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A66068 The parents primer and the mothers lookingglasse, or, Counsel for parents in the education of children for their temporal, spiritual, and eternal happinesse : in a dialogue between a minister and a father : to which is added a second dialogue of the Decalogue : and to that a third dialogue concerning the Sabbath-day / by J. Waite ... Waite, J. (Joseph) 1681 (1681) Wing W222; ESTC R38401 157,731 295

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alike in Christ none in the Christian N B A mans own personal righteousnesse for Justification is to be rejected and abhorred by Mr A's rule righteousnesse for Sanctification of heart and Holinesse of life is to be abhorred too Desperate Doctrine and not a Dram of grace suffered to be in the Soul What then is an Antinomian better than a Babylonian who is the habitation of Devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hatefull bird † Rev. 18.2 The next time you see Mr A pray give him this short Sentence viz He that hath Justification without Sanctification shall surely have it without Salvation Fath. I told Mr A of his loose life and he said Faith was greater than Holinesse Min. Greater or lesser they are linked together the one is not without the other Faith without works is no more alive than the Body is alive without the Soul * Ja. 2.26 What does Mr A think to be saved by faith without fruit faith with froth and filth faith that makes void the Law weigh such faith and the faith of Devils together and you will soon see which is the lighter That faith which hath not obedience to the Law for its fruit I deny That gospel which is without Law a Lawlesse gospel I disown as another gospel the preacher of which I count accursed though he comes as an Angel from Heaven † Gal. 1.8 Fath. If I plead with Mr A for a holy life he tells me Faith can do that for me which Holinesse cannot do for me Min. And Holinesse can do that for you which Faith cannot do for you e g Suppose you have faith and fall into some sin what shall be your defence from the word of reproof and reproach which is as an arrow shot out * Ps 64.3 Jer. 9.8 will you say I have faith I believe in Christ your faith and you will be abhorred together But if you live holy and be faisely accused you have a Breast-plate of righteousnesse to defend you from these Darts † Eph. 6.14 N B. As faith justifies before God which works cannot do so works justifie before men which Faith cannot do Fath. If Mr A heard you he would count you ignorant of Christ and the Gospel Min. Mr A and Mr B too have their liberty to come and try whether they or I can produce and declare 1 The greatest sense of Sin Gods wrath Hell and Eternity 2 The clearest sight of the emptinesse of Self-righteousness 3 The greatest and sweetest comfort and assurance of Salvation by Christ Or 4 The greatest love to the Lord Jesus to his Person now in Heaven Fath. It seems you have not got Gospel-Notions without Convictions as Mr A hath But some Ministers which are not called Antinomians preach nothing but the Doctrine of Justification by believing I wonder at them Min. That you wonder at such is no wonder for such are Pieces of preachers if I saw a piece of a man in a pulpit I should wonder with you It seems by such that there are hundreds of Texts in the holy Scriptures which stand for Cyphers If a Minister tell men only what God hath done for them and not what they must do for God their neighbour and themselves how does he declare the whole councel of God * Act. 20 27. Is a man born to do nothing but believe what strange trade is this whether such workmen do half their work is a hard Question Such preachers and hearers are like to have their work to do in the grave where it will never be done † Ecl. 9.10 And how much Blood such Ministers will go Off under the guilt of God only knows for their not informing men of the C W which they are under by nature under the Gospel will I doubt not occasion the damnation of Thousands of Souls in this City Fath. They say The grace of God teacheth men to deny ungodlinesse * Tit. 2.12 Min. True it 's therefore a sign their single way of preaching the Gospel is not blessed for the reception of that grace seeing their hearers deny not ungodlinesse Fath. What may be the Reason why such Ministers do not preach the Law Min. 1 A foolish fond affection for the Title of a N T Minister Gospel Minister 1 R. Preacher of Free grace They are afraid of the Title Legal as if the word Law which God hath magnified and made so honourable would dishonour them ¶ 2 A man-pleasing spirit 2 R. loth to displease love of the praise of men more than the praise of God * Joh. 12.43 Men will praise them that please them with fine stories of Gods favour concealing his displeasure instead of shewing them their foul faces in the clear glasse of God's Law They like not to give occasion for this Reflection viz. What have I to do with thee O thou man of God art thou come to call my Sin to remembrance † 1 Kin. 17.18 ¶ 9 Ignorance of the necessity of preaching Gospel Duty to the godly 3 R. Such preachers see not the Duty of the gospel as necessary to be preached as the Doctrine of the gospel They fill the Head with gospel Notions but doth Heart and Hand are empty of good Operations Some write whole Volumes of Notions to Blaze abroad their Notion which Occasionally will but treasure up wrath for Writer and Reader if Practice prevent not ALAS Alas the lamentable neglect of Duty and barrennesse of Life is not laid to Heart To inform Christians of their duty to direct excite provoke them to it is no small part of the work of a preacher by the want of which Christians are almost in all evil in the midst of the Congregation * Pro. 5.14 ¶ 4. Ignorance of the necessity of a Law-ministry to awaken sleepy Sinners 4 R. and make them sound Saints by warning them to flee from the curse of the Law to Christ Such gospel Ministers understand not how many of their Hearers are asleep in their Sins under their gospel Sermons with all their Notions and what to be warned with Thunder and Lightning to flee from Hell whither they are hasting with a lie in their right hand † Isa 44.20 Fath. It seems by these Reasons the effects of neglect of preaching the Law are Sad. Min. SAD yes and very sinfull as for instance in each of the ten commandments It s because the First commandment is not preached that there is so much monstrous Idolatry among men Men make gods of Devils of Men of Beasts of Houses of Lands of Friends of Enemies of Themselves of their Bellies * Phil. 3.19 of their Wits of their Works of their Worship † Hab. 1.16 To which I may adde mens denying the very Being of God e g This last Sturbridge Fair Anno 1681 a Cambridge Scholar in discourse said I had it of him that heard it I do not
ministry of God And these Ten words were written with the Finger of God upon two Tables of Stone † Ex. 31.18 and put into an Ark of Shittim-wood * Deu. 10.3 5. very Durable and counted incorruptible There was nothing in the Arksave the two Tables † 2 Chro. 5.10 for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy Name * Ps 138.2 God will magnifie the Law and make it Honourable If the Ark set forward the enemy must Flee before it † Nu. 10.35 If the Ark go through Jordan the waters must make way * Jos 3.15 16 If the Ark be set up by Dagon then Dagon must Down † 1 Sa. 5.2 3 If Dagon will try the other fall he shall lose his Head and Hands and have nothing left but his Stump * Ver. 4. which can neither Invent nor Act as head and hands do If the law of God be in the Heart the reproach of men is not to be feared for the Worm shall eat them like Wool † Isa 51.7 The Ark containing the two Tables was a Sacred Symbole of Gods presence God will be with his Law and with the Lovers of it God will keep them as the Apple of his Eye who keep his Law as the apple of Their eye as he hath commanded * Ps 17.8 Pro. 7.2 The ark a triple Type And the Ark was a type of Christ who is the End of the law 1 It was made for him to Keep 2 He was made to keep That 3 He keepeth it for Our use Ark-like N B As Jesus obeyed the law for our justification Perfectly in love to GOD and to the Law A sweet Simile and to Us so we are to obey the law in our conversation Sincerely in love to GOD and to the Law and to the Lord Jesus Was the onely wise God twice 40 dayes and 40 nights engraving Ten Words upon Two Tables of Stone and will vain man make them Void it is easier for Heaven and Earth to passe than One Tittle of the Law to fail † Lu. 16.17 Twelfth and Last Note 12. A deep Decalogue The ten commandments are a Vast Continent The M L is the fountain of all laws viz Moral Ceremonial Judicial and Evangelical They all belong to it it is the Root they are the Branches they are contained in it and may be reduced to it on these two commandments i e the ten hang all the Law and the Prophets * Mat. 22.40 Here if we consider man in his three-fold State viz of Innocency of Sin and of Grace we may see the M L containeth mans duty in every State ¶ First in Innocency Adam being capable of receiving it Ten in One. Break one break all God gave him the ten commandments in One commandment this is clearly implyed in Adam's breaking them All by breaking that One. As the Sanction of the law is Disjunctive viz Do or die and the Injunction of the law Copulative viz Do this and that and all so is the law it self Copulative i e so linked together that in breaking one he brake all This M L then contained Adam's duty in innocency e g in the first commandment thou shalt have no other gods before me that Negative implyeth this Positive thou shalt have me for thy God i e by thy obedience to my M L for no other was in use yet all other Laws were Conditionally contained in it ¶ Second Consider man in his Fallen State and there other laws fall in as usefull they being conditionally and providentially prepared thereunto 1 The judicial law cometh and killeth him Adam's Death Adam's Soul died i e he was as disable to recover his Fall by a C W or any other way as a Dead man is to live And death of Body followed and death of Soul and Body passed upon all men † Ro. 5.12 2 Man being fallen the law of faith falleth in for his Recovery for this implicit Positive precept is still in force viz thou shalt have me for thy God This must of Necessity imply thou shalt beleeve on my SON q d For having Lost me thou hast No other way left to Find me to be thy God Thus the law for Faith appears to be implyed in the first Commandment as I fore-told you 3 Man being fallen Ceremonial Sacrifices fall in as usefull from Adam's Fall to Christs Death at which time they ceased And since Christs death Moral Judicial and Evangelical laws are contained in the M L for mans use in a Fallen State ¶ Third Consider man in a State of Grace and the same laws are contained in the M L for his use viz Moral Judicial Evangelical laws The first commandment