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A50325 Truth held forth and maintained according to the testimony of the holy prophets, Christ and his Apostles recorded in the Holy Scriptures with some account of the judgments of the Lord lately inflicted upon New-England by witchcraft : to which is added, Something concerning the fall of Adam, his state in the fall, and way of restoration to God again, with many other weighty things ... / written in true love to the souls of my neighbours and all men, which includeth that love to them and myself, by Thomas Maule. Mall, Thomas, b. 1629 or 30. 1695 (1695) Wing M1354; ESTC W491354 172,116 273

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Which ●●th manife●● that the Prophet fore-saw Christ to come the Covenant or Light and Promise of God to the G●●●ike of which Steek we are who have received a measure of Gods Spirit which is of the divine Light and Nature of Christ the true S●ed of his Kingdom which by measure hath been sown in the Hearts of all the Sons and Daughters of Ad●● To open their blind Eyes to bring out the Prisoner out of the Prison House I●a 42.6 7. which is that which the Prophet declared of Christ the Foundation of Life in whose Light the faithful see Light Psal 36 9. Here David saw God in Christ who was to 〈◊〉 and in that day was a Rule to light D●vid in his 〈◊〉 goings and Incomings by which he received the heavenly ●●ehes or Gods Love to the saving ●f his Soul which is the Portion of all the faithful who receive Christ in the love of his Light which is no less than Life Eternal to all them that believe in his Name for his Name is Light and this Light hath been preached to every Creature under the Heavens Col. 1.23 which is that Light which John was sent to preach Christ the true Light that lighteth every Man that cometh into the World John 1.9 and this Light opened their Understandings to know the Scriptures Luke 24 15 to 29. for Obe●●ence to the Light of Christ brings into the Knowledge of 〈◊〉 by which there comes to be a right understanding of what i● contained in the holy Scriptures for by the Spirit of God in Christ were the holy men of God enlightned and gave forth the holy Scriptures as they were moved by the holy Ghost Now mind That of this Light hath every man received a ●●●sure in his heart it being the Seed of the Kingdom and ●●●●geth forth Fruit in good Ground Mat. 13.4 5 6 7 8. 〈◊〉 not in all other Grounds which signifie dark unclean stoney and hard Hearts in which the Seed hath been sown but only thrives and brings forth Fruit acceptable to God in the good Ground that is the honest faithful Heart which yeilds Obedience unto that which the gist of Gods divine Light requires it being the Lords Talent Mat. 25. wherein we find Christ did declare concerning the Work of his Kingdont by the Parable of the ten Virgins and sloathful Servant both having received the Seed of the Kingdom the Lords Talent which is a Gift of his divine Light Spirit of Truth which had they been faithful thereunto Salvation had not been wanting for when men receive of the Lords heavenly Gift of divine Light be it more or less yet through faithful Obedience it is sufficient for their Salvation for whether more or less yet the Lord requires his own with profit and where much is given much also is required but he that is not faith●ul in that which is little shall neuer be made Ruler of that which is greater but that which he ha●h po●●mpr●●ved shall be taken away and given to him that hath improved the Gift of God for the Hon●nur of his holy Name●● and comfort of mans own Soul Mat. 25 28 29. which is ma●●er of great concern for all to be w●le an diligent in the Work of the Lord for the diligent gain Heaven● Riches when the sloathful are sent emp●y away which will be the Portion of all the 〈◊〉 that are found living in a careless state spending their time in that which brings dishonour to the Name of the Lord and sorrow to the Soul o●h●m that so liveth for the Light of the Wicked shall b● put out and the Sparks of his Fire shall not sh●ne and the Light shall be Darbness in his Tabernacle and h●● Candle shall be put out with him Job 18.5 6. but in the faithful shall the Light shine which begets the heart and mind into good Works that glorifie God their Father which is in Heaven Now the Light of Gods Spirit in the Son of his Love the Lord Jesus Christ is that Light ●hich the Lords People called Quakers profess to be the Rule of their Life whose Life is the light of men John 1.4 and this light hath been a Rule to the faithful in all Ages Psal 27 1. The Lord is my Light and Salvation and he shall bring forth thy Right●oushes●●● the light and thy Judgments as the noon day In this the Righteous rejoyce and give Thanks at the remembrance of his Holiness Here Light is sown for the Righteous and Gladness for the Vpright in Heart Psal 97.11 12. And again he speaketh of Christ to be the Light For with thee is the Fountain of Life in th●●ight shall we see Light Psal 36.9 O send out thy Light and 〈◊〉 Truth let them bring me unto thy holy Hill and thy Tabernacle Psal 43.3 And the Spirit in the Bropher saith Arise shine for thy Light is come and the Glory of the Lord is risen upon thee Isa 60.1 And the Gentile shall come to thy Light and the Kings to the Brightness of thy R●sing vers 3. And many more instances from the holy Prophets Writings may be produced to that effect but these are sufficient to prove Christ the Everlasting Foundation of L●fe and Light in whom the faithful of God in all Ages have built their Faith in the Light of God in Christ which gave them ●ull assurance in the same Faith That God in his due time would enlarge his Covenant of Light to all Nat●ons