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A44458 Blessed rest for the burthened sinner. Or the only center of the soul Wherein is discovered. 1. Who he is that invites and calls sinners to this rest. 2. The encouragements to come unto him for rest. 3. Many obstructions and impediments which keep back sinners. With their unreasonableness answered. 4. The rest that every one shall have that comes unto Christ. Delivered in some sermons at first, yet since some addition and enlargement has been made to them. By John Hopwood preacher of the Gospel. Hopwood, John, preacher of the Gospel. 1676 (1676) Wing H2761A; ESTC R216474 156,207 450

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Field for Consider although Satans Darts are terrible yet the terrors of the Lord are infinite and there is none but Christ alone that can deliver thee from them both therefore come and lay hold upon his strength Isa 27.5 24 Is by another means perswading the Sinner his Sins are greater than can be Pardoned and it will prove in vain to seek for a remission of them God never promised Pardon or acceptance to such a one Christ dyed not for such Crimson Sinners therefore it is the best way to sit still and bare his burthen with content for there is not Vertue in the Blood of Christ to wash their filthy and polluted Souls or to justify them from their guilt then he aggravates the hainousness of his Sins in the number nature and circumstances of them the number infinite the nature abominable and considering the circumstances irremissable here he terrifies the poor Soul so that it finds no rest because it hath had Sin presented through a magnifying glass but the mercy of God in Christ to be small and altogether too short to cover his Wounds or cure his distemper by this Dart he drives away the Sinner from coming unto Christ as Adam and Eve were driven out of Paradice least they should eat of the Tree of Life and live for ever But believe not Satan when he thus Wars against the Soul for the mercy of God in and through Christ to poor Sinners is infinite the Price which Christ paid was infinite I write not this that Sinners may presume but that poor penitents may come unto Christ for mercy It was the Blood of God Act. 20.28 Therefore he is able to save to the uttermost Heb. 7.25 Although thy Sins are great yet the mercy of God and the merit of Christ are much greater Therefore come unto Christ when Satan thus assaults thee and see whether he has not purchased Pardon for thee are thy Sins greater than Peters who denyed his Lord Master do they exceed Manasses Idolatry Murder Witchcraft 2 Chron. 33.6 or Paul when a Persecuter and Blasphemer and Injurious 1 Tim. 1.13 Yet these penitentially returning to God found mercy through the Lord Jesus Rom. 5. By him we have access into this grace wherein we stand 25. He doth all he can to bring the Soul into dispair and to cry out as those Jer. 18.12 There is no hope but we will walk after our own devices and we will every one do the Imagination of his own Heart Thus he served Judas first leads him into Sin then into dispair and makes him lay violent hands upon himself and that notable instance of Francis Spira who left the World in a dispairing condition for his denying the Lord Jesus This doth exceedingly dishonour God when we dispair of finding mercy unbelief is the main Wheel that moves this Engine of dispair 1. It calls Gods Pity and Mercy into question as in Psal 77.8 Is his mercy clean go●… for ever 2. His Love and Grace vers 9. Hath he forgotten to be gracious 3. His Faithfulness as in vers 8. Doth his promises fail for evermore 4. His Omnisciency and is ready to tax God of imperfection Like unto Man hath he forgotten saith the dispairing Soul By this Dart he hath for a time kept some of the elect from coming unto Christ till the Lord Jesus hath broke in and rescued the captive out of his hands and declared his faithfulness to his promise and his readiness to save all repenting believing Sinners Luk. 4.17 it is certain that Satan keeps off more by presumption then by dispair but when the one will not effect his grand design scil The destruction of the Soul then he will make his best improvement of the other if he cannot make the Sinner run precipitantly into Hell he will labour to bring him into dispair of ever getting to Heaven now seeing Satan is thus busy watch against his Wiles Devices and fiery Darts remember what is said Heb. 2.17 Jesus Christ is a Merciful and faithful High Priest And in that Jo. 1.9 If we confess our Sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our Sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness Therefore I say be not discouraged but come unto Christ and thou shalt find Peace for thy Conscience and rest for thy Soul 26. Another fiery Dart by which Satan deters Poor Sinners from coming unto Christ is by telling them there is no God Psal 10.4 The Wicked through the Pride of his countenance will not seek after God God is not in all his thoughts 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or as in the Hebrew all his thoughts are there is no God There have been and are some who have attained to that degree of impudence as to deny that there is an eternal being who himself was before all and gave being and existence to all Creatures Diagoras Milesius and Protagoras Abderites and Theodorus commonly called the Atheist and others in former times denyed that there is a Numen or Deity that by his omnipotency hath created all things and it is very much to be lamented that there have been and are at this day in England those who boldly and impudently write and dispute against this eternal divine truth these have suffered the wicked one to abcecate the Eye of reason and so they are led captive by him at his will but methinks it is one of the absurdest points that may be for a rational Animal thus ignorantly to reason what is there not a supream being who created sustaineth and gubernates all things It is most impudent to assert the negative for either they must be produced into being from themselves and so prove Independent or else it is from some more noble supream and eternal being who himself wants beginning and so consequently will never cease to be according to that maxim Lacttantius du plesses de vera Religione Rawleighs Guost cum multis aliis Quod caret principio effective caret etiam fine That we have not our being from our selves that no creature can be the immediate Efficient or first moving Principle in the production of it self but that there is a supream Author and Efficient of all things whom we call God hath been so copiously proved by many Famous Men both for Piety and Learning that I shall not now insist on it Nay some of the Heathen Phylosophers have owned and declared that there is a God the natural Phylosopher proves it Ex motu fine causa efficiente From the Motion the End and the efficient Cause Ens Finitum a finite thing Closed within bounds and limits as this World and every Creature in it is could not be but from some Maker or Creator with many Arguments to confirm it The Moral Phylosopher hath found many strong Arguments that there is a God as from the Natural inclination and propensity that is in Man to confess and own some God or Deity for as it is seen in all Nations
those into whose hands this my Book may come and find acceptation with and also to encourage them to come unto Christ who so graciously invites poor sinners to come that they may have rest for their souls 2d Argument à nominibus Divinis from the names of God which are also given to Christ he is called a Rom. 9.5 God over all b 1 Tim. 3.16 God manifest in the flesh c Tit. 3 13. the great God so Is 9.6 the mighty God now the meer name is not only ascribed to the Lord Jesus as it was to them Psal 82.6 but because he truly is so 2d the name Jehovah as in Jer. 23.6 this is the name whereby he shall be called Jehovah our righteousness the name Jehovah has relation to the very essence and being of God and springs from the same root with that Exod. 3.14 I am that I am in Rev. 1.8 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Christ is termed He that was is and is to come 3ly Lord which relates to his dominion over and sustentation of the world Heb. 1.10 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And thou Lord in the begining hast laid the foundations of the Earth Psal 110.1 The Lord said unto my Lord sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool The name Lord in the first place is meant of the Father but in the second of the Son as Christ himself interprets it Mat. 22.44 Thus it appears by the names of God given unto him he is not a meer creature Essentia Dei tum ex nominibus ejus tum ex proprietatibus intelligitur Wol. Job 32.21 22. for the Essence of God is understood from his names and properties Now these being given to the Lord Jesus we may conclude there is more appertains to him than meerly the names for if Elihu could say I know not to give flattering titles for in so doing my Maker would soon take me away what blasphemy then will it be to imagine that the holy Spirit will do so his names are real and proper to him for he is what the Scriptures term him to be and a happy soul wilt thou be if thou canst believingly say with Thomas my Lord and my God Joh. 20.28 3d Argument Proprietates Dei essentiales attribuntur Christo Alsted the essential properties of God which are ascribed to him prove that he is of a divine essence and nature as 1 Immensity Joh. 14 23 If a man love me he will keep my word and my Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him As Christ Jesus is of an infinite nature he is altogether immeasurable 2ly Eternity as in Micah 5.2 But thou Bethlehem Ephratah though thou be little among the thousands of Judah yet out of thee shall come forth unto me 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ab initio diebus aeternitatis that is to be Ruler in Israel whose goings forth have been from of old or as in the Original from the begining from the days of eternity which very well agrees with that of the Apostle In the begining was the word and the word was with God the word was God Joh. 1.1 he does not mean here the begining of the Creation for then he might be accounted a blasphemer because he asserts that he is God Rev. 1.11 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but he means that God the Son was with God the Father even from Eternity 3ly Immutability is attributed to him Heb. 1.8 Joh. 8.58 Heb. 1.10 11 12. And thou Lord in the begining hast laid the foundations of the Earth and the Heavens are the works of thy hands they shall perish but thou remainest and they all shall wax old as doth a garment and they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy years shall not fail The Lord Jesus is not mutable as the creatures are but he ever abides the same Heb. 13.8 