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A65750 Redemption of time, the duty and wisdom of Christians in evil days, or, A practical discourse shewing what special opportunities ought to be redeem'd ... by J.W. Wade, John, b. 1643. 1683 (1683) Wing W178; ESTC R34695 377,547 592

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though the Apostles preached and celebrated the Lord's Supper on other Dates of the Week yet why are the4se Things mentioned as done on that Day particularly and remarkably unless it were for some singular Eminency of this above any other Day and because they were bound to do those Duties on this Day more than on any other And the Apostle gave express Order that † 1 Cor. 16. 1 2. the Collection for the Saints a Work especially fit for a Sabbath-Day should be made particularly on the first Day that is [d] Beza in loc every first Day of the Week which was the fore-ordain'd and customary Day of the Christian religious Church Assemblies Vpon or [e] Bp. of VV. Opuse Speech against Mr. Trask p. 73. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 So the VVord is used Mark 15.6 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Sense is against the Feast against the first Day of the Week every Person was to lay apart what God should move and encline him to offer The Preparation and Separation of it was to be at home every Week but the Collation and Contribution to be in the Publick Congregation every Lord's Day For [f] Hammond's Par. it was not reasonable for any to come to the Lord * Exod. 23.15 Deut. 16.16 empty upon the Day of the most solemn Christian Assembly And this Day was appointed for the Oblation of their Alms because of the inestimable Benefits and infinite good Things we this Day had bestowed upon us And the Church of Christ has constantly observ'd this high Day ever since the Apostles Daies and spent it in Reading Exhortation Praier Sacraments [g] Si die Solis laetitiae indulgemus alia longe ratione quàm religione Solis secundo loco ab eis sumus qui diem Saturni otto victus ●ecernunt exorbitantes ipsi à Judaico more quem ignorant Tertul. Apol. c. 16 The Primitive Christians were suspected to worship the Sun because they used to celebrate the Sunday It was an [h] Bp. of VV. Speech in the Star-Chamber Opusc p. 74. usual Question put of old by the Heathen to the Christians before ever they offer'd to torture and martyr them Num Dominicum servasti Did you keep the Lord's Day To which they answer'd Christianus sum intermittere non possum I am a Christian and dare not omit or give over the Observation of it This is a Day in which God is to be solemnly worshipped and served and Christ to be pbulickly magnified and glorified A special Season to be laid hold on a particular Opportunity to be improved for our Soul's Good This is a special Day of Grace in which as I may say the Mint is going and in which we may take our Stamp of Holinefs [i] VVhole duty of man Partit 2. sect 18. This is the gainfullest the joyfullest Day of the Week a Day of Harvest wherein we are to lay up in store for the whole Week nay for our whole Lives This is a Market-day for our Souls in which we may trade for Eternity This is a Day in which we may hear and understand the Things that belong unto our Peace Pious and pathetical is that of the divine and holy Mr. Herbert Sunday O Day most calm most bright The Week were dark but for thy Light Thy Torch doth show the way Sundaies They are the fruitful Beds and Borders In God's rich Garden that is bare Which parts their Ranks and Orders On Sunday Heaven's Gate stands ope Blessings are plentiful and rife More plentiful than Hope This is a Day in which the most precious Commodities that ever the World saw or heard of are set forth in which the Riches and Treasures of the Gospel are opened Christ himself offered his Merit and Spirit tendred Pardon and Grace Light and Life Strength and Comfort held out and exhibited This is a Day in which no Pandora's Box is opened but in which the Cabinet of God's Jewels is unlocked and his precious Gifts and Graces dispensed This is a Day in which a spiritual Mart a divine Fair is publickly kept in which with the wise Virgins we may buy Oil for our Lamps buy spiritual Eye-salve to anoint our Eyes that we may see as our Saviour counsels excellently buy the Truth as the wise Man advises us and be perswaded so well to like it as never to sell or part with it buy Wine and Milk and Bread to fill and satisfy our empty hungry and thirsty Souls buy white Rainment that we may be clothed and that the Shame of our Nakedness may not appear buy the Christian 's compleat Armour that we may be furnished for our Warfare and well provided against the Assaults of our Spiritual Enemies buy Gold tried in the Fire that we may be rich yea in which we may buy the Pearl of Price in which we may receive and lay hold on Christ and all his Benefits and embrace and apply the great and precious Promises of the Gospel This is a Day in which the Word of God's Grace is opened and applyed and the holy Sacraments the Seals of the Covenant frequently administred in which we have the Priviledg of hearing God speaking unto Sinners and wooing and beseeching Rebels to be reconciled and in which we may enjoy the glorious Liberty of speaking our selves to God with an holy Boldness at the Throne of Grace and pouring out with one Accord our Supplications and Souls in Praier to him This is a Day of solemn Rest from servile Offices and worldly Works A Time of drawing nigh to God and of meeting the Lord in his own Ordinances of joining with the Saints and Servants of God in the Worship of God in Praiers to God and the Praises of him of having Communion and Fellowship with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ through the blessed Spirit and of enjoying a kind of Heaven here upon Earth The Lord's Day you see is a special Season of Grace and Mercy O let 's be spiritually thrifty of this Opportunity Let 's not live as if we were of the same Mind with the modern carnal Jews who think as the learned [k] Tempore Sabbati matutino non tam citò quàm solent alias cubitu surgentes in lucem multam voluptatis certè magis quàm Sabbati debitè colendi causâ stertunt Quantò enim voluptatis isti plus percipiunt tantò se devotrùs Sabbatum colere statuunt Buxtorf Synag Judaic c. 11. initio Buxtorf tells us that sleeping excessively on their Sabbath is a great Honour dòne to God Let 's not content our selves with an idle Rest Let our Rest be the Rest [l] Lawson's Theo-Pol p. 179. of Men and not of Beasts and the Rest of holy Men as holy Let 's not only cease from secular Works but exercise our rational and spiritual Faculties in heavenly and divine Employments and set our selves to Works of Piety Charity and Mercy Let us redeem this Time out of the Hands of
of God only but thou shalt see God within thee and feel his Power throughly working thee to the same Mind Will and Desire with himself That thou shalt see God hereafter and be like him and reflecting upon thy self shalt see that thou art like him and be pleased and satisfied joyful and delighted in thy Similitude and Resemblance of him This Meditation will move thee to labour to be fit for the perfect Vision and Fruition of God in the future State of heavenly Glory To remember to turn away thy Eyes from beholding Vanity as thou lookest to behold the Divine Glory To make it thy Business * Heb. 12.14 to follow Holiness without which no Man shall see the Lord enjoy the glorious Sight and behold the blessed Face of God To labour to see God here that thou maiest be the fitter to see him hereafter To see him in his Works to search after behold and admire that infinite Power Wisdom and Goodness which are visible and legible in his wonderful Works of Creation and Providence But more especially to study to see and know God as he has reveal'd himself in his Word to see his Holiness in his Precepts his Justice in his Threatnings his Grace and Goodness in his Promises Once more To see and converse with God in his Ordinances to see him as he presents himself to thy view and exhibits himself to be seen in the Sanctuary to enjoy Communion and Fellowship with him in the publick solemn Ordinances of Prayer hearing receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper And to be alwaies purging thy Sight clearing thy Eyes and cleansing thy Soul endeavouring to become * Mat. 5.8 [e] Purity speaks two Things 1. Freedom from mixture with any Thing that is more vile so Metal is pure that is not embas'd with a worse Metal and Wine is pure that is not mixt with Water 2. Purity speaks cleerness and transparency So Spring-waters Fountains Diamonds are pure So Purity of Heart consists 1. in Abstraction and Septration from every Thing base and filthy and in gathering up the Soul into Communion with that which is pure and 2. in that Glory Lustre and Beauty which arises from such Purity pure in Heart not desiled by looking after fleshly or worldly Lusts nor polluted with other foul Mixtures to be free from Hypocrisy and Vncleanness from Filthiness of the Flesh and Spirit in this Sense to be pure in Heart that thou maiest see God have a spiritual Sight and inward Sense and [f] See Dr. Jackson 3. V. book 11. c. 21. Tast a savory assectionate Knowledg of him and be capable and receptive of Impressions from him as the crystal Spring easily admits the Sun-beams and imbibes its Raies and the clean Glass plainly receives the Species and Images of any Bodies To get a cleansed purified Soul that thou maiest be able to see and enjoy God here and so be fit for the Beatifical Vision hereafter To behold in the * 〈…〉 3.18 Glass of the Gospel the Glory of the Lord and to be changed into the same Image here as thou hopest hereafter to see God so as to be † Ps 17.15 satisfied with his Likeness 2. Think how happy thou shalt hereafter be in Heaven by beholding the glorified humane Nature of Christ That when he shall appear thou ‖ 1 Joh. 3 2. shalt see him as he is see the Person of Christ as he is in Opposition to what he was while he was here on Earth in the Form of a Servant That if thou beest a Servant of the Lamb thou shalt see his (*) Rev. 22.3 4. Face in the New Jerusalem That thou shalt be (†) Joh. 17.24 with him where he is and shalt immediatly behold his Glory which his Father hath given him Sit down and consider when thou shalt arrive at the Court of Heaven how transcendent and ravishing and pleasingly amazing the heavenly Glory of Christ will be to thee That if the (‖) 1 Kings 10 8. Queen of Sheba pronounced Solomon's Servants happy because they stood continually before him and heard his Wisdom and beheld but a temporal fading and earthly Glory how unspeakable then thy Happiness will be constantly to behold the Presence and heavenly Mediatorial Glory of Jesus Christ That if here it be so sweet and pleasant a Thing [*] Eccl. 11.7 for the Eyes to behold the Sun how pleasant and delightful then it will be to view and behold the Sun of Righteousness to look upon the glorified humane Nature of Christ which will appear more beautiful and shine more bright than the Sun in the Firmament If it were so refreshing and joyful a Sight to the Faithful in those Daies to see and enjoy Christ though in his State of Humiliation If the * Mat. 2.1 Wise Men came from far to see Christ though lying in a Manger And † Luke 19.4 Zaccheus climbed up into a Tree to see him in the Daies of his Flesh And one of the [g] Romam in flove Paulum in ore Christum in corpore three Things which St. Austin wish'd he might have seen was Christ in the Flesh Think how Christ in his Glory and Advancement will be a more taking satisfying Object than in his Humility and Debasement How strangely it will affect and delight thee to see him so highly exalted and vastly enrich'd who humbled and emptied himself for thy sake and became very mean and poor that thou through his Poverty mightst be made rich To see that Body that here was laid in a Manger nail'd to a Cross and buried in a Sepulchre now made a most glorious Body and one of the rarest Sights and greatest Wonders in Heaven To see Christ in Glory and Christ in Glory thine thy glorified Head and Lord and the Exemplary Cause of thy Glorification To see him ‖ Job 19.27 for thy self as ‖ Job 19.27 Job speaks for thy own unspeakable Good and Comfort To see him and be enamour'd of him and be like unto him to converse and enjoy Communion with him and to rejoice in and with him To behold his Glory and not only curiously to gaze upon him but to be glorified with him in some proportion and according to thy capacity to be made Partaker of the same Glory and to be admitted (*) Rev. 3.21 to sit with him in his Throne Think what a sablime and notable part of thy Happiness this will be in Heaven If having * 1 Pet. 1.8 not seen Christ thou lovest him and believing in him rejoycest with Joy unspeakable and full of Glory O then consider how thou shalt love and rejoyce in him when thou shalt actually see him and immediatly enjoy him in the heavenly Kingdom This Meditation will prevail with thee to labour to become meet and fit for the happy Sight and felicitating Enjoyment of the glorified humane Nature of Christ 'T will make thee study to attain to real Holiness of Heart
seu de sen That there thou shalt see and know those whom thou never sawest before sit down * Mat. 8.11 with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven and shalt renew a blessed Acquaintance with thy old dear Christian Godly Friends and vertuous Relations Not know them by former Stature Feature Favour for there will be a vast Difference between a mortal and glorified Body but know them by Revelation or by the [n] Vide thes Salmur de vit aetern thes 35 36. publick Testimony that Christ shall give concerning them or by Passages occurring in some Opportunities of Discourse with them Nor know them in a worldly or fleshly Manner but know and enjoy them in a most pure and spiritual divine and heavenly Manner And think what a comfort it will be to enjoy Society with those in Heaven with whom thou didst use to go frequently to the House of God in Company What an Happiness it will be to meet in Heaven with those with whom thou wast wont to discourse of Heaven to rejoice and join in Praises with those in Heaven whom thou hast often wept and mourned and prayed with here on Earth What a rejoicing it will be to see and enjoy those dear Saints in the Heavenly Glory whom thou wast a Means of bringing thither or who were the Means of bringing thee thither What a pleasing refreshing Converse it will be in the heavenly Jerusalem to tell one another there the most remarkable Stories of the Divine Love and to receive a faithful particular Relation of the rare Passages of the Divine Providence of which the good and vertuous have had Experience in all Ages of the World How kindly and sweetly thou shalt converse with others when all Corruptions on all sides shall be removed your Judgments and Affections united and your Dispositions exactly suited How contented and satisfied you shall there be where you shall live absolutely free from all manner of Injury Envy Strangeness Suspicion Uncharitableness Where all the Inhabitants shall alwaies live as [o] See D. Patrick's Par. of the Pilgr p. 92 93 94. one describes that State in a rapturous Love of God and a most passionate Love of one another Where every one will be loving and every one will be lovely Where every one will love others as much as they deserve or desire and look for no other Retribution but a Reciprocation of Love and where all shall rejoice not only in their own Salvation but in the Glory and Blessedness of others as if it were all their own Consider that hereafter thou shalt be so pleased with the Place thou shalt be in and satisfied with the Company thou shalt be with that thou shalt say in the State of Glorification * Mat. 17 4. as Peter did in the Transfiguration Lord it is good for me to be here That as thy essential Happiness shall consist in the Fruition of God the Chiefest Good so that thy concomitant circumstantial accidental Joies will consist in the beauteous Place and the holy Company thou shalt enjoy But yet [p] Dr. Jackson 3 vol. p. 508. that either the Place or Society of Saints and Angels can add or confer any Thing to thy Happiness proceeds from God's special Presence in both This Meditation will invite and provoke thee to make it thy diligent constant Care here upon Earth to fit and prepare thy self for