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A44489 The best exercise for Christians in the worst times in order to their security against prophaness and apostacy : good and useful to be consider'd ... / proposed to consideration by J.H. ... Horn, John, 1614-1676. 1671 (1671) Wing H2793; ESTC R34470 179,378 328

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of God and Christ and of his unspeakable glory and glorious joys and satisfactions that shall be injoyed by all that are counted worthy thereof in the world to come according to that distinction or distribution of rewards promised by Christ to those that forsake all to follow him Mark 10.30 he shall receive an hundred fold in this time houses Brethren and Sisters Mothers and Children and fields with persecution and in the world to come everlasting life that is the full and perfect injoyment of God and Christ and all happiness without persecution for ever till when they are to wait for the mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ therein This is the great hope of the Believers as in Tit. 1.2 In hope of eternal life which God who cannot lie hath promised and Chap. 3.7 That being justified by his Grace we might be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life and therefore the great things hoped for are included therein because therein is contained all the fulness of the injoyment of God and Christ and their favour and blessing and so all happiness yea it is the great thing promised in Christ as 1 Iohn 2.25 and therefore it is to be waited for by the Believer all his time till he attain the injoyment of it yea even the Souls of those that have suffered death for the testimony of Christ and that be under the Altar though they rest quiet from all further sufferings and persecutions from men or temptations and oppressions from Sathan or whatever here annoyed the● yet they also still wait for the full accomplishment of that great promise the full injoyment of life everlasting yea and the mercy of the Lord Iesus Christ is that that is exercised toward and over them even his free Grace goodness and compassion until that be attained by them Rev. 6.11 3. And as all his Mercy tends unto the Believer so this also being waited for shall be the certain and sure issue of his Mercy they shall not fail of it but shall have and injoy eternal life when fully built up and fi●ted for it As they have his love and favour toward them here in which is life so their patien● expectation of the utmost Salvation and full recompence of reward shall in it's time also namely in the World to come without fail be given them for 1. It was the end and design of God in giving his only begotten Son into the World that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life as also it was of his exalting and lifting him up both to the Cross in his Death and out of the Grave being dead for us unto his own right hand and in the Doctrine of the Gospel by his Holy Spirit commending and glorifying him unto the hearts and consciences of men that so he might be and be represented as a fit and compleat Object of faith and hope for them and that so many as should believe and hope in him might live for ever John 3.14 15 16. As Moses lifted up the Serpent in the wilderness so must the Son of man be lifted up that so whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the World through him might be saved c. 2. It is the will and pleasure of God that Jesus Christ came down from Heaven to doe and is gone up to Heaven again to prosecute the thing to which he hath anointed and appointed him the work or pleasure of the Lord that lyes upon his hand to see done that whoso seeth and believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life John 6 40. And he is both alsufficient for accomplishing it having offered up himself a perfect and infinitely virtuous and precious Sacrifice and being filled with all the fulness of God and so able to doe all things and to subdue all things to himself and he is also faithful in all things to God who appointed him and therefore will not fail nor be discouraged till he bring forth judgment into victory and accomplish what he is ingaged in and hath undertaken to doe and accomplish Col. 2.9 10. Heb. 7.25 and 9.15 and 10.14 and 3.1 2. Isa 42.3 4. 3. It is the promise of God and his Covevenant made and ratified with mankinde in Jesus Christ that he will give eternal life to as many as do believe in and are subject to him 1 John 2.24 25 Tit. 1.2 and God that hath promised is true and faithful and cannot lye or break Covenant yea he hath also confirmed his promise and Covenant by an Oath that by two immutable things in which it is impossible for God to lye they might have strong consolation who flee for refuge to Christ the hope set before them Heb. 6.18 19. 