4ly Omnisciency which is an essential property of God and cannot be ascribed to any created thing but it is written of the Lord Jesus that he knows all things Rev. 2.23 even the hearts and thoughts of men Jer. 17.10 I search the heart and I try the reins which is the great Attribute of God alone for it is he only that is God that can unlock the doors of the Soul and penetrate into the dark chambers thereof and search out its secret imaginations and actions Peter could say to Christ Lord thou knowest all things Joh. 21.17 all things past present and to come are naked plain to him he needs none to instruct him what has been or shall be or what the thoughts of men are Mat. 12.25 Jesus knew their thoughts not only their words or external actions but their internal cogitations were manifest to him 5ly Ubiquity and Omnipresency as Christ saith Mat. 18.20 where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them now he could not have said this of himself if he was not God So Mat. 28 20. Lo I am with you to the end of the World Lastly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in omnibus diebus Omnipotency is attributed to him for he is able to subdue all things to himself Phil. 3.21 as there is nothing too hard for God the Father so there is nothing impossible to God the Son he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Almighty Rev. 1.8 Isa 9.6 and in Isa he is called the mighty God mighty to save his Elect ones † Omnia Atttibuta propter 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 singulis Divinitatis personis competunt and mighty to confound his and their enemies This clearly proves the Deity of the Lord Jesus for all the Attributes because of the sameness of the Essence belong to the three Persons only with the limitation of a Persons propriety 4. Argument ex operibus Divinis from his divine works for as never man spake as the Lord Jesus spake so there was never meer man did or could do as he hath done or can do For 1 he created the World all things both in Heaven and Earth Joh. 1.3 All things were made by him Heb. 1.10 and without him was not any thing made that was made The Apostle in the words that was made seems to exclude sin as being no creature of Gods making sin came into the World as rottenness into an apple which is meerly the defection of the creature from its primitive solidity and pure original essence Heb. 1. 10. And thou Lord in the begining hast laid the foundation of the Earth the Heavens are the works of thy hands 2ly Conservation is an act of the Lord Jesus Coll. 1.16 for he supports conserves and upholds all things by his omnipotent arm Coll. 1.17 3ly those miraculous Works which he did to confirm his doctrine do evidently prove his Divinity and call for divine faith Joh. 14.11 as Christ
begotten into the World he saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 let all the Angels of God worship him The word among the Hebrews for Worship somtimes signifies Prostrating the whole Body as 2 Chron. 20.18 Jehosophat and the men of Israel did 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fall to the Ground before the Lord 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 such worship is given to the Lord Jesus Luke 17.16 The Lepper that was cleansed fell upon his Face at his Feet 2ly 2. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 It signifies to inclinate and bend the Head as in Gen. 24.48 So the Angels are said to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 incurvate Verticis inclinationem significat and bend their Heads to understand the things concerning Christ in the Gospel 1 Pet. 1.12 3ly 3. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A stooping of the Head with the Superior parts of the Body Esther 3.5 4ly 4. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lastly they use a word for worship which signifies to bless with Bended knees 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 genuflectere Psal 45.6 O come let us Worship and bow down let us kneel before the Lord our maker so it is said Every knee shall bow to the Lord Jesus All these external gestures are to signifie the internal humble actings of the Mind Now seeing Angels are glorious Creatures and that part of worship scil Petition is not so proper to them therefore they are imployed in the other scil Praise and Blessing and Adoring of him although not for their redemption by him being never captivated yet for their confirmation and election in him for it is the opinion of our orthodox Divines that the Angels in Glory stand by vertue of their eternal election in Christ therefore they have cause to extol Rev. 5.12 13. praise and magnify the Lord of Glory we read that all Creatures in Heaven and in Earth are at this word giving honour and blessing and Praise to the Lamb for ever and ever This makes it evident that Divine Honour is attributed to the Lord Jesus and there are sure grounds for it if we consult and believe the Scriptures which term him Zach. 13.7 Phil. 2.6 The Fathers Fellow Equal to God i. e. the Father But because the Lord of Life and Glory did 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 empty himself of his glory and honour when he assumed the humane nature and became Man therefore the most honour him little more than if he was a man I am somthing larger upon these particulars then I intended but when I consider what the Apostle said Phil. 2.10.11 Every Tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of the Father It is for the glory of God the Father as well as the good of Souls to understand aright and also confess this main fundamental truth scil the deity of Christ it oblieges me to inlarge a little Mat. 28.9 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to the end I might make it more perspicuous I might he●r speak of being Baptized into his name Baptism is an Ordinance of Divine institution and to be Baptized in his Name 2 Tim. 2.19 is an obligation to become his in all ways of obedience to exalt his name and forsake Sin all ought to yield Love and Service to the Lord Jesus 6. Argument Shall be from the comparing Scripture of the Old and New Testament And we shall find that what is atributed to Jehovah in the Old the same is to the Lord Jesus in the New Testament and remember this we are to believe what the word of God saith and not what Caviling Unbelieving Men affirm in Numbers Num. 21.56 The People are said to Sin and Murmour against God for which he sent Fiery Serpents among them compare this with 1 Cor. 10.9 There it is said they tempted Christ for the Angel which conversed with Abraham wrestled with Jacob appeared to Moses Compare Psal 45.6 with Heb. 1.8 thy throne O God is for ever and ever and was with the Children of Israel in the Wilderness was the Lord Jesus as is excellently and evidently proved by Dr. Owen in his exercitations Psal 68.18 compared with Eph. 4.8 Psal 102.25 with Heb. 1.10 And thou Lord in the begining hast laid the foundation of the Earth compare Isa 8.13.14 with Luk. 2.34 Rom. 9.33 and 1 Pet. 2.6 These places evidently prove the deity of the Lord Jesus to any judicious and unprejudiced Reader compare Isa 6. with Jo. 12. in Isa t is said he saw the Glory of the Lord filling the Temple in Joh. it is said the Prophet then beheld the Glory of Christ Jesus compare Isa with Jo. 10.11 In that Prophesie it is said behold your God and the Lord God will come and feed his Flock and it is applyed to the Lord Jesus in the Gospel in the last place compare Isa 45. 22 23 24 25. with Rom. 14.11 and Phil. 2.10 Do but read these Scriptures and Study the Intent and scope of them and then you will conclude with the Apostle that he is the true God and Eternal life 1 Jo. 5.20 I have not writ the Places at Large least my Book should swell too Big but I suppose you have Bibles and will Act. 17.11 like those Noble Bereans search the Scriptures 7. Argument To prove this great Point is this he that is the second Person in the blessed Trinity is God but Jesus Christ is so therefore he is God that there is a Trinity of Persons in the Unity of the essence is clear both from plain Scripture and also from Arguments deduced from thence The Scriptures to prove it are these 1 Joh. 5.7 For there are three that bear Record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy-ghost and these three are one This Scripture is sufficient one would think both to confirm the truth and also silence all Socinians that oppose it and that is but a weak evasion of theirs when they say it signifies no more than the words in the 8 verse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●i tres unum sunt Beza scil that they agree in one for in the Original it is These three are one i. e. Three distinct Persons subsisting in one and the same indivisible essence Mat. 3.16 17. verses will serve in some measure to Prove the Point there is the Lord Jesus ascending out of the Water the Holy Spirit descending from Heaven and the Voice of the Father proclaming this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased But a more plain Scripture is that Mat. 28.19 Go ye therefore and teach all Nations Baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost These Scriptures may suffice to prove the Trinity of Persons in the Unity of the Divine essence but farther to confirm this that there are three distinct Persons in one Divine essence it may be proved 1 From their several and distinct Names 2 From their distinct personal acts
