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A61639 Naphtali, or, The wrestlings of the Church of Scotland for the kingdom of Christ contained in a true and short deduction thereof, from the beginning of the reformation of religion, until the year 1667 : together with the last speeches and testimonies of some who have died for the truth since the year 1660 : whereunto are also subjoyned, a relation of the sufferings and death of Mr. Hew McKail ... Stewart, James, Sir, 1635-1713.; Stirling, James, 1631-1672? 1667 (1667) Wing S5683; ESTC R3435 226,444 388

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the Love of Jesus Christ This will be tender of any thing that may have the least reflexion upon him His Words or Works and will prompt the soul to Zealous appearing for Him at the greatest hazard and to as much willingness to die for Him as to Live that they may Glorify Him And for the encouragement of yow all in this matter I do declare that ever since the day of my coming into prison God hath keeped my soul free from all Amazement or fear of death that since my inditement and sentence God hath so manifested Himself at several times that he hath lifted up my soul above Prelats Principalities PowerS Death Hell to rejoice be glad in His Salvation and from my soul to account him Worthy for whom in this his Cause I should undergo the greatest shame or Paine And to assured hopes of Eternal Communion with Him in Heaven And that nothing hath more brangled my peace then shifting an open and free testimony before my Examinators to the work that I was ingaged in I do freely pardon all that have accession to my blood and wish that it be not laid to the charg of this sinful Land but that God would grant Repentance to our Rulers that they may obtaine the same reconciliation with Him whereof I myself do partake Truely I beleeve many of them if not instigated by the cruel Prelats at whose door our blood doth principally lie would have used more mitigation But that reluctancy of mind to shed blood will be so far from Vindicating of them that upon the contrary it will be a witness against them in the Day of the Lord. I heartily submit my self to Death as that which God hath appointed to all men because of Sin and to this particular way of it as deserved by my particular Sins I praise God for this Fatherly chastisement whereby he hath made me in part and will make me perfectly partaker of his Holiness I glorify Him that called me forth to suffer for His Name and Ordinances and the solemne engagements of the Land to Him and that he hath taken this way to take me away from the evill to come The Lord bless all His Poor Afflicted groaning People that are behind Hereafter I will not talk with flesh and blood nor think on the Worlds consolations Farewel all my Friends whose company hath been refreshful to me in my Pilgrimage I have done with the Light of the Sun and Moon Welcome Eternal Life Everlasting Love Everlasting Praise Everlasting Glory Praise to Him that sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb for ever Though I have not been so with Thee as I ought to have been in the House of my Pilgrimage yet thow hast made with me an Everlasting Covenant Ordered in all things and Sure And this is all my Salvation and all my desire Bless the Lord O my Soul that hath pardoned all my Iniquities in the Blood of His Son and healed all my Deseases Bless Him O all ye his Angels that excel in strength ye Ministers that do his pleasure Bless the Lord O my Soul Halelujah Edinburgh Tolbooth December 22. 1666. Sic subscribitur HEW M c KAIL. I have heard that some of the Prisoners are willing to save their lives by taking the Declaration That is by abjuring that Work and Cause for which they adventured their Lives Which if they do our blood shall bear witness against them in the great Day of God And God shall so punish some of them in this Life that they shall curse the day that ever they shifted to dy on a scaffold HEW M c KAIL. The Testimony of JOHN WODROW Merchant in Glasgow who died in Edinburgh Decemb. 22. 1666. Dear Friends I Am condemned to die I shall say little concerning men who have judged and condemned me they are to answer to God for it But I bless the Lord who hath counted me worthy to die for so good and honourable a cause And that I be not mistaken after I am gone hence I have thought fit to testify that in singleness and sincerity of heart I came into the service not constrained but from conscience of my being engaged by Covenant to God and with a full purpose to perform my vows made in that Covenant unto the Lord in the strength of Jesus Christ And that I might endeavour to restore again the precious Ordinances to their former purity power and to recover the fair Church in this Land which our blessed Lord hath purchased to Himself and bought at so dear a rate to her former Beauty which is now defaced And particularly to bring down that Antichristian Prelacy and that perjured crue of Prelats who have so perfidiously wronged the Interests of our blessed Lord and Master Jesus Christ This is the only Cause for which I undertook this service and joyned with others my dear and Covenanted brethren And that I had no intention to wrong the King's person or Authority but to seek his real good according to my duty in the Word of God and also as I sware in the same Covenant wherein I did swear against Prelacy And notwithstanding I be condemned of men as a Rebel yet I am justifyed of God my God and Father in and through my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who giveth me sweet peace of conscience and joy of heart I grant it is not enough to justify me before Him that I had a just Cause unless likewise I had therewith the acceptation of my person through Faith in the Merits of Jesus Christ who standeth in our nature in heaven which I dare declare this day as a dying man that I have