by sending h●● Son Jesus Christ who hath appeared in the liken●ss of sinful flesh to take away sin in the fl●sh by p●●forming the Will of God the Father to full●r Death in a Body of F●●sh for the Redemption of all men and this is Jesus which shall save his People from their sins Mat. 1.21 By which it is evident That the Work o● God by Jesus Christ is to save People from their sins Then what is the state of such man who profess themselves to be the Ministers of Christ and teach People of an imperfect state never to be free from sin in this Life concerning which at presen●● shall omit leaving it in order for another Head in which God willing I shall clear by sufficient Testimony of holy Sempture Proof and at present proceed in Vind●cation of the Light against the Lyes by which evil minded men reproa●● the People of God and dishonour his holy Truth in which the saithful live each according to his measu●e of Light and 〈◊〉 Spirit of Grace Light Life by Je●ds Christ which leadeth them to acknowledge God the Father Word and Spirit Christ the Word Life and Light and the holy Ghost which 〈◊〉 the Soirit of God the Father 〈◊〉 Jesus Christ the Son and Lord of Life and Light which was conceived by the holy Ghost and brought forth by the Virgin Mary betrayed by Judis suffered under Pontius Pilate rose again the third day aseen led into Heaven where now he sits in all Righteousness and Holiness with God
in days past have done for Example 1 cap. 12 13. in which holy Work the hol● Scriptures● great help for through Faith in Christ J●sus they are to make the Man of God wise to Salvation for of the N● of God and Christ is every true Believer begotten by and by his Spirit gifted in measure and are to mark that live not up in good Works of Faith to the w● Gods holy Truth according as it is manifested by 〈◊〉 Christ and left recorded by his Spirit of Tru●h w● hath commanded each Member of the Body to w● over one another not for evil but for good and i● Member be out of place the next Members are to see● the way of the Lord for to restore it into its place ag● but when all diligent care and means hath been use● its restoration and with long waiting cannot be recov● but remains in a state of dishonour to the Body the 〈◊〉 is to cut off that Member in obedience to God by w● means all the other Members of the Body may receiv●nefit in the Work of the Lord by by casting that 〈◊〉 from the Body which hath offended the whole Body by all the other Members of the Body cannot be res● to the Body again for its better that one Member ●●perish than that the whole Body should be cast into Hell 5.29 18.8 Mark 9.47 So that of what use for that Member hath been as to the benefit of the E● whether as the right ●ye or the right Hand yet if o●●orrupted and cannot be recoved by all the other M●●ers of the Body it is not to remain whereby to destroy ●he who●e Body and to cause it to perish So that all is ●o be done by and through the gift of Wisdom which is from him who is the great Physitian of Value so that all ●●e to stand faithful upon their Watch and to watch over one another for good and not for evil that all may be done to the praise and honour of Gods Name and for the Prosperity of his Truth in and among his chosen People which are the Church of Christ among whom there can ●e no real forgiving of each other further than thy Brother turns to thee and says he does Repent for the Lord forgiveth no man but as he doth turn by Obedience and Repent So that al● may live so as to keep out that Canker Worm of Prejudice which hath caten up some till they are become nothing as to the Life and Power of Gods saving Truth by Jesus Christ but are turned with the Dog to the Vomit and with the Sow to the wallowing in the Mire such went out from the People of God because they never were of the Church of Christ but remain as Land-marks and not as Way-marks for any of the Lords People to follow so there is no unbinding that on Earth which is 〈◊〉 unbound in Heaven neither binding that on Earth which is not bound in Heaven but that all may be done to the Honour of God and Prosperity of his Truth whose People are to pray that in all their Undertakings for his Truth the Will of God by them may be done on Earth as it is done in Heaven through which he will have the Honour of his own Work and they the Comfort of it to their own Souls which I desire may be fulfilled When all the scattered Sheep shall come Into that Fold in which are some Then will the faithfull come to see Christs Church in glorious State to be CHAP. XXVI Concerneng the State of all men and of Gods Judgments and also of Gods calling the Jews and manner of their Return to the Light of the Gospel THe Light of the Gospel is of God by Jesus who is the Power of God to Salvation in all them that believe and the Power of God for Condemnation in them that be●ieve not John 1.11 12 for the Lord searcheth the heart and trye●h the R●ms even to give every man according to the fruit of his doings for the Light of Gods gift of divine Life by Jesus Christ makes manitest what fruit God requires of the Sons and Daughters of men who through Faith and Obedience do not answer his holy Will for which cause the Wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all Ungodliness and Unrighteousness of men because their Life of Disobedience is knowingly against the gift of Gods divine Light which is their Condemnation for their evil Deeds John 3.19 20. for that which may be known of God is manifested in them for God hath shewed it unto them Rom. 1.18 19 For the Lord sheweth unto Man what is his Thoughts Amos 4.13 Which if through Faith and Obedience to what the Lord makes manifest then the Thoughts of the Heart and Intents