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A76078 The Church of England a true church: proved in a disputation held by John Bastwick Doctor in Physick, against Mr. Walter Montague in the Tower. Published by authority. Bastwick, John, 1593-1654. 1645 (1645) Wing B1058; Thomason E297_18; ESTC R200205 156,945 174

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I said before not onely injurious and hurtfull to the soules of men but full of blasphemy and derogatory to the honour of Christ our great and onely Prophet For what I pray Mr. Montague can be spoke more impiously of the holy Scripturs then to affirm they were accidentally written and not of set purpose and by the command of God and to the end that they should be the rule of faith when in the holy Scripture it is evidently cleare that they were written by divine providence for this very end and purpose that by them we should order both our faith lives and manners And what can be spoke more contumeliously against the holy Word of God then to accuse it of obscurity and darknesse when the Holy Ghost affirmeth the contrary and to take it out of the hands of the people and forbid them to read it when notwithstanding Christ commandeth it in expresse words Truely Master Montague these are most blasphemous assertions and such as you of the Church of Rome must earnestly and seriously repent of if ever you will finde favour at Gods hands and the very naming of these your erronious opinions were enough for any man to abhorre them But that you your selfe and all men may see the wickednesse of them I shal before I passe on to the other matters in hand briefly prove that the Scriptures were not accidentally written but of set purpose and by Gods appointment and that they are not obscure and darke in things pertaining to salvation and that they ought to be read by all the people and that they ought to examine all doctrines by them as they be recorded And then I will prove the al-sufficiency of the holy Scripture and that it is the rule which all men unto the end of the World are tied to for the regulating of their faith and manners which is my taske and then I will conclude But first as I said I will prove that the holy Scriptures were not accidentally written but of set purpose and by speciall command and that they are not obscure and darke in matters concerning salvation and that they are to be read to the people And first that they were not accidentally written I thus evince Those bookes that were written by Divine inspiration and by the counsaile of God for the salvation of mankind and for the benefit of the Church of God in all ages and for this very end that men might learne and know the mind and will of God fully and cleerly and have the certaine truth of the things they had heard that they might be preserved and kept from all errors and upheld and comforted in every condition they were not accidentally and occasionally written and out of the peculiar mation and pleasure of the Penmen thereof and by the will of man but by the Spirit of God But the holy Scriptures were written by Divine inspiration and by the counsell of God for the very ends specified Ergo they were not accidentally and occasionally written and out of the peculiar motion and pleasure of the Pen-men thereof and by the will of man but by the Spirit of God And for proofe of all these particulars the holy Scripture it selfe is clearly on our side 2 Tim chap. 3. v. 16. The whole Scripture saith the Apostle is given by divine inspiration or inspiration of God Now Mr. Montague Gods inspiration is Gods dictate and command as all that know any thing in Divinity can tell you if yee be ignorant and it is as much as to say they were written by Gods own appointment for what God inspires men to do that he appoints and commands them to doe so that it was not arbitrary in them to do it or not to do it but they were inspired to it and put upon that imployment to write the holy Scriptures and therefore the holy Scriptures through the whole Bible are called the Voice of God and the mouth of the Lord and the lively Oracles which were uttered and spoke by God himselfe first and afterwards delivered in writing unto the people by Moses and the other Prophets and holy Pen-men according to Gods command Acts 7. v. 38. and therefore the Scriptures were not accidentally written and by the peculiar motion and pleasure of men as the Church of Rome most blasphemously affirmeth S. Peter also is cleere in this point his words are these in his second Epistle chap. 1. vers 19 20 21. Wee have saith he a more sure word of prophecy whereunto yee do well that yee take heed as unto a light that shineth in a darke place c. Knowing this first that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Ghost Take notice first Mr. Montague of the occasion of these words and then consider the expressions duly and you will easily from thence conclude that the Scripture was not accidentally written and by the will of man but by command from God himselfe and of set purpose and that the written word is the rule wee are to be guided by and more sure then the Tradition of the very Apostles themselves although they were both eye and eare witnesses of that they spake and told unto the people For the Apostle Peter in this Epistle confirmes all those Christians that hee writes unto of the truth and certainty of the things that hee declared unto them saying that the holy Apostles had not followed cunningly devised fables when they made knowne unto them the power and coming of the Lord Jesus Christ but were Eye-witnesses of his Majesty for hee received from God the Father honour and glory when there came such a Voice unto him from the excellent glory This is my beloved sonne in whom I am well pleased And this voice which came from Heaven wee heard when wee were with him in the holy mount Here wee see the Apostle Peter with Iames and John as it is in Mat. 17. were both Eye and Eare witnesses of Christs transfiguration and glory and heard the voyce and the people by tradition and the relation of the Apostles that had seene those things admired and believed them and yet the Apostle Peter in this very place signifieth unto them that the written Word of God the holy Scriptures the written Prophecies of the old Testament were a more sure Word than any Tradition yea even of the Apostles themselves though they were both eare and eye witnesses of that they related and preached unto others and commends the people that they did take heed unto the written Word as a light that shineth in a darke place no obscure things then Mr. Montague and he giveth them a reason why the Prophecies of the Scripture were a more sure Word than any traditions of men because saith he we know that the Scriptures are not of any private interpretation or from the peculiar or
prove all I shall say out of the holy Scripture which I make the rule of faith All therefore that will believe in Jesus Christ aright and as hee himselfe would have them and be his Disciples they must deny themselves and renounce all selfe-merits for that is the first lesson he teacheth them Mat. the 16 vers 24. If any man saith he will come after me let him deny himselfe and take up his Crosse and follow me and Luke the 9. vers 23. If any man will come after me let him deny himselfe and take up his crosse dayly and follow me This lesson is taught both in the Law and Gospell as in the places now cited and also in the 55 of Isaiah ver 6.7 Seeke yee the Lord while he may be found call upon him while he is nigh let the wicked forsake his wayes and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him returne unto the Lord and hee will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon By these testimonies of holy Scripture we learne that the first step to Heaven is selfe-deniall and renouncing our own merits This selfe-deniall consists of three parts The first a meane esteeme of our selves The second a dayly taking up of the crosse The third a following of Christs example and foote-steps in patient doing and suffering what God would have us And this Master Mountague is not an easy lesson to learne But now to leave the two latter parts I will only insist upon the first which is to deny our selves and in self-deniall three things are requisite First for the magnifying of the free grace of God we ought to be humble meane and nothing in our own eyes for God resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the humble James 4. and the first of Peter 5. and this was ever the practice of all the Saints Abraham counts himselfe dust and ashes when hee hath to deale with God And Christ Mat. 11. saith Learne of me for I am humble and meeke So that all those that have rightly learned this lesson have no high and overtowring thoughts and conceits of their owne worth or merits but lie low and prostrate before God acknowledging themselves miserable sinners and unprofitable servants when they have done that was commanded them and in a word are weary and heavy laden Secondly we must renounce our own wills and reason and bring them in subjection to the will and pleasure of God not our owne wills and reason therefore but the will of Christ must suffice us his wisdome must be our reason Thirdly we must count all things as dung in comparison of Christ and for the excellency of the knowledge of him and ought to esteeme all things but losse willingly cheerefully relinquishing and forsaking friends riches honours yea if necessity require for the cause of Christ and keeping of a good conscience we must abandon our owne lives and whatsoever is dearest unto us all which cannot consist with the thought of selfe-merit for this lesson teacheth us humility and just cause indeed have all men seriously and unfainedly to be humble for if we looke upon all men since the fall of Adam as they are in their naturall condition we shall finde nothing in them but sinne and corruption and that they are wicked in all their wayes and unrighteous in all their thoughts and therefore they ought to be humble and to forsake and deny themselves and to returne unto the Lord and come unto Christ and be lowly under the mighty hand of God if they will obtaine mercy finde pardon and be exalted this is the first lesson I say we must learne Yea the very regenerate themselves and the dearest Saints and Servants of God whiles they remaine in this Tabernacle of clay and till their soules be unbodyed finde themselves so laden with iniquity transgression and sinne as they have alwayes matter of humiliation never of glorying never of vanting of their own merits never of boasting of their own righteousnesse but rather of seeking another righteousnesse the