containeth many Evangelical laws this implicit Positive precept thou shalt have me for thy God implyeth thou shalt Beleeve in me and in my Son for faith in Christ is a Christians daily duty And Repentance Love Humility Hope Fear are implyed in this first precept thou shalt have me for thy God It is q d If I be thy God thou shalt Repent of thy Sins against me thou shalt Love me thou shalt walk Humbly with thy God and Hope in thy God and Fear thy God e g Beleeve in the Lord your God * 2 Chro. 20.20 Repent and turn from your Idols † Ezek. 14.6 thou shalt Love the Lord thy God * Deu. 6.5 Humble your selves in the sight of the Lord † Ja. 4.10 Let Israel Hope in the Lord * Ps 130.7 thou shalt Fear thy God † Lev. 25.17 these and the like are Branches of the first commandment The second commandment containeth Laws against Idolatry Will-worship of mans invention worshipping of Images Pictures the Sun Moon or Stars * Deu. 4.19 and laws for the True worship of God The third commandment containeth Laws for Prayer Praise giving of Thanks for godly Discourse in Private and Publick which includeth Preaching And laws against Swearing Cursing Blaspheming and Murmuring against God and speaking of God vainly idlely formally unprofitably proudly The fourth commandment containeth Laws for the Sanctification of the Sabbath day and Laws against the Prophaning of it This commandment is called Custos primae tabulae and this first Table containeth all mans duty to God The fift commandment containeth Laws for honouring of Parents and Ministers and Magistrats godly Governours and pious Princes called in Scripture Fathers † Isa 49.23 and Laws against dishonouring them and for Correction for disobedient children The sixt commandment containeth Laws against all kinds of Murder unjust Battels Quarrels Blows with hand or heart to hurt in any part The seventh commandment containeth Laws against Adultery of every degree Fornication Incest Sodomy Buggery all uncleannesse wantonnesse wearing of apparel contrary to the Sex whether Male or Female * Deut. 22.5 The eight commandment containeth Laws against all kinds of Thefts Robberies Rapines Sacriledge antiscriptural Usury † Ex. 22.25
to fall into the belly of Hell ¶ 2) Mr L consuted Mr L who keeps Never a day Sabbath but slights the Sabbath as Ceremonial is to consider 1 The Sabbath was not given first to the Jews or seed of Abram as Ceremonies were Sabbath was made for Man but it was given to Adam as a Publick person for him and his posterity to be obeyed whether man stood or fell and this in Innocency before Ceremonies were in use And though Adam was not subject to wearinesse before sin yet a Sabbath was suitable for him as a Sacred cessation from his calling So God gave Adam a Sabbath and Blessed it i e to make it a blessing to him that kept it and Sanctified it † Gen. 2.3 i e he set it apart for holy use 2 The Sabbath was Certainly observed from Adam to the Law on Sinai though not much expressed in Genesis which is but a very short Epitomy of 2000 years Acts in which time many excellent acts were done which are omitted and not recorded Abrahams observation of the Sabbath day is without dispute because he is so commended for keeping Gods commandments * Ch. 26.5 And that the Sabbath was known to Israel before Sinai you may See † Exo. 16.23 the breach of which command is counted as the breach of all * Ver. 28. 3 This command for a Sabbath is one of the Ten delivered on Sinai before Ceremonies Josephus's Sabbatical river that runs six dayes and rests one will rise up in judgement with Mr L and Mr A. and wrote on two tables of Stone and put into the Ark as no Ceremony ever was Mr L playes the Papist who takes away one and leaves but nine 4 Christs precept for Prayer to prevent flight on the Sabbath which flight was to be 40 years after Ceremonies ceased proves the Sabbath no Ceremony Pray that your flight be not in the Winter q d that will wrong your Bodies neither on the Sabbath † Mat. 24.20 q d that will wrong your Souls Mr A and Mr L are brethren both under a 7-fold deceit to undeceive them let us put them together again to consider viz God in wisdom did so order the change of the Day that though it occasioned two Sabbaths to come together yet there was not Two in a week nor a week without One to signifie there must be nor more nor lesse than One Sabbath in One Week Fath. What say you of Mr S and of the change of the Sabbath Day Min. As for Mr S who denies the change of the Day The chang of the Sabbath I say Though the Change of the Sabbath be not founded out with a Trumpet on Sinai as the Command of the Sabbath was yet have we so much in Scripture as may Satisfie concerning it They that say Give me a plain precept for a practice or I will not regard it may mean Honestly but they speak Ignorantly For if from a Text we can draw a direct sound Inference to prove a practice that being the Sense of Scripture is to be regarded as Scripture it self The sense of Scripture we are to seek as Silver and if this be not to be regarded its vain to use any Scriptural Reason or Argument in discourse as Paul used to do * Act. 17.2 Ch. 18.4 19. Ch. 24.25 or to Study and expound the Scripture by preaching Then put a Boy into a pulpit to read a Chapter for what other Sermon can an able Minister make if nothing but the very words of Scripture must be delivered But let us see some Scriptural proof for this practice ¶ 1 The stone the builders refused O T proof i e for a foundation for Faith and Practice is become the head † Ps 118.22 of the work of Redemption he hath laid the foundation and finished it by his Resurrection This is the day the Lord hath made i e the day of the week on which Jesus rose we will rejoyce and be glad in it * Ver. 24. i e to foresee it by Faith if we live not to see it by Sight Yet prayes pathetically and speedily for it Save now I beseech the O Lord † Ver. 25. God is the Lord which hath shewed us light * Ver. 27. i e to foresse this Day ¶ 2 Thus saith the Lord my salvation is near to come † Isa 56.1 i e Actually it was come before Virtually Blessed is the man that doth This and the son of man that layeth Hold on it that keepth the Sabbath * Ver. 2. i e a Sabbath in remembrance of Christ's Actual redemption ¶ 3 When these 7 dayes are expired i e Eight is a Sabbatical and Vital Number by the death and Resurrectiof Jesus it i e the Sabbath shall be upon the Eight day and so forward the first day added to seven is the eight day and I will accept you saith the Lord God † Ezek. 43.27 ¶ 1 After Jesus's resurrection he said to his Disciples All power is given to me in Heaven and in Earth * Mat. 28.18 which implies power to change the Sabbath And Christ gave them Commission to teach the Nations to observe all things whatsoever he had commanded them † Ver. 19 20. i e nor more nor lesse N B If Jesus did not ordain the first day Sabbath the Disciples by their practice have taught England and other Nations to observe a New Sabbath of their Own invention ¶ 2 The Disciples assembled on the first day and shut the doors for fear of the Jews i e because it was in opposition to their seventh day Sabbath and Christ came and Sealed their New Sabbath with his sweet presence * Joh. 20.19 20. ¶ 2 Jesus was seen of the Apostles 40 dayes speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God † Act. 1.3 of which the Sabbath is One and none of the least ¶ 4 The Disciples came together to break bread upon the first day of the week * Chap. 20.7 in remembrance of Jesus for whose sake they observed that day ¶ 5 The congregation and Collection of the Churches of Galatia and Corinth upon the first day of the week was by the Apostles order † 1 Cor. 16.1 2. to these at Corinth by writing and saith he the things which I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord * Ch. 14.37 ¶ 6 John being in Patmos said I was in the spirit on the Lords day † Rev. 1.10 A desert Island in the Aegean Sea He does not give the day this name but the day on which he was in the spirit he Signifies by its name so well know to the Churches to whom he wrote i e the Lords day so called upon the same account as the Supper is called the Lords Supper viz because Jesus who is Lord of all did institute both to be kept in remembrance of him ¶ 7. The first day is
hand of the King of the Caldees that bitter and hasty Nation who slew their Young men with the Sword had NO compassion on Young Man or Maiden Old man or him that Stooped for age * Ch. 36.16 Because they mocked the messengers which God in Mercy had sent among them Death came in at their Windows for their Wicked Children Bares tare them in Pieces The Mother was dashed in Pieces upon her Children † Ho. 10.14 The strength of Populous NO was Infinite Yet she was carried away into Captivity her Young Children were dashed in Pieces at the top of all the streets * Na. 3.8 9 10. Tell them also of Judgments threatned viz I will Kill you with the Sword your Wives shall be Widdows and your Children fatherless † Exo. 22.24 I will send wild beasts among you which shall Rob you of your Children * Lev. 26.22 Papists are coming to Rob our houses of Children and Parents both Their Children shall be dashed to pieces before their Eyes † Isa 13.16 I will bereave them of Children * Jer. 15.7 The Fathers shall eat the Sons and the Sons shall eat the Fathers † Ezek. 5.10 And I saith Christ will Kill her Children with Death * Rev. 2.23 Nineteenth Doc 19. Of Eternal Judgment Teach them to know the Eternal Judgment Tell them Jesus Christ the Judge shall come from Heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming Fire With a Shout with the voice of the Arch-Angel with the Trump of GOD to found and raise the Dead That the Godly shall rise in Glory and all Christians Quick and Dead be made like Christ That the Wicked shall rise Roaring amazed one at another their Faces Flames † Isa 13.8 That all Men Women Children from Adam to the end of the World must Stand before GOD. * Rev. 20.12 And give account of their Works Words Thoughts all which God will bring into Judgment And whet his glittering Sword which is now made Bright and Wrapt up for the Slaughter † Ezek. 21.15 and fill it with the Blood of the Wicked And heap Mischiefs upon them And spend his Arrows upon them * Deu. 32.23 And make them drunk with Blood † Ver. 42. And shoot his great Hail which he hath reserved for the Battel of that Great Day of GOD Almighty * Job 38.23 When the Sun and Moon and Stars shall be Drakened † Joel 3.15 And the Heavens pass away with a Great Noise and the Elements melt with Fervent Heat the Earth and the Works therein burnt up * 2 Pet. 3.10 With a fire kindled in Gods Anger which shall burn to the Lowest Hell † Deu. 32.22 When God shall Roar like a Lion and Rend the Caul of their Heart * Ho. 13.8 And they Groan with the Groanings of a Deadly Wounded Man † Ezek. 30.24 Alas Who shall live when GOD doth This * Nu. 24.23 Tell some of this Day OH take You no