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A30490 The theory of the earth containing an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo till the consummation of all things. Burnet, Thomas, 1635?-1715. 1697 (1697) Wing B5953; ESTC R25316 460,367 444

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This is a small part of the disorders of that day But 't is not possible from any station to have a full prospect of this last Scene of the Earth for 't is a mixture of fire and darkness This New Temple is fill'd with smoak while it is consecrating and none can enter into it But I am apt to think if we could look down upon this burning World from above the Clouds and have a full view of it in all its parts we should think it a lively representation of Hell it self For Fire and darkness are the two chief things by which that state or that place uses to be describ'd and they are both here mingled together with all other ingredients that make that Tophet that is prepar'd of old Here are Lakes of fire and brimstone Rivers of melted glowing matter Ten thousand Volcano's vomiting flames all at once Thick darkness and Pillars of smoak twisted about with wreaths of flame like fiery Snakes Mountains of Earth thrown up into the Air and the Heavens dropping down in lumps of fire These things will all be literally true concerning that day and that state of the Earth And if we suppose Beelzebub and his Apostate crew in the midst of this fiery furnace and I know not where they can be else It will be hard to find any part of the Universe or any state of things that answers to so many of the properties and characters of Hell as this which is now before us But if we suppose the storm over and that the fire hath got an entire victory over all other bodies and subdued every thing to it self the Conflagration will end in a Deluge of fire Or in a Sea of fire covering the whole Globe of the Earth For when the exterior region of the Earth is melted into a fluor like molten glass or running metal it will according to the nature of other Fluids fill all vacuities and depressions and fall into a regular surface at an equal distance every where from its center This Sea of fire like the first Abyss will cover the face of the whole Earth make a kind of second Chaos and leave a capacity for another World to rise from it But that is not our present business Let us only if you please to take leave of this subject reflect upon this occasion on the transient and 〈◊〉 glory of all this habitable World How by the force of one Element breaking loose upon the rest all the Varieties of Nature all the works of Art all the labours of Men are reduc'd to nothing All that we admir'd and ador'd before as great and magnificent is obliterated or vanish'd And another form and face of things plain simple and every where the same overspreads the whole Earth Where are now the great Empires of the World and their great Imperial Cities Their Pillars Trophe●s and Monuments of glory Show me where they stood read the Inscription tell me the Victor●s name What remains what impressions what difference or distinction do you see in this mass of fire Rome it self Eternal Rome the Great City the Empress of the World whose domination and superstition ancient and modern make a great part of the History of this Earth What is become of her now She laid her foundations deep and her Palaces were strong and sumptuous She glorified her self and liv'd deliciously and said in her heart I sit a Queen and shall see no sorrow But her hour is come she is wip'd away from the face of the Earth and buried in perpetual oblivion But 't is not Cities only and works of Men's hands but the everlasting Hills the Mountains and Rocks of the Earth are melted as Wax before the Sun and their place is no where found Here stood the Alpes a prodigious range of Stone the Load of the Earth that cover'd many Countries and reach'd their arms from the Ocean to the Black Sea This huge mass of Stone is soften'd and dissolv'd as a tender Cloud into rain Here stood the African Mountains and Atlas with his top above the Clouds There was frozen Caucasus and Taurus and Imaus and the Mountains of Asia And yonder towards the North stood the Riphaean Hills cloath'd in Ice and Snow All these are vanish'd dropt away as the Snow upon their heads and swallowed up in a red Sea of fire Great and marvellous are thy Works Lord God Almighty Iust and true are thy ways Thou King of Saints Hallelujah The CONCLVSION IF the Conflagration of the World be a reality as both by Scripture and Antiquity we are assur'd it is If we be fully perswaded and convinc'd of this 'T is a thing of that nature that we cannot keep it long in our thoughts without making some moral reflections upon it 'T is both great in it self and of universal concern to all Mankind Who can look upon such an Object A World in Flames without thinking with himself Whether shall I be in the midst of these ●lames or no What is my security that I shall not fall under this fiery vengeance which is the wrath of an angry God St. Peter when he had deliver'd the doctrine of the Conflagration makes this pious reflection upon it Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolv'd what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conversation and godliness The strength of his argument depends chiefly upon what he had said before in the 7th Verse where he told us that the present Heavens and Earth were reserv'd unto fire against the Day of Iudgment and the perdition of irreligious men We must avoid the crime then if we would escape the punishment But this expression of irreligious or ungodly men is still very general St. Paul when he speaks of this fiery indignation and the Persons it is to fall upon is more distinct in their characters He seems to mark out for this destruction three sorts of men chiefly The Atheists Infidels and the Tribe of Antichrist These are his words When the Lord Iesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ. Then as for Antichrist and his adherents he says in the 2d Chapt. and 8th Verse The Lord shall consume that Wicked one with the Spirit of his mouth and shall destroy him with the brightness of his coming or of his Presence These you see all refer to the same time with St. Peter namely to the coming of our Saviour at the Conflagration and three sorts of Persons are characteriz'd as his Enemies and set out for destruction at that time First those that know not God that is that acknowledge not God that will not own the Deity Secondly those that hearken not to the Gospel that is that reject the Gospel and Christian Religion when they are preach'd and made known to them For you must not think that it is the poor barbarous and
Heaven with power and great glory and that will be to judge the World When the Son of Man shall come in his glory and all the holy Angels with him then shall he sit upon the Throne of his glory And before him shall be gather'd all Nations and he will separate the good from the bad and to the wicked and unbelievers he will say Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels This is the same Coming and the same Fire with that which we mention'd before out of S. Paul As you will plainly see if you compare S. Matthew's words with S. Paul's which are these When the Lord Iesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty Angels In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that hearken not to the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ. Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from or by the presence of the Lord and the glory of his power This me thinks should be an awakening thought that there is such a threatning upon record by one who never yet fail'd in his word against those that do not believe his Testimony Those that reject him now as a Dupe or an Impostor run a hazard of seeing him hereafter coming in the Clouds to be their Judge And it will be too late then to correct their errour when the bright Armies of Angels fill the Air and the Earth begins to melt at the Presence of the Lord. Thus much concerning those three ranks of Men whom the Apostle S. Paul seems to point at principally and condemn to the flames But as I said before the rest of sinners and vitious Persons amongst the Professors of Christianity tho' they are not so directly the Enemies of God as these are yet being transgressors of his Law they must expect to be brought to Justice In every well-govern'd State not only Traitors and Rebels that offend more immediately against the Person of the Prince but all others that notoriously violate the Laws are brought to condign punishment according to the nature and degree of their crime So in this case The fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is 'T is therefore the concern of every man to reflect often upon that Day and to consider what his fate and sentence is likely to be at that last Trial. The Iews have a Tradition that Elias sits in Heaven and keeps a Register of all Mens actions good or bad He hath his Under Secretaries for the several Nations of the World that take minutes of all that passes and so hath the History of every Man's life before him ready to be produc'd at the Day of Judgment I will not vouch for the literal truth of this but it is true in effect Every Man's fate shall be determin'd that Day according to the history of his Life according to the works done in the flesh whether good or bad And therefore it ought to have as much influence upon us as if every single action was formally register'd in Heaven If Men would learn to contemn this World it would cure a great many Vices at once And methinks S. Peter's argument from the approaching dissolution of all things should put us out of conceit with such perishing vanities Lust and Ambition are the two reigning Vices of great Men and those little fires might be soon extinguish'd if they would frequently and seriously meditate on this last and Universal Fire which will put an end to all Passions and all Contentions As to Ambition the Heathens themselves made use of this argument to abate and repress the vain affectation of glory and greatness in this World I told you before the lesson that was given to Scipio Africanus by his Uncle's Ghost upon this Subject And upon a like occasion and consideration Caesar hath a lesson given him by Lucan after the Battle of Pharsalia where Pompey lost the day and Rome its liberty The Poet says Caesar took pleasure in looking upon the dead Bodies and would not suffer them to be buried or which was their manner of burying to be burnt Whereupon he speaks to him in these words Hos Caesar populos si nunc non usserit Ignis Uret cum Terris uret cum gurgite Ponti Communis mundo superest Rogus Ossibus astra Misturus Quocunque Tuam Fortuna vocabit Hae quoque eunt Animae non altiùs ibis in auras Non meliore loco Stygiâ sub nocte jacebis Libera fortuna Mors est Capit omnia Tellus Quae genuit Coelo tegitur Qui non habet urnam Caesar If now these Bodies want their pile and urn At last with the whole Globe they 're sure to burn The World expects one general Fire and Thou Must go where these poor Sculs are wand'ring now Thou'l reach no higher in th' Ethereal Plain Nor 'mongst the Shades a better place obtain Death levels all And He that has not room To make a Grave Heaven's Vault shall be his Tomb. These are mortifying thoughts to ambitious Spirits And surely our own Mortality and the Mortality of the World it self may be enough to convince all considering Men That Vanity of Vanities all is vanity under the Sun any otherwise than as they relate to a better Life FINIS THE THEORY OF THE EARTH Containing an Account OF THE Original of the Earth AND OF ALL THE GENERAL CHANGES Which it hath already undergone OR IS TO UNDERGO Till the CONSUMMATION of all Things THE FOURTH BOOK Concerning the NEW HEAVENS and NEW EARTH AND Concerning the CONSUMMATION of all Things LONDON Printed by R. N. for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard 1697. PREFACE TO THE READER YOU see it is still my lot to travel into New Worlds having never found any great satisfaction in this As an active people leaves their habitations in a barren soil to try if they can make their fortune better elsewhere I first lookt backwards and waded through the Deluge into the Primaeval World to see how they liv'd there and how Nature stood in that original constitution Now I am going forwards to view the New Heavens and New Earth that will be after the Conflagration But Gentle Reader let me not take you any further if you be weary I do not love a querulous Companion Unless your Genius therefore press you forwards chuse rather to rest here and be content with that part of the Theory which you have seen already Is it not fair to have followed Nature so far as to have seen her twice in her ruins Why should we still pursue her even after death and dissolution into dark and remote Futurities To whom therefore such disquisitions seem needless or over-curious let them rest here and leave the remainder of this Work which is a kind of PROPHECY concerning the STATE of things after the Conflagration to those that are of a disposition suited to such studies and enquiries Not that any part of this Theory
state And seeing in those places they plainly signified the Millennial state or the Kingdom of Christ and of his Saints they must here signifie the same in this promise of our Saviour to his suffering Followers And as to the word Palingenesia which is here translated Regeneration 't is very well known that both the Greek Philosophers and Greek Fathers use that very word for the Renovation of the World Which is to be as we shall hereafter make appear at or before the Millennial state Our Saviour also in his Divine Sermon upon the Mount makes this one of his Beatitudes Blessed are the Meek for they shall inherit the Earth But how I pray or where or when do the Meek inherit the Earth neither at present I am sure nor in any past Ages 'T is the Great Ones of the World ambitious Princes and Tyrants that slice the Barth amongst them and those that can flatter them best or serve them in their interests or pleasures have the next best shares But a meek modest and humble Spirit is the most unqualified Person that can be for a Court or a Camp to scramble for Preferment or Plund●r Both He and his self-denying notions are ridicul'd as things of no use and proceeding from meanness and poorness of Spirit David who was a Person of an admirable devotion but of an unequal Spirit subject to great dejections as well as elevations of mind was so much affected with the prosperity of the wicked in this World that he could scarce forbear charging Providence with injustice You may see several touches of a repining Spirit in his Psalms and in the Seventy-third Psalm compos'd upon that Subject you have both the wound and the cure Now this Bea●it●de pronounc'd here by our Saviour was spoken before by David psal 37. 11. The same David that was always so sensible of the hard usage of the Just in this life Our Saviour also and his Apostles preach the Doctrine of the Cross every where and foretell the sufferings that shall attend the Righteous in this World Therefore neither David nor our Saviour could understand this inheritance of the Earth otherwise than of some future state or of a state yet to come But as it must be a future state so it must be a Terrestrial state for it could not be call'd the inheritance of the Earth if it was not so And 't is to be a state of peace as well as plenty according to the words of the Psalmist But the meek shall inherit the Earth and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace It follows therefore from these premisses that both our Saviour and David must understand some future state of the Earth wherein the Meek will enjoy both peace and plenty And this will appear to be the future Kingdom of Christ when upon a fuller description we shall have given you the marks and characters of it In the mean time why should we not suppose this Earth which the Meek are to inherit to be that habitable Earth to come which St. Paul mentions Hebr. 2. 