obtained for I am confident that through His righteousness made over unto me He hath made me free in which I shall stand for ever and that within a few hours I shall see Him in peace as I am seen of Him and behold and wonder and wonder and behold for evermore that most glorious excellency of His. And this yeeldeth to me great consolation in all my extremities were they never so great This I say is my peace and consolation this day even Christ my Righteousness who hath both accepted my Person and Cause Therefore I count it a small thing to be judged and condemned of men for my Testimony is on high and my record in heaven And now my Friends I am condemned to die for adhering to my Covenant made with God for Reformation of Religion and Conversation to which all ranks of the Land are as well bound as I though many alas too many shaking off all fear of God have despised the Oath not only by breaking the Covenant but by professing and declaring avowedly the bond thereof null and not binding either to their own or other mens consciences And this mischief is framed by a Law which doth greatly highten the Sin O! tell it not in Oath and publish it not in Askelon Oh! that this should be heard of amongst Papists and Pagans
that professed Reformed Protestants should stand in so litle aw of a solemn Oath and Name of the great and living God But I exhort and obtest you all that so much the more as others have made void His Covenant you would esteem it the more precious and closely follow the Reformation vowed in every Article thereof upon all occasions given you of the Lord And that you abhor detest and refuse any engagement whatsoever that may wrong your Oath in the Covenant directly or indirectly as ye would escape the wrath of God that is coming on such breaking of Covenant but rather choise the greatest extremity of affliction then the least sin of this sort as Moses did who refused to be called the Son of Pharaoh's Daughter but chused rather to suffer reproach for Christ And be not afraid of suffering for Christ as though it were an evill thing neither scar ye at His cross for the Lord Himself saith My yoke is easy and My burthen light Yea it is lighter to us then to many that stand by Believe Faith maketh all burthens light to the believing Sufferer And now I beseech you believers in Christ abide in Him and bring forth fruit unto Holiness and study tenderness in all manner of conversation and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord And let not this profane and mocking Generation have any thing to reproach you with but that whereof you would not be ashamed that when you suffer ye may not suffer as evill doers that whereas they speak evill of you they may be ashamed that falsly accuse your good conversation in Christ It is not knowledge nor a bare Profession that glorifieth God but Tenderness Holiness and Righteousness that do commend Religion and His Cause to all men and shall convince your Adversaries of their Wickedness in wronging you and make them the more inexcusable in that day when they shall be judged Yea what know ye but ye may win others by your tender and good conversation I recommend to you that ye would be much and fervent in the use of that precious duty of Prayer wherein most near Communion with God upon earth is to be found Be much in prayer with and for others Forsake not the assembling of your selves together as the manner of some is I wish they may see the evill of it who neglect it but exhort one another and so much the more as ye see the day approaching Earnestness and diligence will hasten the Lord's coming with relief unto you and to the Lords born-down Work and your slackness in this may make the wheels of His chariot to move the more slowly For the effectuall fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much with God It will do more then Armies of men and weapons of War for your defence and deliverance I beseech you also my dear Friends that you acquaint yourselves with the Word of God in the Holy Scripture that ye may have acquaintance with Jesus Christ who is clearly set forth therein that ye may know Him in His excellency and come to love and believe in Him whom ye know that ye may be acquainted with His revealed will therein and may know what is truth and cleave fast thereto from a sure persuasion that it hath the warrant of His Word and may be guarded against every error of the wicked and that ye may fully know what is good and what is evill And that ye may suffer with confidence when ye are brought forth thereto as I am Finally my dear Friends be ye perfect be of good comfort be of one minde live in peace and the God of love and peace shall be with you JOHN WODROW The Copy of JOHN WODROW His Letter to His Wife dated Decemb 22. 1666. which was the Day on which He suffered My Heart REverence the good Providence of the Lord our God who can do nothing wrong For whatsoever He doth is well-done and my Soul faith Amen I had not a will of my own my Heart since that day wherein Yow and I parted My Lord and my God captivated it brought it to a submission unto His will I bless Him for evermore for it that I was never left to my own will Praise O praise Him all ye living And O thou my soul praise the Lord for it I bless the Lord for evermore that ever He visited my Fathers Family that ever He condescended to come unto my Fathers Family and to give a visit to the like of me He visited me there and set his Love upon me and hath chosen me for this very end to be a witness for his covenanted Reformation For this my Soul is glad and my Glory rejoyceth for this Honour wherewith He hath honoured me And that though I be condemned to die by men on earth yet am I justifyed of God through the blood of my Saviour Jesus Christ who standeth in our nature in Heaven and hath made me free through his imputed Righteousness made over unto me in which I stand for ever And within