care for Me every Tub must Stand on its own Bottom But how if it have no Bottom to stand on OH HO we will do well enough What will ye do in the day of Visitation † Isa 10.3 It 's a Scaring question If we cannot obtain mercy by Entreaty nor victory by Fight we will Flee for it To whom will ye Flee for Help A fearful question These are the men that must cry Mountains fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the Throne Who will close this Day with Come ye Blessed and Go ye Cursed Then shall the King say unto them on his Right Hand Come ye Blessed of My Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for You from the Foundation of the World * Mat. 25.34 Then shall he say also unto them on the Left Hand Depart from me ye Cursed into Everlasting Fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels † Ver. 41. And these shall go away into Everlasting Punishment but the Righteous into Life Eternal * Ver. 46. Last Doc. 20. Of Eterninity Teach them to think upon Eternity Tell them that after this Final Sentence is Passed viz Come ye Blessed and Go ye Cursed the Godly must dwell in Heaven and the Wicked must dwell in Hell for Ever and Ever The Eternity of GOD hath neither Beginning nor End The Eternity of Man hath a Beginning but NO End This EVER is as near its End at its Beginning as EVER it will be When the Wicked have been Howling in Hell as many Thousand Years as the Number of the Stars of Heaven and the Drops and Sands of the Sea they are then NO nearer to the End of their Torment than when it First Began Thus much for Instruction by Doctrine ¶ But Sir you are not to Terminate in These Twenty Lessons For I lay them not down to Limit you but to Lead you into the Scriptures to Search for Twenty times so many More Every word of God in the Blessed Bible hath something in it for the Use of Man The words of Wicked Men and DEVILS which God hath pleased to Record for our Profit To discover the Pride Wickedness Madness Folly Enmity of the Wicked and the Devil their Father against GOD their Creatour a few of which I leave you to consider at leasure 1 Words of the Wicked Gen. 4.9 Ch. 11.4 Exo. 1.10 Ch. 5.2 Ch. 14.25 Ch. 15.9 Job 21.14 Ch. 22.17 Psal 14.1 Ps 83.4 Ps 94. 7. Ps 137.7 Isai 10.13 14. Dan. 3.15 Ch. 6.5 20. Mat. 12.24 Ch. 27.40 42 43 63 64. Job 10.20 Act. 28.4 6. 2 Words of the Devil Gen. 3.1 4 5. Job 1.7 9 10 11. Ch. 2.4 5. Mat. 4.3 6 9. Ch. 8.29 Mar. 1.24 Luk. 8.28 Act. 19. 15. And the Proper Names of Persons which many think not worth the nameing are Profitable more wayes than one 1 To shew that God fulfilled his Promise of such a Numerous Seed so incredible to Reason when Abram and Sarai were both Dead q d See what a number of their names I have recorded in the Chronicles and other places to testifie the Truth of my Promise 2 The Signification of the Proper Names of Persons and Places of both take a few Instances ¶ 1 Persons Adam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Earth Red Bloody of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 To be red Male and Female created he them and called their Name Adam † Gen. 5.2 To tell Proud man what a Material and Mettal man is made of Noah 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rest of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 To take rest He called his name Noah saying this Same shall Comfort us * Gen. 5.29 Noah was a Preacher of Righteousness it Signifies what a Stay such shall be to a Tossed Church Abram 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A High Father Abraham A Father of a multitude i e A Publick President by his FAITH for Jew and Gentile to follow for Justification Believers are
Bowels Let Parents N B. The first murder in the World recorded in Scripture was between two Brothers because One was respected not the Other Because God countenances Abel Cain kills him * Gen. 4. God may Love one brother and Hate another but this is no Rule for Father or Mother And these are Ancient Things † 1 Ch. 4.22 Docu 10. To take heed of Smooth Tongues Tenth Teach them to take heed of being Deceived Learn them to be Very Wary of fair false Pretences and Promises and Satanical Subtilties of Smooth Tongues e g Your Servant Sir at your Command and a Thousand Gingles When your Servant seeks to serve Himself and to Swallow up Him Cursed Complements and his Substance whom he thus Cursedly complements Caution your children to be Very Wary of the Wicked Wits of the world What sayth the Scripture of these Subtil Serpents Their belly Prepareth deceit * Job 15.35 The man's mind is a Shop of deceit where it 's Framed as by an Artificer and Tools It 's a Work-house and a Store-house for he he Layeth up deceit within him † Pro. 26.24 He hath it Ready for an Opportunity and then what the Mind hath prepared the Tongue utters and the Hands act His mouth is Full of deceit * Psal 10.7 If one pretence will not take he hath another And if Specious Pretences and Audacious Promises will not prevail he will shew Sorrow that there is so much Deceit in the world and Fear that it will fare the worse with Honest men for Knaves He will tell you he would not have you Trust him if you do at All suspect him For though your Goods or Money be Never so safe in his hand it may cause Fear and Disquiet which he would by No means occasion And this is Very Effectual Bread of deceit is Sweet † Pro. 20.17 Secret sin is the Devil's Inn. this entices him to his Trade But when he eats the Sweet in Secret the Devil is at Inn in his Heart And let him not think to Dine with the DEVIL and Sup with a Saint and an Angel for afterward his mouth shall be Filled with gravel to trouble the Teeth till they Gnash and torment the Conscience to Eternity David deprecates a deceitfull tongue prayes for deliverance From it and is at a losse for a Plague Bad enough For it What shall be given to thee or what shall be done to thee thou false tongue Sharp arrows of the mighty Deeply piercing and wounding Coals of Juniper * Psal 120.2 3 4. i e Fierce and long lasting Fire In the mean time True Men suffer by False Tongues viz in Goods Good-name Life and all for Death and Life are in the power of the Tongue † Pro. 18.21 Death by pleading Against a man as them two sons of Belial against Naboth * 1 K. 21.13 Life by pleading For a man as Israel for Jonathan † 1 Sa. 14.45 Death in a mans Own Tongue as Adonijah who spake against his Own Life * 1 K. 2.23 And sometime by words drawn out by an Enemy in Policy Take heed say some thy Own Tongue do not cut thy Own Throat In a word Arabick Proverb there is World of deceit in the world Sir it concerns you Seriously to consider it and to teach them to be as wise as Serpents who must have to do with Devils Such a one was one Squire a Papist sent from Spain to Poyson Q Elizabeth who when to that End he was secretly poysoning the Pummel of her Sadle A white Devil prayed Aloud saying GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Eleventh Get good Trades Docu 11. Good Trades or wayes of Lively-hood for your children that they may be Substantial and not need to be Supported by others Friends are apt to Fail trust not in them † Mica 7.5 Brittle mettal Use them as Venice-glasses i e Very warily and lean on them Very lightly Nothing costs Dearer then Some mens Gifts The donours Geese are such Swan he knows not When he is Satisfied Free-hearted Hiram who was ever a lover of David * 1 K. 5.1 supplies Solomon with Wood for Building † ver 10. for which Solomon gives him 20 Cities * Chap. 9.11 and who would have thought of a word of Discord between them two Hiram comes to see them he is Displeased † Ver. 12. What Cities are these thou hast given me my brother * Ver. 13. q d Here be Cities indeed and he called them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cabul Displeasing of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Fetters They were too Straight to fill his Heart it would hold 20 more His heart was so much Larger than his Liberty that he was as Fettered and Prisoned in his Palaces And so they were Displeasing Cabul to this Day they Never pleased him Fath. What Trades do you commend to me for my children Min. I have not skill to choose Trades for children but I will give you a Caution Caution Take heed how you judge of the Goodnesse of a Trade by the Greatnesse or Gain of a Trade To make the Greatnesse or Gain of a trade an argument for the Goodnesse of a trade may be Antiscriptural and Heathenish Demetrius the Silver-smith had a Trade of No smal Gain it was not therefore Good † Act. 19.24 The godly must eye Gods Glory more than their own Gain And the Publick good of Church and State A good Trade That is a Good Trade by which the body Lives and with which the soul Thrives and grows Rich and by which the Times are in some measure Mended and the Devil Troubled His servants Sanbalat and Tobiah were Grieved that there was a man come to seek the Welfare of Israel * Neh. 2.10 A good ground of Bad grief It 's better to be a grief to such Sanbalats because we do Good and grow Good than to be a grief to them because we grow Great Tell your children they are not the Richest who have most of the World in their Possessions Purses and Houses but they who have most of the Word Spirit and Golden Grace of God in their Hearts And they are not the Wisest who are Ever seeking that which will Never satisfie if Never so much be obtained but they who seek that which will Sweetly Satisfie and Eternally Content Fath. But I hope there is no Hurt in Riches though they be not a Heaven upon Earth to afford full satisfaction Min. No HURT wise Solomon was not of your opinion There is a sore evil which I have seen under the sun viz Riches kept For the owners thereof to their Hurt † Ecl. 5.13 It 's a Wonder if the worldling charge not the wise man with Folly or the Printer with Error saying Surely it is to be read kept From them to their Hurt For this is all his Fear to have them kept For him is all his Care though it be
