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A49867 A fountain of gardens Vol. II. Being a continuation of the process of a life according to faith, of the divinely magical knowledge, and of the new creation. In mutual entertainments betwixt the essential wisdom, and the soul in her progress through paradise, to Mount Sion, and to the new Jerusalem. By J. Lead.; Fountain of gardens. Vol. 2. Lead, Jane, 1623-1704. 1697 (1697) Wing L783B; ESTC R212812 202,788 554

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That by Houses the Spirit that spake in Jesus then did aim at a further thing then an outward material Habitation Houses for shelter are harmless and without Offences But it is that Earthly House spoken of which is the Body of Sin which harboureth the whole Tribe and Family who are from the fallen Birth From which evil Seed a Corrupt Generation hath sprung and sheltred themselves therein There is Father and Mother Husband and Wife Brethren and Sisters as the most Holy Spirit declared saying All these in a compact are being of one Blood and Life strong Animal and mighty Rational and all these do lawfully plead for their establishment as in such who are refined from the more gross Pollutions not considering their own Originality that all do proceed from a corrupt Being and it is not the suspending their Evil Properties at sometime not suffering them to break forth washing that over which beareth the stain of a Leopard Spot This is too short and defective for to race the Foundation of the House and Linage you are called upon to pull it down The Incitement is to that superiour Will upon whom all these Combining Powers have encroached It therefore must act a Sampson part resolving to make a Battery that so a final Conquest may appear upon the visible Stage resolving to break the Brood though you do with them sink down into Death Call up your force the mighty strength of Israel is at hand yet once more to avenge you by not only shaking but by removing the Pillars of that House which hath been a receptacle of all this Evil Fraternity from which to go out ye are commanded Let not your Noble Will take any notice of their subtle and pretended Abnegations or upper Washings which cannot change the Blackamore It will be an Ishmaelite at best though a faithful Abraham's Son part thereof may bear yet because of a divided Seed born from the Aegyptian nothing of Wisdom's Inheritance it must ever share all of that is reserved for her own true Heir who hereupon will rid all of the Hagarites Offspring not one shall dwell in Isaac's Court. Thus I was made to understand the scope and drift of the Spirit what it was to forsake all it is no less then to be dead to all and to come so far in this Death as to strike at the very moving cause of what hath given Life unto these degenerated Plants at which very Root the Flaming Sword will pierce that so the Original Matter may be throughly consumed Ah blessed Lord such a deep Wound in that hidden part whereout all of this strange earthly brood begotten was do thou now give us from thy great kindness such a deadly stroke that no more of Life may ever stir from that Center and give unto us a release from that Ishmaelitish Family to all Eternity Ah dear Lord Jesus February the 14th 1676 7. Being this Night much carried forth in full Sail of the Spirit of Faith which was the more set afloat from the contradicting and opposing Spirits who were raised as so many Pyrats that did attempt to take away our Prize after this manner it was presented to me that the most Holy One had built for us a passing Ship to sail upon the broad Heavens to fetch home the rich Cabinet-Treasure that is disposable by Wisdom she giving out upon every arrival fresh Lading Now the Serpent this seeing said If we let them alone in this way of high and Spiritual Traffick then they will come to a mighty Increase For if the good and choice things of Mount Sion should be brought into this Principle and the worth of them should come to be understood then Babylon's Wares could not bear that rate that now they do Therefore said the blessed Comforter Marvel not that wait is laid by that Evil One who in several Vessels as a Man of War doth strongly stear them Who deem it but just and lawful to riffle and despoil what are prohibited as unlawful to be brought in into this earthly Region The wise and learned Rabbies of this Age do take Counsel how to prevent the Landing of these uncustomed Goods that are not Lice●sed after the known Traditional Laws But at this be ye not terrified who well know your Merchandize is good and valuable and in its time it shall have Vent amongst those who hereunto are elected Therefore your goodly Ships rigged with Flying Banners of Faith do you not fear still to send forth for Guardian Hosts of Spiritual Powers shall surround you Only this let your Bow of Faith abide in strength and do not give the least ground to what would dis-settle you Trust in the Most High as your Strength and ye in Unity shall find an Almighty Defence February the 14th 1976 7. Being upon a deep Consideration how and after what manner our God would give witness that we are chosen as Paul and Barnabas for a special Work and Ministry in this World it was answered me It should be known by a great Gift that should come upon us February the 15th 1676 7. Then this Word came to me saying For as much as ye have with one fixed Mind for my Truth and Honour stood expect Prophecies shall to you be made good It was again thus to me said That by Constancy we should wear out every Enemy with this Word of Charge to hold the Helm of our Ship fast for it would then bring us to our own Country Coast. Where we should be beyond the fear of every lurking Pyrate February the 17th 1676 7. The second part of that of Mark 10. 30. was by the sweet Flowing Unction expounded to me being the reward of what should ensue upon the denying and forsaking this whole earthly Life giving and taking a general Release from it This Word came as a Preface to it Know that the most mystical and deep Sence of this Scripture is now opened unto you who are beloved of your Lord not only for the enriching of your Minds with right Knowledge and Understanding but to give firm ground to stand upon And hereby to believe as from a sure and fresh Word of Prophecy which ye may expect the accomplishment of upon the laying down of your Lives and suffering a real devestment of all thereto pertaining The summ of which is the putting off the House of this earthly Tabernacle that ye may be cloathed upon with this House which is here mentioned in the Plural Number Houses to shew that there is variety of Habitations to take your delight and pleasure in But what manner of Buildings are these Houses the material matter of them you would willingly know First by a true description from such a one as is already entred into them who is so gloriously settled herein as he it is who doth invite you to be his Neighbourhood saying to the Conquerors Come up and sit with me in my Throne Now then till you have laid down your Earthly Tabernacle of this
White loose Garment girt about her with a seeming White Silken Girdle who came near to me saying Behold and see what ye may arrive to be in me And so passed away Then after a while there was a Child all Lovely and Fair put into my Arms it was all naked of a smooth shining Skin I could not see who it was that disposed it to me but it was unexpectedly let down into my Arms. I thought it to be very Weighty though but little so passing to go away with it it suddainly slipped through my Arms unto the Ground at which I gave a great Screek and with great Fear and Concern took it up again without much Damage March the 12th 1676. The Interpretation of the First Vision Concerning this Vision the Thoughts of my Head were for the space of time much troubled till the revealer of Secrets did expound to me the meaning hereof As to the first which was the Woman with the Crown upon her Head This was declared to be the Virgin-Bride of the Lamb who came to shew her self made fully Ready all Bright and Fair as the Queen and Princess of Heaven Who hath her place at the Right-hand of the Immanuel for so much as this Woman is the Glory of the God-Man who out of this masculine Nature is taken according to the Figure of the first Paradisical Man who brought forth that Eve that was the Mother of all that lived in the mixed Property of Good and Evil. All of which Off-spring the present visible World doth consist of which to this Day is under the denomination of the fallen Creation which hath been upon Restoring ever since the Relapse but not yet Restored What then has made it stick so long Where is that Woman whose Seed must bruise the Serpent's Head Is she not yet made manifest Yes sure she hath been known as to the first Figure hereof to whom it was said That this Eve or first Woman should bring forth her Seed in Sorrow It hath been also generally concluded That out of this earthly Eve that Royal Seed should come by which the Serpent in Nature should be destroyed which was so suddainly introduced both into Adam and Eve True it is that the genaelogy did so run from them to the Birth of Christ after the Flesh but yet not to be reckoned for Eves Seed though God said to the Serpent that he would put Enmity betwixt his Seed and the Womans But how is that to be understood Not in the Line of natural Generation Neither was it said that from such a Woman who lies under the Curse of Sin and Sorrow that this blessed Birth should spring therefrom Though in Truth and Substance a mighty and wonderful Birth was made manifest wherein a deeper Mystery hath been couched than to past Time and past Generations hath been Revealed But now the Hand of Love begins to move and the Covering is turning away off from such who are turned in to know the Treasures of eternal Wisdom The Spirit of Truth is verily at hand to drive and guide the pure Mind jointly with it self into the Ocean-Mystery which is God himself in his abstracted Deity whereinto separated Spirits may very deeply dive when they are departed from their Earthly Senses This deep thing which is upon revealing I found like a boiling Pot of Oyntment so sweetly flowing into my Intellectual part Upon which my Mind as all in a flaming Light was enlightned to see what under the Mantle did lie Who according to eternal Counsel was hereunto fore-ordained typically to be brought forth in the Line of Natural Virginity even a Man or Sorrows and acquainted with Griefs and subjected to Sufferings hiding and covering by a Terrestial Form that sparkling Star of the Deity Which also would have been obscured if he had not again risen from the Dead Which gave the Church a mighty Remove in that day from shadows into that which was more Spiritual and Substantial through the giving of the Unction Which hath from that Age striven mightily but the Man of sin still hath been too strong witness those Complaints to the very breaking Hour of Mortality in them that are highest in the Birth-Ministration of Jesus as working through humane Properties But then an Objection must rise herefrom If all this be too short what more is there yet to come Things now have long stood at a stay what may we from the mighty God and everlasting● Father more yet expect that so the Temple Body of Jesus may not still lie unperfected Well what more forceable can there be then Christ in the Flesh and Christ in the Spirit Ans. To this there is an Answer by the All-searching Spirit prepared there is yet a Virgin Woman to be revealed out from the Heavens whereof Mary that bro●ght forth Christ according to the Flesh was but a Type For it was neither Eve nor she to whom the Promise was made concerning that Birth which should bruise the Serpent's seven headed Power There must be another Genealogy found out from whence the