4. Yea whereas we are too prone to sin and break ou● Covenant with God or fail in what he requires of us to the injoyment of eternal life Christ hath undertaken as the surety and Mediator of it to see it performed to us and to that purpose to fit us for the performance of it to us taking away our sins imperfections and forfeitures by the vertue of his blood and Sacrifice pleaded with his Father for us so as with reference thereto God keeps Covenant and mercy with them that fear him and Christ effects in us by his Grace and Spirit what is required of us and necessary for us Writing the Law in our heart and putting his fear in our inward parts Heb. 2.17 18. and 7.22 25 and 8.2 3 9 10 11. and 9.15 and 10.15 16 17 18. 5. Yea Christ as the great King of Saints and Nations Shepheard and Bishop of the soul hath undertaken it to lead guide protect and keep his sheep or his Disciples that hear his voice and follow him to the injoyment of everlasting life and he hath the Presence and Oneness of the Father with him therein and so power wisdom and love to guide and keep them so as none can pluck them away from him as he saith John 10.27.28 29 30. My sheep hear my voice and I know or own them and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand My Father that gave me them is greater than all and none can pull them ou● of my Fathers hand I and my Father are one So that the Believer hath the greatest certainty of eternal life that may be in believing and cleaving unto Christ and so in building up himself and being built up on that most holy faith and foundation and praying in the Holy Ghost and so keeping himself in the love of God and waiting for the mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ having God and Christ so ingaged for his having it given to him and conferred upon him● to which we may also yet add 6. The earnest helpfulness
this life support and help under or freedom and deliverance from the troubles of it and from the plots and malice of wicked men in the world against us as be necessary for us for our subsistence while here continued or for our serving and glorifying God and usefulness amongst men as Prov. 30.8 Feed me with food convenient for me Matth. 6.11 Give us this day our dayly bread O deliver me not into the will of mine enemies Psal 27.14 Deliver me O Lord from the evil man and preserve me from the wicked man which imagine michief in their hearts c. Psal 140.1 2. Pray that your flight be not in the winter nor on the Sabbath-day Matth 24.20 and the like for others as for our selves 2 Thess 3.1 2. 5. In particular wants exercises and temptations for such things as the Holy Spirit knows to be most profitable for us and others and most agreeable with Gods will in which we know not usually what to pray for but the Holy Spirit that God gives to his servants and worshippers doth and that helps their infirmities and makes intercession for them with groans that cannot be uttered Rom. 8.26 and leads his people in such cases to pray according to Gods will as Abraham for Ishmaels life O that Ishmael might live before thee Gen. 17.18 20. Isaac for children Gen. 25.21 Elijah for the life of the widow of Sarephaths child be restored 1 King 17. and so Elisha for the Shunamite 2 King 4 and many the like obvious in the Scriptures In a word the Holy Ghost shews what things are agreeable to the will and holiness of God and conduces to the promoting his Glory and our own and others good and directs us to pray for them as they be wanting and blesse● God for them as granted to us 2. As to the manner of praying both 1. As to the way of approaching to God that it be not in our own righteousness name or goodness as if we deserved any mercy of him to our selves or were worthy upon the account of our righteousness to obtain any thing but in the name and upon the account of Christ and so through and by him his Sacrifice and Priestly intercession for us the new and living way to God Heb. 10.19 20. and so in Gods goodness mercy and righteousness through him So David praying to God goes not in his goodness but in Gods Psal 5.7 As for me I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercies c. and in Psal 25.6 According to thy mercy think thou upon me for thy goodness-sake O Lord and Daniel Chap. 9.17 18. For the Lords sake and we do not present our supplications before thee for our own righteousness but for thy great mercies So the Holy Spirit instructs and directs us to come unto God by Christ as in Heb. 7.25 and in his Name to make our prayers and petitions John 14.12 13 14. and 16.23 27. 