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A58336 A divine looking-glass, or, The third and last testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ whose personal residence is seated on his throne of eternal glory in another world : being the commission of the spirit, agreeing with, and explaining of the two former commissions of the law and Gospel, differing only in point of worship : set forth for the tryal of all sorts of supposed spiritual lights in the world, until the ever-lasting true Jesus, the onely high and mighty God, pesonally appear in the air with his saints and angels / by John Reeve and Lodowick Muggleton ... Reeve, John, 1608-1658.; Muggleton, Lodowick, 1609-1698. 1661 (1661) Wing R676; ESTC R35141 178,978 220

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his mighty angels in flaming fire rendring vengeance unto them that do not know God and which obey not unto the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ which shall be punished with everlasting perdition from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power 2 Thes 1. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout and with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then shall we which live and remain be caught up with them also in the clouds i● meet the Lord in the air and so shall we be ever with the Lord 1 Thes 4.16 17. For therefore we labor and are rebuked because we trust in the l●ving God which is the Savior of all men especially of those that believe 1 Tim. 4.10 We know that we are of God and this whole world lieth in wickedness but we know that the Son of God is come and hath given us a minde to know him which is true and we are in him that is true that is in that his Son Iesus Christ the same is that very God and that eternal life 1 John 5.19 20. Now unto him that is able to keep you that you fall not and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with joy that is To God onely wise our Savior be glory and majesty and dominion and power both now and for ever Amen Jude 25.26 18 Remember the golden positive Rule and none can deceive you concerning the one glorious personal God-Man blessed for ever This is a true saying and by all means worthy to be received that Christ Iesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief notwithstanding for this cause was I received to mercy that Iesus Christ should first shew on me all long-suffering unto the example of them which shall in time to come believe in him unto eternal life Now unto the King Everlasting Immortal Invisible unto God o●ely wise be honor and glory for ever and ever Amen 1 Tim. 1.15 16 17. 19 My spiritual brethren if you take good no●ice of this place of Scripture you may plainly see that the Apostle Paul owneth no other God Father or eternal Spirit but that one personal Majesty of our Lord Jesus Christ in immortality There is one Lord one Faith one Baptism one God and Father of all which is above all and through all and in you all But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ Wherefore he saith When he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men Now in that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lowest parts of the earth He that descended is even the same that ascended far above all heavens that he might fill all things 20 My beloved spiritual brethren which are appointed unto an immortal personal glory you may see that the Lord Jesus Christ is that Holy One of Israel which first descended from his throne of infinite God-head glory into the lower parts of the virgin earth and so became a body of pure flesh of her seed and by vertue of his divine power in that very body of flesh and bone he descended into the lowest part of the earth death hell or the grave for a moment not onely for improving the power of his God-head life entring into death and in that very body of flesh quickening and reviving a new and glorious life again and as a flame of fire naturally ascending and immortalizing that body of flesh and bone with a Fathers Throne of transcendent Excellencies but also for destroying of the power of sin and fear of eternal death in all his new born elect trees unto eternal life CHAP. X. 1 Of persecution of Conscience 2 Of the sin against the Holy Ghost MY beloved brethren by immediate inspiration from that Holy One of Israel in the next place I shall clearly demonstrate unto the heirs of glory the confused darkness of two or three sorts of men concerning the knowledge of the onely very true God the which confusion riseth in them through their mis-understanding of the true grounds of certain Scriptures as namely these God is a Spirit and a Spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have But more especially these Trinitary expressions Baptizing them in the Name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Ghost Mat. 28.19 For there are three which bear record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one 1 John 5.7 2 The first sort of deceived persons past or present which affirm the Holy One of Israel to consist of three persons were Athanasins Socinus alias Iohn Biddle and their literal adherents 3 My brethren I do not say they can help this their darkness or blame them for this their error for alas poor simple or over-wise men to their imaginary understandings it is a pure truth and those which are contrary minded to them in darkness 4 Therefore who ever are left to persecute their persons for their judgements sake onely it would have been better for those men that they had never been born if they acknowledge a Christ 5 Take this for an infallible Rule those that persecute a man for error in judgement concerning his God will as soon persecute him for the truth of Christ as for a lie 6 Let no persecutor flatter himself that he may repent and find mercy as well as Paul because Paul acknowledged no Jesus at all when he persecuted his Saints therefore you know how he pleads Gods mercy towards him in that he did it ignorantly 7 Moreover how deeply did he pledge that cup of persecution upon his own body for the Truths sake all his dayes which instrumentally for Christs sake he had caused others to drink 8 Again before I go forward concerning the point in hand it will be necessary for me to shew you who those persecutors are which commit that unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost 9 My spiritual brethren if a Turk do persecute a man that professeth himself to be a Christian for despising of his Mahomet or if a man called a Christian should persecute an Infidel for despising the Lord Jesus Christ this persecuting each other is pardonable though not justifiable in their consciences when they shall understand the truth of leaving all vengeance in spiritual things unto God himself 10 But on the contrary suppose two men shall acknowledge that the man Christ Jesus glorified is the Son of God spoken of in the Scriptures both of them affirming that all their hopes of eternal
worship honor magnifie or adore man or angel is not that giving glory to him or glorying in him 15 Doth not all such kinde of divine worship honor or glory belong onely to the Creator and doth not the Holy One of Israel positively say that he will not give his glory to another what sober sensible man then that hath any spiritual light in him dares say that Christ and the Father are not one undivided personal being seeing all glory in heaven and earth was given unto him onely 16 Again seeing God hath said that he will not give his glory to another and yet all his glory was given unto that Man Christ do not those Trinitary Literal-mongers call the divine Majesty a liar to his face which deny Christ Jesus the Lord of Glory to be that Everlasting Father 17 Doth not the Father give all glory to the Son in Scriptures as well as the Son gives all glory to the Father who art thou then that dividest them into three personal beings presum tuously taking upon thee to share the infinite glory of the Holy One of Israel seeing his glory he will not no nor cannot give to any other distinct person 18 And what art thou then but that Antichrist and utter enemy unto thine own soul and a deceiver of those which are deceived by thy literal wit which saith That Christ was onely an extraordinary Messenger sent forth by the most high God to do his will or that Christ was onely a God and not the God or that Christ onely had the Titles of the divine Majesty put upon him for a season that he might become a fit Mediator between God and man but there was another Father above him that sent him abiding in the highest Heavens unto which he was fain to cry out for help in his need 19 My spiritual brethren if men so acute in the letter can attain to understand this one thing in Scripture Record then those sayings of Christ or Son and such like will be no stumbling-block in their way concerning Christs Father You know that the Lord Jehovah saith Because there was none greater than himself he swore by himself concerning something that was in his minde to bring to pass the thing is this that God of Glory that was compelled to swear by himself for the exaltation of his own greatness in men and angels because there was none beside himself therefore he glorifieth himself alone 20 Again because none could humble or exalt him but himself therefore he alone first exalts himself by an oath that he might be the more admired at of all that know him after that he abaseth himself a little lower then his angelical creatures in respect of death that by vertue of his infinite humility in flesh his glorious Godhead might in that personal manhood exalt it self in a new and wonderful way far above all Gods heavens angels and men 21 Wherefore concerning the Scripture saying The Lord said unto my Lord sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool that is the everlasting Father speaking to himself in a two-fold condition or God the great Jehovah in the height of his glory exalting himself over all opposition in his creatures in the lowest appearance of a creature himself 22 Again the Lord saith He will set his King upon his holy hill of Sion And God saith O God thy throne is from ever and ever wherefore God even thy God hath anointed thee with the oyl of gladness above thy fellows 23 My beloved brethren is there any more then one God and King of Glory perpetually fitting in the midst of the Throne of the highest heavens 24 Is there any more then one God and King spiritually sitting upon his Throne of Sion or souls of his redeemed ones 25 Is not this one God in his Throne above and in his Throne beneath Christ Jesus our Lord 26 If this be granted which none can deny but filthy Atheists over-wise Literalists or very weak Saints I would fain know from any man under what kinde of Trinity soever who that God and King was unto which God said I will set my King upon my holy hill of Sion O God thy throne is for ever and ever 27 If there be but one God and King of Sions glory alone then there cannot be a God and God or a King and a King of eternal glory If this be not good sense let me be reproved with better 28 Again hath God any other King to exalt upon Sions holy hill but himself or to sit on the right hand of all Majesty Wisdom Power and Glory in the personal presence of his mighty Angels Moses and Elias but himself 29 Who then is that most high and mighty God and King of Sions glory or that spiritual All in All or that Alpha and Omega or that Father Son and Holy Spirit but our Lord Jesus Christ in immortal glory it self 30 Thus you that have any true light of life eternal in you may clearly see that the Holy One of Israel which swore by himself to himself for his own further exaltation by the same rule he may change his glorious condition into flesh and having humbled himself to himself he may cause his humanity to speak pray or cry unto his divinity within him or unto his own spiritual charge committed unto his angels without him for a further manifestation of his unsearchable wisdom power and incomprehensible glory in shame and weakness as well as in power and glory as aforesaid 31 Is any thing hard or impossible for an infinite Creator to do when his glory moves him to do it 32 Again did not his infinite power wisdom and glory more abundantly appear in the lowest abasing himself in the visible sight of elect men and angels why then should it seem strange to any sober wise man that the everlasting Father should be clothed with flesh and bone as with a garment 33 Or that Christ Jesus should be both God and man in one distinct body glorified there is none but Christ none but Christ no other God but that man Christ Jesus our Lord if men or Angels should gainsay it 34 Though this may seem strange unto many at present yet they onely are eternally blessed that are not offended with this saving truth but are made obedient unto this crucified and glorified Jesus CHAP. XII 1 To own or believe any other God but Christ is a cursed lie 2 Who are the deceived persons 3 Concerning the true knowledge of God 4 The deceivers of others under conflicts of minde described by many and various expressions ALl the Divine Titles of the Holy One of Israel made over to the second man the Lord from Heaven and is not the Fathers Throne invested upon his person and is not all spiritual honour praise and glory commanded to be attributed unto him by men and angels 2 And is not all the fulness of the Godhead dwelling in him bodily and from his
that of Adams or else Eve could not possibly have been deceived by him as aforesaid 7 Also his body being spiritual though his nature was carnal there was no let to hinder his descending into her womb to bring forth the Creators secret purpose of two generations coming through the loins of one woman to make an everlasting distinction between the transcendent glory of respection and shame of rejection 8 Though the Angelical Serpent descended into the womb of Eve yet you may know that his ascending nature was utterly lost in that in stead of his ascending upward into that habitation of ravishing glory from whence he was cast he was ignorant of it and of that God and his mighty Angels as if he had never known them in the least 9 For he imagined his Serpentine subtilty to be the onely wisdom then in being and this world to be the onely heaven 10 My beloved brethren in the eternal truth whatever carnal minded men vainly dream of a general redemption by Christ as sure as the Lord liveth there is a Serpentine generation of cursed men and women which glory in all manner of fleshly sporting themselves about a Creator or in possessing of a perfection in this mortallity which with their father Cain are utterly ignorant of the true God his everlasting kingdom elect Angels immortal personal glory or misery or any spiritual thing in the least 11 Doth not the Scripture throughout make mention of two distinct seeds sons or generations of mankind 12 Can Cain and Abel both therefore proceed from Adams loines or be of his begetting upon the body of Eve 13 It is written in the third of Luke and the last verse concerning Christ that he was the Son of Enos the son of Seth the son of Adam the Son of God If Christ Jesus the eternal Son of God according to the spirit was the very son of Adam according to the flesh can any sober man possibly think that there should be any relation of spirit or flesh between Christ and Cain 14 Or that the everliving God upon any account whatsoever should be brother unto a cursed Serpent 15 Though righteous Abel was Cains brother yet their brotherhood came by the mothers side onely and not by the father though Eve was made out of Adams side 16 You know that righteous Abel did represent the glorious person of all righteousness and truth it self who was that holy and innocent Lamb spiritually slain from the beginning of the world in Abel by the heart and hand of murthering lying Cain 17 Moreover is not this answerable unto that of Christ and his brethren you know their brotherhood was by the mothers side onely and not by the father 18 Thus if your eyes be opened you may see in contrariety a harmony between the seed of the woman and the seed of the Serpent 19 Again because of the great opposition that may rise up against this glorious truth through the exceeding pride and unbelief in the heart of most men give me leave to cite a few Scriptures in the 3. chapter of the first Epistle of John you may finde it thus written Not as Cain which was of that wicked one and slew his brother In the 13. Chap. of Matthew it is thus written He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man and the field is the world and the good seed are the children of the kingdom and the tares are the children of the wicked one and the enemy that soweth them is the devil 20 Moreover in the 8. chapter of St. John Christ Jesus the onely God of truth speaketh thus Ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do He hath been a murtherer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie then speaketh he of his own for he is a liar and the father thereof 21 My spiritual and rational friends which are sober was not Cain the first murdering lying man that ever was born of a woman Seeing no true Christian can gainsay it was not cursed Cain from the beginning that murthering devil and father of lies spoken of by Christ aforesaid 22 In answer unto those carnal Jews which boasted themselves to be of Abrahams seed and were not those lustful murdering minded Jews or Gentiles which our Lord branded with titles of Serpents Vipers children of the devil and such like filthy Cananites which proceeded out of the spirit of cursed Cain that old Serpent Dragon Devil and father of all the damned in this world and not from the spirit of Abraham though they might proceed from his loins according to the flesh through mixtures of seeds in marriages the sons of God saw the daughters of men to be fair and they took of them to be their wives 23 Though the blessed Israelites and cursed Cananites are mixed together by carnal copulation since the Prince of devils became flesh yet you that spiritual may know that the Lord Jesus that made them both knew how to separate them for all their close union and to call them by names answerable to their own natures 24 I confess that all that died in the first Adam shall be made alive in that second Adam the Lord from heaven but what was that whole world that were lost in the first Adam and found again in the second Adam 25 If with a spiritual eye you shall look from the 1. of Genes unto the last of the Revelation then you may clearly see what that whole world is which are appointed unto immortal Crowns of eternal glory by our Lord Jesus Christ behold are they not called a chosen Generation a Royal Priesthood a redeemed People adopted sons of God heirs or co-heirs with Christ blessed children or the lost sh●●p of Israel and such like 26 Did not the glorious Creator and blessed Redeemer himself make a clear distinction between two worlds or generations when he said I pray not for the world but for them that thou hast given me out of the world 27 Can you that are sober imagine or think that there is any spiritual salvation for those men or women which the Savior of the world excludes in his petition 28 Moreover it is written that the Apostle said We know that we are of God and the whole world lieth in wickedness or the devil 29 Behold ye redeemed ones of the most high God is it not as clear as light it self that there is two distinct whole worlds according to that saying then all Israel shall be saved 30 A redeemed world of elect lost Israelites and an unredeemed world of unlost Cananitish reprobates that were never truly lost in themselves and therefore never capable of being found in Christ according to that in the Epistle of Jude where it is thus written For there are certain men crept in which were of old ordained to condemnation ungodly men they are which turn the grace of God into wantonness