but ten thousand Worlds can do thy Soul no good nor help thee in the evil day these sufferings are but light and momentary but the Crown and Glory shall be eternal 2 Cor. 4.17 2ly The things of the World they impede I shall not here particularly treat or make mention of them because I have already exceeded what I first intended therefore I shall only name those three usual heads under which all are comprehended scil Pleasure Profit and Honour these obstacles are mentioned by the Apostle John under the names of the Lust of the Flesh the Lust of the Eye and the Pride of Life 1 Jo. 2.16 O how many have these worldly terrene vanities prevented from coming unto Christ As 1. The pleasures of the world both lawful and unlawful as in Luk. 14.20 I have married a Wife and therefore I cannot come Here was not so much as a civil excuse from him as from the two former in vers 18.19 And why because he thought such a delightful relation was lawful by divine appointment and therefore he concluded he might very well answer I cannot come this man supposed it more just and equal to solace and felicitate himself with the injoyment of a Wife then to come when the Lords Servants invited but I fear he is not alone in this answer for if we pass by former Ages and only take a prospect of the present we shall meet with many such answers if not in their Lips yet in their Lives it is most perspicuously demonstrated but remember this that comforts are Lawful when Lawfully injoyed and as the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 10.23 All things are Lawful but all things are not expedient For when any injoyment keeps the Soul from fully closing with Christ though never so lawful in it self it then becomes sinful as in Luk. 14.20 Instead of loving and delighting in all must be hated in comparison of Christ who is the eternal delight of the Father Prov. 8.30 The joy of Angels and the glory of Saints 2. Those pleasures which are unjust base and sordid which true vertue and ingenuity never invented which only gratify the bruitish part of man and have Plus Alloes quam Mellis more of Gall then of Hony in them which do immerge and drown the Sinner in sensuallity nay may I not say in brutish bestiality which make him forget God his Creator and neglect coming unto Christ the only Redeemer and Saviour of Mankind How many in this Age prefer the gratifying a base Lust before the obeying a glorious Jesus their sordid pleasures before the welfare of their immortal Souls they will do more to please one single Lust though it be to their eternal detriment and loss then to delight Christ and Angels by converting and turning to him for there is joy in Heaven at the conversion of a Sinner There is no reason to be given why a Sinner should be held by such Cobwebs as these but we see by dayly and woful experience that their Lust prevails more to keep them from Christ then all the sweet invitations promises of Christ will do to bring them unto him They will go Twenty Steps after a vain pleasure to damn their Souls but not one in order to the Salvation of them it may be when some dark Providence beclouds them when the Night of affliction overshaddows them and the Terrors of Conscience affright them old decriped Age hath imbicilitated and decayed them and Death stands ready to attend them then it may be but not till then when the delicacies of this World are imbittered and have no relish there may be some faint desires after those sweet Celestial Pleasures which are at the right hand of God for evermore Psal 16.11 But O Sinner neglect not Christ for a Vanity a more then Vanity let not temporal Pleasures be prefered before eternal felicities what for a momentary delight hazard everlasting Treasures I have before declared what thou shalt have if thou comest unto Christ weigh them in the Ballance of sanctified reason and try them by the Touchstone of the Scripture and then see whether Christ and his pleasures be not to be prefered before all others 2. The Profits of the World are great impediments when these stand between Christ and the Sinner and if he comes to Christ he must transileate and leap over all these he rather chooses to Sit down contented with his Worldly Portion and to take the Left hand rather than the Right hand blessings give him but the Earthly and terestial let who will take the Heavenly and Celestial Mansions this kept the young man from closing with Christ Mat. 19.22 this made Demas forsake Paul and imbrace this present World and many others both then and now To Err from the Faith and drown themselves in destruction and perdition Tim. 6.10 Exitio est avidis Mare Nautis What made Judas betray the Glorious Jesus but the vain Profits of a perishing World what is the great support of the Papists Religion but their Gain and Profits from their several quarters this makes them debase Christ instead of exalting him and Daphne-like run away from the great Apollo scil the Lord Jesus Quid non mortalia pectora cogit auri sacra fames when they should willingly run themselves and incourage others to come and meet him but as the Poet said the greedy and cursed desire of Gold doth destroy men how are men lincked with these Chains these Silver shrines cause multitudes to prostrate themselves to the base Diana of this World i. e. their profit when Christ is Preached up to be the only Saviour Act. 19. I think this Chapter would serve excellently to paint forth the Whore of Rome with her Demetrius's and Sinners are beseeched and exhorted to come unto him then come the Idol-Worshipers of this World and cry Great is Diana of the Ephesians Great profit and gain there is to be had if we adore this false Deity But least I be too prolix I will contract let not the thick clay of this World so depress and weigh down thy Soul that thou canst not sore aloft to meet a Jesus for it is Christ not Gold that can save thee it is Heaven not Earth that can truely inrich thy Soul Multa petentibus desunt muta here thou maist desire still and be in want but if thou comest to Christ he will possess thee with everlasting Treasure thou shalt satiate thy Soul with the riches of Heaven in a word the more thou dost deny thy self in the things of this World Quanto quisque sibi plura negaverit a Diis plura feret the more thou shalt receive from Christ as grace here and Glory for ever Psal 84.11 Therefore let not vanity possess thy Soul and keep out him who is all and in all Col. 3.11 3. The Honours of the World are great hindrances these elevate the Soul above the bounds of reason Non semper idem floribus
est honos vernis and please it with a vanishing glory which like the Flower this day is Beautiful and pleasing to the Eye but to morrow is quite withered and decayed Christ tells us of some such Jo. 5.44 Which receive Honour one of another but seek not the honour that cometh from God only And in the beginning of the vers Christ makes it an Argument of their unbelief How can ye believe saith he the Introgation implys a Negation as if he should have said whilst you thus seek after the honour of Men ye cannot believe there is a kind of impossibility in it How few Moses's or Galeaceus's are there in the World who devest themselves of this fading Earthly Honour to the end they may partake of true honour immortality and eternal Life Rom. 2.7 Dayly observation doth confirm this I need not stand to give instances for the World doth afford innumerable both abroad and at home who for this Worlds glory will refuse Christ and everlasting bliss but let it not be so with thee Reader who ever thou art Fix thine Eye upon Christ and that Crown of Righteousness he will give thee Here thou maist live i● honour but like a Candle which gives but a dim light and soon is extinct but if thou comest unto Christ Dan. 12.3 thou shalt shine as a Star in the Firmament and as the Sun for ever and ever I come now to the second particular which is to declare what impediments there are ab intr● from within that let and hinder Sinners from coming unto Christ and there are many of them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I shall begin first with carnal reasonings which are great obstacles in the Sinners way 2 Cor 10.45 and these must be thrown down before the Sinner will come unto Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for they are strong holds which keep the Sinner secure 2 Cor. 10.4 He is as it were in a Garrison by these his reasonings ● Saith Reason how can God assume the Nature of Man live and converse among Men suffer and Die and be made a Curse can these things be is it possible for God to Die who is immortal I can never believe it my Reason cannot apprehend or conceive it it can never dive into my thoughts that God would ever come down from Heaven to suffer for Men to satisfie for their Sins is not God infinite is he not from eternity to eternity and shall he be made a finite Creature and of yesterday certainly this doth derogate from the Honour of God and doth reflect upon the greatness and infinitness of his glorious Majesty Is it not said of God his Throne is in the Heavens and that no Mortal Eye can behold him and if it be so I have no reason to believe that it was God who shed his Blood without the Gates of Jerusalem and that I must expect Salvation from him alone To the removal of this Impediment 1. I say art thou wiser then God that thou thus reason●st against his revealed truth for in 1 Tim. 3.16 It is said Phil. 2.6 God was Manifest in the Flesh i. e. The second Person in the glorious Trinity who was equal with God the Father did assume humane nature and so was manifest in the Flesh and so became God-man united in one person although there ever remains two distinct Natures 2dly This God-Man suffered for Sin he made himself a Sacrifice to satisfie divine justice therefore it is said Act. 20.28 The Church of God which he Purchased with his own Blood not that the divine Nature shed Blood or suffered for that is impossible and incapable of afflictions or death but that nature which was united to the divine suffered and effused Blood by which our Sins are washed away 1 Jo. 1.7 we redeemed and reconciled unto God Rev. 5.9 1 Jo. 3.16 Hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his Life for us His Life who was God blessed for ever Rom. 9.5 went to redeem us from eternal Death 3. This great truth is a Divine Mistery no where revealed but in the word of God 1 Tim. 3.16 as Christ said to the Jews Jo. 5. 39. Search the Scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal Life and they are them that testify of me Therefore thou must not reason with Flesh and Blood Gal. 1.16 or think ever to comprehend this by Carnal disputes and reasonings for these do but exalt themselves against the knowledg of God and are not brought into the obedience of Christ as 2 Cor. 10.5 The Gospel cals for Faith which is a supernatural Work for according to that common saying Although it is not contrary to reason yet it is above it And if by reason it might be apprehended Faith would then be unnecessary but Faith is absolutely necessary for without it it is impossible to please God Heb. 11.6 And he that believes shall be saved Jo. 3.36 In a word if thou wilt not come unto Christ till thy Carnal reason or thy Worldly wisdom as the Apostle calls it 1 Cor. 2.6 can comprehend this profound Mystery thou wilt never come for as the World by Wisdom knew not God 1 Cor. 1.21 so neither canst thou by that Wisdom know Christ for he said unto Peter when he made that excellent confession of the Deity of the Lord Jesus Flesh and Blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my Father which is in Heaven Mat. 16.17 Therefore let this be no Lett unto thee when thy Reason cannot conceive the Depths of this Mystery but humbly beg God to give thee Faith to apprehend and believe it because the holy word of God doth declare it Credo quia tu dixisti against all Arrians and Socinians whatsoever 2ly I cannot conceive saith the Sinner carnally reasoning how finite Punishments could satisfie for infinite offences and how it may be then safe for me to venter my eternal welfare on this account could so small a time of suffering procure Redemption from Eternal Torments this cannot stand with reason for an infinite Person is offended and so an infinite Punishment is due for every Sin All this is granted that every Sin deserves eternal Punishment because an infinite Person is offended and yet it is clear both by Scripture and reason that the Punishment Christ underwent though but finite as to the time has satisfied fully for infinite offences Gods Justice is thereby Salved and the Sinner who is brought to believe eternally saved 1. His obedience of his Fathers will the Scripture saith Heb. 10.10 By which will we are sanctified though the offering of the Body of Jesus once 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one single time wherein Christ suffered although but Momentary as to the duration yet it made full compensation and satisfaction for the eternity of misery due to Sinners v. 12. But this Man i. e. The man Christ Jesus After he had offered one sacrifice for Sin for ever
