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A34051 A companion to the temple and closet, or, A help to publick and private devotion in an essay upon the daily offices of the church. Comber, Thomas, 1645-1699.; Church of England. Book of common prayer. 1672 (1672) Wing C5452; ESTC R29309 296,203 435

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wherein the Messias and our Saviour of the world was to set up a spiritual kingdome in the hearts of men it was necessary for all that desired to become his subjects to renounce those lusts to which they had been enslaved and to prepare his way by repentance or else they must remain slaves still and this reason urgeth us now as strongly as ever because our Lord Jesus doth every day now by his Word and Embassadours proclaim liberty to us and offers to become our King but in most of our hearts sin hath usurped his throne and therefore we must first exclude that and if we repent not it seems we love the slavery of Sathan better then the liberty of the Sons of God and do declare we will not have Christ to reign over us and though he may for a while connive at this affront yet remember there is another kingdome of heaven at hand even the kingdome of glory wherein all that shall then have rejected Christ for their King shall be utterly destroyed (p) Luke 19.27 and condemned to unspeakable and endless torments And this ought to fill such lazy persons with fear because for any thing they know the end of all is near at hand however 't is secret that you might not delay and will be sudden when it doth come and if it surprize us we can never repent more and if this world should last 10000 years more it is nothing to us for this kingdome of heaven begins with us when we leave this world and therefore who knows how near the kingdome of heaven may be Matth. 3.3 I see you have committed many sins and do still go on in them and so are neither fit for that grace which is offered you here nor to appear in that judgment which must pass upon you hereafter Wherefore I charge you all repent ye of all your wickednesses and confess them seriously and forsake them speedi●y for the kingdome of Jesus Christ the eternal Son of the God of heaven is now to be set up in the hearts of all true penitents and for others their death is not 〈◊〉 off and the kingdome of glory is at hand and wi●● surprize them in their trif●ing intentions to their utter ruine A Meditation preparatory to Prayer for the quickening of such as neglect repentance IT had been well for my soul if all this while my safety had been equal to my confidence for none ever thought themselves more secure though there was no other ground for it but only because I was resolved not to take the pains to behold my danger I have multiplied my transgressions and lived in sins unamended yea unrepented of and therefore have had the drawn sword of the divine vengeance hanging over my guilty head by the slender thred of my uncertain life which every thing can snap asunder and I have seemed wilfully to shut my eyes chusing rather to feel it and the eternal smart of it then to behold this dreadful sight which would long since have terrified me into amendment and snatched me from under the approaching ruine what prodigious folly hath seized on me what stupid laziness hath benummed me are the pains of escaping greater then the pains of suffering or will the blow be lighter because I resolve neither to see it nor avoid it awake my soul awake while there is a possibility to prevent thy ruine thy sins are so numerous and so hainous that thou canst be ignorant of them the threatnings of Gods wrath are so plain and so positive that thou mayst see they aim at thee thy conscience cryes so loud that thou canst not but hear it and Gods holy spirit pleads so powerfully that thou must take as much pains to exclude these friends as would serve to turn out thy enemies Surely God gave me not wit and understanding to invent a plausible cover for the eyes of my conscience or to contrive bulworks of excuses to intrench my sins in safety and yet I unhappy wretch have been ingenious in nothing so much as in plotting the ruine of my soul and designing to perish undisturbed Behold and blush where holy David lyes covered with shame drowned in tears and overwhelmed with sorrow not able through sear and terror to take his eye of that one offence whilst thou a far greater sinner art careless and unconcerned He sets his before his own face and God throws them behind his back but I who cast them behind me and strive to bury them in oblivion and inconsideration shall have them set before my face when the sight of them cannot conduce to the obtaining of my pardon but the aggravating my eternal misery the sight of them indeed is most unpleasant the object odious and ungrateful but the benefit will abundantly recompence the trouble and if I behold them now so as to repent of them I shall see them no more for ever I will imitate therefore this holy man and ever view the guilt and the danger of them that I may humbly confess them and obtain a pardon for them my wretched heart hath taken pleasure in committing them and it shall have vexation in reflecting on them for I will not take my eyes off from them till the horrid aspect of my grievous iniquities have humbled my soul for them and turned my heart against them The blessed Jesus that sees the hearts and knows the necessities of all hath given a universal command of repentance to all men which yet methinks seems peculiarly directed to me who have neglected this necessary duty hitherto Thou oh Lord seest my danger and pittieth my approaching ruine I bow my head and heart and neither dare nor can disobey so gracious and loving advice so useful and necessary a warning Thy bare word had been sufficient to command obedience from those who expect salvation by thee but thou art pleased farther to convince me I do believe dear Jesus the benefit is great if I shall turn now while thy grace is so freely offered to all people I know the danger is dreadful if I defer any longer since 't is certain thy Kingdome shall come but uncertain how soon either death shall arrest me or judgment surprize me in such delayes I have cause to bless thee that neither of these have happened yet since I have so justly provoked thee by excluding so gracious a King out of my heart rather then I would be at the trouble of preparing for thee yet Lord thou callest still and now I am making what haste I can oh remember not how long I have stayed but consider how little time I have left and by the help of thy grace make my work short and easie proportionable to my time and strength I confess I knew before but I never considered till now and now I dare not stay but through thy help now I come oh do not cast me off for thy mercies sake Amen § VII Lastly If any by dayly use of these offices begin to grow
baseness and unworthiness mightily convinced that God hath often done good to us and others and deeply affected with the freeness frequency and fulness of his mercies and favours for here we are to exercise love and gratitude and to imitate the Quire of heaven who survey the whole world and pay the tribute of glory to him whose mercy and goodness they see and admire in every thing and so may we and then our souls shall readily comply with Davids courteous invitations to bless the Lord. Oh my God I behold what thou dost for all mankind and I feel what I have received I confess my unworthiness and admire thy goodness in all things And then the Glory be to the Father c. is a recapitulation of all those foregoing causes of glorifying every Person in the glorious Trinity or all of them and must be an acknowledgment that all mercies are dispensed to us by the Father for the Sons sake through the Ministry of the Holy Spirit and upon this account all honour and glory is and was and ever shall be due to Father Son and Holy Ghost O my ingrateful heart which sees so much cause of praising God every day for his works and his goodness to others and for what we have experience of and yet hath not learned fully to love God and constantly to praise him Come to the sweet singer of Israel he will excite thee by his example in every thing to give thanks learn of him to rejoyce with them that rejoyce learn of him to love and sing Glory be c. and thou shalt sing new songs in the New Jerusalem for ever By such means as these we ought to tune our hearts for this heavenly musick if we would have it please God and profit us and if by the help of Gods good spirit we have in some measure well performed this our next care must be that we loose not those good affections 3. Therefore endeavour to nourish these holy flames on the altar of thy heart by a holy life such as the inspired Penmen of these Psalms lead themselves (r) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Athanas and such as they exhort others to and so shalt thou be every day fit to joyn in this office and be alwaies prepared to accompany the Church with suitable affections to all the several parts of Psalmody Remember these Anthems are designed not only to raise Devotion in publique but to assist holiness in private (s) Verba vivenda non legenda and by letting thee feel the comfort of that in Gods house which may strengthen thee to do his will afterwards and to set us all upon our guard against sin and Sathan who design to discompose our minds by presenting sensual pleasures and carnal allurements but you that have tasted sweeter and nobler delights will certainly despise those vain and empty pretenders to satisfaction and wish no other joy then to praise God among his servants on Earth here and among his Saints in Heaven hereafter And if this be your desire the constant use of these Psalms will make them so familiar that you will never want holy Meditations ejaculations answers to Sathans temptations and Mementoes of a holy life which is the only way that leads to the happiness you desire SECTION VIII Of the Lessons § 1. BEfore we begin to read or hear the holy Scripture it will be useful that we consider first their own excellency to engage our love to them Secondly The Providence of God in the Composing and Preserving them to excite our Reverence Thirdly The Care of the Church in fitting them to our use to encourage our diligence First The Scripture must needs be excellent because it is the Revelation of the whole Will of God so far as is necessary for our Salvation And we believe as God hath taught us and with the Primitive Church (t) 2 Tim. 3.15 In q●ibus inven●untur illa omnia quae continent f d●m moresque vivendi Aug. doc Chris l. 2. c. 17. Sacrae divinitùs inspira●ae Scripturae per se abunde sufficiunt ●d veritatis indicationem Athan. in Idol Antiquam fidei Regulam Euseb hist lib. 5. that it is the compleat Repository of all Divine truths that concern faith or manners and therefore we own it to be the Rule of our lives and the foundation of our Faith and in all our considerable (u) Sancta Synodus Christum assess●rem capitis loco adjunxit Vene●ondum enim Evangelium in● Sancto throno collocavit Cy●ill See Dr. Cosens History of the Canon controversies we place it in the Throne as the Councels of Ephesus and Aquileia did for the moderator and determiner of such doubts and differences This is the guide of our Consciences the ground of our hopes the evidence of our inheritance and the Law by which we shall be judged at the last day (x) John 5.45 Revel 20.12 Wherefore it is the duty (y) John 5.39 and interest (z) 2 Tim. 3.15 of every Christian to be conversant in them according to the command of Jesus and the example of all Gods servants who studied them more then any other writings So that Sr. Basil and his friend used no other Book but wholly meditated in this for thirteen years And if it were possible we should exercise our selves in it day and night (a) Josh 1.8 Deut. 17.19 R. Ismael à sororis filio rogatus quodnam tempus Graecorum lectioni impenderet Resp Nullum nisi potest inveni itempus quod nec ad diem neque ad noctem pertinebat è Talin Masius in Jos 1. that is alwaies But however we must spend so much time upon them that we may be alwaies furnished with precepts to direct promises to encourage and examples to quicken us to do all good and also with Prohibitions to restrain threatnings to affright and presidents to warn us from all evil waies whatsoever And being so constantly useful and so able to shew us all that is necessary to be known believed or to be done we should love them and delight to hear them and know them because ignorance of these Sacred Oracles will lay us open to errors in Judgments (b) Mark 12.24 and wickedness in Practice (†) Psal 119.3 and finally prove the ruine of our Souls § 2. Secondly we must remember it is no ordinary regard which we must give to these holy Pages because God is the Author and his Spirit the enditer of them and in his infinite wisdome and love he hath committed his Will to writing that it might not be corrupted or impaired by the prejudices the malice or forgetfulness of men as all Traditions generally are For the matter of it he could have filled it with amazing Mysteries but consulting our good rather then his own greatness he condescends to our capacities (c) Lex loqui ut nobiscum linguâ ●lio●um hominum Lumen supernum nunquam descendit sine indumento Proverb