of the Mind are justified before him but if their Works are of Unbelief through Disobedience then the Thoughts of their Heart and Intents of the Mind are for Condemnation for every Obedient Child of God bringeth his Deeds to the Light by which they are manifest to be wrought in God but they who are Lovers of their own unrighteous Ways more than they are Lovers of Gods holy Truth they hate the Gift of Gods divine Light because by it their evil Deeds are reproved So that the state of all men is either of Obedience or Disobedience to the known Will Mind of God made manifest by the Light of his Spirit in and through the Lord Jesus ●hrist whose Light is not hid to them that are faithful but through Disobedience the Wicked that sin away the Day of Grace their Candle hath been often lighted and through their Disobedience goeth out again Job 21.17 8.5 6. Prov. 2.20 So that if the Light of the Gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom the godd of this World hath blinded the Minds of them which believe not lest the Light of the glorious Gospel of Christ who is the Image of God should sh●ne unto them 2 Cor. 4.3 4. So that it is th●ough continued Disobedience by which men perish for the Light of the Lord is not hid under a Bed nor under a Bushel for there is nothing hid that shall not be made manifest neither was any thing kept secret but that it shall come abroad Mat. 5.15 Mark 4.21 22 23. Luke 11.33 By which it is clearly manifested that Gods Wrath and Indignation in his just Judgments upon the Unrighteous is because of their Unbelief and Rebellious living which is as the sin of Witch craft before him and in his sight Now as the state of the faithful witness Salvation by Grace through Faith and Obedience so also do the unfaithful witness Condemnation Destruction through Disobedience and Unbelief begotten by the Father of all Unrighteousness So that the state of all men are either in Servitude to the Power of Gods gift by Jesus Christ or in Servitude to the Power of the Devil who is the Father of all Unrighteousness which
time the Word was made Fesh and d●elt among the Son Daughters of Men and they beheld his Glory the Glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of Grace and Truth Joh. 1.14 and this is Christ unto whom all things of the Father are delivered both in ●eaven and Earth and no man knows him but the Father neither knoweth an● man the Father save the Son and he to whom the Son will reveal him Mat. 11.27 By which it is evident that all Revelation is not ceased Come unto me all ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest vers 28. Here Christ hath promised Rest unto all that will come unto him But how shall they come unto him by Faith in Obedience to that measure of his divine Light of his Spirit of Grace which he hath placed in their Hearts it being the Lords Talent given to Man for this end that he should improve it to the Honour and Glory of God and Salvation of his own Immortal Soul by Jesus Christ the Evidence of whose Spirit giveth Life to the Soul of that Man whose cleart Mind and Spirit is faithful to his Gift for the Scriptures rest●le That Christ affordeth unto all them that by true Faith come unto him Search the Scriptures for in them ●e think to have Eternal Life and they are they that testifie of me and ye will not come to me that you may have Life Job 5.39 40. Here it is evident from Christs own words That to search the holy Scriptures without the true saving knowledge of God in Christ and of his Spirit which moved in the holy Men of God and gave them Utterance to declare his Will and Mind according as contained in the holy Scripture without which in some measure Men cannot profit or benefit towards Salvation by Jesus Christ by their reading the holy Scriptures for they that will not come to the inward Evidence of Gods Gift of his Spirit and Grace they have not the Love of God in them Joh. 5.42 For Jesus Christ the Promise of God and Seed of the Kingdom him hath God given to be an Everlasting Covenant of Grace Light and Life to them that fear and tremble at the Power of his Word and stedfastly remain in the belief of his holy Name which is no less than to give up in their whole desire of Heart and Mind to serve him the Lord of Life in Truth and Righteousness with uprightness of Heart Mind Soul and Spirit for unto him it doth belong and unto such belongeth the Promise of God by the suffering of his Son the Lord Jesus Christ which doth extend Salvation to their Souls for God in tender Love Mercy towards all men falling short of his Glory by the fall of the first Adam doth tender the Son of his Love the Lord Jesus by the call of his good Spirit of Grace Life and Light which remains not in the oldness of the Letter but in the newness of the Spirit which hath no relation to the saving of that Soul which remains in sin term of Life having received the inward Evidence of the Spirit which condemns for every thought word and action which is not agreeable with the Spirit of Truth of which every man hath received a measure in his own heart to justifie or condemn even as his Works appear before the Lord so shall be his Reward if of Faith and Obedience then Life and Peace will follow but if it be of Sin and Unbelief then Death Hell and Destruction will be the Portion of him or her which dyes in such a state for the Wages of Sin is Death but the Gift of God is Eternal Life so they that dye in sin are free from Righteousness having no part lot nor share in the Promise of God and Hope of Jesus Christ for their Hope shall be cut as the Spiders Web which shall perish for evermore for Christ came not to save People in their sin but to save and redeem from sin and Transgression