to his Hurt How to his Hurt Silver is not Sin Pearls are not Poyson No but for mans Sin the Ground out of which they come is Cursed * Gen. 3.17 Ground is comprehensive All cursed to the wicked Simile As Paint proves not one to be of a good Complexion Prosperity proves not one to be in a good Condtion That Gingle God hath blessed such a man with a Great estate The sound of a London Cymbal hath made my Ears to Tingle For in Truth he being Carnal God hath Cursed such a man with a Great estate To say The man is grown Rich is too Plain for our Fashionable Professors therefore the Speech must be Adorned with God hath Blessed And then this Fine Phrase for mans Ornament and Gods Honour is a taking the Lords name in Vain and a Very Lie Whether or no the Person be blessed is not by such considered But if I will know whether the Estate be blessed I must know whether the Person be blessed If a Person be cursed his Estate is cursed both Personal and Real and All to his Hurt The fault is not in a mans good Goods Land or House but in his bad Heart The mischief lyes not in the Lump of riches but in the Love of riches If the Lump of riches gets into the House the Love of riches gets into the Heart If a man love the World he loves not God † 1 Jo. 2.15 What a man loves not is not his god his Goods are his gods then no wonder if God do Curse him and his gods together ¶ 2 Nor was a wiser than Solomon of your opinion viz Jesus Verily I say unto you that a Rich man shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven And again I say unto you It is Easier for a Camel to go through the Eye of a Needle than for a Rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God * Mat. 19.23 24. At this the Disciples were so Amazed that I suppose if great estates had then been Offered to them they durst not have Owned them They seem to Faint under the Fear of being Rich. A rare fear Strange men Many fear Poverty Few fear Plenty Many fear they shall be Poor but who is afraid he shall be Rich this is the most Dangerous condition the Mean is most Desireable Give me neither Poverty nor Riches † Pro. 30.8 ¶ 3 Nor was that Person of your opinion who gave away his Goods that he might be the Lighter to climb up Jacob's Ladder i e Crates's conclusion with his Coin into Heaven ¶ 4 Nor was Crates of your mind who took his Money and threw it into the Sea saying I will destroy Thee lest thou destroy Me. But he was much of your mind who being at Sea in a Sinking Ship suddenly fills his Pockets and Bosom with Silver and Gold as fast as he could And thus in a few minutes he made himself Very Rich. The Rich poor wretch But steeping out of the Sinking Ship into the Swimming Boat he was so Weighty with his Wealth that he stept Short and Sank into the Sea and was Never seen more If not money yet the Love of money is the Root of All evil * 1 Tim. 6.10 an Expression as if spoken of the Devil If no hurt in the Love of money there is no hurt in the DEVIL nor any hurt in Hell Fath. HA OH Master Min. Madam Maiden is it Meet To set thy Heart where Beasts do set their Feet It 's not untruly Said if you be Told You dig for Drosse with Mattocks made of Gold Affections are too Precious to bestow Upon the New-things No-things here below The Eagle Scorns to fall down from on High The Proverb saith to catch the silly Fly And can a Christian leave the love of GOD To love the Ground and cleave unto a Clod. Like him at Sea who did his Cabbin Sweep When All was going Down into the Deep Or like the silly Bird that to her nest Is carrying Mosse and never is at rest Till feather'd well it be but doth not See The Ax below that 's hewing down the Tree Twelfth If it shall please God to blesse Education for Conversion docu 12. Concerning Marriage or to convert your children by other means Give not a child in Marriage to one that is Wicked or without a work of Grace Marriage is a very Solemn thing in which Parents should be very Serious Abraham was old and he said to his servant that ruled his house Put I pray thee thy hand under my thigh and I will make thee swear by the LORD the God of Heaven and the God of the Earth that thou shalt not take a Wife unto my Son of the daughters of the Canaanites † Gen. 24.1 It 's probable Abraham remembred the Ruin unlawfull marriages brought upon the Old World The sons of God * Gen. 6.2 i e which were of the Church of God the posterity of Seth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Put in Abel's stead whom Cain slew † Ch. 4.25 Saw the daughters of men i e Cain's posterity They took them and forthwith are called Flesh * Ch. 6.3 threatned with a Flood to destroy all flesh And it 's probable the sons of men took the daughters of God too and so made the greater mixture and more Apostates as the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Giants signifies coming of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 To fall † Ver. 4. See what an End the son of the Israelitish woman whose father was an Egyptian came to She learn'd him to Speak he learn'd him to Blasheme for which he is Stoned to Death * Lev. 24.10 The Jews married wives of Ashdod † Neh. 13.23 and their children spake Half in the speech of Ashdod * Ver. 24. Their father 's learn'd them to speak like Jews and Hebrews and their mothers learn'd them to speak like Heathens i e to Swear and Curse for which their parents were Cursed † Ver. 25. What an unparallel'd wicked person is a Husband sometime by reason of a wicked Wife There was None like Ahab who did sell himself to work wickednesse in the sight of the Lord whom Jezebel his wife stirred up * 1 Kin. 21.25 Jehoram slew all his brethren with the Sword and slew the Princes of Israel † 2 Chro. 21.4 and wrought evil in the eyes of the Lord for he had the daughter of Ahab to Wife * Ver. 6. These kinds of Contracts are called Treachery their seed called Strange children † Ho. 5.7 and the Parents appointed to Perish Judah hath dealt treacherously hath married the daughter of a strange god the Lord will Cut Off the man that doth this * Mal. 2.11 12. And if you say What is this to us in England they were Heathens Paul provides you an answer Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers † 2 Cor. 6.14 If unbelievers it
do no good now Alas said he I therefore weep because weeping will do on good And with the woman who was so busied in saving her Stuffe that her child in the Cradle was forgot till the house on fire was Down and the child Dead and then she remembred it Roaring O my child my child And with Jacob when he supposed Joseph was torn in pieces I will go down into the grave unto my son mourning thus his father wept for him * Gen. 37.35 If Joseph had been torn in pieces with a wild beast as Jacob supposed what had that been to a childs being torn by Devils in Hell to all Eternity Ninth Coroll 9. Dooms-day Dolour Consider the Dolefull out-cries of Damned children in Dooms-day against their carnal carelesse prophane Parents who have Lamentably lost Themselves and their Children too When poor children with Pale faces yet as Flames and hearts full Horrour shall ROAR out O Father Mother what have You done I must Burn for ever in Hell for the Sins you learned me to live in by your Sinfull example The oaths I have Sworn will Cursing of men God will Curse me for ever You set me to Work and let me Play on the Sabbath day I had no rest from Sin and now I must have no rest from Sorrow but Roar for ever Now Gods wrath will be Poured out upon me because I did not Pray To pray you would Never learn me except to say the Creed the 10 Commands and the Lords Prayer by which you learned me to Lie for which I must Lay in the Lake † Rev. 21.8 You learned me to neglect Salvation now I have Lost it You learned me to Mock the godly now God Mocks at my misery You led me after our Blind Guide who called us Christians and Gods children now we are in the ditch of Damnation together * Mat. 15.14 You let me Game away my time by which I have lost Heaven and won Hell I would have heard good Sermons which I heard folks Commend and say Sinners were Saved by them but you would not Suffer me but Shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against me OH that Dreadfull Judge will presently passe the Sentence Depart ye cursed into everlasting fire † Mat. 25.41 and then we shall be a Hell in Hell to each other for Ever It will be a Hell to me to behold You in Hell you Cursed father and murderer And it will be a Hell to you to hear me Howl and Roar and Curse you to your Face for Ever And a Thousand such Dolorous ditties Ten thousand times more Terrible than tongue can tell Sir though it be not your Portion to perish with a child lost by your neglect yet is it nothing Now to think that when you are in Heaven you shall have a child to Howl in Hell and curse you there for Ever or will it be Nothing to you in the judgment Day seeing as the Scripture signifies some Saints shall then be subject to Shame Sorrow and saved so as by Fire * 1 Cor. 3.15 Last Coroll 10. Sweet fruit of good Successe Consider the comfortable joyfull effect and Sweet fruit of such godly Education as ends in Salvation and that both in Time and in Eternity It may be a comfort to you in Any condition on Earth to think your children are Heaven-born Pardoned Justified Sanctified and shall be Glorified If they should be Poor yet they are Rich and will be the Richer for their Poverty to all Eternity Whatsoever they Do or Suffer or Lose for God he will Richly reward them Whosoever is their Enemy God will be their Friend and will Never fail them If they be Sick or in any Adversity Still they are Happy If You be sick or in any trouble they will Pray for you If they Die while you live you may be more comforted in their Death than a man can be in a childs Birth or wicked Life If You die while they live you may Sweetly say with Jacob Behold I die but GOD shall be with you † Gen. 48.21 In the Judgment day how Sweet to stand at Jesus Right hand saying Behold I and the Children which God hath given me * Heb. 2.13 none Lost by my negligence all Saved by my diligence How sweet to be the Subjects of this Golden Sentence Come ye blessed of my Father O festus dies while others are the Subjects of that most Direfull Doom Depart ye Cursed How Sweet to be for Ever in Heaven to Trumpet out Eternal Praises and Sing Halelujahs for joy of Heart while others howl for Sorrow of Heart in Hell How Sweet for you and your children to be a Heaven in Heaven to each other while others shall be a Hell in Hell to each other for Ever Yea how Sweet may this dayes Dialogue under this tree be to you in Eternity if it may Issue in what I aim at And what shall I more Say shall I Yet plead with you for pity to your Own Children if I was pleading with you for some small kindnesse for my self methinks I should prevail If I was pleading with you to pity an Enemy who is ready to Perish for want of a Penny me thinks I should prevail And shall I not prevail with you to pity your own poor perishing Children what is your Reply Fath. What shall one do who hath long neglected his duty to his Children till they be hardened in Sin Min. Bewail it to GOD. Implore his Pardon Confesse it to your Children with Sorrow that you are so far in their Debt Set upon your work with Shame If they reject your Counsel bear it patiently Lay their Disobedience at your Own Door And follow God with Petition and your children with Instruction till if possible you Prevail for their Conversion Fath. I hope I shall set about this Solemn Work of so Great Concern God grant I may for I am much troubled at my long neglect Min. I perceive what I have said shakes your Head but GOD knowes whether it shakes your Heart However I hope you will not spend your time in talking to your children of Church-Steeples and Brick Chimneys by the way back Conclusive Caution But Take heed you do not deceive Me nor your Self nor your Children God is not Mocked If you do indeed perform your part Parent-like to the Purpose then may these children here Present and the children which are yet Unborn arise up and Call you Blessed To which more might be added but it 's Time to Retire for I see the Sun is walked far into the West And so Sir I shall take my Leave of You and Yours wishing you all Well for this World and for that which is to Come Fath. Sir we wish You and Yours the like Welfare And we do give GOD and You thanks for this Godly Advice ΤΕΛΟΣ POST-SCRIPT IN the Epistle I direct to know Emphatical words by Capital letters and speak of beginning them
