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A54483 Sermons and devotions old and new revived and publisht as an oblation of gratitude to all such of the nobility, gentry and clergy as retain the noble conscience of having ministred to the weak condition of the author, now aged 73 : the sermons at Court were before the war brake forth betwixt King and Parliament : also a discourse of duels, being a collection and translation of other mens opinions, with some addition of his own : and this in special dedicated for their use ... / by Thomas Pestel ... Pestell, Thomas, 1584?-1659? 1659 (1659) Wing P1675; ESTC R39086 197,074 355

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invest us with a Light yet inaccessible will also place another Crown of Glory inaccessible And so in the allusion the contemplation of those joyes that go before the entrance into our Masters Joy and those that follow after in fruition will easily stir and fire our souls to cry or sing 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to this son of David Blessed be he that comes thus in the name of the Lord and is the Lord that comes thus from the Father and God Totius of all consolation anointed to his great Office and Design of binding up the broken hearted by the Holy Ghost the Comforter Luke 1. and is himself by way of Excellency stil'd the consolation of Israel And thus this first glad priviledge of Gods fearful and faithful servant is refin'd and wrought up to perfection from this Mine in Malachy the last of the Prophets to that Mine of St. John the last and liveliest of the Evangelists or rather that Mine of our Lords own discovery in Iohn 17.10 Thine they are and all mine are thine and thine are mine Mine But who is he All our comfort even now was complicated and conserv'd in Dominus Exercituum And is he so That stile indeed wears out in the New Testament but is abundantly recompenc'd in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The only Potentate the Lord of Life and Glory Most of all in that name above all names which all tongues must confess and at which all knees should bow that sweet and powerful that gracious and glorious Name of Jesus a Saviour and able to save to the utmost in whom all fulness dwels and in whose hand is all power in heaven and earth And had not their eyes been held down and the Jews hearts vaild over they would have perceived and received him for the true Messiah in this very notion and nature of a Lord of Hosts For in him were all their Moses's Joshuales all their Captains and Saviours their Baraks and Gideons and Sampsons and Davids and Macchabees all reviv'd and restor'd to the world But they knew not the manner of their King and to mistake a King may be a world of misery nor of his Kingdom nor the force of his Artillery in the dreadful Canon and Ordinance of his Word Spirit Nor that the Scepter of his new Law should prove the Iron Rod to break and subdue both men and Devils They considered not his stupendious Miracles proving him the Lord of Hosts in commanding over the whole frame of Heaven and Earth and Seas and all the host of them and bowing whole created nature to his obedience To rebuke tempestuous winds roaring waves as a Nurse her child with Peace and be still nay suspend and silence and deprive Devils of their possessions with a word To lay his command on Death it self and force him to let go his hold after four dayes seisure in the grave Will Iews or Jewish hearts attend my voice that would not hear the thunder of those Miracles But for support of the true Catholick faith and for the consummation of all our consolation King and people Christ Jesus is become our Dominus Exercituum Christo auspice regno regnabo too and his bloody Cross a braver badge then that of Castor and Pollux This is polleus lux ipsa For is it not he alone destroyes our raging lusts and nails them to his cross and he alone that ' gainst a world of opposition and all the opposition of this evil world cryes to his host be of good comfort I have overcome the world He alone that came to dissolve destroy the works the strong holds of Satan and to vanquish powers and Principalities in high places that had the vantage ground over us He that breaks in on death and sin and hell and like a Conquerer in the triumphal Chariot of his Cross made a shew of them openly and as Triumphers us'd to do when he ascended up on high and led captivity captive he gave gifts unto men But yet more to prove him the Lord of Hosts by being more then that name can imply for this Name is observed to be too yong for the ancient of Dayes that is a Name taken up since and from the Creation A Name indeed that draws and scatters on us all we can look for from our Maker and Preserver But all his powers and mercies are resolved and melted into this Name of Christ Jesus Without Christ without God sayes the Apostle in the world we are but meer pieces of the masse nay far worse is our condition born children of wrath and in state of enimies and so the Lord of Hosts is against us and all the hosts of Heaven and spirits of Hell and all the creatures and our selves against our selves And when there was no Name under heaven to save and deliver us from present and wrath to come then came this Prince of peace and became our Peace pledg'd himself for us gave his life a Ransome so making peace So prevailing over the Lord of Hosts binding his Almighty hands and God content to accept terms of peace may we not say so Came not that Voyce from Heaven This is my beloved Son in quo acquiesco in whom I am at peace with all the world If all this prove him not a Lord of Hosts he will one day to the further consolation of all that love his appearing appear to the consternation of all his Despisers in flaming fire to render vengeance And as in the dayes of his flesh then unglorified and compast about with all mans infirmities he could have been encompast with more then twelve Legions of Angels so then he will meet those two Hosts those droves and flocks of sheep and goats with another Army of his Saints and Angels from Heaven with whom we shall be caught up to meet that Lord in the ayr and so shall be ever with the Lord. If we desire yet higher to raise this Crown of consummate consolation in Christ I will come to Visions and Revelations I will open that of St. Steven Acts 7.56 I see heaven opened and the son of man set on the right hand of God which place being further opened by St. John makes us see him on a Throne of Glory covered with light as with a garment under his feet Deaths pale head and a red Dragon and all his enemies about him stand the Armies of his Angels and of mankind a greater number then any man can number of all Nations Languages On his thigh that Name written Rex Regum Dominus Dominorum The Elders casting down their Crowns adore him that has many Crowns upon his head And we may safely add this Title to those Crowns of Dominus Exercituum and rejoyce to think how those Crowns are encinctur'd and enchas'd with precious stones for the twelve Tribes of Israel and with manifold unions of God and man of grace and glory for the consolation of the Gentiles also thereby fully made perfect
and defiled both 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 soon after they were made There 's opprobrium ab origine Thence all slanderers may count their Pedigree For the devil infusing this venom into those Giants enflamed them to the scaling of Joves Throne or if not that we will believe the Scripture that if Nimrod the mighty light upon a rout of Populorum such babling and bawling sots as he found in Shinar all of one lip Gen. 11.1 they in their wicked conspiracy so it is called Wisd 10.5 would soon be at it for a City and Tower unperishable Make it of Brick incombustible and for drowning they 'l take order with the Almighty for the top shall reach to Heaven 9. So deduce Opprobrium from the old Dragon to a Serpentine Cadmean Nimrodian race of Giants mixt of Populorum and Maximorum too And what shamefull work will they make a mad work indeed even a world of wickedness time to look to the Circumference For if these have all one language concur in voting for a new frame and have a mind to be towring aloft nothing will stay them but Sidera feriam ero sicut Altissimus then that 's reaching Heaven right but the wrong way for they are not at Heaven yet Such a piece of work in hand and they bragged of a mountain-birth But Quid exit You know who blasted the business by a consusion first and a diffusion and dispersion afterwards and observe the just recompence the Sentence ex ore tuo Nequam Their babling to marr their building their own tongues to make them to fall fall out and fall off no longer able to stand to their great work because unable to understand one another 10. But for all that sundring at Babel soderd again we find them in the Text. This Generation of Nimrod Belus let him be and these right sons of Belial for no yoak will hold them for observe this confluence of Omnium Populorum Maximorum and find Jusque datum sceleri ex plebiscitis Senatus consultis seelera exercentur all exceeded When mens hands are once at liberty no King in Jsrael why then every man doth what seems good in his own eyes and so here when their tongue 's once loose the Lords anointed shall be reproacht The Lord himself blasphem'd And what Lord shall controul them so floats the ship without an Helm so flings the horse without a Bridle and so their tongues run madding through the world far worse so that the Apostle St. James cries it thrice Fire Fire Fire How great a mischief comes of this Fire setting on fire the the course of nature and is set on fire of Hell thirher still it brings us you see this untuly evil full of deadly and divelish poison all contract in this Malady all concentered in opprobrium 11. But be this poison of Populorum never so noxious and those that ejaculate never so mighty What are these all to the Almighty these Maximi to him Christ is opt max. Shall Jehovab suffer by such a Typhoeus or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be liable to such aspersion No Inimici tui Domine shall not be able to do this violence to thy anointed David nor move a tongue to infest the meanest of thy servants This is indeed the point under tryal for all this seems asserted in holy Scripture 1. First Servi are servati They should indeed be sure to be pelted and dusted and stoned from this Center painted with infamous spots and tokens of this plague in their bosom but for Jehovah here a good Domine that hath chosen and though not quite taken them out of this present evil world yet as good for they use it as if they used it not their Conversation is in Heaven and themselves within three steps In Eph. 2. He hath quickned us together with Christ and hath raised us together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus And is not that high and aloof far and free from Opprobrium 2. Next is David the Lords anointed his body secured in the Sepulchre and this Monster is no Hyena Pascitur in vivis His immortal part is mounted