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A55858 A looking-glass for a proud pharisee (very zealous and very ignorant:) as also for a true Christian (very meek and very mercifull:) discovering an effectual way (by the mysterie of God) for the healing of the land, through the uniting al sides to God, and one to another, by Jesus Christ. Humbly presented to the city of London, by Robert Prier, a memeber of it.; Cristall looking-glass for a proud Pharisee. Prier, Robert. 1648 (1648) Wing P3451; ESTC R217467 193,143 501

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City for they can neither give this good thing nor hinder the one thing needful nor take away this free gift of God which wil make a man free in troublesom times An Use of sweet comfort Now Christ is the good thing and the one thing needful and the free gift of God and the substance of Religion within a man and by his Spirit he wil be a Wel of living water springing up into everlasting life within the soul and spirit of a man And this wil be meat and drink spiritual which the world knows not of This wil refresh a man in the time of greatest troubles and the world cannot take this sweet food away Psal 27.4 5. Luke 10.42 John 4.10 14 32. And though men of all sorts be striving now for externals in matters of Religion meer circumstances shadows that wil flie away Yet amongst these men there are two sorts of men which may be divided into four sorts of men and these four sorts of men may be all the servants of Christ as those four beasts were which you may read of Rev. 4.6 7 8. And these four sorts of men may be divided into two parts comparatively as Presbyterians and Independents Now if you wil divide the Presbyterians into two parts you shal find them acting like unto those two first beasts which I before spake of And the first beast is like a Lion and the second beast like a Calf and the third beast had a face as a man and the fourth beast was like a flying Eagle Now the first part of the Presbyterians did not they begin to move Lion-like with majesty speed and roughness and did not some of them say as the chief Captain said of Paul Let him be brought into the Castle and be examined by scourging only they wanted power read Acts 22.24 25. The second part of the Presbyterians moves like a Calf that is more slowly more moderately and with less harm Now divide the Independents into two parts and the first of them moves and hath a face like a man that is more rational more temperate more condescending in the worship of God to do as he would be done by Now the second part of the Independents moves like an Eagle that is flying high even unto the third Heaven where Christ is where they see things unutterable and ful of glory and for this they depend only upon God and herein they are not Independents as some cal them But now the Lion-like and the Calf-like and he that had the face like a man begin to raise troubles and jealousies against him that is Eagle-like because say they he flies too high we cannot discern him nor agree with him But shal I now Sect. 2 as a friend give you a reason why you cannot discern him that is like an Eagle it is because you are dul of hearing and are unskilful in the word of righteousnes for ye are as babes for strong meat belongeth to them that are of ful age even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil as you may read heb 5.11 12 13 14. And thus our dul-headed Prelatical Clergy for the most part were wont to cal those that were Eagle-like Puritans and now at this time they cal them Roundheads and others there are that cal them Familists and Sectaries Now here are three that are striving in the world and make a great deal of stir about circumstances and things which wil change And the first is the Presbytery and they are striving for preeminence and for a form to sit easie on Now the second is the Independents which would fain have their own way but they shal suffer for it if some had but power Now while these two are striving the third party which is the Episcopal or the Prelatical party or Priests comes in with their long black gowns coats A ministry not coming out from Christ is not Christian but Antichristian that loves not the flock for they cannot feed the flock Mar. 13.21 22 23 1 Joh. 4.1 2 3. John 21.15 16 17. skarfs and girdles with roses at them as though they were singular above all other men and they bring in their easie common Service Book and an old Homily or a Sermon preached over and over and it may be never the better a piece of art which they for the most part study and this art doth consist of Rhetorick that is to be elegant and to speak plausible words though it may be they are but little acquainted with the lively part of divine Theology but only the Theorick they are fine Theoricians that is they can speak much of that which they can practise little or nothing of and with this the most people in this Kingdom are wel pleased Take an Instance Jere. 5.30 31. 4.22 And thus these three are striving for external things meer outsides circumstances fig leaves And thus these three feed upon low mean food but some of them I hope do feed upon true food though like babes weakly But for the most part of these three which I have spoken of they feed upon low earthly food as outside forms with little or no love in them or as it were A ministry that hath Christ in possession witnesseth a good profession of Christ in Faith Verity 1 Tim. 6.11 12 13. with gilded fig leaves and the like But now the Eagle-like or the man that is like the flying Eagle he is about the throne of God and feeds upon Angels food Isai 6.1 2 3. Now such a man doth the work of Angels because he is in the Spirit as John was on the Lords day which day is Jesus Christ Rev. 1.10 13 19. 4.6 7 8. Now such a man feeds upon delicate spiritual food in the heaven of God Sect. 3 which heaven is Christ Now such a beleeving man or woman takes no delight in the box except the pearl be therein It is not the beautiful box that such a soul takes delight in but it is the pearl Christ or Christ the pearl that the soul is fixed upon as you may instance in Mary It was not the two glorious Angels sitting in white that gave Mary content but she remains weeping and enquiring for her Lord Christ and when Christ began to speak to her he so spake to her heart that her soul ecchoed again to him and she said Master O Master thou art he whom my soul loveth John 20.11 12 13 14 15 16. Now the only good thing in troublesom times and in the hour of distress and in sad temptations is to have rivers of living Water living comforting water of life which Christ gives Now this water is the Spirit the Spirit of comforts or the gracious comforting Spirit read John 7.37 38 39. Now this sweet water of life is comfortable in sickly times but especially upon the sick bed when a man comes to lie upon his dying pillow then to have this sweet Spirit
comfortably unto them in their great distress when they were at their wits end then Joseph spake un●● his brethren and said I am Joseph doth my father yet live Come neer to me notwithstanding ye put me away in your hatred but come neer unto my love Come neer to me I pray you and they came neer and he said I am Joseph your brother whom ye foolishly sold into Egypt be not grieved nor angry with your selves that ye sold me hither for ye thought evil against me but God meant it unto good for God did send me before you to preserve life Gen. 45.3 4 5. Gen. 50.20 The spiritual application of what hath been said Sect. 8 is betwixt Christ and a poor soul and if this were wel taught and wel learned it would mitigate that heat of strife that is amongst us and then we should observe that new Command which Christ gave That we should love one another Now I shal refer you unto that place of Scripture which Joseph gave unto his brethren for their advice and he said unto them See that you fal not out by the way for ye be brethren You may travel from Egypt to Canaan now with joy for I have freed you from all your fears see now that you fal not out by the way Consider Jesus Christ the spiritual Joseph who hath delivered you from spiritual Egypt and doth give you spiritual joy that you may travel to the heavenly Canaan and wil you yet fal out by the way Again consider Jesus Christ as he is a Prince of peace and of his peace there shal be no end Christ is our spiritual Joseph and our elder brother and hath left this Word Go tel my brethren that I ascend to my Father and their Father to my God and their God and I wil prepare a place for them and they all shal be where I am A Prayer O sweet Jesus shal thy people be with thee who art the Prince of peace and live with thee in heaven O Lord make this a lively motive to all thy people that as they shal live in heaven together so they may live in love and be at peace on earth together though they cannot agree about circumstances if the Lord would be pleased to enlarge our hearts then we should by his strength run the way of his new command which is love Love one another Lord do thou teach us and help us that we may not fal out about the way to Canaan but we pray thee plane us into Jesus Christ who alone is the new and the living way and gave unto us such a spirit as Jacob had when he did see the wagons of Josephs love then his spirit was revived and he said It is enough Joseph my son is yet alive Genesis 45.27 28. When our spirits are a dying then to have news from Jesus Christ would be a reviving to our spirits and we shal say as Jacob said It is enough my son Joseph is alive It is enough my friend Jesus Christ is alive and doth send good news to my soul and I shal go and live with him To conclude We should not rest in making clean the outside of the cup and of the platter Mat. 23.25 For the kingdom of God cometh not with observation or with outward shew Luk. 17.20 Neither let us take content in tithe-mint and anise and cummin when we are ignorant of the weightier matters of the Law as Judgment Mercy and Faith Mat. 23.23 And so it wil be for our shame and loss if we take the shadow for the substance and say The Temple of the Lord are these Jer. 7.4 and so be like unto the five foolish Virgins whose lamps were out and their oyl was spent and they went from Christ to buy grace when as indeed they should have come to Christ but in not coming they missed of Jesus Christ Mat. 25.8 10 11 12. Yet let us not fal out by the way as we are traveling through the wilderness of this world but let us admonish one another in love and think upon Josephs advice to his brethren when they were to travel from Egypt to Canaan to their father saith Joseph Ye be brethren see that ye fal not out by the way Gen. 45.24 Sect. 9 I shal now crave leave to speak a word or two betwixt the Minister and the People but with submission to better judgments for what I have said or shal say 1. We are not now to expect Prophets and Apostles to pen new Scripture Secondly We are now to look for men gifted to open the mind and meaning of God in the Scriptures which were written for our