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A33980 Thirteen sermons upon several useful subjects two of them being funeral dicourses, occasioned by the death of the Reverend Mr. Nathaniel Mitchel, Minister of the Gospel ... / by John Collinges ...; Sermons. Selections Collinges, John, 1623-1690. 1684 (1684) Wing C5344; ESTC R16837 141,524 284

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Children or Lands for my Name sake shall receive an hundred fold and inherit everlasting Life Mark repeateth the same passage but with some Variation he saith he shall Receive an hundred fold now in this time Houses and Brethren and Sisters and Mothers and Children and Lands with Persecutions and in the World to come Eternal Life Luke ch 18.30 repeating it saith He shall receive manifold more in this present time and in the World to come life everlasting As to the reward of another life they all agree that is out of doubt If so be we suffer with him we shall be glorified together 2 Tim. 2.12 If we suffer we shall also reign with him The sufferings of the people of God are a manifest token of the righteous Judgment of God that we may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God for which we suffer 2 Thes 1.5 Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense To those that are troubled rest When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels Sufferings for Christs sake are tokens of Salvation and that of God Phil. 1.28 Suitable to this was the vision which St. John had Rev. 20. v. 4. Where he saw thrones and they sat upon them and Judgment was given unto them and he saw the Souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God and which had not worshiped the beast nor his image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads Or in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years It hath been questioned by some whether any but Martyrs shall be saved And answered That none shall be saved but either such as have been Martyrs actu or Voluntate either actually or who have been willing and ready to be so if God had called them to it But of this there is no question as to the promise The only question is how they receive an hundred fold in this time or as Luke saith manifold more at this time Mark saith with persecutions this is generally interpreted concerning the internal influences of the Spirit of God upon the Souls of his people Solatia promittuntur non deliciae saith an eminent Interpreter God promiseth inward comforts not sensible or sensual delights But God often maketh it good of sensible things in this life As it is said of Job after his long trial of Affliction Job 42.12 That God blessed his latter end more then his beginning In his beginning we read his Inventory thus he had 7000 Sheep and 3000 Camels 500 yoke of Oxen 500 she asses ch 1. 3. In his latter end all was doubled ch 42. 12. He had 14000 sheep 6000 Camels 1000 yoke of Oxen and 1000 she Asses So it hath been observed that God hath strangely blessed those families whose heads have been sufferers for him I have particularly heard it observed of those Walloons who left their country and fled hither in the time of D' Alva's rage in Flanders So that often times God giveth manifold more in this life then they lose for his sake much more sensible comforts But oftner he gives them an hundred fold with persecutions that is if together with their persecutions they weigh the consolations they have from the Spirit of God if they set the one against the other or weigh the one with the other they are manifold more And this is that which the Apostle experienced 2 Cor. 1.5 For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ The sum is sufferings for the name of Christ are a Testimony or a Token to those that suffer of great rewards which God hath designed them and prepared for them either in this life or in that life which is to come In this life either with persecutions mixing their bitter cups with the Sweet consolations of his holy and blessed Spirit to that degree that the sweet tast shall drown the bitter tast and they shall have no tast of the wormwood and the gall Or when the persecutions are over for Nubeculae sunt transibunt they are but storms and will go over repairing their losses building them up fairer houses then the fire hath burnt and giving them better estates then they have lost Or in the life to come giving them as the Apostle calleth it 2 Cor. 4.17 a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory for I reckon saith the Apostle Rom. 8.18 That the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us Fourthly They are a Testimony on Gods part to those that suffer That the Lord will destroy their enemies Thus Stella expoundeth this Text. Quod illi impiè contra vos egerunt juste damnentur That they have dealt unjustly and wickedly with you and shall justly be condemned This is that which the Apostle saith 2 Thes 1.4 So that we our selves glory in you in the Churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that you indure which is a manifest taken of the righteous judgment of God that ye may be counted worthy of the Kingdom of God for which ye suffer Mark ye There is one thing of which it is a manifest token but then it followeth v. 6. Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you It is a manifest token of that also Now the reason of this lyeth in the heinous nature of this sin which ordinarily goeth before unto Judgment And is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a mortal sign in every Soul where it is found A Soul may be sick of lusts of the flesh sick of intemperance in eating and drinking sick of incontinence filthy lusts and uncleanness sick of other lusts and yet through grace may recover such were some of you saith the Apostle to the Corinthians but now you are washed But it is very rare that a Soul is sick of rage and malice against Christ and his name and gospel so as it breaks out in overt acts I say it is very rarely that it recovers This disease of rage and malice against Christ and his Gospel which is seen in mens dealings with the publishers and professors of it is much like that disease in the body which they call a Cancer which may lurk a great while and the person may live so long as he can keep it from breaking but if it once breaketh there is very little hope of long life God according to his infinite patience beareth a long time with these vessels of wrath fitted for destruction there are thousands in the World who have this cancerous humour within them who are full of wrath malice and rage and hatred of Christ and his Gospel but they keep it from breaking out into overt-acts they will think ill enough of God and Christ and his ways and sometimes they will also talk hardly enough these may live