2. As to the expressions not studying quaint and elegant words and expressions as if God delighted in them but to utter our needs and desires in such words and expressions as the Holy Spirit leading us to minde the greatness and goodness of God the declarations of his ●inde and and will our own vileness and meanness and wants helps us with as knowing it is the faith and fervencie of the heart and the rightness of the frame of Spirit in our prayers that sounds best in Gods eare A braken or contrite heart O God thou wilt not despise He that studies quaint words to please men prays rather to men for their applause than to God for his Grace and blessing and so it leads not to use vain repetitions as placing holiness goodnes or the acceptableness of our prayers in such so often reiterated expressions or as thinking to be heard for or in our much speaking Mat. 6 7. though the Holy Spirit lets us see sometime ground and need for praying longer and sometime shorter as our cases may be as Christ was in prayer all night sometime Luc. 6.12 before he chose his Apostles and yet sometime was very short as when he raised up Lazarus John 11.41.42 3. As to the earnestness in praying The Holy Spirit leads to be chiefly earnest for those things that are of greatest concernment more earnest for what tends to promote Gods Kingdom and righteousness and to his Glory than for things in which our lib●rty ease health or the like are onely concerned and to be most indifferent for those things in which Gods Name Kingdom or Glory are least concerned ● As to the incouragements and motives to pray To pray in the Holy Ghost is to pray in the incouragements motives and motions which the Holy Spirit giveth And they be such as the Gospel and Doctrine of Christ presents unto us as 1. The gracious goodness of God testified towards us in Christ Jesus in whom he hath declared and manifested himself a lover of us as his Creatures as mankinde yea though sinners and while so in that he was pleased to appoint and send him even his onely begotten Son into the world for us that we might live through him even through him as made and become the propitiation for our sins as in 1 John 4.9 10. Having not spared his Son but delivered him up to the Death for us all the Holy Spirit incourages us thereupon to hope and in that hope to expect that he will also with him freely give us all things and in such incouragement and upon such ground moves us to ask of him what is needful and good for us Rom. 8.26 27 28. 2. The compleatness of Christ as our Mediator and High Priest with God for obtaining Grace and mercy of him for us and to that purpose making intercession and of his Authority with God to dispense and hand unto us as well as of wisdom to discern and see whatever may be good and needful for us Heb. 4.14 Having such a great High Priest Jesus the Son of God passed into the Heavens for us let us go boldly to the Throne of Grace So Heb. 10.19 20 21 22 Seeing we have boldness or liberty to the Holy of Holies by the blood of Jesus that is by such a compleat full and perfect Sacrifice as that he hath offered for us such as infinitely goeth beyond all the Sacrifices under the Law as the foregoing part of that Chapter had largely shewed such as in which is perfection for the sanctified for ever ver 14. plenteousnes of Redemption forgivenes of sins and a powerful voice to speak for our acceptance Col. 1.14 Heb. 12.24 by a new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through the vail his flesh and having an High Priest over the House of God such a one namely as Christ is who is holy harmless undefiled separated from sinners made higher than the Heavens a Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedeck a King and Priest and that too the
Son of God himself consecrated by an Oath for ever and ever living to make intercession for us in all which respects he is infinitely better and greater than the Priests under the Law abler to make us and our prayers acceptable to God c. 7. as also having an High Priest so merciful to us and so faithful both to God and us in all that concerns us one that can be touched with the feeling of our infirmities and can succour those that be tempted because he himself suffered and was tempted as Chapter 2.17 18. and 4.15 one that can pity and have compassion on those that are ignorant and ●ut of the way Heb. 5.1 2 3. Let us therefore draw near with true sincere hearts in full assurance of faith our hearts sprinkled from an evil Conscience and our bodies washed with pure water In these incouragements the Holy Ghost moves and incourages us to draw nigh and to pray to God as also is shewed Rom. 8.34 in that Christ hath died for us yea rather is risen again who also is at Gods right hand and maketh intercession for us 3. The infinite power and alsufficiencie of God in Christ and of Christ in God to hear help save and satisfie us and to fulfil all our petitions that are according to his will power belongs unto God Psal 62.11 12. therefore trust in him at all times ye people pour out your hearts before him he is a refuge for us So in Job 5.8 9. I