His Name shall be called Jesus for he shall save his People from their Sins Mat. 1.21 for they that dye in their sins cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven as Christ said If ye believe not that I am he ye shall dye in your sins and where I go ye cannot come which relates to a state of Perfection in this Life upon which Head I shall God willing treat more at large in a distinct Chapter by which the Understandings of them that desire after Truth may receive the benefit of my small measure relating to the same for man living in sin becomes destitute of any benefit by Christ for the Salvation of his Soul for he that commits sin it is of the Devil and he knows not God the Father but he that is faithful to the Gift of God in his heart learns to fear the Lord and to work his Righteousness which is the fullfilling of what God requires in obedience to the Son of his Love the Lord Jesus Christ who spiritually moves in the hearts of all whose day of Visitation is not over for Christ ruleth over all and will in no way fall short of his Honour either by the Salvation of the one or Condemnation of the other for Christ by the measure of his Spirit is in all except Reprobates 〈◊〉 and therefore it is matter of great concern for People to examin their own hearts whether by true Faith Christ abides in them for the Body of Man where Christ by the gift of his divine Light and Spirit liveth is the Temple of the holy Ghost and if any Man defile the Temple of God him will God destroy Then he that is not in obedience to the gift of God which he hath received is a Pollutor of the Temple and is without true Faith in Christ Prove your own selves know you not that if Christ be not in you you are Reprobates 2 Cor. 13.5 Now they whose Minds are wrought towards the Lord their Affections are set on heavenly things above to seek God in Christ and in them Christ by the measure of his divine Light Grace and Spirit liveth Gal. 2.20 Now Christ being in his People the Body is dead because of Sin but the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness Rom 8.10 for there is neither Greek nor Jew Circumcision Barbarian Sithian Bond nor Free but Christ is all and in all and many more Scripture Prooffs might be produced to the same effect That Christ lives and moves by the Gift of his divine Light and Spirit of Grace and Truth in the hearts of his People and that their Bodies are the Temple of God for Christ by the gift of his Spirit Life and Light to dwell in which if People both Young and Old would forsake their Vanity and apply their Minds to seek the Lord in his own way of Truth and Righteousness according to the Gift of his divine Light and quickening Word of his Spirit as by Record for their help
Gods ●race through the effectual Working of the holy Ghost by which they came to understand the Will and Mind of God the Father in the Death and Resurrection of his Son the Lord Jesus which was expedient that he should depart that 〈…〉 forter might come Joh 15.26 which Promise was fulfilled by the voilding up that Body of Flesh which was born of a Woman and betrayed by Judas condemned by Pilate delive 〈◊〉 unto 〈…〉 set him at naught and crucified the Lord of Life upon their Cross without the Gates of Jerusalem which Body was buried and rose again the third Day being the first Day of the Week which Christians attend for the Worship of God having the holy Apostles for an Example to follow them as they were Followers of Christ who met together on the first day of the Week to worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth which is in the Power of his Spirit by the effectual working of his Gift through his Death and Resurrection which appeared unto the Saints who received of his Fullness Grace for Grace which made them able Ministers of the New Covenant of Life Light in Christ Jesus which then ascended into Heaven with God the Father and with him is in a glorified Body which Flesh and Blood cannot reveal being glorified with that Glory which he had with the Father before the World began which is the Christ that the holy men prophecyed should come for a Light to the Gentiles and for Salvation to the ends of the Earth Isa 49.6 Acts 13.47 who accordingly is come and hath done the will of God the Father in that Body as aforesaid and by him through his Death Resurrection Ascention have all the Sons and Daughters of Men received a Gift of his heavenly divine Light as a Talent Tale●ts for them to work out their Salvation with fear and trembling at his Work which is able to make● thorow seperation betwixt the precious and the vile that is between the begettings of his own divine Life and that Seed which brings forth the Life of the Stranger which is the Devil and Enemy of mans Soul whom the faithful will not follow but are willing to submit under the Cross of Christ whose Yoke is easie and his burden light not desiring the Death of any one Sinner but that all might turn at his Reproofs and live the Life of the Son of God who hath suffered Death been buried and is risen again and ascended into the Heavens where he maketh Intercession with God the Father for the Redemption and Salvation of all them that are willing by true Faith to receive the tenders of his free Grace which by the Gift of the divine Light of his Spirit of Truth is largely manifested unto the Sons and Daughters of men for his divine Light and quickening Word of his Spirit in his People that is Christ in them the Hope of Glory by which not any will be left without excuse in the great Day of his Coming to take Vengeance on all the Ungodly of them which have not improved their T●lents to the Honour of his Name and profit of their Immortal Souls in which Day