Serpent-treader must also come Look and see and you shall find hereof is recorded Rev. 12. To which place I was by that Holy Ghostly Seer referred as to a Foundation for this more Excelling Ministration Iohn seeing this in Vision so long since and nothing hereof yet produced let not that seem so marvellous in your Eyes for Times decreed are in the Spirit as known to God in what Age in the World this Blessing will be most seasonably brought forth Conclude ye may by Wisdom's Star that hath appeared in your Heavens that out-thence if kept pure and clear this great Wonder may follow according as ye did see in the late Idea But ah my Lord how is this to be understood sure this Woman is not to be manifested in any one Particular who is subsisting in a Corporeal Substance For she will come all arrayed in a Body Saphire-like and not in the garb of the Mortal Creature with the Globe of this World● under her Feet Therefore this Query meets with this Who living in this Principle may expect such a Ray of Glory for to become a Covering And this was Answered Wherefore dost thou think that it was cryed up for a Wonder if it was not upon some extraordinary change who though thus transformed into such brightness of Excellency yet she is called a Woman But the pure Heavenly Glory altogether covereth the Creaturely Being The sparkling Deity that was hid within becomes the great and high amazement a flaming Garment This also will be obvious to the right discerning Eye in this present Sphere from whence will arise the admiration and great questioning there will be from whence this Woman did proceed If any hereof shall make a doubt how it can ever be on Earth for Virgin Wisdom to draw over her Virgin Vail of Purity in some one or other so as expresly to Personate her Tell them from the Alpha and Omega such a spotless
of those Mansions that are near to me let them be driven out for the present Therefore let this suffice from the Scriptures themselves not to mention those particular Idea's and Manifestations that to some it hath been given to see these several Heavens which upon others cannot be imposed for to believe who yet have not those anointed Eyes given to see withal But surely there are some standing in the figure of the Body Whose Spirits have roved to and fro to see these several Mansions with Spirits of all sizes and degress who are herefor designed Only hereout excluding those who are for the Dragon's Kingdom Who do pass away in a reprobate sense out of the Body Those left-hand Goats have no portion within these Eternal Gates a deep Gulf is fixed It is only of the Sheep and Lambs that I am to treat who have found out this new and only Life path-way Who though they are not come to the top-stone of perfection before they see the dissolution of the body Yet having attained to a good degree they may come unto the very next Throne Region and there awhile stay till they have drawn and assumed a heavenly clarity that is such an Essential Body against which no exceptions by the highest Courts of Dignities can be objected These now are the highest degrees of those who before Perfection be wrought do cease out of the Mortal Body Then again there are of a lower degree of growth Now what reservatory is there for them who may be but young in the New Birth As to this it was clearly imparted unto my Intellect that such did enter into a more inferiour Mansion than Paradice for that was too pure and serene for such Therefore a lower degree is prepared for them till they do attain to an Increase of the Divine Nature They want not here their true Pastoral Teachers for the Spirit of Christ is every where with his own Therefore it was said that he went and preached to the Spirits in Prison that were disobedient in Noah's days For should all the old world have been cut off at once and sealed under a final condemnation the Attributes of God's Love Mercy Goodness Truth and Long-suffering would have been obliterated wherefore he must have yet had respect unto such after the dissolution of their bodies as had a sense in them awakened for compunction and sorrow for what Evils they had committed in their Bodies To confirm this that we might not be altogether out of hope for such as may die in the first beginnings of Regeneration it is given me to declare that if these pass out of the Body such cannot go indeed immediately to God For such will find it otherwise they must wait till they have got somewhat more then what they went out withall in this world and then shall they be admitted to see God Surely there is a Provision made for a perfect Salvation in another Principle besides this For which we have that word in Peter 1 Pet. 3. 19. by which also he went and Preached unto the Spirits in Prison Also these words seem to speak fully to this 1 Pet. 4. 6. For this cause was the Gospel preached to them which were dead which generally is applied to such as are living and yet dead in sins But by the foregoing verse it concerns the first Position verse 5. who saith the Apostle speaking of Christ is ready to judge the quick and the dead so that it implieth there is a Ministry belonging to the dead that are not here made perfect Much more might be enlarged upon some particular sights and manifestations that have hereof been given to some in the Spirit From hence ariseth this Objection If this be a Truth why was it not positively declared and clearly revealed as a foundational Doctrine To which it may be answered That the Infinite Wisdom did judge it meet to conceal this mystery because none might take advantage to turn the Grace of God into wanto●ness and thereby to neglect the present opportunity for working out their own Salvation in this present time which would make for a far and more exceeding weight of Glory Therefore left it was for the Worthy to have this Secret made known to them by the Spirit of Revelation who God foreknew would not take Liberty to continue in sin that this Grace after Death might be made manifest towards such as did stand in need hereof But now to great holy and aspiring Spirits these lower Mansions in their Fathers house are too mean who cannot be satisfied to be so many degrees remote any time after death from their God and Lord Jesus since Liberty is proclaimed to work through all while we are in this terrestrial Body For there will be more joy and acclamations in Heaven for one such as shall finish their work here so as to make a full conquest then for milions of Souls that in the invisible Regions must perfect what was lacking to compleat them here Oh said the Spirit it will be well worth your Labour and great Travel to break open this deep Gate and so to put on Christ your Lord as in his all-powerful body that ye may make hereof but one ascending flight This was the Mark that was after Christs ascending so eagerly aimed at and by some in that Age reached to For Christ could not lose the effect of his prayer in that he did make his request that those whom the Father had given him might be with him where he was that so they might see and possess the same glory which could not be till they had gotten the victory For to none else is the admission given into his Kingdom according to that in the Revelations to him that overcometh will I grant saith Jesus to sit with me in my Throne But this may be objected further Those who had the Holy Ghost poured down in such an eminent manner had their way made very easie who was as their fiery Chariot that cut their work short And if any now in this Age had such a high endued Power it might soon give them a translation out of all mortal impediments As to answer this The Holy Ghost in that day was given after a visible manner as a sealing Character displaying and acting forth himself in Gifts and Power and miracles but now the same Spirit works in its beginning after another manner where it falleth it doth all its mighty works Within before it will shew forth his power Without For if the Apostles had not been purified by the Holy Ghost and inwardly sprinkled with the Water of Life for Soul cleansing they could not have rejoyced in that assured hope of entring into the joy of their Lord and Master Then was it plainly opened to me by the Spirit that the Holy Ghost would not now in this latter Age act out his Mighty Deeds by any one till their Hearts were perfectly purified by Faith That Scripture being repeated to me who after believing were
and Prophecy were but as the Door-Posts and Threshold whereupon the Glory of the Lord doth often hereby break out as the Gate of Manifestation opens but it shuts and closes up as not to abide upon the Threshold of that which giveth entrance into the most Holy Place where the full and fixed residence of the Majesty of Glory is Which for duration upon any cannot be found till en●red beyond the Ministration of the Manifestation Door which doth make way here for it by raising the Mind of the Spirit through the Light For the true and real enjoyment of God's Pure Being Conjugally wherein all fulness of Joy Power and Peace may spring as from a Fountain openeth within as co-existing with that which is the matter for the Kingdom of Heaven that must bear rule over all that comes in by this fall To which end the light of Revelation is come to the door of the Threshold of the Lord's Tabernacle that thereby we might see our way to enter in by it Watching all opportunity for a through and clear pass into the fruitional Joy of the Lord. Patiently enduring till the Lord himself shall say Vp and Rise and follow me who as on an Eagle-Body will you my dear Ones mount and bear into my Father's inward Court. Where neither Care Fear nor Sorrow shall afflict you more Oh my Lord this is that perfect State that our Sighs and Groans have long gone up for Let full assurance be given for present support unto us who are looking for compleat Redemption Upon which this Word sprung Fear not that ye shall always stand as at the Entring Gate Iesus your Lord doth well know the Voice of his own Mates from whom he will not long separate himself Therefore believe and quietly wait in all pureness and meekness for he will come and will no longer tarry from his own lest their Spirits should be drunk up with Sorrow It was further said If ye be in Heaviness for me your Lord then may ye expect a return of Peace and Ioy successively in and through my Love abounding towards you THE CONCLUSION OF This SECOND VOLUME ALL these are the faithful and true Sayings wich are given in for a Stay and a Pledge of Love from God till the Morning STAR of Wisdom shall arise more fully in our Hearts to lead us up into the Fru●tion of all that has been here Prophesied of and Declared Which I excite all the Beloved Flocks that belong to the Great Kingly Sheherds Fold to Believe Hope and quietly Wait for as to the Fullfilling part of All that hath been in This Volume made known and revealed For it is now the Day of the SPIRIT which is beginning over the Earth to Spread Wherein the Empty and the Hungry who have long wandered upon the barren Mountains and been as in Famine shall be Satisfied and enter into those fat and full Pastures where the Lord himself shall be their Leader and Feeder That so we may in pure Love-unity together celebrate an Holy Feats to our High and Mighty IEHOVAH eating our Spiritual Morsels in Joy and Gladness and sending up our Offerings of Praise to him that was LOVE that is LOVE and that ever shall be the same Even so Amen POSTSCRIPT IT may possibly to some seem very Harsh what is found pag. 125. and 126. There is yet a Woman to be revealed out from the Heavens whereof Mary that brought forth Christ according to the Flesh was but a Type For it was neither Eve nor she to whom the Promise was made concerning the Birth which should bruise the Serpents Seven headed Power There must be another Genealogy found out from whence the Serpent