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A39227 The harmony of the Gospels in the holy history of the humiliation and sufferings of Jesus Christ from his incarnation to his death and burial published by John Eliot ... Eliot, John, 1604-1690. 1678 (1678) Wing E512; ESTC W4384 172,517 138

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Lord ye say well for so I am 5. There is a bond Servant who is bound for all his life as captives and Moors are To this kind of service Jesus submitted not unto the three first forms of a Servant Jesus did submit himself viz. 1. To be an ingenious Servant in love to do good to all and especially to the Saints 2. To be a free Servant to work with other men and receive wages with his Father 3. To serve the conquerour by paying such Tribute as they demand But unto the two last he submitted not viz. to be bound to serve a man for a time and much less to be bound to serve a man for his life Neither of these two forms of a Servant did Jesus take up And I may offer these Reasons for it 1. To be bound to serve a man would have hindered him from attending unto his heavenly Fathers business which he came into the world to do Joh. 6.38 I came down from Heaven to do the will of him that sent me not my own will and much less mans will to which a bond Servant is bound Joh. 5.30 I came to do the will of the Father that sent me Ioh. 4.34 my meat is to do the will of him that sent me Therefore he might not be such a Servant as by the Law is tyed to do the will of his Master Vnder his go●ly parents he had liberty to do his heavenly Fathers will and it is a branch of the Fathers will that he should be subject to his Parents whose duty it was to further him in the Service of his heavenly Father Once at twelve years old he did that which by accident did not a little trouble his Parents for the present but Mary so laid up the words of his Apology as that they did never hinder him from doing his heavenly Fathers business but further him therein if they could 2. He had no need to be a Servant under tuition to teach him humility and subjection he needed not to be taught by any humane yoke We need it Lam. 3.27 It is good for us to bear the Yoke of Tuition in our Youth but it was not so with Iesus Christ his heavenly Fathers will and command were enough for him who had the perfect Image of God and without the least stain of original sin 3. Because these three kinds of Service that he did undergo were enough to sanctifie all kinds and degrees of service for us who need the tuition of such a yoke because our nature is stained with original sin and needeth to be subdued and tamed and thereby be made capable of Instruction 4. Because it was too far beneath the dignity of his blessed person to be at the will and command of a frail man which his godly Parents were considerate of knowing his Divine Offspring he was subject to them by his own voluntary obedience to the fifth command of God but never needed to put forth any parental power of command over him 5. It was Infinite humility in him to condescend to the lowest order of men in taking the form of a Servant though he did not stoop down to the lowest degree of that order especially considering that it would have hindred him from doing the will of the Father that sent him Quest But why did I●sus Christ stoop so low as to take the form of a Servant Answ 1. Iesus Christ took the form of a Servant to satisfie Divine justice in submitting himself to bear the punishment due to the sin of man Sin stripped man of his dignity dominion Lordship and Rule and cast him into a state of servitude the sting curse of this punishment Christ suffered purely perfectly and meritoriously to the full satisfaction of divine justice thereby hath took out the sting curse of servitude he bore that in his own person to bear it off and heave it away from us This is one part of his passive obedience to bear the punishment of servitude this is one part of his passive obedience which did run through the whole course of his life and especially in the whole course of his private life for it was otherwise in some respects in the time of his publick Ministry 2. Because hereby he sanctified the state of Service for us that it might be medicinal and wholsome for us to humble us sanctifie us and do us good The curse being removed it is become a Gospel rod and a yoke which we have need of especially in our youth and Iesus Christ hath fitted it to do us good 3. Iesus Christ took the form of a servant that he might perform that active obedience to the Law of God which that order doth owe unto the Law and thereby merit that reward that part of the Inheritance which was by the covenant of works due unto the perfect observation of those Laws And this merit of Iesus Christ is imputed to us that believe by the covenant of grace So that by taking the form of a servant Iesus Christ performed both active passive obedience to God the fruit whereof is made ours by the Gospel Jesus Christ did fulfil all righteousness Mat. 3.15 wherof this is no small part in his obedience to the fifth commandment 4. Iesus Christ took the form of a Servant and did both suffer and do all the duty that belonged thereunto to purchase Gospel freedome for us that through faith in Iesus Christ we may be freed from the evil of servitude and be made free Servants of God through Iesus Christ But we must remember that Iesus Chri●● freeth us from the evil of servitude not from the state of servitude 1 Cor. 7.21 22 23. art thou called converted being a Servant a bond Servant for life care not about that do the duty of thy place it shall be but as medicine to thy Soul and though thou be a Servant to men yet thou art a Freeman of Jesus Christ and if Christ make you free you are free indeed in a supereminent free estate Onesimus was Philemons Servant but he was being converted a Freeman of Christ ver 16. O what a comfort is this to poor slaves and Servants that believe in Jesus Christ that Jesus Christ himself the Lord of glory took the form of a Servant for their sakes Jesus Christ hath set Heaven gates open for poor bond slaves and Servants to enter in by believing And at the great day we shall see many bond slaves Servants and underlings men and women sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the heavenly Kingdome but their Masters Rulers and such as made them slaves cast out into outer darkness Sect. 4. The Sufferings of Jesus Christ in bodily infirmityes Math. 8.17 himself took our infirmityes and bore our sicknesses THe forenamed Instances of the Sufferings of Jesus Christ did manifestly run through the whole course of his life all the time of his youth which were so farr as we know his most serene dayes that he lived
forth her first-born Son and wrapped him in swadling clothes and laid him in a Manger because there was no room for them in the Inn. Jesus Christ emptied himself of glory and came into this world in a very mean condition such was his low condition that it was a great tryal to Faith it was an ●vidence of strong Faith to be able to look through these dark clouds believe To believe him to be the Lord of Glory the Saviour of the world the King of Israel who hath no outward form nor comliness nor beauty that we should d●sire him The Church did find this to be a very hard point a great tryal of Faith For this cause it pleased the Lord to illustrate this mean birth of Jes●s Christ with famous testimonies both from heaven and earth to strengthen the Faith of the Church The testimony from heaven was given by Angels Luk. 2.8 ad 21. a famous History and a great confirmation of the faith of the Church to the worlds end It was a vision unto Shepards by night wherein a glorious light of the Lord did shine abo●t the men which did much affright them but the Angel did comfort them against th●ir fears saying Fear not He telleth them he was a Messenger of joyfull tidings unto all people he telleth them what the tidings is viz. Vnto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord the blessedest tidings that e●er in a few words was told unto men The Angel sends them to see and giveth them a sign by which they shall know him ver 12. this shall be a sign unto you ye shall find the babe wrapped in swadling clothes lying in a Manger The greatest humility that ever any king did manifest in this world For the further confirmation of their Faith and ours suddenly there appeared a multitude of the heavenly host with the Angel praising God and saying glory to God in the highest in earth peace and good will towards men Here be three points in this heavenly Doxology of high Instruction and Consolation and so they departed away to heaven Then the Shephards agreed to go see this thing that was come to pass The Shepards said one to another let us now goe unto Bethlehem and see this thing which is come to pass which the Lord hath made known unto us And they came with haste and found Mary and Ioseph and the babe lying in a Manger and when they had seen they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child the effect whereof upon the hearers was all they that heard it wondered at these things that were told them by the Shephards The Testimony from earth touching this Child was by the wise Men of the east who knew that the Jews waited for and expected a king and Saviour to be born and come into the world and they were divinely instructed and guided to come and see him and worship him and make their offering of homage and honour unto him in which service they were instructed and conducted by an extraordinary Star And seeing they enquired after a king that was born they went to the Kings Court to Herod to enquire after him Math. 2.2 saying where is he that is born King of the Iews for we have seen his Star in the east and are come to worship him Now King Herod is eminently informed that Jesus Christ is born who would as he doubted out him of his Kingdome The effect of this tiding is ver 3. When Herod the King heard these things he was extreamly troubled and all Ierusalem with him especially such as were of his faction and apostacy Herod contrived how he might be sure to find him out and get him into his hands and then resolved what to doe with him For this end First ver 4. He gathered all the chief Priests and Scribes of the people together and demanded of them where Christ should be born They answered v. 5. In Bethlehem of Iudea For thus it is written by the Prophet v. 6. And thou Bethlehem in the Land of Iudah art not the least among the Princes for out of thee shall come a Governour that shall rule my people Israel Then Herod sent them to Bethlehem v. 9. when they had heard the King they departed when they were departed lo the Star which they had seen in the east appeared to them again went before them till it came and stood over where the young child was when they saw the Star they rejoyced with exceeding great joy It seemeth they had no sight of the Star all the time they were at the Court and whether they had sight of it in their journey to Ierusalem it is not said But now that Star that had appeared to them in the east appeared to them again and conducted them to the very place where the child was and when they were come into the house viz. the Stable the poor chamber where Mary Lay in and where our Lord Jesus was born They saw the young child with Mary his Mother and fell down and worshipped him and when they had opened their treasures they presented to him gifts gold frankincense and mirrhe They were men of great Faith that could believe him to be King and Saviour whom they found in so poor a Cottage and in so poor a condition but divine faith built upon Divine Testimony can bear down all Objections of carnal and humane Reason this faith of these strangers was a strengthening pattern to all believers especially to Joseph and Mary who were now in great danger Herod having such assured notice of the birth of Jesus Christ at Bethlehem What ever the danger was they attended upon the Lord to obey all his Laws and Institutions to fulfil them according to the Word Therefore Luk. 21 2. when eight dayes were accomplished for circumcising of the child his Name was called Jesus which was so named of the Angel before he was conceived in the Womb. Whether this service was performed in the stable where he was born nothing is said of it but we may justly cenceive that some of the godly hearing of these eminent and Divine Testimonies touching this child had removed them to some fitter place before the eight dayes were accomplished and it may be out of the City if they were aware of the danger that the child and his parents also were in But where the Scriptu●e is silent why should we speak There be yet two Laws more to be performed for Luk. 1.39 they performed all things according to the Law The two Laws remaining were the purification of Mary and the dedication of the child unto God which were te be performed after thirty three dayes more Obedience to both these Laws they diligently performed both for time and place Luk. 2.22 and when the dayes of her purification according to the Law of Moses were accomplished they brought him to Ierusalem and presented him to the Lord