not on Doves but Angels wings and past the clouds and storms of Populorum here hath met those acclamations on mount Zion and made one of that innumerable company the general Assembly and Church of the first-born among the Spirits of just men made perfect and in a Kingdom that cannot be moved all this in Heb. 12.22 23. So David himself is free body and soul from the strife of tongues and left above this world of wickedness 3. Much more is Davids Lord advanced set on the right hand of his Father all his enemies made his foot-stool far above all Principalities and Powers and at his coronation all knees have bowed and all tongues confessed that Jesus is the Lord to the glory of God the Father 4. And for God the Father What can Opprobrium do to him The Lord is King be the people never so impatient the earth never so unquiet God that is very high exalted higher then the highest far aboue all Gods above all men sure out of their reach 't is he too that can still the raging of the waves and the madness of the people If the Fremuerunt be never so loud against the Lord and against his anointed He that sits in Heaven shall laugh The Lord shall have them in derision And now where is Davids Petition What is become of our Circumserence Servi Christus Domini Jehovah all free from Opprobrium nay never a one of all these for all this begin with the highest first and if this Monster set on Jehovah flie in his face he will sure spare none of the rest 1. And we need not go far for proof they corrupt others and speak of wicked Blasphemy their talking is against the most high they blasphem thee dayly saith David even weeping ripe that God would not redress and repress those Blasphemies We need go but to this very Text Remember it O Lord thy enemies have blasphemed thee we need not so much Alas We cannot stop our ears against words cloathed in death and jeasts flumine dignos and those execrable Oaths and Perjuries for which the land mourns spent in despight of God and of his Prophets flying roul full of plagues against such Swearers who yet roul on and roul out their hours in hellish Blasphemies as if they practised here against their coming thither No wonder then if earthly Gods put up and bosome many and mighty reproaches and abuses when it is here upon Record and evidence too much every where of this Crimen laesae Majestatis as high as Heaven 2. Next for Christ Jesus Pursue his story but from his Baptism for all the opening of Heaven and the Doves descent and his Fathers attestation coming among his own How did they receive him Not as the Lord Messiah but as a Messiah in
and the winter house Solomons house in Jerusalem and that in the Green and that in the forest of Libanon 1 King 7. And if many houses for a man for a King What for the King o● Kings Why the Scripture besides this in the Text mentions very many houses of the Lord a multiplicity a Zodiack of houses for the Sun of Righteousness for our Lord and Master Christ Jesus both to receive our service and to do us service in them all c. 1. First Mundi machina the Universe the whole round world with many fair and goodly rooms 2. then that named Habitaculum ejus sacrum Heaven his dwelling place the new Jerusalem of miraculous Structure past Amphions or Apollo's fingring The work of thy fingers saith David yet he speaks it only of this rough cast out-building stuck with stars which though a glorious sight yet is but the cover or shell of this great hollow Egg wherein as in a perfect Vivary full of Cages and Parks and ponds he hath ark't and housed together us and all inferiour Creatures But of his higher Palace His Empyreal in most court imperial for his Saints and Angels the Apostle calls it an House not made with hands but as he is light and his robe is so cloaths himself with light so is the house Light inaccessible Domine bonum est Let us dwell here No more go down from this mount but 3. we must descend as he vouchsafed to do to the womb of the Virgin Sol in Virgine sometime it s one of his houses in the Zodiack and now the Son of Righteousness was there there was God hid and housed for a time nay Gemini in virgine not in a Nestorian but in a sober sence and to crie up the Miracle such as never was God and Man together though in two natures yet in one person remaining what he was yet taking and made what he was not There was a right vivary indeed when the Lord of Glory blessed for ever took lise blood of the blessed Virgin our Lady O what a Store-house Treasure house Jewel house was that that confined that reserved such a Rarity What a strange new earthly heaven for God to dwell and dress himself in and yet behold without breaking that house forth he comes and brings a fourth house on his back another new house of his own making still though assisted in the nchoation yet terminated in his person 4. he only of the blessed Trinity wearing that garment they all wrought upon which creando assumpsit sumendo creavit non extra sed in persona sua which rayment was a body real not phantastick as Marcion that eldest child of Satan so Polycarpus called him and the Marichees imagined For then is all our faith imaginary too if no true conception then nor birth nor death nor resurrection true then is our preaching and your believing vain This destroyes all but we have not so learned Christ if we have been taught as the Truth is in Jesus We have learned that our Lord here took our very nature and true flesh woven with sinews a clay-house moated round about like one of ours that is compast with all mans infirmities sin except but very man of the substance of his mother No substance out of God or new caelestial or sidereal or Elementary matter as Valentinus thought A body then like ours yet in this unlike that in ipso articulo in the very moment of Conception it was proved entire and perfect in all the parts and endued with a rational soul at once which is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sa●tb Damascen the very extract of all novelty when that invisible and incommunicable verity by the Spirit took a soul and by the soul a body saith both Damascen and St. Cyprian when not by any addition or aggregation of Parts by degrees and leisurely sed uno con●extu the whole figure and frame of the body set 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by the mighty work of Gods holy Spirit faith St. Austin and the School into which though a flow of manifold Graces from the divine nature of Wisdom Power Glory yet in the two natures united we preserve those adverbs all of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. that is without Mutation Confusion Division Separation as the Council of Chalcedon against Eutyches Corpus aptasti it is in the Psalm Never so fitted for an house For in this house dwels the fulness of the God-head bodily that is not by a simple Inhabitation nor Assistance or Habitude or Dignity or that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 willing consent or what they call Equality of honor or Nuncupation or Beneplacitum only None of all these will serve but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an Union or Unition rather hypostatical In this house dwelt our Lord many years submitting to clouds and waves of Our Infirmities and in this house new-raised from ruine and made glorious this blessed Eagle flew Cage and all This holy Inhabiter of Eternity ascended house and all to his Holy Habitation in Heaven and is there enthroned on the right hand of his heavenly Father 5. But while he was an infant Lord in the hand of his blessed Virgin Mother here he dwelt a while in his Cradle-house the stable-cratch then the Palace of a great King at the sign of the Star in Bethlehem then the right house of Bread Panis Angelorum The true Bread-house and true Head-house though low and little of all his greater Houses his famous Churches after at those great Cities of Jerusalem Caesarea Antioch and in good time their sister Rome her self their little Sister earst that had no brests but since ovationed for Mater Domina as if Domus Cultus Dominus himself had been born and upbrought there ab Origine 6. But stay a while Let us observe Dominus Domus yet better and we shall find him returned from AEgypt abiding at Nazareth and Capernaum and Jerusalem but commonly in the dwelling houses and banqueting houses of his Converts 7. Let these then if I staied too long at the former serve briefly for two Removes of our Lord. And because the Sea of Tiberias is near at hand we may safely walk with him on the water or see him take ship or hear him preach from thence and then a Ship is more then Domus 't is Domus Domini the house of the Lord then indeed 8. From the Press of people he was fain to hide himself in that house But no house must hide or hold him long Over the brook Cedron there was a Garden and oft he resorted thither and thence betrayed was brought from house to house to Annas house and Caiphas to Pilats's Judgement-hall to Heroa's and back again to Pilate's so to his Cross and never rested till the noble Joseph laid him in his Garden-house in a new Sepulchre where never man lay yet that the common house and lodging of mankind the Grave 9. There Kings and Counsellors of the
who by his beams currents it out and delivers it over to all others 'T is in him universally and totally not now Light and now Darkness and exemplarily For all Light uniformly and causally prae-exists in him as in the simple and supernatural cause of all Lastly In him is Light in all the Powers of Light Expansion Renovation Nutrition Conciliation and in this power he vouchsafes it us though thus to make it ours it cost him more then making Light at first then he spake the Word only but here he suffered Multa tulit Sudavit alsit But blessed be the Lord God of Israel he hath raised a mighty Salvation for us in him Two ways as we are in Domino by Justification and then as Dominus in nobis by Sanctifications See already for our comfort Darkness of the first Adam taken off by a double Light in the Second Plus addidit medicina Christi ad salutem quam infirmitas detraxit sanitati saith St. Ambrose on the 12. cap. of the second of the Coriuthians And St. Paul agrees the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Gift of free Grace far to exceed the loss Rom. 5. and calls this dealing of our Saviour The exceeding Riches of his Grace Eph. 2.5 Call it the Miracle and the grand Mysterie no words will reach it Call it the Height it s above all the Depth there is no founding it nor Length nor Breadth imaginable by our weak spirits can span it Call it the Incomprehensibleness Numen the Deity of his Mercy to restore Light and Ability that we might have Life and have it more abundantly 1. A Sun and a Moon for day and night it is so Justification a Sun a prime a Spring original purity absolute in him and we in it and under the imputed Raies thereof our whole persons made bright and g●●tious and acceptable Adam was brave in his native Integrity but this above humane perfection the Righteousness of God preserved too by him that it may never be lost 