spirits 31 Then indeed and not till then mans soul that was averse to all spiritual good by that divine light is made willing to choose the better part 32 Because then he certainly knows that there is an eternal life and glory for some and an everlasting death and shame for others 33 Therefore you that are truly spiritual cannot but know that though men speak a language like unto Angels or the divine Majesty himself as the Angelical Serpent seemed to do in the beguiling of Eve yet it is utterly impossibly they should possess any true understanding of the spiritual things of the everliving Jehovah or Jesus until their souls are firmly established with an undoubtable assurance of their own personal glory in a world to come 34 So much at present concerning the tree of knowledge of good and evil or seed of the woman and seed of the Serpent O blessed and happy are those men and women in themselves already that enjoy this distinguishing light of life eternal in the purity thereof CHAP. XL. 1 Concerning Christs coming to judgement 2 The vanity of that opinion that believes Christs personal raign upon this earth BEcause of many opinions of Christ and the ignorance of most men concerning his coming to judge both the quick and dead therefore in the next place I shall treat of this most needful point from certain sayings of himself in the 17. Chapter of Matth. the words are these for as the lightning that lightneth out of the one part under heaven shineth unto the other part under heaven so shall the Son of Man be in his day and as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the Son of Man they eat they drink they married wives and gave in marriage unto the day that Noah went into the Ark and the flood came and destroyed them all likewise also it was in the days of Lot they eat they drank they bought they sold they planted they built but in the day that Lot went out of Sodom it raigned fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all after these ensamples shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed 2 My beloved spiritual brethren you know there is a twofold appearing of Christ unto the sons of men the one spiritual and seen onely by the invisible eye in the soul and the other is personal and seen onely by the visible eye of the body 3 Also you know Christ being the divine rock of all ages he hath spiritually manifested himself unto his blessed Abels from the beginning of the world till now but as for his visible appearing in a body of flesh whereby men might be able to behold the face of their God in the similitude of a man and live you know that he did but once so appear onely for a few years 4 Again in the 25. Chapter of Matthew it is written thus And when the Son of Man cometh in his glory and all the holy Angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory and before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd separateth the sheep from the goats 5 It is also written in the Thessalonians thus when the Lord Jesus shall shew himself from heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming fire rendring vengeance unto them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ 6 If you that are spiritually sober do but compare these three places of Scriptures together then you may clearly see what Christ meant by that day of his personal appearing 7 After his suffering and glorification he shall appear like lightning from one part under heaven to the other he shall appear in his glory with all his holy Angels 8 Behold ye blessed of the most high God what kinde of appearing of Christ in his glory like lightning or a flame of fire is this is it not the visible appearing of his fiery glorious person with the glittering persons of his mighty Angels under the whole heavens or in the air 9 If it be not so how shall all nations be gathered together before him that he may make an eternal separation between them according as he hath spoken 10 It hath been long imagined by men of rare parts in the account of many people that before the general judgement day Christ would come again personally to raign a thousand years on this earth with his Saints 11 And their opinion is grounded partly upon the 20. Chapter of the Revelation which was long since fulfilled as I shall demonstrate in due season 12 But first I shall prove by Scripture Record the failing off this opinion in the 3. Chap. of the Acts it is thus written when the time of refreshing shall come from the Lord and he shall send Jesus Christ which before was preached unto you whom the heaven must contain until the time that all things be fulfilled which the Prophets have foretold since the beginning of the world what think you then of Christs personal raign on this earth a thousand years with his Saints is it not point blank against the truth of this plain testimony of Holy Writ 13 In the 14. Chapter by Saint John you may finde it thus written Let not your heart be troubled ye believe in God believe also in me in my fathers house are many dwelling-places if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto my self that where I am there may ye be also 14 In this place of Scripture you see that Christ did not speak in the least to his Apostles of his coming again personally to raign upon this earth a thousand years 15 But of the contrary he told his heavy-hearted Disciples that he was going to prepare a place for them or he was going into the highest heavens or prepared place of eternal glory appointed for them with himself after they had suffered with him on earth and he would come again in his glory with his holy Angels and receive them into his fathers house or heavenly kingdom where he now is that they might with his mighty Angels Moses and Elias everlastingly behold his bright burning glory even face to face 16 What is this personal raign of Christ with his Saints a thousand years that supposed wise men have so much talked of 17 Is it any thing else but a temporal heaven at the best if spiritually examined 18 Moreover is it not a very unlikely matter that the infinite divinite Majesty should come again personally to remain upon this bloody earth a thousand years with his Saints having suffered here already and ascended upon the throne or right hand of transcendent glories yea far above all heavens as it is written that he might fill all things 19 Furthermore do not all personal
of prison 8 Who they are that be in the deepest prisons of raging darkness IN the next place according to promise I shall write somewhat upon the 20. Chapter of the Revelation by St. John because that error of Christs personal reign a thousand years with his Saints on this earth is partly grounded from this Chapter 2 My beloved brethren in the eternal truth you know that this Book of the Apocalyps is too mysterious to be understood by the Achitophels of this perishing world 3 Also you know that Gods way is to choose the base things of this world to confound the most honorable things thereof that no flesh may glory in his presence 4 Moreover you know that if the most High endues a man with a divine gift to demonstrate his eternal secrets to his brethren he preserveth the soul of that man from giving the glory of that heavenly power to his own net my meaning is this that man doth not give any praise or glory to any God or Christ or light within him but he is made as is due to return all the honor praise or glory unto an infinite Majesty or spiritual Fountain of glories without him from whence alone all divine light as chrystal streams floweth into the spirits of elect men and angels 5 But to come to the matter in hand And I saw an Angel come down from heaven Brethren what Angel was that which John saw come down from heaven Truly it was no other but that Angelical personal God our Lord Jesus Christ himself with whom John was more conversant than all the Apostles in divine secrets 6 Again having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand that is this Angelical Jesus alone had all divine power of heaven and earth in his own spirit over the bottomless pit lying imaginations of devils incarnate or cursed men 7 Moreover the everlasting Gospel or Truth which proceeded through his heavenly mouth for the consolation of his Saints and confounding of the Serpents that was the great chain in his hand 8 Furthermore it is written And he took the Dragon that old Serpent which is the devil and Satan and he bound him a thousand years and cast him into a bottomless pit and he shut him up and sealed the door upon him that he should deceive the people no more till the thousand years were fulfilled My spiritual friends what was that old Serpent Dragon Devil which was bound a thousand years by the spiritual power of Christ It was an imaginary bottomless pit Devil within the body of man that persecuted the Truth of Christ in his own person Apostles and Saints 9 Again you that are spiritual may know that the Serpent Devil that was bound or shut up as in a prison or in a dungeon of darkness for a thousand years was the cursed spirit of murdering Cain raging against Christ and his seed in the person of King Herod and his seed or seven sons in the Ten persecutions 10 In the 12 Chapter of the Revelation it is thus written And there appeared another wonder in heaven for behold a great red Dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven Crowns upon his head Also in the 13 Chapter it is thus written And I saw a beast rise out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns were ten Crowns This red Dragon and beast that rose out of the sea was that Herod and his seven sons in the Ten persecutions as aforesaid 11 Again for your clearer understanding in the thing give me leave to speak of the three last verses of this twelfth Chapter the words are these And the Serpent cast out of his mouth water after the woman like a flood that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood My spiritual friends you may know that this Serpent was bloody Herod and the woman was that Virgin Mary that brought forth the Lord of life and the flood was the men of war that was sent forth to persecute the Virgin and murder her Son and our Savior but the earth holp the woman and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood which the Dragon had cast out of his mouth 12 My spiritual friends you may know that the innocent children that were murdered by bloody Herods men of war was that earth that opened her mouth and swallowed up that flood of persecution that was intended to be poured forth upon the blessed Babe or God of eternal Glory 13 Again then the Dragon was wroth with the woman and went and made war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ My spiritual brethren you may also know because Herod could not come at the holy Babe and his Mother in its infancy therefore his cursed spirit in his seed or sons did persecute the Lord of Glory and his Apostles and Believers to the death afterwards if you look with a spiritual eye in the second of Matthew and the Acts upon king Herod his seed Councel of Priests Scribes and men of war then you may see this to be the very minde of the holy Spirit in these mysterious Records 14 Again when the earthly powers through the glorious appearance of the everlasting Gospel are sealed up unto bloody mindedness against the messengers of that divine Truth to fulfil the secret decree of the most high God then are their spirits shut close prisoners in their own bodies as in a dungeon of spiritual darkness through which in stead of enjoying any sweet peace that soul is full of raging madness and not knowing which way to turn it self it thinks to get out of its condition by acting all maner of cruelties to the utmost of its power 15 My spiritual friends you may know that this was that spiritual binding of that old Serpent Dragon Devil in king Herod and his Herodian spirits for a thousand years the which thousand years were expired when the Ten persecutions ceased which was the ten horns of that savage beast aforesaid 16 For you that are spiritual know that no man can possibly finde out the truth of Holy Writ of the most perfectest account in the world because the wisdom of God hath reserved the seasons of all divine secrets in his own heavenly breast that men or Angels may know them when his Glory seeth it most fit 17 Wherefore all time observation in reference to a right understanding of any thing that is spiritual is utterly confounded in that Scripture saying For a thousand years is as one day with the Lord and a day is as a thousand years 18 Moreover when the glorious Truths of the divine Majesty were poured forth upon the face of the Nations as it was in the primitive times through the spiritual Ministery of the everliving God you may know whilest that commissionated spiritual power remained in being the Nations could not be deceived with the hypocritical