the future Enjoyment of the most holy and blessed Company in the heavenly Glory To get a Spirit suitable both to the Company and Employment of Heaven To mortify thy unruly Lusts and to moderate those violent boisterous Passions which would cause a kind of Hell in Heaven and make thee not only restless and uneasy in thy self but apt and prone to trouble others and to disturb the Peace of that blessed Place To labour to become truly holy and so to be meet for the heavenly Society Remembring and considering that scandalous unholy disorderly Persons are by the Divine Ordination to * Mat. 18.17 1 Cor. 5.5 11. Rom 16.17 be excluded from the Communion of Saints even here below to be shut out from the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper to be denied the Benefit and Comfort of brotherly Society and Chistian familiar Converse And that if by Scandal and Practice of open Wickedness thou shouldst render thy self unfit for present Fellowship and Communion with the Saints thou wouldst surely prove much more unmeet for their perfectly pure and unspotted Society in Heaven hereafter And this will cause thee to keep Company and to hold Communion with the Saints here that thou maiest be fit to enjoy blessed Communion with them hereafter To shun and avoid the Company of the Wicked as a kind of Hell here upon Earth to count their unavoidable Neighbourhood a daily Trouble and an heavy Burden to thee And if any truly Godly live in the Place where thou dwellest to find them out and to prize and improve them to the utmost To sort and suit thy self with those now whom thou wouldst desire to be ranked with and gathered to another Day To seck to live with those here whom thou wouldst earnestly wish to live withal hereafter To make account that now to live among the Good to converse with regenerate sanctified Persons and real spiritual experimental Christians and to enjoy God in his People and Christ in his Members that this is a great Happiness and a little Image of Heaven To use such reasoning as this with thy self Should I hate or decline the Communion of Saints here what should I do in Heaven at last where next to the Fruition and Enjoyment of God in Glory the best Entertainment will be the Company and Society of blessed and glorified Saints to all Eternity This would keep thee from sitting upon Thorns when thou art in Company with gracious Persons with serious savory Christians and wishing thou wert well rid of thy Trouble and would cause thy Heart to spring and leap within thee to see the Face and hear the Discourse and enjoy the Converse and profitable Company of the truly Godly It would direct thee to chuse and use such Company all thy Life long that when thou diest as Dr. Preston said of himself upon his Death-bed thou maiest only change thy Place and not thy Company This would help thee to labour that God may now dwell in thee that hereafter thou maiest dwell with him That Christ may now dwell in thy Heart by Faith that thou at last maiest dwell with Christ in Glory To have at present Fellowship with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ and with those who have the Image of God and Christ stampt upon them the Beauty of Holiness and the Glory of Heaven shining in them to have thy Soul sympathize and thy Heart harmonize with them and thy Affections closely embrace them and freely run out to them to love and rejoice to meet and confer with them here that thou maiest be
dealt so graciously with thee as to transfer the Punishment from thee upon his Son and so bountifully with thee as to give his own Son for thee and to thee O bless and praise God by studying to do such good Works as may provoke others to bless and glorify him And when you come home from the publick Ordinance take heed you do not entangle your selves with Businesses or Recreations which have as much Power to render the publick Duties ineffectual after as before their Performarsce But carefully spend that which is not Church-time in Meditation Praier Reading savoury Speeches heavenly Discourses and the conscionable Performance of such Duties as tend to your own and others Edification Let Magistrates redeem the Lord's-day by personally frequenting open owning and countenancing the publick Worship of God and Ordinances of Christ and by improving the utmost of their Power for the Glory of God and Honour of Religion in the zealous Prevention or speedy Reformation of the horrid Prosanation of the Lord's-day and vigorous promoting the general Sanctification of it out of serious Consideration and a strong Conviction that the Preservation and Continuance of Religion doth much depend upon the due Observation of the Lord's-day And that a Disesteem and Neglect of the Sanctification of that Day does quickly cause a lamentable Decay of Christian Piety and hasten the infliction of [s] It is somewhat remarkable and not altogether to be neglected that even in this Nation upon the publick Allowance of Sports and Recreations upon the Lord's-day which is our Christian Sabbath Civil and bloody VVars and Ruin of the Royal Family should so shortly follow and that the Hand of God should be most against those who by VVriting VVords or Practice had maintained the lawfulness of that Doctrine Lawson's Theo-Polit p. 181. fearful Judgments upon a Land and Nation Let them do this in imitation of the brave and holy-spirited * Nehem. 13. from 15. to 22. Nehemiah who testified against and contended with the notorious Profaners and Violators of the Sabbath-day and would not suffer the open selling of Victuals and Wares the trading with Commodities and carrying of Burthens and doing the servil Works of their ordinary Callings on that Day Did not your Fathers thus saies he and did not our God bring all this Evil upon us and upon this City yet ye bring more Wrath upon Israel by profaning the Sabbath Let Magistrates see to the Observation and look to the Sanctification of this Day and so become the happy Instruments and blessed Means of the subsisting and flourishing of Religion in the World of keeping up in the Minds and Hearts of Men a Sense of God a Sense of Sin a Sense of Duty to God and Man a Sense or believing Apprehension of a certain Reward or Punishment a Sense of Heaven and Hell a Sense of Eternity of begetting and preserving a Tenderness and Quickness in Men's Consciences which are apt to be roused and awakened under every Ordinance of maintaining the Life of Religion and the Power of Godliness of upholding the outward Worship and Service of God and heightning and increasing the inward Honour and hearty Love and Fear of him All which depend in a great measure upon Magistrates securing what lies in them the due and sacred Observation of the Lord's-day Let Ministers redeem the Lord's-day not by composing their Sermons or committing them to their Memories on that Day which Toil and Task is fitter to be the Labour of other Daies but by striving to work their Sermons and Discourses upon their own and others Hearts and Consciences Let them spend that Day in [u] Dexteriùs loquentur cum hominibus qui priùs totá mente cum Deo fuerint collocuti Erasm wrestling with God in secret for Assistance in and a Blessing upon their publick Employment In first confessing their own Sins in their private Closets and in begging divine Gifts and Graces to make them able Ministers of the New Testament in setting right their aims and ends in all their Exercises and Undertakings and in imploring the special spiritual gracious powerful Presence of God with his own Ordinances And then in humbly consessing the Sins of the People in the publick Congregation in earnestly praying for their Souls and praising God for his wonderful Mercies in the Mediator for the happy Restauration of sinful and miserable Mankind and the Communications of himself to the lost World by Jesus Christ In propounding and pressing the most sound and solid Reasons the most convincing cogent Arguments to engage them to their Duties and in giving with the greatest Expression of Affection the most proper Directions and seasonable Counsels to guide them in the Way to Heaven And Let the People redeem the Lord's-day by privately reading or hearing read some Part and Portion of Scripture which would season their