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 now that is nor man nor Devils able to take them out of his hands those that are thus made Lux in Domino that is justified by faith working by love This is that white Robe which as it hath no spot so it will admit no mixture in the Act and Energie of justifying Our merits wrought up with his are like Musk and Ambergreece in a Perfume faith Gomesius a Papist and thinks he makes a fine composition but is it not rather an odious comparison Yea we are to renounce all those devices of Congruity Configuration Conformity c. if supposed to contain any vertue in themselves toward the Act of Justification only that true Hercules sailing in the frail vessel of his flesh comes to unrivet us from the Caucasus of despair to which mankind was fastened by a knot inexplicable and inextricable God is just and man unrighteous a sinner and must die and for sin is in darkness and shall not see Light Christ Jesus stoops to untie this knot denies the Minor makes the sinner righteous justifies the ungodly makes Darkness Light in Domino and then there is no Condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus 2. The second Light is Sanctification and that 's the striking the raies not upon us only but into us The first is in him only and ours by imputation God in Christ reconciling the world unto himself pleases himself in that but this second is inherent Righteousness in our hearts called Holiness without which we shall never see nor please God You will say these are high and glorious sounds and these Graces with their distinct or united natures and times have exercised the wits of men but since they are Donatives in the hand of our heavenly Father How are these things made over to us Clear that passage make this part of your discourse this Point of Divinity lightsom to our Capacities Tell us how shall these things be So said the blessed Virgin to the Angel when she was to conceive Christ in her body and for this Conception this Perception of the Lord in thy soul the same Answer must serve The holy Ghost shall come upon thee The Power of the most high can do this by his Spirit and how oft is that repeated Habitat he dwells in us by his Spirit and if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his that 's the surest mark and a man cannot say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Spirit which is therefore called the finger and hand of God the vertue and Power of Christ who tells us in Joh. 14. I will not leave you Orphans I will come to you there 's his visitation and abide with you there 's his Residence and erecting of a Court and adds I will be your Teacher Comforter Remembrancer and all these in his Spirit who is all these to us these are his Offices and operations And must not he needs have Heaven at hand that hath the God of Heaven in his heart John lean'd upon his bosom but Christ rests in thy bosom by his Spirit opening thy dim eyes and opening them twice saith St. Austin giving a double Light in the Lord First to see thy sin and guiltiness and blenching at the horror thereof opens them again to see thy Saviour in his blood and the Spirit of his Grace But all this I have said you will say still is meer speculation But tell us what heavenly Magick or Mastick can combine or which way shall these two spirits meet How Gods Spirit and mans comes thus to match and marry in Domino Quae ferramenta qui vectes said the curious Enquirers into the Creation And have not we some as curions in this Reparation States have their Arcana Imperii their Ragioni di stato which is Jus Dominationis and every Trade is called a Mysterie But God must shew us all the jointures and Inlay of his Work and Will Take heed of pressing into Light lest we be opprest with the Glory Poor man What discernest thou in the workings of those Spirits that are but Creatures and vassals to the Creator yet have their methods Eph. 6. Inventions Circumventions and are exalted above thy reach in high places have the vantage ground of Pigmee mankind Nay What seest thou of thy own spirit Who saw it come in or go forth In the Air we all breath in the wind that fans that air which are but a little kin to spirits what do we understand yet God is so indulgent to our nature and weakness as to take in for us auxiliary Light of comparison for the clearing of that which in the downright act is indeprehensible Here 's a stir indeed saith the poor blind-born man in Joh. 9. With what and how which way Well! I cannot tell you all but one thing I am sure of I was blind born blind and now I see And our Saviour John 3. Thou bearest the sound of wind and
not aware I took at first no notice of his Fatherly corrections which are indeed his compassions and consolations Thy Rod and thy staff comfort me Psalm 23. But now I feel his coming to visit me is like his visiting the earth which he visits and enriches Psalm 65. like a Physitians visiting an Hospital to cure for if I am sure it is the hand of my God I am sure also that it is in Love for God is Love t is his Essence immutable No reason then his visitation should prove to an irreligious sadness or a melancholy a dejection a jealousie a diffidence So long as the work is his though he purge or cut so he give me not over so he cast me not out of his hands so I hear not that voyce which is more dreadfull then ten thousand thunders Depart from me c. Thus far I am to debate what I am to answer in affliction Surely the best answer is no answer at all Tacui Domine and my soul kept silence not as unaffected remorseless but as subdued by faith repentance obedience working me to a blessed patience captivating and bringing into subjection every exorbitant every wild and wandring imagination Once have I spoken saith holy Job but I will no more or if my heart will vent I have forms and molds ready wherein to cast my words that of Ely It is the Lord c. and David behold here am Is let him do unto me as it seems good in his own eyes and I will confess too to his glory the fruit and the root I find that thou O Lord of very faithfulness hast caused me to be troubled Psalm 119. and thy visitation hath preserved my spirit Job 10.12 And to draw this into practice in each particular affliction for every one is Gods Embassadour and none to be dismiss'd unanswered The application is a world of matter which I cannot look at now only for that I find my self in a Seminary in a Colledge of Divines I may have the liberty the recreation too to make for you and my self one particular application For we my Brethren that are or should be pars indocili melior grege if your pulse beat like mine are certainly so much infested with no worldly calamity as when saevit malignum ignobile vulgus as when we find our selves disgrac'd counted the seum of those that are indeed the scum of the world when all we can say or do which way soever we frame our doctrine or conversation it is as water spilt upon the ground For though we pipe unto them they will not dance though we mourn they will not weep Let a mans behaviour be like Iohn the Baptist rough austere they cry he hath a Devil or if enlarged in freedom of conversation like our Saviour away with him a glatton a wine-bibber a friend of Publicans and sinners So that the ground of the quarrel rests not in being thus or thus affected or qualified or endowed but they hate us for our very calling But what answer have we I could tell you one a harsh one of the Cynical Philosopher who being demanded How it happened that the great and wealthy people affected rather to be liberal in rewarding Fools and Players and Jesters and beggers then men of his profession answered for that they might perchance have some hope of proving such themselves but no hope of turning Scholars This was bitter But we have learn'd a better of the Apostle I pass not to be judged by you and a better yet of a better master Let not your hearts be troubled they called our Master Belzebub and shall not I drink of the cup which my father gives me saith he so shall we not drink the potion which our Lord hath begun to us which by tasting first he hath sweetened for us Is the Disciple greater so is he daintier then his Master Were we like the Apostles persecuted whipt imprison'd that consideration would make us march on in all these dificulties and like hardy souldiers non gementes sequi Imperatorem But rather rejoycing that we were counted worthy to suffer any thing for his name sake and if it came to death we know our Answer Christ t s to me life and death is to me advantage But I forget my self for I am bound to a further Port to that which is appointed after death for after that to Judgement When God shall visit c. Of this final Judgement the Text informs us two Things It shall be and it shall be most dreadfull therefore needs debating and casting for our Answer First it shall be He will visit Even the Heathen had an Apprehension an expectance of such a day a time quo Mare quo Tellus correptaque regia Coeli Ardeat mundi moles operosa laboret All this frame unling'd unpin'd and burnt And the new-discovered world have discovered this too though who discovered it to them is hard to determine But I speak to Christians who as fully as we believe God in Heaven believe from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead But Where When What Where I know not about Mount Olivet and they think they argue it fairly and probably from what we find in the Prophet of the valley of Jehosophat Joel 3.2 and that of the Angels This Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven shall so come again as you have seen him go into Heaven Act. 1.11 However that sure we are of this his Elect by his Angels from the four winds from one end of Heaven to the other shall be gathered into one place Mat. 24.31 When tell us when shall these things be You know who ask'd that question and you know our Saviours Answer Take heed that no man deceive you and when wicked Mockers ask'd it the Apostle sets no day he durst not he could not Job was resolved in the Article he shall stand the last upon earth Job 19. but no time limited The Prophecy father'd on Elias tels us of two thousand yeers Inane two thousand Lex two thousand Dies Messiae and then the Conflagration But our Saviour controuls all over-rules all Of that day and hour knows no man nor Angel nor the Son kimself Only by many signs accomplished by the Apostles calling those the last days then what may we imagine now if but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 then a Tantillum then that span of time is now contracted to an inch and he that shall come will come and will not tarry But what what will he come for he will come to visite such a Session Visitation as none before it No Star-chamber no high Commission no Parliament-Bar no Council-table no Inquisition so formidable Why who comes the Circuit the LORD the LORD-Chief-Justice Judge of all the world Wise Incorrupt with Power and great Glory with such a Train all his Saints and his Holy Angels and this is that day the day the day the great day of his wrath Zeph. 1.