treader must also come But it is very far from the Author's Intent as it may be plainly evidenc'd both from the Scope in this particular place and also from the whole Drift of her Writings to derogate hereby from the High Preeminence of Christ the Son of Mary above all Human Births whatever or from the Honour of that Holy Virgin whom all Generations of the World must call Blessed among Women But the Design of this Passage is no other than that of the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews when he represents the Great and True Melchisedeck to be without Father without Mother without Descent Which cannot be understood any otherwise then of an earthly Father and Mother and an Earthly Descent it being immediately afterward added having neither beginning of Days nor End of Life The which Words can by no wise be applicable to his Outward Corporeal Birth from the Virgin Mary Wherefore the Apostle herein directs them to look for another Genealogy and higher Descent while he seems to take away for the present or rather to pass over the former So that he would not have them to fix their Eye upon his Temporal Generation in an Elementary Form which had both beginning of Days and end of Time but rather to look to the Generation which was before all Time from the Eternal Father through the Womb of the Morning from whence all Angelical and Human Spirits were afterwards produced being call'd Sons of the Morning that is of the Immortal Virgin Heavenly Principle or Matrix Which Celestial Nativity being overclouded in many of the Angels through their Tartarosis mention'd by St. Peter in seeking to sink themselves into their own Independent Will that so they might be as Elohim by Precipitating their Spiritual Forces from the Centre of the Divine Will and going forth from a proper Centre of their own and also in all the Human Race through the Birth of Eve entring into the Lust and Strife of the Elements deluded hereto by the Seven-Headed Serpent cannot possibly reappear till the Seven Heads Powers or Forms of the Serpent be entirely Bruised or Crushed This is to be done in each particular Soul which hath within it self as the Kingdom of Heaven so also the Kingdom of Hell as it were in miniature before there can be an Attainment of that Person to the Redemption of the Body which is the visible Adoption Recognition and Sealing of the Sons and Daughters of God And it is likewise to be done in the whole Church Universally by the Seed of Immortality flowing through the Glorious Humanity of IESVs Which Seed as it raised up his mortal Body cannot also but raise up in due time all his Members and cause the vanished Image once more to appear and the Lustre of their first Nativity from God to shine forth as without any Cloud Wherefore let the Reader remember this Caution not at all to look Outwards or to seek here or there after Particularities or Personalities which will nothing avail him to know and probably may do him great Hurt but to retire into the inward Depth of his own Heart that he may there come to know such a Birth from out of the Womb of the New Ierusalem Mother as is so much spoken of in these Writings and may be a Witness of the trampling down the Serpents Power and Polity Then would he not be Solicitous about whom should be first Honour'd by Christ with the Marks of his Refurrection but would endeavour to press forward to it by the only allowable Emulation of Humility Love and Faith That if possible he may arrive to the Right of the First-born Heirs of God in the Melchisedeckian Line And then also would he clearly see that nothing that is here said tends to the Lesseuing but to the Greatening rather and extending the Merit of IESVS the Son of God and of Mary the True Christ Blessed and Adored for ever to whom every Knee both in Heaven and in Earth and under the Earth shall bow and Confess him that is that was and that is to come FINIS Advertisement WHereas some Things have been Scandalously set forth and Printed under the Name of this Author to the Reproach of Truth and the Dishonour of that which is Holy it is thought fit for the putting a Stop to such Impostures and the Evil which might thence ensue to give a Catalogue of the Books which the Author hath hitherto Published THE Heavenly Cloud or the Ascension Ladder 4 to 1682. p. 40. The Revelations of Revelations an Essay towards the Unsealing Opening and Discovering of the Seven Seals the Seven Thunders and the New Ierusalem State 4 to 1683. p. 130. The Enochian walks with God found out by a Spiritual Traveller 4 to 1694. p. 38. The Laws of Paradise Given forth by Wisdom to a Translated Spirit 8 vo 1695. p. 69. The Wonders of God's Creation manifested in the Variety of Eight Worlds as they were made known Experimentally to the Author 8 vo 1695. p. 89. The Message to the Philadelphian Society whithersoever dispersed over the whole Earth together with a Call to the several gathered Churches 12 ves p. 108. 1696. The Tree of Faith or the Tree of Life springingup in the Paradise of God from which all the Wonders of the New Creation must proceed 12 ves p. 122. 1696. The Ark of Faith or a Supplement to the Tree of Faith for the Further Confirmation of the same Together with a Discovery of the New World p. 33. 1696. The Fountain of Gardens Watered by the by the Rivers of Divine Pleasure and springing up into a Paradise Vol. I. p. 169● A Revelation of the Everlasting Gospel-Message which shall never cease to be Preach'd till the Hour of Christs Eternal Judgment shall come Whereby will be proclaim'd the last Love Jubilee in order to the Restitution of the Whole Lasped Creation 8vo p. 39. 1697. The Fountain of Gardens Vol. II.
these essences did therewith mix N● depravity in the Nature of sin was here infused Therefore this Birth may stand upon its royal freedom for to be born free from sin is a great and mighty thing Therefore know your New Birth-prerogative and come not under the power of what this holy inspiring breath is come to set at liberty from For the true Heir is a Son of Liberty in bondage to nothing when once he comes to know himself he will then assume that Sovereignty which shall make the corporeal life bow unto him Nay as this encreaseth and grows up to its princely greatness this Land will be too strait For out of Egypt God will call this his Heir through all terrestial Walls and Gates to come up unto that free City where the Trinity in Majesty will give out their sealed Commissions for what this Birth of might and excellency hath further for them to do in this low Region For that which hath been as the high builded wall of Perdition betwixt these Principles and the Mountain upon which the New Ierusalem stands by such strong Angels as these you shall see broken down without tool or weapon and passage made which the Eagle Eye of this Birth will spy and will be so skilfull as to know its way through the cloudy Air to mount Sion Hill the mystery of God in both Principles to fulfill April the 27th 1677. In the Morning after the Doctor had prayed I awaked and sunk down into the center of Life And there appeared unto me a pure azure blue stream● which was said in me was that Spirit and Breath of Life that must put the grosser Element to flight Then it was further opened to me that from this perfect thing would go forth an enriching Mist that should renew the face of all things in such whose inward ground was measured out by the Golden Reed of the Spirit Then was further shewed me the twofold nature and property of this Breath That as it could quicken and be a seed of Life in matter meetly prepared for it So likewise this Breath would extinguish that Life which worketh in contrariety against it According as it is written Oh Death I will be thy Death When all conclusions be tried for the expiation of the earthly birth there is no other that can so eternally anatomize it as the Body of Sin may be said to cease and not to be but by the Spirit of the Lord blowing upon the fleshly form of it which seemeth to be so goodly Verily this Life hath been too hard for all other weapons that have been tried upon it since the full outward death could not conquer this Life of Sin As Christ told the Iews if they did not believe on him as the resurrection of another Life they should die in their sins So as the mortal death cannot quit from that second death which follows that corrupt Birth-seed which was not in this Life demolished But then from hence this doubt will arise Who is it that hath left this Testimony behind them of all past Generations that before the mortal death did overtake them they had first cleared themselves of that vile and corruptible birth of sin Sure saith the objective Spirit if this be strictly examined how few or scarce any will be found but did mortally die before the inward body of sin was totally expired If so how then could they immediately pass where nothing that ever was of the polluted Nature of Sin could come in As to this obscure and deep Query of which I my self with others have been universally ignorant as not finding out the several reservatories that Spirits did pass into The letter of the Scripture not opening so positively what relateth hereunto as plainly to determine this doubtful matter But it hath been kept dark in the foresight of the most holy wise God Who hath left himself free to give the key of the knowledge hereof in what Age and to such in that Age as shall be worthy of such secret My Spirit hath been often solicitous with the Lord for this thing as in case my Body might● break from my superior Spirit and the Mortal part die before the evil essences which are called Sinn be extinguished as to their very originality then into what Orb shall such a Spirit enter that may be almost but yet not quite got free from every relick of sin The Key of this unknown Door was hereupon put into the hand of my Guardian Spirit the mystery hereof to unlock that this great secret might be revealed and that hereby the Elect might be undeceived Who have nothing less believed but that though they should not come to see and feel sin finished through everlasting Righteousness coming in as a Conqueror Yet whe● got loose from this temporary life they should strait ascend into that principal City of the great King Which was once my belief according to that tradional manuduction that I was under But since of meer great and unparalled Love another deep is discovered from out of which a sure and pure word of Revealation hath sprung both as to this and other Obscure things And that the opening of this Truth might not go forth only in the authority of a private Revelation when indeed there is need enough for all Spirits to be tried that do take this Covering For this cause a Scripture foundation was given to confirm and ratifie what was so freely inspired into the mind As first that word was given to me to consider of as in the 14th of Iohn 2d verse In my Fathers house are many Mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and when I have done that I will come and receive you to my self From which words it was given me thus to understand that by House the Spirit doth signifie the Locality of God's invisible Kingdom that hath various Regions for dwelling places as it is said there are many Mansions in which are degrees of Glory Solomon in the mirror of Wisdom had an account thereof when he had built that Magnificent House and Temple for the Most High Which made him as in a Spiritual Extasy cry out The Heavens of Heavens cannot contain thee So it is said of our Lord Jesus that he ascended up above ALL Heavens By all which we may conclude that there are degrees of Heavens and yet all within the Celestial Sphere For Adam before he had awakened the sinful essence was an inhabitant in one of the Heavens which had the Title of A Paradise because of its serene and fruitful soyl But yet God's local Habitation was not here but he sent forth his influencing mist and here did with Adam and Eve frequently commune while they were undefiled but they being once found in the depravation of this purity this Heaven could not bear their corruptible Image for the worm of mortality could not here live Upon which God said Let them out
