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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A48892 A second vindication of The reasonableness of Christianity, &c, by the author of The reasonableness of Christinaity, &c. Locke, John, 1632-1704. 1697 (1697) Wing L2756; ESTC R39074 184,081 507

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excluded certainly that being one of All the rest must be excluded How then he could say I knew that he excluded it not i. e. meant not that I excluded it when he positively says I did exclude it I cannot tell unless he thought that I knew him so well that when he said one thing I knew that he meant another and that the quite contrary He now it seems acknowledges that I affirmed that the Belief of the Deity as well as of Iesus being the Messiah was required to make a Man a Believer The Believing in one God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth is one Article and in Iesus Christ his only Son our Lord is another Article These therefore being two Articles and both asserted by me to be required to make a Man a Christian let us see with what truth or ingenuity the Unmasker could apply besides that above-mention'd these following Expressions to me as he does without any exception Why then must there be one Article and no more pag. 115. Going to make a Religion for his Mermidons he contracts all into one Article and will trouble them with no more pag. 117. Away with Systems away with Creeds let us have but one Article though it be with the defiance of all the rest pag. 118. Thus we see why he reduces all Belief to that one Article before rehearsed pag. 120. And all this without any the least Exception of the Article of a Deity as he now pretends Nor could he indeed as is evident from his own words pag. 121 122. To conclude This Gentleman and his Fellows are resolved to be Unitarians they are for one Article of Faith as well as one Person in the Godhead But if these learned Men were not prejudiced they would perceive that when the Catholick Faith is thus brought down to one single Article it will soon be reduced to none the Unite will dwindle into a Cypher By which the Reader may see that his Intention was to persuade the World that I reduced ALL BELIEF the CATHOLICK FAITH they are his own words to One Single Article and no more For if he had given but the least hint that I allowed of Two all the wit and strength of Argument contained in Unitarians Unite and Cypher with which he winds up all had been utterly lost and dwindled into palpable Nonsence To demonstrate that this was the sence he would be understood in we are but to observe what he says again pag. 50. of his Socinianism Unmask'd where he tells his Readers That I and my Friends have new-modell'd the Apostles Creed yea indeed have presented them with ONE Article instead of TWELVE And hence we may see what Sincerity there is in the Reason he brings to prove that he did not exclude the Article of the Deity For says he p. 6. That is a Principle of Natural Religion Answ. Ergo He did not in positive words without any exception say I reduced All Belief the Catholick Faith to one single Article and no more But to make good his Promise not to resemble me in the little Artifices of Evading he wipes his Mouth and says at the bottom of this Page But the Reader sees his the Vindicator's shuffling Whilst the Article of One God is a part of ALL Belief a part of the Catholick Faith ALL which he affirm'd I excluded but the one Article concerning the Messiah every one will see where the shuffling is And if it be not clear enough from those words themselves let those above quoted out of pag. 50. of his Socinianism Unmask'd where he says That I have new-modell'd the Apostles Creed and presented the World with ONE Article instead of TWELVE be an Interpretation of them For if the Article of One Eternal God Maker of Heaven and Earth be one of the Article of the Apostles Creed and the one Article I presented them with be not that 't is plain he did and would be understood to mean that by my one Article I excluded that of the One Eternal God which Branch soever of Religion either Natural or Revealed it belongs to I do not endeavour to persuade the Reader as he says p. 6. that he misunderstood me but yet every body will see that he mis-represented me And I challenge him to say that those Expressions above quoted out of him concerning One Article in the obvious sence of the words as they stand in his Accusation of me were true This flies so directly in his Face that he labours mightily to get it off and therefore adds these words My Discourse did not treat neither doth his Book run that way of Principles of Natural Religion but of the Revealed and particularly the Christian Accordingly this was it which I taxed him with That of all the Principles and Articles of Christianity he chose out but One as necessary to be believed to make a Man a Christian. Answ. His Book was of Atheism which one may think