part trouble it is not only for the Soul but for the body too the Saints are in this life Compleat in Christ Col. 2.10 Bu● the time is hasting in which Soul and body shall be compleat and perfect in rest and also it is a perfect rest from all sorrows and molestations whatsoever Isa 35.10 3ly A holy rest for there is no unclean thing enters into that rest Rev. 21.17 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth neither that worketh abomination or maketh a Lye but they which are written in the Lambs book of Life It is the place and seat of the holy God and there are none but holy Angels and Saints to attend the great Jehovah who inhabits this holy Place Isa 57.15 For thus saith the high and lofty one that inhabiteth Eternity whose name is holy I dwell in the high and holy Place O who would not desire to injoy this holy place of rest where there is no defilement or corruption but all persons and things are holy therefore come unto Christ to the end thou mayst obtain rest for it is holy 4ly It is a glorious rest and who is able to express the Glory of it 2 Cor. 4.17 Our light afflictions which are but for a moment worke for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory Hyperbolies of Glory far transcending our shallow Capacitys and weak conceptions it is a participating of the same Glory with Christ Rom. 8.17 If Children then Heirs Heirs of God and joint Heirs with Christ if so be we suffer with him that we may also be Glorified together It is a glorious rest in these respects 1. The most glorious God Trinity in Unity Father Son and holy Spirit keep their residence 〈◊〉 splendent Glory in that place where the Saints shall take up their ●est Although God fills the Heavens ●nd the Earth with his presence as ●eing infinite in his essence and so can be excluded no where neither can be included in any circumferrence limits or bounds yet more especially he makes manifest his glorious and majestical unipresence in the imperial heavens for there he keeps his glorious Court and shines forth in the beams of his brightness and makes evident his refulgent glory Rev. 21.22.23 And I saw no Temple therein for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the Temple of it and the City had no need of the Sun neither of the Moon to shine in it for the Glory of God did Lighten it and the Lamb is the Light thereof 2. There are none but Glorified Creatures that are inhahitants of this glorious Pallace attending always upon the Lord the great Jehovah Seraphins and Cherubims surround his Throne singing forth his magnificent Glory Isa 6.1.2 3. Crying out Holy Holy Holy Lord God of Hosts And Glorified Saints they are at this work extolling and magnifying the great God Rev 4.10.11 and in the 19. Chap. They are singing forth Halelujah Salvation and Honour and Glory and Power unto the Lord our God 3. It is a Glorious Rest in respect that the Saints shall have a glorious view of the beatifical vision They shall behold the Glorious God 1 Jo. 3.2 We shall see him as he is Here no mortal Eye can behold him and Live but there all Clouds shall be disipated the Curtains drawn a side the vision shall be perspicuous here we see but in a Glass darkly but then Face to Face 4ly It is a Glorious rest in this that the Saints are not only blessed with the vision of this Glory but they have glory conferred upon them all they do not only see him but are made like unto him They shall all Raign as Kings and Princes for ever Rev. 3.21 and 4.10 Here the Saints are looked upon as contemptible Creatures and the World hates them and for the most Part tramples them under foot but Christ will confer such a Glorious rest upon them that they shall be exalted above their Enemys and shall Raign with him in Glory and that to eternity which leads me to the last particular and that is this that this Rest which Christ will give to all them that come unto him and accept of him is fiftly and lastly an everlasting Rest 1 Thes 4.17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the Clouds to meet the Lord in the Air and so shall ever be with the Lord. Indeed this is the Crown and Happyness of all that it shall be to eternity not for a day a year or thou sands of years but as long as God is and Christ is which will be for ever so long shall the Saints inherit and possess Glory therefore it is called immortal Glory and eternal Life Rom. 2.7 To them who by Patient continuing in well doing seek for Honour and Glory and immortallity and eternal Life O the sweetness and comfort that is in the word Eternal to all those that believe Most People would think themselves happy if they could have Tabernacles of rest built for them whilst they are in this World which very rarely exceeds the time of threescore years and Ten but what is this comparable to that Eternity of Rest prepared for the Saints when they shall be taken up to live with Christ for ever Satan is a Lyer when he promiseth Rest for he can never give it The World is continually attended with preturbations dsiquietness or at the best with an imperfect Rest but those who close with Christ shall injoy an everlasting and perpetual Rest and what greater motive can there be to induce poor Sinners who here are in continual Labour and wearying themselves under heavy and intollerable burthens it is most certain that there is no rest that will comfort the Soul to be found out of Christ it is he that can give rest unto the weary it is he that hath purchased rest for the Labouring and heavy Laden and withal he condescends to invite and has promised that those who come and believe in him shall have a rest from the dominion of Sin from the Tyranny of Satan and a Soul-Rest in this Life and also they shall have a true and perfect a holy and glorious Rest and in fine an eternal Rest which adds exceedingly to the felicity of the Saints therefore as I began so I shall conclude with the words of the Lord Jesus varying the Person Come unto him all ye that Labour and are heavy Laden and he will give you Rest 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 FINIS
Acts 4.12 There is no other name given under heaven whereby we can be saved therefore I say it is the duty of all that expect salvation to look and return unto to accept of and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ That they may obtain remission of sins and an Inheritance of eternal Glory among those who are sanctified by faith in Christ 2. Thes 2.13 4. God the Father hath given his son for this very end that Sinners coming to and apprehending of him might have life and rest from him Jo. 3.16 God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life Now seeing this is the end of God it is our duty therefore to close with it for there is no coming to the Father but by the Son Jo. 14.6 So much for the confirmation of the point if all ought to seek the happiness of their Souls and in order thereunto use the means which is coming to and apprehending of Christ which is the Fathers will and end in sending his Son then it is a duty to come but it is clear from the word of God that it is so therefore neglect not sinner to come unto Christ 2. I shall make manifest many of these obstructions which deter and hinder Sinners from coming to the Lord Jesus notwithstanding it is their duty and also shew the unreasonableness of them all which is the main thing intended in this Doctrine Sinners make these impediments to themselves they are not efficient but accidental causes 1. Ab extra 2. Ab intra Lets from without and from within 1. External Lets and hinderances that 1. from Christ himself who is the Inviter and Commander of this great duty as 1. the meaness and lowness of his earthly extraction and descent So it was with the Jews Jo. 6.42 And they said is not this Jesus the Son of Joseph whose Father and Mother we know and how is it then that he saith I came down from heaven Christ preached his divine Original but they stumbled at it because he was not of noble Parentage Praeclarum est à principibus nasci It is an excellent thing to be the progeny of Princes They did not consider that it was for their sakes that he became low and although he was in the form of God yet for their sakes he came in the form of a servant Christ put himself into this capacity that he might suffer for sin and make an attonement to the Father But they stumbled at that stumbling stone Rom. 9.32 Christ instead of being to them the Rock that should save them was made by them a Rock of offence and as it was with them so it is with too too many in our days who are ready to say how can he who was born of a poor Virgin save or succour us They will not search and believe that Testimony God hath given of his Son Mat. 3.17 This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Therefore refuse him not for thy Savior because he made himself of no reputation for it was the Ordinance of Heaven that Christ should come in that way Isa 7.14 Consider he is the Immanuel which being interpreted according to the Hebrew is God with us 2ly The Poverty of his life Impediment As Christ saith the Foxes have holes and the Birds of the air have nests but the Son of man hath not wherein to lay his head he was so poor that others were fain to Minister of their sustenauce to him Mat. 27.56 Now for this cause also the Jews rejected him for they expected their Messiah should be some potent and honourable one in the earth and that he should restore the Kingdom unto them then under the Roman Bondage This is some hinderance I fear at this day for if Christ were an Earthly Prince and would give them terrene Inheritances how would persons flock to him but they do not consider that he became poor that he might make many rich and bring many Sons and Daughters to glory therefore let not this keep thee back for he hath riches in abundance for thee riches of grace and glory for he is the heir of all things He created them and by him they do subsist Coll. 1.16.17 3. The Ignominy of his death because he dyed a cursed painful and shameful death Mat. 27.39 They reviled him saying If thou be the Son of God come down from the Cross v. 42. He saved others himself be cannot save If he be the King of Israel let him come down from the Cross and we will believe in him Thus much we may gather from these words that because they saw Christ dye such a cursed death therefore they conclude that he was not the Son of God and so consequently not the promised Messiah They made that the Obstacle to their faith which should have been the chief ground of their faith scil the death and suffering of the Lord Jesus for had not he willingly consented to dye that cursed death and to be made a curse for sinners they must all have been cursed to all eternity Gall. Gal. 3.13 3.10 Thus some in our days make a scoff and revile him who dyed without the gates of Jerusalem and trample his blood under their feet as being nothing worth Heb. 10.29 Therefore they will not believe in him because he yeilded himself and humbled himself unto death Phil. 2.8 Even the death of the Cross which had a curse annexed to it and this Christ did suffer not as a Malefactor himself nor for any example only but he gave himself a Ransom for many Mat. 20. 