Hearts and make them more teachable when they hear the Word publickly read or preach'd By praying for themselves to the Shepherd and Bishop of their Souls and by praying for their Minister to the chief Shepherd that Shepherd both of Shepherd and Sheep of Pastor and People that great Prophet and Teacher of his Church that he would teach their Teacher instruct their Instructor and so lead and guid him by his Word and Spirit that he may safely conduct them by sound and seasonable Doctrine and winning Example in the Way everlasting Yea Let them redeem the Lord's-day by attending on the Lord without Distractions by joining in the publick Prayers by being present at publick Baptism that they themselves may be minded and remembred of their own Baptismal Vow and Covenant By worthy and frequent receiving the holy Communion of the body and Blood of Christ By diligent hearing the Word preacht By serious Meditation on it and conscionable Practice of it and by charging themselves and humbly desiring God to help them to walk worthy continually of the Means Mercies and Priviledges they enjoy By maintaining heart-warning Conference By charitable Visitation of and Ministration of seasonable suitable Counsel and Comfort to any sick and weak afflicted or distressed Persons By acknowledging all their Offences to God and Amendment of the same and by endeavouring heartily to reconcile themselves charitably to their Neighbours where any Difference or Displeasure has been You that are Masters and Governours of Families redeem the Lord's-day for your selves and cause your Families to redeem it The Lord of the Sabbath commandeth that thou and thy Son and thy Daughter thy Man-servant thy Maid-servant and all within thy Gate keep that Day holy Set not suffer not your Servants to work nor your Children or Servants to play on this Day Be as much ashamed to see your Child or Servant steal and take God's Time to themselves as you would be to find them pilfering or stealing from your Neighbour You can keep your Servants close to your own work all the Week-daies See that they neglect not the Work of God on the Lord's-day
dismal Voice Serve nequam * Mat. 25.19 26 30. thou wicked and slothful Servant and shall find and feel a Retribution accordingly 'T will surely then be said concerning him * Mat. 25. 19 26 30. Cast the unprofitable Servant into outer Darkness there shall be Wecping and Gnashing of Teeth O let 's not put that evil Day far from us but let that Voice be alwaies ringing in our Ears which was ever sounding in [g] Quoties diem tillum considero toto corpore contremisco sive entm comedo sive bibo sive aliqutd facio semper videtur mihi tuba illa terrtilis sonare in auribus meis Surgite mortus ventte ad judicium Hieron St. Jerom's Arise ye Dead and come to Judgment Our Time must be strictly reckon'd for and therefore we should thriftily husband if possible every Minute of it The sixth and last Additional Reason Sixthly and lastly We should be sure to redeem the Time Because this Time is all we can redeem and upon this short Moment of Time depends long Eternity We shall never have any more Time or Space to redeem either in this or in another World 1. As we cannot live this same Life over again so when once we die and leave this World we shall never return to this Earth again to converse in Flesh with Men any more nor be suffer'd to live another Life here in this World to mend and correct what we did amiss heretofore * Job 14.14 If a Man die shall he live again says Job Some understand this Interrogation as flat denial an absolute Negation He shall live a natural Life on Earth no more † Job 7.9 10. As the Cloud is consumed and vanisheth away So he that goeth down to the Grave shall come up no more He shall return no more to his House neither shall his Place know him any more ‖ Job 26.22 Job 10. 21. When a few Years are come then I shall go the Way whence I shall not return 2. And as we shall have no new Time in this So no Space will be given or granted us for Repentance and Purgation of our Souls nor will any Offer of Mercy be made us in the other World No new Covenant will ever there be tendred to us no Ambassadours of Peace be sent to beseech us to pray us there n Christ's stead to be reconcil'd to God God will then be irreconcilable Sin unpardonable and unremovable Heaven unattainable and lost Souls uncurable and irrecoverable If we do not do our best here we shall have no other Game to play nor Part to and in any other Region or Mansion We shall not be [h] Quoad animae separatae statum nun it●rum sit Viator neque in probationis stain posita ad foe scitatein ●ahue acquirendam sed in statu ponitur hnals resurrections mutationibus expectatis Baxter Methodus Theologiae Christianae part 4. cap. 4. Probationers in the other World We shall not be suffered to begin there upon a new Score [i] In quo quemque invenerit suus novissimus dies in hoc eum compiehendet munds novissmas dies Quoniam qualis in die isto qutsque moritur talis in die illo judicabitur August Epist 80. Qualis exieris de hac vita talis redder is illi vitae August in Psal 36. Our Souls at Death will enter into a sixed unchangeable State and continue for ever such as they went out of this World The very same Frame and Temper Qualities and Assectious as we carry with us out of this Life we shall keep and retain in the next Such good Dispositions as were begun here will indeed beintended and perfected in Heaven And such ill Dispositions as took place and got Root here will be strongly setled and fully confirm'd in the damn'd hereafter But the [k] See Dr. Tillotson 1. vol pag. 29● Dr. More 's Mystery of Godliness pag. 441. Dr. Dowler's Design of Christianity pag. 122. main State of any either good or bad will never be varied or altered in the other World As the Tree falls so it lies As Time leaves us so Eternity will find and continue us God will never trie us more with Opportunities and Helps of Conversion and Reformation with the Means of Grace and Life in another Place and State And therefore let 's now improve Providences and Ordinances Aids and Assistances as those that shall never hereafter meet with such Advantages and do all the Duties and Offices of Religion as those that are going to that World where there is no room for such Performances no place for Confession Praier Repentance and Amendment of Life in order to the Pardon of our Sins and Salvation of our Souls no occasion of running wrestling striving watching fighting any more in order to obtaining of a Prize and receiving of a Crown All that is now left undone must be undone for ever This is the only Space allotted us and Opportunity afforded us wherein to build and prepare our Ark to get Oil sufficient into our Vessels and to provide a competent Measure or Portion of Manna We can only gather the spiritual Manna in the six Daies of this Temporal Life there is no finding no getting of it on the Sabbath of Eternity As we must do all our worldly Business before the weekly Sabbath comes So we must quite finish our spiritual Business in the working Daies of the Life present for there is no working on the eternal Sabbath when once this earthly Lise is ended Then we must labour and work preparatory Work no longer but receive from our great Lord and Master the Reward or Punishment of our former Works The Life to come it is no Seed Time but only a Time of Harvest We must reap in the future State the Fruit of our own present Doings whether good or bad As we do use the Time of this Life so shall we be used treated and dealt with in the other Life We shall certainly fare happily or miserably to all Eternity according to our Carriage and Behaviour here According to our Choice and Election Affection and Action in this World will be our everlasting Lot in the World to come So that the right Improving or Misimproving the well or ill spending and husbanding of our Time is of infinite Consequence and Concernment to us Let us therefore in this Time of Life get all Things ready that are necessary to a joyful Entrance into eternal Life Let our Work and Business in Preparation for an endless Happiness be dispatch'd and done before we go hence and be no more seen * Eccles 9.10 Whatsoever our Hand findeth to do let us do it with our Might for there is no Work nor Device nor Knowledg nor Wisdome in the Grave whither we are going There is no Hope or Expectation of working out our Salvation in an after State and Condition If this Work be not effected before this mortal Life is ended it can never be done