with the Righteous it shall gowell but with the Wicked who have slighted the Day of the Lords Visitation through their idle careless loose and vain living in Disobedience to that which the Lord by the gift of his divine Light and Word of his Spirit requires of them for which cause sorrow and anguish shall overtake them in that Day in which they shall forever be shut out from having any lot part or share among the faithful in the Kingdom of Heaven through the Death and Resurrection of the Son of God who laid down his Life for the Sins of the whole World but as many shall be saved as truely believe in his Name for as by one Mans Disobedience many were made Sinners so by the Obedience of the Man Christ Jesus many shall be made Righteous Rom. 5.19 for Christ is the end of the Law for Righteousness to every one that believeth so that not any 〈…〉 to say wh● shall descend to bring up Christ again from the 〈…〉 who shall ascend to bring down Christ from Heaven for the 〈◊〉 nigh even in the Mouth and in the Heart that is the Word of Faith Rom. 10 〈…〉 by which Word of Faith we 〈◊〉 that Christ wh●●● outwardly desc●●d 〈…〉 ascended and by 〈◊〉 Power of divine Light quickening word of his Spir●● he is the Author Finisher of every good Work of Faith in the hearts of his People for he is the Word of Life unto the 〈◊〉 by true Faith believe in him as he outwardly suffered and in the gist of his Spirit which is the inward Word of 〈…〉 them t● whom Christ giveth the Shield of Faith and Hope the H●● not of their Salvation by which Word Sim●n Peter came to know the Lord of Life to be the Christ the Son of the living God which Flesh Blood did not reveal Mat. 16 14 15 16. but was revealed by God the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ whose meer B●d●y Presence did not give Peter the knowledge of the Church buils on that that Rock whose Foundation was so sure that ●he Gates of Hell could never prevail against ●●s Members which by the most sare Word of Prophecy are ingrafted in the Man Christ in whom the fullness of the Godhead dwelleth for evermore for he is the well-beloved of the Fathers own begetting and hath done the Work of God in that Body of Flesh which suffered on the Cross without the City Gates of Jerusalem and was buried and rose again the third Day and appeared to the Saints and gave Gifts unto them and ascended into Heaven of which things the Father Word and Spirit beareth witness and these three are one God and that no man speaking by the spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed and that no man can say That Jesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost and as there is but One God One Lord Jesus Christ One Father One Son and One holy Ghost One Word and One Spirit all which are One God who hath given Diversittes of Gifts but the same Spirit and Differences of Advanistrations but the same Lord and Diversities of Operations but it is the same God which worketh all in all for a manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal 1 Cor. 12.3 4 5 6 7. for as the Body is one and hath many Members and all the Members of that one Body being many are one Body so also is Christ for by one Spirit are all the faithful baptized into one Body whether they be Jew● or Gentiles Bond or Free they have been made to drink into one Spirit for the Body is not one Member but many and are ingrafted by the Power of Gods Spirit the most sure Word of Prophecy into the stock which is Christ the true Vine with which every true Branch
that is a Member of his Body doth of his divine Nature partake by which it doth bud spring and bring forth Fruit abundantly to the Praise and Honour of Gods holy Name but every Branch that bringeth not forth Fruit unto God by true Faith in Christ the Father taketh away for it s by Disobedience the Lord cuts it off and appoints it its Portion in Hell which is the Portion of all them that let the Day of Gods Grace and Visitation of his Spirit to pass over but every Branch that beareth Fruit in Christ the true Vine the Father purgeth it of its first nature the old heaven of Degeneration and by the Power of his Word Grace and Spirit leavens the heart mind and spirit into the new lump and nature of his heavenly Kingdom in Christ Jesus the Author and Finisher of his own Work in them that truely believe which by Faith in Christ bring forth Fruits of Righteousness and Holiness which are the Works of true Faith without which Faith is even dead as the Body is without the Spirit for by the Gift of Gods good Spirit of Grace is the Faith of every true Believer wrought into a lively hope in which stands an assurance of that Crown of Righteousness which 〈…〉 store for all true Believers that fear the Lord and keep his Commandments such are they that live in the true fear of the Lord which is the beginning of Wisdom and leads the Mind out of visible delights and to follow Christ with an easie Yoke and light burden to do his Will which is that strait and even narrow Way which leadeth unto the Kingdom in which no unclean thing can enter neither is there any cleansing but what is here on Earth for as Death leaves so Ju●gment finds and there is no Repentance in the Grave Which things in the true Love of God to Peoples Souls I do exhort them to weigh and consider that they may turn in their minds from all vain Delights and obey the Voice of the Son of God in their own hearts that by the Gift of his Spirit they may come to be turned from Darkness to Light and from the Power of their Souls Enemy to serve the Lord in true Holyness of heart mind and spirit for there is no other Name given under Heaven for men to be saved but as they come to believe in Christ as he did outwardly suffer and also