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A81852 The evangelical history: or, The life of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ comprehensively and plainly related. With practical inferences and discourses thereupon. In four books. I. Of the birth of John the Baptist. Of the conception and birth of Jesus Christ; with an account of what passed to his entrance upon the ministerial function. II. The history of the acts and miracles of our Saviour, in the first two years of his ministry. III. A relation of his acts and miracles, in the third year of his preaching. IV. An account of his acts and preaching, from the triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. Of his Crucifixion, Resurrection, apparitions, and glorious ascension into heaven. With a large practical introduction, by way of preface. Written in French by the learned L.E. du Pin, and Englished by a divine of the Church of England, with additions. Adorn'd with copper cuts. Du Pin, Louis Ellies, 1657-1719. 1694 (1694) Wing D2641A; ESTC R229041 170,749 286

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use but in this Life where we have wants and miseries to relieve and succour before an Action whose benefit is eternal which Mary was about who by hearing the Word of Jesus Christ begins to feed upon the contemplation of that God who is the nourishment of the Blessed Saints and Angels in Heaven But Jesus doth not content himself to teach us to hearken to the Word of God Luke 11.1 -13. by the example of Mary but also he directs us how to speak to God in Prayer for upon a certain day one of his Disciples seeing him at prayer after he had finished said unto him Lord teach us to pray as John also taught his Disciples Whereupon he taught them that excellent Prayer which we have set down in the Abridgment of his Sermon on the Mount and gave them those good rules for Prayer there mentioned XXVII He reproves the Pharisees and Scribes for their Sins Luke 11.27 -54. Matth. 23.4 -39. Mark 12.38 -40. Jesus on a certain day was invited by a Pharisee to Dinner and as soon as he was entred into his House set him down to Meat without washing his Hands first according to the Custom of the Pharisees His Host was much offended at his Carriage and murmured in himself at it till Jesus said unto him You Pharisees are very careful to keep the out-side of your Cups and Platters clean but your inward parts i. e. your heart is full of Rapine Wickedness and Vncleanness and at the same time he teaches them an excellent remedy to purify themselves from all their filth Give Alms and all things shall be clean unto you He objects many other Crimes to these proud Men who affected to be Honoured and Esteemed of all Men as the greatest Saints He discovers their Hypocrisy and severely censures their irregular conversation for he pronounces a Wo against them because they were very fearful of omitting small duties but were not afraid to commit great Sins like those Men who strain at a Gnat and swallow a Camel Because they were very exact in giving the Tenth of their Garden-herbs but neglected the more important Duties of the Law Justice Mercy Faith and the Love of God Because they love to have the uppermost places in all Assemblies and be saluted in the Markets Because under the pretence of their long Prayers they devoured and ruined Widows into whose Houses they insinuated themselves by that means Because they would Travel into all places to convert Infidels to the Jews Religion and afterward make them more worthy of Hell than themselves either by their wicked example teaching them to prophane the True Religion which they had brought them over to or else so scandalizing them by their sinful Lives that they chose to return to that Pagan Worship they had forsaken Because they undertake to Guide and Instruct others but are themselves so Ignorant and Blind as to teach Men that they are obliged to keep their words when they swear by the Gift bestowed upon the Temple or offered on the Altar but are not obliged when they swear by the Temple or Altar themselves He compares them therefore to those Sepulchres which have fine white out-sides but are within full of Dead-mens Bones and Rottenness The Lawyers thought that all these Reproofs equally concerned them wherefore one of them taking upon him to speak to Jesus said to him Master in thus speaking thou disgracest Vs also But he spared them no more than the former but pronounced also a Wo against them because they impose a Yoke upon others which they will not touch with the Tip of their Fingers and that they will neither enter into Heaven themselves not suffer those that would He tells them also by way of reproach that those very Magnificent Ornaments with which they adorned the Sepulchres of the Prophets as a Demonstration of their Abhorrence of the Fact of those Men who were their Murderers were contrary to their design evident Marks of their Approbation of their Crime since by Persecuting those who Preached the Truth to them they imitated their Malice so exactly that they shewed themselves the Children of those who slew the Prophets He concludes after this manner saying to them Fill ye up then the Measure of your Fathers Sin that you may have a share in their punishment And after adds this terrible Threatning Behold I will send you Prophets Wise-men and Scribes and some of them shall ye Kill and Crucify and others of them shall ye Scourge in your Synagogues and Persecute them in your Cities that all the Innocent Blood which hath been shed by your Fathers may fall upon you for I say unto you that God shall call this Nation to an account and will pour cut all this Wrath upon the Men of this Generation As he was thus speaking to them the Scribes and Pharisees began to urge him vehemently and to ensnare him by the various Objections and Questions they put to him but they could get nothing from him for which they could as they designed fix an Accusation upon him XXVIII Jesus gives several Instructions to his Disciples Luke 12.1 -53. In the mean time an Innumerable Multitude of People being gathered about him so that they trod one upon another Jesus admonished his Disciples to beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees which is Hypocrisy and not to fear the Persecutions of Men but to fear God alone and to repose a stedfast confidence in him Then did a certain Man of the Company say unto him Master speak to my Brother to divide the Inheritance fallen to Vs peaceably with me But Jesus desirous to teach Us that 't is every Mans Duty to keep within his own Calling answered him my Friend who made me a Judge or a Divider among you Then he subjoyns Take heed and beware of Covetousness and to insinuate this the more into the Hearts of his Hearers he propounded to them this Parable A certain rich Man being troubled for a place where to lay up the extraordinary plenty which his Land had produced resolved to pull down his Barns and Build bigger and when he had thus secured and layd up his Goods he said within himself that having a sufficient Provision for many Years he had nothing to do but take his ease and be merry But God said to this Man O thou Fool This Night shall thy Soul be required of thee and for whom then hast thou hoarded up these things Such is the condition saith he of him that layeth up Treasure for himself and is not Rich towards God For this reason it is that he teaches his Disciples not to be sollicitous or careful for the things of this Life but to seek the Kingdom of God and the Righteousness thereof and God will give all other things to them That they should be so far from heaping up Riches that they ought to sell all that they have and give it to the Poor that they may have a Treasure in Heaven That
possess But the Publican on the other side standing afar off durst not so much as lift up his Eyes to Heaven but smote upon his Breast saying My God be merciful to me who am a Sinner Whereupon Jesus adds I declare unto you That this Man returned Home justified rather than the other for he that exalteth himself shall be abased but who so humbleth himself shall be exalted XLI Jesus blesseth certain Infants Then some of the Jews brought their Children to Jesus that he might lay his Hands upon them Matth. 19 13-15 Mark 19 13-16 Luke 18 15-17 and pray for them His Disciples rebuking those that brought them unto him spake roughly to them but Jesus being displeased at this Action reproved them and bid them to suffer little Children to come unto him because the Kingdom of Heaven is made up of such and if we will gain an entrance into it we must become little Children i. e. humble so commending a spiritual Infancy which consists in an Holy Simplicity and sincere Humility After this he takes these little Children up in his Arms and having Blessed them by laying his Hands upon them He departed from thence to go some whither else XLII He tells them how hard it is for a Rich Man to be saved Matth. 19.16 ● 30. Mark 10 17-30 Luke 18 18-30 As Jesus was in his Journey a Young Noble-Man who was very Rich ran unto him and kneeling down to him said Good Master What good thing must I do that I may inherit Eternal Life Jesus answered him Why callest thou me good There is none but God who is good i. e. who is good of himself being perfect and essential Goodness the Original of all Goodness for all the Goodness in the Creatures in only an Efflux and participation of the infinite Goodness of God This Young Man commended an Humane and Finite Goodness in Jesus only and it seems that the Son of God refusing the Title of Good Master and answering that there was none Good but God only would Teach him to acknowledge a Divine and Soveraign Goodness in Himself Afterward he says in Answer to his Question That if he will obtain Eternal Life he must keep the Commandments And because this Young Man asked him which of these Commandments he ought to keep he said unto him Thou knowest the Commandments of the Law Do not kill Do not commit Adultery Do not Steal Do not bear false Witness Defraud not Honour thy Father and thy Mother And Love thy Neighbour as thy Self The Young Man answered All these things have I observed from my Youth What yet have I to do Then Jesus beholding him loved him but this Love which he had for the Young Man did not hinder him from Teaching him a Truth which he could not entertain for he said unto him One thing lackest thou yet If thou wilt be perfect Go and sell all that thou hast and give it to the Poor and thou shalt have Treasure in Heaven and then come and follow me But this Lord who had a great Estate not being able to accept of his Advice and forsake all went away sad Then Jesus who saw him troubled looking round about him said unto his Disciples Verily I say unto you It is very hard for a Rich Man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven And because they were much amazed at these Words he repeated the same Truth again to them in these Words Little Children How hard is it for them that trust in their Riches to enter into the Kingdom of God It is easier for a Camel to go through the Eye of a Needle This last assertion encreased the astonishment of the Apostles who said one to another Who then can be saved But Jesus removed their admiration by telling them that that which is impossible with Men is possible with God who can change the Heart and make Rich Men to leave all to follow Christ and gain Heaven Then said Peter unto him As for us thou seest That we have left all and followed thee What reward shall we receive Jesus answered him That at the Resurrection when the Son of Man shall sit upon the Throne of his Glory they shall sit by him on Thrones judging all the People of Israel And he further tells them that not only they But whosoever shall forsake his House or Kindred or Lands for His and the Gospels sake shall receive in this World an hundredfold Houses and Kindsfolk and Lands with Persecution● and in the World to come Life Eternal By which he means that God who will reward his Elect in another World will give them in this such comforts as are necessary to support them in their afflictions and will find them such Friends as shall by their Christian Charity be as serviceable to them as their nearest Kindred and shall supply the want of all they have forsaken or lost for his sake to them XLIII Jesus explains how they that are first shall be last in the Kingdom of God Mrtth. 19.30 Matth. 20 1-16 The Apostles might well be surprized at the Promise which Jesus had made them That he would set them on Thrones to Judge their whole Nation especially since they had been always so little esteemed among the Jews From this passion the Son of God seems very desirous to free them by repeating to them again the words which he had before used upon another occasion That many of those that should have been first shall be last and many that should have been last shall be first Which Truth that he might throughly explain it to them he propounds a Parable and saith That the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a Man who having sent some Labourers with whom he had agreed for Wages early in the Morning into his Vineyard did also send others at the Ninth Third and Eleventh Hours promising to give them as much as was reasonable for their Labour In the Evening he called all these Men to him and beginning with those who came came last he gave them the same Wages which he had promised to those whom he had hired in the Morning but these last expecting to receive somewhat more than the other murmured against him for giving them as much as he agreed with them for But the Master of the Vineyard proves that he had done them no wrong because he had payd them what was due to them and as for the rest it was Lawful to give them what he pleased From hence the Son of God concludes So the last shall be first and the first shall be last for many are called but few are chosen This is all the explication which our Lord gives us of this Parable but the Fathers understand by the Kingdom of God and the Vineyard into which he calls Men to Labour for the reward which he hath promised by an Holy Life the Church And this reward is nothing but himself Some entred at the beginning of the World into this Vineyard
lifted up his Hands to bless his Disciples and as he blessed them he was parted from them who saw him ascend up towards Heaven till a Cloud into which he entred took him out of their Sight They still looked after him with earnestness and as soon as they had lost the Sight of him Two Men cloathed in White presented themselves to them on a suddain and said unto them Ye Men of Galilee why stand ye looking up towards Heaven This Jesus who hath left you and is gone up into Heaven shall come again in the same manner as ye have seen him go into Heaven Then the Apostles ador'd him who had left the Earth to be seated in Heaven at the Right Hand of God i. e. to receive in his Sacred Humanity the Rest and Glory which was the Reward of his Labour and Sufferings They departed full of Joy from the Mount of Olives and returned to Jerusalem where Ten Days after they received the Holy Ghost Then they went and preached every where according as their Master had commanded them and the Lord confirmed the Word which he had put in their Mouth by Miracles LIII The Glorious Life of Jesus Christ in Heaven John 20.30 31. This is a full account of all the Gospel teacheth us of the Life which Jesus Christ lived upon the Earth He did indeed many other Things and wrought a great number of Miracles which are not written these that are written being sufficient for our Salvation if by reading them we believe That Jesus is the Son of God that by Faith we may have Life in his Name This is the Life which he hath promised us and into which he is entred by his Ascension for he told his Apostles That he went to prepare a Place for them John 14.3 And S. Paul assures us That he is entred into Heaven for us as our Fore-runner Heb. 6.19 20. that we may follow him now in Hope which serveth us as an Anchor sure and stedfast in the various Disturbances and Troubles of this Mortal Life As to the Life which Jesus Christ now liveth in Heaven the Gospel tells us That he sits there Mark 16.19 at the Right Hand of God He siteth i. e. is at perfect Ease and Rest having no more Trouble or Sufferings in his Sacred Humanity to which he is united for our Salvation He sitteth at the Right Hand of God i. e. is made equal with the Father being God of like Nature with him and is raised up above all Creatures This Rest Acts 7.56 which Jesus Christ enjoys for himself hinders him not from acting for us and altho he sits at the Right Hand of God S. Stephen saw him there standing indeed since he came to the Earth not only to purchase the Glorification of that Body and Soul which he assumed in the Womb of the Virgin but also to obtain Salvation for all that believe on him If he hath nothing else to do with his Sacred Humanity yet it is his business to intercede for the Salvation of his Saints till they shall come to be Partakers of his Glory He there finishes the great Work of Man's Redemption which he began upon Earth in Heaven Eph. 'T is there as Head of the Church as the Apostle calls him he governs it by his Pastors which he hath appointed enlightens it by her Doctors sanctifies it by his Sacraments protects it by the Help of his Grace and quickens it by his Spirit 'T is there that he prays without ceasing for us and we use him as our Advocate to defend our Cause before his Father as our Mediator to offer our Prayers to him and obtain the Mercies and Graces we petition as High Priest and Sacrifice by offering always the same Blood which he poured out upon the Cross once for all for the Salvation of the whole World Hence it was that S. John saw him in Heaven in the Figure of a Lamb slain and laid upon the Altar which is before the Throne of God Rev. 5.6 7. Heb. 4.16 't is there that he sits upon a Throne of Grace and Mercy where we may go in a Time of Need to obtain Pardon of our Sins before he appears upon his Throne of Justice to judge the World 1 Joh. 2.1 Lastly 't is there that he calls us and invites us to consider upon him in his Glory which he hath merited both for himself and us by the Effusion of his Blood that by the Prospect of that Eternal Happiness which he hath prepared for us he may make us contemn all earthly Things and stir us up to follow him in the Way he is gone before us i. e. to imitate the Examples he hath given us in this Mortal Life of which we have related the History in this Book For this Reason it is that S. Paul exhorts us by these Words which include all the Benefit we ought to make of all that is said of the Life of Jesus Christ Heb. 10 19-31 We have freedom to enter with Boldness into the Heavenly Sanctuary by the Blood of Jesus Christ going after him in that new Way which he hath trodden out for us in his own Flesh And since he is in Heaven an High Priest set over the House of God let us draw near to him with a truly sincere Heart and full of Faith with a Soul purified from the Filth of an Evil Conscience and a Body preserving the Purity which it hath received from the pure Water of Baptism let us remain firm and stedfast in our Faith and in the Hope of that Glory which he hath promised to us for he is faithful who hath promised And to obtain it let us provoke one another to Love and to good Works and let us encourage our selves so much the more as we see the last Day draweth nigh for if we sin wilfully after we have received the Knowledge of Truth we must expect nothing but the terrible Judgments and the Flame of that Revenging and Rageing Fire which shall consume the Enemies of God He that despised Moses 's Law was condemned to Death without Mercy how much greater Punishment doth he deserve think ye who hath trodden under Foot the Son of God and hath counted the Blood of the Covenant by which we are sanctified an Vnholy and Prophane Thing i. e. who hath profaned by Sin the Blood of Jesus Christ by which he hath been purified in Baptism and who hath abused and affronted the Spirit of Grace for we know him that hath said Vengeance is reserved for me and I know how to repay it It is a terrible Thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God LIV. The Conclusion This Living God which S. Paul speaks of is the very same Person which we have seen in this History dying for the Salvation of Men upon the Cross He was judged but he shall judge us and that by the Rules which he hath given us and the Examples
his Disciples could not cure him This Child was a Lunatick and possessed with a Devil which made him Dumb and grievously tormented him for when it seized upon him it threw him down upon the Ground cast him often into the Fire or Water and racked him with such violent Convulsions that he cryeth out fomes gnashes with his Teeth and pineth away and much bruising him hardly departeth from him The Unbelief of the Jews who did not as yet firmly believe in Jesus Christ though they had seen so many Miracles was a greater and more dangerous Disease than this of the Lunatick and was often an Impediment to the Miracles which Jesus would have done For this Reason it is that he would cure that before he drive out the Devil and therefore smartly touched that Wound that the Men afflicted with it might feel it saying O faithless and perverse Generation how long shall I be with you to convince you how long shall I suffer your Infidelity will you never believe Bring him hither to me The Child no sooner saw him but the Devil began to tear him with fierce Convulsions and threw him down where he rowled foaming Jesus asked his Father How long it was since his Son began to be vexed after this manner His Father answered him From his Childhood and added If thou canst do any thing have Pity on us and help us Jesus saith unto him If thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth Immediately the Father of the Child cryed out with Tears Lord I believe help thou my Vnbelief i. e. supply all the Defects of my Faith to make it worthy to obtain a Cure for my Child Then Jesus rebuked the Devil saying to him Thou Dumb and Deaf Spirit I command thee to depart out of this Child and to enter no more into him Then the Spirit cryed out and much tore and rent the Child and left him almost dead but Jesus taking him by the Hand lifted him up and delivered him to his Father perfectly cured And all that were present beheld it with Admiration and were amazed at the mighty Power of God When Jesus was come into the House his Diciples asked Why they could not cast out this Devil He answered them Because of your Vnbelief adding Luke 17 6 That if they had but one Grain of Syncere and Sound Faith they might by their mere Word remove both Trees and Mountains And then he says further That this kind of Devil goeth not out but by Prayer and Fasting The Apostles did without doubt profit by these Instructions for S. Luke teacheth us elswhere That they addressed themselves to their Master Luke 17.5 and said Lord increase our Faith XIV Jesus foretels his Death and pays Tribute While the Multitude was in Admiration of the great things Matth. 17.22 27. Mark 9 30-32 Luke 9 43-45 that Jesus did in all Places where he went his Thoughts were mainly employed in fitting his Disciples for the Disgraces and Contempt of his Death He tells them a second Time of it and desires them to hearken with Attention to him and think seriously of these Words in their Hearts The Son of Man shall be delivered into the Hands of Men who shall put him to Death and he shall rise again the Third Day But they understood not that Saying and yet this Prediction which they could not fully comprehend made them very sorry and cast them into such a Consternation that they durst not ask him to explain it to them They went through Galilee and returned to Capernaum Here the Receivers of a certain Tribute of Two Drachma's i. e. Fifteen Pence an Head asked Peter whether his Master did not pay Tribute To whom the Apostle answered That he did As soon as he came into the House Jesus prevented him by asking him Whether the Kings of the Earth exact Tribute of their own Children or of Strangers Peter answers Of Strangers Then Jesus concludes That the Children are exempted leaving it to him to infer from thence That he being the Son of God was not obliged to pay Tribute to Men Nevertheless saith he that we may not offend them Go thou and cast an Hook into the Sea and take the Fish that shall be first catched and open his Mouth and thou shalt find a Piece of Mony of Four Drachma's or half a Crown 's Value which give to them for thy self and me XV. Jesus checks the Ambition of his Disciples Matth. 18 1-14 Mar. 9 23-50 Luke 9 46-50 About the same Time it came into the mind of the Disciples of Jesus Who of them should be greatest and they disputed about it in the Way to Capernaum Jesus knowing the Thoughts of their Hearts asked them when they came into the House What they disputed about in the Way but they durst not answer him But when he had called his Twelve Disciples to him they asked him in general Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven He answered them If any Man desire to be first he shall be the last of all and Servant of all And having called a little Child to him he took him and set him by him and taking him up in his Arms he said unto them Except ye become as little Children ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of God and that whosoever shall so humble himself that he makes himself small as the little Child before them he shall be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven And then adds That who so shall receive one such little Child in his Name receiveth him and he that receiveth him received him that sent him Hereupon John the Son of Zebedee saith unto him Master we saw a Man casting out Devils in thy Name and we forbad him because he would not joyn himself and associate with us But Jesus reproved this Action and told him That this Man would not readily speak ill of him in whose Name he did Miracles and that they ought not to look upon him as their Enemy since he did not engage in any thing against them Jesus then turns his Discourse to these little ones i. e. to the humble to whom he would have them make themselves like and pronounces a Wo against those who should be an occasion of Falling or Scandal to them declaring That whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believe in him and whose Angels continually behold the Face of God in Heaven it were better for him to be cast into the Depth of the Sea with a Milstone about his Neck He adds That the World is full of Offences which will necessarily happen but Wo unto him by whom they come That to avoid them we must lay before Men the Torments of Hell where the Worm that gnaws the damned never dies and the Fire that burns them is never quenched yea is so far from consuming them that on the contrary 't is like Salt to them which preserves them from consuming that they may be
