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A60356 A treatise of growth in grace in sundry sermons / preached by that lately eminent servant of Jesus Christ, Samuel Slater ... Slater, Samuel, d. 1704. 1671 (1671) Wing S3977; ESTC R38255 208,159 341

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never come to be pleasant to our souls so pleasant as that we could say with the Apostle We account all things but loss and dung for the excellency of the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May it not without breaking the bounds of charity be thought and judged that there are many yea very many that profess the Name of Christ and would be in account for Godliness that know little or nothing and nothing at all to any purpose concerning the Lord Jesus and are not at all troubled at it that they should be so unacquainted with this Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ And are there not such as are apt to think that they know as much concerning Christ and the Mysteries of his Kingdom as much as need to be known and so there is no cause why they should much trouble themselves with such a busisiness as this for to be solicitous about the knowing of our Lord Jesus Christ. I would speak this Morning in this part of the Discourse to two sorts of persons First of all to such if such there be among us possibly there may be some such though I hope not altogether so many that are strangers unto any true saving Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ peradventure they have some common notions of Christ and can as I said patter over a form of words and say I believe in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord which was conceived by the holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary and suffered under Pontius Pilate and was crucified dead and buried and rose again the third day and ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of God they can patter over such a form of words but to little or no purpose in the world and upon the matter are as blind as Beetles as Batts see nothing understand nothing to purpose concerning the Mysterie Which is Christ in his People the hope of Glory O that there were not such to be found as setting aside the Name of Christ they have heard of such a name in the World by common fame and report but know no more of Christ than the very Heathens and Pagans and those that never were within the line of Gospel Communication I am verily perswaded that there are such to be found within the territories of this Nation that can give no more account of Christ and of the Mysteries that concern him than the grossest Heathens that ever were in the World excepting common fame of him and report that 's taken up which they can give no good account of in all the world and so truly such persons may be sent to School to the Devil but that he doth not keep a School for Christ and to teach the Knowledge of Christ but is a desperate enemy to it but otherwise as touching the ability of the Devil and of the damned Spirits truly there are many I many might be sent to School to the Devil to learn of him understand me aright I say as touching his ability for he is notionally and apprehensively and indeed by a necessity he is very much knowing of our Lord Jesus Christ the Devils are We know thee who thou art even the holy one of God This was the profession that the Devils made they did know him when he was in the World and they do know now what he is and what account is to be given of him and that he will appear to their everlasting confusion and condemnation Thus it is these persons are in no condition to grow in the Knowledge of Christ for they have not so much as the first grounds and principles of that Knowledge but rude and raw and altogether unseen in those Mysteries that concern the Lord Jesus Christ It is somewhat strange that persons living in a Land of light and of Gospel-discovery that there should be any found under such gross darkness but it is too true that there are too many in that condition I have read and you have heard it accounted to you it hath been both by my self and by other hands by a learned Divine of an antient man that lived for forty years under a powerful constant Ministry and yet when he came to lye upon his death-bed and was examined concerning his Knowledge truly it would make ones heart to tremble to give the account of God and of Christ and of his Soul and of his final estate I forbear to give you the answers which were made If so be that we should deal with some and it may be some of long standing in the world and take a course to catechize and examine what they know of Jesus Christ of his Person of his Natures of his Offices and Administrations and of his Sufferings and of his present state of Glory it may be we should find an utter inability to give any tollerable account of these things Now will you but consider a little what follows upon this what the Judgment is that is to be made concerning such how sad their condition is that are unacquainted with this Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. First Suppose they have any Knowledge of God either by nature or by common illumination by what way soever if there be not the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ truly whatever they know of God will never turn to their comfort and benefit and advantage but rather prove their torment He that sinneth and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ hath not God whatsoever Knowledge he may have of him God he hath not and that Knowledge will prove his torment whatsoever a man may know of the infinite Being the glorious Majesty of his infinite Wisdom and Power and God-head whatsoever Knowledge he hath it will be the torment of the Soul at last if so be that there be not a Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2. I offer this to be considered of How can such believe How shall they believe on him of whom they have not heard and whom they have not known And if there be no believing there can be no salvation for he that believeth not shall be damned 3. How can they love him How can they love Christ that know not Christ And what a dreadful sentence is gone out against them that love not the Lord Jesus 1 Cor. 16. Them that love not our Lord Iesus Christ let them be Anathema Maranatha accursed The Lord will come 4. How can they repent that know not Christ There can be no true right repentance where there is not the Knowledge of Christ it is the Knowledge of Christ and of God in Christ that brings the heart over to repentance The Soul will never come to repent with a repentance unto life if so be there be not an apprehension of the Grace of God in our Lord Jesus Christ And then consider the danger except we repent we shall be sure to perish 5. How apt are such to rise up in opposition to God to Christ and the wayes of the
hope and confidence towards God It is Christ who is the foundation upon whom we are to lay the whole weight of our souls for eternity Now then consider how strongly the Argument will grow up from hence if so be that Believers be so much bound to place their trust in Christ to pitch and fix their confidence upon Christ they had need know him well this will follow upon it I tell you Brethren you had need to know reason will suggest this to you that man well whom you trust your lives withal all your estates and worldly interests withal lest putting your confidence in an unfaithful man or one that will not be responsible to you concerning the trust you place in him you be utterly undone and fall under sad and shameful disappointments Will you trust your selves in case of sickness with one that you never knew or have but little knowledge of do not know whether he have proportionable wisdom and understanding and skill to manage such an undertaking as your health and recovery from some deadly disease amounts unto Nay you will say I will know him well before I will trust him with such a concernment If so be that you have a Suit in Law which your whole Estate depends upon the well issuing of you will endeavour this to know him well whom you trust your Cause with lest it should miscarry by means of his ill management of it this we all will yield unto as a rational thing Why now I pray consider you are bound to trust Christ with your lives with your souls they are wofully diseased and He must be your Physitian and you are bound to make your application unto him for health and cure Truly you had need to know him it 's your duty to be well acquainted with him that so you may come with the more boldness to place your trust and confidence in Him and to say Well I dare venture my life in his hand I know him well I know his wisdom I know his skill I am so well acquainted with his sufficiency that if I had a thousand lives I would put them all into his hand You are to trust him for your eternal inheritance and for to plead your Cause to answer all the Suits that are to be commenc'd against you by the Devil by your Consciences it is He that must plead your Cause you are bound to this to trust Him with your Cause Now it stands you upon much therefore to know him well and be well improved in your knowledge of Christ forasmuch as you are to commit the cause of your souls to Him Consider further You are bound to place your most intire and intensive love upon Christ this is the bond the Lord sets upon every beleeving soul to love the Lord Jesus in sincerity and to love him with the most intire and intensive love Consider this you are bound to love him above your lives above your souls you are bound to love him more than you love your Father your Mother your Wife your Children your Estates every thing in the World that is most neer and dear unto you this obligation and bond the Gospel puts Beleevers under they are bound I say to love the Lord Jesus with a supream love and to give this account of themselves such as the Prophet doth of himself in Ps. 33. O Lord Whom have I in Heaven but thee and whom is there on earth that I love and desire in comparison of thee This is your duty the duty of a Beleever for to have the strength of his love let out upon Christ. It 's our duty to love him with a Conjugal love love him so as to own him for our Beloved and to refuse all other beloveds in comparison of him this is our duty Now mark you Will not then the Argument flow strongly from hence we have reason then to know him well and labour to improve in the knowledge of him Christ doth not care for a blind love He doth not make much account of the love that is set upon him by those that know him not it is a judicious love that Christ makes account of Now therefore it concerns you to endeavour a growth in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ that knowing him well our hearts may break out and burn in love to him and that so he may come to have the strength of our affections let out upon him There 's never a wise woman in the World that will let out her love upon a man that she knows not or hath little knowledge of I will know him well whether he be a proper object for me to place my love upon Now thus the case stands between Christ and a beleeving soul and therefore we had need endeavour an improvement in the knowledge of Christ that so we may come to have our hearts the more free to let out our love upon him and say O I know him I know him so well that no beloved for my purpose besides himself Choose him I will choose him above all the World This was the course that the Daughters of Jerusalem took in Cant. 2. When the Spouse was giving in charge to them concerning her Beloved say they What is thy beloved more than another beloved Why saith she My beloved is white and ruddy the chiefest among ten thousand she speaks as one that had a full knowledge of him and upon that account her heart was so strongly drawn out to him thus it was with her Now in Chap. 6. having obtained the knowledge of her Beloved that he was so choice and precious a one their hearts begin to flame out and to be in love with him O whither is thy Beloved gone O thou fairest among women whither is thy beloved gone that we may seek him with thee for as he is thy Beloved so shall he be our Beloved now we come to know more of him now are our hearts inflamed with the love of him and our desires carried out more strongly after him Again we had need endeavour a growth in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Whereas they are bound to trust in him and to set their love upon him so they are under this obligation for to captivate their judgements to him so as to yield up themselves in all obedience and duty to be at his beck and bidding and to comport with him in all his requiries and to do whatsoever he commands them without disputing his commands this is a Beleevers duty Whatsoever he requires of them without any more ado to follow him resolvedly in every way that he leads them into If any man will be my Disciple let him deny himself and follow me and hearken to my commands such service and duty every beleeving soul stands bound to the performance of Now consider if so be that one will go and bind himself to such a Master whose will he must follow whose commands he must obey and with whose
with all the Saints what is the height and depth and breadth and length And saith he That you may know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge There is saith he in the Knowledge of Christ heights and depths and breadths and lengths and particularly in the knowledge of his Love and it is such a Love as passeth Knowledge Now do but argue thus Is there such a Mysterie Are there such depths in this Knowledge T●…n certainly we had need to set to it that we do endeavour for to grow up in this Knowledge that we may be as comprehensive of it as possible we can this is our Duty As now to instance in some Particulars The Apostle speaks concerning this Mysterie in Col. 1. speaking there of the Mysterie Which saith he is Christ in you the hope of Glory O Brethren do you know the meaning of this It may be you think you do but I say I am sufficiently warranted to say If any man think he knoweth any thing he knows nothing as he ought Do you know the interpretation of this Christ in you the hope of Glory This is the Mysterie the Apostle calls it so You may be apt to think you can reach the bottom of this Christ and Christ in you and Christ in you the hope of Glory Alas we are apt to put our selves off with a little sip of the Cup we go as it were with the top of the lip and give a touch upon that which would cover head and shoulders and all we might stand under these waters they are so deep Such a word as this it bespeaks our search and disquisition and inquiry and to set in with God O but Lord What 's the meaning of this Christ in you and Christ in you the hope of Glory This bespeaks our endeavour after the Knowledge of Christ. Here I might fall upon sundry other Particulars as this belongs to the Knowledge of Christ according to the Apostles account in Eph. 3. he speaks there of the Mysterie which was kept secret from Ages and Generations And saith he Was not so made known as it is now to his holy Apostles and Prophets by the Spirit What 's this Mysterie That the Gentiles should be fellow-Heirs of the same Body partakers of his Promise in Christ by the Gospel That is a Mysterie and this bespeaks our endeavour after a growth in knowledge even the Knowledge of Christ for this belongs to the Knowledge of Christ. Christ will be considered as mystical Christ he will be made up of Jew and Gentile the middle Wall being broken down a Mysterie hidden from Ages and Generations but it 's made known I but how little a thing is known even of this And then I add withal The Mysterie it was the mysterie concerning the Gentiles that they should come in to be fellow-Heirs It 's the Mysterie with respect to the Iews So the Apostle calls it in Rom. 11. This Mysterie I would not have you ignorant of lest you should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part is happened to the Iews until the fulness of the Gentiles come in and then all Israel shall be saved Here 's a Mysterie Now these Mysteries