their Time in slandering detracting whispering tale-bearing speaking [c] In primis provideat nesirmo vitium aliquod indicetinesse morst us Quod maxtmè tum solet evenive cum stu●tosè de absentibus detrahendt causâ aut per ridiculum aut severè aut maledicè contumel osèque dicitur Dicero l. 1 de Offic Evil of others when they have no lawfull Call to do it in talking uncharitably of others [d] De alterius vtta de alterius morte disputatis Seneca de vita beata c. 19. Lives and Deaths in private caracterizing judging censuring back-biting of others These are as perfect in the Enumeration of others Faults [e] Dr. Allestry's Sermons p. 35. as if their Memories were the Books that shall be opened at the Day of Judgment This is in it self a base Temper where-ever it is with the Fly to fasten now here but upon a Sore like a Cupping-Glass to draw nothing but corrupt Blood This is an ungodly Humour for any to suffer their Tongues to be busily medling with those Sins and Miscarriages Failings or Faults of other Persons which never grieved and troubled touched or came near their own Hearts and which they never secretly bewail'd and sadly bemoan'd before God To be continually judging and censuring those that were never privately and personally reprov'd lovingly and compassionately admonished nor once earnestly and heartily praied for by them This censorious Spirit is a Christless Spirit Jesus Christ is an Advocate with the Father he excuses he pleads for Sinners he makes the best of every Thing he covers a Multitude of Sins Now when we do nothing but rip open and aggravate others Faults behind their backs we are far from an Imitation of Christ This is so far from being a Christ-like that it is too evidently a Diabolical Spirit The Devil he is called an Accuser and we plainly play Satan's Part and act him to the Life and spend our Time just as the Devil does if we make it our Business to be ever prying and finding of Faults to be alwaies bringing Charges against and framing Accusations of others And the employing our Time thus is far from redeeming it Might not we spend our Time far better in meekly admonishing of others and in heartily praying for others than in rashly judging and censuring of others Let me tell you while we are alwaies pleading others guilty we do but make our selves more guilty and thus to lose our own Innocency is this to redeem our Time To render our selves uncapable of Heaven is this to work out our own Salvation * Psal 15.1 3. Lord who shall abide in thy Tabernacle who shall dwell in thy holy Hill he that back-biteth not with his Tongue nor doeth Evil Wrong Hurt or Injury to his Neighbour in this way of backbiting nor taketh up that is with his Mouth that uttereth not a Reproach against his Neighbour that does not curiously pry into the Businesses Affairs Infirmities secrets of others and then busily divulge and tell them abroad to other Persons thereby defaming disgracing disparaging and rendring Men contemptible one to another and stirring up Strife Hatred Enmity Division and Quarrels among Men. Where shall we now find the Christian who deserves the Commendation that once [i] Hieron ad Marcellam de laudibus Asellae St. Jerome gave of Asella of whom he says Sermo silens silentium loquens she was silent when she spake for she spake only of religious and necessary things not medling with other Persons or Fame How do many mis-spend their Time and talk in vain and ridiculous Self-gloriation and in uncomely affected if not false and ungrounded Commendation of themselves in complementing and flattering great Sinners to their very Faces And some very vile and wicked Wretches abuse their Time and Tongues in speaking a Multitude of Lies in frequent taking God's Name in vain in common and customary Swearing in [f] Dr. Allestry's Sermons p. 154. mingling horrid and bitter Imprecations with their sportive Talk and making the Wounds and Blood of God and other such sad Words their foolish or peevish Modes of speaking Many Mens Mouths run like an Issue nothing but Putrefaction They vent and pour out * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Eph. 4.29 putrid unsavoury rotten † 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Coloss 3.8 filthy Discourse apt only to minister to a Vice instead of ministring Grace unto the Hearers Corrupt it self and tending to corrupt good Manners and to infect the Fancies and defile the Minds of those that hear it They pass the Time in uttering [g] The Apostle chargeth that Fornication should not be once named among them as becometh Saints Eph. 5.3 not meaning that the Vice should not have its Name and filthy Character but that nothing of it be named in which it can be tempting or offensive nothing tending to it or teaching of it should be named Bishop Taylor 's Sermons 1 Vol. p. 288. wanton loose lascivious Words in singing amorous and obscene Songs whereas he that is ‖ James 5.13 Private Christian● are to teach and admonish one another in Psalms and Hymns and spiritual Songs Coloss 3 16 Etia●n cùn htlaritati inser vimus addification is ut●i●at is mutuae memores esse debemus Dav. in loc merry should sing Psalms Many mis-spend their Hours in * Ephes 5.4 inconvenient [h] Ipsum genus jocandi non profusum nec immodestum sed ingenuum facetum esse debet Vt enim puer is non omnem licentiam ludendi damus sed eam quae ab honest is actionibus non sit aliena sic in ipso joco aliquod probi ingenit lumen eluceat Cicero l. 1. de Office scurrilous immodest yea many mis-spend them in impious and profane Jesting in openly Scossing at good Men and making merry with their Imperfections and their own Slanders and in jeering the holy Waies and playing with the holy Word of God He that makes a Jest of the Words of Scripture or of holy things as a [i] Bishop Taylor 's Sermons 1 V. p. 305. learned Pen richly expresses it plaies with Thunder and kisses the Mouth of a Canon just as it belches Fire and Death he stakes Heaven at spurn-point and trips Cross and pile whether ever he shall see the Face of God or no he laughs at Damnation while he had rather lose Goal than lose his Jest nay which is the Horrour of all he makes a Jest of God himself and the Spirit of the Father and the Son to become ridiculous And is not this a monstrous cursed Improvement of precious Time to use and employ it in profanely deriding and desperately abusing the Word and Spirit of God that gave it 'T is a good Saying of the [k] Detestanda illorum insania qui hilares esse non p●ssunt sine Christi contumelia religionis ludibrio Dav. in Coloss 3.16 Thes if any do hilarem insaniam insanire ac per risum furere Seneca
be [z] Cato Munatio scripsit se vereri ne nimia amicitia causam altquando daret odio Huc proverbium Persicum Homines invisere indecorum non est modò toties non fiat ut dicant Sat est Et Arabes dicunt Visita raro angebis amcrem Et Martialis Nulli te facias nimis sodalem Quantò meltor ergo est Dei quàm hominum amicitia Deo tanto sumus gratiores quanto saepius ad eum accedimus Syn. Crit. in loc weary of thee and so hate thee But alas how few among us are to be found who make their Visits to these better Purposes to help and assist counsel and comfort sick Persons to exercise Charity to the Souls and Bodies of poor Neighbours to minister suitable and seasonable Relief to such as are in real and great Want and Need to further the Edification and promote the Salvation of all about them to labour and endeavour to bring some off from their Errours or Sins to mind one another of their latter End in a serious and savoury Manner to talk of the Kingdom and the Way to the Kingdom and to help one another Heaven-ward to add to one another's spiritual Knowledg to encrease and stir up one another's Graces to comfort and warm and strengthen one another's Hearts to affect one another with the Remembrance of God's Ordinances and with the Consideration of his Providences to their Persons Families Relations more particularly r to the Land of our Nativity