confuted themselves they could fix and fasten nothing there was no need of an answer and in such case it is best to keep silence 2. He held his peace to fullfill the Scriptures Isa 53.7 He was oppressed and afflicted yet opened he not his mouth He is brought as a Lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb so he opened not his mouth 3. He held his peace because though he was perfectly innocent himself of all they accused him of yet some or other of his Elect might be at some time or other guilty of such evills as they falsly imputed to him in whose room and stead he stood and suffered 4. He held his peace because he was willing to dye for his Elect to expiate the sins of Gods Elect. Sect. 4. The third Act of the Council MAth 26.63 64. But Iesus held his peace And the high Priest answered and said unto him I adjure thee by the living God that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ the Son of God Jesus saith unto him thou hast said nenevertheless I say unto you Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of Power and coming in the clouds of heaven Mark 14.61 62. Again the high Priest asked him and said unto him Art thou the Christ the son of the Blessed And Jesus said I am and ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven Here see 1. The high Priest and Council finding and perceiving plainly that they could find no just matter against him nor any colour or appearance thereof they invented another way to pick an appearance of matter against him which might seem to be of weight in the eyes of the Jews though it would be of no consideration among the Romans and that was by an open and solemn putting Jesus to answer whether he was the Messias or no. For 1. If he denied it or would not confess it that would much ease and advantage them in putting him to Death because they had found something of that point against him 2. If he should confess it that he is Christ the Messiah they were resolved to make that the crime for which they would condemn him Mark relateth only the bare question art thou the Christ the Son of the blessed Mathew relates the question more fervent for if this device had failed they had no appearance of a cause to condemn him Therefore to make sure work the high Priest saith I adjure by the living God answer plainly and catagorically to this question art thou Christ or Messiah the Son of the living God where 1. See what the Jews saith then was touching the Messiah whom they then looked for viz. that he was to be such a man as also is the Son of God God and man in one person which is the same Faith that now the Gentile Churches believe according to the Scriptures and the same point is manifest by Peters answer unto Christ according to the Faith of the Church of the Jews Math. 16.16 in that famous Confession of Peter Thou art Christ the Son of the living God 2. Vnto this question of the high Priest and Council Jesus Christ answereth two things 1. He maketh a plain clear and direct answer Mark 14.62 I am he Math. 26 64. Thou hast said it it is as thou hast said 2. He proveth it by the consequent viz. the two next acts and dispensations of Christ which they shall see viz. 1. From hence forward you shall see Christ the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power that is you shall see the mighty power of Gospel grace of Christ Jesus in the conversion both of Jews and Gentiles and so going on until the last and final conversion of the Jews which we hope for at this day 2. The next and last act of Jesus Christ in this world you shall see him coming in the Clouds of Heaven viz. in power and great glory to judge the World Sect. 5. The fourth act of the Council WHen Jesus Christ had made this clear confession that he is Christ the Messiah then they thus proceeded Math. 26.65 66. Then the high Pri●st rent his clothes saying He hath spoken blasphemy what further need have we of witnesses behold now ye have heard his blasphemy What think ye They answered and said He is guilty of death Mar. 14.63 64. Then the high Priest rent his clothes and said What need we any further witnesses Ye have heard the Blasphemy what think ye And they all condemned him to be guilty of death 1. The high Priest rent his garment it may be the rest did the same though it be not expressed 2. He saith he hath blasphemed viz. by confessing that he is Christ the Messiah 3. You the judges the whole Court have heard his blasphemy 4. We need no further witnesses to find matter against him to condemn him to dy this that we have heard is matter sufficient 5. They all expressed themselves to be of the same mind and opinion 6. The high Priest put it to the Vote what think you 7. They all passed their Vote and so the sentence of condemnation was pronounced against our Lord Jesus for confessing that he is Christ the Son of the living God And no other cause or appearance of a cause could the● find against him saving this only a blessed cause wherein Christ himself was the first Gospel Martyr John Baptist was martyred for his faithful discharging the office of a Prophet in telling Herod of his sins But Jesus Christ was condemned to dye meerly purely for this his confession and for nothing else no not so much as pretended All this was done in the night the blackest work of darkness that ever was done in this world They began their clandestine night Court about midnight they pursued their work in the manner above related until about the second crowing of the Cocks about that time they condemned him Sect. 6. The fifth act of the Council VVHen they had done this wicked deed in condemning our Lord Jesus to dye it being deep in the night They committed their condemned Prisoner unto a company of men to keep him fast and safe until the morning and then adjourned the Court till the morning And so this dark Sessions of this Court was ended It cometh now to be considered how they used him this latter part of the night until the morning when the Council met again if any bowels of mercy had moved in them they should have given him some refreshing and opportunity to take some rest but they were mercyless unto him who is the spring of all mercy to us they used him cruelly which usage is set forth 1. By the actors a company of men that were charged with the safe keeping of him till the morning they are called Luk. 22.63 a chosen company fitted for the purpose that they could confide in spirited like
because though the punishment of loss was finished yet the ●●nishment of sense was still upon him to his death he cryed out under the weig●● o● it and it killed him 2. He beheld his Fathers face returned in favour to him who earst while had hid his face from him which drew out that dolefull complaint Lamasabachtbani but now his father smiled on him again 3. He doth breathe out his soul into his fathers bosome in that word Father into thy hands I commend my Spirit and so he obediently dyed Phil. 2.8 Obedient to the death even the death of the Cross The Lamb of God is slain the Sacrifice for sin is offered and accepted Isaac is sacrificed not only in Voto but Facto not only in will and purpose as Abraham and Isaac did but in real performance This hath God the Father and God the Son performed for our sakes to redeem and save us Admire Admire Admire unto all eternity admire CAP. XV. Of the admirable works of God which accompanied the Death of Jesus his reverent burial and of his sufferings after he was dead buried If the Reader please to turn to and read these Texts of Scripture he shall find many admirable works of God that accompanied the death of Jesus Christ Math 27.51 ad finem Mark 15.38 ad finem Luke 23.47 ad finem John 19.31 ad finem The admirable works of God that accompanied the Death of our Lord Jesus Christ are these 1. An Earthquake mentioned only by Mathew 2. The Vail of the Temple rent from top to bottome Math. Mark 3. The rocks rent Math. 4. The Graves viz. that were in the rocks broken open many Bodyes of Saints which slept arose and came out of the graves after the resurrection of Christ and went into the holy city and appeared to many Math. 5. The Sun brightned suddenly at the ninth hour about the time when Iesus Christ dyed Math. Mar. Luk. 6. The death of Jesus Christ being sooner then Pilate and the Jews looked for and afore the Theeves it prevented that part of the Romish and Jewish cruelty which was intended in breaking his legs yet they pierced his side with a spear and there came forth bloud and water Ioh. 19.31 ad 38. 7. The Centurion that had charge of the watch that day was converted Mat. Mar. Luke 8. Many more of those upon the Watch and of the Spectators were convinced if not converted Math. Luke 1. Touching the Earthquake God hath made two great changes of Ecclesiastical Polity since the beginning of the world and both of them have been expresly accompanied with Earthquakes When the Lord laid by the ancient Paternal Goverment and erected the Polity of Moses in the national Church of Israel God appeared with terrible Earthquakes Exod. 19. And now the Lord being about to lay aside the Mosaical Polity and erect the Gospel Polity of the Ecclesiastical Kingdome of Jesus Christ it is accompanied with Earthquakes 2. The vail of the Temple was rent from top to bottom probably it was effected by he Earthquake and the accomplishment of the Prophesy which the Apostle maketh mention of Heb. 12.26 27 28 29. whose voice then shook the Earth but now he ●ath promised saying yet once more I shake not Earth only but also Heaven And this word yet once more signifyeth the removing of those things that are shaken as of things ●hat are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain c. The Prophecy which the Apostle quoteth is Hag. 2.6 7. which is eminently fulfilled by God lay●ng aside the Tabernacle and Temple worship which were the works of mens ●ands by the Commandment of the Lord and in their stead instituting the Souls of believers to be his Temple and his visible Church to be built of such materials who are living stones laid and built upon the Rock of Ages even Jesus Christ by ●ith and in the Communion of such a spiritual Temple hath the Lord erected ●is Gospel polity By this rending of the Vail Christ hath opened Heaven for ●ll that will come unto him Gentiles as well as Jews Eph. 2.14 he is our peace ●ho hath made both one and hath broken down the middle wall of Partition between us ●iz the wall of Partition between the Court of Gentiles and of the Jews The ●postle probably would not say he hath rent the vail because he would not pro●oke the Jews but it is the same thing that he here speaketh 3. The Rocks rent 4. the graves were opened These works of God do ascribe unto Christ the power of the Resurrection and the removing ●l impediments either of his own Resurrection or of the Resurrection of all mankind Joh. 5.25 28 29. verily verily the hour is coming and now is that the dead shall ●ear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live ver 28. marvail not at this for the hour is coming in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth they that have done good unto the Resurrection of life and they that have done evil to the Resurrection of damnation 5. The Sun did suddenly perceptibly brighten about the ninth hour which was the time of the death of our Lord Jesus which manifesteth that this darkness was not an effect of any natural causes but of the divine power of God And tendeth much to the confirmation of the apprehension of such Reverend Divines as think that the darkening of the Sun was a sign of Gods hiding his face from Jesus Christ in his spiritual desertion through his Agony upon the Cross which Agony being finished the Sun brightned and Gods face of favourable acceptation turned unto him and then he breathed out his Soul into his Fathers bosome 6. The timous and speedy death of Jesus by the wonderful and merciful providence of God prevented that Roman and Jewish cruelty in breaking his legs That he dyed sooner then they looked for or then malefactors were wont to dy or then the Theevs did appeareth evidently because Pilate marvailed and would not believe Ioseph who begged his dead body until he called the Centurion that had charge of the watch and he affirmed that he was dead We see that the Romans used cruelty in putting malefactors to death by long tortures Math. 18.34 executors are called tormentors and when they desire to dispatch them they broke their legs to torture them to death by torturing their Limbs furthest from their heart when as a touch upon the head would presently finish their life but Christ escaped this by a divine hand The occasion that moved Pilate to command that they should be so killed and hastned to their death was the Jews request that their legs might be broken the reason which they proposed was because of the approach of the Sabbath and it was the time of their Passover feast God commanded in the institution of the Passover that a bone thereof should not be broken Exod.