righteousnesse of Heaven the righteousnesse of Faith which is Christs righteousnesse by which they may appeare before God and this they can never obtaine to without selfe-deniall and renouncing all their own merits But it will not be amisse Master Mountague briefely to take notice of all men in their naturall condition and after their Regeneration and that both before the Law and under the Law and under the Gospell and see Gods own Testimony of them all and the witnesse and testimony the holiest men that ever were and lived gave of themselves and then it will be cleerely evidenced they renounced all selfe-nesse and all their own merits and looked only for salvation by the merits of Jesus Christ And first let us heare what God saith of all the seede of Adam before their Regeneration Genesies the 6 vers 5. and God saw that the wickednesse of man was great upon the Earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evill continually Note here the spirit of God doth not say that man hath some evill thoughts or that his thoughts are evill sometimes but he asserts First that every imagination or the whole immagination purpose or desire of the heart are evill Secondly that they are evill continually or every day alwaies evill and in the 8. Chap. vers 21. he affirmes the same saying The imagination of mans heart is evill from his youth The corruption therefore of all men begins with them from their Cradle and if God doth not regenerate us it continues and accompanies us to our grave and this is the condition of all men before Regeneration and that before the Law and under the Law and under the Gospell And it could be no otherwise by the Testimony of Job 14. vers 4. Who can bring saith he a cleane thing out of an uncleane Not one All came of a corrupt seede David witnesseth the same Psal 51. vers 5. Behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sinne did my mother conceive me such a generation of men without selfe-deniall and returning from their wicked waies and forsaking their unrighteous thoughts and imaginations cannot be Christs Disciples This miserable condition of mankind is every where published through the Scripture to being men to a more deepe humiliation and abhorring of themselves Psal the 14. vers 2. The Lord looked downe from Heaven saith the Psalmist upon the children of men to see if there were any that did understand and seeke God They are all gone aside they are altogether become filthy there is none that doth good no not one By this testimony we see the corruption so generall that the Lord exempteth no man from it The same doctrine is confirmed in the 53 Psal and in this condition do all men continue till they are regenerated and begot anew for so long as they are in their naturall estate and till they are in Christ they can do nothing pleasing unto
condemne me If I say I am perfect it shall also prove me perverse We see nothing of merit in all the Saints Here I might bring in the prayers of all the Patriarchs of all the Prophets of all the Apostles and Saints of old of the which the holy Scripture is full and in all of them they confesse their owne sinnes and the sinnes of the people and ever deprecate Gods judgements never pretending or presuming of their owne worth or merits or challenging favour for them from God but prostrating and humbly denying themselves yea in plaine words and expresse termes they proclaime themselves and all men even the most regenerate wicked and abominable and disavow their owne righteousnesse confessing that it is an uncleane thing and looke for mercy at Gods hand onely through Jesus Christ their righteousnesse But let us heare the testimonies now that both the Prophets and Apostles gave of themselves and of all the family of the faithfull and what Christ himselfe taught us who knew best what was in man after regeneration In the first of Kings and the 8. Solomon saith there There is no man that sinneth not And in Eccles 7. ver 20. he saith There is not a just man upon the earth that doth good and sinneth not And Prov. 20. ver 9. Who can say I have made my heart cleane from my sinne Not the most righteous man and most holy Heare what Job also witnesseth concerning th businesse Job 9. ver 2 3. How shall a man be just with God if he will contend with him he cannot answer him one of a thousand And of all the sinnes that come against us there is not the least that deserves not eternall damnation being committed against an eternall Majesty How farre then in Jobs esteeme are men from compleat and perfect righteousnesse Yea how farre then are they from meriting and in chap. 15. v. 14 15 16. What is man saith Job that he should be cleane and he that is borne of woman that he should be righteous behold he hath no trust in his Saints yea the Heavens are not cleare in his sight how much more abominable and filthy is man which drinketh iniquity like water From all these places and many more it may well be concluded that the very regenerate have sinne still remaining in them and through the corruption of their nature that ever abides and continues in them are inclined alwaies to that which is evill and are unapt to all that is good and can never attaine to compleat and perfect righteousnesse but have continuall need with David to pray Enter not into judgement with thy servant for in thy sight no flesh shall be justified Psalm 143. ver 2. There are two sorts of justification or righteousnesse the one before men and that is manifested by our workes and the other is before God and that cannot by any works of ours be attained to as by a cloud of witnesses might be proved See therefore what David saith againe Psal 130. ver 3. If thou O Lord shouldst marke iniquity O Lord who should stand but there is forgivenesse with thee that thou mayst be feared Here is no presumption of merit but confidence of mercy Therefore the Prophet Isaiah chap. 64. ver 6. in the name of all the faithfull and regenerate disavowes all merits and disclaimes all their owne righteousnesse in these words But we saith he are all as an uncleane thing and all our righteousnesse as filthy rags and we all doe fade as a leafe and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away The Prophet doth not say here that all our unrighteousnesse but all our righteousnesse teaching all men thereby that the eyes of the Lord behold faults failings and blemishes in the very best most perfect and holiest actions and in the which we most earnestly desire to please God And this is the doctrine the holy Prophet teaches all men to humble them the more and to bring them to a loathing and abominating of themselves and to manifest unto them that there is no perfection or absolute righteousnesse in the Saints themselves and in the most holy men such as may justifie them before God but that there is alwaies matter of humiliation and of self-denyall in them for as long as they are but in the race and as long as they remaine in the flesh they cannot doe the good they would So saith St. Paul Gal. 5. vers 7. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh and these are contrary the one to the other so that ye cannot doe the things that ye would This inward combat continues as long as we live and that in all the Saints and therefore they can never attain unto perfection in this life and therefore can never merit Yea the holy Apostles continually acknowledge it confessing their owne sinfulnesse and failings teaching all the faithfull to doe the same So St. John the beloved Disciple in his first Epistle chap. 1. vers 8. If we say we have no sinne we deceive our selves and the truth is not in us St. James also chap. 3. ver 2. saith In many things we sinne all Here he excepts no mortall man all have their sinnes and have need of self-deniall Paul also that elect vessell grones under the burden of sin and with griefe and sorrow acknowledges his continuall combate with the remainders of his corruption Rom. 7. ver 22 23 24. I delight saith he in the Law of God after the inward man but I see another law in my members warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sinne which is in my members O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death I thanke God through Jesus Christ my Lord c. Paul had learned this lesson of self-denyall acknowledging his sinnes and making his recourse unto Christ for pardon and deliverance from it knowing there was no other name under Heaven to be saved by and so he becomes Christs Disciple as all other sinners if they will be saved must doe and that we are sinners and can never in this world attaine unto an absolute perfection and to a full and intire keeping and fulfilling of the Law the places I have now quoted and the severall witnesses of all the Saints and the very prayer our Saviour himselfe hath taught us doe sufficiently testifie where we are instructed daily to say forgive us our sinnes Luke 11. ver 4. Now where there is no offence there is no need of pardon but all the Saints as long as they live have need of pardon therefore as long as they live they are sinfull and have need of self-denyall and of true humility and a meane esteeme of themselves and a renouncing of all their owne righteousnesse if they will be Christs disciples and if they expect salvation by him for they must have it upon his owne conditions for he will be saviour to none