Apostles are ravi●hed with his glory whom they saw in his weakn●ss The Prophets are delighted with him whom they prophesied of but never beheld before The Martyrs are transpo●ted with his love and forgetting all their torments solace themselves in his joyes and every gaping wound (d) Quot vulnera hiantia tot ora laudantia Deum is a mouth to chant out his Praise Oh what honour is it to serve such a Lord what delight to be admitted to so glorious a society Summon up all the powers and f●culties of your souls and as they fill Heaven do yo● fill the Earth with setting out the Majesty of his Glory § 3. The second part of this Hymn in the eleven following versicles is a Confession of Faith And eve●y A●ticle thereof is a f●rther motive to praise God eit●er fo● the g●ory of his Essence or the mercy that appears in his works And since we see God at present only by Faith the Profession of that Faith is to us reputed a glorifying of him (e) Rom. 15.6 The Saints and Angels have a f●ll view and what they ●o by Joy we do by Faith and holy desires of a nearer union A●d certainly we cannot set out the Majesty of his Glory better then by assenting to that Revelation which his Truth hath made of himself and by confessing him that the glorious Hosts of Heaven adore and the Universal Ch●●ch doth and ever did acknowledge For so we agree in a sweet harmony with the Saints and Angels in heaven and with all holy men our Bretheren on the earth For the unanimous consent of the Servants is a manifestation of the Masters honour And it is an evidence that our Lord is really such and so glorious as we believe him to be since all unite in the profession of it A●d this holds good most evid●ntly in the great mistery of the Trinity which the Celestial Quire owns by their Trisagium Holy H●ly Holy And the Catholick Church hath most unanimously acknowledged most sacredly kept and most courageously defended above all other Articles so that all those agree in this who differ in many other points Let us then chearfully acknowledge the infinite Majesty of the Father who governs all Creatures and declare the honour of his true and only Son whose Glory is great in our salvation Let us confess the Divinity of that holy Spirit who is our Advocate in Heaven and our Comforter (f) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 u rumque signif Johan 14.16 1 Ep. Johan 2. ver 1. upon the Earth Above all let us be carefull that the humiliation of our mercifull Redeemer do not abate of our esteem To prevent which the Church in this Hymn as also in all her Creeds makes the largest and most particular Confession of the Son of God and we have here a full account of Divinity and Humanity because by the malice of Sathan these have been so confounded and mistaken by so many Heresies and we have also a recital of those works of his which most concern us because it is the interest of us all to know and believe these which more directly tend to our salvation then any other of the works of God and therefore do more strongly engage our gratitude for we shall find abunda●t matter of Praise both in what Jesus is in his nature and what he hath done for us He is very God and therefore we give ●im that title which alone belongs to the Lord of hosts and St. Ambrose the best interpreter of this Hymn saith (g) Psal 24 7. 10. Quis est iste Rex gloriae Respondetur à scientibus Dominus virtutùm ipse est Rex gloriae Ergo Dominus virtutùm est ipse filius Ambros de Fide lib. 4. that twenty fourth Psalm was sung by the Angels at our Saviours Resurrection those who came with him calling to those in Heaven to open the gates for the King of Glory who answered them as it is in that Psalm And we may call him the King of Glory both as he is very God and because he hath purchased Glory for us and shall distribute it to us and shall receive glory and praise from us and all that are partakers of it And his glory depends not on our praises but is inseparable from his nature because he is the true and only begotten Son of God not Created as the Angels nor Adopted as Men but by Eternal Generation Coeternal with the Father and Coequal What though he was born in time the Son of Man this doth not take away his Being the Son of God nor change his nature but express his love and engage our affections Dear Jesus whether hath thy love carried thee from Glory to misery from the highest Throne in Heaven to the lower parts of the Earth (h) Ephes 4.9 Pudorem exordii nostri non recusa●i● sed contumelias naturae nostrae transcurrit Hilar How hast thou pursued ●s through all the stages of our infelicity from the dishonours of the Womb to those of the Tombe not abhorring the meanest place that was pure nor the lowest condition that Innocence could be put into What cause have we to bless thee (i) Ideo quod homo est Christus esse voluit ut homo possit esse quod Christus est who wert pleased to become what we were that we might be not what we deserved but as thou art Holy Saviour we believe and rejoyce in believing that thou wast born like us livedst with us and diedst for us and that death was our life it was shameful and inglorious sharp and tormenting so terrible as might startle a great confidence in a good cause But it was not more bitter to thee then sweet to us We even we Oh Lord had armed Death with a sting sharp and venomous for our sin had provoked the Divine wrath And this sting though with the suffering (k) 1 Cor. 15.57 Gr. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Devicto mortis a●uleo Ambr. of inexpressible dolours thou hast pulled out and having satisfied the Justice of God canst now triumph over death it self and enable us with comfort to say O Death where is thy sting with which thou didst threaten all the World with unavoidable destruction Who can behold what thou hast suffered and we have escaped and not be ravished with thy Love Oh blessed Lord Jesus The way to Heaven was ever open to Innocence but we all had sinned and come short of the glory of God Heaven gates were shut against us and Hells mouth open to receive us And in this estate our life had been worse then death by the dreadful expectations of deserved vengeance and our death had certainly delivered us up to feel what we feared Do we live with any comfort 'T is thou hast removed our fears Can we dye with any peace It is thou alone hast renewed our hopes if any men that are or ever were or shall be are admitted into this Kingdome
will humble us and make our request more zealous and mollifie him and make him more ready to grant them By his great mercy he will be moved to compassion to see us chained by night and sleep helpless and exposed to all mischiefs of soul and body and will send his grace to defend our souls and his Angels to guard our bodies that none of these perils shall hurt us And then our morning Praises must own it as an Act of great pitty How dare you suffer your eyes to sleep in the midst of such armies of Perils before you have besought him that never slumbers nor slee●s to save you from them But if any be so confident it is not courage but desperate stupidity and inconsideration that makes him so daring The good man begs for Protection for this night and so again for the next and every time with a new Devotion having warmed his heart first with apprehensions of his own dangers and insufficiency to escape them § 7. For the love of thine only Son our Saviour Iesus Christ Amen Although with the Disciples we may be somewhat affraid when we enter into the cloud yet we must beware the darkness do not shut up the eye of our Faith by which we may behold him in whom God is well pleased when our bodily eyes are closed And if we discern him by Faith that very sight will make our darkness to be light For we may run to him and approach the Throne of Grace with him in our Armes The Molossian King was by law obliged to grant any Petition offered by one that brought his Son with him And the Ki●g of heaven cannot deny us when we most truly and humbly disclaim our own merits and beg his Protection for the love he bears to the holy Jesus who was the delight of his Soul from all eternity and yet ●e became one with us in his incarnation and made us one with him in our regeneration and we are the members of his body and the price of his bloud so that the Father loves us in and for him that have nothing attractive or lovely in our selves Again we intreat him to save us by all the love which Jesus bears unto us to whom we are neer as his own flesh deerer then his own life more esteemed then fallen Angels or a thousand worlds For his delight is with the Sons of men (z) Prov. 8.31 Wherefore we beseech our heavenly Father by that which will moove his bowels towards us by his own everlasting love to us and his affection to his only Son and by the inexpressible love of that his Son to us to give us a night comfortable and safe We are in darkness but our head is in a never ceasing light and he that gave him to redeem us from eternal darkness will not suffer us to perish in spiritual darkness nor leave us exposed to the mischiefs of one night that will so soon be over passed If our affections be as fervent as this argument is fo●ceable 't is sure this Petition will not be denyed The Paraphrase of the third Collect for Aid against all Perils LEt the assurance of thy Providence the comforts of thy grace and the beams of thy favour Lighten our darkness and remove the discomfort of the approaching night we beseech thee to make in sweet and safe to us O Lord thou Father of lights and by thy great mercy behold and pitty the various miseries and mischiefs that we thy poor helpless Creatures are exposed unto That thou mayest preserve and defend us in our souls and bodies estate and friends from all perils and dangers which might befall us in any part of this night grant this dear Father not for our merits but for the love thou bearest to the person of the only Son and to us for his sake since he is our Saviour even Jesus Christ our Lord and our Redeemer Amen SECTION XVI Of the Collects for the King and the Royal Family The Analysis of the Prayer for the Kings Majesty This Prayer hath two general Parts 1. The Confession of the King of Heaven acknowledging 1. His great goodness O Lord our heavenly Father 2. His Supream Authority high and mighty King of Kings Lord of Lords the only ruler of Princes 3. His Universal Providence who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers upon earth 2. The Petitions for his Vicegerent on Earth requesting 1. A special Providence over him most heartily we beseech thee with thy favour to behold our most gracious Soveraign Lord King CHARLES 2. All kinds of blessings ●or him 1. Spiritual 1. Grace a●d so replenish him with the grace of thy holy spirit that he may alwaies incline to thy will and walk in thy way 2. Gifts endue him plenteously with heavenly gifts 2. Temporal 1. Prosperity grant him in health and wealth long to live 2. Victory strengthen him that he may vanquish and overcome all his enemies 3. Eternal with the general motive and finally after this life he may attain everlasting joy and felicity through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen A Practical Discourse on the Prayer for the Kings Majesty § 1. O Lord our heavenly Father The Almighty and Eternal God is without dispute the King of Heaven and Earth and supream governor of all the world But since his throne is in Heaven he is pleased to constitute Princes his Deputies on the Earth which he hath given to the Children of men (a) Psal 115.16 Wherefore since by him Kings reign (b) Prov. 8.15 Nos judicium Dei suscipimus in Imperatoribus qui gentibus illos praefecit id in eis seimus esse quod Deus voluit ideoque salvum volumus esse quod Deus voluit Tertul Apol. c. 32. we submit to his appointment of them and revere his Majesty in them and to him we make our supplications for them who hath power to defend them as well as authority to create them And he must needs have a peculiar regard toward them and love to them because they are anointed by him to administer his rights among us This hath encouraged all Nations to pray for their Governors so universally as if it had been an agreement among all mankind To omit the Heathen sacrifices and Prayers for the Cities and Emperors we shall find two Psalms (c) Psal 20. Psal 72. which were used by the Jews as Forms of Prayer for the King and both by Gods command and the desire of the Princes of the Gentiles who then were rulers over that people supplications were made to God in their behalf (d) Ezra 6.10 Jerem. 29.7 by those Jews who were under their protection But to come nearer we Christians are most expresly commanded by God and his holy Apostle (e) 1 Tim. 2.1 2. In obsequio quotidiano pro regibus pro his qui in sublimitate positi sunt orandum est Chrys in 1 Tim. 2. Pro potestatibus seculi Tertul. Apol. Obsecramus