which never yet had any man been buryed there they did at present lay up the body the approaching of the Sabbath permitting them to do no more they rowled a great stone to the dore of the Vault which shut it close up And so they departed Lo here we find the dead body of Jesus Christ separated from his Soul laid up among those that are gone down to the pit under the power of death and the grave in the very bottom of his humiliation His Soul was in his Fathers bosome in Paradice far out of the reach of the Enemy though in a suffering condition because in a state of seperation from his body there was he pleading and interceding for the Church The good women observed diligently where he was buryed purposing after the Sabbath to perfect his embalming for which purpose they brought and prepared sweet Spices Luk. 2● 56 and 24.1 Mark 16.1 Surely they meant to have emboweled the Corps and to have filled the body with sweet Spices c. for so was the manner of embalming of dead bodyes they did not understand nor believe nor expect his Resurrection though he had often foretold it But here behold the wonderful Providence of God for ever to be admired that by reason of the shortness of the time to the beginning of the Sabbath which prohibited them from doing any more at present unto the body and the interposition of the Sabbath prevented them all that day But they intended after the Sabbath to have perfected his embalming for which purpose the godly women came very early and brought their Spices And when they came there he was risen before they came Here also we may behold and admire at the power of the Cross of Christ according to that word of Ioh. 12.32 and I when I am lifted up will draw all men unto me one would have thought in reason that these timorous noble Professors would now have been more timorous then ever they had been But behold the contrary for now they are more bold then ever they were Again one in reason would have thought that the Centurion and all that were on the guard with him and all the spectators would now have no regard or good perswasion towards Jesus Christ whom they had conquered and kissed But behold the contrary the sovereign grace of Jesus Christ is poured forth from the Cross and draweth hearts to believe and this power of grace is exercised by the sweet savour of the Cross of Christ unto this day yea and will be so to the worlds end Sect. 3. The sufferings of Christ after he was dead and buryed AS the first part of the sufferings of Christ was before he was born so the last part of his sufferings was after he was dead and buryed he lay in the grave as Jonas in the whales belly in a suffering condition until his Resurrection After the Incarnation and birth of Jesus Christ the whole conspiracy of Devils and wicked men was to kill him and to conquer him by death to remove him out of their way after they had conquered and killed him by death all their conspiracy was to keep him dead to seal him up in his grave that he should not rise again we may see what the Jews by Satans instigation no doubt did this way Math. 27.62 ad 67. where see the time of this act the morning after the preparation or celebration of the Passover which was upon the very Sabbath day yea though it was an high day Ioh. 19.31 being the morrow after the Passover They pretended to be very zealous for the Sabbrth to pick up matter against Christ when he did good works of charity upon the Sabbath day But now they can go to Pilate and transact their envyous business against Christ upon this high Sabbath day The actors of this business were the chief Priests and Pharis●es who pretended to be most zealous for the Sabbath but here we may see their hypocrisy What did they upon this Sabbath they came to Pilate and first see the term they give to Christ that deceiver or impostor we see here that his blood and death could not quench their rancor of heart against him They inform Pilate that he had said that he would rise again the third day which they desired to prevent using this Argument to perswade Pilate to assist them least his Disciples should come in the night and steal away his body and then tell the people that he was risen again according as he hath said he would do And the Effect of that would be worst of all our last error would be worse then the first if we let him rise again it will make us more odious to the people then our putting him to death hath done Pilate impowereth them to make his grave as fast and sure as they can or desire to do by a watch or any other means Whereupon they went upon the same Sabbath day they set a watch strong enough you may be sure at the grave and sealed up the great stone that lay upon the graves mouth and now let him rise if he can But herein we may behold the admirable wisdome of God and folly of man that the very way which they took to prevent his Resurrection was a means to make his Resurrection most evident and manifest unto all the Watchmen were witnesses of it Though they did afterwards corrupt them with large money to make a foolish lye which is current among the Jews unto this day and hereby their last error is indeed as bad if not worse then the first When Jesus Christ breathed out his blessed Soul into his Fathers bosome it wa● in a state of separation from his body and that was a state of suffering He went into Heaven into Paradice into his Fathers bosome in a seperate in a suffering Estate O how welcome was that blessed suffering Soul hypostatically united to the Deity when he came in Heaven This blessed Soul was not long in this seperate state about forty hours though part of three dayes and three nights God suffered not his holy body hypostatically united to the Deity that lay dead in the grave to see the least touch of corruption Yet hereby he sanctified this seperate state of the Soul from the body unto and for his Elect whose bodyes do see corruption and whose duration and abiding in that seperat● estate is of a far longer continuance even until the day of Resurrection and last Judgement But Jesus Christ hath made it to be unto us an entrance into glory The Soul of Jesus Christ presented himself before the holy Tribunal of divine Justice where he pleaded his full satisfaction that he had made unto all the demands of the holy Law both by his active and passive obedience He saith I have fulfilled all Righteousness I have suffered and finished the sufferings of the punishment of loss I have suffered the punishment of sense unto the uttermost ever until it forced a separation betwixt my body and Soul and brought me into the state of death and behold here I stand before the Tribunal of Justice in a state of seperation of Soul from my body and thus have I answered the Law and finished the work of Redemption I have purchased a pardon I have purchased the Inheritance the Kingdome that by the right hand of divine power I may gather in all Gods Elect whose salvation I have undertaken that I may manage the world for the glory of God and that I may subdue all their Enemies And now O Father glorifie me with thy self and these thine Elect with me for my sake that they may behold my glory for which I appeal unto mercy Likewise also our appearance in Heaven when we dye must be before the Tribunal of Justice but we appear in the Name of Jesus Christ we are converted united unto him we are members of his mystical body cloathed with his Righteousness and for his sake we are accepted pardoned and welcomed to glory so far as we are capable in that seperate estate And for this we appeal unto mercy Now Jesus Christ took out a pardon now he took possession of his purchased Inheritance according to the capacity of his seperate estate Now he took the keys of hell and death now was he ready to tread down all Enemies Hell Devil Sin Death and Grave by his triumphant Resurrection But these meditations do appertain unto the Exaltation of Jesus Christ him God hath exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour for to give Repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins Amen FINIS
would look to find the King of Israel the Messiah It is called Galile of the Gentiles Mat. 4 15. And Nazaret was an obscure place out of which no body looked for such a Branch to grow and spring Ioh. 1.46 Good Nathaniel said can any good thing come out of Nazaret And as this might be an inducement to go thither because Nazaret was their own city Luk. 1.26 27. The place where Joseph and Mary dwelt before and at the time of her Conception and where they had no doubt many godly friends and acquaintance who would desire their return thither And abo●e all other inducements Mathew taketh notice of the divine Prophes● Mat. 2.23 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophets and he shall be called a Nazarene that is the BRANCH so he is called Isa 11.1 and other places for from this word the city Nazaret had its name Thus we see the tender care the Lord had over this blessed Branch and how serviceable the Angels were unto Jesus Christ CAP. VI The History of the holy life of Jesus Christ in the time of his Child-hood SO much for the History of Jesus Christ in his Infancy and what sore Persecution he suffered while he was an Infant which was prophesied of Psal 22.9 10. Thou art he that took care of me in the womb thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mothers breasts I was cast upon thee from the womb thou art my God from my mothers belly The life of Jesus Christ may be set forth in four Periods 1. His Infancy of which we have already spoken 2. His Childhood the history whereof is recorded Luk. 2.40 ad 51. 3. His Youth the history whereof is recorded Luk. 2.51 52. 4. His Ripe Age in his publick Ministry His Childhood is 1. Described ver 40. 