are of kinne to that cursed King who cut the Roll and cast it into the fire * Jer. 36.23 but it was rescribed and many like words added † Ver. 32. if man will diminish the Preceptive part God will adde to the Penal part of his Precept There were desperate Antinomians in Job's dayes e g He stretcheth out his hand against God * Job 15.25 Take this literally and so did Julian the Apostate when wounded in battell and bleeding to death he stretched out his hand to throw his blood up to Heaven Julian against Jesus saying in indignation to Jesus Theod l 3. Cap. 20. O Galilean thou hast overcome me And the Amalekites who when they could catch a Jew and kill him would cut off the part that received the Seal of the Covenant and with an out-stretched hand throw it up towards Heaven Jerom. with indignation against God for that institution Take it metaphorically and so doth he stretch out his hand against God who useth his Wits and Words against God as the Antinomian when he argueth against Gods law A man should not lift up hand word or thought against God but hand heart tongue and all For God but he strengthens himself against the Almighty † Job 15.25 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Shaddai Omnipotency it self who can do all things and yet what can the Almighty do for them yet he silled their houses with good things * Chap. 22. 17 18. and yet what can the Almighty do for them Reason will tell a man the Almighty can do All things Reason differs the spirit of a Man from the spirit of a Beast what unreasonable blind beast is this then that thus argues If the Almighty can do nothing For he can do nothing Against a man and that I presume is their hope viz the Lord will not do good neither will he do evil * Zeph. 1.12 He runs upon the bosses of his bucklers † Job 15.26 alluding to the fierce assault of a Souldier The buckler is Defensive armour the bosse Offensive i e a Sharp Spike if a man come close it kills him God's Buckler is the Preceptive part of his law by which he defends his honour his Bosse is the Curse threat or Penal part by which he kills them that break his command e g Thou shalt not eat of the tree of knowledge there is the Buckler in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die * Gen. 2.17 there is the Bosse Adam runs upon it and dies for it Thus Job's Antinomian or ours his Cousin German He will offer violence to God and his Law with Gospel in his mouth He runs upon him even on his neck † Job 15.26 He will try a twich with God He would pull God out of Heaven and throw the world out at Window A Saint playes the man against Satan but he playes the Devil against God who makes his Law void Here is sin of a Size what blows big enough for sin So big it will puzzle an Apostle and a Philosopher too to define it Fath. What may be the Reason of our Antimian aversnesse to the Law of God Min. 1 Because of its Antiquity 1 R. and their Novelty They have an evil eye upon the O T for its Names-sake Upon this account they may slight God himself who is the Ancient of dayes † Dan. 7.9 And on this account they may slight the Gospel for that is as old as the Law as no doubt they will do when a New one comes up And on the same account they may slight their Own opinion for it 's as old as Adam's fall Adam was an Antinomian when he brake the Law It 's older than Adam's fall the Devil was an Antinomian when he tempted Adam to be of the like Religion ¶ 2 Because of its Purity 2 R. It is a sacred divine perfect pur * Ps 19.8 holy spiritual Law † Rom. 7.12 14. It binds hands feet tongue heart and All to holinesse Antinomians are Libertine who love not to be bound by the bonds of Gods holy commands but a David loves the law upon this account thy word is very pure therefore thy servant loveth it * Ps 119.140 ¶ 3 Because of their own Obscurity 3 R. and ignorance of its excellency That excellent office of the law viz to wound for Sin and send to a Saviour they are Strangers to They never saw their own sins in Gods Looking-glasse but other mens sins in the Devils Prospecitive-glasse Simile The young Blackmoor Simile and so are like the Black boy that fled from his Black father to his White mother not considering his Own blacknesse Antinomians slight the law as the Indians did their Gold when they knew not its worth And as a Natural man doth Gods gold i e Simile grace which is to him as drosse And as the Jews did Jesus not discerning his Beauty though altogether lovely † Cant. 5.10 The very Name of Jesus was hatefull to the Jews they could not call him by it but this fellow * M. 26.61 that deceiver † Ch. 27.63 and the Carpenter * Mar. 6.3 so is the very word Law contemptible to our Antinomians But this is madnesse with a Witnesse for without law what right hath a man to any good viz Temporal Spiritual or Eternal What right to house goods land without law or what Safety are lands or life in without law what right to Christ Heaven eternal life without law It is by Law that Christs righteousnesse IS righteousnesse i e by the law of Works It is by Law that Christs righteousnesse is a Christians righteousnesse i e by the law of Grace † Jer. 23.6 It is by Law that Christians are Saved i e the law of Faith and it 's by Law that sinners are Damned i e by the law of Works God imputeth righteousnesse by law and Saveth and God imputeth sin by law and Damneth and is LAW to be slighted He that breaks one breaks all * Ja. 2.10 Break one break all the breach of the ten commandments brings a man 10000 Talents into Gods debt by Law and is LAW to be slighted Little England hath a great deal of Rome in it and seeing darknesse is now a dayes so desirable it's to be wished these persons wish not for Popery and Tyranny who do so disgust this good word LAW for if a man would have laws against Theft nulled no doubt that man desires to be a Thief and so of any other such like desire to destroy Law It is no wonder these persons are in darknesse for they will shut their eyes against Scripture-light if it be contrary to their own conceptions Simile They are like the Elephant who makes the water Muddy that he may not see his Deformity They will search Scripture for what seems to suit with their sinfull minds but would bury the opposite truth in
called Sabbath in several Scriptures e g 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the beginning of the Sabbath * Mar. 16.9 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the First of the Sabbaths † Joh. 20.1 Cardinal for the Ordinal i e the New Sabbaths Paul went into the Synagogue on the Jews Sabbath day * Act. 13.14 and preached Jesus and when the Jews were gone out of the Synagogue the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Sabbath between † Ver. 42. See his Sermon from Ver 15 to Ver 42. i e between two Jewish Sabbaths which Sabbath was the first day and that was the Reason the Gentiles durst not name it till the Jews were gone out Thus far for Scripture Proof now for some Scripture Paralle ¶ 1 The seventh-day was kept in remembrance of God's Creation Scripture Parallel the first day is kept in remembrance of a New Creation by Christs Redemption As soon as man sinned there was Virtually a dissolution he and the world was at an end with him So as Christ was Virtually slain from the foundation of the world there was Virtually a New creation by prevention of a dissolution of the Old for by him all things consist * Col. 1.17 This new creation was called the world to come † Heb. 2.5 2 Paral. ¶ 2 The seventh day was kept in remembrance of Gods rest from his work of Creation the first day in remembrance of Christ's rest from his work of Redemption that all men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father * Joh. 5.23 As from the conclusion of the Creation men were to honour the Father with a day in remembrance of That so from the conclusion of Redemption are men to honour the Son with a day in remembrance of That When God had actually finished his work of Creation at end of the Sixth day he instituted a Sabbath the Seventh day so when Jesus had actually finished his work of Redemption at end of the Seventh day he instituted a Sabbath on the First day ¶ 3 The seventh day was kept in remembrance of a Delivery from Slavery † Deu. 5.15 3 Paral. so is the first day to be kept And though all men are not free indeed by Christs redemption so as to obtain Salvation yet is he in a sense the Saviour of all men * 1 Tim. 4.10 and may command all men to keep this day in remembrance of him N B When the seventh day Sabbath was in use it was said the government Shall be upon his shoulder † Isa 9.6 the government is not Now in the hand of God as Creatour but in the hand of Jesus as Redeemer for the Father loveth the Son and hath given all things into his hand * Joh. 3.35 which he will deliver to the Father at last day † 1 Cor. 15.24 Judgments of God ¶ The Judgments of God which on the first day have befallen the prophaners of it will One day be a Witnesse for it though at present the plague of Pharoh be so upon the hearts of prophane and professing people that they are not moved at them viz 1 Gods judgments on mens houses and goods by fire e g Teverton Chesterton London though in this last Hell-born bloody Sinners were the Instrumental cause yet the inhabitants Sin was the Meritorious cause 2 On Sabbath-breakers Bodies who by the formidable hand of God have been struck Dead on this day in the very Act. 3 On Sabbath-breakers Souls who have proudly pretended to keep every day such have been and are commonly Cursed and Blasted and with all their Blaze brought to nought To which 1 adde 2 Queries for consideration and one Assertion for full satisfaction ¶ 1 Was not the Fourth command for a Sabbath Day placed among and one of the Ten 1 Q. to signifie it is Originally and Essentially Moral and Perpetual and sometimes put among Ceremonial Sabbaths * Lev. 23.2 3 4 5 6 7. to signifie that in respect of that circumstance of Time it was Typical and subject to change viz with respect to the Day ¶ 2 Did not Adam fall on the Sabbath Day 2 Q. and so break the first Sabbath that ever was made and if so did not that signifie the day was mutable as the fall and breach of the Tables containing the C W with Adam signified the mutation of that Covenant and the making of a New C from the beginning ¶ A first day Sabbath is in a Sense of as great