Romans and God himself confined his own people and pinned them down with Laws and still controules the rising of their cruelty by remembrance of their own condition in Egypt and for that very end the Holy Ghost proceeds here with a double Argument against such Insolency which Tremelius cals Elegantissimam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The first Argument drawn saith he a Judicio Dei 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Judgement of our common Lord and Master respectless of any mans person and therefore the despising either of his person or of his cause yea of such a cause as wherein he dares contend with me that am his Master even this God will not bear I must answer for this nay I shall not be able to answer it if I be guilty but of this And the second argument is taken a jure naturali in the fifteenth verse Is my mold or mettle better then my mans Is a Lords flesh and blood of a purer composition then his Grooms or his Foot-mans Did not he that made me in the womb make him And did not one fashion us in the womb or fashion us in one womb that is the common womb of our mother earth What is then the lesson hence but meekness for all to practise but specially those in upper place since none is more superior then a Master over his slave And for this purpose the Scripture presents us with two strange examples Moses so chosen to advancement by God himself So known of God as his friend Dignified by his miraculous Power in the eyes of his enemies and by the conduct of his people that never man more prompted to take state upon him and yet it is said this Moses was the meekest man alive The other is David when he danced before the Ark and Michal reprooving him he told her he would be more vile since so she called his humility and confesses the bottom of his heart Psal 131. I have behaved my self and quieted my soul even as a weaned child We find this was at least they said so in the intent of those Philosophers both Sceptique and Epicurean to arrive at Mansuetudo Tranquillus animus to clear the soul like a fair and unclouded Heaven and this was brought us by the Doctor of Heaven Christ Jesus both in precept Learn of me to be humble and meek and in patience possess your souls and in practice stooping himself not to a survey of our miseries but clad enclosed compassed with all mans infirmities sin only accepted and as unashamed as glorying in his humility he cries out tell the daughter of Sion not her Servant but her Soveraign her King the King of Kings comes nnto her meek And is it not then a miserable consideration a wretched spectacle to see a proud man and a humble God an angry impatient and a merciless man and yet a God of Love and long-suffering I look to Heaven and thence I find descending the Saviour of the world 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is his Description in Hebrews 1.3 the brightness of his Fathers Glory and the express image of his person in shape not only of a man but of a servant He that commands Legions of Angels and whose attendants they were in the wilderness and proud of the office to serve him as his Cooks and Butlers And shall not this example work on me that am but dust and worms and keep me from insulting over Inferiors who though my servants and my meaneft Hines and Drudges are yet respecting him our Lord and Father both my fellow servants and my fellow brethren Observe the provocations to this Vertue He scorns the Scorner resists the proud but gives Grace to the humble The Meek he will guide in Judgement in his Judgement he will teach them his way Psalm 25. When he shares the world he tels us The Meek shall inberit the earth and delight themselves in abundance of peace Psalm 39 7. which he ratifieth in his blessing Mat. 5.5 ●ut this is earthly blessing is it not so in heavenly things too Hear him in his Prophet Isa 61.1 The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings and we know what that means To whom to the Meek His first coming was for the Meek in the same Prophet Isa 11.4 And to meet again with the Text When God shall visit when this Son of God shall stand up to judge and to cast all proud and barbarous and cruel dispositions into Hell so he will then lift up the Meek and never leave these polisht Jewels till he hath inset them in heavenly Glory For the Lord takes pleasure in his people and will beautifie the Meek with salvation Psalm 149.4 Aud therefore who is a wise man saith St. James Jam. 3.13 let him shew out of a good conversation his works in meekness of wisdom for such is heavenly wisdom at verse 17. first pure then peaceable gentle easie to be entreated full of mercy c. If we preach it must be in love and the spirit of Meekness 1 Cor. 4. ult If you hear Receive with meekness the Word Jam. 1.21 If we will both Preacher and Hearers walk worthy our Vocation it must be with all lowliness and meekness c. Ephe. 4.2 For as if in this one grace all the rest were lock'd and infolded so doth the Apostle speak there and reckoning up the several gifts of the Spirit in Gal. 5. they seem all to be but Meekness diversified to several names To end I beseech you brethren by the meekness and gentleness of Christ Be ye cloathed with humility and upon that reason which is here in my Text God visits for rigor he resists the proud but gives Grace to the humble 1 Pet. 5.5 Furthermore If cruelty exclude from Paradise and disable from standing in the day of visitation Use this for terror against all the terrible Ones upon earth all exalted and crnel Oppressors They must hear of the wrath of this Supervisor in Heaven who sees them from thence and from thence they shall in that day see him come to visite for this sin Though they can over-soar and escape all power on earth yet see what a day the Lord threatens to make in Amos 8. and joyn to that the Prophesie of Isaiah 10.1 2 3. c. and Jeremy 6.6 c. Lastly Extend this for Consolation Regum timendorum in proprios greges saith he the highest power on earth can stretch but to their Vassals but over Princes themselves is his Perogative and Dominion that here stands up in my Text and of whom Solomon saith hc is higher then they In the cause and quarrel of Christ Jesus then we must put on the resolution of those three valiant Children The God whom we serve is able to deliver us Dan. 3. but if not we will not disobey his Command for any countercommand on earth And in this all those poor Saints of God that groan under the Turkish
since the print was dark and we sin-blind His Word became the mirror of his mind And as the Eternal Father on the Son His form engrav'd before all worlds begun So what he is what God in him to us The spirit of both doth in this Book discuss Clear spring of wisdom Truths eternal mine The whole a Temple and each leaf a shrine And as on clouds on mountains and on streams The Sun lets beauties fall in golden beams But with his own pure Light the stars inspires And through their bodies thrusts his living fires So other holy books can but reflect Those Raies which here are native and direct Which apt to dazle and confound the wise Are yet a gentle light to Childrens eyes And you bright Maid whose name if I reherse I shall a Rubrique make and not a Verse And were such gold found in Italian Mines They would have twenty new St. Katharines As little ones in Gardens take delight Here gather fruits for tast and flowrs for sight The flower of Jesse that fresh and lasting Rose The fruit of knowledge and of life here grows On babes as tender Virgins love to look Behold that blessed babe within this book Pure fair adorn'd with perfect white and red A Crown of Radiant stars about his head If you be sick if head or heart do ake On Jesus name call and the pain will slake Read it when first you rise and goe to bed Under your Pillow let it bear your head All books in one all Learning lies in this This your first A B C and best Primer is Whence having throughly learnt the Christ-cross Row You may with comfort to our Father go Who will you to that highest lesson bring Which Seraphims instruct his Saints to sing A SERMON Preached to the KING AT OATLANDS 1638. JOHN 1.12 But as many as received him to them gave he Power to become the Sons of God even to them that believe on his Name WE Country Ministers preaching at Court are first confined to matter finishable in one hour being like the Virgins in the Court of Ahasuerus She that came once must come no more except she pleas'd the King and were call'd for by name For which I shall chuse to insist on few particulars And then we are fearfull to displease Such are the winds of Information One breaths that good wise Caveat of King James of ever blessed memory Not to soar aloft or muster up our own readings Another whispers Touch not State nor Discipline nor Controversies At length I threw down all fear of displeasing by choice of this Text which plainly preaches Christ Jesus but Christ in Excellency excellent things are here spoken of him and of his powerfull Grace and excellent things said to be done to us by him and his gracious Power And if wondrous things will take it is a Text replete with wonders and yet no wonder containing him who wears that title among and above all those in Isaiah of a Prince peaceable and wonderfull No wonder if an earthly King be and by his own neglected when the King of Kings that came down from Heaven in triple light and evidence of his own stupendious Miracles his Fathers acknowledgment and the fiends own confessing to see how hardly the beams of Truth are let in on envy-poisond souls came thus furnisht among his own and yet his own received him not No longer wonder that a gracious King retains a sweet and mercifull disposition even to disaffected Subjects taught by this King here the Messiah who as anointed with Grace above all so sheds Grace and Mercy over all offers it to all even to those that would none These Builders here that threw him by he would have built them upon himself as on a stone elect and precious and so have raised them up into a new Jerusalem Miracle of Mercy To urge and press the gift of his Grace yea of his blood on those that despis'd it counted it an unholy thing and to remember them for his Cross in his prayer and for his death in that Commission after Go preach the Gospel to them Let them have glad tidings of Peace and Salvation Go take in them that would not take in me Receive them to Mercy that received me not And go first to them first to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and beginning at Jerusalem Nor cease these wonders here for now not the Jewish Church alone not she his only beloved though even in this sense nor Rome nor Antioch but Jerusalem is the mother Church the mother of us all But 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saith the Apostle The diminution of the Jew is become the riches of the Gentiles and in the place where it was said They are no people of mine 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 there they shall be called the Sons of God And that there is Here The Church of England a Church of Gentiles and this place the Represent and Lantskep of that If we will receive Christ What then I cannot tell you what Some mighty thing it is certain 'T is bundled up in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 here which is a Right and Interest or Priviledge and Prerogative and a Dignity and Power no less then to become the Sons of God As many as received him c. Three parts I shall make of the Text First Vitis The Vine therein discoveting the root on which this fruit grows that is so copious clearing to us the Prime and other branching causes of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Secondly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 id est Racemus The bunch of Grapes that hangs upon this vine which who so puls and presses by a lively faith shall extract an Honor and Preheminence and Power quodcuunque velis A large trail of blessing unexpressable Our last part is Torcular The Wine-press whereby I shall first attempt to draw from Vitis and Raecemus a cup of Consolation as Calpar and Inferius but being so the too lushious issues of the Grape must a while be set by till we have tasted of a second cup of consideration for a cooler and then a third of Conformity and Concordance with Christ And then is that first to be resum'd and brew'd with some ingredients that may make it relish upon the Palate of the meekest Christians That done it will remain to urge the health of all three so mingled both for conveniency and necessity absolute and respective Last of all to make tryal by your patience of our receiving Christ in receiving his Receivers Those that are deputed to receive our homage and take our regard in his stead I shall name but three and reckon them upwards The Poor the Priest the Prince of his People Of these plainly and honestly And first of Vitis that is Christ Jesus to him we would but none can find that way till drawn and no way to be drawn up but our laying hold on the chain of Grace let down● and nothing will do that but Prayer