made them white in the blood of the Lambe therefore they are before the Throne of God c. Here you evidently see that the blessed martyrs which are now in Heaven have not attained unto that felicity and eternall glory by the merit of their sufferings but for that they were washed in the blood of the Lambe the Lord Jesus Christ And as it is not the suffering Mr. Montague but the cause that makes a martyr so it is not for that they passe through many tribulations that they enter into the Kingdome of Heaven but that they are washed in the blood of the Lambe and by that onely are made worthy to be Citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem for when we have suffered all we are but unprofitable servants and have done but our duty for our Saviour saith If any will be my Disciple let him take up his crosse and follow me I will adde but one instance more out of Matth. 11. Learne of me saith our Saviour for I am humble and meeke Doe you believe Mr. Montague that you can keepe or ever observe this commandement of Christ the Lord But if you could attaine unto the greatest degree of humility and meeknesse you were but an unprofitable servant and had done but your duty But how much more Mr. Montague have you and your Roman kindred to answer for your loftinesse and high opinions of your selves who stand upon your justification by your good workes and pretend yea and presume of your selfe-merits and of your workes of desert and that before God If this be not a transgression and a very rebellion against the Commandement I know not what prevarication and rebellion is Yea Mr. Montague if we could observe the whole Law and keepe all the Commandements for doing and suffering that ever God gave if we will be Christs Disciples we must ever say we are unprofitable servants and daily pray forgive us our sinnes and with the leper cry out We are uncleane we are uncleane and have continuall cause of deepe humiliation and selfe-deniall If they Mr. Montague which love God most and most diligently keepe his Commandements and yield the greatest obedience unto them have need yet of mercy how can any mortall man then merit before God who daily and hourely transgresseth all his glorious Commandements yet see what the Lord saith Exod. 20. ver 6. Shewing mercy to thousands of them that love me and keepe my Commandements Learn this lesson of Christ M. Montague to be humble and labour for selfe-deniall and a lowly spirit and meeke heart and with the Church of England and all the blessed Saints disavow your owne righteousnesse knowing that Christ came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance such as are weary and heavy laden which only finde rest unto their soules and think not with the Romanists and justiciaries by your merits or good workes to scale Heaven but I intreat you to endeavor with us of the Church of England to enter into the most holy by the blood of Jesus by that new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through the vaile that is to say his flesh Heb. 10.19 20. If you enter not by this way M. Montague you wil never come thither But now to conclude this point That Church which doth believe in Jesus Christ renouncing all selfe-merit and teaches the way to Heaven by the blood of Jesus and by that new and living way that Church believes aright as it ought to believe and is built upon the foundation of Peter against which the gates of hell can never prevaile but the Church of England doth all this Ergo it is a true Church where salvation may be had And this note alone is an infallible and never deceiving marke of a true Church As for antiquity universality unity succession multitude visibility c. if they have not this doctrine joyned with them of the free grace of God and justification by faith in Christ alone they are but markes of errour and abomination which will seduce you from the right way and misleade you into by-paths where you will never finde rest for your soule And thus much I thought fit to speake of this point it being a fundamentall one and such an one as where it is not preached and published there can be no true Church And now I come to the other clause of this proposition viz. renouncing all will-worship and humane inventions in Gods service An eminent marke also of a true Church which when the Church of England doth it is manifest that it is a true Church For all men know that mixtures in Gods worship annihilates a true Church But following my former custome I will first signifie what I meane by will-worship and humane inventions in Gods service and then shew where they are entertained in Gods service and admitted they so adulterate his worship as he himselfe disavoweth it and affirms they serve in vaine By will-worship therefore and humane inventions I understand whatsoever either for Doctrine Service Discipline Ceremonies men out of vaine devotion doting or superfluous feare or unbridled errour or out of humane reason or hypocrisie or whatsoever other pretence they have out of their own brain excogitated and brought into the service worship of God or whatsoever they have added to his worship either of images or representations or traditions against his revealed will or without his expresse command and imposed upon the people as the worship and service of God and proclaime these their ordinances to be Gods service and worship and place holinesse and religion in the observation of them and account the neglect of them irreligion and prophanenesse and worthy of punishment and the submission to them piety religion and obedience which God notwithstanding proclaimes an abomination to him For piety and true religion proceeds from the right knowledge of God the first of the which is the reverence of God joyn'd with love which ariseth from the knowledge and contemplation of Gods manifold favours mercy and goodnesse towards mankind the second which is pure and true religion is faith joyned with a serious and earnest feare of God the which feare containes in it a voluntary and willing reverence and alwaies brings with it the right and exact forme of worshiping him which is onely that way of serving him which he hath prescribed in his holy Word which Word of God alone must be the rule of his worship and of all our obedience so that what he prescribeth and enjoyneth it is our duty both to know and performe and the neglect of which is sinne and whatsoever is contrary to this is either open idolatry or superstition because it is supra quod statutum est and therefore hatefull to God and abominable in his sight as his whole Word declares And as it is the glory honour and very note of a true Church to follow the rule of Gods Word in serving him so it is the evident marke of a false
reason of his so doing because he had a command to the contrary by God himselfe But when an old Prophet that dwelt in Bethel had heard what happened there and what had beene done to the Altar and Ieroboam and being desirous to give him entertainment and for that end following the Prophet at last he overtook him and earnestly intreated him to returne and eate Bread who replying unto him sayd I may not returne with thee nor eate bread for it was said unto mee by the Word of the Lord to the contrary to whom the old Prophet answered I am a Prophet as well as thou and an Angel spake unto me by the Word of the Lord saying Bring him back with thee into the house that he may eate Bread and drinke Water but he lyed And by this lie he deluded the poore Prophet to his ruin as the story telleth to this story I say the Apostle alluding forbiddeth all Christians to take heed of all other Doctrines whatsoever that they have not received from Christ and his Disciples and that they intertaine none contrary to that they have beene taught by him though he himselfe should teach contrary to that he formerly taught or any of the other Apostles yea though an Angel from Heaven should teach them otherwise the Apostle ties all Christians here as in other places to the rule written in the Word of God And in Chap. 6. in the first Epistle to Tim. v. 3. If any man teach otherwise and consent not unto wholsome words even the Words of our Lord Iesus Christ and the Doctrine which is according to godlinesse from such withdraw thy selfe Now to teach invocations of Saints and Angels is to teach otherwise than Christ taught and it is not to consent unto wholesome words even the words of our Lord Jesus who said when yee pray say Our Father which art in Heaven But we cannot say to any Saint or Angel our Father which art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name thy Kingdome come thy will be done and forgive us our sinnes c. And therefore by Christs Doctrine wee are in our Prayers to pray onely unto him to whom all these Petitions belong and this is to consent unto the wholesome words of Christ and to the Doctrine which is according to godlinesse so that all Praying to Saints and Angels is unwholesome doctrine yea impious and blasphemous and by the command of the Apostle wee are to shun such as bring such Doctrine according to that of S. Iohns Epistle the 2. vers 9.10 11. Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ hath not God He that abideth in the Doctrine of Christ hee bath both the Father and the Sonne If there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine that is to say the Doctrine of Christ receive him not into your House neither bid him God-speed For he that biddeth him God-speede is partaker of his evill deeds They that teach therefore the Doctrin of the invocation of Saints and Angels teach not the Doctrine of Jesus Christ and they that entertaine and imbrace that Doctrine they all transgresse the command and have not God but they that teach the Doctrine of Jesus Christ which is in all our necessities to call upon God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ they have both the Father and the Sonne and by that salvation for they that call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved Acts 4. Rom. 10. But the Church of England doth this Ergo. Innumerable reasons Mr. Montague might be given against this Doctrine of invocating of Saints and Angels as that it is a meere will-worship without both president and precept and whatsoever is not of faith is sinne but much more whatsoever is contrary to the wholesome words of our Lord Jesus Christ and contrary unto Faith for how shall they call on him saith the Apostle in whom they have not believed so that faith and invocation goe together and we must call upon none in whom wee believe not but to believe in Saints and Angells is both blasphemous and impious for it is to give the honour due to the Creator who is blessed for ever to the creature Rom. 1. than the which there cannot be a greater sacriledge and it is also to expect salvation from them which belongeth to God alone who only can save for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lordshall be saved Rom. 10. v. 13. Ioel 2. v. 32. Now if by our Prayer unto God we can be saved what neede wee take then any other course as to go either to Saints or Angells if it were neither forbidden nor sinfull but seeing it is a doctrine against the Will of God and every way so abominable it ought of all Christians to be detested and so much the rather because they that make Saints and Angels Mediators of the new Testament saying that Christ is Mediator of satisfaction and redemption but that the Saints and Angels are mediators of intercession by this blasphemous Doctrine they make Christ but a partiall momentany and temporary Mediator and his Mediatorship but for a time and give unto the Saints and Angells that never dying and everlasting Mediatorship than the which there is nothing more impious against God or injurious to men when notwithstanding the holy Scriptures proclaime Christs Mediatorship to consist as well in intercession as redemption and that they cannot be separated or divided and also that Christ now at the right hand of God is Mediator of both who is the appointed advocate and high-priest for this purpose in Heaven and that by God himselfe who is Judge there and to which Office none can be admitted but by God alone Heb. 5. v. 4. 5. And withall the holy Word of God in expresse tearmes delivereth unto all Christians for their comfort that Christ doth now make intercession for them at the right hand of God Rom. 8. v. 31. 1 Tim. chap. 2. Heb. 9.24 25. the 1 of John chap. 2. v. 1 2. Now then I say al these things considered when in the Church of England the Gospell is purely and sincerely preached the Sacraments duly and rightly administred in all respects and the Name of God truly called upon according as God himselfe hath appointed it followeth that the Church of England is a true Church and when in the Church of Rome the Gospell is neither purely and sincerely preached but error superstition and open Idolatry and the Sacraments are adulterated by additions and detractions mingling with their Sacrament of Baptisme Spitle Oyle and Salt making it rather a plaster than a Baptisme and mangling the Lords Supper most sacrilegiously first taking away the Cup from the People and then changing the Sacrament into a sacrifice that abominable Idoll of the Masse to the which they give the worship of Latriae which in their Dialect is onely due to God alone and when they have to all this brought into the Church