learning Thirdly We are not to take upon trust what men do deliver because God doth command us to try that which men do deliver whether it be from God or no 1 Thes 5.21 1 Ioh. 4.1 Fourthly Now we have no infallible men as the Prophets and the Apostles were therefore we should do as the noble Bereans did search the Scriptures to see whether those men that preach preach according to the Scripture or no Acts 17.10 11. But it may be you wil object and say Is there any that can infallibly search the Scriptures and so be able to try others I answer Christ hath given gifts unto men to try as wel as to teach and it is his command to try Try all things hold fast that which is good 1 Thes 5.21 But it wil be counted a boldness in a man that dwels in a Parish to try the Minister or the Church-Officers but the Church may cal them to account I mean the whole Parish or a select Congregation may cal their Officers to account for they are but as Stewards to the Church I shal conclude with that of the Apostle Peter As every man saith he hath received the gift even so minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God And if any man speak let him speak as from the Lord and if any man minister let him do it as of the ability which God giveth that God in all things may be glorified through Iesus Christ 1 Pet. 4.10 11. There hath been much said Sect. 10 of late about the power of the Church and that this power doth belong and that by Divine Right unto the Officers of the Church and to them only and something hath been writ to that purpose by him that answered the Queries that the Parliament set out but not for him to answer neither did he answer them though he said he did But I reason thus If all the power be in the Church-Officers and the keys be given unto them where shal the body which is the Church whereof these Officers be members find relief in case they should oppress or be found faulty for they are but men and the Shepherd may err as wel as the sheep may go astray as for instance the Bishops said they were the Church and every superstitious Priest in a parish
by promise he shal bruise the head of Goliah cause the Champion of the Philistims to sink in the head of their Army and though they may rise again and bruise his heel yet a stone shal be directed from a sling and shal sink in at Goliahs forehead and he shal fal 2 Chron. 18.19 20 21 22 33 34. 1 Sam. 17.47 48 49 50. And so a man going along the streets Nochance but providence doth all a flie comes into his eye and troubles him and so a tile fals from a house and hurts him Now none of these be accidents in respect of God but through our weakness we cal them so but God hath his design in them all Sect. 9 Now God which made heaven and earth and the sea the round world and all things that are therein Acts 14.15 This God is a wonder-working God and his blessings are unto the the utmost bound of the everlasting hils Gen. 49.26 Now this wonder-working God Psal 107.8 15 21 31 42 43. made and wrought curiously his first Creation that we might behold him in it as in a glass far more curiously then any Artificer can make a curious Watch Lord saith David thou hast wonderfully made me and curiously wrought me out of the dust of the earth or belly of the earth thou hast fashioned me Psa 139.14 15 16. Now all this makes way for the appearance of Christ yet nevertheless man being in this honor abideth not Psal 49.12 Now comes in that which God neither created nor made and that is sin Now God saw every thing that he had made and behold it was very good or very lovely Gen. 1.31 Now God made not sin Sin is none of Gods Creation but a vail over it for sin is very evil and very ugly and sin hath drawn a vail of deformity over the whole Creation that was given to the first Adam Now Adam and Eve seeking themselves and to advance themselves in eating the forbiden fruit they met with sin and sin deceived them both and before they were aware they had slain a man I mean Christ Gen. 3.1 5. And Cain did the like Gen. 4.8 And thus you see what a curious piece of work the first Creation was Instance in Adam while he lay in his form of a man upon the earth before the Lord without life and after the Lord had breathed into him the breath of life he was a very curious piece but he continued but a very short time for he forgot the Law of his God and the Command of his Maker Gen. 2.7 16 17. And so sin and the devil broke in upon him and so in him sin brought shame sorrow pain and grief upon all Gen. 3.7 8 16 17 19. And this is that which the Apostle speaks of and saith The whole Creation groaneth and traveleth in pain until now to be delivered Rom. 8.21 22. And thus you see how sin hath caused a jarring in this earthly and natural Creation 1 Cor. 15 44 45 47. Instance in Adam and Eve and Cain Job So that nowhere is nothing but an earthly sound Every one stands weeping for Christ though they know him not and earthly musick and every man is groaning in the grave of his earth and stands weeping until the Lion of the tribe of Judah teach him to know the time of restauration and the time of refreshing and the time of the new Creation whereby they shal see the heavens that were first made to perish and wax old as a garment and as a vesture God wil fold them up or as a painted-cloth is taken down and folded up so shal these first Heavens and this first Creation be changed But the Heaven of God or the Heaven in God this was never made but was before time and shal swallow up time into eternity and this Heaven shal never fail and when the Lion of the tribe of Iudah shal unloose the seals of the Everlasting Gospel and shal teach men to sing the new song even the song of the Lamb that was slain by Adam and Eve in the eating of the forbiden fruit and so by Cain in slaying of Abel By this Lamb I mean Jesus Christ who shal change men from the first Creation which is ful of sin and misery into the Liberty of the Spirit of the Lord which is the new heaven read these three Scriptures Revel 5.5 8 to the end Hebr. 1.10 11 12. 2 Cor. 3.17 18. But you wil say Object God might have prevented all this misery in the first Creation which you have spoke of My answer is Answ God could have prevented sin if he would for coming into his first Creation but God suffers sin or permits sin to be there therefore God sees sin Psal 94.7 8 9 God permits of many things for his own glory 10 11. God did not create sin nor make it for sin is very evil and that which God made was very good Gen. 1.31 Therefore Gods design is to destroy sin for he sent his own Son into the world for that purpose 1 Ioh. 3.8 Sin shal work for good Rom. 8.28 And Gods design is to bring forth his own glory through all in making a new Creation and bringing forth Jesus Christ God in his first Creation considers the weakness of men in sining that they are but dust Psal 103.14 15. Therefore he saith you have destroyed your selves but in me is your help Hosea 13.9 Now if God look away but a moment mans capacity takes it for anger Sect. 10 Psal 30.5 Then God comes and saith Anger is not in me fury is not in me I wil love you freely for I am love it self Isai 27.4 Hosea 14.4 And though thou hast crucified my Son yet I wil come to thee in the cool of the day that is Christ my son is the day and with thee in him I am wel pleased The Godhead is the womb out of which every good perfect gift doth proceed and my Sons blood shal be a cool plaister to heal thy heat of sin Gen. 3.8 By the washing of regeneration from the womb of the new birth and the renewing of the holy Ghost by which thou shalt be born read Tit. 3.4 5 6. Now the Godhead is the womb of the morning and Christ is the first child in that womb Psal 110.3 And Christ is the bright morning Star in that womb read Revel 22.2 4 5 16. And all those that are Christs are born out of that womb and God sees no sin in himself therefore God sees no sin in that which is born of himself for that which is born of God with reference to Christ cannot sin because it is born of God and is the seed of God 1 Ioh 3.9 And this is the new Creation in which God sees no sin or sees no sin in them or in that Now here God sees no sin in the new creature because it is his seed upon consideration it may be found where sin
shall answer you as Christ answered the Jews If God were your father saith Christ then ye would love your Brethren Joh. 8.38 c. Now mark this all you that verbally say You beleeve in God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth and yet you hate your Brethren as Cain that wicked one did who slew his brother see the reason of it and judg of it among your selves read 1 Iohn 3.12 Now Sect. 3 as Christ was said to be the Mother and proved so Christ may be said to be the childe the spiritual childe that is born Christ must be born in our hearts and then we shall grow or is to be born in men and women that come to be true Christians as the Apostle makes it plain My little children saith he of whom I travel in birth again until Christ be formed in you or born in you Gal. 4.11 19. Mark this all you that minde the shadow more then growing up into the Substance for this spiritual Childe Jesus must be born in thy heart O man or woman as well as in the womb of the Virgin Mary and then this Childe will grow up in thee and wax strong in thy spirit as he did in the days of his flesh and then thy heart shall be filled with wisdom and the grace of God through Jesus Christ will be upon thee or in thee And this Childe Jesus will increase in wisdom and thou O man or woman in whose heart this Childe is born thou shalt be in favor with God and man But I do not mean fleshly man for thou art out of favor with him for he jeers and scoffs at thee like Ishmael for Christs sake as we almost all do at this day though we talk so much of Reformation But thou O man in whose heart this Childe Jesus is born shalt be in favor with God and with the Man Christ and in this favor there is life for evermore Luke 2.40 52. Now I shall confirm what hath been said of the Childe Jesus being born in the heart of a man with Christ in the Spirit now dwelling in the hearts of some men Know ye not saith the Apostle that the spirit of God dwelleth in you and ye are the temple of God and so examine your selves Know ye not how that Iesus Christ is in you 1 Cor. 3.16 2 Cor. 13.5 Now Jesus Christ living in the heart is the ground and the hope of a Christians glory Colos 1.27 Now Christ in God and God in Christ taking up the form of this Childe Jesus and every true believing man and woman and that freely of Free-grace and all this by way of union freely read Phil. 2.6 7 8. Now God in Christ making in himself of two one new man and this by way of union with himself and the Cross of Christ as you may read Ephes 2.15 16. Colos 1.19 20. Sect. 4 Now by way of union with God in two natures every man that hath this Childe Jesus born in his heart and that by vertue of a promise such a man is the new man that the Apostle speaks of Ephes 2.15 Which comes to be made partaker of the divine nature as you may read 2 Pet. 