2. Illustrated by one particular history at the finishing of his childhood beginning of his Youth viz. when he was about twelve years old Luk. 2.41 ad 51. Although this Instance only is recorded yet no doubt there were many more eminent and observable passages in his life And why the Lord hath said so little of his eminent life and so much of his sufferings and Death is a point worth searching into This I may say that in this life we have most need to feed meditate upon and improve the Sufferings and death of Jesus Christ At the day of Judgment and in heaven we shall be more capable to behold and improve the history of the holy life of Jesus Christ and his heavenly Sayings and Doings The Childhood of Jesus Christ is described by four things 1. He grew 2. He waxed strong in Spirit 3. He was filled with Wisdome 4. The Grace of God was upon him Here behold the most excellent Child that ever was born of a woman a most high and glorious pattern for all good Children to set before them as an high mark to make towards John Baptist was a famous Child he was conceived by Faith as Isaac was a child of Prayer his birth foretold by the Angel who spake many and great things of him Luk. 1.13 The Angel said fear not Zacharias for thy prayer is heard thy wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a Son thou shalt call his name John and thou shalt have joy and gladness and many shall rejoyce at his birth for he shall be great in the sight of the Lord and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink and he s●all be filled with the Holy Ghost even from his mothers womb and many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God And he shall goe before him in the spirit and power of Elias to turn the hearts of the Fathers to the children and the disobedient to the wisdome of the just to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. Lo what marvelous things are spoken by the Angel touching John And when Zacharias objected and made difficult to believe what the Angel had said touching his ha●ing a child he gave Zacharias such a sign as made this matter observable to all Istael for he was struck dumb till John was born And what the Angel had said touching his being filled with the Holy Ghost from his mothers womb ver 15. was performed ver 41 44. As soon as Elizabeth heard the voice of Maryes salutation the babe Jo●n leaped in her womb for joy His birth was very observable At his Circumcision his fathers dumb tongue was loosed and his mouth opened to praise the Lord. And he was filled with the Holy Gho●t and prophesied both touching Jesus Christ and touching John Baptist that he should goe before the face of the Lord to prepare his way according as the Angel had foretold Many more things are spoken of him in this Prophesy so famous were these things about John that Luk. 1.66 All that heard these things laid them up in their hearts saying what manner of child s●●●● this be and the hand of the Lord was with him and ver 80. the child grew and waxed strong in spirit Two of the very same words that are spoken of Jesus Christ Luk. 2.40 are spoken of John Behold here this child John was the most famous child of a meer man that ever was brought forth into the world But notwithstanding all this he was not comparable to the child Jesus as may be made to appear in many and great respects yea in those two things that are said of John in the same words wherein they are said of Jesus viz. that he grew and waxed strong in spirit there is a wonderfull difference betwixt John and Jesus 1. John was a Son of fallen man under the stain of Original Sin though he was very early sanctified even in the womb three months before he was born yet by nature he was defiled and stained with Original Sin by reason of the just imputation of the guilt of Adams sin unto him for thus sin is propagated from Father to child all the posterity of Adam being in his loins The Embrio in the womb is not a Man till it be quickned with an immortal Soul though it hath principles of natural growth yet till it be united and quickned with an immortal Soul it is not Man kind and the Law taketh no hold on it And that the body is thus prepared in the womb before the immortal Soul is creatingly infused into it and united doth appear as I conceive in that law of God Exod. 21.22 23. If a man strive and hurt a woman with child so that her fruit depart from her and yet no mischi●f follow he shall be surely punished according as the womans husband will lay upon him and he shall pay as the Iudges determine but if mischief follow then thou shalt give life for life See here that a woman may be so hurt as to lose her Conception but it is not murder if her Conception was not quickned with an immortal Soul But if it were
quickned it is murder and life must goe for life So soon therefore as the conception is quickned with an immortal Soul it is a man a Son of Adam and now the Law taketh hold on him vindictive justice doth judge him guilty of Adams sin because he was in Adams loins Thus is sin propagated and punishment inflicted he is punished with Original sin by the justice of the law This was John Baptists case he was under the vindictive sentence of the Law though the Holy Ghost soon took posse●sion of him b● the coming of Jesus unto him and sanctified him by uniting him unto Jesus Christ and brought him into a state of grace and salvation by Jesus Christ thus it was with John but it was far otherwise with Jesus Christ for he was without sin Heb. 4.15 though in other things he was a man like unto us yet in this point there was a great di●ference he was without sin 2. John Baptist was begotten after the ordinary way of Generation of all mankind that were in the loins of Adam by Zacharias and Elizabeth But Jesus was conceived by the Holy Ghost in the womb of a Virgin and therefore that holy thing that was born of her is called the Son of God He was made und●r the Law Gal. 4.4 as a rule of the life of man but the vindictive justice of the Law had nothing to say unto him because he had no sin vindictive justice had no more to say to Jesus then it had to say to Adam at his first Creation Adam was created under the Law as a rule of life but vindictive justice had nothing to say unto him untill he had sinned but so soon as he had sinned then the Law condemned him and punished him Jesus was in the state of innocent Adam and so under the Law as a rul● of life but not in the state of fallen Adam to be under sin and vindictive justice When Jesus Christ performed the Office of a Mediator and s●ood as a publick person by voluntary dispensation he suffered the guilt of Adams sin and all our sins to be imputed to him as to our Suret● he voluntarily submitted to vindictive justice to punish him in our stead but in his personal state he was as pure from any stain of sin as Adam was at his first Creation so that herein was a great difference betwixt Jesus and John 3. John was but a man a meer man as other of mankind be but Jesus Christ was God and man in one person The second person in Trinity did assume this holy thing this humane nature this pure spotless thing and made it one person with himself a Mystery eternally to be admired and herein Jesus did infinitely excell John 4. The humane nature of Jesus had the Image of God in him in all perfection whereby he was able to keep the Law of God under which he was made purely perfectly and meritoriously And that not only as Adam was able to do at his first Creation but infinitely more excellently because he is God-man But it was far otherwise with John for he had Gods Image but in part even so much as Jesus Christ by his Spirit through free grace saw meet to dispence unto him which though it was in greater measure then other men or Prophets yet infinitely short of Jesus Christ and he kept the Law according to the measure of grace and assistance which he received from Iesus Christ and he needed a pardon from Iesus Christ of his infirmityes and failings in his obedience and therefore Iohn doth justly diminish himself in respect of Iesus Christ Math. 3.11 whose shoes I am not worthy to bear Mark 1.7 whose shooe-strings I am not worthy to unty 1. In the description of this holy child Iesus the first thing that is said is he grew he was an Infant young and tender Math. 2.9 11. the young child from Infancy he grew up to child hood Isai 53.2 he shall grow up before him in this Iesus was like to all other of mankind the whole humane nature of Iesus grew both body and Soul he grew as we do The Soul when first created is a spiritual creature immediately created out of nothing created with its principles in it self as the heavens and Angels were and hence it is immortal yet it is created a young tender little Soul fitted for a young tender little body and when it is infused into the tender Embrio in the womb they grow together I take boldness thus to express my thoughts with submission as the body which is the receptacle of the Soul groweth in bigness and capacity So the Soul groweth with it the matter for supply of growth for the So●l is an e●fect of a creating work of God the infinite power of God doth manage it Whether it be by the supply of new spiritual matter or rather by the extension and acting of the first created matter of the So●l man dot● not k●ow at least I do not know nor am I able to resolve it but I rather incline to think that the young Soul groweth by extension of the spiritual matter of the Soul creat●d at the first infusion of it and not by addition of new matter Much spiritual matter may be admirably contracted and admirably ext●nded Air tho●gh a gross matter in comparison of spiritual matter may be much contracted and extended yea fleshy matter may be ext●nded and contracted exceedingly as the womb is much more is the Soul of man capable of extention therefore the growth of young Souls may be by an orderly extension of the first created matter of them but it is performed by the powerful operation of the Spirit of God The Soul of Iesus grew as the Souls of all mankind grow The Soul of Iesus Christ is a wonderful great and glorious Soul the greatest that ever was and mo●t capable of grace and glory The body of Iesus grew the growth of the body is better known to us perceptible to sense and we know that the growth of the Body is by addition of new matter which is food the body of the Infant in the womb is fed by the navel string when it is born it is fed by the mouth but this matter of food is altered digested carrye d through variety of curious shops of wise and wonderful operation and is s●nt into every part of the body for its nourishment and sustentation this is a secret and powerful operation of God above the reach of man to turn our food into blood Flesh Bones Sinews Veins Arteryes c. it is a wonderful work of God above the skill knowledge or ability of man Again to add a proportionable increase to every Limb and part this is another wonder in the ordinary subsistence and sustenance of the life of man Again to increase every Limb to such a bigness and there stay add no more increase all this is performed by the divine power of God Again to sustain the bulk of the body