a few hours I shall see Him in peace as I am seen of Him and behold and wonder and wonder behold for evermore even that most glorious excellency which is in Him All that which is spoken of Him is but litle O my Heart my dear Love come and see I beseech yow I thought I had known something of my dearest Lord before that I had some love from and to Him before But never was it so with me as it hath been with me since I came within the doors of this Prison many a precious visit hath his gracious Majesty given unto me He is without all comparison O love love Him 0 come to Him O taste and see and that shall resolve the question best The thing I suffer for is the Covenanted Reformation I bless God and all that is within me doth bless and magnify His Holy Name for this tnat Scotland did ever enter into a Covenant with the Lord into a sworn Covenant with the hand lifted up to the Lord And I have now sworn and renued this Covenant again for my self you and my four Children in all the parts and points thereof And I pray God help you to abide in the Covenant for ever And now I give you and my four Children unto the Lord and commit you ro Him as your Covenanted God and Husband my Childrens Covenanted Father I say no more but either study to be indeed a sincere Christian a seeker of His face in sincerity or else you will be nothing at all I recommend you and your young-ones to Him who is God All-sufficient and aboundeth in Mercy and Love to them that Love Him and keep his Covenant The blessing of the Covenant be upon you so fare you well So saith Your loving and dying Husband JOHN WODROW The Testimony of RALPH SHIELDS An English-man who died in Edinburgh Decemb. 22. 1666. My Friends I Am come here to die and I thank God it
of all his hearers As 1. he inquired How should he going from the Tolbooth through a multitude of gazing People and guards of Souldiers to a Scaffold and Gibbet overcome the impression of al these To which he answered By conceaving a deeper impression of a multitude of Angels who are also on-lookers According to that we are a gazing-stock to the VVorld Angels and Men For the Angels rejoycing at our good confession are present to convey and carry our souls as the soul of Lazarus unto Abraham's bosom Not to receave them for that is Iesus Christ's work alone who will welcome them to Heaven Himself with the songs of Angels and blessed Spirits But the Angels are ministring Spirits always ready to serve and strengthen all dying believers 2. As Stephen saw the Heavens opened and Iesus standing on the right hand of God VVho then said Lord Iesus receave my Spirit so said he do I believe that Iesus Christ is also ready to receave the souls of his dying sufferers 2. He enquired VVhat is the way for us to conceave of Heaven who are hasting unto it seing the Word saith Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him Whereunto he answered that the Scripture helps us two wayes to conceave of heaven The first is by way of similitudes as in that Rev. 21. where heaven is held forth by the representation of a glorious City there described but in the same place it is also termed the Bride but O how unlike are these two a Bride and a City which doth clearly evidence the insufficiency and vast disproportion of all such similitudes and therefore he addeth the Scripture furnisheth yet a more excellent way to conceave of heaven and that is 1. by conceiving the love of Christ to us even what is the breadth and length and depth and hight and the immenseness of that love of Christ which passeth knowledge which is also the highest and sweetest motive of praise unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and hath made us Kings and Priests unto God and His Father to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever Amen 2. By holding forth the love of the Saints to Jesus Christ and teaching of us to love him in sincerity which is the very joy and exultation of heaven Rev. 5.12 Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receave power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing And no other thing then the soul breathing forth love to Jesus Christ can rightly apprehend the joyes of heaven The last words which he spoke at supper were in the commendation of Love above knowledge saying O but notions of Knowledge without Love are of small worth evanishing in nothing and very dangerous After supper his father having given thanks he read the 16 Psalm and his first words thereafter were If there were any thing in the World sadly and unwillingly to be left it were the reading of the Scriptures I said I shall not see the Lord even the Lord in the land of the living but this needs not make us sad for where we go the Lamb is the book of Scripture and the light of that City and there is life even the river of the water of life and living springs To this he added many excellent observations and making mention of the 23 v. of the 31 Psal O love the Lord all ye his saints he added that where love was it was so operative that it made flesh spirit and where it was not there spirit was made flesh thereafter he sung a part of the same Psalm Supper being ended he cals smilingly for a pen saying it was to write his Testament wherein he only ordered some few books which he had to be redelivered to several persons He went to bed a litle after eleven of the clock and having slept wel till 5 in the morning he arose and called to his Camerade Iohn Wodrow saying pleasantly up Iohn for you are too long in bed you and I look not like men going this day to be hanged seeing we lye so long Thereafter he said to him in the words of Isaiah ch 42. v. 24. Who gave Iacob for a spoil and Israel to the robbers did not the Lord he against whom we have sinned for they would not walk in his ways neither were they obedient unto His Law c. and I think Iohn said he I have not known it nor do I lay it to heart as it