should make his Discourse treat of Natural Religion But I pass by that and bid him tell me where he ta●ed me That of all the Principles and Articles of Christianity I chose out but One Let him shew in all his Discourse but such a word or any thing said like one Article of Christianity and I will grant that he meant particularly but spoke generally misled his Reader and left himself a Subterfuge But if there be no Expression to be found in him tending that way all this is but the covering of one Falshood with another which thereby only becomes the grosser Though if he had in express words taxed me That of all the Principles and Articles of the Christian Religion I chose out but one that would not at all help him till he further declares that the Belief of One God is not an Article of the Christian Religion For of ALL the Articles of the Christian Religion he says I chose but One which not being that of a Deity his words plainly import that that was left out among the rest unless it be possible for a Man to chuse but One Article of the Christian Religion viz. That Iesus is the Messiah and at the same time to chuse Two Articles of the Christian Religion viz. That there is One Eternal God and that Iesus is the Messiah If he had spoken clearly and like a fair Man he should have said That he taxed me with chusing but One Article of Revealed Religion That had been plain and direct to his purpose But then he knew the Falshood of it would be too obvious for in the seven Pages wherein he taxes me so much with One Article Christianity is several times named though not once to the purpose he here pretends But Revelation is not so much as once mentioned in them nor as I remember in any of the Pages he bestows upon me To conclude the several Passages above quoted out of him concerning one sole Article are all in general terms without any the least limitation
or restriction and as they stand in him fit to persuade the Reader that I excluded all other Articles whatsoever but that one of Iesus the Messiah And if in that sence they are not true they are so many Falshoods of his repeated there to mislead others into a wrong Opinion of me For if he had had a mind his Readers should have been rightly informed why was it not as easie once to explain himself as so often to affirm it in general and unrestrained terms This all the boasted strength of the Unmasker will not be able to get him out of This very well becomes one who so loudly charges me with Shuffling Having repeated the same thing over and over again in as general terms as was possible without any the least limitation in the whole Discourse to have nothing else to plead when required to prove it but that it was meant in a limited sence in an Unmasker is not shuffling For by this way he may have the convenience to say and unsay what he pleases to vent what stuff he thinks for his turn and when he is called to an Account for it reply He meant no such thing Should any one publish that the Unmasker had but One Article of Faith and no more viz. That the Doctrines in fashion and likely to procure Preferment are alone to be received That all his Belief was comprised in this one single Article And when such a Talker was demanded to prove his Assertion should he say he meant to except his Belief of the Apostles Creed Would he not notwithstanding such a Plea be thought a shuffling Lyar And if the Unmasker can no otherwise prove those universal Propositions above-cited but by saying he meant them with a tacit restriction for none is expressed they will still and for ever remain to be accounted for by his Veracity What he says in the next Paragraph p. 7. of my splitting One Article into Two is just of the-same force and with the same ingenuity I had said That the Belief of One God was necessary which is not now denied I had also said That the Belief of Iesus of Nazareth to be the Messiah together with those concomitant Articles of his Resurrection Rule and coming again to Judge the World was necessary p. 291. And again p. 301. That God had declared whoever would believe Iesus to be the Saviour promised and take him now raised from the Dead and constituted the Lord and Judge of all Men to be their King and Ruler shall be saved This made me say These and Those Articles in words of the plural number more than once Evidence enough to any but a Caviller that I contended not for one single Article and no more And to mind him of it I in my Vindication reprinted one of those places where I had done so and that he might not according to his manner overlook what does not please him the words THESE ARE ARTICLES were printed in great Characters Whereupon he makes this Remark p. 7. And though since he has tried to split this One into Two pag. 28. yet he labours in vain For to believe Iesus to be the Messiah amounts to the same with believing him to be King and Ruler his being Anointed i. e. being the Messiah including that in it Yet he has the vanity to add in great Characters