as for your most excellent education as also in regard of the opportunities you have had at home and abroad of attaining to erudition you ever being in the society of learned men and in the Schooles of wisdome and knowledge in the which you were never accounted a trewant who alwaies so improved your time as you have made as good a progresse in all learning as any of your yeeres And in this notion I consider you and shall ever allow you the full waight of your prayses earnestly intreating you that you would imploy that talent of understanding and learning that God had bestowed upon you to the advancement of his Glory and Kingdome and that you would not make use of it to the wronging of your owne soule and the dammage of others And especially I intreat you that in this bright Sun-shine of the Gospell and truth you would open your eyes and not love darknesse more than light And now I come to prove my minor the truth of which I thus assert That Church which is built upon the foundation of Peter that Church teacheth the way the truth and the life against which the gates of hell shall never prevaile c. But the Church of England is built upon the foundation of Peter Ergo the Church of England teacheth the way the truth and the life against which the gates of hell can never prevaile and is a true Church the house of God the ground and pillar of truth where salvation may be found You answered that the Church of England was not built upon the foundation of Peter and therefore denied the minor Which by Gods assistance in the sequell I shall sufficiently prove But as then I desired favour that I might for the benefit of the standers by and that the ensuing discourse might the better be understood by all interpret the termes of my Syllogisme First what I meant by the foundation of Peter Secondly what I understood by building upon that foundation and which but in part you then gave me liberty to expresse So I shall now by your good liking take leave more fully to set it down because as I said before it doth much conduce to the more cleare understanding of the following disputation By the foundation of Peter I understand Jesus Christ And it is evident there is no other foundation of Peter nor of the true Church As we may see in the 16. of Matth. ver 13 14. in that parly which was betweene Christ and his Apostles where our Saviour asking his Disciples what men said of him and they replying answered that some said he was John Baptist some Elias and others Jeremias or one of the Prophets Then said Jesus but whom say yee that I am And Simon Peter answered and said Thou art Christ the Sonne of the living God And Jesus answered and said unto him Blessed art thou Simon Bar-Iona for flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee but my Father which is in Heaven And I say unto thee upon this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevaile against it Here Peter in the name of all the Disciples acknowledgeth Jesus Christ to be the foundation of the Church The same he doth John the 6. vers 69. where againe in the name of all the Apostles he saith We believe and are sure that thou art Christ the Sonne of the living God And in the verse before he said Lord to whom shall we goe thou hast the words of eternall life There was no other rock known to Peter and the blessed Apostles no other foundation no other to flie to for life eternall but Jesus Christ But in the 4 of the Acts vers 11. in that glorious Sermon of his Peter in his own name thus speakes concerning Christ This is the stone which was set at naught by you builders which is become the head of the corner neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under Heaven given amongst men whereby we must be saved No other foundation therefore of the Church but Christ And in his first Epistle the second Chapter the fourth and fift verses he thus speakes To whom comming as unto a living stone disallowed indeed of men but chosen of God and precious yee also as living stones are built up a spirituall house c. No other foundation for all Christians to be built upon but Christ according to that of Paul in the first of Cor. chap. 3. ver 11. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ the eternall Son of the eternall Father The same is confirmed in the second chapter of the Epistle to the Ephesians vers 19 20. Now therefore ye are no more strangers but fellow Citizens c. and are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himselfe being the chiefe corner stone So that the foundation of all the Prophets and Apostles and all that ever were saved was Jesus Christ who is yesterday and to day and the same for ever Heb. 13. vers 8. the onely Saviour of his people and the foundation of his Church and the onely way and the truth and the life as he declareth himselfe in the 14 of John and therefore in his name onely is salvation preached amongst the Gentiles and to all Nations And this I thought fit to say concerning my meaning of the foundation of Peter Now I will signifie what I understand by the terme of building and to be built upon the foundation of Peter This is a metaphoricall expression taken from Architects and in Gods dialect it is nothing else but to believe in Jesus Christ For as in building the stones polished are by cement and morter joyned to the foundation so all believers those lively stones are built upon Jesus Christ that living stone by faith which joynes them to their head and foundation Christ Jesus and that onely as Peter himselfe interprets it in his first Epistle chap. 2. vers 6. Wherefore it is contained in the holy Scripture Behold I lay in Sion a chiefe corner stone elect precious and he that believes on him shall not be confounded Vnto you therefore which believe he is precious So that to be built upon the rock Christ Jesus by Peters own interpretation is to believe in Jesus Christ for salvation which we cannot doe in any creature without blasphemy The same doctrine is preached by Paul in the second Chapter of his Epistle to the Colossians vers 5 6 7. For though I be absent in the flesh yet I am with you in the spirit joying and beholding your order and the stedfastnesse of your faith in Christ As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walke ye in him rooted and built upon him and established in the faith c. Here to be rooted and built up in Christ is to believe in Jesus Christ and by his alone merits to hope for salvation who was
they were certainly assured So we read Luke 1. vers 1. Whereof we are fully perswaded c. and Heb. 10. vers 34. And yee tooke the spoyling of your goods with joy knowing in your selves you had in Heaven a better and induring substance So in the first Epistle of St. John chap. 3. vers 2. Behold now are we the sonnes of God and it doth not yet appeare what we shall be but we know that when he shall appeare we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is In all the Saints we finde an infallible assurance and an undaunted and unremoveable confidence in Jesus Christ who they believed was delivered for their offences and raised againe for their justification knowing there was no other name under Heaven given amongst men whereby we must be saved Acts 4 ver 11. And this faith in Jesus Christ is that that will support us in all tribulations and finally save us according to that in St. John chap. 3. ver 14 15 16. As Moses lifted up the Serpent in the wildernesse even so must the Sonne of man be lifted up that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life For God so loved the world that be gave his onely begotten Sonne that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life And vers 18. He that believeth on him is not condemned but●● that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the onely begotten Sonne of God And in Chap. 5. ver 24. Verily verily I say unto you he that believeth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death to life Numberlesse testimonies might be accumulated out of the holy Scripture to prove that only to be the true faith and knowledge of Christ when we do conceive him in such sort as he is offered of the Father that is to say clothed with the Gospell for faith hath a mutuall relation to the word and the word to faith because the word is the fountaine of faith and the ground of faith and the mirrour in which faith beholdeth God as Christ saith here He that believeth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death to life This that I have now said Mr. Montague will I hope give satisfaction to any rationall man if not to your selfe that the Church of England believeth as it ought to believe because it regulates the faith of all Christians according to the word of God and Christ their onely Prophet and therefore it is an unanswerable argument that the Church of England is a true Church and built upon the foundation of Peter when it joyneth the knowledge of God in Jesus Christ and faith in him alone together Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousnesse that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus Rom. 3. v. 25 26. When therefore I say the Church of England joyneth the knowledge of God and Christ and faith in them both inseparably together and makes daily publication of this same doctrine it is evident that it is a true Church and built upon the foundation of Peter the ground and pillar of truth and where