would seek to God to God would I commit my cause who doth great things c. I am God Almighty Gen. 17.1 this incouraged Christ in the days of his flesh to pour out strong cries and tears that his Father was able to save him all things were possible to him Heb 5.7 Mark 14.36 and this through the love he hath manifested in Christ and the greatness faithfulness and mercifulness of Christ as our High-Priest and the infinite virtuousness of his sacrifice for us for obtaining favour and acceptation for us with God is of great usefulness to incourage us also that he that so loves us and with whom we have such a Priest and Sacrifice to befriend us is able to help and save us as Psal 57.2 I will cry unto God most high unto God that performeth all things for me this incouragement the Holy Ghost propounded to and by Paul as a motive to pray to him That the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is be of whom all the family in Heaven and earth is named and that in him are riches of Glory and that he is able to doe exceeding abundantly above all we ask and think Ephes 3.15 16 20. indeed this without the other would be little incouragement but rather terrifie us from him but with and through it it gives exceeding much incouragement to consider that he is able both in respect of wisdom and knowledge to discern our wants and in respect of Power and Authority to supply them 4. His Covenant and promises made and confirmed in Christ for hearing and helping those that come to him by Christ and for perfecting all that concerns them both as to salvation from evil and satisfaction with good It s his Covenant in Christ to write his Law in the heart and to put his fear into them and their iniquities and sins to remember no more c. and so it is to hear their prayers and to save them So Psal 50.14 15. Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorifie me Psal 91.14 15. He shall call upon me I will be with him in trouble I will deliver him and honor him with long life will I satisfie him shew him my salvation so by our Saviour Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my Name I will give it you John 16.23 Godliness hath the promise of this life and of that that is to come 1 Tim. 4.8 to which add 5. His infinite truth and faithfulness through Christ to keep his Covenant and mercy for ever this incouragement is also propounded and was often made use of by the servants of God as the Apostle to move the Believer to draw nigh to God uses this amongst others Faithful is he that promised therefore let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering which is done as wel by our persevering in prayer and continuing to draw nigh to God Heb. 10 23. this was made use of and pleaded by Nehemiah c. 1.5 The great terrible God that keepeth Covenant and mercy for them that love him and observe his Commandments so by those good Levites mentioned in Neh. 9 4 5. in Verse 32. and by Daniel Dan. 9.4 as also it is propounded as an incouragement to call upon God and to seek him and seek his face Psal 105.1.4 8. He hath remembred his Co●ont for ever c. 6. The Relations that they stand in to God and God to them that the Holy Spirit also makes use of to encourage to pray and to call upon God So in Matth. 7.11 If ye that are evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your heavenly Father give good things to them that ask him So again in Luke 11.13 and this also the holy men of God have been encouraged by to pray to him as Isa 63.16 Doubtless thou art our Father though Abraham be ignorant of us c. Thou O Lord art our Father our Redeemer thy name is from everlasting c. So Jer. 14.8 O the hope of Israel the Saviour thereof in time of trouble c. 〈◊〉 very often David makes use of this encouragement that God was his God and his King his Rock Refuge c. 7. The often proofs they have had of his Goodness and Power and Mercy in former times Call to mind says the Apostle amongst other motives and encouragements to draw nigh to God and to hold fast the Profession of the Faith the farmer days in which after ye were illuminated ye endured a great fight of afflictions And this is often made use of and found as an encouragement to the servants of God in former times as Psal 4.1 O God of my righteousness hear when I call Thou hast set me at liberty when I was in distress have mercy upon me and hear my prayer and in Psal 18 3. we have David resolving to call upon the Lord worthy to be praised and assuring himself that so he should be delivered from his enemies And see what encouraged him to that assured expectation and so to that holy resolution Verse 4 5 6. The sorrows of death compassed me c. In my distress I called upon the Lord and cryed unto my God he heard my voyce out of his Temple c. Like to which is that in Psal 116.1 2. I love the Lord because he hath heard my voyce and my supplication because he hath inclined his ear unto me therefore will I call upon him