bespeak our serious endeavour that we may come to grow in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. And then the Mysterie concerning the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus the Administration of it the delivery of it upon the Administration of it to the Father The Apostle holds forth these Mysteries The Mysterie of the Kingdom the new Heavens and the new Earth wherein dwelleth Righteousness which belongs to the Knowledge of Jesus Christ. And then the delivering up of the Kingdom to the Father that God may be All in all when Christ hath performed the Administration of the Kingdom Now I say these are Mysteries belonging to the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ which do all of them loudly bespeak our most sedulous endeavours after a growth in this blessed Knowledge And to add no more consider that passage of the Apostle in 1 Tim. 3. the latter end Great is the mysterie of godliness What 's that God was manifest in the flesh iustified in the Spirit seen of Angels preached to the Gentiles believed on in the World received up into Glory Have we comprehended have we attained The Apostle Paul was far from thinking so according to that account of him N●… as if I had already attained or were already perfect What have we got to the bottom of these Mysteries Are we able to fathom the depth of them O how little a thing do we know of these things It was a good saying of one of the Ancients Many things because of the customary mentioning of them they are slighted which if they were but seriously weighed would cause admiration to astonishment God manifested in the flesh Why it 's a Mystery that we may bestow a whole Age of a thousand years in studying and never be able to come to the full understanding of Angels desire to look into these things Now upon these accounts upon the account of the subject matter of the Knowledge of Christ it may well be required of Believers that they do their utmost endeavour that they may grow in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I shall close up for the present only with this one Argument further It is the Saints duty to endeavour a Knowledge in the growth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for otherwise truly we do not answer the provision that God hath made to such a purpose we walk unworthy of the Goodness and Grace of God which hath discovered it self this way in order to such a growth For mark you In the beginning of the World upon the fall of Adam the Gospel it was but whispered Whisper there was something darkly secretly and couchantly if I may so speak was hinted out The seed of the Woman shall break the Serpents head here was all the Gospel was given out at first Afterwards there began to be a little more discovery made of it to Abraham Isaac and Iacob Afterwards in Moses time and in Moses days there came to be a little more full explanation afterwards in the times of the Prophets clearer clearer discoveries But in the time of the Gospel when Christ came then the Day star arises nay the Sun of Righteousness breaks out and now we have clearer and clearer discoveries of the Mysterie concerning our Lord Jesus And mark you when Christ goes to Heaven he sends a token of his love to his Church and People a Book of Mysteries of Mysteries concerning the Knowledge of himself and provides this very Book that we might come to be well improved in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Now consider this For as much as the Lord hath in his Wisdom out of his rich bounty hath been pleased thus to provide and to order out that there should be such means and helps for
this thing This belongs to a well improved Knowledge to understand that Christ had no reluctancy of spirit when this matter was propounded to him and when the matter was in debate Christ came in with no Negatives made no Objections but answered thus O my Father 't is thy Will 't is my joy it pleaseth thee to design me to such a purpose O my Father thy will be done my heart delights in it Thou hast prepared me a body O I come into the World with that body and I delight to do thy Will Though I fore-apprehend all the sorrow all the smart all the shame all the sufferings all the burden all those pressures that I must undergo in the managing of this great and glorious work and service yet I stick at nothing O Father it 's meat and drink to me I go about this work and service with as much content and complacency of soul as ever a hungry man went to eat his meat And then 10. It belongs to a well improved Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ That we know and understand that according to this Design of God and sutably to his accomplishments and sutably to his willing ingaging of himself he hath laid out himself to the utmost in a way of doing in a way of suffering in a way of doing fulfilling all righteousness in an active way in the course of his life and conversing here in the world In a way of suffering by the offering up of himself a Sacrifice unto God he hath made an Attonement he hath satisfied infinite Justice he hath pacified infinite Wrath he hath paid the Debt to the utmost farthing That now the Justice of God doth make Declaration that it is fully satisfied in what hath been performed by the Lord Jesus Christ. This is belonging to a well improved Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour That now which Christ said upon the Cross It is finished God from Heaven declares in the Gospel O I have full satisfaction I have nothing to object against those poor Souls that my Son hath ingaged for I have a full payment to the very utmost farthing 11. It belongs to a well improved Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ that we understand this That having performed all that Justice could require in a way of doing or in a way of suffering That he rose from the dead ascended into Heaven and that God hath given him preferment that God hath given him the highest preferment upon his obedience and satisfaction to his Justice and upon the performance of this great Work and Service that he was designed unto God hath advanced him to the highest top of Honour he hath given him a name above every name he hath set him at his own right Hand above all Principalities and Powers 12. It belongs to the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ That we know how Jesus Christ thus advanc'd on High and thus raised up to a top of preferment how he doth improve that preferment He is now in Heaven he is at God's right Hand he is in fullest Glory How doth he improve this Glory and Honour that is conferred upon him Improve it He sets his heart upon this that there may be an Improvement of all the interest that he hath in God all that Glory and Power and Majesty and Dominion that he is now invested withal he sets his heart upon this that he may improve this for the benefit and behoof of his People here upon Earth He makes it his continual work and business to be negotiating with God for poor Souls for whom he hath shed his blood and on whose behalf he hath made satisfaction to infinite Justice he doth continually appear in Heaven before God to make intercession for them Now do but lay all this together and here 's the well improved Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ which I have endeavoured thus to knit up together in this compass and to set out before you And here 's the great Mysterie of the Gospel lying in these things which I have held out this morning Now the next thing to do is this To let you see how all this Knowledge of ou●… Lord Jesus Christ in every part and parcel of it doth draw out the heart and soul of a Beleever and doth most happily influence it so that all this Knowledge is as a fatning water that doth nourish a Plant Faith being planted in the soul and this water of Gospel-Knowledge concerning our Lord Jesus being thus poured upon it why as a fatning water it makes the plant of Faith to grow and shoot up amain There is never an experienced Christian that knows what believing means and is upon the exercise of Faith and hath set his heart upon this that he may make an Improvement of his Faith there is never an experienced Beleever but is able to set to his Seal Oh in this Knowledge thus wrought out and thus spread forth before me in this Knowledge my Faith lives and thrives and prospers and swims up and down with all delight as the Fish in the water You may easily apprehend now how a Believers Faith will grow and increase and receive strength and nourishment and shoot up amain upon the due consideration of these things that I have suggested 1. As now When a poor Beleever shall think thus with himself Why do I hesitate Why have I a fluctuating heart why is not my heart setled and fixt and come to be full of confidence in God Why I consider thus That that Jesus which is the object of my Faith he is God over all blessed for ever would I have a more able Saviour than a God It is not an Angel that I am commanded to place my trust in no it is God blessed for ever he that was God with God from all Eternity as great as God as good as God Why should I flag in my spirit why should I faint why should I have any miss-givings Have not I a God to trust upon 2. And then He is God I He is God-man where can I promise my self pitty bowels compassion if not from a man a man that is in union with God and in union with God to this purpose that he might be accomplish'd that he might be every way most compassionate and suitable to such an undertaking 3. And then again This Jesus is the Son the Son of the Father where can I place my trust and confidence so freely as upon the King of Heaven's Son He is the Son of the Father nay he is his dearly Beloved Son the Father loves him delights in him he delights to hear his Prayer he pleased him in all things 4. Nay why should not I be strong in my Faith in Christ forasmuch as this Jesus this Son this beloved Son this delightful Son is the person that the Great God hath chosen and design'd to such a purpose and it is the will of God that every
of the earth serve the Lord with fear rejoyce ye with trembling Kiss the Son Kings and Princes and great Men are very apt to forget themselves as if so be that there were none above them as if so be there were none to check and controul them You know how Pharaoh carryed himself Who is the Lord Ah! but there is a Lord above all Lords there is a King above all Kings even the Lord Jesus Christ whom God hath set to be King upon his holy hill of Sion And the right Knowledge of Christ the well improved and advanced Knowledge of Christ it will promote a holy fear and awe and reverence of him and of the great God who hath constituted and appointed him Lord and King I might speak largely to this Particular but I 'll pass it by Thus I have endeavoured to make it appear to you in these Particulars How the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus well improved how it doth contribute to a growth in Grace I would now tell you this further That the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ it is such a Knowledge as is most beneficial to us in respect of Gospel-Duties and Services and doth contribute very much to the lively management of them And therefore it may well be required of Christians and Believers that they grow in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and that upon this very account Because I say that the more we know of our Lord Jesus Christ the more shall we advance in the lively performance of Gospel-worships and Duties and Services which the Lord requires of us Alas Brethren it is that which may well be matter of shame and mourning to think how low we are as in Graces so in gracious Performances and in holy Services What 's the account that is to be given of our daily Services that we perform Sabbath-worships and Duties Alas what kind of Sabbaths do we keep and what kind of Prayers do we perform and offer up to God what kind of Worships are they that we present before the Lord O! if we would but take an account of our selves we might see cause enough to fall a weeping over every D●… we perform When we come to attend the Ministry of the Word and to do our Service to God it appears by mens carriages what a loosness of spirit there is an unfixedness of spirit on God and there is not the breathing after the enjoyments of God in the way of his Ordinances And so for Prayer and other Services What may be the reason of this We may well reckon upon this It is because we are not more advanc'd in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ we have not heart-Knowledge so duly improved as it should be concerning our Lord Jesus For Brethren this is 〈◊〉 that we should know concerning Christ That his heart was upon his Work and business and when he prayed he prayed as one that was in Heaven And O what wrestlings of spirit was there on his part with God! He prayed most earnestly and O how intent upon the Duty of Prayer when he had to do that and when he was to Preach O with what intention of soul was that Service performed And when he had the last 〈◊〉 to keep O with desire have I desired to keep this Pass●… O Father it is meat and drink to 〈◊〉 to do thy W●… Thus it was with Christ Now if we had but a well-digested Knowledge of this it would make us ashamed of our selves and make us put on with more activity and vigour of spirit thinking with our selves what a pattern we have in Christ. And then if we did but consider That Christ is the great High-priest of our holy 〈◊〉 and that he hath ingaged himself on the behalf of his People both to procure their acceptance and to vou●…hsafe them assistance Now consider but this And these things we ought to know concerning Jesus our Lord That it is his undertaking to procure acceptance and to give assistance for now he hath all power in his hands The power of the Spirit to give strength to his People to inable them to make their prayers and supplications and to perform their Worships and Services I will strengthen thee I will help thee I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness my Grace is sufficient for thee Thus Christ hath signified concerning himself for the comfort and incouragement of his People And then withal this is to be known concerning our Lord Jesus That he appears in Heaven before his Father to promote their acceptance and to plead their Cause and as the High-priest to present their Services and to sprinkle them with his own blood and to desire the Fathers acceptance of them Now if this were but duly known concerning Christ and we had but a well improved and digested Knowledge concerning this that now I give you an account of O how much would it conduce to the quickning up our hearts to a lively performance of our Services when we shall consider what an example we have in Christ of Duty and Service to God And then that he hath undertaken to afford assistance and to procure acceptance this would make us go on with more life and vigour in the wayes of Godliness And then I would have told you farther That there is all the reason in the world Christians should endeavour a growth in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ Because as this Knowledge well improved conduces to a judiciousness and to a well ordering of the Conscience and to the increase of all the Graces and to the promoting of our Duty so by a well improved Knowledge of our Lord Jesus we shall come to have the more kindly relish of Gospel-priviledges and suck the sweet of them and come to know what there is of comfort and soul-rejoycing to be found in these Priviledges And then this Knowledge well improved O how will it conduce to bear afflictions to the incountering temptations and inable the Soul to the well ordering of a Gospel-conversation to the glory of God SERM. XIV I Shall pass by what was the last Day hinted to you only now suggest some few Particulars more which if we were but acquainted with the Knowledge of we should quit our selves better than we do in this Gospel-worship and service of Prayer As now Did we but know and seriously ponder upon this That Christ himself was very much in this Service that he was a constant practiser to his very Death of this Duty of Prayer If this were but well considered that Christ was very much given to prayer and if he could not have opportunities in the day time he would fetch it out in the night and be in the night season pouring out his soul before his Father Thus it was with Christ he was given to Prayer and his last breathings were breathings in a way of prayer into his Father's bosom And then consider this this is that that
