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A30510 The memorable works of a son of thunder and consolation namely that true prophet and faithful servant of God and sufferer for the testimony of Jesus, Edward Burroughs, who dyed a prisoner for the word of God in the city of London, the fourteenth of the twelfth moneth, 1662. Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662.; Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. 1672 (1672) Wing B5980; ESTC R31282 1,280,745 962

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while many despised thy youth And how have I seen thee with thy Sling and thy Stone despised Weapons as to war with wound the Mighty and that which hath seemed contemptible to the Dragon's Party even as the Jaw-bone of an Ass with it thou hast slain the Philistines Heaps upon Heaps as Sampson Thou hast put thy Hand to the Hammer of the Lord and hast often fastened Nailes in the heads of the Lamb's Enemies as Deborah did to Sisera and many a rough Stone hast thou polished and squared and made it fit for the Building of God and much knotty Wood hast thou hewed in thy day which was not fit for the building of God's House Oh thou Prophet of the Lord and shalt for ever be recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life among the Lord's Worthies who have followed the Lamb through great Tribulations as many can witness for thee from the beginning and at last hath overcome and found worthy to stand with the Lamb upon Mount Sion the Hill of God as I have often seen thee and thy heart well tuned as a Harp to praise the Lord and to sound forth his great Salvation which many a time hath made glad the hearts of them that did believe and strengthened their Faith and Hope Well thou art at rest and bound up in the Bundle of Life and I know Tears were wiped away from thy Eyes because there was no cause of sorrow in thee For I know thou witnessed the old things done away and there was no curse but blessings were poured upon thy head as rain and peace as a mighty shower and trouble was far from thy dwelling though in the outward man trouble on every side and hath had a Greater share in that for the Gospel sake though a Youth in thy time than many besides But now thou are freed from that and hast obtained a name through Faith with the Saints in Light Well hadst thou more to give up then thy Life for the Name of Jesus in this World Nay and to seal thy Testimony committed unto thee with thy blood as thou hast often said in thy day which shall remain as a Crown upon thee for ever and ever And now thou art freed from the temptations of him who had the power of death and art freed from thy outward Enemies who hated thee because of the Life that dwelt in thee and remaineth at the right Hand of God where there is joy and pleasure for evermore in the everlasting Light which thou hast often testified unto according to the Word of Prophesie in thy heart which was given unto thee by the Holy Ghost and art at rest in the perfection thereof in the beauty of Holiness yet thy Life and thy Spirit I feel as present and have unity with it and in it beyond all created and visible things which are subject to mutation and change and thy Life shall enter into others to testifie unto the same truth which is from everlasting to everlasting for God hath raised and will raise up children unto Abraham of them that have been as dead stones whose Power is Almighty great in his people in the midst of their Enemies This same Edward Burroughs was born in the Barrony of Kendal in the County of Westmoreland of honest Parents who had a good report among their Neighbours for upright and honest dealing among men who brought up Edward in his Youth in Learning and good Education as the Countrey doth afford He was a very understanding Boy in his Youth and his knowledge and understanding did far exceed his years He had the Spirit of a man when he was but a child and I may say grey hairs was upon him when he was but a Youth for he was cloathed with Wisdom in his Infancy for I had perfect knowledge of him from a Youth He was inclinable from his Youth upwards to Religion and the best way always minding the best things and the best and nearest way of Worship to the Scriptures of Truth and always did accompany the best men who walked in godliness and honesty insomuch I have often admired his discreet carriage and his great understanding of the things of God He was never known to be addicted to any vice or malignity or bad behaviour neither followed any evil course of life from his childhood but feared the Lord and walked uprightly according to the light and knowledge received in all things In his natural disposition he was bold and manly dexterous and servent and what he took in hand he did it with his might loving kind and courteous merciful and flexible and easie to be entreated His whole delight was always among good people and to be conferring and reading the Scriptures and little to mind any sports or pastimes which there is an insidency unto in Youth but his very strength was bended after God and was separted I may say from his Mother's Womb and fitting for the Work 's sake whereunto he after was called And when it pleased the Lord to raise up unto us the ancient Horn of Salvation among us who were reckoned in the North Part of England even as the Out-casts of Israel and as men destitute of the great Knowledge which some seem'd to enjoy yet there was more Sincerity and true Love amongst us and desires after the living powerful Presence of God then was among many in that day who seem'd to make a great flourish who ran into Heaps and Forms but left the Cross behind them and indeed were Strangers to it God out of his everlasting Love did appear unto us according to the desire of our hearts who longed after him when we had turn'd aside from Hireling-Shepherds Tents we found him whom our Souls loved and God out of his great Love and great Mercy sent one unto us immediately by his Power a Man of God one of Ten Thousand to instruct us in the Way of God more perfectly who laid down the sure Foundation and declared the acceptable Year of the Lord who indeed made the Mourners to rejoyce and the Heavy-hearted glad which yet was terrible to all Hypocrites and all formal Profession which Testimony reached unto all our Consciences and entred into the in-most part of our Hearts which drove us to a narrow search and to a diligent inquisition concerning our state which we came to see through the Light of Christ Jesus which was testified of and found it to be even what it was testified of and the Lord of Heaven and Earth we sound to be near at hand and as we waited upon him in pure Silence our Minds out of all things his Dreadful Power and Glorious Majesty and Heavenly Presence appear'd in our Assemblies when there was no Language Tongue nor Speech from any Creature and the Kingdom of Heaven did gather us and catch us all as in a Net and his Heavenly Power at one time drew many Hundreds to Land that we came to know a place to stand in and what to wait in
then they forgot God and regarded not to perform their Engagements neither to God nor his People for which cause the Lord cut them off in his sore displeasure and brought an utter Desolation upon them according to the words of his Servants and this Prophet of God lived to see their Desolation come which was sad to behold and his Prophesies were fulfilled in his own dayes And he also warned the present Rulers of this Nation to take heed of walking in the Steps of them that are gone before and for these things and for the publishing of the Truth of God and for bearing his Testimony with boldness against all Oppression and Cruelty he was hated of the men of this Generation but chiefly by some of the Rulers of the City of London He sealed his Testimony with his life in Bonds and so they have wilfully brought innocent Blood upon themselves and heavy will it lie upon them in the day of Account which greatly hastens wherein the Lord God will make inquisition for the Blood of the Innocent and reward every man according to his Deeds then will his Blood be upon you as the Blood of a thousand men and how will you bear your Sentence from the Lord of Hosts because you will be found guilty of the Blood of his Prophets Messengers and Servants which he sent unto you in love to your Souls to fore-warn you of the Evil which greatly hastens to come upon you Yet notwithstanding you have done all these things and the cry of Innocent Blood hath been heard so loud amongst you yet have you hardened your Hearts and go on in stiff-neckedness and persist in your Cruelty towards the Servants of the Lord that are left behind and are found casting them into Prison Oh wo is me for you where will a place be found for you in the day of the Lord or what Covering will you hide your selves under Or how will you appear before the Righteous God of Heaven and Earth Have you no consideration in you of your latter end Or else do you believe that the Lord sees not your Cruelty towards his People that you will not answer his requirings which is to do Justly and love Mercy and walk Humbly with the Lord and to do unto all men as you would they should do unto you surely if the consideration of these things were in your hearts or if you had any regard to keep your Consciences clear in the sight of God herein you could never do as you have done Wherefore consider these things and lay them to heart and repent speedily lest you sin your day away and place of repentance there cannot be found For this I tell you plainly that it is in vain for you to strive against the Lord or to seek to stop or hinder his Work which he hath begun for he will be too strong for you and he will make you bow and bend to his own Name and Power whether you will or no. And though he bear with you long and suffer you long yet his Long-suffering will come to an end and though you should be permitted to fulfill your envious Wills and lustfull Desires so far as to Banish or Kill or Destroy us from off the Earth yea all of us who are now in being which I do not believe ever shall be yet would God raise up another People by the same Power and Spirit in and by which we stand which should be a Terror unto you and should possess God's Everlasting Kingdom which is not of this World over your heads And in the time of his outward weakness he was heard to say That though this Body of Clay must return to the Dust yet I have this Testimony that I have served God in my Generation and that Spirit which hath lived and acted and ruled in me shall yet break forth in thousands and my faith is That it shall be even so for we have found him a true Prophet amongst us and to the Nations And this also near his departure he was heard to desire of the Lord That if it were possible to forgive Brown c. And so let all Friends be encouraged to wait upon the Lord in the feeling of the same Spirit that was in him which we know is the Saints Comforter that thereby you may be carried through all Tribulations and Persecutions with chearfulness that in the end you may all receive the Crown of Everlasting Righteousness with him and the rest of the Saints of the most High God and holy Prophets and Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. And so the Lord God Almighty of Heaven and Earth be with you all and keep you all in faithfulness unto the end Amen And this is my Testimony for that Man of God who hath been a Blessing to the Lord in his Generation and also to this Nation And in this I have eased my Spirit and am clear in my Conscience in the Sight of God having done that which was my duty to do Josiah Coale A Testimony of George Fox Concerning Edward Burroughs HIS Name is Chronicled in the Lamb's Book of Life a Righteous Plant Pure Chaste Clean Who can tax him for Oppressing them or Burdening them or being Chargeable to them Who through the Suffering hath finished his Course and Testimony who is now crowned with the Crown of Life and Reigns with the Lord Christ forever and ever And in his Ministry in his Life-time he went through Sufferings by bad spirits who never turn'd his Back on the Truth nor his Back from any out of the Truth A Valiant Warrior more then a Conqueror who hath got the Crown through Death and Sufferings who is dead but yet liveth amongst us and amongst us is alive George Fox A Warning from the Lord To the Inhabitants of Underbarrow and so to all the Inhabitants in ENGLAND Where it shall meet with them who holds up the false Teachers and false Worship and who beat stock stone and persecute and hale out of their Assemblies those who are sent by the Lord to speak his Word freely With an Exhortation that they haste to meet the Lord by true repentance by putting off the works of darkness lest the Lord cut them assunder by his Sword which is already drawn and put into the hands of his Servants Also a word to my Brethren and Companions in tribulation in the Kingdom and Patience of Jesus Christ who are by the World scornfully called Quakers With the manner of my passage through the dark World wherein the simple ones may see the deceits of the man of sin in his actings like the true Spirit to warn all to follow the true Light within which leads unto God and to beware of the Voice Lo here and Lo there TO all you the Inhabitants of Underbarrow profane ones and Professors you my Neighbours and Country men according to the flesh but Strangers as in the spirit to you all who are in the customary formal traditional Worship of
how generally we were men of the strictest Sect and of the greatest Zeal in the Performance of outward righteousness and went through and tried all sorts of Teachers and run from Mountain to Mountain and from man to man and from one Form to another as do many to this very day who yet remain ungathered to the Lord and such we were to say no more of us that sought the Lord and desired the knowledge of his Wayes more then any thing beside and for one I may speak who from a Child even a few years old he set his face to seek and find the Saviour and more then Life and Treasure or any mortal Crown sought after with all his heart the one thing that is needful to wit the Knowledge of God And after our long seeking the Lord appeared to us and revealed his glory in us and gave us of his Spirit from Heaven and poured it upon us and gave us of his Wisdom to guide us whereby we saw all the World and the true state of all things the true condition of the Church in her present estate first the Lord brought us by his Power Wisdom and the Word by which all things were made to know and understand and see perfectly that God had given to us every one of us in particular a Light from himself shining in our hearts and consciences which Light Christ his Son the Saviour of the World had lighted every man and all Mankind withal which Light in us we found sufficient to reprove us convince us of every evil deed word and thought and by it in us we come to know good from evil right from wrong and whatsoever is of God and according to him from what is of the Devil and what is contrary to God in motion word and work and this Light gave us to discern between truth and error between every false and right way and it perfectly discovered to us the true state of all things and we thereby came to know man what he was in his creation before transgression and how he was deceived and overcome by the Devil and his estate in transgression and in disobedience and how he is drove and banished from the presence of the Lord and the sorrow and anguish which he is in and to undergo and also by the Light in us we perfectly came to know the way of Restauration and the means to be restored and the state of man being come out of Transgression and restored these things to us were revealed by the Light within us which Christ had given us and lightened us withal what man was before Transgression and what he is in Transgression and what he is being redeemed out of Transgression and also the Light which shineth in every one of us as to it our minds became turned and our hearts inclined the perfect Estate of the Church we came to know her Estate before the Apostles days and in the Apostles dayes and since the dayes of the Apostles and her present Estate we found to be as a Woman who had once been cloathed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet who brought forth him that was to rule the Nations but she was fled into the Wilderness and there sitting desolate in her place that was prepared of God for such a season which season in the very end thereof when the time of her sojourning was towards a full end then were we brought forth if any have an Ear they may hear so that all these things concerning man and concerning the times and seasons and the changing and renewing of times and all things that pertain to Salvation and Redemption and Eternal Life needfull for man to know all this was revealed discovered and made known to us by the Light which was in us which Christ had lighted us withal And we found this Light to be a sufficient Teacher to lead us to Christ from whence this Light came and thereby it gave us to receive Christ and to witness him to dwell in us and through it the new Covenant we came to enter into to be made Heirs of Life and Salvation and in all things we found the Light which we were enlightened withal and all Mankind which is Christ to be alone and only sufficient to bring to Life and eternal Salvation and that all who did own the Light in them which Christ hath enlightened every man withal they needed no man to teach them but the Lord was their Teacher by his Light in their own Consciences and they received the holy Anointing And so we ceased from the teachings of all men and their words and their Worships and their Temples and all their Baptisms and Churches and we ceased from our own Words and Professions and Practises in Religion in times before zealously performed by us through divers Forms and we become Fools for Christ's sake that we might become truely wise and by this Light of Christ in us were we led out of all false Wayes and false Preachings and false Ministers and we met together often and waited upon the Lord in pure Silence from our own words and all mens words and hearkned to the Voice of the Lord and felt his Word in our hearts to burn up and beat down all that was contrary to God and we obeyed the Light of Christ in us and followed the Motions of the Lords pure Spirit and took up the Cross to all Earthly Glories Crowns and Ways and denied our selves our Relations and all that stood in the way betwixt us and the Lord and we chose to suffer with and for the Name of Christ rather then all the pleasures upon Earth or all our former zealous Professions and Practices in Religion without the Power and Spirit of God which the World yet lives in And while waiting upon the Lord in Silence as often we did for many Hours together with our minds and hearts towards him being stayed in the Light of Christ within us from all thoughts fleshly Motions and desires in our diligent waiting and fear of his Name and hearkning to his Word we re-received often the pouring down of the Spirit upon us and the Gift of God's holy eternal Spirit as in the dayes of old and our heart were made glad and our Tongues loosed and our Mouthes opened and we spake with new Tongues as the Lord gave us utterance and as his Spirit led us which was poured down upon us on Sons and Daughters and to us hereby was the deep things of God revealed and things unutterable were known and made manifest and the Glory of the Father was revealed and then begun we to sing Praises to the Lord God Almighty and to the Lamb for ever who had redeemed us to God and brought us out of the Captivity and Bondage of the World and put an end to Sin and Death and all this was by and through and in the Light of Christ within us and much more might be declared hereof that which