is't said in the end of the 25 verse But John said he for all this be not affraid but read the 43. ch v. 1.2 for all will go well with us Iohn said to him you and I will be chambered shortly in heaven beside Mr Robertson He answered I fear Iohn you bar me out because you was more free before the Council then I was but I shall be as free as any of you upon the Scaffold Before break-fast he said he had got a clear ray of the Majesty of the Lord after his awaking but it was a litle again over-clouded Thereafter he prayed and attested the Lord that he had devoted himself to the service of God in the Ministry of the Lord Jesus and the edification of souls very early adding albeit I have not been so with my God yet thow hast made vvith me an Everlasting Covenant ordered in all things and sure this is all my desire joy and salvation albeit thovv make me not a house to grovv Novv Lord vve come to thy throne a place vve have not been accquainted vvith earthly King's thrones have dvocats against poor men but thy Throne hath Jesus an Advocate for us Our supplication this day is not to be free of death nor of pain in death but that vve may vvitness before many vvitnesses a good confession His Father coming to him that morning to bid him ●arewel his last words to him were after prayer and a litle discourse that his suffering vvould do more hurt to the Prelates and be more edifying to God's people then if he vvere to continue in the Ministry for tvventy years And then he desired his Father to leave him else he would but trouble him I desire it of you said he As the best and last service you can do me to go to your chamber and pray earnestly to to the Lord to be vvith me on that Scaffold for how to carry there is my care even that I may be strengthened to endure to the end About tvvo of the clock in the Afternoon he vvas carried to the Scaffold vvith other five that suffered vvith him vvhere he appeared to the conviction of all that formerly knevv him vvith a fairer better and more stayed countenance then ever they had before observed Being come to the foot of the Ladder he directed his speech North-vvard to the multitude And premising That as his Years in the
their most precious concernments the very ends for which the Powers are ordained be continually at the Arbitriment of any Court-Creature or flatterer proscribed and persecuted under these odious names of Treason and Rebellion Certainly neither the All-wise Providence of God not yet the frame of nature can endure such a Solecisme For our part as wee are perswaded that none pleadeth for this Absolut Submission in the People and Exemption of the Prince but such as for advancing of their own interest have first prostrated their Consciences to the Princes arbitriment in a blind Absolut Obedience whereby they know themselves sufficiently secured from all smart inconvenience of that more Brutall then Rationall submission contended for So are wee confident that seing Subjection is principally enjoyned for and in order to Obedience whatsoever Reason or Authority can be adduced to perswad an absolut indispensible Subjection will far more rationally and plausibly infer an illimited and Absolut Obedience and that to plead for a priviledge in the point of Obedience to disclam it in the point of subjection is only the flattety of such as having renounced with Conscience all distinction of Obedience would devest others of all Priviledges that they may exercise their Tyranny without without controll But He who hath called Rulers Gods Doth notwithstanding Himself remain the Most High God over all the Earth from his Obedience neither the Commands nor Violence of Kings of Clay ought in the least to remove us And as these inferior Princes do often forget their Subordination to the Most High in their unjust commands would usurpe His Throne by an uncontrollable Soverainty so the Lord by the warrand of his Word and approbation of his Providence and also of the People when by them oppressed but by Himself animated strengthned hath declared made void this their pretended exemption and impunity and removed the carcases of such Kings and broken their Scepter Amongst which precedents the instance of these times whereof we now speak is worthily recorded and deserveth better to be remembred Seing therefore that neither the Ordinance and Commission of God nor yet the Surrender of the People though into ane absolut slavery which yet no presumption less then their own most Express Consent can possibly infer can from any certain and rational ground and warrant be either produced or pleaded for vesting the Prince with that arbitrary and irresistible Power and Dominion necessary and requisit to oblidge the Subject to a stupid and brutish submission to all possible injuries and outrages and that it is impossible for any rational man to concede that Priviledge of exemption and impunity to wickedness and fury for murthering both the Souls Bodies of poor Subjects which our very adversaries deny to Weakness or Folly in case of Alienation of the Kingdome or any part thereof or any such gross act of Mal-versation lastly seing the great inconvenience of opening a door to Rebellion all disorder mainly urged by the Adversaries against the permitting of the People any judgment or reflection upon the Princes Actings doth more rationally plead for Implicit blind Obedience which they themselves disprove then militat against necessary Defence and resistance in case of persecution for lawfull non-obedience And that the great and true Salvo of all these inconveniences and the main establishment of the Throne is only true judgement and Righteousness No sober and impartial person can condemn their position who denying that a Tyrannous Magistrat was the Minister of God to them for their Good did plainly assert the lawfulness of Self-Defence and holy Reformation without the violation of the Ordinance of God But if all these things do not satisfy Let 1. the reason of Gods delivering of the Kingdom to the People and not to the King with the Law it self Deut 27. ver 14. which the maner of the Kingdom and in effect of Tyranny foretold by the Lord and Samuel 1 Sam. 10. v. 10. by way of dissuasive did no wayes repeal 2. The import of the Contract and Covenant betwixt Prince Subject with the unquestionable interpretation and execution thereof extant in the records of all Times and Nations 3. The deed of the People in opposing Saul in favours of Ionathan 1 Sam. 14. v. 45. and of the ten Tribes in rejecting of Rehoboam 1 King cap. 12. which though v. 19. i● be termed Rebellion yet is it no more thereby condemned then good Hezekiah who is said 2 King 18. ver 7. to have rebelled against the King of Assyria and o● Libna in revolting from under Iehoram 2 Cron. 21. 