furnished accomplished beautifyed even from a child did lead an eminent humane life in all humane excellencies perfections never any man like him all his actions from a child were pure and perfect in them all he acted as a publick person He was born a Saviour and was at no time devested of that office He perfectly fulfilled the Law in all the duties of childhood never had the world such a child in it Yet here was passive obedience also in all this in many respects all his glory was vailed from the worlds eye by a poor obscure low condition Here might be great instruction both to children and parents to all Believers yea and to all the enemies and dispisers of Jesus Christ But I will pass on in attending to the History of his holy life and bitter Sufferings CAP. VII The History of one famous Act of Wisdome and Grace which Jesus Christ did at twelve years of age Luk. 2.42 ad 51. AND when he was twelve years old they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast And when they had fulfilled the dayes as they returned the child Jesus tarried behind in Ierusalem and Joseph and his Mother knew not of it But they supposing him to have been in the company went a dayes journey and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance And when they found him not they turned back again to Ierusalem seeking him And it came to pass that after three dayes they found him in the temple sitting in the midst of the Doctors both hearing them and asking them Questions And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and Answers And when they saw him they were amazed and his Mother said unto him Son why hast thou thus dealt with us behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing And he said unto them How is it that ye sought me wist ye not that I must be about my Fathers business And they understood not the saying which he spake unto them In this History we may observe diverse weighty things 1. The time of it when he was about twelve years old an admirable specimen of the grace of God in him The grace of Christ hath eminently shined to many children especially in John Baptist in a most remarkable manner Gods Grace hath shined in sundry of our youth and children yea in some of our Indian children since their praying to God by which experiences this history touching this blessed child Jesus is rendred possible It is a Scripture Record and it were great unbelief to doubt of it The Lord hath given us this history for the encouragement both of Parents and children to take pains with them betimes to train them up in the knowledge of the Scriptures from a child as Timothy was by his godly mother Grand-mother 2. Tim. 1.5 3.15 No doubt this holy child Jesus did in his child-hood utter many gracious words and did many gracious actions but it hath pleased God to record only this one for the use of the Church in this world and hath covered all the rest with the mantle of silence God saw in his holy wisdome that the lustre of this one act was enough to shine out the rest are reserved to be opened and admired at the day of Judgment and in heaven to ●ll eternity 2. We see the religious conversation and practice of the godly in their perso●al attendance upon the publick worship of God according to his divine institu●ions We see also their religious and carefull education of their children and ●outh to go with them and attend upon the publick worship of God to be acquainted with it and accustomed to attend upon it even from their childhood as Hannah did by Samuel 1 Sam. 1.24 which greatly condemneth the practice of some in our dayes who seldome bring forth their children to the publick worship of God I have heard of some children of twelve yeers old that never were present at a publick Sabbath worship of God they know not what it is such as live in dark places in the out-skirts of the land know little or nothing of Religion of the service and worship of God 3. Here is to be noted the time of their returning home viz. when they had fulfilled the dayes and ●inished the service and worship which God commanded none of them stipped out and got away to run home before the worship of God was finished as too many of our people especially our ●outh are too frequently wont to doe The Parents of Jesus staid till all was finished and the child stayed with them It was their con●tant custome so to doe O how good it is to uphold a con●tant reverent waiting upon the Lord with godly fear for our God is a consuming fire Children must be trained up to serve God with reverence and fear 4. See the godly Zeal of this holy child Jesus for when the publick in●tituted worship was finished he was not weary and hasty to be gone glad to be out of the yoke of the service of God it was not a weariness to him as too often it is to us yea not only to children but to elder persons both men and women are too full of this infirmity tyred and weary of the service glad to be gone It was not so with Jesus for when he might have been gone with his parents when they went away after the worship was finished yet he stayed behind them And where stayed he not in any common place or vain company nor in any vain sports and pleasures but he stayed in the temple he went to the place of the education of youth into the Schools of instruction of youth A rare example for a child so to doe Too many of our youth will stay behind their parents and will not goe home in their company but what stay they about for no good but for sport and pleasure and where stay they sometimes in common places sometimes in profane places in taverns or other places where profane persons resort where they may serve their pleasures and lusts wherein they take more delight then in the service of God O youth youth learn of this holy child Jesus if you stay behind your Parents or if you go not home to your Parents let your tarryance be in the Temple or in some service of God or where you may do or receive some good 5. Here see his Parents vigilant diligent and solicitous care of their Child when they missed him in their company they went on the first dayes journy hoping that he was in the company of some of their kindred or neighbours and acquaintance for they knew that he was civil sociable and courteous but at night at that first dayes journeys end they searched for him inquired of all the Company they could hear no tidings of him none of them had seen him any where in the way Now are they filled with sorrow no quiet rest could they take that night up they rise in
with the wicked Jews and Romans to put him to death for none of them feared to abuse such a poor man Herod and his men of War despised him the Emperour and other Rulers under him feared him not but easily condescended and conspired to put him to cruel sufferings and death he was so darkened by the cloud of poverty that he had no thoughts that he was th● Lord of glory 1 Cor. 2.8 which none of the Princes of this world knew for had they known it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory The Sacrament of the Lords Supper may seem to be a pure Institution yet it is an effectual memorial of all the sufferings of Jesus Christ from his poor cradle to his bitter Cross and dark grave Moreover it is necessary to consider that the poverty of Jesus was a thousand times yea above all comparison more bitter then our poverty is for his poverty had the sting of the curse in it it was an effect of the wrath of God And by his suffering thereof unto the full satisfaction of divine justice he took the sting of the curse out of our sufferings and out of our poverty and made them to be only medicinal to us Our poverty and all our sufferings are upon many accounts sweet and easy yea Jesus Commands us to rejoyce and be exceeding glad under them The believing Jews took joyfully the spoyling of their goods Heb. 10.34 But Jesus Christ his sufferings were all bitter as respecting his humane nature as being our Mediator and Surety He had joy in respect of the Father whose will he obeyed and fulfilled but the desert and punishment of their sin lay with its full weight upon him so that we see that the poverty of Jesus Christ was an heavy part of his sufferings a part of his passive obedicnce which did run through the whole course of his life from his birrh to his death Sect. 2. Jesus Christ suffered the punishment of a low obscure dispised condition in this World PSalm 22.6 I am a worm and no man despised of the people a no body a nothing a poor despicable thing this is an effect of his poverty and therefore in the opening of it sundry things will be coincident and some the same that were expressed in his sufferings of poverty but it should not be accounted a needless Tautologie seeing the Scripture is so plentiful in this point both in the Prophesy and in the History to express amplifie and dilate upon the point of the sufferings of our Lord Jesus as being a point very remarkeable and much to be insisted upon and often inculcated Wealth is an exercise of the dominion of man therefore it exalts a man in the World poverty strippeth man of his dominion therefore it layes him low in the World And in that condition it pleased Jesus Christ to lay himself He who is God humbled himself by his Incarnation lower then Angels though he had been born the greatest of men on Earth yet he humbled himself to become a man Phil. 2 6 7. he emptied himself to become a man and laid himself among the lowermost rank and sort of m●n which is Rhetorically expressed by a worm what is lower then a worm among living creatures such was Jesus Christ in the flesh a no body among men the lowest of no body therefore the Text saith a worm no man one of no account But consider that this Text sheweth of what esteem and account Jesus Christ was in the worlds eye only he was not so accounted in Gods eye nor in the Churches Eye for see of what account Jesus Christ was in Gods Eye Mat. 3.17 this is my well beloved Son in whom I am well pleased See also Math. 12 18. behold my servant whom I have chosen my beloved in whom my Soul is well pleased I will put my Spirit upon him and he shall shew judgement unto the Gentiles See what account he was of in the Angels eye Luk. 2.10 11. I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people for unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord. See what account he is of in the estimation of the Scriptures Isai 9.6 7. unto as a child is born unto us a Son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his Name shall be called wonderful Counsellour the mighty God Everlasting Father Prince of Peace of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end upon the Throne of David and upon his Kingdom to order it and to establish it with judgement and with justice from henceforth even for ever the Zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this Amen This glorious person is the low worm we are speaking of see also what account he is in the Eye of the Church Joh. 1.14 we beheld his glory the glory of the only begotten of the Father And this is the person that in the worlds Eve is a worm and a no body and despised of men Quest What renders a man to be a no body a nothing a worm Answ Many things which are in no wise appertaining to Jesus Christ as for instance 1. When a man is of low parts and gifts a simple sorry foolish creature but Jesus Christ was not such an one Luk. 2.40 when he was a child he was full of wisdome and 52. as he grew up he increased in wisdome 2. When a man is unfit for any action or service in his generation like an Image finely carved but good for nothing as Isai 44.10 But Jesus Christ was not such an one he did the greatest good to man thar ever was done never man did the like Psal 89.6 who in the heavens can be compared to the Lord who among the Sons of the mighty can be likened to the Lord. 3. When men are deboshed and defiled with gross sins this doth debase them and make them no bodies Prov. 14.34 But Jesus Christ was far from any such stain or spot he is a Lamb without spot or blemish 1 Pet. 1.19 he knew no sin though he was made sin for us by the imputation of our sin and 1 Pet. 2.32 23 24. who did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatned not but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the Tree 4. Men are rendred of no esteem when they are of an ill disposition proud covetous selfish passionate censorious contentious and such like But no such thing was ever found in Jesus Christ he was meek lowly lovely Math. 11.29 learn of me for I am meek and lowly Math 12.17 18 20. he shall not strive nor cry c. 5. Lastly When men are poor in the world this makes them low and despicable in the worlds Eye And this only was the case of Iesus Christ