1.3 4. Now if one should say The Childe Jesus is the second wonder in Heaven which the devil in men doth seek for to persecute That the most men in our age nay almost all men doth persecute this Childe Jesus as soon as he begins to be born but in a quite contrary way to that of the Jews and the zealous Pharisees for they persecuted this Childe Jesus from the first unto the last because he came in the form of an unlearned and weak man and he became as a servant and humbled himself for to work out a redemption for his creation Phi 2.7 8 Psal 40.6 7 8. No sufferings like unto Christs suffrings yet these blinde learned Jews and Pharisees persecuted this Jesus in the days of his flesh from the very first unto the last and said he had a devil and came to break the Law and that he was a loose fellow and a gluttonous man and a wine bibber and a friend of leud persons and they laughed him to scorn an spit in his face and struck him upon the face and scourged him and then put a gorgeous robe upon him and jeered at him but not being content with this they platted a crown of thorns and put it on his sacred head from which the precious oyntment runs down upon our souls and when they had crowned him with prickling thorns upon his tender head then they jeered him and said Hail king of the Jews and they put a reed in his right hand and they bowed the knee before him as to a King And thus the learned Jews and the precise Pharisees together with the sotish chief Priests and the rude multitude made a mocking stock of this Childe Jesus For at the first they had no room for him in the Inne but he was fain to be laid in a horse manger and there they sought to destroy him And as soon as he was grown a little in age they thrust him out of their City and led him unto the brow of an hill to cast him down headlong to break his neck thus they made him a man of sorrow and grief all along to the very last after they had made him a King they took off the purple robe from him and put his own raiment on him and led him away to crucifie him and as they went they spit upon him took the reed out of his right hand and smote him on the head and said he was a Malefactor and so to the Cross he must go and there to be hanged that is he had his arms stretched out his merciful hands were both nailed to the Cross both his feet in a cruel manner and there his natural life did languish upon the Cross for som certainhours together and in all this misery these hard hearts mocked at him and gave him vineger to drink mingled with gall and they that passed by railed on him in this distress when he hung by the hands and feet fast nailed to the Cross then they wagging their heads at him and bid him save himself and come down from the Cross Now here is one thing of note the chief Priests with the Scribes among themselves were mocking of Christ Let Christ the King of Israel A ministry or people being ignorant of Christ are the most forward to do all maner of cruelty even unto death that saved others descend from the Cross that we may see and beleeve Mark 15.29 30 31.32 Now Jesus being long upon the Cross for the sin of man at length he gave up the ghost But yet their malice did not rest here though he was dead for they came to break his legs but being prevented of that one of them took a spear and pierced his side or thrust it into his
which is God to lift up his head that he may look into heaven and see the glory of God and Jesus Christ the right hand of God opening himself to receive his poor weary soul O what a refreshing comfort is this unto a dying man to see the heavens of God in Christ opening A beleeving soul sees it self happy and compleat in God through Iesus Christ and the Son of man God-man standing with the souls of men which he hath made just and perfect and they standing as the right hand of God in Christ as a Queen in gold of Ophir All this you may have an instance of in Steven if you do but read Acts 7.55 56. And so likewise in the whole Church of Christ if you do but read Heb. 12.22 23 24. Psal 45.9 And thus a poor soul is received from misery unto glory even into Abrahams bosom that is into the bosom of Jesus Christ where it takes up its rest as Steven did but while the poor soul doth live in this world it shal find trouble For all that do live the life of God in Christ Iesus shal suffer persecution in this world 2 Tim. 3.12 All relations under the Sun variable as the relation to a wife to a family in Church fellowship in professed friends in parents and in children in riches and in outward contentments but in Christ all these are constant and dureable For a mans enemies shal be they of his own houshold Mat. 10.36 Nay in Church fellowship which is like an houshold if they differ in judgment read 1 Pet. 4.16 to 19. If it be so in a mans houshold and in Church fellowship as there is experience between the Presbyterian and the Independent I shal conclude and say as David said It is good for me to draw neer to God and to desire him to plant my confidence and my joy in him alone for in every external condition in this world I shal find trouble But my fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Iesus Christ and spiritually there I shal find good cheer read these Scriptures Psal 73.25 26 28. 1 Iohn 1.3 4. Iohn 16.32 33. Sect. 4 I shal speak now of a precious balsam and a sweet cordial that wil heal all our diseases in this Kingdom that is if the Lord would be pleased to raise a flood of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and cause it to run with a mighty stream into the hearts of the King and the Parliament this would enable them to bear one anothers burthens and so fulfil the Law of Christ that is to restore the poor groaning subjects in the spirit of meekness that they may rejoyce once again Gal. 6.1 2. Now he that ruleth over men must be just mark this ruling in the fear of God read 2 Sam. 23.3 Now my hope is and my desire shal be that God would be pleased through Christ his strong arm to make good that Prophesie in our days which is spoken of in the Prophet Isaiah That Kings may be nursing Fathers and Queens may be nursing mothers in these our days O that we might truly say once out of experience that we are beholding to them as nourishers or for their good nursing Isai 49.23 For this end God did set up Kings at the first as David and Solomon who were types of the spiritual King Jesus and fed their people with wholsom and sweet food that is with a peaceable life as good Magistrates and preserved them in all godliness against those that would harm them and disquiet them Psa 78.70 71 72. But of this we have had but little these many years instance in those domineering Bishops and the high Commission Court which was of long standing and persecuted godliness under the name of Puritans or some other names but I hope it will not be so now therefore let us follow the Apostles Exhortation That prayer be made for Kings and for all that are in Authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty for he or they that ruleth over men must be just ruling in the fear of God 1 Tim. 2.1 2. and 2 Sam. 23.3 Courteous Reader Sect. 5 I shal speak a word or two in my own defence and so conclude Now my first word is When I first set my pen to paper it was not with any sinister respect or by-end but it was for the glory of God Neither was it for profit nor the applause of men for that to me is as a vain thing I speak the words of truth and soberness But seeing the customary and the outside Pharisaicalness which most men and women of all sorts use in matters of Religion Ministers as wel as others this I saw and was at a loss within my self but the Lord did teach me to consider of it and then I went to glean as Ruth did into the field of Boaz read Ruth 2.7 8 9. But the field that mine eyes was upon to glean in it was not the field of external Art nor the field of a great Library for that is to learn to speak other mens words which I disclaim But mine eyes were upon that only one field where I gleaned among the sheaves and that field is the Scriptures the only one Book which I had and no more and that is the Bible which is the Word of God Now courteous Reader I have gleaned and am satisfied and I commend that unto you which I have reserved and as Naomi did make use of the barley which Ruth did glean as you may read Ruth 2.18 so I desire that you may be wise to make use of what hath been said for your own good and I shal be glad Sect. 6 Now my second and last word is to the Christ-baptized man or woman for I speak unto thee O man or woman who art inwardly taught by the sweet Spirit of God hast that unction from the holy One which wil teach thee to know all things for that anointing abideth in thee an● teacheth thee all truths and thou shalt abide in him or it 1 Iohn 2.20 27. Therefore I speak to thee O man or woman who art baptized with the Spirit of Christ because thou art the best able to discern between wheat and chaff True Christian Reader when I first set pen to paper my heart was inabled to indite of matter concerning the Lord of Lords and I spake of things touching Christ the King and my heart was stirred within me as the water is when it bubbleth up or the water which the fire boyleth And I was made able by the sweet Spirit of God who did blow sweet gales of wind spiritually into my heart Ioh. 3.8 And I was so refreshed by them for they so comforted my heart that my tongue became as the pen of a ready writer The knowledg of the mystery of God in the flesh of Christ the Saints and the givings forth of the Spirit are not got by