THESE ARE ARTICLES as if the putting them into these great letters would make One Article Two Answ. Though no Letters will make One Article Two yet that there is One God and Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord who rose again from the Dead ascended into Heaven and sitteth at the Right-Hand of God shall come to judge the Quick and the Dead are more than One Article and may very properly be called THESE ARTICLES without splitting One into Two What in my Reasonableness of Christianity I have said of One Article I shall always own and in what sence I said it is easie to be understood and with a Man of the least Candour whose Aim was Truth and not Wrangling it would not have occasion'd one word of Dispute But as for this Unmasker who made it his business not to convince me of any Mistakes in my Opinion but barely to mis-represent me my business at present with him is to shew the World that what he has captiously and scurrilously said of me relating to One Article is false and that he neither has nor can prove one of those Assertions concerning it above-cited out of him in his own words Nor let him pretend a Meaning against his direct Words Such a Caviller as he who would shelter himself under the pretence of a Meaning whereof there are no Footsteps whose Disputes are only Calumnies directed against the Author without examining the Truth of Falshood of what I had published is not to expect the Allowances one would make to a fair and ingenuous Adversary who shew'd so much Concern for Truth that he treated of it with a Seriousness due to the weightiness of the Matter and used other Arguments besides Obloquy Clamour and Falshoods against what he thought Error And therefore I again positively demand of him to prove these words of his to be true or confess that he cannot Viz. III. That I contend for One Article of Faith with the exclusion and defiance of all the rest Two other Instances of this sort of Arguments I gave in the 29th Page of my Vindication out of the 115th and 119th Pages of his Thoughts concerning the Causes of Atheism and I here demand of him again to shew since he has not thought fit hitherto to give any Answer to it IV. Where I urge that there must be nothing in Christianity that is not plain and exactly levelled to all Mens Mother Wit and every common Apprehension Or where he finds in my Reasonanableness of Christianity this other Proposition V. That the very manner of every thing in Christianity must be clear and intelligible every thing must immediately be comprehended by the weakest Noddle or else it is no part of Religion espicially of Christianity These things he must prove that I have said I put it again upon him to shew where I said them or else to confess the Forgery For till he does one or t'other he shall be sure to have these with a large Catalogue of other Falshoods laid before him Pag. 25. of his Socinianism Unmask'd he endeavours to make good his saying that I set up One Article with defiance of all the rest in these words For what is excluding them wholly but defying them Wherefore seeing he utterly excludes all the rest by representing them as USELESS to the making ● Man a Christian which is the design of his whole Undertaking it is manifest that he defies them Answ. This at least is manifest from hence that the Unmasker knows not or cares not what he says For whoever but he thought that a bare Exclusion or passing by was Defiance If he understands it so
suffer on the Cross did not Die. For I and my Allies speak as meanly of these Articles as if there were no such thing To shew our Vnmasker's Veracity in this case I shall trouble my Reader with some Passages out of my Reasonableness of Christianity pag. 61. When we consider that he was to fill out the time foretold of his Ministry and after a life Illustrious in Miracles and good Works attended with Humility Meekness Patience and SVFFERING and every way conformable to the Prophecies of him should be led as a Sheep to the Slaughter and with all quiet and submission be brought to the CROSS though there were no Guilt or Fault found in him And p. 74. Contrary to the design of his coming which was to be OFFER'D up a Lamb blameless and void of offence And p. 116. Laying down his life both for Iews and Gentiles P. 178. Given up to Contempt Torment and Death But say what I will when the Vnmasker thinks fit to have it so it is speaking out of the Mahometan Bible That Christ did not suffer on the Cross did not Die or at least is speaking as meanly of these Articles as if no such thing had been His next Slander is p. 55. in these words This Gentleman presents the World with a very ill notion of Faith for the very Devils are capable of all that Faith which he says makes a Christian It is not strange that the Vnmasker should misrepresent the Faith which I say makes a Christian when it seems to be his whole Design to misrepresent my meaning every where The frequency of his doing it I have shew'd in abundance