Angels some men may say unto me may it not be a long season are there not many prophecies yet to be fulfilled before his coming as the calling of the Jews and the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven and such like 2 From an unerring spirit to this I answer As John the Baptist was the last Prophet under the Law and the forerunner of the sudden appearing of Christ Jesus the Lord in a body of flesh 3 So likewise I positively affirm against all gain-sayers under heaven that I John Reeve am the last commissionated Prophet that ever shall declare divine secrets according to the foundation of truth until the Lord Jesus Christ appear on his Throne of glory visibly to be seen by all his elect face to face 4 But of the contrary in that day of our God and King of glorious Crowns appearing none of those cursed men and women which blasphemously said that God hath no person at all shall ever be able to behold his face and live but according to Holy Writ they shall cry to the Mountains Hills or Rocks to hide them from the wrath of his bright burning body or face that sits upon the Throne 5 Concerning a general visible calling of the Jews in all Nations to the acknowledgement of Christ being come in the flesh I say from the eternal spirit that sent me that there will never be any such thing in the world indeed the Ministerial Artists have of a long season imagined an outward call of the Jews to their vain glorious seeming holiness but the most Wise and Holy God intends no such thing 6 Wherefore to confound their carnal wisdom his glorious purpose is to call home to himself those Jews and Gentiles elected to everlasting life by the invisible teaching of his most Holy Spirit 7 You that are sober may come to understand that there is two sort of Jews there is a Mosaical Jew and an Apostolical Jew 8 Moreover you may know that those men called Independents Annabaptists Presbyterians are the literal Apostolical Jews 9 And those men that observe Saturday for their Sabbath are those Mosaical legal Jews which utterly deny that Christ is yet come in the flesh but ignorantly expect his appearing in a fleshly glorious manner to raign over them in the Throne of David his Father 10 Moreover these Sabbattical Saturday Jews John Tanee like do imagine when their fleshly Christ appears to raign over them that he will gather them out of all nations wherein they are scattered and conduct them into the inheritance of their fathers that promised Land of Canaan and there they make account with their imaginary King to live in a temporal glorious condition for a long season and as they have been servants and slaves to all Nations wherein they were scattered so likewise as a reward of their servitude they fully expect that all Nations shall bow down to them and bring in their riches and glory unto them as their vassals for ever 11 You that are spiritual may know that these unbelieving Mosaical Jews which expect a carnal Christ to raign over them were those Jews which at the death of Christ said his blood be upon us and our children and truly you know his blood was upon them and their children to some purpose in the destruction of Hierusalem and unto this day yea and so it will be to the end of the world For the Lord Jesus will never spiritually gather the seed of those Jews which rated a bloody Barabas above the Lord of life himself 13 Moreover those Jews which were afraid of having any hand in the death of Christ were the fathers of those spiritual Jews in all Nations that are mixed in marriages with the Gentiles whose merciful innocent spirits are delivered from all tyranny over mens consciences 14 Furthermore those Independent Annabaptist Presbyterian men which hold it lawful just and good to persecute men in their persons and estates upon a spiritual account I say from the eternal spirit that they are for the most part the off-spring of those bloody-minded Jews that crucified the Lord of Glory upon the account of blasphemy as beforesaid 15 O blessed are all unpersecuting merciful minded men and women onely 16 All innocent merciful Independent Annabaptist Presbyterian men or women that are preserved from a persecuting minde of divine things which seem difficult from the eternal spirit I declare those are part of Gods spiritual wheat which are mixed with the chaffy Jews and Gentiles which are the off-spring of cursed Cain whom the Lord shall burn with unquenchable fire when he cometh in his Glory with his Angels to receive his spiritual wheat into his heavenly barn as aforesaid 17 Thus you that are spiritually enlightned from on high may clearly see that the calling of the elect Jews in all nations unto the knowledge of the divine Majesty and his heavenly truths was not meant an outward calling of them from a Mosaical legallity unto an Apostolical literallity as many men have vainly imagined but it was an inward calling of them by the motions of the eternal spirit to the right understanding of the one personal Majesty on the Throne of Glory and his heavenly truths 18 Again concerning the sign of the Son of Man in heaven in the 24. of Matthew and the 30. it is thus written And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven and then shall all the kindred of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man come in the Clouds of heaven with power and great glory this sign of the Son of Man was that substance or very Son of Man himself and the glory of his personal appearing in the Clouds of Heaven with his glittering Angels caused such a fiery brightness not onely in the visible Heavens above but the whole earth beneath also appeareth like a flame of fire or burning lightning insomuch that all the kindreds of the earth which never expected that dreadful day because their persons were not transmuted into the divine likeness of the Son of Man 19 Therefore their unbelieving earthly spirits did quake and tremble lament and howl like dogs for very fear of the foresaid sign of the Son of Man should rend them to pieces and burn them and their inward God or Christ to powder I mean all those which gloried of a God or Christ within them onely and cursedly despised this personal God on his glorious Throne without them 20 Thus you in whose persons the King of Glory raigneth by the heavenly incomes of his eternal brightness may in some measure see what is meant by the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven when he appeareth in his glory with his holy Angels 21 As the immortalized spirits and bodies are filled with astonishing ravishments with the very sight of the Son of Man in his glorious Throne aforesaid 22 So likewise the carnal spirits and bodies of all Hypocrites which gloried in a Christ ordinances
or glory at all and hell or misery must be essentially distinct from heaven or glory or else there can be no certain hell or misery at all 40 Moreover the glorious person of the divine Majesty himself must of necessity be essentially distinct from men angels heaven earth and all in them or el●e it were impossible that there should be any God or angels men or devils heaven or hell or any thing else besides but accidental things proceeding from those four elements of earth air water and fire as all filthy Atheists vainly and blindly imagine 41 But my beloved spiritual brethren you have not so learned Christ or received the truth of the ever-living Jesus into your innocent souls to abide in any such foolish darkness 42 Wherefore for your confirmation chiefly is this Epistle written that you may be enabled to discern the lying notions and fleshly voluntary wil●-worship in man contending against the secret decrees of the Holy One of Israel 43 Furthermo●e because many of the elect of God are as yet in bonds by the exceeding subtilty of many silver-roule merchants of this perishing world therefore I shall endeavor to confirm what is written from a clo●d of un-erring Witnesses my spiritual Brethren the fo●mer true Prophets and Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ wherefore it was sai● by our God which is Christ Jesus the Lord that heaven and ea●th shall pass away but his words shall not pass away 44 Again it is written That he made all things for his own glory and the wicked for the day of wrath Also it is written That Jacob was loved and Esau was hated before they had done good or evil that the purpose of God might remain according to election For he saith to Moses I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and will have compassion on whom I will have compassion So then it is not in him that willeth nor in him that runneth but in God that sheweth mercy Further it is written But O man who art thou which pleadest against God shall the thing formed say to him that formed it wh● hast thou made me thus hath not the Potter power over the clay to make of the same lamp one vessel to honour and another to dishonour what if God would to shew his wrath and to make his power known suffer with long pa●ience the vessels of wrath prepared to destruction and that he might declare the riches of his glory upon the vessels of mercy which he hath p●epared unto glory Rom 9. And in Rom. 8. it is thus written Also we know that all things work toge●her for the b●st unto them that love God even to them that are called of his purpose for those which he knew before he also predestinated to be made l●ke to the image of his Son moreov●r whom he predestinated th●m also he called and whom he called them also he justified and whom he justified them also he glorified Again in the first Epistle of Peter it is thus written Wherefore also it is contained in the Scripture Behold I lay in Sion a chief corner stone elect and precious and he that believeth therein shall not be ashamed unto you therefore which believe it is precious but unto them that be disobedient the stone which the builders d●salowed the same is made the head of the corner and a stone to stumble at and a rock of offence even to them which stumble at the word being disobedient unto the which thing they were even ordained But ye are a chosen Generation a royal Friesthood an holy Nation a People set at liberty that ye should shew forth the vertues of him that hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous l●ght Moreover in the Epistle of Jude are these word For there are certain men crept in wh●ch were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men they are whi●h turn the grace of God into wantoness and deny God the onely Lord and our L●rd Jesus Christ they are the raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame they are wandring stars ●o wh●m is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever Again For if God spared not the angels that had sinned but cast them down to hell and del●vered them into chains of darkness to be kept unto d●m●ation what will become of all those ang●lical fleshly hypocr●tes which bless themselves in their unrighteousness and cursedly contend for it even against the holy God elect men and angels and their own consciences which will become their eternal chief Accomptant in the great day 45 Again as a conclusion unto what is written aforesaid I shall write something concerning the Scriptures themselves 46 My spiritual brethren can you possibly think that those men as yet have received the spiritual truth of the true God which idolize the visible Records and worship them in stead of that holy Spirit in our Lord Jesus Christ which spake them 47 Again did ever any man attain to a true understanding of that Holy One of Israel by any endeavor whatsoever from the bare letter of the Scripture 48 It is written The letter killeth but the Spirit giveth life Again it is written That the Scriptures are sufficient to make the man of God wise unto salvation 49 My brethren can any man be a godly man or a man of God unless he hath the spiritual light of life eternal to enable him to understand the minde of God in the Records and so believe unto immortality CHAP. VI. 1 Of the Scripture Records 2 Of the ignorance of men that deifie or villifie them 3 The Prophets Prayer in the con●lusion IS there any testimony in Sc●iptures that ever any man of God received the true faith of the spiritual Jesus in him from the letter of the Scripture or could possibly know whether those literal Records proceeded from the wisdom of God or from the wisdom of prudent men onely unless he were inspired from that spirit which spake them In the third of the Galatians it is thus written O foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you that ye should not obey the truth This onely would I learn of you Received ye the spirit by the workes of the Law or by the hearing of faith preached Are ye so foolish that after ye have begun in the spirit ye would now be made perfect by the flesh 2 My spiritual brethren is it not a work of the flesh in man which studies day and night in the letter of the Scripture to finde out the spirit of God in the letter 3 Is it not a work of the flesh in man which labours to reconcile Scriptures of seeming contradiction without a divine gift of the spirit 4 Is not that man in the depth of spiritual darkness which perswadeth his hearers that the Scriptures are easie and plain in the very letter of them unto that mans reason that is laborious to know them 5 Are not the Scriptures all matters of faith and very misterious for
write variety of expressions for explaining my meaning in this weighty thing 4 Again I say those Scripture-sayings which are positive though never so few in number yet they as Gods command all other Scripture-sayings to bow down unto them upon what account soever they are spoken whether spiritual or natural to continue for a time or for eternity 5 Therefore seeing all privative Scriptures are of none effect but in reference unto those which are positive are not those seeming wise men spiritually dark as pitch which exalt the privative Scriptures above the positive because of the number of them 6 My beloved brethren you may know the privative Scriptures can have no being without the positive but it seemeth possible that the positive might have been without the privative as the glorious Creator was eternally alone before any creaturely beings appeared in his sight 7 Again all positive sayings in Scriptures may be compared unto the inward motion of a Clock or Dyal and all privative sayings in Scriptures may be compared unto the outward wheel or hand that alwayes motions from or points to the inward cause of its outward motions 8 My spiritual friends if you diligently observe this golden rule as sure as the Lord liveth and as sure as you are living creatures you shall finde it that spiritual Touch-stone which will not onely discover all vain-glorious opinions of literal or notional wise men but it will also further you in the true understanding of the minde of God in the Scripture above all men which are ignorant of this rule or enemies to this advice 9 For the strengthning of the weak in the next place I shall prove by many positive Scriptures that the man Christ Jesus glorified is the Holy One of Israel onely or is both Father Son and Spirit in one distinct person God and Man blessed for ever and ever 10 In the first of St. Johns Gospel it is thus written In the beginning was that Word and that Word was with God and that Word was God and that Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we saw the glory thereof as the onely begotten Son of the Father full of grace and truth 11 My brethren though the one pure being hath variety of expressions in holy Writ to set forth the infinite glory of his divine Majesty yet you may see in these very literal Records themselves that those holy Names of Word or God or Father be●eth but one sense onely 12 Furthermore this divine word God or glorious Father was m●de begotten or changed into flesh 13 Again you may by the true light of life in you clearly see from the first words of the Text that Christ and the Father were but one essential glory before they became flesh behold the one divinity in trinity of expressions onely In the beginning was that Word and that Word was with God and that Word was God 14 If that Word was God that was in the beginning with God and that God from everlasting was that spiritual Word Christ being that divine God or God that divine Word which in the beginning created heaven and earth Gen. 1. and in the beginning or fulness of time became flesh then without controversie he is the alone Everlasting Father and Creator of both worlds and the onely Redeemer of his chosen ones out of their natural darkness into this mysterious light of a right understanding of one divine personal Majesty in variety of expressions onely 15 Again this positive Scripture in this first of John doth open many other sayings of Christ and his Apostles as namely those in the eight of John where it is thus written And if I also judge my judgement is true for I am not alone but I and the Father that sent me Then said Jesus unto them When ye have lift up the Son of man then shall ye know that I am he and that I do nothing of my self but as the Father hath taught me so I speak these things for he that sent me is with me the Father hath not left me alone because I do always those things that please him Again it is written in the tenth of John I and my Father are one 16 The next positive Scriptures bearing record unto the one personal divine being is in 2 Cor. 15. the words are these The first man is of the earth earthly the second man is the Lord from heaven And in Rom. 9. it is thus written Of whom are the fathers and of whom concerning the flesh Christ came who is God over all blessed for ever Amen Again in 1 Tim. 3. the last it is thus written And without controversie great is the mastery of godliness which is God is manifested in the flesh ●ustified in the spirit seen of angels preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the world and received up into glory For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the God head bodily Colos 2.9 17 Again in John 14. it is thus written Jesus said unto him I have been so long time with you and hast thou not known me Philip he that hath seen me hath seen my Father how then sayest thou shew us the Father And in Mark 4. are these words Jesus said unto him it is written again thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God And in verse 10. Then said Jesus unto him Avoid Satan for it is written thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him onely shalt thou serve And in Mark 1. are these words Behold a Virgin shall be with childe and shall bear a son and they shall call his name Emanuel which is by interpretation God with us He was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not John 1. For by him were all things created which are in heaven and which are in earth things visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him and he is before all things and in him all things consist Colos 1. In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge Colos 2. And of his fulness have all we received and grace for grace John 1. For unto us a childe is born and unto us a son is given and he shall call his Name Wonderful Counseller the Mighty God the Everlasting Father the Prince of Peace Isa 9.6 Now the same Jesus Christ our Lord and our God even the Father which hath loved us and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace 1 Thes 2.16 Let the same minde be in you that was even in Christ Iesus who being in the form of God thought it no robbery to be equal with God but he made himself of no reputation and took on him the form of a servant and was made like unto men and was found in shape as man Phil. 2.5 6 7. But our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the Savior even the Lord Iesus Christ who shall change our vile bodies that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself And to you which are troubled rest with us When the Lord Jesus shall shew himself from heaven with