The Seed of the Woman is but one in all generations and the Seed of the Serpent is but one which ever was is ruling and reigning in the Children of Disobedience who are disobedient to the Light of God within them and betwixt these two Seeds is Enmity the one against the other each Seed is known by its fruit the old bottle pours out old Wine the new bottle new Wine therefore all people sink down to within and call in all your wandring thoughts imaginations and affections and desires and see which seed is head in you and see what your desires and affections goes out after for where your hearts are there is your treasure see what you do possess of God in your Souls and what you are made witnesses of for he that believeth hath the witness in himself and Faith is the Victory over the world he that can receive it let him Dear people I have freely Declared to you the Truth and from the love of God shed abroad in my heart to your Souls and for the Seed sake in you which lieth in death captivated under your Wisdom and Reason have I spoken the Word of the Lord which if you own it and abide in it shall be the savor of Life and in eternal joy shall you witness me to be true in what I have Declared but if you harden your hearts and kick against the Truth and against what I have Declared shall be the savor of death unto Death and in eternal torment and misery shall ye witness me in what I say for to that which should exercise the Conscience do I speak in every one of you and to that in you have I cleared my Conscience and have freed my Spirit this is the day of your Visitation the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it Remember that you have been shewed the Deceits which you live in and have been warned of the misery and desolation that shall come upon you except you lay these things to heart and turn to the Lord. Farewel By him who is dispised and had in derision among you who is not greater then his Lord and therefore is contented to be called a Blasphemer and a Seducer as he whom I serve was by them of your Generation E. B. TO all you my Country people of every degree who are Inhabitants in Underbarrow have I cleared my Conscience and have freely Declared to you the Word of the Lord and have laid open the Deceits of your Deceitful Ministry and Ministry and have directed you to that in every one of you which leads unto God and which is the way to the Father which is the true Light which hath enlightned every one that comes into the World which light all who loves and follows walk not in darkness but walks up to God out of the Fall from under the Curse into the Being but all who hates this Light and follows the imagination of their own brains and of the divination of their Hirelings and Pharisees this Light shall be their condemnation because they walk not in it even this Light which is come into the World in every man even the witness in the Conscience which is placed by God shall for ever witness against you and against all your false worships and Hirelings and shall bear testimony to what I have in this little Volume declared to be true when the Book of Conscience shall be laid open for to every mans Conscience am I made manifest in what I have to you declared as concerning your Hireling whom God hath never sent but is in the way of the false Prophets and Pharisees for he that abides not in the Doctrine of Christ hath not God 2 Iohn 1. 9. but is an Antichrist and of the Devil And as concerning the Light within you that Light will bear witness to it self that every one of you to whom I speak hath this Light which shews you sin your lying swearing pride and wicked wayes covetousness and wantonness to be sin this is the true Light which is as ever was foolishness and a stumbling block to the wise ones This is the Light which your Pharisee denies to have lightned every one and this Light shall for ever witness me to be true and shall witness this poor people among you who are despised and contemned by you and scornfully called Quakers to be the servants of God whom I do own as my Brethren in the sufferings of Jesus who are my joy in the Lord. Now all people every where to you all a word from the Lord though I have spoken in this small Volume as moved by the Lord of Heaven and Earth to the Inhabitants of Underbarrow as declaring against their false Teacher and false Worships which they uphold now freely and plainly do I declare against all thy Teachers O England who are one in the same generation with him in the Seat of Christ and of his Apostles professing themselves to be sent of God but walking contrary to his commands in the same footsteps which the Scribes and Pharisees walked in which were persecutors of the Son of God and which he cried wo against they who said and did not as all these thy Teachers do who are called of men Masters as they were and have the chiefest places in the Assemblies as they had and prayed standing as these thy professed Ministers do Now the same Light which ever was which is Jesus Christ is now born and made manifest which is witnessed among the Saints in which Light I see all thy Teachers O England to be drunk with the Wine of her that hath deceived the Nations who sits upon a scarlet coloured Beast and is arrayed in purple and scarlet colour and decked with gold and precious stones and hath the golden cup in her hand full of abominations whose name is written in her forehead Mystery Babylon the great the Mother of Harlots and abomination of the Earth And in this Light to I declare against them all which are in the generation of the false Prophets of Israel which seeks for their gain from their Quarter and which steals the word from their neighbor and have taken the words of the Prophets of Christ and of his Apostles and selleth the divination of their own brain upon the Scriptures which the holy men speak forth freely to the poor blind people and teacheth for the Fleece and if ye stop not into their mouths they prepare War against you and which are called of men Master which Christ forbids Against all these freely as from the Lord I do Declare to be no Ministers of Jesus Christ but are Seducers and blind Guides and are Antichrists and leads the poor blind people in the wayes of death and destruction for they are no Ministers of Christ that abides not in the Doctrine of Christ these have run but have not been sent by God and therefore is not your Souls profited by them but are in the dark heathenish nature as by
Life and Power that gave them forth So thou art to be condemned with the Light and with the Life which gave forth the Scripture Let all people read Deut. Chap. 18. from verse 9. to 15. there the Priests and the Levites which were ordained of God were to have no Inheritance among the people but the Lord was their Inheritance and they were to have it of that which was offered up to the Lord and this was a figure of the everlasting Priest-hood which ministreth out of the everlasting Treasure and the Lord God commanded Israel not to do as they did when they came into the Land nor to go after their abominations as you may see but gave Israel their Land to possess that did hearken unto such as the Lord had not sent which was Abomination to him and the Lord said to Israel Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God and in the 15th verse The Lord thy God will raise unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee of thy Brethren like unto me unto him shall ye hearken And so to the end of the Chapter he that hath an eye may see and the Lord is the same that he was and he will not suffer the abominations that are committed in this Land but is discovering the abomination of it A horrible and a filthy thing is committed which Ieremiah cryed against Coveteous Men preach Drunkards preach Swearers preach Lyars preach Strikers preach and Proud Men preach Oh wonderful where are your eyes Try your Priests by the Scriptures see if they be not found in the same Generation that all the false Prophets and the Deceivers were in which the true Prophets of God cryed against and discovered and in the steps of the Scribes and Pharisees that Christ cryed wo against and see if they be not the Antichrists and the Deceivers which are entred into the World which Iohn speaketh of which cannot confess Christ come in the flesh but transgresseth and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ so hath not God neither knoweth him but preacheth for sin and against Perfection and denyeth the Light which enlighteneth every one that cometh into the World so keeps people in blindness and ignorance and out of the Knowledge of God and never any that follow them shall ever come to the Knowledg of the true and living God therefore all people see where you are and mind the Light in your Consciences which is pure and which testifieth against sin and it will let you see all your Blind-Guides which deceive you to be in sin and ignorant of God for they deny that which should make him manifest therefore beware what you hold up and give over going after them to that in your Consciences I speak which shall witness me eternally to speak the Truth if you obey it and shall condemn you eternally if you disobey it These Blinde-Guides that are in this Land deny the Prophet which Moses wrote of which is the substance of the Priest-hood which was before and here they are found in the same Generation in the Sorcery and in the Witchcraft which the Lord commanded should be put out of the Land where the Children of Israel went to possess Answers to several other subtil Queries put forth by one John Reeve who lives in the City of London who callst himself the Messenger and Witness unto the true God but is found a Lyar and a Perverter of the right Way of God A Certain Writing is come to my hand called An Epistle from the Mighty JEHOVAH or Jesus the only LORD and God of the E●ect Israelites from one whose name is subscribed Iohn Reeve Pilgrim who calls himself the last Messenger and Witness unto the true God unto which for the sake of the Simple I am moved by the Spirit of the Lord of Heaven and Earth to write something in answer that so his folly may be made manifest and his ignorance and blasphemy laid open unto the simple-hearted who have been long deceived by such through their false Voice lo here and lo there Friend to thee who hast subscribed this Writing who calls thy self the last Messenger and Witness unto the true God I Answer the Lord of Hosts and God of the Elect Israelites doth not accept thy Testimony and Witness for thy spirit is made manifest not to be the Spirit which came from God and which dwelleth with God which beareth true Witness unto God but the spirit which is driven out from the Presence of God into the Creation and into the visible World and that is the lying spirit and bears not true witness unto the true God but is a spirit which bears witness to the imaginations of thy own heart which looks upon and declares the living God as if he was carnal and a Creature-like Substance and here the Scripture is fulfilled upon thee thou thinkest he is altogether such a one as thy self and for the true God thou art no Messenger nor hast received any Message from him for thy spirit is known and he never delivered his Message unto it in any Generation but kept his Secret sealed up from it And Friend here I charge thee in the Presence of the true spiritual God that thou belyst the Lord of Hosts who sayest thy Epistle is from him thou uses thy tongue and sayest The Lord saith when saith the Lord I have not spoken unto thee And of that Generation thou art which Ieremiah cryed against and therefore let all flesh be silent before the Lord and call not thy own imaginations his Word but thou who hast a Dream tell thy Dream for a Dream and he that hath the Word of the Lord let him speak it faithfully and though thou callest thy self the last Messenger or Witness unto the true God yet I say unto thee verily the Lord hath a Witness which was before thee which hath been slain in the Streets of the great City which the Lord will bring forth after thee which will bear true witness of the true God and against thee and thou who hast been alive shall be judged by him who hath lain slain and he will eternally condemn thy Testimony and Message Friend in the Light of Christ which hath lightened every one that cometh into the World thou art comprehended and seen thy beginning thy time and thy end and with it thy Testimony and Message is denyed for thy Testimony is such that if thou swearst the Lord lives thou swearest falsly and further thou sayst By inspiration of the holy Spirit thou wast moved to present this Epistle I answer the language of the holy Spirit is like it self Pure and Spiritual but thy language is carnal and sensual and so is thy spirit the Saints which spake by the inspiration and moving of the Spirit cursed not that which God had blessed as thou dost neither did they say the Elect were defiled as thou doest neither did they speak of God as a carnal Substance as thou dost but said that God
calls them deceitfull Principles she hath chosen the way of Death rather then the way of Life and hath taken her self to follow shaddows and likenesses and neglected the Substance which is Christ within the hope of glory her latter end is worse then her beginning and the Parable is fulfilled upon her And she speaks in the 126. pag. of Satan being discovered under his vail and in particular as to that of being saved by a Christ within and not by a Christ without and the Lord was pleased to shew her it was quite another thing differing from the Gospel and that it was attended with this evil consequence to overthrow the whole Gospel and to deny the Lord that bought them I answer I charge her here as in the presence of God with belying the Lord and with horrible Basphemy who saith That that which the Saints and servants of God witnessed who Preached the Gospel and established it Christ within manifested is quite another thing differing from the Gospel and that it is attended to overthrow the whole Gospel O horrible Blasphemy and belying the Lord who saith that the Lord was pleased to shew her it did ever he shew any Lyes all take notice of this wicked and horrible Blasphemer the Lord rebuke that unclean spirit of Antichrist in her She goes on and saith then secondly as to that of waiting for a power to Pray and that here was no command but from within concerning both these the Lord was pleased to shew that it was not according to his minde but a meer invention of Satan and that it was attended with this evill consequence to slight Scriptures and Commands of God and to expose the soul to Satans deceivings to walk by the imaginations of their own heart instead of the motions of the Spirit I answer The Saints waited for the moving of the Spirit which was power in them to help them to pray they knew not to Pray as they ought without it and this command and help they had not without them but within them And I again here charge her with belying the Lord and with notorious Blasphemy who saith that that which the Saints witnessed waiting for the power of the Spirit to Pray is not according to the minde of the Lord but an invention of Satan and she is not ashamed to say the Lord shewed her and the same which they witnessed who spoke forth the Scripture and which walked in the Commands of God tends to slight Scriptures and commands of God and to expose the soul to Satans deceivings this is Blasphemy and Error and corrupt Principles and she which hath denyed waiting to be led by the motions of the Spirit is led by the imaginations of her own heart is under the power of Satans deceiving and speaks contrary to what the Scripture speaks and so slights it and the Commands of God she hath Blasphemed the God of Heaven and accordingly will the Lord requite her And thus have I for the simple ones sake declared the truth and every single eye may see who it is is led by corrupt principles and what I have written shall she eternally witness to be true and all her co-partners And I pass by the rest of her Book as not worth answering for it is nothing but airy imagination and confusion and death yet raigns in her and in her Book is spoken out by her and she knowes not the Baptism of Saints nor Communion nor the true Church of Christ to that witness in her conscience do I declare and when it shall arise it will eternally witness me Whose Name in the Flesh is EDWARD BURROUGH The Copy of a Letter c. FRiends for so I call you I was moved of the Lord to come into your Assembly to declare the truth from him concerning you as by the eternal Spirit was revealed to me and I do acknowledge it it was a mercy from the Lord that I had that small liberty which I had to clear my Conscience amongst you and to discharge my duty in obedience to the Lord and to every ones Conscience am I made manifest whether you will hear or you will forbear truely Friends there is somthing among you which I own and which is owned of my Father but yet many things hath he against you and as I said I now again say from the mouth of the Lord that your Covering is too narrow to hide your shame and your bed too short to stretch your selves upon Now friends the Ordinances of Iesus Christ which you act in you say in obedience to him I do not speak against but do witness them in life and power neither do I judge such amongst you who have entered in at the door by the Principle of God to the Ordinances if any such but you I do declare against and do judge by the infallible Spirit who have in your own wills thrust in your selves and acted by imagination and immitation from the Letter without and not having received the Command from Christ into your selves such I judge to be in deceit deceived by the Serpent which deceives the simple by the likeness of a thing and you that limit the Lord to any outward visible thing that without such can be no Salvation you I judge again to be in deceit and my judgement shall stand for nothing is available that which God once commanded nor that which was not commanded but the new Creature which is born of the immortall Seed contrary to the will of man Truely Friends you are acting in darkness and there is no seperation in you betwixt the precious and the vile betwixt the clean and the unclean for that which did convince you of false Hirelings and of their deceitful worship which is owned of my Father in you hath not been obeyed by you but your minds have been drawn forth from within to obey a thing without and herein have you been bewitched from the obedience of the truth within to obey the letter without as they were which the Scripture speaks of and you are acted in another form and likeness then you were before and which some are acted in yet but by the same spirit and you have a zeale I beare you record but it is not according to knowledge I declare against that spirit by which you are now acted as knowing it to be the spirit of Antichrist and that which is owned by my Father in you is oppressed by you by your wisdom and reason which stands above and is head and rules amongst you which is for destruction and for the Lord to accomplish his wrath upon and happy were you if you knew the day of vengeance which is the acceptable year of the Lord but you are yet full and rich and think you have need of nothing and have a name that you live but you are dead and empty and miserable your form is corrupted and you seek the living among the dead and you act in the form but walks at liberty