believe in the Gift o● his Spirit and inward Word of Life unto all them that are in true Obedience to the gift of his divine Light which hath been the Path of the Just in all Ages and yet appears in the heart of every man and Woman with whom the Day of Gods Grace is not over for his Love remains stedfast to all that which is of his own Nature which is of a contrary Nature to that permitted Power unto which too many yeild their obedience by which the desire of their Minds is drawn from obedience to the gift of Gods divine Light and quickening Word of his Spirit in which state they serve the the Lust of the Flesh the Lust of the Eye and the Pride of Life and as men void of all spiritual sense and reason as to the things of God their Thoughts Words and Actions are here and there in the love of those things which Work the Lords Soul abhors and such appear as Trees without Fruit as to God for their Fruit is of a strange Plant and unregenerate Vine for which cause the Spirit of the Lord in his Servants is the same as it was in his Servants of Old who are called of God to bear their faithful Testimony against all Unrighteousness of men who as evil corrupt Trees bring forth evil corrupt Fruit for which cause evil minded men are at Enmity with the Lord and his People whose Fruit is of his own Spirit which is Love Joy Peace Long-suffering Gen●leness Goodness Faith Meekness Temperance against such there is no Law for they live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit with Christ whom now as in days past the wise builders set at naught wherefore he hath said The things of the Kingdom are hid from the wise and prudent of this World and revealed unto Babes even so hath it pleased God for the wise and prudent of this World pretend to build upon him at whom they stumble and is become the Head of the Corner and will so remain to the breaking down all that which is contrary to his holy blessed Truth so that no building shall stand but that which is built by the Power of his own Spirit in them whom the Wisdom of this World doth despise even as the Wise did despise in that Day when they set their Learning in H●brew Greek and Latine over the Head of Jesus Joh. 19 20 even so is it with the Wise of this World in this Day whose Learning is set above the gift of God which came by Jesus Christ whose People begot by him in the true Faith and Oneness of Spirit do well know that there is No other Name under Heaven given among men whereby to be saved but by that Name Jesus of Nazareth that Christ by which is the Righteousness of his People for he unto them is made of God Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption and that in this World as well as in the World to come and not simply so accounted as some judge and then made unto us of God Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption hereafter in the World to come but realty made to us here and that perfectly too so far as he is perfectly hoped in 1 Pet. 1.13 for Salvation that is Salvation from God by Christ through the Faith of his outward Sufferings and by obedience to the gift of his Spirit in the heart which is the inward Word o● Life to them that hear and obey by which they may be turned from Darkness to Light and from the Fower of Satan to the Power of God by which they may witnes●●he Evidence of Gods spirit That they have the Pardon of sin and forgiveness of that which is past being washed with the Blood of Sprinkling which cleanseth the Heart and purg●th the Conscience from dead Works to serve the living God in uprightness of Soul Body and Mind and without witnessing of this VVork perfected through Faith in Jesus Christ the Soul can never be clean to enter his Rest with him in the Kingdom of Heaven which was prepared before the Foundation of the Earth was laid for a People that should serve the Lord in uprightness of Soul Mind and Spirit being throughly cleansed by the Blood of Jesus Christ whose Death Resurrection and Ascention will not avail any Man or VVoman whose Mind remains in the love of any one thing more than to love him and serve him with uprightness of Heart Mind for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is Life and Peace and whereby every
shall end and be no more for the Word of the Lord shall endure forever And what is left recorded in the written Word of God is for this end that People may learn in the Light of the Lord to perform that which by the Gift of his Spirit of divine Light Grace he requires of them to do the Declaration of which is recorded in the holy Scriptures of Truth which are profitable for Doctrine c. 2 Tim. 3.16 which no man can learn but as he remains faithful to the gift of God which he hath received for that end that by so doing he may come to grow more and more in Grace to the Honour of God and everlasting Wellfare of his immortal Soul which will never witness Salvation but by true Faith in Christ Jesus the most sure VVord of Prophecy whereunto they will do well to take heed as unto a Light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the Day star arise in their hearts without which there is no Salvation CHAP. VI. Concerning Faith Hope and Obedience which by the Power of God through ●esus Christ worketh Salvation to the Souls of them that truly believe in the gift of his Grace Also something concerning Silence JEsus Christ in all things became obedient to the Will of God the Father for the Redemption of all Mankind that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but should receive Life Everlasting which is the Promise of God by Jesus Christ unto all the faithful willing and obedient that is in all things for the Salvation of their Souls by Faith in Jesus Christ for Man