others in the middle-age of it and others shall enter at the end of the World There are some that begin to live well in their Infancy others in their Youth others in their Riper-age and some are not converted till just before their Death But so great is the Mercy and Goodness of God that they shall all go to Heaven and shall be rewarded for their Good Works which they have done since their Conversion with the Beatifick Vision of God himself But we ought well to consider upon these Words Many are called but few are chosen that we may not content our selves to be in the Church into which God hath called us but may be diligent 1 Pet. 2-10 as St. Peter teaches us To make our calling and election sure by Good Works and to fit our selves for the Kingdom promised to the Elect. XLIV Jesus raiseth Lazarus from the Dead As Jesus was thus instructing his Disciples on this side Jordan the two Sisters abovementioned John 11 1-45 Martha and Mary sent him word of the sickness of their Brother Lazarus by certain Messengers who spake to him in these words Lord He whom thou Lovest is sick for indeed he loved these Persons and therefore having heard this News he said This sickness is not unto Death but is only inflicted on him to gain Glory to God and that the Son of God may be Glorified thereby Nevertheless he tarryed two days still in the same place and then said to his Apostles Let us go into Judea for Bethany where the House of Lazarus and his two Sisters was was in Judea about two Miles distant from Jerusalem to which he must go by crossing the River Jordan The Apostles said unto him Master The Jews there were lately about to Stone thee and dost thou think of venturing among them again He answers them That he must discharge his Ministry while God gives him Time and Opportunity let what dangers will stand in the way And then he adds Our Friend Lazarus sleepeth but I will go to awake him His Disciples understanding his words literally said unto him Lord if he sleep he will grow well Then he told them plainly That Lazarus was Dead and that for the kindness he had for them he was glad that he was not present with him to prevent his Death because that which he intended to do for him would be of great use to increase and confirm their Faith Thomas one of the Twelve seeing his Master resolv'd to go into Judea said to his fellow Disciples Let us also go with him It is indeed dangerous but we ought rather to dy with him than forsake him or leave him so they accompanyed him They got not to Bethany till Lazarus had been Buryed Four Days and when they came to the House of Martha and Mary they found many Jews there which were come to comfort the two Sisters for the Death of their Brother Martha hearing that Jesus was coming went a little way out of the Town to meet him and said unto him Lord if thou hadst been here my Brother had not dyed But I know that even now God will grant thee whatsoever thou askest of him Jesus answered her Thy Brother shall rise again She replyed I know that he shall rise again at the last Day Jesus says again I am the Resurrection and the Life i. e. I am able to raise the Dead to Life at any time as well now as hereafter he that believeth in me as thy Brother did altho' he be dead shall if I please live again and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never dye if I please to preserve him Believest thou this She answered him Yea Lord I believe that thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God which should come into the World After this Discourse she went and called her Sister to tell her privately that the Master was come and asked after her Mary arose immediately and went to Jesus out of the Town to the place where Martha met him The Jews who were with her when she arose to go to the Son of God seeing her go out so hastily followed her thinking that she went to the Grave of her Brother to Weep there As soon as she came to Jesus she fell down at his Feet and said unto him Weeping Lord if thou hadst been here my Brother had not Dyed Her Tears and Sorrow accompanyed with the Lamentations of the Jews that came with her affected the Son of God so that he groaned in himself and was troubled i. e. he stirred up in his own heart a Voluntary Motion of Compassion and Tenderness which appeared outwardly by the same signs which discover the involuntary passions and affections of Men. Hereupon he demanded where they had Buryed him they said unto him Lord come and see He went along with them Weeping which made some of the Jews to say See how he loved him while others said Could not this Man who openeth the Eyes of the Blind have prevented Lazarus 's Death Jesus still shewing the same disturbance of mind came to the Grave which was a Pit with a Stone lay'd at the Mouth of it He commanded them to take away the Stone but Martha told him that the Dead Man by this time stank because he had been Buryed Four Days But he answered Did not I tell you that if ye would believe ye should see the Glory of God magnified in raising him from the Dead They then removed the Stone and Jesus lifting up his Eyes to Heaven said these words Father I thank thee that thou hast heard me always As for me I know that thou always hearest me and thy Power is present with me but this I say because of the People which is about me that they may believe when they see thy Power granted to me by my Prayer that thou hast sent me Having spoken these words he cryed with a loud Voice Lazarus come forth And immediately the Dead Man came forth having his Hands and his Feet bound with grave Cloaths and his Head wrapped about with a Napkin Jesus then bid them loose him and several of the Jews who came to see the two Sisters believed on him having been Eye-witnesses of this Miracle XLV The Jews hold a Council against Jesus John 11 46-54 As soon as Jesus had wrought this Miracle some who saw it went to tell the Pharisees of it who were his Mortal Enemies Whereupon they immediately called a Council with the High-Priests and said Why do we lose time and do nothing This Man doth many Miracles and if we let him thus alone all Men will believe him to be the Messias and the Romans fearing lest he should set up for a King and withdraw the People from Obedience to them will come and destroy our City and Nation Caiphas who was High Priest that Year said unto them Ye understand nothing nor consider that it is better to put one Man to Death to secure all the People than that
receive the Fruits of it But the Husband-men beat the Servant and sent him back empty Then he sent another to them whom they Wounded and a Third whom they Killed others also he sent to them and they used them after the same manner so that he resolved to send his only Son whom he loved most tenderly being perswaded that they would reverence him But on the contrary when they saw him they said one to another Lo this is the Heir let us Kill him and so get his Inheritance So they seized upon him cast him out of the Vineyard and slew him Then Jesus said When the Lord of the Vineyard cometh what will he do unto these Husband-men Some of them answered He will destroy those wicked Men according to their deserts and let out his Vineyard to other Husband-men who shall render him the Fruits in due season He approved of their answer and assured them that they should be used in that manner But others who perceived perhaps that this Parable touched them said unto him God forbid But Jesus looking upon them said What is then the meaning of this Parable of Scripture The Stone which the Builders rejected is by the Miraculous Power of God become the head Stone of the Corner And to make a full Application of this Parable to them he added For this reason it is that I have told you That the Kingdom of Heaven shall be taken from you and be given to a People that shall bring forth the Fruits of it And this indeed happened for the Jews to whom Jesus Christ had trusted his Vineyard that is to say his Law and Church and who instead of making use of these advantages had cruelly handled the Prophets who admonished them of their Duty and have Crucified the only Son of God are no longer the Lords People but his Church is now made up of Gentiles who heretofore knew not God Wherefore it is our Wisdom to profit by the misfortunes of them into whose Place we are entred bringing forth Fruits i. e. faithfully performing what God expects of us The Priests and Scribes easily perceiv'd that Jesus spake of them and would then have laid their Hands on him but the fear which they had of the People kept them from attempting it tho' they were much troubled and ashamed to see themselves thus Painted out in this other Parable VIII The Parable of the Marriage Feast Matth. 22 1-14 To the same purpose Jesus spake another Parable saying A certain King having made a great invitation to the Marriage of his Son sent his Servants when all things were ready to call them to it but because they refused to come he sent other Servants to perswade them and give them notice what great preparations were made for them But this did not make any impression upon them they went one to his Farm another to his Merchandize and some layd hold upon his Servants and slew them after they had committed many outrages against them The King having heard of these ungrateful rudenesses sent forth his Armies to slay those Murtherers and burn up their Cities and in their stead brought all that he found in the Streets to the Marriage This being done the King came in to see the Guests and there perceiving a Man who had not a Wedding Garment he asked him how he dare come thither with such a Vestment Wherefore binding him Hand and Foot he cast him into outer Darkness where there is nothing but Weeping and gnashing of Teeth Jesus made the Application of this Parable saying Many are called but few are chosen It is easy to see that the Jews were the first Invited to the Marriage of the Kings Son i. e. to the Kingdom of Heaven Preached to them by Jesus Christ that they despised his Word and put him to Death that God hath rejected them as a punishment for their Sin and instead of them hath called the Gentiles into his Church who before had never heard of him It remains only for us to see whether we have a Marriage-Garment i. e. Charity which is the White Robe which is given us in Baptism that so if we have it not we may endeavour to get it on before the King comes to examine with the great rigour of his Justice the State of all those that are in his Church to condemn them to Infernal Darkness who imagine that it is enough to be called and will not be at the pains by an Holy Life to obtain the Reward promised to the Elect. IX Jesus Christ Silenceth the Pharisees Matth. 22 15-22 Mark 12 13-17 Luke 20 20-26 The Pharisees who had as great a share-in the Application of these Parables as any other went away with a firm resolution to search out all Opportunities of destroying him who thus confounded them They believed they had found out an infallible way to do it by entangling him in his talk and therefore made no delays to make use of it Whereupon they sent some of their Disciples to him who were as much Hypocrites as themselves and counterfeiting themselves to be Righteous with the Herodians i. e. probably some of Herods Officers to ensnare him and tempt him to speak something which might bring him under the stroke of Justice These Men therefore went to him and spake thus to him Master We know that thou art upright and true and teachest the way of God in Truth without regard to any Man or thing Give us thy Opinion in this matter Is it Lawful to pay Tribute to Caesar or no It is certain their design was in this Question to make him odious to the People who never could be brought to submit themselves to the Romans but by force if he should assert that they ought to do it but if he answered that 't was unlawful to pay they would have him punished as a Rebel against the Emperour But he knowing their malicious intentions asked them to shew him a piece of the Money they pay'd Tribute withal and when he had it in his Hands he said Whose Image and Superscription hath it They answered him Caesars Then he reply'd Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesars and to God the things that are Gods In which answer since they could find no fault they went away full of disappointment and admiration X. Jesus Christ silenceth the Sadducees As soon as these Men were gone Matth. 22 23-33 Mark 12 18-28 Deut. 25.5 Luke 20 27-38 there came to Jesus the Sadducees i. e. a Sect of the Jews that do not believe the Resurrection of the Dead and put a Question to him about the Command of the Law of Moses which obliged a Man to Marry the Widow of his Elder Brother dying without Children They then put this Case to him That there was a Woman who was Marryed according to this Law to Seven Brethren one after another and they all Dyed without Children wherefore they asked him Whose Wife of the Seven she should be after
The History of the Life of JESUS CHRIST There were in the Field Shepherds Abiding by their Flocks And the Angel of the Lord came upon them And said Behold I Bring you good Tidings Unto you is Born a Saviour which is CHRIST the Lord. Luk. 2. The Evangelical HISTORY OR THE LIFE of our Blessed Saviour JESUS CHRIST Comprehensively and Plainly Related WITH Practical Inferences Discourses THEREUPON In Four BOOKS I. Of the Birth of John the Baptist Of the Conception and Birth of JESVS CHRIST with an Account of what passed to his Entrance upon the Ministerial Function II. The History of the Acts and Miracles of our Saviour in the first Two Years of his Ministry III. A Relation of his Acts and Miracles in the Third Year of his Preaching IV. An Account of his Acts and Preaching from the triumphant Entrance into Jerusalem Of his Crucifixion Resurrection Apparitions and glorious Ascension into Heaven With a Large Practical Introduction by way of Preface Written in French by the Learned L. E. du Pin and Englished by a Divine of the Church of England with Additions Adorn'd with Copper Cuts LONDON Printed for Abel Swall and T. Childe at the Vnicorn at the West-End of S. Paul 's Church-yard 1694. THE PREFACE I. The Design of this History SINCE the only End and Design of Jesus Christs coming down from Heaven and all the Circumstances of his Incarnation his Birth Life Preaching Death Resurrection and Ascension was to procure Salvation for Men It is highly reasonable that they should fully understand all those Mysteries which are contained in the great Work of their Redemption and be well versed in the History of that Life and Death from which they receive so great Advantage They were Enemies to God Jesus Christ hath made a compleat satisfaction to his Father by his Death Ro. 5.10 and by his Discourses and Example hath Taught them what they ought to do return unto him They can never sufficiently meditate upon the Sufferings which the Son of God endured to expiate their Guilts that they may make a grateful acknowledgment of them by an unfeigned Love of him nor upon those Truths which he hath Taught them and exemplified by his own practice since we must be saved by the observation of those Truths and Imitation of his Actions For this Reason it is that the Church of God in all Ages hath been so urgent with Christians to receive the Holy Sacrament frequently it being a lively representation of his Death and of the Sacrifice which he offered upon the Cross for a propitiation to God and our frequent use of it being an Authentick Testimony of our Thankfulness to God for his Goodness Upon which account it is called the Eucharist i. e. a Thanksgiving But because we cannot obtain that Life Eternal which Jesus Christ hath purchased for us by his Death but by the exact observation of those Laws he hath imposed upon us and by following the Example he hath left us he requires his Ministers before the receiving of the Holy Sacrament to Instruct Men well both in the Precepts of the Gospel and in the Actions of the Son of God And by this he shews that there is nothing that he recommends so much to his Children as to meditate upon and get a full knowledge of the Life and Death of Jesus Christ either that they may give him thanks continually for what he hath done and suffered for them or know by what he hath done what they ought to do themselves for all his whole Life as St. Austin saith Is but one continual Instruction Aug. de ver Rel. c. 14. how we should lead our Lives and we never commit any Sin but by departing from his Example It is true that the Gospels are the most exact History of the Life and Death of Christ for they contain in them all that God hath thought fit to make known to us concerning the Actions and Doctrins of his Son And Men can never be too much Importun'd to Read those Books diligently which contain in them those Truths by which they must be judged at the Last Day But since it is very conducible to the Right Understanding of the Scripture-Relation concerning Christ to have the History of his Life lay'd down in a continued draught according to the Order of Time and with all the Circumstances of it which none of the Evagelists have done I thought I might do some service to the Church of God in general and to more ignorant and weak Christians in particular in composing a short but perfect Harmony of the Gospels And in my performing this undertaking I have had special care to relate nothing but the Truth avoiding all Traditional Stories and confining my self strictly to the Relations of the Evangelical Writers and have adventured to put in nothing of my own but the Style and Expression that I might render the Sense and Phrase of Scripture more easie and intelligible to the most ordinary capacities And that nothing be difficult to them I have observed these two things 1. I have related the Actions of Jesus Christ with all their Circumstances But as to his Sermons and Discourses I have set down only so much of them as are most easie to be understood and necessary to know for the improvement of our Manners I am sensible that the Sermons of our Saviour make up a great part of his Life and that the Truths he Taught are as necessary to be known as the Actions he did but since several of his Sermons especially such as concern the proof of his Divinity are scarcely intelligible by any but the Learned I have touched but lightly upon them and chose to set down more largely those Truths which are essential and of Universal concern for all Mens Salvation which as I have expressed in short so also in such words as may render them more Intelligible to the People 2. Altho' I designed to speak of nothing but what is in the Gospel and that I might not be obliged to add any thing have chosen to relate nothing that is obscure or controversal yet sometimes I have been forced to transgress these bounds meeting with something which could not be omitted tho' difficult upon which account I have added some explications of them Jesus Christ hath Taught many Moral Truths in Metaphors and Parables which are very important for all Christians to know but useless and some times dangerous unless they be accompanyed with some Reflexions which may help the Reader in understanding and applying them For this reason we have intermixed some explications without breaking the Series of the History to clear that which is obscure sweeten that which is harsh and so prepare the Bread of Truth that it may nourish the weak as well as the strong tho' these observations and remarks are very rare short and easily distinguishable from the Relations of the Evangelists and I am perswaded will be thought necessary for the most part