ambitious of the Crown of Martyrdom but these things are miranda to be admired not imitanda to be imitated no man is bound to put his self upon suffering afflictions no not in defence of the Gospel of Christ we ought to see our call clear to suffering as well as doing in that sense therefore this precept must not be understood But 2. It speaketh unto every Christian to expect that his owning and professing of the Gospel should meet with afflictions and to be content to take a share in them Be thou partaker of the afflictions of the Gospel look that the Gospel should be afflicted and be contented to take thy share with the Gospel in its afflictions our Saviour telleth us That no Prince goeth out to war with another but he first sitteth down and considereth whether he with 10000 shall be able to meet with his enemy with 20000. Christians before men undertake the profession of the Gospel they ought to sit down and consider what the Gospel will cost them for the tempers of our spirits under divine providences are much according to our expectation if we expect nothing but good and meet with nothing but evil the evil sinketh us we did not look for it Mala inopinata graviora but this is not all to be content to take our part in afflictions with the Gospel if God calleth us to suffer for owning and professing the Gospel of Christ and not think it strange we should not murmure and repine against it or take any unlawful course to decline but to cast our lot with Professors and to take our share with them and to be content to suffer evil with them who suffer for the name of Christ or for the profession of any of his truths nay it may be there is something more our duty than this and that is to rejoice that we are counted worthy to suffer any thing for the name of our Lord Jesus Acts 5.41 Singing in the prison into which we are thrown as Paul and Silas did taking the spoiling of our goods with joy 3. Nay there is something more in this phrase viz. a suffering together with others that suffer for the Gospel though we do not suffer at all and indeed this is properly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 we ought to have a sympathy with the Gospel and the Professors of it it is that which the Apostle urgeth and thus it answereth that text Rom. 12.15 Rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that weep both these are put together in that phrase in the Epistle to the Hebrews Heb. 10.34 For you had compassion of me in my bonds and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods Both these are the duty of good Christians to suffer with them that suffer for the Gospel and to be content to suffer themselves if God calleth them to it in defence of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as the Apostle had upon him the care of all the Churches 2 Cor. 11.28 29. So he had upon him the sorrow and affliction of all the Church of Christ the Apostle in that Chap. v 23. telleth us what stripes what imprisonments what deaths he was in and then he telleth us that he did not thus only suffer with and for the Gospel but also he was afflicted and he burned with others and this is the duty of every Christian they ought to partake joyfully and with satisfaction to take their share in those afflictions to which the preaching or owning the Gospel doth expose them and also to bear the burthens of others and to be content to suffer with them to bear some share in their sorrow in their trials and afflictions I come to the next question Qu. 4. Whence ariseth this obligation upon Christians and why are they thus to partake of the afflictions of the Gospel and not to be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord This Question hath two Branches Qu. 1. Whence ariseth this obligation upon them not to be ashamed to give this Testimony nor of it when given Qu. 2. Whence ariseth this obligation upon Christians to be partakers of the afflictions of the Gospel For the first of these whence this obligation doth arise upon Christians not to be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord I shall open it to you in seven or eight particulars 1. From the will of God This is the true and proper foundation of all duty the will of God and the duty of Christians are Correlates nothing can be our duty towards God but what is the will of God towards us and nothing can be the will of God towards us but it must become our duty this is the will of God it is the will of God that we should not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord neither our selves to give testimony unto Christ nor his Gospel nor yet of them who do give such testimony It is indeed the will of God concerning some more eminently then others but concerning all Christians it is the will of God it is spoken concerning all Rom. 10.9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved Mat. 10.32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men him will I confess also before my Father which is in Heaven The Apostle writeth to the Thessalonians 1 Thes 3.3 That no man should be moved by these afflictions for your selves know that we are appointed thereunto Col. 4.12 It is the duty of Christians to be compleat in all the will of God It is not only the will of God that men should pray that they hear the word and receive the Sacrament but they should give their testimony and not be ashamed of the testimony of Christ their Lord 2 Tim. 4.5 Watch thou in all things endure afflictions 2 Tim. 2.3 Thou therefore endure hardness as a good Soldier of Jesus Christ Ministers and good Christians are witnesses and they are Soldiers and therefore they ought to endure hardness and to be ready to give their testimony 2. It appeareth from the relation that every good Christian standeth in to Christ as his Lord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 mark the words that thou be not ashamed of the testimony of our Lord every subject is bound to give his testimony for the King because he is his Soveraign Lord every Servant is bound to give his testimony for his Master because he is his Lord Christ is our Lord and therefore there lieth an obligation upon us to give testimony for him would not your Prince take it ill if you should refuse being called to testify the truth for him would not your Master take it ill if you should refuse to give your temony for him Surely Christ who is our Lord must take it ill from us if we refuse a testimony to him If every man because that he is a debtor to the truth taketh himself obliged by the