10 4. The Prophecies Manner Practise of the most part of the late blessed Reformations And lastly let the peculiar Right and Constution of this Kingdome by King and Parliament be considered and solidly answered And then will wee also subscribe to the condemnation of our Reformers and crave pardon for this digression Upon these grounds and principles did our Noble Ancestours vigorously bestir themselves and proceed in the Work of God And as the Lord was ever with them while they were with Him and did mind his work steadfastly in sincerity and uprightness of heart so notwithstanding all the fals-hood and faintings which many discovered yet the Lord himself did gloriously own it and ceased not until by the fair product of his own glory in the clear manifestation of his blessed Evangil he had without the least prejudice of the fundamental constitution and rights of Government to the eternal confutation of all calumnies and reproaches put on the Copestone with these joyous and never to be forgotten acclamations of Grace Grace Thus in the Year 1560. the Land is enlightned the blessed Gospel of our Lord again revealed and restored in so much that both by the first General Assembly of this Church then conveening and the Parliament then holden A large Confession of the true Faith is framed approved and published O! that men would remember seriously consider and fix in their hearts the greatness and excellency of this Work of Grace and Glory bringing Salvation Peace and Goodwil towards men And manifesting the praise and Glory of God in the highest that in the just estimation thereof they might also duly and truly ponder discern approve or reject all things conducing either to it's advantage or prejudice But here is the root of all our sinn and misery that though this Light be only our Life and the Salvation and Redemption thereby revealed be no less then the project of God's eternall love and the subject of His eternall delight and was more dear and glorious to our Lord Jesus then the bosome of the Father all the glory of Heaven yet men so greatly and highly therein concerned do at best but rejoyce therein for a season and soon relapse first into Indifferency and Formality and then into Error Superstition and all Ignorance This the Devil the author of all wickness knowing and improving to
the uttermost for the advancement of his own Kingdom doth quickly take advantage of for setting on work and promoving of that Mystery of iniquity Which springing up in that bitter root of Pride and working in the Spiritual power and subtilty thereof as it began to work very early in the Christian Church even amongst the Disciples themselves in presence of their and our Lord as appeareth by their contention who should be greatest And notwithstanding all the Grace Power and Presence of the Lord which appeared in the times that followed all the long violent persecution wherewith the Church of God was then exercised yet continuing it's motion did still advance until attaining it's maturity in the revelation of the Man of Sin it filled and overwhelmed the Christian World with these strong delusions of Superstition Idolatry and all darkness that so long prevailed therein So it is the main and only Engine whereby Sathan as in all other Churches so in this of Our's hath so actively bestired himself and attempted the overthrow of their later Reformations These are the causes why notwithstanding of that great and glorious Light which the Lord made to shine amongst us the true Government and Discipline of the Church of Christ though his own great Ordinance instituted both for Fencing and securing of Truth in Purity and for promoving of the same in Power and though by the Light of that same Truth clearly discovered and Manifested through long opposition and many difficulties did scarce in these dayes attain it's establishment Yet the Lord who of his own free Mercy and Grace did visit us with the day-spring of his blessed Gospel from on high did also by his own Power and Presence in and with his faithful Servants at length also compleat his work and establish his Kingdome over us and his Government amongst us And so the Kingdome became the Lord's even the first fruits of the Kingdomes of the Earth unto our Lord Jesus Christ The Progress and Period of this work was from the Year 1560. unto the Year 1592. dureing which space these things are very observable 1. So soon as this Church attained to freedome from persecution and contrary violence they Assembled in their first National Synod in the Year 1560. by vertue of that Intrinsick Power and Priviledg granted by our Lord unto his Church and exercised by his Apostles and their followers and that without any question or control Nor did they so much as petition for the licence of the then Authority though the same might have been more easily obtained then the warrant at that time impetrated for conveening of the Parliament 2. As they first Assembled and by vertue of the same warrant did set on foot and continue a constant series of their Courts and meetings except in so far as by plain force and violence they were restrained so they held the same in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ only and in his sole Authority by Direction of his Word and Spirit concluded all their Counsels Votes and Acts. It 's true that they much and long wished for and thereafter heartily accepted the countenance and concurrence of the Powers for the time and that not only for Decency but also as the gracious performance of that promise Isa 49. ver 23. of the favour and assistance of Kings and Queens to the Church in the later dayes But as they were persuaded that the Lord Jesus perfect in all his house when invested at his exaltation with all Power in Heaven and in Earth did make a full grant and Commission of all Gifts and Offices requisit in his Church 1 Cor. 12. ver 28. Ephes 4. v. 8. 