them either from Satan as an enemy suggesting fears to them even from their Fathers righteously judging them or on other accounts or from the world persecuting them the assured hope of Gods salvation or the salvation of God Gods sure protection and defence of them here and his bringing or delivering them out in his due time as set before them by way of promise in the Gospel and so an object and matter of hope to be looked for by them And then They have 6. The Sword of the Spirit the Word of God as a two-edged Weapon fit and forcible to do them service both by way of defence to themselves and by way of offence to their enemies so as that thereby they may both be preserved from the lyes of Satan and his Instruments and from all his lying and wicked suggestions and they may beat them away and drive them from them yea and cause the enemies of Christ and of their faith by their powerful convincements thereof to fall before them so Christ kept himself from the wicked one that he touched him not by any of his temptations Matth. 4. and so both he and his Servants have confounded their Adversaries and convinced and converted many of them And then lastly They have free access to God through Jesus Christ by Prayer and supplication to make known their needs and requests to him either for supplyes and help to themselves and one another or for rebuking taking off or weakening their Adversaries and Exercises And they have through Christ the Spirit of grace and supplication to instruct and help them to pray and direct their desires and petitions for them and Christ himself with God as their Mediator High-Priest and Advocate to make their Prayers acceptable to God and this is a marvellous powerful and effectual Weapon being filled with Faith to obtain any thing from Heaven needful for their defence and safety and to batter down the Forts and Strengths of their Adversaries by pulling down judgments from Heaven upon them This is as the Christians Bullets of Ordnance that he storms Heaven by as it were and takes it by force and that being shot up towards Heaven from a fervent faithful heart falls down again upon the wicked Adversaries and doth great execution and slaughter upon them so we may see how the Prayers of the Saints being offered up by the Angel who had many sweet odours to make them acceptable Revel 8.3 4 5. procured fire to be cast upon the earth with voyces thundrings lightnings and a great earthquake whereby the judgments of God upon the Adversaries were implyed and signified Now all these things being considered it will evidently appear that it is very possible for the Believer to be kept in the love of God nay that it is certain he shall be so if he be not greatly neglective of the means of his safety and preservation so many and so effectual for that purpose yea indeed a man might marvail these things for the Believers defence being well weighed how it should possibly be that he should fail of the Grace of God fall out of his love and favour and perish from his presence by any means but that we have seen the possibility and danger too thereof before asserted which also may further as to the reason of it be made manifest in the next consideration wherein it is further noted as implyed that he being so strongly and well fortified and furnished for his safe keeping in the love of God Point 4. It is expected from him and in some sense lyes upon him as his work to keep himself and each Believer to keep his Brother therein Though as he did not bring himself into Christ and so into the love and favour of God by his wisdom will power or goodness but he was called into him and made in him of God so neither is it his work in his own power wisdom and strength to keep himself there or defend himself from what would intice him or force him out Yet as it was his act in and by the Grace of God in Christ to believe and come to Christ and so into the love and favour of God So it is his act also subordinately in and by the same Grace to keep himself in Christ and so in the love of God whence our Saviour so often requires it of his Disciples Abide in me and let my words abide in you continue ye in my love Joh. 15.4.9 Hold fast what thou hast let no man take away thy Crown Rev. 3.11 with which agrees many passages of the Apostles to stand fast quit themselves like men let that they have received abide abide in Christ and the like as also that assertion in 1 John 5.18 He that is born of God keepeth himself that the wicked one toucheth him not In which keeping a mans self in the love of God is signified as to the act of it 1. That the Believer be and abide in that state and way he is already in through the Grace of God not departing voluntarily leaving or going out therefrom keep