having in the First Chapter given us our Saviours Pedigree brought down to his supposed Father Joseph and an account of his Birth And in the Second Chapter of his Motion into Egypt and return from it And in the Third Chapter of his Baptism And in the Fourth Chapter of his Temptations In the latter part of that Chapter he records his entrance into the publick Ministry dwelling at that time with his Parents in Nazareth which was a City of Galilee thereabout he first exercised his Ministry and the Evangelist tells us that great multitudes followed him as you find in the last Verse of the Chapter In this and the Sixth and Seventh Chapters he giveth us an account of the Sermon he made to this multitude at the foot of the Mountain a Sermon which containeth many excellent Doctrines He beginneth it with pronouncing of several persons Blessed concerning which blessednesses these two things are to be observed 1. That he pronounceth them quite contrary to the common vogue and opinion of the world especially at that time 2. As to the performance of those duties wherein most of Christians self-denyal is to be shewn the world blesseth the rich he blesseth the poor as v. 3. Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven The world blesseth the haughty he blesseth the meek as v. 5. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the Earth The World blesseth those that laugh and rejoice he blesseth those that mourn as v. 4. Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted The World blesseth them that are full he blesseth those that hunger and thirst as v. 6. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven The World blesseth those that are in Power to oppress others he blesseth those that are persecuted provided it be for righteousness sake as in v. 10. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Three Propositions will exhaust the sum of these Verses Prop. 1. Revilings of men persecution and speaking all manner of evil of them falsly for righteousness sake and for Christs name sake hath always been the portion of the Servants and Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ Our Saviour here doth Prophesie it unto his Disciples and he speaketh it of his Servants under the Law for saith he They did so persecute the Prophets Prop. 2. Those whose lot this falls to are blessed and theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Prop. 3. It is their duty to rejoyce and be exceeding glad under their persecution upon these considerations I shall speak to the First and Second the two latter will fall in with the Application 1. Revilings and speaking all manner of evil and persecution was always the lot of the Servants of God and of the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ All that I have here to open is 1. The true notion of persecution 2. Then I shall shew you this hath always been the lot of the Servants of God and of the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ 3. I will endeavour to shew you the ground of it As to the First I shall endeavour to give you the true notion of persecution in five or six particulars 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from whence this Participle comes is a word that is very frequently used in the New Testament sometimes it is applied unto things sometimes unto persons when it is applied unto things it signifieth an earnest desire of obtaining the thing which is set out as the object of it implying a singular love to it and desire of it and it signifieth a good or an evil act as the thing is good or evil which we do pursue 1 Thes 5.15 follow that which is good Heb. 12.14 Follow peace with all men 1 Tim. 6.11 Follow after righteousness 1 Cor. 14.1 Follow after Charity Rom. 9.31 But Israel which followed after the law of righteousness Is 5.11 Wo unto them that rise up early in the morning that they may follow strong drink Hos 2.7 And she shall follow after her Lovers When it is applied to persons for the most part in the New Testament it signifieth a pursuit after them to do them evil Rom. 12.14 Bless them which persecute you bless and curse not 1 Cor 15.9 I persecuted the Church of God Acts 9.5 I am Jesus whom thou persecutest John 5.16 And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus and sought to slay him And so in many other Texts it signifieth the following of another with an earnest desire to do him some harm and this may be a good and lawful action or a wicked and sinful action according to the cause for it is an usual saying Causa non poena facit martyrem 2. Therefore the next words must expound this act for righteousness sake and again for my names sake righteousness here doth unquestionably signify the same thing with goodness and with holiness as it is often taken in Scripture for Christs names sake which is the same with for Christs sake 1 John 2.12 Your sins are forgiven you for his names sake It is the same thing which is expressed under several other terms in Scripture Math. 10.18 for my sake Math. 16.25 for my sake Math. 19.12 for the Kingdom of Heavens sake Mark 4.17 for the words sake Luke 6.22 for the Son of mans sake In short it signifieth that suffering which cometh upon us to avoid sinning against the command of God and the Lord Jesus Christ all such suffering is a suffering for Jesus sake for the Kingdom of Heavens sake for Christs sake for the Lords name sake for righteousness sake 3. The Person inflicting the punishment and the law of man obliging to the punishment doth by no means alter the nature of such a suffering If lawful Magistrates and such as are clothed with just authority could not be guilty of this sin of persecution then only Tyrants and Robbers and Murderers could be called persecutors but Paul was clothed with a lawful authority Acts 9. Yet he himself saith that he persecuted the Church of God the Jews for ought I know had a lawful authority yet John 5.16 And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus and sought to slay him And if indeed the pursuing of one to do him mischief because he dares not sin against God be that which is in holy Writ stiled persecution this must follow nor can the humane Law excuse it you know the Jews said John 19.7 we have a Law and that they did not pretend a Law when they had none is plain for v. 8. it is said When Pilate heard that saying he was the more afraid The reason of this is because all the ways of men are regulae regula●●● They are under a higher authority and must be subjected unto the Law of God and judged by it and it is possible that unrighteous judgments may be decreed Is 10.1 Wo unto them that decree unrighteous decrees