6. and represents as subject to our Saviour in a pecuilar manner at his disposal and under his Government as his Kingdom Why should not that Earth be the subject of this Beatitude The promis'd Land the Lot of the Righ●eous This I am sure of that both this Text and the former deserve our serious thoughts and tho' they do not expresly and in terms prove the future Kingdom of our Saviour yet upon the fairest interpretations they imply such a state And it will be very uneasie to give a satisfactory account either of the Regeneration or Renovation when our Saviour and his Disciples shall sit upon Thrones Or of that Earth which the Meek shall inherit Or lastly of that Habitable World which is peculiarly subject to the dominion of Jesus Christ without supposing on this side Heaven some other reign of Christ and his Saints than what we see or what they enjoy at present But to proceed in this argument It will be necessary as I told you to set down some notes and characters of this Reign of Christ and of his Saints whereby it may be distinguish'd from the present state and present Kingdoms of the World And these characters are chiefly three Iustice Peace and Divine Presence or Conduct which uses to be called Theocrasie By these characters it is sufficiently distinguish'd from the Kingdoms of this World which are generally unjust in their titles or exercise stain'd with bloud and so far from being under a particular Divine Conduct that humane passions and humane vices are the Springs that commonly give motion to their greatest designs But more particularly and restrainedly the Government of Christ is opposed to the Kingdom and Government of Antichrist whose characters are diametrically opposite to these being Injustice cruelty and humane or diabolical artifices Upon this short view of the Kingdom of Christ let us make enquiry after it amongst the Prophets of the Old Testament And we shall find upon examination that there is scarce any of them greater or lesser but take notice of this mystical kingdom either expresly or under the types of Israel Sion Ierusalem and such like And therefore I am apt to think that when S. Peter in his Sermon to the Iews Act. 3. says All the holy Prophets spoke of The Restitution of all things he does not mean the Renovation of the World separately from the Kingdome of Christ but complexly as it may imply both For there are not many of the old Prophets that have spoken of the Renovation of the Natural World but a great many have spoken of the Renovation of the Moral in the Kingdom of Christ. These are S. Peter's words Act. 3. 19 20 21. Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. And he shall send Iesus Christ which before was preached unto ye whom the heavens must receive until the times of RESTITUTION OF ALL THINGS The Apostle here mentions three things The Times of refreshing The Second Coming of our Saviour And the Times of Restitution of all things And to the last of these he immediately subjoyns which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets since the world began This Restitution of all things I say must not be understood abstractly from the reign of Christ but as in conjunction with it and in that sence and no other it is the general subject of the Prophets To enter therefore into the Schools of the Prophets and enquire their sence concerning this Mystery let us first address our selves to the Prophet Isaiah and the Royal Prophet David who seem to have had many noble thoughts or inspirations upon this subject Isaiah in the 65th chap. from the 17th ver to the end treats upon this argument and joyns together the Renovation of the Natural and Moral World as S. Peter in the
nothing that I know of in Antiquity Sacred or prophane that gives a joynt testimony with it And those that set up these Pillars do not seem to me to have understood the Nature of the Deluge or Conflagration if they thought a Pillar either of Brick or Stone would be secure in those great dissolutions of the Earth But we have pursued this doctrine high enough without the help of these ante-diluvian Antiquities Namely to the earliest people and the first appearances of Wisdom after the Flood So that I think we may justly look upon it as the doctrine of Noah and of his immediate posterity And as that is the highest source of learning to the present World so we should endeavour to carry our Philosophical Traditions to that Original for I cannot perswade my self but that they had amongst them even in those early days the main strokes or conclusions of the best Philosophy or if I may so say a form of sound doctrine concerning Nature and Providence Of which matter if you will allow me a short digression I will speak my thoughts in a few words In those First Ages of the World after the Flood when Noah and his Children peopled the Earth again as he gave them Precepts of Morality and Piety for the conduct of their Manners which are usually call'd Praecepta Noachidarum the Precepts of Noah frequently mention'd both by the Jews and Christians So also he deliver'd to them at least if we judge aright certain Maxims or Conclusions about Providence the state of Nature and the fate of the World And these in proportion may be call'd Dogmata Noachidarum the Doctrines of Noah and his Children Which made a System of Philosophy or secret knowledge amongst them deliver'd by Tradition from Father to Son but especially preserv'd amongst their Priests and Sacred Persons or such others as were addicted to Contemplation This I take to be more ancient than Moses himself or the Iewish Nation But it would lead me too far out of my way to set down in this place the reasons of my judgment Let it be sufficient to have pointed only at this Fountain head of knowledge and so return to our Argument We have heard as it were a Cry of Fire throughout all Antiquity and throughout all the People of the Earth But those alarums are sometimes false or make a greater noise than the thing deserves For my part I never trust Antiquity barely upon its own account but always require a second witness either from Nature or from Scripture What the voice of Nature is we shall hear all along in the following Treatise Let us then examine at present what testimony the Prophets and Apostles give to this ancient doctrine of the Conflagration of the World The Prophets see the World a-fire at a distance and more imperfectly as a brightness in the Heavens rather than a burning flame but S. Peter describes it as if he had been standing by and seen the Heavens and Earth in a red fire heard the cracking flames and the tumbling Mountains 2 Pet. 3. 10. In the day of the Lord The Heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat The Earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up Then after a pious Ejaculation he adds Ver. 12. Looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God wherein the Heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat This is as lively as a Man could express it if he had the dreadful spectacle before his Eyes S. Peter had before taught the same doctrine ver 5 6 7. but in a more Philosophick way describing the double fate of the World by Water and Fire with relation to the Nature and Constitution of either World past or present The Heavens and the Earth were of old consisting of water and by water whereby the World that then was being overflow'd with water perish'd But the Heavens and the Earth which are now by the same Word are kept in store reserved unto fire against the day of Iudgment and perdition of ungodly or Atheistical men This testimony of S. Peter being full direct and explicit will give light and strength to several other passages of Scripture where the same thing is exprest obscurely or by allusion As when S. Paul says The fire shall try every man's work in that day And our Saviour says The tares shall be burnt in the fire at the end of the World Accordingly it is said both by the Apostles and Prophets that God will come to judgment in Fire S. Paul to the Thessalonians promiseth the persecuted Righteous rest and ease When the Lord shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God c. And so to the Hebrews S. Paul says that for wilful Apostates there remaineth no more Sacrifice for sin but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries or enemies of God And in the 12th Chapter he alludes to the same thing when after he had spoken of shaking the Heavens and the Earth once more he exhorteth as S. Peter does upon the same occasion to reverence and godly fear For our God is a consuming Fire In like manner the Prophets when they speak of destroying the wicked and the Enemies of God and Christ at the end of the World represent it as a destruction by Fire Psalm the 11th 6. Upon the wicked the Lord shall rain coals fire and brimstone and a burning tempest This shall be the portion of their Cup. And Psal. 50. 