in heaven or earth to take this book out of the right hand of him that sits upon the Throne The Proclamation is made and the account is given Thus no man in heaven or earth nor under the earth was able to open the book nor look thereon not so much as to look upon it This goes to the heart of Iohn a great Favourite of Christ a dear Servant of God he for his part is astonisht at it and falls a weeping bitterly That there should be none found worthy to open the book Mark what follows One of the Elders said unto me weep not behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David hath prevailed to open the book and to loose the seven seals thereof and he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sate upon the Throne He came and took the book Here was the priviledge of Christ above Angels and glorified Saints or any in heaven and earth there was such a part of the counsel of God which was hid in his breast bosom that none durst venture upon for to make a search into The Lion of the tribe of Iudah the Lord Jesus the Lamb that was slain he was worthy and so they come with their acclamations afterwards they fall down before the Lamb having Harps and golden Vials and they sing a new song worthy worthy is the Lamb that was slain thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof And then they break out into magnifying and praising of God Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing and the four beasts said Amen and the four and twenty Elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever Why now this is to be known concerning our Lord Jesus Christ he hath this priviledge to take the book out of the hand to go into the bosom of the Father to open the cabinet of the Fathers most secret counsel he hath this priviledge above all creatures in heaven or in earth This is to be known concerning Christ. 6. Yet further This Word and Doctrine which is the subject matter of our preaching and your hearing it is such a Doctrine as Christ is marvellously pleased with the wise judicious publication and preaching of it and with the humble attention upon it and therefore Christ is perfect and he hath promised to be present to the end of the World in his Churches and in his Congregations and with his Ministry and with his under Preachers For as I said before preaching work is principally his Christ is the great Preacher and all that are imployed in the work they are but under him and they do his work principally he is present with them observant of them he hath promised to give his assistance to them and to take knowledge of all discouragements that they meet with as we see in the case of Paul When Paul was upon his preaching vvork he meets vvith very hard usage the Lord appears to him and doth as it were clap him upon the shoulder and saith Be of good cheer Paul Thou hast testified of me here at Ierusalem and in such and such a place I will stand by thee and none shall hurt thee O Christ is present with his servants and he delights to see his work graciously and judiciously managed and to see his People that attend upon him to give heed to his Doctrine The Lord Jesus he takes Knowledge how his work is entertained how it s preached and heard and how people behave themselves under the dispensations of it Why now good now beloved consider this These things are the things that we are to know concerning our Lord Jesus Christ. Now if this were well considered wold it not contribute exceedinly to the promoting of preaching and of hearing work Those that are called out to this ministration O if they had but the well digested Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ would not this spirit them and make them to look to the cause they manage how they manage this trust that is committed to them from Christ and how they deal with this blessed Doctrine that came out of the bosom of the Father and if you did but consider that you come to hear the Word that is given of the Father to Christ which is in the heart of Christ and which he ingages himself to give new life unto and how he takes notice what entertainment his Word hath c. If you did but know this certainly there would be other manner of hearing than ordinarily there is Thus now I have spoken concerning that I shall now go on and let you know That by growing in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Believers they come to be exceedingly advanced As for the other Services that I have been speaking of as Gospel-Duties in Prayer and Praising God in Preaching and Hearing the everlasting Word that came out of the bosom of the Father So by the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ we come to be exceedingly advantaged for that great work of mortification and of self-denial To joyn these two together Self-mortifying work Self-denying work Alas Brethren how hardly are we brought to these Services And when we set upon them alas how aukward and how untowardly do we apply to the management of it And why Alas because we are so deficient in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ were there a well improved Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Did you but know what a self-denying person he was and how justly be may require self-denying at the hands of his People If we did but consider that this Jesus Christ he was from Eternity God with God he might have lain warm in the bosom of his Father in the dear and blessed bosom of his Father he might have lain there and delitiated himself and kept out of all the storms and tempests of the World and might have enjoyed himself with sweetest delight in his Fathers bosom O what a self-denying Christ was here That he should come and leave his Father's bosom and be content to expose himself to the difficulties and hardships of the World to undergo storms and tempests Mark what the Apostle speaks in Rom. 15. Let every one of us please his neighbour c. For saith he even Christ pleased not himself He did not set his heart upon pleasing himself but that he might please his God and profit his People here below even Christ saith he pleased not himself O a self-denying Christ and if this were well known it would promote self-denying work in us And then sin-mortifying work O we are hardly brought to it to wound and slay our corruptions and to be ever and non digging down our Walls and ever and anon to be boring in the sides of this or that corruption This is his hard work to us but had we
a ghess and at random those that will approve themselves in their holy Profession must see to it that their conversations be well ordered it is he that orders his conversation aright that shall see the salvation of God and much care and diligence is to be used to this purpose that the conversation may be ordered in a due manner that so we may come to have the comfort and joy and peace at last They that walk according to rule Scripture rule and Scripture example they are the persons upon whom there shall be peace and mercy as the Apostle speaks in Gal. 6. It is not for men and women professing Godliness to live as I have sometimes said by rote but to live and walk by rule and by warrantable example And 2ly I offer this to be considered that Jesus Christ is the most absolute pattern for a Christian to conform unto and to take example by him And this duty is incumbent upon all that will approve themselves in Godliness to set their hearts upon this that they may be conformed unto Christ Believers and Saints are predestinated to have a conformity unto the Lord Jesus And the Apostle tells us 1 Ioh. 2. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself so to walk even as Christ walked It is a very weighty Scripture and doth very much concern us to be well studied in He that saith he abideth in Christ or that professeth himself for to belong to Christ and to have a union with Christ an interest in Christ he ought to walk even as he also walked Now consider how strongly it follow upon the premises That therefore it concerns all that will approve themselves in their Conversation to endeavour to be well acquainted with the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ to endeavour an advance in that Knowledge to be as well instructed in the Knowledge of Christ as they can Why Why because it is he who is the Copy after which we are to write the pattern to which we are to conform and how it is likely that any man should answer the Copy write congruously to the Copy which he hath little or no sight and knowledge of work in any sutableness to the pattern which he is in great part a stranger to This then is the business that we should mind and consider of in order to a well regulated Conversation that there be a pursuance in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ and particularly that we know the manner of his Conversation●… If so be that we would walk as Christ walked it 's necessary we should know how Christ walked what steps he trod in and the paths wherein he walked And this I shall give you some account of as touching the life and conversation of Christ here upon earth In the general consider thus First of all you are to know and believe That Jesus Christ was in the World though the World knew him not as the Apostle speaks in Ioh. 1. He was in the world The world indeed would not know not take knowledge of him but this is that we are to acknowledge and believe that Jesus Christ was in the World and that he lived and conversed here among the sons of men and he lived such a life as was most exemplary and so continues to be and he hath everlastingly broken the force of such an argument and plea as poor carnal wretches are apt to make in their own behalfs when their vitious corrupt carnal profane lives are tax'd and they themselves are censured for them Men are apt to plead How is it possible that we should live otherwise in the world a wretched world a world that lyes in wickedness There are so many corrupt principles and corrupt examples how can it be that we can live in such a world and live as we ought Why this Plea is fully broken it was broken upon the account of the lives and conversations of other godly ones that have lived from the beginning of the world The world was stark nought in Enoch's dayes in Noah's dayes yet for all that they walk'd with God and they ordered a conversation to the honour of God and approved themselves in the course of their walking The world was very bad in Eliah's time and so in the times of others yet for all that they carried themselves very gratiously in an evil world But this example of our Lord Jesus Christ is that that breaks the force of such an Argument why he was in the world and yet he lived most exactly and congruously to the whole life of God and he hath taught us by his example That it is not so much the place as the principle that we are to mind the principle and the constitution If so be that a person be of a good constitution and well principled he will live well enough in any place A godly person will be godly in heaven among Saints and Angels a godly person that is truly so he will be godly on earth if he be there among profane persons And I think I may say that if it could be that a godly man were in Hell he would shew his godliness there I am bold to speak it that if a child of God were in Hell he would love God there and he would pray there I remember and sometimes upon occasion have spoken to that purpose That Ionah when he was in his own apprehension cast off of God and in the belly of Hell as one in the very belly and bowels of Hell yet there he falls a praying Out of the belly of hell cryed I. A wicked man if he could be in heaven and be there with his own principles he would be a wicked man there and surely for Hell a godly man would be a godly man there Hell changes no natures nor indeed doth heaven upon the matter Heaven doth not change nature Heaven it self considered as a place of glory would not change the nature of a wicked man the change must be made here on earth Thus now having propounded this as a general That our Lord Jesus Christ he did live and converse in the world but what account is there to be given of his life what is there belonging to a well improved Knowledge in the Life and Conversation of Christ To give you a brief account of this First of all in the general The Life and Conversation of Christ it was a Scripture conversation The Lord Jesus who is now in heaven he liv'd in the world he liv'd first and last a Scripture life and this I speak to the confutation of the faces of all such as are apt to slight the Scriptures and make light of them that Jesus Christ while he converst in the world his whole life and conversation was a very Scriptural conversation it was nothing else but a fulfilling of Scripture O Beloved consider of this as a material and momentous thing That the whole life and conversation of Christ was a Scriptural conversation How often do
the day he would be sure to take time for it in the night O how much was he in intimate conversings with the Father in the way of prayer 9. The life of Christ it was a self-denying life O most eminent was Christ for this that he was of a self-denying spirit and his life in the whole of it a self-denying life denying himself Father not what I will but what thou wilt 10. The Life of Christ it was a world-despising life when they would come by sorce and make him a King he declines it and withdraws himself and turns his back upon all worldly preferments and injoyments 11. The Life of Christ was a God-pleasing and honouring life He pleased not himself he studied to please his Father and to profit the souls of his people He was for God-pleasing and manprofiting and this was the whole tenor of the Life of Christ. He devoted himself thus that he might be pleasing to God that he might be profitable to man 12. And to add no more though other particulars might be brought in The Life of Christ it was a persevering life He began well he continued well he ended well Paul could say of himself I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the Faith Christ could say it more than any man I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the truth I have kept my way without divertion he held on to the last having honoured God he honoured him to the death having loved God and his people he loved them to the end having ingaged to glorifie God he glorified him to the last His last breath was a holy breathing into the bosome of God This is the account that is to be given of the Lord Jesus Now consider O how profitable and beneficial will this knowledge well improved be unto Beleevers profitable to shame them profitable to provoke their imitation profitable to promote their comfort Profitable to shame them Now when we come to know what a life Christ liv'd what an exemplary life what an even thred he spun what a webb he wove and when we come to consider what our life is what a difference between Christ's life and our life whose life should be set before us as a copy to write after O how will this cause shame of face sorrow of heart I remember the Lord gives a charge to the Prophet Ezek. That he shew the pattern to the house of Israel and wherefore that they may be ashamed why I shew'd you the pattern this morning of the Life of Christ and truly it may well make us ashamed to think Christ lived in the World a Scripture-life but alas how far are we from keeping conformity unto Scriptures in our lives He lived an in-offensive life how offensive are many of us in our conversations and carriages laying stumbling blocks in the way The Life of Christ was a conflicting life what is there in us of conflicting with lusts and corruptions and a sinful World The Life of Christ a convincing life a condemning life convincing of sin condemning of sin such should our conversations be But alas how little is there of conformity to Christ The Life of Christ a praying life a laborious life a fruitful life a God-pleasing life a self-denying life Alas we may look upon the pattern and be ashamed to behold it because of our incongruity to it He that saith he abides in Christ ought himself so to walk even as he walked How many profess to have an abiding in Christ and yet do not comport with his example and conform to the pattern that he hath given us for imitation and so far as we are awanting to this copy so far we dishonour the Name of God and are awanting to the crediting of our holy profession O thus would a well improved knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ be beneficial to us to the humbling and shaming of us to think such was Christ but how unanswerable are we A humble Christ a holy Christ a heavenly Christ a self-denying Christ a sin-hating Christ a world-despising Christ and we express nothing of it And how would this promote to duty and provoke to imitation O so would the knowledge of our Lord Jesus and of his life well-improved provoke our imitation of him and make us set to it with diligence and care Did Christ live thus then surely it concerns me to look better to my life and conversation that I may be able to give a better account of it than otherwise I am like to do And then to promote the comfort of a Christian and make him bear up with boldness in the mid'st of an evil Generation when he is able to plead thus I am and I am tuter'd to it by the walking of Jesus Christ. Now to draw to a close The last thing that I will insist upon as to this Doctrinal part there is an account to be given of the life of Christ in Heaven You have heard of his Life on earth but there is belonging to the knowledge of Christ to consider what his Life in Heaven is For this we are to know and sad were it with Saints and Beleevers if this were not accounted of That he that was in a state of death and he that did rise again He lives and is alive for evermore Now if it were not for this Christians were of all men in the World the most miserable but this our Saviour speaks of himself Rev. 1. 