for pain for the torment that is coming upon them all that have resisted the Counsel of the most high God and have gainsayed the Lord they shall perish in their gainsaying and we are clear and free from the blood of all men in this Nation thus far yea of every City Town and Village unto which we were moved to go and the blood of all the rest be upon those that have resisted us and a good savour we are unto God in them that have believed in his Name of whom we have born true witness unto and in them that perish we are clear in the sight of God And oh thou City of Dublin thou art as Moab at ease and art lifted up in thy heart and rejoycing in thy spoil and art making thy self merry in the abundance of thy delicacies oh how full of profaness art thou oh how full of pride and vain glory of deceit and unrighteousness of lust and filth lying and swearing and full of Briars and Thorns a careless untoward People Oh your abominations are loathsom to all the Children of Light professing God in words but in your lives and works deny him oh that thou hadst known in this thy day the things that belong to thy peace a crooked Generation you are the yoke must be laid upon you necks will neither Plague Famine nor Sword bring thee into subjection unto the Lord will neither Mercy nor Judgment take place in your hearts Oh how long shall the Lord bear with you how long shall he spare you his long-suffering is near at an end his patience is near out concerning you and then wo wo to him that shall see the day which will come the Lord will arise as a Lion and will rend and tear you and his Sword shall be bathed in the blood of his Enemies and he shall be wrath as in the Valley of Acor and as in the dayes of Gib●a and will bring ye down ye Mountains and level you ye Hills and will make his Name known in your overthrow except ye repent and they that are round about you when they shall see Calamity coming upon you this shall be their Proverb This is the City and People that dispised the Counsel of the Lord and contemned the Instructions of the most high God and provoked the Lord to wrath till his Patience was worn out and his Long-suffering came to an end and therefore is this evil come upon them Therefore gird your selves in Sackcloth and pour Ashes upon your heads houl and weep ye cureless People misery is coming u●… you the dreadful God will visit with a Scourge and will make you know 〈◊〉 is the Lord Blessed is he that hears and considers and repents and turns 〈◊〉 his iniquity before the Decree be sealed against you which will never be altered This is the day of your visitation and If you contemn it ●wo unto you for ever and fo we are clear in Gods sight of you all from the highest to the lowest a●● your blood if you perish will the Lord require at your own hands from this 〈◊〉 forth and for evermore We are Friends to all just Powers and are subject to the highest Power for Conscience 〈◊〉 but witness against all deceit and unrighteousness and against all that hold the Truth 〈◊〉 unrighteousness who are Prisoners of the Lord for the testimony of Iesus our Consciences bearng us witness in the Holy Ghost Edw. Burrough Dublin 24th of the 12th Moneth 1655. The unjust Sufferings of the Iust declared and their appeal to the just Witness of God in all mens Consciences TO all ye Colonels and Commanders and Officers and to all the honest hearted in the City of Dublin and elsewhere to whom this may come Hereby we the Prisoners of the Lord for the Testimony of Jesus and for the exercise of a pure Conscience do lay down our cause before you and to the Light of Jesus Christ in all your Consciences we appeal in this our cause of Rightousness and Innocency to be judged thereby We are men fearing God and working righteousness and are Friends to the Commonwealth of Israel and are Exalte●s of Justice and true Judgment in the Earth and are subject to all just power and to every just ordinance of man for Conscience sake and have suffered the loss of all and have born part of the burthen with you that we might obtain the freedom of the righteous Seed and the liberty of tender Conscience to serve the Lord in his own way and we are well known to the Lord though Strangers to you and are Free-men in the record of Heaven though now Sufferers unjustly under your present authority who have taken the place of exercising lordship over our pure Consciences and have imprisoned us and endeavoured to give judgment of banishing us onely upon false Accusations and Informations and Slanders without the proof or testimony of any Accusation of 〈◊〉 justly laid to our charge And to you hereby be it known that not for evil doing do we thus suffer for to this present no man hath convinced us of any evil nor justly proved the transgression of any Law Martial or Civil against us though we stand accused of many grievous things of which we are clearly innocent in the sight of him that lives for ever and do nothing more desire herein but ●o be tryed by the Law of Equity and Righteousness and judged according thereunto By vertue of command given unto us by the eternal Spirit of the Lord came we into this Land of Ireland contrary to the will of man not to seek our selves nor our own glory not to prejudice your Nation nor Government nor to be hurtful to your Commonwealth but with the Message of the Gospel of Christ Jesus we came to turn from Darkness to Light and from the power of Satan to the Power of God and 〈◊〉 minister the Word of Reconciliation and Salvation ●●eely without a Gift or a Reward unto lost souls and hereof God is our Witness and also we have the seal● of our Ministry which unto us herein can give testimony by the same Spirit and this are ●e ready to seal with our blood And these six moneths and upwards have we laboured in travels and sufferings and reproaches and have passed through your Cities and Towns in soberness and in meekness have we preached the Kingdom of God and have holden forth the Word of Truth and the Testimony of Jesus and our lives have we not loved till this day though sometimes dangers on every side have beset us that we might hold forth the Faith of Jesus the Authour of our profession in the exercise of a pure Conscience both by doctrine and conversation and herein we are justified in the sight of God and who is he that condemns us And do call Heaven and Earth to record and the Light in all mens Consciences who have heard our Doctrine and seen our conversation to witness for us herein and we challenge
strayed and into by-Paths of Whoredoms have you been instructed and the door of the true Shepherds Fold hath been shut against you and the Key of true knowledge hath been hid out of your sight and obscurity and darkness hath been cast before you and the Way of the Lord hath been undiscovered to your understandings and into secret and subtil Idolatry and Witchcraft have you been nurtured and your wounds have been healed falsely and will break out into more incurable dangers O how have you been driven away into strange Pastures and into barren Heaths and Desarts scattered lo here and lo there by the voyces of Strangers now when the Lord is come to search you instead of Lambs you are found in the nature of Wolves and Dogs and Lions biting and devouring and scorning and reproaching the Children of the true Seed and instead of Children of Light and Truth are you found strong men of Darkness and Error How is your nature changed since the first creation in the Innocent Image of God strayed have you been and not one brought home by your Shepherds into the Fold of Truth you have been a prey to the Devourers and meat for the wilde Beasts of the desolate Forrests and a strange Language have you learned of the Egyptians Character and your delight have been therein even you have loved to have these things so and like Shepherds like Sheep Strayers and strayed Devourers and being devoured What account will you give in the Day of the Lord For your sins are written with a Pen of Iron sealed in your foreheads children of the womb of wickedness A gross sum of abomination is put upon your account even Lovers of Darkness and Haters of the Light How many times have you been called by the true Shepherds Voice and you neglect and will not be gathered How many good instructions have you heard And what profit have you received Much Teaching and many Sermons have you heard and yet to this day the Way of Truth have you not learned but are groping in the dark in blindness and ignorance and you Blind have been led by the Blind and the mouth of the Ditch is opened to swallow you up together and you have refused Knowledge and cannot endure to be reproved you love to stray rather then to be gathered and you delight in leanness and poverty upon the barren Mountaines rather then to be fed in the fat Pastures of true Food Shall not the Lords Soul be avenged upon you Ye Shepherds and Flocks ye Teachers and People your debt is summed into a large sum of grievous abomination the Indictment of Vengeance is read and sealing against you proved to be just in the Register of Heaven everlasting Prison in the pit of Darkness and everlasting Banishment from the Presence of the Lord is signing against you in the eternal Law and righteous Decree the Light of the Lord Jesus Christ which shines in all your Consciences will arise to be the evidence of this just proceeding God is grieved with you you spiritual Idolaters Repent repent ye Idol Shepherds and deceitful Teachers and ye scattered Flocks and deceitful People This is the day of your visitation and a warning in your ears the Sword of the Lord is drawn against you the Whirle-wind of his Wrath is gone forth your builded wall shall fall and the pillars of your Habitation shall be shaken God will gather his Flock out of your mouths and feed them in his own Fold and your nakedness shall appear and your deceits shall be laid open and your secret whoredoms shall be discovered your beginning was in Darkness and your time is out of the Light and your end will be in destruction now you have all time prize it From him who is a Lover of all your souls but a Witness against all your deceit Edw. Burrough Written in Corke City in Ireland as moved of the Lord concerning the Shepherds and Flock the Teachers and People in that Nation An Invitation to all the poor desolate Souldiers to repent and make their peace with the Lord and their Duty shewed them what the Lord requires of them TO all you poor desolate Souldiers of the lowest rank who are scattered up and down in this desolate Land of Ireland and live a careless and a desolate life without the Fear of the Lord in Lying in Swearing in Drunkenness in Whoredom in Oppression and in the Wickedness of the World and are past feeling and sensless of the Opperation and Power of God careless of your eternal happiness The dreadful Day of the Lord God is coming in Power the Lord is risen and the Wrath of the Lord is gone forth with the strength of indignation and fury will you be besieged and fearfulness shall surprize you Repent of your transgressions and fear and tremble before the Presence of the Living God who is Commander in chief over Heaven and Earth prize your souls this is the day of your visitation and make your Peace with the Lord The righteous Judge the Lord seeth you in your darkness and searcheth you in your desolate obscurity and his soul is pressed under your iniquities and he hath not disrespected any of your persons or desolate places but God is Light and hath lightened every one of you with the true Light of Life Eternal if you love it and be guided by it or of death everlasting if you hate it and disobey it and walk contrary to it that is the Light which convinceth you of Sin of Lying and Swearing and Cursed-speakings and Drunkenness which are the fruits of the cursed Tree which cumbereth the Ground of the Lord which the Axe is now laid to the root of to cut it down and cast it into everlasting burning and while you act against this Light in your Consciences you crucifie the Life of Christ Jesus and are Enemies unto him and Servants of the Devil and love your evil deeds and Upholders of the Devils conquest which is the dominion of sin This Light reproves you in secret of violence and false accusing and all unjust words and actions which are contrary to God 〈◊〉 turn your minds to the Light which will lead you to repentance from dead works out of the broad way of destruction which many are in as Christ Jesus saith and it will teach you in your places to serve the Living God and to do violence to no man but to be Terrors and Reprovers and Correctors of all violence and of such who live in it And it will teach you not to strengthen the hands of Evil-doers but to lay your Swords in justice upon every one th● doth evil And it will teach you not to make War but to preserve peace in the Earth and this is your Place and Duty required of you from the Lord Go● Commander in chief unto whom you must all give an account and receive 〈◊〉 just Reward according to your deeds everlasting punishment to him that do●… evil but if you
enmity and all mans works are brought forth in that nature which is evil and out of that ground which is cursed his good works are not accepted and his evil deeds are condemned all which springs forth of one root of bitterness and enmity which is in the displeasure of the Creator Oh Earth be awakened and all ye Sons and Daughters of Adam call to mind your state and condition and repent and return before Destruction when no time of repentance can be found Hearken to Instruction and let your Ears be open to hear here you may all hear and understand the Way to Restoration to be restored and recovered out of this condition and out of this enmity and from under this curse of misery and destruction for a Way hath God prepared unto all mankind and is making it manifest unto the whole Earth that the Sons and Daughters of Adam may again know their Maker and have fellowship with him and this Way is but one which is ordained for all People upon the face of the Earth of what Tribe or Nation soever And all that come to the knowledge of the Creator must walk in this Way which is called Christ Jesus who is the Son of the Creator the second Adam the Lord from Heaven the Power and Wisdom of the Creator and by him all things were made and without him was not any thing formed that was brought forth he is the Restorer the Redeemer and the Deliverer for he cannot be overcome of the evil but overcometh and treadeth down all the Powers of Darkness and Death and the Devil which rise against him in all the World and the Creator hath so loved mankind though he hath transgressed against him and grieved him yet he hath given his Son into the World into all Nations without respect of Persons or People to be the Saviour of all that believe in him and receive him that they may come out of Death and Darkness from under the Devils power and may be translated and changed and renewed out of sin and death and ignorance and rebellion and out of the Kingdom of the Devil into Truth and Righteousness and into the Kingdom of God And this Restorer and Saviour the Power and Wisdom of the Creator hath lightened all mankind every one that cometh into the World is lightened by him that every one may follow him and be guided by his Power and Wisdom and every one that doth receive him sin and iniquity and transgression is condemned and the seed of the enmity is cast out by his Power which is revealed against all unrighteousness and he subdues it and works it forth of the hearts of all men and so reconciles man again to his Maker to have fellowship with him And this Restorer the second Adam comes to be revealed within every man who executes true Judgment upon the Transgressor and bindeth under the rebellious nature and death and condemnation passes upon the seed of enmity and all its fruits upon the Devil and all his works upon him that is born of the flesh and all his wayes his joy is turned into mourning his pleasures into sorrow his glory and rejoycing into sadness of heart and the life which he hath lived comes to be crucified and the wayes which he hath walked in comes to be hedged up and no more followed and his strength is turned into weakeness and all his wayes and pleasures fade and perish and the Birth which is Immortal comes to be brought forth which is not of this World but Heir of the Creators Inheritance who hath no glorying under the Sun nor no pleasure in the glory of this World which passeth away but lives unto God in all things and brings forth fruit unto the Father and is replanted into the living Vine and is leavened into a new lump and placed in the Garden of God all the old Garments are put off and old things are passed away the Devil is cast out the blind Eye is opened and the Vail is taken away which hath been spread over all and the deaf Ear is unstopped and man is again returned unto his Maker and hears and sees and understands the things which are eternal which belong to his peace the Fear of God is set up in his heart and Gods Secrets are revealed unto him he is become the Glory of his Maker to praise him to glorifie him and to magnifie him for evermore being restored again unto God's Image and guided with his Power and Wisdom and hath received dominion and authority from his Maker to reign and rule over all Creatures and to be exercised in all things to his Glory by whom they were made he is not in bondage to any Creature but in liberty over it and the Creatures are become his Servants and he servant to his Maker and the Earth yeilds its encrease unto man the Curse is removed and the Blessing restored in the Covenant of Peace and Righteousness where all Creatures come to be injoyed the covenant of Death and Hell being broken and disanulled where the curse stood and standeth in all the World where the restorer of the second Adam is not received who moveth by the measure of his Power against the evil in the hearts of all men and he knocketh at the door of the heart that he may be received and come in and dwell with the Children of men whose delight is with the Sons of men and every one that openeth to him and hearkeneth to his Cry who calls by the Light and moveth by his Power by him they receive Life and Peace and Fulness from the Father and are raised from Death to Life and redeemed from under the power of Satan to the Power of the Creator all evil in the ground and in the fruits judgment goes upon it all and condemnation And thus mankind comes to be restored again to God his Maker to be the Children of God and Heirs of his Inheritance and is no more of this World but redeemed by Jesus Christ out of Kindreds Tongues and People out of respect of Time Place Creatures or Things and sees through all Creatures to be before the World was beyond all the glory of this World to the Glory of the Lord and here is the praising and singing and rejoycing the living and walking in that Life which cannot change and in the World of which there is no end and here a greater Glory is known then the first mans glory a greater State then that which was overcome of the Devil a greater Dominion then that which was lost this Dominion never can have an end Death is swollowed up of Life all sorrow and anguish is swollowed up of rejoycing all tears are wiped here and there is no more sorrow the quickning Spirit is felt and witnessed which hath quickened again to God God's Tabernacle is with men and his Dwelling-place with the Children of men and that is felt and seen and tasted which was before the World was before