Jesus and so both do agree to pass and see the goodly Spaces of Eternity whether all things be so as hath been reported of concerning the matters of Christ's Kingdom To which we are annexed Heirs and therefore concerned to take our flight thither to view all within the New Canaan For our Lord did know that a sight before hand of this Inheritance would greatly satisfie As it was with the Queen of Sheba who gratified both her Eye and Ear in the state of Solomon's Kingdom Now then may not we in the Spirit of Faith and rising power of Christ's Spirit come to have such a pass over Iordan's flowing River Hereupon it is cleared up to me that it is most lawful and expedient to take such a heave or flight in the Spirit For which end in obedience to the counselling Word which to me was dropped in Let us then be as a goodly Ship who would launch into the Ocean deep and would swim upon the broad Waters all tackled and trimmed and pitched within that no place may be found for bleaking and our pure and white Sails stretched out all in a readiness lying at the very Haven upon the Anchor of Hope waiting to see when the Gusts and Breath of the Holy Ghost will turn our Ship about and blow all South that we may suddainly be cast upon the Rock of Pearls and Precious Stones in that Land Beulah that is so little known But who now must be hither our sure Pilate but he that hath already there been even that bright Star that can steer through Fire Water and Air having himself broke through all these and so will do no less for us if we shall be found in such a ready posture as here hath been described Now let us give all place to this Ioshua-Spirit in our Bark who will make a remove for us out of the Wilderness He doth but wait for the mighty Birth to be here brought forth that so we may pass away jointly and altogether It was further also denoted to me that all the murmuring and unbelieving Spirits should be wasted away in the Wilderness who have murmured through fear and distrust For these can have no share with us whether they be with or without us all are excluded none but Ioshua and Caleb will enter in with us to view and will have possession with us in the Land Beulah December the 7th 1677. A very curious Question did stir in my Spirit why such a concealment of the Heavenly Things was in this time of our Lord's mediating Priesthood And why no more visible Effects were produced upon his Members on Earth as to the Resurrection-day For since the Apostle's Age little hath been wrought in any miraculous way further then by internal Light and Spiritual renewings and the Love of God shed abroad with the Blood of Spriukling which is the highest degree that yet any have arrived unto But all this did not appear to me to be th●t which the perfect Restoration must further make out nay what the Apostles saw and heard in their time who had the first Breathings from Christ after his Ascension Yet all then and since have been exceeding short of what is in reserve to be revealed As I do know this from a sure Word of Intimation and so herefrom my expectation hath been greatned and the Pool of my Mind stirred and troubled and somewhat as from a central Fire boiling up to clarifie that and so the gross thick and dim Eye might be single and piercing to see if possibly into its own original body of Light That so hereby a clear Aspect might be of what hath been acting and working in order to the Consummation of another more pure and perfect Creation Thus being upon an internal search into matters of this high Nature this Word was brought into me saying Why art thou troubled that such long respit hath been as to the Manifestation of the absolute Reign of the Lamb that was slain because his Might hath not been shewn nor his Power wrought nor his Wonders done in the Earth Yet now look for a greater Overturn then ever through the whole fallen Creation This long cessation shall not nullifie it for this Kingdom will have its revealing Day for the Golden Sand of the half hours Silence is running out apace which must be first expired out in Heaven It was then given me to understand that this Half Hour of Silence hath been ever since the Holy Ghost appeared in Cloven Tongues of Fire upon those who in a travelling Birth did here wait for it upon the Lord's Promise For since that time little news hath been heard from Heaven only the Beloved Iohn had the last great and signal Revelation from Jesus Since that only such a Ministration hath been which hath taken up their Testimonies in a still and private way opening the Mind of the Spirit in the Doctrine of the Old and New Testament But for a new and fresh Word that may be said to come immediately from the Lord which hath not been before truly it may be said as it was in Samuel's time that the Word of the Lord i● pretious in this day We may travel from East to West from Nation to Nation and scarce find a true Seer with whom the express● Word of the Holy One is Some hidden ones under the stuff of this Principle there may be who will not be known till the Lord calls them out to unfold boldly his Mind For this is an Age that can as little bear as any formerly such Truths as will shake their whole righteous Foundation as it may be so termed and others whose Lives and Loves are in that which must also be laid wast in the common destruction which is coming upon all visible things Therefore never more need then now is for true and anointed Prophets to enquire how things are going in the invisible Kingdom For all the Plat-form is first laid there how things in this external state will be Therefore it is needful that some must be here truly prepared for it and should never be off their Watch-tower but be listening continually For it was said upon the enquiry of a Spirit That the half Time of Silence was now upon breaking up and mighty Powers would begin to work Therefore let the regardful understand the present Motions of the Heavens Though our Lord Jesus is shut up from all mortal view yet the effect of those invisible Workings may be known in our low Heavens and may be felt by such whose Hearts are bent and full stretched out to the Heart of a glorified Jesus these will attract down Light and so the lower Heavens may so contact with the upper as to become all privy to the great Affairs Counsels and Designs which are stirring within the Globe of Eternity But the Query is By what way or mean● shall any one come to be so Inseeing that yet have upon them the thick film of Mortal Sense Answ. There is
account of him But it was further revealed to me that he was that Alpha and Omega the Second Person who had his Existency from all Eternity and was in a high Priestly Order from the time of Adam's Fall and did Officiat in the Heavenly Sanctuary and real Tabernacle in the Heavens Whereof Moses had a Sight and Pattern given him to figure out according to the low Capacity which the Church in the Wilderness then stood in But this great Melchizedeck incarnated himself in Flesh that he might visibly make an Offering thereof to testifie that an end must be to that weak corruptible and unprofitable state as now henceforth is to be thereunto put by the crucifying what he had assumed that so that mean and despicable Image might for ever be demolished That the first perfect glorious Priesthood after the Order of Melchizedeck might again rise and be in full accomplishment in the Residue of the Anointed hereunto who for this cause are putting off their Vile Body that they might be counted worthy to follow their Melchizedeck King where they shall not only pay their Praise Offerings but receive there a most high Priestly Portion which is an unknown and vast Spiritual income of Riches which shall be brought from all Parts as obligatory Ianuary the 14th 1676 7. In the forepart of the Night being newly fallen asleep I saw the Heavens as it were part and rend and mighty Commotions in it The earthly Inhabitants in great Trouble running up and down as fearing some unexpected Change was coming upon them Which awaked me and there was immediately presented unto my view as breaking through a bright Element two glorified Bodies of a bright Beryl Colour in such a wonderful Portraiture as did excel all I had formerly of this Nature in Vision seen Upon which my Eye kept fixed without any surprize or fear and still it was brought nearer The one seemed in a Manly Vissage and the other as a Woman very Lovely in her Countenance then soon after two or three more broke forth and joyned themselves unto them as in like glorified Figures This Sight was so pleasing that I could not but Pray Oh that we might be added unto them For it was said Behold this is the Lamb and his Bride which first I did see Oh this great Vision had so mighty an Influence upon my Spirit● as grievous it was still for to be confined in the Corporeal Body only hourly waiting for to see its Redemption But it was said Abide Patiently till your Salvation shall be fully wrought out then you shall swiftly be cloathed with the self same Body all Spiritual bright and airy as my Bride for to unite in one Body with me Then I replyed Ah my Lord why must this Translation be so earnestly sought and still prolonged It was again answered it was so considerable a Change as could not be without passing through many further Degrees For Sin and Mortality would not be so easily vanquished while we did abide in this tempting Region Ianuary the 15th 1676 7. This Morning it was much upon my Spirit how to quicken our Progress so as to arrive to that Nuptial Conjunction which did open unto me in the Heavens The Spirit sent forth deep and strong Invocations for the Consummation of this high Matrimonial Unity that so we might together display our Loves and Joys to each other in that Spicy perfumed Bed of the Celestial Orb. Oh the Eccho's which I did hear in me sound the Spirit called to the Bride to descend down the Bride called for the Spirit to ascend Thus cry upon cry did as a pure cloudy Incense send out which brought this Answer down Oh ye who are in the betrothed Spirit why may not the assurance hereof yet a while stay your most eager and Spiritual Passions of Love till such time as your Vessels of Clay be turned into the fine Ophire Gold through the working forth of that Saphire Stone that is formed in you Which shall work through all in its degrees till it hath brought you up to that perfect Stature as ye may make challenge with holy Boldness to the Marriage-state according to that pleasant and glorious Manifestation which you did see in the Heavens Which was shewn to you for this very end that so you might see your own Nuptial Day solemnized Before the accomplishing of which yet great Commotions will be permitted as you did see in the Vision See first what is still left alive of your dying part that will mutiny For the Sensitive Life cannot consent that ye should be married away out of their known Linage and Country Therefore they will lie in wait to entercept all Messages and Love-Tokens from your Immanuel to prevent the success of so great a Wedlock change Therefore I the Spirit of your Lord do warn you that you turn away from all self and creaturely Parly The Serpent also will subtlely back with Arguments in forms of Flesh that so ye might grow cold in your Love and slack in your Faith but spur forward and faint not for the everlasting Gate is set open by Soveraign Command The Trumpet doth daily sound to enter into Love's Holy Ground where only the Friends of the Bridegroom shall attend you at the Banquetting Feast of Bread and Wine Now away and draw from all the cursed things of Iericho and you shall meet assuredly your Melchizedeck King with a full Cup of Blessing This receive as a faithful and true saying from the Yea and Amen Ianuary the 20th 1976 7 About the Morning-break as I was contemplating upon the change of the Body for Translation A further Confirmation was given with Joy and Peace unutterable in hope of this Glory to be revealed My Spirit praying that we might obtain Grace for to be admitted of the same Order with our great Melchizedeck This Word immediately sprung saying The way and manner for it hath been most evidently set forth and plainly taught you as my Spirit could demonstrate it unto you You can find no surer Footing then first to be found in the walk of Death Trace it then so throughly till you can see no more Earth yield ye up the utmost ends without any reserve For no mingling state after Death but all immaculate the Feast of Tabernacles to celebrate within the most Holy Place Therefore fear not to pass through this Valley for I the Spirit of Truth will assuredly finish this Mystery because you have applied your Hearts to me having sought Death as a Treasury trying all ways and means for to expire out But as a deadly Enemy that is loath to be conquered it still revives which makes you to suspect that you shall never get rid of this grand and last Enemy but it will still hang a weight disgracing and separating from your high Priesthood But seeing you have cast your selves wholly upon me your Comforter to be advised in this matter Now then know I will cast you with the free