18. I am he that was dead but I am alive and behold I live for evermore Amen I am alive for evermore Amen And this he held forth for the comfort of his people and to let them know he is alive for evermore to this purpose To see to the accomplishing and fulfilling of all that in the Revelation is made known for the benefit and comfort of the Church of God while it is here in its Militant state untill the day come that it shall be together with him ingaged in everlasting Triumphs over Death and Devils and Anti-Christ and World and Sin and all This belongs unto the knowledge of our Lord Jesus to know that he lives And what 's his Life in Heaven briefly thus First it is a Life of Glory for he is now entered into Glory and he lives in the fullest possession of all the Glory that the Father and Angels and Glorified Saints can conferr upon him and give unto him He hath all the Glory that Heaven can bestow upon him The Lord Jesus he lives now in Glory and he prayed for this Father I have glorified thee on the Earth now Father glorifie thou me with the Glory which I had with thee from the beginning Jesus Christ is entered into his Glory and he is clothed with it now He is clothed all over with Majesty and Glory He lives in Heaven now a life of Glory and so hath done ever since He was received up into Heaven 2. His
life is a life of Power all Power is given to him he hath the keys of Hell of Life of Death he hath the keys of Heaven and Hell all power is committed to him and he is invested with it So that the life of Christ is a life of Power he liv'd here in the world under weakness as touching his humanity but he lives now as the Apostle speaks though he was crucified through weakness yet he lives by the power of God 2 Cor. 13. 3. And then his life is a life of Peace he had much trouble in the World but all his trouble is over and he is entered into everlasting Peace 4. The life of Christ in Heaven it is a life of Rest. 5. It is a life of Joy and Rejoycing O Christ is at Gods right hand and at the right hand of God there is fulness of joy and pleasure for evermore as the Prophet speaks in Psal. 16. 6. The life of Christ it is a Kingly life he lives in the state of a King and God hath given him a Name above every name King of Kings and Lord of Lords I and know this 7. This life of Christ it is a life of Knowledge and Observation Christ in Heaven lives an observing life he observes all the actions and transactions that are here below he knows all the workings in the Nations and Kings of the World he knows all the oppositions that are made against him by the powers here below he knows the state of all the Churches and all the carriages of his Churches and People as in the Revelations he orders to all the Churches it should be signified I know thy Works and what thy condition and state is Christ lives a life of Observation 8. And he lives a life of Compassion too O that 's a comfortable consideration that the Lord Jesus in Heaven he lives a life of Compassion he hath not left his bowels of compassion here behind him but he is as merciful a High-Priest now as ever he was he was good in the world he is as full of bowels and of tender love to his poor Church and People now he is in Heaven as he was when he was upon Earth all his glory in Heaven shall never make him forget his poor suffering Members here on earth Saul Saul Why persecutest thou me 9. The life of Christ in Heaven it is a life of Satisfaction And yet withal 10. It is a life of Expectation he hath fullest satisfaction in respect of his Father and of his injoyments at the right hand of God he hath sweetest satisfaction concerning all the travel that he did undergo while he was conversant here in the World according to that Isa. 53. So doth Christ he now in Heaven looks over all his travel he considers all the cost and charge that he was at to redeem the World and he thinks not one peny too much that he hath paid to speak with a holy Reverence not one peny of all the payment too much to be laid down to purchase a People to purchase an Inheritance he doth not think that there was one drop of his Blood too much to be shed that he might redeem a People to himself and bring them to the possession of an eternal Inheritance And yet notwithstanding the life of Christ in Heaven is a life of Expectation not that his expectation is any way affective to him doth any way impead the sweetness and comfort of the life that he now lives in Glory but it is a life of joyful Expectation He lives in this double Expectation First till all his enemies be made his foot-stool He lives in this Expectation expecting the coming of that time when all his Saints that he hath redeemed from the World and purchased with his Blood be in his hand and brought to Glory Now this is no disquieting expectation but a most joyful expection that Christ lives in to see the utter downfal of all his enemies and to have them under his feet And according to that which you in Heb. 10. 13. saith he speaking concerning the Priests in the old Testament This man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever sate down on the right hand of God There 's his life from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his foot-stool for by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified This is now one part of Christ's Expectation which he is upon in Heaven That all his enemies be they who they will never so many never so mighty he lives in the expectation of their downfal and being brought under his feet and of this expectation he shall not be disappointed in the least no not in the least The life of Expectation which Christ doth now live in Heaven it is such a life as wherein he hath a most sweet enjoyment he knows he shall be answered in this Expectation of his And so likewise his expectation of having all his people that he hath purchased with his blood given into his actual possession He prayed for this in his last prayer Father I will that all those which thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may see my glory and share with me in that glory which is to be had in heaven This was his supplication and sutable is his expectation That the time shall come when he shall have all his Saints in his hand and not one of them wanting Now this is the Knowledge that we are to have of the life of Christ in heaven a life of Glory a life of Power a life of Peace a life of Rest a life of Joy and Rejoycing a Kingly life a life of Observation and a life of Satisfaction and a life of Expectation such is the life that Christ lives Now O how worthy is this Knowledge to be pursued and that every Believer should labour to be well improved in the Knowledge of this life of Christ in Heaven both for his greatest incouragement and comfort to think that that Jesus who died now lives and lives for evermore in Heaven That he is now in power he that was crucified through weakness he lives through the power of God Why this Jesus he lives now in the fullest injoyment of all that happiness that can he conferred upon him and in the expectation of having all his enemies subdued and all his People brought over to him that he and they may solace themselves eternally in the vision and fruition of God and of one another O what a comfort is this now for to know and consider of It was the joy of the heart of Iacob and made the old mans heart to leap within him and to revive again to hear that his son Ioseph was alive and in honour in Pharaoh's Court. O how much more joyful will it be to the rejoycing of the heart of a child of God that hath set his love upon Christ to think that his Jesus is in heaven at God's
purpose and yet not know to such a degree as they ought to do and so are culpable as not answering the duty of the Text which requires a growth in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. You may be able to make a Judgment by the things that have been so largely handled in the Doctrinal part of this Text Much hath been spoken according to what my line would reach to concerning the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. And here now is this to consider of whether we be not deserving blame upon this account that though we know something and it may be something to good purpose in the saving knowledge of Christ yet we have not set our hearts to make the advance in this knowledge and that progress and to come to such a measure and degree in knowledge as we ought and might have done according to time and means and truly I think that there is none of us but we may find this cause to complain Ah sweet Saviour how little do I know of thee I remember how that holy Agur doth bemoan himself even upon such a like account Prov. 30. Surely I am more bruitish than any man I have not the understanding of a man I neither learned wisdom nor have the knowledge of the holy Thus he bemoans himself O surely surely we may most complain and say O sweet Saviour how little a matter do I know of thee Some little smatterings there are but alas it 's nothing to what might be known and apprehended concerning thee And what 's the fruit of this That Believers holy Persons such as have the grace of God in truth have not more advance in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Mysteries of his Kingdom what are the consequences and truly the consequences are the evidences that there is not that advance and that growth in this holy Knowledge How sad are the consequences that Christians know no more of God are not more insighted in the Mysteries concerning Christ. 1. Whence it comes to pass That we advance no more in faith for undoubtedly if we grow more in Knowledge we should grow more in Faith Did we but more clearly apprehend and understand the Mysteries of the Gospel concerning our Lord Jesus what a curious cast there is in the business of salvation by Jesus Christ did we but more clearly understand and apprehend and know the continuance of that Mysterie it would most largely contribute to the promoting of a Beleevers faith and the unbelief would fall flat down on its face before this Knowledge if so be it were but duly improved 2. Again This is the consequence We love the Lord Jesus with a poor inconsiderable degree of love Why Because we know but little little of his excellencies little of that pretiousness that is inhim and as our knowledge is so will our love be much knowledge much love little knowledge little love Surely if we had but more through acquaintance with Christ we should come to have our hearts more fired with the love of Christ our hearts would burn within us if so be that we had but more intimate acquaintance with him and had but a more clear understanding of the Mysteries of the Gospel 3. And so for Desire O if so be there were but that advance in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus our desires would sparkle and flame out most strongly after this desirable Christ. When the Spouse had informed the Daughters of Ierusalem what a choice one what an incomparable one he was then they cry out O thou fairest among Women tell us whither thy Beloved is gone that we may seek him with thee 4. Whence is it that there is so much straightheartedness to the pretious priviledges of the Gospel that we do not prize them more that we do not set our hearts more upon them That great priviledge of Justification of Adoption of access to God of acceptance with God and that God should not be ashamed to be called our God to which I spake the last day Whence is it that we be not taken more with holy admirings of these great and glorious priviledges but because we are not more insighted in the Mysterie of the Gospel concerning Christ. Whence is it that we do not make more account of Justification forgiveness of sins which is a most pretious mercy We do not know Christ as we should and what it cost him to bring over to us the forgiveness of our sins 5. Whence is it that we are so apt to be tampering with that accursed thing with sin that we are so apt to be upon complyance with it and upon gratifications of it and of the lusts of it We know not Christ did we know Christ what he suffered that he might satisfie the Justice of God for the sins of his People what soul-conflicts he had and how he was pressed under the burden of the wrath of God that he might deliver his People from the everlasting Curse and Condemnation it would make us fear and tremble and take heed how ever we deal with that accursed thing and throw away that bloody knife that cut the very throat and stabb'd the very heart of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 6. Whence is it that we are so apt to be meddling with the World and apt to have our hearts set upon these beggerly vanities here below Whence is it but because we know not our Lord Jesus Christ as we ought to know Did we but know what a pretious Christ he was we would set light by the World and account nothing of it in comparison of the Lord Jesus 7. Whence is it that poor souls are so apt to be tossed with every wind of Temptation and to be unsetled upon every occasion as touching their peace and inward comfort but because they are very short in the knowledge of the Mysterie concerning our Lord Jesus Christ and the riches of Grace that discovers it self in him As let the guile be what it can be that may be represented to the Conscience the Conscience may yet upon the true knowledge and apprehension of the Grace of God in our Lord Jesus bear up with boldness and make a challenge unto men and devils and say Who shall lay any thing unto our charge when we know that concerning Christ concerning his Death concerning the merit of his Sacrifice concerning his Acceptance with the Father concerning his pleading in the behalf of his People at his Father's right hand We have that knowledge of the Lord Jesus that we bear up with glorious confidence and with blessed boldness and we are not afraid to look men and devils in the face we know who it is that is once for all entred into the holy place that is not made with hands and appears before God in heaven representing the merit of his Sacrifice and for our parts we now can triumph with a holy boldness and say Who shall lay any thing to our