faith whereby they may continue boldly witnessing to the end And this is a true Testimony of the Father and of the Son witnessed by us who are called of God in whom his Power is made manifest TO all the Children of Light every where who fear and love the Lord who are begotten of God and unto whom he is known in the Spirit and in the Truth this is a Testimony of the Fathers love unto you Grace Mercy and Peace from him that lives for ever the God of Light and Life be multiplied in you all that you may daily be renewed in strength and girded with Truth and armed with the whole Armour of God and may be kept by his Power until the day of Salvation to walk in the Government and subjection to Jesus Christ witnessing the Power and Presence of God in you and amongst you giving you power to fulfil his Will in all things and that in all righteousness and out of all evil you may be led and preserved unto the end and in the end to shew forth the praises of God in this Generation as a people called of him and redeemed by him for his great glories sake even so Amen and Amen Dearly beloved be not ignorant but this know This is the Message which came unto you which is true and faithfull and everlasting That the true God is Light and in him is no darkness at all and this is the Message of Peace and Reconciliation and of glad Tidings unto all that have sought the Lord which we received of him and you have heard and there is not another to be declared and all that have received it are gathered up to God and are in Covenant with him and one with another and are in that which reconcileth and joyneth unto Christ Jesus the Husband and second Adam who is the Lord from Heaven the Prince of Peace the Saviour and the Deliverer who is made manifest in power and condemneth the Transgressor and slayeth the Enmity and raiseth the Life out of death and this is he who kills and makes alive even the God who is Light who brings down one and sets up another who makes war against the mighty and gives peace to the poo● and besides him there is none he searcheth mans heart and trieth the reins and ●no● the thoughts and every Creature is manifest in his sight who gives to every one according to his doings and this is he who standeth in the Congregation of the Righteous even in the midst of us and sitteth Judge among the gods unto him must all the gods of the Earth bow and the Inhabitants of the Earth must tremble before him and unto him every Tongue shall confess and the Light in every man shall answer when he ariseth to Judgment who is a swift Witness to condemn or justifie all the children of men upon the face of the Earth This is the God of Truth whom we worship and who will be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth who is the God of Abraham and his Seed for ever and with him there is no change nor shadow of turning and he hath made known his Name and his Power and his wonderful Works in this his Day and hath caused his Voice to be heard in the Earth and the Dead hath heard and now liveth And his Name is exalted on high amongst all that fear him and obey his Voice and he hath given his Son a Covenant of Light who lighteth every man that cometh into the World with the true Light of Life or Condemnation that all who receive him may come to the knowledge of the Father whom to know is Life eternal And this is the Christ the Saviour in whom we have believed and whom we preach who is the Way the Truth and the Life the Foundation of God which cannot be moved the Word of God is his Name and there is no other Name given for Salvation This is he who was dead and is alive and lives for evermore and there is no other to be looked for if any preach any other let them be accursed and if any bring any other Message let them not be received And all you who have believed in this Christ Jesus who is the Light of the World and who have received the knowledge of this God who is Light himself and that searcheth your hearts I exhort you and warn you all in his Presence that lives forever to wait upon him and to fear before him and to walk with him for ever in uprightness of heart which is of great price in his Sight and forget not his righteous Judgments which he hath made known least you wax fat through Mercies and rebel against him and become disobedient and gainsaying and so be destroyed from being a People but be stayed upon the Lord and let your hearts be established with Grace and be not tossed nor shaken with any wind of Doctrines of men which is not from the Life of God nor reacheth to the Life in you but begets into Idolatry to worship other gods then he who is Light and be not troubled at Temptations nor at Sufferings nor at Reproaches nor any other thing but stand in the Counsel of God and in his Long-suffering and wait patiently upon him in your own measure of the Grace of God received which is sufficient for you to preserve you that Victory over Death and over him that hath the power over it you may receive to trample upon all that which is contrary to the Life of God within you and without you neither be you troubled nor offended in Christ if any among you deny the Lord and backslide from his pure Way through an evil heart of unbelief and so become disobedient Children and vex the righteous Soul such shall bear their own burthen and condemnation in the day of the Lord and shall know that Truth changes not but is the same for ever though the Deceitful-hearted through unbelief depart from it and choose their own wayes and despise the Counsel of the Lord to their own destruction but be ye more watchful and faithful and valiant for the Truth upon Earth unto the end that you may be found faithful Witnesses unto the Name of the Lord in this crooked Generation and may receive the fulfilling of the Promise of God and may witness God within you the Emanuel the Saviour God with us and this is the whole Salvation and there is no other to be expected or witnessed then this That God dwells in us and walks in us according to his Promise and all that know this need nor go forth to the right hand or to the left but Salvation is come unto us he that taks away sin and saves from it and from condemnation and who witnesseth this are begotten by the Word of God and born of the immortal Seed and are new creatures but now there is no condemnation but the reward of righteousness and peace to us who are not in the Flesh but in
promise but condemnation in the Scripture in such as thee and read it The Lyar and false Accusar and the Envious shall not inherit the Kingdom of God and there own thy promise and thy portion 2. Particular which thou callst a mistake that is speaking to a thing within thee I would fain sayst thou know what can be meant of the thing within men for there is nothing to be spoken to in man but man Answer Here thy ignorance shame and envy is made manifest that thou that hath pretended to be a Minister and a Pastor of a Church and cannot tell what thou hast spoke to what hast thou ministered to the Wind or hast thou ministered to the Devil and preached glad tidings to him who is in the transgression and free grace to him that hath walked contrary to God it is so and therefore thou and all who are in that nature knows not what you speak and therefore none hath been at all profitted by your Ministery and blessed be the Lord that its hid from the eyes of the Wise and revealed to Babes and thy envious spirit is seen that it is of thy father the Devil who is the Accuser of the Brethren that would lay a thing down as an error and tells of dashing in peices our Principles and yet knowst not what they are nor what we speak dost thou accuse and knowst not for what let shame cover thy face that ever thou shouldst put pen to paper or speak of God or Christ and speakest thou knowst not what and then thou hast hatched a thing and concludes there is nothing in man to be spoken to but man and before thou knewst not and so art in confusion for Christ and his Apostles always spoke to man thou sayst the Apostle saith he went and ministered to the Spirits in prison and to open the bind eye and to raise the dead and the dead should hear the voice of the Son of God and live and he preached liberty to the captive and is given for a Covenant to open the blind eyes and unstop the deaf ears and make the Lame to walk if thou hast an ear thou mayst hear but not to feed thy Serpents wisdom do I speak I will shut thee out for into it thou canst not enter but through death and death wrote the book and the Apostles were made manifest to every mans Conscience in the sight of God and the slothfull servant had a talent given to improve which was anothers and not his own and that was required of him and that will God require of man and unto that we speak which hears us and shall witness us eternally even that which is not in the transgression neither is of man but is given to man to improve and yet is not far from man but this is a mystery and it shall be sealed for without a parable spoke he not to such as thou art and I know this is a parable but in the end thou sayst thou knowst not how they can speak to any light in man distinct from him unless they speak unto Satan or some of his Legions here again thy shame and ignorance is made manifest we speak to the ear and the eye in man which the god of the World hath blinded and this is not of man and yet is not far from man but distinct that is thy own word I do not own it bring forth the Blind that hath eyes and the Deaf that hath ears did the Prophets speak to the Devil in man we speak to the witness of God in man and according to this shall all be judged if thou hast an ear thou mayst hear oh thou Blasphemer dost thou call that which may be known of God which is manifest in Romans 1. 19 20. dost thou call this a Legion of Devils even that which declares the eternal Power and Godhead but thou art he that calls the Master of the house Belzebub and in that nature thou art and the Lord will rebuke thee 3. Principle That thou calls a mistake that is The denying the use of Reason in the matters of God calling it Serpentine Answ. The World by wisdom knows not God and all the disputing and twining and lavishing of the wisdom of man and that which thou callst reason it is corrupted and is shut out and who lives in that nature are the unreasonable men that hath not faith now he that hath not faith hath not reason and he that hath faith hath the Witness in himself but I see thee thy witness is without thee and so thou speaks unreasonably and all that would understand the mysteries of the Kingdom must come through death for Light shines in Darkness but Darkness cannot comprehend it and therefore one cryes lo here and another lo there and with that which thou callst reason is Scripture torn asunder and it begets strife contention endless disputes and striving for Mastery which is carnal and all this we deny And thou sayst upon this ground they will not do as the Apostles and Christ himself who disputed with the gainsayers Ioh. 6. and Stephen Acts 6. and thou bringst in some of the Synagogue of Libertines and Syrenians and Alexandrians and the rest that disputed with Stephen and they were not able to resist him let many hundreds of this City of London both in publike and in private bear witness against thee if we have not disputed and have not been ready to give an answer to the gainsayers though not such a one as they desired even as Christ our Master did not answer the Iews in their subtil tempting of him and of those Sects that encountred both Stephen and Paul truly I must needs say unto thee we have met with the same Generation in this City whereof thou are one and truly more subtil then they were but in the eternal Light you are all seen and many though they could not gainsay yet have resisted us and after a little thou pleads not for carnal reason for this will not suffer any to follow Christ further then they can carry their own things their honours pleasures ease and lusts to that in thy Conscience I speak whether this doth not rule thee and guide thee it will let thee see thou art pleading for honour and respecting mens persons and hath them in admiration because of advantage and brings the example of others to prove and uphold thy deceit which they were neither commanded nor commended for to oppose the commands of Christ and the express Scripture and thou goes on further and sayst God is the Author of memory and wisdom and reason but I tell thee there is a wisdom and a reason that God will confound for by faith we know the heavens were made and see them upholden and by faith all things is brought to our remembrance and it is the Light that convinceth of sin even the Light of Christ and so in the eternal Light I see what thou pleadst for for eating of the tree
that you may try every motion and every spirit and may by that which is infallible and errs not comprehend and judge that which is fallible and erring which flourisheth for a time but comes to an end is withered as that in your own Knowledge and Consciences will set to seal who have been strayed and scattered upon the Mountains in the cloudy and dark day but now the Light is breaking forth and the Day begins to appear and all you who abide faithful shall see the Glory of the Lord and shall enjoy him in the Land of the Living End of the Work of God We charge you all in the Lord that you who profess the Truth walk in it and who profess a change to let it appear by putting off the works of Darkness which by the Light are made manifest unto you and testified against by the Witness of God in you for know this that that which liveth in you which is contrary to God witnessed against by the Light of Christ shall be as a Prick in the eye and as a Thorn in the side for ever and Wrath is to be revealed upon him that spareth the best and saveth the fat from Judgment for to the slaughter all must come that Life and Glory may be made manifest and he that looks back by the way is not fit for the Kingdom and he that returns again to the pollutions his latter end is worse then his beginning and the Judgment of God cannot be escaped Therefore wait in the Power of God and stand in the Light which is the Armour against all temptations whereby the Darkness and Death and he that hath the power of Death is overcome and all that love the Light and are guided by it And all dear Friends who have tasted of the Love and Power of God and do witness the renting of the Earth dwell in the Power and pure Fear of the Lord that so all deceit may be kept down and under and take heed of the false Prophet speaking or suffering your minds to run out in the openings and so you will speak that which is opened in the Light and therefore we charge you all in the Presence of the dreadful God of Life and Power that you all wait in silence and wait to have Salt and Savour in your selves to know the Voice of Christ from the voice of the Stranger for till that be known in your selves you are not able to judge and therefore all wait in the Light which is the Eye which sees into the Mysteries of the Kingdom and none to utter a word but what you are Eternally moved unto or else that in every ones Conscience will bear witness against you and therefore be not hasty now when you see things open in your minds dwell in them and run not forth and speak but treasure them up in your hearts and take heed and keep low in the Fear of the Lord God that pride and presumption get not up nor nothing be exalted above that which is pure Dear Friends you are upon us as a great weight and burden lest we should have bestowed our labour in vain but we hope and trust the Lord will preserve you if you stand in obedience to that of God made manifest in you and so you will grow and take heed of striving and contending but judge that every one in your selves that you may all grow up in the pure Life of God And so the everlasting Power of God bless you all and keep you in his everlasting Love and Power and give the victory over your Enemies that you may come to witness eternal Life in you made manifest from God Your Brethren in the Work of the Lord E. B. F. H. To Friends in London DEar Friends in the evelasting Covenant of Life and Peace whom we bear witness of and unto whom we have declared and preached in season and out of season among yea and have often come unto in much weakness and fear and trembling and have not ceased day by day to watch over you lest any should start aside from the Hope of the Gospel which was declared amongst you in much demonstration of Spirit whereby your understandings came to be opened even by the Word of his Power which we directed you to wait in and for and you are Witnesses your selves of the Love and mighty Power of God which was made manifest among you which made the Heathen to rage and confounded the wisdom of the Wise So dear Children of Light of whom we have travelled in pains and great burdens that Christ might be formed in you fulfil ye our joy make our hearts glad in your growth up in him who hath called and spoken to you from Heaven by his Son in the Light and your ears have heard and your eyes have seen and you have been made to understand the Mystery of the Kingdom of God which is a Parable to all the World and sealed and cannot be read but to you who continue and abide in the Grace of God which hath appeared to all men which brings Salvation to all that walk and abide in it and leads to the Enterance and Earnest and the sealing of the Spirit until the time of the finishing transgreson and making an end of sin and so the everlasting Offering be witnessed which perfects for ever them that are Sanctified therfore all Friends whose minds are turn-to the Light and do witness a change in you by the working of the Spirit and now a door of Hope being set open abide in that measure every one and stay your souls upon him who is your Hope and keep low in the Fear to the just Principle of Life that you may have savour and discerning to know the Voice of Christ from the voice of a Stranger in your selves and in others and so grow up in the discerning and comprehend all spirits and judge them by the Light that makes all things manifest and all meet together in your several Meetings and watch one over another and be diligent all in your measure and take heed you neglect not and none be of a careless mind to meet and wait upon the Lord in silence for whose life stands only in words without such we deny for their eyes and ears are without and they would be ever learning and that is the silly woman that is loden with lust And all dear Babes take heed of taking liberty to the flesh nor give no ear nor liberty to the Earth but in the Cross dwell to the carnal and so you will witness the Plant of the Lord watered and a growth in the Immortal and the Seed you will see which is one in all which the Promise is to and all be still and cool and quiet and of a meek spirit that out of boysterousness and eagerness and feignedness and self-love you may be preserved in your measures up to God and if any be moved to speak a few words in your Meetings this we
knowes how to take Childrens bread and cast it to Doggs Reply Now let all consider what thou hast said Christ Jesus is the Bread of Life that came down from Heaven the Childrens Bread and they have no other Now the Devil cannot take Christ Jesus who only is the Childrens Bread and give him to Doggs O horrid canst thou behold this and not be smitten to the heart what wickedness and ignorance lodges in that heart that can utter these things Though thou thinkst thou hast done bravely i● thus saying yet the Wisedom of God turns thy words upon thy own head into confusion and grievous error I deny it though thou affirm it that the Devil can take or knows how to take Christ Jesus and give him to Doggs Further thou sayst I am grieved that thou shouldest say none but a Company of Notionist and Ranters c. are carried with the Quakers c. and sayst thou this appears in 〈◊〉 mens sight c. Reply Thou art a Lyar I am not greived at thy Slanders and wicked Reproaches but rather rejoyces therein that I am one worthy to bear them and all men that can see sees thee a false Accuser herein For such who have feared the Lord and served him and are and have been honest and upright to God and man have owned us and have been neither Ranters nor such like and we rejoyce if any that hath been so be turned from it unto God to live in Righteousness though thou note it for a false thing in the margent But to make it appear false thou hast corrupted my words which are Though some of all sorts of people be brought to God yet thou seems to be offended herewith and these my words are true upon thy head for I ask notwithstanding some were such are they such who are in wickedness since they owned us then why dost thou wickedly as though thou wert offended at it upbraid us that such or such are carried away with us as though none else which is thy Lye uttered in thy hastiness And whereas thou art offended thou sayst that I should say thou are like the Pharisees whether I spake so or no however I own that thou art like them at least even one among them As further I shall manifest then thou hast over-leapt with a false excuse of passing by many railings as thou sayst which it seems troubles thee that I should truly charge thee to bring sorth Lyes without fear and that the Ranters and light Notionists and thee we deny till you turn to the Lord by repentance and if you turn from your iniquity we dare not deny you And further I truly charge thee that thou art puft up in thy Lyes and Slanders and advanceth thy self above the Innocent who exceeds thee in Faith towards God and in good works towards man and whose conversation is in heaven but thine is among the Hirelings c. And this thou hast skipped over as a deceitful Child with a poor excuse which thou mayst be ashamed to call these railings but that thy heart is void of shame let the sober Reader judge else then thou saist I stumble at that wherein in thy first thou sayst The Devil perswades these men to believe First That salvation was not compleatly wrought out for Sinners by the man Christ Iesus c. Reply Here thou art a Lyar again I stumble not for I walk in the Light and doth not stumble but I reproved thy Lye and Slander and said this Accusation is clearly false wickedly cast upon us for there is no Salvation in any other neither is it wrought by any other but by Jesus Christ c. As page the ninth of my first may be read but thou hast not at all removed the true charge against thee that I charged upon thee upon these words viz a Believer of Lyes a Slanderer a false Accuser which stands true upon thee still and will for ever till thou remove it by repentance for thou canst never clear thy self any otherways and thou sayst I have left some words out but this is but a poor catch for do I not make an Et caettera at the end of thy words and if thou wert not too ignorant thou mightest understand that which follows is included and conjoyned Then thou goest on and sayst I am offended that thou shouldst say the Devil deceives souls by bidding them follow the Light that they brought into the World with them telling them that will lead into the Kingdom c. Now my answer to this is sober and just as will appear though thou sayst vainly I seem to be gravelled because I informed thy mistake who said pervertingly either in subtilty or for want of wit the light which they brought into the World with them when as the Scripture saith Christ is the Light which lighteth every man that comes into the World Ioh. 1. 