mockery so they anointed him with spittle made him a Crown of Thorns and a Scepter of a Reed but these were rude and rough Souldiers What was Vox populi a Deceiver a Madman a Glutton and a Wine bibber a friend to Publicans and sinners What said Maximi why the more good he does the more evil they speake of him Doth he heal on the Sabbath day they vote it illegal He is a licencious person a Breaker of the Sabbath straight yea his very Vertues were convitiate his great and stupendious Miracles blasphemed He casts ous Devils by the Prince of Devils and these were his passive Diurnals and his Annals his Chronicles and his Panegyricks with these Dice did they devour till altogether resounded that bloody Epiphonema of Crucifige nay upon the very cross was that verified a scorn of men and out-cast of the people All that see me laugh me to scorn They shoot out their lips and shake their heads saying He trusted in God that he would deliver him Let him deliver him if he will have him But Christ is now in Heaven and Opprobrium cannot hunt or hurt or hurle Aspersions thither yes certainly For as Calvin and Tremellius both will have the Text understood of those Scoffers which while the Church of God expected a Messiah derided then that expectation so a new brood in St Peters time we read of that cried Where is the Promise of his second coming and Teachers he soretels and we have heard of such Teachers in our time damnable Teachers denying the Lord that bought them and too many following their pernicious way by reason of whom the way of Truth and in that he who is the Way and the Truth are blasphemed And St. Paul saith lewd and debosht Christians crucifie again the Lord of Glory make a mock of him and put him to an open shame See now if any David can look to rise or set to finish his course without opprobrium when this Giant adventurous pursues and would vomere in sinum as far as his Hel-hound tongue can stretch poison the Glory of Christ Jesus himself at his Fathers right hand in Heaven 3. David shall consess it for himself My enemies revile me all the day long are mad upon me sworn together against me with tongues like Serpents poison of Asps and Adders under their lips these of the Populorum The basest dregs of the Rabble Abjects Drunkards Dogs and a dead Dog and some of the mighty too too mighty for him To these add Shebaes Clamorque virum Clangorque Tubarum and for bosom injuries besides those of his kindred his own bowels his own issue and his own flesh his own wife gave him his hand full and his bosom full of opprobrium 'T is true Davids soul is now in Power and Glory but yet he stands here for all his fellows all that are made so much more excellent then their Brethren of mankind as they have obtained a more excellent name then they and that name is here The anointed and all such may glass themselves in Davids sufferings and find that a true Maxime among his Maxims Benefacere male audire Regium est Reproacht and abused oftentimes by those to whom they have been most gracious and greatest Benefactors This raises a shallow brook of Disobedience to a soul deep sea of Rebellion for Judas made really rich by his Masters bag to run over to a company of wicked Elders with his Quid dabitis for the Viper which came out of Pauls bundle of sticks and now grown warm to hang upon his hand indeed no harm was done he flung the Viper into the fire But so could not David be rid of the Serpent in his bosome here that stung him to the heart Thou of my counsel we took sweet counsel together of the same Profession we walkt in the house of God as friends Thou my familiar friend Hie niger est bunc tu Britanne caveto 4. Thus far it s carried against Jehovah Christ Jesus the Lords anointed and then be sure it will take in Christians too It is the lot of all Gods servants all that will live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer this scourge of tongues For the lofty Poplars will shead their venemous fel-dews on Robur and Cedar and Palms planted in the house of the Lord. The lying lips will cruelly dispitefully and disdainfully speake against the Righteous Our souls and Bosoms must be filled with the scornfull Rebukes of the wealthy and mighty and with the despitefulness both of the proud and ignorant Thus this Monster tramples on God and all good men and drags them at the heels presses upon Vestigia their footsteps so this first in David and then in Christ himself 1. David first Though a man worth thousands of them whose heart was not haughty nor his eyes lofty but walkt uprightly before them and led them as a faithfull Shepheard and walkt not for so the word is in things too great or too high for him but so behaved so quieted his soul as a child that is weaned of his Mother ruling justly over men in the fear of God like a light of the morning of a morning without clouds and yet had many clouds and dusty slanders raised upon his Vestigi● his footsteps upon his flittings and removes Ps 56. though in danger of his life as we know he was very often All that helpt him in his escapes from Saul that get him away even Jonathan reproached with perverse Rebels and scarce free from the stroke of a Javelin and all that relieve him by the way as Abimelech the Priest that do but give him bread when ready to starve if Doeg the Edomite may be the executioner of Sauls ordinance shall be slain with the sword What path What step of Davids can be free when even his humble Devotions to his God his fasting and putting on Sackcloth and then his wearing the linnen Ephod and dancing before the Ark are made a mockery 2. But what say we to Vestigia Christi Were not his feet deadly pursued not only at the last pass when they came after him with swords and staves but even the cost bestowed upon those blessed feet counted but waste We find in his story he could not step abroad for their lying in wait the word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 taken from Hunters eager on their game so they sought to intrap or to catch some thing from him he could not go to take an entertainment at the Table not walk in the Corn-fields not go out to heal or preach or do Miracles but still they cavilled and some desire him even to be gone and to depart out of their Coasts If he come from Nazareth no good comes from thence if he remove to Cana or Capernaum they ask Why thither Why Cures and other great Works in other places and none in his own Country and all the while the fault their own Who thought they were astonisht at his Understanding and Answers
earth build desolate places for themselves lie still and are at rest saith Job but so did not he we know better then so what he did I believe The third day he rose again and ascended into Heaven and at that house we have toucht already but yet from none of these houses not that eternal house of our Lord comes any comfort to us till that Spirit of the Lord the Comforter come from him to us to dwell in us so putting us all into one houshold of Faith the common faith and making us all the habitation of God by the Spirit 10. And to make fit this house this Lord the blessed Carpenter was put to work it out of the rough and troubled to take to break down a Partition-wall whose more then Alpine rockiness no Hannibal but he could conquer and no fire no liquor but his heart blood could penetrate Nothing but his living-dead body raise this dead living frame of Saints built upon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone in whom all the building fitly framed together grows into an holy Temple in the Lord Eph. 2.20 21. There 's right Dominicum every way The house of the Lord In the Lord On the Lord By the Lord. This house then in no case to be left out nor we left out of it you know who would allow us no room in their Inn at the Popes head and by that device exclude us out of the Church which is called a great house 2 Tim. 2. and the foundation stands sure but sure it stands not all upon the cloudy Apennine This is just like private Mass that 's proper Communion a right Bull to pin down Universal in a particular corner as if to thrust twenty royal Courts into one Room like that people wise in their own conceit that to make sure of Conquest pinned and riveted the Goddess Victory to their City wals So these Reckoners go to it stilo novo the Romane Computation this and it is a good confession their fat Bishop Spalat● makes in all their names Ecclesians Catholicam nobiscum esse vel cogitamus vel cogimus They would fain think so and fain force us to think so but we are not much to trouble our selves at their Cogitamus God knows the thoughts of men to be but vain and the divisions of Reuben were from great thoughs of heart but from their Cogimus Libera nos Domine He hath and doth and will deliver us if we embrace our Creed and by vertue thereof belong to this house of the Catholick Church 11. Nay we our selves our souls and bodies are his Church and Temple which house we are 1 Cor. 6. wherein God remains under our roof gracing even the houses of his Saints bodies while they stand and faln watches over their Atoms while the spirits return to him and will recollect and raise them up in far greater State and Glory So that Mors shall not be ultima not the last line strectht upon this building but a linea yet more ultimate reaching from Earth to Heaven And so with much ado having so many houses to call at by the way which very calling yet hath done us some service and may do us more we are come Christo auspice to this very house in the Text and seen in a quarter of an hour this Sun pass through all those houses to this which is the last in our Zodiack The Temple which David prepared and Solomon built for the service of the Lord and in which house God hath a propriety stiled therefore by way of Excellency The house of the Lord. 12. Where the first service we can do for Domus Dominus both is to wake them meet with and meet for one another For is there not a mighty discrepance betwixt them the Temple a stately piece the Joy of the whole earth Par domus haec coelo But you know what follows will not serve his turn though as God by his Eternity transcendently and supereminently comprehends all time so by his immensity all places And Dominus here though true of Christ as we heard and may hear more anon is Jehovah and he dwell in Temples Temples plural if set altogether made with hands Heaven of Heavens cannot What house can contain him then What house will you build for me no house Lord to comprehend thee who art God incomprehensible but for thy name and an house for thy worship and service that may comprehend us But what matter if no such houses at all neither on this Mount nor yet at Jerusalem but right service in Spirit and Truth So say some haunted perchance with a worldly and dangerous spirit we deny not our best sacrifice on the heartaltar best worship in Spirit Yet if God were undelighted with a set local Worship why would the Scripture mention Hannahs motion 1 Sam. 2. And another Anna the Prophetess residing in the Temple why our Saviour dayly in the Temple and Synagogues and his Apostles Peter the chief and John the beloved of Jesus ascending at the hour of prayer Or would the Spirit of God have put it into the heart of David a man after Gods own heart to prepare him service in a Temple or his Prophet in his name so cry out upon this deserting this house of God and bring his double action of Wast vain Wast on our own ceiled houses and laying wast this house of God My house lie wast Hgg. 1. so the propriety held then and if we follow it to the spring-head we find indeed Cultus Domini before Domus Abel sacrificed and in Enos time they invocated Immolation and Invocation both in the beginning of Genesis but go on and you come to a place framed before you go out of Exodus and even in Genesis we have Noahs and Abrahams Altars and Jacobs Bethel But to clear this at once only that in Deut. 12. The reason why Cultus was not set in order because no proper Domus for this Dominus ver 8. Now you serve me as you l●●● hievery man what is right in his own eyes and why no Reformation v. 9. you are not yet come to the rest and inheritance which the Lord your God gives you but when you go over Jordan a better order then then there shall be a place which the Lord shall chuse to cause his name to dwell there So far is Dominus from dis-avowing Domus that he ordains both Domus Cultus and therefore let them remain all there as we find them here in order Cultus Domus Domini Do you not find too every precious stone and string appointed to Moses by pattern in the Mount and David had the Platform of the Temple in writing 1 Chron. 28.19 And Dominus then took possession of Domus his Glory appeared before the Tabernacle and filled the Temple at Solomons dedication yea he made his Residence in both took up his seat in the Tabernacle his Mercy seat too wherein