11. Wherein neither King nor Prince is mentioned and that there was no Authority wanting to these first Decrees made at Ierusalem though emitted upon that simple warrant Ast. 15. ver 28. It seemed good unto the Holy Ghost and unto us wherein neither King nor Prince was included so did they account it a gross usurpation for the Kings on Earth in place of their promised Patrociny to which they are oblidged to claim and invade an Over-ruling Arbitriment in the matters of God and his Church beleev that He who established the distinction and confirmed their Right by separating Caesar's things from the things of God doth also exact the same on their part 3. The Brethren conveening in these Assemblies did meet in perfect Parity and Equality against which the Extraordinary employments and Commissions delegated to some upon the account of the particular exigence of these times did grant no Priviledge or Preheminence From these three observations without mentioning the first Book of Discipline containing the true grounds and frame of Presbyterial Government which was compiled in the Year 8560. and then approved by the whole Church and subscribed to by a great many Lords and Counsellors it is evident that Presbyterial Government was from the beginning of the Reformation constantly intended and it's foundation really laid We need not mention that the Pope's Authority and all Jurisdiction flowing therefrom was by Law in the same Year 1560 expresly abrogated and discharged nor that in these first Assemblies greater Benefices were craved to be dissolved and Prelacy reputed to be only an Humane Device nor is it necessary for us to clear how that Extraordinary employment of Superintendency used for a few Years in the beginning was both only designed for an Interim and in it self wholly different from Prelacy and was at length rejected as burthensome All these things are sufficiently cleared by the late Large Apology 4. It is observable that as the Avarice and Power of some who possessed and grasped after the Churches Revenues did by the procurement of a few packed Commissioners in the Year 1671 introduce these Mock-Bishops called Tulchan for the better securing of their own gain which in the Assemblies immediatly succeeding were first protested against then quarrelled and lastly restrained and subjected thereunto So the Lord used the same as a warning to awaken and animat his Servants to a more vigorous prosecution of the establishment of His House in it's due Government In pursuance whereof the Assemblies with the King's concurrence from the Year 1575 until the Year 1581. did with much Prayer Fasting and Painfulness intend the work until by perfecting of the Second Book of Discipline and reducing of the Bishops to a simple Dimission and condemning their Office as unwarrantable they c●mpleated their work in the exact model of Presbyterial Government in all it's Courts and Officers 5. During this space in March 1581. as we now reckon and after the Assembly had condemned the Office of Bishops as unwarrantable the King his Court and Council did swear and subscribe to the National Covenant By which both the Pope's usurped Authority over the Church in one Article and his wicked Hierarchy in another are abjured And the swearers did join themselves unto this true Reformed Church in Doctrine Faith Religion and
not lament with Jeremiah Cap. 9 1 2 3 ● Oh that my head were waters and mine eyes a fountain of tears that I might weep day and night for the slain of the Daughter of my People Oh that I had in the Wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men that I might leave my People and go from them For they be all adulterers an assembly of treacherous men And they bend their tongue like their bowe for lies But they are not valiant f●r the Truth upon the Earth for they proceed from evil to evil and they know not me saith the Lord. And this will the more appear not only if we remember the general nature of Backsliding which is a very comprehensive Sin importing less Love Fear and Trust in the true God and proclaiming more Inconstancy Unfaithfulness and ingratitude towards Him then sometimes is found in very Heathens towards their Idols But also if we consider that our present Defection hath all circumstantial Aggravations in the highest degree For it is not in things only Civil Indifferent or of little moment But in things Religious Necessary Important and which at least in their tendency and consequence reach to the very foundation It is not the effect of common humane and invincible infirmity but most free and voluntary yea wilful and deliberate It is not done by stealth or in a corner but avowedly and openly in the sight of the Sun It is not Private and Personal but Representative and Authorized by Acts and Proclamations of King Parliament and Council It is not smoothly and subtilly but most tyrannically carried on by military violence and cruelty It is not of a few or inconsiderable Persons but very Universal The greatest part of all Ranks and of some Ranks almost