9. which Light as I did I do affirm will lead into the Kingdom of peace and rest and deny it if thou canst for the Light of Christ doth reveal Christ and the Light lighteth every man that cometh into the World then thou heaps up many words though thou falsly sayst I corrupt that Scripture Ioh. 8. yet I lay it down in its own words and say that is or was the true Light that lights every man that comes into the World and that Light which hath so done will lead all that believes into the Kingdom for Christ said I am the Light of the World and though thou ignorantly wouldst seem to say this is error yet I affirm it that the same which saith I am the Light of the World is he and no other which lighteth every man that comes into the World and this I suppose thou wilt call a filthy error but the filthiness is in thy own heart and error too through ignorance of the knowledge of the things of God who wouldst fain if thou could make it appear that that Christ which lighteth every man that comes into the World Iohn 1. 9. is not the same that saith I am the Light of the World Iohn 8. 12. Thy confused words seems to carry this meaning let the Reader judge whether that be not the same Christ Jesus which Iohn speaks of Iohn 1. 9. as it is written of Iohn 8. 12. and though thou ignorantly sayst I would have room to broach my folly yet thou lets out of thy vessel in sides of leaves of Lyes and Slanders and Folly and thou sayst when he said I am the Light of the World he was without he did not mean any light within and thou presumptuously bids me deny this if I can to which I say the same Christ which said I am the Light of the World was he which was before Abraham who was Light to the Gentiles and lighteth every man in the World yea he was and is given to be a Light where his person which was supposed the son of Ioseph never came and do thou deny
confuted thine c. Do not boast but hear what I say thou sayst in that answer that Christ ascended to the right hand of the Father in your Nature Mark now thy Nature and your Nature who are one with thee is sinfull and wicked and of the Devil for so all Lyars are and it is Blasphemy to say sinfull wicked divillish Nature such as Iohn Bunions is and his Fellows is at the right hand of God in Heaven O horrible consider of this and see what thy begging an answer hath brought upon thee I deny though thou affirm it that thy and your Nature which is wicked or a man in that Nature is ascended into Heaven and therefore boast not thy self another time This nakedness of thine might have been covered but for thy own boasting and thou sayst Asts 1. proves it let the Reader search If he can find that Christ ascended in sinful wicked Nature such as theirs is who are one with Iohn Bunion and this is another Lye of the Scripture and though thou with much impudent confidence affirm the Quakers to be Deluders c. I say from that we rather love dispraise then praise and are as our fore-Fathers were counted Deceivers and yet are true and thou art deceived in thy own heart in that thou understandst my words that I should say as though there were no false Prophets now because I said they were in the Apostles dayes which is true and yet are they now too even it s witnessed by thee and thy Fellows who are in their steps who through coveteousness making merchandize of Souls and your people are ever learning and not able to come to the knowledge of the truth and goes for gifts and rewards and are false Accusers and such like Nay but understand me better for I say thou art a false Prophet and thou art now though thy root sprang forth in the time of the Apostles of which thou are a Beanch and thy Fellows And though I said that Antichrist was in the dayes of Iohn and this was before a Quakers was heard of my words I own p●…rs that that the Christians were called Quakers at that day if thou canst 〈◊〉 I allow not thee to be my Interperter except I found thee more honest 〈◊〉 doth condemn thy meaning upon my words and though thou sayst instead of moving our selves no false Prophets we prove our selves no Christians because I said that word Quaker was not heard of in those dayes Now consider are they no Christians now whose title or name without was not gives or heard of in the Apostles dayes then Protestants are no Christians nor Independants are no Christians nor Anabaptists are no Christians because they were not called so in the Apostles dayes and whilest thou hast thought to prove us no Christians hast cast out thy self also then thou art no better then we and what poor Arguments and vain consequence these are 〈◊〉 the wise consider I did not say there were no Quakers then but not a Quakers heard of viz. by that name for there were thousands of Quakers who trembled and quaked at the Word of the Lord Moses and David Iere●… Isaack Paul with many more Quakers and Tremblers though not then 〈◊〉 called but as I said such as thou hast such thou bringst and thy Master will accept thee Then thou sayst I fling durt in thy face because I said if we should diligently search thee we should find thee in their steps through feigned words through coveteousness making merchandize of Souls loving the wages of unrighteousness And further I said among them thou art found who art preaching 〈◊〉 hire and loves the error of Balaam who went after Gifts and Rewards o● Now thou seemest to be grieved and calls this a false Accusation But le ts try the cause admits dispute Art not thou in their steps and among them that do 〈◊〉 things ask Iohn Burion with whom thou art joyned close to vindicate 〈◊〉 and call him Brother hath he not so much yearly 150. l. or more except t●… hast some of it which is unrighteous Wages and Hire and Gifts and Rewards What sayst thou Art thou not in his steps and among and with him and then that do these things if he be thy Brother and thou so own him what is 〈◊〉 in him whom thou vindicates I lay upon thee but tell me who have 〈◊〉 thee deny him and the rest of the Independants in these things which 〈◊〉 knowst he doth act and in thy answer I cannot find thee fully clearing thy 〈◊〉 by denyal but sayst That spirit that lead me out of this Way is a lying spirit 〈◊〉 or what Way I say out of the way of preaching for Hire dost thou mean ●y it s a lying spirit in thee that goes in their steps and among them that goes in 〈◊〉 way and though thou bid me have a care of receiving by hear say what I b●… said and received in this is truth though thou evade it never so much As to that of some bidding thee throw away the Scriptures c Indeed upon such terms it might be spoken so as to be owned a Lyar and a Slandere● is an unfit Fellow to meddle with the Scriptures or to take the Name of the Lord or of the man Christ Jesus in his mouth and I may say truly what hast 〈◊〉 unrighteous person to do to take his Name and truth in thy mouth hate●… to be reformed And in that I say of thy crying against Christ within this is true who said there was nothing in thee nor any man without exception to be taken not in of as we may prove by witness though thou deny it then was not Chr●… within and what less is this then to cry against him when as thou deayd him within or else concludes he is not worth taking notice of And tho●… thou say I falsely speak of thee in saying thou callst the Doctrine of Christ wa● in false opinions and take in hand to discover it but the falseness is in the who hath uttered that which is untruth and contrary to the Gospel and 〈◊〉 denyes it or would hide thy wickedness for thou having framed an objecti●… and speaks of some that are for a Christ within c. and then thou sayst the wilt discover the falsity of such opinions Now thou dost here reckon the Doctrine of Christ within a false opinion or among them at lest let the Rea●… judge and be thou silent for shame but all thou sayst clears thee not fro● what I said of thee God shall judge thee thou lying tongue and dece●… heart Then thou chargest me with folly and to eat my first words and to be 〈◊〉 ble in judgement and to fight against the Truth c. From my question a●…e doth not the Scripture say Christ is within except you be Reprobates a●… not this thus much all are Reprobates but they in whom Christ is within a yet because I said the measure or manifestation of the
is contained in the Old and New Testament of the Scriptures which Oath he is bound to perform before the Lord and unto all men Now it remains to be tried and proved what the Christian Religion is and who they are in these Nations that are of the true reformed Protestant Christian Religion in the purity thereof as it is contained in the Scriptures seeing there are abundance of Sects and diversity of Judgements and many Assemblies and Gatherings of people who are divers in their Wayes in their Practices and in their Form of Religion in these Nations which do all profess the Scriptures and that their Form of Religion is according to the Scriptures but this cannot be but it will be manifest otherwise for the Scriptures which were given forth by the one Spirit of God bears not witness of many true Ways or unto many true Religions but unto one Truth and unto one true Religion and is the Declaration of one way of Life and Salvation by one Jesus Christ and there is no other Name under Heaven given for Salvation And they that believe in him and receive him those are they onely that are of the true Religion who are guided by the Spirit and changed thereby from Death to Life and such have unity with the Father and with the Son and one with another and are not of this World but Heirs of the Kingdom of God and these may own and claim a Title to be defended and preserved in their exercise and Practice of Religion Therefore come all sorts of People and let us try and prove who it is that is of the true Religion and who it is that he is bound to maintain and uphold by his Oath Come I say all Sects and sorts of people and appear to Trial Dare you joyn issue with me in this matter to try your Profession and Practise o● Religion whether it be according to the Scriptures in the purity thereof yea or nay for the Lord hath put it into my Heart to lay you all to the Line of true Judgement and to prove you whether you must be upholden and maintained in your Religion yea or nay Come claim your Priviledge if your Profession and Practice in Religion be according to the Scriptures then you may own your right and the benefit of the Protectors Oath but if your Profession and Practice in Religion be otherwise and not according to the Scriptures then you must stand back and defend your selves if you can for the Protector is not bound to maintain and uphold you in your Practice of Religion And with this Argument I shall try you all Whatsoever is professed and practised for Religion for which there is neither command nor president in Scripture is not aecording to the Scripture let this fall where it may this is Truth and therefore all people come to tryal and receive your judgement by this rule And first the true Religion is a walking with God in purity and holiness a performing of good to him and not doing any evil a belief in Christ and receiving of him and a living in him and through the operation of his Spirit to be changed into his Image and the Body of Sin and Death put off and a living to God in all things and not a living to this vain World in any thing but in all things to be guided by the Spirit of Christ This in short is a description of the true Religion and they that are of this Religion shall be saved in the Day of the Lord and in Equity and Righteousness should be protected according to the Oath before-mentioned or else the Oath is not performed in justice but rather broken through transgression And first of all as concerning that profession and practice in Religion which is most general in these Nations I mean such as sprinkle Infants and are sprinkled being Infants professing it to be the Baptism into the Faith of Christ and that it is a seal of the new Covenant and of remission of sins and that thereby people are made capable of union with Christ and that it is a sign of regeneration c. This is practised and professed by many for Religion but this Practice and Doctrine is not according to the Scripture therefore all ye through all these Nations that are made Christians and own your Title in Christianity and a right to fellowship with Christ and that ye are joyned to the Church and become Members of Christ because you were sprinkled when you were Infants and all ye that preach this for Doctrine and practise it for Religion you are not of the true Christian Religion in the Purity thereof as it is contain'd in the Scriptures this I do affirm Therefore stand you by for what you practise and profess there is neither Command nor President in Scripture if you could shew any you are now called and a Necessity is put upon you to make use of your Knowledge if you would be protected in this Common-Wealth in your Practice of Religion Likewise you sing and give to sing David's Psalms in Rhyme and Meeter professing it is to the Glory and Honour of God ye practise this as an Ordinance of God as a part of his Worship and as a part of your Religion but this Practice and Profession also is manifest not to be according to Scriptures because it was never commanded neither is there any President for this Practice in the Scriptures in Gospel Times therefore in this part of your Religion you cannot justly own to be pro tected and maintained because the Protector 's Oath reacheth not to uphold and maintain any such Practices in Religion which are not according to the Scriptures Likewise all ye that meet together to exercise your Religion and to worship God in Temples made with hands set a part by you for that Practice professing them to be Churches of Christ this is not according but contrary to the Scriptures which say God dwells not in Temples made with hands neither did the Saints of old constantly practice any such thing But they were the Persecutors that met in Temples made with hands who cast out and haled the Apostles out of such Temples so that in this Practice you cannot justly own to be protected as not being a Practice in Religion according to Scriptures Likewise All ye whose Ministers preach for Hire and have Hire for preaching so much a Year and so much a Sermon at a Town or a Parish in a settled Place and who take Tythes and compel People to pay Tythes by a Law such are not the Ministers of Christ and ye that uphold such for Ministers of Christ are false in Judgment and blind in Understanding and are not of that Christian Religion which is according to Scriptures in the Purity thereof neither Ministers nor People for the Ministers of Christ never acted any such thing they were the false Prophets and false Apostles that preached for Hire and for Gifts and Rewards neither did
Truth and turned from it and were unfaithfull to the Lord. FOrasmuch as in these our dayes the God of Truth hath made manifest his Name and Truth in the hearts of his people and hath gathered the minds of thousands into it to worship him in the Spirit and in the Truth in which he is accepted and of this Truth which is but one and there is not another are we made Witnesses and Ministers of and hath the Testimony in our selves that we are of God and are a good savour unto him in them that believe and in them that perish and we have the Testimony that he that is of God heareth us and we know the whole World lies in wickedness and who are in the Truth in the Light and in the Life have followship one with another in Holiness and Righteousness in that which comprehends the World and condemns all the works thereof which are evil and this Truth and Worship and Fellowship stands in Christ Jesus the second Adam whose Kingdom and Rule is not of this World but from Heaven who according to his Promise in his Counsel hath made known his Power to the raising up a righteous Branch a royal Priesthood a peculiar People zealous of his Name to shew forth his Praise and Glory in Justness and Righteousness in Love Mercy and Peace and works of Purity having our Conversation in Heaven and since that Day of the Manifestation of this Truth of the Gospel of Peace and Salvation which is the same now as was in the beginning which is in Christ Jesus the Light of the World who is the same to day yesterday and forever and changeth not I say since that very day hath the Lord prospered his Truth to the renewing of many into his Image and Likeness and to the turning of many from Darkness to Light and from Satans power to God by the Mouthes of his Ministers and through great Sufferings and Tribulations and Afflictions and Labours hath the Lord honoured his Name and his Truth in Nations and given it a praise among all that fear him and hath honoured it and exalted it in the sight of the Heathen to the confounding of the Wise and Mighty and to the bringing out of the Captivity of Darkness Sin and Death wherein in times past all have walked while Strangers from the Life of God so that thousands who have received the Truth are established in it and cannot be moved nor shaken but are built upon the sure Foundation their Faith standing in the Power of God with whom the Arm and Presence of the Lord God is defending and preserving continually and unto such the Truth is precious and the Way of the Lord and his Name and Honour is dear yea more then life or liberty or any other thing which passeth away who for the Truth 's sake as is it in Christ Jesus do daily give up themselves to suffering and to reproach for well-doing and not for evil and loves not life unto death that the Lord God and his Name and Truth may be honoured so that in the Truth which is received and learned of the Father daily do we walk in all Purity and Holiness of Life answering the Mercy and Love of the Lord in the exercise of a good Conscience both towards God and man in Patience and Long suffering and Wisdom towards all to the putting to silence of Gainsayers rendring love and mercy toward our Persecutors and are set in our hearts to fulfil the will of God in all things And now whereas that the Scriptures may be fulfilled some may and have denied the Truth which once was received and loved to the making shipwrack of Faith and of a good Conscience abusing the Mercy and Grace of God which to them appeared and follow the counsel of their own hearts and not the Lord having lost the feeling of the Spirit of the Father and are and may be separated from us in the self-separation through an evil heart of unbelief that it may be made manifest they are not of us though they arise from among us and may by disorderly walking contrary to the Truth cause the Truth to be evil spoken of giving occasion thereby to the Enemies of God to blaspheme his Name and Truth in the Earth and may be a stumbling to the weak and an offence to the Way of the Lord before the Simple through their Disorders and Confusions raising the rage of the wicked against the Lambs of Christ being not led in the Wisdom of God but in the Confusions taking liberty to their own hearts desire ful filling the will thereof without the Fear of God above the Cross of Christ in the nature uncrucified and speaking high Words in the presumption and not in the Light and Power of God and acting in the vanity of the Mind in the pretence of Truth and moving of the Spirit such things as Truth and the Children of it who are guided with the Spirit cannot justifie but is judged and denied and cast out from among the Children of Light who walk in the Truth and do try the Spirits whether they be of God Therefore in the Fear of the Lord God this is written to go abroad among Friends and others to inform and shew unto all that the Truth and we that are in it and Ministers of it do stand clear from all such who act and speak out of the Truth and contrary to it in the Disorder and Confusion and not in the Fear and Counsel of God and with the Truth such are judged and denied and fellowship with them we have not nor of their works do approve though such once owned us and were convinced of the Truth and received the Seed of the Kingdom into the unprofitable Ground yet being separated from us and gone out from the Truth and are not subject to it and its Government but are unruly and disorderly we and the Truth do such deny and the spirit that rules them being not the Spirit of Christ Jesus and such have done evil against their own Souls and against God and are Troublers of the Righteous Seed and have and do dishonour the Lord and his Truth in the sight of the Heathen causing the right way to be reviled and reproached and evil spoken of through the offence by them to the making sad the hearts of some whom God hath not made sad and even more especially in that they pretend to the Truth in their words but in works deny it and profess to be in it yet secretly condemning and openly reviling the Ministers of Righteousness which God hath blessed and doth daily bless with his eternal Power to the turning many unto God and to the strengthning of the weak and feeble which we with many others do witness to be the Ministers of Life and Reconciliation and there is no other and are established in it and cannot be moved by the temptations of the Devil though the wicked one may revile for a moment to