me at Hierusalem so must thou also bear witness at Rome Be of good cheer one would have thought it should have quite deadned Paul and put him out of all good cheer God did not so judge he would not have said so to his Servant if he had not judged that it had been a proper argument of comfort and for the filling of his Soul with chearfulness Let not therefore your hearts fail indeed this ought to be no argument to a Christian to pull troubles of this nature upon himself he ought to maintain both the wisdom of a serpent and the innocency of a dove and to look that he cometh by his sufferings honestly But to suffer as a Christian is not a matter of trouble or shame but a good cause to glorify God 1 Pet. 4.16 What would not any considerate christian give to have a testimony that he is one whom God delighteth to honour one whom the Lord hath influenced with great degrees of grace and intendeth yet further to influence one whom God designeth a great reward for either in this life or that which is to come to have a Testimony that he is a Disciple of Christ and that not in name but in deed a true believer one that loveth God and that not in word and in tongue only but in deed and in truth I have read of one who in a great agony of Spirit had this expression I could be content to lye in Hell a thousand years were I sure then but to have one good look from God What saith the Apostle If we suffer with him we shall also reign with him If you suffer as Christians you may speak to your adversaries in the language of that ancient Martyr Sententiis vestris gratias agimus quum à vobis damnamur à Christo absolvimur We thank you for your sentences when you do condemn us Christ absolveth us In our Book of Martyrs we read of the condemnation of three famous Martyrs all Bishops Cranmer Ridley and Latimer The first replieth to his Judges I appeal from this your sentence to the Judgment seat of God The second told them Although I be not of your company yet I doubt not but my name is written in a better place whither your sentence will send me sooner The third saith I thank God most heartily that he hath prolonged my life to this time Mark how all these good men counted it all joy when they fell into these terrible temptations a good Christian ought not indeed to desire suffering for Christs sake the Apostle speaking of suffering saith 1 Pet. 3.17 It is better if the will of God be so that ye suffer for well doing then for evil doing Sufferings are things ingrateful to the flesh and upon that score evils as they are temptations Our flesh always is crying to us Master spare thy self They are not therefore to be desired No man knoweth what his heart will prove in an hour of trial but if it be the will of God you suffer saith the Apostle It is never the will of God that we should suffer in that sense wherein the Apostle there mentioneth the will of God but when we suffer for doing the will of God if this be our lot that a shower overtaketh us walking not in any crooked paths of our own but in the way of Gods commandments let us rejoice Christ is magnified in our body as the Apostle speaketh Phil. 1.20 And as Christ is magnified in you so you are magnified by Christ The spirit of glory and of God resting upon you 1 Pet. 4.15 Wherefore as the same Apostle saith Let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their Souls to him in well doing as unto a faithful creator v. 19. I need not much enlarge in this branch of application What it is to suffer for Christs name sake I have in my former discourse shewed you There are as I have shewed you arguments enough in these few words It shall turn unto you for a Testimony VSE III. Let us therefore in the last place labour for this degree of grace That we may be ready to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ It is every man● wisdom though he be at present in health to prepare for sickness because sickness is but a common accident to mortality none can promise himself that he shall always enjoy his health I call this Grace for the Apostle lets us know it must be given unto us to suffer Phil. 1.29 There are but two things that I know of necessary to us for suffering 1. The one is a mortified heart to the World both in the sensual satisfactions and in the sensible enjoyments of it We may do a great deal toward this by considering the vanity and incertainty of these things the inconsiderableness of them weighed and compared with the enjoyments of God By difusing our selves to them c. The second is courage now this is partly natural and morally partly infused There is a natural and moral courage which many have shewed in their personal dangers and in the more publick dangers of their country we find a great deal of this amongst Pagans this will not do in this case The courage here necessary must be given from above and the product of Faith in things that are invisible It is a courage by which Christians are as the Apostle saith out of weakness made strong by which Women have received their dead raised to life again Heb. 10.34 35. For this we had need be much in Prayer Our Saviour commandeth us that we should Pray that we enter not into Temptation And Luke 21.36 with which I shall conclude Watch ye therefore saith our Saviour and Pray always that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to ●●and before the Son of man We ought to pray that we enter not into Temptation as Temptation signifies no more then trials but more especially in a second sense as Temptation signifieth a motion to sin which is the Temptation of the former temptations But if that it be not the will of God that we should escape temptations in the former sense yet we may escape them in the latter sense and may be able to stand before the Son of man That sufferings may not be Testimonies against us which they will be if we be ashamed of the Lord Jesus or of his truths or ways but that they may as is here promised turn unto us for a testimony for us FINIS A Catalogue of Books Printed for and are to be sold by Edward Giles Bookseller in Norwich near the Market-place SEveral Discourses concerning Actual Providence A word in Season Defensive Armour against four of Satans most fiery Darts Sermons upon the whole first and second Chapters of the Canticles All published by John Collings D. D. The way of the Spirit in bringing Souls to Christ The Glory of Christ set forth with the necessity of Faith in several Sermons Both by Mr. Thomas Allen late Pastor of a Church at Norwich Enoch's walk with God and Christ A Christians gain By Mr. Timothy Armitage late Minister in the City of Norwich Precious Promises the Portion of Overcomers By Mr. John Lougher Minister in Norfolk The Saints Eben-ezer By Mr. Francis English late Minister in Norwich Directions to spell English right The History of the Protestant Reformation as it was begun by Luther The Dead Saints speaking being a Sermon Preached upon the death of Mr. Newcomb The English Presbyterian The orderly matter of Prayer drawn into Question and Answer Two Treatises the first Of Rejoycing in the Lord Jesus in all Cases and Conditions The second is Of a Christians Hope in Heaven and freedom from Condemnation by Christ Both by Mr. Robert Asty late Minister of Jesus Christ in Norwich Obedience to Magistrates Recommended By Mr. John Clapham Rector of Wramplingham in Norfolk A Present for Youth and Example for the Aged FINIS