28. 2. As many stumble at the person of Christ his mean descent his poverty of life and his cursed death so also at the Doctrine of Christ This will not down with them they cannot relish it Luk. 23.5 He stirreth up the people teaching throughout all Jury but what was it he taught he taught that he was the Son of God and that he was the way to salvation he taught the way to Salvation by a Redeemer and that their Pharisaicall Righteousness would not save them this they were offended at but more particular 1. The plainness of his Doctrine this was an offence to them notwithstanding his words were more sweet than the hony and the hony-comb He was full of grace and truth Jo. 1.14 And his Doctrine was gracious Luk. 4.22 They wondred at the Gratious words which proceeded out of his Mouth But yet we find some were are offended at the plainness of it the Grecian Phylosophers were for high strains and rhetorical florishes they sought earthly wisdom therefore they stumbled at Christ 1 Cor. 1.22.23 and the pure plain simplicity of the Gospell and how many such Grecian Spirits have we in our days if the Ministers of Jesus Christ teach and preach the Gospel with plainness to the capacity of the Vulger that is an offence to many
23. to 28. See there what befell them and thou must expect no better also Heb. 11. There is no peace in that way it is full of Thorns and briers thou must expect to be pricked and wounded therefore spare thy self as Peter said to Christ Mat. 16.22.23 Be it far from thee but Christ terms it the language of Satan get thee behind me Satan said he for thou savourest not the things that are of God Thus he deludes poor souls with promises of peace which is no true peace for here is not a word of the peace of God which passeth understanding such a peace that the world cannot give Jo. 14.27 Neither can the world take it away for as it is said of the Nightingale she sings with her breast against a thorne so the people of God have such peace and joy within that when the thorne of affliction is against their brests they can rejoice as Paul and Silas did in prison although they have not peace with the world yet they have peace with God Christ and their own Consciences which is the best of all therefore let not Satan keep thee by this wile from coming to Christ for he tells thee in the text he will give thee rest which implys all peace as far as it is good for thy Soul but Satan cannot give one moment of true peace or tranquility to the Soul 8. If peace will not do then he promises the world the pleasures the honours and the profits of this world as he did to Christ but in vain so he doth to all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 All these things I will give unto thee do but fall down and worship me Mat. 4.9 O how many Souls doth he catch by this bait notwithstanding he frequently deceives the Soul and gives a blear-eyed Leah instead of a beautiful Rachel Tuta frequens via est sub amici fallere Nomen Vnder the name of kindness and friendship he frequently deludes the sinner And these are brave alluring baits and do most usually insnare the poor silly creature being so sutable to flesh and blood and that corrupt part of man which is like tinder easily fired with the desire of these things these have kept thousands from coming and have drawn back many that were gon a fair way toward Christ this made Judas instead of believing in Christ for his Saviour betray him as a Malefactor the Love of the world drew away Demas who had followed Christ a great way the Devil knows full well how to impede and hinder sinners from coming to Christ I have read a story of one Hippomenes who fell in Love with a beautiful Woman called Atalanta who had vowed Virginity only she proposed this to her Wooers that they should run a Race with her unarmed she having a dart in her hand and if she won the Race she was to kill them with her dart she having ended many so Himpomenes was to run with her and he had gotten three Golden Apples given him by Venus which in the midst of the race when she drew nigh unto him he severally throws down and she being allured by them runs to gather them up and so he wins the race and her which I apply thus for the moral of it is good This Hipomenes is Satan who falls in love with the soul which is Atalanta who has vowed Virginity in its baptismal covenant he goes to Venus which is the world and gets three Golden Apples which are profit pleasure and honour and when the soul is as it were half way to Zion he throws down these before it and whilst it stops to gather them the Race is lost and the soul is undone for ever Satan works most effectually by these which are but perishing vanitys and thousands of souls are swallowed up in this Gulfe who believe Satan that is the Father of lyes when he promiseth only a dirty world and neglect to come to Christ when he promiseth an eternal glorious Kingdom Satan promiseth the earth and he too often prevails but Christ offers Heaven with all the immunitys glory and happiness imaginable and yet is refused Satan promiseth that which he cannot perform without divine permission but Christ promiseth that which he will certainly bestow upon the believing soul therefore let not these Cobwebs hold thee seeing he Commands thee and it is thy duty to obey 9ly He perswades the sinner that he shall live a Malancholly life if he come to Christ and then produces various instances then shews him such a one and such a one who when they followed the course of the world and had their conversation as other men they lived chearfully and merrily but since they turned out of that way and have gone in another new way they are sad and disconsolate persons now ye shall not see them rejoyce but hang down their heads as a Bullrush This I say is another of his devices to keep back poor Souls when they are coming to Christ although there is no reason why it should for if they are sorrowful and pensive it is not with the sorrow of the world which is deadly 2 Cor. 7.10 Godly sorrow worketh Repentance to Salvation never to be Repented of but the sorrow of the world worketh death and as the wise man saith In the midst of laughter the heart is sad thus it is usually with the men of the world but the Godly though they have a dejected countenance yet then they have a chearful heart as their sorrows are not alike so their joys cant be compared the Apostle can say to the Godly rejoice evermore 1 Thes 5.16 And rejoice in the Lord always when he saith to the wicked Go weep and howl for the misery that shall come upon you James 5.1 Satan lies when he saith the ways of God are Melancholy for as the wise man saith Rom. 3.17 All her ways speaking of wisdom are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace and he may truly say all because all her paths are holiness I could give several instances besides scriptural ones of persons who have found it and declared it to be the most pleasant way all the godly more or less Galeaceus Carraciolus have experienced this I shall mention only that of the Noble Marquess who had experienced what comforts the world could afford and what were to be found in the ways of God could say Cursed be that Man who shall preferr all the Gold and Silver in the world before one days Communion with the Lord Jesus See here how he esteemed the comforts and delights he met with in the ways of God Therefore let not this deter thee and I will add mine own experience I never had such joys and delights as in the holy ways of God I cannot express it but come thou to Christ and thou shalt tast it nay satiate thy soul out of his superabundant fullness for he has rivers of pleasure by him and he doth often here give
but yet never obey him so as to believe in him Qui Christum non habet ipse non potest Christianus dici Augu. profess him they do but regard not whether they profess him 2 Cor. 13.5 Know ye not that Jesus Christ is in you unless you be reprobates Raigning in you ●nd ruling of you by his holy spirit He who hath not Christ in him is not a Christian I speak all along what dayly observation doth confirm and this is a wile of Satan by which he hinders thousands of Souls from coming unto Christ If we look into the Euopean part of the world where the name of Christ is professed we shall find that the Basis upon which the greatest number do build and rest is only a profession of the Lord Jesus and by professing of him are let from coming to him a strange Paradox but too evidently true Satan knows how to use this weapon for the Souls eternal ruine unless prevented by Divine grace from on high therefore I say let not this Devil hold thee by this device but labour to come nearer unto Jesus Christ for as the Body without the Soul is dead so is the Soul that only professes but doth not possess the Lord Jesus But in a word consider well and thy own Judgment and Conscience will tell thee that all shall not be saved that profess the name of Christ for if all should be saved that are called Christians then thou mayst conclude that Whoremongers Adulterers Lyers Theives Murderers and other abominable Livers shall be happy when they come to dye although there is no saving chang wrought in the heart only a bare profession of Christ as is throughout England and other places where the Gospel is spread Which Argument I know thou wilt deny if thou hast any esteem for real Godlyness It is not every one that sayeth Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Mat. 7.21 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Justin Christians are such who keep the commands of Christ saith Justin Martyr Veri Orthodoxi dicuntur a fidei rectitudine vitae integritate a true Christian is known by the rectitude of his faith and the integrity of his Life was the saying