any honest man that is Spiritual who hath an Understanding to judge hereof Now I suppose themselves none of them are so ignorant as they will say The Scriptures are that WORD which was in the Beginning and which shall Endure forever But say they the Scriptures are another Word a Declarative Word or such like termes Now when we dispute or contend with any about the Word of God we dispute what that Word is which the Scripture saith is the Word and do deny that Word to be the Scriptures Writings though still we do own the Scriptures a Declaration of that very WORD of GOD and that the Scriptures in any place do call themselves the Word or signifie so much I do deny it and it is left for any of our Opposers to prove it that can if they do I will confess it to be the Word and revoke all that I have spoken to the contrary And as for thy Deductions and Consequences drawn from my words I do deny them for they are not to me but will turn upon thy self for thou sayest A strange kind of Assertion as if nothing of the Mind Will and Counsel of God were declared in the Scripture And whitherto can be the tendency of such giddy Doctrines then to a weakening of the Authority of the Scriptures and begetting Slightings and undervaluing Thoughts and that the effects may be lightly esteeming the Scriptures These and such Deductions hast thou drawn through thy Ignorance from my words from all which I am clear as having no Intent to any such things nor any Intent but to testifie to the Pure Innocent TRUTH And thy Deductions are far more ignorant and impudent then my Assertion is strange and let thy Consequences be what they will from my words the truth of my words will justifie me in the Sight of God and his Saints for I do honour the Scriptures above other Writings and give them the Authority and Esteem and Respect due unto them and more I dare not And some of thy pages I pass over as not worth taking notice of only I do say Thou hast wronged me in not relating so much as was spoken by us by far and in relating more then was spoken by thee or thy Party And the next thing I note is this where R. G. said he would and went about to prove That the Letter is the Word of God but was not nor is ever able to prove and thou hast changed the words of his Argument in thy Relation from what they were as he laid them down in the Dispute from called to owned for thus his words were laid down at that time said he That which Christ and the Apostles called the Word of God is indeed the Word of God but Christ and the Apostles called the Scriptures the Word of God Ergo. Now I denied and do yet that it can be proved That ever Christ and the Apostles called the Scriptures the WORD of GOD and neither do thy Proofs now nor his then of the minor Proposition prove That the Scriptures viz. the Writing were ever called the Word although it be true that the Pharisees made the Word of God of no Authority by their Traditions But that Scripture doth not say That the Letter is the Word which thing he was to prove or else he said nothing to the purpose And as to the other Scripture 1 Thes. 1. 13. that will not prove that the Apostle called the Letter the Word for it was the Gospel which they received as the Word of God and not the Letter The Gospel is the Word of God not denied by me but sealed unto but the Gospel is not the Letter and Writings but the Gospel is the Thing written of and that is it which the Apostle means to be the Word of God for that is the Word which he preached to the Thessalonians and which they received And so thy Arguments and Proof of thy minor Position is deny'd and so the major Position falls to the Ground And by this nor any other Argument can all you Priests of England prove the Letter of the Scriptures to be the Word of God which thing R. G. took in hand to prove but could not and would have cry'd against it in me as a great deal of Heresie for denying it but Error is fallen upon his own Head The next thing I note is in pag. 13. where thou wouldst seem to cover over R. G. thou sayest his words were not That I had the thing signified in my hand when I had the Bible but that I had that which declares of it Now to justifie him in Evil thou hast wronged me and the Truth for he did say when I held up my Bible I had in my hand the thing herein signified upon this very Occasion I holding up my Bible in my hand and saying to this very effect That in my hand I had the thing which did signifie in words of such and such things but I had not the thing signified And Richard Goodgrom made answer and said But I had the Thing signified and this some can witness Whereupon I made answer and said If it be so that I have the Thing signified in my hand then I have God and Christ and the Spirit and Heaven and Hell and Men and Beasts and all things that herein are written of and then he saw the Folly of his own Ignorance I perceive And much more might be related as upon this Subject which was said on both Parties which I desire not much to recollect only what I have said I can certainly remember and can justifie it And I must confess that Philip Taverner hath done pretty fairly though in some things he hath not done so And no was to the next thing charged against me in the Relation being placed the second though it is the third That evil Motions not consented to were not sin In the first private Meeting I remember my words were laid down thus and so I own'd them in the Dispute That Temptations or Motions unto evil are not sin to any man who doth not consent and obey to serve Temptations or evil Motions and they are not sin to the man except they be consented to by the man and this was proved in the Example of Christ who was tempted of the Devil and had motions to do evil yet did not consent nor commit sin for he resisted and overcame the Tempter and so the Devil's Motions and Temptations which were sin in themselves yet they were not sin to Him And this Proof then they could not deny neither can any sober or upright Man And so in the Dispute the thing was put to a farther Question thus But are not those Motions which arise out of a Man 's own Heart Sin except they be consented to To which I was willing to speak something and to own the very TRUTH and to justifie that there is a State wherein Evil Motions may rise out of a Man 's own Heart which are
hath not appeared to be and her former Glory hath seemed to be gone and she hath been driven away from her Head from her Husband and from her Seed Behold all people the Estate of such a Woman and read this Parable who can A Woman most Glorious and Fair having her Husband Ruler of the whole Earth and having an Heir born to rule over Heaven and Earth being cover'd with the Light of Heaven and of the Everlasting Day and having the Light of the Night under her Feet yet hath this Woman been deprived of her Glory and sate desolate in the Wilderness a mournful place separated from her Husband and made Childless and without Seed And what Eye that sees this aright but must Mourn and what Heart that truly perceives it but must lament A Woman so Great and so Glorious and so Fruitful as to bring forth the Heir of Heaven and Earth yet has she been left as a Mourner as without Husband and without Issue for many Generations This hath been her Estate and Condition for Ages since the dayes of the Apostles which Iohn saw in a Vision would shortly come to pass after him and we see it hath been come to pass within this sixteen hundred years And this hath been the Estate of the true Church for many Ages A Woman childless whose Heir hath been taken from her and whose Seed hath been made war against and killed for many Generations But her time was decreed and she should but be thus for so many dayes and now are the dayes expired and she again shall receive her Heir that hath been caught up from her and her Seed shall spring forth and her Slain shall live and her Beauty shall be given her and her first Glory shall be encreased and she shall feed no longer in the mourning Wilderness but she shall be fed upon the Mountain of God's House which is to be established upon the top of all Mountains and her Seed shall spring forth numberless and her Heir shall rule with an Iron Rod and her Marriage Day is come and the approach thereof nigh and Life shall be revealed Thus she hath been and thus she shall be the Lord hath said it Now as for all those Multitudes of Sects and Peoples that have professed Religion and as for all those Churches so called that have gone under that name which have professed Christ to be their Head and made a shew of him in appearance the Papist's Church the Protestant's Church and all the Sects that have risen out of them they have not been the true Spouse the Lamb's Wife but Children of Fornication and not of the Seed of that Woman that was once clothed with the Sun and they are come up and their Original begun while this true Woman this Spouse of Christ hath been Childless None of these are clothed with the Sun nor none of them have brought forth the Heir of Salvation Come let 's reason with you Who was your Mother who brought you forth and in what Womb were you bred you that have appeared in the world and for many Ages for the true Spouse The Mother of the Heir hath been childless and as a Widdow banished from her Husband and her Heirs separated from her and her Seed killed and made War against She hath not born you nor brought you forth Then of what Womb did you spring all ye of the Papist's and Protestant's Church and all the Sects that came out of you answer me this None of you have been fled into the Wilderness for you have appeared in the World None of you have been as a Widdow mourning for you have been practizing Ordinances and rejoycing in the World None of you have been without Issue nor your Seed made War against for you have been fruitful in the World and one Sect brought forth another and one Church brought forth another therefore none of you have been that Woman which Iohn saw For never none of you from the least to the greatest of you were ever clothed with the Sun nor had the Moon under your Feet nor ruled the Nations with the Rod of Iron therefore none of you are the true Spouse the Lamb's Wife he is not Husband to any of you nor is he your Child nor Heir And this is the Word of the Lord God to you all you Churches and Sects Your beginning and springing forth was from another Womb while this Woman lodged in the Wilderness and while she was childless and without Seed and the Mother of Harlots brought you forth the great Whore whose Superscription is Mystery of Babylon and her Character is Mother of all Abominations For while this other Woman hath been fled into the Wilderness which Iohn saw was fled thither this woman the Mother of Harlots which brought you forth hath been fruitful and flourishing and hath had an Husband and many Children For Iohn speaks of two Women of a Whore and of a Virgin of one the Blood of whose Seed was drunk and the other drunk the Blood yea one that was made war with and against for the Saints were killed and their Blood drunk and that other killed the Saints and was made drunk with their Blood the one was fled into the Wilderness he saw of which I have spoken 〈…〉 other making all Nations drunk with her Fornication and ruling over all the Nations of the Earth as a Queen And while the one of those the Virgin the Lamb's Wife hath been fled into the 〈◊〉 and left Childless without Seed the other the Whore hath ●… and brought forth many Children taken great Pleasure in the 〈◊〉 and committed Fornication with the Kings of the Earth And these thing● 〈◊〉 saw were to come to pass and we see that have Iohn's Spirit is come to pass already And 〈◊〉 all ye Sects upon the Earth and Churches so called that have been in the World for many Ages Which of those two Women are you of 〈◊〉 the Seed of whether of them are ye Who of these two was it that brought you forth answer me and make it appear But I have said already The Virgin brought you not forth the Lamb's Wife did not bear you nor you are not of her for you were brought forth while she was bani●hed and deprived of her Heir and without her Husband and you are of the Seed of that Whore the product of her Fornications generated by the seed of Adulrerers And though you have been warning and fighting and striving one against another yet you were bred in one womb and are of one seed And thou●●●●me of you in one appearance of the Whore's beauty brought forth have made War against them brought forth in another appearance of her and ●●●ned her flesh yet have ye given your power to the Beast and Iohn saw that also which we see is fulfilled Some that should hate the Whore and make War against her yet sh●uld they also give their power to the Beast This have we seen fulfilled amongst
〈◊〉 practice and also your keeping and setting apart the Saints dayes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Holy-dayes and eating with respect to dayes denying of Flesh such 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 dayes and observing of Dayes and Meats and Drinks and Fasting 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 own wills and your Nunneries and keeping Men and Women one fr●●●…ther in secret Houses whether are these things commanded and required 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lord from you and we charge you to give us some Example that 〈◊〉 true Church practized such things otherwise if you do not not ca●●● 〈◊〉 these your practices from the Scriptures and Example of the Apo●… 〈◊〉 you we must deny you and condemn your practi●es forever and 〈◊〉 ●…lieve that your Church is the true Church nor you lawful Successors 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…ly Apostles 9. What you believe concerning the Reign and Government of C●… and his coming is He his Reign and Government visible and of this World or invisible and from Heaven and whether Lyars Whoremongers ●…terers Drunkards Man-slayers and contentious Men or any that 〈◊〉 in any Sin or Transgression in the first Nature be of the Kingd●● 〈◊〉 Government of Jesus or have any part or portion therein in time to 〈◊〉 ●…ever and how may such ever have part therein and give us yo●…●…ge in these things And also what you hold and profess concerning E●… 〈◊〉 Reprobation that we may know whether your Knowledge and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sound and perfect in these things and to be embraced or condemned and 〈◊〉 10. What is the Man-child that hath been caught up to God and 〈◊〉 the reason of his being caught up and what is the Woman that fled into the Wilderness and what is the reason of her so fleeing and when is the t●… is it come or to come that the Man-child hath been caught up a●● 〈◊〉 Woman fled and that the Man-child shall come down again and the W●… again return and what is that Beast the first and the second and is ●…s kingdom come or yet to come who reigned over the Kings of the Earth and caused all both small and great to worship him and killed the Saints and overcame them that would not worship him and made war against the L●… and persecuted the Woman's Seed and when is it that the World wondred ●●ter the Beast is it come or to come Answer these things in plainness 〈◊〉 ●●mand of you 11. What and who is that great Whore that sits upon many waters with 〈◊〉 the Kings of the Earth commits Fornications and who hath made Nations d●… with the Wine of her Fornications and who hath reigned over the 〈◊〉 and Dominions of the Earth and is that Whore come or yet to come 〈◊〉 whether is your Church every whit free from the Fornications of that Wh●… and will you admit of lawfull trial by your fruits and works and suffer 〈◊〉 men accordingly and whether the whole Church of Rome or any part of 〈◊〉 Dominions be the Multitudes Peoples and Nations and Tongues the W●… on which the Whore sits and whether your Church be wholly free from 〈◊〉 Woman which hath drunk the Blood of Saints and of the Martyrs of I●… and shew us plainly who that Whore is if you can and what is her Flesh and the Fire that must burnt it 12. Whether are the false Prophets and Deceivers come or to come which 〈◊〉 said should come if you say they are come when did they come and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they and how may they be known and what was their first original 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of what doth all false Prophets and false Prophecies come is the Church 〈…〉 clear of all the false Prophets and whether is your Ministry in the very 〈◊〉 Power Spirit and Authority which the Apostles were in is its Call and ●…tion the very same is its Maintenance and Practice the very same and is i●● Fruits Effects and End the very same or some other let us know from you 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may ●ay you to the Line of true Judgment for all People and Nations ●… ●…ome Friends let us reason a little with you further We are not satis●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Bishop of R●…e is true and lawful Successor of the Apostle Peter 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Tripple Crown and did Kings Bow and Kneel to him and had 〈…〉 ●●●enues and Money out of the Nations as the Pope hath 〈…〉 Pardon 's for Money 〈◊〉 or did any buy Religion of him and did 〈…〉 over mens Consciences and was Peter named Holiness We 〈…〉 you to prove rightly and truly That the Pope doth succeed Peter 〈…〉 Spirit in the same Power and in the same Conversation and that 〈…〉 ●…er-see the Church be justly the same as Peter's was and that he exe●…●…ctly as Peter did 〈…〉 ●…wer us plainly What is the Seed of the Woman and what is the 〈◊〉 the Serpent and is his Head bruised yea or nay And what is the 〈…〉 what is his beginning and what is the kingdom that he is Ruler 〈◊〉 and how is his kingdom to be destroy'd And what is the Flesh of Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Blood which was before Abraham and how is Christ made under the 〈◊〉 answer me these things 〈◊〉 what is the Death that hath reigned over all and what is the power 〈◊〉 and what is the fruits of that death and when must that death be 〈◊〉 and is it destroyed among you and what was man in his Creation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the ground and what was he that was the very Image of God 〈◊〉 and Female before Ad●… was formed of the Dust of the Ground or ●…en out of him declare these things plainly if you can and what is 〈◊〉 Transgression and the Curse and whether any can be made free from 〈◊〉 Curse upon the Earth yea or nay and what is the Kingdom of Heaven 〈◊〉 is like a little Leaven and that is like a Net cast into the Sea and what 〈◊〉 which must be leavened and what is that good Fish that must be gather●… into the Vessels and that bad that must be cast away and how doth the 〈◊〉 of Heaven bring the bad out of the Waters to the Shore and why is 〈◊〉 and wherefore and what is the reason that none can enter the Kingdom 〈◊〉 Go● nor see it but such as are born again and how is a man born again 〈◊〉 what is that Mothers womb that Iob and all mankind came out of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 must return thither again naked and what are the Fig-leaves that ●…vered in Transgression and what is the Covering of the Spirit and 〈◊〉 must be covered and what not and why is it and how comes it to pass 〈◊〉 one and the same thing is sin and wickedness acted by one and the same 〈◊〉 good and just acted by another These things answer to us plainly and 〈◊〉 ●…ve all your Practises and Profession by plain Scripture and give us Ex●… from Peter and the true Churches that he and they practiced the same 〈◊〉 which the Pope and you do if you would have any to own you other●… 〈◊〉