when Israel must die Do our Prophets live for ever And it pleaseth God to give some of his People notices of this time Paul's time was now come He tells Timothy in the verse before the Text I am now ready to be offered the words in the Greek are I am now already offered Paul was ready as that term in our Language signifies prepared but the Greek word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which rather signifies already than prepared into which sense it cannot be interpreted the next words interpret it The time of my departure is at hand Nor certainly doth the Apostle speak this meerly upon the prospect that all Christian Prisoners especially Teachers amongst them might reasonably have of their fate under such a Pagan Tyrant and Butcher as Nero under whose Government and Power he was at this time was but upon some more special and particular notice which God had given him that his time was at hand He speaks of it without trembling and faith not to Death tho it was to be violent Hast thou found me O mine Enemy but with confidence chearfulness he entertaineth the thoughts and prospect of it This Text tells you the grounds of his chearfulness 1. His work was done 2. He had wages to take The first he openeth by 3 phrases 1. I have fought a good fight 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that excellent fight as Beza well translates it 2. I have finished my course 3. I have kept the Faith 2. He had wages to take which he could not receive upon Earth And now is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness c. I shall only turn the Text into a Proposition concluding from Paul's work and confidence the duty of all Prop. Those who would at death have the Crown of Righteousness which is laid up for and which God the Righteous Judge will one day give out unto some persons must fight the good fight finish their course keep the faith and love the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ and those who do these things may know that there is such a Crown of Righteousness laid up for them which the Righteous Judge will give out to them Here are two Propositions put together 1. That there is a Crown of Righteousness which God hath laid up and will one day give out as a Righteous Judge to some amongst the Sons of men 2. That it shall be given out to such and such only as fight the good fight finish their course keep the faith and love the Appearance of Christ I shall discourse them severally then apply them together 1. There is a Crown of Righteousness which is laid up and God as a Righteous Judge will one day give out to some amongst the Sons of men 1. That this Crown of Righteousness is no other than the Crown of glory Eternal life and happiness is out of doubt the Blessed state of the Saints in Heaven is set out in Scripture unto us under a variety of Metaphors importing the satisfaction of the whole Soul there and all the powers and faculties of it It is sometimes set out under the Notion of a Feast 1 Pet. 5.4 a Banquet sometimes under the Notion of seeing God 〈◊〉 1.12 sometimes under the Notion of an Inheritance immortal incorruptible c. sometimes under the Notion of a Kingdom a Crown sometimes under Notions of profit the riches of glory sometimes under Notions of pleasure here it is called a Crown So 1 Pet. 5.4 it is called a Crown of glory and a Crown of life Jam. 1.12 But 1. Why a Crown 2. Why is it called a Crown of Righteousness 3. How is it laid up 4. How doth or shall God shew himself a Righteous Judge in giving it out 1. Possibly it is called a Crown with reference to the Combatants in the Roman Games in which the Victors had not only Prizes for which they ran but also Crowns of Bays or Lawrel or some green things If a man strive for Masteries saith the Apostle 2 Tim. 2.5 he is not crowned except he strive lawfully As the Conquerours were enriched with a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a prize for which they ran or wrestled or fought so they were honoured with a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Crown which was set on their heads and thus it lets us know 1. That Heaven will be a place of great honour and dignity 2. That those who obtain it must strive fight wrestle and that lawfully as the Apostle speaks yea and they must conquer None but the Conquerours in those Games were crowned The consideration of Heaven as a Crown ought to mind us of our duty to strive and fight It is not compared to an ordinary King's Crown which it may be comes to him by Election or Inheritance but a Combatants Crown which is never put on his head till he be declared Victor 2. Secondly This Notion is expressive of the high reward of the Saints in Heaven A Crown is the highest dignity hence it is called also a Kingdom Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you Thus the Metaphor is used I am 5.16 The Crown is fallen from our heads that is we have lost our greatest honour and dignity Such shall be the honour of all the Saints it shall not be only a Penny a reward of their labour but it shall be a Crown the highest and greatest reward such a one as no Eye hath seen no Ear hath heard neither can it enter into the heart of man to conceive we can fancy no higher honour and dignity than that of a Crown and therefore it is expressed by that but it will be no ordinary Crown but a Crown of Life a Crown of Glory 3. Possibly it may be thus expressed to signifie the fulness of the Saints happiness in Heaven The figure of a Crown lets you know that it incompasseth the whole head not a part of it only Psa 16.11 At thy right hand saith the Psalmist there are pleasures and a fulness of pleasures and that for evermore The glory of the Saints in Heaven shall incompass them as a Crown doth the head God in this life incompasseth his People with favour as a shield as the Psalmist speaketh in the life to come he will incompass them with glory as with a Crown In this life we have our good things but in part Nemo est ex omni parte beatus there is scarce any to be found who is every way happy One hath an head at ease but an aking heart another hath an heart at ease but an aking head but in Heaven the Saints shall be crowned perfectly happy on all sides blessed 2. Qu. But why is this called a Crown of Righteousness not only a Crown of life and a Crown of Glory but a Crown of Righteousness 1. I answer Not because it is the merit of our Righteousness Our Righteousness is all a rag a filthy Rag. The next words are enough to Satisfy us