rise up in opposition to the Kingdom of Christ to the spiritual Worship of Christ to a holy reformation and to do all that ever they can to hinder that God and Christ may not be worshipped in the beauties of holiness This is to cry up To him be shame instead of saying To him be glory both now and for ever No but to him be shame and to all his People and let them be the reproach and scorn of the World 2ly And so to close up If so be that we will approve our selves to be acted by a Gospel spirit consider how it must appear it must appear by holy apprecations and votings up of Glory to Christ and to say To him be glory the Father gives him Glory the Father reckons Glory to him the Spirit gives Glory to him The Spirit shall glorifie me he shall take of mine and shew it unto you The Angels give him Glory Worthy is the Lamb that was slain The twenty four Elders and the four Beasts make apprecations of Glory an innumerable number thousands of thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand they say Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to have Glory Now if you be men and women of a Gospel spirit let it appear by having your hearts set to this to give Glory to Christ wish him Glory in having the Government in your own hearts O to thee be Glory sweet Saviour the Glory of thy Kingdom in my own soul wish him that Glory the Glory of his Kingdom inlarged in the World of having that performed which is foretold the Kingdoms of the world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever wish him that Glory make an apprecation vote it up to him shew the spirit of the Gospel by having your hearts most strongly devoted to have Christ exalted in all his offices Priestly Prophetical and Kingly office that he may come to be the glory of the World that he may sway the Scepter according to what is promised This is the great thing that Christians should be set upon I speak not this as if I would cry down Civil Magistrates but that Government which is belonging to Christ and according to what he is anointed of the Father to according to what is purposed to him it is that we are to wish to him all that honour and Glory that the Father hath designed him this is that we should wish to him and say as the Apostle here To him be glory now and for ever And this is that which we are to do not in word and tongue as the Apostle saith O my little children let us not love in word and tongue only but in deed and truth So I say to you my Friends Let it not be in word and tongue only but in heart and reality O let your lips speak it let your lives speak it To him be glory so live so walk and carry your selves as that you may give a real proof and demonstration of it that your hearts may be devoted to have Christ honoured and exalted in the World I 'll conclude all with an itteration of this Doxologie and if ever tantologie though it is no tautologie but if ever there were any place for tautologie here were the properest place for it to be used but it is none I have a pattern for what I shall now perform from the holy Spirit of God in Psal. 136. O give thanks unto the Lord for he is good for his mercy endureth for ever Mark you how many verses you have in that Psalm 26. verses and so many times you have this itteration For his mercy endureth for ever Will you call this tautologie why then the Spirit is guilty of tautologie twenty six times you find it there O give thanks unto the Lord for his mercy endureth for ever he did thus and thus for his mercy endureth for ever he slew great Kings for his mercy endureth for ever he slew famous Kings for his mercy endureth for ever and he remembred us in our low estate for his mercy endureth for ever Here 's my pattern and let me a little follow it and I have done and charge me with tautologie if you can Thus I say then take up the language of the Text which I would do not using the words without the Spirit And thus I say Jesus is the Son of God Now to him be glory for ever Amen Jesus the Saviour of the world To him be glory now and for ever Amen Our Lord Jesus came into the word to seek and to save that which was lost To him be glory now and for ever Amen Jesus who was full of grace and truth Now to him be glory for ever Amen Our Lord Jesus that went about while he was here in the world doing good preaching the Gospel healing all manner of sicknesses and diseases and delivering them that were oppressed of the Devil To him be glory now and for ever Amen Our Lord Jesus who took upon him to satisfie even by death and suffering the Justice of his Father to fulfil the Law and to expiate sin and to purge the Conscience and to deliver from damnation those that were obnoxious to it Now unto him be glory both now and for ever Amen Jesus he is risen again and he is ascended up on high he is set down at the right hand of the Father and there he appears to make intercession for his People Now to him be glory now and for ever Amen This Jesus he improves at the Fathers right hand all the interest that he hath for the good of his People he communicates the Knowledge of the Mysterie of the Will of God and he makes Revelations unto his Church and People of those things that do concern it unto the end of the World and thus he is beneficial to his poor People here on earth he takss care of his Churches and hath a tender respect of all his interest Now unto him be glory both now and for ever Amen This Jesus is now in Heaven in Glory and he longs after the injoyment of all his redeemed ones and he hath undertaken to keep them while they are in the World and to lose not one of them but he will bring them to the enjoyment of himself and he will have them to see and to share in that Glory which he is now possessed of now he is in Heaven O what cause have we to say To him be 〈◊〉 both now and for ever Amen This Jesus who died and rose again and lives at God's right hand and as I said improves all his interest for his People O to this Lord Jesus Christ Be glory both now and for ever Amen And so I have done FINIS ERRATA PAge 39 line 25 for hearing read being p. 41 l. 8 for sayes r. sees p. 49 l. 7 f. contiguity r. contiguity p. 50 l. 31 f. Kod r. Rod p. 52 l. 8 f. can r. cannot p. 56 l. 15 f. trust r. faith p. 62 l. 25 f. firedness r. fixedness p. 65 l. 15 f. less r. let p. 74 l. 30 f. said r. sav'd p. 84 l. 3 f. that r. their l. 18 f. proposition r. opposition p. 90 l. 4 f. and r. as p. 109 l. 27 dele Christ at the beginning of the line p. 112 l. 5 dele the day of p. 116 l. 18 f. se●… r. get p. 127 l. 19 20. dele that I might be so discours'd of as p. 130 l. 8 f. faithful r. faithless p. 132 l. 13 f. eradicated r. eradiated p. 152 l. 31 f. in r. l p. 158 l. 16 f. which r. with p. 174 l. 17 f. that 's r. there 's p. 195 l. 23 f. fidelial r. fiducial p 197 l. 3 f. in r. it p. 209 l. 27 f. established r. chastised p. 228 l. 12 f. for r. from p. 234 l. 123 r. things p. 239 l. 28 f. perfect r. present p. 244 l. 27 f. such r. sure p. 250 l. 32 r. no p. 257 l. 30 f. born r. brother p. 28●… l. 16 f. denoted r. devoted p. 292 l. 32 f. affective r. afflictive
And it is a duty that is incumbent upon all that are gracious They that are Babes they must grow that so they may come to be strong men They that are strong men they must grow still that they may come to be stronger and stronger that the feeble according to that expression in the 12th of Zechariah may be as David and that David may be as the Angel of God this is that that is required of us Weak Believers they must grow grow strong Believers Strong Believers must labour to grow still grow stronger and stronger in their believing Christians Professors duty is to grow strong in grace and not only so but Ministers the dispensers of the Mysteries of God it s as much their duty as the duty of the Professors to be upon their growth in grace Give diligence saith the Apostle to Timothy 1 Ep. 1. 4. Give attendance to Reading to Exhortation to Doctrine that thy profiting may appear to all But what are the requisites of this growth That I shall speak to in a few words what a growth it must be 1. It must be a perceivable growth It should be so The growth of a Saint in grace it should be a perceivable growth a visible growth a growth that may be perceived and apprehended a Judgment may be made upon it Such a growth the Apostle speaks of in that place I mentioned Give attendance to these and these courses that thy profiting may appear to all Why truly the growth or a Believer in grace we should endeavour that it may be a perceivable growth As a man by observation can say I set such a plant in my Garden or Orchard and I do perceive that within such a time it is grown so much higher and stronger And so for children there is a perceivable growth in them you may observe how they grow in process of time Such a growth we should endeavour after that it may be perceived by others by our selves that we may be able to give an account of it and say as David speaks In the day whereon I did call uprn thee thou didst answer me and thou didst strengthen me with strength in my soul. 2. As a perceivable growth so it should be a proportionable growth If we will approve our selves in this matter our growth in grace it must be a proportionable growth proportionable to time which God affords us What! so long under the Ministry of the Gospel and in the profession of godliness so long standing proportionable to the time of our standing should be our increases Why then we should be of a greater growth than others that are but of a later Plantation The Apostle speaks to that purpose in Heb. 5. For the time saith he you might have been teachers of others you might have come to this to have been fit to feed upon stronger meat But saith he you had need to be taught the very first principles and to be fed nith milk And this he speaks to their shame and in a way of blame And then secondly A proportionable growth there must be in grace proportionable to the means that God hath been pleased to afford Such and such large allowances and not answer them Why it will turn to the shame and reproach of a Professor let him be what he will 〈◊〉 if his improvements do not hold some proportion to his enjoyments If he do not in some measure answer his growth to the time and the means it turns to his dishonour And Thirdly If it be right it must be a fructifying growth a growth with fruit so as still we must grow more and more fruitful fruitful in all the duties of godliness that as we get more in saith more in love increase more in holiness and in spiritual strength so we are the more in spiritual fruitfulness do more for God Would it be to the satisfaction of an Orchard Planter to have a tree that when it was young and of lesser growth bring forth it may be twenty Apples in a year and when it comes to be of seven years growth more to bring forth no more Apples this-will not be to his satisfaction So for a Christian that is but of a younger Plantation to bring forth such and such fruit and then when he hath been seven and seven years longer in the profession of Christianity to vi●…ld as little nay it may be less fruit to God then he did in his beginning Truly this is not well there must be fruitfulness and a growth in fruitfulness And then it must be a lasting and continuing growth I tell you Brethren think of it how we will the truth is if it be well with us we must grow as long as we are on this side Heaven but that indeed is no place of growth Mark that when once a Saint comes to Heaven he comes to his perfection he comes to have a consistency then he shall be as good as God would have him to be and as good as his heart can desire to be But while we are on this side Heaven there must be growing or else it is not right with us You see I have endeavoured with as much plainness as possibly I can to settle this upon your hearts concerning growth in grace That it is a duty Of what interpretation it is And what a growth it is that God requires Now for the Reasons of it Grow in Grace Why it must needs be so Why Brethren how else will God be glorified by us how can persons that have grace think that they can glorifie God if they do not grow in it I tell you Believers and Saints they are Gods children they are children of Gods begetting they are begotten of an immortal seed through the Word as the Apostle speaks 1 Pet. 1. Why now consider is it for the honour of a Father to have a child begotten by him that proves a very dwarf abides and continues in the same proportion and stature that he was born in there 's no increase either in understanding or in stature or in strength but a poor creature a very Babe so born and so continues Is it for the honour of God to have such kind of children To beget children to himself by Grace and to have them stand at a stay and to have no growth Believers are the planting of the Lord Observe that place in the 61. of Isai. ver 3. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me c. And he hath anointed me To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion to give unto them beauty for ashes the Oyl of Joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they might be called Trees of Righteousness The Planting of the Lord that he might be Glorified Mark here they are the planting of the Lord and plants being planted there is such a course taken with them that they may come to grow to bulky-trees That they may be Trees of Righteousness that God may he glorified
we attend upon and are admitted to the participation of O Brethren this is a thing altogether unbecoming the spirit of a Saint When men are at this point if they have but enough to keep life and soul together if they have but bread to eat and clothes to put on though the fare be mean and the clothing be course yet if they have but enough of that but so much I say as will keep life and soul together they can be content Indeed such a spirit in respect of the World is to be approved on When we can be contented with a lower portion here in the World this is commendable in respect of a worldly state here But as to a state of Grace and Holiness it is that which is no way to be approved of that persons that have something of the Grace of God in them should rest contented in their lower measures Truly this is that which we have cause to be deeply humbled for O! how many to their shame may it be spoken are indeed the shame of the Gospel and of the Ordinances that it should be said of them quite contrary to that which our Saviour speaks concerning the Woman of Canaan O Woman great is thy Faith Truly Brethren it may be said of many of us O man O woman Great is thy unbelief Great is thy faith nay Great is thy unbelief Great is thy holiness nay truly thy holiness is very little thy love it s very low This is that we have cause to be deeply humbled for that we are not more in our improvements and advances of Faith and Godliness sutable to the command that is here given that we grow in Grace And yet further this is that which I would say It were not altogether so much to be lamented if this were all though there is cause enough of being humbled and abased before God upon this account that we are not more upon our advancement But alass how much sadder is it when we shall find persons upon their declining and decaying instead of growing in Grace truly it may be feared concerning such that they are rather upon their decayings in Grace not the men and women that once they were for love to God for zeal for God delight in Ordinances breathings after Christ delighting in Communion of Saints close walking with God O these retrograde motions these backward motions that 's the meaning of the word these drawings back and declinings O these are to be deeply laid to heart When this shall be said concerning one that seem'd to be full of light and love and zeal and resolution for God that he shall come to be upon his abatements and not look like the person that he seemed once to be When the account rises