course both the Baptist Christ Jesus come preaching the Kingdom of Heaven upon our conversion to God It is observable that as God hath bound himself to a perpetual Revolution of Winter and Summer that Spring and Harvest in Autumn shall never fail So his whole will Word is a miscellany of Law and Gospel and such lightsome and comfortable Texts as this found in Isay many and in David many very many Evidences Evangelical and we in that respect to attend this hour to the Gospel of St. Malachy For not a Prophet of God not the least or last but hath an Inlay of mercy wrought up with Judgement and sweet and gracious Promises mingled with comminations They bring us down to discontent by the waters of Marab and Babylon to bitter weeping in the Valley of Tears to persecution of a red Sea the biting of fiery serpents and a killing letter of the Law But they leave us not without discovery of a Brazen serpent to cure us and many precious assurances that God will put all our tears in his bottle and w●p● away all tears from our eyes That he will take us out of many waters and bring his own again from the deep of the sea and revive us by the glad tidings of the Gospel of Peace and Reconciliation And experimentally Gods servants shall find it so in his actual dealing with them that look how God hath not left himself without witness in his general Providence showring down on earth his balmy Influences from Heaven so in his secret impartments of hidden Manna and in his open appliances to his holy Ones in those celestial dews of mercy which sall only on the fleeces of his Pasture-sheep when t is dry upon all the ground beside we find this exemplified in the head of his Church who as in himself he is a Light shining in darkness so as the darkness comprehends it not so his whole life and death was like light in a Lanthorn or lightnings from summer clouds pauses of sorrow and dejection with various glimpses and coruscations of his glory mixt and interweav'd For crucified dead and buried our Creed assists us with a glorious Resurrection and Ascension and Exaltation of that same crucified dead and buried Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus So to present you with several members of his mystical Body in their interchangeable Robes of sackcloth and tissue their Coronets of thornes and Roses were an easie task I name but two the Father of the faithful and the man after Gods own heart whom one while we find in fear horrour and great darkness and an horrible dread hath overwhelmed them another while rejoycing in hope and assurance of Gods All-sufficiency and with hearts dancing for joy as that sweet singer expresses it and how could I make this truth notorious but without a sailing over to the prime Apostles in the New Testament which I purposely reserve for a new and latter discovery when we come to close with the consummation of this Consolation mean time in this very first opening of the Mine you see enough discovered to consute such as think there is no Golden Vine nor branch of comfort in Gods service but seduced by Satan pretend an inequality a rugged unevenness in the wayes of God which God himself disclaims and imputes it to our wayes It is not the Religion of God that is unprofitable or vain as those foolish people in this Chapter openly profess'd nor does his service incline men inevitably to sadness and melancholy A second Material from this Mine is the connection and combination of this comfort in that God chains this mercy to a preceding mercy He begins here with a conjunction and they shall be mine and then couples it to a succeeding mercy and I will spare them c. Comfort past and present and to come Many feathers of Gods Wing many showers of Manna and of Quailes The whole srame and pile of comfort from the beginning of the sixteenth to the end of the seventeenth ver is pitcht as a Tabernacle of Joy with courtains coverings with loops and taches of consolations in conjunction God is and ever was a God of conjunction and communion a God of Order and combination Discord and dis-union are from the Devil God in Essence from before all beginning was unsolitary God that in wisdom saw it was not fit for man to be alone in his wisdom saw it was not good for God to be alone He is God alone that is there is no other But I am not alone sayes Christ never was so that is without the Father and the Holy Ghost All the three blessed and glorious persons as co-essential so co-eternal and coequal which makes for us we better apprehend and better apply God in the Trinity of persons so branching and reaching out more fruit to us then the contemplation of the Unity And as in Essence so in works of God which respecting us externally are all co-operations of all three Persons we find in nature first all things produc'd in number weight and measure and all things in connexion still One brother holds another by the heel and as our eyes enwrapt in several tunicles each under other so are those films and skins of sphears imaginary nothing but the vaultages and enwombings and enwrapings and swathings of the constellations and coverings ore those conjoyned Elements which are lodg'd in one anothers laps and inlaid and mortis'd into one anothers bosomes And so in his mornings and evenings dole and distribution in his daily providence and Dispensation all is done in order and by a set conjuncture of his Officers The Heavens appointed to hear the earth the earth to hear the corn and wine and oyl and they to hear us Hos 2.22 Such a chain of causes in things natural while the Cause of causes and the God of all these conjunctures hath the upmost link fastened to his Divine will in heaven But all the Links let down are wrapt about his beloved creature man in mercies that compass him round and embrace him on every side In midst whereof guarded by Angels that pitcht their tents about him man takes Repose and sleeps to the musick of the hollow murmuring winds and waters which seem to whisper in his ears a memento of his service to that Lord for whose sake they are yet in service to man But secondly in works of Grace is God observable to be a God of conjunction In his first gracing of his chosen Israel to enable them for a great and wise people he gave them a Law from heaven Deut. 4.6 which was a Law conjunctive both affirmative Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy soul and with all thy strength and thy neighbour as thy self Two tables joynd by Gods own hands and a Rejoinder by our Saviour This is the first and great Commandement and the second is like unto it keep both or neither he that fails in any one is guilty of all and
the Sun in his strength so when his time was fully come the day that this Jewel must be made up First his Body is glorified on earth and then assum'd into Heaven and a place for this precious Gem at his own right Hand above Principalities and Powers and a Name given him above all names And now that blessed Face wherein the Jews saw no beauty yet was fairer then the sons of men which they defiled and spit upon is ador'd by Seraphims and both Heaven and earth are full of the Majesty of his Glory Now God observes the self-same method in all the rest finds them out among the refuse of the world amongst flocks and herds of Nations from the first rude quarrie of the Chaos from utter vacuity and nothing assembles their attoms and smallest dust breaths in a lively spirit exalts purifies it grafts on it Knowledge Faith Love Holiness and having begun a good work of Grace never leaves it till he bring it to perfection filing away their dross and grinding out their grains and Ices and clouds of corruption till he hath refin'd them to a brightness as in St. Paul a rough stony-hearted persecutor wrought by certain scales and barks pull'd away to become a chosen vessel to bear his name among the Gentiles Act 9. A bright star on earth and now a glorious Saint in Heaven 3. Jewels then thirdly they are for that care and love which God affords them men prize their Jewels Reserve them curiously take a glory and perplacency in possessing and wearing them So God having bought them at a price inestimable purchased not with corruptible things as silver and gold but with the blood of Jesus Christ as of a Lamb undefiled and without spot then he sets his heart upon them all his delight is in the Saints that excel Those he tenders as the Apple of his eye sets them as Josiah for a seal and a Signet on his right hand hides them under the shadow of his wings and so also God glories in them and holds them out to the amazement and confusion of the world of gross and earthly souls which are as foils to their perfections and commands them to do him grace and to be an Ornament to him Let your light shine c. Again The Comparison would hold for the task is easie to pursue an Allegory for Rarity Rari quippe boni apparent rari in gurgite Vasto in a sea of froth and foam and for the place and manner of breeding and growth But I forsake the rest and chuse to insist only on Properties respecting which Righteous men are justly term'd Jewels and chiefly two of clearness and lustre first and then of firmness and solidity which are the Vrim and Thummim of a Christian 1. In the first precious stones excel being compact of the finest Atoms and this holds well for as while we admire the pure Orient Pearls the radiant and sparkling Carbuncle the serene bright Saphir the green Emerald and the like we may raise our contemplation to the beauty and clearness of the stars and Sun and so ascend to him that struck light out of darkness at the first that dwels in perfect Beauty and in light inaccessible and covers himself with Light as with a garment so in a spiritual manner that Light of Grace in his servants attracts others also to behold in them Him who is Pater Luminum the Father of all Illuminations and so that fair and pure soul which gives Light in the darkness of the Body and night of Ignorance returns with advantage to him that gave it with the gain of other souls wonne by beholding their chast and illustrious conversation They tell of Diamonds belonging to some of the house of Luxembourge and Theophrastus has it of other stones propagating their Species by turning first the circumstant ayr into water and then contracting that water into a more earthy substance like themselves But it is true of these precious and living stones who born of Gods immortal seed by a new Light shot from Heaven do likewise in Reflection and by aggregation assimilation and an ardent sympathetical combination and communion work others to the same conformity of the godly Nature inspire illumine and propagate others with a kind of Divine Generation And as that Godlike creature the child of Heaven and Gods first born Light when delivered from the womb and jaws of Darkness is able to deliver over it self without ceasing without Annibilation Fraction o● Diminution and as Love in moral minds and true Charity in Coelestial souls not leaving its own habitation will walk the round to those spirits which are capable of its Society And as God the Son is of the Father God of God and Light of Light and Love of Love For God is Love as he is Light so are his Regenerate and Adopted children also all from him and one enlightened from another Secondly Solidity firmness constancy the Christians is a standing Credo it was wont to be so Lord I believe without distrust whether my understanding comprehend it or no without curiosity to be further confirm'd by Miracles Lastly Credo Audacter without dissembling or fear to acknowledge it This is stere 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Col. 2.2 that firm and full assurance of Faith I mean in Resolution not to alter or shrink as was in couragious Joshuah I will serve the Lord and hearty David that endured much and long yet he recedes not from his Vow no I have sworn and am stedfastly purposed And Job though he dyed for 't yet it should prove no this way dissolution And for this cause God allows the Name calls it the most precious faith of his Elect and chides those Recreants that Recoil so easily O ye of little faith Those are no right Jewels of his they are but Glow-worms and Hypocrites or as glass and Sophisticate shels and vitious stones which have an inconstant and languishing shine or whose splendor is only in a morning or under a clear sky and lasts not in gusts and storms of persecution or which in age decrease in Grace and Vertues and come to lose their abilities No t is said of Gods Palms and Cedars that they flourish on and bring forth more fruit in their age And for this firmness even moral men have made strange approaches and profest the conquest of it resolv'd to retain their vertue and honour untainted maugre all the rage of bloody tyrants and either allurements or encombrances of a base and vitious world How much more Christians to endure the torture the Rack the fire that which is the Crasis of all these The Inquisition to despise that tryal of cruel mockings and resist even to blood and ready to lay down our lives rather then betray or prevaricate and shuffle in the cause and quarrel of Christ Jesus and his holy Church As no sin shall tear me from that Root of Gods Love so I am perswaded sayes the Apostle no affliction Rom. 8.
