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A44277 Apokalypsis anastaseĊs The resurrection revealed, or, The dawnings of the day-star about to rise and radiate a visible incomparable glory far beyond any since the creation upon the universal church on earth for a thousand yeers yet to come, before the ultimate day of the general judgement to the raising of the Jewes, and ruine of all antichristian and secular powers, that do not love the members of Christ, submit to his laws and advance his interest in this design : digested into seven bookes with a synopsis of the whole treatise and two tables, 1 of scriptures, 2 of things, opened in this treatise / by Dr. Nathanael Homes. Homes, Nathanael, 1599-1678. 1653 (1653) Wing H2560; ESTC R4259 649,757 646

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expect a restitution of all things before the finall and totall end of all things § 8 Moreover it is said That the Heaven must containe Christ untill the restitution of all things which cleerly infers that Christ must come out of Heaven when hee shall restore all things At the ultimate day of judgement is the destruction of Gog and Magog and ten thousands of the wicked Revel 20. Again after the ultimate day of judgement he is not the Magnus Restaurator the Great Restorer but is Subditus he is himselfe subject 1 Cor. 15.28 Therefore before that he must come out of Heaven to restore all things And how even as it is expresse in Act. 1.11 spoken by Angels and attested by Saint Luke there This same Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven shall SO COME in I LIKE MANNER as yee have seen him GOE IN TO HEAVEN SECT VIII Of the eighth Scripture for the Personall appearance of Christ at the great restauration of the Church Matth. 23.38 39. Your house is left unto you desolate for I say unto you yee shall not see me henceforth till yee shall say Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. THis cannot be meant of Christ coming after his resurrection for it is plaine that between the time of Christs speaking this and his coming with that acclamation Blessed is he that cometh c. there must be a desolation their house or habitation to whom he speaks must be left desolate § 2 This speech is directed point blanke to the Jewes and more keenly to them inhabiting Jerusalem So the connexion O Jerusalem Jerusalem thou that killest the Prophets and stonest them that are sent unto thee how often would I have gathered thy children together even as an Hen gathereth her Chickens under her wings and yee would not behold marke the connexion or inference YOVR house is left unto YOV desolate For I say unto YOV YEE shall not see me c. Luke inserts Chap. 13.35 Christs great asseveration VERILY I say unto you yee shall not see me And expresseth it more fully that this well-coming of Christ was not hard at hand as at his resurrection in that Luke saith Yee shall not see me UNTILL THE TIME COME when yee shall say Blessed c. And Luke as well as Matthew gives us the Jewes not seeing of Christ till that time with the emphasis of a double negative 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is yee shall by no meanes or manner see me till that time which was verified in that only the Disciples or Brethren saw him at his resurrection 3 What this leaving of their house desolate is our Saviour expounds § 3 presently for having spoken in the last two verses of Mat. 23. Your house is left desolate for I say unto you yee shall not see me henceforth c. presently in the next sentence he is recorded to speake in the twenty fourth Chapter vers 1.2 Chapters being of late invention nonein the ancient bookes either in Greek or other Languages is that of the buildings even of all they behold that is of the City and expresse of the Temple there shal not be left there one stone upon another that shal not be throwne downe so that as Christ pursues the discourse vers 15. They should see the abomination of desolation set up in the HOLY PLACE expounded Luke 21.20 to be the compassing about Jerusalem with Heathenish Roman Armies And Luke 19.43 Thine enemies shal cast a trench about thee and compasse thee round and keep thee in on every side and shal lay thee even with the ground And in the sixteenth verse of that twenty third Chapter of Matthew They in Judea should fly to the mountaines and he that is in the field shal not turne backe to take his cloathes So that the leaving their house desolate is the destroying of the place and face of worship in the Temple and the grace and place of the City for to that at last it amounted in two steps whereof this was the first by Titus the Roman Emperour about seventy yeares after the birth of Christ destroying the Temple the second by Adrian the Roman Emperour about the one hundred thirty fourth yeare after Christs birth destroying the City so that the Jewes never sacrificed there any more * Buchole Ind. Chron. Ad anuum 134 ut inquit Bucholce●us intelligeretur Romanae potestati Indaeo● subj●cere politiam Mosaicam cum Metropolis suae ruina redactam esse in ni●ilum effusâ jam super eam finali perpetuâque vastitate arque ita sciretur spem omnem Judaeo●um DE MESSIAE ADVEN TV quam Barcochebas id est stellae filius juxta ut simulare●ur prophetiam Balaami iste Pseudo-Christus causa rebellionis hujus in Romanos inducentis cladem p●i●●s indiderat extinctam Hierosolymaeque ruderibus obrutam ac sepultam esle Adrianus Christianis aliis Gentibus urbem Jerusalem inhabitandam dedit mutatâ veteri appellatione de suo nomine Aeliam nominavit 4 The word in Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 used here in this twenty third of Matthew ver 38. to signifie left is in it selfe of a mild signification as in Latine missum facere and in English to lay aside a thing so that it doth not in its owne nature signifie an utter forsaking but only a leaving for a time as the couched Antithesis shew us viz. left desolate UNTILL and therefore the same Christ that is now going shall be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 coming and whiles hereafter he is coming these Jewes of Jerusalem and of Iudea that before had been angry with them that had cryed Hosanna to him Mat. 21.9 to 16. and anon cry Crucifie him should in time to come welcome him with this acclamation Blessed is he coming so the Greek in the name of the Lord. § 5 Now this place of Scripture and this performance cannot be reserred either to the time between Christs Resurrection and Ascention or to the ultimate day of Judgement and therefore must of necessity relate to a time since his Ascention yet to come before the generall Judgement § 6 Not to the time between his Resurrection and Ascention because this is spoken as we have demonstrated to the generality of the Iewes * Mat. 23. ult Christus Judaeos ingratos ita alloquitur Dico enim vobis nequaquam me videbitis ab hee tempore usque dum dicatis benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini Quibus verbis Christus indicat Judaeos upsum ●andem aliquando visuros non equidem in ultimo judicio sed ante illud quia non in ultimo judicio acclamabunt ipsi Benedictus c. tum enim trepidabunt qui non fuerint conversi ad ipsum sed illo tempore quo se ipsis ostendet ut convertat ipsos ad veramfidem Alsted in locum in Diatr De Mil●an who had killed the Prophets and stoned them that were sent unto them ver 37. whose
Nations of the earth shal be blessed is that they that bee of faith shal be blessed with faithful Abraham That the blessing of Abraham shal come upon the Gentiles That the promise to Abraham that he should be THE HEIRE OF THE WORLD was not to Abraham and his seed through the Law but through the righteousnesse of faith that it might be by Grace to the end the Promise might be sure TO ALL THE SEED not to that only which is of the Law but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham WHO IS THE FATHER OF US ALL. ¶ 4. For the sealing of all these three likewise in the New Testament Christ as incarnated is called the Mystery or Sacrament as some Translate of godlinesse 1 Tim. 3.16 because in his flesh is the glorious representation of God Heb. 1.2 and the effectual communication of the excellencies of God to us by union with him and us Joh. 17.2 Joh. 1.16 Christ as testified unto from Heaven Mat. 3.17 Mat. 17.5 is the sealed one or the sealing to us Ioh. 6 27. viz. That he is the only name under Heaven whereby we must be saved Acts 4.12 and he as the meaning of all types Joh. 1.17 is the impletion or fulfilling of all the Promises to us take him and take all 2 Cor. 1.20 And to the end that we might be more sure of all these he hath change of names as a seale interpreted to that sence Matth. 1. Immanuel that is God with us which the Apostle notably applyes to our Salvation Rom. 8.31 and Jesus ibid. Mat. 1. for he shal save his people from their sins And thus Christ is a seale of our Salvation 2 ¶ Againe as Christ the true or Antitypicall Abraham or Isaac is the everlasting Father of all to be saved Isa 9.6 tooke our nature on him Heb. 2. suffered and ascended Mat. Chap. 27. Chap. 28. so he is a seale interest or assurance that there shall be a multiplication of them that shall be saved by him 1. By his FATHER-HOOD PATERNITY or Father-ship Isa 53. ver 10. He shal see his SEED ver 11. he shall see the TRAVELL of his soule He shal justifie many Heb. 2.11 c. He that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are ALL ONE Behold I and the CHILDREN which God hath given me the Children partaking of flesh and bloud he partook of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the Devil ver 16. For he took not upon him the nature of Angels but the seed of Abraham for it behooved him in all things to be made like unto his brethren that he might be a mercifull and faithfull High-priest to make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people verse 10. For it became him FOR WHOM ARE ALL THINGS and BY WHOM ARE ALL THINGS in bringing MANY SONNES unto glory to make the Captaine of their salvation perfect through SUFFERING And that we might know that Christ is the seale or interest by his taking our nature not onely to save the Jews as in this second to the Hebrews but also the Gentiles the Apostle discusseth that his taking our nature in another root universall to all mankinde viz. Adam called the second Adam 1 Cor. 15. and mightily extends it as wide as the ruine that came by Adam Rom. 5. v. 15. If through the offence of one MANY be dead much more the grace of God and the gift by grace by one man Jesus Christ hath abounded to MANY verse 18. As by the offence of ONE judgement came upon ALL MEN to condemnation even so by the righteousnesse of ONE the free gift came upon ALL MEN unto justification of life 2 He is a seale or interest of the multiplication of beleevers by his suffering Heo 2.9 We see Jesus made a little lower then Angels for or by as it is in the margine the suffering of death crowned with glory and honour that he by the grace of God should taste death FOR EVERY MAN And Joh. 12.32 33. And I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw ALL MEN unto me this he said signifying what death he should dye 3 By his ascention Act. 1.11 compared with Act. 3 21. This same Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him goe into Heaven whom the Heavens must receive UNTILL the TIMES of restitution of ALL THINGS c. 3 ¶ Christ by reason of relation and union is the seale or assurance of the possession Rom. 8. Coheires with him Eph. 2.6 Set in heavenly places with him 4 ¶ As Christ is the seale or sealed one of all those three so also the Holy Spirit Baptisme and the Lords Supper are seals of all those The Spirit Eph. 1.13 14. first in generall is a seale of all the promises therefore called there the Spirit of promise saying ye were sealed with the Spirit of promise For as the promise promiseth the Spirit so the Spirit dictated to the Penmen of the Scriptures to leave us those promises and the Spirit brings home and applyes those promises to every mans particular heart 2 Cor. 3.3 1 Thess 1.5 Secondly In particular 1 The Spirit is a seale of salvation in the same Ephes 1.13 14. After ye heard the word of truth the Gospel of your SALVATION after ye beleeved ye were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise 2 A seale of multiplication of Believers For in that respect it is also there called as we hinted but now the Spirit of promise in that it is promised And how Thus that it shall be Joel 2.28 poured upon all flesh A large promise of innumerable effusions 3 A seale of the possession So in the same Ephes 1.13 14. ye were sealed with the holy spirit of promise which is the earnest of your INHERITANCE untill the redemption of the purchased possession The redemption of the soules of the Ephesians was past already therefore the redemption of the body of which the Apostle speaks Rom. 8.22 23. saying That all the creation as well as all beleevers groan after it must be meant The Apostle calls it in the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The redemption of much businesse which more sounds of a state on earth then in the highest Heavens And that our Coheirship with Christ Rom. 8. the Apostle Paul there saith verse 21 22 23. it must begin on earth And the Apostle John saith We must reigne with Christ on earth Rev. 5.10 a thousand yeers Rev. 20.4 Till Satan be there let loose and Gog and Magog thereupon make opposition verse 7.8 9. Next Baptisme is a seale as of salvation as all know so of the possession which that innumerable company of Jewes and Gentiles Exod. 12.37 38. passing through the Red sea Exod. 14. should have if there baptized beleeved 1 Cor. 10.1 c. wherein God sealed to them among other things that his power should be Omnipotent and his mercy
FACE of Christ but hereafter upon the appearance of Christ at the coming in of the fulnesse of the Gentiles and the call of the Jewes into one universall visible Church God will shine forth most gloriously through the WHOLE PERSON of Christ upon OVR WHOLE PERSONS so that we shall be like him in glory Phil. 3. 21. and we shall know as we are known 1 Cor. 13.12 we shall put off all corporall imperfections and shall apprehend him as well perfectly by our sences as by our graces as will appeare more by that which followes For ¶ 4. We shall behold him with open face or unvailed countenance or uncovered or unmasked persons as the Greeke comprehends all and this being spoken indefinitely and unlimitedly either to the beholder or thing beheld it is safest to take in both answerably opposing the two vailes afore so that 1. All we Jewes and Gentiles that shall partake of this glorious state on earth shall behold with uncovered sences with uncovered reason with uncovered graces Our eyes and mindes shall not be held as Luk 24. that our Phantasie should peirce no further then sence or that sence should apprehend extraordinary things in an ordinary notion And our reason shall not be covered nor cumbred with errour and mistakes and sensible desires and our graces shall not be blind-fold with inordinate carnall affections 2. Christ shall be beheld as altogether uncovered he shall not be covered as to be seene only in Aenigmaticall expressions as the Apostles phrase is in the Greek 1 Cor. 13. 12. or in typicall seales as in receiving the elements of the Holy Supper we are said to shew his death till he comes 1 Cor. 11.26 or in the heavens as now he is or in a personall state of humiliation as when he was on earth in afflictions and sufferings but he shall be wholly uncovered to be seene as he is in his great glory in that time of the Churches restauration on earth at his appearance as it is here said in the next particular ¶ 5. Beholding the glory of the Lord. At his first coming we beheld his ingloriousnesse Phil. 2. Isa 53. After at his transfiguration some two or three saw a glimps of a prelude of his glory After that a few saw at his ascension his entrance into supreame glory Acts 1. But here WEE ALL Jewes and Gentiles in generall whosoever and how many soever converted unto Christ shall behold 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 THAT SAME glory of the Lord. ¶ 6. And so behold as to be changed into the same image A wonderfull and efficacious beholding which shall transforme the Embryon of the new Creature conceived in the wombe of the Soule into the glorious Image of Christ by beholding him in his glory in this state on earth The divine Plants of God in this new Paradise on earth shall so see the Sun of righteousnesse that they shal blossome and flower and fructifie into like colours stripes an rayes as are in that Sun We must as the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies be Metamorphosed from our corrupt and inglorious image into the glorious Image of Christ So this text So againe the same Apostle hath it 1 Cor. 15.51 52. The introductory both of the discourse and of the thing leading to this change in verse fifty one begins at vers 22. which we have laboriously opened afore but in the seventh Section immediatly preceding To which adde this memorandum that Paul expresly treates there only of the resurrection of Beleevers as that at Christs next coming When saith the Apostle we shall not ALL sleep but we shall ALL be changed The dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed This corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortall must put on immortality then death is swallowed up And this change is said to be glorious vers 49. As we have borne the image of the earthly so we shall beare the image of the heavenly Adam viz. Christ Which suite to our present text in this 2 Cor. 3.18 That we shall so behold the glory of Christ that we shall be Metamorphosed transformed into the same image By which parallel ye perceive what the Apostle meanes by this transformation into the same glorious Image viz. to our glorious state on earth at the first resurrection of the Saints at Christs next coming At our first conversion we have some spirituall inward change Of this our Apostle made mention afore in this 2 Cor. 3. viz. vers 16. in that phrase of turning to the Lord. And vers 17. in those words where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty But in that clause in the last verse of Metamorphosing into the same Image some greater thing must be intended For ¶ 8. It followes we must be changed into the same Image from glory to glory which sounds of a future For from glory to glory must signifie more then a processe from one degree of grace to another as it is intended in Psal 84. from strength to strength and Rom. 1.17 from faith to faith for though that be the beginning and touched vers 16. 17. of this 2 Cor. 3. yet here the Apostle drives at the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the exaltation of a Saint to his height and must import that the former glory is suitable to the latter glory which is true of personall glory on earth at Christs next appearance that it is like to the latter viz. ultimate glory both glorifying the whole man whereas the glory of our imperfect sanctification doth glorifie only the inward man and that too but in part There is also a difference in the cause as it is in the last clause viz. ¶ 9. By the Lord the Spirit as we touched the Translation afore whereby it is plainly held forth that whereas our inward glory of Sanctification in all the processe thereof is from the inward power of the Spirit of the Lord our personall glory of soule and body at the said coming of Christ is from his personall presence transcendently and efficaciously radiating on our persons to a change and filling the earth with the beames of his glory Now weigh all together and see whether the whole minde of this text can be terminated in our conversion and sanctification or can be wholly extended to ultimate and supreamest glory Or can be fixt upon that unsuitable time of converting Israel at the day of the ultimate Judgement And if not then it is yet to come before the ultimate generall day of Doome SECT IX The Ninth place in the New Testament for the glorious state of all things on earth at Christs next appearance is Phil. 2.9 10 11. God hath highly exalted him Christ and given him a name above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow of things in heaven and things in the earth and thing under the earth and that every tongue should confesse that Jesus Christ is the Lord to the glory of God the
And accordingly John shews it us Chapt. 11. Chapt. 12 Chapt. 13 Chap. 19. Chap. 20. Lastly Mr. Baily confutes himselfe as hee propounds his argument For hee saith our Doctrine makes the day open● when we say The day shall be either one thousand six hundred and fifty or one thousand six hundred ninety five Surely this is not to make the day so certaine or the yeer For saith the Philosopher qui indefinite c. He that answers indefinitely answers nothing Beside we cannot for our lives count so exactly but we may misse at least one yeer if we did absolutely pitch on any one account that were never so right in the footing For my part I shall affirme what is most probable about the account when I come to the seventh and last Book SECT VII Mr. Bailyes seventh Argument THe reward of the Martyrs is everlasting life in the heavens promised to them at Christs comming to judge the just and unjust therefore it is not temporall in an earthly Kingdome of a thousand yeers The Antecedent is proved Matth. 5.10 2 Tim. 4.6 2 Thess 1.6 7 8 9 10. which without doubt is not before the last judgement else the Martyrs would be in a worse case then the soules of other Saints continuing in heaven injoying the Trinity yea a punishment to them being brought downe to the earth to return● to a body not like to the glorious body of Christ nor yet unto these incorruptible immortall spirituall bodies which yet are promised to the least of the faithfull at their resurrection 1 Cor. 15. But unto such a body that eats drinks sleeps fights delights in fleshly pleasures and converseth with beasts and earthly creatures in such a Paradise whereof the Turkish Alcoran and the Jewish Talmud doth speak much But to a godly soule is very tastelesse and to a soul that hath been in heaven exceeding burthensome Answ first We deny the consequence of the Argument For Gods rewarding his people on earth doth not anticipate heaven nor the reward in heaven cut off the rewards on earth See Mat. 19.29 shall receive an hundred fold and shall also inherit eternall life And this in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the New Creation as the word signifies And when they sit on Thrones according to Dan. 7.22 which is according to our Text of Rev. 20.4 Secondly we say that those places Mr. B. brings for the proof of his Antecedent doe prove our assertion viz. of an happinesse of the Saints on earth as well as in heaven As that in 1 Tim. 4.6 7 8. For verse 8. it is said At that day and particularly at Christs appearing To understand which see verse 1. And remember our arguing upon those words Shall judge the quicke and the dead at his appearing and his Kingdome Compare Rev. 19. latter end with Rev. 20.3 4. Likewise that which Mr. Baily urgeth out of 2 Thess 1.6 7 8 9.10 plainly proves a reward on earth as well as in heaven It is a RIGHTEOUS thing c. It is mercy to the Saints but righteousnesse chiefly appears upon the wicked that are punished And this appears more to all the world being done on earth To you that are troubled REST WITH US The Apostle aims at a Rest first on earth compare Heb. 2.5 and Chapter 4. verse 9. Rest when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from HEAVEN Not in Heaven And the flames of fire are expresse Rev. 17 16. and Chapter 18. verse 8 and 9. and Chapter 19 two last Lastly It is said in that 2 Thess 1.9 They shall be punished from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power But Christ hath no power in heaven at the ultimate day of judgement but then layes downe all 1 Cor. 15.24 As for Matth. 5.10 there is no mention of the place but in the word Heaven not expressing which of the three heavens as Paul distinguisheth Now St. John calls the ●●te of the thousand yeers Heaven Rev. 21.1 And in this place of Matth. 5.10 The adjoyning the word KINGDOME to Heaven clearly imports a state on earth For in heaven above nor Saints nor Christ have any Kingdome at the ultimate day of judgement Yee see now how truely Mr. B. saith without doubt the reward in these places is not till the last day of judgement As for M. B. words The Martyrs would be in worse case c. They are grounded on a mistake For all the Saints both the deceased and living shall then share in the same glory on earth For those words It would bee a punishment c. These all flow from ignorance of what the Scripture hath said in this point viz. that their bodies shall in the thousand yeers bee immortall and glorious and conformable to Christs body as we have shewed afore For that Mr. Baily concludes of fighting in the thousand yeers c. let him affirm it when he can without contradicting himself he affirming it a time of all corporall pleasures and when we affirme it And for Turkish Alcoran and Jewish Talmud we have nothing to do with any thing but what we are convinced is according to Scripture But it is the Scottish manner to dispute by branding with reproaches But sure their contrary opinion tends to Familisme SECT VIII Mr. Baylies eighth Argument § 1 THe opinion of the Millenaries supposeth the restauration of Jerusalem and of the Jewish Kingdome after their destruction by the Romans But the Scriptures deny this Ezek. 16.53.55 When I shall bring againe the captivity of Sodome and of Samaria and her daughters then will I bring again the captivity of thy Captives c. The Jews saith Mr. Baily are never to be restored to their ancient outward estate much lesse to a greater and more glorious Kingdome Jerusalem was to be re-builded and the spirituall glory of the second Temple was to be greater then the first And in the end of the same Chapter the restitution of the Jews after the Babylonish Captivity by vertue of the New Covenant is promised But the outward estate of that people was never to be restored to its ancient lustre more then Samaria or Sodome As Amos speakes of Samaria Chap. 5. 2. The Virgin of Israel is fallen and shall no more rise And Isa saith of Jerusalem The transgression thereof shall be heavy and it shall fall and not rise againe According to the prophesie of Jacob Gen. 49.10 The Scepter shall not depart from Judah till Shiloh come Importing saith Mr. Baily that the Tribe of Judah should ever have some outward visible rule till the comming of Christ in the flesh but thereafter the Scepter and Power of the Church shall be onely spirituall in the hand of Shiloh the Messias He was the substance and body of all these types the restauration of Jerusalem and the erecting of the Monarchy in Judah § 2 Answ The Scripture doth not deny the restauration of Jerusalem but affirme it and that most strongly as we have shewed in many
HARD BONDAGE Observe both to what persons and what time these high expressions relate before largely opened and we shal easily conclude this Text was never yet fulfilled and therefore according to the truth of God must bee fulfilled before the ultimate day of judgement for with that time this Prophesie cannot agree ¶ 6 In Isa 25.8 we have it plenissimè planissimè most fully and plainly That in that day viz. of the great restauration of the Church and ruine of their enemies verse 5 6. The Lord will WIPE AWAY ALL TEARS FROM ALL FACES And the rebuke of his people shall hee take away FROM OFF ALL THE EARTH for the Lord hath spoken it Which was never yet fulfilled and therefore is yet to come at the time we treat off as hath been before demonstrated ¶ 7 Isa 54.13 14. is also very high in expressions Thy children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of thy children In righteousnesse shalt thou be ESTABLISHED thou shalt be far from oppression for thou SHALT NOT FEAR and FROM TERROR for it SHAL NOT COME NEER THEE You see the expressions are exceeding high and they are evidently spoken concerning external rest as well as internal and wee see it by experience that this place was never yet fulfilled therefore it is yet to come as we have cleered it afore ¶ 8 In Isa 60.14 c. it is thus written The Sonnes of them that a●flicted thee shall come BENDING TO THEE and all that despised thee shall BOW THEMSELVES DOWN AT THE SOLES of thy feet Whereas thou hast been forsaken I will make thee an ETERNAL EXCELLENCY violence shall be NO MORE heard in thy land The dayes of thy mourning shall be ENDED Which place relates to our Thesis as is before demonstrated The expressions are far too high for us to acknowledge they have been fulfilled therefore we must expect them yet to come before the ultimate day of judgement for that will be no fit time for this Prophesie ¶ 9. Isa 65.19 is likewise very full to the particular in hand though in few words viz. I will joy in my people and the voyce of weeping or crying shall be NO MORE HEARD IN HER. Let the Reader judge whether this was ever yet fulfilled ¶ 10. Isa tells us Chap. 66.12 Thus saith the Lord I will extend peace to her the Church consisting of Jews and Gentiles as a river and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream I leave it likewise to the Reader to consider whether hee hath not reason to expect this as yet to come ¶ 11 We come to the Prophesies of Jeremiah Chap. 23.3 4. I will gather the remnant of my flocke out of all Countries c. and they shall fear no more nor be dismayed Which expressions are a great deal too high for our knowledge of Scripture of history or of experience to acknowledge them to have been fulfilled to this day And therefore our faith must be on God for the fulfilling of them and that before the ultimate day of judgement as the nature of the things require ¶ 12 We have in the same Prophet Chap. 30. verse 10. Jacob shall returne and shall be in rest and quiet and none shall make him afraid ¶ 13 Place is in Jer. 46.27 28. to the same effect ¶ 14 Place is in Ezek. 28.24 There shall be no more a pricking briar unto the house of Israel nor any grieving thorne of all that are round about them ¶ 15 Place Mich. 4.1 2 3. The same with Isa 2. v. 2 3 4. It s added here in verse 4. They shall sit every man under his owne vine c. and none shall make them afraid ¶ 16 Place Zeph. 3.13 14 15. They shall feed and lye downe and none shall make them afraid Sing O daughter of Zion rejoyce with all the heart the Lord hath taken away thy judgements he hath cast out thine enemies The Lord is in the midst of thee thou shalt not see evill any more This and all the rest have been proved to mean the time intended in our Position § 2 Adde in the New Testament ¶ 1 Matth. 19.29 Shall receive an hundred fold and inherit eternal life of the large opening of this place see before in the third Book ¶ 2 That in 2 Thess 1.7.9 10. To you REST as Heb. 4. when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed FROM HEAVEN his enemies being punished from the presence of the Lord as Chap. 2. and from the glory of his POWER ¶ Rev. 7.16 17 They that are sealed c. serve him day and night in HIS TEMPLE he that sitteth on the Throne shall dwell among them They shall hunger no more for the Lamb in the middest of the Throne shall feed them and wipe away all tears from their eyes ¶ 4 Rev. 21.4 St. John speaking of the state of the Church in the thousand yeers saith God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more sorrowing nor crying nor paine Every verse of this Chapter shewes it cannot bee meant of everlasting happinesse in the highest heavens Let the close of this Section be to encourage us to patience Patience in perseverance and patience in sufferance Now is Christs Kingdome of patience But anon his Kingdome of peace Twice it is said of the present state of sufferings Here is the patience of the Saints Rev. 13.10 and 14.12 Once it is said Keep the word of patience Rev. 3.10 But after a while comes the Kingdome of peace therefore Christ seales up all the Bible and all the Revelation almost with this Rev. 22.11 12. He that is righteous let him be righteous still He that is holy let him be holy still and behold I come quickly and my reward is with me Then in the last verse save one sc 20. Surely I come quickly Amen Amen Then to that end Iohns prayer closeth all as I close in verse 21. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all Amen SECT III. § 1 THus you have seen it is a sorrowlesse condition Next follows it shall be a deathlesse condition The Elect once raised at the beginning of the thousand yeers shall dye no more much lesse those alive and changed For if those alive shall not prevent them that are asleep given by the Apostle as an answer to an Objection against this Resurrection much lesse shall they that are alive being the patterne to whom the dead are promoted bee sent to death as to give place to the Elect dead that are raised And if all the Elect are raised to what end or use shall they dye that are alive If it be the priviledge that the other Saints shall be alive at Christs comming why shall they dye when here in soule and body they may behold him which is a fuller injoyment If this time of Christs appearance at the beginning of the thousand yeers be the Kingdome of Saints the prefacing beginning of their full