the whole being some one way or other involved therein It is not only of these who were alwayes of known and professed disaffection to the Cause and Covenant of God but also of many who sometimes being exceeding zealous themselves and exemplary and forcible upstirrers of others therein are now become the chief Ring-leaders theirof and most bloody Persecuters of those who remain stedfast in the Truth It is not in an Heathenish or Antichristian Land or Church divided and broken with several Sects as some others are but even in Scotland so clearly enlightened for which the Lord had wrought so many wonderful works which was under so many obligations of Oaths and Covenants to the contrary and had been so united in the profession of the Truth It is not from violent force Inevitable necessity or irresistible temptation which is neither possible nor yet would excuse it but when the Lord by breaking the yoke of forrain Usurpation had given King and Countrey the fairest opportunity which they ever had to restore confirm and advance His Work as if He had delivered us that we might work all these Abominations And all this for no other end then the base flattering of the Kings humor and inclination the satiating of Prelaticall Pride and Ambition the indulging of the licentious profanity of some Debauched degenerated Nobles and others who could not endure the yoke of Christ's sound doctrine and impartiall discipline And the suppression of Religion and Righteousness in the subversion of the late work of Reformation Whereby we have charged our selves with all the blood that hath been shed upon either side during the former wars Have laid a stumbling block before all who shall see or hear of it to blaspheme Religion as a fiction to condemn the late Work of Reformation as a false pretence for Rebellion and Self-Interest and to affirm that there is neither truth nor ingenuity in the Professors thereof Pass over the Isles of Chittim and see and send unto Kedar and consider diligently and see if there be such a thing hath a Nation changed their Gods which yet are no Gods But Scotland Ah Scotland hath changed her glory for that which doth not profit Be astonished O ye heavens at this and be horribly afraid And so much the rather because few Lands did ever make Defection after this manner but as upon the one hand the Lord gave them up unto more Backsliding until they abounded more with Atheism and all manner of abominations then some Pagan-Nations who never heard nor made Profession of the Gospel So upon the other hand He alwayes pursued them with sorest plagues not only of subjugation at home scattering and exile abroad dividing of Kingdomes amongst themselves and from their former Rulers and final subversion of whole Empires Kingdomes and Common-wealths But also many times with the Final removal of the Gospel and utter dissolution of all visible National Covenant-relation as might be demonstrated from Holy Scripture and other Histories And indeed if He to whom nothing is strange or impossible though they may seem both to us and whose wayes and thoughts are as far above ours as the Heavens are above the Earth do not in the Soveraignity of His Grace recede from His ordinary method of dealing with such apostatizing People and now when he hath seen our way do not heal us we have alas ●oo too just ground of fear that we shall become such a proverb amongst the Nations that the generation to come of our Children and the stranger that cometh from a far Land when they see the plagues of this Land shall wonder and ask Wherefore hath the Lord done this unto this Land What meaneth the heat of this great anger Oh! that the very first and next following steps of Defection together with the Causes of the Lord's wrath against the Land were remembered and acknowledged and that all who have had any accession to the kindling of this flame and who can wholly Justify himself If any would be sure his own mouth should condemn him would draw water and pour it out before the Lord for quenching thereof and that the first resiclers from our National Acknowledgment of Sins and Engagement to duties would glorify God by Confession that he might turn from the fierceness of his Anger But alas He hath at once pour'd out upon us the Spirit of Whoredome and of a deep sleep and hath both made us to erre from His way and hard'ned our hearts from his fear And as we should look bekind us to the Rise so before us to the Result of th●se things for though every runner may read the Primum mobile of this course the great axletree and wheels upon which all moveth and who are the furious drivers and slavish drawers thereof and we have both seen the several degrees of Motion and advancement and smarted the sad effects of the same yet I am affray'd that there is now another Spirit in Persons and Tendency in affairs then some men apprehend Whether there be a sufficient ground in the Holy Scriptures to think with some that before the last fall of the Roman Antichrist the Popish Religion shall once more overshadow the Christian World is not proper
