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A47576 The Jewish Sabbath abrogated, or, The Saturday Sabbatarians confuted in two parts : first, proving the abrogation of the old seventh-day Sabbath : secondly, that the Lord's-Day is of divine appointment : containing several sermons newly preach'd upon a special occasion, wherein are many new arguments not found in former authors / by Benjamin Keach. Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. 1700 (1700) Wing K73; ESTC R7556 176,774 438

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still and had its Patrons and Abettors Ebion and Cerinthus two of the wretchedest Hereticks of the Primitive Times And after them Apollinarius is said to countenance and defend it which doubtless made the Antient Fathers declare themselves fully in it as a dangerous Point it seemed to confirm the Jews in their Incredulity and might occasion others to make question of our Saviour's coming in the Flesh Hence Irenaeus Justin Martyr Tertullian and Eusebius Men of Note in the Primitive Times affirm that never any of the Patriarchs before Moses's Law observed the Sabbath which question less they must have done had that Law been moral and dictated by the Light of Nature He cites also Epiphanius and Theodoret on Ezech. 20. Procopius on Gen. 2. Damascen and our venerable Bede concurring with the former Fathers All talk saith he that the Observation of the Jewish Sabbath vanished utterly c I might mention other Authors to the same purpose But to proceed my Brethren because one of my Arguments against the precise Seventh-day Sabbath will be to prove it a Sign or Shadow of that Rest Believers enter into when they first close with Christ I shall say no more now by way of Explanation of my Text but proceed to those Points of Doctrine that arise herefrom Doct. 1. That it is not the Duty of believing Gentiles under the Dispensation of the Gospel The Doctrines raised to keep the Seventh Day as a Sabbath to the Lord. Doct. 2. That it is a dangerous thing for any to plead for and keep the seventh day so i● to lay the same stress on the observation thereof as on a purely natural or simply mora● Precept These two Propositions I purpose God assisting to prosecute and confirm in this method First I shall lay down several Explanatory Propositions Secondly Give many Arguments to prove th● truth of the first Proposition Thirdly I shall taking in the second Proposition endeavour to prove that the observing the seventh day Sabbath so as to lay the same stre● on it as on a natural and simply moral Precept ● a dangerous thing Fourthly I shall prove that all Believers 〈◊〉 oblig'd to observe the first day of the week free from secular business in religious Worship as the time in season only under the Gospel-dispensation Fifthly I shall endeavour to answer all the main Objections brought by our Opponents against the Observation of the first day of the week To begin First Proposition premised Let it be considered that the Apostles perceiving the weakness of the Jews who believ'd in Christ to take them off gradually from Jewish Observation of days and other legal Rites and Ordinances did admit of the Practice of some of them for a time till they were better instructed in the Truth as it is in Jesus the nature of the new Creation and the change of the whole Law viz. the utter abolishing of all things Ceremonial or that were Signs and Shadows of things to come and the removing the ministration of all Moral Precepts from Moses as Lawgiver into the hand of Christ as Mediator in which capacity he had all Power delegated to him in Heaven and Earth as our only Lord and Lawgiver Mat. 28. 18 19 20. Thou seest Brother how many thousands of the Jews there are which believe and they are all zealous of the Law Acts 21. 20. Hence Paul complied with them to purify himself and to shave his Head v. 24. and on the like account in compliance with their weakness he circumcised Timothy I might from hence by the way note that had we such a Passage that Paul kept one Jewish Sabbath as we have here of his circumcising Timothy I suppose our Brethren would make no small advantage of it that it is our Duty from thence to keep it but that might have been on the same account and no better ground than it would be for us to plead for Circumcision and be circumcised as Tillam Skip and Cooly were as I am informed who called themselves the Ministers of the Circumcision But to proceed Upon the same reason perhaps the Jewish Rites Days and typical or shadowy Ordinances might and were called by their former and antient names as well as for distinction sake for tho those legal Ordinances were dead yet as our Annotators observe they were not then deadly if look'd upon as indifferent things however God was pleased they being his own appointments to vouchsafe them a gradual and decent funeral Second Proposition But nevertheless after they had been better instructed into the truth of the Gospel and the change or end of the Law they were more plainly dealt with I mean he more fully and clearly informed them and shewed them the great danger if they observed those legal Rites Days and Ordinances especially when he saw they laid such stress upon them as to make them necessary to eternal Life as a Rule of Obedience Hence the Apostle says I Paul testify unto you that if ye be circumcised Christ shall profit you nothing Gal. 5. 