Act of your own Wills into a slumbering Trance that so ye shall gradually dye away as all sensitive Operations shall be wonderfully suspended which must be done actually through the disposing and yielding up the Life of the corruptible Body That Life must dye because of the habitual course of Sin After that way of dying of which it is written I am dead and crucified yet I live through that Life which swallows up Mortality Even so likewise the Time shall come when ye shall reckon your selves dead and freed from the Body of Sin when you shall lie passive and still in the sweet and pleasant Trance as fled away from out of this Principle no more to be known or seen but as in the Heavenly Form of a Powerful Body to work the mighty Works of God your Father in It is true what Eye hath yet seen this the Ear hath only heard hereof but who hath come to believe the possibility of such a Transformation Oh but Faith gives a mighty heave hereunto now as it hath been your Cry Who and how shall ye be delivered from the Body of Sin and Death and get a thorough Pass from Death unto such a fluent Vehicle whereby ye may be able to say neither Heights nor Depths Light or Darkness neither Earth or Air shall be able to seperate you from the Love nor yet from those immediate accesses into the Heavenly Places as belonging to that Royal Priesthood Truly it is your Father's pleasure for to bring you hereunto not only in the flight of your Spirits without a Body adjoyning consonant thereunto because a naked Spirit cannot produce and effect such Effects and Acts as a Body adhearing thereunto Therefore see and believe it of necessity for to be turned into a sublime Body in which only you can be with your Jesus in Glory and thereof take and bring thereby to declare which whom you have been Come ye who are the blessed of the Lord that have united with one accord fall on hard and close this Work Continually give up your selves and lo I will break for you all the Bands of Sin and Death that so the pure Spirit which even was at work in you may assume its own Body of Spiritual ability to pass and enter where nothing of Corporeity can be admitted Your Priestly portion is for such a time reserved whenas you shall come into the most holy of all for then you will have Boldness to make all your own Demands Ianuary the 23d 1676 7. In the sobriety of a wise and understanding Spirit that shall be your Advocate to plead in the shining Face of a transmuted Body In which the Majesty of Glory will very well know you and hear all you have to offer by way of request because you bear no more the Image Mark or Name of what is accursed from the Mountain of Holiness The Situation of the Great King is seen of none till they have put on the high Priestly Garment upon which is written the New Name that is given in the Baptizing Water of the Holy Ghost who hath sprinkled us from all Consciousness of Sin Now then slack not but drive forward for this Verily is the Mark I your Death-conqueror do set before you For it would be my Crown of Rejoycing to meet you as translated out of this gross and Elemen●●●y state which while ye are ranging and pudling in I cannot be so clearly seen nor afford to give out those more eminent and choice things because you are not yet saperated from the vile Body that so ye may be redeemed from all that is of a hurtful Conversation For indeed I would wholly appropriate you for my self who being in a glorified state must of necessity glorifie you before I can shew my self in such a familiarity as is so desirable For when I was in the World for the accomplishing of the State of Humiliation then the human Figure was proper for to unfold suitably the Mystery of the Most High and to relate it as Bearable in that Age. But now as a Prince and Shepherd of a glorified Fold I set in Heavenly Places to call my own by Name to pass away out of their dark Cloudy Bodies and not to stay till they fade away and fall down as Houses of C●●y as it hath been hitherto universally Because this superiour Change hath not been believed in nor the Foundation by a thorough Death been understood in order hereunto or surely laid whereupon the Rising Body that is to swallow up Mortality hath not been manifested but now observe those Deaths and Life-Rules which have been set so evidently before you and you may possibly be changed into such a vigorous Spirit and Body as to pass through that Glassy Sea which is so brickle which whoever can stand upon it are probationed indeed to enter into farther Degrees of Glory all in Light the God of Light to see without any other Medium Ah Lord even so let it be Ianuary the 25th 1676 7. Oh from hence I did see with what Bodies we must enter withal into the Mystery that is on the other side of the Glassy Sea for there the Thrones were shewed me that were placed for the Conquerors Who could be able to say with their Jesus I was dead and slain but now Life is rising evermore then also will follow the Keys of Death and Life to open and shut Heaven and Hell as the Hand of the Spirit will Thus having great and manifold Discoveries of what was to be possessed after Death we came easily henceforth to be reconciled to all the deep Demensions thereto beloning For the Lord had dealt with us and carried it much after the manner as he did with Moses who upon the Mount of Vision had shewn unto us the New Heavens with all their Privileges and Glories also with the New Ierusalem and King thereof and though Moses was prohibited entring into that which was but a Shadow of what he really passed into by Death's Transmutation yet God did him no wrong by all that thereby to translate him out of the Mortal Principle into that of Duration which he had often Sights Gusts and Tasts of while he was in the Corporeal Figure and he enjoyed the Image of good things to come as he passed through the Worldly Sanctuary Ianuary the 26th 1676 7. This Word came this Morning fresh unto me saying Now I have shewn you what Rewards the Death-Conquero●s will have will you not desire and most freely obey as my Servant Moses did to go up and dye on Mount Nebo That is take leave of this Earthly Congregation and go apart from all that still would invite you to abide with them For if you do not withdraw out of their sight you will never be able voluntarily to dye while they do see any strength vigour or force to be in your natural Ability as the beloved Moses had They will be crying What need is there of such a dying as no more
lower Orb. Therefore abide till full ●●edged in Wing ye shall be able to fly and mount away when any creeping thing or hurtful Beast shall set upon you from this low World then fly to your munition Rock This is allotted for your more constant place of Dwelling for to be which so near bordering is upon the Heavens of Heavens where the immense Deity is Resident Who may appear while we keep oft to his Eagle Off-spring For when you come hither to Paradise there is still another Principle that must be passed through which will be very easy when ye shall bear this risen Eagle Body on you How suddenly will the ghostly Dove bring you into the very third Heavens there to see your Jesus with your Eagle Eye as Iohn Personally did when he upon the Wing of the Spirit was risen high Possibly somewhat of these Glories may be seen before ye actually enter in For blessed will they be called who are flying Angels that can declare what they have heard or seen in these higher Worlds These are they who shall bring down glad Tidings to the elect Number When any of these begin to sound the Tabernacle of God will out of the Heavens descend Oh what of Flesh shall live When the mighty Eagle shall call her own away to behold what she doth unfold within the third Principle The fight of the Eye and the hearing of the Ear in that eternal Sphere will so fill all with the Melody and Joy of the holy Ghost as nothing of the earthly Sence of things shall or can enter into this Eagle Brood Now hereby try your selves For the understanding of the foregoing Mystery you must then know every one of us have within our selves an inward eternal Man and an outward Man Now the inward eternal Man hath within himself his own eternal Adam and his own eternal Eve His eternal Adam is his own eternal Spirit within himself and his own eternal Eve● it is his own eternal Soul within himself This eternal Adam and Eve in themselves are now to be considered in their fallen and lapsed State as both being separated from their first true original Mate to wit from the eternal Virgin Wisdom of God who was united to both these in Paradise For they both sinned in Paradise then lost the Life of the Virgin Wisdom of God and their Virgin Purity in Paradise And therefore their true Mate being lost out of themselves in Paradise they were driven out of Paradise For when as before the eternal Spirit in Union with the eternal Soul both being united to their true Mate the Virgin Wisdom of God could and might have brought forth a holy Generation in their own Image and Similitude like unto themselves in Holiness and Righteousness and in Perfection But after that the eternal Spirit and Soul had sinned in Paradise that is after the eternal Adam and the eternal Eve belonging to the inward eternal Man had transgressed in Paradise and were ejected out then they lost their fructifying Power and then they could not bring forth a holy Off-spring Now this eternal Eve which is the eternal Soul belonging to the inward Man is called to return to her Restoration State and to return again to her first State in Paradise and to reunite her self again to her lost Mate to wit to the eternal Virgin Wisdom of God and then her Womb should be fruitful again and she shall bring forth none but Eagle Birds none but a holy Off-spring to make up a perfect Church on Earth without Spot or Wrinckle Here is now a Prophesie a Prediction that now the time is come that this eternal Eve which is no other but the inward eternal Soul in its lapsed State whose Womb hath been hitherto barren and unfruitful but now the eternal Virgin Wisdom of God will sow her Virgin Seed into her Womb and she shall be fruitfull and shall bear Twins and bring forth a perfect Eagle Off-spring and they shall make a perfect Church on Earth And now the Soul in her Restoration shall again be fruitful in Child-bearing in bringing forth Children to inherit perfect Justification and perfect Sanctification and Salvation but then this Eve must continue in Faith and Charity and Holiness with Sobriety as the Apostle mentioneth 1 Tim. 2. 