freely to purchase Gods favour but though men be thus appeased yet he must have something he likes better and truly the Sacrifices most likely to be accepted of God who needs no outward things are a broken spirit which trembles at his Anger and hateth it self for its sins and is almost dashed to pieces betwixt fear and sorrow Whoever therefore brings such a broken and a contrite heart let him think it never so vile yet O God thou whose favour such alone desire wilt not despise nor reject but accept and embrace both it and those that bring it 2. If they shall further argue against themselves that they deny not Gods gracious nature but that they fear their iniquities have turned his love into hatred his mercy into fury and his kindness into indignation Behold in the next place a free discovery of what God is to sinners (k) Dan. 9.9 for the Jews were then in captivity but had so grievously offended that Daniel who much desired their restauration scarce knew how to plead for them till at last he finds an Argument in Gods gracious Nature viz. That mercies and forgiveness that is many nay infinite mercies and forgiveness for numberless sins were Gods peculiar possession a principal part of his Name (l) Exod. 34.6 the chiefest of his Attributes and inseparably annexed to his Essence and therefore the sins of his creatures cannot make any change in God Mercy in the creatures is by communication from him but he is the original and fountain which is never dry therefore Daniel confesseth they are sinners but denies that therefore it is impossible to hope for pardon for their evil doings could not rifle his treasures nor rob him of his Attributes nor alter his Nature That continues the same still and therefore there is mercy to be had He confesses them guilty of all sorts of sins that is sins of commission and that even to an absolute rebelling and forsaking of God and apostacy from him (m) LXX 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ita Vulg. Vat. by Idolatry and then also Omission and neglect of walking in Gods law though they were taught and instructed in it therefore they deserved no mercy But God is the fountain of mercies still and therefore there is yet hope Other Translations generally read not though but because we have sinned which is but a further illustration of the same sense viz. We may see and be convinced that Mercy is Gods peculiar possession because we have done such vile things and yet he hath spared us that we might by our humiliation give him occasion to forgive us and this his pity in sparing shews his intention of restoring us and therefore should quicken us to address to him who hath it solely in his own power Daniel will not go to the King of Babylon not to the best nor greatest on the earth No Mercy is Gods and so we have the better hope to obtain it Dan. 9.9 Why should we because we have formerly sinned remain hopeless of ever being received since we know that To the Lord Jehovah who is peculiarly our God as inseparably annexed to his Essence and as his own proper possession belongs mercies infinite and forgivenesses more then our sins can need and since they are his we hope we shall have them though we are unworthy for though we have sinned by breaking his laws and rebelled against him by forsaking his Covenant neither have we done what he commanded us nor obeyed the voice of the Lord our God who charged us by his servants to walk in his laws and tread in that plain and pleasant path which he set before us though all this be true we are sorry for it but will not despair because God can yet restore us 3. To enforce both the former and encourage these humble souls whose desires are too big for their faith here is a lively example of one (n) Luke 15.18 19. whose condition was as miserable his faults as great and his reception as unlikely as theirs can be And yet he comes and speeds that you may take example hereby and do likewise The example is that of the prodigal son who had voluntarily forsaken his Fathers house and carried away his full portion which he wasted lavishly and consumed in all manner of riot and excess never thinking of nor regarding his father all the time of his madness till extreme want had restored him to the use of his Reason (o) ver 17. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ad seipsum rediens and put him into his wits again and then he blames himself for lying still either in his sin which is lapsus animae the fall of the soul resolving to arise by repentance or else you may understand his lying along or sitting on the ground to be a posture of sorrow (p) Isa 3.26 But he sees he may sit disconsolate for ever and be no nearer to his fathers house wherefore he resolves to take courage and arise and not sit alwaies bemoaning himself with a vain and ineffective grief but repenting himself to return home His father had not called him nor had he any assurance he should be received only he knew if he sate still he must starve and if he were repulsed he could suffer no more He comes not to make any apology but to bring in accusation against himself he hoped indeed that his offence could not unty the bands of that dear Relation and therefore calls him Father but confesseth he had forfeited the title of Son and not onely broken the law of Nature but of heaven that is of the God of heaven (q) Coelum pro Deo ponitur quoniam est ejus habitaculum Elias Tisb Psal 73.9 who expresly requireth this Obedience He could have wished a return to his Fathers Table but that were Presumption to expect only he hopes he will not see him starve and if he be set with the meanest servants that will be prevented But the Father is readier to hear then the Son to desire and what his unworthiness made him ashamed to ask his Fathers Bounty made him willing to bestow and he that scarce hoped to be admitted a servant is once more owned as a dear son This he found and so shall they that follow his example Luke 15.18 19. Why do I sit still in my sin vainly bemoaning my folly while I am like to starve surely I will take courage and I will arise by repentance and with prayer and supplication make haste and go by faith to my Father who can relieve me and perhaps may have pity on me For to move his bowels toward me as soon as I see him I will fall down and will say unto him Father who didst beget me that am now so wretched I here confess that I have sinned by my ungodly courses against Heaven and the God that dwells there and before thee being so ungrateful for all thy love that I justly deserve to be disowned and
lest his Mercy become the support of iniq●ity his Holiness the entertainer of what he hates and his Goodness the encouragement to the breach of his Laws And if this seem difficult that you must forsake all evil and do the contrary good before you can be accepted you must consider the benefit of it is the saving your souls alive this will preserve you from a two-fold death the least of which is worse then bodily death a dying in sin and a dying for sin for while you go on to practise these sins you are really dead (d) Impii etiamsi videantur vivere miseriores tamen sunt omnibus mortuis carnem suam sicut tumulum circumferentes cui infaelicem infoderunt animam quae intra humum volvitur terrenae avaritiae cupiditatibus caeterisque vitiis includitur ut gratiae coelestis auram spirare non possunt Ambros de Cain Ab. Ephes 2.1 1 Tim. 5.6 though you have a name to live because you so long have no sense of any good nor motion toward it nor any union ●ith God whose departure from the soul of the sinner is as real a death to the soul as it is to the body to have the soul separated from it But by forsaking your sins God will be moved to return and revive you and so you shall not dye eternally whereas the wicked man that lives in his sins first God forsakes his soul and then his soul forsakes his body (e) Revel 3.1 and so begins his eternal misery (f) Cum anima à Deo deserta deseri● Corpus Aug. where his soul lives only to feel torments but never more to enjoy any good To prevent which you must turn out of that evil way that leads to both these deaths and your souls shall live in glory for though Gods justice oblige him to punish you for the old score yet our Lord Jesus hath by his death purchased a Covenant of Repentance for us wherein God ingageth to receive us and he promiseth to satisfie the former Debt if we repent and amend (g) Ezek. 18.27 Though I might easily revenge my self on the sinner for all his old transgressions yet through my Son Christ Jesus I do here promise when the wicked man who is walking in the wayes of death not onely confesseth his fault but also turneth away from those paths and being really grieved for what is past abstaineth from his wickedness and never more practiseth those sins that he hath formerly with so much delight committed if this wicked man amend his life and doth that which is lawful and allowed by my word so that his wayes be good and right in my eyes I will forgive the punishment and remove the power of his sins so that while impenitent sinners are dead in sin here and die eternally for it hereafter he shall save his soul alive and I will give him life everlasting A Meditation preparatory to Prayer for the instruction of such as are mistaken IS it possible I should be all this while deluded so grosly to imagine my eyes open and my way direct and to suppose I have hitherto dwelt in light when indeed my eyes are shut and my feet are wrong and my mind over-spread with the mist of Error and the Aegyptian Darkness of a stupid Ignorance Thy Word O Lord is a light to my feet not onely to shew me which is the right way but to let me know when I am in the wrong which I never suspected till I met with the faithful conduct of thy sacred Oracles How have I given up my soul to false g●ides who that I might not enquire after the right way would never acquaint me I was wandring from it had I followed them still I had stumbled on the threshold of hell while I expected to arrive at the gates of heaven Blessed be thy Name I now see I have been straying from thee the fountain of all true happiness and have been in vain seeking content where it is not to be found and this disappointment drives me to seek it where it is Had I not been a stranger to my own heart I had not been so far out of the right way But I have supposed my self clear only because I never considered wherein I was guilty and have flattered my self with the pleasing thoughts of my own innocence so that I have been as secure as if I really had been so I have relyed on my own vain imaginations being glad to spare my self the labour of a farther inquiry and most foolishly I have accounted this a Peace which was no other but want of a sense of my real danger I find my chief design hath been to seem good and persuade my self I was so that I might be more quiet in the ways of evil and might neither be accused by my own Conscience nor allarumed by thy dreadful threatnings since I supposed they did not belong to me But alas how miserable would the event of this self deceit have been for thou oh my God didst see and wouldst have condemned me for all my blasphemous and repining thoughts against thee my malicious envious disdainful and treacherous thoughts against my neighbour thou heardest all those false and slanderous vain and filthy words I uttered with my mouth those deceitful and unjust cruel and uncharitable works which I committed with my hands thou sawest yea all that formality and hypocrisie ambition and pride lust and covetousness that lay in the secret corners of my heart were apparent in thy sight and what did it avail me not to see them thy vengeance would have come as certainly and more terribly because it was not expected It is most strange I should never see this vast heap before but sure I have wilfully shut my eyes lest I should discern that I was loath to believe and unwilling to amend and thus my Iniquities continue still But now I see them by thy mercy and I believe I have offended thee as much by hypocrisie in concealing them as by my disobedience in committing them Therefore now I will ingenuously confess them because the graciousness of thy Nature and the truth of thy Promises and the satisfaction of the Lord Jesus are sufficient to procure a pardon for those who dare so far trust to thy Mercy as to become their own accusers and while I thus discover my sore to the Physician of souls though it be dishonourable and troublesome 't is the onely way to have it cured and cleansed had not Jesus dyed for me upon my confession thy Justice would have proceeded to punish but now by thy promise to him it will oblige thee to forgive me and deliver me Yet since my God hath so graciously convinced me of the evil and danger of those courses I have taken I will not rest in a bare confession I am in the wrong but by his grace will return from it and utterly forsake all these my follies His Mercy perhaps is great enough to
have wished done to themselves besides the avoiding all wrongs and injuries and therefore the sum of this is We pray that we may never do that to our neighbour which we would be loth to suffer as hurting his body impairing his estate by force or fraud disparaging his name at the first or second hand and further (c) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Andron Rhod. in Arist l. 5. c. 1. whatever we would wish should be done unto us if we were abused or oppressed sick or sorrowful in danger or necessity that we may do the same to them that are in such circumstances and as we expect loving relatives chast yoak-fellows obedient children faithful friends and loving neighbours that we may be such in all these Relations in a Word that we may benefit all and hurt none (d) Vir bonus prodest quibus potest nocet autem nemini Cicero but be a common good to all we converse with and this will be most pleasing to that God who is the common father of all and the Judge of all the world 3. A Sober life which contains all that prudent care a man ought to take of his own body and soul in observance to him that Created Redeemed and Preserves both for though in common speech sobriety be opposed to drunkenness the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is of larger signification importing a prudent moderation of our natural desires of meat or drink ease or pleasure that the mind be not by them hindred in the pursuing of what is truly good so that not every man who is no drunkard is a sober person for neither the gluttonous Epicure nor lascivious Wanton do live sober lives The full sense of this request is that we may be temperate and abstemious modest and chaste full of mortification and self-denyal that we may use meat and drink to serve our natural needs and fit us for Gods service not to pamper us for the devils saddle not to indispose our mind weaken our body or shorten our lives that we may use none but lawful pleasures and those so moderately that they may not make our spirits vain ingage our affections engross our thoughts nor be esteemed as our chiefest good (e) 1 Cor. 7.29 Vti non frui Aug. and if God grant us this command over our appetites we shall never neglect our watch nor give our enemies advantage nor shall we at any time be unapt for our duties to God or man This is a brief account of this most comprehensive Petition which sure●● shall put up heartily when we have seen our ingratitude to God our injustice to our neighbour and our carelesness of our selves together with the vengeance we deserve for all this Now if ever it will appear high time to leave those evil and dangerous ways and to return into these pleasant and safe paths for our everlasting good And that we may heartily ask this we must first get a firm resolution to set about these duties least we mock God and secondly we must see our own insufficiency least we deceive our selves by thinking we need not the assistance of Divine grace If we purpose firmly we do our endeavour but if we beg the assistance of Gods spirit we declare our humility and are like to stand fast in those resolutions and this we may assure our selves that it is his desire as well as ours that we should live such lives and he hath long waited to hear this Petition from you so that when you ask it heartily he will he sure to grant it and rejoyce over you in that he is likely to reap the fruit of all that Jesus hath done for you in our conversion and salvation § XV. To the Glory of thy holy Name This Conclusion may either have respect to all the Petitions before or it may particularly be applyed to the last In the first sense it is a declaration that though we shall be happy in having all these prayers heard yet we are not so devoted to our own advantage as to aim no higher but we believe it will tend to his glory as well as our good Nothing by us can be added to make his perfections more glorious in themselves but by such incomparable testimonies of grace and mercy they will be more clearly manifested to us and all men for we consider that his delivering us from death to life retrieving us from fears of hell to hopes of heaven and changing us from sin to grace and doing all this for rebellious wretches that he could easily destroy this will be a manifesto of his glory to all the world for all that see will admire (f) 1 Tim. 1.16 Gr. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gloria ejus est scintilla lucis divinae cedens in utilitatem populi ejus R. Jehud C. Cosri and be encouraged themselves to repent and turn to this most merciful God and we our selves shall ever remember with joy and delight that we have found in him a most free propensity to pitty the miserable unspeakable kindness to help the unworthy and omnipotent power to rescue the perishing from the jaws of Eternal ruine and with these holy thoughts the flames of gratitude will ever be preserved upon the altar of our hearts and from thence daily will ascend a cloud of hearty praises and gratulations Or secondly it may be annexed to the last Petition viz. That we may not only do good but do it well having an eye to his (g) Rom. 14.5 6. glory not at our own estimation or to obtain the praise of men That we may live godlily righteously and soberly not to our own credit but his glory and when we have done all may in gratitude cast all at his feet to let all the world see by whose long-suffering we are spared by whose mercy we are forgiven and by whose grace we are reformed and that our holy lives hereafter may shew that we are so in love with God and his ways that we esteem it our chiefest happiness to be like him and walk in them all our days § XVI Amen There is in the Liturgy as well as holy Scripture a two fold Amen the one affirmative in the end of the Creed the other optative in the end of Collects and particularly of this Confession so that here it is an Adverb of wishing (h) Futur Niph 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 per Aphaeres 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 unde LXX 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vide Fuller Miscel l. 1. c. 2. and serious desire that God would grant all our petitions Thus the Jews used it at the end of their hymns (i) 1 Chron. 12.36 and prayers (k) Psal 106. ult Eâ voce testati sunt omnes se probare ea quae recitantur Grotius and in that 106 Psalm the people are particularly charged when they had heard that Psalm read to say Amen after it And the Rabbins (l) Quicunque finitis singulis precatumculis dicit Amen in h●c
our selves into this estate but thou O Lord who seest our distress have mercy upon us and let thy bowels yearn upon so wretched a spectacle forgive that horrid guilt that doth amaze us for though we deserve no pitty yet thou knowest we are most miserable sinners like to be eternally condemned by thy Justice if thou dost not pardon us and certain to perish under thy vengeance whensoever thou beginnest to punish us but for thy pity and compassion sake spare thou them O God that knowing they have deserved thy wrath and fearing before it comes do of their own accord confess their faults in hopes to find mercy and a deliverance if it please thee from temporal judgments however from eternal Although O Lord our God when thou hast removed thy Judgments unless thou also take away that security and presumption impenitence and unbelief the sad remains of our sins we shall want thy favour still which is our only happiness therefore we further pray Restore thou that health and comfort that former joy and peace freedom and strength we had before we did offend For we now groan under that deadness which seized on us upon the withdrawings of thy holy spirit and do see and lament those sins which did occasion it we ●ow relent and are of the number of them that are penitent and resolve if thou wilt cleanse us from the dregs of these corruptions never to do the like again We confess we have no merit to deserve these things and so no ground in our selves to expect them but we hope thou wilt grant us all these requests for Pardon Pe●ce and Restauration because they are oh thou God of truth according to thy Promises which thou madest so freely out of thy everlasting love and resolvest so fully to perform that that thou hast openly declared and proclaimed these thy gracious intentions unto mankind on purpose that such poor sinners as we who are not excepted might not despair but come in upon thy general summons and lay hold on those comfortable promises which are made in Christ Iesus our Lord who Purchased this favour for us by his death and now lives to dispense his benefits to those he dyed for in whom thou art reconciled to us so that we not only hope for a Pardon but mindful of his intercession we beseech thee to give us thy holy Spirit and grant O most merciful Father unto us who deserve nothing on our own account to be so powerfully assisted by thy grace for his sake who is now pleading in heaven for us that we who have earnest desires and unfeigned purposes to amend though we cannot satisfie for the time past may hereafter give all diligence to fulfill the end of Christs coming and answer the design of thy forgiving us that we may live a godly and religious life in observance of all our duties to thee that we may love and fear thee honour and adore thee believe in thee and rely upon thee long for thee and delight in thee above all the world daily seeking to know thee praying for thy help praising thee for thy Mercies and waiting in hopes of the eternal injoyment of thee that by serving thee we may be inabled also to lead a Righteous life in all justice honesty and charity to our Neighbours hurting no man in thought word or deed but ready to relieve and help all to our power doing ever unto others what we would have done to our selves And lastly grant that by thy Divine aid we may live a Temperate Chast and a sober life Mortifying our lusts moderating our desires restraining our appetites so that we may avoid all carnal delights that would cloud our reason engross our thoughts pollute our bodies and souls or unfit us for thy service Which if thou shalt please to do for us thy mercy in forgiving our grievous sins thy pity in delivering us from apparent mine and thy grace in strengthening us to live a reformed life will not only be our advantage but turn to the glory of thy holy name which shall be praised by us and all the world for these incomparable testimonies of thy unspeakable Loving-kindness now and evermore And in token of our earnest desire of all these Petitions we unfeignedly sign them by heartily saying Amen Lord grant it may be so SECTION IV. Of the Absolution §. 1. Of Absolution in General SIN doth abridge the Soul of its free converse with God and by the terror of it binds the soul down with fear and by it the wicked are reserved in chains to the judgment of the great day wherefore it is compared to a bond (s) Acts 8.23 Graec. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the sinner is said to be holden in its cords (t) Prov. 5.22 but since Christ came to loose those bonds (u) Isai 66.1 they are now prisoners of hope (x) Zach. 9.12 because Jesus hath the keys of death and Hell and he can loose whom he please by forgiving that is absolving and unloosing those bonds But because he is now invisible and imployed in heaven to intercede for us before his departure he appointed his Apostles to supply his place giving them Commission (y) Math. 16.19 Chap. 18.18 John 20.22 23. by a visible and external application of this power to support the spirits of all true Penitents till himself should come to ratifie this Absolution upon which ground the Bishops and Priests of the whole Christian Church have ever used to absolve all that truly Repented and at this day it is retained in our Church and is a part of the daily office which being so useful and necessary and founded on holy Scripture needs not any arguments to defend it but that the ignorance and prejudice of some makes them take offence at it and principally because it hath been so much abused by the Papal Church so that it may perhaps help the Devotion of many if we discover the true meaning of Absolution and the mistakes of our adversaries on both sides as well those who make it nothing as those who urge it as instar omnium those who would rob us of it as those who would ensnare us by it 1. The true judgment of the Church of England concerning Absolution may best be gathered from the Liturgy in which are three forms of Absolving set down The first declaratory here which is a solemn promulgation of pardon by a Commissionated person repeated every day when the whole Congregation confess their sins wherein they are assured of forgiveness if they Repent and believe and this is fitted for a mixt Company of good and bad men where many hypocrites feign Repentance but this Absolution gives no encouragement to such Only it assures all that there is a Pardon and shews on what terms it may be had so that to those who truly do repent it is present remission to those that do not it is a Monitor that they may repent it comforts the Godly and
to desire God to be unjust But our Lord Jesus who payed our scores hath sent us to his Father with these words in our mouths and he calls them truly Our Trespasses to shew his love in redeeming us and Gods mercy in forgiving us not to make us fear them as unpardonable for when we remember our Redeemer we have lively hopes in the midst of our humble acknowledgments because he that payed our Debt makes the same request in heaven for us That God would clear us and charge our iniquities upon him But because we are so apt to remember our needs and forget our duty to pray for good things to our selves and neglect the doing them to others our master hath annexed one of the greatest duties of the Gospel so close to this necessary and desirable request that we cannot ask forgiveness of God but we must promise the same to our neighbours that so Christ may make peace in Earth as well as Heaven we must declare not only to lay as de our groundless prejudices against our bretheren b●t to q it all pretences of malice or revenge even to those who have not payed us the returns of love and duty where they were obliged to it and to our enemies that have wronged and harmed us by thought word or deeds Not that our Pardon from God depends absolutely on this or is merited by it but because it is most reasonable that we who request forgiveness of our offences against God should forgive the lesser debts (s) Veniam det facile cui veniâ est opus Ecclus 28.3 Matth. 18.24 cum 28. 10000 Tal. h. e. nostrae monet 1870500 lb 100 Denar h. c. 3. lb 2. sol 6. den vide Waser de Num. ap Critic of our bretheren to u● which are fewer in number smaller in valew committed against a meaner person and commonly upon some provocation on our part He that doth so strictly exact his due in these petty injuries deserves to be strictly accounted with himself and may blush to ask of so great a God to abate of his rigour when he a mortal creature will not do it to his Equall how can such a malicious person be sensible of the kindness which God sheweth in forgiving him when he is a stranger to those compassions such a mans person must be hatefull to our Heavenly Father because he is so unlike him (t) Matth. 5.45 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 al. lib. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Grot. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Libanius Sophist and his request odious because it is unreasonable and impudent Wherefore take heed least by your malice and uncharitableness you involve your selves into the wrath of God for your own greater injuries and offences § 8. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil Temptation doth not in its prime sense in Scripture signifie a sollicitation to evil but any kind of tryal (u) 2 Cor. 13.5 Heb. 11.29 and is expressed both by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Duae sunt tentationes una quae decipit altera quae probat secundum eam quae decipit Deus neminem Tentat Aug. Tract 43. in order to the discovery of what we are whether it be done by a Friend as when God tempted Abraham Gen. 22.1 or glorified him as some read with a design to manifest the strength of his Faith or by an enemy as when Sathan desired to sift St. Peter (x) James 1.13 not to purifie him but to manifest that mixture of chaff he could find in him and because evil objects shew what we are and declare us to be evil if we comply with them therefore the setting evil things before us to draw us into sin are also called Temptation but God never tempts thus he may try us by Afflictions and put us in the fire as Gold (y) 1 Pet. 1.6 7. to separate us from our dross nay he will do it (z) Zechar. 13.9 and it is a sign of his love (a) Heb. 12.6 and ought to be a cause of our joy (b) James 1.2 and David begs it as a favour (c) Psal 139.23 Nor do any but cheats and hypocrites fly this tryal or fear to be inquired into Gods Children are willing their Father should try them and tempt them here with intentions of mercy rather then to pass the severe Tryal before the last Tribunal and as to these tryals and temptations Christ would rather teach us to pray to be supported under and carried through them then never to be lead into them which if Gods grace be with us may be for our advantage and honour and his glory Wherefore by Temptation here we are rather to understand the being enticed to commit sin or however a trying whether we will sin and thus it well follows the former Petition (d) Vt non de remittendis tantum sed etiam de avertendis in totum delictis supplicaremus Tert. de Or. Illud ut praeterita e●pientur hoc ut futura vitentur Oros de liber arb for having considered the heinous nature and dangerous consequents of former sins and prayed for the forgiveness of them if we spoke that out of a real fear of those dreadful miseries we cannot but desire we may never more fall into such desperate circumstances and to quicken this request let us consider Our enemies are many and mighty vigilant and politick that we are naturally easie and willing to be deceived rash in our choices heedless of danger neither considering before nor examining afterwards and so shall certainly fall every moment it God in mercy do not help us and if we be humble and fear and heartily call for aid against sin (e) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Arrian l. 4. c. 12. although we should fall some times we declare our hatred of it and if we be not totally free yet we manifest a desire to be free from all and for this we rely not on our own strength but as Jesus hath taught us humbly beg strength from Heaven every day against it But some may wonder why we desire God would not lead us c. sure he that hates sin so perfectly and so lately forgave us will not tempt us to commit more (f) James 1.13 't is most true Sathan is the Tempter (g) Matth. 4.3 and so his name Sathan in Hebrew signifies he being miserable by sin (h) Solatium perditionis suae perdendis hominibus operatur Lact. de orig er desires to make men partners with him in sin and misery by working on those lusts (i) Jam. 1.14 which do draw us into sin But the Devil himself is under the Command of the Almighty who sets him bounds that he cannot pass and gives permission to him to tempt us (k) Job 1.12 Chal. P. Exiit Sathanas cum licentiae à coram Domino so that he could have no power against us except it were given him from on high
scribam aut quid omnino non scribam hoc tempore nescio Tacit Annal. not knowing what to answer being full of inward confusion And sin hath this effect not only on evil men but as much if not more on the best whose ingenuity produceth a shame that will stop their mouths as much as the wicked mans terrors of which the famous Origen is an instance who having been compelled to sacrifice once (i) Epiphan Panar l. 2. Tom. 1. haeres 64. was long after struck dumb with reading the 16 verse of the 50th Psalm But unto the ungodly saith God what hast thou to do c. and broke off with tears not able to proceed further which least it should happen to us and a guilty conscience should spoil the musick of our Praises or seal up our lips in Prayer we here do beseech him by speaking peace to our souls to give us such hope of his forgiving mercy that whereas our fear shame and grief makes us stand mute as so many guilty persons before him we may have 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a freedom of speech in his presence when by the comforts of his Spirit the terrors of offending slaves are changed into the liberty of reconciled sons which mercy if he grant you do all engage to use it to his glory and resolve it shall kindle the flames of gratitude and love in all your hearts and your mouths shall bear witness to it as you are praising him for other things you will think of this pardoning mercy and redouble your Eucharistical gratulations and no doubt this Petition shall be heard for you desire it not only for your own benefit but to fit you to set forth his praise We have cau●e when we go about to glorifie God to cry out we are of unclean lips (k) Isai 6.5 but if God send hopes of remission when the Seraphim toucheth our lips and taketh away our iniquity then we shall be fit for all holy duties and with that Prophet readily say Here I am Lord send me § 3. O God make speed to save us O Lord make haste to help us These words are frequently repeated in the Book of Psalms and are not much varied from that form of Exclamation (l) Psal 118.25 Heb. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Obsecro Jehovah serva nunc Jun. Trem. which the Jews contracted into Hosanna which signifies Save now Lord we beseech thee but the old Latine Liturgies (m) Deus in adjutorium meum intende Psal 70.1 vid. Graec. V. D. D. Duport 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ut LXX do assure us it is taken out of the 70th Psalm though it be found also Psal 40. ver 13. and there you may behold David surveying his sins more numerous then his hairs more weighty then his heart could bear terrified with which sad spectacle he breaks out into this passionate ejaculation and it may well befit our mouths who so lately have been Confessing our offences and it contains all that any penitent sinner about to put up his Petitions need sue for by way of Preparation viz. Deliverance and safety from evil and help in that which is good We suppose our selves like a besieged City our sins behind threaten us and our corruptions have blocked us up before and fear is on every side yet still the way to heaven is open and we send these Prayers upwards to the place where the King of Heaven resides for a speedy rescue to be granted to his distressed subjects (n) 1 Sam. 11.4 2 Chron. 20.12 when we look back and see our innumerable iniquities we cry out O God make speed c. when wee look forward to all those duties which we are to do and the great opposition we are sure to meet with we say Oh Lord make hast c. Our guilt will make speed to pursue us and Sathan to destroy us and evil thoughts to hinder our Devotions wherefore we must beg that our gracious God will also make hast to save and help us just now when we are in danger and need and it will double (o) Bis dat qui ci●ò dat Senec. the kindness we need not fear he will call these speedy cries impatience or presumption but prudent fear of our imminent danger and a right apprehension of our urgent necessities and for our comfort let us remember they that are the most liberal are the most speedy (p) Proprium est liben●èr facientis ci●● facere Sen. in doing good he that we make request to hath charged us (q) See Prov. 3.8 never to put off a necessitous person till the morrow if we have it in our power as he ever hath it in his to help us wherefore be assured he will save and help thee this day and by the speed of his help give thee cause in the next place to sing Glory be to the Fa●her c. § 4. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen Although the words of this excellent Hymn are not in Scripture yet it is a Paraphrase on the Song of the Seraphims (r) Isai 6.3 Vnde hymnum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 originem duxisse fertur in Eccl. Graec. and is expresly grounded on Gods word (s) 1 John 5.7 not only as it is an act of Adoration to Almighty God but as it is a particular address to each person of the blessed Trinity who being equal in their Godhead are equally to be worshiped which if it were needful might be fully proved but it is sufficiently done already This truth indeed by the malice of the Devil and the envy of ambitious and wicked men hath met with more opposition then all other Christian Doctrines the Arrians Sabellians Eunomians Apollinarists Macedonians and almost all Hereticks denied either the Divinity of one or Equality of all the Persons but the Church got this advantage (t) Multa quippe ad fidem Catholicam pertinentia dum haereticorum callidâ inquietudine agitantur ut adversùs eos defendi possint considerantur diligentiùs intelliguntur clariùs instantiùs praedicantur Aug. de Civ Dei Lib. 16. cap. 2. by it that this fundamental article was more narrowly examined clearly explained and fully proved then otherwise it had been and among other good effects of these bad causes was the composure of this Eucharistical Hymn as some think or rather the enjoyning it in daily use which I rather believe for there are many footsteps of it before Arrius time or any of those Councels which condemned him and though before the danger of this heresie every one of the Fathers had a form of Doxology of his own yet with little variety of words they all expressed the same thing viz. to ascribe all honour and glory to the three Persons of the glorious Trinity Nay these very words are set down by Clemens of Alexandria
it is not by the merits of their own Innocence but by those of this thy all-saving death We need not dispute de Facto whether any of the Saints before Christ had actual Possession of Heavens Glory the Scripture (l) Heb. 11.40 1 Pet. 3.19 Matth. 27.52 and the Fathers (m) Clem. Alexandr Strom. 20. Tertul. de animâ cap. 55. Cypr. Serm. in Dom Pass Ambrosius Comment in Rom. 5. passim especially St. Ambrose seem to deny it and it is not easie to disprove them but this we are sure of de Jure that none under the Law nor the Gospel ever were received thither but by Faith in this Death of Jesus which God might consider as done before it was accomplished but no holiness that we are capable of can challenge Heaven nor no feigned Purgatory expiations can satisfie for our sins And whenever Abraham Isaac and Jaacob entred into their glory it was in the right of Jesus who by this saving death pulled out that fatal s●ing and obtained admission for all believers not only for Jews and Saints of former ages but for Gentiles and all the World that so owns him as a Saviour as to give up themselves to be ruled by his holy Laws Our blessed Master indeed was glorious with his Father from all Eternity he was in Heaven before (n) Ascendit non ubi Verbum Deus ante non fuerat sed ubi verbum Ca●e factum ante à non sederat Ruffin in Symbol But not in our nature not as our advocate not to take possession for us but now he is restored to his t●rone again ready to receive all believers into the participation of his joyes And now his glory is our great advantage and i●finite comfort so that we may receive this article with that delight with which old Jaacob did the news of his beloved Josephs advancement over all the Land of Egypt assuring our selves that he who stooped so low to us and suffered so much for us will imploy his regained Power and Glory for ou● good even to take us up to him and to let us reign with him who ever lives to make intercession for us We cannot see him in this glory by the eye of se●se b●t we do discern ●im by the eye of faith and we doubt not b●t he shall be revealed in all this glory when he comes to judge the world at the las● day He ●hall then come to examine and pass sentence upon all But since we must every one bear our own bu●dens we must not concern our selves for the s●re of others but busie our selves to prepare our own accounts for we are sure he shall be our Judge our guilt might make us fear and tremble to think of it yet his mercy may comfort us and quicken us to make ready Who could we rather wish should Judge us then he that Redeemed us and he that now offers to give us a Pardon sealed in his own blood Let us now accept his tender and we need not tremble then for our Judge shall be our advocate and our friend § 4. The last part which closeth this devout and exquisite form turns both the Thanksgiving and Confession into Prayer as a most natural consequence of all the preceding considerations for who can behold so great a God so universally praised in Heaven and Earth and not believe him to be the fountain of all goodness and desire his f●vour Who can contemplate the Saviour of the World in his Essential glory in his admirable Condescension willing humiliation and illustrious restitution and not break forth into most passionate supplications for a share in his love Or if we go back no farther then the two last Verses we there saw him with St. Steven sitting in all his glory at the Right hand of God and shall we not request him to be mindfull of us in his glory whom in his low estate he purchased with his life and blood And as he put on weakness and submitted to misery to redeem us that he will imploy his reg●ined Power and Glory for our help and assistance We say he is to be the Judge of us and all the World (o) John 5.22.27 and we know we cannot answer him for one of a tho●sand (p) Job 9.2 Sure then our wisest way is to make supplication to our Judge (q) Job 9.15 and to beg his favour may at that day be shewed to us and all his people for at his sentence all the world ●●st stand or fall those whom he justifies or reputes innocent (r) Numerare pr● reputari Isai 53.12 Sapient 5.5 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Graec. shall be set on the right hand and be reckoned among the number of the Saints and sealed ones (s) Revel 7.4 and therefore let us pray to this great Shepheard that though now the sheep and goats are mixed yet he will wash us with his blood and pronounce us guiltless that our lot may be with his Saints Now that we may be thus disposed of at the last day we shall need not only his Mercy then but his gr●ce now to secure us in our passage through this world Wherefore we pray with holy David in the last words of the 28th Psalm that God would use all means to bring his people to his glory (t) Psal 28. ult Serva populum tuum benedic hereditati tuo rege eos extolle eos usque in aeternum Vulg. Lat. even that he would save them from all evil and bless them with all good things That he would govern and direct them in their duty and lift them up and support them against all opposition for ever And these are the sum of every Christians needs and desires What more can we wish or pray for then to be rescued out of trouble and furnished with all blessings needful for our souls and bodies That God should feed us as a shepheard as the Hebrew reads (u) Heb. LXX pasce eos hoc est rege Vulg. Sorores enim sunt artes pascendi regnandi Basil conc 24. or govern us as a Prince conducting our duty by his care and Laws that we may not stray nor go amiss And lastly That he should bear us up against all the opposition of Sathan and his instruments and advance us from our low estate (x) Job 22.19 Psal 9.14 to ●et us up on that Rock where our enemies malice cannot reach us but we may stand safely there till we are lifted up from thence to Glory which we cannot miss of if God hear but these Petitions Therefore having prayed for all that is needful for us as members of the Church we now look more peculiarly to our selves considered apart And since we are now and every day imployed thus in praising God we desire him to accept this as a Testimony that we are his Servants We declare it in Davids Phrase Psal 145.2 (y) Psal 145.2 Per singulos dies