of the Antients 17ly He impedes by perswading the Sinner to rest in a continual series of Duty this is a step higher then the former they Look Speak and act as if they were come unto Christ when indeed they are far from him they keep communion with Christs Flock and are not discerned from his Sheep They hear the word Preached partake of the Sacrament read the word and pray in Publick and Secret but still are like the Foolish Virgins Mat. 25.1.2 Which had Lamps which I take not only to be of profession but a Series of duties for they kept company with the Wise till the Bridegroom was comeing Jo. 17.3 To rest in dutys without Christ is like Josephs Bretheren who bring all things with them but Benjamine i. e. till they were to appear before Christ Jesus then they wanted oile i. e. Grace in their hearts and a saving knowledg of Christ as may be gathered from Christs answer to them vers 12. I say unto you I know you not They did not in all their Duties labour to know Christ so as to believe and rest on him for Salvation therefore saith he I know you not depart from me There must be a coming off from all Duty in point of Salvation and there must be a reliance on Christ alone and not to make that our Jesus which is but the way to him here Satan doth not deceive the notorious Sinner but the seeming devout Saint these take a large step towards Heaven and yet come one step short of Heaven and so tumble headlong into everlasting Misery When the Conscience is a little awakened or wounded upon the account of some Sin he will permit the Sinner to go to Duty there to seek for cure but not to the Lord Jesus By this wile he seeks to deceive the Heirs of the Kingdom if it were possible therefore beware in all conditions of resting short of coming to Christ for if Duty doth not lead the Soul to Christ the Saviour that which usurps that office i. e. of a Jesus will certainly in the end Damn the Soul for ever consider this is one of the depths of Satan therefore to the end he may not delude thee and keep thee in this Snare suspect every duty and ordinance which doth not by Faith bring thee to Christ alone both for grace and Glory 18ly By reason of some gifts bestowed upon the Soul as knowledg it may be in the word of God and ability to discourse of it likewise a guift of Prayer even to admiration now Satan is ready to tell the person he need go no further for if God did intend to condemn him he would not so liberally bestow such gifts upon him he need not question but his condition and state is very secure by this means the Soul rests satisfied in what is bestowed upon it but never looks to Christ as the sole foundation of Salvation O How many doth he deceive by this wile that because of some supernatural gifts confered upon them conclude thence they shall be saved Have a care of this Golden bait for it hath allured many Souls into everlasting Flames for thou mayest have great knowledg parts and gifts and notwithstanding all be a Fire brand of Hell 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For if thou knowest Christ savingly it is enough though thou art ignorant in other things but if thou knowest not him all other Learning is as nothing Jo. 17.3 And if thou knowest him savingly then thou lovest him really and superlatively 19ly By promises of repentance and future obedience The Language of Satan live in thy Sins gratify thy Lust secure the World follow the Customs of the times thou shalt repent hereafter which is many times Judas like this I know to be the device of Satan by which he prevents many from coming to Christ tell some of their Sins and the necessity of repentance and coming to Christ by faith now they will answer by the instigation of Satan they do intend to repent and lead a now life if they are by afflictions or by the word or some providence sometimes convinced that those things should be done now that they should turn to God lay hold upon Christ abandon all Sin Satan will not let them now but promiseth hereafter they shall do it I fear too many are caught by this wile but Reader be not thou one of them but come to Christ now repentingly and believingly for besure it is not the Spirit of Christ that bids thee demur and put off thy repentance and obedience it is only the voice of Satan The Spirit of God saith to day Heb. 3.15 Satan is for to Morrow 20ly Satan obstructs by telling the Sinner of the mercy of God what
descendit Know thy self descended from Heaven 2. Of his misery for Man is in a most deplorable state and condition being lost and liable to eternal condemnation unless Christ deliver him from it and the greatest part of his misery consists in this that he is for the most part insensible of his sad condition for it is the first step to happiness and felicity to be made sensible of ones misery for this moves the Soul to look out for a remedy 3. He knows not his wants and indigences Man in his Sinful lapsed state is full of wants 1. He wants Pardon for his Sin for if Sin be not forgiven the Soul is undone if the guilt of Sin doth remain upon the Soul when it enters upon an Eternal State the Soul is lost for ever and must lye cursed in intolerable and inextinguishable Flames to all eternity Mat. 25.41 2. Grace and holyness for the Soul Jo. 3.3 Except a man be Born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God Heb. 12.14 Follow peace with all men and holyness without which no man shall see the Lord. 3. A Mediator to interceed and procure these and all other Mercys for the Soul which Mediator is only the Lord Jesus 1 Tim. 2.5 There is a Mediator between God and Man the Man Christ Jesus 1 Jo. 2.1 We have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous Did the Sinner but understand his wants and necessities he would not much be intreated to come unto Christ That out of his fulness he might receive Grace for Grace Jo. 1.19 4ly The mind being darkened doth not discern the evil of Sin Chrysostom when threatned Exilement by Eudoxia the Empress answered I fear nothing but Sin He saw Sin to be the greatest and worst of Evils The Apostle Paul when he was divinely illuminated exclaimed and cryed out of the exceeding Sinfulness of Sin Rom. 7.13 which made him look upon himself as most miserable therefore he so pathetickly affectionately expresseth and bewaileth his state by reason of sin which remained although not regnant within him v. 24. O Wretched Man that I am not that I was as some vainly would pervert the Text who shall deliver me not the unconverted Sinner from this Body of Death This present state I am in now I have a Body of Death Sin cleaves close to me it is tyed to me as a Dead Corps therefore I am wretched now because of this Body of Death and not when I was a Persecuter a Blasphemer and Injurious Thus doth a person truely inlightened see the evil of Sin and lament over it so the Prophet Isa Chap. 6.5 then said I Wo is me for I am undone because I am a man of unclean Lips Here we see two eminent and holy Servants of the Lord bewailing their Sin the one a great Prophet called by Piscator Magnus Propheta the other a great Apostle but why because they perceived the evil that is in Sin and if Sinners did but know the evil of Sin they would cry out so too and thank God with the Apostle that there is a Christ to go unto Rom. 7.25 but because they see not the Evil Jo. 17.15 therefore they imbrace it and refuse Christ 5. Ignorant of the wrath of God revealed against obstinate Sinners this makes them regardless of Christ for did they but know with a sanctified knowledg what God hath threatned against them they would tremble and be astonished at the tremendious and terrible noise of those Thunder claps as the Children of Israel were when God descended upon Mount Sinai to deliver the Law unto them but because of this stupedity Sinners are secure without a Jesus not considering that The wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodlyness and unrighteousness of men Ro. 1.18 To them who obey not the truth but obey unrighteousness such are all those who obey not Christ and his Gospel 2 Thes 1.8 Indignation and Wrath Tribulation and Anguish upon every Soul of man that doth Evil of the Jew first and also of the Gentile Rom. 2.8.9 Now I say did Sinners but rightly conceive of this wrath of God which he hath denounced against them they would soon hasten to tome to Christ Jesus for refuge and safety from it for it is he alone that can do it 1 Thes 1.10 Jesus who delivers from the Wrath to come But whilst they neglect coming unto Christ they are treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath treasures of Wrath but who is able to indure the least grain of it may I so express my self in its extremity Rom. 2.5 for such as his power is such is his wrath it is terrible yet without passion infinite yet without mitigation intollerable without cessation and swift to consume the Sinner yet without any motion in God O the ineffable and inconceivable torments that will be the consequence of impenitency and final neglect of the Lord Jesus 6. Ignorant of that glory and blessedness they would partake of if they came unto the Lord Jesus they cannot discern that glory because their Eyes are blinded and their Faces turned away from God There is a vail of Ignorance over their Hearts which is taken away from believers who are come unto Christ 2 Cor. 3.18 But we all with open Face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory even as by the Lord. There is a blessedness and glory in this Life believers are partakers of and invested with They are blessed in Life Mat. 5. 2. to the 12. v. Blessed at death Rev. 14.13 Blessed are the Dead which dye in the Lord. Blessed at the day of Judgment when the wicked are Cursed Mat. 28.34 Come ye blessed of my Father saith Christ Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the Foundation of the World And they remain blessed for evermore 1 Thes 4.17 I cannot here number up all the blessedness of the Saints The glory is unconceivable 1 Cor. 2.9 It hath not entred into the Heart of man to conceive the things God hath prepared for them that love him 2 Cor. 14.17 A far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory Believers shall be glorious for ever Dan. 12.3 They shall shine as the Sun in the firmament and as the Stars for ever and ever Ignoti nulla Cupido And because the darkened Mind apprehends not this Glory blessedness therefore it slights coming unto Christ 7. The Carnal mind is ignorant of Christ as John Baptist said to the Jews There stands one amongst you whom you know not Jo. 1.26 So I may say to many who terme themselves Christians there is one who is dayly Preached among you yet ye know him not and it is evident by this you come not to him 1. They whose minds are darkened know not Christ essentially i. e. that he is very God and very Man as Rom. 9.15 God over all blessed for ever The man Christ Jesus Tim.