15. The restored Soul by its Union with her true Guide and Mate the Virgin Wisdom of God shall bring forth a Royal Off-spring presented to be the strong Eagle Brood and this is the Work that Wisdom is about to do to reunite her self to the eternal Soul which is the eternal Eve as her true Mate and Guide and to sow her Virgin Seed into the Womb of Eve to break the Head of the Serpent then Eve shall be no more deceived but now shall become the Mother of Celestial and Heavenly Children all her Children shall possess Mount Sion and the new Ierusalem State of Glory This is the eternal Eve the eternal Soul which now shall be the Mother of all Living that is all her Posterity shall now feed upon the Tree of Life and thereby become all eternal immortal and incorruptible And all this shall be brought about by Wisdom's Art and Contrivance to wit by reuniting her self to the Soul and thereby becoming again the Souls true Mate and Guide This is the State of Restoration and this is that State that Wisdom is bringing forth upon the Earth and in this Figure of the Eagle birth Wisdom Prophesieth and Predicteth what is near at hand to be fulfilled and brought to pass to egg us forward in the belief of it to be done within our own eternal Man in the work of Regeneration But now there is belonging to the outward Man the mortal Man the immediate Product of the Fall a mortal Ada●● and a mortal Eve The mortal Adam is the mortal Spirit of the outward Man and the mortal Eve is the mortal Soul of the mortal Man She is in her fallen State the Mother of all Living that is of all living mortal Spirits with mortal Souls and with mortal Bodies Her Womb in this state of Apostacy hath been very Fruitful She hath ever since brought forth in all Ages a mortal Off-spring subject to the death of Mortality who have only fed upon the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. She hath brought forth a fleshly Off-spring in her likeness and similitude and hath had a long Day in the World Now the Prophesie and Prediction is not concerning this mortal Eve belonging to the outward Man in relation to her Restoration but it is to be understood of the eternal Soul that eternal Eve that hath been so long barren in her lapsed state But now Sophia will once more espouse her self unto her and she shall bring forth a holy Issue a birth of Divine eternal Eagles to make up a perfect Church on Earth whereof Christ will be the Head and King to reign over This is only wrought for explanation sake that you might not
s●aled with Holy Spirit of Promise Though in that day soon upon Christs ascending the Spirit of working power was suddainly showred down upon some as in the Acts mention is made who had no foregoing work of sanctification upon them Upon which it made the Apostles themselves astonished that the Holy Ghost should be sent down upon the Gentiles also who did not believe in the Lord Jesus But that is now ceased The giving forth of the Holy Ghost in this day will first produce inward effects and be a Spirit of burning seasoning the Vessels within and inflaming it with the pure fire of Love and Joy And then being all divinely leavened there will be found all sufficiency to do the most wonderful things easily flowing forth from the substantial body which by degrees may work it self fixedly through the humane form in great splendor and glory So from hence we are taught how the Holy Ghost hath his first inspiring work upon us To make all clean pure and perfect within our Minds and Wills For we shall be Witnesses what he doth first in and for us before he will shew forth by us the Seal of his great Power to what lies without us Who by signal Working Powers and Gifts are to be convinced and brought over to the Faith which will work by that Love that will be shed abroad by the Holy Ghost Whos 's first enkindlings and stirrings ye are saith the Holy and True to cherish and wait upon till ye are leavened throughout with Righteousness Light Love and Joy Which will make way for the going out of Wisdoms Power and God's all sufficiency in a more marvelous manner then ever Blessed highly are they whose lot it shall be to come up to the Mount of God's Habitation through all these degrees This word take along with you for certainty that it is possible for the close wise persevering diligent Spirits to see this great and mighty salvation in the Lord Christ's Kingdom in and through the ghostly power working mightily April the 28th 1677. This Morning awaking about three of the Clock my Spirit after some divine ejaculations was inkindled through the Love-melting Powers of the Spirit of my Lord Jesus which did pass as a burning Lamp through all my Intellectuals finding there matter to feed upon answerable to its own light property whereby refreshing was found After this I slept till five a Clock or somewhat more as by me surmised Then I was awakened with the beholding one in the figure of a man in a blue clear firmament enclosed as in an oval frame Rainbow-like his Countenance was grave and majestical facing me with great majesty Upon the sight of whom I did feel within me a mighty rapture of joy So I making to get nearer to this Person thus plainly portraied then he did further withdraw for such was the ●ervour of my Spirit that I would have proceeded into the very Circle where he was Who seemed to be in the very fashion of a man from the Loyns upward but I saw no Legs or Feet but he fixed his Light Countenance still on me which was no way terrible but all reviving Now I was expecting somewhat to be spoken from him but the voice was uttered within me saying thus This is the Sign of your Lord from Heaven that Jesus whom you have desired to see Upon which words I attempted again to break through to him upon which this Representation did pass away that I could no longer gratifie my spiritual Eye with this blessed Personality After whose departure I was left sad for I would willingly have left my corporeal form to have entred into that Oval Cloud where I might have joined the Hand of my Spirit with his But then it was again further revealed to me that if this sight was so pleasing and grateful what would the coming in of the Fathers glory be which would be much more then what I now did see Then this word spake in me go on to believe and ye who look for me shall yet further see greater things then all this Some days after this Vision it was further manifested to me that this visible Figure of my Lord Jesus did signifie the formation of himself in our corporeity which would be much more advantagious then in beholding him in a distinct Personality as without us till we can come to say as he is so are we Till which there can be no fixed view for a constant retaining of his now glorified Person in our Eye Now it was given me to understand that the Reason I could not be admitted to enter into that Oval Light where he was presented was because said the Spirit thou art not come to the same perfect state and degree in which you did him see wanting yet your more high clear and elementary Body so that ye could not possibly make your pass unto him But only hereby your Jesus knoweth that these transient sights would have a pure magical power upon you for the begetting of the same likeness within you that was shewn outward For it was revealed to me that all representations that did not work to this effect would be little available as to the fruition of the blessed Object it self Then I was cautioned to be heedful in this respect and to watch how to receive all powerful impressions hereby all which was for the bringing on the heavenly Birth to every degree of perfection Then no strange nor unusual thing it shall be to see the very express glory of the Majesty when you are Christed and all clothed upon with him Then shall ye see That in your selves which to others is invisible Philip could not see the Father in Christ while he was looking outwardly for some wonderful appearance of God in visible Glory he did not consider how uncapable he was of that sight but Jesus invites him to see and know the Father in the pure simplified humanity God will to all first manifest himself here in that which can assume the Christ-like Life which is the only light and medium in which we can see God Christ would have directed Philip to have looked for this Vision of God in himself but he knew he was not clarified in his Mind and Spirit for that species his Eys were not anointed the Holy Ghost not being yet given to him Therefore Christ directed him to turn his Eye inward to see the influence of the Divine Power and Presence of the Father in and by Christ. Who gave him this rebuke Have I been so long with you and yet have you not seen the Power of the Deity acted forth in me The Disciples were but of dull sight and flow of belief so that it was not the conversation of Christ although all holy perfect and good in his Visible Figure That did give the transformation till he did convey his Spiritual Body into them they could not rightly know him nor yet the Father in him Then the Spirit ecchoed this through me O haste
as one entire Body of Glory Iune the 6th 1677. This Morning about four of the Clock awaking with a raised Mind ready to entertain discoveries from that invisible Orb to which my whole Heart tended to I found my self suddenly carried out of my animal sense and several idea's did open to me from the Upper Region I saw in the Firmament of the Heavens Bright Figures like Half Moons and great rolling up and down of the Starry Heavens which seemed to be in a troubled Commotion Then there were great fears at the sight hereof among the lower Spirits of this Region Then I saw somewhat like a Standard set up with a Writing upon it proclaiming War with all the Inhabitants upon the Earth And about these I did see Bows and sharp Arrows and because I saw this Piller or Standard at a distance I thought it was or might not be real and so I went to it and touched it with my hand and read the Writing which was Controversie with the Nations of the World Then after this I saw the Clouds of Heaven pass away and various Persons of great Majesty descended down to the place where the Standard was set and they appeared as those that were Judges of the Earth And two or three of them made towards me to have spoke with me and their Presence was terrible that I shrunk away For my mean Corporeity was very inconsistent to their Glorious Personalities And this word followed This is the Lord who after this Tribulation will come with his Ancients to raign over the Earth Iune the 7th 1677. Then this word did speak through me Haste and pass away from Paradisical Righteousness to Sion's Glory For let your Condition seem never so mean and low yet verily designed ye are to work through all vicisitudes till Palms of Victorious Glory in the hand of the great Alpha and Omega be given to you which will make you to be the admiration of all in the higher and neather Regions Then these Rules were given expresly in order hereunto 1st Suffer gladly the Transplanting Power to crop off all what it finds superfluous dry and sapless 2dly Permit no other Pruning Hook to come near any Branch of your superiour Life-trees but that flaming word of the Spirit that knows rightly to divide betwixt the dead and the living 3dly Seek and make application to the Most High for an impregnable fence while these Fruits are ripening there will be required an invincible gard or else the subtile Foxes and Beasts of Prey may get in for to make spoil In the 4th place Then again watch not only against the