the more esteem because she returned the honour to God Wherefore they are most wretched who disrespect her whom God hath chosen and out of pretended hatred to superstition will scarce allow her the reverence of an excellent person (u) Aequale est enim in utrisque his sectis d●trimentum quum illi quidem vili pendant Sanctam Virginem hic vero rur●us ulerà decorum glorificent Epiph. tom 2. haer 79. and yet no doubt she would detest those Ave's and gratulations which some superstitious Votaries to the dishonour of him whom she praised bestow upon her because she calls her Son her Saviour and her self the handmaid of the Lord so that it is our duty to Reverence but not Adore her for she will assure you it was Gods infinite power for which he is deservedly called the most Mighty (x) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heb. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 nomen Dei ●sal 24.8 which wrought this miracle (y) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 res miras magnas Deut. 10. ver 21. Psal 26.2 Act● 2.11 of Jesus his incarnation which was the cause of her honour he magnified her and therefore she magnifies him and teacheth us to hallow his Name for it is holy and reverend (z) Psal 111.9 in it self and deserves to be so esteemed for ever and ever § 3. Now that all may joyn with her in the Praises of the most holy she passeth from the consideration of her personal Priviledges to the Universal goodness of God in the consta●t dispensations of his Providence that we may see his Mercy was not confined to that time nor limited to one Person for as she had now experienced the bounty and kindness of him that she had served so all Gods faithful servants that ever were and all that ever shall be are assured to find the like Wherefore when our particular mercies occasion our joy let us not confine our gratitude to our private concerns but delight to hear out of Gods word those numerous instances of the rewards of holiness and the blessings of true Piety in all times that so we may have nobler sentiments of the Divine goodness by viewing the extent and duration of it and that we may be the more encouraged to go on in that course which will so certainly be our advantage let the Mother of Jesus and all holy men you read of in Sacred Writ recommend the fear of God to us which they have sound so beneficial for if we be truly Religious be our Condition never so despicable or deplorable we may be sure of help from Heaven was not all mankind become hopeless and helpless when God made bare his holy Arm and helped us by him that was the strength of his Right hand (a) Isai 63.5 dispersing our lofty spiritual enemies who thought they had us sure their slaves for ever And when these enemies are thus scattered shall we fear Sathans broken forces those instruments of his that would discourage us in our obedience by slanders and contempt wrongs and injuries menaces and threatnings No surely we have the strength of God for us his finger could destroy them his hand crush them to nothing (b) Psal 118.15 Magna Dei efficacia per digitum maj●r per manum maxima per brachium i●dicatur Psal 77.16 Exod. 15.6 Grot. but he will imploy the might of his arm in it although the very breath of his displeasure nay the thought and imagination of his heart (c) August legi● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in cogitatione cordis sui be sufficient to consume them and dissipate all their Counsels be they never so mighty in the worlds eye or high in their own imagination they cannot harm us nor shall not discourage us from serving God How did the Princes of the world the Jewish Pharisees and Gentile Philosophers scorn the beginnings of the Gospel designing to crush it by Power or disgrace it by pretended holiness or confute it by subtle arguments but contrary to all their expectations Jesus prevailed over the oftentation of the Pharisees the learning of the Philosopher and the legions of the Roman Emperors so that by an Omnipotent but Invisible arm in a few ages his enemies vanished and Princes Crowns were laid at his feet Read the Word of God and observe the methods of his Providence and you shall find He hath ever appeared an enemy to those Proud and lofty ones (d) Aesopus rogatus quid Jupiter agit Resp 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hes who are inthroned in their own vain-glories and suppose they have strengrh enough to secure their grandeur his irresistible arm shall pull them down and set up those they despise in their place whereby he gives not only an evidence of his Power but of his Wisdome and Justice for disappointment and poverty is the most smarting punishment to pride and insolence and honour and exaltation is so unexpected to the humble that they will be most thankful for it and most careful to use it to his honour who bestows it on them Jacob and Joseph Gideon and David were the youngest and least considerable in their fathers houses Leah was hated and Hannah whose song of Praise 1 Sam. 2.1 Mary here imitates she was despised and so was this blessed Virgin who was so mean and obscure that the honourable Ladies and stately Dames of Israel who were all ambitious to be the mothers of the Messiah would have scorned her a place among their hand-maids yet they are passed by and she is designed to this felicity and she magnifies the Lord for it but those that are great and full of Earthly honours expect these favours as their due and cannot desire them with the hunger and thirst of the poor and lowly nor return their thanks with the like Devotion therefore these are disappointed of their hope and sent away empty (e) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 dicuntur qui ad aliquem veniunt beneficium expectantes non inveniunt Luc. 20.10 11. Job 22.9 and the Mercy is given to those that least expected it and will be most thankful for it Let us therefore be lowly in heart when our condition is low and if we have a sense of our wants and desire his help we shall be lovely in his eyes though the world trample on us he will exalt and fill us with all good things even to our own admiration and the envy of those who did despise us the world is full of instances of these dispensations of Providence but the most excellent and illustrious testimony that ever was appeared in the spiritual advantages which the Israel of God received in the giving the Messiah since we were then just ready to sink into ruine had he not laid hold of us (f) Heb. 2.16 and by his mighty arm rescued us from the Pit we were justly abdicated by God our Father and disinherited but Jesus comes to reconcile us and in him we are restored to favour
(g) Filius abdicatus in gratiam rediens Graecis dicitur 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Pater 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Scult exer and received into grace again and thus the Promise made to Abraham is made good and the Lord becomes the God of his seed for ever Oh my soul acknowledge the gracious dealings of thy most merciful Father but above all praise him for the mercies of the Gospel for what comfort were it to be raised by the fall of our temporal enemies to a fading honour if a miserable Eternity did succeed but now by Faith in Jesus thou art not only secured in thy low estate but mayest behold an immoveable Throne an immortal Crown prepared for thee high as Heaven while all the proud workers of iniquity shall fall low as hell never to rise again Glory be to the Father c. The Paraphrase of the Magnificat O Praise the Lord with me all ye that behold his inexpressible goodness which hath exalted my affections and filled My soul with such glorious apprehensions that with all its powers it doth magnifie and set forth the admirable greatness of the Lord my mind also and my spirit ravished with the contemplation of his infinite goodness doth rejoyce with joy unspeakable in God who hath vouchsafed to become my Saviour I cannot sufficiently express his Mercy nor my gratitude For he that is the Majesty of Heaven by his marvelous condescension hath regarded and cast a gracious eye on the poverty and the lowliness of my condition who am so inconsiderable and never aimed higher then to be reputed amongst the meanest of his servants and called by the name of his handmaiden I am most despicable in the worlds eyes and vile in my own yet he hath conferred on me a high and lasting honour for behold he hath passed by the more noble and chosen me to be the Mother of the worlds Saviour so that from henceforth whenever this mercy is mentioned to the honour of God his favour toward me will be remembred by the people of all generations who shall bless God for it and shall call me blessed and account me happy above all women But I will freely ackno●ledge it was not my own merit nor strength that hath advan●ed me For he that is mighty in Power and infinite in Mercy most freely hath exalted me and hath magnified me his poor unworthy hand-maid his therefore is the glory his the praise and holy and reverend is his Name which I and all his servants will ever love and honour For I am not the only instance of his goodness nor do I confine my Praises to my particular occasion all the world sees and knows that his favour And his mercy is ever shewed on them that fear him so that holy and pious men are blessed by him and shall be throughout all generations while the world endureth Ye servants of the Lord consider how in all the course of his Providence especially in this great Redemption He hath shewed strength and a mighty Power for with his arm he hath secured and lifted up his own and by it he hath scattered the forces and baffled the designs of the proud who thought they only deserved to be respected by God and were so high and safe in the imaginations of their hearts At all times he disappoints such expectations and now as at other seasons he hath put down the wise the honourable and the mighty from their seats and thrones on which their pride had mounted them And hath exalted to that honour the humble and meek even those whom the arrogant most despised He hath filled most plenteously the souls of the hungry that earnestly desired the least favours and satisfied their longings with good things beyond their expectations and the rich whose pride made them think themselves fittest objects of his bounty and yet their abundance abated their desires after it these he hath disappointed and sent empty away And as in all other cases so now He remembring the constant method of his mercy and seeing his peoples distress hath holpen and again restored his servant Israel and all faithful people to favour and the hopes of glory as he promised to the Saints of former ages and particularly to our forefathers to Abraham that he would give a Saviour to Redeem and bring deliverance to us and to his seed for ever The second Hymn after the first Lesson viz. the XCVIII Psalm § 4. SOmetimes instead of the Blessed Virgins Song we use this Psalm to express the same thing even the might of Gods arm and the affections of his heart both shewed to his people Israel his true Church and this is one of Davids triumphant Hymns composed upon some miraculous victory over the enemies of the truth and being intituled a new Song may be applied in the Mistery to the glorious Conquest made over Sin and Sathan by the mighty arm of Jesus or in the letter to those deliverances of the faithful mentioned in the Lessons and a new heart will make it every day a new song by a renewed sense of the Divine goodness for here the people of God incourage one another to praise him for his works which are so admirably contrived ver 1. so mightily performed ver 2. so clearly manifested ver 3. to his own people and all the world ver 4. Wherefore the exhortation is renewed and inlarged and all the world is invited to joyn in this Hymn ver 5. and shewed how to praise him with heart and voice and all sorts of Musick ver 6. and 7. no part of the Earth must be silent but the Inhabitants of Seas (h) Arab. populi fluviorum c. populi montium Clament c. Aspice venturo laetentur ut omnio seclo and flouds hills and valleys must rejoyce not only for past mercies but for the Kingdome of Christ which every temporal deliverance minds us of when he shall come to free his servants from sin and misery and exercise such justice in the trial of all the World that his Saints shall sing a new song of Victory to him for ever in Heaven and we on Earth in hopes of it do at present rejoyce and say Glory be to c. The Analysis of the Nunc Dimittis Luke 2.29 Herein Simeon sheweth 1. The greatness of his joy which appeareth 1. In offering his very life 2. In his readiness to meet death so Willingly Peaceably 2. The reason of it which was 1. His particular happiness 1. In the fulfilling the Promise 2. In the beholding his Saviour 2. The Universal good because 1. Christ was visible to all 2. Beneficial to all bringing light glory to the Gentiles Jews A Practical Discourse on the Nunc Dimittis The first Hymn after the second Lesson § 5. THE Author of this short and comprehensive Hymn was a man eminent for his exact Justice vigorous Devotion lively Faith and extraordinary inspiration and of this the holy Text assures us and it is