and the People of God and Church of Christ more generally To bring one another to a due Sense of the Divine Mercies and to a dread of the Divine Judgments to pray with one another and to quicken one another to a Reformation of their Hearts and Lives and a well ordering of themselves and Families and the Redemption of their Time in these evil Daies and to a speedy and sound Preparation of themselves to suffer for the Gospel and for the Purity of the Reformed Religion if God shall please to call them to it That Prodigy of early youthful Piety and spiritual divine Proficiency [a] In his Life written by his Brother Jam. Janew p. 72 73. Mr. John Janeway Fellow of King's Colledg in Cambridg once in Company sate down silent took out his Pen and Ink and wrote down in Short-hand the Discourses that passed for some Time together among those that pretended to more than common Understanding in the Things of God and after a while he took his Paper and read it to them and asked them Whether that Talk was such as they would be willing God should record Is not this a brave rational divine Discourse says he Where 's our Love to God and Souls all this while Where 's our Sense of the Preciousness of Time and of the Greatness of our Account Did Saints in former Times use their Tongues to no better Purpose Would Enoch David or Paul have talked thus Is this the sweetest Communion of Saints upon Earth How shall we do to spend Eternity in the Praises of God if we cannot find some good Matter for an Hour's Discourse This he did to convince and shame them out of their barren Discourse and empty Converse and foolish fruitless Communication and to quicken and provoke them to a more profitable Improvement of their Society A seventh Sort of Persons reproved They also are justly blame-worthy who cast away their Time in excessive immoderate worldly Cares for superfluous Things Who as the [a] Magno temporit impendio quaeruntur supervacua multi transcunt vitam dum vitae instrumenta conquirunt Seneca ep 45. Philosopher describes them do wholly pass their Life in seeking and procuring the Instruments of Life and are [b] Seneca de brevitate vitae cap. 20. Facile est occupationes evadere si occupationum pretia contempseris Mercedem miseriarum amant ipsas exccrantur Idem ep 22. Rebus non me trado sed commodo nec consector perdendi temporis causas Idem ep 62. sooner weary of living than of labouring whose desire lasts longer than their Ability and Power to labour for this World who reckon Old Age grievous only on this Account that it laies them aside and hinders their lively and vigorous Pursuit of the Things of the World Who complain sometimes of the Trouble of Businesses of the Weight of great and full Employments but cannot find in their Hearts to leave them because though they hate the Miseries of their Labours yet they love the Gain and Profit the Price and Reward of them Who bestow a great Deal of Pains about that they never intend to use who toil and sweat tire and weary out themselves to heap up much thick Clay to treasure up Silver and Gold to * Isa 5.8 joyn House to House and lay Field to Field all which they must shortly exchange for a Turf in the Church-yard Who anxiously labour to raise and gather to clear and secure an Estate which they must every Man of them † Eccles 2.18 19. leave unto the Man that shall be after them and none knows whether he shall be a Wise Man or a Fool and take no pains in the mean Time to try and confirm their Title to Heaven Who are so solicitous about plowing their Grounds that they cannot ‖ Jer. 4.3 Hos 10.12 break up the Fallow-Ground of their own Hearts who are so busy in making up their Accounts with Men that they mind not the making even their Accounts with God So over-careful to improve their temporal that they neglect the Improvement of their spiritual Estates Who are * Luke 10.40 41 42. like Martha so cumbred and troubled about many Things that they are ready to forget the one only Thing which is absolutely necessary the happy Choice of that good Part or Portion which would be a Thing very acceptable to God and the Advantage of which would continue to themselves to all Eternity Who are so taken up with worldly Dealings that they have little or none of their Conversation in Heaven Who say in their Hearts what Duke de Alva once replied to the King who asked him whether he had seen the Ecclipse of the Sun that he had so much Business to do upon Earth that he had no Time to look up to Heaven Who are more studious and industrious to get a good earthly Bargain than to obtain a Crown of Righteousness a Crown of Life and Glory and to make sure of an heavenly and everlasting Kingdom Who have their Hearts as full of the World as their Hands and are so covetous and greedy of it that they will lose their Time and let go God and a god Conscience for it Who suffer their worldly Employments too often and easily to steal away their set and stated Times for Reading Prayer Confession Thanks-giving Meditation Self-Examination to rob their Duties of their allotted Hours or to borrow of their Duties their appointed Seasons without ever making any
think yet farther That it will be an Act of Justice for God to do this That though he Sin yet he does not revoke the Sentence but in due Time will execute Judgment and Vengeance upon it for the first Sin that Man committed and for all the rest that have been acted in it That Man not only being a Tenant at will but having unworthily broken his Covenant and forfeited his Possession by breaking the Articles of his Lease his Lord at last will turn him out of Doors or rather pull down his House about his Ears and not suffer it to be alwaies a Nest of Rebels and Covenant-breakers That this World the Creature made for the Use of Man being defiled and abused by him to serve him in his Sin when the Sins of the Inhabitants of the Earth as of the * Gen. 15.16 Amorites of old shall arrive to a * Gen. 15.16 Fulness when once the rebellious Generations of Adam shall have fill'd up the Measure of their Iniquities and are ripe for Judgment the Day of Dissolution will then certainly come called expresly † 2 Pet. 3 7. the Day of Judgment and Perdition of ungodly Men That then the wicked and abominable Men shall be burnt in the Place of their Wickedness and the Objects and Instruments of their Sin shall be destroyed with them and become the Instruments of their Punishment For so the Garden of Eden wherein Man was at first plac'd was destroyed and defac'd when once he had sinned in it And what more usual even among Men than to order the Execution of notorious Malefactors in the Places where they have committed their Wickedness and to sentence the Houses wherein themselves and their Families liv'd to be demolished ‖ Dan. 3.29 Their Houses shall be made a Dunghill You have heard of great and terrible Fires in the World and of famous Cities consum'd thereby and have seen not many Years since the devouring desolating Flames of London the Metropolis and chief City of our Nation But think with thy self that all this is nothing at all to that great Fire which one Day God will kindle at once setting Heaven and Earth in a Flame together Let me here assist your Meditation by proposing and presenting to you a notable Description given by a very learned [k] Dr. More 's Myst of Godl p. 238. Concerning the Partibility of the Conflagration of the Earth See there Book 6 c. 7 8. Doctor of the general and final Conflagration of the Earth Christ will cause saies he such an universal Thunder and Lightning that it shall rattle over all the Quarters of the Earth rain down burning Comets and falling Stars and discharge such Claps of unextinguishable Frie that it will do sure Execution wherever it falls so that the Ground being excessively heated those subterraneous Mines of combustible Matter will also take Fire which inflaming the inward Exhalations of the Earth will cause a terrible Murmur under Ground so that the Earth will seem to thunder against the tearing and ratling of the Heavens and all will be fill'd with sad remugient Echo's Earth-quakes and Eruptions of Fire there will be every where and whole Cities and Countries swallowed down by the vast gapings and wide Divulsions of the Ground And this