a signification of the divine nature and form of a something that is infinite 10 It is as clear as the purest light it self unto you that are experimentally spiritual that it is not names words or titles proves God or Man to be any living beings at all except they be distinct persons to manifest their honorable names as proceeding from comprehensible somethings and not from incomprehensible nothings 11 If the God of Glory in Scripture Records should be called not onely by three divine titles but by threescore thousand holy names also yet all the men in this world or Angels in that world to come can never prove him to be an infinite spirit without a body or prove him to be any more then onely one distinct glorious person also 12 You heavenly ones may also know that the divine Majesty is called in Scripture Records by three divine titles that as beforesaid that the most learned prudent men in this world might never attain to a right understanding of the very true God and the spiritual mysteries of his everlasting kingdom by all their rational study in the Scripture Records or any other ways and that was the very cause that the Lord Jesus Christ said unto his own spiritual power represented by Angelical Moses and Elias I thank thee Father that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them to babes and sucklings 13. Concerning that threefold title of Father Son and Holy Ghost in stead of three persons as of long time by blinde guides have been imagined doth it not rather stand to better sence that the word Father hath reference unto the Godhead Spirit eternally united unto Christ Jesus our Lord. 14 And that the word Son hath relation unto the glorious body of the everliving Emanuel which is visibly seen by elect Angels Moses and Elias 15 And that word Holy Ghost hath reference unto a divine word of light life or power proceeding from the invisible Father through the glorious mouth of the visible Son into the invisible spirits of elect mankind to the inlightning of their dark understandings and purifying of their fleshly mindes 16 Thus you which are truly enlightned from above may clearly see what that threefold heavenly Record signifieth of that onely distinct personal Majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ God alone blessed for ever and ever Amen 17 It is also as clear to you that are spiritual as the light it self that the holy one of Israel could not possibly be three distinct persons or spirits in one Godhead being or any such like confused deities 18 You know that wheresoever the Scriptures exactly make mention of the Holy One of Israel it attributes all honor praise and glory unto him always in the fingular number as unto one distinct personal Majesty or glorious being and not in the plural number of three distinct persons or spirits in one body as hath been long imagined by deceivers of the whole Christian world so called which are in bondage to their confused God and invented formalities 19 You know that in the conclusion of many several things the Scriptures run in such a line as this to the onely wise God or unto God onely wise or though there be that are called many Gods or many Lords yet unto us there is but one God or the holy one of Israel and such like 20 You know because there is none above a King or head Magistrate in his own kingdom or equal with him upon an extraordinary occasion he will swear by himself or by the faith or word of a King 21 Thus it was with that Holy One of Israel because there was none above him or beside him or equal with him in Heaven or Earth he swore by himself concerning the transmutation of his uncreated glory and everlasting spiritual Priesthood into a pure body of flesh blood and bone 22 Before the God of Glory was descended into the Virgins Womb you know he had many holy names attributed unto him wherefore you may also know from all eternity he was a distinct divine person and not an infinite formless spirit as most men blindly imagine 23 You spiritual ones may also know before he was clothed with flesh it is not the holy names of Creator infinite Spirit Jehovah Ancient of dayes mighty God Lord of Hosts Redeemer Holy One of Israel King of Glory or everlasting Father or any glorious expressions that can be uttered by the tongues of men or Angels that can prove any God at all except he was a divine person distinct from Heavens Earth Waters Angels Men and all things else 24 That the one personal infinite Majesty may remain in the heavenly center of his own uncreated glory and all beings that he hath formed to live in his sight may continue in their own creaturely stations for an everlasting distinction between the glorious Creator and poor changeable creatures 25 Thus by a free gift received from the Holy Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ upon the Throne of Glory in simplicity of spirit and plainness of speech in a small measure I have declared the minde of the Holy One of Israel in those literal expressions for there are three which bear Record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one CHAP. XXI Of a threefold Record of natural witnesses proceeding from the blessed person of Christ at his death I Shall write a little of a threefold Record in that most pure natural body of Christ when he was on this earth in relation unto the threefold record of his spiritual body in the invisible heavens before said in the 53. of Isaiah it is written He poured forth or out his soul unto death and in the 19 Chap. by S. John you may finde it thus written but one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side and forthwith came there blood and water here you that are spiritually discerning may clearly see a threefold Record of natural witnesses proceeding from that blessed person of our onely God and Savior at his voluntary death 2 As namely blood water and spirit wherefore his most precious soul pouring forth it self unto death that was the witness of the death of the everlasting Father in flesh 3 The issuing forth of the unvaluable blood that was the witness of the death of the eternal Son in flesh 4 The flowing forth of the water that was the witness of the death of the erernal spirit in flesh on earth 5 These sayings are not onely hard but intollerable to be born by cursed Oanaanites which understand nothing truly of the power of an infinite Majesty 6 Nevertheless unto you which are made to understand the deep and hidden mysteries of the most wise and powerful Creator doth not this answer these Scriptures sayings 7 I and the Father are one and from Jesus Christ which is that faithful witness and that first begotten of the dead and that Prince of the Kings of the
to be a spiritual witness of the Lord 42 And upon that account will not the least appearance within them or without them stir up their spirits to go or run before they were sent 43 Moreover for want of a true commission by voice of words from the God of heavens and earth do they not declare marvellous natural things that shall suddenly come to pass or spiritual voices of power within them with many lying signs and wonders suitable unto the nature of man 44 Through which the most wisest rational men are not onely out-witted by them but subject to become one with them 45 Furthermore for want of spiritual declaration to witness in the consciences of the people of pure light language and life that they are from the unerring spirit do they not deceive their own tosticatd spirits by taking upon them to act over anew the former actions of the true Prophets or Witnesses or high Priests of the Holy One of Israel 46 Doth not this demonstrate those to be the commissionated Witnesses of the unerring spirit that are indued with a divine gift to write a volume as large as the Bible and as pure a language as that is with as much variety of matter without looking in any writing whatsoever or having any real contradiction in it 47 Again if men are endued with a divine gift to remonstrate the real grounds of the invisible things of eternal glory and shame appointed for two worlds of people when time is no more is not this a clear manifestation unto the elect Israelites that those men are the immediate Witnesses or Prophets of the eternal spirit 48 But on the contrary if men pretend to be Prophets high Priests or Kings of Israel by an immediate power from the eternal Jehovah and yet are ignorant of the invisible things of eternity 49 Is not this a clear manifestation unto all that have any divine light in them that such men are but spiritual counterfeits 50 If men by a divine gift unto those that have any light of life eternal shall make an undeniable discovery of all sorts of spiritual counterfeits in the world is not that a real evidence of the infalibility of their commission from the Holy One of Israel 51 On the contrary if men are so far from a true discovery of all spiritual counterfeits that they can shew no sensible divine grounds of their own commission from above is not that a clear manifestation unto all that are truly enlightned that they are persons under spiritual deceits 52 If all sober men in general upon the perusal of this epistle shall in their consciences be convinced that concerning the invisible things of eternity this is the clearest discovery that ever their eyes beheld and yet but very few of them shall dare to own the penmen thereof for fear of loosing their present enjoyments of fleshly honor profit or pleasure amongst men 53 Is not this a clear demonstration unto the chosen of God that this book was penned by the infallible witness of the eternal spirit in the glorified person of our Lord Jesus Christ 54 Whom men durst not own when he was on this earth for fear of being excommunicated of their vain glorious Synagogues or because of many hard sayings unto mans reason spoken through his gracious and unerring mouth 55 So much at present concerning the chosen Witnesses Prophets and Apostles sent forth by the eternal spirit unto the sons of men to bear record unto the man Christ Jesus the Lord from Heaven the onely wise God and alone everlasting Father against all gain-sayers that ever were are or shal be from these Scripture words And there are three which bear witness in the earth the spirit the water and the blood and these three agree in one 56 Crowns of eternal glory are prepared for those men and women which are not onely preserved from despising things that seem strange unto them but are also made with patience to wait upon the Holy Spirit for his discovery of them CHAP. XXVIII 1 No reason in Angel or men can be satisfied in it self without revelation from the Creator 2 God created reason 3 Yet it was not of his own nature 4 Infiniteness is to create persons and things differing from his own nature 5 Though all Creatures wer● made by God yet they came not out of him but by the word of his power 6 No creature spiritual or natural can be said to be the image of God but man onely 7 It is the property of reason to promise obedience to God by his Prophets but perform none 8 Why the Angels are called mighty AGain because of the endlesness of that Serpentine reason in man continually warring against the innocent Dove of plain truth proceeding from the eternal spirit of a glorified Christ 2 Therefore I shall write again concerning the vast difference between the nature of angelical reason and the nature of divine satisfaction in it self utterly unknown to men or Angels until it be his pleasure to impart the inshining glimpses thereof into their shallow comprehensions 3 Though the spirits of the mighty Angels are pure reason yet you that are spiritually quick may know that their undefiled reason would immediately become all rebellious imagination against the Creators glory if it were not continually supplied with inspirations from his eternal spirit 4 Is the nature of the most piercing reason that is any thing else but meer desire 5 Where any desire abideth is there not a want of something desired and where any thing is wanting can that spirit be fully satisfied in it self 6 Again seeing the pure spirits of the mighty Angels are but rational and the most excellentest reason that is but meer desire and desire a want of inward satisfaction and where such satisfaction is wanting in it self there can be no true peace enjoyed or continuance one moment in its present purity 7 What spiritual power is there in the most piercing reason that can be 8 Is it any thing else but a meer desire that it might be partakers with the glorious purity of that spirit that gave its sensible being 9 Hath it any power at all to desire after wisdom love or any kinde of divine excellency in the least from its own rational nature If this be truth which no spiritual or sober rational man can deny are not those men under deep darkness which say the divine nature of God himself is pure reason onely 10 If the most purest reason in its own nature be nothing els but unsatisfactory desire is it possible think you that spirit should have one thought or motion of reason inherent in his nature whose divine vertues are all transcendent satisfaction in it self 11 Some men may say unto me Could the divine Majesty create a rational living spirit and yet have none of that life or rational nature living in himself 12 You may remember I have written upon this point already in the creation of Angels yet for a
sin may be all like God himself in the heavens also in their several divine measures at the personal appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ in the clouds of heaven with all his holy Angels 33 Was not this one end also why the Holy One of Israel spake in the plural number saying let us make man in our image that the learned men of this world should not onely blinde their own eyes but also become that scarlet whore that sits upon many waters making the nations continually drunk with their spiritual witchcraft of trinitary Merchandizing lies that they may be justly condemned in their own consciences in that day when our Lord Jesus Christ shall say unto them Depart from me ye workers of iniquity I know ye not or I sent you not ye preached in my name onely for silver and honor among men and ye persecuted my Prophets to the death because they discovered your l●arned deceits unto my people from your own subtile imaginations you made laws to stop all mens mouths as Blasphemers Hereticks Seducers Deceivers of the people or disturbers of the civil peace and such like that you onely might usurp lordship over all mens consciences persons and estates that could not bow down to your Idolatrous inventions you laid snares to entrap all those that you suspected m●ght impede your vain glorious decrees you lived in secret lusts and pleasures upon the ruines of my innocent people and flattered the ignorant what pains you took in studying after sparitual things for their souls health you made use of my holy Name onely as a cloak to hide all your subtilties from the deceived people you blinded their understandings with your Sabbattical Ceremonies of long prayers and lifting up your eyes and hands towards heaven as if you had been purity it self notwithstanding your hearts were full of covetousness and your fees swift to shed innocent blood you offered up your bloody fasts and feasts unto me for a sacrifice of acceptation of your doings as if I were like unto your selves to be perswaded by goodly words to justifie all your unrighteousness you pretended my glory in all your imaginary formalities but it was your own honor principally you sought from the people and death unto you to loose it earthly riches honor beauty unsatiable pleasures long life and such like were your onely joyes you have had this your desired Paradise already and my poor people have suffered their hell in your heaven and now must you suffer your eternal pain and shame and they must possess everlasting joy and glory 34 So much at present why the God of Glory spake in the plural number in the next place I shall in some measure shew what that image of God in the creating of man doth signifie CHAP. XXX 1 How God made man in his own image or likeness 2 The soul of Adam was of the same divine nature of God 3 Not of the nature of the Angels 4 Of the created vertues in Adams soul 5 Adam did not know of his power to stand or fall 6 The breath of life which Adam had received from God dyed THe Scripture declareth what condition man was formed in in these words thus God created the man in his image in the image of God created he him 2 After the man was compleatly made in the similitude of his Creator the Scripture tells you then what substance he was created of in those words the Lord God also made the man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man was aliving soul 3 You that are spiritual may know in the creating of man that the Lord God spake the word onely into the dust of the earth and immediately the vertue of that word brought forth a living man of pure flesh blood and bone like unto God himself as near as possibly could be 4 It was not the visibility of their persons that differ in the least but the glory of them onely 5 The one was an infinite spiritual body in all parts perfectly holy and the other was a finite natural body of perfect innocency resembling that divine form as aforesaid 6 You know I have abundantly shewed the impossibility of the least motion of reason to be inherent in the nature of God therefore I would have you to understand though Adams body being made of dust and appointed for generation was but natural yet his soul was not rational but super-natural or divine Why because it was formed according to the invisible glory of the eternal spirit 7 Therefore you may understand that if the soul of Adam had been rational in its creation then it could not have been divine but of an Angelical desiring nature onely of unsatisfaction in it self 8 Again you spiritual ones may understand that that divine soul in Adam which was created after the likeness of the eternal spirit did consist of several heavenly properties in its measure answerable unto those divine qualifications in the glorious Creator above all measure 9 What were those created vertues in Adams soul It was an invisible spiritual light and life called wisdom faith love righteousness meekness patience and such like 10 Though his soul could be nothing at all without its several properties and though those qualifications were all in a heavenly harmony yet this I would have you to take notice of that joy of soul that Adam did possess arose in him from one divine voice onely called the spirit of faith which was all satisfaction in himself with his present condition not having the least thought of any happiness beyond what he enjoyed already 11 As the divine nature of the eternal spirit was variety of infinite satisfaction in it self so likewise the soul of Adam being composed of the very same qualifications was variety of heavenly satisfaction in it self also according to its measure 12 If the nature of Adams soul had been rational in his creation then through want of divine satisfaction in it self it would always have been desiring after something that he wanted like unto the elect Angels and us which have two contrary voices in one soul 13 You may know that the created nature of the soul of Adam could not possibly have any reason in it why because the very nature of reason is seriously to consider whether things be good or right that are propounded unto its understanding or no. 14 But of the contrary that spirit which without the least consideration perfectly knoweth the excellencie of a thing as soon as ever it is presented unto it as Adams did must needs be divine as Gods is and so super-rational though cloathed with pure nature onely 15 Again though the soul of Adam through the divine purity of its nature was immortal and uncapable of the least motion of any kinde of rebellion against the glorious spirit of its Creator yet because his body was natural and had its beginning of dust and so was subject to change or to