to pray to my Victorious Redeemer to rescue me from the snares of Sathan whom he hath conquered to obtain my justification in Heaven and to compleat my sanctification on Earth that I may serve him in new obedience and never lye as dead in sin more Art 6. I do also most firmly believe that the work of our Redemption being finished on Earth he ascended as a glorious Conquerour with great triumph into Heaven from whence he came and sitteth there in great glory now interceding for us and pleading his merits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty that we may be admitted thither for his sake Wherefore I am obliged and resolved to lift up my heart to him and trust in him in all my troubles to hope for the acceptance of my services to ascend thither now in my thoughts affections and desires that I may hereafter ascend in Person and have the full prospect and fruition of his glory And I am encouraged to call upon my glorified Mediator that he will preserve me in peace on Earth fill my soul with longings after Heaven and procure my acceptance there And that his power over Men and all Angels and his interest at the Throne of God may be imployed to bring me to himself Art 7. I do also most firmly believe that though Jesus be now in heaven yet at the end of the world from thence he shall come again most gloriously attended with millions of Angels to try and to judge all the world according to their deeds both the quick which shall then be found alive and the dead though departed never so long before Wherefore I am obliged and resolved daily to expect and diligently to prepare for his coming to Judgment by frequently examining and severely judging my self before by careful avoiding that which would then condemn me and by leaving all evil actions of others to receive their sentence at his Tribunal And I am encouraged to make my supplication to my Judge who also is my Saviour that he will forgive me and all my enemies and to beseech him to prepare us for this day by his Grace and to acquit us in it by his infinite merits and then none can condemn us for ever Art 8. Furthermore I believe most firmly in the third Person of the glorious Trinity the Holy Ghost the sanctifying spirit who is very God and by his assistance and blessing on the means of grace doth instruct convert strengthen and comfort all pious and pure souls Wherefore I am obliged and resolved to honour the holy Word of God to attend on all his Ordinances to follow the good motions of this blessed Spirit and in a lively hope and expectation of the assistance thereof to resist all evil and apply my self to all that is good And I am encouraged to pray by the help of this good Spirit for a blessing on the Word and Sacraments and all Religious duties that I may by them become still more wise and holy till I am sanctified throughout in Spirit and Soul and Body Art 9. I do also most firmly believe that God is and ever was acknowledged by and hath and ever will defend the Universal society of Believers in all ages and places called the holy Catholique Church who are all united unto Christ their head by grace and to one another by love as appears by the Communion of Saints in all offices of Piety and Charity among themselves Wherefore I am obliged and resolved to live in unity peace and charity as a useful member of this Church to adhere to the Faith professed by it to joyn in the Ordinances Administred in it and to do good to all that belong unto it And I am encouraged to pray with my bretheren for the encrease safety and peace of this Church for the flourishing of Religion the prosperity of the Princes s●ccess of the Ministers and unity of the members thereof that by our Concord and good works we may all appear living members of Christ Art 10. I do also most firmly believe that I and all true Christians upon our unfeigned Faith and hearty Repentance shall obtain the forgiveness of and a Pardon for all our sins through the merits and intercession of Christ Jesus Wherefore I am obliged and resolved never to forsake Christs Church to which this priviledge doth belong diligently to repent of all my Transgressions and chearfully to serve my God without fear neither doubting the truth of his Promise nor the sufficiency of my Redeemers merits And I am encouraged daily to make an humble Confession of my si●s with earnest supplications for Absolution and hearty Petitions that I may repent so truly that I may abhor and forsake all iniquity here and be fully acquitted from it at the last and great day Art 11. I do also most firmly believe that not only our souls remain after death but our whole man shall be restored to life again by the resurrection of the body howsoever corrupted or dispersed and its reuniting to the soul at the voice and by the power of the Son of God Wherefore I am obliged and resolved to keep this body in temperance soberness and chastity while I live to resign it chearfully when I dye to be steadfast unmoveable alwaies abounding in the work of the Lord since I know my labour shall not be in vain in the Lord. And I am encouraged to pray through the first begotten from the dead for the sanctification of my vile body and a part in the first Resurrection that over me the second death may have no power and that I may be delivered in the greatest miseries of this life and supported under the very Agonies of Death Art 12. And finally I do most firmly believe that the wicked shall remain in endless torments while Gods faithful servants shall enjoy his presence and the society of Saints and Angels in the life whose joys are unspeakable and its glories everlasting which Faith I seal with a most hearty Amen Wherefore I am obliged and resolved to suffer patiently whatever happens in this transitory life to spend the moments thereof well to despise the short and empty pleasures of sin and to esteem nothing too good to loose too difficult to resist or too tedious to perform for the obtaining this happiness And lastly I am encouraged to pray to the purchaser of this Glory to comfort me in all the troubles of this life with the hopes and to carry me through all my duties here by the desires thereof and finally to bring me to the fruition of this bliss the fulfilling of all these hopes and desires hereafter Amen SECTION XII Of the Versicles and their Responsals before and after the Lords Prayer § 1. THe Lord be with you Answ And with thy Spirit If we have sincerely repeated our Creed together we have professed our Faith in God and declared our unity and agreement with one another and then we have cause to hope our Prayers will prevail
Deo propitiante intromittatur Concil Vasens can 5. that it should be said in the Morning and Evening Prayer and in the Communion Off●ce with great Contrition and Devotion By which it appears that though these words were so sacred that the Heathens used them in their Prayers (c) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Arrian in Epict. l. 2. c. 7. yet they learned them either from David or the Christian Church where the use hereof was so familiar that we read that Antioch was delivered from an Earth-quake by the Peoples going barefoot in procession and saying this short Litany Lord have mercy on us (d) Paul Diacon lib. 16. No doubt if with humility and fervency we repeat it Our souls may be delivered from sin and our following supplications might be more acceptable for it signifies Lord be gracious (e) Deus sis propitius Ita Vers Jun. Trem. unto us or shew compassion and favour toward us in receiving and answering the Prayers we are about to make especially the Lords Prayer wherein we must not presume to call God Father until we have intreated for grace and mercy But concerning the repetition of the LORDS PRAYER in this place our designed brevity allows us only here to say that being the best of all Prayers it cannot be used too often and having the best of all Authors for its Composer even him for whose sake all our requests are heard it may seem to consecrate the Petitions annexed to it since they are formed by this Pattern and contain nothing but what is agreeable to this form which hath upon it the Royal stamp of Divine Authority Nor should the frequency of its returns abate our devotion in the use since Jesus did thrice pray in the same words Only as before it was applied for the Confirmation of our Pardon so now it must respect the following Petitions to which we may so heartily unite it that they may be more acceptable for its sake and we may make amends for any Petition thereof which was not so zealously put up by reason of intervening distractions when it was said before by asking that with a doubled earnestness now which then we forgot or slig●tly passed over § 4. Psal 85.7 O Lord shew thy mercy upon us Answ And grant us thy salvation From the recital of that sacred Form of Prayer which Jesus left us we pass to the interlocutory Petitions by this grateful variety taking off the tediousness and adding to the pleasure of the duty as also quickening the attention and uniting the hearts of the performers And herein the Minister begins as the commissionated Embassador of Heaven yet the people follow and bear a part as a badge of their honour and an engagement to their watchfulness charity and devotion while both contribute heat to each others affections and vigour to these short and sweet ejaculations taken for the most part out of the great storehouse of Divine Offices the Psalms of David and being an Epitome of the ensuing Collects for Grace and Peace for Kings Priests and People that they may be replenished with all sorts of blessings The words of which sentences are so significant and comprehensive that it will be hard to make a better Collection and yet so plain and obvious that we discourse of them rather for the help of Devotion then any necessity of explication This first Versicle is a general Petition for Mercy and Salvation and seems to be the sum of all the weekly Collects for one or both of these are commonly the subject of them we prayed for Mercy in the Lord have mercy c. and now we beg some visible token thereof viz. some such wonderful deliverance (f) Psal 36.17 Psal 64. penult that all the world may see and say it is his salvation We need mercy to pardon pitty and help us in the way and we desire salvation at the end even that eternal salvation which is his by inheritance possession and purchase and can only be ours in his right and by his mercy so that it is fit we call it his salvation and first crave mercy (g) Quia non aliunde inducitur Deus ut salvator nisi quia misericors est Calv. in loc before we presume to ask it because we cannot otherwaies merit or obtain it but by his mercy § 5. Psal 20. ult O Lord save the King● Answ And mercifully hear us when we call upon thee This twentieth Psalm whence this is taken may be intituled a Prayer for the King for after many Petitions for his prosperity it concludes with this summary ejaculation even in these very words (h) Psal 20. ult LXX 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. Ita Vulg. Lat. Vatabl. vide Hammond Annot. Psal 20. d as the Greek Interpreters and their followers do on good grounds read them And for the Phrase it self it is the same with that so usual acclamation God save the King (i) 1 Sam. 10.24 Chal. Par. Sit faelix Rex 1 Kings 1.25.39 2 Kings 11.12 alibi Vivat Rex vel Vivat in aeternum wherein we do in one wo●d wish the King prosperity and peace long life and health victory and everlasting felicity And this we do not as many Parasites only at the Coronation when every one adores the rising Sun but we repeat it most loyally and devoutly every day earnestly desiring his welfare and safety and because in his peace we shall have peace we humbly beg this request may alwaies find acceptance and that we may be heard and our dear and dread Soveraign blessed every day withall pre-ingaging as it were the Almighty against a time of more especial need viz. that when by reason of wars or tumults we come in the behalf of our Prince to beg a particular blessing for Him and his Armies that we may then prevail so that the Praying as well as fighting legiors may be esteemed the defence and guard of his Person and his Rights § 6. Psal 132.9 Endue thy Ministers with right ousness Answ And make thy chosen people joyful This Prayer for the holy Tribe indited by David seems to have been a part of the Jewish Liturgy for it was solemnly used by Solomon at the d●dication of the Temple Let thy Priests be clothed (k) 2 Chron. 6.46 Exod. 28.2 36. saith he with Righteousness alluding no doubt to the holy Garments appointed for their ministration which did signifie that extraordinary and peculiar sanctity which was required in those who approached so near to God The sense of which Petition our Church hath significantly given in the word endue lightly changed from the Latine indue which refers to the qualifications of the mind as the word Cloth to the covering of the body So that here we pray that they may have souls pure as their linnen Ephod and lives spotless and holy as the garments they are clothed with not content to have their outward man arrayed with the sign but endeavouring to