held 5. Lastly Consider you shall overcome by your Testimony Rev. 12.11 John saw the Devil overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their Testimony Magna est veritas Truth is a great thing and it will prevail look back upon the former Ages of the Church the Witnesses which God raised up to his Truth in the beginning of the Gospel were very few the persons seemed contemptible yet God overcame the whole World by them and brought the whole World into some professed subjection to the Gospel of Christ often before the Church had degenerated many errors prevailed at last Popery prevailed then stood up Luther in Germany those that look upon that Story would have thought it impossible that Luther's Doctrine should have prevailed in the World but they overcame by the word of their Testimony and to that Victory they held doth the Protestant Religion owe it self Now this should greatly encourage us not to be ashamed of the Testimony of Christ it hath ever been victorious and shall be to the last it is by the Faith and patience of the Saints and Servants of God who stood close to their opposers and managed their spiritual fight that the Gospel hath obtained and they ought still to hold fast for they are sure of victory so long as Christ remaineth King in Sion I shall add but a few words more and that is to direct Christians what they should do that they may not be ashamed of their Testimony 1. Look that you be rooted and grounded in truth a Tree that is not well rooted you know is very easily shaken Col. 1.23 If saith the Apostle you continue in the Faith grounded and settled The truth is to make a Christian that he should not be ashamed of the Testimony of the Lord he had need of a double ground he had need be grounded in Faith according to that Text Col. 1.23 And he had need be rooted and grounded in love according to that Text Eph. 3.17 that you being rooted and grounded in love Col. 2.7 Rooted and built up in him and established in the Faith Christians look to this every Witness ought to understand the cause well to which he is to give his testimony many a poor Creature beareth a testimony to they know not what labour to be rooted in the Faith rooted in love and rooted in Christ that Soul that is filled with the knowledge of truth and warmed with the love of truth never faileth in an hour of testimony that Soul that is either ignorant of the ground of that truth which he pretendeth to own and defend or that wanteth a love for God never holdeth longer than till he meeteth with a contradiction 2. Look up to the power of God for your assistance I told you these words in the Text according to the power of God might be taken as an Argument to perswade Christians not to be ashamed of the Testimony of the Lord because the power of the Lord shall be manifested for them but they may also be interpreted as signifying that which we ought to have an Eye to in our Testimony and in our suffering affliction we have no spiritual enemy we can prevail against in our own strength our enemies you know are the World the Flesh and the Devil for the Flesh the Apostle saith Rom. 8.13 If ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the Body you shall live Never yet was lust mortified by meer moral Arguments and for the Devil we are bid to take upon us the whole Armour of God to resist him strong in the Faith and it is the same for the World Our help is in the name of the Lord and therefore it hath been observed that none in an hour of Testimony have come off worse than those who have been most confident our Book of Martyrs telleth us of two that were in prison together the one was very confident and couragious and told the other that his fat should fry in the fire next day the other was very timorous and fearful the first recanted and denied the truth the second was burnt at the Stake David might possibly mean it of his external enemies but he repeateth it thrice My enemies compassed me about but in the name of the Lord I will destroy them they compass me about yea they compassed me about but in the name of the Lord I will destroy them they compassed me about like Bees they are quenched as the fire of Thorns for in the name of the Lord I will destroy them It must be so as to our spiritual enemies we shall never prevail but in the name of the Lord. 3. Remember in your Testimony There is more with you than there is against you While we bear Testimony to Christ God is with us Christ is with us the Spirit is with us all the Holy Martyrs are with us there is none but sinful men against us Christ the faithful and true Witness is with you Rev. 1.5 From Jesus Christ who is the faithful Witness He was the first Witness The Apostle St. John saith 1 John 5.7 There are three that bear record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost What did the Father witness This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased This is the Lord our righteousness What did Christ witness He witnessed a good confession before Pontius Pilate he owned himself to be the Son of God the Saviour of the World that they that believe on him should not be ashamed he owned himself to be the object of our Faith to be the Lord our righteousness the Spirit testified the same thing and the Spirit beareth witness for us and in us 4. Fourthly Would you not be ashamed of your Testimony love not the World nor the things thereof nor the persons therein take heed of being swallowed up in the love of creature comforts and enjoyments How dwelleth the love of the Father in him that doteth on the World The World taketh off Christs witnesses both the Men of the World and the things of the World you must be fond of none of these 5. Take upon you the whole Armour of God of which you read Eph. 6.14 Stand therefore having your Loins girt about with truth and having on the Breast-plate of righteousness and your Feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace taking the shield of Faith the Helmet of Salvation the Sword of the Spirit Finally pray always with all Prayer and Supplication in Spirit watching thereunto with all perseverance SERM. 8 9 10 11. Matthew 5.10 11 12. Blessed are they which are persecuted for Righteousness sake for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven v. 11. Blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsly for my sake v. 12. Rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in Heaven for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you THe Evangelist