becomes strong to shut the door against sin p. ibid. A defence of the doctrine of free grace p. 268. Who the most of men and women fall in with in these times p. 268. § 5. Whence 't is that many learned men are meer fumblers in speaking of free grace p. 269. What 's the cloud that lies upon the doctrine of free grace p. 270. § 6. What is the banqueting house into which a Christian is brought p. 271. How a Christian opens himself in his longings to Christ p. 272. Of the work of the third person in the blessed Trinity p. 273. § 7. The ayr in which a Christian lives is God himself p. 275. What is the appearance of God to sinners § 8. To whom the appearance of God is pleasant p. 277. The multitudes mistake of God 278. Whether sin came into the world by accident p. 279. That accidents are not against but for God ibid. Not chance but providence doth all p. 280. Sect. 9. Of the author use and end of the first Creation p. 281. Sin is none of Gods Creation but a vail over it p. 282. That Christ was slain by Adam and Eve ibid. How Sin and the Devil broke in upon man ibid. How the whole Creation greans till Christ appear p. 283. What is the heaven of God ibid. God permits of many things for his own glory p. 284. § 10. The Godhead is the womb out of which-every good and perfect gift doth proceed p. 285. God sees no sin in the new Creature because it is his seed p. 286. What is that ayr of which Satan is the Prince p 287. Sect. 11. That there were and yet are false Prophets many p. 288. Want of humane learning is no let in revealing Christ p 289. Why unlearned men that beleeve speak more truly of heaven then others p. 290. What is the great sin of England ibid. How our English Clergie are divided p. 291. Few of our learned men can speak experimentally of Father Son and holy Spirit p. 291 292. Sect. 12. That God hath made use of illiterate men for the propagating of the truth in these times 293. What are the foolish things the world despise 294. Sect. 13. What the Apostle Paul would say if he were now living in England 296. Whence Wars arise 296 297. The child Jesus is the first wonder in heaven 298. CHAP. X. THe Scriptures opened and applied set down P. 299. Sect. 1. The womb in the which the Children of God are conceived 302. What a one a lame Minister is ibid. § 2. What are the brests the New Creature is nourished by 303. Christs tenderness a president to the Ministers of this age That many call God Father who hate his children 305. § 3. How Christ is said to be both mother and child P. 305. That the holy child Jesus must be born in the heart of man ibid. How Christ is the ground and hope of a Christians glory 306. How a Christian comes to partake of of the divine nature 307. § 4. How the Jews dealt with Christ in his low estate 307. Christ overcame the malice of the world with love 308 309. § 5. How a man comes to look within the vail 312. That a Christian is Gospelized by Christ 313. The heart of man is the pulpit in the which the spirit of grace preacheth 314. § 6. That Christ is but one illustrated by a simile taken from the Sun ibid. A true beleeving man is a shining star and a royal diadem in the hand of Christ 317. § 7. What is the light of that world to come in the which the beleever walks 317. Christ is the King of that City to which the Saints fly for rest 318. Christ is the life of the oppressed soul 319. That a poor soul hath the substance of faith within it self 320. Sect. 8. The soul is weak in faith when it saith Christ is far from it 321. The soft hand of the Gospel moveth the heart of a man to a godly sorrow 322 The rough hand of the law unskilfully handled hardens the heart of men 322 323. What Cains enmity of Abel was a type of 323. Sect. 9. The rough handlers of the Law set forth by Esau 324. What was Jacobs savory meat ibid. Many handle the law as the Pharisees quite out of Christ 325. The Law in the hands of Christ turns to be Gospel 325. Pauls conversion well opened 325 326 Sect. 10. The madness of those in the Guildhal-yard taxed 326. That the Law is planted by Christ in the heart of him that beleeves 327. The fruit of rigid Presbyterianism 328. Sect. 11. A sad complaint of a troubled soul P. 330. Sect. 12. To which is a spiritual reply for consolation 332 333. CHAP. XI THe Scriptures insisted on set down P. 334. Sect. 1. Christ is the seed of God growing up through the earthiness of mens hearts 337. How Christ the seed of God lyes hid in the earth of the first Adams heart 336. Christ is the day of God in the which the loftiness of man is layd low 337. That a Christian in trouble is as a woman in travel till he bring forth Christ in the knowledg of him in his heart Rev. 12. 337. What is the grave-clothes many a man is buried in 338. Sect. 2. A word of consolation to one troubled every day ibid. VVhat are those treasures that are hid in Christ for a Christian 339. What it is for a Christian to look into the Ark of Gods strength P. 339. That a Christian in his trouble hath an Angel from heaven to comfort him as Christ had 340. How God remembers the sin of his people no more ibid. Why chastisements from the Lord are upon the Christian 341. Sect. 3. That God doth not punish a Christian for sin ibid. Christ is as a privy Chamber for the soul to retire into to refresh it self 342 343. Tryals are given and taken away again according as God pleaseth 344. Sect. 4. The commodities of Christ are his graces and they run forth freely to sinners 344. Most men complement and dissemble with Jesus Christ 345. Who were the Citizens that hated Christ ibid. Of the trouble raised at Guildhal of late by some Citizens 346. Sect. 5. What kind of bargain Christ makes with a beleeving sinner 347. A man that hath been in the Mount with Christ gives an excellent report of him P. 347. Christ the power of God is a Christians might 348. Grace discovers sin ibid. Those that strike at a Christian hit Christ first 349. S. 6. The greatest sinner Christ calls to himself to do cure on him 350. A whisper in the ear of the young men of the City that made that ado at the Parliament door Guidhal and elsewhere 350 351 That they did as Paul did whiles he was Saul ibid. That Christ is calling and alluring them to himself 351. A word to the old men that had their hand in the same thing ibid. That good men may do bad
of Jerusalem knew the Commandments of God and were strickt in their Traditions and yet none broke the Commandments of God more then they for they were blind and yet they said we see and so they supposed to draw nigh to honor God but it was with the mouth and the lips their hearts being far from me saith our Savior as you may see in Mat. 15. from ver 1. to 9. For in vain do they worship me saith our Savior that break my Fathers Laws and teach men so to do Sect. 2. Take heed and beware of an outside and a seeming shew of zeal for God as those had in Rom. 10.2 3. For I bear them record saith the Apostle that they have a zeal of God but not according to knowledg For they being ignorant could not find the way to Gods righteousness so went about to establish their own works and so submitted not to Jesus Christ Sect. 3. Take heed and beware of being partners with Christ and laying claim to do something with him as many do in these our days laying too much weight upon their prayers and fastings and all other holy performances Mistake me not I prize them highly when Christ is all in them For he is alone and of the people there was none with him Isa 63.3 No intercessor Therefore Christs arm brings salvation and deliverance alone in all straits Isa 59.16 Take heed and follow not the example of Ziba in that unjust act of dividing with his Master as you may read 2 Sam. 16.1 2 3 4. verses compared with cap. 19.26 27 28 29. Christ is our Master we must not divide with him for in all things he wil have the preeminence Col. 1.18 Take heed likewise of making a bargain with him for the laborer had his peny but it was with this answer Go thy way as you have it in Mat 20.2 13 14. But to conclude with that woful miscarriage of the Jews in Rom. 9.31 32. But Israel which followed after the Law of Righteousness hath not attained to the Law of Righteousness What is the reason because saith the Apostle they sought it not by faith but as it were by the works of the Law partly by their works partly by Christ O! it is a sweet and a precious work of the Spirit of Christ for man and woman to be brought wholy from themselves and set wholy upon Christ the root of Jesse out of which root doth flow Light and Life Rest and Peace the Spirit of Knowledg and a right Understanding and of the fear of the Lord and unfained Love flowing forth to the Lord Jesus Christ and to all the Saints To conclude Take notice of those words in Rom. 9.32 but as it were by the works of the Law as it is to be feared many in these days do and so stumble at Jesus Christ Consider what is said but God must give thee understanding Take heed of Self-Righteousness Sect. 4 a disease which is ancient for Moses complains of it in his time and Christ tels the Pharisees of it in Luk. 16.15 Ye are they which justifie your selves before men but God knoweth your hearts Speak not thou in thine heart for my righteousness the Lord hath done this for me Deut. 9.4 The righteousness of Christ the riches of his goodness leadeth man to Repentance but the conceited righteousness of man lifteth up the heart but the heart that 's lifted up is not right the heart that 's lifted up is ful of several vanities as a high look private censures disdainful behavior Psa 101.5 Vain thoughts about their sacrifice as those in Isa 65.5 Which say Stand by thy self come not neer to me for I am holier then thou these are a smoak in my nose saith the Lord a fire that burneth all the day Beware of carnal confidence Sect. 5 and be not like to those Pharisees in the 9. of John which rest upon the Scriptures and not upon Jesus Christ as you may read in the 28 29. Verses And they reviled him that was blind and said Thou art his Disciple but we are Moses Disciples We know that God spake unto Moses as for this fellow meaning Iesus Christ we know not say they from whence he is Search the Scriptures saith our Savior for they testifie of me for in them ye think ye have eternal life by working out as it were your salvation and ye wil not come to me that ye might have life freely Ioh. 5.39 40. The Father himself which hath sent me hath born witness of me Mat. 17.5 This is my beloved Son hear ye him But you have despised me and those that follow me Joh. 7.49 1 Cor. 1.27 28. I bring good tydings to the world I open the blind eyes of the body and of the understanding I set at liberty those that are bound up in prison by their sins and bid them be of good cheer Mat. 9.2 I break the heart and bind it up comfortably again I come not to cal the righteous but sinners to repentance The goodness of Christ to be amongst sinners makes the Pharisees murmur Luk. 5.29 30 31. The whole need not a Physitian but they that are sick For which of these good works do you persecute me and those that follow me You know not the gift of God for all your zeal for God and I know you that ye have not the love of God in you For I came out of the bosom of the Father and ye hate me but do not think I wil accuse you to the Father there is one that accuseth you even Moses in whom ye trust Take heed how Sect. 6 and what ye see for the Iews said we see but saw no form or comeliness in Iesus Christ whose beauty they desired not Isa 53.2 Take heed likewise how and with what you are rich Thou sayst I am rich Rev. 3.17 but thou art miserable poor blind and naked and thy garments wi not cover thy nakedness There is a poor rich man but God has purposed in himself the poor in spirit that are in this world shal be made rich with the riches of his free grace Eph. 1.7 8 9. And these Riches are in me saith Iesus Christ Prov. 8.18 yea durable riches and righteousness So likewise there is a rich poor man as you may see in the forenamed place Rev. 3.17 Thou sayst I am rich but thou art poor without me saith Christ Though thou hast great possessions in the world as the young-man in the Gospel came to Christ rich but went away without him therefore he was poor as many men and women in the world that be rich but not from the Creation of Christ Iesus in them Christ Iesus comes down from heaven loden with spiritual riches and sends forth his voyce and cries My commodity is better then gold yea then fine gold I wil lead you in the way of righteousness Prov. 8.19 20. Now Christ Iesus comes amongst the Scribes and Pharisees and the Iews and the Lawyers and the