from secret Sins Which Petition implys that Sin though never so secret defiles the Soul moreover the holy Prophet hath not only regard in the word secret to those Sins which the Eye of man had not seen but to those Sins which were secret to himself which in thought Word or deed he had perpetrated and yet not observed Psal 51.2 Wash me throughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my Sin vers 7. Purge me with hysop and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter then Snow Which Scripture doth evince that Sin doth defile and therefore the Soul needs cleansing which cannot be done but by the Blood of Jesus Christ 1 Jo. 1.7 The Blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all Sin The Prophet Isaiah witnesseth this truth when he beheld the glory of the Lord Jesus Isa 6. proved by Jo. 12.41 he cryed Wo is me for I am undone because I am a Man of unclean Lips Isa 6.5 When he had a vision of the Lord Jesus and was nigh unto him then he exclaims that he is unclean so it is with thee if thou art come to Christ thou art convinced that Sin hath polluted and defiled thee the conviction of which drives thee to that Fountain viz. the Blood of Christ laid open for Sin and for uncleanness Every Sin commited is against the blessed Trinity and the goodness love wisdom and Patience of God Zach. 13 1. 4ly Thou art convinced that Sin is against God Psal 51.4 Against thee thee only have I Sinned and done evil in thy sight Agreeable to this is that of the Prodigal Luk. 15.18 I will arise and go to my Father and say unto him Father I have Sinned against Heaven and before thee Thou art convinced that every Sin is against the Essence and Being of God contrary to his nature and to his revealed will I leave thee to inlarge upon this in thy private meditation 5ly Thou art convinced of the dangerous consequences and effects of Sin if persisted in for then there is nothing to be expected but wrath confusion and eternal destruction wher 's Malum culpae the Evil of guilt preceeds and goes before Malum penae the Evil of punishment follows after If the preceeding sins be not repented of and the Soul washed with and justifyed through the blood of Jesus Ro. 2.8 9. To them who are contentious and do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish upon every Soul of man that doth evil of the Jew first and also of the Gentile Ro. 1.18 The wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodlyness and unrighteousness of Men who hold the truth in unrighteousness here is nothing but wrath upon wrath threatned against disobedient Sinners 6ly Thou art convinced of Righteousness as Jo. 16.8 When be it come he shall convince the World of Righteousness Thou art convinced that a righteousness thou needest a righteousness thou must have both internal which is wrought by the Spirit and external which is wrought by Christ God is a righteous God and his Law is righteous and there is no standing the tryal without a compleat and perfect righteousness the Law will admit of no repentance as the gospel doth it requires full satisfaction in point of suffering or compleat and perfect performance in point of doing if the offence be but one and against one clause of the Law there is a breach of the whole Jam. 2.10 and how shall the poor Sinner do now who hath broken all the Spirit convinces the Sinner of the righteousness of Christ which is apprehended by faith and he inables the Sinner to lay hold of it and to say Christ was made Sin for me who knew no Sin that I might become the righteousness of God in him 2 Cor. 5.21 Paul was thus convinced when he said I would not be found in my own righteousness but in the righteousness of God which is by Faith in Christ Phil. 3.8 9. Thou art convinced of the necessity of a perfect righteousness if thou art truely come unto and hast closed with Christ 7ly and Lastly thou art convinced of Judgment Jo. 16.8 he convinces of Judgment Heb. 9.27 It is appointed for Men once to dye and after death comes judgment a particular as well as a universal and it shall be a righteous judgment Rom. 2.5 speaking of the Sinner who is impenitent Thou treasurest up wrath against the day of wrath and Revelation of the righteous judgment of God now being convinced of this thou expectest preparest dayly for it because it is the day in which thou shalt be acquitted but the enemys of Christ condemned For there is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus Rom 8 1 But there is no standing forth ungodly in Judgment Psal 1.5 That which is the ground of terror to the wicked scil the day of judgment is a ground of comfort and consolation to the righteous the Apostle James doth exhort the afflicted Brethren to be patient upon this consideration that the coming of the Lord was at hand the Judge standeth before the Door Jam. 5.7.8 9. 3ly If thou art come to the Lord Jesus then the holy Spirit hath inclined thy will and made it flexible Psal 110.3 They shall be a willing People in the day of thy Power Cantic 6.12 The Margent of some Bibles read it thus My Soul set me on the Chariots of my willing People It is true that the will remains still in Man Wollebius Mansit quidem arbitrium hominis liberum à coactione sed non ad bonum malum idem but it is as true that it is depraved as one saith Mansit Voluntas sed depravata the Spirit doth not coact or inforce the will for the will of Man remains free from compulsion but yet not equally so both to good and evil for it is free only to evil Now I say the Spirit hath not drawn compulsively but willingly lead thee unto the Lord Jesus of unwilling by nature he hath made thee abundantly willing through the Work of grace 1. Thou art made willing to part with thy Sins to shake hands with them and bid adieu to all thy former vanitys which by nature thou art Prone to there is a purging out of the old leaven For the Temple of God is holy 1 Cor. 3.16 17. And believers are that Temple it is inconsistant for Sin and Christ to dwell together for Christ came to destroy Sin and to redeem his People from it Tit. 2.14 2ly Thou art made willing by the holy Spirit to renounce thy own ragged and imperfect righteousness for as I have declared before this keeps back many from coming fully to the Lord Jesus but there must not only be Sin cast away but self-righteousness also for it is the ruin of many and hath been so that they relye more upon their own righteousness then on Christs righteousness the Jews lost themselves by this Rom.