up concerning a Soul according to that in the Parable of the unjust Steward He takes an account How much owest thou fourscore put down fifty When there comes to be such a falling in the account when we cannot make out such a state as once we could when there is Ephesus-like a falling off a decaying in our first Love a cooling in our zeal for God O Brethren this is not to answer the duty of the Text The Text requires growing in Grace O how shall we be able to stand before this charge when Conscience shall witness to us that we are rather upon our declining Truly these things would be seriously thought of especially in such a day wherein we had never more need to look to our condition and state God-ward not knowing what times we may fall into what tryals we may be put to O we had need to look to it and according to the charge that was given to Ephesus to Repent do our first works to recover our selves and labour not only to hold our own but to be upon our improvements And therefore that 's the main thing I would drive at and which I would conclude this Discourse withal I would deal with you in a way of perswasion and exhortation and press it with as much earnestness as I could that as many of you that are the sons and daughters of Grace that can give any good account of the truth of the Grace of God that is in you that there is the true Grace of God in you and that it is the true Grace of God wherein you stand that you would conscientiously apply to your duty and remember that this is the charge that God hath laid upon you that you grow in Grace and that you be still endeavouring this that you be better and better that 's the interpretation that I gave of the Text and of the duty That you be still upon your advancings if you have Faith and Love and Holiness and the fear of God and Meekness and if you have any thing of Godliness that you would labour to have more of it that you may not be alwaies weaklings in Grace Oh this is that that we should set our hearts upon And doth not the very thing it self invite you to it Why Brethren can you have too much of God can you have too much of Christ can you have too much of Faith and Holiness you may have too much of the World but you can never have too much of God and Grace till you come to such a pitch of godliness that you need not make any further advances It was otherwise with Paul and he gives another account of himself though alas how far short are we of him and of that Faith and Grace that was attained by him Yet he professes though he was not behind the chiefest Apostles yet he saith this concerning himself that he did not account himself to have attained but he forgets what is behind and he reaches to that which is before and presses towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus I said before I say again you can never be too good for God you can never be too good for Christ you can never be too ripe for Heaven when you come to the issue and close of all you will find that you have no more than needs must the wise Virgins they found that they had nothing of their oyle to spare when the foolish Virgins came to them O let us buy of you and be supplied by you no say they lest we be at a loss for our selves When you have gotten as much Faith and Grace and spiritual strength and holiness by the means and ordinances that you do attend you will find all little enough And therefore O this is that should make us set on with diligence and care that we may answer the duty of the Text and be upon our Increasings and Growth in Grace SERM. III. THere must not only be life but growth in Christianity and this is the burden which the Text laies upon us That we grow in Grace Now letting pass the things that were insisted upon shall we buckle to this as our business at present My
If so be that your Faith be not grown up to such a pitch and proportion truly you are not come into the stature that you should attain unto You have a Faith that looks to promises and lives upon the expectation that begets a kind of hope in you that such and such things shall be done I but can you say that your Faith is the substance of them that your Faith is the evidence of them and the substance Why your Faith it is such a Faith and of such a growth and it is so improved unto such a strength that things that are but in expectation they are to your Faith as if so be that they were in actual execution Your Faith is such a Faith I am sure it should be so that it giv●…s a being to things that are not in being it is the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as the Apostle uses the word it is the substance or the subsistence of things that are hoped for Why this is to my Faith as if it were in actual being As God made a promise to Abraham that he should have a son Abraham believes the promise it was long before that promise was performed I but yet Abraham's Faith did give a hearing to this promise Abraham went on in that confidence he staggered not at the promise through unbelief but his Faith was in that strength that there was as if there had been a birth already his Faith gave a being to the promise God made a promise to the people that they should come to the Land of Canaan and that it should be their inheritance Now the Faith of Abraham Isaack and Jacob was the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it gave a being to the promise and they were as if they had had it while they liv'd the actual possession of the promised Land they and their seed It is the evidence of things that are not seen I see not and yet I injoy I see not and yet I see Faith where it comes to be well improved it comes to be the evidence of things that are not seen Things not seen and yet they are as if they were before mine eyes Things not seen Nay when the contrary is seen as now a man hath destruction before his eyes and yet his Faith makes him to see Salvation according to that eminent instance in Moses when they came to the Red-Sea and there was nothing but death Fear not saith he stand still and see the salvation of God See it why there was nothing to be seen but destruction before their eyes and yet by Faith Moses comes to see the Salvation of God It is the evidence of things that are not seen O Brethren it 's a poor Faith a poor beggerly Faith if I may so speak of any degree of Faith for Faith in the lowest degree is better than all the jewels and diamonds in the World they are not to be mentioned with it but compared with a due improved Faith truly it 's but a poor beggerly Faith that depends upon sense This I would see as Thomas what saith Thomas you report to me that Jesus my Lord and Master is risen from the dead but for my part unless I may see him and feel the print of the nails and put my hand into his side I will not believe O it was an ignoble Faith a poor beggerly Faith they will believe no further than they can see Truly such persons will hardly believe to the saving of their souls and our Saviour he deals with him about it O Thomas Thomas thou hast seen and believed but I tell thee Thomas they are the blessed persons that have not seen and yet believe Why it is a noble Faith for to give a man the evidence of that that he doth not see and this is the Faith that we should press after I see nothing that hath a tendency to such or such a mercy I see nothing but rather the contrary as in the case of Ioseph there 's a promise concerning his advancement he saies nothing that hath any tendency in it but rather the contrary he is cast into Prison and irons enter into his soul he is brought into a miserable condition and yet notwithstanding his Faith was the evidence of things not seen he could see a Golden-Chain that afterwards he came to wear he could see a Golden-chain in a chain of Iron the iron entred into his soul and yet the chain of Gold is about his Faith Faith puts it about the neck this is the Faith A Faith of such a growth that it may evidence to us the things that are not seen Now I say when we can give an account of such a testimony and come in with the justification of experience and say It 's thus testified of Faith and it 's a true testimony for my Faith is so to me my Faith is the substance of things hoped for my Faith is the evidence of things that are not seen God hath made a promise concerning a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness He hath made a promise of new Ierusalem that it should come down from heaven as a Bride made ready for her husband Now I see nothing to such a purpose I see nothing but confusion and yet for all that I can see Glory I can see Glory in all the confusion of the World Again consider Secondly This is the testimony that 's given of Faith I this is t●…e victory that overcomes the World even your Faith The Apostle gives this testimony of Faith 1 Epist. of Ioh. 5. he useth these words This is the victory saith he that overcometh the World even your Faith Why now consider what growth it is that we should press after in believing our duty is to grow in Grace in the Grace of Faith and to grow to such a point and proportion that our Faith may be our victory our Faith why you will say it is our conflict we have a conflicting Faith I bu●… your Faith is your victory and your Faith should be so improved as that you may be able to give this account of it my Faith is my victory and I am more than a Conqueror as the Apostle saith in Rom. 8. saith he What shall separate tribulation distress persecution famine nakedness peril sword Why saith he In all these things he doth not say after all these things but in all these things in persecution in tribulation in distress in famine in nakedness what in sword yea in all these things we are more than Conquerors This is a marvellous thing but yet this is the testimony that 's given of Faith and this is that which the Faith of a Believer if it be duly improved will spring up to to make the believing soul more than a Conqueror and in all these things this is the victory The victory why before the battel be done before the fight be finished and ended yet notwithstanding that 's a victory that a believing soul may by the
did the woman of Canaan discover when notwithstanding all the discouragements that she had from the Lord Jesus one and another concerning the cause she was then in management of yet notwithstanding she sticks to him O when Christ told her he was not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and it was not meet to take the childrens bread and cast it to dogs and she might reckon upon her self as a dog why I am come for the benefit of the lost sheep of the house of Israel and thou art a Canaanite and what hast thou to do to make application to me Yet notwithstanding she sticks to him and holds her own and is resolved she will not give over till she hath a blessing Now mark the testimony that Christ gives of her O woman great is thy Faith Now here 's a pattern for us that nothing of discouragement should beat us off but that we might bear up with a holy confidence and wherefore are these things written but that we might write after these Copies But we stick in principles and rest in lower measures and it 's a shame we are not more in advances that we do not answer Scripture-testimonies nor answer Scripture-patterns and examples I might instance to you in the Thessalonian-Church a Scripture that formerly I spent much time about O saith he we are bound to thank God for you Brethren for your Faith it grows exceedingly it is an over-grown Faith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Thus now should it be with us But then there is a fourth thing which will take up more time than all the rest We should endeavour such a growth in Faith and that in a practical way as that we may not only answer the degrees of Faith nor the testimonies of Faith and the examples and presidents of Faith but fourthly that we may have such a Faith of such a growth as that we might produce the acts and the effects of it And here sundry particulars there are Such a Faith we should have and of such a growth our Faith should be that we may come to have clear sights and apprehensions of God to say he is an Invisible God and who can behold him and an Infinite Majesty and at an infinite distance and who can injoy him Who why a man of a well-improved Faith may live as if he were in heaven The Saints of God that have had their Faith well improved have given proof of it and have been able to give a justification of it I tell you this that Faith is capable of such an improvement as that he may live in heaven while he is upon earth and be in daily converses with God see him behold him and talk with him as a man would talk with his friend Faith may come to this as 't is said of Moses he saw him that was invisible Enoch by his Faith could walk with God every day as a man with his friend And so a Believer may walk with God and converse with God even in the management of his worldly affairs he may run up to heaven and speak with God and Jesus Christ and have a holy familiarity with God and have sweet thoughts of God O comfortable thoughts the meditation of God! O sweet unto him as the Prophet speaks in the 104 Psal. my meditations of him shall be sweet He is a terrible God I but I can meditate terror The Faith of a Beleever duly improved and being of a light growth it will make him able to meditate terror and to think of the terrible things of God the terrible acts of God the terribleness of Gods Majesty Indeed there is a terribleness in Gods Majesty I but the Faith of a Beleever being duly improved and of a due growth it will be able to meditate terror as the Prophet hath the expression in Isa. 39. and so to injoy sweet communion with God in every daies course it is as if there were no distance but heaven and earth were in a very contiguity and they were just neer close together there is as it were but a wall between heaven and earth O he can be as a man would be with his next neighbour that knock at the wall and your neighbour hears you and you can talk together day and night And so the Faith of a Beleever is capable of such a growth as he may come to enjoy God and sweet communion with God And so of Christ when we make him not only the object of our desires but the object of our claim he is my Jesus and as much mine as any mans in the World We should not only breath out after Christ but that we may bear up with a holy confidence and make a bold claim of interest in him and say I am my beloveds and my beloved is mine I bear upon it I challenge an interest in him and I will dispute the case with any that shall come in in a way of opposition to me He loved sinners He loved the World He loveth me He gave himself for sinners He hath given himself for me He is as much my Christ as any mans in the World This is the well-grown Faith SERM. IV. LOok to your growth in Faith that you be not weak in it and let it appear this way See to it that you have such a Faith so improved of such a growth that you may be able at once to appeal from the Law as a ridged exacter and yet to apply to the Law as a gracious wise and holy director When Faith comes to be planted in the soul it is not therefore planted that the heart should upon the coming in of Faith turn head against the Law No not against the Law Indeed it was never in the heart of God that Beleevers that are brought off from the Law as a covenant of works and are dead to it by the body of Christ should have their hearts set against it that they should rise up in opposition to it and be possest with prejudices against it No God forbid it should be so I speak of the Law considered as a covenant of works True it is the Faith of a Beleever carries him from the Law so as not to rest upon it so as not to seek righteousness by it but yet withal while it doth make an appeal from the Law as a ridged exactor and was made before Grace appeared to tremble and quake at the consideration of it as a fiery Law while he looks upon it as a most severe and ridged exctor and quits it appeals from it yet the Faith of a Beleever duly improved will own the same Law as it is a wise righteous and holy director And that Law and Covenant which out of the hand of Faith was and would have been a stinging Serpent as the ●…od of ●…ses when it was out of his hand a stinging ●…pent and such as would make a man to flye from the presence of in regard of its stinging power