Chief Priests and these were zealous men and had the Scriptures of the Prophets and Christ was dayly in the midst of them and councelled them to buy of his gold and of his white rayment and of his eye-salve that they might see Rev. 3.18 But now Christ being in the likeness of a poor man and these Pharisees being rich of themselves they would have none of his treasures but scorned and derided him Luk. 16.14 Insomuch that he told them That the Publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you Mat. 21.31 As you may see in Heb. 11.31 By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that beleeved not Thus the Prince of Peace could have no place amongst the Scribes and Pharisees to put off his heavenly treasure but sent for the same and the blind and the foolish and weak and base and despised creatures to confound the wisdom of this world as you may read 1 Cor. 1.27 28. and so in Acts 13.46 But seeing you put Christ the Word of God from you lo we turn to the Gentiles saith the Apostle for they wil be glad and rejoyce in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ but you wil not vers 48. Sect. 7 Take heed and beware of being like unto the Pharisees in your prayers And when ye pray use not vain repetitions as the heathen do for they think that they shal be heard for their much speaking Mat. 6.7 Eccles 7.16 These words were spoken by our Savior in his Sermon upon the Mount he being in the midst of the Scribes and Pharisees who unjustly taxt him for coming to break the Law Mat. 5.17 But he knowing their hearts justly taxed them of their hypocrisie For they love to stand in the corners of the streets and in the Synagogues and to say their prayers that they may be seen of men Mat. 6.5 Now a Pharisaical-spirited man or woman may say a prayer but they cannot pray because they josle or croud out the Spirit of Jesus Christ from them Now the reason why a Pharisee shuffles out Iesus Christ from him is because Christ wil be all in all but a Pharisaical man or woman wil not have it so for they wil be some thing of themselves in their prayers and in their fasting and Iesus Christ shal not be all as you may see in Mat. 6. and Mark 12.38 39 40. But more plainly in Rom. 9.32 where the Apostle doth plainly express in ten words the words are these but as it were by the works of the Law that is partly by their own works they looked for to have what they had and partly by Iesus Christ and so they missed of Christ and stumbled at him and thus the Pharisees do and this was the condition of the Iews but especially of the precise Pharisees in that age and in all ages down to this day And so now the most men and women in the world that seem to be religious are like unto that unjust servant Ziba as you read of him in 2 Sam. 19.29 and so in Chap. 16.1 2 3 4. Verses Ziba wil divide with his Master and so the Pharisee with Jesus Christ Now the Pharisee's heart being lifted up he wil be something with Christ in all that he doth as you read in Luk. 18.9 10 11 22. He wil be something in his prayers and something in his humiliation and he wil do something in his preparations and in his qualifications to fit him for Christ and to deserve from God as those people that Moses brought out of the Land of Egypt to possess the good Land for which they said for my righteousness the Lord hath brought me in to possess this Land No saith Moses Not for thy righteousness for thou art a stiff-necked people against Jesus Christ and thou dost set up thy own righteousness together with him Deut. 9.4 5 6. Note To be something 2. Note To be nothing To be something in our selves is a principle of corrupt nature But to be nothing in our selvs is a principle of divine grace Lord saith David what am I and what is my fathers house and what is this people all that we do is from thy hand 1 Chro. 29.14 And so likewise Paul speaking of the appearance of Christ to him as to one born out of due time that is an untimely birth which comes to nothing so Paul accounts of himself as nothing But by the grace of God saith he I am something By grace I am what I am 1 Cor. 15.8 9 10. But now on the contrary you may see To be something in our selves is to be like that proud Pharisee that stood and prayed thus with himself God I thank thee I am not as other men are or even as this Publican for I fast twice in the week I give tithes of all to the Priests Here is one something of himself and despises others as you may read in Luk. 18.9 10 11 12. And so likewise in Isa 65.5 you have them that say Stand by thy self come not neer to me for I am holier then thou Compare this place with that in Luke and you shal see a Pharisee hangs upon every thing that he doth But he wil not come to Jesus Christ because he cannot forsake himself Therefore he hangs upon his prayers and upon his humiliations and thinks they wil satisfie God and procure favor and peace from God for him and so for preparations He thinks to fit himself with his own qualifications for Christ and if at any time he seem to come to Christ it wil be by vertue of something in himself but as it were by my own works Rom. 9.32 And if God at any time cast any thing upon him that he would have then in his heart he saith my power and my performances hath gotten me these things and so he robs Christ of his glory Deut. 8.17 CHAP. II. The Spiritual Opening and Application of these Scriptures VIZ. Psa 69.12 Neh. 6.6 Joh. 12.19 Joh. 7.47 48 49. Joh. 12.10 11. Acts 15.50 Jer. 7.4 14. Mat. 7.21 22 23. Luk. 18.18 Ezek. 36.20 21 22 23. Isa 43.25 Numb 14.12 13 17 18 19. Psa 25.11 Tit. 3.5 Jer. 33.6 Isa 58.2 3 4 5 6 7. Joh. 8.42 Joh. 14.6 Heb. 10.29 Isa 48.17 Job 8.13 14. Eph. 5.5 Luk. 12.19 Psa 116.7 Isa 1.11.15 CHrist is the best thing that ever God sent down from Heaven Sect. 1 as Christ told Martha there is one thing needful But the Pharisees saw no need of him and though they seem to come to him yet they would never be quiet til they had sent him out of the world again as you may see an instance in Mark 15.9 10 11. for Pilate knew that the Chief Priests and the Pharisees had delivered him up for envy And the Chief Priests and Pharisees moved the people This is worth the taking notice of The Pharisees and the Chief Priests moved the people Is not this true in our days Do not those
a comparison of the Pharisee and of the outside Christian which I shal make good by four places of Scripture And the first place of Scripture is in Mark 11.13 concerning the Fig-tree And Christ seeing a fig-tree afar off having leaves he came if haply he might find any thing thereon and when he came to it he found nothing but leaves Here are three things remarkable with relation to a Pharisee or an outside Christian The first is Christ sees a Pharisee afar off he sees into their hearts he sees them proud afar off he tels them they are as graves ful of rottenness Luk 11.42 43 44. Secondly Christ comes to the Pharisees and they reject him Joh. 11.47 48 53. and took counsel together to put Christ to death Thirdly Christ finds nothing in a Pharisee but leaves and these leaves are not for the healing of the Nations as is spoken of in Rev. 22.2 But rather a bringing in of judgment and a wounding of a Nation as Adam and Eve did by seeking themselves in eating the forbidden fruit they brought sin upon the Nations of the world and so became naked and they sewed fig-leaves together to hide their nakednes Gen. 3.7 And this is the Pharisee's way But I wil shew you a more excellent way The Lord God himself made coats of skins for Adam and Eve and covered their nakedness and in his goodness said The seed of the woman meaning Christ should spread his skirt of love over them and cover their spiritual nakedness Gen. 3.15 21. Ezek. 16.8 And thus much shal serve by way of comparing the Pharisee to the Fig-tree that had leaves but no fruit for Christ The second comparison that I shal make of the Pharisees is this They are like to those Soldiers that led Christ away to crucifie him and after they had done then they did strive for his garments Mark 15.16 24. The Pharisees caused Christ to be put to death and I beleeve that there are Pharisees now that though they cannot reach the person of Christ yet they can reach the members of Christ to kil them in their outward comforts and in their good name and in reproaching of them for if they have done so to the green tree what wil they do to the dry tree and if they have put Christ to death they wil proceed to put Lazarus to death also Joh. 12.9 10 11. And yet they wil strive for Christs garments I mean they wil strive for the ordinances of Christ and seem to take delight in them as a man doth in his garments as you may plainly read in Isa 58.2 And yet they are like dying men whose garments can neither warm them nor keep life in them If Jesus Christ be not the life and the heat in all his ordinances though you lap your selves about with them as with a garment yet you may perish for want of heat for it is the Spirit of Christ that gives forth heat and makes men lively It is the Spirit that quickneth saith Christ the letter profiteth nothing Joh. 6.63 Jesus Christ tels the Pharisees that they are miserable and naked Rev. 3.17 No say the Pharisees for we have the ordinances of God and our duties and these are as garments to cover our nakedness Now this is a strain of spirit that doth rest upon most people and Ministers as one may hear in these expressions Since we have begun these morning Exercises saith one God hath given us in 70 victories but mark what the Lord saith these victories be but the effects therefore ascribe not too much to your prayers but consider the cause Not for your sakes O house of Israel nor for your prayers be it known unto you but for mine holy Names sake are these victories given unto you Ezek. 36.22 Yet I wil be sought unto saith the Lord. O! Sect. 3 it is a sweet thing to pray when the Spirit of Jesus Christ teacheth and helpeth us to pray then we shal set the Crown of praise upon the head of Christ alone for the Spirit it self helpeth us so to do Rom. 8.26 But it is a bad thing to set the crown of praise upon the head of our prayers and performances O that we could do our duties out of love to Christ alone and then take our hearts and our hands off from them and have our eyes fixed upon Christ alone and not upon our duties for why should we be like the Hen that when she hath done her duty she tels all about her Simile The Pharisee seemeth to be much for the praise of God yet hath but little or no acquaintance with Jesus Christ Give God the praise saith the Pharisee to the blind man that was cured and as for this Follow meaning Jesus Christ we know not from whence he is Joh. 9.24 29. A Pharisee doth not really know Jesus Christ therefore he doth carnally complement with Christ Iesus Good Master saith the Pharisee what shal I do that I may get heaven Why saith Christ thou knowest the Commandments and yet thou canst not spel my Name in them therefore thou art miserable