and the House of David shall bee as ELOHIM Potentates and as the ANGEL of God Or so as still to keep the increment and graduall rising by stops according to the true intent of the Prophet The house of David shall bee as ELOHIM that is as Angels and as that Angel or Messenger of God Christ as he is called Malach. 3. v. 1. latter part of the verse and elsewhere severall times Now this was not the excellent state of Jerusalem at the time of Christs Passion as the Reader can easily understand by the foure Evangelists without my amplifying of words The third Character is vers 9. And it shall come to passe at THAT DAY that I will seek to destroy ALL the Nations that come against Jerusalem But the Lord did not doe this at the time of Christs Passion nor in many hundreds of yeers after nor to this day The strugling of the Maccabees came to little sure enough not to so much as this Text imports but notwithstanding as after wee shall heare more of the Maccabees Jerusalem was more and more destroyed by the Nations that came against her THE ROMANS now at Christs Passion possessed it as the foure Evangelists and the Acts plainly tell us About forty yeers after as Christ prophesied TITUS the Roman Emperour destroyed the Temple Some yeers after that ADRIAN the Roman Emperour destroyed the City And since that the TURKES have miserably possessed it and subdued and defiled it unto this very day Therefore the day or time of Christs Passion or then about cannot bee THE DAY here spoken of as the principall time wherein the Jewes shall looke on him whom they have pierced St. John speakes of the thing not of the principall time wherein this was to be fulfilled But when they doe looke on him c. according to the maine meaning of this Text it must be AT THAT DAY so made glorious with those Characters for so it follows v. 10. with an AND viz. AND I wil pour c. AND they shall look upon mee This is the first reason why this Text cannot looke mainly at Christs Passion or then about The second reason is because we read not that then they had any such humiliations of families mourning apart or joyntly as they did at Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon for good King Josiahs death 2 Chron. 35. For those are the platformes of their mourning v. 11 12 13 14. of this 12. of Zechary § 4 Nor can our opposites cast the meaning of this Text of looking on Christ whom they have pierced upon the time of the ultimate generall judgement for these reasons 1. That were a late and unlikely time of repentance Then is not a time of pouring out of grace no time of gracious supplications 2. Then is no time of mourning but of joy to the Saints 3. Then the mourning of the wicked is a gracelesse horrid despairing mourning full of slavish feare But the mourning here mentioned is a mourning out of much love to Christ as is intimated in the describing it to bee like one mourning for his onely sonne yea for his first-borne yea as good people mourned for Josiah slaine at Megiddo or Megiddon as it follows in v. 10. and v. 11. and 12. And therefore the likeliest maine time to make out the true meaning of this Text is the time of the generall Call and conversion of the Jewes yet to come at the beginning of the Restitution of all things of which wee treat Then as sensibly to see him as the other things in the Context shall bee sensibly performed 5. This place of Zechary the 12. v. 10. c. will appeare much more evident for the personal appearance of Christ by the second place in the next Section being a parallel yea a quotation of this SECT II. Of the second place of Scripture for Christs Personall Appearance at the great Restauration viz. Rev. 1.7 Behold hee cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him and they also which pierced him and all kindreds of the earth shall wayle because of him even so Amen § 1 THe Context adjoyning to this Text evinceth that this is spoken of Christ and as adorned with such Titles and exploits as are most congruous to our Position v. 4 5 6. Grace be to the seven Churches from him which was and is c. and from the seven Spirits c. and from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witnesse and the first begotten of THE DEAD and the PRINCE of the KINGS of THE EARTH unto him that LOVED US c. and hath made us KINGS and PRIESTS unto God and his FATHER to him be glory and DOMINION for ever and ever Amen Behold HEE cometh with Clouds c. Hee must yet come so as to make good all these things to the Saints and to manifest yet more his owne GLORY and DOMINION § 2 What can bee plainer then that this v. 7. is a quotation of Zechary 12.10 in the very same maine phrase and words with addition of more for explanation and illustration § 3 Which cannot be meant of Christs first coming in the flesh because it is prophesied now so many yeers since Christs ascension but must relate to that coming Act. 1.11 of which more largely after This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as yee have seen him goe into heaven spoken when the Cloud v. 9. received him after that v. 6. they had asked of him whether at that time he would restore the Kingdome to Israel Leaving his Angels to give them this answer as he left them at his sepulchre to informe the commers to seeke him concerning his Resurrection Joh. 20.12 c. Every word almost of this 1. Revel v. 7. intimates that this coming is meant of a coming after his Ascension and yet before the ultimate day of doome HEE COMETH implies a future thing now after his Ascension HE COMETH in the present tense or time fairly intimates that it is not intended of his last Act that ever hee will doe which is the ultimate judgement BEHOLD implies some eminent coming and none more eminent then this for RESTITUTION OF ALL THINGS A note above THE DISSOLUTION OF ALL THINGS It is better saith Christ himself in the Gospel to save life then to destroy it HEE cometh WITH CLOUDS That is IN the Clouds As the Greeks in the same phrase say A man with Armor meaning A man in Armor The meaning is out of doubt that this coming of Christ shall not bee so obscure as his Incarnation or as his coming among the Disciples after his Resurrection but he shall come conspicuous and glorious visibly to all upon the earth which phrase must needs import a proper ocular sight of him with proper sense For by faith wee see him though not visible in the Clouds 1 Pet. 1.8 EVERY EYE shall see him must needs signifie more then a sight by faith Faith and sight are so
distinct as that the Apostle makes them opposite 2 Cor. 5.7 Heb. 11. oft Therefore every eye seeing him cannot signifie a sight of faith onely There needed not any expression of EYE or of his being in the Clouds to signifie a sight by faith Wee can now see him in Heaven by faith It is a question whether every eye that is said here to see him shall at first sight see him by faith For EVERY EYE must see him and ALL KINDREDS of the EARTH shall mourne Sure his Antichristian enemies generally shall not see him by faith whom he destroyes at his coming Rev. 19. last 2 Thess 2. to make way for the reigning of the Saints Rev. 20. EVEN SO AMEN John did believe saw Christ by faith but for that sight of him in the Clouds to be visible to him and all the Kindreds of the earth he prayes and raiseth up his faith with an hearty Amen that so it shall bee So that by all these things it is most evident that of a time and state following Christs Ascention John speakes here Nor on the other side can this Revel 1.7 bee understood of the ultimate day of judgement 1. Because it is the same with Zech. 1.10 and so for the same reasons cannot bee meant of that day of judgement 2. Because this is set here as the maine and generall Proposition to the Book of the Revelation in which the Master-peece is to set forth Christ to come and set up his Church into a most glorious estate on earth before the day of judgement as wee shall see abundantly afterwards and to make her reigne with him on earth 3. It were very incongruous for John in the last clause of verse 6. to applaud Christs DOMINION as to continue FOR EVER that is while times and ages last as the Greek imports and in the next breath in the first clause of the seventh verse to say he cometh to make an end of his Dominion For the ultimate day of judgement is the last act of Christs Dominion which done Christ layes downe all his Dominion that God may bee all in all 1 Cor. 15.24.28 Wee may not imagine such incoherencies in Johns expression now most eminently filled with the Spirit Therefore I must needs conclude that there is no such likely time of such an eminent coming of Christ and appearing to his Church as this at the time of Restitution of all things Something of this place will be more plain by that in the next Section § 4 But before wee come to that let us collate and lay together the two precedent places of Zech. 12.10 and Revel 17. and out of both containing the same sense and in the same words let us draw this argument as the summe of both Zechary the Prophet and John the Apostle both prophesie in the aforesaid places of one and the same personall appearance of Christ visibly to the eyes of men on earth after his Ascention But this cannot bee understood of his appearance at the ultimate generall judgement because they speake of his pouring out of grace and giving repentance to the families of the Jewes and of his Dominion thence to continue for many ages to the ultimate end of the world Therefore the said visible appearance of Christ is yet to bee before the ultimate day of judgement Which when should it bee but at the conversion of the Jewes and the throwing downe of his apparent obstinate Antichristian enemies as the circumstances of the said places before hinted doe cleerly evince SECT III. OF THE third PLACE OF SCRIPTURE for Christs Personall Appearance at the great Restauration of the Church viz. Matth. 24. v. 30. And then shall appeare the signe of the Sonne of man in Heaven and then shall all the Tribes of the earth mourne and they shall see the Sonne of man coming in the Clouds of Heaven with power and great glory § 1 OBserve distinctly every clause and word 1. Then shall appeare the signe of the Sonne of man that is the Sonne of man shall appeare for a signe that great things are at hand as it followes in this verse they shall see the sonne of man and mourne 2. The signe of the Sonne of man in Heaven He was before in the highest third Heaven but now in the lowest first Heaven namely of the Clouds as it follows also in this verse 3. And then shall all the TRIBES of the EARTH intimating Jewes as well as Gentiles mourne Why They shall see the Sonne of man that is as man How mourne Doubtlesse Christ meanes as Zechary meant and John meant namely the Jewes with godly repentance and his obstinate open enemies with desperation for the ruine that is coming upon them 4. Coming IN the Clouds or UPON the Clouds See now what was Johns meaning Rev. 1.7 when he said Christ should come WITH the Clouds To this matter with and in is all one And which is considerable our New Translators concur with us as by quotation in the Margin to make this and Rev. 1.7 to be parallel places tending to the same thing § 2 Now Christ spake this before his Ascention and going away above the clouds Therefore it must needs be that this must bee fulfilled after he hath attended above the Clouds Then and not till then will it be rightly said and properly fulfilled that he comes in the Clouds So the Angels at Christs Ascention Act. 1. After that in v. 9.10 He was taken up and a Cloud received him out of their sight the Disciples looking stedfastly towards heaven as he went up they say unto them This same Jesus which is TAKEN up from you into heaven shall SO COME It must needs be improper to say he shall COME IN the Clouds before hee be gone above the Clouds Before hee came at incarnation in the Virgins wombe and in a Manger But now after his Ascention above the Clouds hee shall come in the Clouds § 3 Nor can this his coming and appearance in the Clouds be here understood of his coming at the ultimate day of judgement because of that but foure verses after namely v. 34. which Christ affirmeth with grand asseveration namely Verily I say unto you THIS GENERATION shall not passe till ALL THESE things bee fulfilled And then hee seales it and binds it up in the next verse viz. v. 35. Heaven and earth shall passe away but my words and particularly those words aforegoing shall not passe away A seale doth sometimes represent the Writer as well as the words of the writing This doth something also explaine the former passages of this Chapter That heaven and earth shall passe at Christs coming that is in quality not in substance saith Oecumenius on the 21 of Revel there shall bee a new heaven and a new earth the old passing away as Isa 65.2 Pet. 3. Rev. 21. but Christs word for his Personal appearance to his people before the ultimate day of judgement shall not passe For this appearance of Christ in the
which the Apostle Heb. 2. v. 5 6 7. c. expounds of Christ and of the inhabited world to come as the Greek is vers 5. and saith that when Christ was ascended yet then all things were not put under his feet For all must be so all saith the Apostle there v. 8. that nothing must be excepted except as 1 Cor. 15. God himselfe But of this of Heb. 2. abundantly after § 2 Secondly we answer That it is the Kingdome of God his Father because Christ reignes over it as in unspeakable union with the God-head That though he be but one person yet he hath two natures So that the sense is the Kingdome of my Father that is the Kingdom of God as it is in the Syriac 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is it i● the Kingdome of a God-Christ or a God-man Christ For Father is ascribed in Scripture to the God-head usually in relation to Christ incarnate So that because the two natures are joyned as Collegues in one person over this Empire therefore it is called the Kingdome of CHRIST and of GOD. And such a phrase and upon such an occasion as cleerly relates to the Kingdome whereof we speak doth the Apostle use Eph. 5.5 The words are these This know that no whoremonger nor unclean person nor covetous man c. hath any INHERITANCE in the Kingdome of CHRIST and of GOD. The Heathens never imagined that vicious persons should enter into their heavenly Elysian-fields or the blissfull immortality of soules And Inheritance more suits to Earth then Heaven And lastly after the ultimate day of judgement Christ hath no Kingdome 1 Cor. 15.28 Therefore this place of Ephes 5.5 relates to the Great Restitution as plainlier appears by paralelling another place which fully answers to that of Ephes 5.5 viz. Rev. 22.11.15 The words are these He that is filthy let him be filthy still WITHOUT are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. the dogs the whoremongers c. when is this viz. in the time when the Throne of GOD and of the LAMB shall be and appeare glorious in the Holy City the New Jerusalem verf. 1 2 3. twice expressed There is also the like phrase of calling it the Kingdome of God and of Christ in effect Rev. 12.9.10 And the great Dragon was cast out that old Serpent called the Devill and Satan c. And I heard a loud voyce saying in Heaven Now is salvation and strength and the KINGDOME OF OUR GOD and the POWER OF HIS CHRIST So that Christ as MAN joyntly with GOD doth reigne in this Millenary Kingdome And therefore Christ speakes of new Wine New in the Kingdome of his Father before the ultimate ●ay of judgement For after that day Christ hath no KINGDOME nor POWER but layes downe all as wee have oft ●epeated it out of 1 Cor. 15.28 God the Father is then to be all in all And therefore that expression so frequent in Rev. 20. The Saints hall reigne with Christ a thousand yeers cannot be meant of supernall eternall glory after the last judgement because that place but now quoted of 1 Cor. 15.28 affirmes that then Christ himselfe is said NOT TO REIGNE but to lay down all and to be subject unto him that put all things under him that God may be all in all so that then Christ only injoys glory with his Saints not reigne as Christ in glory SECT VI. Of the sixth Scripture for Christs Personall appearance at the great restauration of the Church 2 Tim. 4.1 I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quicke and the dead at his appearing and his Kingdome § 1 THe Kingdome of Christ here mentioned cannot be referred to his past Government of the Church for it is expresse in the future tense now so long since his Ascention that he shall judge the quick and dead at his appearance and his Kingdom § 2 Nor can this Kingdome of Christ here spoken of signifie any Kingdome of Christ after the ultimate judgement for then Christ hath no Kingdome as but now and oft before was touched from 1 Cor. 15.28 § 3 But when Christ appeares next to judge the quicke and dead Saints to reward them and to destroy the then living incurable and incorrigible wicked by a particular day of Judgement at the beginning of the thousand yeares which is the Preface to the ultimate Judgement Christ all that while being busied in executing that first Sentence of Judicature Matth. 25. Come ye blessed of my Father inherite a kingdome provided for you according to Revel 11.15 17 18. of which much after compare Revel 19. three last verses I say when Christ shall then appeare hee shall have a Kingdome § 4 The word appearance is the same in the Greeke as that 2 Thes 2.8 so that Christ must appeare to the inhabitants of the earth where this his Kingdome is For the present as it is said Luk. 19.11 12. by Christ himselfe Christ is gone into a farre Country viz. into Heaven to take to him a Kingdom that is in the Metropolis Heaven he is to be crowned King of this his Kingdome he is to have on earth but he is to returne and then to take account of his servants in this his Kingdome and to dignifie the well-doers Christ must be the fifth Monarch Dan. 2.45 Dan. 7.13 14. I say Christ is to be the fifth Monarch The Jewes now have no King but in the last dayes they shall have David that is Christ the Sonne of David to be their King Hos 3. ver 4 5. And Christ in Acts 1. ver 3. having for forty dayes spoken of the things pertaining to the Kingdome of God and thereupon being asked by the Disciples ver 6 of his restoring the Kingdome to Israel he doth not deny the thing but only refuseth then to tell them the Time when it should be done But after he tells us by John in the Revelation as we shall see abundantly after SECT VII Of the seventh Scripture for the Personall appearance of Christ at the great restauration of the Church Acts 3.19 20 21. Repent yee therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. And he shall send Jesus Christ which was before preached unto you whom the Heaven must receive untill the times of restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets since the world began § 1 THis place of Scripture is the more considerable in that it is urged by some that looke upon things only with a cursory eye against Christs glorious Kingdome yet to come on earth which if well weighed speakes most strongly for it § 2 For 1. Time and especially times twice mentioned in the Plurall cannot so well relate to a state after the last Judgement when time shal be no more Rev. 10.6 7. And the Angels sware by him that liveth for ever that there should be
house therefore is to be left desolate They suffer in that destruction of the Temple and City of Hierusalem aforesaid who as to this time of Christs speech would not be gathered under the wings of Christ so after his Resurrection did not welcome him with this Blessed is he that cometh c. but belyed his Resurrection Matth. 28. refused his Doctrine A●● 13.45 and persecuted his Apostles Act. 4. Nor can this welcomming of Christ with Blessed is he that cometh c. be referred to the ultimate generall Judgement because then is a time for the generality of lamentation not of acclamation then no time of conversion of the Iewes to cause this acclamation but of judging men according to the condition they are found in Upon this text of Matth. 23.39 learned and pious Doctor Alsted hath these words By these expressions saith he Christ sheweth that the Iewes a long time after should see him not at the ulmate judgement but before that for at the ultimate judgement they shall not say with acclamation Blessed is he c. for then shall they tremble that are not converted unto him but at that time wherein he shall shew himselfe to them to convert them unto the true faith Thus Alsted I adde Nor can this be meant of the Jewes seeing him onely by faith For it is opposed to their not seeing hence forward with bodily eyes between this speech and that same untill So that the result of the sense is the same with Act. 1.11 This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as yee have SEEN him goe up into heaven Or with that Rev. 1.7 every EYE shall see him in the CLOUDS which now promised after Christs ascension is taken out of Zech. 12.10 c. described to be a time at first glimps of repentance and pouring out of Spirit unsutable circumstances for the ultimate judgement as hath been most largely afore declared § 9 Clearly therefore the meaning must bee that as Christ thought it requisite to appeare visibly in the Clouds to convert so resolute an enemy to him as was Saul so shall he thinke it meet to appeare yet before the ultimate judgement to convert the Jewes so long blinded seeing unto this day nothing but desolation rather then restauration § 10 Just as it is said in Daniel 12.1 Michael shall STAND UP that is say some learned visibly appear which standeth FOR the children of thy people 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rendred For may be translated Over as to say hee should appear over them in the clouds which is to be fulfilled saith the twelfth verse one thousand three hundred thirty and five dayes that is yeers after the ceasing of the daily sacrifice at which time Daniel shall stand in his lot upon earth vers 13. So that upon the result of the whole the meaning of this 23. of Matth. is that Christ shall so visibly and comfortably come to the Jewes that they shall joyfully and familiarly as it were speake to him saying Blessed is hee that cometh in the name of the Lord. § 11 So that * Matth. 23.39 Verba quibus caput hoc concluditur haec sun● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. de quo ut aliis quibusdam verè di●i potest quot Theologi tot sententiae Alii enim de visione non per fidem quà hîc videtur Dominus sed de eâ qûa cùm ad judicium venerit denuo videbitur quod non paucis placet Alii de de eâ intelligunt quâ a Judaeis qui in primâ agnoscere eum noluerunt tum videbitur Quae opiniones cum ab aliis resutentur singulae minori opera hic defungemur Cer●è quam praecipuè hìc amplectuntur quo nitatur fundamento nondum video Cùm praesettim ea de quibus hic agitur non minori cum gaudio pronuncianda videantur quàm cùm Domino adveneniente Osanna exclamavit populus In Iudi●●o autem tribui tetrosem impils Iudaeis vel in primis de quibus fusè ad hunc Evangelistam alibi Chrysostom●s quis nescit Dan. Heinsius the great Greek Critick I think wel hits the nayl on the head touching these words of Mat. 23.39 in his Annotations upon them Surely saith he These things here handled may seem that they are to be pronounced with no lesse joy then when at the coming of Christ towards Jerusalem the people cryed Hosanna But at the day of judgement terror is inflicted upon the wicked upon the Jewes especially of which how largely Chrysostome upon this Evangelist is who knows not By which Heinsius doth plainly hint that he understands this place of a time afore the last judgment as he that can compare the margin may more plainly see SECT IX Of the ninth Scripture for the appearance of Christ at the great Restauration of the Church Matth. 24.3 And as he sate upon the mount of Olives the Disciples came to him privately saying When shall THESE THINGS BEE and what shall be the signe of THY COMING and of the END OF THE WORLD THree things are here inquired into 1 The signes of the destruction of the Temple and City of Hierusalem which destruction had been hinted chap. 23.38 c. expressed vers 2. of this Chapter 2 The signes of Christs coming again which he had intimated chap. 23.39 3 The signes of the end of the world which they knew must in its time follow the other two the first being the type the second the preparation to the third and last § 1 Of the signes of the first viz. of signes of the destruction of the Temple and City of Jerusalem Christ speaks in the last place being of a particular and lesse concernment in the 15 16. c. in these words When ye shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet stand in the holy place let him that readeth understand then let them which be in Judea flye into the mountaines Of which words we spake upon the occasion of those words in Matth. 23.38 in the former viz. the eighth Section of this second Book § 2 Next as in the second place Christ speaks of the second viz. the signes of his second coming visibly to appear to them from the fifth verse to the thirteenth viz. there shall come 1 False Christs deceiving many 2 Wars and rumors of warres Nations arising against Nations 3 Persecutions delivering the true Christians to be afflicted and to be killed 4 Scandals Christians shall be hated of all Nations for Christs sake and many shall be offended betraying and hating one another 5 The arising of many false Prophets deceiving many 6 The abounding of iniquity and the decaying of love All these in a great measure are already fulfilled and much in these our dayes and in these Nations to which we relate § 3 In the third place Christ speakes of the third viz. of the signes of the end of the world v. 13.14 But
him all ye gods and the Greek imperative Heb. 1.6 Let all the Angels of God worship him in sense is future that is They all shal worship him as the Epistle to the Hebrews in the Hebrew copy expressely renders it in the future * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they shall adore or worship him As the Angels of heaven do and ever have done and shall more eminently when they shall be more apparently his Ministers and servants to dispense his mercy and justice in that sudden great work sudden in regard of the greatnesse of setting up New Jerusalem the great restitution of all things so the Kings Princes Emperours Potentates Powers and Angels of Churches SHALL WORSHIP HIM They shall they must doe it afore Christ layes downe his power at the ultimate day of judgement 1 Cor. 15.28 and afore they be condemned men when nothing wil be accepted from them They must do it as a sign they are brought into Christ as the intent of this Epistle is to win the Jews to him 2. ¶ To this of the time of Christs universall visible power over the whole world the one hundred and tenth Psalme sings excellent harmony a Psalme so eminent that it is quoted no lesse then seven times in the New Testament and so apt for our purpose that as the two and twentieth Psalm is of the Passion of Chirst so expounded Mat. 27. The sixteenth Psalme of Christs Resurrection so expounded Act. 2. the sixty eighth Psalme of Christs Ascention so expounded Eph. 4. So this 110 Psalme is of Christs Assession or sitting at the right hand of God till all the world be made subject to him Every verse of it almost hath something in it of this as the Chalde Syriack Arab. Rabb well expound * The Chalde on those words The Lord said to my Lord saith the Lord said to HIS WORD which is the stile of Christ in S. Job phrase but some Sy●iack thus It is a Psalme concerning Christ and his victory over the Devil who rules in the children of disobedience and gathers the Nations together to oppose Christs Kingdome And upon those words v. 2. Rod of thy strength ●oth say An iron rod to break the enemies of the Gospel Moses with the rod of God being a type of the Mesria Some Arab. thus In the day of thy power in the beuaties of holinesse That is Thou Christ art King of thy holy and beautifull Church and of thy Princedome over the Saints shall be no end that is as Daniels phrase is oft After Christ no Monarch on earth shall succeed Christ in that respect also is Alpha and Omega the first Monarch spirituall and the last visible And upon those words Womb of the morning thus Thou wast before the w●mb of thy mother which can be said of no Propher but Christ of whom it is said ●s 72. Thy Name is before the Sun R. Isaak Arama in Gen. 47 apud Nebiens dicit Before the morning star that is he was begotten before he shone in the world in the Gospel Suirably other Rabbins Ex Ab. Ezra in Ps 110 Rabbo expo●unt de Melchisedech Abraham sed dumum est Sion de Abraham explicare And upon those words The Lord hath sworn Iuravit Deus cum Davide semine suo Ex. R. Os●ad in Psa 110. De Christo Sedeas quia non adhue est tempus revelationis tuae And upon the word Priest Messias fililus Ioseph qui erat occisus Now we know the Apostles quotes this Psalme oft after Christs ascention ver 1. The Lord said to my Lord sit thou at my hand till I make thine enemies thy footstoole c. By the LORD is meant JEHOVAH as it is expresse in the Hebrew By my Lord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is meant Christ who according to his humanity is Davids Sonne but according to Deity is Davids Lord as Christ himselfe expounds it Matth. 22.44 Mar. 12.36 Luke 20.41 Accordingly the Chalde calls Christ by the same title John doth Chap. 1. v. 1. In the beginning saith John was the WORD And saith the Chalde on this Psalme The Lord said to his WORD And because Christ is Davids Lord therefore tho Psalmist David himselfe infers that he must rule over Davids poesterity though now for present with many others they be enemies Sit thou at my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstoole Which phrase cannot with any congruity be meerly spiritually understood For how can we say Converts are enemies or if by conversion his friends how can it be said they are his footstool Christ is upon other termes with men when once made beleevers as that they are one with him Ioh. 15. Ioh. 17. Therefore the plain meaning is that Christ must so rule over all that his very enemies must corporally and visibly be subject unto his power And this is prophesied and promised for future after his ascention and after his first sitting at the right hand of God But to this day now after 1600 yeers since that time Christ hath not ruled over the generality of the Iews either the ten Tribes or two Tribes either corporally or spiritually besides Indians Turks c. so as to bring them into any outward acknowledgement of him And therefore as yet All his enemies are not made his footstool but it remaines to be done before the full and finall destruction at the ultimate day of judgement 3 ¶ Sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool is like that Act. 3.21 whom the Heavens must receive untill the times of the RESTITUTION he saith not DESTITUTION of all things And that Rev. 19. last Rev. 20.1 He shall slay his incurable Antichristian enemies and shall descend from Heaven 4 ¶ The Apostle doth yet much more give us light in this thing Heb. 2.8 9. In putting all things in subjection under him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he left nothing that is not put under him Now saith the Apostle We see not yet all things put under him though the Apostle there confesseth that Christ was already ascended So that Christ must sit in Heaven till his enemies be put in subjection under him which cannot be at the ultimate generall judgement For before that Christ at his next coming must receive a Kingdome Luke 19.11 c. which hath been largely cleared afore 2 Book Sect. 10. hee must in order of nature at his next appearance first have a Kingdome and then judge 2 Tim. 4.1 which also hath been abundantly opened afore 2 Book Sect. 6. For upon the ultimate day of judgement he layes downe all his authority 1 Cor. 15.28 5 ¶ The Apostle addes further light to this in his quotation of this of the 110. Psal in Act. 2.32 33 34 35 36. This Iesus hath God saith the Apostle Peter raised up c therefore being by the right hand of God exalted and having received of the Father the promise of the holy Ghost he hath shed forth this as