and deny God the onely Lord and our Lord Jesus Christ we unto them for they have followed the way of Cain and are cast away by the deceit of Balaams wages and perish in the gainsaying of Core 31 Thus is it not clear unto all men that have any faith in them in the truth of the Scripture that there is two distinct whole worlds to distinguish between the divine glory of election and everlasting shame of rejection 32 A Curse Cain and a blessed Abel from the beginning of the world unto the end thereof a subtil Serpent and a simple Saint a scoffing carnal Ishmael and a spiritual Isaac a bloody minded Esau and a merciful minded Jacob a persecuting Saul and a prophetical David a trecherous Judas and a gratious and glorious Jesus a blessed Seath born in the stead of righteous Abel whom cursed Cain slew to bring forth the generation of the just that the Lord of eternal glory might according to the flesh as well as the spirit spring from a spiritual line of his own light of life eternal 33 And not from a rational or carnal line of eternal dea●● in chaines of utter darkness which if it had power according to i●●cursed desire it would destroy God elect Men and Angels Heaven and Earth and all in them and it self also rather then be subject to any or might not onely it self bear rule over all 34 Seeing the God of eternal glory himself sprang from the loins of Adam according to the flesh is it not the greatest darkness that can be imagined for any man to think that Cain and Judas were of the seed of Adam as well as Abel and Jesus 35 Do not those men that teach this error out of ignorance justifie Cain and Judas and condemn Abel and Jesus 36 From this gross mistake do they not strengthen men in all their rebellions against God and man what seeming glorious language soever proceed through their mouth 37 Again if Cain and Judas Abel and Jesus sprang both from the loins of the first man Adam according to the flesh or any other account whatsoever is it not one of the vainest lip labours under heaven for men to speak or write concerning the visible things of eternity unless it be for a heap of silver or deceitful honor among men that perish 38 All solid sober men do certainly know that it is impossible that any man should suffer eternal misery if all mankind by generation sprang from one root onely 39 What is the reason think you that the wise naturallists in disputes are able to silence the most learned speakers under heaven in their own supposed spiritual matters Is it not because those Ministers are uncapable to give a true distinction between the originals of eternal life and death or the seed of the woman and the seed of the Serpent 40 If men that speak their experiences to one another as received from the holy One of Israel are ignorant of this point is not that the occasion of all notional brain fancies or airy opinions even amongst the most purest appearances in this present age 41 Is it not from hence that men of a rational piercing wit are able to counterfeit out-landish Chronicles in a Methodical manner concerning the strange acts of Kings and Emperors many thousand years before the first man Adam had any sensible being or invent Histories so accurately concerning Knights Ladies Gyants and 〈◊〉 like that no man by his natural reason can know whether they a●● fained or un●●igned 42 Can any sober man imagine or think those men that want the foresaid spiritual gift were ever moved or called by that glorious spirit to be a publique or private speaker or interpreter of holy Writ or a messenger or Embassador to his brethren of invisible spiritual excellencies appointed visibly to be seen to eternity 43 If Cain and Abel were both begotten by Adam upon the body of Eve as almost all men vainly imagine from one bare Scripture Record which they understand not I would fain know of that man that is offended with me concerning this point why Cain was nominated in Holy Writ to be of that wicked one aforesaid and branded as an out-cast fugitive or vagabond and cursed from the divine presence of the Creator and cast out of the natural presence of his parents for ever and condemned with Balaam and Core as a perishing cast-away 44 This I am sure of that no spiritual or rational man that is sober dares say that either Adam or Eve was that wicked one from whence the cursed spirit of Cain sprang 45 Why because there is no such approbrious names attributed unto them throughout the sacred Scriptures 46 Moreover you may know that that wicked one from whence Cains spirit proceeded could not possibly have any relation unto Adam or Eve though Cain was conceived in her womb and born of her body 47 Why because there was an absolute curse denounced upon the Angelical Serpent and his seed in her womb as aforesaid without any after promise in Holy Writ for ever being redeemed by the Creato● 48 But on the contrary you know there was a gracious promise by the Creator himself of the redemption of Adam and Eve after their fallen estate with their whole generation of righteous Abels Seths or Abrahams in that glorious hidden saying the seed of the woman shall break the Serpents head and that in the fift of the Romans where it is thus written likewise then as by the offence of one the fault came on all men to condemnation so by the justifying of one the benefit abounded toward all men to the justification of life 49 If you that are spiritually sober compare this Scripture of seeming general redemption unto other Scriptures concerning Cain and his generation as abundantly aforesaid you may understand that the Apostle spake onely of a restoration of the elect Israelites or Adamites and not of the line or generation of Cananitish Reprobates 50 If you look in the Generalogy of Adam unto Jesus the second Adam you shall finde no Cain there made mention of in the least CHAP. XXXIX 1 No condemnation but to persons of maturity 2 No children damned though they be of the seed of the Serpent 3 He that killeth a Prophet or a righteous man would kill the Creator if he could 4 No salvation by the power of mans own will 5 but by the power of God IF two distinct generations have proceeded through the body of one woman the one elected unto eternal personal glory in the high heavens and the other rejected unto everlasting shame in this perishing world at the end thereof which we can no ways disprove 2 Wherefore our desire is to know whether all the posterity of Cain are rejected seeing the whole generation of Adam are elected is as at length declared by you from that divine gift I received by voice of words from the everliving Jesus 3 To this I answer That eternal election or
glorious truth that shall burn like fire and brimstone in them that despise it the words are these But the heavens and earth which are now are kept by the same word in store and reserved unto fire against the day of condemnation and of the destruction of ungodly men but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with a noise and the Elements shall melt with heat and the earth with the works that are therein shall be burnt up looking for and hasting unto the coming of that day of God by the which the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the Elements shall melt with heat a threefold cord is not easily broken 8 If any Hypocrite shall go about by his Serpentine Sophistry to tell you that are spiritually weak those sayings of Peter had relation to the burning up of the carnal heavens and earth in men through the glorious appearing of the eternal spirit you may with ease confute those notional cheats if you look back upon the ground of Peters sayings the words are these knowing this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation for this they willingly are ignorant of that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world then was overflowed with water perished 9 Thus you that have never so little truth of the true Jesus in you may clearly see that the Apostle Peter in this threefold language had not the least thought in him concerning heavens and earth being burnt up within men but the burning up of the heavens and earth and the beauty vertue or glory thereof without man which were the fruits of mans handy-works why because you see the Apostle grounds his matter upon the drowning of an outward earthly world 10 Moreover you may also know that it was a burning up of a visible heaven and earth and the glory thereof meant by Peter why because the Apostle tells you that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming 11 Furthermore if it had been an invisible burning up the fleshly heavens in men onely what lustful man in the world would have scoffed at such a doctrine which did encourage him in his lusts rather then discourage him in the least 12 If you ask me the reason my ground is this because by lustful Serpents like himself he was perswaded that Christ will burn up mens lusts and save all their souls at the last and who can finde fault with such a burning doctrine or wha● bloody-minded man or woman in the world would not embrace a messenger of such tidings as this is 13 Again you may know I have written the truth by this token why because men that are guilty of almost all maner of lusts can go into Lumber street to hear men speak much concerning the glorious incoming of a spiritual Christ to burn up all their fleshly or heavenly conceitedness that they may see nothing in them but God onely triumphing on his Throne I say these or such like expressions the most filthiest of men can hear with delight 14 Moreover if you that speak in Lumber-street or else where should once attain to the foundation of all spiritual speaking and should be able knowingly to tell men of the sudden appearing of the Son of Man in Glory with his Angels to burn this visible world to ashes and to cause the spirits and bodies of men that glory in filthiness to burn as fire and brimstone together to eternity in utter darkness I am confident very few filthy persons would be able to hear you speak twice together and then you would soon have a thin Congregation and be as much affected as men are with us for what we speak in the name of the Lord. 15 What is the ground think you of so many dreadful fires this year in this City and other parts above the memory of man I know with Astrologian Sophisters you may impute it to Planets plot or peoples want of care but of the contrary I believe you Serpent sign-mongers will finde these fires came not meerly by natural causes but by a divine power as a forerunner of the eternal burning this world and all the natural glory therein to dust powder or dry sand as aforesaid 16 Moreover you know it is written Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection for on such the second death hath no power 17 Also it is written But our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the Savior even the Lord Jesus Christ who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things to himself 18 Further it is written When Christ which is our life shall appear then shall ye also appear with him in glory 19 My beloved friends who are possessed with a pure light language and life I am undoubtably perswaded in my soul that for a little season I have both tasted and seen within my spirit a greater measure of the eternal glory and shame to come then any creature now living in this world 20 Yet for all this and the continual supply which I receive from that fountain of glories I know that the most eminent appearances in these bodies of clay are but meer shadows in comparison of that glory and shame which many men shall possess when the Son of Man shall appear in his glory with his mighty Angels 21 If a man lie under the power of any lust how can that man be thought to have his part in the first resurrection because he that hath part in this first resurrection is both blessed and holy 22 Moreover doth not a first resurrection include a second resurrection how then can that man be thought to have part in this first resurrection which vainly boasts that he is possessed with the second resurrection of glory with a Christ already 23 Furthermore you see that the Apostle never boasted that he was glorified with Christ already neither did he expect any glory but rather continual shame until Christ did personally appear to change his vile body into the likeness of his glorious body Again you know it is written if we suffer with him then shall we also reign with him 24 Moreover did Christ reign on the Throne of his Glory with his Angels Moses and Elias till he had suffered under a thorny Crown of unutterable cruelties unto death it self and was risen from the dead 25 And art thou so bewicht as to think scorn to drink of thy Lord and Masters cup but Lucifer-like to
they may have no confidence in the strength of that light which is within them but that they may cast down the crowns of their spiritual confidences at the divine feet of his heavenly Majesty as the onely Author Protector and finisher of their eternal blessedness 11 So likewise it is with the elect also when they die in the Lord for though the light of Christ was given them as a seal of his eternal love that they might glory onely in the Lamb and be enabled to wear his Crown of thorns to their lives end as a preparative unto glorious Crowns at his appearing yet I would have you for whom these thorns and Crowns are prepared to understand because the life of all light or glory you possess are hid in the divine breast or book of life with Christ in God 12 Therefore when your soul comes to die all your spiritual motions must enter into death also until time be no more because the power wisdom and glory of Christ will be seen in this thing above all his former works 13 Again he being the onely light and life of men will not this be a Crown of glory to his infinite power seeing the spirits of mankinde are mixt together in the sea and earth in a marvelous manner yet by a word speaking he shall call his elect by name as he did Lazarus and they shall hear his voice and come forth of their graves as one man with distinct persons all glorious yet very flesh and bone and with those elect then living whose bodies shall be transmuted into glory also ascend as swift as thought to meet their God in the air and sit in Thrones of Judgement with him over all the Angels of darkness remaining in this destroyed world for everlasting 14 Moreover if that error of mens bodies dying onely and not ther souls could possible be true then no man could die or be put to death at all because the life of mans body is his spirit and but one spirit onely though there is a double motion in it of contrary natures and effects by the secret decree of the Lord for the manifestation of his eternal wisedom power and glory over the elect and Reprobate 15 Thus you that are spiritual may see what is meant by the Saints living and dying in the Lord and concerning the place of refuge where their lives are hid both in life and in death is not this truth answerable to those sayings of Christ himself in John The words that I speak unto you are spirit and life I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live and he that sate upon the throne said behold I make all things new Revelation the 20. and I will raise him up at the last day Again Jesus said unto her said I not unto thee that if thou didst believe thou shouldst see the glory of God you know this was spoken by Christ that God of all power wisdom and glory at his raising Lazarus from death to life 16 Therefore you may know also that the greatest glory of all will redound to his infinite Majesty he shall shortly come in his glory with his mighty Angels to call forth the living dead to glorious blessedness in the great white Throne with himself Moses Elias and his Angels and to call forth the dead living into shameful cursedness of souls and bodies in utter darkness burning together