3. Our God shall come and will not be slow A fire shall devour before him and it shall be very tempestuous round about him And in the beginning of those two triumphal Psalms the sixty-eighth and ninety-seventh we see plain allusions to this coming of the Lord in fire The other Prophets speak in the same style of a fiery indignation against the wicked in the day of the Lord As in Isaiah 66. 15. For behold the Lord will come with fire and with his Chariots like a whirl-wind to render his anger with fury and his rebuke with flames of fire And in Daniel c. 7. 9 10. The Ancient of days is plac'd upon his Seat of Judgment cover'd in flames I beheld till the Thrones were set and the Ancient of days did sit whose garment was white as snow and the hair of his head like the pure wool His Throne was like the fiery flame his wheels as burning fire A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him Thousand thousands ministred unto him and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him The judgment was set and the Books were opened The Prophet Malachy c. 4. 1. describes the Day of the Lord to the same effect and in like colours Behold the Day cometh that shall burn as an Oven and all
Fiery Mountains burst out and discharge themselves in flames of fire tear up the roots of the Earth throw hot burning stones send out streams of flowing Metals and Minerals and all other sorts of ardent matter which Nature hath lodg'd in those Treasuries If all these Engines I say were to play at once the Heavens and the Earth would seem to be in a flame and the World in an universal combustion But we may reasonably presume that against that great Day of vengeance and execution not only all these will be employ'd but also new Volcano's will be open'd and new Mountains in every Region will break out into smoke and flame just as at the Deluge the Abyss broke out from the Womb of the Earth and from those hidden stores sent an immense quantity of water which it may be the Inhabitants of that World never thought of before So we must expect new Eruptions and also new sulphureous Lakes and Fountains of Oyl to boyl out of the ground And these all united with that Fewel that naturally grows upon the Surface of the Earth will be sufficient to give the first onset and to lay wast all the habitable World and the Furniture of it But we suppose the Conflagration will go lower pierce under-ground and dissolve the substance of the Earth to some considerable depth therefore besides these outward and visible preparations we must consider all the hidden invisible Materials within the Veins of the Earth Such are all Minerals or Mineral juices and concretions that are igniferous or capable of inflammation And these cannot easily be reckon'd up or estimated Some of the most common are Sulphur and all sulphureous bodies and Earths impregnated with Sulphur Bitumen and bituminous concretions inflammable Salts Coal and other fossiles that are ardent with innumerable mixtures and compositions of these kinds which being open'd by heat are unctuous and inflammable or by attrition discover the latent seeds of fire But besides consistent Bodies there is also much volatile fire within the Earth in fumes steams and exudations which will all contribute to this effect From these stores under-ground all Plants and Vegetables are fed and supply'd as to their oily and sulphureous parts And all hot Waters in Baths or Fountains must have their original from some of these some mixture or participation of them And as to the British Soyl there is so much Coal incorporated with it that when the Earth shall burn we have reason to apprehend no small danger from that subterraneous Enemy These dispositions and this Fewel we find in and upon the Earth towards the last Fire The third sort of Provision is in the Air All fiery Meteors and Exhalations engender'd and form'd in those Regions above and discharg'd upon the Earth in several ways I believe there were no fiery Meteors in the ante-diluvian Heavens which therefore St. Peter says were constituted of water had nothing in them but what was watery But he says the Heavens that are now have treasures of fire or are reserv'd for fire as things laid up in a store house for that purpose We have thunder and lightning and fiery tempests and there is nothing more vehement impetuous and irresistible where their force is directed It seems to me very remarkable that the Holy Writers describe the coming of the Lord and the destruction of the wicked in the nature of a tempest or a storm of fire Upon the wicked the Lord shall rain coals fire and brimstone and a burning tempest this shall be the portion of their cup. And in the lofty Song of David Psal. 18. which in my judgment respects both the past Deluge and the future Conflagration 't is said The Lord also thundred in the heavens and the Highest gave his voice hailstones and coals of fire Yea he sent forth his arrows and scattered them and he shot out lightnings and discomfited them Then the Chanels of waters were seen and the foundations of the World were discover'd at thy rebuke O Lord at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils And a like fiery coming is describ'd in the ninety seventh Psalm as also by Isaiah Daniel and S. Paul And lastly in the Apocalypse when the World draws to a conclusion as in the seventh Trumpet ch 11. 19. and the seventh Vial ch 16. 18. we have still mention made of this Fiery Tempest of Lightnings and Thunderings We may therefore reasonably suppose that before the Conflagration the Air will be surcharg'd every where by a precedent drought with hot and fiery exhalations And as against the Deluge those regions were burthened with water and moist vapours which were pour'd upon the Earth not in gentle showres but like rivers and cataracts from Heaven so they will now be fill'd with hot fumes and sulphureous clouds which will sometimes flow in streams and fiery impressions throgh the Air sometimes make Thunder and Lightnings and sometimes fall down upon the Earth in flouds of Fire In general there is a great analogy to be observed betwixt the two Deluges of Water and of Fire not only as to the bounds of them which were noted before but as to the general causes and sources upon which they depend from above and from below At the Floud the Windows of Heaven were opened above and the Abyss was opened below and the Waters of these two joyn'd together to overflow the World In like manner at the Conflagration God will rain down Fire from Heaven as he did once upon Sodom and at the same time the subterraneous store-houses of Fire will be broken open which answers to the disruption of the Abyss And these two meeting and mingling together will involve all the Heaven and Earth in flames This is a short account of the ordinary stores of Nature and the ordinary preparations for a general Fire And in contemplation of these Pliny the Naturalist said boldly It was one of the greatest wonders of the World that the World was not every day set on fire We will conclude this Chapter with his words in the second Book of his Natural History having given an account of some fiery Mountains and other parts of the Earth that are the seats and sources of Fire He makes this reflection Seeing this Element is so fruitful that it brings forth it self and multiplies and encreases from the least sparks what are we to expect from so many fires already kindled on the Earth How does nature feed and satisfie so devouring an Element and such a great voracity throughout all the World without loss or diminution of her self Add to these fires we have mentioned the Stars and the Great Sun then all the fires made for humane uses fire in stones in wood in the clouds and in thunder IT EXCEEDS ALL MIRACLES IN MY OPINION THAT ONE DAY SHOULD PASS WITHOUT SETTING THE WORLD ALL ON FIRE CHAP. VIII Some new dispositions towards the Conflagration as to the matter form and situation of the Earth