by the Reader who will think them rather too few than too many But considering that unless we well understand the design of our Saviours coming into the World we cannot read the History of his Life with any real advantage for since he did spake and suffered nothing but with a tendency to that end we can never have a true notion of them unless we know the true motive and the end which he himself aimed at I judged it necessary to propound a short History of the Fall of Man and the Wounds which Men have received by it before I present them with the Medicine to heal them and teach them in a few words the happiness of that Estate wherein God Created them the lamentable Miseries into which they have faln by Sin and the means which Gods infinite goodness makes use of to save them The Discovery of these Miseries will make them more desirous to know what Christ hath done to deliver them and by how much they perceive themselves more obnoxious to Gods Justice by so much they will the more eagerly lay hold upon Jesus by Faith to save them from it II. Mans Creation and Fall by Sin When God created the Heaven and the Earth in six days he being desirous not only to provide a Governour for all his Corporeal Creatures but to put some other Beings into the places of the faln Angels in Heaven Created a Man and Woman whom he called Adam and Eve which signifies the Mother of all Living God formed them in his own Image i. e. gave them an Immortal Soul endowed them with abilities to know and love him which are two of the most noble Actions of the Rational Creature which make up the whole Life and happiness of God which is to know and love himself from all Eternity Wherefore he filled their Minds with Knowledge and their Will with Love He Created them perfect and upright their Souls in perfect submission to God and their Body to their Soul There was no darkness or trouble in their minds because God was their Light and Peace and nothing in there Bodies which might make them ashamed because there was nothing disorderly for which reason it is that the Holy Scripture saith That they were Naked Gen. 2.25 and were not ashamed In this Holy and Happy Estate they had a sound Judgment and perfect freedom of Will furnished with all Graces necessary to do that good which God required of them and to purchase that Glory which should be the reward of their Virtue which is to have a clear Vision of God They knew so much of God as Creatures are capable of and if they made a good use of this knowledge upon Earth they should be Translated to the full fruition of God in Heaven Their Innocency exempted them from Death and all other Evils which are the effects of Sin And their privileges were not only for themselves but their Posterity to whom they should communicate not only their Nature but Innocency and all the priviledges of it For the continuance of all these Temporal favours and obtaining that eternal happiness which he hath promised them God required nothing but an entire submission to his Will which that he might have tryal of he gave them a Command to abstain from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil which was in the midst of Paradise threatning them with Death if they dared to Touch it Nothing was more easy than the observation of this Commandment but they kept it not long for the Devil envying their Happiness came to Eve under the Shape of a Serpent perswading her to Eat the Fruit which was forbidden and telling her that they should be so far from dying that they shall become as Gods By these promises she suffered her self to be seduced eat of the Fruit and gave it to her Husband who thro' a wicked Compliance made himself guilty of the Womans Sin As soon as they had thus broken the Command of their God they were made sensible of their Fault by the fearful Change in themselves for they perceived they were Naked and were filled with confusion because they felt in their Bodies the disorderly Motions of their Concupiscence God shewed himself to them no longer as a Father whose presence was their Joy and Happiness but as an offended Lord who reproved their disobedience and as a severe Judge to punish their Rebellion He Condemned the Man to Toil and Drudgery for his necessary Food the Woman to Pains in Child-bearing and drave them both out of the Terrestrial Paradise in which he had placed them he subjected them to all the miseries of this Life and passed the sentence of Death upon them which he had threatned condemning them not only to a Temporal Death of the Body but to the Second Death which is more terrible than the former the Death of the Soul which is to Live eternally with the Devils in Hell and be banished from the only cause and foundation of all Happiness God A just punishment saith St. Austin for their fault in disobeying so easy a Law of so great a God! All the Race of Adam being corrupted in him as in their Fountain and Root by his Sin was also lyable to the same punishment for as if he had continued in his Innocency all his Posterity had inherited it by their Birth and all the Advantages of it after the same manner since he hath sinned all Men naturally inherit his Crimes and all the Plagues which are consequent upon it This is the Sin which we call Original because we are guilty of it from our Original and Birth and this is the Sin which brings upon us all those Evils which we feel either in our Souls or Bodies for the darkness of the Understanding the corruption of the Heart the proneness of the Will to Evil and Opposition to Good the disorderly Motions of Concupiscence the turbulency of our Passions the excessive Love of our selves forgetfulness and Aversion to God all the Sins which we commit Hunger Thirst Weariness Griefs Death and Lastly Eternal Damnation are the sad Consequences and just punishments of this Sin which we come into the World with and which make us as St. Paul saith the Children of the Wrath of God Eph. 2.3 III. The Incarnation of Jesus Christ Out of the miserable condition into which Man had plunged himself and Posterity by Sin there was no way of Recovery had not God in his infinite Mercy been pleased to find out a way which none else could do He had compassion on his Creatures and contrived this means to save them the Word i. e. the Son of God the Second Person of the Holy Trinity was made Incarnate assuming a Body and Soul like us and united to his Divinity in his own person the Humane Nature which he intended to redeem He became Man still being God and took upon him all the weaknesses and Infirmities of Man Sin and Ignorance only excepted He undertook
our Crimes By it we see how much our Offences displeased God since he punisheth it with Eternal Death and for the Pardon of it requires no less satisfaction than the abasing Tortures and Death of the Son of God Nor let us say that if God loved Men so tenderly he might have saved them without exacting of them so great a Satisfaction as Jesus Christ made but let us think rather that if God notwithstanding the love he hath for Man would not save Man any other way than by the Death of his Son God-Man he must need have an irreconcilable hatred to Sin and of all Evil that is most odious to him This is none of the least advantages which we may gain by the Incarnation of the Son of God to raise in our selves a hatred of Sin and a fear of losing the benefit of our Reconciliation with God by our fresh Sins by considering what it cost to redeem us viz. as the Apostle St. Peter says We are not redeemed with Corruptible things as Silver and Gold 1 Pet. 18. but with the precious Blood of the Lamb of God without spot i. e. by the Blood of the only begotten Son of God IV. Of the Life of Jesus Christ Heb. 12.14 Since without Holiness no Man shall see the Lord we cannot reasonably desire that God should make us happy So long as we remain in our Sins enemies to him by our wicked Works it is absolutely necessary in Order to salvation that Men should be converted from their Sins and return to him by a sincere and unfeigned Love of him Now to effect this great Work saith S. Austin God thought not fit to make use of Violence and Force Aug. de ver Rel. c. 16. but rational inducements and perswasions and of all those gentle Methods which could be possibly made use of by infinite Wisdom for that end as fit and proper for effecting this design none was thought so suitable as the Life and Converse of Jesus Christ with the Sons of Men by which not only all the obstacles of our Conversion are removed but all the sweetest allurements imaginable are tendred to us We are ignorant what we ought to do to please God and being blinded with the false Idea's of Good and Evil are not sensible that the only real Good of the Rational Soul is the enjoyment of God and the only real Evil is the loss of this Chief Good All Men are involved in this Error and therefore 't was in vain to expect a better information from any mere Man or if any had those true notions of Mans happiness yet either Mans natural pride or the differences of the Wise about it would make us either slight our Teachers or deny our assent to what they Instruct us in as dubious and uncertain That therefore we might be Instructed in this Truth without fear of being deceived the Truth it self came to dispel our Darkness and enlighten our Ignorance and hath tendred himself to us as a Master whose Disciples we need not be ashamed to own our selves because this Master is our God He was made Man and dwelt among us He hath proved to us by his admirable Miracles That he was a Teacher sent from God to Instruct us that he is Gods only Son Lastly that he is Wisdom Light and Truth and having proved himself to be God he hath dispersed the Rays of his Doctrin and Taught by his Preaching what is our true Happiness and what we must do to attain it But he did not content himself to teach us but joyned Example to his Instruction He perswaded us to the practise of those Truths by his Actions which he delivered in his Sermons He prescribed them fit Remedies for their Distempers but because they were bitter and unpleasant troublesome and nauseous for Men to take he first took them himself altho' he had no need of them that the sick person might be more willing to take them after their Physician We must be humble that we may be saved and this was the way he took to perswade the Proud to it God might have commanded his Creatures to be humble crying out from his Caelestial Throne Matth. 18.3 in Jesus 's Words Except ye humhle your selves and be converted ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven But God did not make choice of this way to bring Men to embrace this Virtue Aug. Ep. 42. but made use as St. Austin saith of a more effectual and taking way more sweet and pleasant he had rather root Pride out of our Hearts by perswasion than force and invite us to Humility by the example of the Son of God who being humble and of no Reputation saith unto us Learn of me Matth. 11.29 for I am meek and lowly in Heart What arrogance can withstand such words as these supported by infinite Dignity and profound Humility of the Speaker And who will not think it now a greater shame for him to be elevated with Pride after the manner of Men than to be humble and meek in imitation of the Son of God And the same may be said of all the Virtues necessary for Mans Conversion which I have said of Humility for whereas there is nothing more prevalent with Men than Example Jesus Christ hath made himself an exact Pattern for them and for this cause hath propounded his Life to us that he lived upon Earth as an exact Pattern of our matters Sin hath separated us from God and setting us at a distance from him puts us out of a possibility of returning to him We are carryed by our Affections which are so far from leading us to Happiness as we suppose that they hurry us headlong into our own Ruin and Destruction Who can discover the Depth of Gods admirable Wisdom in making choice of Christs Incarnation and Life to redeem Man out of this miserable condition God who is the end at which we ought to aim and from which we naturally go farther and farther is come himself to seek us We had lost the sight of him he hath made himself visible He thought it not sufficient to propose the most absolute and compleat good to their sight in his own Person as the only fit object of their Love but he would shew them the way they should go in to come to the full possession of it He became himself their Fellow-Traveller and Guide and appeared himself as a Person at a distance from God that he might carry us to God with him He went before us and restored all our Defects by his perfections i. e. he hath reform'd all our Sentiments and all the affections of our Souls by the affections and motions which he shewed in the Human Narure which he assumed for our Salvation We were not sensible what we ought to Love or Hate Desire or Fear Follow or eschew but he hath Instructed us by his Example to Order and regulate the whole course of our Lives with a
these Reflections upon it in reading them we ought to be satisfied That Sufferings are necessary to obtain Heaven considering that this is the Way our Saviour leads us and went himself When we are persecuted we ought to comfort our selves with this that it is an Honour to be treated as our Master was The Submission with which he drank the Cup which his Father gave him to drink should teach us to welcome the Crosses which God lays upon us without murmuring as Sickness loss of Goods Friends Parents c. His Patience in suffering Affronts and Abuses should quench all our passionate Resentments and Desires of Revenge which rise in our Hearts at the Sense of Wrongs In fine his exemplary Behaviour in his Sufferings should teach us to accept the Persecutions of Men as ordained by God and to adore his Justice in their most unjust Dealings with us to love our Enemies and be so far from requiting the Injuries we receive from them as to pardon them and do them good and to comfort our selves in the meek Sufferings of Evil by the Contemplation of the Glory that shall follow for as S. Cyprian Quod est Christus Cypr. de Idol van hoc erimus Christiani si Christum fuerimus imitati If we imitate Christ we shall be like him and enjoy the same Glory The last Direction which I shall give those Persons who would read the Life of Christ with Benefit to themselves is this That they would joyn Prayers with their Reading Before we begin to read we should beg of God in Prayer That he would discover to us all the imitable Parts and Circumstances of the Life of his Son and after we have done Reading we must implore his Grace to do what we have learned from thence to be our Duty Joh. 1.14 The Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us saith the Gospel being full of Grace and Truth He brought Truth to instruct us in our Duties and Grace to enable us to practise what he taught us This Truth which is intended for our Instruction is diffused through all the Circumstances of his Life but we must have Eyes able to discover it he must give us these Eyes or else his Words and Actions will be to us like an enclosed Book or as so many Riddles which we cannot understand Wherefore since he hath given us abilities to know the Truth let us pray him to embrace us with Love and give us that Grace which he hath merited for us by his Sufferings and which may make us receive his Doctrin and conform to his Example 'T is the Effusion of this which hath as I may say perfected the Mystery of the Incarnation Jesus Christ was made Man to allure the Love of Men he lived with them to teach them how he would be loved by them he ascended into Heaven and sent down the Holy Spirit from thence upon them to fill their Hearts with that Love that he requires of them This is the whole Contrivance of our Salvation let us acknowledge the Obligation which we have to love Jesus Christ and let us learn by reading his Life after what manner he would have us love him and pray for Grace to love him as we ought and enkindle in our Hearts that Fire of which he speaks Luke 12.49 I am come to send Fire on Earth and I wish it were already kindled The End of the Preface A Table of the Chapters BOOK I. Contains the History from John's Conception to the First Year of Christ's Preaching I. THE Conception of S. John p 4 II. The Conception of Jesus p 5 III. The Visitation of the Holy Virgin p 7 IV. John's Nativity p 8 V. The Revelation of Jesus Christ's Conception to Joseph p 9 VI. The Divine Generation of Jesus Christ p 1● VII The Human Birth of Jesus Christ p 13 VIII The Circumcision of Jesus Christ. p 14 IX The Adoration of the Magi ibid. X. The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple p 16 XI Jesus 's Flight into Egypt p 18 XII Jesus is found among the Doctors p 19 XIII The Preaching of S. John p 20 XIV Jesus Christ is baptized by John p 23 XV. Jesus Christ fasts and is tempted p 24 XVI S. John gives Testimony concerning Jesus p 25 XVII Jesus Christ calls Disciples p 26 XVIII Jesus First Miracle p 27 XIX He drives the Traders out of the Temple p 28 XX. Jesus Christ's Discourse with Nicodemus p 29 XXI John's Second Testimony of Christ p 30 XXII John's Imprisonment p 31 XXIII The Samaritan Woman p 32 BOOK II. Containing an Account of what Jesus did in the first Two Years of his Ministry I. HE Preacheth in Galilee p 35 II. He calls Four Apostles p 36 III. He cures a Man possessed p 38 IV. He cures S. Peter's Mother-in-Law and several others Ibid. V. He goes thro' Galilee p 39 VI. He stills a Tempest p 41 VII He cures Two possessed p 42 VIII He heals a Man sick of the Palsy at Capernaum p 44 IX He calls a Publican to follow him p 46 X. He heals a Woman of a Bloody Flux p 47 XI He heals Two blind Men and a Dumb Man p 49 XII He heals a Man of an infirmity which he had had Thirty Years p 50 XIII His Disciples are accused of breaking the Sabboth-day 52 XIV He heals several Men on the Sabboth-day p 53 XV. He chuseth Twelve Disciples and preacheth on the Mountain p 54 XVI What are the Truths which he preached in that Sermon p 56 XVII He healeth a Leper p 60 XVIII He cures a Man sick of the Palsy Ibid. XIX He raised a Dead Man p 62 XX. John sends two of his Disciples to Jesus The answer he gave them Ibid XXI The Reproofs he gave the Jews p 64 XXII The Conversion of a Woman that was a Sinner p 65 XXIII He cures a Man possessed with a Devil blind and Dumb. p 66 XXIV The Pharisees ask him a Sign p 68 XXV He propounds many Parables p 70 XXVI Other Parables p 72 XXVII Jesus goes to Preach at Nazareth p 74 XXVIII He goes thro' Galilee and sends his Apostles to Preach p 76 XXIX Herod cuts off John Baptist's Head p 78 BOOK III. Containing what Jesus did in the Third Year of his Preaching I. HE feeds 5000 in the Desert with Five Loaves and Two Fishes p 80 II. Jesus goes upon the Water and bids Peter come to him p 82 III. Jesus shews in an excellent discourse that he is the living Bread the nourishment of Souls p 83 IV. The Pharisees complain that his Disciples eat with unclean Hands p 86 V. He cureth a Damsel possessed with a Devil p 88 VI. He heals a Man Deaf and Dumb. p 89 VII He feeds 4000 Men with 7 loaves Ibid VIII The Pharisees ask a Sign and he refuses to give them any p 90 IX He heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida p 91 X. St. Peter confesses that Jesus Christ is the Son of God p 92 XI
He foretells his Death to his Disciples Ibid XII He is Tranfigured p 93 XIII He heals a Lunatick p 95 XIV He foretells his Death and pays Tribute p 97 XV. He checks the Ambition of his Disciples p 98 XVI He gives rules for Correcting and Pardoning p 100 XVII He goes to Jerusalem at the feast of Tabernacles p 101 XVIII He heals Ten Lepers p 103 XIX He teacheth in the Temple Ibid XX. He saves the Life of an Adulteress p 106 XXI He teaches in the Temple and they go about to Stone him p 107 XXII He restores sight to a Man born blind p 109 XXIII He proves himself the good Shepherd p 112 XXIV He chuseth 72 Disciples p 113 XXV He teacheth a Lawyer how to love his Neighbour p 114 XXVI He lodges with Martha and teaches his Disciples to Pray p 115 XXVII He reproves the Pharisees and Lawyers for their faults p 116 XXVIII He gives his Disciples several Instructions p 118 XXIX He shews the necessity of Repentance p 121 XXX He heals a Crooked Woman Ibid XXXI The Jews seek to Stone him p 122 XXXII He teaches them to enter in at the straight Gate and foretells the destruction of Jerusalem p 123 XXXIII He heals a Man of a Dropsie and confounds the pride of the Pharisees p 125 XXXIV He teaches that he came to call Men to his Kingdom p 126 XXXV He tells us what we must do to be saved p 127 XXXVI He receives Sinners to Repentance p 128 XXXVII He commends Alms-giving and reproves the Pharisees covetousness p 129 XXXVIII He shews the strict conjunction of Marriage and praises Virginity p 132 XXXIX He speaks of his Kingdom and concerning the true hour to pray p 133 XL. He teaches Men to be humble p 135 XLI He blesses Infants Ibid. XLII He shews that it is hard for rich Men to be saved p 136 XLIII He teaches that the first shall be last in the Kingdom of Heaven p 138 XLIV He raiseth Lazarus p 139 XLV The Jews hold Council against him p 142 XLVI He is rejected by the Samaritans p 143 XLVII He foretells his Death a Third time p 144 XLVIII He reproves the Ambition of his Apostles p 145 XLIX He Lodges with Zacheus p 146 L. They thought he would make the Kingdom of Heaven to appear p 147 LI. He heals two blind Men. p 148 LII He Sups at Bethany p 149. BOOK IV. Containing the History of what Jesus did after his Triumphant entring Jerusalem to his Ascension I. HE goes in triumph to Jerusalem p 151 II. He laments the Destruction of Jerusalem p 152 III. He foretells his Death again p 153 IV. He curses the Fig-tree p 156 V. He drives the Traders out of the Temple Ibid. VI. His Discourse with the Priests and Lawyers p 158 VII The Parable of the Husbandmen p 159 VIII The Parable of the Marriage-feast p 160 IX He confounds the Pharisees p 162 X. He confounds the Sadducees p 163 XI He teaches which is the grrat Commandment Ibid. XII He discovers the Vices of the Scribes and Pharisees p 164 XIII He commends the Alms of a poor Widow p 165 XIV He foretells the Destruction of Jerusalem Ibid. XV. He foretels his Second coming p 167 XVI He teaches to Watch. p 168 XVII The Parable of the Ten Virgins p 169 XVIII The Parable of the Servants p 170 XIX A description of the last Judgment p 171 XX. The Jews hold Council against him p 172 XXI What was the Jews Passover p 173 XXII Jesus made a Supper p 175 XXIII He washes his Disciples Feet p 176 XXIV He appoints the Eucharist and foretels Judas Treachery p 177 XXV He foretels Peters Denial and his Apostles flight p 179 XXVI He comforts his Apostles p 181 XXVII Instructions given to his Apostles p 183 XXVIII Jesus 's Prayer to God p 186 XXIX Jesus Agony in the Garden p 187 XXX Jesus apprehension p 189 XXXI He is carryed to Caiaphas's House p 190 XXXII Peter denies Jesus Christ p 192 XXXIII Judas's despair p 193 XXXIV Jesus is accused before Pilate p 194 XXXV He is set at naught by Herod p 195 XXXVI A Thief preferred before Jesus Christ p 196 XXXVII Jesus is Scourged and Crowned with Thorns p 198 XXXVIII Pilate condemns Jesus p 199 XXXIX They Crucified Jesus p 200 XL. Jesus words on the Cross p 201 XLI Jesus 's Death p 203 XLII Jesus 's Burial p 205 XLIII Jesus 's Resurrection p 206 XLIV Jesus 's appearance to Mary Magdalen p 207 XLV His appearance to the other Women p 208 XLVI He appears to two Disciples and Peter p 209 XLVII He appears to his Apostles p 211 XLVIII The Miraculous Fishing 213 XLIX Jesus commends his Sheep to St. Peter p 214 L. He instructs his Apostles p 215 LI. The last apparition of Jesus Christ p 216 LII The Ascension of Jesus Christ p 217 LIII The Glorious Life of Jesus Christ in Heaven p 218 LIV. The Conclusion p 221 THE HISTORY OF THE LIFE Of our Saviour Jesus Christ FOR about Four thousand Years Book I. after the Creation of the World Man lay groaning under the Power and Tyranny of Satan to whom he had sold and enslaved himself by Sin The greatest part of the World was involved in Ignorance and Idolatry and the Jews only had the Knowledge of the true God and lived in the Expectation of the promised Messiah For Man had no sooner subjected himself to the Decree of Death through the seducements of the Devil but God threatned him to raise up a Child of the Woman which should maintain a continual War with that Wicked Spirit And to this end it was that he discovered himself and his Worship to a certain Number of Men from whose Posterity he designed to raise this Conqueror of the Serpent and Deliverer of Mankind Abraham was the first to whom God promised That all the Nations of the Earth should be blessed in his Seed which he repeated to Isaac the Son of Abraham and Jacob the Son of Isaac and after explained more clearly to the Jews who were the Posterity of Jacob's Twelve Sons wherein this Blessing did consist by giving them Hopes of a Saviour whose Birth Life and Death he foretold in all their Circumstances For he so contrived it that all that befel them should be a continued Figure of this Saviour He appointed them such Sacrifices as represented the great Sacrifice which should expiate and atone for the Sins of Men and for their sakes wrought such Miracles as were nothing else but Shadows and Signs of what he would do for the Salvation of the whole World So that all things did as it were foreshew this Holy Redeemer The Prophets which God sent them from time to time put them in Mind of his Coming and the Calamities which Divine Justice inflicted upon them for their Irregularities and Sins did raise their Minds to a more ardent and earnest Expectation of him as their Messiah or Christ Messiah