to eternity on this earth where they possessed all their former glory and acted their unrighteousness against Christ and his redeemed ones then will this Scripture be fulfilled and they shall hear a great voice from heaven saying unto them come up hither and they shall ascend up to heaven in a cloud and their enemies shall see them and these Scriptures CHAP. LI. 1 Eternal damnation is a living death and a dying life 2 Three Books will be opened at the last judgement 3 Signifying the three Commissions of the Law the Gospel and the Spirit 4 The Heathens are judged by the Law of their consciences having not had the Scriptures 5 The Prophets heavenly conclusion AGain But fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them Moreover and the Devil that deceived them was cast into a lake of fire and brimstone where that beast and false Prophet is and shall be tormented even day and night for evermore and I saw the dead both great and small stand before God and the books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged of those things which were written in the books according to their works and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death these both were alive cast into a lake of fire burning with brimstone and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire My brethren in the spirit and in the flesh also which are sober you see when Christ cometh in his glory with his Angels the Books must be opened which are three in number the Book of the administration of the Law must be opened in the consciences of them that were under the Law and made a profession of obedience unto it but hated to perform it and they will have work enough with that fiery Law and all their former filthiness of flesh and spirit to sit in judgement on those burning brimstone souls and bodies of flesh and bone to all eternity 2 The second Book of the administration of the Gospel will be opened also in the consciences of those that made a profession thereof and hated obedience to it and that literal fiery Judge and their former unrighteousness will neither want work to sit in judgement on those fleshly bodies of burning brimstone even world without end 3 Moreover the third Book of the administration of the eternal Spirit which is the book of life shall be opened also in the consciences of all pretended lights in these last days and those whose names were not found written in that book of life as Commissionated Messengers of the eternal Spirit to bear witness unto a personal Jesus in the high heavens but published a lying Jesus in the lower heavens of their carnal spirits onely that pretended God or Christ with all their lies spoken in the name of the Lord and blasphemy against his Majesties persons shall burn more fiery hot then any other opinion among men even to all eternity as aforesaid all is not spiritual gold that glisters 4 Again give me leave to speak of one sort more whose natural conscience must be opened also 5 This sort of men are those called Heathens which never had the books of the Scriptures among them I say from the true God that these men and all the naturalists in the world according to their rebellions against their rational Judge unto which they acknowledged all obedience of righteousness between man and man was due this
God of their own reason onely with all their rebellions against it shall be that dreadful Judge sitting in their fleshly consciences with an eccho of everlasting torments in utter darkness 6 Thus in some measure I have been made to declare unto my spiritual yea and fleshly brethren also the sudden glorious and dreadful appearing of the most high and mighty God-man sitting on the Throne of his Glory with his elect Angels to judge both the quick and dead according to his own sayings in Holy Writ 7 And now as a conclusion unto this Epistle I shall speak a few words to all that may peruse it in the name and power of our Lord Jesus by whose most blessed spirit I was inspiringly moved to write it 8 My beloved Brethren that hath the least hopes in you of a glory to come I confess through unusualness of such a language many sayings in this book may seem to your reason very absurd at the first 9 But if the light of life eternal qualifie you with a meek and patient spirit they may be as plain and easie to your understanding at the last as the Lord hath made them to me his poor despised messenger 10 I know if I were an University man possessing perishing wealth or honor among Princes your rational spirits would be as subject to erre on the right hand as now they are on ●he left 11 O forget not that the wisdom of God seeth it most advantagious for his glory to choose base and despised things to confound the honorable and eloquent things of this vain glorious world 12 Again if some men should say unto me that I have written many sayings without book concerning the crea●ion of Angels and such like I would fain know of them whe●her Moses had any books by him when he wrote of the creation of this world and the things therein 13 Though the holy Prophets Christ and the Apostles aluded sometimes to the former Prophetical writings to convince gain-sayers yet you know they spake by inspiration of the eternal spirit onely according to that saying in holy Writ All Scriptures was given by inspiration and holy men of old spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost 14 Moreover if you should ask me how shall you know whether I write by true inspiration or no as to that if you had the spirit of the Scriptures no man could deceive you 15 Furthermore unless you have a light in you that can clearly convince me of error in my Epistle in questioning the truth of my writings you also question the truth of Holy Writ 16 If I should write nothing but what is exactly set down in the Scriptures I should then write nothing at all because they are other mens works and you have them already besides many eloquent men to play upon the harp of those records very harmoniously unto your carnal ears which godliness of theirs is very gainful unto many of them as you well know 17 If I should write nothing but what is recorded in Holy Writ there would be no need of any other witness to prove me a lyar but my book onely and so I should be bound together in a bundle of literal tares and burnt with unquenchable fire at the appearing of the Son of Man in his glory with h●s mighty Angels because I have declared my self sent forth by voice from the Lord of Glory himself to demonstrate some secrets to his chosen ones that hath not been revealed since the world began 18 And now I desire no other witness to bear record in the consciences of men to this Epistle whether it be truth or no but the everliving Jehovah or eternal spiritual Jesus himself with all his holy Angels Even so come Lord Jesus come quickly Amen Amen John Reeve and Lodowick Muggleton the two last immediate Commissionated Witnesses or Prophets by the eternal Spirit of the man Jesus glorified in the Throne of Eternity which is far above all Gods Heavens Angels and Men. FINIS
the most part how then can any man comprehend spiritual misteries which are eternal by his natural perishing reason 6 Is not the most piercingst reason in man onely natural And can that which is natural comprehend that which is spiritual 7 Are they not as contrary as fire and water or as light and darkness How then can any man by his natural reason understand any thing that is spiritual It is written But the natural man perceiveth not the things of God because they are spiritually discerned but he that is spiritual discerneth all things yet he himself is judged of no man Again is is written Now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are given to us of God which things also we speak not in the words which mans wisdom teacheth but which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual 8 My beloved brethren you may see that the Apostles came not to understand spiritual things by their study in the writings of Moses and the Prophets but by a gift from the Holy Ghost they were enabled in a great measure to comprehend the invisible things of God which they should enjoy in the resurrection of the just 9 Moreover you know that the Apostle Paul before his conversion was a very able man in the letter of Moses and the Prophets yea and according to the letter blameless in his conversation yet for all that in zeal towards an unknown God he persecuted the spirit of that letter through ignorance of that second man which was the Lord from heaven 10 T is truth that when the Apostles preached the spiritual things of eternity they alluded unto Moses and the true Prophets because some of those mysteries were fore-prophesied of by them but yet you may see that they were not instructed in those heavenly things by vertue of their prophetical letter but as beforesaid by inspiration from the holy spirit onely 11 Thus you that are spiritual may clearly see that no man by his natural reason and study in the letter of the Scripture can ever be established in the truth of those glorious things unto which the letter beareth record unless he hath received a spiritual gift from that glorious God that moved holy men of old to speak and write those Records of Truth 12 Therefore you may be confident that those men which ignorantly call the Letter Spirit as yet they are not acquainted with those spiritual teachings of the things of God which many of his elect do enjoy that cannot read one letter in the Bible his divine Secrets are treasured up for the simple and the subtile learned Rationists are sent empty away 13 My beloved spiritual brethren in the glorious things of eternity though men seemingly appear never so innocent in their way is it probable think you that those men are immediately moved to speak unto the people by the spirit of God that slight all the Scripture Records as a thing of nought 14 I humbly beseech you that are sober can any man of what tongue or language soever speak or write a better or as good a language as the Scriptures are and not speak Scripture words or prove it was not the glorious God that moved the holy men of old to speak or write these Scripture records 15 Again if the most desperatest man living which saith in his heart there is no God shall commit murder or the like and should scape the vengeance of mans Laws for a season yet he cannot possibly prevent the voice of that spiritual Law within crying for vengeance from that Law without him answerable to that within him 16 Moreover though natural wise men as a nose of wax produce those Records to bear testimony unto all error whatsoever yet you that are spiritual may know that the Scriptures themselves are words of pure truth not having the least error in them but error proceeds onely from that serpentine devil in men which take upon them to interpret the Scriptures without a spiritual gift 17 Can any man that hath the spiritual power of the Scriptures in him be offended with those Records which are witnesses of his innocent life in the faces of those carnal hypocrites which for love of silver or honor prate of them onely but secretly h●te all obedience to them 18 Are not the literal Records a demonstration of the minde of the holy spirit unto the chosen of God which have the light of life in some measure to comprehend them 19 Moreover are not the te●chings of the blessed spirit more abundantly consolate to him if those heavenly breathings in him be harmonious with the commands of our Lord Jesus Christ without him 20 Can any man therefore which expects that eternal glory unto which these Scriptures above all the writings in the world bear record possibly despise the letter and yet love that Spirit from whence it came 21 Again give me leave to make one comparison in reference to this matter Suppose two friends that loved each other as their own souls had their personal residence in several kingdoms and one of them as a testimony of his real love before he passed away left behinde him a Book containing variety of sweet expressions of friendship unto the other until he come again if that man in the absence of his friend should burn that Book to ashes in stead of embracing it is that any sign of love in him to his friend afar off 22 Wherefore can any sober man imagine or think from any ground of truth that the eternal spirit of the true Jesus upon any account did ever command any man to burn those Records which are a Remonstrance of the wonderful spiritual transactions of the most high and holy God since the world began yea before this world was 23 O Lord God of heavenly order and not of earthly confusion even for the glory of thy dreadful names sake deliver thy redeemed ones not onely from exalting the literal Scriptures above the holy Spirit which spake them but also from disputing against the mysteriousness of them 24 Then no kinde of natural witchcrafts which bear the name of spiritual power shall have dominion over them for ever but they shall patiently wait for their change by a peaceable death or being swallowed up of life through the appearing of our onely God and Savior in the air with his mighty Angels to reward every man according to his works 25 Even so come Lord Jesus come quickly and make it manifest in the sight of men and angels whether thou hast sent us as we have declared or no. CHAP. VII 1 Of the creation of the Firmament Sun Moon and Stars 2 Of the Earth in the deep waters 3 The meaning of the word Create 4 Why the deep waters are eternal 5 By what the Firmament was formed 6 How the Sun Moon and Stars came 7 Of the distinct and fixed bodies of the Sun
if they acknowledge this rational truth without controversie when the light of the Sun is eclipsed from us it is through its near conjunction with the natural light or ruler of things of the night 58 And when the light of the Moon is eclipsed from us though it be in the night or early in the morning it is through her near 〈◊〉 Junction with the natural light or ruler of the day or a planetary fire answerable to his nature 59 My beloved spiritual brethren as for the time and effect of Eclipses I leave them unto the figurative Merchants of a Sun Moon and Stars which they rightly understand not because no man can truly know them but by inspiration from him that made them CHAP. VIII 1 Of the Heavens 2 How many were created 3 No more but three 1 A Throne of Eternal ravishing glories 2 A Throne of Natural perishing glories 3 An invisible spiritual Throne leading to Eternity AGain if there was but one heavenly firmament created in all some men may say unto me What is the meaning of that third Heavens in the Scriptures 2 From that light which cannot lie to this I answer The spirit of God speaketh of a third heaven in Scriptures that some men might be capable to declare unto his redeemed ones how many heavens there are and where those heavens are and what those heavens are 3 My spiritual brethren which have ears to hear hearken unto the pure light of life eternal There are three created heavens spo●en of in Scripture Records and no more no nor never was any more what ever vain men have imagined 4 The first is that third heaven of visible and invisible ravishing glories which are eternal this is that vast kingdom where the persons of the mighty Angels and glorified bodies of Moses and Elias do now inhabit beholding the face of that most excellent Majesty whose divine nature unto his elect is crowns of unutterable excellencies 5 This is that habitation third heaven throne or kingdom of ravishing glory above the starry heavens spoken of so frequently in Scripture Records which is needless to nominate unto you which are spiritual 6 But lest some vain glorious men should say Whe●e is the word of God for what I speak Seeing the letter is their God whom they adore in stead of the holy Spirit which spake them therefore to stop their carnal mouthes if it may be I shall write down two or three Scripture Records Heaven is my throne and Earth is my foot-stool Acts 7. O God thy throne is for ever and ever Heb. 1. That we have such an High Priest that sitteth at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens Heb. 8. 7 The second Heaven which the Lord created was not a spiritual but a natural therefore of necessity it must fade away 8 This Heaven is this visible firmament adorned with majestical lights above us and a fixed earth beneath us beautified in its seasons with variety of delights which is natures onely desired haven through the secret decree of the most wise God to manifest the variety of his most infinite wisdom unto elect men and angels in the creating of such natural glory to perish and the ●●gelical merciless rulers thereof after they have enjoyed their momentary glory 9 Give me leave to cite two or three Scriptures as a visible testimony to this second Heaven also It is written In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth 10 My beloved spiritual brethren you know that there could not be any beginning unto the Creator therefore it may be understood that saying did include that immortal throne above and this mortal world beneath as having a beginning was spoken for the capacity unto men or angels which knew their being was from another and understood also their continuance in those several heavens for a time or for eternity 11 In the first of the Hebrews it is thus written And thou Lord in the beginning hast established the earth and the heavens are the works of thine hands they shall perish but thou dost remain and they shall wax old as doth a garment 12 Again the third and last created heaven is that within the bodies of men or the first man Adam the which spiritual creation being in natural bodies and within this perishing Globe it is made capable through its union with changeable nature to enter into mortality that by the most secreet decree of the most high God after a moments tasting of silent death as he himself did it may quicken again through death it self spiritual bodies full of divine glories that as one man naturally as a flame of fire all the elect may as swift as thought ascend to meet their Lord in the air and with his divine person of bright burning glory enter into that prepared Throne of ete●nal pleasures 13 This created or inspired light in man you know hath variety of Scripture-expressions for the setting forth its excellencies that it shall enjoy in the life to come as namely the kingdom of heaven is within you Christ in you the hope of glory Know you not that the spirit of Christ is in you except ye be reprobates It is a true saying for if we be created together with him we also shall live together with him 2 Tim. 2 Thus God created the man in his image in the image of God created he him he created them male and female Gen. 1. 14 Thus briefly I have touched upon the three created Heavens nominated in the literal Records unto an invisible yet visible infinite being of all finite beings blessed for ever viz. a throne of eternal ravishing glories secondly a throne of natural perishing glories lastly an invisible spiritual throne leading them to eternity 15 From that spiritual Majesty by whom was formed the Heavens aforesaid and all in them I positively affirm against all mortals that ever were or shall be that though men have written or shall speak of more worlds then what is fore-written those additional heavens proceeded from their own imaginary confused reason and not from that holy Spirit of all heavenly order CHAP. IX An exact Scripture rule to prove the Man Christ glorified to be Father Son and Holy Spirit in one distinct Person MY beloved brethren which desire a right understanding of spiritual things in Scripture Records take special notice of this one thing and you cannot be deceived by all the wisdom or subtilty of men 2 I say again from the Lord take good notice of those Scriptures which speak positively concerning God or the highest Heavens or Angels or eternal Life or eternal Death or of a natural Heaven and all mortal things within its orb why because you may know that all privative Scriptures though never so eminent or numerous wholly depend upon positive Scriptures 3 My dear brethren for whom my soul is in continual travel until the pure truth be rooted in you some of you being weak of comprehension I shall