because 1 Chron. 28 1. there were Princes of Tribs Captains of Thousands Hundreds Stewarts and Officers for Civil affairs And 2 Chron. 19 8 c. there are Church Officers Priests Levits chief of the Fathers there are distinct Matters the Matters of the Lord and the Matters of the King Ver. 11. There are distinct Acts or Sentences for Warning not to trespass is more proper to Ecclesiastical then Civil Persons And there are distinct Moderators or Presidents Amariah is over you for the Matt●rs of the Lord and Zebadiah for the Matters of the King Now what should all this mean viz. Distinct causes and Persons set over them to Judge them respectively and what meaneth these distinct Acts Sentences and Penalties if not to hold out the Distinction of Government and of Judica●ories respectively exercing the same Yea ●hat was in the Old Testament we may know by what we read in the New for Matth. 21 ver 23. and 27 ver 1. and 26 v. 3 57 59. Act. 4 v. 5 6 15. and 5 v. 21 27. there are Assemblies Councils which must needs be Ecclesiastical not only because they consisted of Ecclesiastical persons the High Priest Cheef Priests and Elders of the People Cognosced of Ecclesiastical Causes the life Doctrin and Authority of Christ and his Apostles And past Ecclesiastical Sentences about preching in the Name of Christ Act. 4 and 5. But also because the Jewes being subdued the Supreme civil Government was taken out of their hands and little left them but the Ecclesiastical And if at any time in the Old Testament the same persons were members of both Judicatories it was under distinct Notions and considerations as Ecclesiastical in the one and Civil in the Other As now the Ruling Elder under several Considerations and Capacities may be a member of an Ecclesiastical and Civil Iudicatory It is true that the High Priests and some Kings had great hand in both Civil Ecclesiastical affairs but Extraordinary and may be Typicall instances are not an Ordinary and Universal Rule And it may be also that in the New Testament these Councils meddled in Civil Affairs for Matth. 27 ver 1. they take counsel against Iesus to put him to death but that was by Corrupt Abuse of their Power which crept in in the declining State of the Church and when the Civil Government was taken from them by strangers or when wanting a Magistrat they took more upon them then at another time for it was not so from the beginning and was by the like Corrupt and Extravagant Abuse as now the High Commission if it be an Ecclesiastical Courr doth Scourge Stigmatize Fine and Banish or the Prelats now as Members of Parliament Council and Session make themselves Judges of Blood Pleas c. And as this was the Manner Difference of the Jewish Church and State under the Old Testament so under the New Testament there is by Divine Institution a Formal and Specifical Difference between the Government of the Church and Common-wealth For ye will not only find Office-bearers Given unto and Set in the Church Rom. 12 ver 8. 1 Cor. 12 ver 28. Ephes 4 ver 11. Which are as wel Distinct from Office-bearers of the State as from the People for neither Magistrat nor People were ever called Apostles Prophets Evangelists c. especially in the Apostles sense But also RULERS distinct from the Rulers of the Common-wealth who 1 Thess 5 ver 12. are Over the People and Hebr. 13 ver 17. Rule over them Now these Rulers cannot be the Magistrat for in none of the places doth the Apostle Intend or Mention him Besids at that time there was not a Christian Magistrat to Rule the State and how should the Rule of the Church be committed to a Pagan And 1 Tim. 5 ver 17. He that Labours in Word and Doctrin seemeth to have more Honour then He who Ruleth which if either Magistrat or Prelate be the Ruler how they will Relish that the poor preaching Presbyter should be more Honoured then they let any man Iudge Here then are Ecclesiastical Rulers distinct from these of the Common-wealth To these Rulers belongeth the Cognition of Ecclesiastical Offences in Contradistinction to Civil Causes and Iudges Matth. 18. Tell the Church Now the Civil Magistrat cannot be this Church where is He ever so termed Or how will He being himself a Heathen accompt another man so Here then is a Church distinct from the Common-wealth here are Church-Offences distinct from Breaches of Civil or Municipall Lawes here is Church-Delation or Complaint distinct from any complaint to the Magistrat tell the Church and consequently here is a Church-power of Cognition of these Offences distinct from that which resids in the Magistrat else it were in vain to tell the Church and as good or better to tell the Magistrat And here is a Church-Sentence Let him be unto thee as a Heathen which the Magistrat being then Heathen himself would never pronounce against or inflict as a Punishment upon another man To these Church-Rulers also is committed not only the Power of Order or Pastorall Administration of Word and Sacraments but also the Power of Jurisdiction whether Dogmatical Diatacticall Critical or Exusiastical and not to the Civil Magistrat And accordingly Jesus Christ giveth the Keyes of the Kingdome of Heaven to Peter and not to Cesar Mat. 16.19 Ye will find Church-Assemblies distinct from Parliaments Convention of Est●ts Senats c. yea when the Magistrat was an Enemy determining questioned Matters of Faith and Practice Act. 15 The Apostle Paul enjoineth the Church of Corinth and not the Magistrat both to Excommunicat and Absolve the Incestuous man 1 Cor. 5.4.5 and 2 Cor. 2.7.8 The same Apostle leaveth Titus and not the Magistrat to Ordain Elders in Every City Tit. 1. v. 5 and accordingly it is performed by the Presbytery and not by the Magistrat 1 Tim. 4.14 The Apostle Iohn thereateneth by Himself and not by the civil Magistrat to Censure Diotrephes 3. Iohn 10. And as the Power it self and the several Acts thereof are Committed to Church-Officers So to them and not to the Civil Magistrat are all the Directions given for Regulation of the Exercise thereof distinct from the Directions given to the Magistat for Regulation of the affairs of the Common-wealth and so in the case of Offence there must be private rebuke before Publick delation Mat. 18 15 16 17. In the case of Publick Scandal there must be a Rebuking before all 1 Tim. 5 20 In the case of Publick Censure there must be Notoriety of the Fault 1 Cor. 5.1 or sufficient conviction of the Person by Confession or Probation Mat. 18.15 In the case of Excommunication it must be when the Church is gathered together 1 Cor. 5.4 and not after the Prelatical fashion in a corner In the case of Absolution there must be sufficient evidence of Repentance 2 Cor. 2.7 In the case of Ordination of Ministers there must be the