salvation may be attained unto for that Church which shall confesse with the mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in their heart that God hath raised him from the dead shall be saved for with the heart men believe unto righteousnesse and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation Rom. 10. But the Church of England doth all this Ergo it believeth as it should believe and is a Church where salvation may be found And had the Church of England Mr. Montague but this marke alone it were enough for ever to stop the mouthes of all gainsayers and prove that it is a true Church and built upon the foundation of Peter and believes as it ought to believe And now I come to the qualification viz. That the Church of England doth renounce all self-merit in matter of salvation and all will-worship and humane inventions in Gods service which are requisites in any Church to make it a true Church and without which it cannot be a true Church You may remember Mr. Montague when you heard the name of merit and will-worship you began to bestir your selfe as if it had something troubled you and it doth indeed highly concerne you to looke about you lest falling upon the rocke of your owne merits you dash your selfe in pieces and destroy your owne soule And you affirmed that if you should speake of the doctrine of merits it would last you a weeke Truely Mr. Montague if you should speake a moneth or a yeere together of Christs merits and what he hath done and suffered for the redemption of mankind I should willingly be your anditor and think that nothing sufficient enough could be uttered or expressed to magnifie Gods and Christs love and to stirre up thankfulnesse obedience and love to God and Christ againe for their infinite mercy towards us such miserable creatures as we poore men are But Mr. Montague if you shall speake but one minute of an houre to extoll mans merit or to preach that men by their good workes can or may merit Heaven or if you goe about to establish that blasphemous doctrin for it is no better you shall have just cause to repent all the daies of your life for your so doing for this doctrine tends to overthrow the glorious Gospell and the whole worke of our redemption and Christs sufferings and opens an other way to Heaven than any of the Saints of old knew of who ever taught that Christ onely was the way the truth and the life and not mens merits and workes of supererogation Therefore Mr. Montague that Church that teacheth the free grace and eternall love of God in Jesus Christ unto the people when we were dead in our sinnes and trespasses and that inculcates self-deniall upon all men and urges them in matter of salvation to rely onely upon Christ and his obedience and passion with all his merits and to follow the guidance of his word for the manner of his service and teaches them to reject all will-worship and humane inventions in honouring God that Church believes as it ought to believe and teacheth the true way to Heaven and is built upon the foundation of Peter for all these things are the necessary requisites for the making of a true Church as I shall God willing speedily shew But if I shall be more large upon this point I desire your pardon for in my opinion it is a doctrine of as great concernment as any in Religion and where it is taught it is a sure evidence of a true Church In the handling of the which I will
Christ is become of no effect unto you saith Paul whosoever of you are justified by the Law yee are falne from grace All those therefore that will be justified by the works of the Law deprive themselves of the grace of God in Jesus Christ but the Church of Rome doth this Mr. Montague ergo But for the Church of England it followeth the Apostles example Phil. 3. ver 8 9. Counting all things losse for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ and that it may be found in him not having its owne righteousnesse which is of the Law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousnesse which is of God by faith By the which righteousnesse of Christ all the workes of the Law are excluded from justification But I will yet more fully prove that the workes of grace are also excluded from justification Ephes 2. ver 8 9. For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of your selves it is the gift of God Not of workes lest any man should boast Here againe all workes are removed withall we may observe that the holy Apostle in this place a firming that we are not saved by workes speakes not of those workes before grace and regeneration according to the ordinary evasion of the Church of Rome but he speakes of all the workes men doe in the state of grace and after conversion and which shall accompany us as we presse to the marke for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus as we may see in the 10. verse For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good workes which God hath before ordained that we should walke in them So that good workes are not the meritorious cause of the Kingdome of Heaven but onely the way which God hath prepared and appointed for us to walke in to Heaven And in the 11. to the Rom. ver 6 7. he saith And if by grace then it is no more of workes otherwise grace is no more grace He speakes here of the regenerate Romans and of the workes dond by them after their conversion which he excludes from justification and therefore it is a poore evasion or quillet of the Church of Rome to excuse their pride when they say that God hath given us the grace of meriting which is a flat contradiction for grace doth ever exclude merit as the words of Paul inferre who saith If it be by grace then not of workes and if of workes then it is no more grace otherwise worke is no more worke And in his Epistle to Titus ch 3. ver 4 5. But after saith he that the kindnesse and love of God our Saviour towards man appeared not by workes of righteousnesse which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us Here the Apostle includes himselfe in the number of the regenerate as in all the other places and disavowes all workes and excludes them from justification for the mercy and grace of God cannot stand with mens merits as hath been sufficiently already proved And in that verse he further addes that being justified by grace we should be made heires according to the hope of eternall life From which words we learne that we have life eternall as heires of God and not in the way quality of mercenaries So that by all these proofes it is evident that all workes are excluded from justification as by many reasons also may be evinced For sinners are and ought so to be justified before God that all occasion of gloriation and boasting may be taken away as we see Rom. 3. ver 27. Where is boasting then it is taken away By what Law of workes Nay but by the law of faith Now if a man by the workes of grace might be justified he should then have something whereof to glory notwithstanding he acknowledged he received those workes from God as we may see in the example of the Pharisee in the 18. of Luke and should also have more to glory of than Abraham Rom. 4. ver 3 4. where it is said that if Abraham be justified by workes he hath whereof to glory but not before God For what saith the Scripture Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousnesse Againe if a man be justified by workes then the justification of the Law should stand and be of force but that stands not as by all the testimonies before mentioned is evident and from the 14. verse of this chapter For if they which are of the Law be heires faith is made void and the promise made of no effect And not onely this verse but the tenour of the whole chapter proves that Abraham though he abounded in good workes yet was justified before God without the workes of the Law howsoever before men according to that of St. James chap. 2. He declared by his workes the livelinesse of his faith for St. James himselfe saith vers 23. That Abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for righteousnesse and he was called the friend of God And that was long before he offered his Sonne Isaac And when the Apostle Paul saith that Abraham was not justified before God by his works it cannot be understood of the works of the ceremoniall Law which was not given till foure hundred yeares after the justification of Abraham But the principall things we may gather out of this whole fourth chapter to the Romans are these First that the workes of grace and after regeneration are excluded from justificaton Secondly that the justification of Abraham the father of the faithfull is the modell and patterne of the justification of all believers and sonnes of Abraham as appeares from the 22. and 23. verses And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousnesse Now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him but for us also to whom it shall be imputed if we believe on him who raised up Jesus from the dead And therefore as Abraham was justified before God by faith without the workes of the law so all believers are justified which the Apostle in his Epistle to the Galatians chap. 3. ver 8. doth againe clearely prove And the Scripture saith he foreseeing that God would justifie the heathen through faith preached before the Gospell unto Abraham saying In thee shall all Nations be blessed so that they which be of faith are blessed with faithfull Abraham And from this very place it is manifest that Abraham then believed when the Apostle affirmes that he was not justified before God by his workes to confirme unto us likewise that we are not justified before God by our workes after that God hath given unto us faith Yea Paul evidences the same by his owne example and by the example of the faithfull that the works of grace also are excluded from justification for in 1 Cor. chap. 4. ver 4. I know nothing saith the Apostle by my selfe yet am I not hereby justified Here