here visiting looking to the wayes of Man that Man might look up to him Briefly not to reflect yet on the Coherence at which I shall touch anon in place convenient enough The Text delivers us two parts First Gods office Secondly Mans office His to visit Mans to debate and answer 1 God is the Visitor The School makes these degrees of perceiving God in names First Negationis Remotionis What God is not not the Sun Moon not finite mutable Secondly Perfectionis Affirmationis when what is most excellent in things create we apply to him by way of Analogie and Resemblance so we call him just Mercifull High Glorious Thirdly Of Supereminence such as this of a Visitor gathered from his action here and joyn'd with the Emphasis of my Text When he shall visit Men are Visitors but they more easily answered their place and power but Derivatives from this Primitive He He the grand Visier Altissimus most High So that to Gods absolute power everywhere presence this attribute and this transcendent Ability of an holy Watcher a Supervisor is proper 'T is proper Blazon and Title sutable denoting throughout these words not height alone and Power and Superiority when he shall stand up but Majesty and Terror too What shall I answer him We have found his Office but will God perform it 'T is a Question of mens performing their offices and a Question too of false gods They had an Idol in Egypt cal'd by such a name Baal-Zephon Dominus speculae Lord of the Watch-tower to fright their fugitives but when Moses and the people of Israel past that way and pitched the Camp there this god was asleep but he that keepeth Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps He kept his Israel then and since he made good the Title then and since and dare we question it now But how doth God visit Search the Scriptures they testifie of him those books are moral to teach Man his office the whole duty of Man to make the Man of God perfect to every good work but they are Historical too and Prophetical too instructing us what God hath done and what God will do Look then to those Records and we shall find what and when and how in his several Visitations His Visitations are his actions Action is from intrinsique vertue Vertue there is none such in God as supposes Infirmity or Imperfection as Faith Hope c. but such as argues Perfection Mercy Justice Wisdom Bounty Power According with these we find his Visits First In general then with reference to men both wayes their persons in mercy sin upon their persons in Justice 1. In general in all places and over all things above Heaven is his Throne where he overlooks the Orders and royal Armies of his Angels ascending descending in the material Heaven disposing that numberless variety of those glorious stars calling them all by their names in the airie Heaven amidst those flocks of Fowl his Providence extending to the fall of every little sparrow If we go down to the sea amongst those infinite shoals and innumerable fishes there we see his Wonders in the Deep or if we go deeper if we descend to hell He is there also binding the fury of infernal spirits And for the Earth it is his footstool unmov'd he sits in midst of Heaven and yet they be the eyes of the Lord that run to and fro through the whole earth Zach. 4.10 raigning above yet containing and upholding all below compassing all about yet piercing all within But applyed to Men they are the eyes of God which behold and his eye lids which trye the Children of Men. But first the persons in mercy as we use the word in our visitation of friends or of the sick And of this kind as well pleased therewith is that where God doubles it Visitans visitavi Exod. 3.16 Visites and remembers visites and restores Jer. 17. ult This is called the face the beauty of his Holiness when he causes the light of his countenance to arise Then secondly Sins upon the persons and this changeth the aspect He frowns and bends the Brows sets his face against them visiting the iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children unto the third and fourth generation Num. 14.18 first or last on them or theirs by no means clearing the guilty Then he is described to visit in Thunder and Earth-quake in Storm and Tempest Isa 29.6 And in this sense the word is used among the Prophets promiscuously for Recompensing Punishing Avenging and even this threatned on his own people tender as the Apple of his eye and his chief Treasure above all Nations Hos 1.4 12.2 Jer. 11. Isa 10.3 We may not omit his mercifull Visitation should it not shew like a piece of ingratitude not to touch here first though our voyage be to that of final Judgement And the first particular of his mercifull visitation wherein is his delight is confiderable as man is a body God then did visit him in the house of dust as his last work will be joyning and refining the same dust again in Glory and what might be said of his visitation in the womb Thou sawest my substance being yet imperfect c. What of all those wheels and wyers within the body that Mill and Clock of his contriving of his winding up at thought of which David speaks with a kind of strange shuddering O Lord I am fearfully and wonderfully made What of mans Shape Speech Beauty and how largely spred might this Web be if we took in all those threds and quils of his Providence by which he conveighs a thousand influences of his Bounty even loading Man with his benefits Psal 68. and renewing them every morning Lam. 3. Light after Darkness Spring after Winter as now we see that Grant in his course stealing an ascent over us and subduing the cold giving rain and fruitfull seasons c. What addition to this above all this from the Nature and Fabrique and Faculties of our soul in substance nobler then the stars able not only to give Being to the body like other forms but capable of eternal Felicity Secondly As Man is a Christian by means of the Revelation of Jesus that Orient ex Alto The day-spring from on High hath visited Luke 1. that Sun which riseth with healing in his wings And this was and is a blessed Visitation for thus it runs Visited and Redeemed his people Himself did visite and his servants did it in his name rising early for early visitation and since his ascension he send by his Apostles Pastors and Teachers that heavenly Treasure in their earthen vessels this Manna this Light the glory of his people Israel and because that had not concerned us it is also a Light revealed to the Gentiles this revives us when he is said To visit the Gentiles also to take of them a people to his Name Acts 15.14 But not that word of Grace though the Word of Life and Power and Mighty in operation Not
Of his wrath who is a consuming fire and will come so inflaming fire to render vengeance with strange effects the Sun obscur'd the Moon lost Stars fallen Powers of Heaven shaken the Heavens themselves passing away with a noyse Elements melting with fervent heat Earth and all her works burnt up 2 Pet. 3. with the great sound of a Trumpet which even the dead shall hear Graves shall fling open their marble doors and Seas vomit up Millions of drowned Carcases Hell it self shaking thereat and yet all this passing in a moment in a twinkling falling on the world as a snare stealing as a thief rowling as the flood confounding like lightning from the East Then for strictness in this Judges proceedings as for reward first wherein mens Laws are lame defective there 's a Kingdom his own thy Masters joy the same Throne Rev. 13. and then the Purity of that Bliss which Angels enjoying adore and last The Eternity in Psal 16. at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore So contrary those four conditions of hell torments for variety the most greatness insufferable for Purity unmixt with least allay of comfort or hope of mitigation and for continuance everlasting Is it not high time to debate Answer and thither we are come Consider this you that forget God that is you that would forget him that would damp out your own light you that say in your hearts that is you that wish in your hearts there were none what will you do what answer him He hath answered me already that you shall not be able to answer him not able to stand when he stands up in Judgement for the mouth of all wickedness shall be stopped your answer may be a vain cry to the hils and rocks to fall and cover you from the presence of that Judge But I preach not I hope to Atheists and Desperates But when St. Peter saith The righteous shall scarce be saved Doth he not enforce a necessity of debating Had we a tryal in law or Debts on Interest we would fall to reckoning This is more The title of our souls and eternal salvation is at trial a Debt doubled and re-doubled in sins of Youth of Age of Ignorance of Presumption and are our Purses neerer then our souls But is there no avoiding None not for the young men that are least touched with remorse He will bring thee to Judgement Eccle. 11. We must all appear There are wayes and those wayes are trodden too many go those wayes to elude the temporal Judgement of men But in Rom. 14.12 it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and it it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 every one must account and every one for himself no Atturneyes no Proxies Think too think of our distance shall I speak to the Lord that am but dust and ashes What words shall I chuse saith he Job 9.15 Alas all thought of answer then will be in vain for besides that we are not able to answer him one thing of a thousand that day is his day his day of wrath the time of mercy is over past irrevocably past his day of Doom is come 't is come to sentence and therefore what shall we do Why while we have time put in our answer yet the Chancery and Court of Request is open Now is the accepted time now is the day of salvation My Text is future yet He shall come he shall visit Here is a latitude for Repentance yet he expects calls for our answer and we know to what we have his Bill his Articles Interrogatories that is his Law written and engraven in our hearts we must now frame and put in our answer What is it Repentance first For so may that of the Apostle be understood in Eph. 6. where he enjoyns the Christian souldier to have his feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace I know some take that preparation of the Gospel for a readiness to preach that Gospel which should then belong alone to us Ministers others for a promptness in profession others Evangelical Obedience and some take it to be Patience and not unlikely But may it not also endure this meaning of Repentance too considering it is made the first step in the way of Life and so the first entrance into the field against Satan by John first the day-star who rose before the Sun and came to prepare the way How Repent c. And our Saviour in the same mind upon the same Text Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven it at hand Sad sighs and prayers and tears make up the first part of Repentance and make up so the sacrifice of a broken and contrite heart which God will not despise And hast thou this Is the rock cloven Come drops of warm blood in anguish from thy heart Break there floode of bitter weeping from thine eyes This is a fair piece of an answer Such tears have a voice that reaches Heaven and not from David only The Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping but from Manasseth too a fearfull sinner because thou hast wept before me I have heard it 'T is Musick to the Almighties-self and raises a joy in Heaven Can the Prodigal that had wasted all his stock of Grace say but Father I have sinned See before he can came to say so God he meets him on the way and receives him to Mercy But this Answer hath a second part Take beed lest your hearts be hardened by sins deceitfulness It is a Circe a Syren we must stop our ears and resolve to be deaf to all her charms charm she never so wisely never so worldly wisely giving not a faint and cold but a peremptory final Answer with the Psalmist Away from me for I will keep the Commandments of my God Will keep them I that is I have sworn and am stedfastly purposed This is the meaning of the Apostle Tit. 3. The Grace of God hath appeared teaching us What Our Answer And how that by denying Ungodliness and worldly Lusts The best Answer is a flat denyal a round Refusal like our Head Christ Jesus who being tempted had his Answer ready And this is our first Answer in a full Repentance made up of grief and resolution 2. A second Answer is Obedience our Works for words will not carry it Not every one that saith Lord Lord And some Answers we read of shall nor serve the turn Some will answer Lord thou hast preached in our streets and we have preached in thy name Tell not me of preaching said our Saviour unless your lives have preacht too Away from me ye workers of iniquity God will have this Answer complexioned of Piety and Honesty when these are marryed they are crowned with the Grace and Blessing of God A number deceive themselves as the Jews when they cry Corban once as the Papists crack of Ecclesia Catholica Romana so these conclude all lies in being Professors zealous magnifying themselves and despising others But what were the