Antiquity Assertion as the first Sabbath ordained for Adam in Innocency Though that was at the end of Gods Works it was at the beginning of mans Life God Ended his week with a Sabbath but man Began his week with a Sabbath It seems he was made at end of the Sixth day to begin his life on the Seventh day which was his First day though he was made a moment before the day began Adam was a Type of Jesus who began his New Life at his Resurrection with a Sabbath the first day of the week And so must we begin our week with a Sabbath a day for God First which is Certainly more acceptable to God than to serve our selves Six dayes first and then put off God blessed for ever with an Od day at last So much for the change of the Sabbath Day Fath. I am satisfied in the change of the Sabbath but I am at a losse to know when the Sabbath begins but I think it s not much matter for that so that a man keeps a day Min. HOW keep a Sabbath and not know when it begins nor ends nor Care to know consequently you will not care to know when Christ rose from the dead for his resurrection gives beginning to the Sabbath Nor will you care to know how long he lay dead What grown like Gallio † Act. 18.17 Simile Sir I am sorry to hear such an ungracious speech fall from your lips Suppose your self taken by cruel Turks a most loving friend to rescue you falls into their hands himselfe in which Skirmish you escape But for your sake he is cruelly used wounded mangled imprisoned in a dismal dungeon So many dayes Then escapes acquaints you with it and desires you for his sake to keep a day in remembrance of his deliverance beginning at the time when it was What would you not care to know when to begin nor End nor how long your friend lay bound truely you deserve to be retaken by the Turks without remedy Fath. I perceive by this you hold Jesus went to Hell but that many Divines deny and so do I for its contrary to Christs words upon the Crosse viz To day shalt thou be with me in Paradise * Lu. 23.43 If Christ went to Heaven how could he go to Hell Min. If he went to Both it s not so great a mystery as the Trinity God is
in Heaven and Hell at once † Ps 139.8 And Jesus was in Heaven and Earth at once before his death * Joh. 3.13 and why not in Heaven and Hell at once after his death Take heed of unsound notions of a Saviour if Jesus hath not been in Hell for you I fear you must be there for your Self Fath. Well! let it passe If it be of such concern to know when the Sabbath begins tell me the time for there are divers opinions about it Min. I need not instance every hour of the day The Beginning of the Sabbath but onely the time contended for viz Morning Noon Even Midnight and the measure of the day viz 12 hours and 24 hours ¶ 1 I need not deny that it begins at Noon as the Gipsies count as if that time was contended for in England Not at Noon but though it be not the Plea it is the Practice of some professors who begin to assemble in Gods service after noon as it were by way of Recreation to serve God by the halves Such have lost half the Sabbath long since And it is to be wished they turn not Aminomians and Libertines to lose it all and themselves too at length for they by whom God is but half Served are like to be but half Saved ¶ 2 Some Roman-like plead for Midnight to begin and end the Sabbath Not at Midnight for which they produce two Texts 1 Paul preached on the first day till Midnight † Act. 20.7 which is no ground for this beginning for he preached till midnight because he was to depart next morning with a final Farewell 2 Samson arose at midnight and carried away the gate of Gaza * Judg. 16.3 which say such was a Type of Christs rising at midnight Samson was a Type of Christ in 20 things but that he was a Type of Christs death and resurrection in laying a piece of a night upon pleasure is a very unlikely matter Had he lay 3 nights and dayes in a dungeon there had been some colour for it ¶ 3 For the Morning many will plead Not in the Morning and so I suppose will you but I shall oppose this Time time it how you will and say what you can for it Fath. I will try that what if it begin at Spring of day and end at Dark night Min. Not so for in some Countries the day will be a month long North. for so long at least sometime of the year does day-light last Fath. What if the Sabbath begin at Sun-rise and end at Sun-set Min. Not so for in some Countries the Sabbath would be more than a Month long In Russia Muscovia Tartaria for so long goes the Sun a Circular course round about them in sight except Clouds come between as you would easily understand if I had a Globe in my hand Fath. We have Morning and Even all the year we may begin at morning and end at night Min. Not so it s no meet measure for the length of a Sabbath in June will be twice as long as in December Fath. But if we begin at Six and end at Six the Sabbaths will be all of a length all the year now I hope I have hit on it Min. Not so for a Sabbath must be the Seventh part of Time a natural day of 24 hours It is not enough to make one Sabbath equal with another but also equal with another day Fath. Then it must be from morning to morning from Spring of day to Spring of day or from Sun rise to Sun rise Min. Not so for then the precedent day hath two nights or this precedent night belongs to no day Not to the seventh day for that ends at Even nor to the first day if it begins in the Morning and so is cut off from both dayes like Job's cursed night which he would have disjoyned from the dayes of the year † Job 3.6 But who dares act so contrary to Gods ordinance who dare divide the night from the day and Separate what God hath Joyned Fath. I can say no more for the Morning Min. Then we are come to the fourth and last time under Instance Even the beginning of the Sabbath viz the Even and this I affirm to be the beginning of the Sabbath and from Even to Even is the measure of the Sabbath from the beginning to the end of the world At first where the Sixth day ended the Seventh day successively began so where the Seventh day Sabbath ended i e at Even the first day Sabbath began And thus of Ceremonial Sabbaths from Even to Even shall ye celebrate your Sabbath * Lev. 23.32 Fath. God made the day to beain at Even at first Object 1 but aster That world was drowned and a New world to spring out of the Ark it seems the beginning of the day was altered to morning for saith God Day and night shall not cease † Gen. 8.22 And morning is put before Even in this Psalm * Ps 92.2 the Title of which is A Psalm for the Sabbath day Ergo the Sabbath begins in the morning Min. God that made the world made the day to begin at Even from the beginning to the end of the world If after this God alters the order of his Words that does not alter the order of his Works Aaron was older than Moses † Exo. 7.7 therefore saith God These are that Aaron and Moses * Chap. 26. in the next verse it is these are that Moses and Aaron † Ver. 27. You may as well say Aaron was older than Moses at First but Moses was older than Aaron at Last while they lived gogether as to say The night was before the day at first but now the day is before the night Honour thy Father and thy mother * Ex. 20.12 the father is put first for Adam was first formed then Eve † 1 Tim. 2.13 By order of the Creation of Man and first institution of Marriage the man is to be older than the woman else marriages are Monsters Yet God alters his order of words viz Ye shall fear every man his Mother and his father * Lev. 19.3 this is because children are more prone to despise their mothers than their fathers Render to Cesar the things that are Cesars and to God the things that are Gods † Mar. 12.17 by your argument Cesar was before God or to be preferred before him Fath. But some say Object 2 The seventh day was not butted and bounded with Even and Morning as the Six dayes were Ergo it did not begain at Even as they did it s a day without night Min. If a man had 7 pound in his purse Simile and tells you he hath spent just 6 pound does he need to tell you what remains Simile If I had 7 dayes natural allowed me to live in a house and tell you I have spent just 6
the Jews Carnal nor Spiritual could endure their Ceremonies should be suddenly forsaken Thou seest brother how many Thousands of Jews there are that believe and they are All zealous of the Law † Act. 21.20 i e the C L so the Christians counselled Paul to countenance them and he did so * Ver. 23 26. Not to uphold Ceremonies but to get an interest in their affections that by degrees as they could bare it he might bring them Off and had he not done so they had cast him off Thus to the Jews he became a Jew to gain the Jews † 1 Cor. 9.20 Fath. But if Pentecost was not on the first day why did God countenance it by giving the Disciples the holy Ghost on that day Min. Because I would not onely Silence but also Satisfie you I have been willing to give you all the advantage I can by stating things fairly for you and will do so still Suppose then the Disciples met contrary to the mind of God and knew it yet for fear or favour of the magisterial Jews they conform to keep the Pentecost if God will be gracious what then I will not again curse the ground for mans sake for the imagination of mans heart is evil from his youth * Gen. 8.21 Let my Lord I pray thee go among us for it is a Stiff-necked people † Ex. 34.9 Strange Arguments Gods Word is mans rule but Gods Will is Gods rule and if God will be gracious to man when man walks contrary to his Will will man say Lord what doest thou mean to have mercy on me Will man call God to his Bar and bring him into judgement for his mercy Mercy or judgment if it be the will of God it is just Yea if God should command man contrary to his own command e g If God will forbid man to murder upon pain of Death and then command a man to kll his own Son * Gen. 22.2 who will say unto him What doest thou † Job 9.12 God did not make man to consult what promises God should make to man nor when he should fulfill them God gave the Disciples a promise of the Spirit and he took this time Pentecost to fulfill it ¶ 2 I would form a foundation for a Question for your consideration viz The 50 dayes bounded Harvest the first day was at Beginning of harvest begin to number the 7 weeks from such time as thou beginnest to put the Sickle to the Corn * Deu. 16.9 The fiftieth day was at End of harvest Harvest was in the land of Canaan a Type of Heaven The 50 dayes contained 7 Sabbaths a number noting Perfection These dayes were all linked to the Passeover and all Typical of eternal life Jesus began to observe this time with the Passeover before his death It being so Quere I Quere whether this Pentecost was not to be kept that God might give the Disciples a little Heaven on Earth to signifie what an eternal Sabbath they should have in Heaven Typified by these preceeding Sabbaths which at this day Pentecost were consummated If you can Answer this Question