himself well while he is well being content with Christ confident and well assured of his well doing and happiness in so continuing to that purpose are those phrases of abiding continuing not departing or withdrawing from the living God as in John 8.32 and 15.4 5 6 7. Col. 1.23 1 John 2.24 28. Heb. 3.12 and 10.35 38 39. as implying that no man heartily believing in Christ can miscarry but through a voluntary neglect of or departure from him It is no violence done to him can force him but by his own consent The case of a Believer as we shewed before is like the condition of a man that though very weak and unable of himself to resist or stand against the power of his enemies yet hath a strong Castle or Tower in which he is so strongly fortified and so every way unattachable by either storming undermining or starving of him that there is certain safety for him in abiding in it and no possibility for his enemies catching of him unless he voluntarily go out of it Such is the Believers condition being in Christ and God nothing can come upon him to harm him none can pluck or take him by force out of it unless he willingly sin and depart from God and Christ after the knowledge of the Truth received against which departing and drawing back from and forsaking God and so their own mercies the Spirit of God therefore by his Servants is diligently provoking and exhorting them as Take heed Brethren least there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God and let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful that hath promised Cast not away your confidence c Heb. 3.12 and 10.23 35. 2. That because Satan by himself and Instruments is crafty subtle and vigilant to intice allure and tempt Believers to make a voluntary
not hear and obey him Mat. 28.18 19. with Mark 16.15 16. Acts 3.22 23. And so God hath a singular watchfulness over and care of his Name and Doctrine the Gospel of Christ preaching and declaring him as the foundation of God for men so as that he will not bear that it should be slighted rejected and disobeyed by men It shall be easier in the judgment for Sodom and Gomorrah than for those that so do Matth. 10.15 with John 12.48 49 50. His presence is in and with it and it is a ministration of life righteousness and spirit as in 2 Cor. 3.5 6 7 8 9 c. thus the Faith is holy But 2. It s also called the most Holy to signifie 1. The superlative holiness and more abundant excellency of it above other holy things as to say 1. There were many things or persons types of Christ holy to God under the Law and some of them more holy and more set apart than others as there was the whole people holy to God The holy people Dan. 12.7 and Deut. 7.6 The holy seed Ezra 9.2 The Levites were yet more holy as being chosen and taken out of the people to do the service of the Tabernacle in liew of the first-born which God hallowed and chose for himself to be peculiarly his above the after-births of them Exod. 13. ● with Numb 3.12 13. and yet the Priests were more holy than they as having liberty to the holy Place and to go into the Tabernacle and offer upon the Altar which the Levites might not do and yet the High-Priest was more holy than they as only having liberty to enter the Holy of Holies Levit. 21.2 6 8 10 11 c. But Jesus Christ is more holy then them all the most holy Person that appears where Aaron or none of them might even in the Heavens themselves and by the vertue of his own blood to make intercession for us none holy like him who is the Lord nor any Rock like our God 1 Sam. 2.2 3. Yea there were many things holy as the Land was the holy Land Zech. 2.12 and the portion of it set apart for the Sanctuary more holy Ezek. 45.1 The Chambers of the Priests holy Ezek 42.13 Their Garments holy Exod. 28.20 and 29.29 The Crown put upon Aaron was the holy Crown Levit. 8.9 The Altar was holy yea most holy and whatsoever touched it was holy Exod. 29.37 The Sanctuary and all the Vessels of it holy Levit. 16.33 1 Chron. 22 19. Yea the Trumpets and other Instruments Numb 31.6 The Oracle or inner-place of the Sanctuary and Temple was most holy and therefore called the Holy of Holies and the most holy place as the Ointment made to anoint and sanctifie them and the Priests was most holy but yet Christ was more holy than they or any of them the most holy One the truth of them all they were but types and figures of him and their holiness of his yea there were holy Prophets and holy Apostles but yet he more holy than they the most holy One none so pure spotless o● undefiled the holiest Places and Vessels contracted soil and dust and needed cleansing sometimes and were sometimes defiled with Idols and other pollutions and needed an atonement to be made for them and at last because of the pollutions wherewith they were polluted they were given up to spoil to fire and to