which God hath appointed for the Exercise and Execution of them And because Jesus Christ was not to appear till John had preached him therefore God brought him first out of his Retreat This Holy Fore-runner of Christ therefore in the Fifteenth Year of Tiberius Caesar by the Divine Order did go into the Wilderness of Judea and into all the Country round about Jordan preaching the Baptism of Repentance not that which procures Remission of Sins Mar. 1.4 but which disposes Men to receive Pardon and was a Figure of the Baptism which Jesus Christ afterward appointed This Office and Ministry of S. John was foretold by Two Prophets which are cited by the Evanlists Mal. 3.1 the one calls him the Messenger or Angel of God which should go before Jesus Christ to prepare his Ways before him The other saying Isai 40.3 That they shall hear the Voice of him that cryeth in the Wilderness Prepare ye the Way of the Lord and then every Valley shall be filled and every Mountain and Hill shall be made low the crooked Paths shall be made streight and the rough Places plain Which figurative Expressions import nothing but that a thorough Reformation of Mens Manners shall then begin and be compleated by the Preaching of Christ He began his Preaching with these Words Matth. 3 1-6 Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand and to gain the greater Authority to his Sermons he preached Repentance as well by his Example as Words for he was cloathed with Camel's Hair and wore a Leathern Girdle about his Loyns and lived upon Locusts and wild Honey a course Garb and Food suitable for a Penitent And certainly such a Preacher as first practises what himself teaches must needs be extraordinarily followed And so indeed he was for all Jerusalem and all the Country round about Jordan and all Judea flocked to him and confessing their Sins were baptized of him in Jordan Among the great Multitude that followed him there came also certain of the Pharisees Matth. 3 7-10 and of the Sadduces to be baptized of him The Pharisees were a Sect among the Jews who professed a more perfect Knowledge and exact Observation of the Law and by that means had gotten themselves a great Veneration and Authority among the People but as we shall see in the sequel o● this History they were great Hypocrites wh● under the outward Varnish of Vertue and Religion concealed intolerable Pride and Arrogancy The Sadduces were another Sect which did not believe the Immortality of the Soul or the Resurrection they were not so numerous a Party as the former but the Persons of the First Rank were generally of it To those Persons of these Two Sects who came to be baptized by him S. John speaks thus O Generation of Vipers full of the Poison and Venom of Hypocrisy and Sin wh● hath fore-warned you of the Wrath and Vengeance which shall shortly fall upon your Heads and taught you that Wisdom to avoid it by coming to me by Repentance Bring forth therefore Fruit● worthy of Repentance And think not to say within your selves that you are secure because you have Abraham to your Father for God can out of these Stones raise up Children unto Abraham And indeed the Ax is now laid to the Root of the Tree therefore every Tree which bringeth not good Fruit shall be cut down and cast into the Fire Luke 3 10-14 The People the Publicans i. e. the Farmer● and Receivers of the Tribute and the Soldiers asked him What they should do He answere● the People He that hath Two Coats and Food let him impart to him that hath none He admonishes the Publicans to exact no more than what is appointed them and the Soldiers To be content with their Pay and not to do Violence nor Cheat or Plunder any Man Luke 2 15-17 Matth. 3.11 12. These wise Answers being accompanied with so innocent and austere a Life begat so great an Opinion of John in the Minds of the People that they generally believed that he was the Christ i. e. the Messias so long expected To remove this Prejudice concerning himself he told them That he baptized them with Water only but there cometh another adds he who is mightier than I whose Shoes I am not worthy to bear or unty he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with Fire He hath a Fan in his Hand and he shall throughly cleanse his Floor He will gather the Wheat into his Garner and shall burn up the Chaff with unquenchable Fire XIV Jesus Christ is baptized by John At the same Time that all Judea went to be baptized by S. John in Jordan Jesus Christ Matth. 3.13 17. Mark 1 9-12 Luke 3.21 22. being about Thirty Years of Age departed from Nazareth where he had patiently waited for the Time of exercising his Ministry which he came into the World to perform and therefore went to Jordan to be baptized by his Fore-runner among others But S. John not being able to endure this great Humility opposed his Desire with all earnestness saying to him I ought to be baptized by thee and comest thou to me But Jesus answered him Suffer it to be as I will for this Time for so it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness S. John then submitted to this Command and baptized Jesus who being baptized went out of the Water and betook himself to Prayers And as he was praying the Holy Ghost descended upon him in a bodily Shape like a Dove and remained on him and a Voice from Heaven uttered these Words Thou art my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Then Jesus being full of the Spirit returned from Jordan and the same Spirit conducted him and drave him immediately into the Wilderness XV. Jesus Fasting and Temptation Mat. 4 1.-11 Lu. 4.2.13 Mar. 1.12.13 Jesus having passed fourty days without eating or drinking in the VVilderness whither the Spirit had conducted him that he might be tempted of the Devil was contented after so long a Fast to undergo the pressures of hunger that he might give the Devil an opportunity to tempt him Then the Devil came unto him and said unto him If thou be the Son of God command that these Stones be made Bread Deut. 8.3 But Jesus answered him Man doth not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God Then the Devil carries him up to the top of the Temple of Jerusalem and enticeth him to cast himself down from thence that he might prove that he was the Son of God for it is written saith he to him Ps 91.11 That God will give his Angels charge concerning thee to keep thee and in their hands they shall bear thee that thou do not hurt thy self Jesus answered this place of Scripture by another Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God Deut. 6.16 After this the Devil setteth him upon a high Mountain from
whence he shewed him in a moment all the Kingdoms of the World with all the Splendor and Pomp that attends them and promised him all those things if he would fall down before him and Worship him for they are given to me saith he falsly and I give them to whom I please Deut. 6.13 Then Jesus answered him Get the hence Satan for it is written Thou shalt Worship the Lord thy God and serve none but him only The Devil having thus finished all the temptation without success departed for a time and the Angels came to Jesus Christ and readily tendred themselves to minister unto him XVI St. John's Testimony concerning Jesus Christ After these things Jesus being come out of the Wilderness went to Bethabara Jo. 1 15.-18 the place where John was Preaching and Baptizing This faithful Fore-runner when he saw him could not but bare witness of him before all that heard him and therefore cryed out with a loud voice This is He of whom I spake He that cometh after me is preferred before me for he was before me he adds We have received of his Fulness a sufficiency of all Graces for the Law was given by Moses but Jesus Christ hath brought Grace and Truth to the World and that the only begotten who is in the Bosom of the Father is come to discover God to us whom no man hath ever seen Notwithstanding John spake thus honourably Jo. 1 19.-28 and plainly of the Messias the Jews took him for the Person he spake of and therefore sent certain Priests and Levites who were Pharisees and consequently much admired by the people to enquire of him Who he was And he freely confessed and denied not but owned that he was not the Christ for so the Gospel delivers the Confession of St. John and the Testimony which he gave of Jesus to these Messengers Then they asked whether he were Elias or some other Prophet And when he had answered them that he was not They said to him Who art thou then that we may give an answer to them that sent us What sayest thou of thy self I am saith he the Voice of one Crying in the Wilderness Make strait the ways of the Lord. They urged Why then Baptizest thou if thou art not the Messias nor a Prophet He replyed It is true I Baptize with Water but there is one among you whom ye know not He it is who coming after me is preferred before me whose Shoo-strings I am not worthy to unloose The next day John seeth Jesus Christ coming unto him Jo. 1 29.-34 and being unwilling to lose so good an opportunity of discovering him he saith to them that were with him Behold the Lamb of God This is He that bears and takes away the Sins of the World He adds That this was He of whom he had spoken so much already and he assures them that he saw the spirit descending and remaining upon him in the shape of a Dove and that he had been taught by Revelation that this was He that should Baptize with the Holy Ghost XVII Jesus Christ calling Disciples Jo. 1 35.-42 The next day Jesus passed again through the same place two hours before Sun-set and St. John who was there with two of his Disciples said as soon as he saw him Behold the Lamb of God The two Disciples hearing these words followed Jesus who turning himself about demanded of them Whom seek ye They answered Master where dwellest thou he saith unto them Come and see They went with him and abode with him that day One of these two Disciples named Andrew had a Brother called Simon to whom he said We have found the Messias and he brought him to Jesus who having considered him said unto him Thou art Simon the Son of Jonas thou shalt be called Peter The day following the Son of God going into Galilee Jo. 1 43.-51 found one named Philip who was of Bethsaida of which place both Andrew and Peter were and he saith unto him follow me Philip meeteth Nathanael and tells him that they had found the Messias promised by the Law and foretold by the Prophets and that Jesus of Nazareth was he Nathanael answered Can any good thing come out of Nazareth And he followed Philip who brought him to Jesus As soon as Jesus saw him Behold an Israelite indeed without guile or deceit Nathanael astonished at his words asked him Whence knowest thou me Jesus answered Before that Philip called thee when thou wast under the fig-tree I saw thee Nathanael saith Master Thou art the Son of God thou art the King of Israel Jesus answered him Dost thou believe because I said unto thee that I saw thee under the fig-tree thou shalt see greater things Verily verily I say unto thee Hereafter thou shalt see Heaven opened and the Angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man to attend his triumphant Ascension into the Glories of his Father XVIII The first Miracle that Jesus did The third day after his departure from the River Jordan Jesus was at a Marriage in Cana of Galilee Jo. 2 1.-11 to which the Holy Virgin was also invited and his Disciples At this solemnity there being a great want of Wine the Holy Virgin pitying the unseasonable scarcity said to her Son They have no Wine But Jesus being desirous to teach us that in those Actions wherein the Service and Honour of God is concerned we ought to have no respect to Man but even our Parents themselves are to be look'd upon as Strangers saith unto his Mother What is that to you or me mine hour is not yet come The Holy Virgin was not at all disturbed or discouraged at this answer but bid them that waited to do whatsoever he commanded them Now there were six great Water-potts of Stone which were used in the Purifications which were common among the Jews The Son of God orders them to fill them with Water and when they were full he saith unto the Servants Draw out now and carry it to the Governour of the Feast Having tasted of it and perceiving it to be excellent Wine but not knowing whence it was tells the Bridegroom that he had done contrary to the Custom because he had kept the best Wine till the end of the Banquet This change of Water into VVine was the first Miracle that Jesus did and it was of great use to manifest his Glory and confirm his Disciples in their Faith in him XIX Jesus drives the Merchants out of the Temple Jo. 2.12 -25. From Cana he went with his Mother Kindred and Disciples to Caparnaum a City of the same Province of Galilee where he stayed but a little while because the Feast of the Passover being near he went up to Jerusalem Being there he found in the Temple certain Merchants who sold Oxen and Sheep and Doves and the Changers of the Mony sitting at their Tables And he immediately made a VVhip with Cords and drave them all
out of the Temple cast the Changers Mony on the Ground and overthrew their Tables and said unto those that Sold Doves Ps 69.9 Take these things hence make not my Fathers house an house of Merchandize This Action of Jesus brought to the Disciples minds these words of Scripture The zeal of thy house hath eaten me up but it surpriz'd and incensed the Jews who required of him a Miracle to prove his Authority of acting in that manner To whom he said Destroy this Temple and in three days I will rebuild it They understood it of the Temple out of which he had driven the Traders but he meant it of his Body which should be destroyed by Death and raised again the third day He did many Miracles at the Passover in Jerusalem which continues seven days and many Persons believed in his Name but he would not trust himself with those who were won only by Miracles because he knew the bottom of their hearts and exactly discerned what was unsound and imperfect in their Faith XX. The Discourse between J. Christ and Nicodemus VVhile Jesus was at Jerusalem Jo. 3 1.-12 a Jewish Ruler of the Sect of the Pharisees came to him by night and said unto him Master We know that thou art a Teacher come from God for no man can do those Miracles that thou dost except God be with him From hence Jesus takes an Occasion to teach this Pharisee the necessity of Baptism in order to Salvation saying unto him Except a Man be born of Water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God To which he adds these important Truths That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit and that the Spirit inspires whom it pleaseth Nicodemus being surpriz'd asked him how can this be Jesus reproving his Ignorance that he was a Doctor and knew not these things saith unto him We testify what we have seen and ye receive not our Witness He then discovers these Mysteries of our Religion to him Jo. 3 13.-20 That no Man hath ascended up to Heaven but the Son of Man that came from Heaven That the Brazen Serpent which Moses put upon a Pole in the VVilderness that all those who were bitten by the fiery Serpents by looking upon it might be healed of their VVounds was but a Figure of him who was fixed unto the Cross for the deliverance of all those that believe in him from Eternal Death That he was sent into the World not to condemn the World but to save it That so great was the love of God towards Men that he gave them his only begotten Son to dy for them but this Love will be a just cause of Condemnation to all those that believe not in this Son and receive not this Light that is come to enlighten them loving rather to continue in darkness because they will not bring their VVorks to the Light of Truth lest they should be convinced thereby that the Actions which they so much delight in are criminal and sinful XXI St. Johns second Testimony concerning Jesus Jo. 3 23.-27 Jesus being come from Jerusalem after the Feast tarryed in Judea with his Disciples and there Baptized at the same time that John administred his Baptism in Jordan Here the Disciples of John had a dispute with the Jews about Baptism And they came to their Master and spake to him concerning Jesus Saying He to whom thou bearest Witness doth now Baptize and all men flock to him St. John who would not have gathered Disciples but that he might resign them to the Son of God answered them A man can receive nothing except it be given him from Heaven signifying by this answer that he acted in his Ministry only by the power and command of him who had called him to it Jo. 3 28.-36 He then puts them in mind of the Protestations which he had made before them That he was not the Christ He tells them that he is not the Bridegroom of the Church but the Bridegroom's Friend only And in that Quality 't was his only Joy and delight to hear the Bridegroom's Voice He goes on and says He must increase but I must decrease He adds that Jesus Christ came from above and therefore is above all that he speaks what he hath seen and heard and that he that receiveth his Testimony acknowledgeth that God is true because God hath sent him and hath not given his Spirit by measure to him but because he loveth him he hath given all things into his hands That Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he that believeth in him hath eternal Life and on the contrary he that believeth not shall not see Life but is an Object of the Wrath of God which shall not depart from him XXII John 's Imprisonment St. John did not think he had discharged his Office sufficiently Mat. 14 3.-5 Mar. 6 17.-20 Lu. 3.19 20. in discovering Jesus to be the Messiah at the River Jordan but he went to the Princes Court to Preach true Morality and Piety Herod Antipas the Son of Herod the Great in whose Reign Jesus Christ was Born and his Successor in one fourth part of his Kingdom from whence he is called Herod the Tetrarch had Marryed contrary to all Laws Herodias his Brother Philips Wife John went to reprove him for this Crime and for all the other evils which he had done and told him confidently that it was not Lawful for him to have her for his Wife who was his Brothers Wife Herod was not presently angry with this Holy Man but on the contrary believing him to be a Just Man and an Holy he had a great Respect and Veneration for him yea he feared him was a diligent Hearer of him and followed his advice in many things But Herodias was not so well affected to John for she hated him Mortally and sought all Occasions to destroy him By her instigation Herod became every day more averse to him and at length to please her apprehended him and put him into Prison He had at that time put him to Death but that he feared the People who accounted of and reverenced John as a Prophet VVhen Jesus knew that John was put into Prison and that the Pharisees had heard that he made and Baptized more Disciples than John tho' he Baptized no Man himself Jo. 4 1.-4 but by his Disciples he left Judea and returned into Galilee through Samaria XXIII The Samaritan Woman Jo. 4 5.-11 About noon Jesus came to a City of Samaria named Sychar and being wearied with his Journey he sat down on the brink of a Fountain called Jacob's VVell in a parcel of Ground which that Patriarch gave long since to his Son Joseph A certain VVoman of this Countrey came to fetch VVater at this VVell and Jesus saith unto her Give me to drink This VVoman who thought him to be a Jew wondred that he
the Multitude That if the Devils who are Man's irreconcilable Enemies should thus cast out one another their Kingdom would not stand long that there were some Persons among the Jews who cast out Devils whom yet the Pharisees did not accuse of casting them out by the Prince of the Devils That an armed Man will not be put out of his own House but by a stronger than himself so that he did not cast out Satan but by the Power of a Spirit stronger than Satan i. e. by the Spirit of God which ought to be a convincing Proof that the Kingdom of God is come unto them that in opposing such manifest Works of the Holy Spirit as they had done they had made themselves guilty of an unpardonable Blasphemy that since we judge of a Tree by its Fruits they ought to judge of him by his Works and not condemn him as a wicked Man whenas he doth nothing but good Actions that the Calumnies which they so rashly spoke against him proceeded from the evil Treasure of their Hearts and should not escape unpunished since at the Day of Judgment we must give an account of every evil Word and be condemned for them as we are justified by good XXIV The Pharisees desire a Sign of him Matth. 12 38-46 Luke 11 29-32 Then certain of the Scribes and Pharisees said unto him Master we desire that thou wouldst shew us some Sign of thy Mission They had been Witnesses of a great Number of Miracles which they cryed down for Cheats and Impostures and as if all that he had done already were not enough to convince them that he wrought them by the Spirit of God they desired to see some new thing But Jesus gave them no other Answer but this An evil and an adulterous Generation seeketh after a Sign and no other Sign shall be given them but that of the Prophet Jonas Jonas was a Prophet who being sent by God to foretel and Threaten to the Inhabitants of Ninive the Destruction of their City within Forty Days instead of obeying this Command took Ship to go to another Place but a Tempest arising in his Voyage he confessed that it was a Punishment of his Disobedience and to appease it bid them cast him into the Sea He was immediately devoured by a great Fish which at the end of Three Days cast him upon the Shore from whence he went to Ninive and preached as God had commanded him The Ninivites believed his Words proclaimed a solemn Fast and so by their Repentance escaped the Punishment which God had threatned them Jesus propounds this Sign of Jonas to the Pharisees and makes a double Application of it the one to himself the other to them for he says That as this Prophet was Three Days in the Belly of the Fish which devoured him so should the Son of Man be Three Days in the Heart of the Earth By which he signifies That he should be buried in a Tomb and should rise from the Dead the third Day He adds for a second Reflection That as Jonas was a Sign to the Ninivites so should he be to the Pharisees which he explains in this manner The Men of Ninive shall rise up in the Judgment against this Generation and shall condemn them because they repented at the Preaching of Jonas but a Person greater than Jonas is here He says further to them That the Queen of Sheba shall also condemn them in the Day of Judgment because she came from a far Country to hear the Wisdom of Solomon which Princess they are so far from imitating that they despise his Words and Miracles who manifested more Divine Wisdom than Solomon ever did Lastly He threatens them with such Fury as the Devil exercises over those Persons from whom they have been once forced to go out but have found out a way to enter again which are therefore the more enraged Teaching us at the same Time That we ought to be always upon our Guard when we are delivered from an unclean Spirit because the Devil doth not wholly abandon us but if we are not watchful against him will return with Seven Spirits more wicked than himself and by this second Possession make the Condition of that Soul more miserable a great deal than it was by the first As Jesus was thus confuting the Pharisees Malice a certain Woman of the Company lift up her Voice and said Blessed is the Womb that bare thee and the Paps that thou hast sucked But he answered her Yea rather blessed are they that hear the Word of God and practise it At the same Time it was told him That his Mother and his Brethren Matth. 12 47-50 Mark 3.31 35. Luke 8 19-21 i. e. his Kindred stood without because they could not get at him for the Press and desired to speak with him But he answered Who is my Mother and who are my Brethren Then looking upon those that were set about him and stretching forth his Hands towards his Disciples he said Behold my Mother and my Brethren for my Mother and my Brethren are they that hear the Word of God and do it and they that do the Will of my Father which is in Heaven XXV Jesus Christ delivers many Parables Matth. 13 1-23 Luke 8.4 15. Mark 4 1-20 The same Day Jesus went out of the House and came to the end of the Lake of Gennesareth but when he saw a great Multitude of People coming unto him from the neighbouring Towns he went into a Ship and instructed the People out of it who gave great Attention to him from the Shore He delivered many excellent and saving Truths to them in Parables which was his ordinary way of Teaching Parables in the Gospel are feigned Stories or Comparisons taken from Nature Things the Application of which being something hard to find out exercises the Attention of the Mind but being discovered opens some Mystery of Religion to us or makes known some important Maxim or Precept for the Government and Direction of our Manners As for Example this is a kind of Parable which Jesus speaks of the strong Man armed who keeps his House but is expelled by a stronger than he The Application of which is this as we have seen The strong Man is the Devil whom Jesus Christ drives out of Men's Souls by the Spirit of God which is stronger than the Devil The First Parable which the Son of God propounded to the People from the Ship where he sat was this A Man went out to sow and some of his Seed fell in the High-Way and it was trodden upon and devoured with Birds Another Part fell upon a Rock and was scorched by the Sun because it had no Root for want of Moisture Other fell among Thorns which chok'd it And other fell on good Ground and brought forth Fruit in abundance Now because the Application of this Parable which our Saviour intended by it was not easy to find out he added He that hath Ears to