but live in an expectation of such a time that is my first counsel to you 2. Above all Labour to ensure your peace with God and get the best evidence for Heaven that you can get it is the policy of the Princes of the Earth when they see they shall certainly have a great War with some of their fellow Princes to make Leagues and Treaties with other Princes that they may not have them all upon them I am sure it is great policy for the poor Flock of God in the world when they see they are like to have a War with the world to give all diligence to make their Callings and Election sure to have a doubt or any fears of the wrath of God when the wrath of men boileth high against Christians is a very uncomfortable thing if ever there be a time for men to wrestle with God in prayer and to use all their endeavours to ensure their interest in God it is a time when the world is most likely to quarrel with them and they are likeliest to have the sharpest contest with men in the world that so they may not have at once two enemies on their Backs 3. Labour the mortification of those lusts which may disturb your Souls in an hour of persecution it is the policy of all States and all Nations when they fear a War to weaken that party which when the War comes they cannot trust to and to put them out of all Command at least if they cannot quite quit them of the place it will be the policy of your Souls if you would prepare for a time of persecution to weaken your lusts and corruptions if you cannot out them at least to get them out of Command in your Souls especially such lusts as will be most subject to betray your Souls you will say what are those lusts What are those corruptions which are most subject to betray us in an hour of persecution I will instance in some of them 1. A love of pleasures it is given as the Character of wicked men 2 Tim. 3.4 Lovers of pleasures they spend their years in pleasure and in a moment go down to the Grave Titus 3.3 serving divers lusts and pleasures These are things that are very grateful to our nature but he that harboureth them in his bosome will be very unfit for an hour of persecution as he said who saw a brave Building and Gardens These are the things that make us unfit for death so truly we may say these are the things that make us unfit for persecution they that cannot satisfy themselves without the delight of the Eyes and without the delight of the Ears will hardly know how to endure a Prison or how to endure affliction which were not affliction if it were not a denial of our pleasures Study the mortification of your hearts as to all the pleasures of this Life Moses Heb. 11.25 chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season 2. Secondly Study the mortification of wrath anger and passion a time of persecution is a time that will anger us we had not need be Cholerick and Techy in such a time the want of this is that which maketh Christians in suffering to render evil for evil reviling for reviling and to study revenge passion wonderfully roileth the Soul in an evil day and keepeth it from bearing the Yoke of God with that quietness with which it ought to submit to the good pleasure of God 3. A Third Lust which much prejudiceth us in an hour of persecution is Pride and having an high opinion of our selves in such a day as this God is levelling high Mountains God is humbling all the pride of mans glory take heed of a heart lifted up and swelling high in the opinion of your selves if ever you would endure an hour of persecution 4. Get your hearts as much mortified to the World as you can Paul gloried in the Cross of Christ by which the World was Crucified to him and he Crucified to the World Gal. 6.14 All that persecution can hurt you in is to divide you from the World and to imbitter the World to you it cannot reach you as to your heavenly concern as to your interest there so that the looser you stand to the World both as to your inward affections and as to your more outward dealings and trading in it the fitter you will be for such an hour of trial what signifieth the dividing of him from the World who is already dead to the World When the heart is glued to worldly profits or worldly relations or worldly employments and business persecution maketh a great breach but where the heart is divided from the World as to all these so as it is not fond of any of these things it hath no pleasure no delight in them it can live without them persecution doth little hurt There is nothing so commendable to the study of a Christian as a preparation for persecution as the loosening themselves from Worldly employments which are as Nets and entangle the Soul and the loosening the Soul from Worldly enjoyments pleasures and profits from hearty affections to the World this was that which made the Saints of God take the spoiling of their goods with joy this is that hating of Father and Mother Wife and Children which our Saviour so presseth upon his Disciples it is a not loving of them more than God a loving them so as we can part with them all rather than sin against God and wound our Consciences 5. Take heed of any actions by which you may hasten or aggravate persecution and make it appear more bitter than it is Though persecution be the lot of the People of God yet God should chuse their lot for them they ought not to carve for themselves afflictions are in themselves evils and we may pray against them and may use means to prevent them and it is our duty so to do there are two things that may hasten aggravate and imbitter persecution to the people of God 1. Sinnings against God There is no evil in the City which God hath not done God useth the Sword of Persecutors to avenge his quarrels take heed then of sinning against God 2. Indiscreet imprudent conversations towards men Take heed of any provocative carriages carry your selves as innocently as you will the World will be angry with you take heed of making them more angry by things which you are not obliged to do which if done will disoblige the Men of the World there is nothing that more imbitters our crosses to us than the sour reflections of our Consciences upon us under them 6. Live in a daily contemplation of eternity and a viewing of him who is invisible it is impossible that any thing should make us willing to cut off the inch of time which we think may be added to our Lives but the view of eternity that any thing should make