Invasions from what Ministers from this visible Principle but from a near and more inward Center whereout the Serpent may move and twist himself while yet you are but in the Paradisical Property For in this first Transplantation lieth all your danger Therefore if all the Fruits of this mystical Life-tree can but reach to a Golden Hue so solid as to become a fixed Seed then ye are out of all hazard and fear But cast this Seed into Earth Air Water or Fire it will attract to it self out of every thing a bright consuming Glory Then this word was added saying Weigh and consider this mystical thing for here lieth the highest state of Perfection Observe the Most Holy in all his removes within your Heavenly Plantation for every new ingraffing from the Mighty Arm of Power will be an evidence that he will not leave you till Scions ye are made as Branches of this Saphire glorious Tree Iune the 8th 1677. This Morning this word was given me to feed upon saying I the Most Holy will Tabernacle with with a Spiritual Mind My Life and Peace as a Spring will bubble there The carnal and earthly Mind is Satan's seat the pure Mind is God's Throne Now choose which of those you will give place to for accordingly your Mind must be ordered If for the high and most holy Society then all Spiritual Then was that Scripture repeated to me For to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace Which life of Carnality is enmity to God who will be evermore a Stranger to such who shall know nothing of his Love Joy Goodness Power and Sweetness For if they commune with earthly Spirits and things of this terrestrial being then such dark influences are left upon their Minds as make them altogether unmeet to talk with God or to take in of those Species which tend for transfiguring the Soul into a bright body of Glory When the Mind is pestered and overcharged with thoughts that tend only for this gross elementary Life there is no room for the Holy Ghost that proceedeth and cometh from such a wonderful being of holiness as the Father of Spirits is Iune the 17th 1677. I saw a Ball of Fire and out therefrom went Flakes of Fire and fell amongst thorny Bushes so as they were no more being consumed by the Flame And it was said to me these are the particles and dispersive Powers that will go forth from the substantial God head to devour the Shrubs of the Earth Then after this internal sight I was as in a sleep where much combustion strife and spiritual Labour for the attainment of somewhat that was of Eternal Consequence And such was the clamorous onset of earthly Spirits that for a time I found my self sunk down into a dark Vally Upon which I awaked with great perplexity Then after this I saw in way of Vision a rich Golden Sledge set up and I was to slide down upon it And a voice cried Fear not for an end to all weariness and travel will come when this out of the Heavens shall descend Iune the 23th 1677. Sarah and Abimelech This Morning as I was recollecting my interiour Powers and Faculties which I found had been somewhat scattered by being let out and employed upon secular concerns and which I found was as going upon Thorns grievous and unsavory Upon this my Spirit made application with Soul-meltings for Life-recovery and restitution to those wonted familiarities and divine discoveries wherein consisted all my peace life and satisfaction Upon which my care now was how we who were under a peculiar obligation should discharge our selves of all and every weight that had beset us For it was presented to me that while we were gathering together what might accommodate our outward man as Paul did the sticks to warm him after his perilous voyage even so we upon necessary and lawful things being employed were in danger of the poisonous Vipers which would stick so close to our hands as we should be constrained to awaken and call up the Most Holy Adjuring Power of the Mighty God Whereby we might be able to cast them off before they infected our pure eternal Life-blood that so we might proceed forward in our Spiritual Work For this word was spoke why seek ye to dwell in ceiled houses and let the most holy in
day as the dark Night of an earthly Body must fly away from For it could not abide when though but in the Vision of so immense a Glory that dispersing it self so variously into the Images of what so long had lain unseen Even so verily deeper may be your entrance into the Heavens to hear and see what there is reserved as your Dowry among those High-Throne Principalities which Iohn did see Fear not I say through this bright day to pass though the night of your Body of earthly sensuality shall by degrees pass away Care not to hazard all that so as ye may be taken up still in the Visions of the mighty Alpha where new Scenes of Glory may open to you daily Iuly the 21th 1677. As we were in Prayer met together this word passed through me which plainly thus spake These are the wrestling Spirits O Father that will not let me be at rest till they have possessed the Kingdom with me This word did not a little revive me and added a renewed strenght to urge the more full Manifestations of this Kingdom and that we might still our force unite who have been hitherto so prosperous in our way through recourse by prayer Which being done in Faith hath great and mighty influence with God Iuly the 22th 1677. This Morning I had this further Presentation pourtraid out to my Internal Eye The Figure of a Fleshy Heart with many Eyes and a Mouth from whence issued out a white Stream like a Breath From which it was said draw near and receive in what floweth out here which I assaid to do magically as well as I could Then when I was come to my inward understanding Spirit to know what this might signifie This word did pass through me This Breath is thy Spirits Meat by which ye are to live day by day This Vision contained very much in it which was made out as it was cast up and called over again in my Mind afresh teaching being herefrom given unto me How this was the new Heart which would be as the Well of deep Waters in whomsoever it was fixed Many were the worthy Properties which do belong to this Heart For it was the Figure of the very Heart of God the Son lively discribed in the rising Magia Then were the several Working-Powers and Properties manifested unto me and I was also made to understand what I never before did sound For it was whispered to my inward Ear saying Thou little thinkest or perceiveth what lieth concealed within these Triangles An immense Treasury is here couched Who can fathom his own heart much less this which is so all-seeing Now to give the several Properties of the Heart full of Eyes First Property No slumber doth happen on them at any time For flumbring and sleepy Eyes argue a state of weakness but these are perfect Eyes strong Eyes in their full strength and clarity Second Property They are watchful Eyes waking Eyes looking every way unto the heights above and down to the depths beneath and to the bredths and lenghts of what in all the World are seeable Third Property These Eyes are discernaing and piercing Eyes The wonderful excellency of these Eyes is this because their faculty is to pierce into things so as nothing can be hid or concealed from them This all-seeing Heart was with the Prophets of old from whence they were called Seers When Gehazi would have hid from Elisha the gifts of reward received from Naaman faith Elisha went not my Heart with thee There is no hiding from the Eye of the Heart Samuel from this inward sight could tell Saul that his Asses were found and how that he was designed for a more weighty business than to look after them having the matter of a Kingdom to propound to him from the Lord. Fourth Property The Eyes of this Heart are clear single pure Eyes and purged from every Mote It is the peculiar property of this Heart to see God and this Heart hath a Mouth in it to speak from and it speaks to the Most Holy and it hath an Ear to hear also therefrom So that it is both a seeing hearing and speaking Heart therefore God sets a value upon such a good Heart Such a Heart Caleb h●d and David had which Heart much answers to God's own Heart for it is God's own Heart in man's Heart As it was said by one We have the Mind of Jesus it is as if he had said we have the Heart of Christ. Therefore the New Covenant runs all upon a New Heart Gods Heart in man's Heart making man's Heart a New Heart All the Revenue of Eternal Life is Entailed upon what issues from a renewed Heart made new from God's Heart indwelling in man's Heart Here verily you are come to the grand business for what the whole tenure of all Prophecies and Promises points out unto is to this seeing hearing and speaking Heart as it belongs to the New Creature which is God's Heart in Man's Heart making it a new Heart For God's Heart or Christ's Heart is the warm Life-motion that floweth through man's own inward Heart Thus God's Heart in man's Heart makes man's Heart a new Heart and a good Heart and makes man's Heart a seeing hearing and speaking Heart When man's Heart is made single clear and pure purified from every mote of imperfection and from all sin and self then it can see God and hear God and speak to God For it hath the Heart of Christ in his own purified Heart David foresaw the worth of such a Heart when he so earnestly prayed for the creating a clean Heart in him It is a meer act of Creation by first raising or putting forth a power to dissolve the old dark earthly stony Heart which the new Heart of Christ must come in the place of For there cannot be any agreement betwixt them while they are together For till the old Heart is worn out by degrees Oh what strife war and contention is between them so long as the earthly part can hold it out as is found by the Saints experience till the Heart of Jesus comes fully to be fixed in the old Heart Then from the sight of Christ's Heart-Eye in our new Heart the pure Life will stir essentially and such Spiritual Motions will spring as great Peace Love and Joy will come in upon you as a bubbling Water of Life Fifth Property From Christ's Heart in a good Heart made good the new World and the Nature of Paradise is placed there and this new World is always provoking the good Heart by internal Species of Heavenly things generated therefrom answerably to what the Mind is employed upon and raised up into As in an old unregenerated Heart this earthly World is placed in the midst of it provoking the Mind with those earthly species that riseth from it to a close with them So here new Idea's arise and are abundantly brought forth from the Divine and Heavenly World placed in a new and