20 21. Assemble your selves and come draw neer together yee that are ESCAPED of the Nations Tell ye and bring them neer Look unto me and be saved all the ends of the earth c. as it follows in the words above described at large So that by the connexion it is evident that the words above quoted concerne both Jews and Gentiles § 2 The words are not onely a prescript and precept to all the ends of the earth which must needs include Jewes and Gentiles but also a Prophesie and Promise that all the ends of the earth shall look to the Lord for salvation expresse in saying Be ye saved And in the 23 verse I have sworne by my selfe unto me every knee shall bow and every tongue shall vow surely shall each one say in the Lord have I righteousnesse c. which is the plaine language of a promise and is confirmed in manner of a promise with that great confirmation Gods oath § 3 First for the two former verses viz. the 22 and 23 of looking to God and bowing the knee to him the Apostle applies them twice in the New Testament to that future submission and subjection that all the world shall yeeld to Jesus Christ long after his ascention 1 ¶ The first time is in Rom. 14. v. 8 9 10 11. Verse 8. Whether we live we live to the Lord and whether we dye we dye unto the Lord whether we live therefore or dye we are the Lords 9. For to this end Christ both dyed and rose and revived that he might be Lord both of the dead and living 10. But why dost thou judge thy brother c. wee shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ For it is written as I live saith the Lord every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confesse to God In which words 1 It is plainly held forth that the Apostle proves Christs Lordship or Kingly-hood over ALL both dead and living by this place of Isa That every knee shall bow to the Lord. And that as God made Christ a Priest by an oath Psal 110. emphatically urged by the Apostle Heb. 7.20 c. so he makes him Lord and King by an oath in this place of Isaiah and so applied by our ●postle in this 14 of Rom. to signifie the certainty of the thing 2 That being delivered in the future tense it must signifie more then Christs spirituall Kingdome which he then had when Isaiah prophesied 3 That the Apostles mentioning after Christs ascention his Lordship over the dead and our standing at his judgement seat must signifie a state now after Christ is in heaven yet to come For he is not God of the dead but as they are living in soule in order to a resurrection as Christ himselfe expounds in the Evangelist 4 That this must be a state on earth before the ultimate Doom in that the Apostle out of the Prophet asserteth that all must bow to him either sincerely or at least seemingly which cannot be so cleerly understood to be feisable at the ultimate day of judgement which is the finall destruction of all not sincere to Christ and the time of Christs Resignation of all his power 1 Cor. 15. For the wicked to submit and perish in the same houre were little honour to Christ and a short time for all the world to confesse to him 5 That this is a kind of day of judgement that is the beginning or preface to the great and ultimate day of judgement at the beginning of the thousand yeers when Christ destroyes all the open obstinate wicked and sets up the Church into a glorious estate Rev. 19. latter end And Rev. 20. first six verses compare v. 8.9 c. And at this beginning or preface do all believers stand at the judgement seat of Christ Revel 11. v. 15. v. 18. Rev. 20. first six verses where they receive honour and rewards of grace and favour For according to our Apostle this bowing c. must be at SOME day of judgement But it cannot be at the ultimate finall and therefore afore at the beginning of the day of judgement viz. at the beginning of the thousand yeers 2 ¶ The second time of the Apostles application of this of Isaiah touching bowing to the submission of all unto Christ is Phil. 2 v. 8 9 10 11. Ver. 8. Being found in fashion as a man hee humbled himself and became obedient unto the death c. 9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name 10. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in EARTH and things under the Earth 11 And that every tongue should confesse that Jesus Christ is LORD to the glory of God the Father 1 By the quotation of the place out of Isaiah it is evident that the meaning of bowing the knee at the name of Jesus is to submit to the Lordly and Kingly power of Christ 2 Every knee both of things in heaven that is of Angels as they shall in speciall bee imployed in gathering the Church and setting up the glorious state thereof Rev. oft and in earth that is of all men and under the earth that is at Christs pleasure there shall bee no sea Rev. 21.1 must needs import a state on earth Which in the third particular is more confirmed That every tongue shall confesse that Jesus Christ is the LORD to the glory of God the Father § 4 Now this of Isaiah intended for salvation of Jews and Gentiles and as explained by the Apostle touching submission to and glorifying of Christ cannot comport with the ultimate doome As they were never yet fulfilled but rather most knees and tongues as of Turks Papists Heathens Socinians and all prophane persons whatsoever are against Christ to this day And therefore these things must have a time on earth before the ultimate judgement to bee fairely and effectually fulfilled § 5 As for the two last Verses of this 45 of Isaiah Viz. v. 24 and 25. I need no more but aske the question was that ever fulfilled which is there spoken that every knee and tongue shall come and say for so is the connexion especially according to the Hebrew Text surely in the Lord have I righteousnesse and strength Or that fulfilled there also expressed That ALL that are incensed against the Lord shall bee ashamed Or that fulfilled which is the close of all That in the Lord all the seed of Israel shall be justified and shall glory I say when ever were these fulfilled You have seen that the persons spoken of are Israel and Jacob comprehending all the seed of the twelve Tribes and all the ends of the earth of Gentiles and that the Apostle expounds The Lord by the Lord Christ Therefore I may boldly aske when ever were these fulfilled Surely to our sorrow that are Beleevers wee see the contrary of all these in the generality of all men Turks
second coming as John Baptist was at his first For to the Jews alone is this Elias promised and not to the Gentiles and John Baptist wee know the Elias of his first coming preached to them alone It is well known that all the Fathers unlesse S. Hierome somewhat staggered were of this opinion and why we should so wholly reject it as we are wont to do I can see no sufficient reason For if the Fathers erred concerning the person and other circumstances of this Elias yet it follows not but the substance of their opinion might bee true As we know also they erred concerning the person quality and reign of Antichrist and yet for the substance the thing was true Our Saviour rejected not the tradition of the Scribes concerning the coming of this Elias when the Apostles objected it though it were mingled with some falshood but corrected it onely for they looked for Elias the Thisbite but our Saviour admits it only of Elias in Spirit not of Elias in person so yeelding it true for the substance though erring in circumstance so should we doe in the like case For hee that throwes away what he findes because t is foule and dirty may perchance sometimes cast away a Jewell or a peece of gold or silver so hee that wholly rejects an ancient Tenet because it hath some errour annexed to it may unawares cast away a Truth as this seemes to be of an Elias to be the Harbinger of Christs second comming And that for these reasons First Though the prophecy of Esaias The voice of one crying in the wildernesse prepare yee the way of the Lord make his paths straight alledged by all the four Evangelists and by John himselfe seems appliable onely to the first coming of Christ yet the other out of Malachi expresly quoted by St. Marke and by our Saviour Mat. 11 though elsewhere alluded unto seemes by Malachi himself to be applyed not onely to the first coming of Christ but also to his second coming to judgement For in his last chapter speaking of the coming of that day which shall burne like an oven wherein all the pround yea and all that doe wickedly shall be as stubble and it shall burne them up leaving neither root nor branch c. he addeth Behold saith the Lord I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of that great and terrible day of the Lord and he shall turn or restore the heart of the fathers to their children and the heart of the children to their fathers lest I come and smite the earth with a curse If you wil not admit the day here described to be the day of judgement I know scarce any description of that day in the old Testament but we may elude For the phrase of turning or as I had rather translate it restoring as the LXX 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to their fathers the meaning is that this Elias should bring the refractary and unbeleeving posterity of the Jewish nation to have the same heart and mind their holy Fathers and Progenitors had who feared God and beleeved his promises that so their Fathers might as it were rejoyce in them and own them for their children that is he should convert them to the faith of that Christ whom their Fathers hoped in and looked for lest continuing obstinate in their unbeliefe till the great day of Christs second coming they might perish among the rest of the enemies of his kingdome Therefore the Son of Syrach in his praise of Elias the This bite paraphraseth this place after this manner who wa st ordained saith he an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or type for so it may bee turned for the times to come to pacifie the wrath of the Lords judgement before it breake forth into fury and to turne the heart of the Father unto the Son and to restore the tribes of Israel Eccles 48.10 which explication also the Angel warranteth Luke 1.17 in his message to Zachary concerning his sonne He shall goe saith he before the Lord in the spirit and power of Elias to turne the hearts of the Fathers to the children and the disobedient to the wisdome of the just this is instead of reducing the hearts of the children to the Fathers to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. For the better understanding of this first reason we must know that the old Prophets for the most part spake of the coming of Christ indefinitely and in generall without that distinction of first and second coming which we have more clearly learned in the Gospel For this reason those Prophets except Daniel who distinguisheth those comings and the Gospel out of him that speake of the things which should be at the coming of Christ indefinitely and all together we who are now more fully informed by the revelation of his Gospel of this distinction of a two-fold coming must apply each of them to its proper time Those things which befit the state of his first coming unto it and such things as befit the state of his second coming unto his second And that which befits both alike as this of an Harbinger or Messenger may be applyed to both My second reason for the proofe hereof is from our Saviours own words in the Gospel Mat. 17.10 11. where his Disciples immediatly upon his transfiguration asking him saying Why then say the Scribes that Elias must first come Our Saviour answers Elias truly shall first come 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and shall restore all things These words our Saviour spake when John Baptist was now beheaded and yet speakes as of a thing future 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Elias shall come and shall restore all things How can this be spoken of John Baptist unlesse he be to come again Besides I cannot see how this restoring of all things can be verified of the ministery of John Baptist at the first coming of Christ which continued but a very short time and did no such thing as these words seeme to imply for the restoring of all things belongs not to the first but to the second coming of Christ if we will beleeve St. Peter in his first Sermon in the Temple after Christs ascension Acts 3.19 where he thus speakes unto the Jewes Repent saith he and bee converted for the blotting out of your sins that the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord and that he may send Jesus Christ which before was preached unto you whom the heavens must receive untill the times of the restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets since the world began The word is the same 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 If the time of restoring all things be not til the second coming of Christ how could John Baptist restore all things as his first If the Master come not to restore all things at his first surely his harbinger
tell One of our opposites said that it must be a long while that Christ judgeth as man and judgeth men as men and therefore the ultimate judgement must be a long time ¶ 2 To the second proof viz. out of Act. 3.21 wee have already largely shewed that that place is very full and home for our opinion See our second Book page 96. But because Mr. Bayly will undertake to urge some speciall particulars we will answer particularly to them First He urgeth That the time here understood is that when all things spoken by all the Prophets are performed But all things spoken by all the Prophets are not performed till the last day of judgement Hee backs this with Rom. 8.21 compared with verse 18. and 23. where saith he The restitution of the creatures to their desired liberty comes not before the redemption of our bodies and the glory to be revealed on the whole Church at the last day To which wee answer Mr. B. in most of these Propositions refers which in our English peremptorily to all things But the Greeks is plainly this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. and is duely rendred thus Whom the heavens must receive untill the TIMES of restitution of all things WHICH TIMES God hath spoken c. And so the Arabecke Christ must be received of heaven unto THE TIMES which shall confirm the perfecting of all the speeches which times God hath spoken of c. And plain reason is most fair for this reading of referring which to times not to all things because all the Prophets of the Old Testament generally for the most part have spoken of the TIMES of restitution but have not spoken of all things that are to bee fulfilled witnesse many things in the New Testament which the Apostles tell us were hid in old time and St. Johns six first Seales Trumpets and Vials shew as much As also the binding of Satan And therefore that speech of Mr. B. That the time of the performing of all things which any of the Prophets have spoken cannot possibly exist before he last judgement is a false proposition because some of the Prophets whole Prophesies in the Old Testament for them Peter then must needs mean have been fulfilled already As the Prophesie of Jonah the utmost of which was the resurrection of Christ which was a time of restitution of our Head but not of all things by our Head Adde that it is said Here the TIMES of restitution of ALL THINGS which are distinguished from the ultimate day of judgement which is a time of dissolution and destruction of things To which RESTITUTIO● is quite opposite And TIMES are in the plurall as well as THINGS And therefore a precise ultima●e day of judgement in Mr. B. sense is not particularly pointed out But that ALL THINGS MUST HAVE their TIMES to be restored As the Saints for a thousand yeers And restitution imports a state once had and lost not a state altogether new and different as that in heaven And therefore Psal 8. and Heb. 2. doe refer to such a state as Adam had For Rom. 8.18 to 24. which Mr. B. quotes for proof That the time of fulfilling all things which any of the Prophets have spoken cannot possibly exist before the last judgement I say his quoting this eighth of Rom. to confirme this Proposition Mr. Bayly taking the last judgement for the ultimate day of judgement overthrows himselfe For in these thousand yeers is revealed the glory IN US Rom. 8.18 Marke the phrase in us And in verse 19. Then is the manifestation viz. to all the world of the Sonnes of God which in heaven is hid from the world And verse 19.20 31 22. Then in those thousand yeers the creature IT SELFE and whole creation according to their groans shall be delivered from the vanity and travell and paine it is now in into the liberty of the Sons of God which cannot be at the ultimate day of judgement when comes the dissolution And then in that thousand yeers most properly is it said in verse 25 And not onely the CREATURES but OUR SELVES ALSO shall have the redemption of our bodies it being a condition proper in place and nature for bodies The second thing that Mr. Bayly urgeth out of this third of Act. 21. is That the time here spoken of is when the Jews to whom Peter spake were to be refreshed by the Lords presence But that shall not be before the generall Resurrection To which we answer This is a begging of the question wee have shewed that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from the face or appearance of Christ shall the Saints in this thousand yeers have a great refreshing especially here meant of the Jewes in generall who then must be called and so injoy this refreshing For at the ultimate judgement and generall Resurrection will bee too late a time to call them The third thing Mr. Bayly urgeth out of this Act. 3. is this The time when God doth solemnly before men and Angels declare the absolution and blotting out of the sins of all his people is not before the last day But this is the time whereof the Apostle Peter speaks in the present place as appears by verse 19. That your sins may be blotted out when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. To which we answer as to the minor Proposition First that Peter here speaks of the blotting out the Jews sins and those sins were refusing and crucifying Christ Act. 2. And these are blotted out when Christ appears and they repent at sight of him and owne him and this is before the last day of judgement Zach. 12.10 Rev. 1.7 as we have before demonstrated out of these places As for all those words Mr. Bayly heaps up of solemnly before men and Angels declare the absolution c. they cannot be inferred from this text As the word refreshing is but a low word to signifie the absolutest highest happinesse And the last day is a late time to blot out the sins of the Jews when they are not yet converted nor shall then bee but by the appearance of Christ unto them Zach. 11. Rev. 1. ¶ 3 The third and last proof of Mr. Baylies minor Proposition of his first Argument That Christ remaines in the heavens till the last judgement is in John 14.2 and 3. To which we answer Christ doth not in the least there intimate that he would not come againe till the last judgement as Mr. B. understands the last judgement And it is very plaine that Christ will first come againe and receive them to himselfe before he carry them into the mansion in the highest heavens if Mr. Bayly wil needs understand those mansions onely Howbeit there is no expression of Heaven And the Greek is prepare a place without any article of emphasis And the Fathers house is large Ephes 3.14 15. For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the whole family in heaven and
to the Church Which is added to this All-New condition Rev. 21.4 As there shal be no place so no more time for any sorrowful or sorrow-making things or persons or mutable matters Christ will not allow them an houre nor a minute in the Church Dives had his time Their glasse is run Christs houre is come The Sonne of righteousnesse ariseth the dark must be gone ¶ 5 This imports that the happinesse of Saints shall not be given them by measure of time Tempus est numerus motus Time is measured motion Saints shall not be happy so long and no longer This thousand yeers is the prelude to everlasting infinite glory Saints shall not need to wish saying This is a happy condition if it would hold So that as miseries shall not have the least time allowed them on earth so the Saints mercies shall not be measured out to continue onely so long and no longer The thousand yeers are the preface and then Magog stirring at last gives Christ occasion to give them the Saints everlasting infinit injoyment So that in the glorious state of the Church shall be no measuring it out by time as so long to continue and no longer It shall be a thousand yeers happy on earth But then it is not said shall be an end But this is swallowed up of a greater Of this stability of things at this time see further in Isa 33.6 spoken in relation to the call of Jewes c. wisdome and knowledge shall be the stability of times and strength of salvation and the feare of the Lord thy treasure As grace shall not period with time And God cannot period with time so nor the Churches condition Isa 60.19 The Sunne shall be no more thy light by day nor the Moon thy brightnesse by night but the Lord shall be thy EVERLASTING LIGHT and thy God thy glory which applied to Church state in the seventh Trumpet Rev. 21.23 It followes Isa 60.20 Thy Sunne shall no more goe downe neither shall thy Moon withdraw it selfe for the Lord shall be thy everlasting light and the dayes of thy mourning shall be at an end Rather then the Sun and Moon shall play fast and loose with the Church they shall not Move There shall bee no more Sun set or change of the Moon No measuring out Saints happinesse by times SECT VIII The next Quality is That at this time there shall be a perfection of all qualities both natural and spiritual in the Saints § 1 AS before we said No measuring by fading time so now we affirm no stinting to an infirme degree Now there shall bee no lower degree then a freedome from all imperfection Zach. 12.8 It s spoken of this time see verse 12. viz. When the Jews shall see Christ and mourne and repent and bee filled with grace Then verse 8. Hee that is feeble shall be as David And the house of David as God better rendred as Angels The Hebrew is Kelohim Elohim oft signifying Angels and here is an Incrementum so that the last must be highest then it follows as the Angel of God Hebrew is emphatical Hamaleak the name of Christ Malach. 3. The sense then is They shall be as Christs how strong the feeble shall be viz. as strong firm and sublime in perfection as David And how shall David be As an Angel Yea as Christ Sutable to 1 Cor. 15. We shall be conformable to Christ And Phil. 3.21 Our bodies like his glorious body And 1 Cor. 13.12 Know as we are knowne our graces shall be as Rivers in the Ocean Isa 11.9 So that as our perfection cannot period so nor last by vicissitudes as now sometimes up sometimes sinke but shall be still at full height SECT IX A Confluence of all Comforts in the injoyers and injoyed § 1 AS it is said 1 Pet. 1. who in 2 Epist 3. Chapter speaks of this glorious time I say as it is said 1 Pet. 1. verse 3 4 5. He hath begotten us againe to a lively hope by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ to an inheritance incorruptible RESERVED IN HEAVEN for you who are kept by the power of God ready to be REVEALED in the LAST TIME so now in this Heaven as it is called Rev. 21. the inheritance is kept perfect to us and us in it Of this see all the 35. Chapter of Isa Wee did before demonstrate that that Isa 34. relates to this time we speake of And this 35. Chapter is but a part of the same discourse As the forme viz. the 34. Chapter is of the ruine of the Churches enemies and the delivery of the Church so this 35. Chapter is a description what the Church shall injoy Viz. verse 1. The solitary places shall be glad for them and the Desart shall rejoyce and blossome like a rose Verse 2. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it The excellency of Carmel and Sharon shall see the glory of the Lord. Verse 3. Strengthen ye the weake hands and confirme the feeble knees Verse 4. Say unto them that are of a fearful heart be strong feare not behold your God will come with vengeance he will come and save you Verse 5. The eyes of the blinde shall be opened and the deafe eares unstopped Verse 6. Then shall the lame man leap as an Hart and the tongue of the dumb sing for in the wildernesse shall waters break out and streams in the desart Verse 7. The parched ground shall become a poole and the thirsty land springs of waters In the habitation of Dragons shall bee grasse and rushes Verse 8. An high-way there shall be and it shall bee called the way of holinesse the unclean shall not passe over it Fools shall not erre therein Verse 9. No Lion shall be there nor ravenous beast shall goe up thereon but the redeemed shall walk there Verse 10. And the ransomed of the Lord shall returne and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads they shall obtaine joy and gladnesse and sorrow and sighing shall flye away Yee see how all happinesse is upon the possession and the Possessor The possession shall not bee defective and unserviceable and the Possessour shall not by any impediment bee hindered of his injoyment All the Injoyers and Injoyments shall be varnished with beauty environed with peace enlarged with liberty perpetuated with stable equability ¶ 1 Varnished with beauty As Homer saith of the Golden Sea because of the beams of the Sun raditing upon it so the Church and all the Churches injoyments shall be guilded with beams guilded with beams of Christs glorious presence At this time Christ shall arise as the Sunne Malach. 4. as wee have shewed compared with 2 Pet. 1.19 And because he ariseth and shines on the Church therefore the Church shall arise and shine as the Sunne rising in the East looks on the Moon and makes it at the full in the West Isa 60.1 2. Arise shine for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord
in these comparisons As the Summer Sunne rising ascending and setting differs from the heavens continued into one whole Sunne whereby it would be alwayes day and alwayes glorious Summer And as a River differs from a Sea of sweet waters the River exists by succession the Sea is still the same fixed So in this state we speake of Every injoyment and injoyer shall bee as full at first in perfection and joy as at last CHAP. V. THus of Qualities now wee come to Priviledges sc That which Saints had afore either in common with others or in an ordinary degree they shall now have in a way of special Priviledge and preheminence SECT I. First Priviledge The fulfilling of most things that before were but foretold § 1 THe Mysteries and Prophesies which before they had but in the Word now they shall have in the thing ¶ 1 For Mysteries See Rev. 11.19 The Temple of God was opened and there was seen in his Temple the Arke of his Testament This cleerly relates to the time we speake of as it is evident in verse 15. The seventh Angel sounded c. And the Temple of God was opened in Heaven By comparing this with Rev. 21. verse 22 the thing is plainer And I saw no Temple therein but the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb was the Temple And this also relates to the same time See verse 1. I saw New Heaven and New Earth Verse 2. And I saw New Jerusalem This Prophesie plainly foretels of a kinde of Temple in those dayes of which we speak In Ezek. wee have much of the measures of the Temple So Ezek. Chapter 41. and 42. c. cleerly relating to a New Testament time by St. Johns exposition Rev 21. And Malachy tels us Chap. 3. verse 1. The Lord will suddenly come to his Temple And John saith Rev. 7.15 The Saints serve God day and night in his Temple Chap. 11.1 The Temple is measured Chap. 14 15 17. Angels come out of the Temple Chap. 15.5 The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony in heaven was opened Chap. 16.1.17 Voyces come out of the Temple And in the Text wee alleadged Chap. 11. v. 19. The Temple of God was open and the Arke was seen Now what is the meaning of all Surely a Temple equivalently they shall have But no Temple properly as it is said Rev. 21. v. 22. I saw no Temple But God and the Lamb was that equivalent Temple yea that super-eminent Temple And the presence of God in Christ shall bee such with them that as Rev. 11.19 that spiritual Arke shall not be hid as was the material Ark in the Old Testament Temple but shall be seen In the Ark was the Table of the Law and the Pot of Manna Christ the end of the Law Rom. 10.4 And Christ and his word is the Manna Rev. 2. The Arke was in the holiest of Holies which was seldome seen and onely when the High Priest went in But now this spiritual Arke in this glorious time is commonly seen Observe That the Arke typified Christ and his Word As the Temple was a pledge of Gods presence as before that the Tabernacle was So that the meaning is That now Gods presence shall be such in and through Christ to his Church that the glory of Christ and the mystery of his word shall be far more plain unto them There shall be no material Temple but there shall be the equivalent Temple the Antitype Gods presence in Christ gloriously manifest And his Word more open and plaine then ever since the New Testament All mysteries relating to this time foretold shall be revealed Now shall bee fulfilled that Dan. 12. Knowledge shall be increased And that Isa 11. The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the Sea All that men had before in the ear now they shall have in the eye their science shall be turned to experience ¶ 2 All Prophesies relating to the best of Times of the Saints welfare shall now be fulfilled The Saints shall not have these things onely in types visions or knowledge but in possession and happy injoyment The Revelation is the summe of all the Prophets This is declared to John by Christ Rev. 1. sc in a representation And therefore it is said Rev. 22.6 The Lord God of the holy Prophets sent his Angel to shew unto his servants the sayings of the Prophesie of this Booke The intent and meaning is That the Lord God that spake by the Prophets and spake of these things by the Prophets sent by his Angel to explain those things delivered by the Prophets concerning these times of which we speak Now this Book of the Revelation though it be far plainer then the Prophets yet it is not fully and wholly plain to us therefore called A sealed Booke that Christ must open Rev. 5. This opening is by the events Rev. 6. c. which will be compleatly done in this visible glorious time of the Church as we may perceive by the light now at the dawning afore the Sunne of righteousnesse doth arise Christ is the Yea and Amen of all the promises 2 Cor. 1.20 therefore when he appears again all will appear fulfilled As the woman of Samaria said Joh. 4. so it shall be sc when the Messiah commeth which is called the Christ he shall tell us all things yea restore all things Act. 3. Therefore is Christ called the WORD of GOD and the Heire of all things because he will declare and perform all things § 2 What Mr. Bolton saith of everlasting glory in the highest Heaven shall be proportionably true now in this thousand yeers We shall perfectly understand all Physical or natural and spiritual things what is the number of the Heavens The essences of the creaures How we shall know and behold God in Christ c And then shall bee fulfilled all the prayers of Saints put up for the welfare of Church and Saints from the beginning of the world Then shall Sem and Japhet dwell together Then those prayers that gave God no rest till he made Jerusalem a praise shall be answered and all the glorious things that have been spoken of the Church the City of God shall appear in their colours and be given in in great glory As it is said she is the Lords portion Deut. 32.9 His pleasant portion Jer. 12.10 His inheritance Isa 19.25 All people are the worke of his hands but his Church is his Inheritance Again the Church is called the Dearly beloved of his soule Jer. 12.7 His love his dove his undefiled all faire c. Cant. oft His Treasure and peculiar treasure Ex. 19 5. The Lords house of glory Isa 60.7 Yea His glory Isa 46.13 and THE glory of God Jer. 3.17 Nay the Throne of his glory Jer. 14.21 Nay the Crowne of his glory Isa 62.3 Nay the Royal Diadem Ibid. Againe the Church is called The ornament of God the beauty of his ornaments the beauty of his ornament in
great a Testimony as this of JUSTIN MARTYR may be brought concerning any opinion among Christians if you except the maine Articles of our faith And the generall consent of all the ORTHODOX and in the Age next the Apostles is no small argument or prejudice against the contrary opinion or succeeding Ages It seemed the HERETICKS of those times ESPECIALLY or indeed ONELY believed it not and that for some private respect because admitting thereof they must needs also confesse a RESURRECTION OF THE FLESH and that the same God that is mentioned in the LAW and PROPHETS is also the FATHER OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST I am sure CERINTHUS that ARCH-HERETICK in those dayes whom after ages doe make the first broacher of this opinion is never taxed for it by them who have diligently noted his HERESIES And perhaps if hee had any sensuall conceit hereal out as it seems hee had hee was beholding to JUDAISME for it and he himself being a JEW it was not taken notice of in him But for a HRISTIAN to have such doting imaginations it would render him more wild-headed Yet no man ought to hee blamed for maintaining a TRUTH in a JEWS company either in THIS MATTER or any else if with heed bee passe by those grosse phantasies which doe blemish the truth More deservedly may wee finde fault with DIONYSIUS and his followers the great impugners of this opinion who when about the end of the third AGE the dispute about it grew very hot to lessen the Authority of the REVELATION by the evident and undeniable proofes whereof the matter in question was asserted a foule impiety they fathered it upon I know not whom yet one of the same name against the manifest witnesse of JUSTIN IRENAEVS and all the FATHERS afore them who inscribe it to JOHN THE BELOVED DISCIPLE OF CHRIST and EVANGELIST Neither can HIEROME himselfe be excused though a very learned man otherwise but easie to bee deceived who with the same DIONYSIVS doth upon an uncertaine report falsely affixe to the opinion of them who according to truth believed the THOVSAND YEERS happinesse on Earth the INJVRY OF CIRCVMCISION THE BLOOD OF SACRIFICES c. which old peeces of JUDAISME or perhaps the dreames of some HERETICKES being gathered out of a study of contention and ill will were patcht to this opinion of the PRIMITIVE CHURCH But IF hee CERTAINLY knew that the FIRST CHRISTIANS and holy MARTYRS did expect Circumcision and Sacrifices in the Kingdome of Christ how is he to be blamed that condemned them not for it but left every man to the freedome of his owne judgement either to approve or dislike thereof as Hierom expresseth himselfe openly § d. But what countenance soever this opinion hath or shall finde in this age let me tell the Reader this one thing that seeing there are so manifest proo●es of a GLORIOUS KINGDOME OF THE SAINTS ON EARTH out of the Old Testament there will be not better or readier way to deale with the Jewes in matter of their conversion then not to wrest the pla●ne Prophesies of a SECOND GLORIOUS APPEARANCE OF CHRIST to his FIRST COMING but rather to perswade them that they must expect no other MESSIAS who should fulfill all these promises expecting what is to be expected besides that JESUS OF NAZARETH whom their Ancestors crucified And this way is every where almost insisted upon throughout the whole REVELATION For whiles wee force those most cleare Prophesies concerning things promised in the SECOND COMING to his FIRST COMING the JEWES scorne and deride us and are more and more confirmed in their infidelity But for the course which I have here set downe I am much mistaken if it be not the same which was observed among them by PETER himselfe Act. 3 19 20 21. REPENT YEE THEREFORE and BE CONVERTED THAT YOUR SINNES MAY BEE BLOTTED OUT WHEN THE TIME OF REFRESHING SHALL COME FROM THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD AND HE SHALL SEND JESUS CHRIST WHICH BEFORE WAS PREACHED TO YOU WHOM THE HEAVENS MUST RECEIVE UNTILL THE TIMES OF RESTITUTION OF ALL THINGS WHICH GOD HATH SPOKEN BY THE MOUTH OF ALL HIS HOLY PROPHETS SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN § e. But I forget my selfe For indeed I thinke it more fit to publish what might bee piously believed concerning this TENENT rather in another mans sense and expressions then in mine owne being more willing to learne then obtrude mine own weaknesses To this end I have also collected Hee meanes in his Notes on his translation of ALSTED put in the Margin as I suppose What some of the most eminent DIVINES of the Church of ENGLAND Dr. HAKEWELL Dr. TWISSE Mr. MEDE c. that thou mightest not thinke it onely an Out-landish toy or phantasie of yesterday much lesse a savouring of POPERY have thought and published concerning this opinion Besides the irrefragable judgement of divine TYCHO BRAHE and with him the determination of CAROLUS GALLUS omitted by ALSTED and not long since one of the STATES PROFESSORS OF DIVINITY in the University of LEYDEN § 4. DIATRIBE de MILLE ANNIS APOCALYPTICIS non illis CHILIASTARUM PHANTASTARUM sed BB Danielis Johannis per JOHANNEM HENRICUM ALSTEDIUM Francofurti 1627. § a. Hunc Tractatum fidelissimè W. BURTON cum doct is suis Annotationibus in margine juxià positis in nostram linguam vernaculam transtulit § b. Is in priori suâ Epistolâ translationi praefixâ cùm AUTHORI tum OPERI tùm etiam SUBJECTO hoc encomiasticum per hibet testimonium AUTHOR eruditione aequalis censetur aestimationis cuilibet Scriptorum recentium transmarinorum mult is abbinc annis transactis OPUS est exegesis vigesimi Capitis Apocalypsis SUBJECIUM ejus est splendentis regni in terrâ Christi assertio res maximi proculdubio solaminis Ecclesiae Dei consolationis Non me latet Apocalypticos plerumque discursus multis obtrectationibus esse expositos ipsamque hanc Prophetiam etiamnum librum fuisse obsignatum Quum verò ego ipse multum ex hâc illius exegese satisfactionis recepissem statui apud me item Dei populum ex eâdem aliquid fructus posse emetere Quod sanè praecipuum fuit in causâ me illam omnium publicam fecisse In EPISTOLA ejus secundâ eidem praepositâ in hunc modum opinionis nostrae HISTORICE rationem reddit Quam brevibus sic accipite Liceat mihi bone lector tibi narrare perpetuam fuisse opinionem seculi Apostolis proximi RESURRECTIONEM fore ante ILLAM Die ultimo generalem beatamque fidelium conditionem in TERRA MILLE ANNOS Hoc nos edocebunt Tertullianus contra Marcion Irenaeus contra Haeres nec non Justinus Martyr in Dialog cum Tryph. Jud. ut prolixius è Justino nos anteà citavimus Quibus Justini verbis hanc suam addit sententiam Nescio inquit an tantum ut hoc JUSTINI testimonium pro aliquâ Christianorum opinione exceptis fundamentalibus fidei articulis afferri possit Generalis autem ORTHODOXORUM consensus
Antichristian how shall wee pitch the compasses of our account so as to pick up a select number of Saints whose soules were just one thousand yeers in heaven before the last resurrection this being spoken of Saints in generall and of their state after the full and finall fall of Antichrist Rev. 19. the Chapter immediately foregoing § 4 Truly to speake my very conscience from cleer light to mee by this their LIVING can be intended no other thing but their LIVING AGAINE Perhaps there may bee some reason of the varying of the phrase as to say the Saints LIVED but the wicked LIVED not AGAINE till the one thousand yeers were finished Because the dead Saints are more alive then the dead wicked For the dead Saints whiles dead are alive not onely in their naturall soules but in their spirituall union with Christ who is their life and in the graces which the Spirit of life implanted in them And the dust of their bodies are decreed and preserved by God for an estate called Eternal life their bodies being said onely to bee asleep And therefore said here TO LIVE as if in a sort never dead But whiles their bodies were dead their soules were willing to live againe in the body Not so the Dead wicked and so a different phrase is spoken of them But the sense I am confident is that the Saints were made to LIVE AGAINE in the one thousand yeers whiles the Dead wicked lived not againe till those one thousand yeers were ended Even as Revel 1.18 most evidently ALIVE is put for ALIVE AGAINE The words are Christs of himselfe now after his resurrection spoken to John I am hee that am ALIVE so the Greek or LIVING and was dead and behold I am ALIVE If hee had been dead and now was alive hee was properly alive againe So in the same sense the dead Saints are here said in this 20. Chap. v. 4. to LIVE to signifie they LIVED AGAINE So the Antithesis and opposition here put between these and those in the next verse gives it in to mee with full evidence But the rest of the dead that is the wicked saith the fifth verse lived not againe so expressely in the * So Syr. Arab. Greek untill the one thousand yeers were finished Whence who that weighs things well can infer lesse then this that those Saints in the fourth verse lived AGAINE those thousand yeers in which the dead wicked lived not againe and the Saints had beene killed as it is vers 4. and Rev. 11. not onely metaphorically but physically in a great part downe to the totall ruine of Antichrist and now a Viol being poured out upon the throne of the Beast Rev. 16. whereupon he utterly falls Rev. 19. two last verses the seventh and last-Trumpet sounding as it is anticipatedly spoken Rev. 11. but methodically to the matter as the cause before the effect the Saints risen reigne with Christ both here in this 20. chap. and in that 11. of the Revel This to bee spoken by the Antithesis Butthe rest of the dead lived not AGAINE That the Saints this while of the one thousand yeers lived AGAINE is further manifest in that it is plaine here compared with vers 12. that the wicked did LIVE AGAINE at the end of the thousand yeers So UNTILL in vers 5. imports explained vers 7. to end of the 12. vers thus When the thousand yeers are expired Satan shall bee loosed and shall goe out and deceive the Nations and they went out and compassed the Camp of the Saints which Saints are all at that time alive and the Devil that deceived the wicked is cast into the lake of fire and brimstone c. and I saw a great white Throne and I saw the dead wicked ones small and great to stand before God So that in regard it is so punctually held forth that at the end of the thousand yeers all the wicked formerly deceased lived againe personally and properly soule and body being re-united I for my part cannot inferre lesse then that the meane while in the said thousand yeers the Saints lived personally and properly in soule and body gloriously reunited on earth Object 5. All that can possibly seem to bee objected to the contrary as far as I can see or heare is this pretended Scruple That this Antithesis BUT the rest of the dead lived not AGAINE carries not so much in it as wee have estimated because LIVING AGAINE is applied to a contrary thing and to contrary persons as if the sense should bee this The rest of the dead wicked ones dead in sinne LIVED not AGAINE all that thousand yeers that is they attained not to the state of Regeneration or Conversion by the Word and Spirit which seems to be called in the fifth verse THE FIRST RESURRECTION All this thousand yeers they continued in an unregenerate estate whiles the dead Saints LIVED in soule in glory in the highest heavens with Christ a thousand yeers that is from their death for ever Answ Wee answer that allegation that LIVING and not living AGAINE are applyed to contrary things and persons speakes for the nature of an Antithesis and for ours If it be said by the objectors that the meaning of contraries is Heterogeneals as spirituall death in sinne and eternall life in glory Wee reply it is indeed said so by them but not proved That is the question now in dispute not to bee begged but to bee won from us by argument if wee must part with our right It cannot sound in my ears to say that the Saints living a thousand yeeres signifies their living in soul with Christ for ever after their naturall death seeing it is confest of all on all sides that at the last generall resurrection if the Saints rise not till then the soules of the Saints are brought downe from heaven to their bodies and not their dead bodies to bee carried up into heaven to their soules And that the last generall judgement of Christ appearing as man judging men so as all men may see the judgement to be just is not a worke of a day or of a short time Nor am I satisfied by any knowledge of the Scriptures that I have yet attained that the FIRST RESURRECTION is any where put to signifie meerly the sole act or condition of our first regeneration I well remember those Texts Col. 3.1 If yee bee risen with Christ seeke those things that are above And Ephes 2.5 When wee were dead in sinnes God hath quickened us together with Christ saving us by grace and hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and many the like places But there is mention onely of quickning and rising and raising There is mention of SURRECTION but not of RESURRECTION much lesse of a FIRST RESURRECTION to signifie Regeneration or the improvement of Regeneration which the Apostle mostly intends Nor do I forget that place Rom. 11.15 That the receiving of the
by ascention to possesse the Kingdome of glory there to be installed into this on earth That being the originall of this or that being the Emperiality to which this the Tributary or Province Or Heaven being the Metropolis this below the Territories Sure enough expresse it is that he went away into a far Country which can be no other but heaven Christ having never travelled bodily out of his owne Country Secondly that though hee were before his going a Noble-man and had the Regiment or Government over a Royalty he had servants he had the command of imploying them as he listed And had the power of rewarding or punishing as he pleased so that the unprofitable servant that improved not his Talent he cast into utter darknesse where was weeping and gnashing of teeth Matth. 25.30 All which in that Matth. 25.14 c. is called the Kingdome of Heaven that is the Kingdome of Grace as appears in the former Parable of the Virgins the same in sence v. 1. c. Yet thirdly it is said this Noble-man went into a far Country to receive for himselfe another Kingdome and to returne vers 12. where as his receiving the Kingdome is put before his returning So on the other side it is said He returned receiving a Kingdome vers 15. * Gr. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which Arias renders in redire ipsum accipientem reg●um where his returning is put before his receiving the Kingdome so that both Kingdomes must be here meant viz. Christ receiving the Kingdome of glory afore his returne and his Kingdome of visible power of reigning on earth after his returne For meerly his Kingdome of glory in Heaven cannot be here understood because touching his reigning there it was in vaine unpossible and altogether unlikely for his enemies to send an ambassage after him saying They would not have him to reigne over them And meerly his Kingdome of grace cannot bee here understood because that is otherwise expressed under the comparison of Talents compare Matth 25. And moreover it is here distinctly set downe that he is to goe into a far Country and then actually to receive another Kingdome partly before he returned and partly after he returned even as there is a diversity of actions In that Kingdome of Grace there is mentioned onely the neglect of improving the Talents but in this Kingdome of visible power received after his returne there is an high affront offered they send a message that they would not have him to reigne Again there is diversity of names The former are called Servants The latter are called Enemies Adde that there is a different dispensation of justice The unprofitable servant is put into a darke prison but the enemies must bee slaine AFORE HIM Therefore of necessity here must be hinted the Kingdome of Christs visible power That was it the Jewes expected yea and the best of them viz. the Disciples as we have heard afore and therefore to that Christ here speaks And for that Christ did not set up this at his coming in the flesh delivering them from the Romans therefore his Citizens his enemies hated him and sent a message after him They hated him as in relation of having him to be their visible King or King of visible Dominion when they cryed at his arraignment They had no King but Caesar And they sent an embassage after him when after his death in opposition to that kingly-hood they were angry with Pilate for writing in the Title set over him in Hebrew Greek and Latine THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWES § 5 There are also severall other passages in this Parable for Christs visible appearance and setting up his visible Kingdome of power on earth yet before the ultimate day of judgement As first His giving to the improvers of their Talents to one the rule over ten Cities to another the rule over five Cities And the Talent of him that had improved nothing to him that had improved much all which compared with the preface of the Parable touching the appearing of the Kingdome cannot in any thing well relate to the state of meer supernall eternall glory in the highest Heavens 2 His causing his enemies to bee slaine afore his face suits not to Christs meer Kingdome of grace whose Dominion precisely considered is in the power of the Gospel Nor doth it comport and comply with the ultimate day of judgement when instead of slaying enemies there is a making them alive And instead of punishing them before Christs face there is a sending them away from the presence of the Lord into eternal judgement But these extremely well agree with Christs appearing to set up his visible Kingdome of power For then Christ shall destroy his Antichristian Jewish and Gentilish and mixt Turkish enemies with the brightnesse of his appearance as hath been opened upon 2 Thess 2. in Sect 4. of this second Book And shall slay them corporally Revelat. 19. latter end § 6 Indeed the whole Parable appears to them that can leave the commonr ode of Tradition and wishly minde and ingeniously weigh the passages and preface thereof to aime at Christs next coming to set up such a Kingdome as shall not onely perfect the spirituall deliverance of the Gentiles but also to performe the temporall deliverance of the Jewes from their dispersion and corporall miseries For the naturall current of the Parable runnes thus Christ being neer Hierusalem the Jewes thought the Kingdome of God would immediately appeare Doubtlesse it was far from their thoughts in the captive condition they were now in to expect the appearance of the Kingdome of glory in Heaven For the hundreds of promises of their deliverance from the corporall captivity were not fulfilled And for the Kingdome of grace these men little minded And the better sort viz. the Disciples and Beleevers had seen it appeare already therefore it is the other Kingdome of Christ viz. that of his visible power and rule to deliver them from their corporall enemies that they supposed would immediately appeare Now to this saith Christ It will not immediatly appeare but I must saith he first goe into a farre Country viz. into Heaven and there be instated and Crowned King and after that come againe and actually and visibly reigne the meane while you to whom I have given Talents that is have endowed with gifts must imploy them and at my return as a signe of my visible actuall power I will take account of you and cause mine enemies that oppose my visible reigning to bee slaine afore me § 7 Now at the ultimate day of Judgement Christ receives no Kingdome but resignes all his Kingdome Power and Dominion 1. Cor. 15.28 CHAP. III. Of five places out of the Old Testament to prove the visible appearance of Christ to the Church on earth at the time of her restauration SECT I. The first place is out of Dan. 7.11 to end of the Chapter § 1 THis place we put first because it doth give much light
and so slaine with the sword that the Fowles were filled with the flesh of them that were slaine chap. 19. verse 20. A strange thing to me if any should dreame these things to be done only Spiritually or in the world to come There proceeded indeed the sword out of his mouth that is Christ bid his Saints to slay them which afore and after yee have explained but they were materially or corporally slaine as the time weapon and their buriall in the bowels of Birds challenge that sence yea marke further the Armies ruine is put in Counter-destruction or opposition to the ruine of their Chieftain or Chieftaines whose destruction was to be cast ALIVE into the Lake therefore the slaying of the Army with the sword to be devoured by the Fowles must signifie a Corporall destruction § 3 Now this destruction Chap. 19.20 cannot be at the ultimate Day of ●udgement for that day is not till after the destruction of Gog and Magog which is long after the destruction of Antichrist vers 8 9 10 11 12 c. of this twentieth Chapter clearly distinguished from that destruction of Antichrist by two notable circumstances including many other particulars of order time place c. ¶ The first Circumstance is That Gog and Magog warre against the Saints whiles they are in their injoyment of their glorious peace after the said Saints had reigned a thousand yeares ver 7.8 when they had been partakers long afore viz. at the beginning of the thousand yeares of the first resurrection as a pledge that they should not dye the second death at the second Resurrection ver 6. after that they had reigned and as Kings and Priests and too with Christ a thousand years in the same sixt verse none of which particulars can consist with supernal ultimate glory when Christ himselfe layes downe all his power 1 Cor. 15.28 And after they have injoyed this condition a thousand yeares then and not till then begins the Gogicall-Magogicall warre upon which comes the destruction on Gogmagog ver 7 8 9. but the warre of Antichrist in the nineteenth Chapter is when the Saints are in great trouble their bloud had been poured out unavenged till then vers 2. the earth corrupted ibid. The Nations are till now to be smitten and to be RVLE'D with a ROD of Iron ver 15. The Wine presse of the fiercenesse and wrath of God Almighty to be trodden ibid. with many the like intimations throughout the Chapter of the different state of the Church now a thousand yeeres before Christ came to destroy Gogmagog as the sequell of the twentieth Chapter makes the compute ¶ The second Circumstance is That after the thousand yeares of Satans binding and Antichrists destruction Satan is againe let loose he seduceth Gog and Magog and then the Devill himselfe Chap. 20.10 is cast into the Lake of fire WHERE WERE the BEAST and the FALSE PROPHET which had been cast in there formerly Chap. 19. ver 20. evidently pointing at the destruction of Antichrist as finished long afore the fore-being there of the Beast and false Prophet being made the description of Hell as sometimes the portion of Hypocrites is the description thereof § 4 The next passage in this twentieth Chapter of Revelation is what he saw in ver 4. John saw Thrones and they that sate upon them and judgement was given to them and he saw the soules of them that were beheaded for the witnesse of Jesus and for the Word of God and which had not worshipped the Beast nor his Image neither had received his mark upon their fore-heads or in their hands the meaning of all which you have in the next Chapter viz. the 21. for vers 1. it is said And I saw a new heaven and a new earth little reason to mention earth if it had been to describe a state in heaven above The place is taken out of Isa 65.17 as Peter hints 2 Pet. 3.13 We according to his PROMISE looke for new heavens and a new earth I say out of Isa 65.17 where God promiseth unto the Jewes to build new Heavens and a new earth but with all mentions their injoying of houses and vine yards In the second Verse of the one and twentieth Chapter it is said John saw new Hierusalem indeed that on earth is old but nothing is old in the highest Heavens so that nothing there can be said to be new therefore this cannot be meant of that heaven It is expresse It comes downe from heaven therefore it cannot expresse a state in that supernall heaven even as it followes PREPARED as a Bride which plainly evinceth that it is not meant of ultimate glory where the Church is not prepared that is done in this world but perfected as vers 3. it is said I heard a voyce OVT of heaven to import that it was of things not in the supreame Heaven viz. That the tabernacle of God is with men where God WILL dwell with them which if meant of the supernall Heaven would have been exprest in a contrary phrase viz. The tabernacle of men is with God for there is no need of a promise to assure us that in the highest Heavens God will dwell with us Agreeable to which the fourth verse promiseth that all teares shall be wiped away of which promise as in relation to the supreame Heaven there was not the least need since God made it but knowne to the Sonnes of men that they shall inherit that place all sorts Christians Heathens c. easily know and beleeve that there in that place are no teares nor cause of teares as appeares in the Christians Creed and the Heathens Doctrines of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and their Elysian fields Every thing in that Heaven is so good that it cannot be made as in verse 5. new that is better No need there of that in the sixth verse either promise or performance to give unto him that is athirst of the fountaine of the water of life It is enough for God to promise that Heaven as Paul thought it enough to say Phil. 1. I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ if we be once there we shall not thirst Even as there according to ver 7. shall be no striving to overcome much lesse to overcome that in ver 8. Feare and unbeliefe c. They in the supernall Heaven have overcome all things therefore all these demonstrate that this Chapter is of a state on earth not of one in supreame glory of such a state on earth it is proper to say as v. 7. He that possesseth it shal inherit all things not only Gods presence but also all things though as yet all things are not subject to Christ himselfe Heb. 2.8 and he shal be Gods Sonne For if we beleeve we now are the Sons of God afore we come to ultimate glory then this promised with a shal be must signifie a suture estate and on earth because of other circumstances as we are now enumerating that