in the Affirmative then your Question Why did God countenance the Pentecost is resolved Fath. I may take it into consideration another time But Suppose the Jews did not translate the Passeover Sabbath it fell on the 7 day Sabbath then they kept the 15 day and Jesus rose the 16 and Wave-day this proves Pentecost on the first day and Christs death on the 6 day too Min. Now I can follow you no farther I dare not Say the word suppose in this case nor dare I think such a wicked thought But though I dare not Follow you I dare Meet and withstand you to the Face If you say the Jews kept the right day you say Jesus kept the wrong day If you say the Jews did not Translate the Passeover to the day after the right day you say Jesus did Anticipate it the day before the right day viz Jesus died on the 14 day and killed the Passeover on the 13 day contrary to the Law In so saying you make Jesus a Transgressor Thus by justifying the Jews and condemning Jesus you hope to Hit it Monstrum Horrendum this proof comes from the bottomlesse Pit and there being no other way in the world to prove your opinion rather than fail you will make Jesus the Saviour and actual Sinner at which attempt what is that heart that will not tremble Should you Suppose You and I are now in the East-Indies or London stands on the Main Ocean or there is no difference between Heaven and Hell I would as soon consent Fath. But we may Reason and Question Christ was Lord of the Sabbath and had power to change the Sabbath might not he change the Passeover and be no transgressor Min. Though Jesus was Lord of the Sabbath he was made under the Law † Gal. 4.4 and Subject to it Though he was the Sabbaths Lord the Law was his Lord and had him at command on which account it was honourable * Isa 42.21 And though Jesus changed the Sabbath it was not while he was under the Law but at his Resurrection when he had fulfilled it Jesus stood in mans stead he was a debtor to the whole Law the payment of which debt the Law required ot the last mite Christs person is taken into custody imprisoned in the grave till the debt be discharged and justice satisfied at his resurrection being acquitted he was taken from prison and from judgment † Isa 53.8 alluding to a debtour who hath satisfied the creditour Then Jesus changed the Sabbath Fath. It seems Jesus justified his Disciples in an unlawfull deed on the Sabbath day for they eat Other mens Corn * Mat. 12.1 Min. Not in the Least the Law allowed that deed e g When thou comest into the standing corn of thy neighbours then thou mayst pluck the ears with thine hand † Deut. 23.25 As for Davids eating the Shew-bread and the Priests prosaning the Sabbath by killing their Sacrifices * Mat. 12.3 4 5. these according to the Letter of the Law were unlawful but not according to the Sense of the law which provided liberty for works of Charity and Necessity And Jesus in pleading these practices to excuse his Disciples doth q d You count David and the Priests blamelesse in these necessitous acts and yet condemn my Disciples in the same Case Fath. But Jesus refused to go up to the feast of Tabernacles † Job 7.8 which Law he was under as well as this of the Passeover and if he could dispense with That why not with This Min. Jesus refused to go up by way of vain Ostentation as his unbelieving brethren would needs have him go for say they Shew thy self to the World * Ver. 4. that Jesus resused saying Go ye up to this feast † Ver. 8. q d by way of Ostentation if you
will it being so Fashionable the world cannot hate you * Ver. 7. for it they will love their won 2 Jesus refused to go with Them because the Jews sought to kill him † Ver. 1. not at the feast for fear of an uprore * Mat. 26.5 but to Way-lay him q d He will come with his kindred as other people use to do and so we shall Snap him by the way Therefore said Jesus I go not up Yet to this feast q d till Ye are gone for my time is not yet fully come † Job 7.8 q d my Meet time to go or my time to be Taken when it is I shall not seek to Save my self But when his brethren were gone up then went he also up unto the feast not openly * Ver. 10. i e by the way for at Jerusalem about the Midst of the feast Jesus went up into the Temple and taught * Ver. 14. And in the last day that Great day of the feast Jesus stood and cryed saying If any man thirst let him come to me and drink * Ver. 37. So you see Jesus did not refuse to go up to this feast Fath. But you have said Hezekiah changed the Passeover in case of necessity † Pag 253. Min. Hezekiah's Salvation did not depend upon his perfect obedience to the Law if it had he had never been Saved but upon Christs perfect obedience without which He nor We shall never be Saved Fath. If Christ kept the Passeover a Day before the Right day he kept it Min. Suppose you say to a Servant Do such a work to Morrow No Sir faith he I will do it to day Nay say you I am resolved to have it done to Morrow Away goes he and does it to Day does this servant Obey or Disobey you Fath. I confesse he Disobeys me even in doing the work which I command him Min. How many times hath God plainly expressed his mind in this matter in the Law which Jesus was under viz That the Passeover should be killed the 14 day of the month by your Own confession Christ was disobedient if he changed the day N B Suppose you could prove Jesus did Anticipate the Passeover and not sin and that the Jews kept the 15 day yet except you prove the 15 day of the month to be the 7 day of the week you neither prove Jesus rose on the Wave-day nor Pentecost on the first day nor Jesus's death on the 6 day and so you are never the near But if Jesus had brake any Sabbath or Law of God in the Least he could not have been in the Least any Saviour † Ja. 2.10 And that Jesus failed in the least Jota Jod Point or Tittle is folly wickednesse madnesse in a man once to imagine Before Christ would have broken any Command he upholding the whole Creation would have let Heaven and Earth fall for had he failed a Tittle of fulfilling the whole Law Gods purpose of Salvation had fell ERGO this is an infallible Maxime A Maxime viz On the 14 day of the first month Nisan Christ killed the Passeover according to All the Rites of it * Nu. 9.3 and on the 15 day he was killed himself the 16 and Wave-day was the first day Jesus lay dead therefore he rose not That day nor could Pentecost fall on the first day So your Pentecost opinion is utterly overthrown and that for Jesus's death on the 6 day will follow and you shall never recover them again while the World stands Fath. I confesse I cannot at present tell what more to plead for One or Other But though you deny Jesus died on the 6 day you do not declare on what other day he died Min. Nor was it proper for me out of the place every thing beautifull in his time † Eccl. 3.11 I could easily have done that at first in few words but the work was to Answer your Objections against my Judgment and your Arguments for your Own Having done that I can shew my Opinion with pleasure but not with submission to better judgments as some finely phrase it When I speak my thoughts of what I am uncertain it shall be with such submission but when I am well assured of the truth of what I say I shall neither submit to better nor worse to Stand or Fall by this or that mans perswasion I desire a better foundation than mans Praise for my Opinion And what that is concerning the day of Christs death I will now declare and were it to the whole World with your Self I would declare it viz Week-day of Jesus's death declared The 15 day of the first month Nisan on which Christ was Crucified and Died fell that year on the Fourth day of the week i e Wednesday at end of which Day our Blessed Jesus was Buried from which time to the end of the 7 day Sabbath was 3 dayes and 3 nights N T proof the Term of time our Lord foretold he should lay in the grave * Mat. 12.40 So there was two dayes between the day of Jesus's death and the 7 day Sabbath And one day between that high Sabbath and the 7 day Sabbath had the Jews kept the right day there had been two dayes between their high Sabbath and the 7 day Sabbath which you say were both on a day The Reason of this Translation Reason of translation was because it fell on Wednesday for if this Sabbath fixt on the 15 day fell on Munday Wednesday or Fryday the Jews Custome was to translate it to the next day Godwyn by the Rule 172 Badu That year it fell on Wednesday they kept it on Thursday the 16 or Wave-day so now you may see your Wave-day and Pentecost were on Thrusday Fath. I begin to Stagger have you any more proof for the day of Jesus's death Min. What need of more proof than Christs Own words but this Old world being so full of Novelty I thought a New Opinion must have a New Proof too take one then out of the O T. O T proof And after 62 weeks shall Messiah be cut off but not for himself † Dan. 9.26 these are extraordinary weeks And he shall confirm the covenant with many for One week * Ver. 27. there is no Prefix in the Hebrew to render it for one week but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one week he shall confirm the covenant with or rather For many i e for all the Elect by being cut off according to the covenant † Zech. 9.11 And he shall cause the Sacrifice and Oblation to cease the Sacrifice was the yearly Passeover * Ex. 12.27 the Oblation was the daily Sacrifice † Num. 28.2 3 4. Dan. 9.21 these two viz the Yearly Type and the Daily Type of Christs death when he the Substantial Sacrifice was sacrificed for us then he caused them Shadows to cease But when in the Midst of