by Obedience to the Gift of God which is a measure of divine Light by Jesus Christ by whom the Soul comes to be reconciled unto God for the Lord in 〈◊〉 ●ay requires no less than perfect Obedience of all Men 〈…〉 all men have received of his Gift of his Spirit of divine Light by Jesus Christ so he will not have any left without Excuse in the Day of his Coming to take Vengeance on all the Vngodly which call not upon the Name of the Lord. for Christ is made manifest according to the Commandment of the Everlasting God made known to all Nations for the Obedience of their Faith Rom 16.6 and for that end did the Apostle write that he might know the proof of them whether they were obedient in all things 2 Cor. 2 9. for this is the Day of Gods Visitation wherein if ye will hear his Voice harden not your hearts against the Light of his Spirit of Grace for unto whom ye yeild your Minds Servants to obey his Servants you are to whom you obey whether of Sin unto Death or Obedience unto Righteousness Rom. 6.16 Now the Gift of Gods divine Light by Jesus Christ makes manifest to all men all the thoughts of his Heart and intents of his Mind for the Righteousness of Faith speaketh on this wise Say not in thy heart who shall ascend into Heaven that is to bring Christ down from above or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring up Christ again from the Dead but what saith it the VVord is nigh thee even in thy Mouth in thy Heart that is the VVord of Faith Rom. 10.6.7 8 By which it is evident that where men perish it is not altogether for want of Knowledge but for want of Obedience to the Gift of God which he hath placed in the hearts of all the Sons and Daughters of Men which by obedience would give them Power over their lustful Desires which by Nature lodgeth in the hearts of sinful Men and Women whose Minds for want of Obedience are drawn by the Enemy's Power to joyn with the Temptations of the Devil but if they yeilded Obedience to the gift of Gods Spirit they would witness strength to with-stand the Enemy and cause him to flee for the ●eapon of every true Believers VVar-fare are not carnal but spiritual and mighty through God to the pul●ing down strong Holds casting down every high thing that exalteth its self against the Knowledge of God and bringeth into Captivity every Thought to the Obedience of Christ having in readiness to revenge all Disobedience when their Obedience is fullfilled 2 Cor. 10.1 5 6. and in this do the faithful come to witness the inward Affections of Christ more more abundant towards them whilst he remembereth their Obedience how with fear and trembling they receive him 2 Cor. 7.15 Which things are plain and by Obedience easie to be understood that they who come to receive the benefit of Chri●● by the Power of Gods Spirit in and through him it is by true Faith in Obedience to his Word at which they fear and tremble it being sharper than any two-edged Sword dividing between the Precious and the Vile which is an Engagement between the Power of God and the Power of the Souls Enemy who hath seated himself in the Temple of God as if he were God which Enemy is the strong Man that hath taken Possession in the hearts of the Sons Daughters of Men whose Minds are alienated from God by reason of Sin and Transgression who keepeth the House until a stronger than the Devil doth dispossess him of his Power unto which Povver through the Lust of Peoples unregenerated Hearts they are most inclined to serve vvhich hath been and yet is the state of many Thousands of Men and Women vvho are deceived by the Devil vvhich is for vvant of Obedience to the gift of God Povver vvhich by true Faith and Obedience vvould dispossess the Devil of his Povver and bring the inward Man into the true saving Knowledge of his sanctified Work of Grace in their own Hearts vvhich things they are ignorant of who remain in a blind zeal for God but not according to the true saving Knowledge of him in Jesus Christ Rom 10.2 by which their Faith remains in a dead Hope that shall perish for true Faith works the whole inward Man of Heart Mind Soul and Spirit into the true Love of God and Hope of Salvation by the Lord Jesus Christ whose Spirit gives Evidence of an assurance in those things that by true Faith are hoped for so that Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the Evidence of things not seen Heb. 11.1 2. for by Faith the holy Men of God obtained a good Report for we see and understand through Faith in God that the Worlds were framed by Christ the Word of God so that things that were seen were not made of things which do appear Heb. 1.3 By when it is manifest that Christ is the Word by whom all things were made long before the Scriptures were given for 〈◊〉 for the Law came by Moses but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ in whom remaineth the ●ope of h●s People for the ●arvation of their Souls and from this Word Christ the Se●vant of God received Grace Apostlesh●● for their Obedience to the Faith