are inconsistent with glory in the highest Heaven In like manner the residue of this one and twentieth Chapter shewes that the meaning is not of supernall eternall glory according to former common opinion of divines as ver 9 10. An Angel shewes John the Bride the Lambes wife viz. the great City holy Jerusalem descending out of Heaven from God which cannot possibly be meant of a state in the highest Heaven no Angel need tell John or he us that the Church shall bee seen in that Heaven when there it shall be seen without shewing by all the inhabitants there Nor is this a direct but a crosse phrase to expresse the state of the Church ascended by its descending out of heaven from God The soules of the elect must descend to be united to their bodies on earth there for a time to inherit all things as said afore before their ultimate glory And for that description of New Hierusalem by measures c. from ver 11.22 can it meane the spanning of Heaven or the measures of the place of ultimate glory The parts and particulars are all too short and to no purpose wee beleeve more then all in this Text without this Text doubtlesse this Geometricall and Architectonicall Iconi●me or description is taken out of Ezekiel from Chap. 39. to the end of the Book in all the Prophet importing thus much that Gog the enemy of Israel shall be destroyed and they themselves shall bee gathered from their captivity and measures out to them their New Testament estate that it shall be more goodly and glorious then all their Old Testament state and therefore when John hath this given to him in Rev. 21. as an exposition of Ezech. 39.40 41 42 c. Chapters it would be but a darke dreame to apply it to supernall eternall glory which many circumstances forbid for if it be meant of that glory why ver 14. are only the names of the twelve Apostles to be inserted in the twelve foundations and not the names also of the twelve Patriarchs of the twelve Tribes What need was there to tell us ver 11. that the place spoken of here hath in it the glory of God and a light like a Iasper cleare as Chrystall or to minde us ver 17. that the cubits were according to the measure of a man or to warn us ver 22. that John saw there no Temple and for that in ver 23 24. That God and the Lambe are the light of New Hierusalem ●nd they that are sazed shal walke in it and Kings shal bring their glory and honour unto it I aske any ingenuous man whether he can keeping his reason with him apply these things to ultimate happinesse in the highest Heaven Is there a walking or conversation of life in spirituall light Is it not a quiet injoying and beholding the unspeakeable manifestation of Gods speciall presence Doe Kings and Princes there goe and come and bring their honour and glory to heaven Or doe they bring as ver 26. the glory and honour of Nations unto it Thus take altogether quarrell not peecely with this or that fragment but take the whole entirely and then tell me ingenuously whether this one and twentieth Chapter can meane any thing but a glorious state on earth before the ultimate Judgement at which time is rather a destruction then an extruction or building and therefore this Chapter clearly containes the admirable state of the Church of Jewes and Gentiles for the space of that thousand yeares in the twentieth Chapter the exposition whereof is the work now in hand to which we returne § 5 The third passage in this twentieth Chapter of Revelations is that the Saints reigne with Christ a thousand yeares or the thousand yeares This number of yeares is expressed six times in the first seven verses twice 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and foure times with an emphaticall Article 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Can any judicious man take this meerly Allegorically and not Historically and litterally Can he upon good grounds make it to signifie lesse then a thousand yeares It is true a thousand yeares in Gods account 2 Pet. 3. in regard of his present knowledge of all things or knowledge of all things as present and his eternall entity before and beyond all things are but as one day but still a thousand yeares are a thousand yeares in themselves how ever they be as nothing in comparison of God But can man make a long time and a short time all one Are a thousand yeares to him but as one naturall day or to the Saints here reigning surely then the Saints priviledge of reigning or the binding of Satan for their sakes will amount to a very small matter Then on the morrow Gog and Magog shall rise against the Saints for at the end of the thousand yeares they shall rise against them Or can any considering man make these thousand yeares to signifie more then a thousand yeares viz. eternity the Scriptures have no such phrase that I know And divers of the Fathers afore the Floud though in a worse life-cherishing state lived within a few yeares of a thousand Is there not a notorious eminent punctum or point of the beginning and period of the ending of these thousand yeares They begin with the fall of Antichrist the destruction of his Army Rev. 19.19 20. and the wonderfull binding of Satan chap. 20. ver 2. And they end with the loosing of Satan and the warre with Gog-Magog Is it possible now that any should referre this to the eternity of supreame glory therefore as ver 4. it must needs be meant of reigning with Christ on earth at least a thousand yeares properly understood as it is expounded Revel 5.10 for all the Saints that are found on earth at Christs next coming never reigned with Christ in heaven and after the last Judgement Christ doth not reigne as Christ but layes downe all 1 Cor. 15.28 § 6 Let us in the next place take some maine particulars of this twentieth Chapter and compare the mystery of the things with the history of times Johns science with our experience and see whether we can make these all hold together unlesse wee understand them of a glorious Kingdome of Christ on earth before the ultimate day of judgement We will cull out but three particulars 1 The resurrection of the Saints vers 4 5. They must so live as the dead wicked that while did not live But the dead wicked did live that while in soule therefore the Saints must live more then so viz. must live that while in soule and body too Againe the Saints must so live at this first resurrection as the dead wicked shall at the second resurrection But the dead wicked shall live in soule and body at the second resurrection therefore the Saints at this first resurrection live in soule and body Let the Reader piercingly weigh the Text and he shall finde these syllogismes little lesse then demonstrations As for the difference
seats were put And so the last and best Low-Dutch Stoclen gesette● werden So that by all it appears that this was a vision of material Thrones and of them set up set or setled for Divine power to sit upon which is exceedingly confirm●d by verse 10. and 26. where wee have the sitting of the Judgement or Judicature and the Ancient of dayes did sit and I saw and behold one like the Son of man came with the clouds of Heaven and came to the Ancient of dayes and they brought him neer before him And there was given him dominion and glory and a KINGDOM c. And the Kingdome and dominion and the greatnesse of the Kingdome under the whole Heaven was given to the Saints of the most High c. Let us for the advantage of the generall worke in hand and the particular point now under consideration weigh these two places together in the semblance of both Visions in the circumstances of both and in the samenesse of intents in both ¶ 1 In the semblance or likenesse of both Visions in sundry particulars 1 Semblance I beheld till the Thrones were set And why Thrones in the plurall And for whom These many Thrones were set in the Vision ONE for the Ancient of dayes whose Throne was like a siery flame v. 9. ANOTHER for the SONNE OF MAN who came to the Ancient of dayes and they brought him neer before him and there was given him dominion and glory and a Kingdome and all people Nations and Languages to serve him v. 13 14. THE REST for the TEN THOUSAND TIMES TEN THOUSANDS THAT STOOD BEFORE HIM verse 10. viz. The PEOPLE OF THE SAINTS to whom the Kingdome and dominion c. under the whole heaven was given under Christ the aforesaid Son of Man vers 27. So Rev. 20.4 I saw Thrones The Second semblance is that in Dan. 7. v. 10. where it followes The Judgement or Judicature was set which confirmes that our reading of the former verse That is the Judges sate as in the great Sanedrim as after in vers 26. and 27. The judgement sitting the Kingdome and dominion and the greatnesse of the Kingdome under the whole heaven is given to the people of the Saints of the most high In like manner in Rev. 20.4 it is said by John I saw saith he those that sate on the Thrones viz. those that had been beheaded for the witnesse of Jesus and those which had not worshipped the beast c. nor received his marke c. Third semblance is in Dan. 7.22 Iudgement was given to the Saints of the most High and the time came that the Saints possessed the Kingdome In like manner Rev. 20.4 it is said Judgement was given to them viz. to the Saints aforesaid that having opposed Antichrist sate upon the Thrones As Paul saith 1 Cor. 6.2 The Saints shall judge the world Fourth semblance in Dan. 7.22 it is said The Saints possessed the Kingdome viz. under Christ to whom it is first in order given vers 14. which cannot be at the ultimate day of judgement when hee resignes all and therefore the Saints then have no Kingdome subject to them Just so it is said Rev. 20.4 The Saints lived and reigned with Christ a thousand yeers which must be before the ultimate day of Judgement at which time Iohn saith Time shall be no more and Paul saith 1 Cor. 15. there is no more reigning by any but by God alone that then must be all in all Thus of the Semblance ¶ 2 The next thing is the Circumstances viz. 1 The signall or note when this shall be namely when the Sonne of man shall come in or with the clouds Dan. 7.13 In like manner the signall or note is in the Rev. Chap. 1.7 where it is said as the general proposition to the whole Prophesie Christ shall be seen in the clouds at his coming to set up this Kingdome which is explained according to our sense Rev. 20. v. 1. That Christ comes down from heaven when he restraines Satan and gives this honour to the Saints of reigning with him 2 The time it self The time is saith Dan. 7.25 after a time and times and halfe a time of the powerful prevayling of Antichrist whether ye understand one limb viz. the Iewish Eastern the Turk called vers 24. that same ANOTHER that ariseth and subdueth three of the ten Kings or both viz. the Western the Christians Antichrist also viz. the Pope expressed in the ten hornes or Kings of his Kingdome v. 24. it makes no matter if we minde our large discourse afore of the identity of both And sutably in the Revelation 11. it is said that after the witnesses have Prophesied in sackcloath one thousand two hundred and sixty dayes because the Woman the Church was persecuted by Antichrist Rev. 12.6 for the space of one thousand two hundred and sixty dayes which in vers 24. is called A time and times and halfe a time because Antichrist had power so long to prevaile viz. two and forty months Rev. 13.5 which is all one with the one thousand two hundred and sixty dayes or time and times and halfe a time as here meant in the Revelation I say after this time and times and halfe a time it is here said in that Rev. 11.15 That the KINGDOMES of this WORLD were become the Kingdomes of the Lord and of his Christ and of the Saints sharing in this Reigning vers 18. The third circumstance is the order of things in this time viz. That in Dan. 7. v. 3. c. to v. 9. There must be foure Beasts come up from the Sea 1 A Lyon 2 A Bear 3 A Leopard 4 A terrible one with iron teeth and ten hornes and out of the ten one little horne that brake off three of the ten The foure Beasts saith Dan. v. 17. are the foure Kings or Kingly-hoods Royalties Emperialties or Monarchies of the world vers 23. as by severall characters they are described in that Chapter The ten hornes of the fourth Beast are saith Dan. v. 24. ten Kings that is ten Kingdomes under him All these foure Beasts fall as the maine of the first by the second and of the second by the third so the maine of the third and the remainder of all the three former by the fourth Dan. 7.19.23 The meaning is that as the first the Assyrio-Chaldean Monarchy whereof Nebuchadnezzar was the Golden-head in Daniels time Dan. 2. was broken by the second the silver Medo-Persian so this second by the third the brazen Grecian and this Grecian and the remainders of all the other were utterly subdued by the fourth the iron Roman Monarchy From this Roman at the time when it was something weakned by a dividing of it selfe now the third time which was about An. Chr. 799. into the Easterne and Westerne Empire Constantinople being the Royall Seat of Metropolis of that and Rome of this the little horne that sprang out of the ten and became diverse from the rest
and he shall be to me a SONNE But when AGAINE to give it you as afore in termes and order of words close to the Originall * Thus Arias doth order them When the Apostle would say And againe he saíd in verse 5. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but in this sixth verse he saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which last word is in the second A●rist in the subj mood which sounds future and so the Syriack 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 But againe He SHALL bring his first begotten Sonne into the INHABITED world he saith let all the Angels worship him The sense is obvious That God never owned any one of the Angels to be his only first begotten Sonne but when againe he shall bring his first begotten Sonne into the world he hath given command that all the Angels shall worship him as his only begotten Sonne That this text speakes of Gods bringing his first begotten Sonne againe into the inhabited world now after Christs ascention when the Apostles wrote that we have afore largely discussed Book 3. chap. 2. Sect. 4. § id est sectiuncula 4. I only adde be heedfully mindfull of the Apostles expression in the future now after Christs coming in the flesh and that after the generall Iudgement Christ as Christ shall lay downe all his dominion over Angels and men and therefore it must be of some middle time between our present generation that these 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rendered here Angels must give Christ whiles he is Mediator a more ample and apparent homage then ever they have done according to the glorious state of Christ and of things at that time on earth 3 ¶ For this place of the Hebrewes Let all the Angels of God worship him is quoted by the Apostle out of Psal 97.7 which word for word according to the Hebrew * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is Bow downe to him all yee Gods which as we said afore comprehends as all Angels so all Kings Potentates and Magistrates called by God himselfe Gods Psal 82. ver 1. ver 6. and so applied by Christ Joh. 10.34 Jesus answered them Is it not written in your Law I said YEE ARE GODS 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 if he called them gods to whom the Word of God came c. And indeed they can properly bow or crouch downe as the Hebr. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 precisely signifie as the Angels can doe it only vertually And on the other side 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Angel is oft used in Scripture to signifie eminent men in Office Mal. 4.1 Rev. chap. 2.1 chap. 2. chap. 3. But granting that the Apostles designe being to prove Christ to be above Angels doth render the Hebrew Text according to the Septuagint Greek then a common Translation in frequent use throughout the world since the late Greek Monarchy over all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 worship him all yee his Angels yet this is as true that as the Apostle closeth that his discourse in that first of Hebrews with a touch of Christs future dominion over all Angels and men on earth saying To which of the Angels said he at any time quoted out of Psal 110. sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstoole so that 97. Psalm doth really include and intend our position in hand viz. Christs visible glorious Kingdome over all the world yet to come For in the first verse of that 97. Psalm it is said The Lord reigneth let the earth rejoyce let the multitude of the Isles be glad thereof Or the Lord reigning the earth SHALL rejoyce and the many Islands SHALL * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be glad ** 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This LORD is Christ as the Apostle applyes it Heb. 1.8 9. Now Christ had reigned in his ordinary providence and power from the creation to the Psalmists time c. as appeared in overthrowing his and his peoples enemies and preserving his people in the flood in the fire on Sodome in his miracles in Egypt Wildernesse and the Red-sea in his victories over the several Nations in Canaan c. And after the last judgement it is improper to say Christ reignes in glory 1 Cor. 15.28 And Christ never yet so reigned as is described in this first verse of this 97 Psalm That ALL the EARTH without limitation shall rejoyce at that his reigning and the multitude of Isles shall be glad By Isles according to an ancient usuall Hebraisme and Jewish phrase is meant all the Nations of the GENTILES Isa 41. v. 1. Keep silence before me O ISLANDS and let the PEOPLES or NATIONS renew their strength * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And v. 5. The Isles saw it and feared and the ENDS OF THE EARTH were afraid Chap. 42. v. 4. The ISLES shall wait for his Law and so nine times in this Prophet three times in Jer. 9. times in Ezek. in Zeph. once viz. Chap. 2. v. 11. The Isles of the Heathen or Gentiles * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 In Gen. once Gen. 10.5 The Isles of the Gentiles The reason of the phrase is because the Jews dwelling in the continent of Asia they counted all the world Islanders that were divided from them by the Mediterranean Sea Whence is that phrase of Isles of the Sea Ester 10.1 Ahasuerus laid a taxe or tribute upon the land and upon the ISLES OF THE SEA And Isa 24.15 Glorifie the name of the Lord God of Israel in the ISLES OF THE SEA And Ezek. 26.18 Now shall the Isles tremble in the day of thy fall yea the ISLES THAT ARE IN THE SEA shall be troubled yea to make all yet plainer it is twice said viz. Jer. 2.10 Ezek. 27.6 The Isles of Chittim By which Chittim is oft understood the Roman Monarchy as Dan. 11.30 for one instance So that according to this sense of this 97 Psame vers 1 All the world of Jewes and Gentiles must be glad and rejoyce at the reigning of Christ as it follows in the sixth verse The Heavens declare his righteousnesse and ALL the people see his glory ALL without exception which two clauses cannot be aptlier applyed and expounded then by that Rev. 1.7 Rev. 20.1 Rev. 21.1 Christ comes in the clouds and every eye shall see him Christ as the great Angel descending from heaven binding Satan and causing his Saints to reigne on earth New Jerusalem a New Heaven and a New Earth being brought downe from Heaven wherein as Pet. 2 Ep. 3. chap. enlargeth dwelleth righteousnesse But ALL PEOPLE yet never saw that his righteousnesse and glory ALL the gods as in v. 7. all Kings and Princes Potentates Magistrates and Powers never yet worshipped him as Christ but generally in all ages from the Creation to this day have opposed him as such both of Jewes and Gentiles 4 ¶ But all must ere the last judgement either sincerely or seemingly worship him Psal 22.27 28 29. which Psalme is concerning
Spirit ## § 9 9 Therefore we conclude this text is yet to be fulfilled afore the ultimate day of the generall Judgement when Christ layes downe his Government * Mr. Medas learned Notes upon this ninth Chapter of Isaiah collated with Mark 1.14 15. coming too late to my knowledge to be put into the Text I could not forbeare inserting it into the Margine which in summe is this Galilee was the third Province of those three into which Canaan or Phalestine was divided in Christs time and was on the North part remotest from Ierusalem and divided into two parts upper and lower the upper was mostly the Land of Nephthaly wherein was the goodly Metropolis of all Galilee Capernaum And this is the Galilee that was called Galilee of the Gentiles either because inhabited by the Gentiles long time viz to Solomons time or because Solomon gave twenty Cities thereof to Hiram or because it was the outmost of the Land next the Gentiles In the lower Galilee was the Tribe of Zebulon and Issachar wherein were the Cities of Nazareth and Bethsaida neare the Sea or Lake of Galilee or Cana of which and Christs first Miracle there Ioh. 2. and Mount Tabor From Capernaum along the Sea side through Bethsaida lay the great rode from Syria into Aegypt supposed to be that called in Scripture The way of the Sea In Christs time two of the said Provinces viz. Judea and Samaria were under the Roman President Pontius Pilate The third Galilee was under Herod or Au●ipas the Tetrarch because he had but the fourth part of his Fathers Kingdome who beheaded Iohn Baptist and closed with Pilat when Christ was condemned In this Province of Galilee was Christs conversation principally whiles he was on earth Matth. 3. ult Luke 1.26 Act. 1.11 Act. 2.7 Matth. 4.23 Matth. 9.35 Matth. 28.10 For the Messiah was to have his abode principally in Galilee according to the Prophesie in Esay 9.1 2 3 c. The Land of Galilee or of Zebulon and Nephthaly had the hard hap to be first in that calamity by the Assyrians 2 King 15.29 all which Cities there named except Ianoah and Gilead were Cities of Nephthaly and all Galilee and Nephthaly are there mentioned as all carried away Captive to Assyria In which calamity Isaiah comforts them with that Prophesie That they should have the first and principall share of the Messiahs presence when he should come Read the first seven verses of that ninth of Isa the meaning being that Christ should enlighten the Province of Galilee or the Land of Zebulon and Nephthaly with the glory of his presence And therefore if this be not a Prophesie of Christ I know not what is Compare Mat. 4. of his dwelling in Capernaum the Metropolis of Galilee The Jewes could not see this but would not beleeve because he was of Galilee Should say they Christ come out of Galilee should he not come out of Bethlehem So he should too and yet was by habitation and conversation a Galilean Christians also are to blame for darkning this Prophesie of Isa 9. and Matthewes application of it for my part I am perswaded that the foure or five first words of this ninth of Isaiah belong to the last verse of the former Chapter as Ierom and the Chalde referre them and that the words following begin a new Prophesie in this manner 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. ie According as the first time that he made vile or debased the Land of Zebulon and the Land of Nephthaly so in the latter time he shall make it glorious More of the reading of this text and Master Medes reasons the Reader may there see From all saith Mr. Mede I inferre that 1 Cor. 1.26 27. God takes the foolish things of the world to confound the wise c. For Galilee and her inhabitants in comparison of Iudea were reputed ignoble strangers being remote from Ierusalem and the Temple and part of the lot of the ten Tribes which Salmaneser captivated Howbeit some of the two Tribes after their returne especially in the prevailing times of the Maccabees setled there but at length were subdued by the Gentiles but still dwelling there and replenishing that Land with their owne people yet so as many of the Gentiles dwelt among them in so much that in these and the aforesaid respects they were despised of those that dwelt in Iudea Joh. 7.41.52 But Christ the King of Israel and Saviour of Mankind would as aforesaid be a Galilean The Doctrine he preacheth in Galilee is The time is fulfilled the Kingdome of God is at hand repent yee and beleeve the Gospel which Matth. 4. is called the Kingdome of Heaven which is all one with Kingdome of God See Dan. 6.24 The heavens beare rule that is God Luke 15.21 I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight Matth. 21.15 The Baptisme of John was it from heaven or from men Marke the Exegesis Luke 15. and the Antithesis Matth. 21. which shew God to be meant by Heaven The Kingdome of Heaven or of God is the Kingdome of Messiah or Christ Dan. 2 44. and Dan. 7.13 read the places From which places the Iewes call the Messiahs Kingdome the Kingdome of God or of Heaven because first it is in this place of Daniel said The God of heaven shall set up his Kingdome And in the other place That the Sonne of Man the Messiah should come in the clouds of heaven For our Saviour brought not this phrase with him but found it among the Iewes at his coming and approved it in oft use of it Matth. 13. The Kingdome of Christ is his Church or the Christian Church c. I must adde one thing more for the understanding of this Kingdome of Christ which I have hitherto described namely that it hath a two-fold state The one Militant in sufferings which is the present state begun at his first coming The second state is a triumphant state which shall be at his second in glory in the clouds of heaven at what time he shall put downe all authority power and rule and subdue all his enemies under his feet 1 Cor. 15. c. By which that Mr. Mede includes the Kingdome of Christ at his second coming to be partly intended in Isaiah 9 they may easily perceive that have heard and observed other passages afore quoted out of him SECT XIII § 1 THe third place in Isaiah is Chapter the eleventh in whole and throughout with a briefe collation of the tenth Chapter preceding and the twelfth following and therefore too large to write out In lieu thereof we shall expresse the severall passages from whence we deduce any argument § 2 To speake as shortly as we may to this place of Scripture In the tenth Chapter preceding the Lord threatens Judah that for their hypocrisie in Religion and their unrighteousnesse in their dealings he will send against them the Assyrian But then withall it is threatned that because the Assyrian would afflict the Jewes
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 usurpatum de Sol●o invenies apud Chald par●p Jerem. 1.15 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ubi in Hebr. est 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sept. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 namely for the Senators to sit upon not throwne down as we of late have it And the ANCIENT OF DAIES Pater Consistorii did sit c. and subaudi I BEHELD TILL THE JUDGEMENT WAS SET that is the whole Sanhedrim and the books were opened Here we see both the forme of judgement delivered and the name of judgement expressed which is afterwards twice more expressed 1. In the amplification of the Tyranny of the WICKED HORN ver 21 22. which is said to bee continued TILL THE ANCIENT OF DAIES CAME and judgement was given to the Saints of the most High i. e. Potestas judicandi ipsis facta And the second time in the Angels interpretation verse 26. But the JUDGEMENT SHALL SIT and they shall take away the dominion to consume and to destroy to the end Where observe by the way that cases of DOMINION of BLASPHEMY and APOSTASY c. belonged to the jurisdiction of the great SANHEDRIM From this description it came that the Jewes gave it the name of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Day of Judgement And 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The day of the great Judgment Whence in the Epist of Jude v. 6. it is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the judgement of the great Day From the same description they learned that the destruction then to bee should be BY FIRE because it is said verse 9. His throne was a FIERY FLAME and his WHEELES BURNING A fiery streame issued and came forth before him And ver 11. The Beast was slaine and his body destroyed and given to the BURNING From the same fountaine are derived those expressions in the Gospell where this day is intimated or described THE SON OF MAN SHALL COME IN THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN The son of man shall come in the GLORY OF HIS FATHER WITH HIS HOLY ANGELS as it is said here thousands ministred unto him c. And that Daniel saw one like the sonne of man coming with cloudes of Heaven and he came to the ancient of Daies and THEY brought him or placed him neare him c. Hence St. Paul learned THE SAINTS SHOULD JUDGE THE WORLD because it is said that MANY THRONES WERE SET and ver 22. by way of exposition JUDGEMENT WAS GIVEN TO THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH Hence the same Apostle learned to confute the false feare of the Thessalonians that the day of Christs second coming was then at hand because that day cannot be till the MAN OF SIN WERE FIRST COME and should have reigned his APPOINTED TIME for as much as Daniel had foretold it should bee so and that his destruction should bee at the SONNE OF MANS APPEARING IN THE CLOUDES whose appearing therefore was not to bee till then This is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Saint Paul the appearance or brightnesse of his coming Which man of sin saith he Christ shall destroy at the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 appearance of his coming Daniels wicked HORN or the BEAST acting in the wicked horn is St. Pauls MAN OF SIN But to go on whiles this Judgement sits and when it had destroyed the FOURTH BEAST the sonne of man which comes in the cloudes receives DOMINION AND GLORY and A KINGDOM THAT ALL PEOPLE NATIONS and LANGUAGES SHOULD SERVE and OBEY HIM ver 14. which KINGDOM is thrice explained afterwards as ver 18. These foure BEASTS saith the Angell are foure KINGS which shall arise But viz. when they have finished their course the Saints of the most High shal take THE KINGDOME Againe verse 22. The wicked Horne prevailed UNTILL THE TIME CAME THAT THE SAINTS POSSESSED THE KINGDOME Againe verse 27. when the fourth Beast reigning in the wicked Horne was DESTROYED THE KINGDOME and DOMINION and the GREATNES OF THE KINGDOME UNDER THE WHOLE HEAVEN SHALL BE GIVEN TO THE PEOPLE OF THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH c. These grounds being laid I argue as followeth The Kingdom of the son of man and of the Saints of the most high in Daniel begins when the great Judgement sits But the Kingdome in the Apocalyps wherein the Saints reign with Christ a thousand yeares is the same with the Kingdome of the sonne of man and Saints of the most high in Daniel Therefore it also begins at the great Judgement * Mr. Mede saith not at the ultimate generall Judgement but at the great Iudgement speaking as Daniel and other Scriptures aforesaid and the Hebrew Rabbins calling al the thousand years the great judgement And the beg●nning of them the beginning of the day of judgement See after at the next ☞ That the Kingdome in Daniel and that of the thousand years in the Apocalyps are one and the same Kingdome appears thus First Because they begin ab eodem termino from the same terme at the destruction of the fourth Beast That in Daniel when the Beast then ruling in the wicked horne was slaine and his body destroyed and given to the burning flame Dan. 7 ver 11.22.27 That in the Apocalyps when the Beast and false Prophet the wicked horne in Daniel were taken and both cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone Apocal. 19.20 21. Secondly Because Saint John begins the Regnum of the thousand yeares from the same session of judgement described in Daniel as appeares by his parallell expressions borrowed from thence Daniel sayes chap. 7. Ver. 9. I beheld till the Thrones were pitched downe and the Judgement i. e. judices the Judges set Vers 22. And judgement was given to the Saints of the most high St. John sayes chap. 20. Vers 4. I saw thrones and they sate upon them And the Saints possessed the Kingdome viz. with the Sonne of Man who came in the cloudes And judgement was given unto them And the Saints lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years Now if this be sufficiently proved that the thousand years begin with the day of judgement ☜ it will appear further out of the Apocalyps that the Judgement is not CONSUMMATE TILL THEY BE ENDED For Gog and Magogs destruction and the UNIVERSALL RESURRECTION is not till then Therefore THE WHOLE THOUSAND YEARES IS INCLUDED IN THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT Hence it will follow that whatsoever Scripture speakes of a Kingdome of Christ to be at his second appearing or at the destruction of Antichrist must needs be the same which Daniel saw should be at that time and so consequently be the Kingdome of the thousand years which the Apocalyps includes between the beginning and consummation of the great Judgement Therefore that in Luk. 17. vers 20. to the end where the Pharisees demand of Christ when the Kingdome of God should appeare And Christ answers that it comes not with observation but as the lightning that lightneth out of the one part under heaven shineth unto the other c.