the Fathers My Son hear the Instruction of thy Father and forsake not the Law of thy Mother * Pro. 1.8 My Son keep thy Fathers Commandments and forsake not the Low of thy Mother † Ch. 6.20 The Law of GOD is called the Law of the Mother And she commanding her Child according to that Law Her Law is the Law of GOD. Of the neglect of which Duty let the Mother take heed lest there come a time when torment makes her Tare the Hair off her Head Ninth Doc 9. Of Faith Teach them to know the Necessity of True Faith Learn them to know it is the Gift of GOD. And the Work of GOD. And that God makes Preparation for Faith by a threefold Conviction of Unbelief 1 Of the utter Deficiency of Faith 2 Of the absolute Necessity of Faith 3 Of the utter Impossibility of Faith in ones Own Power Acquaint them with a threefold Effect of Faith where it s wrought 1 It makes the Heart Pure † Act. 15.9 2 The Conscience Peaceable * Ro. 15.13 3 It makes Christ Precious † 1 Pet. 2.7 This Faith is an One thing necessary For by a Fair Profession without Faith a Soul may seem to be Not Far from the Kingdom of Heaven and yet Never the near Civility gilds Fair sets Off a Man Grace only makes a Golden Chris-ti-an Tenth Doc 10. Of Repentance Teach them the necessity of Speedy Repentance That it s not a Work to be put Off for a Year a Month or a Day Let them know its the Gift of CHRIST † Act. 5.31 And that a Sinner can No more Repent himself than he can Pardon himselfe Putting off Repentance proves that the Sinner thinks he can Repent at his Pleasure Like him who put off Faith till Death And being reproved for his Loose Life replyed It 's but believing in Christ at Last But at Last when Dying he lay ROARING OH I have made a Plaister but I cannot make it Stick Shew your Children how the Devil Steals away a Sinners Dayes by a Day at once Should Satan suggest Thus Come Sinner serve me to the Death Live and Die in my sweet service Without Repentance At this a Sinner would Startle q d Satans Subtiltie So I may go to Hell No but Come serve me a Day more Next morning Away without Prayer to pleasure to Day it s but a Day This is easily granted And so on to the End And when the Last Day of life begins Come go on it s but a Day By and by Down drops the Soul into the Dungeon of Hell And then it will be Cold Comfort to hear Satan say Come be quiet thou hast but an Eternitie to spend in Repenting thy daily delay of Repentance in time N B. Without True and Timely Repentance For Sin and From Sin there is Nothing to be expected but a Certain Fearfull Intolerable and Eternal Damning for Sin Eleventh Doc 11. Of Truth Teach them the Excellency of Truth in Tongue i e Truth in Word that hath Truth in Heart for its Root and Truth in Deed for its Fruit. Though this Truth be not the Original Cause of Salvation yet such Shall be Saved And God hath left you Winning Words to entice them to Truth in Tongue Surely they are my People Children that will not Lie so he was their Saviour * Isa 63.8 The lip of Truth shall be established for Ever † Pro. 12.19 The rest read at leasure * Psal 34.12 N B. The good government of the Tongue is a Great Task And that you had need begin to Guide 1 Pet. 3.10 as soon as it begins to Go. 2 Jo. 4. For if long neglected you may more easily weild a Wild Horse or a Weighty Ship driven with Fierce Winds † Ja. 3.2 to 10. Augustus gave a Schollar this Lesson I said I would take heed to my wayes that I sin not with my Tongue * Ps 39.1 And bid him go and learn that Lesson and come again for another His Scholar goes A hard task and comes again 19 years after and Complains of his Lesson viz that it was So Hard he had not well learned it Yet There are Many Christians in Citie and Country of more than 19 years Standing who have this Lesson still to learn Twelth Doc 12. Of Early Piety Teach them the Excellency of Early Piety Of being Quickly Converted and made good Betimes The Lesse time between the First and Second Birth the Better 1 Tell them Such are under that Sweet Promise They that seek me early shall Find me † Pro. 8.17 2 Of Such God hath a Sweet Remembrance viz I remember Thee the kindnesse of thy Youth * Jer. 2.2 3 Such have not that Mountainous Temptation to clime which Old Converts hardly Ever get Over viz You come too Late 4 It s the way to be Eminent with God and Prevalent in Prayer eg The Child Samuel Ministred unto the Lord * 1 Sam. 3.1 MOSES and AARON and SAMUEL among them that call upon his name they called upon the Lord and he answered Them † Psal 99.6 Though MOSES and SAMVEL stood before me yet my mind could not be toward this People * Jer. 15.1 q d If any Persons in the World prevail with Me They are the Men. And how Lamentable is the Losse of Such When all the Congregation saw that Aaron was Dead they mourned for Aaron 30 dayes even ALL the house of Israel † Nu. 20.29 The Children of Israel wept for Moses 30 dayes * Deu. 34.8 They Murmur against them while they Live but Mourn for them when they are Dead Samuel died and All Israel gathered together and lamented him † 1 Sa. 25.1 Jeremiah lamented for good young Josiah and All the Singing Men and Singing Women spake of Josiah in their Lamentations to this day * 2 Chro. 35.25 The First ripe Fruits were Precious to God † Exo. 22.29 And they were so to man * Micha 7.1 The Devil in his Old Enmity against Early Piety hath Tipt the Tongues of some with this Taunt A young Saint and an old Devil Which Satanical Saying and Pestilent Proverb I shall not ask Satan leave to turn thus A young Saint and an old ANGEL Let Satan say his Worst to be Good betimes is Best Mistake me not it 's Being good and not Knowing good only that I plead for One may Know good and Be evil One may Know evil and Be good It s not ones Knowing Good or Evil that makes one Good or Evil but it s ones Loving of Good or Evil which proves one Good or Evil. If a man would know what City he belongs to Zion or Babilon and whether he is going to Heaven or Hell let him ask his love Thirteenth Doc 13. Of Gods eye Teach them to Know that they are Alway under the Open Eye and Open Ear of God Tell
them God can see as well in the Dark as in the Light When Dores and Windowes are shut and Curtains drawn Close at Midnight as well as at Noon Day on the House Top. Tell them God heareth what they say if they speak Never so Softly And knows what they Think if they think Never so Secretly And Tell them whatever they Think Speak and Act on Earth God writes in Heaven What is Good God looks upon with Love What is Evil God beholds with Hatred Thou art of Purer Eyes than to behold Evil † Hab. 2.13 God beholds NO Evil with an Eye of Approbation but ALL Evil with an eye of Observation in order to Damnation if speedy Repentance prevent it not How Dar'st thou Sin in Secret God doth See And Witnesse Jury Judge alone will Be. Fourteenth Doc 14. The uncertainty of Life Teach them to know the Brevity and Uncertainty of Life for Age and Youth Old and Insant Tell them in Golgotha are Sculls and in the Church Yard are Graves of All Sizes Solomon tells of a time to be Born and a time to Die but he tells us of no time to Live * Ecl. 3.2 Tell them Death is Most Certain and may be as Sudden as Certain One may be Alive Young Strong Well Sick Dead Damned and all in a Day or in an Hour 1 God the Donour and Preserver of Mans Life may Suddenly end it 2 The Devil the Envier of Mans Life may Suddenly end it as he did Job's Children † Job 1.10 3 The Wicked Satans Workmen may Suddenly end it he riseth up and No man is sure of his Life * Job 24.22 4 A mans own Relations may Suddenly end it as Cain who killed his Own Onely brother Abel † Gen. 4.8 5 A mans own Hand may Suddenly end his own Life Ahithophels councel to Others was as if a man had enquired at the Oracle of God * 2 Sa 16.23 but he could not councel Himself to keep from the Gallows It 's dangerous provoking GOD to displeasure God can make a man his Own Enemy his Worst Enemy his own Executioner here and his own Tormentor in Hell Fire for ever N B. Seeing Life is SO Uncertain and Short Preparation for Death is a Solemn Concern When men had Longer lives and Stronger limbs than Now men have they seemed to be more concerned with Death than Now men are The First purchase we read of in the Bible was a Burying Place not a Building Place viz Abraham for Sarah * Gen. 23.4 Lo I die in the Grave which I have Digged for me there thou shalt bury me said Jacob to Joseph † Ch. 50.5 Kings and Councellors built Desolate places for Themselves * Job 3.14 Joseph laid Jesus in his Own Tomb † Mat. 27.60 Few in our dayes dig their Graves before they are dead though the World it self be dying Fifteenth Doc 15. Teach them to know the Difference between Temporal Life and Eternal Life The Excellency of One above the Other e g. 1 Temporal Life is full of Corporal Labour * Eccl. 1.8 Eternal Life hath none of this There Remains a Rest † Heb. 4.9 it Ever Remains and Never Removes 2 Temporal Life is full of Mental Misery viz. Care Trouble Vexation Sorrow of Mind Man is Born to trouble * Job 5.7 He is of Few dayes and Full of trouble † Ch. 14.1 His dayes are Few and Evil * Gen. 47.9 Eternal Life is Full of Joy without Sorrow 3 Temporal Life is attended with the Misery of Penury Hunger Thirst Hunger without Bread Bread without Hunger are both Miseries Bread with Hunger is a Double Mercy which Many have and Few prize Eternal Life is free from both these Miseries of Hunger and Thirst They shall hunger NO more neither Thirst any more c † Rev. 7.16 4 Temporal Life is attended with many Diseases Eternal Life hath None All Diseases end at Death A Saints Funeral is the Funeral of All his Afflictions 5 Temporal Life is sometimes such that a man is Weary of it and wishes for Death Eternal Life will Never weary one to All Eternity 6 Temporal Life is but Temporal if it be the life of Methuselah it must Certainly end it may Suddenly end but Eternal Life is Eternal Not any thing in Heaven or Hell shall ever end it Sixteenth Doc 16. Of Heaven Teach them to know how Desireable Heaven is Tell them of its Titles viz The Kingdom of GOD The Kingdom of Heaven The Heaven of Heavens The Third Heaven A house Eternal in the Heavens That will never Decay or want Repair that the Inhabitant will never be Weary of or turned Out of Abrahams Rosom i e Sweet imbraces Eternal Glory Salvation with Eternal Glory An Eternal weight of Glory which will never weary to bear it but bare up above all weariness for ever A Crown of Life A Crown of Glory A City of pure Gold it's Streets pure Gold its Gates Pearl * Rev. 21.21 A City that hath NO need of Sun Moon or Candle † Ver. 23. For there shall be NO Night there * Ch. 22.5 Seventeenth Doc. 17. Of Hell Teach them to know how Dreadfull Hell is Tell them of it's Titles viz Destruction A Furnace Outer Darkness Damnation Everlasting Punishment Vnquenchable Fire A Place of Torment Wrath to Come A Prison Everlasting Chains Everlasting Burnings The Vengeance of Eternal Fire The Second Death A Lake of Fire The Bottomless Pit OH How do Persons Play with Scripture Thunder The Word Printed is like Fire Painted which they can See and Feel without Fear But could they Stand at the Gates of Hell and Hear the Damned Howl it would make their Hair stand an End and Fill their Hearts with Horrour But what shall we say of an Eternal BEING in that place of Torment The Damnation of Hell is beyond All Definition much harder to Define than the Spanish Inquisition Which a Painter despairing to do Did not picture One man with a Knife in his his Throat a Second with a Sword in his Heart a Third with his Arms Torn Off. But took a Table and Covered it all over with Blood crying out BLOOD BLOOD So may a Minister cry concerning Hell FIRE FIRE for a Definition of Damnation Eighteenth Doc. 18. Of temporal Judgements Teach them to know what Temporal Judgments God hath sent to Men Women and Children for Sin against God Tell them how God drowned the World with Water from Heaven * Gen. 7. And burned Sodom with Fire from Heaven † Ch. 19. And Drowned the Egyptians in the Red Sea And clave the Ground asunder to Swallow up Korah and his Company And slew a hundred fourscore and five Thousand in One Night by One Angel * 2 K. 19.35 And slew of Israel Five Hundred Thousand chosen men in One day † Ch. 13.17 Chap. 36.16 And gave All Israel into the