fiery Vengeance shall be so thirsty that it shall drink deep of the very Sea nor shall the Water quench her devouring Appetite but excite it Wherefore the great Channel of the Sea shall be left dry and all Rivers shall be turned into Smoak and Vapour so that the whole Earth shall be inveloped in one entire Cloud of an unspeakable Thickness which shall cause more than an Egyptian Darkness clammy and palpable to be felt which added to this choaking Heat and Stench will compleat this External Hell Consider how the Scripture testifies that God will do this and the Power of God assures us that he can do it for nothing is hard or difficult to him much less impossible Think of the Creation God's raising and building this Frame of the World out of nothing and reason thus with thy self Cannot he that made it by the Word of his Power easily dissolve it And argue further in this manner Cannot he that destroyed the old World by a Floud of Waters destroy this by Fire and cause this to die of a Feaver as the did of a Dropsy Cannot he that turned Sodom and Gomorrah into Ashes do the like with the World it self also Is not he that made Mount Sinai shake and smoak at the giving of the Law able to dissolve all these Things The close and intent Meditation of this general Dissolution will clearly convince thee that Sin is an evil and a bitter Thing and will move thee to hate and abhor to shun and avoid Sin which is of a Nature so mischievous and destructive which is the meritorious procuring Cause of so dreadful a Judgment which not only of old brought the Floud of Water upon the World of the Vngodly and forced down Gehennam de Coelo as Salvian speaks caused God to rain Hell-sire and Brimstone from Heaven * Jude 7. 2 Pet. 2.5 6. upon Sodom and Gamorrah and miserably destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple and turned their fruitful Land into a barren Wilderness but will one Day set this World on fire and put it in a flame and turn this stately Structure and beautiful Frame into a rude confused Chaos The deep and earnest Thoughts of this will affect and influence thy Heart and Life and quicken thee exceedingly to all Sincerity Diligence and Zeal in the Exercise of Godliness to an holy Fear and Aw of him who can and will destroy the World 'T will constrain thee to use the Words of the Apostle and to say in good Sadness * 2 Pet. 3.11 Seeing then that all these Things shall be dissolved what manner of Person ought I to be in all holy Conversation and Godliness Seeing this Destruction shall thus involve all what an engagement does this lay upon me to live the most pure strict Life that ever Man liv'd It will incite thee by a constant course of true Piety wisely to provide for thy Escape in that Day to save and secure thy self from the Evil and Danger of it that thou maiest not be undone by this general Dissolution nor suffer Loss in this Conflagration nor perish in this Burning 'T will put thee in mind to sit thy self for this Day of Dissolution of all Things by getting the Works of the Devil throughly dissolved in thee and the Kingdom of God set up and established in thy Soul The due Consideration of this general Dissolution and final Conflagration will certainly keep thee from setting thy Heart inordinately upon any outward earthly Things from heaping up Treasure to thy self here from dreaming that any of thy Houses here shall continue for ever from having unlimited everlasting Affections for flitting fugitive transitory Things for the World the † 1
are sanctified by making thee Partaker of effectual Vocation real Regeneration gracious Adoption and thorough Sanctification that by Holiness he would qualify and dispose thee for Happiness And this Meditation will incline thee to put thy self in God's Way to be made fit And when he begins to make thee fit to do the best thou canst under God in his Strength and by his Grace to sit thy self to inquire after the Means of eternal Life and to charge thy self with the Vse of these Means in order to the attaining of this great End To cleanse thy self from all Filthiness that thou maiest be meet for an undefiled Inheritance (*) Rev. 3.4 To keep thy Garments undefiled that thou maiest be worthy to walk with Christ in white To glorify God both in thy Body and Spirit that thou maiest receive and inherit the Promise of the Glorification both of thy Soul and Body To endeavour to have (†) Rom. 6.22 thy Fruit unto Holiness that thy End may be everlasting Life (‖) Rev. 22.14 To do God's Commandments that thou maiest be blessed and have Right to the Tree of Life and maiest enter in through the Gates into the City [*] Rom. 2.7 By patient continuance in well doing to seek for Glory and Honour and Immortality that God may render eternal Life to thee Believing and considering that he that made thee without thee won'd save thee without thee a known Saying of St. Austin that God will never bestow glorious Immortality upon any that are loth to look after it that he will never give eternal Life to any that are unwilling to receive it that he won't make thee happy against thy Will nor force Heaven upon thee whether thou wilt or no That eternal Life is a Thing well worth thy looking after and therefore it is that God will have it sought for and sought for by well doing in a way of Obedience and good Works And that not only by Fits and Starts but by Perseverance or Continuance in well-doing and by patient Continuance in well-doing That a Man may as well think to be able to [t] Qui fide solitarta putat se posse ambulare in Christo is uno pede ambulare conatur quod est impo●●b●le Dav. in Col. 2.6 p. 174 walk with one Leg as ever expect to go to Heaven by a Faith that is separated from good Works But do not only think of Glory in the General But consider seriously more particularly how upon the Reunion of Soul and Body thou shalt be made completely happy In the Vision of God In beholding the glorisied humane Nature of Christ In the Perfection of thy Knowledg and the full Satisfaction of all thy rational Desires In the blessed Place thou shalt dwell in In the blessed Company thou shalt enjoy And in the Uninterruption Perpetuity and Eternity of this blessed State 1. How thou shalt at last be made happy * Mar. 5 8. 1 Joh. 3.2 in the Sight of God That thy Vnderstanding shall acquiesce in the highest Being That then thou shalt see him as he is a Fountain of all that is desirable to thy Nature see him [a] Nos non negamus quin Deum videant animae separatae sed quta visionis intus non est und ratio sed variae partes prout Deus sise clariùs vel obsc riùs revelas libenter concedimus nondum cò pervenisse animas fidelium ut eum sacie ad faciem intuers dici possint Thes Salmur de vit Aetern thes 11. † 1 Cor. 12.12 Face to Face know him even as also thou art known that in Heaven thou shalt have as clear a Sight of God and as free Communion with him as the State of a Creature can admit That though thou shalt not then immediatly see the very Essence of God as the over-acute School-men affirm God being in this respect invisible to the Angels themselves who though they be unspotted with any Sin yet the sole Imbecillity of their Nature and Creature-state does hinder such a Sight of God yet as the learned Camero expresses himself concerning it thou shalt see God by [b] Videtur Deus experiundo quis sit qualem se erga nos praestet Camero Praelect de Verbo Dei c. 7. p. 455. experiencing who he is and what he shews and manifests himself to be to thee by reaping the blessed Fruit and Benefit of the Divine Power Wisdom and Goodness so far as the Measure of a Creature can bear in the Sanctity of thy Soul and glorious Immortality of thy Body And as the ingenious judicious [c] Vide Thes Salmur de vita aeterna a Thes 13. ad finem Thes 27. Amyraldus does very intelligibly explain this Matter thou shalt see God hereafter in his glorious Works and admirable Operations such as will be the most bright Splendor and beautiful Habitation of Paradise the Glorification of thy own and others Bodies the Consociation of the Church with Angels and especially the glorious Presence of Christ in whose Manhood will appear as much of the Creator as is possibly visible in the Nature of Man To which add whatever else there may be in