hearts and it was that Light that gave them the Light of the knowledge of the Glory of God but thou hast discovered thy self to be a Stumbler at the stumbling-stone and hath taken offence at the Light like the Pharisees who professed the Scriptures as the Priests of England do but were ignorant of the Life the end of the words and knew not Christ the Substance but the Stone at which you stumble will break you to pieces and grind you to powder even Christ the Light of the World that lighteth every man that cometh into the World That the Soul is a part or measure of God as they speak and not a part of man but uncreated and so is that Light which is in every one Answ. The Soul is immortal and God is immortal for God breathed into man the Breath of Life and he became a Living Soul as saith the Scripture and the Soul is related to God for what a man works against God it is against his own Soul for all Sin is against God and against a man's own Soul And God who hath all Souls in his hand who is the Creator and gave Life into the Soul that is immortal and can never die though Death hath passed over it and hath reigned over all from Adam till Moses and Christ is the Light of the World that gives Life unto the Soul and he raiseth up the Soul out of Death and Misery and brings the Soul to rejoyce in God its Saviour and Christ is the Souls Bishop its Pastor and Feeder and who knows Christ knows him that was before the World was made and sees to the beginning and to the ending and his Soul rests in God that is over all That the Light in the Heathen who never heard that Iesus Christ died at Jerusalem is the same for the quality of it with that which is in the most godly Person onely there is a difference in the quantity And men are reconciled to God by following of it This Light they say is the sure Word of Prophesie and that it is sufficient to lead out of all Sin unto God Answ. The Testimony of Iohn is that Christ is the Light that lighteth every m●n that cometh into the World and if every man then the Heathen who hath not the relation of Christ's Life and his Death at Ierusalem yea and it is the same Light that is in the Heathen the same in nature and kind as it is in the Saints for the Comforter the Spirit of Truth is one in it self and the same though it comforteth the Saints and reproveth the World and the Wicked for their sins And men are reconciled to God by Christ for he was in God reconciling to himself and none are reconciled but who walk in the Light and follows it for who walks in the Light the Blood of Christ cleanseth them 〈◊〉 all Si● and they are reconciled and none else And the Word of God is in the Heart as the Scripture saith Deut. 30. Rom. 10. and that is the Word of Prophesie and that Word is sufficient to lead out of all Sin unto God if men believe in Jesus and receiveth him and the Spirit of Truth leadeth into all Truth all that follow it That Christ as man is not in Heaven yea that he hath ceased to be man and conseq●…ly to be Mediator and when I told them he should come in the Clouds in like 〈◊〉 as he ascended and that at his coming the Elements melteth one of their 〈◊〉 told me that the Clouds were scattered and the Elements melted in him Answ. Christ Jesus is ascended into Heaven and sits at the right Hand of the Father yea he is ascended far above all Heavens as saith the Scripture But that is utterly false whereas thou sayest we say he ceased to be man that is ●y Lye and so I pass it And we believe according to the Scriptures that 〈◊〉 shall come in like manner as he ascended and at his coming the Elements shall melt And it is not error for a man to say the Clouds are scattered and ●●e Elements melted in him for Clouds are Darkness and covers the face of the Sun many times as thou mayest behold in the Firmament But Darkness is yet over thy Heart and the Elements are not melted away and therefore thou art in thy Imaginations putting Light for Darkness and Darkness for Light and calling Evil Good and Good Evil. That the Bodies of Men shall never rise again after death and that the day of Iudgement is come already and that now the Saints do judge the World Answ. We do believe the Resurrection according to the Scriptures For if onely in this Life we have Hope we were of all men most miserable And we believe that the Dead shall arise again after death and every one shall receive according to the Deeds done in the Body they that have done Evil shall arise to Eternal Condemnation and they that have done Good to Eternal Salvation in the day of Judgement And the Lord cometh with and in ten thousand of his Saints to judge the World and the Saints upon Earth do receive the Spirit of Judgement and do judge the World even all things for the spiritual Man judgeth all things even in this present Age if thou canst receive it thou mayest They are utterly against Water-Baptism and administring of the Lord's Supper with Bread and Wine because they say they have the Substance of all within Answ. As for Baptism and the Supper of the Lord we do own it and it is practiced of us in the Life and Power of God but as for your Baptism that is to say sprinkling of Infants calling it the Baptism into the Faith and that they are made Members of the Church thereby and that it is a Seal of Regeneration as you say in your Common-Prayer-Book and Directory that we do utterly deny and do say it is no Ordinance of God neither was it ever commanded by him or practiced by his Saints but is an Institution of the Whore of Rome and England received it by a Popish Institution and your practice of it is Idolatry and not any part of the true Worship of God And as for your breaking Bread and drinking Wine in that manner and form as it is practiced in the Church of England among the Unconverted and Unregenerated that we utterly deny also to be of God or to be ever commanded of him or practiced by his Saints and this is neither Heresie nor Error in us but true bearing witness against your Idolatrous Wayes and Practices with which the Nations are deceived whom the Whore causeth to drink her Cup even all people have drunk her Cup and she hath drunk the Blood of them that would not and she hath long sate upon Nations Peoples and Multitudes but now she is made bare and discovered and all you her false Ministers And whereas the Author doth say These are some of the
from his devouring Lips And as for any other thing in his Paper it is not worth answering to nor worth minding but his wickedness will turn upon his own head and he shall bear the burthen of his own words onely he queries whether this be not the Pestilence that walks in Darkness And the Flouds that the Dragon hath cast out of his Mouth to drown the Woman Is not this the mark of the Beast who opened his Mouth in Blasphemy And are not these the Unclean Spirits that came out of the Mouth of the Dragon and out of the Mouth of the false Prophet Answ. Now the Pestilence that walks in Darkness is the Plague that is out of the Light Sin and Death and Misery which smites the Ungodly and he sees it not And the Floods which the Dragon cast out is the Floods of Persecution and Cruelty viz. The imprisoning until death and spoiling peoples Goods for Tythes and Money as the Priests have done And the Dragon gave power to the Beast that compell'd all to worship and that carried the Whore the false church and the true Church has bin fled into the Wilderness for many Generations and the false church the Whore has sate as a Queen and given her cup to drink the false church of Rome and the false church of the Protestants all which are of the Whore these have all been carried by the Beast which the Dragon gave his power to and they have all persecuted the Woman the true Church the Mark of the Beast he compell'd people to receive compell'd them to worship and they open their mouthes in Blasphemy that deny Christ and deny the Light and that say they are Iews and are not this is Error and Blasphemy which the Beast opens his mouth in against the Saints and against them that dwell in Heaven and the unclean spirits are the spirits of Devils that are out of the Truth and these the Dragon casts our in Slanders and Reproaches and Lyes such as this Author has done and of that Generation is he Christ said False Prophets should come and Iohn saw in his dayes they were come and he saw the world gone after them of that Generation are you and now the Lord is gathering people from you again and Babylon must fall and all her Merchants howl and weep and these things have been which the Scripture speaks of the Woman is now coming out of the Wilderness again and the Whore must be rewarded and sorrow is coming upon her as she has done unto the Saints so shall the Saints do unto her And in the Conclusion he saith Worthy Sir to this Member of Parliament it will be your Honour to stand in the Gap to stop the violence of this Hellish Torrent that is so high that it sounds from Dan to Beersheba and threatens Iudgment to our Israel c. Answ. Here is the Conclusion of thy matter which is the sum of it a running to the Powers of the Earth for help what have you Ministers lost the Lord to be your strength that you must flee for help to men to defend you from the Spirit of God in his People Must they make Laws to establish you and set you up Is not this the Whore that road upon the Beast and that the Beast carries Is not here a Description of her out of the mouth of this Author Is he crying to you to persecute the Innocent It is true the Seed of God is risen the Elect Seed that is able to make War against the Beast and against the false Prophets even with the Word of the Lord and is he offended that Truth is risen so high and would he have some Fire and Faggot again in Smithfield and some Persecution and Banishment acted upon the People of God Is this the standing in the Gap and stopping Violence or would he have it done this way Yea Judgments indeed are threatned to your Generation for if God will not destroy you soon enough you will destroy your selves and your own Iniquity will be upon you and the wickedness of the Wicked shall slay him But my Counsel is not only to that particular Member but to the whole Body of them That they be wise and take heed what they do for the Eye of the Lord is over you and his Hand can dash you in pieces and if you be Oppressors of the People of God and will not relieve the Oppressed the Innocent and break the Bonds of Oppression the Lord will break you in pieces for this is the Rock that hath broken all before you Persecuting people for Conscience sake and if you go in this way your Destruction shall be the most lamentable of any that was ever yet before you Do you not yet see the Wickedness of this Generation will you yet contend for them Surely you might learn Wisdom even by their Folly and if you do not shut your eyes there needs no more discovery then their own present wayes and works Wherefore consider the Day of God's Visitation is upon you make good use of your time lest the Lord breaks you down and never build you up and let the Spirit of the Lord have its Liberty and limit it not for if you do you shall never prosper nor never be made a Blessing unto the people under your Charge Remember you are warned by a Lover of your Souls ANd Friends Great Things hath the Lord done in these Nations in your dayes and that by the Face of your Authority and there has a Spirit stirred in some of you and in the Army which the Lord hath appear'd with and yet the Work of the Lord is not finished but greater things then these hath the Lord to accomplish amongst us and in this Nation and these things that have come to pass have been but as the preparing of the way for the bringing about of greater things It is true many Mountains have been removed and some Oppressions taken off and excellent things have bin promised and doubtless by some of you really intended but alas the Work hath long remain'd unfinished and many of your best Friends are almost weary with waiting to receive the end of their Hopes and Desires and many are even fainting concerning the Good Old Cause though of late it hath seem'd to be revived by you yet it goes but easily forwards and even so little is its growth since your late Meeting that many are thinking themselves to be in a deceiv'd condition by you Why They see that wicked Clergy's Interest more prospering then the just Freedom of the People And this I say unto you in the Name of the Lord That while that Interest of this false Priesthood I mean is so much favoured and defended you can never prosper nor the Nations be ever happy under you for it is one of the greatest Oppressions this day in the Nation the maintaining and upholding of this Ministry by Tythes and other unrighteous Wages and the
present help unto us in the time of our trouble for the plotting of the Wicked and the purpose of ungodly Men hath often been broken for our sakes even many a time have we been delivered out of the Snare that hath been laid for us and we have seen our Enemies fall before us on the right Hand and on the Left even the Wise in their worldly wisdom and the Foolish in their brutishness both Professors and Prophane hath our God often cut short in their desires and endeavours of our destruction and we have been wonderfully preserved unto this day and all this I attribute to the infinite Love and Power of the Lord God who is blessed for evermore And through all these things we are yet alive and the Lord doth not fail us unto this hour but he lives and walks in us and with us and his Testimony is with us even the Seal of his good Spirit in our Hearts that we are his Sons and Servants and we are confirmed by many tokens that he is our God and we are his People and that great Oppression which we have met withal hath not restrained us but thorough it all have we grown and prospered unto this day and concerning the things whereof we have testified these divers years I am no way doubtful but our God will fulfil them neither can my confidence be shaken by what is or can come to pass for Antichrist must fall false Ministry and Worship false Ways and Doctrines God will confound false Power and false Church the Lord will lay low and Truth and Righteousness must raign and God will gather his People more and more and glorious dayes will appear God will exalt his Kingdom upon Earth and throw down the kingdom of the man of sin all Oppression must cease and the Oppressors shall no more be and God will free his People and they shall be happy in this World and forever These things have we prophesied from day to day and my faith is constant and unmovable that God will effect these things in his season for the Lord never yet deceived me but what he hath said will surely come to pass And therefore Brethren let us be in Hope and Patience and live in the Word of Patience and not be faint-hearted as though the Lord had forgotten us or was unmindful of us or as though he would not perform what he had testified of by us for he is not a Man that he should lye nor as a Man that is given to change But lift up your Heads for the Lord is with us even in our greatest Tribulations and Afflictions and he will accomplish his Purpose for he is mighty to save his People and to destroy his Enemies It is true the Gates of Hell at this time seem to be open against us and we are a People like to be swallowed up of our Enemies and floods of wickedness seem to over-flow and the waves of the great Sea seem to be void of mercy and the hope of our Adversaries is to extinguish us from being a People and to destroy us from the face of the Earth and the Hands of our Persecutors are highly exalted at this day as though all that we have done for the Lord by our Labours and Travels should now be made of none effect Well dear Brethren though it be thus yet our God can deliver us and confound our Adversaries and we can appeal unto our God and can spread our Cause before him and he knows that our Sufferings and Afflictions are altogether Unjust and Unequal and Unrighteous and that our Persecutors do afflict us out of their Envy and without any just cause administred unto them by us our God knows it Angels and Saints know it that we are at this day a Persecuted People for Religions sake and this our present Affliction is not any just Punishment either from the Justice of God or from the justice of men For God hath given us the Witness of his eternal Spirit that Wrath is not in him towards us his Wrath be to his Enemies but unto us is Joy and Peace for evermore and the Lord clears us and he justifies us who then shall condemn us he chargeth no guilt upon us as if we were unto our selves the cause by our evil deeds of this our present sufferings and as if this were come to pass upon us as punishment from the Hand of God I say it is not so these our present Sufferings are not out of God's Anger towards us for his Love is to us let his Wrath be to his Enemies and as I said neither is this suffering in the justice of men for unto all the World we can say and God himself shall plead our Cause whom have we wronged or done evil to What evil have we done to any Mans Person Whose Goods have we falsly taken or coveted Against whom have we designed Mischief even the Lord himself be Judge between us and our Persecutors in this matter for unto him we are known that we do desire the good of all and not the hurt of any and yet we are dealt with as Evil doers whenas the God of Heaven is Witness in our Consciences that we neither plot nor contrive nor agitate in thought or word the hurt of any mans Person but we walk justly towards all being our Principle to do to others as we would be done unto and we can plead our cause unto our God and he shall plead our cause with our Enemies and this is the present state of our case what we suffer at this time it is singly in the Cause of God and for Righteousness sake and for the Testimony of Jesus which we hold therefore freely let us commit our Cause unto the God of Heaven and if we dye it is for him and if we live it is to him and we seek not vengeance against our Enemies but leave it to the Lord to plead with them And dearly Beloved I hope I need not exhort you to be patient and faithful in this day of our tryal knowing that the Cause is so excellent in which we are tryed it is God's Cause and not our own and I hope you all have the Testimony of his Spirit in your Consciences verifying the truth of the Cause for which we suffer and having that Evidence we need not to be doubtful as towards God not ashamed before-Men if so be that every one feels the Evidence of the Spirit of God bearing witness that we suffer for Righteousness sake and for the Name of Christ Jesus And so dear Brethren lift up your Heads and be as●…d that we are the Lord's and in his Cause we are tryed and he will judge and avenge our Persecutors in his season and we shall be a People when the Egyptians lie dead upon the Sea-Shore and when the raging Sea is dryed up this sa●e People shall be safe for hath the Lord done so excellent things for us hath he led us forth and