1. And why if circumcised because it was a shadow and the keeping up the shadow was a virtual denying that the Substance was come and besides they were thereby bound to keep the whole Law Such was the natural tendency of observing one Legal Rite or Precept as given by Moses it being in that Ministration a Covenant of Works and he that kept one was obliged to keep all and he that broke one was guilty of all 1. And if so why might not Paul have told them the same thing and danger if they kept the legal Sabbath which led them according to the Tenor of it and in the strictest observance to perfect Obedience which is implyed in those words Thou shalt not think thy own thoughts nor speak thy own words 2. Or provided they made it necessary in order to a holy Life in point of Obedience as a pure moral Precept even of the same nature with the first Commandment viz. Thou shalt have no other Gods but me or the second Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven Image c. or the third or fifth or any of the rest I speak not of what is simply moral in the fourth Commandment but of that precise seventh day I say may not their danger be as great if thus they look'd upon those Jewish Sabbaths as if circumcised because then if they kept them not it necessarily must follow it would exclude them the Kingdom of Heaven as all other immoral Acts or actual breach of pure moral Precepts would do 3. Because Paul tells them that those Sabbaths were a Shadow or Sign so far as Circumcision was as I have and shall further make appear and so hereby unwarily they would deny that Christ was come to give us Rest and we do not yet cease working for Life in order to enter into Rest which was held forth as the Tenor of that Ministration of the Moral Law by Moses and particularly in their
17. ch 66. 22 23. 2 Pet. 3. 13. Rev. 21. 1. Rom. 8. 19. 20. 2 Cor. 5. 17. Gal. 6. 15. This new Creation is accompanied with a new Law and Covenant or the Law of Faith and Covenant of Grace Rom. 3. 27. ch 8. 2 3 4. Jer. 31. 33 34. Heb. 8. 8 9 10 c. To this Law and Covenant a day of holy Rest unto the Lord doth belong which cannot be the same with the former no more than it is the same Law or same Covenant which was originally given Heb. 4. 9. Rev. 1. 10. That this day was limited and determined to the first day of the week by our Lord Jesus Christ is that which shall now further be confirmed First Pag. 366. On this day he rested from his Work by his Resurrection for then he laid the Foundation of the new Heavens and new Earth and finished the Works of the new Creation when all the Stars sang together and the Sons of God shouted for Joy On this day he rested from his Works The drift of the Apostle here is to shew how the first day is established as our day of Rest under the Gospel as God did and was refreshed as God was for tho he worketh hitherto in communication of his Spirit and Graces as the Father continueth to do in his Works of Providence after the finishing of his Works of the old Creation tho these Works belong thereunto yet he ceaseth absolutely from that kind of Work whereby he laid the Foundation of the new Creation henceforth he dyeth no more and on this day was he refreshed in the view of his Works for he saw it was exceeding good Now as God's Rest This the Doctor shews the Apostle chiefly intends and his being refreshed in his Work on the seventh day of old was a sufficient Indication of the precise day of Rest which he would have observed under the Administration of that original Law and Covenant so the Rest of our Lord Jesus Christ and of his being refreshed in and from his Work on the first day is a sufficient Indication of the precise day of Rest to be observ'd under the Dispensation of the new-Covenant now confirm'd and established And the Church of Christ could not pass one Week under the New Testament Pag. 267. or in a Gospel-state of Worship without this Indication For the Judaical Sabbath as sure as it was so and as sure as it was annexed to the Mosa●●l Administration of the Covenant was so far abolish'd as not to oblige really the Disciples of Christ in Conscience to the Observation of it whatsoever any of them might for a season apprehend And if a new day was not now determined there was no day or season appointed for an observance of an holy Rest unto the Lord nor any pledg given us of our entering into the Rest of Christ Accordingly this Indication of the Gospel-day of Rest § 10. and Worship was imbraced by the Apostles who were to be as the chief Corner Stones in the Foundation of the Christian Church For immediately they assembled themselves on that day and were confirmed in their Obedience by the Grace of our Lord in meeting with them thereon Joh. 20. 