saving that we may add that his holiness of Doctrine and life would be yea was an Eye-sore to the Scribes Pharisees and hipocrites and to such as adhered unto them This low condition is a part of the spotless punishment of the sin of man unto which Iesus Christ doth voluntarily submit himself Quest Wherein or in what respects was Jesus Christ like unto a worm for he describeth himself a worm is 1. Despicable 2. Vseless 3 None feareth it 4 None cares to defend it 5. Every one is bold to tread on it 6. They will be easily induced to destroy it 7. None fears revenge for destroying it 1. Jesus Christ his poverty did so vaile his glory that in all these and such like respects he was like a worm which cloud of obscurity was no small part of his humiliation and suffering for our sin he was despicable Psal 22.5 despised of the people Psal 119.141 I am small and despised Eccles 4.16 the poor mans wisdome is despised Isai 53.3 despised rejected of men but God did dearly accept him Math. 3.17 and 12.18 2. He was rendered hereby in the worlds eye useless they were exceeding populous and where it is so the poor worms are rather a burthen then of any use to their Generation though they be godly and wise Joh. 7.49 the poor people are cursed Act. 4 11. the stone set at nought by the builders but God made him the head of the Corner and desireable to redeem preserve and govern the world and especially the Church 3. None is afraid of a worm it cannot hurt us so none feared Jesus Christ Herod and his men of war set him at nought though there was the greatest cause in the world for Herod and his men of war to have feared the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Rev. 5.5 and to kiss the Son lest he be angry Psal 2.12 and tremble at the wrath of the Lamb Rev. 6 1● 16 17. and the Kings of the Earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief Captains and the mighty men and the bond man and every free man hid themselves in the Dens and in the Rocks of the mountains and said to the Rocks and mountains fall on us and hide us from the face of him that fitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand 4. None careth to defend such a poor useless creature as a worm is so no body cared to defend Jesus Christ and his cause Once Nicodemus spake a good word for Jesus Christ which had a present good effect but he was quipped for it Joh. 7 50.51 52 53. Jesus Christ complained Psal 22.11 there is none to help but God taketh care of this poor worm Isai 40.14 fear not thou worm Jacob. 5. Any one is bold to tread upon a worm to hurt and injure it so were the people bold to speak and do against Jesus Christ sometimes to stone him Ioh. 8.59 and 10.31 sometime to cast him down the clist of the Rocks Luk 4.28 29 30. but God preserved him from them 6. Every one is easily induced perswaded to destroy a worm So were th● people who a few dayes before had cried Hosanna to the Son of David easily perswaded by the Priests Scribes and Pharises to cry crucifie him and give us Barabbas 7. They fear no body to take vengeance for wrong done to a worm so were the Jews fearless of any vengeance to be inflicted upon them for the wrong and injury done unto Jesus Christ which made them bold to expose thems●lves and their posterity unto any such vengeance saying his blood be upon us and upon our Children And never was blood more sharply revenged and a curse more severely executed for they have been under that curse near seventeen hundred years and they are still under it to this day Quest But why did Jesus Christ take upon him such a low condition in this world why came he not a Prince in the external Royalty of his Father David Answ 1. Because this low stripped bereaved condition under the loss of th● dominion of man in this world is one part of the punishment due to the sin of man Gen. 3 23 24. and it is such a punishment as may be taken up and born with Innocency without any defilement of sin therefore Jesus Christ did willingly submit to the deepest stroke of that punishment for the satisfaction of Divine justice Isai 63.9 in all our sinless afflictions he was afflicted and Isai 53.4 he hath born our griefs was wounded for our transgressions the chastisement of our peace was upon him And this innocent punishment for our sin he suffered most purely perfectly and meritoriously unto the Infinite satisfaction of the vindictive Justice of God And thereby took out the sting of the curse from the like low condition that we may fall into and he bore it away from us Isai 53.5 6. 2. Jesus Christ came in this low condition to sanctifie a low condition in this world for his Saints the elect of God Seeing it was the purpose of God to carry the Church in this world through such a low condition 1 Cor. 1.26 27 28. Yet take this with these cautious 1. All the Church of Gods Elect are not so all are not in such a low condition though most are for the Text saith not many noble rich mighty but some such there alwayes are for the great support of the Church when Kings are nu●sing Fathers and Queens are nursing mothers to the Churches Isai 49.23 2 Again take this caution that this low condition of the Church shall not alwa●es be so for in the latter dayes Jesus Christ will more plentifully pour out p●●s ●rity grace which though it hath been more rarely dispenced hitherunto yet it seemeth to me that it shall be otherwise in the glorious times of the Church in this world as may be gathered out of the Prophesies of Isaiah from the sixty Chapter and so forward and from many other Scriptures 3. Jesus Christ came in a low condition in this world and carryeth his Elect many of them through this world in a low condition to exert and exercise Gods Sovereignty in defending his poor worms against the proud great world and sometimes in advancing his worm Jacob and David from the Shephards crook to the Scepter Luk. 1.48 he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaid this Sovereignty of God is highly celebrated 1 Sam. 2.4 ad 11. Job 5.15 16. and abundantly in the books both of the Scriptures and of the providences of God 4. Jesus Christ came in such a low condition to set us a pattern of exercising suffering graces which must be in this militant world or not at all for there will be no occasion in Heaven for the use of suffering grace when all tears shall be wiped away from our eyes 5. Jesus Christ came in such a low condition to
that I knew not they rewarded me evil for good to the spoyling of my Soul Again it is a matter of great consolation and holy joy to suffer any thing for the sake of Jesus Christ Act. 6.41 they departed from the presence of the Council rejoycing that they were counted worthy to suffer flame for his Name Luk. 6.22 23. Blessed are ye when men shall hate you and when they shall separate you from their Company and shall reproach you and cast out your Name as evil for the Son of mans sake rejoyce ye in that day and leap for joy for behold your reward is great in Heaven blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsly for my sake rejoyce ye and be exceeding glad for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you in this case it is good to say with David if this be to be vile I will yet be more vile grace is incensed stirred up increased by such Tribulations and abuses many graces are exercised and increased by such wrongs Rom. 5.3 4 5. we glory in Tribulations knowing that Tribulation worketh patience and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given to us The tryal of our Faith is more pretious then gold and when a believer is reproached Faith will make him wash his hands in Innocency when men fly upon us in their wrath Faith will fly to Christ who hath taken away the sting of them and will turn them to prayers and God will make them wholsome Physick for us Yea Faith will make us to imitate our Lord Jesus who forgave his Persecutors and prayed for them And among many benefits that believers gain by suffering the wounds of evil tongues this is a chief one that he will learn to watch and govern his own tongue finding by experience the mischief of evil tongues he will beware of doing the like to others he will teach his tongue to bless when they curse he will beware of slaining his Religion by an unbridled tongue Jam. 1.26 If any man seemeth to be Religious and bridleth not his tongue that mans Religion is vain Sect. 6. The Sufferings of Jesus Christ under the ungrateful disacceptance of the good works which he did for them and among them NEver did any perform such and so many good Works for a people as Jesus Christ did for the Jews and yet never was any man so ungratefully disaccepted rejected and abused Act. 10.38 God anointed Jesus of Nazaret with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed with the Devil for God was with him It is unutterable how many good works Jesus Christ did among them even visible and bodily good which all men saw a child might run and read them besides these invisible spiritual and heavenly works of Redemption and Salvation which he did for them But what acceptance did he find among them see Luk. 4.28 29. All they in the Synagogue that heard these things were filled with wrath and rose up and thrust him out of the city and led him to the brow of a hill whereon the city was built that they might cast him down headlong Though he taught them the heavenly Doctrine of the Gospel and confirm●d his Doctrine with many Miracles yet they believed not Joh. 12.37 Though he had done so many Miracles before them yet they believed not on him yea they went about to stone him Joh. 8 59. Then took they up stones to cast at him but Iesus hid himself and went out of the temple going through the midst of them and so passed by Ioh. 10. ●1 They took up stones again to stone him At another time he saw meet to hide himself from them Ioh. 12.36 Iesus departed and did hide himself from them At another time he was fain to doe the same him and the product was the Institution of a Gospel Church a stone hewed by the Axe and Hammer of Temptations is fit to be built into a Gospel Church and to injoy full Communion at the Lords Table and voting in the Church and one fitted and humbled by Temptations is fit to undertake the Gospel Ministry in a Gospel Church Iesus Christ suffered himself to be tempted both by men and Devils among men he suffered himself to be tempted both by bad good men consider some Instances of his being tempted by bad men Math 22.15 