yoak or Spanish Inquisition all those poor Tenants and servants that live rackt and opprest and ground to powder under the merciless and rigorous Lords and Masters must advance the eye of their souls with comfort to the comming of this great and glorious Judge and Lord of Heaven for that day of his visitation shall be also the day of their full Redemption My third application is to four sorts of Visitors First You that are authorized over us you see God will discharge his Office Do you set God ever before you his Example and his Fear and first learn his first visitation in Mercy in kindness to us your brethren to do us good 'T is God we confess appoints degres of Superiority and Excellency in all Orders of Angels in Heaven in the Skie greater lesser Lights Lower still Eagles and Flies Cedars and Shrubs among the very Stones the brightest tincture given to the Ruby clearest light to the Diamond But by comparing parts of the body the Apostle proves the head cannot want the foot among u● specially of the Clergy no proud infulting for the Rule holds on this side the water too that the Capuchin and Cordelier the poorer part of this Tribe uphold the dignity of Priesthood ballancing with the pomp of some superior Prelates Secondly Do you visit as God ad correctionem and not hold it a vertue Laxare Disciplinam Remember the worlds entertaining Mahumetism is ascribed to three causes Pestis Arriana Manichaei furores and the third Disciplina laxata But wherein do we need your inspection in both our learning and our life First See to our insufficiency ignorance what silly things suffered not only to read but cloathing their sancies with pretext of the Spirit to preach too and then the main way of teaching in many places yet unpractis'd and that is Catechising Alas What is it to enrich the peoples ears for an hour who if they sleep not gape and praise the Sermon as they like the Tune saith Ezekiel as they do a Love-song Ezek. 33.32 Then are you over mens lives too over the Layety to curb their wolvish and fox-like shifts and cousenage in the Lords portion but chiefly in that sin whereto my Text appoints you in Gods stead for Whoremongers and Adulterers God will judge he will visit doth it dayly and will then do it dreadfully In the mean time are you his Depuries Delegates Commissioners What though the scornfull fools as Solomon cals them make a mock of this sin a sport and pursue it as an Art and Trade Yet you know it is respecting a mans self unhallowing of Gods Temple a dismembring the body of Christ respecting others a defiling of the most holy and solemn Covenant on earth a kerving asunder those whom God hath joyned and therefore stands the Commandment forbidding it betwixt Thest and Murder Lastly Respecting the Land it is a fire as Job speaks here at verse 12. devouring foundations and hurling the flame round about it And are not they who have the Power of Coertion if they do it not as so many Spreaders of this fire as so many Bawds and Pandars if for Bribes they wilfully palliate or wink at this Disorder or look upon it through a false and coloured Medium And if ever there was cause to cry loud and lift up the Trumpets voyce to waken both you and the whole State is it not now when like Egypt plagu'd with Frogs the Land even stiaks of this corruption and had we no other Infection enough to bring some fearfull curse upon us all But are our lives so ciear they need no visiting need none from you No Is not a debaucht and drunken Minister within your power Drunkenness a crime hatefull in the Lay but hideous in the Clergy-man a sin in them but sacriledge in us And are not you to visit for these things and vindicate our mother from this stain But when when shall we see a great and rich Adulterer perform the open penance of the Church Or when shall I hear an Arch-deacon a Commissary a Chancellor or a Bishop rather for that 's the title of God here an Over-seer rattle and fright some of these swoln and putrid offall of the Levites these hatefull roaring Drunkards in the midst of the assembly of their brethren Remember God in his visitation on Sodom saith he will go down and see whether so or no. So should you stay to enquire and not make the Visitation as the country calls it in scorn a busie taking only or passing over us like a Vision rather then a Visitation But who should help it how can there any thing be reformed without presentment this concerns a second sort of Visitors Church-wardens And what saith your bill my Masters Some poor Rascall will not pay his levy or the piper hath got a bastard but how many hath your Land-lord gotten Alas Sir we are poor people and it would be our undoing to meddle with such But what your Minister they say he is a lewd Tosse-pot a very drunken Sot O no! Omnia bene a good Fellow a little given to company-keeping thus the best of you are content to mince it or some perhaps ready to defend him and reason why they keep the Ale-house and he 's the prime guest if it were not for him they might knock down the sign Blessed be God I am perswaded you know not many such as I describe but yet I fear there be some still within the compass of these marks And dare not you present them Nay dare you present any thing Shall men in office Visitours Wardens nay watchmen sworn thus play with their Oaths What a wretched thing is it thus to fear men and despise God that great Lord Warden of his Church who when he shall visit you for this perjury what will you answer him A third sort of Visitours are our selves Sears called in the old Testament and Over-seers in the New Acts 20. all Bishaps Phil. 1.1 Let us then learn to discharge it first by heeding and visiting our own hearts reflecting on and examining our own souls whether the God in our Books in our Sermons be such in our secret brests and whether we hear or feel our selves rather when we preach or whether our preaching run not through us like a wooden Spout like the old Riddle of Through the wood and never touch it never touch never affect the heart And then ore-look our learning and strive to mend our nets giving our selves as Tully saith recoquendos till we become workmen that need not be asham'd dividing the Word aright able to exhort and convince soundly Tit. 1.3 For this it Ars artium regimen animarum which to perform as commonly t is done flatteringly or lazily and perfunctorily is both easie and acceptable but it is too most miserable and damnable And then ore-see our lives and those exempt and defend from baseness but specially that odious sin which goes too much in black drunkenness The way to
our self-guiltiness Quae in alto quaeris intus in visceribus haerent Thou O man saith the Apostle that condemnest another dost the same things thy self or if not the self same as bad or worse Thou abhorrest a sin it may be some sin thou dost not practise some sin will not yield thee any profit or no surther profit some sin will do thee no pleasure now Thou abhorrest Idols or thou dost not commit Adultery but thou committest Sacrilege Is there not a Vbi tu for thee Will there not be a calling to Judgement one day for that and then where art thou And so against all fig-leaves against all pretences and excuses here 's nothing in this Vbi in this place but bare and naked Tu. Thou mayest condemn the Serpents envy and thy wive solicitation thou mayst as well lay thy gluttony unto the Cook or to thy friend inviting thee God singles out his Dear and shoots this ungaged arrow deep into our several brests but yet such wounds from his hand are better then the kisses of an enemy All flattering all false inflations of the Serpent will but make us Pharisees With Lord I am not like other men But such a touch of this would take out that venom make us all strike on our proper bosoms and every man answer God Where art thou with Lord Here I am But Lord be mercifull to me a sinner and so Lord be mercifull to us all miserable sinners Be mercifull O Lord to us not for ours but for his sake who was made sin for us the second Adam that bore all our sins in his body on the Tree even Jesns Christ the Righteons to whom c. S. D. G. THE THIRD SERMON ON THIS TEXT GEN 3.9 The Lord God called unto the man and said Adam where art thou THIS is now the third Entrance on this Entrance of Gods Judgement upon man after his Lapse which is the first of all the three pieces of Divinity And this Third this our new consideration of this Judgement and Gods Method in proceeding may open by his assistance another door of utterance and so we may make another and another Method of proceeding with this or any other Text of Scripture For as there is little reason for that Painter who uses to inscribe his pieces to bind all other Work-men to his device So though it is impossible for any man dividing the Truth aright and speaking out of the pure Word of God things consentaneous thereunto for instruction of Gods people to avoid Doctrine or for any but grraceless Hearers not to suffer the Word of Exhortation of Reproof of Consolation to have a gracious use in their hearts and hands for Religion should be hearted first and handed after in their Understanding first and then in their Life and Conversation Yet I never found in the Sermons of the Lord Jesus himself nor in those of his Apostles nor in their Successors the Primitive Fathers of the first well-formed Churches nor in those of the now deformed Church of Rome nor in those of the first Reformed Churches that they confin'd themselves much less bound over all others on pain of sin or absurdity to one and such only form and way of Teaching which beside the violence offered to mens spirits is to my Understanding a kind of Restraint put upon the free Spirit of that God which works all in all yet deals by a diversity of gifts and distributes in variety of those gifts to every mans necessity and Capacity So that in this for the Divine that rule of the Moralist will hold Nullius addictus c. tied to none nor ever to a mans own Methode witness this attempt of mine in this farther process upon this very Text as it includes a Judgement and the Method of that Judgement These are now our two and all our parts 1. For the first When the story hath told us of Man and Womans Disobedience it shews us after their sin their shame for that 's the first born issue of sin Now they saw and knew themselves every way outwardly and inwardly in bodies and souls naked despoil'd and destitute They run from God and would hide themselves then both from him and themselves Arguments ever of guilty minds fore casting cruel things and then enters the Text with Judgement but what is here begun spreads as far as v. 20. before the sentence be ended 2. Whence the point of Doctrine on easie Inference may be that our Judgement shall certainly overtake and come upon us Hath the Senate condemned me to die saith he Why so Hath Nature condemned them to die too So hath God called me to sit and judge other men perchance those other men might better sit upon me and peradventure they shall yet ere I die If that be unexampled it is not impossible but it is impossible to escape the Judgement of God There is a Prevision of that and of the Conflagration and of the Consternation which shall be then all as old as the visions of Daniel chap. 9. verse 9. When the Thrones were cast down and the Antient of days did sit A fiery stream issued and came forth before him Thousands of thousands ministred unto him and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him the Judgement was set and the Books were opened And another vision of that as new and as late as the last piece of all Gods Revealed Will to men in Rev. 20.11 12 13. verses I saw a white Throne saith St. John and him that sat thereon from whose face the earth and the heaven fied away and there was found no place for them and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works and the sea gave up his dead and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works And these proofs these large allegations from the old and new Testament we may use instead of larger reasons for if those reasons men speak so much of rise clearly from the fountain Truth of Gods eternal Word they are worthy of some higher and nobler names then Reasons but if not taken from clear Scripture Grounds or if they flow from other principles then to the clearing of divine Truth what reasons are they Two things only then I would gladly print on every soul and from this double vision which opens and closes up this Instruction 1. Put you first in mind of St. Pauls Caveat Rom. 14.10 where the Doctrine is not to judge Not to set at nought our Brother and this is made the reason We shall all stand before the Judgement-seat of Christ and every one of us give account of himself to God 2. The other is St. Judes Induction remembring us of Gods constant course preceding in destruction