in true and lively colours we should scarce be able to attend to any thing else or ever divert our imagination from these two objects For what can more affect us than the greatest Glory that ever was visible upon Earth and at the same time the greatest Terror A God descending in the Head of an Army of Angels and a Burning World under his feet These are things truly above expression and not only so but so different and remote from our ordinary thoughts and conceptions that he that comes nearest to a true description of them shall be look'd upon as the most extravagant 'T is our unhappiness to be so much used to little trifling things in this life that when any thing great is represented to us it appears phantastical An Idea made by some contemplative or melancholy person I will not venture therefore without premising some grounds out of Scripture to say any thing concerning This Glorious Appearance As to the Burning of the World I think we have already laid a foundation sufficient to support the highest description that can be made of it But the coming of our Saviour being wholly out of the way of Natural Causes it is reasonable we should take all directions we can from Scripture that we may give a more fitting and just account of that Sacred Pomp. I need not mention those places of Scripture that prove the second coming of our Saviour in general or his return to the Earth again at the end of the World no Christian can doubt of this 't is so often repeated in those Sacred Writings But the manner and circumstances of this Coming or of this Appearance are the things we now enquire into And in the first place we may observe that Scripture tells us our Saviour will come in Flaming Fire and with an Host of mighty Angels so says S. Paul to the Thessalonians The Lord Iesus shall be revealed from Heaven with mighty Angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and obey not the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ. In the second place our Saviour says himself The Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his Angels From which two places we may learn first that the appearance of our Saviour will be with flames of Fire Secondly With an Host of Angels Thirdly In the glory of his Father By which Glory of the Father I think is understood that Throne of Glory represented by Daniel for the Ancient of Days For our Saviour speaks here to the Iews and probably in a way intelligible to them And the Glory of the Father which they were most likely to understand would be either the Glory wherein God appeared at Mount Sinai upon the● giving of the Law whereof the Apostle speaks largely to the Hebrews or that which Daniel represents Him in at the day of Judgment And this latter being more proper to the subject of our Saviour's discourse 't is more likely this expression refers to it Give me leave therefore to set down that description of the Glory of the Father upon his Throne from the Prophet Daniel ch 7. 9. And I beheld 〈◊〉 the Thrones were set and the Ancient of days did sit whose garment was white as snow and the hair of his head like the pure wool His Throne was like the fiery flame and his wheels as burning fire A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him thousand thousands ministred unto him and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him With this Throne of the Glory of the Father let us if you please compare the Throne of the Son of God as it was seen by S. Iohn in the Apocalypse ch 4. 2 c. And immediately I was in the Spirit and behold a throne was set in heaven and one sat on the Throne And he that fat was to look upon like a Iasper and a Sardine Stone and there was a Rain-bow round about the Throne in appearance like unto an Emerald And out of the Throne proceeded Lightnings and Thunderings and Voices c. and before the Throne was a Sea of glass like unto Crystal In those representations you have some beams of the Glory of the Father and of the Son which may be partly a direction to us in conceiving the 〈◊〉 of our Saviour's appearance Let us further observe if you please how external Nature will be affected at the sight of God or of this approaching Glory The Scripture often takes notice of this and in terms very high and eloquent The Psalmist seems to have lov'd that subject above others to set out the greatness of the day of the Lord and the consternation of all Nature at that time He throws about his thunder and lightning makes the Hills to melt like wax at the presence of the Lord and the very foundations of the Earth to tremble as you may see in the 18th Psalm and the 97. and the 104. and several others which are too long to be here inserted So the Prophet Habakkuk in his Prophetick Prayer Chap. 3d. hath many Ejaculations to the like purpose And the Prophet Nahum says The mountains quake at him and the hills melt and the Earth is burnt at his presence yea the world and all that dwell therein But more particularly as to the face of Nature just before the coming of our Saviour that may be best collected from the signs of his coming mention'd in the precedent Chapter Those all meeting together help to prepare and make ready a Theater fit for an angry God to come down upon The countenance of the Heavens will be dark and gloomy and a Veil drawn over the face of the Sun The Earth in a disposition every where to break into open flames The tops of the Mountains smoaking the Rivers dry Earthquakes in several places the Sea sunk and retir'd into its deepest Chanel and roaring as against some mighty storm These things will make the day dead and melancholy but the Night-Scenes will have more of horrour in them When the Blazing Stars appear like so many Furies with their lighted Torches threatning to set all on fire For I do not doubt but the Comets will bear a part in this Tragedy and have something extraordinary in them at that time either as to number or bigness or nearness to the Earth Besides the Air will be full of flaming Meteors of unusual forms and magnitudes Balls of fire rowling in the Skie and pointed lightnings darted against the Earth mixt with claps of thunder and unusual noises from the Clouds The Moon and the Stars will be confus'd and irregular both in their light and motions as if the whole frame of the Heavens was out of order and all the laws of Nature were broken or expir'd When all things are in this languishing or dying posture and the Inhabitants of the Earth under the fears of their last end The Heavens will open on a sudden and the Glory of