News of it The End of the Second Book BOOK III. A brief Relation of what Jesus did in the Third Year of his Ministry I. Jesus Christ feedeth Four thousand in the Wilderness with Five Loaves and Two Fishes Matth. 14 13-21 Mark 6 30-44 Luke 9 10-17 John 6 1-14 JESUS having heard what was said of him in Herod's Court and his Apostles coming at the same Time to him to give him an account of what they had done and taught in the Places whither he had sent them He said unto them Go into some Desert Place apart that ye may rest a while Wherefore they took Ship to avoid the Multitude who would not allow them so much as Time to eat and having sailed over the Lake they remained in a desert Place over against and not far distant from the City Bethsaida Coming out of the Ship they met a great Multitude of People which ran after him to that Place for those that saw them depart and others who had Intelligence of it went on Foot by the Lake-side and were come before them to the Place where they landed Jesus seeing their eagerness and zeal received them gladly and went up into a Mountain and being set down taught them many things concerning the Kingdom of God and healed the Sick they brought to him When it was near Night the Apostles desired him to send the People away because they were in a desert Place where they could not get Food Jesus said unto them Give ye them to eat But they asked him Whether they should go and buy Two hundred Penniworth i. e. eight Pounds worth of Bread to feed so great a Multitude He then lifting up his Eyes upon the People and seeing so great a Company he said unto Philip Whence shall we buy Bread that these may eat This he said as the Gospel observes to try him for he himself knew what he would do Philip answered him Two hundred Pennyworth is not sufficient for them that every one of them may take a little He then asked them How many Loaves they had Andrew Peter's Brother saith unto him There is a young Man here that hath Five Barley Loaves and Two Fishes but what are they saith he among so many Jesus bids them bring them and commanded them to make the Multitude sit down Then they made them all sit down by Companies in several Ranks each consisting of Fifty or an Hundred Men and they were about Five hundred Men besides Women and Children when they were all set down in order Jesus took the Five Loaves and the Two Fishes and lifting up his Eyes to Heaven and giving Thanks he blessed them and then brake them and gave them to the People by his Disciples And after the same manner he parted the Fish among them When they had eaten and were satisfied Jesus commanded them to gather up the Fragments that remained which they did and filled Twelve Baskets with them each Apostle one II. Jesus Christ walketh upon the Water and permits S. Peter to come to him Matt. 14.22 -36. Mar. 6.45 -56. Jo. 6.15 -21. The People having seen such a Miraculous multiplication as was made by Jesus looked upon him as the Messiah and said one to another This is really that Prophet which should come into the World Whereupon they resolved to make him their King and become his Subjects but Jesus knowing their design and that they were coming to take him by force and make him their King he constrained his Disciples to enter immediately into a Ship and go before to the other side to Bethsaida But he himself got away from them and went up into a Mountain and continued there alone in Prayer till it was Night and very dark In the mean while the Ship into which the Apostles were entred was tossed with a great Tempest in the middle of the Lake the Waves ran so high and Wind was so contrary that they could not get forward so that when it was almost Morning they had not Sailed from the Shore where they took Ship above 25 or 30 Furlongs which is but little more than a League Then saw they Jesus walking upon the Water and coming near them they cryed out for fear supposing him to have been a Spirit But he said unto them Be of good Courage it is I be not afraid Peter answered him Lord if it be thou Bid me come unto thee on the Water Jesus saith unto him Come And Peter went immediately out of the Ship and walked upon the Water to meet Jesus But the Wind being boisterous and high he was afraid and immediately beginning to sink he cryed out Lord save me Jesus took him then by the Hand saying to him Oh Man of little Faith why didst thou doubt As soon as they were come into the Ship the Wind ceased and immediately they were at the Land whether they were going All these Miracles opened the Eyes of the Disciples who had not sufficiently considered upon the Miracles of the Five Loaves They were astonished at so great Miracles and acknowledged the Author of them to be the Son of God and they came to him and Worshipped him under that Title As soon as they were come out of the Ship the People of the place where they landed which was the Country of Gennesareth knew him and went to tell it through all the Land So that wherever he went they brought the sick People in Beds from all adjacent Places and layed them in the Streets praying him to permit them to touch if it were but the Border of his Garment and all that touched him were Cured III. Jesus in an Excellent Discourse proves that he himself is the Living Bread and Food of Souls Jesus having thus withdrawn himself Jo. 6.22 -71. all the People whom he had so Miraculously Fed with Five Loaves were much troubled to know what was become of him They had seen the Apostles go into the Ship to pass over the Water but Jesus did not embark with them and there was no other Ship there The next day as soon as they knew that he was not on that side they took Ship and went to Capernaum to seek him And when they had found him they said unto him Master when camest thou hither for they could not imagine how he got over the VVater He answered them Ye seek me because ye were fed with the Loaves Labour for another sort of nourishment that perisheth not but continueth to eternal Life which the Son of Man shall give you They immediately asked him what VVorks acceptable to God they must do that they may obtain this Food He answered them This is the Work of God to believe on him whom he hath sent But say they what Miracle dost thou Work that we may believe on thee Our Fathers did eat Manna in the Wilderness which the Scripture calls the Bread of Heaven As if they had said Thou hast indeed Fed 500 Men but thou didst it but once Moses fed Six
Hundred Thousand Men for Forty Years together with Manna that fell from Heaven Canst thou do any thing greater than Moses did Jesus answered them verily I say unto you Moses did not give you the true Bread from Heaven but 't is my Father that giveth it and this Bread is he that came down from Heaven and giveth Life unto the World They said unto him Lord give us this Bread for ever He answered them I am the Bread of Life he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never thirst By which words we are to understand That Jesus is the spiritual Food of those Souls that eat him believing on him by a lively Faith which works by Love and by thus eating him they obtain that happy Life with which they shall be fully and eternally satisfied Then he adds that altho' they had seen and been witnesses of so many Miracles which he had done yet they did not believe on him and by reason of their Infidelity they should lose the great advantage which all those which his Father should bring unto him should enjoy viz. to be raised up at the Last Day and inherit eternal Life Nevertheless the Jews murmured against him saying Is not this the Son of Joseph Do not we know his Father and Mother Why then doth he tell us that he came down from Heaven Jesus was so far from mollifying or recanting these Truths tho' they were offended at them that on the contrary he confirms them more strongly and having proved from Scripture that they should be taught of God that all whom his Father teacheth shall come unto him and that they themselves did not come unto him because they did not understand the Voice of him that sent him He tells them again that he is the Bread of Life that the Manna did not keep them from dying who eat of it but his flesh was the true Bread that came down from Heaven which giveth Life to all that eat of it These last words made them the more averse to him and they disputed among themselves how he could give them his Flesh to eat Nevertheless he pursued his Discourse and tells them that his flesh is meat indeed and his blood is drink indeed that they have no Life in them if they eat not his Flesh and drink his Blood and that he that feeds on them shall be raised up at the Last Day and obtain eternal Life Lastly he teaches them what great effects his Body should work in the Souls of all those that receive it worthily saying to them He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him and he shall live by me as I live by my Father which hath sent me These sublime Truths which he taught in the Synagogue at Capernaum offended many of the Jews yea several of his Disciples having hard them said These words are very heard and unintelligible who can patiently hear such Doctrin as this much less believe it But they understood them in a literal which were meant in a Spiritual sense only They thought saith St. Austin that if they eat his flesh they must cut it in pieces as the flesh which is sold in the Market is They were not sensible that besides the manner of eating Jesus Christ by Faith they might also really eat him in the Eucharist under the Figure of Bread a way wherein there is nothing affrighting But instead of believing all that he who was the Truth it self said unto them by attending to his Explication of what they did not understand they were offended at his Speech and withdrawing themselves from following him would be his Disciples no longer The Apostles were wiser than these deserters for Jesus having said unto them Will ye also leave me Peter answered for them all Lord to whom should we go thou hast the words of Eternal Life and we believe and know that thou art the Christ the Son of God Nevertheless among these Twelve which adhered so firmly to him there was one which should afterwards betray him which was Judas Iscariot Jesus knowing it foretold the Infidelity and Treachery of that Apostle saying Have not I chosen you Twelve And yet one of you is a Devil and a Wicked Traytor IV. The Pharisees complain that his Apostles did eat with un-washed Hands Jo. 6.4 The Passover was nigh at hand when Jesus multiplyed the Bread and made the former Discourse It appears by this Relation of St. John that he went not up to Jerusalem to Solemnize that Feast according to the Custom for that Evangelist says that after this he remained in Galilee not daring to go into Judea because the Jews sought to put him to Death Then the Scribes and Pharisees which were of Jerusalem came unto him Matt. 1● 1 -20. Mar. 7.1 -23. and having observed that his Disciples did not scruple to eat their Meat with unwashen Hands they complained of them to him Not that there was any commandment of the Law enjoyning them to wash their Hands before they eat but the Pharisees had annexed several Humane Traditions to the Law which they were more exact in the observance of than the Law it self For this reason it was that they said unto Jesus Why do thy Disciples break the Tradition of the Elders in not washing their Hands when they eat their Food Jesus asked them again Why do you your selves transgress the Law of the Lord by following your Traditions As for example Why do you perswade Children to think that they do a Work acceptable to God in giving him Offerings altho' they suffer their Father and Mother to be in want thus making them to prefer an Humane Tradition before the Commandment of God which injoyns Children so expresly to Honour and Support those from whom they have received Life Then he shews them that notwithstanding all their Ceremonial observances they wore the Hypocrites of whom God speaks by the Prophet Isaias This People honoureth me with their Lips Isai 29.13 but their Heart is far from me Lastly he calls to the People and saith unto them with a loud Voice Hear ye this and understand my sayings Nothing from without a Man entring into his Body can defile him but that which cometh out of the Man defileth the Man Upon this his Disciples came unto him and told him that the Pharisees were offended at his Words But he answered them Every Plant that my Heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up Let them alone they are blind leaders of such as are as blind as themselves with whom they shall fall into the Ditch and so perish eternally together Then he went into an House and his Disciples desired him to explain to them his meaning in those Words Nothing that entreth into a Man defileth the Man but that which cometh out of the Man defileth the Man He unfolded the Parable to them and taught them that every thing that entreth into the Body
better till he came to a perfect sight Then the Son of God sent him to his own House forbidding him to tell any Man what had happened unto him X. S. Peter confesseth That Jesus Christ is the Son of God Matth. 16 13-20 Mark 8 27-30 Luke 9 18-20 Jesus went from thence with his Disciples and ascending up towards the Head of Jordan he went into the Towns adjoyning to Caesarea Philippi a City situate upon the same River on the South-Side of Galilee By the Way he asked them What Men said of him They answered him That some took him for John the Baptist others for Elias others for Jeremiah and lastly others for one of the old Prophets risen from the Dead But saith he to them whom say ye that I am Peter answered and said Thou art the Christ the Son of the living God Whereupon Jesus saith unto him Blessed art thou Simon Son of Jonas for Flesh and Blood hath not revealed this that thou hast said unto thee but my Father which is in Heaven And I also say unto thee That thou art Peter and upon this Rock will I build my Church and the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it And I will give unto thee the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven XI Jesus foretels his Death to his Disciples Matth. 16 20-28 Mark 8 30-38 Luke 9.21 22. Jesus after this Discourse forbids his Disciples to publish it that he was the Son of God and then begins to tell them what he must suffer as he was the Son of Man He declares unto them That he must go to Jerusalem and be there disowned by the Jewish Governours Chief Priests and Scribes suffer many Cruelties and Indignities from them be put to Death and raised again the Third Day Peter who by reason of the great Love he had for his Lord and Master could not endure to hear this Discourse took him aside and reproved him saying God forbid that such Things should befal thee Lord. But Jesus rebuking him for giving him such Council which though it testified much carnal Love and Affection to him did so plainly oppose the Sacred Purpose of God in redeeming Man said unto him before all his Disciples Depart from me Satan for thou art an Offence to me for thou savourest not the things of God All this was transacted privately between Jesus Christ and his Disciples but he called the People Luke 9 23-27 and began to preach before them all those Truths which Peter did not understand when he discouraged him from suffering Death for he asserted it publickly That if any Man will follow him he must bear his Cross all his Days That to lay down his Life for him and the Gospel is the only way to be saved and to seek salvation any other way is to destroy himself and that he gets nothing by the World that loses his own Soul That he shall hereafter come in his Glory and render to every Man according to his Works and then he will disown them before his Father who have been ashamed of him and his Word before Men And he adds That there are some among his present Hearers who shall not dye till they see him in his Kingdom and in the Greatness of his Glory XII Jesus Christ is transfigured on the Mountain The Promise Matt. 17 1-13 Mark 9 1-13 which Jesus made in the last Words he partly performed within Eight Days after for he took Peter and James and John privately and led them into a very high Mountain where he went to Prayers and while he was at Prayers his Face became as radiant and shining as the Sun Luke 9 28-36 and his Garments as bright as the Light appeared as white as Snow The Three Apostles in the mean while were asleep but when they awoke they saw their Master Transfigured i. e. clear another Man from what they had seen him before for they saw him in that Glory in which he had promised to discover himself to some of them and they beheld also with him Two Men full of Majesty who talked with him concerning that Death which he should suffer at Jerusalem They knew that these Two Men were Moses and Elias and when they were about going from Jesus Peter that he might detain them with them said unto his Master Lord it is good for us to be here and if thou pleasest let us make Three Tabernacles One for thee and One for Moses and One for Elias But as he was thus speaking scarce knowing what he said in his Transport as the Gospel observes a bright Cloud over-shadowed them and there came a Voice out of the Cloud which spake these Words This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear him This Cloud and Voice filled the Three Disciples with so great Fear that they fell on their Faces to the Earth But Jesus came to them and comforted them and raised them up Then they lifted up their Eyes and looking round about they saw no Man save Jesus only As they were coming down from the Mountain he commanded them to tell no Man what they had seen till the Son of Man be risen from the Dead They obeyed this Command but did not understand the Last Words and they disputed among themselves about the Meaning of this Expression Vntil the Son of Man be risen from the Dead The Disciples having seen Elias with him in the Mount took an occasion to ask him Why the Scribes and the Pharisees did assert That that Prophet was to come before the Messias Jesus answered them That Elias shall indeed come and shall be rejected and evil-intreated as well as the Son of Man yea he adds That he is already come and that the Jews have done what they list to him and so will they make the Son of Man suffer as they have done his Fore-runner This Answer plainly discovered to the Apostles That the last Elias of whom he had spoken was John the Baptist who had gone before the first coming of Jesus Christ in the Spirit and Power of Elias as Elias himself in Person should go before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ XIII Jesus heals a young Man Lunatick and Dumb. The next Day Jesus being come to the Place Matth. 17 14-21 Mark 9 14-29 Luke 9.37 -42. where the rest of the Apostles were he met a great multitude of Men and the Scribes questioning with them As for the People as soon as they saw the Son of God they ran to him and saluted him being full of Admiration and Joy Jesus then asked the Scribes What was the occasion and Subject of your Dispute but at the same Time came a certain Man to him having broke through the Press and kneeling down at his Feet prayed him to have Pity on his only Son whom he had brought unto him because