Captivity none of which can befal the Son of God though he was once put to death for our sins which were charged upon him yet being raised he dieth no more death hath no more dominion over him in that he died once he died unto sin but in that he liveth he liveth now unto God holy harmless undefiled separate from sinners made higher than the Heavens who needeth not dayly as those other Priests to offer first for their own sins and then for the sins of the people for this he did once c. Heb. 7.26 27. The holiest Priests had their sins properly their own to offer for he never did sin nor was guile found in his mouth the holy Prophets and Apostles had their sins and failings Moses the meekest man on earth yet once spake unadvisedly with his lips in his anger and provoked God to deprive him of entring into the Land of Canaan Aaron the Saint of the Lord made a molten calf also at the instance of the people David the man after God's own heart yet fell very grievously So did Solomon the wisest yea none of the Patriarks but in offering Sacrifices for sins therein confessed themselves to stand in need of mercy and forgiveness The Apostles confessed sins in them and tell us if they had said there was no sin in them or that they had not sinned they should have deceived themselves and the truth had not been in them But Christ was the perfectly spotless One in whom is no sin Nay the very Angels vail their faces and cover their feet in his presence as appears by what Isaiah saith when he saw his Glory in a Vision and spake of him Isa 6.1 2.3.4 with John 12.40 41. so that he is absolutely the most Holy One and therefore also the most consecrated and devoted unto God the Levites might come neerer to the Sanctuary and so to God as dwelling in it than the generallity of the people and the Priests neerer than the Levites and the High Priest neerer than the rest of the Priests but Christ comes nearer than any For he is not entred into the Holy places made with hands as they did but into Heaven it self there to appear in the presence of God for us Heb. 9.24 Yea neither Saint nor Angel is so devoted to God or admitted so neer to him as Christ they are about the Throne but Christ is in the midst of it yea and though the four Beasts figuring the Camp of the Saints or their Leaders be said also to be in the midst of the Throne as well as round about it yet the Lamb is in the midst of them as the most inmost amongst them Rev. 4.4 6. and 5.6 11. and therefore also the most Holy both as to his efficacie and vertue for conferring holiness upon others it being He only that is made to us of God wisdome righteousness holiness and redemption No man or Angel hath that honour with or besides him the holy and holy-making Spirit is fully and immeasurably only upon him and sent forth by and from in his name Saints and Angels have not that honour and power as he and therefore also as to Gods tender care of him or heighth of love to him they are below him For to which of the Angels said he at any time sit thou on my right hand or thy Throne O God endureth for ever c. So that in all respects none holy as he none else the foundation the holy foundation of God's holy building but he Other foundations can no man lay but him 1 Cor. 3.11 and so 2. In
in Christ and that mercy of Christ that is needful to bring us thereunto and so that we be not slothful nor take up content and satisfaction in what 's already attained as if we had enough and needed no more Laodicea-like but with our Souls be desiring after God and with our very spirits longing for him till he satisfie our souls with his goodness as was Davids posture of waiting for God expressed Psal 130.5 6. I wait for the Lord yea my Soul doth wait and in his word doe I hope My Soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning I say more than they that watch for the morning a waiting in which is also a watching for what is waited for yea a most diligent and desirous watching such as that is of those that being benighted and bewildred for want of light do long for the morning light And indeed such a waiting for Gods mercy becomes those that are building up themselves on their most holy faith and praying in the holy Ghost for men may pray formally or put their life and Religion in saying over prayers and yet have their hearts dead and void of any living desires of Gods presence and favour but the praying in the Holy Ghost cannot stand without it as may appear in what we have said thereabout yea this waiting may have in it further 4. A waiting upon God in Christ as well as a waiting for him or for something from him a patient attending to him and following after him whithersoever he goes and to be ordered and directed by him in what ever he requires as Psal 123.1 2. Vnto thee lift I up my eyes O thou that dwellest in the Heavens Behold as