least give plain marks of a Terrestrial state Wherefore the only question that remains is this Whether these happy Days are past already or to come Whether this blessed state of the Church is behind us or before us whether our Predecessors have enjoy'd it or our posterity is to expect it For we are very sure that it is not present The World is full of Wars and rumours of Wars of Vice and Knavery of Oppression and Persecution and these are things directly contrary to the genius and characters of the state which we look after And if we look for it in times past we can go no further back than the beginning of Christianity For S. Iohn the last of the Apostles Prophesied of these times as to come and plac'd them at the end of his systeme of Prophecies whereby one might conclude that they are not only within the compass of the Christian ages but far advanc'd into them But however not to insist upon that at present where will you find a thousand years from the birth of Christianity to this present age that deserves the name or answers to the characters of this Pure and Pacifick state of the Church The first ages of Christianity as they were the most pure so likewise were they the least peaceable Continually more or less under the Persecution of the Heathen Emperours and so far from being the Reign and Empire of Christ and his Saints over the Nations that Christians were then every where in subjection or slavery A poor feeble helpless people thrust into Prisons or thrown to the Lyons at the pleasure of their Princes or Rulers 'T is true when the Empire became Christian under Constantine in the fourth Century there was for a time peace and prosperity in the Church and a good degree of Purity and Piety But that peace was soon disturb'd and that piety soon corrupted The growing pride and ambition of the Ecclesiasticks and their easiness to admit or introduce Superstitious Practices destroy'd the purity of the Church And as to the peace of it Their contests about Opinions and Doctrines tore the Christians themselves into pieces and soon after an inundation of Barbarous People fell into Christendom and put it all into flames and confusion After this Eruption of the Northern Nations Mahometanism rose in the East and swarms of Saracens like armies of Locusts invaded conquer'd and planted their Religion in several parts of the Roman Empire and of the Christianiz'd World And can we call such times the Reign of Christ or the imprisonment of Satan In the following ages the Turks over-run the Eastern Empire and the Greek Church and still hold that miserable people in slavery Providence seems to have so order'd affairs that the Christian World should never be without a WOE upon it lest it should fansie it self already in those happy days of Peace and Prosperity which are reserv'd for future times Lastly whosoever is sensible of the corruptions and persecutions of the Church of Rome since she came to her greatness whosoever allows her to be mystical Babylon which must fall before the Kingdom of Christ comes on will think that Kingdom duly plac'd by S. Iohn at the end of his Prophecies concerning the Christian Church and that there still remains according to the words of St. Paul Hebr. 4. 9. a Sabbatism to the people of God CHAP. VI. The sence and testimony of the Primitive Church concerning the Millennium or future Kingdom of Christ from the times of the Apostles to the Nicene Council The second Proposition laid down When by what means and for what reasons that doctrine was afterwards neglected or discountenanc'd YOU have heard the voice of the Prophets and Apostles declaring the future Kingdom of Christ. Next to these the Primitive Fathers are accounted of good authority Let us therefore now enquire into their Sence concerning this Doctrine that we may give satisfaction to all parties And both those that are guided by Scripture alone and those that have a Veneration for Antiquity may find proofs suitable ●o their inclinations and judgment And to make few words of it we will lay down this Conclusion That the Millennial Kingdom of Christ was the general Doctrine of the Primitive Church from the times of the Apostles to the Nicene Council inclusively S. Iohn out-liv'd all the rest of the Apostles and towards the latter end of his life being banish'd into the Isle of Pathmos he writ his Apocalypse wherein he hath given us a more full and distinct account of the Millennial Kingdom of Christ than any of the Prophets or Apostles before him Papias Bishop of Hierapolis and Martyr one of S. I●hn's Audito●s as Irenaeus testifies taught the same Doctrine after S. Iohn He was the familiar friend of Polycarp another of S. Iohn's Disciples and either from him or immediately from S. Iohn's mouth he might receive this Doctrine That he taught it in the Church is agreed on by all hands both by those that are his followers as Irenaeus and those that are not well-wishers to this Doctrine as E●sebius and Ierome There is also another chanel wherein this Doctrine is Traditionally deriv'd from S. Iohn namely by the Clergy of Asia as Irenaeus tells us in the same Chapter For arguing the point he shows that the Blessing promis'd to Iacob from his Father Isaac was not made good to him in this life and therefore he says without doubt those words had a further aim and prospect upon the times of the Kingdom so they us'd to call the Millennial state when the Iust rising from the dead shall reign and when Nature renew'd and set at liberty shall yield plenty and abundance of all things being blest with the dew of Heaven and a great fertility of the Earth According as has been related by those Ecclesiasticks or Clergy who sce. St. John the Disciple of Christ and heard of him WHAT OUR LORD HAD TAUGHT CONCERNING THOSE TIMES This you see goes to the Fountain-head The Christian Clergy receive it from St. Iohn and St. Iohn relates it from the mouth of our Saviour So much for the Original authority of this Doctrine as a Tradition that it was from St. Iohn and by him from Christ. And as to the propagation and prevailing of it in the Primitive Church we can bring a witness beyond all exception Iustin Martyr Contemporary with Irenaeus and his Senior He says that himself and all the Orthodox Christians of his time did acknowledge the Resurrection of the flesh suppose the first Resurrection and a thousand years reign in Ierusalem restor'd or in the New Jerusalem According as the Prophets Ezekiel and Isaiah and Others attest with common consent As St. Peter had said before Act. 3. 21. That all the Prophets had spoken of it Then he quotes the 65th Chapter of Isaiah which is a bulwark for this Doctrine that never can be broken And to shew the Iew with whom he had this discourse that it was the sence
If we therefore remember that there was both a dislocation as I may so say and a fraction in the body of the Earth by that great fall a dislocation as to the Centre and a fraction as to the Surface and Exterior Region it will truly answer to all those expressions in the Prophet that seem so strange and extraordinary T is true this place of the Prophet respects also and foretels the future destruction of the World but that being by Fire when the Elements shall melt with fervent heat and the Earth with the works therein shall be burnt up these expressions of fractions and concussions seem to be taken originally from the manner of the World's first destruction and to be transferr'd by way of application to represent and signifie the second destruction of it though it may be not with the same exactness and propriety There are several other places that refer to the dissolution and subversion of the Earth at the Deluge Amos 9. 5 6. The Lord of Hosts is he that toucheth the Earth and it shall melt or be dissolv'd and it shall rise up wholly like a Flood and shall be drowned as by the Flood of Egypt By this and by the next verse the Prophet seems to allude to the Deluge and to the dissolution of the Earth that was then This in Iob seems to be call'd breaking down the Earth and overturning the Earth Chap. 12. 