appointment you reckon upon it and come to it with such a perswasion O this is Gods appointing and in this way hath he ordered that I should wait upon him and I know his appointments are not in vain therefore I rest not in the Ordinance but look to the God of the Ordinance and I follow after the injoyment of God in his Ordinances 't is nothing to me to have the word preached other Ordinances dispenced they are nothing to me without the injoyment of God I look upon God in them and I expect a blessing from God by them truly this is an argument of a well-grown Faith Alass poor weaklings that we are we come in a formal manner too commonly so and with too much of a carnal frame of spirit too much in a complemental way look upon an Ordinance as if there were no more to be reckoned to it than what of strength and duty and benefit of man can put upon it look to the instrument have not an eye to God O without question Beloved our preaching would be to better purpose and our hearing and praying and our eating and drinking at the Lords Table would be to better purpose and with more fruit and benefit If we could look more to God in an Ordinance and come with such a thought as this O Lord this is the way that thou hast laid out for me to wait upon thee in these are the means that thou hast appointed to do my soul good by and upon this account because they are thy appointments I apply to them and expect benefit and profit by them Now I say when we manage our attendance in such a manner we are then in the fairest way to have the fruit and benefit of them and how will this be but by a well-improved Faith the truth on 't is the strength of Faith and the growth and increase of Faith will very much discover it self this way When we come to appear before God in Ordinances we have such a Faith as carries us to God Why I have been with God this day I have been in the presence of God I look upon these Ordinances as the blessed Symboles of his presence and uppon that account it is that I attend them and expect from them And then again I press you that you would grow in Grace and grow in the Grace of Faith why what growth would you require such a growth as this that your Faith may come to be of such a growth that you may not be staggered concerning the promises of God how cross soever that providences seem to run to them O this is a proof of a well-grown Faith You know that its an ordinary thing with God in the course of his dealings and dispensations when he hath made a promise and put his people upon the hopes and expectation of having it performed to order out so in the course of his providence as if he would quite null his promise the providences seem to speak flat contradiction to the promise It was Abrahams case a promise he had of a son but the providence of God ordered it out that he runs out till he be 100 years old and Sarah was old to so that there was an impossibility as to nature that ever there should be such a thing brought to pass and here was now the temptation Now if Abraham had been but of a weak Faith how apt had he been to be staggering and sorely shaken as touching the promise surely this will never be I bat being of a well-grown Faith as the Apostle testifies of him he considered not his own body nor the deadness of Sarahs womb he staggered not at the promise through unbelief but being strong in Faith he gave Glory to God So the Lord dealt with Joseph but the word of the Lord tries him and while it tries him he trusts upon it the irons enter into his soul and by that providence O what a seening contradiction was there to the promise he that was designed to wear a chain of Gold about his neck must go with chains of Irons about his legs and those irons must enter into his soul. What doth this speak but the vanity of the promise and that it was a thing not to be reckoned upon no account to be made of it and yet notwithstanding he being of a well-improved Faith under all these cross providences that spake contradiction to the promise yet he keeps in a humble dependance upon God And while the word of the Lord tried him he trusts the word he did not try the word but he trusted the word and so being of a well-grown Faith he bears up with a holy confidence towards God as touching the things that he had promised And so likewise promises concerning the Church of God and a more blessed injoyment that Saints shall have in the World God hath ingaged himself by promise very much to such a purpose and providence do seem to give the lye to the promise 〈◊〉 things are ordered out as if such things ●…uld never be brought to pass Now a poor ●…ak Beleever he will be apt to give all for naught and to conclude as David did I said in my haste all men are lyars these are but vain words we speak of this and that of a new Ierusalem coming down from Heaven as a Bride made ready for her husband and of the Church●… Glory and beauty and of Babilons downfal and yet Babilon sits as a Queen and saith I shall never see sorrow nor widowhood Now a poor weak Beleever will be ready to give up the account and to say We must never look for these things I but a strong Beleever it bears up the soul in a holy confidence towards God well let God take what course he will I am sure that the womb of the promise shall never be sound to be a miscarrying womb that 's another thing Yet further I press you to growth in Grace particularly to a growth in Faith that you may not upon every occasion be cast into a discomposure of spirit upon every occasion of trouble that you meet withal when there are such providences ordered out as are startling and amazing and astonishing such a Faith you are to press to that when sinners in Zion are afraid and fearfulness surpriseth the hypocrites and likewise when poor weak Beleevers are apt to tremble and quake and at a loss and know not what to do that you may come to say my heart is fixed I trust in God these things move me not this is an argument of a well-grown Faith when we are not upon every occasion of any sudden fears in a discomposure of spirit yet well-grown Faith will bring a fixedness I it 's an argument of a Faith not well improved and not of so good a growth as it should be when we are upon every occasion surprised with fear and horror and astonishment and ready to scatter this way and that way and know not
in the mean time the heart little with God if any thing at all not raised up to God not set to injoyment of God and of holding communion with the Lord Jesus never come to settle upon this thought why this is Gods means that he hath provided for my improving in Faith and Godliness I do profess for my own part I do not know in all the World what to speak more to the purpose as touching this Agument which is an Argument that doth most neerly concern all that are partakers of the Grace of the Lord Jesus for to look after 10. Your duty is to grow in Grace Now that you may do so I would offer this to your consideration Do but rationally weigh these things that I now offer to you You that have Grace your duty is to grow in Grace That you may do so study Heaven and the Glory that is to be revealed I tell you I look upon it as that that is beyond all controversie that well raised apprehensions of Heaven the Glorious estate there will make us to put spurs to it and set on with diligence and care If we did but know the interpretation of Heaven what Heaven is we get a notion of Heaven but know not what it is what it is to be in Heaven what it is to injoy God in Glory what it is to be with Christ and Angels what it is to be in the possession of those blessed mansions above If we did but study Heaven more certainly it would make us put on with more diligence look about us and set us upon a vigorous performance of Grace and that we may increase in it Consider a little you that have Grace you are entituled to Heaven 't is your inheritance the portion which your Father hath set out for you I but what is this Inheritance It is an inheritance incorruptible undefiled that fadeth not away There is in Heaven the vision of God the most Glorious God There is a Communion an everlasting Communion with God and with the Lamb a following of the Lamb for evermore There is the injoyment of sweetest communion with Christ and with Angels and glorified Saints There is such Glory as eye hath not seen ear hath not heard it cannot enter into the heart of man to conceive It is an amazing thing what the state of Heaven is what the Glory that is there to be injoyed There is fulness of joy and pleasures for evermore If so be that a man would but think of this O! is Heaven such a place such a holy pure place is there so much of the Glory of God appearing there This will make a man to argue thus with himself Good Lord what manner of person should I be that I may be fit for to come there that I may be fit to set ●…y foot upon that holy Ground O what manner of person ought I to be how shall I endeavour to be purged and cleansed according to that which the Apostle speaks in the 1 Epist. Joh. 3. saith he He that hath this hope in him he purifies himself as God is pure Such and such a thing is Heaven there is such glory and beauty there such glorious objects to behold and such delights and pleasures to be injoyed what manner of person ought I to be that I may be meet to be partaker of the inheritance of the Saints in light Certainly the thoughts of Heaven being well digested will make us to set on and be a conducement to an advance in Grace and Holiness 11. Lastly your duty is to grow in Grace Suppose you have it in the beginnings of it O bless God for what you have but withal pray that you may have more Prayer doth net obtain the first Grace You do not ●…et the first Grace by prayer for a man cannot pray to speak of prayer according to the proper use of it there 's no man can pray till he have Grace There may be something done in the strength of a common conviction a person that 's convinc'd of his cursed estate and terrified upon the conviction and apprehension he may come to send out some kind of desires O I would it were better with me for all that I see my condition is very bad and sad and naught But a true desire after Grace cannot be till there be something of Grace in truth The first Grace it comes not upon our prayer but to be sure the after Grace is to be fetch'd in in the way and by the means of prayer and therefore we are to ply the Throne of Grace as the Apostle exhorts Let us ●…me boldly to the Throne of Grace Throne of Grace to the God of Grace that we may obtain mercy and find Grace that we may find more Grace Heb. 4. O Lord thou hast stil'd thy self a God of Grace and thou hast made a Covenant of Grace and thou hast ordered out thy Son as a Fountain full of Grace and thou hast made promises of Grace O Lord bestow more Grace O Lord hold not thy hand the Disciples they cry out O Lord increase our Faith the poor man in the Gospel breaks out with tears Lord I believe O Lord help my unbelief Lord I have a little love to thee O let my love increase Lord let my Faith increase Lord let my Holiness be more and more increased Lord let there be more and more You have a promise Open thy mouth wide I will fill it These things now I have suggested to you and have endeavoured to commend them in as pressing a way as I can that so you may perform your duty as touching growth in Grace I would now have spoken something by way of encouraging Arguments only thus at present I would have you to consider what a mercy it is that God will make this the matter of your duty you that are gracious persons upon whom he hath bestowed any Grace what a mercy of God it is that he should make this one of your duties and require this of you as a point of duty that you should grow in Grace as if a great man should say to a poor one that he hath set his love upon Friend I have freely given thee 100 l. as a stock to begin the World now go thy waies and imploy this 100 l. and see what improvement thou canst make of it and I require this of thee that thou do advance in thy estate and if thou needest 100 l. more or three or four hundred pound more come to me and I will supply thee still for I would have thee to grow rich you would think this were a high act of courtesie and kindness if a man should do so Friend I charge you see that you grow rich you have so much in stock and I will supply you still with more and more but only do you look to this that you grow rich Thus God doth in respect of Grace Indeed he doth not deal thus with us as to the
poor soul should fly to him and have its recumbency upon him 5. And then again when I consider that this Christ is commissioned by the Father he is sent into this World upon this account that he might save and make reconciliation 6. And then he is every way accomplish'd if he were a deficient Christ there were something to make my spirit to flag but he is most fully accomplish'd all power is given to him he is able to save to the utmost all that come unto God by him 7. And then when I come to consider and ponder that it is meat and drink to Christ to do the will of his Father and he with the greatest content of heart performed this work and made satisfaction to the Justice of God so●… poor sinners 8. And then when I come to consider that this Jesus is now in Heaven at Gods Right-hand God the Father hath given him Glory and Honour O what incouragement have I to come to him 9. And then when I consider that all the trust that is committed to him all the treasure that is laid up in him is for the benefit and behoof of poor souls why should not I then be incouraged to let out my heart upon him and to have the strongest confidence that I shall be the better for him I tell you Brethren that all this knowledge doth strongly influence the Faith of a Beleever therefore well may the Apostle require the knowledge of the Lord Jesus in order to a growth in Grace and in particular to a growth in Faith I would only give in that instance in 1 Pet. 1. It 's a Text that doth fully suit our present purpose saith he You by him believe in God that raised him up from the dead and gave him Glory that your Faith and Hope might be in God Pray do but weigh this you believe in God saith he who raised Iesus from the dead and when he had so done he gave him Glory He preferr'd him to the greatest Honour and Dignity set him at his own Right-hand and wherefore this That your Faith in knowing this that he that was your great undertaker here on earth travell'd in the greatness of his strength that he might accomplish the work of Redemption and Salvation This Jesus after he had done his work and suffered what he was to undergo here in the World God did raise him again from the dead and when he had raised him he takes him to Heaven and gives him Glory there sets him at his own Right-hand advances him to the highest top of Honour And wherefore thus That your Faith and Hope might be in God that you might come to him with the fullest confidence and rely upon him Now all this that I have accounted to you concerning a well-improved knowledge in our Lord Jesus Christ it doth exceeding liberally contribute to the promoting of a Beleevers Faith and Grace And because I can proceed no further now if there be any souls that are strangers to Christ and to the Faith of the Gospel will you but drink of these waters O set your hearts that you may drink of this blessed Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and see whether these waters will not warm your hearts and make you to sparkle out in love to Christ in longings after Christ And for you that are called out to the participation of Grace and have the Faith of God begun in you O as ever you desire to grow up in the Faith of the Gospel labour to be well improved in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ O dwell upon the meditation of these Mysteries that I have given you this morning a hint of If ever you desire to be well improved in your Faith it must be by your being well improved