spiritual brethren you know that by nature we are all under a tyrannical yoke of spiritual darkness and all maner of fleshly uncleanness whatsoever 50 Also you know that innocent infants though defiled in their natures through generation yet they are neither capable to understand spiritual or natural good or evil therefore they have no need of Christs spiritual gifts in the womb for to ensure themselves of their own eternal happiness 51 Again if the Lord Jesus Christ alone is the light and life of men and if all men that are saved must of necessity receive a new light unto their dark souls from his Divine Spirit then without controversie those men as yet are utterly ignorant of the new and true birth of the ever-living Jesus which say every man hath so much light of Christ in them that is sufficient to salvation if they will 52 Again if every man have the spirit of Christ living in his conscience as many men vainly imagine what then is become of the spiritual body or that Jesus that ascended into the throne of his glory in the visible fight of men and angels 53 Or what man hath any need of his spiritual gifts or heavenly graces at all if his Christ and he was conceived and born together from the womb of his mother 54 When the Apostle said For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily and from his fulness we all receive and grace for grace I would fain know from any man whatsoever whether that God or Christ were in them when they spake or writ those words 55 Again if that Godhead spirit of Christ Jesus our Lord had been within them when they uttered those speeches I suppose it had been more proper for them to have said For in us dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily If the Apostles had always possessed the spirit of God or Christ within them then they uttered but vain words when they speak of receiving of grace or truth from a personal Christ without them 56 Again if Christ or his Spirit had been within the Apostles when they spoke of his divine Glory or Godhead fulness of grace and truth would it not have been more proper for them to have said from that God or Christ within us we are filled with all manner of spiritual consolations or heavenly perfections whatsoever 57 If Christ or his Spirit were within men when they uttered those words all faith or hope in reference to eternal glory was vain and of no effect why because if men have their God or Christ within them onely they are no more under the teachings of another spirit but are as glorious already as ever they are like to be But what saith the Scripture If our hopes were in this life onely we were of all men most miserable Again concerning these words Christ in you the hope of glory Or know ye not that the Spirit of Christ is in you except ye be reprobates 58 My beloved brethren what need any man hope for glory if he hath the Spirit of Glory resting upon him already 59 Again I hope no man will say that he hath a Christ in him that hopes after glory or stands in need of any glorification whatsoever Well then the minde of the Spirit of Christ in those words was this That except your understanding be enlightned from the eternal Spirit of a glorified Christ in that heavenly throne above the stars ye are but reprobates 60 Or thus Except you are filled with the gifts of graces of that glorious God-man Christ Jesus who is ascended far above all Heavens Angels or men know ye not that you are but in the State of reprobation 61 Or as if the Apostle should have said Know ye not that you are but meet reprobates if ye glory of a God or Christ within you and deny the Godhead person of that Lord Jesus Christ that was crucified upon a tree without you 62 Again who ever thou art which glorieth of a spiritual union with a God or Christ within thee and despisest a personal glorified Christ of flesh and bone without thee yea and distinct from thee in another world I say from his eternal Spirit thou art but a reprobate 63 Who ever thou art which boasteth of a God and a Christ and his Ordinances and of a glory to come without thee in the highest heavens if thou shalt be left to the pride and envy of thy formal spirit to condemn the invisible teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ in his innocent people because they are contrary to thy opinion I say from the everliving Emanuel that thou art also but a reprobate CHAP. XVI 1 Of divers comparisons of the Spirit or Person of Christ unto the face of the natural Sun 2 No man or Angel can be capable of the in-dwelling of Gods essence but his own person onely THe Spirit or person of Christ may fitly be compared unto the face of the natural Sun in divers respects you may know that the natural spirit of the Sun by vertue of the decreed word of the Lord is so exceeding fiery glorious that no created thing that hath natural life in it is capable of its in-dwelling brightness but it s own body or face onely 2 So likewise that infinite Spirit abiding within the glorious body or face of our Lord Jesus Christ is so unspeakeable fiery glorious that no created spirit of man or Angel is able to bear the indwelling essence of it but it s own body or face onely 3 Again you know that all natural things of the day are preserved onely by vertue of that inward light life beauty or glory in them which shineth through the body or face of the Sun onely 4 So likwise all spiritual light life beauty joy or glory within the spirits of elect men and Angels shineth onely through the glorious heavenly mouth of Christ Jesus our Lord. 5 Again though both sensible and insensible creatures are preserved in their well beings by vertue of a measurable light and heat proceeding from the Sun you may know that if the essence of the Sun were on this earth it would not onely put out the fire but also immediately consume all things to ashes or dry sand 6 So likewise though the spiritual well beings of elect men and Angels are onely preserved by vertue of a measurable light and life proceeding from that bright shining spirit through the face of Christ Jesus our Lord yet if the essence of his spirit were within the spirits of any created beings it would consume them immediately to powder 7 Again though all created beings under the Sun are enlivened and continued by vertue of its light and heat through which according to their kind they are full of joy yet if the Sun should absent it self a little too long all his former light would vanish like smoke and the creature would both languish and perish for want of a new supply from its presence so likewise it
of flesh blood and bone from eternity 22 Neither would I willingly have any of the blessed of the Lord to be so grosly ignorant as to think that the glorious Creator could possibly be a spiritual living substance without a body or person 23 If Christ Jesus and the Father from all eternity were but one distinct person some men may say unto me What might the form of his uncreated Majesty be before he became flesh from the light of life eternal 24 To this I answer His divine form did not consist of natural Earth Air Water or Fire in the least but is was a bright burning fiery glory of uncompounded purities continually satisfying it self with variety of divine excellencies 25 Though the spiritual person of the Holy One of Israel was from eternity so transcendently glorious that no Elements could possibly contain him without being immediately consumed to ashes yet he was absolutely from the crown of his glorious head to the soles of his divine feet in form like unto the first man Adam 26 You that possess the heavenly truth in you may know the divine form of Jesus Christ the everlasting Father was of so pure thin or light nature that as beforesaid it was swifter then thought clearer then Cristal infinitely more glorious then the Sun purer then the purest gold or any thing more precious 27 So that when the eternal spirit moved him to enter into the Virgins Womb it being swifter then thought and its body being of its own nature he was in her womb before she was aware of it onely by a wonderful change in her soul she felt him converting his Godhead glory into flesh blood and bone according to his promise by the Angel Gabriel this was that wonderful mystery of God the everlasting Father which manifested himself in a body of flesh at which most men and women stumble and perish 28 Is any thing impossible for God to do when his divine glory moves him to it 29 Moreover is not the infinite power wisdom or glory of the everliving God most of all seen by men or Angels in the lowest abasing himself 30 Do not all men which confess a Creator conclude that his holy spirit is infinitely full of all divine qualifications whatsoever and is the incomprehensible Spirit of the Holy One of Israel any thing at all without its glorious vertues 31 Is it possible think you that this eternal spirit could be sensible of its heavenly glories without a distinct body of its own to enjoy them in If this be truth the which none can gainsay but senceless sots or simple saints then with controversie Christ Jesus and the Father was eternally but onely one spiritual body in form like a man 32 Is there any created being whether sensible or insensible either in Heaven or in Earth that possesseth any kind of spiritual or natural motion heat light life joy or glory in the least without a distinct body of its own suitable to its present condition 33 Hath the most wise Creator so ordered every living being that all the joy they possess is in their own bodies chiefly distinct from one another and that each others joy is nothing at all to one another unless they be both sensible of the same 34 Can any sober man be so sensless as to imagine or think that the glorious Creator of all spiritual and natural order can possibly be any thing at all without a distinct body of its own as abundantly beforesaid 35 Are not all infinite creatures a meer Chaos of sensless matter until they are formed into distinct beings of themselves and have names given them by God and man according to their natures and are they any thing at all until they become living spirits in compleat bodies of their own as aforesaid 36 This being known to be as true as truth it self can it possibly be that he that gave beings to all things should not be something that is infinite also or a distinct glorious body having variety of holy Names attributed to him according to his divine nature for the exaltation of his infinite Majestical Person above all Heavens Angels and men CHAP. XIX 1 Of the true spiritual Trinity in Vnity 2 Of the one personal divine Majesty 3 No Scripture mentioneth God to be three persons onely one God and one person 4 Why God called himself by a three-fold name IN the next place I shall treat of that divine Trinity in Unity of the Holy One of Israel 2 You may remember I have already elsewhere in this Epistle clearly demonstrated the horrible fallacy and absurdity of that old error of three distinct persons or spirits and but one God from these words For there are three that bear record in Heaven the Father Son and Holy Ghost and these three are one 3 My spiritual and literal brethren also that have any desire in you to know the truth take special notice of this thing there is not one positive record in Scripture that affirmeth the God of Heaven and Earth to consist of three persons 4 Was not the eternal Jehovah called the Holy One of Israel in the Law 5 Was not the eternal Jesus called the Holy One in the Saints time of the Gospel 6 Is not Jesus called a consuming fire in the Gospel as well as Jehovah in the Law 7 Hath not Jesus attributed unto him the Titles of a Creator Ancient of Days Everlasting Father Mighty God or Redeemer and such like as well as Jehovah 8 Was not all divine honor glory praise might or dominion by men and angels in as full a maner ascribed unto Jesus as Jehevah 9 Doth not the Scripture say that the Holy One of Israel will not give his glory to another and yet you know Christ Jesus had all glory from men and Angels given unto him who then is that eternal Jehovah but the everlasting Jesus and what is that eternal Jesus but the everlasting Jehovah 10 Before the eternal Jehovah became Jesus in flesh was not his invisible Spirit the everlasting Father 11 Was not that fiery glorious body wherein God the Father had his heavenly habitation that eternal Son of God 12 Was not the Holy Ghost that Almighty Word that proceeded through his heavenly mouth when his holy Spirit mov'd him to speak 13 Is not this Trinity in Unity or Unity in Trinity more agreeable to the Holy One of Israel then any other Trinity whatsoever unto all men which acknowledge but one eternal Being 14 What difference is there between the holy Names of Father Son and Spirit and Lord Jesus Christ was it any thing else but one and the same Godhead person in a three-fold condition appearing unto men 15 Again if need be will not the Names of Father and Lord bear one sense The names of Son and Jesus signifie one thing and may not the Titles of Christ and Spirit be of one signification also 16 Doth not the word Lord signifie divine protection and doth not the