14 15. Behold he breaketh down and it cannot be built again He sh●●teth upon man and there can be no opening Behold he witholdeth the waters and they dry up also he ●endeth them out and they overturn the Earth Which place you may see paraphras'd Theor. Book 1. p. 91 92. We have already cited and shall hereafter cite other places out of Iob And as that Ancient Author who is thought to have liv'd before the Judaical Oeconoray and nearer to Noah than Moses seems to have had the Praecept a Noachidarum so also he seems to have had the Dogmata Noachidarum which were deliver'd by Noah to his Children and Posterity concerning the mysteries of Natural Providence the origine and fate of the World the Deluge and Ante-diluvian state c. and accordingly we find many strictures of these doctrines in the Book of Iob. Lastly In the Psalms there are Texts that mention the shaking of the Earth and the foundations of the World in reference to the Flood if we judge aright whereof we will speak under the next Head concerning the raging of the Waters in the Deluge These places of Scripture may be noted as left us to be remembrancers of that general ruine and disruption of the Earth at the time of the Deluge But I know it will be said of them That they are not strict proofs but allusions only Be it so yet what is the ground of those allusions something must be alluded to and something that hath past in Nature and that is recorded in Sacred History and what is that unless it be the Universal Deluge and that change and disturbance that was then in all Nature If others say that these and such like places are to be understood morally and allegorically I do not envy them their interpretations but when Nature and Reason will bear a literal sence the rule is that we should not recede from the Letter But I leave these things to every one's thoughts which the more calm they are and the more impartial the more easily they will feel the impressions of Truth In the mean time I proceed to the last particular mention'd The form of the Deluge it self This we suppose to have been not in the way of a standing Pool the Waters making an equal Surface and an equal heighth every where but that the extreme heighth of the Waters was made by the extreme agitation of them caus'd by the weight and force of great Masses or Regions of Earth falling at once into the Abyss by which means as the Waters in some places were prest out and thrown at an excessive height into the Air so they would also in certain places gape and lay bare even the bottom of the Abyss which would look as an open Grave ready to swallow up the Earth and all it bore Whilst the Ark in the mean time falling and rising by these gulphs and precipices sometimes above water and sometimes under was a true Type of the state of the Church in this World And to this time and state David alludes in the name of the Church Psal. 42. 7. Abyss calls unto Abyss at the noise of thy Cataracts or Water-spouts All thy waves and billows have gone over me And again Psal. 46. 2 3. In the name of the Church Therefore will not we fear tho' the Earth be removed and tho' the mountains be carried into the midst of the Seas The waters thereof roar and are troubled the mountains shake with the swelling thereof But there is no description more remarkable or more eloquent than of that Scene of things represented Psal. 18. 7 8 9 c. which still alludes in my opinion to the Deluge-scene and in the name of the Church We will set down the words at large Ver. 6. In my distress I called upon the Lord and cryed unto my God He heard my voice out of his Temple and my cry came before him into his ears 7. Then the Earth shook and trembled the foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken because he was wroth 8. There went up a smoke from his nostrils and fire out of his mouth devoured Coals were kindled by it 9. He bowed the Heavens also and came down and darkness was under his feet 10. And he rode upon a Cherub and did flie he did flie upon the wings of the wind 11. He made darkness his secret place his pavilion round about him was dark waters and thick clouds of the skie 12. At the brightness before him the thick clouds passed hail and coals of fire 13. The Lord also thunder'd in the Heavens and the Highest gave his voice hail and coals of fire 14. Yea he sent out his arrows and scatter'd them and he shot out lightnings and discoinfited them 15. Then the Chanels of waters were seen and the foundations of the World were discovered at thy rebuke O Lord at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils He sent from above he took me he drew me out of great waters This I think is a rough* draught of the face of the Heavens and the Earth at the Deluge as the last Verses do intimate and 't is apply'd to express the dangers and deliverances of the Church The Expressions are far too high to be applyed to David in his Person and to his deliverance from Saul no such agonies or disorders of Nature as are here instanc'd in were made in David s time or upon his account but 't is a Scheme of the Church and of her fate particularly as represented by the Ark in that dismal distress
an equal share and concern in it Moses saith also the Fountains of the grear Abyss were burst asunder to make the Deluge and what means this Abyss and the bursting of it if restrain'd to Iudaea or some adjacent Countries What appearance is there of this Disruption there more than in other Places Furthermore S. Peter plainly implies that the Antediluvian Heavens and Earth perish'd in the Deluge and opposeth the present Earth and Heavens to them as different and of another constitution and saith that these shall perish by Fire as the other perish'd by Water So he compares the Conflagration with the Deluge as two general dissolutions of Nature and one may as well say that the Conflagration shall be only National and but two or three Countries burnt in that last Fire as to say that the Deluge was so I confess that discourse of S. Peter concerning the several States of the World would sufficiently convince me if there was nothing else That the Deluge was not a particular or National Inundation but a mundane change that extended to the whole Earth and both to the lower Heavens and Earth All Antiquity we know hath spoke of these Mundane Revolutions or Periods that the World should be successively destroy'd by Water and Fire and I do not doubt but that this Deluge of Noah's which Moses describes was the first and leading instance of this kind and accordingly we see that after this Period and after the Flood the blessing for multiplication and for replenishing the Earth with Inhabitants was as solemnly pronounc'd by God Almighty as at the first Creation of Man Gen. 9. 1. with Gen. 1. 28. These considerations I think might be sufficient to give us assurance from Divine Writ of the universality of the Deluge and yet Moses affords us another argument as demonstrative as any when in the History of the Deluge he saith Gen. 7. 19. The waters exceedingly prevailed upon the Earth and all the high Hills that were under the whole Heavens were covered All the high Hills he saith under the whole Heavens then quite round the Earth and if the Mountains were cover●d quite round the Earth sure the Plains could not scape But to argue with them upon their own grounds Let us suppose only the Asiatick and Armenian Mountains covered with these waters this they cannot deny then unless there was a miracle to keep these waters upon heaps they would flow throughout the Earth for these Mountains are high enough to make them fall every way and make them joyn with our Seas that environ the Continent We cannot imagine Hills and Mountains of water to have hung about Iudaea as if they were congeal'd or mass of water to have stood upon the middle of the Earth like one great drop or a trembling Jelly and all the places about it dry and untouch'd All liquid bodies are dissusive for their parts being in motion have no tye or connexion one with another but glide and fall off any way as gravity and the Air presseth them so the surface of water doth always conform into a Spherical convexity with the rest of the Globe of the Earth aud every part of it falls as near to the Center as it can wherefore when these waters began to rise at first long before they could swell to the heighth of the Mountains they would diffuse themselves every way and thereupon all the Valleys and Plains and lower parts of the Earth would be filled throughout the whole Earth before they could rise to the tops of the Mountains in any part of it And the Sea would be all raised to a considerble heighth before