absolutely for ever 2. If any hanker and long after the sence that our translation hints as if the three former Beasts had a kind of life allowed them after their dominion was taken away to give these content we can give them this faire answer which may likewise be handsomely improved as to the illustration of the ruine of the fourth Beast and so of the glorious remaining of the fift Monarchy That though the three former monarchies were dis-robed of their Monarchicall paramount Emperiality the former by the latter yet those three divine providence permitting had continued unto them some degree of regality untill some good space of time that the fourth had been in being and power which is the more probable 1. Because how else could it bee said that the third trampled the second and the fourth the third yea all the remainder of the former unlesse they had some entiry or being to be trampled 2. Because the whole Image is broken by the ruine on the feet of the fourth and last And therefore probably there were certaine broken limbs of the three former remaining to be beaten into dust with the fourth 3. Because wee have some such account given us in the faithfullest humane Histories First For the Armenians part of Chaldea as some learned affirme had a King and Kingly dignity even unto the dayes of the Roman Monarchy Tigranes King of Armenia was subdued by the Roman Pompey and his Country made tributary and so stamped under foot But after a while even in the reigne of Tiberius the same Armenia was fortified against the Romans whom the Emperour rather pacified with promises then subdued with Warre who after got the staffe so far into their hands againe that in the reigne of Jovinian they were called Friends not Vassals to the Romans Secondly For Persia they had great power in the time of Antiochus the great and of his sonne Antiochus the vile of the Greeke Monarchy downe unto and farre into the times of the Roman Emperours Of whom Julian lost his life Valerian went under ransome and Jovinian put to the shamefull foyle of the losse of foure whole provinces Thirdly For the Grecian Monarchy after the Romans had trampled Egypt Anthony and Cleopatra being subdued by Augustus and their Countries reduced to Provinces yet after the Greekes did so far shake off the Roman yoake as that they withstood divers of their stoutest Emperours viz. Galienus Aurelian and Dioclesian And this last answer doth also well illustrate the prophesie That whereas somthing of the former Monarchies remained in the days of the later yet the fift should leave nothing of the fourth and so nothing of the former All being to be broken in the feet of the fourth So glorious should the fift Kingdome be Now let the reader take which answer he pleaseth § 11 Having cleared we hope this knot let us now goe on with Daniels visions wherein he having already shewed us towards the discovery of the Who and what that destroyed the fourth Beast the posture and Acts of the Session of Judicature next he represents to us the person or persons the Captaine and his Army that tooke from the fourth Beast the Roman Monarchy and all other Kingdoms into their owne hands of power and these are Christ and his Christians vers 13 14. Daniel saw in the night-visions fitly signifying the Antichristian darknesse that then clouded the Church one like the Son of Man come with the cloudes of Heaven This is Christ who relatively as a King and Captaine Generall as the Scriptures set him forth and Mystically as he is by union of the Spirit head of his Church doth infer as soon as he is come an Host of Christians at his heeles as part of his Session when hee sits all which must necessarily bee here understood as the 18 26 and 27 verses being of the interpretation of the vision give sufficient warrant vers 18. But the SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH shall take the Kingdome for ever Zech. 1.8 Heb. 2.10 Revel 19.11 12 13 14. even for ever and ever ver 27 28. But the Judgement shall sit and they of the Judgement viz. as it is in this vision the Son of Man and his ten thousand times ten thousand of all Nations Languages and Peoples that beleeve in him shall take away his the fourth Beasts dominion to consume and destroy it to the end And the Kingdome and Dominion and the greatnesse of the Kingdome under the whole Heaven shall bee given to the PEOPLE OF THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH whose Kingdome is an everlasting Kingdome and all Dominions shall serve HIM Where most evidently Christ called here the Son of Man doth as a publicke person and a representative as the second Adam of all mankind that beleeve include and signifie all the sonnes of men that beleeve and they and he are so one mystically by faith and relatively as a corporation or united Emperiality that it is indifferent to the Holy Ghost to mention HIM or THEM to be the Ruler of this fifth Monarchy As for that his coming we mentioned but now Daniel expresseth it in the said thirteenth verse The Sonne of man came with the Clouds of Heaven Upon which words Mr. Parker saith thus The Sonne of man is Christ the Head including also his Body the Church as appeareth ver 26 27. He is said to come and this is his second coming in a large sence comprehending his coming to beare rule on earth by setting up his Kingdome breaking down the enemy and this is the space of forty five yeares and then his visible appearing at the Resurrection immediatly ensuing to finish the New Jerusalem begun in heavenly perfection And in this large description his second coming is usually taken in the Prophets He is said to come in the Clouds of Heaven that is on high above the glory and power of the Kingdomes of the earth in the supereminent Majesty of his Kingdom Rev. 11 12. Isa 52.13 Mat. 24.30 Thus Mr. Parker I only adde this that by the current and tenour of Scripture this phrase of his coming in the Clouds signifies withall that he shall visibly and really appeare in the natural Clouds at that his second coming but now mentioned as Christ himselfe and Saint John expounds the Prophets Matth. 24.30 Revel 1.7 Then shall appeare saith Christ in that twenty fourth of Matthew ver 30. the signe of the Sonne of Man in Heaven and then shall all the Tribes of the earth mourne and they shall SEE the Sonne of Man coming in the CLOVDES of Heaven c. And saith John in that Revel 1.7 Behold he cometh WITH CLOVDES and every eye shall SEE him and they also that pierced him § 13 He is said in the same thirteenth verse both to come to the Ancient of dayes that is as he is Mediator to the end to obtaine the Kingdome for his Saints being removed from the enemy So the Lamb is said to approach to him that
taken away thy judgement he hath cast out THINE ENEMY The King of ISRAEL is in the midst of thee even the LORD you shall not see EVILL ANY MORE Vers 19. Behold at that time I WIL UNDOE ALL THAT AFFLICT THEE and will save her that halteth and gather her that was driven out and I will get them a praise and fame in every Land where they have been put to shame Thus you see the full extent and intent of the text insomuch as never to this day can be found a capacious and adequate space of place and time wherein to lodge the fulfilling thereof and therfore waites for its turne to be performed by our God that cannot lye before the ultimate Day of Doome See for this in the first place what others hint I may say afore they are aware because the streame of their opinion runs a contrary way Doctor Mayer thus I will turne to the people a pure Language intimating the conversion of the Gentiles but least when Judgements should come upon all peoples by Nebuchadnezzar they should despaire of any such worke to be wrought among them he saith My determination is to gather the Nations to poure out mine indignation upon them as meaning that great destructions should BEFORE THIS passe through all Countries by the Chaldes then by the Persians after that by the Grecians and finally by the Romans last of all which should the conversion of the Nations to the Gospel follow Thus he Now the destructions by the Romans is not yet at an end that Empire so much of it as is left still making great destructions both spirituall and temporall in Spaine France Portugall Germany Italy c. and much more the three Hornes of the Turkish dominions broken off from that Roman enslaving the fifth part * See the account cast up afore in Sect. 40. S. 2. P. 2. or thereabout of all the world and therefore by Doctor Mayers words this generall conversion of the Gentiles is not yet come so as to convert them as he carries on the sence that are beyond the river of Ethiopia c. Calvin and our New Annotations say that This Prophesie is extended unto the time of the Gospel when not only the Gentiles shall come into the Church but also the Jewes shall returne into their owne Country that they may make one BODY with the converted Gentiles Thus they Which when it hath been ever fulfilled since the time of the Gospel let them prove that will undertake to assert it for we shall by and by give many strong reasons to the contrary and therefore according to their supposition or grant this is yet to be fulfilled Alapide saith Christ took away their pride mentioned vers 11. when having overthrowne their materiall Temple by Titus and the Romans he erected his Church in Sion transferring beleevers from that Judaicall Temple unto the Church in which as in a Schoole of humility hee teacheth the Jewes lowlinesse of minde and humbly together with the Gentiles to submit to the grace of Christ Now when ever since the overthrow of the Temple by Titus the Romane which was about forty years after the Passion of Christ did the Lord Christ erect a Church in Zion and translated the beleeving JEWES and GENTILES into it teaching the Jewes there lowlinesse of minde and together with the Gentiles humbly to submit to the grace of Christ Surely as in the thirteenth of the Acts we have it in the generall asserted from History of Divine authority that the Jewes generally refused the Gospel whereupon it was transferred to the Gentiles and there it hath continued according to Rom. 11. downe to these times leaving the Jewes in blindnesse so we have it illustrated by particulars from all the most famous Histories and Chronologies that long after Titus his ruining of the Temple the Jewes persisted in their Leviticall Sacrifices offered in the City upon the rubbish of the Temple untill Adrians overthrow of the City and his expelling the Jewes thence in the yeare after Christs Incarnation one hundred thirty foure And againe for many yeares after that being thence expulsed they persisted in Jewish sacrificing at Mamre where formerly God appeared to Abraham and so continued untill Constantine the Great who began to bee sole Emperour about the yeare of Christ three hundred and twelve overthrew their Altar there and built in the roome a Church-place of worship for the Christians And after that Julian the Apostata encouraged the Jewes out of his hatred to the Christians to rebuild the Temple of Salomon in the yeare of Christ saith Bucholcerus three hundred sixty three God wonderfully destroyed their worke by fire from Heaven And from that time to this they have been seen and heard in all Countries where they are permitted their Synagogues to worship God after the manner of the Jewish Liturgy in singing the Psalmes of David according to our Hebrew Text and reading the Law and the Prophets with tripudiations c. and doe professe as I have had it by Letters from their learned Rabbins that they hope to be saved by the Law of Moses all which doe sufficiently demonstrate that they are not yet translated into the Church erected in Sion since Titus his devastation of Salomons Temple so that this Scripture of Zephanie remaines yet to be fulfilled which I make thus to appeare ¶ 1. Observe how many Parties are here mentioned that must have a share in the fulfilling of this Prophesie when ever it be fulfilled viz. First The Gentiles ver 9. Secondly the two Tribes of the Jewes called Juda expressed in the words Zion and Jerusalem ver 14. 16. Thirdly The ten Tribes of the Jewes called by their name Israel ver 14. but all these three parties have not yet joyntly shared in the mercies prophesied to them in this Text therefore it remaines yet to be fulfilled ¶ 2. Observe the parts or things to be shared among those Parties viz. conversion unto the true God congregating of them into a christian Church and destruction of all that hate them as you have heard Now when did the Gentiles the people of Judah and the Tribes of Israel ever joyntly injoy these three mercies For ¶ 3. Observe all these must at the great time of fulfilling them be extant at once together for though in the discusse I distinguished them into parts according to their nature and sence yet the Prophet according to place and order of sentences did interweave and windingly wreath them one within another to the intent that no man might separate what God had joyned together but might behold them as a goodly Coine that though there be a distinction of the parts of the impressions upon it yet all make but one Image of Caesar All those parts are but the severall sculptures of one and the same entire character of the glorious time of the Church yet before the end of the world for hitherto the said three parties never enjoyed the afore-mentioned three parts
the terme and end of the world In the Talmud wee read 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. The world shall endure six thousand yeers in one it shall be destroyed upon which many comment thus The ELEMENTARY and TERRESTRIAL world shall endure six thousand yeers and in the seventh thousand all shall return to their ancient chaos of which they were made And after that a New world shall exist And that likewise after it hath stood six thousand yeers shall also relapse to its former Chaos And then the revolution of the world shall endure for nine and forty thousand yeers And after that the heavens and the earth shall be annihilated * It seems by this that what the doctrine of Mahomet said of 1000 yeers and 49000 was learned of these Rabbins All this they thinke to be shadowed forth partly by the six dayes of the Creation because according to the Psalmist Psal 90.4 A thousand yeers in the sight of the Lord are but as yesterday Partly by the Law and the Commandement That six yeers the land should be tilled in the seventh it should rest and in the fiftieth the Jubile should be celebrated As for my opinion saith R. Menasse I thinke That after six thousand yeers the world shall be destroyed upon one certaine day or in one houre that the orbs of heaven shall make a stand as unmoveable that there shall be no more generation or corruption and all things by the resurrection shall be renovated and return to a better condition And this saith he out of doubt is the opinion of the most learned Aben Ezra who commenting on that place of Isaiah Chapter 65.17 Behold I create new heavens and a new earth c. saith thus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. i.e. Rather we are to say that the Heavens are expansed and that God will make new the aire to be singular good c. and then also shall there bee added to the earth a fresh vigor whereby it shall bee made New According to which verdict of Aben-Ezra saith Menasse There is a total and universal reforming or new-framing of the world And although the Text hath it New Heavens yet there is no necessity nor doth the sense require it that we should understand New Heavens to be meant of other Heavens diverse from these now in being but onely that there shall be a certain Instauration and Reformation of them into better And whereas afore the Ancients said that after six thousand yeers the world shall be destroyed in one the meaning is not that after six thousand yeers should be nothing how can it be measured by ONE Againe the word Destroy doth not signifie a total annihilation but onely a ruine or lapsing of things Therefore from those words cannot be concluded that the world shall be reduced to nothing but as R. Hasday thinketh 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. i. e. Nothing else can be gathered from the aforesaid speeches but that there is a CERTAIN NECESSARY ETERNITY OF THE WORLD IN SPECIE or KIND that is that the world be not plainly consumed and turned out into nothing but still bee turned into a better world Accordingly R. Huna saith concerning R. Joseph Galilean even those heavens of which it is written I create new Heavens are already created in six dayes in Genesis And suteably in that 65. of Isa 17. speaking of creating a new earth he doth not say meerly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 new but with an additional of an emphatical article 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this same earth New So that as Psal 102.25 26. The heavens and the earth waxing old as a garment are CHANGED as a new drest garment And to the same purpose the Ancients speak * Par. 30. Noah say they saw the New world yet at that time the world was not altogether destroyed but renewed according to Psal 102.26 The summe is That the world shall not be destroyed for a thousand yeers but in one day or punctum of an houre the earth shall suffer a mighty change and upon that change immediately shall follow the resurrection of the dead and a new world Even as it is in Zoar * Parasah Toldoth Ishac 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 From the hour of the resurrection of the dead the world shall remain stable And Lactantius Firmianus intimates that he had received it from a Cabalist that the terme of six thousand yeers being consummated the state of all humane affairs shall be formed into a better condition ¶ 5 In the fifth chapter is held forth by the Rabbins what kind of ruine there shall be of the world before the great restauration of it yet to come And concerning the Jews war with GOG and MAGOG All the Rabbins saith Menasse Ben Israel agree in this That theISRAELITES after their return into their own Country at the time of their redemption are not to injoy a full and perfect tranquillity and peace until the last war with Gog and Magog shal be finished For it shall come to passe saith he that after the Israelites shall returne into Palestine that Nation of Gog and Magog shall come to invade and possesse that Country and that with an huge multitude of men and infinite forces of souldiers with the same hope and mind to recover the Kingdome and Empire to themselves as the Goths and Vandals accompanied with a multitude of vile persons subjected unto themselves most puissant Kingdomes and triumphed over them And although perhaps they may be perswaded that Monarchy of the Jewes to bee erected not without the singular divine providence of God yet haply they may thinke that it shall continue but for a time and so may conclude that it will bee as possible for them to subvert and subdue it as it was for Nebuchadnezzar and Titus Vespasian formerly to overthrow and enslave it With this hope and confidence those Nations of Gog and Magog shall with an armed power invade the Holy Land and having againe expulsed thence the Israelites they shall endeavour to subjugate them under their power All which may be confirmed by divers places of Scripture 1 By Ezekiel Chap. 37. where the Prophet treating of the gathering together and restititution of the Ten Tribes and of the other Two signified by the Two sticks in which the names of Judah and Ephraim were written and declaring that all those Tribes shall be conjoyned and shall have David to be their King for ever c. he by and by subjoyns in the 38. Chapter that this people shall be broken and exceedingly troubled by Gog and Magog Therefore he begins the 38. Chapter thus Son of man Set thy face against Gog the land of Magog c. And prosecutes the reason Vers 14. Therefore Sonne of man prophesie and say unto Gog Thus saith the Lord God In that day when my people dwelleth safely shalt thou not know it And thou shalt come from thy place out of the North parts thou and many people with thee all
certain 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Formes of Ecclesiastical doctrines according to which all Teachers in the Church were to frame their discourse and direct their opinions Some of these 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Formes of Ecclesiastical doctrine are recorded by Gelasius Cyzicenus in his Historiâ Actorum Concilii Niceni History of the Acts of the Council of Nice Amongst these there is this Forme for the Doctrine of the state of the Resurrection * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cap. 7.18 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 P● 27.13 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mat. 5.5 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●●a 26.6 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The world was made more minute or lesse i.e. imperfecter or viler because of fore-knowledge For God fore-saw that man would sinne Therefore we expect NEW HEAVENS AND A NEW EARTH accrding to the holy Scriptures when shall shine forth the apparition or appearance and Kingdome of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ And THEN as Daniel saith Chap. 7.18 The Saints of the most HIGH SHAL TAKE THE KINGDOME and there shal be a pure earth holy a land of the living and not of the dead which David fore see●ng by the eye of faith cryes out Psal 27.13 I beleeve to see the goodnesse of the Lord in the LAND OF THE LIVING A land of the meck and humble For blessed saith Christ Matth. 5.5 are the meek for they shall POSSESSE THE EARTH And the Prophet s aith Isa 26.6 The feet of the meek and the humble shall tread upon it 1. Judge by this notwithstanding fifty yeers opposition how powerfull the Chiliastical party yet was at the time of that Council By some whereof if this Forme were not framed and composed yet was it thus moderated as you see that both parties might accept it every mans interpretation being safe to himselfe as being delivered in the terms and language of Scripture 2 Judge whether in my explication of the state of the Thousand yeers I have not kept within the compasse of this Forme and not swerved one jot there-from This you see was the opi●●on of the whole Orthodox Christian Church in the age immediately following the death of S. John when yet Polycarp and many of the Apostles Disciples were living as Justin Martyr expresly affirmes A Testimony absolute without all comparison to perswade such as rely upon authority and antiquity even as you have seen the same opinion continued throughout the next age following that And therefore it is to be ADMIRED that an opinion once so generally received in the Church should ever have been so cryed down and buried But those times which extinguished this brought other alterations into the Church beside this and perhaps something in lieu of that and relating to it which perhaps few observe that have knowledge enough of the rest namely that this opinion of the FIRST RESURRECTION was the reall ground and mother of prayers for the dead so anciently received in the Church which were then conceived after this manner THAT THEY MAY HAVE THEIR PART IN THE FIRST RESURRECTION See Tertullian who first mentions them The reason was because this having part in the first resurrection was not to be common to all but to be a priviledge to some namely of Martyrs and Consessors equipollent to them if God would so accept them Moreover the beleefe of this Prerogative of Martyrs in the first resurrection was that which made the Christians of those times so joyously desirous of Martyrdome These things will perhaps seem strange but will be found true if examined And yet may not seem so strange to considering minds if they take notice that even so neer to us as in King Edward the sixth his time in comparison of those ancient times though now an antiquity in parallel with later times this our opinion of the glorious state on earth yet to come before the ultimate judgement was given to that age as a Catechismal fundamental King Edward the fixth his Catechisme alleadges for our opinion to be drunk in by all that should receive the true Christian or Protestant Religion For the Author of the Catechisme set forth in that King Edward the fixth his time and by that King authorised May 20. in the last yeer of his reigne explicates the second Petition of the Lords prayer thus Q. How is that Petition Thy Kingdome come to be understood A. Wee aske that his Kingdome may come for as yet we see not all things subject to Christ wee see not how or that the stone is cut out of the mountaine ☞ without humane helpe which BREAKS INTO PEECES AND REDVCETH into NOTHING THE IMAGE DESCRIBED BY DANIEL how or that the onely rocke which is Christ doth POSSESSE AND OBTAINE THE EMPIRE OF THE WHOLE WORLD given him of the Father As yet Antichrist is not slaine whence it is that we desire and pray that at length it may come to passe and be fulfilled and that Christ alone may reigne with his Saints according to the divine promises And that be may live and have dominion in the world according to the decrees of the holy Gospel and not according to the traditions and laws of men and the wils of the TYRANTS of the World God grant saith the Reply of the Questionist that his Kingdome may come most speedily In Mr. Foxe his Martyrologie you shall find in the examination of Mr. Philpot that the Bishops when they came brought this Catechisme with them but what special relation it had to him I know not nor is ought there mentioned about it The Kings Letters before it begin thus Cum brevis explicata c. Whereas a compendious and plain way or forme of Catechisme written by a learnedman was presented unto us we committed the perusal and trial thereof to certain Bishops and other learned men c. And in the same Catechisme concerning the end of the world The Question being put thus The end of the world the sacred Scripture cals the consummation and perfection of the MYSTERY OF CHRIST and the RENOVATION OF ALL THINGS So the Apostle Peter speaks 2 Ep. Chap. 3. We expect new heavens and a new earth according to Gods promise wherein dwels righteousnesse And it seems agreeable to reason that the corruption mutability and sinne to which the whole world is subject should at last cease Now by what means or wayes of circumstances those things shall be brought to passe I desire to know of thee Answ I will declare as well as I can the same Apostle attesting The heavens in manner of a stormy tempest shall passe away and the elements estuating shall be dissolved and the earth and the works therein shall be burnt As if the Apostle should say The world like as wee see in gold shall be wholly purged with fire AND SHALL BEE BROVGHT TO ITS UTMOST PERFECTION which the little world man imitating shall likewise bee freed from corruption and mutation And so for mans sake for whose use the great world was