possession him who is the Author and Spring of this Almighty Faith that can do whatever it pleaseth Therefore it is said seek and ye shall find that is we must grow from one ground of Faith to another and not give over as fainting and disponding till we ascend from Faith to Faith so near to the heart of God our Father as to affect him with such Faith as worketh by Love that so the grand mystery of t●●s all-effecting Faith may be both revealed and dispensed as a Gift unto us and then we have the Substance of whatever hath been hoped for September the 29th 1677. As the Doctor was in Prayer this word passed through me Ye shall be marked with the Fathers Name then no slaughtering weapon can harm you Upon which word I much exercised my Mind diving to know the Spirits meaning what that Mark would be and after what manner it might be imprinted on us And I as attended with all heedfulness the rising Spring of pure Revelation it was thus given me to understand That to be marked with the Father's Name is no less than to be transformed into a Virgin Body The bearing of this Name in the Forehead was shewn to me would be the putting on a visible Form of God as considered in a glorified Figure Which may admit of such a kind of pure matter as hath not been seen or understood therefore it is well said none can know or conceive what they may be changed into Iohn in his Visions saw the Lord in several appearances of Lustre and Glory There are degrees of Celestial Clothing Esaiah had a sight of God that made him cry out he was undone seeing the disprotionableness betwixt the brightness of a sparkling Glory to a dark polluted Being Likewise Ezekiel saw the flaming Majesty of Glory that the very Seraphims covered their Faces at Upon which the Spirit did set it home upon me that we might not over-rate our selves while the Lamp of our Eternal Spirits were but yet under the covert of a dark earthly Pitcher For no Glory can shine out till that be broken away from the internal Flame that lieth hid within Which is the true and right begotten Spirit who when it comes to call over its high and eternal pre-existency considering what it was before it came into this Body and taking in the Divine Sense hereof is not at rest while yoaked and hanked with such course and putrified matter as these fleshly Bodies do consist of Seeing therefore a Promise is left us both in general and in particular for returning in to such a refined corporeity as may best agree with the pure Trinity Let us draw up hereunto with full assurance of Faith that so we may hereby reach to this all-securing Mark which will redeem us from among the Inhabitants of the Earth and give us entrance to our own Heavenly Place What is it that hath made all to die and leave their Carcases unchanged in the Region of this Wilderness but the resting satisfied in that corruptible form of Flesh in all its diseased properties There hath been only a talk and a belief concerning a Redemption but all the highest have reached no further than a Regeneration in Part and an illuminating of the Mind But where is there that fair Image of the Heavenly that shall never fade nor die that our Lord verifies he would raise up in the last day Which was declared to me to be a Resurrection out of the Grave of that Mortal Body which at present we visibly carry as a Sepulcher in which there may mistically lie hid such a Spiritual Body as only the Trumpet sound of all-powerful Faith can bring forth into visibility That so to some it may be given to see the breaking through of that which may resemble the Glorified Figure of him who is the First-born from the dead This is that Body in which the Lord Christ did the Will of his Father and we can never expect to go on to do it but in the like Figure of all-powerful Spirituality In which the Life-quickning Spirit may have a suitable Organical Body to actuate it self according to ●ts own original purity Who by coming into a terrestrial Form that is only animated by a Life which is from this visible Element causeth the great contest and strife so as the Spirit cannot do or act according to its own eternal property The which we now coming to understand do see how by this animal Life of sense we are bounded and limited from this we are made to seek after our disappeared and paradisical Body And truly were it not for the provocation and strong instigation which I feel again from him who would be unto us altogether this immaculate body I have enough strong Temptations from my sensitive part to acquit all such hopes and expectations and to be satisfied with a mixed state as to the one part heavenly and the other part earthly the whole term of Life here But having had so many remembrances by Voice and Vision that constrained me to pry into this Mystery and having many Testimonies from the Holy Scriptures to confirm what was secretly revealed which came in and were opened to me to prove the certainty and and lawfulness of such a Hope as cannot make ashamed I am not suffered to let go the Faith and shall only in brevity mention those which were brought before me As first That of the 17 of Matt. Christs own Transfiguration as the first fruits of this New Ierusalem state Then that of the 3d of Iohn 6 7 8 verses That which is born of the Flesh is Flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit though this hath been hitherto understood only of the Birth of the Mind and of the Souls Regeneration yet a much deeper thing hath been manifested to me to which I must give ear to wit the Fleshly Birth brings forth the Feshly Body but the Spirits Birth brings forth a Spiritual Body I am not ignorant of the many Objections that will be made against most of these Scriptures by all such as only do look through the vail of sense Then again that of the 1st of the Cor. 15. beginning at the 12th verse to the end of the Chapter That whole Chapter is to be understood according to a transforming sense Then the 2d of the Cor. 5th Chapt. 1 2 3 4. all which shews the expectation of the Apostle in this matter Then again Rom. 8. 23. v. waiting for the Adoption to wit the redemption of our Body That of Iohn 6th Chapt. 49th verse Your Fathers did eat Manna in the Wilderness and are dead 50th verse This is the Bread that cometh down from Heaven which a man may eat thereof and not dye 58th verse This is that Bread which came down from Heaven not as your Fathers did eat Manna and are dead he that eateth of this Bread shall live for ever These pretious Scriptures did fully learn and satisfie me that
such an incorruptible state that should never see death was by us to believed in Iohn 31. 26. And whosoever believeth in me shall never die believest thou this Many more to this purpose were called over and interpreted which may come forth in their season these for the present may suffice These Holy Scriptures give us to know That we as to our visible Bodies are in a strange deformity out of which we may lawfully hope to be redeemed And whoever have Faith herein without wavering may certainly see such a translation For this word did sound in me According as your Faith extends so it will in this respect make an alteration Oh who but such as are mighty in Faith shall live to see the old Mark of of the Beast worn out and the Fathers Name planted and engraven on us Which will make us as the sparkling Stones of a Crown lifted up and as an Ensign where the place of our Habitation by the Most Holy shall be appointed October the 1st 1677. The Mount of Elijah UPON this I did much strive to thwart my Sense which was in great mutiny against this Gospel transmutation And as my Faith did get up so Reasons Club did beat me down so passing some hours in great controversie here-about in my self After my natural repose I saw my self with some others standing as on a Hill where no visible fence was but the loftiness of the place Which the Inhabitants that were in the Plain below observing us there to walk were in great indignation and summoned us for to come down to share in what was in common Which not yielding to they provided Instruments of War as Arrows and Guns to shoot at us which passed over us and beside us so that no harm befell us For we withstood them all in great confidence of that fortitude which those lower Inhabitants could see nothing thereof And the shout of the Voice went forth The Spirit of Elijah will be seen again on the Mountain of Faith October the 4th 1677. This Morning it was thus spoken in me Into what Heart hath the mystery of Faith wrought forth it self in the true Nature of Creating Faith No resurrection it hath had in these last Ages Therefore ye do well who now are searching for it be wise to undermine what hath as a Mountain prest it down For it is that which will bring back what was banished out of Paradice October the 5th 1677. I heard this Night in my sleep a Voice calling me saying Draw near that so you may know great and deep things Upon which I was awakened and saw a clear Glassy Trumpet held out and a great Councel was held by some that all were in privacy in a reserved place only I did hear their Sounds and Voices but I could not see their Persons After which musing hereupon because all passed away before I could make any thing hereof The word said Yet for this Secret thy Spirit must launch and wade ●nto a deeper Ocean Upon which my Spirit sunk unto a good degree into the still Abyssal Center out from which all Light of Wisdom doth open And this pure Glassy Trumpet was made mention of again For it was said That none should ever sound this Trumpet but such who could attain to walk and move upon Faith's holy ground Then took I occasion herefrom earnestly to interceed and while I was praying for this Mystery of Faith to be revealed it was spoke in me Thou seekest that which is so weighty and mystical that time must be allotted to draw or extract out of the full and perfect Number of Coessentiality of Spirit which is attributed to the Holy Trinity Into this thou must search and dive for thy Spirit is of the same Eternal Line and Nature and it may recover what it hath lost by descending into this terrestial World of which course matter thou hast formed a body of flesh about thee wherewith be content for a while till the pure spark Faith shall refine it for thee and make it all sublime October the 8th 1677. The profession of Faith was still urged upon me as the only Gift which would renew all things out of the old frame of Nature For the teaching unction did further reveal to me the supereminency of this Golden Grain of Faith which is the product of the Deity where-ever it shall be found Therefore I had a charge in these words given me saying Suffer not so rich a Talent as this to be hid only in and with the Sacred Trinity Come Oh thou restless Mind and I will shew thee where and how thou must feel this Creating Breath in its first beginnings of Life These Rules therefore observe constantly First Then know that the Center of this high extracted Spirit of Faith lies in the Golden Ocean deep of Love So then herefrom take notice that only a mighty vehement Spirit of Love shall bring forth the Life-acting Body of the Holy Ghost which indeed will all be manifested in Loves strong ardency See now then in what ground this choice Pearl be found the meer strength of Love must give entrance where this almighty Dowry is Love raised up to its first Virgin Purity will make Faith descend in all it s as●umed Majesty Love and Faith have an overcoming Omnipotency attending them God will suffer himself to be conquered by the Spirit of Love and Faith as he saith concerning the work of my hands command ye me Nothing can God detain from such if they remain in the ardency of this meek Love-fire as in a still flame Therefore through the augmentation of this pure burning Breath of Love which as an ascending Spirit can pass into the very secret abyssal Deep to draw into it self that very Faith by which all things have received their existency Such a Spirit sent forth in the cooperation with Love will effect that transparent formation which may well become the pure Beaming Glory of the Blessed Trinity Therefore receive this from the true and faithfull Witness That Love is and must be as the circling Ring in which this sparkling Stone of Faith will fix it self as a signal Monument Wherefore now see a pretious bundle of Love is all necessary as a prepared Vessel into which the highest drawn Matter of all Spirits may be put This pure essence of Faith can live or lodge no where but in the Virgin Bosom of Charity Which is so comely and innocent as a true● qualiification hereof cannot be nominated God is Love and therefore how can he be strange or unknown where the s●ame of his own essential property is sound No doubt but to such all-transforming Faith will be givened as a Golden Balsom to heal that which is demolished As witness the Body of frail Mortality which is shue out from all those that are of Ae●herial Forms and Angelical Figures Let this Medicinal Stone be of all value to you for renewing of Immortality that ye may be like those of that high