poor and naked No saith the Pharisee I am not so for I have observed all those Commands that thou didst bid me from my youth to this day Wel saith Christ I see into thy heart and that is not right to me for all that thou hast done Mark 10.17 18 19 20 21. And this web saith Christ which thou dost trust unto shal be as a spiders web and shal not cover thy nakedness and this staff which thou dost lean upon shal be as the spiders house But it shal not stand though thou shalt hold it fast it shal not endure Job 8.13 14 15. Though a Pharisee seem to come to Christ yet at the same time he doth thrust Jesus Christ away from him Now the third comparison Sect. 4 that I shal make of the Pharisee or outside Christian is this Now a Pharisee is like unto a Papist in two things The first is this A Pharisee is one that seems to worship God zealously but hath no knowledg of Iesus Christ I bear them record saith the Apostle that they have a zeal of God but not of Christ Rom. 10.2 3. and so they are ignorant of the true way which God wil be worshiped in which true way is Iesus Christ Joh. 14.6 I am the Way and the Truth saith our Savior And God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in Truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him or inables such and then they worship him spiritually in Christ Iesus Joh. 4.23 24. Search the Scriptures saith our Savior to the Pharisees for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they testifie of me And ye wil not come to me that ye might have life Now a Pharisee or an outside Christian searches the Scriptures as a Papist searches his beads by number and by tale and when they have done they
you M. Edwards like unto those in the Acts that cryed out against Paul when he had spoken of Jesus Christ And do not you so cry out Mr Edwards against these men saying Away with such fellows out of the Kingdom for it is not fit that they should live amongst us read Acts 22.22 23 24 25. And in your tenth head you charge them under the name of Sectaries with hypocrisie under pretences of piety and holiness pag. 61. M. Edwards do not these ten heads which you have layd down to accuse your brethren though falsly come forth from you like unto those ten horns which came out of the seven heads and these seven heads are seven mountains and this is the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carryed her Read Rev. 17.7 9 12 13 14 25. The Lord teach us to know this mystery and a false Prophet for there is a mystery of iniquity as wel as of godliness as the Apostle speaks in 2 Thes 2.2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11. Now in the next place M. Edwards Are not your ten Heads which you have produced in your 61. page like unto the horns which the Prophet Zechariah speaks of and wil you push the Church with these horns and scatter Israel and Iudah Here you may see a power that did scatter Israel or here you may see a mountain of power that wil scatter Israel But who art thou O great mountain before Zerubbabel that is before Iesus Christ thou shalt become a plain Zech. 4.7 For the Lord hath shewed me four Carpenters saith the Prophet Then said I What come these to do And he spake saying These are the horns which have scattered Iudah so that no man did lift up his head but these are come to fray them or to cut them off and to cast out the horns of the Gentiles which lift up their horn over the Land of Iudah to scatter it Zech. 1.19 20 21. This was the Prophets glorious vision concerning the power of Christ which is not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of our Lord Iesus Christ And he shal bring forth the head stone of Reformation in the hearts and spirits of men and then we should serve one another in love and rejoyce with shoutings crying Grace grace unto it Zech. 2.6 7. Mr Edwards I think you are but little or nothing at all acquainted with these sweet workings of the Spirit of Christ But with the former places which I have named I think you are very skilful because you give your mouth to reproaching and your tongue is like unto a horn that gores your neighbors and brethren and this you do as it were out of zeal pushing the members of Christ up and down like unto Saul Being exceedingly mad against them he persecuted them even unto strange cities Acts 26.11 Acts 22.3 4 5. And yet for all this Mr Edwards you say you are a Minister of Jesus CHRIST which seemeth very strange But Mr Edwards Sect. 8 I pray you from whence had you your ministerial gifts I beleeve you wil say either from Cambridg or Oxford and there you learned your Arts and the Tongues and you can talk of the Fathers by roat and by your Logick you mistake and cal white black that is you cal Truth Error Mistake me not I highly prize the use of Tongues and all humane Learning in its place but this wil not prove you to be a Minister of the Gospel but only a Minister of men and so sent out from amongst men The Lord teach the people this mystery Saul was a Minister of the Gospel if this rule be true before he knew Iesus Christ and the Gospel for he had all humane Learning and yet was no Minister of the Gospel as he himself confesseth I was brought up saith he at the feet of Gamaliel a learned Rabby and taught according to the perfect manner of the Law of the fathers and was zealous towards God as ye all are this day And I persecuted this way unto the death binding and delivering into prisons both men and women as also the high Priest doth bear me witness read Acts 22.3 4 5. Acts 26.9 10 11. Acts 8.3 4. And thus you may see what it is to be a Minister sent out only from men A Minister sent out from men is a Minister of Terror and not of Tenderness a Minister of the Law and not of the Gospel a Minister of the Letter and not of the Spirit And so likewise in the next place Ministers sent out only from men may be able externally to prophesie and to work miracles as those Ministers do that are sent out from God as for instance the wise men of Egypt did cast down their rods and they became serpents in like manner as Aarons rod did but Aarons rod had the preeminency Exod. 7.10 11 12. And so likewise Ahabs false Prophets externally did the same things that the true Prophet of the Lord did These false Prophets did chuse one bullock for themselves and cut it in pieces and laid it on wood in like manner as Elijah the true Prophet did but they had no heavenly fire but Elijah the true Prophet called on the name of the Lord and he was answered by fire from heaven but the false Prophets had no answer from Baal Therefore they were mad before the Altar and the God that answered by fire he was God read 1 Kings 18.21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 38. Levit. 9.24 And thus you may see how far the false Prophets may go in external performances they may run when God doth not send them Jer. 14.12 13 14 15 16. and so seduce the people Ezek. 13.10 11. and heal the hurts of the people slightly And this they do in seting the old Adam up without the strength of the new Adam Jer. 6.13 14. And for this the Lord cals them idols speakers of vanity diviners false dreamers that comfort in vain Zech. 10.2 5. And use their tongues and say the Lord he saith but this doth not profit the people The Prophet that hath a dream let him tel a dream and he that hath my Word faith the Lord let him speak my Word faithfully What is the chaff to the wheat saith the Lord Jer. 23.28 31 32. Take heed M. Edwards the false Prophets are like unto chaff but the true Prophets are like unto wheat The Old Testament declares that the false Prophets ran up down amongst the true Prophets Consider those Scriptures forenamed And shal we think to be free now in the time of the Gospel No saith our Savior There shal arise false Christs and false Prophets Mat. 24.24 and they wil have a shew of godliness like the Pharisees but they cannot see the power of it and so they become proud and covetous false accusers fierce despisers of those that are good striving after high matters loving of pleasures and profit read 2 Tim. 3.2 3 4 5. M. Edwards I pray you
Faith in a customary way as the most of you do and almost all the kingdom besides Much may be said of faith in word and in tongue but very little said in faith in deed and in truth 1 John 3.18 Much may be said in formality but very little said in spirituality and is not this discernable to be in men and women of yeers and of several opinions which are like unto children taught of men for to read a form of letters and to turn them into words and so they speak like children in understanding 1 Corinth 14.20 One word concerning young children Sect. 6 Christ shews his good will unto them and takes them up in his arms and blesseth them Mark 10.16 and makes a promise unto them Acts 2.39 and this promise begets faith in them Heb. 12.2 Now the God of all grace and power is not beholding to the strength of natural parts or the number of days and yeers to make a believing soul for a childe in the womb or newly born out of the womb is a fit subject for God Almighty and for Jesus Christ to ingraft faith and all other graces in their tender souls and why then will not you admit them to the ordinance of baptism I know you will say because they cannot make a confession of their faith I a●k have you the gift of discerning for to know whether or no your men and women in yeers make a confession in faith or not You will say you cannot look into their hearts I ask how know you then whether they speak truth or no You will say you ought to have charity towards them I pray you in like manner have charity towards young children for they are object of Gods love in Christ As for instance Jacob have I loved in the womb Rom. 9.11 12 13. Mal. 1.2 And so likewise Christ is the object of his childes love though it be in the womb Instance The babe leaped in my womb saith Elizabeth for joy or with joy in Christ Luk. 1.43 44. John 3.29 And so instance in Jerem. 