19 26. And it appears on this day only he appeared to them when they were assembled together altho occasionally he shewed himself to sundry of them at other seasons Moreover from this time forward this day was never without its solemn Assemblies as shall further be cleared afterwards Thus the Doctor He then proceeds further to prove more fully from this of Heb. 4. the Foundation and Institution of the Lord's-day in which he has certainly not only out-done all Expositors before him but hath made it very plain that the first day is here by the Apostle declared to be established by Christ's Rest and our resting in him and to be the day of Rest and solemn Worship under the Gospel as God's resting from his Work was the Foundation of the old Sabbath He cites Heb. 4. 3 11. moreover he opens the many Rests mentioned Pag. 269 230 231 c. and proves the Rest spoken of in the Psalms to intend the Rest of Christ and his People in the Gospel-Dispensation and not the eternal Rest above but that Rest which all that believe do enter into after Christ had done all our Work and ceased or finished his Work for ever as God finished his and as a pledg of his Rest hath left us a day of Rest There remaineth therefore a Sabbatism for the People of God Here is both the Foundation and Institution of the first day as a day of Rest or a Gospel Sabbath and the manner of our entering into it as well as the abrogation of the old day The Foundation Pag. 279. saith he of the whole is laid down ver 10. For he that is entered into his Rest § 20. has ceased from his Works as God did from his i. e. that as God ceased working rested and took satisfaction and complacency in his Work never working any more in creating and so a Rest followed on that day so Christ ceased and rested from the Work of Redemption on the first day and a Rest followed for us on that day he taking Rest and Complacency in his Work There is the Rest of the one and the other and these saith he also have their mutual proportion Now God rested from his own Work of Creation 1. By ceasing from creating only continuing all things by his Power in their order and propagation to his Glory 2. By his Respect to them and Refreshment in them as those which expressed his Excellencies and set forth his Praise and so satisfied his glorious Design 1. So Christ also must cease working i. e. he must die no more suffer no more but only continue the Work of his Grace and Power in the preservation of the new Creation and the orderly increase and propagation of it by his Spirit 2. He takes delight and satisfaction in the Works he hath wrought for he sees of the travel of his Soul P. 284. and is satisfied In brief all that he did and suffered in and from his Incarnation to his Resurrection as Mediator of the Covenant with all the Fruits and Effects and Consequences of what he so did whereby the Church was built and the new Creation finished belongs to his Works His Rest that ensued on these Works hath two parts 1. A cessation from his Works which was eminent and answered God's Rest from his Works 2. Satisfaction in his Works and the glorious Product of them as those which had an Impression on them of his Love and Grace Psal 16. 7. Now lest any should suppose that Christ rather ceased from his Works Christ ceased from his Work on the day of his Resurrection P. 284. Sect. 23. when he died because it is said 't is finished c. which certainly refers to all those things that were Types or
gross Immorality who do not observe the precise Seventh-day Nay the like Consequences attend their Notion who through ignorance and an over-heated Zeal have also asserted the same Morality to consist in the observance of the first Day of the Week as is evident by what some Ministers in their Parish-Churches did formerly affirm One in Oxfordshire said That to do any servile Work on the Lord's Day is as great a Sin as to kill a Man Another in a Sermon in Norfolk See Dr. White on the Sab. said To make a Feast or Wedding-dinner on the Lord's Day is as great a Sin as for a Father to take a Knife and cut his own Child's Throat A Sabbatarian also I am told did lately say having a Child to put out an Apprentice he knew not any that kept the Sabbath whose Trade he liked and to place him with one that would cause him to work on that Day was as bad as Adultery or Theft or to that effect Another lately told us that we in not keeping the Sabbath or fourth Command broke all the rest or words to the same purpose 8. And from hence also which is the plain and necessary Consequence of their Principle either such must perish who live and die in a palpable violation of this pretended simple moral Precept without any sorrow or repentance or else that Men may be saved who live and die under the guilt of immoral Evil in the grossest sense For tho it is granted that a true