that unlikeness that is betwixt a man in the state of nature and a Holy God a natural man is quite contrary and unlike unto God our Saviour giveth this very reason John 15.18 If the World hate you you know that it hated me before it hated you 3. A third reason of it is because the works of the people of God do condemn the works of the World The Apostle Rom. 1.30 Describeth the Heathen as under the notion of such as are haters of God so under the notion of proud persons they are proud the proud man cannot endure to think that any should be better or do better or be in a better case or condition then he is now there is a light of holiness by which the Child of God doth outshine wicked men and even to rational eyes doth appear more beautiful and comely as John 7.7 The world cannot hate you but me it hateth because I testifie of it that the works thereof are evil Iohn 3.20 Every one that doth evil hateth the light neither cometh to the light lest his deeds should be reproved John 17.14 the world hath hated them because they are not of the world the men of the world have so much corruption as will not suffer them to be as good as the Disciples and Servants of God but they have so much pride as will not let them be patient to think them better then themselves or that they should be reported better then they the truth is every good man is a Preacher of righteousness to a sinful world he preacheth by his conversation and they will not endure the Sermons that are made by a good example any more than that which is made by word of mouth 4. A fourth great reason of the persecution of the people of God by the men of the world hath been the liberty they have delighted to take in the things of God and their ambition to bring all others into a Subjection to their humours in it This upon search will be found to have been one of the most universal causes of persecution at all times this caused the persecution of the three Children which threw them into the Fiery Furnace this was that which threw Daniel into the Lions Den There was a Law made that no man should pray but only to the King and Daniel could not be tied up to this Law he is thrown therefore into the Den of Lions This was the cause of Christ and his Disciples persecution they did not observe the Tradition of the Elders The Apostles could not abide by the Decrees which commanded them straitly that they should preach no more in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ this hath been the cause of all the Popish persecution in short this always hath been and always will be a root of violence and persecution of the people of God the conscience of a man in things of God is a thing that will not or cannot be controuled by a humane Law it is matter of Life and Death of Salvation and Damnation and a Christian must act according to the dictate of his Conscience when it doth not sute with the Conscience of the men of the World then they fall upon him and this I say hath continually been a fountain of blood and persecution I come now to the Application Use 1. This may let us see the favour of God to persons whom the Lord hath spared more than others from this bitter Cup Some particular periods of time there have been and some particular Christians there may be in all times whom the Lord doth more favour than others I would have such understand that the Lord useth them as Benjamins he sendeth them out a double Mess the ordinary portion of those that own the Gospel is persecution God hath promised his people no more Mark 10.30 Houses and Brethren and Sisters and Mothers and Children and Lands with persecution 2 Tim. 3 12. All that will live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution 2 Tim. 1.8 Hath the Lord hid thee in the storms and tempests hath he provided for thee that thou dost not meet with these trials that others of the Servants of God have met with thou hast more abundant cause to bless the name of the Lord thou seest what severity befalls thy Brother and the goodness that attends thee Use 2. This speaketh unto all the people of God to be preparing for trials And Secondly To study their duty under them that they may as the Prophet speaketh glorifie the Lord in the Fires this is a word in season and therefore I shall take liberty to speak more fully to both Branches and that under these two Questions Qu. 1. What is the duty of the people of God in reference to Persecution not come upon them or not to that degree which it is posble it may come to Qu. 2. What is the duty of the people of God in reference to Persecution already come either upon themselves or upon others Qu. 1. What should the people of God do in reference to Persecutions that are not yet come upon them or at least not to that degree which they may expect or fear or which are come upon other Churches or people of God I answer 1. Live in a dayly expectation of them we never worse encounter any evils then those that surprize us what we live in a dayly view of usually when it cometh doth not take so much impression upon our Spirits as the evils that fall upon us at unawares 1 Pet. 4.12 Beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery Tryal do not look upon it as a thing that shall not come there is nothing so much prejudiceth any man as putting the evil day afar off and saying with David I shall never be moved when God hideth his face in the least then we are troubled look for a time when your goods shall be rifled when you shall be put into Prison when you shall be brought to die for the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ there is nothing so pernicious to you as security is Job puts a case to himself if the Lord should kill me saith he yet I will trust in him say sometimes to your selves what should I do if God should strip me naked If I should be put to wander in Sheep-skins and Goat-skins be destitute and forsaken You have all the reason in the world to expect this at the world the world hateth you as much as it hated all the Prophets all the Servants of God in former Ages who met with this usage from it why should you not expect it when the Lord hath said That all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution I say when the Word hath said that all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution what reason hast thou to say to thy self I will live godly in Christ Jesus and yet I shall not suffer persecution You have not in this Age yet resisted unto blood