the minde of Christ from John's words in the beginning of the 11. Chapter the first words are these then was given me a Reed like unto a Rod and the Angel stood by saying Rise and measure the Temple of God and the Altar and them that worship therein But the Court which is without the Temple leave out and measure it not for it is given unto the Gentiles and the holy City shall they tread under foot forty and two moneths 21 My devine friends you may understand that that reed like unto a rod possessed by John was a free gift of inspiration which he received from a glorified Christ in the high heavens by his Angel whereby like unto a skillful Land-measurer his understanding was enabled to comprehend the spiritual signification of the Temple of God and the Altar and them that worship therein 22 You may also understand that the Temple and them that did worship therein did signifie Gods spiritual house or tabernacle of elect Jews and Gentiles which make but one compleat body for Christ Jesus their head to raign in by his heavenly light 23 That Altar spoken of by John did signifie the glorious body or Tabernacle of the eternal spirit unto which divine Altar or Godhead person those spiritual worshippers were vertually united by a received light from that infinite Majesty through which invisible intercourse sometimes their souls were full of spiritual joy through that inward seal of Godlike glory which they were to enjoy in the life to come 24 You may understand that that unmeasured Court without the Temple did signifie the visible Scriptures 25 You know that when sacrifices or ordinances were in force at Hierusalem there was the inward Temple and outward Porch or Court joyning to the Temple 26 You also know the Court without the Temple was a common place for all people to meet in but none might enter into the inward Temple in the time of their worship but the chief Priests or those that were Confessors of the true God and approved of by those teachers of the Law 27 Likewise you may understand that the outward Court or Scripture which is common to all men that was left unmeasured or cast out did signifie all the out-cast unbelieving Jews and Gentiles and the inward Temple or spirit of the Scriptures did signifie all the Elect believing Jews and Gentiles in that glorious Altar beforesaid 28 Again you know that the Court of the Temple was an outward ornament or witness unto the beauty or glory within the Temple 29 So likewise the Court of the visible Scriptures is an ornament or testimony unto that eternal spirit of all truth within the Temple Body or Tabernacle of the everliving God and vertually in a great measure living in the Temples or bodies of his elect that are inabled to give a true distinction between the things of eternal life and eternal death 30 Again you know it is said that the unmeasured Court without the Temple was given to the Gentiles and that they should tread the holy City under foot two and forty moneths 31 You spiritual ones may know that the minde of the Holy Spirit in those words was this that to fulfil the Prophesie of Christ concerning the destruction of the Jews their Temple and City of Hierusalem by the Romans through conquest they should possess the literal Records written by the Prophetical and Apostolical Jews and not onely worship it in stead of the eternal spirit but also by cruel persecution for above thirteen hundred years were to tyrannize over the Holy City of spiritual Jews and Gentiles that could not bow down unto their inventions 32 You that are spiritual may know that the Roman Gentiles here spoken of by John are those people which men call Cavaliers whose Princely race sprang first from the loins of King Herod that bloody persecutor of the Lord of glory and so streamed into the line of the tyrannical Roman Empire or Popedom 33 From this papal power whatever Apostical or Christian stile they attribute to themselves through all the Christian world so called they have banded together as one man to tread underfoot as beforesaid that chosen City of heavenly minded Jews and Gentiles 34 Because their innocent souls could not forsake that everliving Altar manifested unto them and bow down to their Egyptians Calves set up as a snare unto the people chiefly for fleshly gain and perishing glory from men of their own spirits 35 Also you that are spiritual take special notice of this that these two witnesses or Prophets spoken of in the 11. of the Revelation did not appear unto men until the Gentile power of persecuting Bishops were extinguished in this land 36 But it may be objected by some that one Bull and Varnum and others long before them have pretended to be these two witnesses and yet it came to nothing 37 To this I answer by way of query can any man make it appear from any Record since the Apostles time that in any Land or Nation two men did ever bear witness in all opposition of all men or Angels unto the man Jesus Christ glorified to be the onely God everlasting Father and Creator of both worlds Angels and men 38 Again amongst all the pretended Prophets in the world doth any of them bear witness unto one personal Majesty distinct from Heavens Earth Angels and men 39 Nay of the contrary do they not all rather disown such a God as a weak or carnal thing and as one man like unto Baals four hundred Priests and the false Prophets and Priests in all ages imagine the Creator to be an infinite formless spirit 40 If any man should moderately enquire of the pretended Prophets or spiritual lights in this age concerning the knowledge of the Creator or a glory to come is there any answer to be had from them but this or such like the Creator is an infinite invisible unchangeable eternal spirit or else they will say the Creator is all wisdom love purity riches beauty joy righteousness justice or divine excellencies he fils heaven and earth he is the all in all and there is nothing besides him or else they will say the more ye desire the knowledge of the Creator the less you will know of him because he is infinite or they will bid you minde that God or Choist within you and trouble not your self about incomprehensible infiniteness thus these false Prophets of cursed Cain make a wonderment of an infinite Creator of nothing but meer words onely 41 Thou which art puffed up with such a Creator as this is shalt one day know to thy eternal sorrow and shame what it is to despise a personal God infinitely full of all glorious perfection 42 When this personal Majesty shall shew his infinite power upon thee through the retaining of his inshining light from thy Lucephe●ian spirlt and shall leave thee and thy inward God in an unspeakable condition of eternal shame and confusion of sould and
of Gods essentially being in all things 20 Again if the eternal spirit should consist of so great a bulk how then can there be any God at all but nature onely 21 Or how can it possibly be an infinite spirit when it is not distinct to it self but is compelled to have its being in finite things onely this unknown bodiless God is much like unto the Star-gazers monstrous Sun and Moon aforesaid 22 Is not this infiniteness indeed for all the spirits of elect men and Angels to be filled with variety of divine glories with one word speaking from so small a fiery glory as this is 23 Who ever thou art that shall be left to despise this little spark of immortal Crowns which essentially raigneth in the man Christ Jesus alone it is because there is no true light of life in thee CHAP. XLIV 1 Of the great white Throne which John saw Revelation 20. 2 A mark of a Reprobate to desire miracles to make him believe the truth of a commission IN the 20. of the Revelation it is thus written And I saw a great while throne and one that sate on it from whose face fled away both earth and heaven and their place was no more found My spiritual Brethren though mens earthly mindedness and heavenly conceitedness will flye away and be no more found● when the true light of life eternal is throned in their spirits yet from the unerring spirit I positively affirm that this place of Holy Writ had reference onely unto Christs personal appearing in his glory with his mighty Angels to make an eternal separation between the just and unjust 2 My Christian friends why did John call it a great white Throne which he spiritually saw It was because of the glorious brightness of the Judges face or person and his Angelical attendance and also because it was the dreadful general appearance of mankinde to receive their eternal dooms 3 You know when Christ was transfigured upon the Mount through which his face shone and his garments glittered the Texts saith that Moses and Elias appeared to him in glory 4 So likewise you may know that John called it a great white Throne as beforesaid because of the transcendent brightness of Christs person 5 What heaven and earth was that which fled away from his glorious face what ever men imagine to the contrary you that are spiritual may know that it was the dissolution of that heaven and earth that had a beginning as if it had never had any being I mean this visible firmamental heaven and earth and all light or life in them 6 Therefore where John saith their place was no more found that was spoken in reference unto their former natural brightness vertue beauty power or glory being translated into a Chaos of everlasting confusion 7 Again besides the glorious brightness of Christs person and his Angelical Host give me leave to write a little more of that great white Throne which John saw 8 You that are truly spiritual cannot be so grosly ignorant as to think that Christ hath no other Throne to inhabit in but his peoples spirits and this natural world onely why because that error ariseth out of the Atheistical hearts of fleshly men that hath no faith in the truth of Holy Writ 9 Moreover if mens spirits be but rationally sober though at present they be never so atheistical they may be convinc'd that there is another world besides this which is of a higher nature compassing this Globe round about and yet it is not global as this is onely there is no elementary Firmament Sun Moon nor Stars in it but it is an open place City Throne or Kingdom of infinite vastness in length breadth or height answerable to the person of an infinite Majesty 10 Also it is a Throne of exceeding whiteness or Sun-like brightness suitable unto the transcendent brightness of the Kings person that sits thereon and his glorious companions 11 Though the joy and glory of an earthly Prince consists chiefly in the greatness of his person power vast territories and honorable subjects for his safety yet for all this you know that his palaces are deckt with embroidered Ornaments of gold silver precious stones and such like for the further setting forth the mortal glory of his Princely Majesty 12 So likewise it is with the divine Majesty for though the variety of his infinite Godhead joy and glory principally is within his own person and Princely power over so innumerable a company of kingly companions 13 Yet you may also know that he hath a great Throne or Palace for the further setting forth of his visible glory decked with Ornaments of spititual brightness or immortal glittering whiteness as beforesaid 14 Do not all men that acknowledge a Creator whether they understand him to be a spirit or a person confess him to be boundless immortal unchangeable and eternal 15 You know this global world is not boundless in length height breadth or compass but is is surrounded with a firmamental heaven as with a brazen wall to keep it within its own station 16 Moreover if the eternal Majesty be infinite or boundless as he is I would fain know of any man how it is possible for a glorified infinite spirit or person to be contained in a finite bounded world 17 Though the Doves of divine glory are compelled for a season to live among the Tyrannical Serpents of this perishing world yet I would have you to understand that if an infinite or boundless God with his mighty Angels should have no other Throne to solace themselves in but this then in stead of spiritual liberty they would all be in natural bondage 18 If you ask me the reason of it you may know that the glorified person of God or Christ is of a motion swifter then thought and the persons of Moses Elias and the mighty Angels are of motion as swift as thought 19 Therefore no inclosed place can contain them but they must of necessity inhabit a Throne or Kingdom of infinite vastness for ascending or descending at the divine pleasure according to their motional swiftness 20 Again you spiritual ones may undoubtedly know that there is such a throne as I speak of why because this world cannot possibly contain our thoughts but they nimbly pierce through the heavens and in a weak measure they comprehend an infinite or boundless God and a Throne or Kingdom of an infinite circumference 21 If our bodies were answerable to our thoughts this world could not possibly contain them but they would ascend through the natural heavens to see whether there were such a vast kingdom of eternal glory as they had apprehended 22 I know all fleshly Atheistical minded men are apt to say unto me If they could see this infinite personal God and glorious white Throne I talk so much of then they could believe it 23 O how fain would finite carnal eyes behold infinite spiritual glories 24 Moreover they may say unto me
exalt thy self above thy Creator by conceiting thy self in a throne of glory with Christ already 26 Moreover be thou never so seemingly holy or charitable or a great sufferer in reference to thy inward God or Christ yet if thou art left to the pride of thine own spirit to despise the spirit of the Son of man glorified in the highest heavens thou and all that is within thee will eternally perish 27 So much doth the man Jesus in glory heed thee and all of thy blasphemous lofty spirit He that denies me before men him will I deny before my Father which is in heaven and his holy Angels CHAP. XLVIII 1 Of the first Resurrection 2 and what it is by several Questions and Answers IN the next place give me leave to write a little of the new birth or first resurrection from a glorified Christ 2 What is this first resurrection that who ever hath part in it is blessed and holy and the second death hath no power Truly it is the enjoyment of a divine light in the understanding which a man hath received by inspiration from the spirit of a personal Christ on a throne of glory in the third Heavens 3 How shall a man truly know whether he hath this light in him or no or when he received it He that hath this light of Christ in him his very thoughts desires and affections are by the power of it wholly bent upon all spiritual and natural purity whatsoever 4 So that the Scriptures imputes Justice Righteousness Holiness or Perfection unto that man onely which hath this light in him because he is principally guided by a light which he hath received from the glorious God of all divine perfections without him 5 Moreover this light of Christ sometimes is known by a glorious voice to the hearing of the ear through which a man is so full of inward joy glory or majesty in himself that he knows not for that present whether he be in the condition of a God or a man this I certainly know yet I believe few of the Saints themselves have tasted of this condition 6 Furthermore this light of Christ conveys it self so secretly into the understandings of most of his redeemed ones by a low voice of his most Holy Spirit that oftentimes they know not the time thereof onely after this light of life hath once appeared the soul is so delighted with it that it thinks it can never have too much of it or hardly enough of it therefore like a woman in travail it is full of hungring or thirsting after the knowledge of that Fountain of Glories from whence its light and joy proceeded 7 Again he that hath this light of Christ in him is not onely full of longings after more of it but his soul is also full of that new song of praise honor power and glory unto the infinite unknown God until he doth in some measure truly know him 8 Moreover he that hath this new and true light is not rash in judging divine things he knows not but by vertue of that light of life he is preserved with a meek and patient spirit to wait the Lords leisure for manifesting the truth thereof 9 Furthermore he that hath received this white Stone or new Name of Christ to the purpose sees all the speakings or writings of non-commissionated men but meer literal or notional emptiness in comparison of that joy or glory that he possesseth from the invisible motions of the divine Majesty himself 10 Again by vertue of this light he is made able to discern whether mens speaking or writings proceed from a literal notional or spiritual Christ or no. 11 Moreover he that hath this light of Christ thus grounded in him doth not lie doting upon mens invisible God Christ Spirit Light Life Love Joy Beauty Vertue Power or Glory of meer words onely but nothing will satisfie his new-born hungry spirit but a divine embracing of a personal God of spiritual substance yea too transcendently glorious for men or Angels to be capable of the in-dwelling of his eternal Spirit but of the in-shining vertues or motions onely 12 So much at present concerning the first resurrection or new birth from a personal substantial God or Christ on the Throne of Eternity in the high heavens in opposition of a supposed new birth from a notional inward Christ or literal outward Christ onely CHAP. XLIX 1 Concerning Gods becoming a childe 2 None lives and moves and have their beings in God but the Seed of Faith 3 No creature capable to be essentially one with God AGain it is written In him we live and move and have our being Also it is written Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. What did the Apostle mean by living in the Lord and dying in the Lord Or how can a man be said to live in the Lord and to die in the Lord also 2 My spiritual friends though all men have their life or being in the Creator or in this power by vertue of creation yet none but the elect do spiritually live move or have any being in him and that is by vertue of redemption onely and that was the occasion of the Prophets saying for unto us a childe is born unto us a son is given now you know that the Prophet spoke them words long after the birth of that glorious babe and yet you see that all his joy or glory in reference to a life to come was fixed onely in the person of that Childe 3 Thus the Prophet by vertue of the true Jesus in him did spiritually live and move and had his being in the Lord of Hosts in a full assurance that God the everlasting Father and Creator of both worlds and all in them would become a little childe for the Redemption of his elect from eternal death by pouring forth of his most precious life it is writted who hath believed our report or unto whom is the arm of the Lord revealed 4 Thus you may see that those men which wanted the light of life in them to receive that prophetical report concerning the God of Glory 's coming by the out-stretched arm of his eternal Spirit in a body of flesh to redeem the elect world to himself were utterly ignorant of the Prophets spiritually living moving or being in the Lord. 5 So likewise this was the Apostle Pauls meaning also when he said for in him we live and move and have our being according to that saying of his for the life which I now live is by the faith of the Son of God which gave himself for me Also you know it is written to this effect that some men did live without God in the world so that you may understand that reprobate men are accounted by the spirit of the Scriptures to live and to die in the devil and to rise again very devils in souls and bodies to all eternity 6 The chosen of God are guided by the true light or love of