Commandement and by it are liable to an eternall punishment having sinned against a most holy and eternall Majesty But if you say you can you are yet but an unprofitable servant and have done but your duty as the Lord affirmes and have not yet merited Christ saith Luk. 6. vers 31.32 33 34 35 36. And as you would that men should doe to you do yee also to them likewise For if you love them which love you what thanks have you for sinners also love those that love them And if you do good to them which do good to you what thanks have you for sinners also do the same And if yee lend to them of whom you hope to receive what thanks have you for sinners also lend to sinners to receive as much againe But love yee your enemies and do good and lend hoping for nothing againe and your reward shall be great and yee shall be the children of the Highest for he is kind unto the unthankfull and to the evill and be yee also mercifull as your Heavenly Father is mercifull I demand of you Mr. Montague whether ever you or any mortall man ever did fully keepe these Precepts and Commandements and were as mercifull as God our Heavenly Father is mercifull if not you are a transgressor and far from merit or works of superrogation and if you have kept these holy Commandements you are yet but an unprofitable servant and have done but your duty Saint Paul saith to the Philippians chap. 4. vers 8. Finally my brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsover things are pure whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue and if there be any prayse thinke on these things Those things which yee have both learned and received and heard and seene in mee do and the God of Peace shall be with you What duty Mr. Montague in the whole course of a mans life is there either of love and obedience towards God or towards our Neighbour that any man can performe that is not included in this precept and which by it he is not bound to do and the which if he performes not maketh him a transgressor and yet if he should perfectly fulfill this command he is but an unprofitable servant and hath done but his duty and therefore cannot merit much lesse do a worke of supererogation So that the impiety of the doctrine of merits is sufficiently evinced by that I have now said I might yet instance in a thousand things but I wil insist but upon one or two more which is the lesson in hand of selfe-deniall If any man saith Christ will be my disciple let him deny himselfe and take up his cross dayly and follow me I aske you Mr. Montague whether you thinke your selfe or any man did ever perfectly yet learne this lesson and did wholy deny himself and with willingnesse and without any murmuring or resisting take up his crosse and to the last houre of his life follow Christ both in cheerfull doing and suffering without which his service will not be acceptable for God loveth only cheerfull sufferers as cheerefull givers If you shall answer that none can perfectly keepe this precept you shall answer truly and by that acknowledge a transgression which makes you liable to punishment and therefore unable to merit by it But if you shall be so temerarious as to affirme you can keepe this Commandement notwithstanding you are yet but an unprofitable servant in Christs esteeme and you have done but your duty because you do no more then God commands you And truly Mr. Montague I will grant you thus much if any thing we can do or performe could merit at Gods hands suffering and dying for his cause and renouncing all honours pleasures and profits and abandoning life it self for the love of him and his truth might have the first place in our obedience for to challenge merit yet I say doing all this we are but unprofitable servants and have done but our duty and therefore cannot merit much lesse doe a worke of supererogation by it if Christs words be true Yea Paul in Rom. 8. vers 8. excludes merits even from our sufferings saying I account the afflictions of this present time are not worthy the glory that shall be shewed unto us The glory therefore we expect doth a thousand fold surpasse the misery of our afflictions therefore our pressures and sufferings themselves are excluded for if the very martyrs merit not then ordinary Christians cannot merit And in 2 Cor. 4.17 there he saith Our light affliction which is but for a moment worke for us a farre more exceeding and eternall waight of glory c. Now Master Montague I intreat you to declare unto me how any man by their sufferings can merit not onely life eternall but an augmentation and degree of glory in Heaven seeing by the expresse word of the Apostle there is no more proportion betweene that which is most excellent and glorious in this world and the glory and felicity of the Kingdome of Heaven than is between a moment of time and eternity for all men will easily conclude that a temporary and momentany suffering of affliction cannot merit eternall and never ending glory and that by the light of reason though the Scripture should say nothing to the contrary which doctrine of merit notwithstanding it doth in many places confute For however the Lord hath made many gracious promises in his holy Word of rewarding his suffering servants as Rom. 8. ver 17. saying If so be that we suffer with him we may also be glorified together As also in the second Epistle to Timothy chap. 2. ver 12. If we suffer we shall also reigne with him And innumerable places more might be cited for our incouragement in suffering as that in Rom. 2. ver 6 7. Who will render to every man according to his deeds To them who by patient continuance in well doing seeke for glory and honour and immortility eternall life All which declare that God out of his infinite favour will reward his servants for the practice of those very gifts and graces he hath bestowed upon them according to that in Revel 2. vers 10. Be thou faithfull unto the death and I will give thee a Crown of life But ever take notice this reward and this Crowne of life is not bestowed upon sufferers as wages or reward and merit but as a gift of mercy and grace as will afterward appeare And if you looke Mr. Montague into the 7. of the Revelation vers 13 14 15. there you may if you shut not your eyes behold the truth of this doctrine that the very martyrs come not to Heaven for their sufferings And one of the Elders answered and said unto me What are these which are arrayed in white Robes and whence come they and he said unto me These are they which came out of great tribulations and have washed their robes and
received them from the Lord as baptisme in pure water without mixtures and the Lords Supper in both elements in Bread and Wine with the very words of institution according to Christs appointment and command And withall continually instructs and teaches the people the end for which they were ordained and the right use of them with the true nature and meaning of those mysteries as that they are outward and visible signes wherewith the Lord sealeth and confirmeth to our consciences the sweet promises of his good will and pleasure towards us for the sustaining and supporting of the feeblenesse and weakenesse of our faith and by the which we againe on our owne behalfes doe testifie our piety duty and love towards him as well before him and the blessed Angels as before men and declare unto the people that they are testimonies of Gods favour and good will towards us confirmed by outward signes and are visible forms of invisible grace And the Ministers of the Church of England also prepare the people by wholsome instructions what duties are required at their hands and what requisits are necessarily expected for the making of them capable and worthy partakers of these holy Ordinances and so to communicate in them as they may thereby bring glory to God and edification to others receive the comfort of the right celebrating the holy Sacraments in their own particular all which things I say when the Church of England conscientiously performeth according unto the rule prescribed in the holy Word and the example of Christ and the holy Apostles it is manifest that the Church of England declareth it selfe to be a true Church and built upon the foundation of Peter and believeth as it ought to believe Againe when the Church of England teacheth the people to put up all their prayers and supplications to God onely in the name and mediation of Jesus Christ by the assistance of the holy Spirit with an assured faith of being heard according to Christs direction saying When ye pray say Our Father which art in Heaven c. Matth. 6. ver 6. 9. and Matth. 21. ver 22. Whatsoever ye shall aske in prayer if ye believe ye shall receive it And John 15. ver 7. and 1 John 5. ver 14. and John 14. vers 13 14. Whatsoever ye aske in my name I will doe it And John 16. ver 23. I say unto you whatsoever ye shall aske the Father in my name he will give it you And John 14. ver 6. I am the way the truth and the life No man commeth unto the Father but by me This way of praying unto God doth the Church of England teach unto the people and instruct them to whom in all calamities to make their addresses according to the doctrine of holy Scripture and that is to God alone Psal 50. Call upon me in the time of trouble c. And St. Paul in his first Epistle to Timothy ch 2. exhorting all Christians to make prayers and supplications with thanksgiving for all men for Kings and such as are in authority and giving the reason of it because saith the Apostle God will that all men shall be saved and come unto the knowledge of the truth that is to say all sorts of men without any difference of nation kind age or order And then he gives them a direction in whose name they shall put up their supplications that they may be accepted and that is in the name of Jesus Christ No man commeth unto the father but by Christ And therefore the Apostle as he did impose upon all Christians that duty of praying for all sorts of men Kings Emperours and Rulers so in that very place vers 5. he bids them put up their prayers in the sole name of Jesus Christ for saith he there is but one God to whom we must pray and there is but one Mediator betwixt God and man the man Christ Jesus in whose name we must put up all our prayers supplications and thanksgivings For as there is but one God of all Nations Kings Princes and Potentates so there is but one Mediator of all Nations Kings Princes and Potentates who onely hath given a ransome for them and whose blood speaketh better things than the blood of Abel for Abels cals for revenge but Christs blood cals for mercy and atonement and that continually for he is a perfect Mediator both for satisfaction and intercession and hath not resigned that office of intercession and mediatorship to either Saints or Angels and therefore it is great impiety and horrid sacriledge and blasphemy in any to rob Christ of his honour and glory and to ascribe it to the creatures especially when in expresse words the Apostle in the Rom. 8. ver 34. affirmes that Christ being at the right hand of God maketh requests for us And Saint John in his first Epistle chap. 2. v. 1 2. saith My little children these things write I unto you that you sinne not and if any man sinne we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the just and he is the propitiation for our sinnes and not for ours onely but also for the sinnes of the whole world Here Christ is assigned by Saint John to be the Mediator of all sorts of