the eyes of servants are upon the hands of their Masters and the eye of the maiden unto the hand of her Mistress namely to be at their appointment and see and mind which way they direct them to run as well as to minde what they will give them so our eyes wait or are upon the Lord our God till he have mercy upon us in such a sense as that phrase in Prov. 27.18 He that waiteth upon his Master shall be honoured He that attends upon him to know his pleasure and to doe him service and this may be included also in this waiting for his mercy and in that seeking is therein implied though the other things seem to be more properly and directly signified 2. Now the Object to be waited for is expressed to be the Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto Eternal life Eternal life is the end but necessary thereto as the way to bring us to it is the Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ Mercy But not any or every kind of mercy There are the tender mercies of the wicked that are cruel Prov. 12.10 and there is the mercy or kindness of men that are not wicked but the best of men are but servants to this Lord whose mercy is to be expected It is the mercy of the Lord whose mercy will reach to more profit than those of a servant but yet it s not the mercy of every Lord neither but of him who is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings the Lord Jesus Christ the anointed Saviour the only begotten Son of God whom he sent into the world for us made of a woman made under the Law that he might redeem us who were under the Law that we by the faith of him might receive the adoption of Sons who being anointed with the Holy Ghost and power went about doing good and obeyed his Father to the death the death of the Cross and therefore is again highly exalted and hath a Name an Authority and power given him far above every Name or power that at his Name every knee should bow both of things in Heaven and things in Earth c. and that every tongue should confess that he is Lord to the Glory of God the Father Philip 2.10 11. The Lord of all Act. 10 36. The Lord of men even of the dead and of the living by vertue of his Death Resurrection and living again Rom. 14.9 and the Lord of Angels for Angels and Principallities are made subject to him 1 Pet. 3.22 the Lord of Life and Glory Act. 3.15 1 Cor. 2.8 as having the Soveraign Power in and with his Father to quicken and give life to whom and as he pleases John 5.20 21 22. being upon the right hand of Majesty in the Highest filled with all the fulness of the Godhead bodily Col. 2.9 the fulness the immeasurable fulness of the Holy Ghost being resting and dwelling upon him and so anointing him and furnishing him with power and sufficiencie of wisdom understanding counsel strength c. for the managing the Government and Kingdom of God over men and over all Creatures so as in a way of saving mankinde from sin death devil and destruction being the Saviour of all men able willing and ready to save all of them upon submission to him yea and actually so saving them from manifold evils both within and without so that they are ingaged to and might submit to him but especially the Saviour of them that believe It is the mercy of this great Lord and our Saviour Jesus Christ who being one with the Father and glorified with the Fathers own self upon the account of his obedience to his Father and love to and sufferings for us men is often joyned with the Father in the Object of the Apostles prayers fo● and so in the dispensations of Grace and Mercy unto men as may be seen in the Salutations of the Churches in their Epistles to them Grace be to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ Rom. 1.7 1 Cor. 1.3 2 Cor. 1.2 Gal. 1.3 Ephes 1.2 Philip. 1.2 Coll. 1.2 1 Thes 1.1 2 Thes 1.2 Philem. 1.3 or Grace mercy and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord 1 Tim. 1.2 or Christ Iesus our Lord 2 Tim. 1.2 or the Lord Iesus Christ our Saviour Tit. 1.4 and surely his mercy must needs be of exceeding great concernement unto us above all things for it is the mercy of God so as that where he hath and exerciseth mercy God also even the Father exercises mercy in and by him And where he shews not mercy neither doth God the Father shew mercy nor can the pity and mercy of men be they never so great or mighty or many advantage a man any thing in comparison hereof the Sovereign power of life and death yea of everlasting life or death being in and with him So that whom he saves and blesses they are and shall be saved and blessed and whom he destroys or rejects from his mercy they shall perish everlastingly for his judgment is true and righteous and takes place and stands fast for ever His Mercy therefore is worthy the waiting for and most earnestly to be sought after as without which there is no salvation or happiness