her lips drop as an honey combe and her mouth is smoother then oyle yet her end is bitter as wormwood sharp as a two edged sword They which yeeld to goe after her flattering lips they goe as fooles to the correction of the Stocks till a dart strike through their liver and are as a bird hasting to the snare not knowing that it is laid for her life for she hath cast downe many wounded yea many strong men have been slaine by her Oh the number of valiant ones how faint and feeble are they through the subtill insinuations of the God of this world who hath poysened them with this deadly potion in a Cup of gold mixing his poyson with these two glittering ingredients Liberty Spirituallity To the Virgins that having knowne the depths of Sathan and have kept their garments pure abideing in the councill of the Lord rooted and established in him and growing up in him bringing forth fruit unto him O Blessed are ye of the Lord be not high minded but feare But to the rest with whom it is not so let it be said doe ye thus requite the Lord Ah foolish people and unwise is he not thy father that hath bought thee shouldest thou sell thy rock thy God for a lye a vanity Oh that ye were wise and would consider thine own wickednesse shall correct thee and thy backslidings will reprove thee remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do thy first works To the relapsed or back-sliding Christian considered either as unsensible or sensible thereof To the first How is the gold become dim how is the fine gold changed the precious Sons of Zion comparable to fine gold how are they esteemed as a common thing The Nazarites which were once purer then snow and whiter then milke more ruddie then Rubies and polish't as the Saphir their visage now is blacker then a coale they are not known in the Streets Because they have forgotten the God of their Salvation And have not been mindfull of the Rock of their strength But have trusted in their owne beauty And as it s testified in another case Ezek. 16. Thou hast taken of thy fair Jewells of my Silver and my gold which I had given thee and madest to thy selfe Images of men and didst commit whoredome with them How weak is thy heart saith the Lord God seeing thou dost all these things and that which is the more to be lamented is this that although grey haires are upon thee here and there yet thou knowest it not but presumest all things are with thee as yesterday and heretofore saying I am innocent I have not sinned but doe seeke the Lord daily and delight to know his way not forsakeing his ordinances but approach his presence with delight Neverthelesse thou considerest not where thou art nor what thou art doing nor what will be the issue thereof when the most high shall recount with thee and bring upon thee the remembrance of thy wayes saying to thine heart What hast thou to doe in the way of Aegypt to drink the waters of Sihor or why hast thou gadded so about to change thy way hast thou not embraced this present world and the gloryes thereof have not the sparkling glittering appearances thereof taken thine eye and thy heart what a share have the promotions and the preferments thereof in thine estimation and affection where and what is become of thine ancient tendernesse and meltingnesse of soule Art not thou in the way of Assyria and hast not thou drunk of the River thou knowest the time when thou wouldest have preferred one moments comunion with God before all the earthly gloryes if thou mightest have enjoyed them Nay thou forsookest these that thou mightest enjoy that thy kindred thy Country and thy Fathers house were not deare to thee in comparison of thy being entertained into fellowship and comunion with him whom thou esteemed'st more then thy life thine all what things were gain to thee then thou then counted'st dung and drosse in comparison of the excelleney of the knowledge of Christ Jesus thy Lord for whom thou wast content to part withall that before time had been deare to thee but he suffering thee to be tryed that thou mightest know what was in thine heart how is thy heart become as weake as water and how hath the God of this world blinded thee makeing thee to joyne in affinity with his Gods of Silver and Gods of Gold The Honours Titles dignityes preferments wealth houses Lands the Revenues of this earth which are the portion of the children of the earth of which thou wert once affraid least thy heart should be deceived therewith but now it is otherwise with thee thou embraced'st lovest pleadest for huntest after them as though thou couldest never have too much nay scarce enough thereof This is a lamentation and shall be for a lamentation and it will so appeare to thee when this thy wickednesse shall correct thee and this thy backsliding shall reprove thee and thou thereby be brought to see where thou art and made to confesse thine iniquity giveing glory to the God of heaven in whose hands thy breath is and who is acquainted withall thy wayes In order whereunto thou hast been under-dealing more then once whereby thou mightest have been retained from the error of thy wayes but thine eares were stopt and thine eyes were closed thou sawest no evill in thy way nor regardest much to know the end and cause