they are inferior to him in the extent of their dominion as well as in the quality of their dignity power and authority There is a Providence in Scripture attributed to Governors (q) Acts 24.3 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Graec. who as they sit on their thrones above all their subjects so that heigth is the embleme of the advantage they have to behold and a Monitor of the duty lying on them to take care of all that are under their charge But the most vigilant Princes with all their faithful Ministers who are as so many eyes and ears to them find it difficult enough to oversee and provide for the inhabitants of one Kingdome Whereas the King of Kings hath the Heaven for his throne (r) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Orpheus Isai 66.1 Psal 97.9 and the Earth for his footstool and as he sits higher so he sees further the● they From his throne he beholds all the world the meanest are not below his cognizance nor the greatest above his reach He sees and rules all which gave ground to that Egyptian Hieroglyphick which represented God by an eye in a scepter the emblems of Providence and Authority And in the sacred pages the same thing is expressed by the Phrase of Beholding from his Throne (s) Psal 33.14 Isai 63.14 For the Divine Majesty is no idle spectator but improves the heighth of his seat and the universal prospect he hath from thence to the good of all mankind His eye denotes his care for he sees the necessities (t) Psal 34.15 Gen. 22.14 Deus videbit al. providebit and considers the wants and desires of all men and of every particular and orders his supplies accordingly So that his Providence and Dominion is over all the earth and no Monarch need account it a dishonour to bow before this mighty Lord and his glorious throne § 4. Most heartily we beseech thee with thy favour to behold our most gracious Soveraign Lord King CHARLES Since all mankind is under the eye and care of God no doubt he hath an especial regard to Kings and Princes on whose safety the welfare of all the rest next under his own providence doth depend (u) Nihil est illi principi Deo acceptius quam concilia coetusque hominûm quae Civitates appellantur earumque rectores servatores hinc profecti hûc revertuntur Cicer. som Scip. He cheifly delights in men as they are united into Societies by charity and laws and for the preservation of these unions his principal care is for those he hath set over them who are the bond of the rest We may therefore cheerfully pray for an especial and more particular providence over our gracious King because God doth usually grant this and because he needs it more then ordinary persons do His duty is more difficult his abundance exposeth him to more temptations and his heigth to more dangers then any of his people and yet his preservation is far more necessary and of universal concernment (x) 2 Sam. 18.3 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Plutar. vit Pelopid Cum tot ab hac animâ populorum vita salusque Pendeat Lucan for he is worth ten thousand of us and we had need pray heartily to God to save him who doth defend us all He stands in need of more wisdome to direct him more power to protect him more care to preserve him then other men and therefore we pray that the King of heaven will shew a particular favour to him A pious and religious King doth as earnestly seek and as much valew a favourable look from the Majesty of heaven as any of his Courtiers do a smile from his countenance (y) Psal 84.9 Psal 21.6 Psal 4. ver 7 8. Lord saith holy David look upon the face of thine anointed and thou wilt make me glad with the joy of thy Countenance yea more joyful then the worlding is in the encrease of his admired wealth And methinks it should fill our Souls with awful and noble thoughts of our glorious Lord God to see Kings in the light of whose countenance is life and whose favour is a dew upon the grass (z) Prov. 19.6 Chap. 16.15 courting so humbly and needing so mightily the favour of the Majesty of heaven Let us joyn our most hearty requests that what our deer Soveraign wants and wishes he may have if he were a Saul or a Nero we should sin in ceasing to pray for him (a) 1 Sam. 12.23 But no affections nor passions are too fervent no opportunities too often to call upon God for our gracious King who is our lawful and natural Liege Lord a just possesser of his Crown a worshiper of God a defender of the faith a maker of good laws and an executor of the same who secures our rights protects us from publique enemies and Private fraudes and endeavours to choose fit and faithful governours both for Church and State For such an one we must pray not only out of obedience to God and the Churches order but out of our private love and particular affection as St. Ambrose (b) Meque non solum officio publico debitas pendere preces sed etiam amore privato Amb. ep ad Gr. did for the Emperour Gratian. To quicken us whereunto we may do well to call to mind the miseries of the Church of God under persecuting heathens of old later furious Romanists and the particular calamities of this Church under the late usurpers and then we shall discern what praise we owe to God and what love to our gracious King whose name ought to be so deer to us that in our daily office we should wish it written in heaven and registred in the book of life as well as in the leaves of the Churches devotions § 5. And so replenish him with the Grace of thy holy Spirit that he may alwaies incline to thy will and walk in thy way Grace is so constant a companion and so certain an effect of the Divine favour that the Greek expresseth both by one word So that if we can prevail with God to look favourably on our Soveraign we may be assured he will give bountifully to him And since the first and choicest of his largesses is the Grace of his holy Spirit we first beg that he may have a constant and bountiful supply of that of which he needs a double portion For the temptations of a Prince are many to pride and luxury to carelesness and vanity his faithful friends very few who either will or dare inform or advise him without partiality and self interest his Concerns are weighty since the welfare of Church and State depend upon them his example prevalent and usually made the incouragement of virtue or the excuse of vice All which declares the danger of Governors to be very great to fall into evil waies and their preservation from them to be the greatest blessing wherefore all faithful subjects and good men cease
place (m) Titus 2. ver 11. Vatab. Gratia salutaris c. See Psal 132 ver 16. That the Governours may be prudent the Ministers faithful and the People diligent and all of them ready and vigorous for the duties of Religion and every good work § 3. And that they may truly please thee pour upon them the continual dew of thy blessing As the Grace of God is requisite to fit all the members of Christs Church for their several offices and duties so his blessing is necessary to make their labours prosperous Man is called by Philo the coelestial plant having his root reverst (n) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 lib. de insid pejor and seeming to grow from heaven And herein the comparison holds that as plants require the influence of heaven to quicken them and the dew thereof to moisten them so those which are set in the Church the garden of God require the salutary spirit of grace to make them live and the irrigations of the divine blessing to make them spring and bring forth fruit It is not from our pains nor your diligence alone that success must come not from him that plants nor him that waters but from God that gives the Increase (o) 1 Corinth 3.5 6. Whole buckets of water poured on by the hand of man will not so much refresh the Plant as the gentler showers and dew from above wherefore the dew is used to express plenty and abundant increase (p) Gen. 27.28 Deut. 33.18 and 28. Hoseah 14.5 particularly in knowledg (q) Deut. 32.1 Aegyptii eruditionem indicantes coelum pingunt rorem fundens Caussin Hieroglyph Horax 35. of which the dew falling from the Clouds was the Hierogliphick among the Aegyptians Let us then most passionately gasp for this prolifick dew that we may not only please God by our constant and ready attendances upon Prayers and other offices but truly and throughly please him by our fruitfulness under these means let it appear by our humility and charity our justice and innocence by the success of the Ministers and the improvement of every Congregation that we do not receive the Grace of God in vain For he is ready to give his blessing if we be fit to receive it he will not only sprinkle but pour it on us because we need large measures and that not only at some seldome seasons but continually at both the morning and evening Sacrifice least affliction or temptation should wither us Oh! what Soul doth not long to be thus watered since nothing can fructify without it nor can any thing dye or be barren that doth enjoy it Let us humbly pray that the good orders of our Bishops the prayers and Exhortations of our Ministers and the constant attendancies of our People may be thus watered from above that we may bring forth an hundred-fold and send forth a pleasant favour of good works (r) Et eum à siecitate continuâ immaduerit imbre tunc emittit illum suum habitum divinum ex sole conceptum cui cemparari suavitas nulla potest Plin. lib. 17. c. 5. Genes 27.27 like the fields of Palestina when watered from the coelestial springs And so should every member of Christs Church live and grow and flourish then which nothing is more desirable § 4. Grant this O Lord for the honour of our Advocate and Mediator Iesus Christ Amen We must not allow either the Clergy or People to ask these Petitions with any designs to advance their own glory or to become famous for their gifts or graces For the end must be the manifestation of the glories of our Advocate and Mediator who at his Triumphant Ascension gave divine gifts (s) Ephes 4.8 unto men and accounts those who are endued with them as so many rays of his glory (t) 2 Cor. 8.23 Sunt Christi gloria quia nihil habent nisi dono Christi Calvin It is Jesus who obtains by his pleading at the Throne of grace both the spirit and the blessing for us and it is he that bestows both upon the Church for which he once gave his body and on which he ever sets his love Let him have the Honour of all the holy and religious performances of his Church and let us earnestly desire that by the flourishing of this his body all the world may see the prevalency of his intercession with God the sincerity of his love to his servants his continual care of them and bounty to them which will surely cause all people to advance and magnifie his holy name Nothing is more the Honour of Jesus now in heaven then that his Church be ruled with pious and wise Governours his Ordinances administred by zealous and holy Ministers and all places abounding with religious loyal and charitable People And what argument will sooner open the ears and pierce the heart of the Father of mercies whose great design is to glorifie his dear and only Son This declares that our Petitions herein comply with his eternal purposes We see the dishonour of some distempered members seems to reflect upon the head and we are grieved for it desiring sincerely the holy Jesus may have as he deserves all glory by the holiness and prosperity of his Church and we hope that Heaven will say Amen hereto The Paraphrase of the Prayer for the Clergy and People O Lord who art Almighty in power and everlasting in duration who hast promised to be ever with thy Church we acknowledg thee the God who alone workest wonders in the calling and hast ever shewed great marvels for the preservation thereof in all Ages wherefore we beseech thee to send down from above suitable gifts and graces upon all estates of men in the Catholick Church particularly upon our Bishops to direct them in the governing upon our Ministers and Curates to assist them in the feeding of thy flock and also upon all Congregations of Christian men and women whose souls thou hast committed to their charge and that the account may be given up to the Ministers comfort and the profit of thy Church let them all be inspired with the healthful and saving Spirit of thy grace to fit them for and assist them in all religious duties And that they all in their several places may truly please thee by a right use of this grace do thou plentifully pour upon them in all holy offices the effectual and the continual dew of thy blessing that thy Messengers pains may be successful and thy peoples lives fruitful in all good works Grant this which we ask of thee O Lord not to advance our own fame but for the honour of him that is our Advocate to obtain them of thee our Redeemer and Mediator to dispense them to ●s for the holiness and happiness of thy Church is the glory of thy dear Son Iesus Christ therefore do thou with us and to us say Amen The Analysis of the Prayer of St. Chrysostome In this Prayer are two Parts