1.5 And so in that remarkable instance of Moses where you may see the tender eye of God ever over them for to preserve them in all straits and dangers in the womb and at their mothers brest and in their grown age read Exod. 2.3 4 6 7 8. Loving and Christian friends I have made bold to speak a word or two unto you but with submission to better judgments one word more and I shall conclude Friends in love I conceive you are very dark in the spirituality of the Gospel the Presbyterians are against you and call you Anabaptists and you are against the Presbyterians but I shall make bold to tell you both what my judgment is of you both I conceive for the greatest part of you both Ministers and people That the Scriptures are to the learned as a book that is sealed and the unlearned say they cannot read this book but are taught the fear of the Lord by the precept of men Isai 29.11 12 13. Yet they have the letter of this book in a form but want the spiritual part of it which is Light and Love and for want of this we are in a wilderness of war and in a red sea of blood Is Jesus Christ and the Scriptures become a pillar of a cloud that is dark unto you Anabaptists and to you Presbyterians especially such angry ones and rigged ones as Master Edwards is in his Gangraena who would set up a form of Religion and all that cannot sit down in that form must be of no esteem among men Nay we will proceed against them as Sectaries and thrust them out of the Kingdom as the Egyptians did the Israelites Exod. 12.33 39. But stay a while The angel of God Jesus Christ will go in a pillar of fire and in the pillar of the cloud for to be a light unto the despised ones but no new light Mark this you that jeer at new light but in a pillar of a cloud that is dark to you that are despisers of your brethren the Scriptures are as a cloud that gives light to Israel but they are a cloud and darkness to the Egyptians so that they could not see for to come to the Israelites for to do them any harm at all because the angel of God which went before Israel removed and went behinde them in the pillar of the cloud and that part of the cloud that was towards Israel gave them light in the night but that part of the cloud which was towards the Egyptians was darkness to them Exod. 14.19 20. A word in next place Sect. 7 concerning verbal confession before Elders or others and so of an outside profession before men Now to lean upon this as most do it will not profit us Outward piety without inward purity of heart is like unto a painted sepulchre full of dead mens bones Wherefore saith the outside Christian have I fasted and prayed and wherefore have I afflicted my soul and thou takest no notice of me Mark the Argument Isai 58.3 Not for my works saith the true believing man nor for my prayers and performances but thy goodness O Lord moved thee to look upon me read Titus 3.4 5 6. For my righteousness saith the outside Professor The Lord will open heaven to me and I most do something with Christ for life that God may bless me on earth Deuter. 9.4 5. But the true believing Christian saith My righteousnesses are as filthy rags and I am as an unclean thing but I am pure and clean in Jesus Christ and I shall be clothed in fine linnen clean and white which linnen is the righteousness of Christ for Saints Isai 64.6 Revel 19.8 I have done saith the carnal Professor many works in thy name O Jesus I have preached and I have been baptized and I receive the Sacrament and I gave alms to the poor and I am a member of a Church and will not all this deserve heaven O Jesus together with thy help No saith Christ I will be all in all things to men or else I will be nothing at all to men therefore you that will do something with me in that I will not own you depart from me for this is a work of iniquity Mat. 7.22.23 25.11 12. But the true believing man or woman says Though they live and move and act yet not they but Christ liveth in them the life which we now live it is from Jesus Christ and by his strength we do all that we do and he shall have all the praise for he works all our works for us and in us Gal. 2.20 Isai 26.12 There hath been and is now much ado about confession of sin but most men mistake in the doing of this thing for to receive a report of sin by tradition from the learned or others in a customary way this is soon slighted over without love to God without any dislike to sin with a fancy
or would insist upon this divine matter which is the Substance of Religion in exalting of Christ and making out of Christ before the people then it would be something likely that the people would not dote so much as they do about shadows and outsides in matters of Religion crying up the shadow and the outside as the Jews did and yet remain ignorant of the Spiritual part of Religion which is the Substance of Religion Now to let you know Sect. 12 what I mean by shadows and outsides in matters of Religion Do but consider seriously these places of Scripture Isai 1.11 12. 58.2 3. Iere. 7.4 8 14. 5.30 31. Now when the Substance of Religion is come into you or amongst you then your Pharisaical shadows and outsides wherein you trust will vanish and Christ will be all in all unto you and in you instance in Paul Phil. 3.4 5 6 7 8. Now as I spake before of two sorts of Clergy men that were striving about the sha●ows and outsides I do not mean all of them for I am perswaded that a few of them are feelingly acquainted with the substance and power of Religion but for the most part of them they have done and do now strive for outsides and for forms in matters of Religion and neglect the Substance of Religion which is to speak of Christ spiritually Now therefore the most part being full of brain-knowledg and humane eloquence and so with the help of School-Arts and the Tongues they can dispute learnedly for outside forms But while they are thus striving one with another it pleases God to raise up a third man or men which we commonly call mechanick men or illiterate men and use to say These are foolish men and these are weak men And some amongst us out of their pride and ignorance call them base mechanick fellows and simple unlearned men and so make a jeer at them or a jest of them and so they become as things which are dispised though it may be they can speak better rhetorique of the Heaven of God then some of your Doctors and learned Rabbies Now let me tell you that God hath chosen these things which are foolish as you call them or these foolish men Now if you ask me What God hath chosen these foolish men for to do the Apostle Paul will answer you and give you the reason and the ground of it The reason is for to destroy the wisdom of the worldly wise or the wisdom of the flesh For God calls for the worldly wise and saith where is the fleshly scribe and where is the carnal disputer of this world for I will make the wisdom of these men foolish Now the ground of the reason is That no flesh should glory in his presence and say I have done this and by my wisdom I have done that and I hold it wisdom in me to be industrious for to do something to please God Now mark what the Apostle saith in another place There is but one God who is first of all and he will be above all and the loftiness of mens wisdom shall be below all saith the Prophet and the glorious outside Pharisees shall be brought low saith our Lord Christ and the Lords wisdom alone shall be exalted in that day saith the Prophet And the high looks and the great strength of men and all their natural parts with their wit and humane policy shall be confounded saith the Lord. For it is written saith the Apostle he that glorieth let him glory in the Lord. The Apostle being in the Church of the Corinthians amongst many he took notice of some which had a spirit of pride ignorance contempt and disdaining of their Brethren and Neighbors as it is even now in the Church of England And in all Parishes more or less there is a despising and a disdaining of those which God loves and a speaking such words of them as the Apostle speaks calling them foolish things and week things and base things and things which are despised and things which are to be of no account But let me tell you what these foolish base and despised things are they are men and women fearing God Now the Apostle taking the part of the weak ones and the despised ones and the unlearned ones in his time he takes occasion for to speak the speech and the language of those that did vaunt themselves in their pride over their Brethren and Neighbors talking much of the Law of God and of Reformation and yet themselves quite out of the exercise of love to their Brethren as you have it upon record and written for our learning read 1 Cor. 1.18 to the end and so likewise read 1 Corinth 13.4 5 6 7 8. 1 John 3.11 12 13. Now what think you Sect. 13 if that the Apostle were living now in the Church of England and should take notice of the most in all Parishes in England would he not say that they were carnal and walk as men Some proud and ignorant and some ignorant and yet zealous Now as Saint James saith in the fourth Chapter of his Epistle and the first verse From whence saith he come the wars of the tongue Now Christ answers and tells us the place from whence wars arise Out of the heart saith he proceedeth evil thoughts pride and an evil eye against your Neighbors Mark 7.21 22. And the Apostle he comes and rehearses and explains the temper of our times and tells our ignorant-zealous ones that would rather raise a new war then miss their designe or be prevented of their end And though they reproachfully call those that God hath chosen by the name of foolish and weak men and base men of the world and it may be call them base Independents or Antinomians Brownists or Separatists and the like and so bring them into no account or as men which are not that they themselves may be mighty or as lords over Gods Heritage as the Apostle speaks But now mark what the Apostle saith you despisers of your Brethren God saith he hath set apart these foolish and weak men to confound the worldly wise men and to overturn the mighty and those you so account and call the basest men in a Kingdom or in a Parish and cause them for to be despised Why saith the Apostle such hath God chosen which you disdain and will hardly account of them to be as men yet these men saith the Apostle which are not or are not in your account shall by the wisdom of Christ God-man bring to nought the wisdom of such men as think themselves to be that which they are not for Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God unto such as are saved for the foolishness of God is wiser then men and the weakness of God is stronger then men as we have experience at this day and in our times read and consider well that forenamed place 1 Corinth 1.18 to the end The Childe Jesus is