of the Pharisees having demanded of him whether they also were blind He answered them If ye were blind ye should have no Sin but because ye assert that ye see therefore your Sin remaineth As if he had said according to the explication of St. Austin If ye were sensible of your Blindness ye would desire Cure and he would pardon your Sins but your Sins remain because you are Wise and Holy in your own conceit and so think you have no need of any Person to Illuminate and Sanctify you XXIII Jesus proves himself the Good Shepherd John 10 1-21 Jesus having thus subdued the Vanity of those Proud Men who undertake to lead and guide others being Blind and Ignorant themselves he Propounds to them under the Parable of a Shepherd and his Sheep three different Characters of three different Persons who are engaged in the Government of Souls for he Teacheth them that there are some that instead of entring by the Door into the Sheep-fold enter in some other way like Thieves to Steal and Kill and Destroy And he explains this similitude which they did not understand by telling them that he was the Door by which we must enter upon the Government of the Flock There are others which being entred by the Door guide and rule the Flock as Mercenaries and Hirelings who forsake the Flock as soon as they see the Wolf coming because they love themselves only and not the Flock There are also the Good Shepherds who enter not of themselves into the Sheep-fold But the Porter opens to them who know the Sheep and are known of them and who love them so as to lay down their Lives for them upon Occasions Jesus then applies all the qualities of this last and proves himself to be the Good Shepherd by way of Excellence since he came to lay down his Life for the Sheep and that willingly and freely in Obedience to his Fathers Commandment For no Man can take it away from him and when he hath layd it down he can take it up again and none can hinder him Then he declares that the Jews were not the only Sheep for whom he would dye that he had other Sheep viz. the Gentiles whom he would bring into his Fold and out of both would make up one Flock consisting of such as hear his Voice of which he himself would be the Shepherd alone This Discourse raised a new difference among his Auditors some said that he was possessed with a Devil and mad others answered Men possessed can't speak such excellent things as he doth much less open the Eyes of the Blind XXIV Jesus chuseth seventy two Disciples Some time after Jesus chose him also Seventy two Disciples Luke 10.1 -24. and sent them two by two into all places whither he intended to go He gave them the same instructions which his Apostles had had before and the same power over Devils They met with good success in their Ministry and returned very Joyful saying Lord The Devils themselves are subject to us in thy Name But he teaches them not so much to rejoyce that the Devils are subject to them as that their Names are written in Heaven in the Book of Life as Heirs of Salvation In the same moment Jesus was transported with a sudden and extraordinary motion of the Spirit Matt. 11.25 -30. and addressing himself to God gave him thanks that he had revealed the great Mysteries of Heaven to Babes i. e. to the simple and mean but concealed them from the Wise Men of the World He adds That his Father had delivered all things unto him and no Man can know God but the only Son of God and he to whom the Son will reveal him Then turning to his Disciples he tells them That they were happy in seeing and beholding those things which so many Kings and Prophets have neither heard nor seen altho' they desired it greatly Lastly finding himself full of Love towards Men he cryed out Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy Laden and I will comfort you Take my Yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and humble in Heart and ye shall find rest to your Souls for my Yoke is easie and pleasant and my Burden is Light XXV Jesus teaches a Lawyer to love his Neighbour Luke 10.25 -37. Then a Doctor of the Law stood up and said unto him tempting him Master what shall I do to inherit Eternal Life Jesus having also put this Question to him What is commanded in the Law how readest thou He answered Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart with all thy Soul with all thy strength and with all thy Mind and thy Neighbour as thy self Then Jesus reply'd Thou hast well answered This do and thou shalt Live This Scribe being desirous to appear Holy and an exact observer of the Law demanded further of him Whom he ought to account his Neighbour Jesus answered him by a Parable of a certain Jew who was robbed and so much wounded by Thieves in his Journey that he was left almost Dead A Priest and Levite passed one after another this way just by him but would give him no help but Samaritan i. e. a Stranger in respect of the Jews saw him as he passed by him and had compassion on him And came unto him and poured Oyl and Wine into his Wounds and binding them up set the Wounded Man upon his Horse and carryed him to an Inn where he committed him to the care of the Host and left him Money to provide necessaries for him Jesus desirous that the Lawyer should make Application himself asked him Which of these three Passengers was Neighbour to him that fell among the Thieves He answered He that shewed mercy on him Jesus approving his answer said unto him Go and do thou likewise XXVI Jesus Lodges at Martha's House and Teaches his Disciples to Pray Jesus then goes on his Journey with his Disciples Luke 10.38 -42. and entred into a certain Village where a Woman named Martha entertained him joyfully in her House She had a Sister Named Mary and a Brother called Lazarus of whom we shall have occasion to speak in the following part of this History While she was busy in preparing all she could for her Divine Guest her Sister sat at Jesus's Feet and heard his Word Martha complained to him that her Sister Mary suffered her to take all the trouble upon her and prayed him to command her to help her Jesus answered her Martha Martha You cumber your self and trouble your self with many Worldly cares whereas there is but one thing necessary viz. to hear and receive my Word which since Mary had chosen to do she shall enjoy the Eternal advantage and happiness of it By which words Jesus doth not condemn the Hospitality of Martha but only teaches her to do it with less care and trouble and not to prefer an Action which tho' very pious in it self is of no
whom he taught according to his Custom healing at the same time all the Sick that were brought unto him Many believed on him and said John did no Miracles but all things that John spake of this Man we have found to be true XXXII Jesus advises Men to enter in at the strait Gate and foretels the Destructon of Jerusalem Jesus having remained some Time in that Place Luke 13 22-35 went on his Way to Jerusalem and all-a-long his Journey gave Instructions to the People where he passed Among others that came to him there was one that offered this Question Lord are there few that shall be saved Jesus from hence takes occasion to advise his Hearers To strive to enter in at the strait Gate for many I say unto you shall seek the way to enter in and shall not be able And to shew that it will be in vain for them to desire to enter into Heaven through the strait Gate who have walked all their Lives in the Broad Way He adds That when the Door shall be shut it will be in vain to say Lord open to us for the Master of the Family will say I know you not but if they shall answer We have eat and drank with thee and thou hast taught in our Streets he will answer them I know not who you are depart from me ye Workers of Iniquity Then shall the Jews weep and lament to see so many Heathens come from all Parts of the World to be possessed of the Glories of Heaven and themselves who are the Heirs of the Kingdom to be cast out and so to be the last who were once the first The same Day came some of the Pharisees unto him and said Depart from this Place for Herod hath a Grudge against thee and threatens to kill thee if thou stayest long in his Jurisdiction Jesus knowing the Time of his Death and that he should not dye till he pleased sends them to that Fox for so he calls Herod to shew that tho' he was a very cunning Prince yet all his Arts and Devices could not do him any harm and bids them tell him That he had some Time yet remaining to cast out Devils and heal Diseases and then he should consummate his Sacrifice by suffering Death at Jerusalem which was the place appointed as it were for the Slaughter of the Prophets Matth. 23 37-39 Whereupon he upbraids that unhappy City O Jerusalem Jerusalem which killest the Prophets and stonest them that are sent unto thee how often would I have gathered thy Children together as an Hen gathers her Chickens under her Wings and ye would not wherefore he threatens her with Destruction and assures her That they shall not see him more till her Inhabitants shall say Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. XXXIII Jesus heals a Man sick of a Dropsy and beats down the Pride of the Pharisees Jesus then entred on the Sabboth Day Luke 14 1-14 into the House of one of the chief Pharisees to dine with him While he was here there came a Man sick of the Dropsy and stood before him and he asked the Scribes and Pharisees Whether it were lawful to heal a Man on the Sabboth Day But they not giving him an Answer he took the Man by the Hand and healed him and having sent him away made the same Apology for himself as he had done upon the like occasion Who is there of you who if his Ox or his Ass fall into a Pit will not immediately pull them out on the Sabboth Day and they could answer him no more to this Question than the former After this Jesus taking notice how they who were invited to this Feast chose the chief Places he endeavouring to beat down their proud Humor said unto them When any Man is invited to a Wedding he ought not to sit down in the uppermost Place lest he be forced with Disgrace to come lower to make room for some more honourable Person But on the contrary if he sits down in the lowest Place he that invited him will make him go higher which will gain him more honour among all the Guests for whosoever exalts himself shall be abased but he that humbleth himself shall be exalted To this Advice which he gave the Guests he adds another to the Persons inviting them and teaches them Not to invite to their Tables the Rich who will return their Treats again but the Poor and the Lame for God shall recompence them himself at the Resurrection of the Just because they have done it without any Design of Interest but merely being mov'd with Charity XXXIV He teaches the Guests That he came to invite them into his Kingdom Luke 14 15-24 One of the Guests who sat at Table with him hearing his last Words said unto him Blessed is he that eateth Bread in the Kingdom of God Then Jesus shews them by a Parable That he came to invite Men to this great Feast of Heaven and that notwithstanding the great Happiness there was in being at that Feast they that were invited would not come because they loved the temporal and perishing Riches of this World before the heavenly Riches which remain for ever This Parable is of a Man who having invited many to a great Supper sent his Servants to call them to it when all was ready But they all made Excuses One because he was to go see a Farm which he had lately purchased Another because he was to prove some Oxen which he had bought a Third because he was newly married and others for other Pretences So that the Servant having related these Things to his Lord he swore That none of those which were bidden shall taste of his Supper wherefore he invited in their stead the Poor and the Infirm which they met in the Streets and Lanes of the City When all these were come in there was still Room for more wherefore the King sent his Servant into the High-ways and Hedges ordering him to compel all that he met with to come in and fill his House So the Gentiles came to be called and invited to Heaven instead of the Jews some of which Gentiles God did as it were force to come in such are those Persons who would never think of their Salvation if God did not oblige them to it not by sanctifying them against their Will but by taking from them all their worldly Enjoyments which they loved most putting them under an happy Necessity of flying to him and thinking of nothing but Heaven XXXV Jesus teaches what we must do to be saved Jesus went on still in visiting the Places on this Side Jordan in respect of Judea Luke 14 25-33 where he had formerly preached and was always accompanied with a great multitude of People One Day as he went along he turned himself to those that followed him and said unto them Whosoever cometh after me and hateth not his Father and his Mother his Wife and Children
and Brethren yea and his own Life also cannot be my Disciple nor whosoever doth not take up his Cross and follow me He likewise builds the Salvation of Man upon a general Abjuration of all Things for having demonstrated that he is deservedly accounted a Fool who begins to build before he hath computed whether he hath enough to finish it And that no wise or politick Prince will hazard a Battle with another Prince that comes against him with a strong Army unless he be assured that he hath sufficient Force to oppose and conquer him He then adds So likewise whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all he hath cannot be my Disciple As if he had said It is in vain for Men to engage themselves in God's and my Service if they have not so far disengaged their Love from all earthly things as that they are ready and willing to part with every thing that may stand in their Way and hinder their main and greatest Interest their Salvation XXXVI Jesus receives Sinners to Repentance Luke 15 1-3● Among the great number of People which did ordinarily follow Jesus there were many Publicans and others of a Wicked Life who loved to hear his Sermons The Scribes and Pharisees were much offended at his condescending Goodness in admitting these sort of Men to come unto him and they murmured against him for keeping Company so freely with them and eating commonly with them Now that he might convince them that their Complaints were unreasonable and causeless he asked them Whether if a Man who hath an Hundred Sheep and one of them go astray he will not leave the Ninety and Nine and follow this Hundreth and if he finds it he brings it Home upon his Shoulders rejoycing and invites his Friends to rejoyce with him In like manner if a Woman who hath Ten Pieces of Silver lose one of them doth she not sweep all the House to find it and having found it rcjoyces with her Neighbours He then tells them That as the Sheep and Piece of Silver being found again cause greater Joy than all the rest that were not lost so there is great Joy in Heaven at the Conversion of a Sinner This Truth he further explains by another Parable saying There was a Man who had Two Sons and the Younger of them having received that Portion of his Goods which came to his share went into a far Country to spend it in Lewdness and Debauchery After he had consumed and devoured all he was forced to keep Swine to get a Livelihood and in this condition reflecting upon his Misery he resolved to return again to his Father and humbly acknowledging his Fault beg his Favour to entertain him again as a Domestick Servant As soon as his Father saw him he was affected with Joy and Compassion together and running to him fell on his Neck and kissed him while the Son not at all elevated with his Kindness under the Sense of so much Unworthiness said unto him Father I have sinned against Heaven and before thee and am not worthy to be called thy Son This humble Confession wrought an entire Reconciliation to his Father who having stripped him of his Rags and put on him a good Habit made a magnificent Feast in his House to rejoyce for his Return This Action much displeased the Elder Brother who returning out of the Field would not go into the House because his Father had done more for his Lewd Brother than he had ever done for him though he had always been very faithful in his Duty towards him This being objected to his Father he said My Son Thou art always with me and all that I have is thine but it was necessary for me to Feast and Rejoyce because this thy Brother was dead and is alive again was lost and is found The Application of this Parable is very easy by the Discontent of the Elder Son we are to understand the unjust Murmurs of the Pharisees who were very angry with Jesus for entertaining Sinners though the main End of his coming into the World was to save Sinners XXXVII Jesus commends Alms-giving and sharply reproves the Covetousness of the Pharisees Jesus Christ propounds another Parable to his Disciples and makes a Discourse Luke 16 1-31 wherein he takes occasion to reprove the Covetousness of the Pharisees as he had done their Envy and Pride before saying to his Disciples There was a certain Rich Man who had resolved to call his Steward to an account and to put him out of his Place because he had received an Accusation against him that he had embezled his Goods The Steward seeing himself in danger of being reduced to Beggery or such Labour as he could not undergo contrived this Way to make up his Loss he called all his Lord's Debtors one after another to him and discharged them of a Part of their Debts permitting him that owed an Hundred Barrels of Oyl to set down but Fifty in his Bill and him that owed an Hundred Measures to make it but Fourscore and proportionably the rest Jesus Christ teaches his Disciples not to imitate the Injustice but Craft of this Steward employing their earthly Riches to make them Friends in the Person of the Poor and by that means to be received into everlasting Habitations in Heaven and so the Children of Light may not be less prudent in things that respect their Salvation than the Children of this World are in the management of their Temporal Affairs Then he teaches them to be faithful in small things that they may be entrusted with great and not to be slaves to Mony and Riches which he calls the Mammon of Vnrighteousness and another Man's Goods either because there is nothing but Wickedness which can make them to be looked upon as substantial good Things able to make the Possessors of them happy or because nothing but Injustice makes Men to look upon them as their own for in the Sense of Scripture we are but Stewards under God and not Masters of them The covetous Pharisees heard these Truths with contempt and derided the Speaker of them but Jesus knew how to check their Scoffs by discovering the Hypocrisy of their outward Vertues for he told them That notwithstanding all their Caution to appear Righteous God knew their Hearts to whom such Things as are admired and commended by Men are hateful and abominable He then teaches them what shall be the End and Punishment of that Covetousness which makes them Deaf to his Reproof and so obdurate against the Poor by an Example of a certain Rich Man who was cloathed in Purple and fine Linen and fared sumptuously every Day without being touched with the least Compassion for those who were wholly destitute of Food for there was a Beggar named Lazarus a Man so infirm and diseased that he was covered all over with Sores this Man was laid at the Rich Man's Gate and desired only to be fed with the Scraps that came from
Wrong to any Man I will restore him Four-fold And Jesus answered This Day is Salvation come to this House And assures us That Zaccheus who was looked upon hitherto by the Jews as a Stranger and a Heathen was by Faith become a Child of Abraham as well as they and so was entituled to the Promises made to him L. Jesus condemns the Opinion of those who believed that the Kingdom of God would then appear All those who were present Luke 19 11-27 harkned unto Jesus with Attention and as they drew near to Jerusalem they thought that the glorious Reign of the Messias which they had fancied to themselves would immediately commence supposing that Jesus had undertaken this Journey to the Passover at Jerusalem for this End only to seat himself upon his Throne and to establish the Kingdom he had so often spoke of Jesus knowing their Thoughts condemned them by this Parable A certain great and Noble Man being about to take a Voyage into a far Country where he was to take Possession of a Kingdom fallen to him called all his Servants and gave them every one a Sum of Mony to trade withal and improve till he should return Some of his Countrymen who hated him sent after him and declared that they would not have him for their King But he notwithstanding this Opposition having obtained the Kingdom returned again and first calls the Servants to an Account to whom he had entrusted his Mony One of them had improved it Ten the Other Five Times by Trading whom he rewarded proportionably to their Diligence giving to the last the Government of Five Gities and the other of Ten But one there was among them who instead of trading with it had lock'd it up fearing as he said the great Severity of his Master and so not daring to hazard what he had entrusted to him But his Master condemned this Action and taking his Mony from him gave it to those whom he had already so bountifully rewarded This done he summoned those who had refused to accept him for their King and put them to Death in his Presence The Gospel doth not deliver the Explication of this Parable but since we know the Occasion that Jesus had to propose it it is very natural to explain it thus Jesus himself is the King here spoken of he is gone into Heaven and shall return in Majesty to judge both the Quick and the Dead He distributes his Graces here below and expects that we should improve them by a good Use of them At his coming again he will find Three several sorts of Persons some will make a good Use of the Grace that they have received to whom God will give greater portions of it Others will not improve it and therefore he will take it from them Lastly others will revolt from him and will not obey his Laws such as Infidels and Wicked Men but chiefly the Jews are meant in this Place who being God's People have nevertheless made the most vigorous Opposition to the Establishment of his Church and therefore he shall destroy them LI. Jesus Christ heals Two Blind Men. Matth 20 29-31 Mark 10 46-52 As soon as Jesus was departed from Jericho being followed by a great Company of People a certain Blind Man named Bartimeus he Son of Timeus who sat by the Way-Side begging being informed what the Multitude which he heard going by meant and hearing that Jesus passed by Luke 18 35-43 he cryed out with another Blind Man who sate in the same Road Jesus thou Son of David have Mercy on me The People which accompanied Jesus but chiefly those that went before him spake roughly to him to make him hold his Peace but he cryed out so much the louder as did also his Companion Thou Son of David have Mercy on me Then Jesus stopped and commanded him to be called which some did saying be of good Comfort arise he calleth you Then he immediately cast away his Coat arose and went with his Companion to Jesus who asked them both What would you have me to do for you They answered Lord that thou wouldest open our Eyes Then Jesus being moved with Compassion touched their Eyes and immediately they received Sight and followed him glorifying God as also did all the People who had been Witnesses of this Miracle LII Jesus Christ suppeth at Bethany Jesus drew every Day nearer and nearer to Jerusalem Matt. 26 6-13 Mark 14.3 ● 9. John 12.1 and Six Days before the Passover he came to Bethany where he had lately raised Lazarus the Brother of Mary and Martha from the Dead Here he was entertained at a Supper in the House of Simon the Leper Martha waited but Lazarus was one of those that supped with him While he sat at the Table Mary came to him having an Alabaster-Box containing a Pound of the Oyntment of Spikenard of great Value with which she anointed his Feet wiping them with her Hairs and afterward breaking the Box she poured the Residue of the Perfume upon his Head so that the whole House was filled with the Smell of it The Apostles but chiefly Judas Iscariot murmured at this waste and Judas said That this Oyntment might have been sold for Three hundred Pence which is about 9 l. 7 s. 6 d. of our Mony and so relieved many Poor People not that he had so much Care or Compassion for the Poor as the Gospel observes but because he was a Thief and kept the Mony which Jesus Christ had collected for his ordinary Expence and for the maintenance of the Poor upon which account it was that he was so very desirous to have gotten the Price of this Oyntment into his Hands that he might gratify his own Covetousness But Jesus himself undertook the Defence of Mary and told those that condemned her That she had done a good Work and had embalmed his Body before-hand for the Day of its Burial and that as for the Poor for whose Relief it was said that the Price of this Oyntment might have been better employed they were always with them and might receive Relief of them at any Time but they cculd not have him always with them to pay their Duty to him and give him the Marks of their Esteem and Affection And lastly That this Action of Mary's should in every Place where the Gospel is preach'd be spoken of in her Commendation In the mean while it being known at Jerusalem that Jesus was come to Bethany many of the Jews came to see him and not him only but more especially Lazarus whom he had raised from the Dead As for the Chief Priests they had determined to kill Lazarus because many Jews were converted to the Belief of Christ's Divinity by the Miracle of his Resurrection The End of the Third Book BOOK IV. An Account of what Jesus Christ did from his Triumphant Entrance into Jerusalem to his Ascension into Heaven I. Jesus Christ goes in Triumph to Jerusalem THE next Day Jesus