Reformation that the light of God may arise out of the crosse of Christ This Treatise was published An. Dom. 1608.11 John Dobricius in the yeer 1612. did set forth a notable Treatise entituled 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i.e. The Interpretor of times wherein both out of the holy Scriptures and from the new Starre which happened 1604. and the great conjunction of the Planets many things are discoursed of concerning the Reformation and future happinesse of the Church Of this Dr. John Alsted takes notice as very considerable 12. Peter du Moulin also hath something of our point in his first Book entituled Du combat Christen i.e. of the Christian combat But I will hold you no longer with quotations but will give you the conclusion wherein I will draw all that I have said in this fourth Book to this short Argument That which is generally confessed by all sorts of Rational men in all Nations is a truth See the Law of nature for a proof Datur Deus There is a God Parentes Colendi parents are to be reverenced ut tibisic alteri do as thou wouldest be done by and a thousand such which are confessed by all men because truths of the Law of nature in all men But that there shall be a glorious time on earth for good men before the ultimate judgement is confessed by the generality of all men of all sorts of men therefore it is a truth that there is yet such a glorious time to come before the ultimate and most general Judgement Finis Libri quarti THE FIFTH BOOK Containing the Dispute of the Learned touching the point aforesaid Wherein their ARGUMENTS against it are fairly solved and their REPLIES to ours are candidly discussed CHAP. I. WHerein Doctor Prideaux his Arguments are taken into consideration and answered Which we premise because hee disputes more exactly according to rule and is a later Writer and so hath the marrow of former Objectors SECT I. His first Argument propounded and canvased § 1 THE binding of Satan saith he and the Reigning of the Martyrs spoken of by Saint John are concurrent in the selfe-same thousand yeers But the yeers of binding Satan are long since past Therefore the Reigning of the Martyrs is not to bee expected as yet to come The first viz. the major Proposition is granted saith hee by the Defendants And I doe in the name of the rest confesse it The second viz. the minor Proposition hee thus indeavours to prove It is proved saith he from the end of the imprisonment of Satan Rev. 20. v. 3. namely that HE shall not seduce the Nations any more untill the thousand yeers be finished He doth not say that he should not tempt should not act in secret corners and wayes should not make his DEPTHS his refuge or that he should not make drunke the inhabitants of the earth by his Vicar the Beast under the visar or pretence of Devotion or of a Church but that he should not in an universal war by the open enemies of Christ compel men with force and armes to Paganisme and to as it were abjured Idolatry and Superstition But this kinde of binding of Satan came to passe after the laughter of the last of the ten persecutions when Constantine was advanced to the Empire about the three hundreth yeer after Christ Therefore those thousand yeers of which we speak are now past above three hundred yeers since and are not to be expected as to come § 2 But saith the Doctor the Dissentors here object that there was not wanting in that aforesaid thousand yeers beginning with Constantine Arianisme under which the world groaned Apostasies under Julian Devastations and horrid butcheries under the Goths and Vandals and Saracens so that no man of a sound minde will say that Satan was then bound and that the Martyrs then reigned But I answer saith the Doctor ¶ 1 The Arians did not seduce the Nations that with open force they rooted out Christianity But with patched deceits they oppressed the Orthodox ¶ 2 As for Julian hee was a little cloud that was soone over ¶ 3 And for the Goths and Vandals and Saracens they were more hurtfull whirlewinds and storms ¶ 4 But as they invaded they alwayes found some Emperours or Kings that were Patrons or Nurses of the Church whose power the enemies felt or else imbraced their Religion The Church then sighed under a correcting calamity but not under an oppressing Majesty as before in the Emperial persecutions It was free from trampling domesticke Princes but not from forreigne enemies insulting as occasion was The persecution was not universal but particular not continuall but by turns § 3 To the first syllogisme of the Doctor Sect. 1. we answer by denying the minor Proposition That whereas he there affirmes that the yeers of the binding of Satan are long since past we utterly deny it And to his proof whereby be would uphold and back the said minor Proposition by us denied I will answer first in general to the whole lump of what he hath said Secondly In particular to each parcel he hath spoken that deserves an answer My generall answer is in the words of judicious and learned Mr. Mede which somewhere in his works I cast mine eye upon and are to this effect That there is a wide difference between the DETHRONING of Satan Rev. 12 9. and the IMPRISONING of Satan Rev. 20. v. 1 2 3 * Some time after I had penned the copy I found the place in Mr. M●de viz. in his Diatrib part 4. p. 458. Where his words in terminis are these As for the Author of the Analyticall Table of the Apocalyps hee differs from mee wholly in the twentieth Chapter and followes Mr. Brightman My difference is in these particulars I hold but one Millenium Millenary time and that to begin at the destruction of the Beast He holds two one beginning at Constantine another at the destruction of the Beast 2 I deny that ever yet Satan was tyed up much lesse at the time of Constantine It is one thing to be dethroned and thrown downe from Heaven that was ●t the time of Constantine Another thing to bee bound and close Frisoner and not so much as peep out of his Dungeon See my Synchronismes Clav. Apocalyp part 2. Synch 4. pag. 22 23. Thirdly I take the Resurrections both of them first and second to be proper and reall He metaphorical 3 He seems to appropriate the second Millenium Millenary space of time which I thinke the onely to the glory of the Jews onely I extend it to the whole Catholick Church of the Gentiles Satan was Dethroned and cast downe out of the Throne of Majesty and Emperiality by Constantine the Great overcomming the wicked persecuting Emperours and so stopped the processe of the ten bloody heathen persecutions and put a period to them Though anon after Constantines death within the space of thirty yeers a new persecution begins viz. Constantius his sonne cherisheth the Arians and banisheth
plaine text without sophistication or allegorising contrary to the scope of the pace as far as possible or light can lead us Thirdly That the consummation of the world doth gloriously begin at the beginning of these thousand yeers as wee have demonstrated out of severall texts and so it rather hastens then prorogues Fourthly turning to Cornelius Alapide on this 20. of Rev. according to the Doctors direction thinking to finde some great matter I found onely this of that businesse That he saith we approach very neer the end of the world First because we see the Gospel preached almost to all the world Secondly the Saint Vincent who dyed one thousand foure hundred and eighteen did confidently preach this and that by the command of Christ as it is in the History of his life Thirdly that it is a constant oracle among the Turks that Mahomets sect is to endure a thousand yeers which yeers are now neere expired Fourthly so is the Prophesie of St. Malachy A.B. of Hibernia whose life St. Bernard did write Thus you see what Cornelius Alapide saith and what stuffe it is Two arguments out of the Popish legend Another from the Turks Alcoran or Tradition The other intimates a Scripture viz. that Mat. 24.14 But there is no Almost I would the Jesuit said true that almost It is not yet preached to the vast Kingdomes and places of China of the Turke of the Indians of the Tartars c. We do indeed grant that the consummation of the world is neer and we said so but now But that we set it backward or forward beside Scripture neither the Doctor nor his Alapide hath proved it one jot Nor can it seem lesse then some kinde of contradiction for the Doctor to say we doe prorogare ultra mille adminimum annos indefinito auctario That we do prolong the time at least a thousand yeers with an indefinite argument For if it be for a thousand yeers how is it indefinite If indefinite how is it for a thousand yeers And Alapide confesseth it is uncertain when the world shall end Ibid. ¶ Third Inconvenience the Doctor urgeth is That this opinion in our point feigneth a state of the Church militant in or at the comming of the Lord in adventu Domini triumphant and tranquillous contrary to Luke 18.8 When the Son of man shall come shall he finde faith on earth Answer wee doe not say that the Church shall triumph at the very first appearance of Christ which is to call the Jews yea we have said the contrary on Dan. 12. that for five and forty yeers will be a time of trouble to the Jews after their call and afore the triumph comes But when Christ hath once appeared to destroy all the Churches enemies the Church shall triumph and bee tranquillous many yeers as we have seen innumerable places in O. T. and just a thousand yeers according to St. John in Rev. compared with Dan c. of which afore That place of Luke is evidently of the weak faith not of no faith of true beleevers at the sight of the great troubles that are the sad Antecedent to the joyful Comedian Cat●strophe of the Churches deliverance as Dan. 12. and Rev. 11. to the end of 19. set it out But when Christ comes it is at a pinch to raise their faith and after to settle that their triumph on earth As he appeared in incarnate when the Saints faith was low as wee see in Nathanael And at the Resurrection as we see in the two Disciples Luke 24. and in Thomas John 20. But when manifest he raised them high So at his next coming ¶ Fourth Inconvenience is saith the Doctor it doth interpose at least a thousand yeers between the ruine of Antichrist and the dissolution of the world which Antichrist Paul foretold should be destroyed with the bright comming of our Saviour and by the breath of his mouth We answer first That if he means before the last dissolution at the last judgement even so doth St. John most emphatically interpose Compare Rev. 19. the two last verses with Ch. 20.4 compared with v. 12. And so methodically and exactly Antichrist shal be destroyed by the brightnes of Christs first coming His breath of his mouth viz. his Word and Spirit having made the Kings of the earth to hate the Whore Secondly we answer that at Christs appearance at the beginning of the thousand yeers there is a kinde of dissolution of the world 2 Peter 12.13 compared with Isaiah 65.17 ¶ Fifth Inconvenience is That this opinion as the Doctor affirms inventeth such an assumption of bodies as the Papists feigne of the blessed Virgins or brings downe from heaven soules to be united to bodies that perhaps they may get children possesse earthly things and be subject to other conditions of mortall men Wee answer first for the Drs. assumption of bodies feigned by the Papists the Dr. doth not tell us what he means and we cannot divine what the Papists may dream This arrow doth not appear ergo we need not hold up our buckler Secondly for the bringing soules downe from heaven to the body upon earth what wonder is this more then the returning of the soul of Lazarus and of those at Christs Passion and those in the Prophets to their bodies on earth especially seeing they that returne in the other world to their bodies upon the inhabitable world for that time of the thousand yeers Heb. 2.5 is to a glorious estate Indeed unlesse we can overthrow a world of places which we have urged this must be granted Thirdly For their begetting children at that time We doe not affirme it But if wee should I know not what grand Inconvenience would follow seeing Adam once might have done it without sinne or carnality of mind when his soule came new out of Gods hands which are more glorious then heaven and the Virgin Mary so conceived Christ And the Apostle Heb. 2. implies our state then shall be as innocent Adams was All earthly things that the Saints then shall enjoy shall but increase their happines not sin or carnality in the least That shall be fulfilled Matth. 19.29 If the full of happinesse in glory shall fill all the senses with joy and comfort sutable to that place why may not the Preface upon earth proportionally But the Doctor objects but with a fortasse perhaps Fourthly for their enjoyment of earthly things though the things bee earthly yet the Saints shall enjoy them in a spirituall manner under a spirituall notion and to a spirituall end as Adam in innocency For fifth of being subject to the condition of mortal men I doe not know that they that are Saints shall dye in that thousand yeers or any more seeing they that are alive shall only be changed ¶ 6 The sixth and last Inconvenience the Doctor urgeth is as hee saith that this opinion doth raise up againe Papisme at the end of the world viz. then for men to dye with the rest of
for behold the Kingdome of God is within you We answer first That these words were spoken to the Pharisees ibid. vers 20 to them it should not come with observation 2 To them enquiring after another state of Christs Kingdome mean while over-looking and neglecting its present state whiles Christ was personally with them and opposing him No wonder therefore that to such hypocrites so acting Christ would not discover the glorious visible state of his Church to come 3. The word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 observation it signifies Divination or Augury Bud. And the Apostle applies the Theam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to reprove the Galatians for observing dayes and months and yeers and times therefore Chemnitius sayes truly it signifies a scrupulous superstitious observation And oft in the New Testament it is put to signifie in the Theam a captious insidiatory malicious observation to carp and catch Luke 6.7 Chap. 14. vers 1 Chap. 20. vers 20. The great learned Philosopher a Natural Greek and therefore knew his owne tongue in his Rhet. l. 2. useth it for observing a fit time to revenge Now the Pharisees were exquisite at both sorts of observation viz. superstitions of washing c. and insidiatory See Luke 20.20 They watched him it is the same Greek word and sent forth spies c. This being the efficacy of the Greek word and this being the spirit and temper of the Pharisees no wonder that Christ sayes to them the Kingdome of God doth not come with such observation or to such observers But fourthly we answer that Christ doth not deny but that his Kingdome may be perceived and beheld by a serious and sincere observaton As first his Kingdome of the ministration of the Gospel So that there shall bee no need to say Lo here or lo there is the Kingdome while the Kingdome of God is AMONG YOU verse 21. q. d. you might see it as well as others if you were sincerely willing to see it Our Translators render it The Kingdome of God is within you But most improperly for sure the Kingdome of God was not within these Pharisees who most likely put this question to Christ insidiatorily Beside the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 commonly signifies among or on this side or on that side or in the middle or amidst and so Beza and the Hebrew our Syriack copy have it And Beza saith it answers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 apud vos among you And his words on this place and phrase is very considerable to our purpose This particle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saith Beza signifies that so the Kingdome of God was among them that by no means could it lye hid but was obvious to the beholding of all as John speaks Chap. 1. v. 27. But perhaps it doth declare that they had it not onely neer them but also within that is they had the Messiah within their houses so that but for perverse opinion c. they might acknowledge him There are some saith Beza who had rather render it WITHIN you as if it were signified there that the Kingdome of Christ were spiritual not earthly c. which opinion however it is true yet perhaps it is not sufficiently accommodated to this place Secondly For Christs more glorious and more conspicuous Kingdome at his next appearing he saith verse 22 23 24. and 25. to his Disciples Goe not after men that say here or there it is in this or that corner for as the lightning that lightneth out of the one part under heaven shineth unto the other part under heaven so also shall the Sonne of man be in his day But first hee must suffer many things and be REJECTED OF THIS GENERATION which plainly signifies his next comming after his Ascension Lay all together and you will see how little Mr. B. gets out of this place for his minor To his fourth proof thereof Job 18.36 My Kingdome is not of this world we have answered largely afore To his fifth and last proofe of his minor Rom. 14.16 The Kingdome of God consists not c. we gave a full answer when we answered the closing up of this his Argument SECT V. Mr. Bailyes fifth Argument § 1 THe Scripture makes the Church of God so long as it is upon earth first a mixed multitude of elect and reprobate good and bad Secondly A company of people under the crosse and subject to various temptations Thirdly A company that hath need of the Word and Sacraments of Prayer and Ordinances Fourthly That hath Christ a high Priest within the vayle of heaven interceding for them But the Doctrine in hand changes the nature of the Church and makes it for a 1000 yeers together to consist only of good gracious persons without all trouble without all Ordinances without any need of Christs Intercession For the first of mixedness see Mat. Luk. 18.8 These places declare the mixture of the wicked with the godly in the Church to the worlds end and most about the end For the second of Crosses See Psal 34.20 Many are the afflictions of the righteous Matth. 5.4 Blessed are they that mourne and are persecuted Act. 14.23 By many tribulations we must enter into the Kingdome of God Rom. 8.17 If we suffer with him we shall reigne with him 2 Tim. 3.12 All that will be godly must suffer persecution For the third of Ordinances see Eph. 4.11 1 Cor. 11.26 For the fourth of need of Christs Intercession see 1 John 1.8 and Chapter 2.1 Heb. 9.24 § 2 Answer first to the major Mr. B. himselfe cannot but confesse that it is not simply and absolutely true For if Christ will judge the whole world upon the earth on earth shall be the place of Judicature and bodies must be in a place for at heaven the wicked shall not be to receive sentence and onely the Saints at last are caught up into the clouds 1 Thess 4.17 And Christ as man must judge men as men and so have time to make his judgement apparently just to all mens reason and so as some of the Presbyterians confesse must take up some considerable time And at this time the Church shall be separated crosses shall cease the wicked shal not persecute c. Then it follows that the major is not absolutely true That all the time the Church is on earth it shal be subject to the four aforesaid particulars Now we have often and justly said The day of judgement begins at the thousand yeers § 3 To the minor wee say that it is false to say This Doctrine of the thousand yeers doth alter the nature of the Church Nature imports substance kinde essence But Mr. Baily knows the rule Magis minus non variant speciem i. e. More and lesse do not al●er the kinde And sure Mr. B. hath preached that common true Divinity that heaven doth perfect our condition our knowledge graces soules bodies and communion with God not alter them in kind nature or essence And so the
whiles the said darke troubles are extant and incumbent upon the Church even therein is a continued tendency towards the glory thereof these refining the Church for that state Malac. 3. verses 2 3. and thereupon Christ is neerer and readier for their full deliverance and acceptance verses 4.5.17 § 4 For after the night is over the day dawns unto the appearance of the day-star the Sunne So at the end of these dark troubles yea for the ending of them Christ the Sonne of Righteousnesse shall appeare Malach. 4.2 mark the method of that Prophet after that Chapter 3. v. 2 3. compared with 2 Pet. 1.19 all which places are largely discussed afore So that when the said troubles are at the highest then Christ will appear most gloriously for the destruction of the causers of all those troubles even all the enemies of the Church of which appearance of Christ and destruction of the enemy see Dan. 7.13 14. c. 2 Thess 2.8 Rev. 19. verse 11. c. to the end of the Chapter where they are lively characterized most worthy the Readers perusall Upon which destruction on the enemies by the presence of Christ the glorious time of the thousand yeers begins and that with the resurrection of all the Elect as most methodically it follows after that in Daniel as a close of all the troubles mentioned in the whole Prophesie Chap. 12. the two last verses and doth methodically follow that in the Revelation as the blessed Catastrophe of all the confusions in that whole Prophesie in Chapter 20. the first six verses So that next in an immediate order of nature followes the New Creation Chapter 21.1 of which in the next Section CHAP. II. Touching the New Creation THe Chaos being made the Creation of all particulars follow which New-creation is mentioned both in the Old and New Testament Rev. 21.1 John sees a New Heaven and a New Earth How so unlesse created new For the alteration is such that the old heaven and earth seem as it were to passe away So that this New Heaven and Earth is that which Peter and the rest that beleeved with him 2 Pet. 3.11 12 13. did expect that all the former being dissolved there should be New Heavens and a New Earth according to Gods PROMISE Now where is that promise but in Isa 65.17 Behold I create New Heavens and a New Earth so that the former shall not be remembred or come into minde In all which places the expression of earth demonstrates that it is a state on earth besides many circumstances annexed in all the said places before discussed in our third Book the word Heaven being no opposition to it which from Gen. 1. to the end of the Revelation is oft used to signifie those Heavens of the Ayre clouds c. which are appurtenances of the Earth which Paul calls by intimation the first Heaven 2 Cor. 12.2 § 2 With the Creation of this New World are created therein the appurtenances of it viz. ¶ 1. New Jerusalem Immediately after the Creation of a New Heaven and a New Earth St. John sees Rev. 21.2 the holy City NEW JERUSALEM comming DOWN FROM GOD out of HEAVEN and therefore signifies a state on earth And the Prophet Isa in that 65. Chapter verse 18. having mentioned the creation of the New Heaven and the New Earth immediately addes that the Lord saith Lo I create Jerusalem viz. into a happy condition of which by and by ¶ 2. The Inhabitants of this New World and New Jerusalem are no lesse then created First If there were no more then the conversion of the Jewes as the preparation to this new state especially they having been so long opposite to Christ this were no lesse then a Creation A Miracle is a kinde of Creation And the School-men say That though Conversion be not a Miracle properly yet it is more then a miracle Let mee give my vote in this reason because Conversion is out of resistances of mans stubborne minde and heart Miracles are wrought on non-resistances And in this is Conversion more then Creation because Creation is out of matter that hath a disposition of submission to the will of the Creator But mans unregenerate will whiles such is obstinately opposite But no man will doubt but that a Resurrection is a Creation Now the Scripture compares the conversion of the Jewes to a Resurrection Ezek. 37.5 c. Dan. 12.2 Rom. 11.15 In all which places the Call of the Jews is metaphorically called a Resurrection For it is a raising from spiritual death to spiritual life from sinne to grace and from Civil bondage to Civil liberty as the Scripture oft mentions But secondly The Inhabitants are further multiplyed and perfected by a Physical Resurrection of all the deceased Saints Rev. 20.4 and a Physical mutation of the living Saints 1 Cor. 15.51 52. So that as the Apostle saith in that Chapter verse 44. and Phil. 3.21 They shall have spiritual bodies needing nor meat nor drinke c. and made like to Christs glorious body as we have several times discussed afore Now a real Physical Resurrection of bodies and such a reall physicall change of them are no lesse then a Creation Is it not fully a Creation to make men of dust Is it not a creation to change flesh and blood into a likenesse to the radiating Sunne Just so is it inthese things ¶ 3 The Qualifications of places and persons are created As first Righteousnesse being one of the qualifications is also created In 2 Pet. 3.13 in that New Heaven and New Earth made New by creation as the quotation of it out of Isa 65.17 demonstrates there dwels Righteousnesse by vertue of that Creation Grace being nothing else but divine created qualities even as in that 65. of Isa it is expresse that God will create in Jerusalem other excellent qualifications which we shall presently name Sutably Peter in that 2 Epist 3. Chap. v. 13. having mentioned the New Heaven and Earth addes as an appurtenance to it wherein dwels righteousnesse and all by vertue of a Creation as the Apostles referring to Isa 65.18 plainly speaks And from both places John hath this in his vision Rev. 21. verse 1 2 and 27. That into this New Heaven and Earth and holy Jerusalem all new as we sh●wed by Creation there shall in no wise enter any thing that defileth as in the first creation all that God made was good yea exceeding good Gen. 1.31 Secondly There shall be created in this New state the qualification of peace Isa 57.19 I CREATE the fruit of the lips PEACE ●EA●E to him that is afar off by captivity or otherwise and to him that is neer saith the Lord and I will heal him Peace peace doubled signifies very great absolute perfect peace as that time shall be a time of an universal perfection Thirdly Of this New state there shall bee another qualification viz. joy or rejoycing and that by the means of the New creation for it
YOUR FILTHINESSE c. and I will save you from ALL YOUR UNCLEANNES 9. Ezekiel Chap. 44.9 speaking of the glorious state of the Church in the last dayes addes Thus saith the Lord no stranger uncircumcised in HEART shall enter into my Sanctuary ¶ 10 Dan. 12.3 At the time that Michael shall stand up and deliver his people they that be wise shall shine as the BRIGHTNES OF THE FIRMAMENT and they that turne many to righteousness AS THE STARS FOR EVER AND EVER Which is to come to passe before the last universal resurrection and ultimate judgement as we have before demonstrated ¶ 11. Zeph. 3.13 The remnant of Israel SHAL NOT DO INIQUITY nor SPEAK LYES neither shall a DECEITFUL TONGUE be found in their mouthes which words relate as the context afore shews to a state of the Church in the last dayes on earth as the thing demonstrates that it was never yet fulfilled ¶ 12. Zach. 14.20.21 Upon all shall be holinesse to the Lord. ¶ 13 Malach. 4.1 c. The day commeth that shall burne as an oven And all that are proud and doe wickedly shall be as stubble and the day commeth that shall burne them up saith the Lord that it shal leave them neither root nor branch All these places and others have been demonstratively cleared to relate to the time following upon the Call of the Jewes and their settlement All which laid together make up a sinlesse condition § 2 Which will be more cleare and more clearly settled on our spirits by adding some places of the New Testament ¶ 1 In 1 Cor. 15.52 54 55 56. it is said When this corruption shall put on incorruption at the sound of the last Trumpet then O death where is thy sting The sting of death is sinne But thanks be to God that gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ Now as wee have before proved there is a vast space viz. of a thousand yeers of the whole terme of the last Trumpet afore the universal ultimate Resurrection ¶ 2 In 2 Cor. 3.18 it is said When the Jewes shall have both vayles taken away as wee have before opened viz. that on Moses namely his forme of worship and that on their hearts viz. their unbeleef instead of the remainders of sinne they shall with open face behold the glory of the Lord being transformed into the same image from glory to glory ¶ 3 St. Peter likewise asserts 2 Pet. 3.13 That after the dissolution of this present vaine sinfull world there shall not onely be New Heavens but also a NEW EARTH wherein dwels RIGHTEOUSNESSE Proving it out of Isa 65.17 for those words be repeats This is spoken to the Jewes and concerning their share in the future happinesse on earth And that dwelling of righteousnesse there must signifie an eminent and absolute degree or else it will not surmount the present state of the Chuch in which as such dwels much righteousnesse But I need not struggle about this with most knowing men who incline to understand this place of a perfection as absolute as that in the supreamest Empyrean heaven ¶ 4 Let us adde but one place more viz. That in Rev. 21. v. 1. c. and verse last of that Chapter in a continued description of the glorious state of the Saints on earth yet to come And saith St. John I saw a new heaven and a new EARTH and I saw the holy City New Jerusalem comming down FROM GOD OUT OF HEAVEN Behold the Tabernacle of God is WITH MEN c. and there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that DEFILETH c. but they that are written in the Lambs Book Every verse of this Chapter as before we gave a particular account hath something in it incompatible and incompetible with the supreamest heavenly estate § 3 But then the question will bee where shall abide all those thousand yeers all those hypocrites called Gog and Magog that shall at last break out and go about to oppose the Church though in vain their opposition and subversion concluding in the same moment Rev. 20.8 Wee answer according to that light wee have attained that most probably they shall not be in but without the Church Rev. 22.15 Without shall be dogs evill men and such as make and love a lye The Heathens as appears by Homer * Iliad 8. did use to call the place of out-cast men 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Tartaros alluding likely to some dismal remote place of the earth as Tartary is from us and from Jerusalem The Apostle takes up that word in 2 Pet. 2.4 and makes a verb out of it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Tartaro● to signifie the putting of men into an Hellish solitary place So that most likely the unregenerate shall be as remote from the Church as Tartary is from Jerusalem and the Christian Church as far as it were from Hell to Heaven The Church now being as in an Heaven on earth the false-hearted spawn of future Gog and Magog shall bee remote on earth neer their future Hell To which that place of Gog and Magog Rev. 20.8 doth contribute some proof in that it saith that Gog and Magog shall bee fetched up against the Church by the Devil from the FOURE QUARTERS OF THE EARTH § 4 But if these Hypocrites were permitted neerer the Church they might perhaps be converted VVee answer no. For it is if we may use that word the Fate of this Millenary period I meane Gods righteous peremptory sentence that as all that time there shall be no degenerating of any beleevers so no more regenerating of any unbeleevers There is a judiciary sentence peremptorily passed to this purpose Rev. 22.11 He that is unjust let him be unjust still and be which is filthy let him be filthy still and he that is righteous let him be righteous still and he that is holy let him be holy still That is They shall be so still In order to which it follows WITHOUT are Dogs c. that love and make a lye And I come quickly and my reward is with mee The appearance of Christ at the preface to thi● thousand yeers will be as it is represented in the Preface to the Revelation Chap. 1. among the Churches viz. that then are or have been Chu●ches Therefore it behooves Churches and all Professors to beware they bee not sound as the Foolish Virgins that never had the oyle of regenerating grace in the vessels of their hearts and the oyle of sound principles in their heads by which they made the blaze of Profession is spent i. e. they have lost their principles and so being unready at Christs comming they come when as Ierome saith well the doors are shut SECT II. It is Sorrowlesse § 1 HAving shewed that this future glorious state of the Kingdome of Christ on earth yet to come shall be sinlesse next with good dependence we assert it is a sorrowlesse condition For sorrow came into the world by sinne therefore sorrow shall