in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. SERM. XIII I Shall now proceed to what remains What hath been spoken concerning Faith and how the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ duly improved is to the growth of that The same may be spoken concerning Gospel hope The hope of the Righteous which is called a Tree of Life compared to an Anchor Sure and steadfast entring within the vail whither the forerunner hath entered Now by improving in the knowledge of Jesus Christ Hope will grow up to a goodly stature Hope will come to be as an Anchor fixing very fast so as to keep the ship of the soul safe and secure whatever the storms and tempests are that may arise upon it The more we know of Christ the more shall our Hope be strengthened in us and one special reason why we hope no more with an unshaken hope is because we are not more in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Apostle in 1 Pet. 1. speaks concerning this blessed Hope that Believers are begotten to and they are begotten to it he tells us by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead The more we are judiciously apprehensive of Christ of the Resurrection of Christ and of the Glory which he is advanc'd unto the more will the hope of a Beleever be strengthened in him And that Scripture which I clos'd with the last day it serves us to this very purpose 1 Pet. 1. It 's said that God the Father hath given Honour and Glory to his Son that our Faith and our Hope might be in God And therefore must needs be inferr'd that the more we know and understand concerning Christ and the Glory that he is now advanc'd unto the more will there be of growth in the hope of a Beleever 3. By growth in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ there will be a growth in godly Repentance Repentance there is such a thing though it 's little known and less practised according to the true Gospel-nature and state of it But such a thing there is as Repentance towards God a precious Grace which God works in the hearts of his people those that he hath a purpose to save It is of necessary participation and it is a Grace of necessary exercise for our Saviour tells us that except we repent we shall all perish there is a necessity of it and yet alas how many are meer strangers to it know nothing of the Grace know nothing of the Practice of it And how many of those that have any sense or share in it yet that are very little in their Repentance have but a very low measure and degree know little of heart-meltings and soul-breakings before God much what strangers unto that sweet frame of spirit by which Ephraim is set forth unto us as a blessed pattern and example in Jer. 31. 18. where we have this account of him Thou hast established ●…e and I was chastised as a Bullock unaccustomed ●…o the yoke Turn thou me and I shall be turned after that I was converted I repented and I sm●… upon my thigh This was Ephraim's frame and this is upon Record for our
is to be known concerning our Lord Jesus That he hath had a deep experience of prayer and of the difficulties of it and temptations which the soul is subject to meet withal in the management of prayer all this is known to Christ So far as a holy nature could have personal experience of such difficulties and such temptations so far hath our Lord Jesus in his own person experimented this matter concerning prayer Now the knowledge of this the well digested knowledge of this That Christ was a man of prayer and that he hath had experience of prayer and knows what there is of difficulty in prayer and what sore temptations hang upon prayer and what a desperate enemy the Devil is to prayer he knows all this and he hath a sense upon his heart and a knowledge of all the strugling and wrestling in the hearts and spirits of his praying People here upon earth This is that that is to be known concerning our Lord Jesus Christ he hath a deep sense of all the strugglings and wrestlings of the spirits of his People here on earth and is perfectly knowing of all the opposition which they meet withal in the way of prayer and supplication and how the Devil doth set himself against his Saints and what incounters they meet withal from unbelief and the corruptions that are within how apt to fall under deep discouragement and despondency of spirit He knows all this and to this purpose that he might pity and compassionate his People O this is that which is to be known concerning Jesus Christ in Heaven and even now he is in glory that he hath a sense of all this upon his spirit and is privy to every prayer that his poor humble broken-hearted conflicting people do make up to God and is at Gods right hand ingaged to stand their prayers in stead and to promote the success of them and to take them from their hands as the blessed high-priest of their profession and to perfume them in his golden Sencer with his odours the odours of his intercession This is that that is to be known concerning our Lord Jesus Christ and O how doth this knowledge well digested a soul being well advanced in it how will it find this Knowledge largely contributing to the promoting of this Duty Do but weigh these things in your Consciences whether this 〈◊〉 not be a very great conducement to the more lively managing of our prayers and that we would not trifle with God when we are exercised in such a Service And then again for that noble Gospel-Service and Duty of Praise and Blessing of God The more the soul doth improve and grow in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ the more vvill there be of loveliness and activity and inlargedness for the management of that Truly Brethren it is that vvhich vve have all cause to be deeply humbled for That God blessed for ever hath not more large returns for his People of praise and thanks and blessing for all that Grace that he hath made to appear unto them O hovv little is it that is done to purpose in such a service And vvhat 's the reason that vve are not more lively to such a purpose that our hearts are not more inlarged to God in a vvay of blessing and praising and thanksgiving to him We may vvell reckon it to this That vve are not more in the Knovvledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for this Knowledge of Christ our Lord and of the Mysteries concerning him this is the Knowledge that will make the soul to be upon the wing mounting up with all inlargements of thankfulness and praise unto God The more the soul is taken up with the apprehensions of the Mysteries of the Gospel concerning the Lord Jesus the more will it be in admirings of Grace the more will it be in magnifyings of the God of all Grace Consider This Knowledge it is such Wine as will make the lips of them that are asleep to speak 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that expression which we have in Cant. 7. he sp●…ks there concerning our Saviour that is so●… and 〈◊〉 that it would make the lips of them that are asleep to speak Oh! The Doctrine concerning our Lord Jesus if it were better known it would spirit the soul and make it to be most active to such a purpose You here have an account concerning the Angels There was upon the birth of Christ an heavenly Hoste and they were singing praises unto God Glory be to God on high Upon what account upon the account of Jesus Christ and the knowledge they had of Jesus Christ and of that glorious Mysterie concerning Jesus Christ the Angels were not able to contain themselves The Virgin Mary in Luk. 2. when she comes to have an account of the Mysterie concerning her Lord Jesus Christ and the Grace of God through him How doth she break out with all inlargement My soul doth magnifie the Lord my spirit hath rejoyced in God my Saviour and so all along O what blessing and praising of God was there on the part of a People that were well instructed in the first establishing Apostolical constitutions O what inlargements were there in praising God and magnifying him And why Upon the account of the Knowledge that they had of the glorious Mysterie concerning our Lord Jesus Christ and the account that was given in the primitive Persecutions concerning the Christians That they would be in their early singings and praisings of God This was the account of the Christians under dreadful persecution in the dayes of Trajan the Emperor That they would be early in the morning singing and praising and blessing God And upon what account Upon the account of this great and glorious Mysterie concerning our Lord Jesus Christ. O! this is that that would fill the mouth with Arguments and it would wisely contrib●…te to the promoting of ability sutable to such Arguments wherein to inlarge in blessing and praising God our hearts would not lye so dead upon us we would be more lively than we are in exalting God magnifying his Name did we but know more of our Lord Jesus of the Mysterie which hath been kept secret from Ages and Generations but because we do but sip of the Cup have a little smattering Knowledge and no well digested Knowledge and not duly improved we come off so poorly as we do O consider the spirit of the Apostle Paul how excellently it discovers it self as in the beginning of his Epistle to the Ephesians Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ blessed be God that hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ In Christ So the Apostle Peter O blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ that hath begotten us unto a lively hope of an inheritance incorruptible undefiled and that fadeth not away and all by the resurrection of our Lord Iesus Christ. Thus the Knowledge of our Lord and
in This I propound now as one of the priviledges of the Gospel the comfort whereof comes over to us by a well improved Knowledge of Jesus Christ. Consider further What reason there is that Believers Christians should endeavour to advance a growth in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ upon this account That by this Knowledge well improved we shall come to be very much advantaged for suffering suffering with comfort and with boldness and courage and that 's a great matter for us to consider of For it is not so much the suffering as the comfortable suffering and the confident suffering and the couragious suffering of a Christian that God is glorified by Mark you 'T is not barely the suffering the damned in Hell they suffer and shall suffer eternally but what Glory hath God from their suffering Only thus far he hath the glory of his Justice in the inflicting of deserved punishment upon them he hath that glory but otherwise there is nothing of glory that 's given to God by them in their sufferings there 's Glory that God fetches and forces out of them and he will do so out of every damned wretch he will force a Glory to himself out of their sufferings but there is no Glory that doth result to God out of the sufferings of the damned as a Glory which they do actually give up to God But now God expects that his People should be active in a way of glorifying him when they are under their sufferings and then is God glorified when his People suffer with courage and with confidence and with comfort and rejoycing and are not of despondent spirits do not fall under that Why now consider all that will live godly in Christ Jesus and will approve themselves in their godliness they must reckon upon sufferings there is no coming to heaven by leaping over the brook Christ himself is said to drink of the brook in the way There is a brook and it runs with black and bitter streams and we must not think to leap over the brook you must drink of it and be plunged into it Why all that will live godly in Christ shall suffer What shall they suffer what must they reckon upon to suffer Suffer from God suffer from men suffer from Devils suffer sometimes through their own default from their own Consciences Wherein now must they reckon to suffer Suffer in their souls by divine desertions suffer in their souls by dreadful temptations suffer in their Consciences by astonishing apprehensions I and sometimes there 's their own default from their Consciences that 's a suffering that Jesus Christ is a meer stranger to take notice of that by the way Christ never suffered from his Conscience And I do not know whether it may not be peremptorily asserted that he never suffered in his Conscience to be sure never from his Conscience his Conscience never put him to any suffering his Conscience was alwaies his friend and his comforter He was not knowing to himself of any thing should cause and create the least trouble to him Godly men are subject through their own default to suffer in their Consciences and from their Consciences to suffer in their liberty in their estates in their names and reputations by reproaches and scorns and contempts of the World To suffer in their estates by losses and sad breaches upon them subject to suffer to the very loss of their lives by fiery tryals and sharpest persecutions I but now whereas the great matter as I said before is to know how a Beleever may suffer and to suffer comfortably to suffer couragiously and not sink under sufferings Though he drink of the brook in the way yet that he may not be drown'd in the way though he drink of it yet he doth not sink to the bottom of it but he keeps his head aloft this is a great matter for us to study and to be well acquainted withal Now consider O the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ it doth contribute most largely to such a purpose if so be that Christians Beleevers in Christ had but a well-improved knowledge of Christ well digested I do not speak as I have told you and shall further tell you of a notional knowledge to get a head full of notions and yet in the mean time the heart altogether unedified We can babble over the Creed as many do that place their Religion and such things in it Though I do not speak but that there may be good use to be made of those old principles But this is the misery that people rest in words and forms if they can patter over such and such a form and say He was born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried thus they can say but in the mean time know nothing in the World to any purpose But I speak of a heart-knowledge a well-digested knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and this knowledge will contribute very largely to the promoting of a Christians comfortable undergoing his sufferings and keeps him up from sinking under them and it will appear thus by considering First of all by knowing this concerning Christ that this Lord Jesus Christ was himself a sufferer there 's very much in this that he was in the form of God and thought it no robbery to be equal with God He that was the brightness of his Fathers Glory and the express Image of his Person He was pleased to put himself into such a condition and state as that he might be capable of suffering As he was the second person it was impossible for him to suffer but he took a body with much complacency and delight upon this very account that he might be in a capacity to suffer and suffer he did never Man nor Angel the like He suffered to the astonishing of the whole Creation He suffered from God He suffered from men He suffered from Devils O the dreadful sufferings of Jesus Christ As I said before so I say it again He did not suffer from his Conscience his heart did not reproach him His heart within was clear he had no terrors his Conscience it raised up no terrors in him that kind of suffering he was a stranger to Now consider this was Christ Jesus a sufferer and so deep and dreadful a sufferer why then a Beleever may comfort himself whatsoever sufferings he falls under why blessed be God my Lord Jesus Christ was a sufferer before me he hath been in a suffering state and I have no reason to startle at it that my condition is a suffering condition I am but now in a way to have conformity to Christ and that 's a blessed comfort You must consider a little what should the Apostle mean when he professes in 1 Cor. 2. that he determined to know nothing but Iesus Christ and him crucified a suffering Christ Christ and a suffering Christ what should he mean by this but that