departed from Bethany Matth. 21 1-9 Mark 11 1-10 Luke 19 29-38 John 12 12-18 and as soon as he came to a little Village called Bethphage which was situated at the Bottom of the Mount of Olives which is distant from Jerusalem but little more than half a Mile he said to Two of his Disciples Go unto the Village over-against you and ye shall there find a Shee-Ass and with her a Colt on which no Man ever sat loose it and bring it to me and if the Owners ask you why ye do so ye shall answer them That the Lord hath need of him and they will let you bring him The Disciples exactly obeyed this Order and finding every thing as Jesus had foretold they brought the Ass and Colt to him upon which when they had set him he rode to Jerusalem In the mean Time the People which were come to Jerusalem to the Feast having received Information of the Resurrection of Lazarus from those that were Eye-Witnesses of the Miracle and hearing that Jesus was coming to that great City took Branches of Palm-trees and went in great Throngs to meet him crying out Hosanna i. e. Salvation and Glory Blessed be the King of Israel who cometh in the Name of the Lord. Jesus riding upon the Colt which his Disciples had covered with their Garments came in Triumph thus accomplishing that Prophesy of Zachary Zach. 9.9 Fear not Daughter of Zion behold thy King cometh full of Meekness and siting upon an Ass's Colt A great multitude of People did also spread their Garments in the way and others cut down Branches from the Trees and strewed them where he was to pass When they were come to the Descent of the Mount of Olives his Disciples being transported with Joy to see their Master so highly honoured gave Praise to God with a loud Voice for all the mighty Works which they had seen saying Blessed be the King that cometh in the Name of the Lord Peace in Heaven and Glory in the Highest And all the People as well those that went before as those that followed after joyned with the Disciples in their Acclamations so that he was surrounded with Shouts saying Hosanna i. e. Honour to the Son of David blessed be he that cometh in the Name of the Lord blessed be the Kingdom of our Father David which we have seen to come Hosanna Peace and Honour in the Highest Heavens II. Jesus Christ bewails the Destruction of Jerusalem Matth. 21.10 11. Luke 19 39-44 The Pharisees could not see so great Honour bestowed upon a Man whom they had resolved to put to Death without great Indignation and therefore argued among themselves Do ye not perceive that we prevail nothing Behold all the World is gone after him But some of them could not conceal their Anger but said among the Multitude to Jesus Master command thy Disciples to hold their Peace But he silenced them themselves by saying to them That the Stones would immediately cry out if his Disciples should hold their Peace Then they came near to Jerusalem and Jesus casting his Eyes upon that miserable City whose Miseries and Sins he foresaw shed forth Tears as a Sign of the Compassion with which he was affected for her and seeing her cryed out O that thou hadst known at least in this thy Day the things that conduce to thy Peace and Safety but now they are all hid from thine Eyes For the Time shall come when thy Enemies shall cast Trenches about thee and invest thee and keep thee in on every Side and demolish thee and cast thy Children out and shall not leave one Stone upon another because thou hast not known the Time wherein God hath visited thee So that he shews himself much more affected for the Ruin of Jerusalem than at the Acclamations with which they received him Being entred into the City with so great a Number of People all the Citizens were moved and every one enquired Who is this Man To whom the Multitude answered It is Jesus the Prophet of Nazareth in Galilee III. Jesus Christ again foretels his Death Besides the Jews who were come to Jerusalem John 12 20-36 to keep the Passover there were also Heathens who being Proselytes of the Gates were come to worship God at that Feast Some of these having a great Desire to see Jesus did for that Reason come to Philip one of the Twelve Apostles Philip tells Andrew of it and both of them told their Master Jesus who by his Death was about to obtain Salvation as well for the Gentiles as Jews answered these Two Apostles That his Hour was come that he should be glorified And as a Grain of Wheat brings forth no Fruit till it is dead in the Earth where it is sown so should his Death be the Seed which should produce a great Harvest that the Faithful which should be produced thereby should learn by his Example to hate their Lives in this World that they may preserve it to Life Eternal and that the Service which they should pay him in following him whithersoever he goeth should be rewarded with Eternal Glory He also for their Comfort brought upon himself the Horrors of his Death and therefore stirred up voluntarily a Passion in his Soul which discovered it self outwardly by these Words My Soul is troubled and what shall I say Father save me from this Hour But considering with himself how great Glory God would gain by his Death he added But for this Cause came I to this Hour Father glorify thy Name At the same Time there came a Voice from Heaven which said I have glorified it already and will glorify it again They that were present said That it was a Clap of Thunder and others said That an Angel spake unto him but he answered This Voice came not for me but for your sakes And to let them know what Influence his Death which he should suffer upon the Cross ought to have upon all Men he saith Now is this World judged and the Prince of this World i. e. the Devil is cast out and when I am lifted up from the Earth I will draw all Men unto me Upon this the Jews asked him How the Death of the Son of Man could be consonant with the Holy Scripture which saith That Christ must endure for ever and never dye And they added Who is this Son of Man He answers them That they should enjoy the Light a little Time and advises them That since it is no fit Time to walk or act when they are deprived of it they should believe in the Light that is in him so long as he is with them Jesus having spoke these Words John 12 36-50 hid himself from them since they made no deeper Impression upon their Hearts than his Miracles did which he had done before them in so great Numbers for they were stricken with that Blindness of Heart which according to Isaiah's Prophecy Isa 6.9 hindred them from seeing that
out his Vengeance upon the Jews Who shall see their City trodden down by the Gentiles who shall slay them or carry them Captives into all Nations where they shall suffer all the Evils and Plagues which God hath threatned to bring upon them in Holy Scripture and to be brought into so great troubles and afflictions as never were nor ever shall be the like And indeed all these things happened to the Jews a little after in the same manner as the Son of God foretold his Disciples for about Forty Years after Jerusalem having filled up the Measure of her Sins by the Death of Christ and his Disciples was taken by the Romans after a long Siege and War wherein above Thirteen Hundred Thousand Jews perished in several parts of the World Eleven Thousand of which Dyed of Famine and Sword in the Siege of their City only XV. Jesus Christ foretells his second Coming Jesus having thus answered the first Question put to him by the Apostles Matth. 24 21-35 Mark 13 24-31 Luke 21 25-33 he passes to the two others which concern his Glorious coming and the end of the World He tells them that his Second coming shall be like Lightning which appears suddenly and in a moment flies from East to West i. e. he shall be manifested and known in all the Earth and not privately and be seen in one place only as several Seducers would perswade us of whom some will say that Christ is here and others that he is there That he will raise up also false Christs who shall do such astonishing Miracles that they shall deceive if it be possible even the Elect themselves But those Holy Souls shall acknowledge the true Messiah and gather themselves to him as the Eagles flock about a Dead Carkass for their Prey That to make his Coming the more Glorious several extraordinary and dreadful Signs shall go before it As the Sun and Moon shall be Darkned the Stars shall fall the Heavens shall be shaken the Waves of the Sea shall make a terrible Noise and Roaring and all Men shall be in a general Consternation and amazement That after this Universal change of Nature They shall see the Sign of the Son of Man first and then Himself coming in the Clouds with Power and Majesty and he shall send his Angels who shall utter a Voice like the Sound of a Trumpet and shall gather together his Elect from all parts of the World He adds That then his Faithful Servants may lift up their Heads with confidence because as we know that Summer is nigh when we see the Fig-trees and others Trees begin to Bud so shall they know by all these things that they shall then see his Glory and that the Kingdom of God is as it were at their Doors and nigh at Hand XVI Jesus Christ teacheth his Disciples to Watch. Mark 13 32-37 Luke 21 34-38 Jesus having said these things had only two things more to Teach his Apostles viz. the time when these things should happen and what the Son of Man should do upon the Earth when he should come as he had said of himself full of Majesty and Glory As to the first he tells them that no Creature knows the time but God only and that it is very convenient for them to be Ignorant of it that they may be watchful over themselves and not suffer their Hearts to be over-charged with Surfeiting and Drunkenness and cares of this Life That they should Watch and Pray always that they may make themselves worthy to appear with confidence before the Son of Man He foretells them what Signs should happen before his Second Coming that he may not surprize those who will not Watch for themselves and that the day of his Judgment shall be as a Snare which shall inclose in it all the Inhabitants of the World And after he hath propounded to them the example of certain good Servants who in the absence of their Master discharge their Trust which he hath committed to them faithfully and watch always for his coming because they knew not the time when he will return he concludes Watch ye therefore lest the Lord come on a sudden and find you sleeping And then adds what I say unto you I say unto all Watch. XVII The Parable of the Ten Virgins Jesus that he might impress this Truth more strongly upon their Spirits Matth. 25 1-13 upon which their Salvation depended propounds two Parables The First is of the Ten Virgins who took their Lamps and having lighted them went out to meet the Bridegroom and Bride and accompany them at their Marriage Five of them which the Son of God calls Fools were contented to have their Lamps light but the other Five wisely Foreseeing that the Bridegroom might tarry carryed Oyl along with them in their Vessels that they might put it into their Lamps if they were in danger of going out And thus it came to pass for the Bride groom delayed his Coming and they all slumbred and slept About midnight there was a great Cry heard Behold the Bridegroom cometh go ye out to meet him They arose immediately and trimmed their Lamps But the five foolish Virgins seeing their Lamps ready to go out desired some Oyl of the wise Virgins who sent them to the sellers and while they went to buy the Bridegroom came and the wise Virgins went in with him to the Marriage The other Virgins came afterward but the Door was shut and they were forced to knock saying Lord Open to us but he answered them I know you not The Application of this Parable is very easy and the conclusion which the Son of God hath drawn from it is plain Watch therefore for ye know neither the Day nor the Hour wherein the Son of Man cometh XVIII The Parable of the Servants Matth. 25 14-30 The second Parable is of a Man who being about to take a long Journey put his Estate into the Hands of his Servants and distributed to them several Sums of Money according to their several abilities to Trade with At his return he found them to have doubled what they had received and therefore said unto them one by one O good and faithful Servant because thou hast been faithful in a few things I will put many things into thy dispose enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord. But finding among them one who hid his Lords Mony in a Pit he cast him out and put him into a dark Dungeon as a sloathful and unprofitable Servant We have already seen something like this in a Parable before Of the Servants who having also received a Sum of Mony had made different improvements of it Here the Sums are diverse but the Gain is equal and we are taught by both these Parables that to be saved we must make good Use of the Graces which God hath bestowed upon every one in such Measure as he pleaseth that we shall have the greater Rewards the greater Improvement we
Father Jesus having given his Disciples all these Instructions John 17 1-26 lift up his Eyes to Heaven and praying to his Father said My Father the hour is come glorify thy Son that thy Son may glorify thee And as thou hast given him power over all flesh so he hath given to as many as thou hast given him Eternal Life which consists in the knowledge of thee the true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent I have glorified thee on Earth I have finished the Work which thou hast given me to do And now O Father glorifie me with thy self with that Glory which I had with thee before the World was He then prays for the Apostles which his Father had given him and who having received his Word had believed that he came from God and that he had sent him and since he left them in the World he commends them to his Father not to take them out of the World by Death but to preserve them from Sin He had kept them all in his Fathers Name and had lost but One viz. Judas He had separated them from the World and because they had not the Spirit of the VVorld the VVorld hated them wherefore he prays his Father to keep them and Sanctify them by his VVord which is Truth it self offering himself a Sacrifice for them that he might obtain that favour for them He also recommedns all those to God who should believe in his Name thro' the Preaching of his Apostles and prays for such an Admirable Union among them as makes all Christians One being united together in God by his Charity as the Father who is in the Son and Son who is in the Father are by one Nature O Father adds he I pray that where I am those whom thou hast given me may also be that they may behold my Glory And he concludes this Admirable Prayer with these words Holy Father the World hath not known thee but I have known thee these have known that I have sent thee I have declared unto them thy Name and will declare it that they may have that love among them with which thou hast loved me and that I may be also my self among them XXIX The Agony of Christ in the Garden upon the Mount of Olives Jesus having finished the former Prayer Matth. 26 36-46 Mark 14 26-42 Luke 22 39-46 Jo. 18.1 went on his Journey towards the Mount of Olives and passing over the Brook Cedron which runs between Jerusalem and this Mountain went with his Disciples into a Garden called Gethsemani Here he commanded them to stay till he went and Prayed a little distance from it and in the mean time to pray themselves that they be not delivered over to temptation Jesus then taking with him Peter and James and John began to be seized with fear trouble and grief and said unto them My Soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto Death tarry ye here and watch with me Then departing from them about a Stones cast he threw himself upon the Earth and as he was willing for the Consolation of his Disciples to endure all the Passions which Nature ordinarily stirs up at the approaches of Death so he was desirous by his Example to teach them what to do in that Estate Thro' the voluntary perception of the infirmities of the flesh he Prayed his Father to save him from that Hour wherein he had declared him to suffer Death but thro' the Motion of a Spirit full of Submission and Charity he corrected those first Motions and yielded entirely to the Will of his Father saying My Father My Father all things are possible with thee remove this Cup from me nevertheless not mine but thy Will be done Having thus prayed he arose and went to his Disciples whom he found asleep their Hearts being filled with sorrow wherefore speaking to Peter he reproved him Simon sleepest thou and then he said to all of them What could ye not Watch one hour with me Watch and Pray that ye enter not into Temptation The Spirit is ready but the flesh is weak As if he had said The Spirit would not be afraid of Death and ye believe that ye have strength enough to contemn it but the weakness of the flesh makes such a strong resistance against the Spirit that it will easily conquer it unless you beg the Divine grace to support you against the fears of Death Having said thus he returned again to his Prayers and said to God My Father If this Cup may not pass from me unless I drink it Thy Will be done Then he returned again to his Disciples and finding them so sleepy that they knew not what to answer him he went again to his Prayers a Third time St. Luke tells us that there came an Angel from Heaven to him to strengthen him and that the Agony in which he was i. e. the conflict that he had in himself between the Flesh which dissuaded him from suffering and the Spirit which was willing to submit to the Will of God caused such a violent disturbance in his Body that there issued from it a Swet which fell down to the Earth like drops of Blood Then he went a Third time to find his Apostles and saying unto them by way of Reproof and Irony That they might now sleep on and take their rest because his time was come He tells them in good earnest That the time was come that the Son of Man shall be delivered into the Hands of Sinners Arise therefore saith he Let us go hence behold he that betrayeth me is at hand XXX The Apprehension of Jesus Jesus had scarcely said these words Matth. 26 47-56 Mark 14 43-52 Luke 22 47-53 John 18 2-11 but Judas Iscariot came with a Band of Soldiers and Officers which the Priests Scribes Pharisees and Rulers had sent to take him They were Armed with Swords and Staves and had Lanthorns and Torches with them because it was Night and because they knew not him whom they had Orders to Seize Judas told them That it is he whom he shall Kiss Take him and carry him away safely He then came to Jesus and saying to him Hail Master he gave him a Kiss which was the Sign he had given them to make him to be taken by them Jesus said no more to him but these words Friend why are you come hither What Judas Dost thou betray the Son of Man with a Kiss Jesus then immediately goes to the Soldiers whom Judas had brought and asked them Whom they sought They answered Jesus of Nazareth He saith to them I am He And immediately they went back and fell to the Earth Then again he asked them Whom seek ye They answered again Jesus of Nazareth he said I have told you already That I am He and if ye seek me Let these Men go which he spoke of his Disciples that he might fulfil his Words spoken in his Prayer to his Father of them which thou gavest me have I
lost none Then he resigned himself to the power of his Enemies who layd Hands on him and took him His Disciples seeing this asked him Whether they should make use of the Sword to defend him and Peter drawing his Smote Malchus one of the High-Priests Servants and cut off his right Ear. But Jesus commanded his Disciples to be quiet and Touching Malchus's Ear healed it saying to Peter Put up thy Sword into the Sheath for all that use the Sword shall perish by the Sword Shall not I drink the Cup which my Father hath given me to drink of Think ye not that I am able to pray to my Father and he shall send me immediately more than Twelve Legions of Angels But how then shall the Scriptures be fulfilled that so it must be Then he speaks to them who came to take him and saith Ye are come Armed with Swords and Staves to take me as if I were a Thief I conversed every day among you and taught in the Temple Why did you not apprehend me then But this is your Hour and the Power of Darkness and the Scriptures must be fulfilled Then all his Disciples forsook him and fled only one Young Man followed him having nothing but a Linnen Garment upon him but the Soldiers laying hold upon him he left his Linnen Garment and fled from them Naked XXXI Jesus is Carryed to Caiphas's Palace Matth. 26 57-68 Mark 14 53-65 Luke 22 54-65 John 18 12-14 They that had taken Jesus bound him and led him first to Annas who was Father-in-Law to Caiaphas and Annas sent him back again to Caiaphas who was High-Priest that Year and who had told the Jews that it was expedient that one Man should dye for all the People At his House all the Priests Scribes and Elders were met who asked him concerning his Disciples and his Doctrin Jesus answered them I speak publickly to all the People I always Taught in the Synagogue and in the Temple where all the Jews assemble for Worship and in secret have I said nothing Why do ye ask me Ask them that heard me they know what I have Taught At these words one of the Officers which were there smote him on the Cheek saying Answerest thou the High-Priest so Jesus replyed If I have spoken amiss shew me the Evil I have spoken but if I have spoken well why smitest thou me In the mean time the whole Council sought false Witness against Jesus to put him to Death but could find none strong enough altho' several Witnesses came and Testified several Things At last came Two who accused him for saying That he would destroy the Temple and re-build another in three Days which should not be like the First made by Mans Hands But this Testimony was not sufficient Nevertheless Caiphas rising up in the middle of the Assembly said to Jesus Answerest thou nothing to that which these Men Testify against thee But because he made no Answer to this Question he put another to him in which they all joyned If thou art the Christ tell us plainly He answered them If I tell you you will not believe and if I ask you a Question ye will not Answer me nor let me go But hereafter the Son of Man shall sit on the Right Hand of the Power of God Whereupon they replyed Art thou the Son of God And he said unto them Ye have said that I am The High-Priest himself asked him also the same Question and adjured him by the living God to tell them Whether he were the Christ the Son of God Jesus repeated the Answer Thou hast said it I am He and added That they shall one day see him coming upon the Clouds of Heaven and sitting at the Right Hand of God The High-Priest hearing this rent his Cloaths saying He hath Blasphemed what need we any further Witness Ye have heard the Blasphemy your selves what do you judge of it They answered That he is worthy of Death and they condemn'd him immediately Then they did spit in his Face Smote him in derision blinded his Eyes and some gave him blows with their Fists saying in Mockery O Christ Prophecy who it is that smote thee To these insulting Speeches they added many other abuses and Blasphemies XXXII Peter denyeth Jesus Christ Matth. 26 69-75 Mark 14 66-72 Luke 22 54-62 John 18 25-27 VVhile Jesus passed the Night with the High-Priest being Treated in so outrageous a manner the People of the House and those that took him were below in the Hall when they had made a Fire and warmed themselves Peter also warmed himself with them for following his Master afar off to see what would befal him he met with a Disciple who was known to Caiphas's Family and had desired the Maid-Servant that kept the Door to let him into the Hall A short time after coming to the place where the Servants were warming themselves the same Servant saw Peter sitting at the Fire with the other Servants and looking seriously upon him knew him and said aloud This Man was also with Jesus of Nazareth And after said to himself Art not thou one of his Disciples But he denyed before them all and answered her Woman I know him not I am none of his Disciples nor do I know what thou sayest After this he went out of the Palace into the Porch and the Cock Crew As he was going out another Servant seeing him said to those that stood by This man was also with Jesus of Nazareth Peter returned and seated himself near the Fire where some asked him If he were one of Jesus's Disciples But he denyed it a Second time and swore that he knew him not About an Hour after another Officer of the High-Priests and Malchus's Kinsman whose Ear Peter had cut off bodly asserted pointing to Peter that he was a Galilean and one of Jesus 's followers and speaking to him said Wast not thou with this Man in the Garden Others also coming in at the same instant said to him Thou art certainly one of his company for thy very speech discovers it sufficiently that thou art a Galilean Then Peter deny'd it a Third Time with cursing and swearing and said with solemn protestations I know not what thou speakest of to me nor what ye say And immediately the Cock Crow'd again a Second Time Jesus then looking upon Peter brought to his mind what he had foretold of him and presently he went out and Wept bitterly for his Sin St. Austin observes that Jesus being above Stairs bound and in the Hands of his Enemies could not with his Bodily Eyes see his Disciple who was below in the Hall so that this Aspect which the Evangelist speaks of was an Aspect of Mercy and a secret Motion of Grace which open'd St. Peters Eyes to discover his own fault and which mollified his Heart to make him atone for his Sins by his Tears XXXIII The Despair of Judas In the Morning they that had condemned Jesus to Death having