of instances to which I shall add an eminent one here which shews what a fair Champion he is for Truth and Religion Page 196. of my Reasonableness of Christianity I give this account of the Faith which makes a Christian That it is Mens entring themselves in the Kingdom of God owning and professing themselves the Subjects of Jesus whom they believe to be the Messiah and receive for their Lord and King For that was to be baptized in his Name This sense of believing Christ to be the Messiah that is to take him for our King and Lord who is to be obey'd I have expressed over and over again as p. 209. my words are That as many of them as would believe Jesus the Son of God whom he sent into the World to be the Messiah the promised Deliverer and would receive him for their King and Ruler should have all their past Sins Disobedience and Rebellion forgiven them And if for the future they lived in sincere Obedience to his Law to the utmost of their Power the Sins of humane frailty for the time to come as well as those of their past lives should for his Son's sake because they gave themselves up to him to be his Subjects be forgiven them And so their Faith which made them be baptized into his Name i. e. enroll themselves in the Kingdom of Iesus the Messiah and profess themselves his Subjects and consequently live by the Laws of his Kingdom should be accounted to them for Righteousness Which Account of what is necessary I close with these words This is the FAITH for which God of his free Grace Justifies sinful Man And is this the Faith of Devils To the same purpose p. 214. are these words The chief End of his coming was to be a King and as such to be received by those who would be his Subjects in the Kingdom which he came to erect And again p. 212. Only those who have believed Jesus to be the Messiah and taken him for their King with a sincere endeavour after righteousness in obeying his Law shall have their past Sins not imputed to them And so again p. 213. and 227. and in several other places Of which I shall add but this one more p. 228. 'T is not enough to believe him to be the Messiah unless we obey his Laws and take him to be our King to reign over us Can the Devils thus believe him to be the Messiah Yet this is that which by these and abundance of other places I have shew'd to be the meaning of believing him to be the Messiah Besides I have expresly distinguish'd the Faith which makes a Christian from that which the Devils have by proving that to the believing Jesus to be the Messiah must be join'd repentance or else it will not make them true Christians And what this repentance is may be seen at large in p. 193 c. some Expressions whereof I shall here set down As p. 198. Repentance does not consist in one single Act of Sorrow though that being first and leading gives Denomination to the whole but in doing Works meet for Repentance in a sincere Obedience to the Law of Christ the remainder of our Lives Again To distinguish the Faith of a Christian from that of Devils I say expresly out of St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians That which availeth is Faith but Faith working by Love and that Faith without Works i. e. the Works of sincere Obedience to the Law and Will of Christ is not sufficient for our Justification And p. 222. That to inherit eternal Life we must love the Lord our God with all our Heart with all our Soul with all our Strength and with all our Mind An● 230. Love Christ in keeping his Commandments This and a great deal more to this purpose may be seen in my Reasonableness of Christianity particularly where I answer that Objection about the Faith of Devils which I handle from p. 193. to p. 251. and therein at large shew wherein the Faith of Devils comes short of the Justifying Faith which makes a Christian. And yet the good the sincere the candid Unmasker with his becoming Confidence tells his Readers here p. 55. That I present the World with a very ill notion of Faith For the very Devils are capable of all that Faith which I say makes a Christian Man To prevent this Calumny I in more places than one distinguished between Faith in a strict sense as it is a bare assent to any Proposition and that which is called Evangelical Faith in a larger sense of the word which comprehends under it something more than a bare simple assent as p. 43. I mean this is all is required to be believed by those who acknowledge but one Eternal invisible God the Maker of Heaven and Earth For that there is something more required to Salvation besides believing we shall see hereafter P. 47. All I say that was to be believed for Justification For that this was not all that was required to be done for Justification we shall see hereafter P. 92. Obeying the Law of the Messiah their King being no less required than their believing that Iesus was the Messiah the King and Deliverer that was promised them Pag. 192. As far as meer believing could make them Members of Christ's Body By these and more