that we had a reserve against the King's Person and Government and our living Peaceably might be the more doubted of but being our known Principle and Practice alwayes Not to Swear at all in any Case whatsoever this removeth all Ground of Jealousie or Cause of Suspition of us in this Case And also we being ready to confess all just Authority and Power to the King to declare Obedience thereunto solemnly and sincerely and that we shall live Peaceably and quietly under his Government and not to Plot or Rebel against him and this to confirm by Yea and Nay our Testimony of this kind may as justly be taken and stand as effectual and be as faithfully performed as the Oaths of any others for we make Conscience to perform what we say in Yea and Nay as much as any do to perform what they Swear and this is known of us in the Consciences of our Enemies So that in Good Conscience and Just Reason and Equal Justice we are excusable from all Penalties and Forfeitures in that behalf of denying the OATH of ALLEGIANCE 4. And the King and his Government is not the less safe and secure though we refuse to swear Obedience to them nor could they be any safer or securer if we contrary to our Principles and Consciences were forced by Penalties to swear Allegiance for by the same Principle which keeps us from Swearing and by which we deny it we must be preserved to live Peaceably and not to Plot nor Rebel against the King and if we renounce our Principle and our good Conscience and be induced to swear against our Consciences what likelyhood is there to perform such a forced Oath taken contrary to our Consciences and Principles For if we swear to the King and his Government because of the Fear of Men and to save our Estates c. and this contrary to our Consciences it might well be suspected of us that at Opportunity we would break such Oaths for fear of Men or some Self-end On the other hand If we had already renounced our good Consciences so that it more appears we shall perform good Obedience to the King and his Government acknowledg●d by Yea without an Oath and in good Conscience then by Swearing forced on us contrary to our Consciences therefore our Yea may better be accepted in this Case then Swearing can be demanded of us And also If we should Change with the Times and Renounce our Principles and Consciences and Swear we should make our selves Ridiculous and a Scorn to all men and bring our selves into a capacity not ever to be trusted in any Case if we should bow and bend to Times and Powers and for Terror of ●en deny our Religion as other Hypocrites and I very well believe the King would not trust us in our Allegiance any whit the better but rather the worse though we did swear and fawn and flatter with him contrary to our Principles neither could he reasonably judge himself the safer nor more happy nor that we would be truly subject the more to his Authority if we swore and conformed in things by Force contrary to our Consciences and Principles for himself knoweth that Oaths and Engagements made and taken by Force and for Fear in Straits are seldom or never truly performed but alwayes broken And of the like Case there are large Testimonies in the Kingdom of many that have sworn promised and engaged and sometimes by Force and Fear to this kind of Government and another and yet at Oportunities and for their own Self-ends have broken all Oaths and Engagements and Rebelled against the very Persons and Authorities to which they have sworn and engaged Fidelity and Allegiance so that many are not the more to be trusted though they swear Allegiance For the Proverb saith He that will Swear will L●e and he that is forced to swear against his Conscience will hardly perform his Oath And we are no less to be trusted though we Swear not for we never yet engaged our selves by Oath to any Governours or Government and yet we never Rebelled or Plotted against any but have lived Peaceably and in a Patient Suffering Condition under all that have sitten on the Throne since we were a People And therefore our living Peaceably under the King's Government cannot justly be doubted of though we cannot engage the same by swearing But yet if we do not live quietly and in good Obedience as Peaceable People but do Rebel Plot c. then we refuse not to suffer the Pains Penalties and Forfeitures as such that swear and do not perform their Oaths I say If we do not live Peaceably but Plot and Rebel against the King and his Government then let us suffer the same in every particular as if we had sworn and not performed our Oath 5. All these things rightly considered it doth fully appear 1. That we are not Enemies neither in present Action nor future Intent to the King's Person or Authority 2. Nor that we refuse to acknowledge Just Authority to King Charles the Second as supream Magistrate over these Kingdoms 3. Nor doth it appear that we are otherwise than Peaceable and Quiet People under the King's Government 4. Nor is it manifest but that we are ready to acknowledge so to continue in all Good Conscience and Righteousness And therefore we do appeal to the God of Heaven and to King Charles and to all people whatsoever That our present Sufferings by Imprisonment and whatsoever else we may suffer in this Case for refusing to take the Oath of Allegiance it is not for Plotting against the King nor for refusing to acknowledge Just Authority to the King nor for denying just Obedience to him and the good Laws of the Land nor for denying to live peaceably in the Kingdom under the King's Authority because to all this we acknowledge solemnly in Yea and Nay Neither are our Sufferings in this Case for any Evil-doing towards God or Men but our Sufferings are for keeping the Command of Christ which to us is Matter of Conscience to perform more than to save our own Lives and Estates and our Sufferings are because we cannot Swear at all and not because we are Rebellious or that we deny just Allegiance to the King and such our Sufferings are not as Evil-doers nor Justly and Righteously as Offenders because we are not guilty of Evil in this Case towards God nor Man and our Sufferings are Cruel Persecution for our Tender Conscience sake and for the Name of Christ Jesus And we call God and just Men to witness between us and our Prosecutors that as Saints and Servants of God we suffer in this Case and for our Faithfulness and Obedience to the King of Heaven and not for Evil-doing or Disobedience to King Charles and his Authority And if any be persecuted on this Case for Refusing to take the Oath of Allegiance to the Ruin of Persons Wives and Families in this World then we shall have Cause
Testimony of Iesus and a good Conscience and in such our Sufferings we commit our Cause to the God of Heaven patiently bearing what is unequally inflicted upon us for this matter and our Cause is Iust and Innocent for which we suffer and we have more respect to keep our Faith and Conscience towards God than to save our Estates or Liberties for could we transgress against God and pay Tythes we might preserve our Liberties and Estates which we have endangered and lost often because we could not which may shew that it is not for Covetousness nor self-ends that we refuse to do it And this our Case about Tythes and the reason why we cannot pay them is in brief stated and pleaded before the King and his Council and I leave it to their Considerations in the sight of God only to warn them that they persecute not any for the Cases of Conscience neither in this nor in any other thing lest the Effect of it be sad upon them in a day when God visits them with Judgments CHAP. IV. The Case stated and pleaded concerning giving Security by Bond to live peaceably or to answer Cases then and there c. as is often required of us 1. FOrasmuch as we are often demanded to give Bond of one or two hundred Pounds or the like for security so called That we will live peaceably or that we will appear and answer such Cases objected against us or supposed of us Now we cannot give such kind of formal Engagements out of the Council of God to be or do or appear or answer that or the other Case when as we are no Transg●●ssors in the things objected against us and supposed of us and when we are ●…cted by prejudiced minds of such and such matters of which we are no 〈◊〉 guilty in the sight of God nor men and then it is demanded of us To bind our selve● to find Sureties and to answer this and the other Objection and Supp●… only falsly supposed and suspected against us by men that seek occasion against u● This Demand we cannot fulfil for Conscience sake because we are clear and not g●ilty of such Suspitions nor can we bind our selves out of the Counsel of G●d ●●●n Penalties and Forfeitures to appear and answer such and such groundless Objections for if we should in that manner bind and engage our selves not to d● 〈◊〉 o● answer this and the other Objection against us when we know our selves innocent of that Accusation to which we are to answer and that it is not in our H●arts to do the thing whereof we are doubted but contrary to our Faith and Principles then this were a betraying of our own Innocency in that behalf and a rendring of us guilty to all men when as we are clear and by binding our selves as afore-mentioned we should be reputed Transgressors For Bonds and Engagements by Forfeitures and Sums of Money are for the Guilty and not for the Innocent and we may not betray our guiltless Cause and bring it under false reputation amongst men by giving such binding Engagements And Again when as we are clear of any such Suspitions as are made against us if we should bind our selves as aforesaid it many times doth appear that occasion is more taken against us in answering or appearing and we made to be greater Offenders than before and there again our Innocency is betray'd when as innocent of the Fact supposed against us yet made Offenders in answering through Formalities and Tricks in the course of Law practised at the time of Answering and therefore we do in good Reason and Equity deny to bind our selves in that manner and to give such Security so called lest we should betray our own Innocency and render our Cause to false Reputations in that behalf and lest we should fall into a Remedy to clear us of false Suspitions worse than the Suspitions themselves by laying our selves liable to greater Sufferings in answering to our Accusations falsly objected than our suffering can be by the Accusations themselves and evil-minded men do often take greater occasion against us in answering false Charges and groundless Suspitions laid against us than they can take by the false Charges and Suspitions themselves and so we cannot bind our selves as aforesaid to fulfil the wills of men and thereby expose our selves to a far greater Suffering to be taken in it for to escape a less 2. But as for living peaceably in the Land and being subject in all just and good things to the King and his Government and not to plot against them n●● to harm any Person whatsoever but to be in love with all and in good behaviour towards all and to answer to any thing justly required of us This is our Principle to do and hath ever been our Practice and we are bound by the Law of God to perform this in every particular and we can fully make confession hereof and testifie it in Yea and Nay according to the New Covenant and Christ's Command who hath said Let your Yea be Yea and your Nay Nay but not by an Oath nor binding our selves upon such Penalties and Forfeitures in Engagements by Sums of Money out of the Counsel of God and our Yea and Nay in this and all other Cases is more binding to us than all the Formal Engagements of others and we make as much Conscience to perform our Yea and Nay as any others do their Oathes or Bonds and if we do not but do plot and rebel and be of evil behaviour towards any then let us suffer the same as if we had bound our selves in Forfeitures o● great Sums of Money and broken such our Engagements and no man need in any case bind himself upon such Pains and Forfeitures not to break the Laws of the Land when as the Justice of the Law will be executed upon him if he transgress it whether he bind himself or not before-hand not to break it and this is the thing we alwayes offer Here we are if we have broken any Law let us suffer according to the Law and if at any time we are found guilty of transgressing the Law let us then suffer accordingly whether Death or Bonds we crave no favour but the Execution of just Law And in the mean time being we are clear of Rebellion and other Transgressions Who shall accuse us or who can reasonably require such or such Engagements of us to do or not to do or answer so or so seeing we must in Justice suffer the Punishment of the Law when we transgress it which we must do if we are at any time guilty whether we beforehand bind our selves to the contrary or not And also if we should bind our selves by the Engagements of such and such Sums of Money to live quietly and not to rebel yet we should be no better trusted because hereof for that would not slay the Principle of Strife and War in us but rather cause us to murmer
Scriptures but rather such as inflict Sufferings upon us And for any of our Principles and Doctrines that we hold we deserve no punishment nor persecution because hereof for we testify before God Angels and Men That we hold and maintain no principles of Religion nor practice of Worship nor Doctrines of Gospel but what are according to Scriptures of Truth And we are ready to be tryed and proved in that case and to bring the matter to Issue in fair proceedings with any man that shall object the contrary And thus the Judgment of Scriptures are for us as we suppose at least and if we are in Errour either by denying any thing on the one hand or affirming any thing on the other we have not been hitherto well Proceeded against in order to our Conviction Secondly We are accused as for a great Crime and Imprisoned because we meet together in the Name and Power of Iesus Christ to wait upon him and to Worship him in Spirit and Truth in Prayer to God and Exhortations one to another to Righteousness and Holiness But what Iudgment doth the Law and Gospel and holy Scriptures give and our Neighbours also between us in this Case Le ts come all to their Barr and receive Iust Sentence Plea First The Judgment of God's Law Christ's Gospel and holy Scriptures are not against our meeting together but on the contrary do command us and Exhort us with promises of blessings to meet together in the Worship of God and to wait upon him And it was the practice of the primitive Christians to assemble themselves together in that form and manner as we do at this day to wit in a private manner and separate from the multitude and all the Iews Synagogues as in Acts 1. 17. The Saints and Disciples both Men and Women to the number of one hundred and twenty which were far more then five went into an upper Chamber being a private place and no publique Synagogue and their waited upon the Lord in Prayer and Supplication according as we do at this day Thus the Scriptures justify the way and manner of our Meetings and condemns them not Again in Acts 20. 8. the Saints and Disciples were gathered together in an upper Chamber and Paul Preached unto them until mid-night Here was a private Meeting far above the number of five and out of any Publick Synagogues and Christ Iesus said Where two or three are met together in my Name there I am in the midct of them And He and his Disciples often met together in private places apart from the Jews publick Worships sometimes in a Ship and sometimes in Desarts and on the Mountains and in particular Houses and Preached and Prayed this the Scriptures Prove And also in Heb. 10. 25. we are expresly commanded not to neglect the Assembling of our selves together but to exhort one another and so much the more as the day approached By all which Scriptures with many more that might be quoted it is Evident to all the World That our meeting together for the Worship of God in that form and manner as Practised by us is according to the Law of God the Gospel of Christ Jesus and the holy Scriptures And all these give Just Judgment for us and Justify us and therefore consequently condemn such as do violence to us for this practise of Meeting together for the Worship of God And thus though we are Accused and Imprisoned as Evil doers yet such our practise of meeting is manifestly according to the Law of God Gospel of Christ Scriptures Example of Saints and President of primitive Christians all which give Judgment for us Secondly What Judgment do our Neighbours give in this Case they say concerning our Meetings That they have known us to meet together in such manner for diverse years in their Towns and Villages and never knew nor understood of any harm or danger herein nor ever were any way prejudiced either in their Persons or Estates by our meetings The very witness of God in all our Neighbours do Testify and give Iudgment that our Meetings have alwayes been peaceable and quiet and that we come together in peace and good order and parted in the same and no person hath been harmed by such our Meetings enquire of the Nighbourhood and they will tell you they believe in their Consciences our Meetings are for good and have good effects and are not evil nor brings forth any evil to any And as for the manner of our Meeting and and sitting together it 's orderly and decently and of good report among men and for any Doctrine that ever was there held or heard by any none can truly accuse it to be either Error or Heresie or Sedition but on the contrary they know it witnesseth against all Sin and Iniquity and tends to the turning of people from Ungodliness and Unrighteousness to Truth and Holiness And many can tell this is effected by our Doctrine Preached in our Meetings and our Neighbours can witness that we part again in Peace and Good order and in convenient time and they can shew you they are not terrified nor the peace of the Land disturbed on our part by our Meetings which are in God's fear and to the Glory of his Name which all sober men know are according to the Law of God and Gospel and primitive Christians Example And thus our Neighbours give Judgment for us and in their Consciences do not Justify them that Imprison us for this matter of meeting together which Gods Law Gospel Scriptures and our Neighbours do thus clearly justifie Thirdly We are Accused as guilty of a heinous Crime and Imprisoned Because we refuse to Swear at all or take any Oath in any Case Plea First The Judgment of the Law of the New Testament of God and Gospel of Christ and Scriptures in this case is clear on our behalf As in the express Command of Christ in his Law and Scriptures Recorded Mat. 5. where he saith Swear not at all by Heaven nor Earth nor by Ierusalem nor by the Head but let your yea be yea and your nay nay for whatsoever is more comes of Evil. And again Iam. 5. the Apostle commandeth the Saints in these words Above all things my Brethren Swear not by Heaven nor Earth nor any other Oath And many holy Martyrs since the Apostles dayes did deny all Swearing Thus you see the Judgment of Christ Jesus and of the Gospel and of the Apostle and of Scriptures are so far from Condemning of us to Imprisonment and Banishment for our refusing to Swear that we are Commanded and Exhorted by them not to Swear at all and therefore consequently justify us in our refusing to Swear and thus give not Judgment for such as do Imprison and Persecute us for not Swearing Come to the Judgment of Christ his Gospel and holy Scriptures Let you and us appear together be fore their Judgment Seat whether they give judgment against us that deny all Swearing or