16 17 18. Then went the Pharisees took counsel how they might intangle him in his talk they sent out their Disciples with the Herodians saying Master we know that thou art true and teachest the way of God in Truth neither carest thou for any man for thou regardest not the persons of men tell us therefore what thinkest thou is it lawful to give Tribute to Cesar or no but Jesus perceived their wickedness and said why tempt ye me hypocrites Luke expresseth this or the like Temptation more fully Luk. 20.20 and they watched him and sent forth spyes which should feign themselves just men that they might take hold of his words and so they might deliver him unto the power and Authority of the Governour See another Instance Math. 22.35 36. then one of them which was a Lawyer asked him a question tempting him saying Master which is the great Commandment in the Law see another Instance Luk. 10.25 and behold a certain Lawyer stood up and tempted him saying Master what shall I do to inherit eternal life see another Instance Math. 16.1 the Pharisees also with the Sadduces came and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from Heaven unto these he maketh a sad Answer Mark 8.12 and he sighed deeply in his Spirit and saith why doth this Generation seek after a sign verily I say unto you there shall be no sign given to this Generation See another Instance Math. 19.3 the Pharisees also came unto him tempting him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause See one Instance more Luk. 11.53 54. and as he said these things unto them the Scribes and Pharisees began to urge him vehemently and to provoke him to speak of many things laying wait for him and seeking to catch something out of his mouth that they might accuse him It was an hour of great Temptation that Jesus Christ was in He also suffered himself to be tempted by good men as it appeared in that famous Instance of Peter Math. 16 22 23. Peter took him and began to rebuke him saying be it far from thee Lord that shall not be unto thee but he turned and said unto Peter get thee behind me Satan thou art an offence unto me for thou savourest not the things that be of God but those that be of men Jesus Christ suffered himself to be tempted of the Devil he gave Satan leave
Jesus Christ suffer his holy pure humane nature to be so far under the power of Satan as to be transported in such an hideous manner from the wilderness to the City to the Temple to the top of a Pinacle to the top of an high mountain and there to be deluded with a vain sight Satan hath a great power over the Phantasies of men and he can when leave is given unto him transport their Phantasies and imaginations unto such strange notions and Temptations and therefore still the question remaineth why did our Lord Jesus suffer his pure mind to be afflicted with such transporting Temptations Answ 1. Because this is a great part of the punishment due unto the sin of man to be given up unto and under the power of Satan unto his seductions and Temptations Eph. 2.2 in times past ye walked according to the course of this world according to the Prince of the power of the Air the Spirit that now worketh in the Children of disobedience c Act. 26.18 from the power of Satan Mankind are lawful Captives to justice and we are delivered up unto Satan to be our jaylor and one part of the power which the Goaler hath over us is this to work in our hearts minds Phantasies and affections this is a deep and dreadful part of the punishment of sin our mental bondage is a sore bondage there is abundantly more sin committed in the minds thoughts and imagination then in outward actions There be frequent Murthers Adulteries Fornications Thefts Blasphemies and what not There be many abominations within that dare not look out Prov. 6.16 18. there be seven abominations whereof one is an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations at the day of Judgement when the secrets of all hearts shall be opened and judged there will be abundance more work in judging the inward sins of the mind and heart then of the outward sins of words and deeds it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth doth speak our slavedome to Satan is principally in our minds hearts and imaginations Therefore Jesus Christ suffered this punishment to the full so far as it could be suffered with Innocency he suffered till Justice was satisfied he gave Satan leave to do his worst against him in these Temptations as he did at his last sufferings which are called your hour and power of darkness at this time of Temptation Satan did saucily domineer over our dear Lord abusing his Phantasie and Imagination to the uttermost of his skill and all this Jesus Christ suffered in our stead 2. By his suffering of Temptations Iesus Christ hath taken away the sting and curse and condemning power out of all our Temptations so that they cannot mortally hurt us because the Law is satisfied by the sufferings of Jesus Christ it is the Law that gives strength to sin to procure punishment 1 Cor. 15.56 seeing then that the offence of the Law is removed by the sufferings of Jesus Christ the mortal power of Temptations is taken away Temptations they may sorely afflict but they cannot kill and damn a Child of God 3. Jesus Christ suffered himself to be horribly tempted that he might be an experienced able Faithfull and compassionate high Priest to relieve us in our Temptations and to bear with us in our violent and strange extravagancies in our vain figments and imaginations Hebr. 2.17 Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his Brethren that he might be a mercifull faithfull high-Priest in things pertaining to God to make Reconciliation for the sins of the People 4. Our Lord Jesus gave Satan leave thus to assault him in this part of his invisible Kingdome where his power is greatest that he might procure for us an absolute and compleat Victory over Satan and all his powers and policyes that no force should be left in his hand against Believers in Christ He hath conquered his inner Kingdome the power that he hath over mens minds and imaginations Hereby he hath Satan in so streight a chain that all his Temptations are at the dispose and ordering of Jesus Christ Col. 2.15 Having spoiled Principalityes and powers he made a shew of them openly triumphing over them in it viz. in his cross and Sufferings And this is a chief part of this conquest to conquer Satans inner Kingdome in the minds and imaginations of men 5. Jesus Christ suffered himself to be tempted and in that case to conquer him that when Satan assaults Believers in their thoughts minds and imaginations these may find Satan a conquered and a chained enemy and that by a man our Captain who is God-man all which he hath done to encourage us to resist fight and triumph in Jesus Christ 6. Jesus Christ suffered himself to be tempted to set us a pattern of the way of conquering Temptation Example and experience doe effectually teach therefore when at any time we are assaulted with Temptations turn our minds to the pattern of Christ Mat. 4. and see what he did and doe we the same 7. Jesus Christ hath undergone this field of Temptations to let us see by experience the power of the word over Satan and all his Temptations The Spiritual War is a principal part of our Religion and we see that the Word of God is a principal weapon in the management of this War Psal 17.4 By the words of thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer 8. All this Jesus Christ hath done to teach us how necessary it is that the word of God should dwell richly in us Col. 3 16. It is a great Duty and a precious mercy to be ready in the Scriptures like a ready Scribe that can draw out of his Quiver a fitting arrow for every case Every Scribe which is instructed to the Kingdome of Heaven is like unto a man that is an housholder who bringeth forth out of his Treasury things new and old By this high and glorious example of Jesus Christ his suffering of Temptations the Saints of God should learn much and most usefull instruction touching which I shall give some short hints A right walking with God in Temptations is an eminent practical point of Religion it renders a man to be a true follower of Jesus Christ and very acceptable unto him His Disciples who continued with him in his Temptations he rewards them with a Kingdome a Kingdome of Grace in this Life and a Kingdome of Glory in the life to come 2 Cor. 4.17.18 Our light and short afflictions tryals temptations doe work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory It is unworthy a Believer a Disciple of Jesus Christ to shrink from or sink under Temptations It is the wisdome of a Christian to arm and prepare for Tribulations in this world because the appointed way to heaven is through many tribulations Act. 14.23 in this point we must be followers of Christ as dear chi●dren Jesus Christ hath provided for
his Saints compleat Arms even the whole Armour of God and weapons of war that are mighty through God none of our En●mies are able to stand before them the Devil himself will fly from that Christian that is expert to use and improve the Sword of the Spirit the Word of God T mptation is Gods School wherein he doth train up his Children to prepare and sit them for Service on Earth and for glory in heaven when Jesus Christ himself was entering upon his publick Ministry he began in the School of Temptations he began also with fasting and prayer he exercised these preparatories together and come forth of the School eminently filled with the Spirit yea he was fill●d with the Spirit when he entered into this School Luk. 4.1 and Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wildern ss The Spirit of God doth attend and assist such as are in Temptations and doth furnish them unto such Services and sufferings as the Lord shall please to call them unto Temptations are Gods usual preparatories of his Children for great services when God was about to call up Abraham to be a Father of the faithful a Corner stone in subordination to Iesus Christ of that Church in which Iesus Christ came into the world and to be a Father in the holy line of the promised Seed we may see that God prepared him for these great services by great Temptations and tryals When God was about to call up Moses to deliver Israel out of Egypt to change the Church polity to be Gods Instrument to create new heavens and a new Earth to erect the Church and common wealth of Israel glorious services we see that God prepared him for all this by great Temptations and Tryals When God was about to call up David to make great Reformation in the Church of Israel to gather up and settle all the scattered parts of Gods instituted worship and fix it in a Temple and to erect a typical Kingdome of Iesus Christ and to fix the line of the Incarnation of the promised seed all of them very great and eminent services with sundry more that I name not only include them in these generals I say when God was about to call up David to