texts of Isa 25.8 and Hos 13 14. to be then fulfilled doth clearly import a state on earth of a visible glory of the Church when the Jewes shall be called For the said Prophesies mainly had an eye to the restitution of the Jews As the Apostle extends them to Jews and Gentiles attained by Christ And speaks in this Chapter all along of the resurrection of Saints which John Rev. 20.5 calls the first Resurrection and doth not speake of the generall Resurrection of the wicked ¶ 3 Adde to the three former places to prove that this time we speake of shall be a deathlesse condition another most evident place sc Rev. 21.4 I have diverse times demonstrated that this Chapter cannot bee meant of everlasting glory in the highest heavens And once I runne over the whole Chapter to that end And now you may cast your eye upon 1 2 3. verses which lead to the fourth now quoted New heavens because the old passe away But the highest heavens are never old nor passe away And a New earth which cannot import Heaven No more Sea This in no wise can belong to a description of glory in the highest heavens I saw New Jerusalem the holy City comming downe from God OUT of Heaven not going up to Heaven The Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwel with them Then it follows v. 4. God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death nor sorrow nor crying nor paine So that the taking away of all tears as is here expressed is the same with Isa 25.8 And in both places the taking away of death and of sorrow are conjoyned ¶ 4 So that in Revel 7. the last verse relates to the same place of Isa 25.8 And intends fully the taking away of death though not so fully mentioned ¶ 5 The last place to prove this deathlesse condition is Rev. 22.2 3 It is evident that this 22 Chapter relates to the same state as Chapter 21. witnesse not only v. 14 15. But v. 1 2. of the Fountain of water and Tree of life which signifies a state on earth Now in relation to our Point by reason of their partaking of the Tree of life it is said in v. 3. There shall be no curse i. e. No death For that was the original curse to Adam if he did eat of the Tree of knowledge of good and evill If he did not he might have eaten of the Tree of life and lived for ever Hee should never have dyed but beene translated So now shall it bee in this State § 3 Thus you see the grounds that make it most probable that this time shall be a Deathlesse time A kinde of beginning of immortality If men say the contrary it is by presumptuous interpretation and with a bold THAT IS But these places speake so plaine downe right that I must leave them as I finde them and not dare to alter them If any one intimation in other Scriptures may be found they must for ought I see be accommodated to these The plainer must make the darker comply To deal faithfully with you There is onely one considerable place that I know of relating to the time I speake that hath something of an intimation of mortality to be in these times and that is Isa 65.20 It cleerly relates to the time we speak of v. 17. Behold I create New Heavens and a New earth c. which Peter refers to this time 2 Pet. 3.13 in relation to the promise in that Isa 65. Now the 20. verse our Translators have rendred thus There shall be no more an Infant of dayes nor an old man that hath not filled his dayes For the childe shall dye an hundred yeers old but the sinner being an hundred yeers old shall be accursed Now as far as I can see into Languages and the context these words For the childe shall dye an hundred yeers old may be more fitly translated That the childe should dye an hundred yeers old For the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Hebrew is exceeding often used yea and so rendred by Translators to signifie THAT as wee have here rendred it As for turning shall into should it is not worth the mentioning before a Grammarian that knowes that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 so rendred will infer that the verb speak subjunctively Now read the words so easily altered in the English and without the least violence to the native acception of the Hebrew and the meaning will be quite contrary to any intimation of the mortality of the Saints in this glorious time of the thousand yeers For according as we have translated the sense will runne cleerly thus There shall be no more thence or from that time viz. of the beginning of the thousand yeers of the New Creation an infant of dayes or an old man that hath not filled his dayes that the child or young man should dye at an hundred yeers old So that here is no mention of the mortality of the Saints but of their immortality Which for further clearing of the Text may bee made out two wayes ¶ 1. Thus Hee that is an hundred yeers old in those dayes is but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as it is in the Text but a youth or young man as our old Translation renders it For as a youth hath but the tenth part of that age which many men live in these dayes So an hundred yeers are but the tenth of this Millenary time of life to the inheritors thereof Againe as in the first age of the world wherein Adam lived one of an hundred yeers old was but a young man to one at his full age in those dayes as Gen. 5.4 Adam lived an hundred and thirty yeers and begat a sonne But Adam after that lived eight hundred yeers so all his dayes were nine hundred and thirty neer a thousand Even so in this Millenary age of the New creation one of an hundred yeers old is but a young man to the thousand yeers that hee shall reigne with Christ on earth So that the sense of the Prophet may fairly be taken to be this That in the time of this New creation the thing a type at least of the highest glory and the time a preface of eternity as the young man must not have his dayes cut off so the old man must fulfill his dayes And how are both these accomplished in this New creation but by both their living on earth a thousand yeers old and young all Saints reigning on earth a thousand yeers When I speake of old and young you must understand those Saints that are found alive at Christs comming which anon after are changed for all the deceased Saints are raised to an equall perfection and absolute maturity of age and nature even as the other are changed into the same exactnesse though at Christs first appearance different in age c. So that we may well understand the Prophet to allude to the age of
c. As saith he Our beloved brother Paul speaks of these things in all his Epistles which unlearned and unstable men wrest So that in Peters judgement many things of this New Heavens and New Earth and of this glorious time are in Pauls Epistles but being as Peter hints profoundly delivered are not understood by many but perverted as we see at this time Well let us understand Paul better then so In that Rom. 8. verse 18. c. The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to bee compared with the glory which shall bee revealed in us mark REVEALED and IN US It is a bringing downe glory to us into us Then it follows verse 19. The earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the Sonnes of God Mark It is here plaine that the natural creature is meant not the spiritual new creature viz. the regenerated souls They are the Sons of God And these two are contradistinct And mark further that it is said It waits for the manifestation of the Sonnes of God whereas glory in the highest heavens is an hiding of them from the Creation and would disappoint it of its expectation which must not bee because that expectation and waiting is the instinct of the creature And that is so much as that it may not be in vaine By that a tree grows to his period of age be it in never so many hundred yeers c. Accidentals of wens and warts winds and weathers doe not eradicate his instinct The curse is accidental to the creature not of the essence the creation still by instinct looks for his former state in Adam and therefore as notwithstanding nipping winter the creature every spring hath its petty resurrections as types and pledges of the great as the little Jubilee of the great So its expectation by instinct shall not faile of the great Restauration And this accidentall the Apostle argues in the next verse sc 20. The creature was made subject to vanity not willingly sc not essentially of its essential frame but by reason of him who subdued it under hope i. e. The creature was made substantially glorious essentially exceeding good and then after Adams fall which that it was the same day or suddenly after his creation I cannot yet believe Divines best reasons are not to mee convincing I cannot thinke that God would make such an excellent piece to be like a bubble or sparke Though in the third Chapter of Genesis is presently mention of Adams fall and Chapter 4. of Adams two sonnes yet Adam was an hundred and thirty yeers old when he had his third son sc Seth. I say then after Adams fall it was subject to vanity i. e. fading and unconstant with changes by Winter and Summer by him who subjected it sc by Gods curse on the creature not in anger to it but as a punishment to man whom as a Lord they should have served But God subjected it not for ever to that condition but under hope As he cursed man not forever but gave him a promise of salvation by the seed of the woman Christ that the Serpents head shall be bruised scrooched And so as man by distinct hope waites and God is mindfull of that promise above foure thousand yeers after Rom. 16.10 So the creatures have an instinct of hope impressed on their essence that they shall be restored And here is a promise for it in this 8. of Rom. verse 21. That in perfection they shall serve their Lord viz. Man being restored to his perfection by the man Christ Jesus There is a shadow of this instinct in all plants sleeping birds c. in that they live in Winter in secret and every Spring put forth in hope as the Apostle speaks that the time is come And if that be not the time then at next Winter they retire againe and wait another Winter Just as men did rationally Luke 24.21 wee hoped that this had been he c. And Act. 1. Mr. Wilt thou then at this time restore the Kingdome to Israel If not they must wait longer And as men distinctly so the creation instinctly For the promise is sure to both Verse 21. The creature it selfe also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the Sonnes of God See againe the creature and the sonnes of God are two distinct things To understand the minde of the words note first that Bondage imports the creature came into this condition not from its original essence and first constitution but accidentally and violently by mans corruption sc the Fall in Adam Secondly Note that corruption is of three sorts ¶ 1 In a physical or natural respect as now the natures of all the creation are corruptible dissolvable fading as in Autumn Winter or other periods or to be corruptible with malignant qualities as the elements of aire water c. and plants grow unwholesome c. The Stars to be ecclipsed clouded and stained with malevolent constellations blasting and hurting things below and all to the defacing of their glory and dis-service to the Saints ¶ 2 In Civil respects or uses They are worne and wasted and wearied and bruised for the use of man As Land Cattel Plants c. ¶ 3 In a spiritual respect so by the sinne and corruption yet remaining in the best of men they are made to serve for sinfull uses not onely by the wicked but sometimes by the Saints as when they are used to superfluous superabounding banqueting or to please our pride or the vanity of our minds c. § 3 Now to be delivered from this corruption into the glorious liberty of the Sonnes of God imports That as the Saints shall now be advanced to the full liberty of the Sons of God sc they shall be no more under the bondage of infirmities of nature or Satans temptations or the imperiousnesse of sin or the violence of unjust men but shall bee naturally civilly and spiritually free from having receiving or doing any hurt their state shall be a full liberty and a glorious one so all the creatures of the whole creation shall partake of the same liberty thus far ¶ 1 They shall be delivered from the corruption and fading that adheres to their nature ¶ 2 They shall be delivered from the violence done to them by men ¶ 3 From their sinful use ¶ 4 Shall be delivered to their right owner viz. to the second Adam and his posterity who shall onely use them well As man shall not sweat and toyle in labour which was the curse on Adam after his fall and therefore now to be taken off so man shall not oppresse and grieve and discourage the creature How plaine then is this Text of the Restauration of the Creation to them that will understand And this was never yet fulfilled but spoken to Saints as yet expecting it verse 22.23 The creature groans and travelleth in pain till now sc under the corruption before explained and not only
you see and heare For David is not ascenascended into the heavens but he saith himself THE LORD SAID TO MY LORD SIT THOV ON MY RIGHT HAND UNTIL I MAKE THINE ENEMIES THY FOOTSTOOL therefore let the house of Israel know assuredly that God hath made that same Jesus whom yee have crucified both LORD and THE CHRIST 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For from hence we may boldly conclude the sence of the Apostle that by Christs ascention not only was the Spirit to be poured out as Ephes 4. Joh. 7.39 but the house of Israel must know assuredly that he was there initiated enstalled and entitled to be LORD and THE CHRIST That as before we opened it out of Luke 19.11 Christ went away to heaven to returne and receive a Kingdome So that Christ must have besides his anointing with his Spirituall power another Lordship to subdue all his enemies to be his footstoole and this the house of Israel must know assuredly now after Christs ascention as after his ascention the Apostle there made that application of the one hundred and tenth Psalme But sure enough to this day neither doth the house of Israel know this assuredly nor are his enemies his footstoole but contrariwise Christ in his repute and in his Members and his Gospel is their footstoole 6 ¶ The Apostle carries on this yet further in 1 Cor. 15. ver 24 to ver 29. Then cometh the end when he shall have delivered up the Kingdome to God the Father when he shall have put downe all rule and all authority and all power For he must reigne till he hath put all enemies under his feet The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death For he HATH marke here he useth the past time put all things under his feet but when he saith all things are put under him it is manifested that he is excepted which did put all things under him And WHEN all things SHALL BE SVBDVED UNTO HIM observe now the Apostle speakes in the future time then also shall the Sonne himselfe be subject unto him that put all things under him You see evidently that in the five and twentieth verse are quoted the words of the one hundred and tenth Psalme and in the twenty seventh verse is quoted part of the eighth Psalme which is the reason why the Apostle speakes there in the past time Not that the things were then fulfilled when the Apostle pend that 1 Cor. 15. for presently in the twenty eighth verse he speakes them in the future but because it is in the Hebrew in Psal 8. in the past time alluding to the type of it in Adam Gen. 1.26 c. Howbeit the sence is a Prophesie of things to come that they shall be all subject to Christ as they were to Adam as this our Apostle applyes it Heb. 2. of which afore These things being premised let us now see what the Apostle doth comment in this 1 Cor. 15. upon that one hundred and tenth Psalme First the Apostle layes it downe for a sure Position in the twenty fourth verse that the END OF ALL is not till Christ hath delivered up the Kingdome to God the Father 2. He gives us a signe in the same verse when he will so give up the Kingdome viz. When he hath put downe all authority rule and power 3. The Apostle proves this out of this one hundred and tenth Psalme ver 1. FOR saith the Apostle ver 25. he must reigne till he hath put all enemies under his feet which is all one with making his enemies his footstoole and plainly holds forth to us by this connexion that part of Christs putting downe all authority and power is to put all his enemies under his feet which saith the Apostle must be so universall that all enemies to Christ or his Members as well things as persons must be comprehended even Death it selfe as the last of all the rest 4. That all things were not subdued unto Christ when the Apostle wrote that 1 Cor. 15. for in the twenty eighth verse he speaketh of them as of things to come viz. when all things SHALL BE SVBDVED VNTO HIM Christ had before that about eighteene yeares by-past * Christ ascended about Anno 34. Paul writ his first Epist to the Corinthians about Anno 52. risen and ascended yet notwithstanding the Apostle speakes of putting all his enemies under Christs feet as of a thing yet to come which doth excellently confirme that sence we give of the Apostles words Heb. 2. viz. that Paul and those of his time did not see all things put under Christ or subject to him though they saw him ascend and to be ascended Nor doe we or have we now about one thousand six hundred yeares since that seen all things subject to Christ whereof the Apostle gives us six signes of assurance for saith the Apostle 1 If all things were subject to Christ then the END cometh ver 24. 2. The full end is not till Christ resigne up all viz. the Kingdome and Dominion c. to God ver 24. 3. That before that be done Death must be destroyed as one of the enemies to be put under Christs feet ver 26. By the destroying of death is not only meant a Morall or Spiritual destruction of it that it shall not prejudice our Salvation for so it hath been destroyed to all Beleevers from the beginning of the Promise of Christ revealed to Eve but Physically that there shall be no more death to the godly Revel 21.4 4. That Death is the last enemy that shall be destroyed ver 26. which is fulfilled to the godly at the beginning of the thousand yeares of which we speake when all the Elect deceased shall rise from the dead the wicked deceased not rising till the end of the said thousand yeares as before we have touched and shall be after demonstrated at which time Death shall be removed from those wicked to the end that they with their companions that a little afore made head against Christ in his Saints may receive their finall Judgement But because the Apostle here mentions Death as an enemy to Christs Kingdome for the death temporall or eternall of the wicked is a friend to Christs Kingdome he must of necessity meane the abolishing of corporall death from the Saints which is performed at the beginning of the thousand yeares which placing of Death in the order and relation of the last of the enemies of Christ and his Church doe clearly intimate that many enemies of Christ and his Saints must be destroyed afore that which stood in opposition to this All-glorious and All-peaceable visible Kingdom of Christ on earth And as death is destroyed Physically as wee have shewed so all that submit not to Christ are destroyed Physically that is they cease to be on earth 5. That Death is not destroyed till the last Trumpet ver 51. 52. in that 1 Cor. 15. Behold I shew you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shal
Father § 1 VVHat hath been said afore of this place for opening the Prophet Esa 45.14 and it selfe See pag. 113 114. and p. 215. l. 1. § 2 This a glorious time on earth expresse in the Text when it shall be fulfilled but this is not yet fulfilled For ¶ 1. All things on earth doe not submit to Christ which is the sence of bowing the knee But on the contrary an hundred for one are openly against Christ so that as the Apostle saith Heb. 2.8 We see not yet all things under him And Heb. 10.13 the Apostle saith long after his Ascension that he still sits in heaven expecting till his enemies be made his footstoole ¶ 2. All things under the earth viz the infernall Spirits doe not universally and actually subject to him that is they are yet permitted of God to act against Christs Kingdome but they must be made universally and actually to forbeare opposing Christs Kingdome Revel 16.17 The seventh Vial is poured out upon the aire that is upon the Prince of the aire the Devil and on his retinue How Why Christ shall binde him for a thousand yeares c. Revel 20.1 2 c. ¶ 3. Much lesse to this day doth every tongue or the generality of all tongues confesse that Jesus Christ is the Lord TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER when as most either doe not name him or name him prophanely or blaspheme him ¶ 4. Paul tels us in another place viz Rom. 14.10 11. discussed also afore touching the meaning * See pag. 214. but by mistake printed p. 116. vix t is in lib. 3. cha 2. Sect. 19. S. 2. P. 1. That this bowing to Christ is not fulfilled till Christ shall sit in Judicature on his Seate of Judgement but this begins not till the first Resurrection Rev. 20.4 c. compare it with Revel 11.15 16 17 18. meane while Turk and Pope and Heathens extreamly domineer § 3 This truth hath not been discovered from these two places of Rom. 14. and Phil. 2. as yesterday but judicious Calvin long since did assert from the collation of both places together that this genuflexion and submission to Christ is not fully fulfilled till Christs next coming § 4 Now this cannot be deferred to the ultimate generall Judgement for then is no time for confession and submission to the glory of God the Father but a silent bearing of Judgement by them that despised Christ and so Christ resignes his kingdome SECT X. The Tenth place in the New Testament of the glorious state of the Church yet to be on earth is in Revel 2.25 26 27 28. ver 25. Hold fast till I come Ver. 26. And he that over-cometh and keepeth my workes unto the end to him will I give power over the Nations Vers 27. And he shal rule them with a rod of Iron as the vessels of a Potter they shall be broken to shivers even as I have received of my Father Vers 28. And I will give him the morning Star § 1 ALthough in our last English Translation the former part of the twenty seventh verse be read with a Parenthesis yet not so in Stephanus his best Greek edition in Folio nor in Bezaes Greek or Latin nor in our former English Translation The continued speech in the third person throughout the twenty fift and twenty sixt verses and former part of the twenty seventh verse and the distinguishing turne to the first person in the latter part of the twenty seventh verse makes it plaine enough that these Promises are made to the Beleever that keeps Christs workes to the end even as Christ goes on in the twenty eighth verse promising him the said Beleever that he will give him the morning starre So that it is the said Beleever that shall under Christ by the donation and assistance of Christ have power over the Nations and rule them with a rod of Iron till they be broken as a Potters vessels to whom he will give the morning starre That which perhaps made our last Translators put in the said Parenthesis was the agreement of the words they included with those Psal 2.9 quoted by them in the margin spoken of Christ But it is a sure rule Subordinata non sunt contraria subordinate things are not contrary and that other Qui facit per alium facit per se That he who causeth others to doe a thing doth it himselfe If Christ by his Saints over-power the Nations and rules them with a rod of Iron Christ himselfe over-powers the Nations and rules them with a rod of Iron That which the Carpenter worketh with his tooles the Carpenter is accounted to worke or doe In this respect it is said in Dan. 7. ver 13.4 That the Kingdome which is to succeed the foure Monarchies is given to Christ And vers 22. 27. it is said to be given to the Saints § 2 The sence of these words are obvious and plaine especially if we minde what hath been given in by way of explication afore on Psal 2. * Pag. 158. 159. and on 2 Pet. 1.19 ** P. 360. P. 2 c. Suitably our new Annotations confesse That hold fast TILL I COME ver 25. signifies till Christs second coming GENERALL or SPECIALL Power over the Nations signifies to JOYNE WITH CHRIST IN JVDGING THE NATIONS c. And that giving the morning starre signifies Christs giving the FULL FRVITION OF HIMSELFE We shall further give the explication of this Scripture in the application thereof Which application is That this Scripture is not yet fulfilled as may appeare in the distinct consideration of each particular thereof ¶ 1. It is expresse in the twenty fifth verse Hold fast TILL I COME spoken by Christ neare an hundred yeares after his Incarnation But Christ never came since that ¶ 2. It is said in ver 26 27. That to them that hold fast till hee comes he will give POWER OVER THE NATIONS to rule them with A ROD OF IRON and to BREAKE THEM IN PEECES as a Potters vessels Which words import a Corporall breaking not a Spirituall as the Iron Scepter of force is distinguished from the golden Scepter of the Word Now this was never yet fulfilled in the generall but rather contrariwise hitherto the Nations breake the Saints and Churches as we have often given a large account from History and experience ¶ 3. That of Christs giving the morning starre what can it bee but the appearance of Christ againe especially to the Jewes according to 2 Pet. 1.19 before expounded For as the converted Gentiles Spiritually considered are said to be not in the night but in the day 1 Thes 5.5 The unconverted Jews are in the night and in the darke Rom. 11.25 Therefore this morning Starre the Sunne-rising mentioned to this very particular Malac. 4.2 must of necessity signifie Christs personall appearance which Christ hath not yet fulfilled to this day Therefore yet to come And this text must be fulfilled before the ultimate