Christian may be guilty in some sense of an Immoral Evil and who is not yet if a moral Precept be broke in the Letter of it or in the grossest sense as he that commits actual Adultery or Murder can such be saved living and dying in those Sins without any true sight of the Evil of them or Repentance for them nay that do not only live in the literal breach of this moral Precept as they call it but teach men so to do Object But they do it ignorantly Answ Ignorance of any Human Law tho the breach of it be death will not excuse any Man because the Law is published or they may know it So ignorance cannot excuse a man that breaks any Precept of the Moral Law of God 9. This Notion and Principle of theirs seems not only to admit of such Consequences naturally to attend it but they indeed express themselves very directly on this occasion even to shut out of the Kingdom of Heaven all that keep not the Seventh-day Sabbath or at least such who teach men to break it See what Mr. Soarsby saith New Testament Sab. p. 54 55. viz. The Decalogue in the New Testament is abundantly confirmed by many places in the Gospel which establish the Authority of the Law and Commandments of God to Christians both Jews and Gentiles Our Lord came not to destroy the Law but to fulfil it Some men saith he affirm contrary to both They who teach and do these Commandments shall be great in the Kingdom of Heaven but such as break the least and teach men so to do shall be least in it that is have no part in it for unless Christians keep them better than the Scribes there is no entering into Heaven Mat. 5. 20. The Summary of the two Tables are the great Commandments on which hang all the Law and the Prophets The doing of these as written and read in the Law is the way to Eternal Life Luke 10. 26 27. Again he saith It is not the Hearer of the Law that shall be justified amongst the Romans as well as the Jews c. Two things note here 1. He takes it for granted that the precise Seventh-day Sabbath is one part of the Moral Law and so his design is as I conceive to shew that such as violate this Sabbath and teach men so to do have no part in Heaven 2. He says The doing of these is the way to Eternal Life mistaking the purport of our Saviour's words to the young Man who spake to him as one under the Covenant of Works to discover his Ignorance of the way to Heaven which is by Christ alone not by doing those Commands as written and read in the Law 't is not do but believe c. Is not this Man ignorant of the way to Eternal Life did our Lord come to ratify the Decalogue for us to keep and fulfil in our own Persons thereby to be justified and saved Here is not one word of the Righteousness of Christ No no but that Righteousness that must exceed the Righteousness of the Scribes is our own inherent Righteousness only True we say a sincere inherent Righteousness we must have for a meetness for Eternal Life but that is not our title to it or the way to it but the Righteousness and Merits of Christ alone Doth he not establish the Covenant of Works and Justification by the Law What Popish Doctrin is worse Also in a printed Paper given one Lord's Day at the Door * Of our Meeting-house Pag. 1 2. by some Sabbatarian you have these words Christ died to procure Grace to enable men to fulfil this Law Rom. 8. 3. not that 't is fulfilled in us that is in our head i. e. by Christ in our Nature for us but in us that is by us O woful stuff Besides doth Christ help us to fulfil the whole Law perfectly If so 't is by the Law thus fulfilled that we are justified and then also 't is not by the Obedience of one Man that we are made Righteous Rom. 5. Do not these men Rom. 10. 3. like the Jews go about to establish their own Righteousness Moreover their Doctrin renders all that keep not or violate their Sabbath to be guilty of the breach of the whole Law which they affirm this is one Point of i. e. a simple moral Precept and not the least Command neither I fear with these men Now my Brethren how are these young Men and others blinded who out of mistaken Zeal strive to bring in a Jewish Rite or the observation of the old Legal Sabbath in promoting of which Error they disperse such pernicious Books and Pamphlets as tend directly to establish the Covenant of Works to the utter destroying the Doctrin of the Gospel and the free Grace of God in our Justification by the Obedience of Christ alone and to the palpable hazard and perdition of their own and other Peoples Souls These Persons seek to sacrifice all that is truly valuable to the blind observation of a Day that obliges them to keep the whole Law 10. That the natural Consequence of their Principle and Practice P. 405 406. Their Principle tends to harden the Jews as Reverend Dr. Owen shews tends to the great scandal of the Christian Religion and to the hardening of the Jews in their Infidelity is apparent to all For the Introduction of any part of the old Mosaical System of Ordinances is a tacit denial of Christ's being