these great services O what a storm of Temptations did he arise through When Solomon was called to finish what his Father David had begun in building the Temple and setting in order the fixed national worship of God We read little of his passing through Temptatious to humble and prepare him But we read much of his sensuality whereby he so stained the glory of his high services that it should raise thankfulness to God that pleaseth to call us up to services of renown through a field of very great Temptations We see in our present subject touching the sufferings of Christ that when the Lord was calling him up to that greatest and most honourable of services that ever was performed unto the Lord in this world viz the Redemption of man and the salvation of souls Iesus Christ entered upon the service through many tribulations and temptations it is an experimental saying of holy men that prayer meditation and Temptation make a good Christian a good Minister a good Magistrate it fitteth a soul for any service that the Lord shall call him unto Temptations are humbling providences they are rods of correction and Instruction that wean us from all kind of self confidence or self seeking they rectifie and purge us in our grounds and ends in all our motions and when a Christian is duly sanctified in his grounds and ends he is a fitted instrument to glorify God in any service whatsoever The less of man the more of God Furthermore we see that when Christ was about to enter into this difficult field of Temptation he first received the Sacrament of Baptism to fulfill all righteousness no other Gospel Sacrament being yet instituted Federal Sacram●ntal Communion with God doth greatly strengthen Faith We see also that when Jesus Christ was entering into the field of Death he first exercised sacramental Communion with God yea double sacramental communion with God He first eat the Passover and then instituted and celebrated the Lords Supper then entred upon his garden conflict and Agony all the suffering that followed even to his Death By these Examples of Jesus Christ when Gods people are to enter upon any great design especially when they goe upon hazzard of their life they will if they can orderly and regularly receive the Sacrament before they enter upon their design Get as near to God as you can True it is that many doe this superstitiously regard not the regular receiving the Sacrament in the Communion of the Church but minister it in private or in a sick mans chamber but consider that these errors and abuses cannot frustrate the effect of Gods institution regularly attended unto Mans lye doth not make Gods Truth of none effect Rom. 3.3 4. Jesus Christ his thus arming and fitting himself when he was entering upon his greatest Temptation and upon his last conflict with Death it self is ground sufficient for our regular attending upon the Lord in our great concernments in like manner as he did Our co●enant communion with God sealed with a divine instituted Seal regularly admini●tred is to be numbred among the greatest external means of Grace for the confirmation of our Faith The evidences of our Faith have the broad Seal of h●aven affixed to them And that is also set on by the efficacy of the Spirit who sitteth in his Sealing-Office in the administration of the Sacrament and ratifieth the application of the publick Instituted Seal unto the Soul in particular unto which act of the Spirit in the administration of the Sacraments when a poor doubting trembling Soul doth reverently attend he shall find such an efficacy of the sealing Spirit in his Soul as shall inable him to go away as Hannah did when she received Ely his blessing 1 Sam. 1.18 so the woman went her way and did eat and her countenance was no more sad when we celebrate the death and sufferings of Jesus Christ in our Sacramental Communion with God it doth revive our damped and discouraged Faith it seals our inseperable union to Jesus Christ inabling us to say what shall seperate me it doth also quicken animate and encourage Faith to venture upon the greatest most difficult and dangerous enterprize when called thereunto it enables the Soul to say my life is not dear to me so I may but finish the Lords work unto which he hath called me whatever Sufferings sorrows Tryals Temptations I am thereby exposed unto When Faith is strengthned all grace is on the thriving hand because it is the work of Faith to goe forth to Jesus Christ and fetch out of his fulness whatever Grace we want and to fetch supply to enable us unto any Service in doing or suffering the good
As Jesus Christ hath taught us to forgive our Brother yea our enemies so he himself doth practice at this eminent time 2. He prayes the Father to forgive them which he could not have done unless he himself ●ad forgiven them for their offence was against both Father and son and therefore both must concur in the pardon 3. He urges the Father with a charitable and compassionate reason because alas they are in a Temptation and know not what they do 4. The Lord doth herein with divine wisdome distinguish viz that there be two sorts among his persecutors Some we have cause to fear did know what they did as appears Math. 21.38 this is the heir come let us kill him and the inheritance shall be ours Such as so acted are not within the compass of Iesus Christ his pardon and prayer But the generality of the people acted even as they were led 1 Cor. 12.2 and they did like those that followed Absolom in the simplicity of their hearts now such as those Jesus Christ doth pitty pardon and pray for The chief Priests Council did know or might have known that he was Christ the Son of the living God for besides all the proofs that he gave of it in his life and Ministry by doctrine and fulfilling Prophesies and abundance of miracles yet they raged against him and resolved to kill him and when they could find no cause against him they put him upon it to confess whether he was the Son of God or no he did plainly witness a good confession that he is the Messiah and for that confession only and for no other cause saving their own envy they did condemn him to dye and rested not till they had accomplished it These things being so it is hard for us to say that these are of the number of those that knew not what they did But the people for the most part were over perswaded by them in their ignorance acted Pilate also was ignorant of his Diety though he believed with an historical faith that he was the King of the Jews and had he known his Deity he would not have crucifyed him 1 Cor. 2.8 So that Jesus Christ hath opened a dore of pardon to his persecutors The Centurion that had the command of the watch that day and how many more God knows did that very day receive benefit of this pardon and prayer of Jesus Christ The second act of Jesus Christ upon the Cross he doth with tender love and care provide for his widow mother Joh. 19.25 26 27. Now there stood by the Cross of Jesus his mother and his mothers sister Mary the wife of Cleophas and Mary Magdalene When Jesus therefore saw his mother and the Disciple standing by whom he loved he saith unto his mother Woman behold thy Son Then saith he to the Disciple Behold thy mother And from that hour that Disciple took her unto his own home Where see 1. The title he giveth his mother woman which he was wont to do upon occasion formerly Ioh. 2.4 which he doth not shewing any strangeness or disregard of her grief whose heart was now pierced as with a sword but he did it 1. To take her heart off from all carnal confidence in her fleshly interest in Jesus Christ to put her to consider that her paps are more blessed by her interest of saith in Jesus Christ then in giving him suck Luk. 11.27.28 2. To instruct her and us that though there be use of natural Relations in this life yet it is not so in heaven Math. 22.30 We shall there be as the Angels are Spiritual weanings from creature confidences are no hurt unto or hindrances of right natural affections 2. He directs his mother to chuse an adopted son in his room who is now departing that he may be unto her in the stead of her natural Son to doe all offices of a Son unto her He saith to her Behold thy son intimating to her John that was standing by her 3. He instructeth and chargeth John to doe all offices of a good Son unto her saying to him Behold thy mother 4. This charge is set on because Jesus Christ did thus dignifie him out of special favour and love The Disciple whom be loved And therefore he might confide in him in committing such a trust and charge unto him 5. The effect of this act of Iesus Christ was from that hour he took her into his own Family which proveth that she was a widdow and had not a family of her own now her Son was gone When Ioseph died or what became of her after this nothing is said The third act of Iesus Christ upon the Cross he taketh a mercifull care of the penitent Thief Luk. 23.39 40 41 42 43. And one of the Malefactors which were hanged railed on him saying if thou be Christ save thy self and us But the other answering rebuked him saying dost thou not fear God seeing thou art in the same condemnaion And we indeed justly for we receive the due reward of our deeds but this man hath done nothing amiss And he said unto Iesus Lord remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdome And Iesus said unto him verily I say unto thee To day shall thou be with me in Paradice Where see among the Mockers Revilers Railers against Iesus Christ on the cross one of the Theeves did as he heard others doe though he was hanging on his cross under the hand of justice and Execution Mathew and Mark impute this to both the Melefactors because what one in a company doth is in usual custome imputed to all unless they bear witness against it And whether at first or by the way both of them might be accessary we cannot say but Luke is particular in this history shewing that one of them was a true penitent Where 1. we see what his ill words are that are recorded viz. if thou be the Christ save thy self and us wherein he vents his unbelief and hardness of heart in way of reproach This he doth when he was dying yea a shamefull death and that justly yet so ill minded is he against Iesus Christ 2. His fellow thief rebuked him whereby he cleared himself from participation with him in his sin which silence in such a case doth involve men in In which Rebuke see 1. Dost thou not fear God The words of thy mouth shew that the fear of God is not in thine heart therefore speak not so wickedly 2. He giveth a reason of this Rebuke and exhortation because we are condemned to dye as he is we are in the same condemnation They are executing death upon us and dost thou now vent the vileness of thine heart against him that is dying with us 3. Here is the aggravation of this Reason 1. We are justly put to death our sin deserves it 2. This man whom you revile hath done nothing amiss he is unjustly condemned and will you add Revilings 3. This penitent thief maketh his believing