for he came not to dest oy mens Lives and Estates but his coming was for this end To save that which he had made alive by calling Sinners to Repentance which by Obedience through Faith found Mercy and entered into that Hope by which the Righteous have been preserved in all Ages Heb. 11.2 to 40. for it is the Just that live by Faith ●ab 2.4 and therein is the Righteousness of ●od revealed from Faith to Faith as it is written The Just shall live by Faith Rom. 1.17 which proves That the Righteous by Faith in Christ are the Just that live by Faith having yeilded their Obedience to the gift of Gods Grace which gave them the Hope of Christ through his Death and rising again to Life by whose Spirit of Grace Life and Light they come to receive an assurance b● Faith of that blessed Hope in Christ for the Salvation of their Immortal Souls for through Faith by Grace are the Righteous saved for it is the gift of God Ephes 2 8. and the gift of God is Life Eternal unto them that are not found cloathed with any thing of their own Righteousness but altogether cloathed with that Righteousness which is by Faith in Christ which is the Righteousness of God Ephes 3.9 which 〈◊〉 works b● love and is that Faith which ●or●s into th●V●ity of the one Spirit and of the Knowledge of the Son of God unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ Ephes 4.13 in which state the Righteous 〈…〉 ●●●tified b● Faith and have peace with God through the Lord Jesus ●hrist Rom 5 1. and by him have the ●aith 〈◊〉 access by Faith into the Grace wherein they stand and rejoyce in the Hope of the Glory of God and not only so but they glory in Tribulation also knowing that Tribulation works Patience and Patience works Experience and Experience works Hope and Hope maketh not ashamed because the Love of God is sh●d abroad in their hearts by the holy Ghost which is given unto them Rom. 5.1 2 3 4 5. Which things are by the Spirit of God in his faithful Servants Messengers of Truth left upon holy Record that People may learn to keep low in their Minds from the love of all Vanity and things of a perishing nature that so they may come to give wholly up in their Minds to retain God in their Thoughts by which through Faith and Obedience they may not fall short in the Hope of Gods heavenly Riches which are treasured up in Jesus Christ for all them that by Faith and Obedience live up to his Spirit of Grace Life and Light whereby the faithful have been made partakers of Gods durable Riches which is that Crown of Righteousness laid up in store for all them that by true Faith live in Obedience to the appearance of Christ in their Hearts such so living and so dying shall in no way fall short in the true Hope of Jesus Christ Concerning Perfection and that Warfare which the faithfull are to pass through before they come to witness free and full Redemption from Sin in this Life according as will appear by what follows GOD is perfect just and holy in all his Works and gifts towards all the Sons and Daughters of Men for every good and perfect gift cometh from the Fathêr of all Grace Life and Light with whom there is no variableness nor shadow of Turning Jam. 1.17 but in Man the heart above all things is deceitful and desperately VVicked who can know it save the Lord that made Man in his own Image after his own Likeness made he him and gave him Dominion over the things of the Earth Jer. 17. ● Gen. 1 26. commanding him that he should not eat of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil for in that day wherein he did eat thereof he should surely dye gen 2.17 Which Command through Disobedience Man broke by which he brought the Sons and Daughters of Men into a state of Lust which through the Temptations of the Enemy to his own feed in the Heart draws the natural Mind to lust after that evil which bringeth sin and sin bringeth Death ove● the Soul for the VVages of sin is Death but the gift o● God ●s eternal L●●e unto them who do not remain in that first sta●e of D●generation sinning against the gift of God for as the Children of men sel● short of the glory of God through the I all of the first Man Earthly so the Children from Adam 〈◊〉 Faith and Obedience to the gift of ●od shall be saved through the Death and Resurrection of the Lord of Life the second Adam ●om Heaven spiritual who requires perfect Obedience of all men to his holy Commands that their Souls through Faith in him may be saved for only they are saved which perfectly believe in him that he is able and willing to give them Power that are willing to keep his Commands ●or which end of Mans Salvation he hath commanded People to be ●●●●ect even as God is Perfect Mat. 5.48 which Command by Jesus Christ seems too straight for many to receive into their Belief of ever attaining such a state in this Life that they either distrust in the Power of God ●y Jesus Christ or otherwise they are not willing to part with all their sins to gain Christ for Sin makes a partition Wall between God and mans Soul that it cannot come to receive the incomes of Gods divine Love by Jesus Christ for all Sin is of Unrighteousness and all Unrighteousness is of the Devil which is the Father of all Sin whose work of Darkness hath no relation to the Kingdom of Heaven neither can any enter Gods holy place before they are free from Sin but he that serves the Lord and keeps all the Commandments of God doth witness a perfect state in this Life Mat. 19.20 21. 5.48 and the holy Scripture is full and clear that such as feared God and wrought Righteousness were perfect Men for Noah which walked with God was a perfect Man and God commanded Abraham to be perfect Gen. 17.1 Also Job was a perfect M●n being upright and one that fea●ed God and eschewed evil Job 1.1 cap. ● 2 3. in which Tryal of Job's Faith he said● That God would not cast away a perfect Man J●b 8.20 which manifests that such have been perfect men in this Life otherways the Spirit of the Lord would not have suffered an account of the same to have been recorded in the 〈◊〉 Scriptures of Truth Also David was a man after Gods own heart except in the matter of Vriah of which he repented which could not have been had not David been a perfect Man for he that is not perfect in the Work of the Lord to keep his Commands he is not a Man after the Nature of Christ who perfectly performed the Work of God for the Redemption of Men in whom the work of God is to be perfected by Jesus Christ who came to