the Soul hath closed with him 1. Then I say thou art brought to Repentance this was the Doctrine John Baptist preached Mat. 3.2 Repent ye for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand Christ preached it Luke 13.35 Except ye repent ye shall likewise perish The Apostle Paul preached up this Truth Acts 20. and 21. Repentance towards God That they should repent and turn to God and do works meet for Repentance So that we see here is an absolute necessity of this grace being wrought in the Soul The Apostle speaks of a Repentance unto life Acts 11.18 Then hath God granted unto the Gentiles Repentance unto life Here I suppose thou mayst be ready to propose this Query how may I know whether my repentance be unto life or no I answer there is a twofold Repentance Legal and Evangelical I shall pass by the first and only speak to the last being that which resolves the Query an Evangellic Repentance may be known these three ways 1. by the Objects of it 2. by its Nature and Propertys 3. by the several effects of it When I have declared these things in particular thou mayst resolve thy self whether this grace be wrought in thy Soul by the holy Spirit or no. 1. An Evangellic Repentance may be known by its objects by Objects I mean those things the Soul eyes and looks upon when it is moved thus to repent and they are these five 1. sin 2. the Law 3. God 4. Christ 5. Gospel 1. sin both original and actual Psal 51.5 Behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my Mother conceive me 1 and 2 ver According to the Multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions Wash me throughly from mine iniquity and cleans me from my sin 3 ver My sin is ever before me How often doth the Prophet mention his sin This cut and wounded his Soul that he had sinned the Soul looks upon sin both externally internally secret as well as publick Psal 19.12 It looks upon sin as sin Therefore Mourns over it with a Godly sorrow Sin is such a vile thing in it self Satis enim nobis simodo in Philosophia aliquid proficiemus perswasum esse debet si omnes Deos hominesque clare possimus nihil tamen avare nihil injuste nihil libidinose nihil incontinentur esse faciendum Cicero de Offic. that the Heathen Phylosopher could say we ought to be perswaded if we have made any proficiency in Phylosophy if we could be secret or hid from all Gods and Men yet to do nothing avaritiously nothing injustly nothing lustfully nothing incontinently but the true gospel-Penitent looks upon it as the worst of evils the Soul polluting evil Soul deforming and Soul damning evil it cannot look upon Sin with a pleasant aspect when grace is truely active the Soul cannot behold Sin without a sigh in the Heart or tear in the Eye Wo unto us that we have Sinned saith the Church Lam. 5.16 All who have been brought home to Christ have come by weeping Cross lamenting and bewailing their Sin they have looked upon Sin as the heaviest burden Psal 384 and the bitterest Pill that ever they took 2ly The next object is the Law when the Soul looks upon the holyness justness and goodness of the Law it cannot but mourn because it hath violated and transgressed it Every Sin is a transgression of the Law 1 Jo. 3.4 We find it thus with the Servants of God in their confession and humiliation for Sin when they repented they had an Eye to the Law Ezra 9.10 And now O Lord what shall we say after this for we have departed from thy commandments Dan. 9.5 We have Sinned and committed Iniquity and have done wickedly and have rebelled even by departing from thy Precepts and thy judgments Thus we see they had an Eye to the Law of God which was broken by them and it was the trouble and grief of their Souls and so it hath been with thee if thy repentance is true 3ly The Soul hath an Eye to God When it considers God to be an infinite good and yet he hath been slighted a gracious God yet he hath been offended a loving and merciful Father yet he hath been abused a glorious God and yet he hath been dishonoured this melts the Soul into tears because it hath thus requited the Lord for all his mercys what saith the Soul hath he given me my being Act. 17.28 and 20.21 and that for this end that I should glorify him love fear and serve him and that to the uttermost both with my Soul and Body have I wicked wretch dishonour'd him sinned against him from the very womb I went astray followed the cursed immaginations of my own base heart my ears were open to the whisperings and suggestions of Satan that enemy to my Soul but they were shut and deaf to the calls of God my Creator from whom I receive my All and to whom I owe all that I am or can be all the members of my Body and all the faculties of my Soul should have been imployed in obedience to his will but I vile wretch that I am have neglected disesteemed and offended my gracious God Psal 51.4 Try if this has been the language of thy Soul I have Sinned against my God and therefore I mourn and Oh that my head was a fountain Jer. 9.1 and my Eyes Rivers of Tears that I could weep day and night for my Sins 4ly True repentance hath Christ for its object Zach. 12.10 And I will pour upon the house of David and upon the Inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and of supplication and they shall look upon me whom they have peirced and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his only Son and shall be in Bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness for his First born Here we see a prophecy of Christ to be fulfilled in the latter days doth clearly confirm this truth And thus it is with every Gospel-penitent who comes unto Christ he looks upon the wounds of Christ by the Eye of Faith the Eye affects the Heart and makes the Sinner mourn and lament that he should be wounded for his Sins and bruised for his Iniquitys that the chastisement of his peace should be upon him and that by his Stripes he should be healed Isa 53.5 O how doth the consideration of this wound the poor Soul and makes it kindly mourn over all those Sins and transgressions which wounded and peirced the Lord Jesus It hath an Eye to the Person that suffered a glorious Person the second in the Blessed Trinity God-Man shed his Blood for my Sins Act. 20.28 O the heinousness of my Sins that no meaner Person could suffer for them Again it looks upon the sufferings themselves they were Torments Chastisements Bruises and Stripes the inflictions were infinite to satisfie for infinite Transgressions he was wounded in his Body by wicked Men and he was wounded in his Soul from
him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you See here what a mercy this is to have the blessed Spirit for thou canst have no true comfort here but from him it must flow thou canst not know nor understand the way to Zion but by his Divine assistance 1 Cor. 2.14.15 it is he who is spiritually inlightened that can discern the Excellency of Divine objects thou canst not pray without him Rom. 8.26 Then is it not a blessing greatly to be desired to have the blessed spirit without whom thou canst not perceive thine own misery sufficiently nor apprehend Christ a Saviour satisfactorily it is the Spirit that searches the deep things of God 1 Cor. 2.10 and reveals them to his Children as much as is for his glory and their Eternal good Now I intreat thee in the name of Christ let this consideration that God will be thy God Christ will be thy Saviour and the Spirit thy guid and Comforter excite thy Soul to come to Christ 8. If thou come unto Christ thou shalt have an eternal weight of glory 2 Cor. 4.17 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the words cannot be well expressed in English but it is as if the Apostle should have said thou shalt have Hyperboly's of Glory Glory upon Glory ineffable such as hath not entred into the Heart of Man to conceive neither can Tongue utter it but observe this it shall be a weight and an eternal weight of Glory not transient and momentary like unto worldly Glory which depends upon the estimation of poor silly Mortals as it is usually said Honos est in Honorante Honour is in him that gives Honour not in him that receives it but the greatest Glory of this World is not to be compared nay rather to be contemned in comparison of that Glory believers shall be Crowned with the greatest part of their Glory shall be in this That they shall see God and be made like unto him 1 Jo. 3.2 What canst thou be humbly ambitious of more then this That thou shalt be like unto God in holyness and Righteousness and that for ever Thou shalt have a Crown of Righteousness upon thine Head 2 Tim. 4.8 Rev. 3.21 and thou shalt sit down with Christ in his throne Here Soul it is lawful for thee to run for this prize Phil. 3.14 To fight for this heavenly Crown Take but a serious view of what thou shalt have if thou comest to Christ and then refuse if thou canst see if the world can offer more then what Christ doth to incourage thee to come unto him if the World or Satan can promise and give more and better things then these I have mentioned from the word of God then imbrace them and let Christ go but if they cannot why dost thou make delays in coming unto him 9ly and lastly 9. Motive consider the misery thou dost involve thy self in if thou dost not come unto Christ thy Misery is great in this Life thou art a Child of wrath a Servant to Satan Eph. 2.3 a Servant to Sin thou art an Enemy to God and God is an Enemy to thee Rom. 6.20 Rom. 5.10 the Curse of the Law abides upon thee Gal. 3.10 Read and consider canst thou be content to be in this estate hast thou no pity for thine own Soul no love to God who sent his Son to dye for Sinners Jo. 3.16 no love for Christ who came to sacrifice himself that thou mightest have access to God by him but consider further thy misery will not end in this Life nor with it for the wrath of God will follow thee to the Grave and tumble thy Soul into everlasting Flames That is a terririble word Jo. 3.36 The wrath of God abideth on him that believeth not in Christ He doth not say it shall be for a little time for a year or a hundred or a thousand years but it abideth on him and so it will for ever 2 Thes 1.8 9. See what will be the doom of those who obay not Christ that is who believe not in him Now I say Sinner come unto Christ least that terrible word be said unto thee in the last day Pro. Because I have called and ye have refused I have stretched out my hands and no man reguarded But ye have set at nought all my Councel therefore I will laugh at your calamity I will mock when your fear cometh So much shall suffice for the first Doctrine That Jesus Christ graciously invites Sinners to come unto him 2. Doctrine It is the duty of all heavy laden Sinners who look for Rest and Salvation to come unto Christ for the obtaining of it If the invitation will not prevail with thee to come unto Christ yet let his command and the consideration of thy Duty Christ hath not left it mearly to their own wills but he commands them The Method that I shall proceed in is as followeth 1. I shall prove the point 2. Shew many of those obstructions which keep Sinners from coming to Christ with their unreasonableness 3. Answer some objections 4. Apply all and I shall bring in the two other Doctrines in the application 1. To prove that it is a duty Jo. 6.29 This is the work of God that ye believe in him whom he hath sent 1 Jo. 3.23 This is his Commandment that ye believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ I shall demonstrate the point by these propositions 1. It is the great duty incumbent upon all to seek the eternal well-being of their immortal Souls this is granted I think by all sober persons it is made our second principal end in the Assemblies Catechism 1. Glorify God 2. Save our own Souls Phil. 2.12 Work out your Salvation with fear and trembling God requires this from all men whether they be Princes or subjects Rulers or ruled 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Arminians do pervert this Text. 1 Tim. 2.4 He willeth all men to be saved So the words may be read and they have relation to the foregoing verses where the Apostle exhorts to pray for all degrees of Men for Kings and those in authority for God willeth all Men all sorts of Men to seek after their Salvation for he is no respecter of Persons in that sence but he that feareth God and worketh Righteousness and believeth in his Son shall be saved Act. 10.35 Jo. 3.36 He that believeth the Son hath Life 2. Prop. Is that it is the duty of all to make use of means in order to the attaining of this great end scil the Salvation of their Souls God hath ordained the means as well as the end and he hath injoyned it as our Duty to make use of the means God hath given his Son to dye for us and doth command us to come and believe in him 1 Jo. 3.33 3. Prop. is that Christ Jesus is the only way for sinners to attain eternal life by