the first wonder in Heaven Now I stand amazed for to see the great wonder that doth appear in heaven as you may read Revel 12.1 Now Christ is the Heaven of God Gen. 2.2 3. Heb. 4.9 10. Matth. 17.5 Christ and a true Christian are unseparable I in them and thou in me saith Christ John 17.23 24. For which cause he is not ashamed to cal● them Brethren Saying I will declare thy name unto my Brethren i● the midst of the Church Heb. 2.11 12 13. CHAP. X. The Spiritual Opening and Application of these Scriptures VIZ. Luk. 7.30 34. 2 Cor. 6.16 Joh. 14.23 Ephes 1.3 4 5 6 9 10 11. Psal 110.3 2 Cor. 5.17 Isai 43.14 John 3.3 4 5 6 7. 1 Ioh. 3.9 1 Pet. 2.2 3. Jere. 31.18 20. Isai 66.11 12 13. John 8.38 39 41 42. 1 Joh. 3.12 Gal. 4.11 19. Luke 2.40 52. 1 Cor. 3.16 2 Cor. 13.5 Colos 1.27 Phil. 2.6 7 8. Ephes 2.15 16. Colos 1.19 20. Ephes 2.15 2 Pet. 1.3 4. Phil. 2.7 8. Psal 40.6 7 8. Mark 14.29 30 31 32. Luke 23.34 John 19.30 Isai 52.14 53.2 3 4. Ephes 4.9 10. Psal 68.18 Heb. 11.27 Colos 3.3 4. Gal. 2.20 Colos 1.12 13. Eph. 4.20 21. 1 Ioh. 2.27 28. 2 Cor. 3.17 18. Col. 2.9 10. Matth. 1.21 23. Luke 2.26 27. Ephes 4.6 Colos 3.4 11. Iohn 17.23 24. Iohn 1.16 Ephes 4.13 Psal 27.1 Matth. 1.23 Deut. 6.4 Luke 2.26 Isai 62.3 Psal 36.7 8 9. Iohn 1.4 5. Psal 17.15 Iohn 17.21 1 Cor. 8.5 6. Luk. 6.22 23. Heb. 12.22 23 24. Revel 5.4 5 6 7. Colos 3.4 Gal. 2.20 Rom. 8.33 34 35. Iohn 15.26 Iohn 14.19 20. Rom. 8.7 1 Iohn 3.12 Rom. 2.17 21 23. Gen. 25.27 30 34. Gen. 27.41 Iohn 9.13 14 15 16 29. Iohn 7.45 48 49. Acts 9.3 4 5 6. 26.16 Acts 26.9 10 11. Ioh. 16.2 3 Acts 7.58 59 60. Exod. 20.2 3. Iere. 31.33 34. Cant. 5.4 5. Psal 40.7 8 9. Acts 16.14 15. Iohn 11.41 42. Mal. 3.14 15. Iob 7.19 Psal 68.13 Iob 7.20 7.11 Isai 49.14 49.13 15 16. Mal. 3.12 Phil. 1.29 Mat. 6.10 Luke 22.42 Iohn 12.27 28. Iohn 12.24 25 26. NOw when I consider in my self I wonder and admire the good pleasure of the Lord in chusing such men and contemptible men and women as he doth for the most part for not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty rich men after the world nor many noble are called but the foolish men are called foolish in respect of the worldly wise I mean and the weak men are called I say weak in respect of the mighty worldly learned men and the base men of the world are called I mean as the worldly men do account of them to be base and do speak basely of them and cause them to be despised And thus the zealous Pharisees and Lawyers did even against Christ himself as you may read Luke 7.30 34. But Christ the wisdom of God is justified of all his children Now Christ being the Heaven of God and God chusing such foolish weak base despised men and women to be an habitation for himself and Christ who is one in him to dwel in and to walk in them and to take up their abode in them read 2 Cor. 6.16 John 14.23 Now Christ may be said to be both the Mother and the Childe now as a young childe naturally for certain is at the first in the womb of his mother so the children of God spiritually Christ is the Mother of Spiritual Children are said to be in Christ four or five several times as you may read Ephes 1.3 4 5 6 9 10 11. Now Christ is the womb of the morning and hath the Dew of his youth as you may read Psal 110.3 And thus Christ may be said to be a Mother as the Prophet and the Apostle doth alude unto and Christ himself do confirm it If any man be in Christ saith the Apostle he is a new creature 2 Corinth 5.17 And it shall spring forth saith the Prophet Isai 43.19 And be born again saith Jesus Christ Iohn 3.3 4 5 6 7. Now if any will inquire further after this heavenly birth let them consider the first Epistle of Iohn the third chapter and the ninth verse and the Lord teach them to understand it Now to shew you what dyet these new-born children do feed upon it is that which the Apostle Peter speaks of 1 Pet. 2.2 3. Now they once tasting of this heavenly Food can never be content with a lame ministery or a lame Minister that is onely a reading Minister whose food is likely to be but hay and stubble or straw or it may be a lame preaching Minister who doth borrow his word from his neighbor and so seemingly he doth build gold silver precious stones as the Apostle speaks But upon tryal this work proves but brass or as a house that 's built upon the sand Now these new-born children Sect. 2 which I spoken of cannot be contented with hay stubble and straw or with guilded fig-leaves But such a ministery that hath heard and learned of Jesus Christ and speaks experimentally of the Faith of the Son of God This is the onely ministery for to feed these children Now these new-born children do not hang upon the brests of the creature A new creature doth not suck the brests of the creatures but the brests of God alone or any created forms no nor upon ordinances onely but even upon the brests of God alone and through Christ they milk out their divine consolations and therewith they are abundantly satisfied A true believer is as neer unto Christ as a natural childe is unto his mother Christ as a Father or a Mother is more indulgent unto his children then any earthly mother can be as you may read Ephraim is my dear son he is a pleasant childe Surely saith God in Christ I have heard Ephraim bemoaning himself therefore my bowels are troubled for him I will surely have mercy upon him saith the Lord Jere. 31.18 20. Christ as a mother doth bear his children upon his sides A good president and as a mother doth bear with the weaknesses and infirmities of his children and doth dandle them upon his knees and as a mother doth comfort his sick children and bemoan himself over them Isa 66.11 12 13. Now here is an onely good president for you that do march so furiously up and down this City and Countrey too Christ is pitiful and tender-hearted unto his children and I hope you will be so too But then what means this crying out for to have something against them I think you mean a power and then you would proceed against them and under the name of Sectaries or Independents you would put the children out of house and home and make the free children to sit at your footstool But now you will say as the Pharisees said to Christ That you are the children of Abraham too and have but one father even God Now I
side All this was done unto his body which was humane besides his troubles in the spirit when he was in an agony in the garden where his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground Now never were any mans sorrows like unto the sorrows of Jesus Christ yet for all this their malice did not change the stream of love which was in Jesus Christ for when they were a thrusting him out of the world and he was going unto God his Father then this Child Jesus which was the Man Christ and anointed of God above all his yellows prayed Father saith he for give them for they know not what they do for they are ful of the seed of the serpent Yet nevertheless O righteous Father saith Jesus Christ A ful Redemption by Christ for al men if all men had but faith to beleeve I have finished a sufficient Redemption for the whole world if thou O Father wilt but give them faith to beleeve it or to give a true credit unto that report for it is finished And thus Jesus Christ bowed his head and took his leave of this cruel people and this wicked world together as you may read Luk. 23.34 John 19.30 Now these blind Jews and Lawyers Sect. 5 and zealous Pharisees together with the blind devotion of the chief Priests and the rude multitude they all looked upon an outside Christ or a fleshly Christ or Christ the Son of God vailed with flesh so that they did not see within the vail the most holy of all therefore they fel upon him and judged him to be forsaken of God and so they marred his visage and despised him and saw no comeliness or beauty in him that he should be more desired then another man Isa 52.14 Isa 53.2 2 4. Now the man in whose heart the Child Jesus is born such a man or woman sees within the vail and sees Christ spiritually sees Christ as God-man ful of divine amiableness and sweetnesses of beauty and unspeakable comeliness of the spiritualnesses in Christ when he was vailed with his flesh but much more now Christ is ascended far above all heavens to fil the souls of men ful of spiritual gifts unutterable and ful of glory Eph. 49 10. Psa 68.18 Now the soul of such a man or woman is sick of love for the delightful in-comes of a spiritual Christ now unvailed which is not to be seen visibly for he is invisible and not to be seen now but by the eye of faith for by faith Moses saw him that was invisible Heb. 11.27 Now a man in Christ is a new creature and Christ being born in a man makes him partaker of the Divine Nature as the Apostle speaks Now Christ is our life and our life is hid in God Col. 3.3 4. Now the life which a true christianized man or woman that is a true beleeving man or woman or a true beleeving man in his young age as wel as in his old age now the life which they live it is not they but Christ liveth in them and as a Father he doth translate them into the substance of the Gospel which is Christ the inheritance of the Saints in light but no new light mark this all you that mock and jeer at new light Gal. 2.20 Col. 1.12 13. Now Christ being in a Christian and a Christian in Christ Christ becomes the Christians School-master and doth Gospelize him and make him a new creature and he doth spiritualize him and make him heavenly and Christ-like that is like unto himself Now a true beleeving man or woman are the auditors or the hearers and the holy Ghost is the preacher or the speaker and the heart of a true beleeving man is the place where this sweet Spirit of grace doth preach or make known the Lord who is our salvation Eph. 4.20 21. 1 Jo. 2.27 28. Now the Lord is that Spirit that doth all in us and for us And in the glory of the Lord every true beleeving man or woman is changed into the image of Christ for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily and a true beleeving man or woman is comple at in him Now all this is done by the Spirit of the Lord who is both Lord and Christ read 2 Cor. 3.17 18. Col. 2.9 10. Now you wil object and say Object that I seem to make more Christs then one whereas I say that the child Jesus is to be born in the heart of a man or Christ the Son of God for man who is the Son of God in man he is to be formed in the hearts of men or Christ to be born in the heart of a man which is God with us or God in us Mat. 1.21 23. Luk 2.26 27. I answer Answ there is but one God and Christ one Christ who is above all and through all and in you all and when this Christ doth appear in thy heart O man or woman then thou shalt also appear with him in glory for grace is glory Eph. 4.6 Col. 3.4 11. One word more to prove that there is but one true Christ Sect. 6 by way of simile Simile There is but one natural Sun in the Firmament that doth shine upon this world and all men and creatures do live in this Sun and do partake of its light and heat or else they would dye and vanish away and this Sun doth live in men and in all creatures with his light and heat but men and creatures are distinct from this Sun and apart from it so that every man or creature is not a Sun as this natural Sun in the Firmament which I have spoken of but every man and creature doth partake of the fulness of this Suns light and heat and so they are nourished And so likewise in the last place I shal prove That every true Christian or true beleeving man or woman is not a Christ neither are they Christs as you did object and say I seemed to make more Christs then one yet a true beleever is one with Christ in union and communion light and life And first of all for union I in them and thou in me I wil saith Christ that they be with me where I am to behold my glory Joh. 17.23 24. Secondly For communion of the fulness of Christ Every true beleever receiveth grace after grace unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ Joh. 1.16 Eph. 4.13 Thirdly The light of the Lord is my light saith the soul of every true beleeving man and it is my joy and delight to walk in this light and his salvation is the strength of my life of whom shal I be afraid Psa 27.1 Fourthly Christ is my life saith a true beleeving Christianized man in whom I live and move and have my being and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who is God with us or God in us and his name