which he left us in the Time of his Mortal Life He lived subject to our Calamities and suffered Death which is the Punishment of Sin but he was raised in a State of Glory and entred into the Possession of Eternal Felicity He was first of the same Nature with us that we might one Day be as he is If we imitate him in his Life and Death we shall be like him in his Resurrection and Glory but we must not pretend to that Happiness he now enjoys if we do not go in the same Path he did to attain it By disobeying his Laws and not imitating his Actions we not only renounce the Glory to which he invites us but bring upon our selves inexpressible as well as everlasting Torments for there are but Two Ways the one leads to Life and the other to Death and he that walks not in the first must necessarily go into the second Jesus Christ is himself the Way that leads to Heaven and we go by him when we practise those Truths which he hath taught and regulate our Lives by the Pattern of his To live otherwise than he lived is not to follow him but to wander and destroy our selves which we do not seriously enough consider of We do not examine our selves in which Way we are we go on every Day in Ignorance and when we come to the End of our Race we find our selves on a Precipice because we have followed the Multitude which securely went before us and guided us Christians therefore cannot do any thing more important and conducing to their Salvation than to meditate continually upon the Life of Jesus Christ and to look upon it as a Mirror to discover the Blemishes and Faults of their own they ought to account Jesus Christ conversing on Earth as our Guide and Light and comparing what they do with what he hath done and taught to acknowledge themselves in a lost Estate and in Darkness so long as our Conversation is not conformable to his Examples and Precepts In Heaven they ought to esteem Jesus Christ as the End to which they continually aspire and which they labour daily to attain that they may support themselves in all the Troubles and Difficulties which they met with in their Way thither by the Contemplation of the Glory which he hath promised them They should in the last Place think always upon his First and Second Coming They are instructed by his First what they must do to fit themselves for his Second and they shall be judged at his Second Coming by the Precepts which they have received at his Second They will have no Excuses to make for following the corrupt Customs and Examples and false Errors of the Ages they have lived in when they come before that Judge who hath told them that he will judge them by the Doctrin he hath taught them himself and by the Life he lived here upon Earth to be a Model of theirs That then we may appear before him with Boldness in that Great Day when he will judge all Men let us take the Advice which S. John the beloved Disciple gives us My little Children 1 John 2.28 abide in him that when he shall appear we may have Confidence before him and may not be ashamed at his Coming And that we may know what it is to abide in Jesus Christ let us meditate upon these Words of the same Apostle 1 Joh. 2.6 He that saith that he abideth in him ought himself to walk as Jesus Christ hath walked FINIS INDEX A ABraham saw Christs coming with Joy 109. the Jews boast themselves his Children 22. Abraham's Bosom what 131. Adultery forbidden by the Law 57. punished with Death 40. The Adulteress 105. he that Marrys another Woman while his Wife is alive is an Adulterer 132. Aegypt Christs flight into 18. Agony of Christ 188. Ambition Of the Disciples reproved by Christ 98. 145 179. Almsgiving The necessity of it 119. how it must be given 58 it purifies all things to us 155. Christ commends it in a poor Widow 165 St. Andrew was John's Disciple 26. Brother of Peter ibid. goes to Christ ibid. brings his Brother 36. leaves all at Christs Call 37. made an Apostle 54. Angels Watch over Men 99. foretel the Nativity of J. Baptist and Christ 2. move the Pool of Jerusalem 50. comfort Christ in his Agony 188. open the Sepulchre 201. declare his Resurrection 208. Anointing Diseases cured by it 78. Christs Feet and Head Anointed 152. Apostles What it signifies 58. Christ chose Twelve ibid. one proves a Devil 86. their Mission and Instructions given them 76. cure Diseases 77. continue with Christ in all his temptations 179 forsake him 190. believe not his Resurrection 208. receive the Holy Spirit and a power to bind and loose 212. sent into all the World to Preach 316. and for this end are enabled to work Miracles 218. Appearances of Christ 1. to Mary Magd. 208. 2d to the Women 209. 3d. to St. Peter 211. 4th to the Disciples going to Emmaus 210. 5th to all the Apostles 213. 6th to some of them going to the Lake of Gennesareth ibid. 7th to more than 500 Brethren ibid. 8th to St. James ibid. 9th his last appearance before his Ascension ibid. Augustus's Edict which he published about the Taxing 13. B BAptism of St. John with Water 21. his Baptism does not pardon Sins ibid. a figure of Christ 14. slighted by the Scribes and Pharisees 64. Jesus receives it 23. asks the Jews whether it was from Heaven 158. Baptism of Jesus Christ with Water 31. with the H. Ghost and with Fire 23. no Salvation without it 29. the Apostles sent to Baptize all Nations with it 216. Barrabbas The great Thief preferred before Jesus Christ 196. Beatitudes The Eight Beatitudes 55. Blessing Jesus Blesseth Infants 135. breaks Bread 81. the Sacrament 177. he is blessed and praised by the People of Jerusalem 151. Simeon blesseth the H. Virgin and Joseph 18. Bethany The place where Lazarus and his Sisters dwelt 140. Jesus Christ raised Lazarus there 142. Supped with Simon the Leper 149. went thither every Night in the Week of passion 156. he carryed his Apostles thither at his Ascen 218. Bethlehem The City of David 13. Jesus Chr. born there 15. Worshipped the Magi 16. the Children of Bethlehem slain 18. Bethsaida A City of Galilee of which Peter and other Apostles were 26. Cursed by Jesus 24. there he Cursed a Blind Man 18. Blasphemy Against the Holy Ghost 67. against Jesus Christ at the Crucifixion 202. he is called a Blasphemer 45. Blind-men Jesus Healed two at Capernaum 49. another at Bethsaida 91. a blind Man Possessed and Dumb 67. two at Jericho 148. several in the Temple of Jerusalem 157. spiritually blind 87. Blood Christs Blood drink indeed 85. the Blood of the Galil●eans mingled with their Sacrifices 121. the VVoman with a bloody-flux 48. Jesus sweat Blood 188. out of his Side came VVater and Blood 204. the Jews wish his
he prayed for S. Peter's Faith 179. For his Apostles and all the World 186. for his Elect ibid. in the Garden to avoid Death 188. upon his Cross for the Persecutors 201. commending his Soul to God 204. his Prayer was always heard 205. he promises to pray for the Holy Spirit 181. Prodigy The Jews desire one 68. several appeared at Jesus Death 204. Prodigal The Parable of him 128. Prophet Prophecy a Prophet is without Honour in his own Countrey 75. Caiphas Prophecy concerning Christs Death 143. Prophets Explained by Christ 210. the Prophets end at John 63 who was more than a Prophet Ibid. Zachary's Prophecy 8. Publicans Instructed by St. John 22. received by Jesus 46. more just than the Pharisees 61. hated by the Jews 46. the Parable of the Pharisee and Publican 135. a Publican made an Apostle 46. and another a Child of Abraham 147. Purification Whom the Law obligeth in that case 16. the Virgins Purification 17. Q. QVeen of Sheba shall condemn the Jews 69. R REconciliation Necessary before we Sacrifice to God 56. as also before prayer 158. Redemption Jesus Christ shed his Blood for the Redemption of Souls 145. Reward Shall be great to those that suffer for Righteousness sake 56. Hypocrites receive their Reward here 57. the VVorkman is worthy of his Hire 77. Repentance Preached by St. John 21. and Jesus Christ 35. by the Apostles 76. Repentance of the Ninivites 68. in Sackcloath and Ashes 65. of a Sinner causeth Joy in Heaven 129. necessity of it 121. Baptism of Repentance 21. Fruits worthy of Repentance 22. it ought to be Preached every where 144. the Repentance of a Woman that was a sinner 66. God expects Repentance 121. Jesus Christ receives sinners upon their Repentance 128. reproves the impenitent Cities 65. Judas's false Repentance 194. Reproof Given by Jesus Christ to the Apostles 42. Pharisees 64. Scribes 16. Impenitent Cities of Galilee Ibid. Simon the Pharisee 66. Resurrection Jesus Christ hath all the Power to raise the Dead 51. he is the Resurrection and the Life 141. he will raise them that eat his Flesh 85. the Dead shall rise 163. there shall be no Marriage after the Resurrection Ibid. Christ raised from the Dead Jairus's Daughter 49. The Widows Son of Nain 62. Lazarus 142. the dead Bodies of many Saints at his own Resurrection 204. Retreat Jesus retires into the Desert where he is tempted 5. he retreated from Judaea after the Imprisonment of John 33. into a Desert to pray 39. to the Sea-side 54. into a Mountain to pray before he chose his Apostles Ibid. into the Desert after he had healed the Leper 60. after his Fame was spread in Herods Court 80. into a Mountain when they would have made him a King 82. into the Coasts of Tyre and Sidon 88. Into the City of Ephrem after the Resurrection of Lazarus 143. Riches Rich-men a Wo pronounced against them 65. the Covetous Rich-man 119. the VVicked Rich-man 131. Rich toward God Ibid. Riches Are Thorns 119. why Jesus calls Riches the Mammon of unrighteousness 130. rich Men hardly saved 136. the good use to be made of Riches 119. S SAbboth-day A day of Rest 51. Jesus Christ often accused of breaking the Law of the Sabboth because he did Miracles on it Ibid. justifies himself 52. and his Apostles Ibid. it is lawful to do well on the Sabboth-day Ibid. it is for Man Ibid. Jesus Christ is Lord also of the Sabboth Ibid. Sadducees Who they were 22. Johns saying to them Ibid. they desire a Sign of Jesus Christ 90. their Doctrin called Leaven 91. they Question with Jesus 163. he proves the Resurrection to them Ibid. Salome The Wife of Zebedee prayeth Jesus for her Children 145. stood by the Cross 203. went to the Sepulchre 206. Salomon Visited by the Queen of Sheba 69. Jesus Christ greater than he Ibid. Samaria Samaritans Enemies of the Jews 33. the Samaritan Woman converted by Jesus Christ Ibid. the Samaritans believed on him 34. they would not let him pass thro' their City 77. the Good Samaritan 114. the thankful Leper of Samaria 10. Scandal The necessity of Scandals 100. the World is full of them Ibid. Wo to the causes of them by their Faults Ibid. the Eye to be plucked out and Hand to be cut off that offend Ibid. Jesus Chtist a Scandal to the Nazarenes 74. to the Pharisees 87. Apostles 180. he is happy that is not offended in him 63. Jesus Christ slights the offence of the Pharisees 84. he pays Tribute to avoid Scandal 98. Servant We cannot serve two Masters 58. the Servant is not Greater than his Master 77. all are unprofitable Servants 120. the first among Christians must be Servant of all as Christ himself was 146. Christs Servants must follow him 187. Sidon A Heathen City 64. Simeon An Old Man full of the Spirit 17. saw and embraced Christ Ibid. his Hymn and Prophecy 18. Simon The Pharisee made a feast for Jesus Christ 65. offended at him for suffering a sinful Woman to kiss his Feet Ibid. reprov'd by Jesus 66. Simon The Leper Jesus Christ Supped at his House at Bethany 90. Simon Of Cyrene bears Jesus 's Cross before him 200. v. Sinn Sin Against the Holy Ghost 67. God only forgives Sins 45. the Church hath Power to pardon Sin 100. Servant of Sin 108. Sin forgiven to the Man sick of the Palsy 45. and Woman that was a Sinner 66. Sinner Jesus Christ called a Sinner 110. eats with Sinners 46. came down from Heaven for Sinners 128. Sodom A City punished for her Sinns 50. less Guilty than the Impenitent Cities of Galilee Ibid. Soldiers Johns Instructions to the Soldiers 22. Guard the Cross of Christ 204. the Sepulchre 206. Holy Spirit John Baptist filled with the Spirit 4. Jesus Christ Conceived by the Operation of the Holy Spirit 6 9. it proceedeth from the Father and Son 11. discovered Jesus Christ to Simeon 17. came down from Heaven upon Jesus in the form of a Dove 23. carryed him into the Desert 24. Inspired whom it pleaseth 29. to be Born of Water and of the Spirit Ibid. Baptism with the Holy Ghost and with Fire 23. Blaspheming against the Holy Ghost 67. it was given after Christ was Glorified 184. the Spirit of Truth Ibid. Condemns the World Ibid. promised to the Apostles 181. given them 212 216. Star A Miraculous Star conducted the Magi to Christ 15. Steward The unjust Steward 119. Sun Darkned at Christs passion 203. and so it shall be at Christs Coming 168. T TAbernacles The Feast of Tabernacles one of the Great Feasts of the Jews 102. why Instituted Ibid. Jesus came to Jerusalem in the midst of this Feast Ibid. Temple Christ drove the Traders out of it Twice 28 156. the House of God and of Prayer Ibid. the Destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem 153. the Vail Rent from the top to the bottom 204. Temptation Of Christ by the Devil 24. by a Scribe 164. by the Pharisees 162. by the Sadducees
163. the Devil desires to tempt the Apostles 179. Prayer to keep out of Temptation 188. by Watching and Prayer also Ibid. S. Thomas Made an Apostle 55. willing to dye with Christ 140 doubts of the Resurrection 212. sees and believes Ibid. Traditions Preferred before the Law by the Pharisees 87. Transfiguration Of Jesus Christ 93. Trinity To be believed 11. Truth Jesus Christ is the Essential Truth 12. the Truth and the Life 155. makes us free 108. Tyre A Pagan City shall be less punished than the Jews 64. V VIrgin Mary The Mother of Jesus always a Virgin 5. a Virgin Conceived 10. the Praise of Virginity 133. the Parable of the Ten Virgins 183. Vine Vineyard the Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard 138. the Vineyard and the Husbandmen that Hired it 159. Jesus Christ the true Vine 204. Vipers Pharisees compared to them 22. Voice Jesus owned to be the Son of God by a Voice from Heaven 23. W WAsh Water Baptism with Water 22. Water changed into Wine 27 Jesus went upon the Water 82. as also St. Peter Ibid. Water and Blood issued out of Jesus's Side 204. living Water 6. Rivers of living VVater 105 Jesus VVashed the Feet of his Disciples 176. Simon the Pharisee reproved for not VVashing Jesus Feet 66. and the Disciples for not VVashing their Hands 86. Wine VVater changed into Wine 27. Wine and Oyl poured into VVounds 114. Wine mingled with Gall given to Jesus 201. Woman The Woman with the Bloody Flux 48. the Woman of Canaan 88. the VVoman bowed down 121. the VVoman Sinner 65. sinful VVomen converted by John Baptist 64. a VVoman Divorced not to be Marryed 132. the Woman that had 7 Husbands 163. Holy Women Delivered from evil Spirits 7. follow Jesus and Minister to him Ibid. saw him dye 203. Prepared Spices to emalm him 206. go to the Sepulchre 208. saw two Angels Ibid. and then Jesus himself 209. tell the Apostles of his Resurrection ibid. Word What it is 10. Jesus is the Word of God Ibid. this Word is the Life and Light of Souls 12. the Truth and essential Wisdom Ibid. Word Of God happy are they that observe it 79. Christ's words are words of Life 86. he that keeps them shall not dye 77. World Knows not nor receives Christ 12. full of offences 99. is no profit when gotten by the loss of the Soul 93. hates Christ 183. an Enemy of Christ and believers 186. the Devil is its Prince 154. Christ calls us out of the VVorld 186. false pleasures of the VVorld 56. Z ZAchary Father of John the Baptist 4. Prophesieth 8. Zachaeus Jesus Lodgeth at his House 146. Zebedee Father of James and John Apostles 36. Zeal The disorderly Zeal of John and James 145. ERRATA PAge 4. line 14. read had and so p. 17. l. 2. p. 26. l. ult after saw him add he said p. 27. l. ult after Feast r. He. p. 36. l. 2. r. will and l. ult dele in p. 39. l. 6. r. instant p. 55. l. 10. r. touch p 57. l. 8. from bott after did put not p. 64. l. 8 from bottom dele use p 69. l. 20. for they have r. he hath and for have r. hath and l. 21. for are r. is p. 70. l. 15. for end r. shore p. 73. l. 10. for they r. we p. 77. l. 9. from bott for they r. the. p. 78. l. 2. r. followed l. 7. after with r. in the. p. 81. l. 12 r. thousand p. 84. l. 7. r. 5000. p. 85. l. 11 12. and p. 91. l. 12. change hard and heard for each other p. 89. l. 4 r. hand p. 95. l. 11. from bott r. their p. 101. l. 9. from bott for suffered from r. committed against and in the Margin for 19. r. 10. p. 109 l. 6. from bott r. Siloam p. 114. l. 23. after but r. a. p. 132. l. 1. after that r. as p. 135. l. 2. dele will p. 138 l. 29. dele came p. 144. l. 1. r. that p. 161. l. 12. r. without p. 182. l. 1. after but put his l. 32. before power r. no. p. 184. l. 26. dele of p. 187. l. 13. r. thou hast sent me p. 188. l. 5. r. decreeed p. 201 l. penult r. casting p 204 l 6 ●efore gave r. and. p. 216. c 51. r. appearances p. 217 l. 7 after meet put them and l. 10. r. this p. 223. l. 4. for second r. first Other Literal Mistakes in the Printing are desired to be corrected with the Pen by the Reader
to confirm them afresh he tells them That he gives his Peace to them that they may not be troubled That if they loved him they would rejoce that he returned to his Father who is greater than himself as he was Man That he foretold them what should come to pass that when it comes to pass they may believe on him that hath foretold it That he will speak but little hereafter to them because the Prince of this World i. e. the Devil is coming i. e. is about to compass his Death by the Hands of the Jews tho' he had Power over him because he was guilty of no Sin but as he goes on That the World may know that I love my Father and do that which he hath commanded Arise and let us go hence XXVII Jesus gives his Apostles several Precepts Jesus knowing that his Death Jo. 15 1-27 which he was to suffer in Obedience to his Fathers Will was nigh was unwilling to lose that little time which he had with his Apostles and therefore made use of it in Instructing them and sowing that Seed in their Hearts which the Holy Spirit would make to increase in his due time He tells them therefore that they were Holy and Pure because they had receiv'd the Doctrin of the Gospel but that they may bring forth the Fruit which the Gospel requires of them that receive it they must abide in him as the Branches of the Vine abide in the Body of it without which they cannot bare Grapes That his Father is Glorified when his Disciples bring forth much Fruit and that he will one day cut and cast into the Fire those who bear no Fruit as the Vine-dresser cuts off and burns the dry and dead Branches of the Vine That the Fruit which he expected of them is the Love which they ought to have one for another imitating their Master who gave his Life for his Enemies themselves That they have not chosen him but he had chosen them to bring forth continuing Fruit and that he had not used them as Slaves but Friends in teaching them what he himself had learned from his Father That in choosing them to follow him he had taken them from the World and so not being of the World they must expect to be Hated and Persecuted as he himself was That they shall be cast out of the Synagogues John 16 1-33 yea men shall think they honour God and do a Work acceptable to him when they put them to Death and that they shall be thus treated by those that neither know the Father nor the Son that he hath sent That he hath told them these things before they come to pass that when they come to pass they may remember that he hath foretold them and by remembring them he might encourage and fortify them that they may not faint under the most Violent Persecution These Truths the Apostles heard with silence as if they were much afflicted and astonished at the loss of their Master Jesus Christ He told them that he was going to him that sent him and none of them asked whither he went but were only troubled at it He mildly reproves this their silence and to comfort them he tells them it was for their Interest that he should go away because he could not send the Spirit who is the Comforter till after his departure from them That when this Comforter is come he will convince the World and Principally the Jews of Sin in not believing in him whom God hath sent to save them of Righteousness and Justice either of Jesus Christ which was manifest by his Glorious Resurrection and Ascension or of the Faithful who have believed in him and have not seen him whom the Jews having seen have not believed on him That he will convince the World of the Judgment and Condemnation of the Prince of this World i. e. the Devil whose Kingdom hath been destroyed by Jesus Christ and of whose punishment all those shall fall into who will not free themselves from his Slavery and Bondage that they may submit to the Command and Power of Christ That this same Spirit of Truth shall make the Apostles understand all the Truths that they have heard and shall teach them those Doctrins which he could not instruct them in because they were not able to bear them Then he adds Yet a little while and ye shall see me no more and again a little while and ye shall see me because I go to my Father His Disciples did not understand the meaning of these Words but asked one another what he intended by them and were desirous to ask him himself Jesus perceiving this tells them that they shall weep but the World shall rejoyce But yet as a Woman who in the Time of her Travel hath great sorrow but forgetteth all her Trouble and Pains as soon as she is Delivered for Joy that a Man-Child is born into the World In like manner they shall be in Sorrow for a Time but he will soon return to them again and then their Sorrow shall be changed into Joy which no Man can take away from them The Apostles saw this prediction accomplished in a short time after for they bewailed his Death while his Enemies rejoyced at it but at the end of Three Days they were filled with Joy to see him risen from the Dead and the Jews were much ashamed and enraged to see him Worshipped as a God whom they had Crucified as a Vile Malefactor and whose Memory they had endeavoured to extinguish from the Sons of Men. After this he promises them two things The First was that after his Resurrection he would nor speak to them in Proverbs and Parables as he had done hitherto but would speak to them plainly of the Father that they should need no explication of what he should say to them The Second was That they should pray to the Father in his Name which they had not yet done and should obtain whatsoever they petition'd of him At that time saith he ye shall ask in my Name and I need not promise you that I will pray my Father for you for my Father himself Loveth you because ye have Loved me and have believed that I am come from God I am come i. e. born eternally of God and am come into the World again I leave the World and go unto my Father The Apostles thought that they understood these last words perfectly and therefore said unto him Now speakest thou plainly and speakest no Proverbs And for that reason believed that he was come from God He answered them Ye now believe but the Hour is coming yea is already come that ye shall be scattered and shall leave me alone but I am not alone for my Father is with me These things have I said unto you that ye might have Peace in me Ye shall have afflictions in the World but be of good chear I have overcome the World XXVIII Jesus 's Prayer to his