which the Majesty of the Deity shall then manifest it self Which rare Effects of the Divinity will certainly lead thee to a clear and full Knowledg of God's most excellent Properties and divine Vertues his Wisdom and Knowledg Power and Greatness Grace and Mercy Truth and Faithfulness the Knowledg and Contemplation of which will Fire and inflame thee with Love to him and ravish thee with joy and Delight in him Think how hereafter thou shalt see God and see him as thy God and Chief Good see god not with a transient Sight but see him so as to possess and enjoy him to close with him and be united to him and complacentially to rest in him as thy utmost and perfect End See God not by a mere speculative Contemplation of him but so as by seeing him [d] In the Tife of Glory our Souls become living polished Gsasses wherein the Divine Nature wherein Christ God and Man may be seen as he is and he is Truth it self Life it self and Goodness it self and we are transform'd into the Similitude of all these his Actibutes Dr. Jackson third Vol. p. 504 505. to become * 1 Joh 3.2 like unto him to be changed and transformed into the true and lively Image of him to be made Partaker in thy Measure and Proportion of that Wisdom and Holiness Love and Goodness which thou shalt apprehend and behold in him That thou shalt not only please and delight thy self by looking on some Glory that shall appear before thee to use some Words of a [d] See D. Patrick's Parable of the Pilgr p. 89 90. learned Doctor but shalt be made all glorious within and become thy self a God-like Creature That thou shalt not behold the Divinity only without thy self and be made happy by some external Enjoyment
Punishment upon thee in case of thy final Impenitency and Disobedience Consider moreover That thy Punishment will be [l] How the infinity of Punishment is answerable to the infinity of the Fault see Barontus de peccato M●rtalt Vent 〈◊〉 § 6. part 2. justly and deservedly everlasting if now thou sinnest with a [m] Deus punit nos in aeterno suo quta nes peccanites in aeferno nostro Mind and Will and Disposition to sin to Eternity and wouldst sin on for ever here and persevere in eternal Contumacy without end or term if God should not break off the course of thy Sins by putting a Period to thy Daies That thy eternal Torment will be reasonable and equitable if now when Life and Death an Eternity of Happiness and an Eternity of Misery are set before thee in this Time of thy Trial and Probation thou art grosly wanting to thy self [n] Vide Episcop Resp ad 64. quaest qu. 62. p. 68. slightest and despisest eternal Happiness and so puttest it away from thee for ever and drawest wilfully eternal Misery upon thy self If here thou closest with what is present and lettest go what is future as that vile and wretched Cardinal did who prefer'd his present part in Paris before his future part in Paradise hadst rather have any thing in possession than never so much in reversion and so greedily catchest at the present Pleasures of Sin for a season and refusest the Favour of God and the Joys and Blessendness of the World to come thou hast nothing to complain of for thy Loss of Heaven but thy own [o] See Dr. Jackson vol. 3. p. 496. free Choice And as for Pain of Sense though thou doest not expressly chuse it in its self yet if thou chusest it implicitly in the causes of it If now thou chusest that Sin to which such Torment is by the Law of God [p] See Baxier's Reas of the Christ Rel. p. 165 169 170. annex'd and deliberately and resolvedly to the very last eagerly pursuest those sinful Pleasures and Profits which God hath plainly told thee will be surely followed with no less than everlasting Torments And takest [q] Paradise was created for man the everlasting Fire was prepared for the Devil and his Angels But ungodly men with the Words and Works called it to them Wisd 1.16 committed a kind of ●iot upon Hell invaded Lucifer's peculiar and strive more vehemently for their portion in that Lake of Brimstone endure more temporal hardship in their pass'age thither than any Martyr in his siery Chariot of Ascent toward Heaven An the that take such pains for it is worthy to take his portion with it to have that pay which he hath merited so dearly Dr. Hammond pract Cat. see there p 412 413 in 12. as much or more pains in the waies of Sin to go to Hell than would have serv'd to get to Heaven thou wilt have none to blame at last of Cruelty toward thee but thy self no reason to cry out of the Divine Severity when thou hast but the consequents of thy wilful choice For God puts things to thy own Choice and intreats thee to be careful to chuse aright and will at last only suffer thee to inherit thy own foolish option and evil Choice which here thou madest to thy eternal Ruin Consider once more That all Hell is not in another Life That if thou beest a wicked Person thou hast an Argument within thee to convince thee that there is an Hell when thy Conscience pains and gripes thee and is too hot for thee That the present secret Checks and severe Rebukes of thy own Conscience are an Embleme and Representation and a kind of Anticipation of Hell Torments That now thou livest even in the Suburbs of Hell That thou feelest the [q] The Heathen feigned Prometheus his Liver to be continually gnawn upon by a Vultur or Cormorant without wasting the Substance of it or deading its capacity of Pain Vultur preying betimes upon thee the Worm crawling early in thy Bosom and beginning to gnaw thee even in this Life That thou hast an Aetna or Vesuvius at least some Sparks of the hellish Fire already kindled in thy own Breast some prelibations and fore-tastes of those Vials of Wratth that are prepared and reserved for thee some Drops let fall upon thee of that Ocean of Wrath that is likely at last to overwhelm thee That thou carriest the Sulphur of Hell about thee and thy Hell is already even here upon Earth begun within thee That though thou beest not actually in the very Place of Hell yet thou knowest that eternal Woes are due to thee and findest that this is a present Torment to thee in the midst of thy greatest outward worldly Enjoyments as a Person is scorch'd with a burning Fever though he lie upon a Bed of Ivory in a Chamber richly furnish'd and hung with the finest Tapestry or adorn'd with rare and curious Pictures and rendred as delightful and pleasant as can be Call here to mind how some that have been only sing'd by this Fire and have had no more than the Smell thereof passing upon them have been most rueful amazing Spectacles to all Beholders through that Horrour and Terrour of Conscience which was but an Image and Resemblance of Hell-Torments And if the beginnings of these Sorrows be so dreadful here in this World Consider how unsufferable then the full measure thereof will certainly be in the World to come Think earnestly and often of these Things and see how strangely they will operate with thee [r] Fox Acts and Mon. 2 vol. p. 922 923. Mr. Bilney the Martyr did diverse times in his Imprisonment put his Finger to the Flame of the Candle to feel and try the Heat of the Fire before his Execution Do thou by Meditation flash Hell-fire in thy own Face and burn the Brimstone of Hell at thy own Nostrils Use thy self to serious Thoughts of Hell Sit down and consider whether thou art able to bear those Torments to dwell with that consuming Fire to abide with those everlasting Burnings Pursue these Thoughts and often renew and repeat these Considerations and this is likely to startle and awaken thee to rouse and raise thee out of thy carnal Security Labour by Meditation to presentiate and to reallize the intolerable Torments of Hell to thy self and work the Thoughts of the Things forementioned upon thy Heart until thou art suitably affected with them and fully resolv'd to answer the Ends of the Threatning of them Thy Meditation of Hell-torments will be apt to beget [s] Mr. Perkins would pronounce the Word Damn with such an Emphasis as left a doleful Echo in his Auditors Ears a good while after Mr. Fuller in his Life Holy State p. 82. stirring and lively Affections in thee It will be useful to with-hold or with-draw thee from Sin which has such a dreadful Issue To keep or take thee off from living in such a