men of all ages and in all places and in that he nominates Jesus Christ to be the Mediator he excludes all other advocates for reconciliation and intercession go inseparably together to give us to understand that he onely is our advocate who is our high Priest The same doctrine the authour to the Hebrews teaches all Christians in Chap. 5. v. 23 24 25. And they truely were many Priests c. by reason of death but this man because he continueth ever hath an everlasting Priesthood Wherefore also he is able to save them to the utmost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth and maketh intercession for them From all which places we see that the Priestly Office hath them ediation and intercession so annexed unto it that the one cannot be severed or taken from the other without detestable sacriledge and blasphemy and therefore it must needs be a greater impiety in all such as give the glory of the mediation and intercession to Saints and Angels when notwithstanding in expresse words the Apostle in his Epistle to the Colossians chap. 2. v. 18. hath not onely condemned it as detestable but shewes likewise the reason of it that it is pernicious and destructive to the soules of men and separates them from their head Christ Jesus his words are these Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshiping of Angels c. and not holding the head Here we see the reward of such mens impiety for as they rob Christ of his honour and thrust him from his mediatorship so they by this are thrust out of Heaven not holding the head And in John 10. ver 9. Christ saith I am the doore by me if any man enter in
he shall be saved c. in the which words there are two things observable the first that Christ onely is the doore of Heaven no entrance but by him according to that of Saint Peter Acts 4. ver 12. Neither is there salvation in any other for among men there is given no other name under Heaven whereby we must be saved The second thing out of these words observable is this that they that enter in by this doore shall be saved and by no other meanes for John 14. ver 6. Christ saith I am the way the truth and the life no man commeth unto the Father but by me In which words Christ doth not onely teach us that he is the way but asserts that there is no other way to come unto God but by him if we will be saved therefore whatsoever waies to salvation either men doe devise and invent or the devill suggests to abuse the world God hath appointed no other way to Heaven and to be saved by but Jesus Christ alone he onely is the Mediator both of Jewes and Gentiles Ephes 2. vers 18. For through him we both have an accesse by one spirit unto the Father And in chap. 3. v. 12. In whom we have boldnesse and accesse with confidence by the faith of him what neede then have men of any other Mediator seeing that the Son Jesus Christ makes the Father propitious and favorable unto us and seeing that entring in by the doore we attaine unto salvation which is the end of our hope 1 Pet. 1. When Christ ascended into Heaven he promised his Apostles to send them his holy Spirit the Comforter which should lead them into all truth and solace them and helpe them in all their tribulations and S Paul in the 8 of the Rom. v. 26. saith Likewise also the Spirit helpes our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit it selfe maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered and hee that searcheth the heart knoweth what is the minde of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for the Saints according to the Will of God Now let us take notice how the Spirit of God teacheth all men to pray who knoweth best what is the Will of God Yee have not saith the Apostle verse 15. received the Spirit of bondage againe to feare but yee have received the Spirit of adoption whereby yee cry Abba Father that is with earnestnesse to cry Father Father Those then that call upon Saints and Angels have not as yet received the spirit of adoption who teacheth them alwayes to direct their Prayers unto God and to cry Father Father but the Spirit of error and delusion And in Gal. 4. v. 6. Because yee are Sonnes saith the Apostle God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Sonne into your hearts crying Abba Father From the which words as from the former it is easy to conclude that they that teach men to call upon Saints and Angels are not guided and moved by the Spirit of God and Christ for all the Prayers that the Spirit of God and Christ frame in our hearts are addressed and directed unto God alone Withall we may observe in both the places cited that the Spirit teacheth us not onely to say but makes us cry Abba Father thereby instructing us to cast away all vaine feares and to come unto God with confidence and all assurance according to that in the. Heb. 4. v. 15 16. For we have not an High-Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin Let us therefore come boldly unto the Throne of Grace that we may obtaine mercy and finde grace to helpe in time of neede Here againe we are directed to come unto God only and to our Mediator when we approach to the Throne of grace neither can we addresse ourselves to any other better than unto Christ in regard that he best knowes our necessities before whom there is not any creature that is not manifest and in whose sight with whom we have to doe all things are naked and open neither is there any that has more compassion and is more touched with a feeling of our infirmities than hee who was in all points tempted like as we neither is there any that has more ability and all-sufficiency to succour help or save us than Christ who has all power in Heaven and Earth given him for the good of his people and reliefe of his Church And in regard likewise that all our Prayers Supplications and Thanksgivings are spirituall Sacrifices and all Sacrifices ought only to be offered to God alone and that in the name and mediation of Jesus Christ As Judges 13. v. 16. If thou wilt offer a burnt offering thou must offer it to God alone Psal 50. v. 14. Offer unto God thanksgiving and pay thy vowes unto the most High and call upon me in the day of trouble I will deliver thee here we see that all Thanksgivings and prayses must be given to him onely to whom wee put up our Prayers and according to this rule have all the holy Prophets Apostles and all the Saints powred out their Prayers and Praises to God alone in the name of Jesus Christ and have directed others so to do as Eph. 5. v. 20. Giving thankes alwayes for all things unto God even the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and saith Peter in his first Epistle Chap. 2. v. 5. Yee also as lively stones be made a spirituall house an holy Priest-Hood to offer up spirituall Sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ And therefore they will not be acceptable except they be offered up in the name of Jesus Christ And Heb. 13. v. 15. Let us therefore by him offer the sacrifice of prayse alwayes to God that is the fruit of the lips giving thanks to his name So that if we wil follow the direction of God the Father Sonne and holy Ghost and be taught by God as all believers are Iohn 6. v. 45. then all our prayers Supplications and Thanksgivings are to be put up to God alone in the name and mediation of Jesus Christ and by the assistance of the holy Spirit And this is the Doctrine that all true Christians are bound to persevere and continue in to the last drop of their bloud and if an Angell from Heaven should teach us any other doctrine as invocation of Saints and Angels he is to be accursed Gal. 1. v. 8. The Apostle in that place alluding unto that which is spoken in the first of the Kings chap. 13. where the Prophet sent by the Lord to cry against the Altar of Ieroboam was commanded not to eate bread or drinke water nor to returne the same way and so he answered the King inviting him to goe to his house that if he would give him halfe his house that he would not go with him and gave him a
and all rabid cruelty and unheard of inhumanity and in that also the Church of Rome corrupteth yea annihilateth all the offices of Jesus Christ retayning onely his name but adulterating all true christian Religion and by consequence destroying the very humane nature of Jesus Christ making it present in many places at one and the same time and yet not visible a body and no body I say in all these respects a man may without any wrong done to the Church of Rome conclude that shee is no true Church nor the ground and pillar of Truth But to the end Mr. Montague that neither you or any other may think I do too highly prayse the Church of England for the purity of her Doctrine and worship and honouring of Christ or calumniate the Church of Rome when I charge her with all these things of adulterating all the true Christian Religion and annihilating all the offices of Jesus Christ c. I thought it very necessary here to parallell the Doctrine of the Church of England and that of the Church of Rome together that it may the more evidently appeare unto all men under one view as it were in a Table which of the two Churches believeth best concerning Christ his natures and offices and whether of these Religions is most sound and Orthodox touching all things necessary to be knowne and practised by all such as desire salvation by Jesus Christ And to begin with Christs Kingly office The Church of England believeth that Jesus Christ is the onely and sole King and governour of the whole Universe to whom all power in Heaven and Earth is given Mat. 28. but more especially of his Church who by God himselfe was set King over his holy mountaine Psal 2. v. 6. And that he is the King of Righteousnesse Heb. 7. The King eternall Jsa 9. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords Apoc. 17. and that he doth by his mighty power and wisdom uphold and governe all things but with a more peculiar care and in a more speciall manner preserve and defend his Church 1 Tim. 4. v. 10. as that which he hath purchased with his precious blood and by his power redeemed out of the captivity and slavery of Satan and that he is the head of his Church which is his body who infuseth life into it Righteousnesse Peace Joy Happinesse and all the graces of Wisdome and knowledge of God with certainty and assurance of his love and that his Kingdom and Empire is a spirituall and heavenly Kingdome no terrene and fading Monarchy John 18. vers 38. Luke 1. v. 33. And is uphold and governed onely by the scepter of his spirit and word and not by the authority virtue or wisdome of any humane power Shee also believeth that they are the impious and blasphemous inventions of frothy and windy ambition to affirme that Christ appointed any one to be a Vicar and Governour under him over his Church who by an infallible and unerring spirit should moderate and rule it to the end of the World and to assert that Peter was this monarch and Vicar generall and that the Pope is his successor the head and foundation of the Kingdome of Jesus Christ all these assertions and blasphemous titles the Church of England abominateth as derogatory to the honour and dignity of their Lord and King Jesus Christ and injurious and hurtfull to the salvation of mankind Shee also believeth that the Church of Christ which is his Spouse is onely to be governed and ordered by Christ her head and husbands command Will Word and Lawes as they are set downe in his holy Word and not by the decrees determinations authority and traditions either of Councels or Fathers no farther than they are consonant to his Lawes and blessed Word as they are written and set downe in the Bookes of the old and new Testament Shee believeth also that the pure Preaching of the Gospel and the right administration of the holy Sacraments and the true invocation of God are the infallible ensignes of a true Church and the never deceiving markes and notes of the same Withall shee believeth that such is the condition of the Church militant that by reason of persecutions and bloudy Tyranny and the cruelty of the enemies of it she may be brought to so low a condition and be so obscure that shee may be without any visible forme splendor and outward government and lie hid not only from publike view or the eyes of the common people but even from the sight of the dearest servants of God themselves as it hapned not onely in Elias his time but in many ages besides as the holy Scripture abundantly declareth and that the Church doth not alwaies come with observation as our Saviour said of the Kingdom of God in his time that it came not with appearance and magnificence And therefore the Church of England doth not believe that pompe state and outward worldly dignity and riches miracles multitude and grandeur are the markes and notes of a true Church but rather the very characters of the whore of Babylon who sitteth as Queen And this is the beliefe of the Church of England concerning the Kingly Office of Christ and his Kingdome the Church Now Mr. Montague let us see what the Church of Rome believes concerning Christs Kingly Office and Kingdome that both our tenents and beliefes being set downe together it may the better appeare which of our faiths is most orthodox and which of our Churches doth most glorifie and honour Christ their King and magnifie his Kingly dignity and absolute soveraignty The Church of Rome doth in words acknowledge that Christ is the King of his Church but in their workes and deeds they deny it For they make him a terrene Monarch and his Kingdome to be of this world neither doe they admit and allow him to be the sole alone and onely King of his Church but they joyne a Vicar with him and divide the care of governing his Kingdome between him and his Vicar-generall the Pope who they assert to be of an infallible and un-erring spirit and proclaime him to be King of Kings and Lord of Lords the foundation and head of the Church and Lord of all the Kingdomes of the earth that he may dispose of them as he pleaseth and give them to whom he lusteth and take them from any that hath not a desire to humour him all which are titles of blasphemy and unsufferable indignity to the King of Saints and King of Kings the Lord Jesus Christ The Church of Rome believeth and holdeth also that the Kingdome of Christ which is his Church ought to be governed not onely by the Lawes and Word of Christ but by the determinations and decrees of Fathers Councels and Synods and by the Popes Canons and the vaine and impious traditions of men which they doe not onely equalize but preferre before the holy Scriptures They also affirme that the markes and notes of Christs Kingdome are multitudes
the Crosse will not this his faith in Jesus Christ alone his onely high Priest and Mediator and the assurance hee hath of the vertue and al-sufficiency of that his Sacrifice once offered to God eternally save his scule and bring him to life and happinesse Take heed Master Montague what you say For if you affirme the contrary you blaspheme and overthrow not onely the whole worke of our redemption but indeed deny the faith and destroy all Christian Religion Againe Master Montague I desire you further to resolve me what you thinke of the condition of such a Christian as shall peremptorily living and dying believe that there are no reall Priests now upon earth after the order of Melchisedeck appointed daily to offer up the body and blood of Jesus Christ to God the Father a propitiatory Sacrifice for the living and the dead and that there are no other Mediators in Heaven in whose Name and by whose intercession wee may put up our prayers supplications and thanksgivings unto God the Father besides Jesus Christ and shall not onely constantly believe all this but shall also confidently affirme that to bring into the Church of God any other reall Priests after the order of Melchisedeck besides Jesus Christ or any other propitiatory Sacrifice besides the Sacrifice that he once offered to God the Father upon the Crosse or to appoint any other Mediator in Heaven besides Jesus Christ are all the doctrines of high blasphemy as derogatory to the honour and dignity of Christ Jesus the onely high-Priest and sole Mediator of the everlasting covenant and destructive and prejudiciall to the salvation of mankind as teaching them another way to Heaven then by the meritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ by whose precious blood alone and not by any fading things wee have redemption and remission of our sins Ephes 1. v. 7. Col. 1. v. 14. 1 Peter chap. 1. v. 18. Heb. 1.3 13.12 1 John chap. 1. ver 7. Tell me I say Master Montague if any Christian shall peremptorily unto the last houre of his life persevere and continue in this faith and beliefe and will by no art of perswasion be induced to believe any of those horrid and pernicious doctrines which you of the Church of Rome suggest and impose upon the poore people to their eternall destruction will I pray you this his so believing and living and dying in this faith deprive him of happinesse or any waies hinder the eternall salvation of his soule or shall hee by this his stedfast faith and resolution doe any thing displeasing unto God or sinne in so believing If you shall affirme that it will you must shew what Law of God hee transgresseth in so believing for where there is no transgression of a Law of God there is no sinne Now what Law of God I beseech you is there in all the holy Scripture that maketh it a sinne to believe that there is no other reall Priest of the new Testament no other Mediator of the everlasting covenant but Jesus Christ no other propitiatory Sacrifice but that which hee once offered upon the Crosse no other way of redemption and of obtaining remission of our sinnes but by the blood of Jesus Christ Untill Master Montague you can make it appeare that thus to believe is a sinne you can never evince and prove any man guilty of transgression by abhorring and rejecting all your impious doctrines of the Church of Rome concerning your blasphemous Priests and propitiatory Sacrifices and new found out Mediators and novell waies of obtaining remission of sinnes Truely Master Montague I dare undertake to make it appeare to all men that there is never a tenent the Church of Rome holdeth more then wee believe in the Church of England but it is either blasphemous impious or at least superfluous so that a man may die either in the ignorance or contempt of it without any prejudice to his eternall salvation and that by the confession of the very Romanists themselves that have not resigned their reason or abjured all understanding I writ once about this very thing to one Siniones a Jesuit a fellow-prisoner with me in the Gatehouse which you if you please may read in my Flagello Pontificis of the last edition which is yet unanswered But now Master Montague to returne to the businesse in hand and to speake yet a word or two of your diabolicall Sacrifice of the Masse which you call a Propitiatory Sacrifice for the living and the dead but in truth the most abominable Idoll that ever the world yet saw being indeed that poysoned Wine in a goulden Cup that hath made drunk the Nations of the Earth that are under the power and Dominion of the whore of Babylon and that that bringeth in an other way of salvation than by the death and sacrifice of Jesus Christ by which onely wee have redemption the remission of our sinnes the impieties of the which Mr. Montague I shall desire you a little to consider and then I will conclude and leave you to your meditations and soliloquies But it will not be amisse to set downe what both the Church of England believeth concerning the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ and what the Church of Rome teacheth concerning that That so our opinions on both sides being truly weighed every one may judge which of their beliefes is most sound and withall may the better perceive the detestable impiety of the sacrifice of the Masse The Church of England believeth that Jesus Christ is the sole high-Priest and onely reall Priest of the new Testament and that his sacrifice once offered upon the crosse is that onely reall and externall sacrifice in the Christian Church and that that sacrifice is the onely propitiatory sacrifice for the sins of mankind and that there is no other The Church of Rome believeth that in that action they call the sacrifice of the Masse there is a true reall and externall sacrifice in the which their Priests whom they blasphemously tearme Priests after the order of Melchisedech do dayly offer up unto God the Father the very body and the very bloud of Iesus Christ under the species and formes of Bread and Wine and affirme that this is a propitiatory sacrifice for the living and for the dead and that Christ himselfe is here really present in the hands of their Priests and upon their Altars and offered up by them to God the Father and that it is the same Sacrifice that Christ offered upon the crosse and injoyne all the people to put their trust in it for salvation and to give the same Divine worship unto it under paine of death that is to be given to Christ himselfe the Saviour of the World This Mr. Montague you know to be the Doctrine of the Church of Rome than the which nothing can be more blasphemously or idolatrically taught and believed or be more fraught with impieties or more contrary to all both faith and reason or more pernicious