the Mountains could be covered For let 's suppose as they do that this water fell not throughout the whole Earth but in some particular Country and there made first a great Lake this Lake when it begun to swell would every way discharge it self by any descents or declivities of the ground and these issues and derivations being once made and supplied with new waters pushing them forwards would continue their course till they arriv'd at the Sea just as other Rivers do for these would be but so many Rivers rising out of this Lake and would not be considerably deeper and higher at the Fountain than in their progress or at the Sea We may as well then expect that the Leman-Lake for instance out of which the Rhone runs should swell to the tops of the Alpes on the one hand aud the Mountains of Switzerland and Burgundy on the other and then stop without overflowing the plainer Countries that lie beyond them as to suppose that this Diluvian Lake should rise to the Mountains tops in one place and not diffuse it self equally into all Countries about and upon the surface of the Sea in proportion to its heighth and depth in the place where it first fell or stood Thus much for Sacred History The universality of the Deluge is also attested by profane History for the fame of it is gone through the Earth and there are Records or Traditions concerning it in all parts of this and the new-found World The Americans do acknowledge and speak of it in their Continent as Acosta witnesseth and Laet in their Histories of them The Chineses have the Tradition of it which is the farthest part of our Continent and the nearer and Western parts of Asia is acknowledg'd the proper seat of it Not to mention Deucallon's Deluge in the European parts which seems to be the same under a disguise So as you may trace the Deluge quite round the Globe in profane History and which is remarkable every one of these people have a tale to tell some one way some another concerning the restauration of mankind which is an argument that they thought all mankind destroy'd by that Deluge In the old dispute between the Scythians and the Aegyptians for Antiquity which Iustin mentions they refer to a former destruction of the World by Water or Fire and argue whether Nation first rise again and was original to the other So the Babylonians Assyrians Phoenicians and others mention the Deluge in their stories And we cannot without offering violence to all Records and Authority Divine and Humane deny that there hath been an universal Deluge upon the Earth and if there was an universal Deluge no question it was that of Noah's and that which Moses describ'd and that which we treat of at present These considerations I think are abundantly sufficient to silence that opinion concerning the limitation and restriction of the Deluge to a particular Country or Countries It ought rather to be lookt upon as an Evasion indeed than Opinion seeing the Authors do not offer any positive argument for the proof of it but depend only upon that negative argument That an universal Deluge is a thing unintelligible This stumbling-stone we hope to take away for the future and that men shall not be put to that unhappy choice either to deny matter of fact well
length come to an equality and the Waters that lie in the lower parts and in the Chanels those Chanels and Valleys being fill'd up with Earth would be thrust out and rise every where upon the surface of the Earth Which new post when they had once seiz'd on they would never quit it nor would any thing be able to dispossess them for 't is their natural place and situation which they always tend to and from which there is no progress nor regress in a course of Nature So that the Earth would have been both now and from innumerable Generations before this all under water and uninhabitable if it had stood from everlasting and this form of it had been its first original form Nor can he doubt of this argumentation that considers the coherence of it and will allow time enough for the effect I do not say the Earth would be reduc'd to this uninhabitable form in ten thousand years time though I believe it would but take twenty if you please take an hundred thousand take a million 't is all one for you may take the one as easily as the other out of Eternity and they make both equally against their supposition Nor is it any matter how little you suppose the Mountains to decrease 't is but taking more time and the same effect still follows Let them but waste as much as a grain of Mustardseed every day or a foot in an Age this would be more than enough in ten thousand Ages to consume the tallest Mountain upon Earth The Air alone and the little drops of Rain have defac'd the strongest and the proudest monuments of the Greeks and Romans and allow them but time enough and they will of themselves beat down the Rocks into the Sea and the Hills into the Valleys But if we add to these all those other foremention'd causes that work with more violence and the weight of the Mountains themselves which upon any occasion offer'd is ready to sink them lower we shall shorten the time and make the effect more sure We need add no more here in particular Against this Aristotelian Doctrine that makes the present form of the Earth to have been from Eternity for the truth is this whole Book is one continued argument against that Opinion shewing that it hath de facto chang'd its form both in that we have prov'd that it was not capable of an universal Deluge in this form and consequently was once under another and also in that we shall prove at large hereafter throughout the Third and Fourth Sections that it hath been broken and dissolv'd We might also add one consideration more that if it had stood always under this form it would have been under Fire if it had not been under Water and the Conflagration which it is to undergo would have overtaken it long ere this For S. Peter saith the Heavens and the Earth that are now as oppos'd to the Ante-diluvian and considered in their present form and constitution are fitted to be consum'd by Fire And whosoever understands the progress and revolutions of Nature will see that neither the present form of the Earth nor its first form were permanent and immutable forms but transient and temporary by their own frame and constitution which the Author of Nature after certain periods of time had design'd for change and for destruction Thus much for the body of the Earth that it could not have been from Eternity as Aristotle pretended in the form it hath Now let 's consider the Origination of Mankind and that we shall find could much less be Eternal than the other for whatsoever destroy'd the form of the Earth would also destroy Mankind and besid●s there are many particular marks and arguments that the Generations of Men have not been from Everlasting All History and all monuments of Antiquity of what kind soever are but of a few thousand of years date we have still the memory of the golden Age of the first state of Nature and how mortals liv'd then in innocency and simplicity The invention of Arts even those that are necessary or useful to humane life hath been within the knowledge of Men How imperfect was the Geography of the Ancients how imperfect their knowledge of the Earth how imperfect their Navigation Can we imagine if there had been Men from Everlasting a Sea as now and all materials for Shipping as much as we have that men could have been so ignorant both of the Land and of the Sea as 't is manifest they have been till of late Ages They had very different fancies concerning the figure of the Earth They knew no Land beyond our Continent and that very imperfectly too and the Torrid Zone they thought utterly uninhabitable We think it strange taking that short date of the World which we give it that Men should not have made more progress in the knowledge of these things But how impossible is it then if you suppose them to have been from Everlasting They had the same wit and passions that we have the same motives that we have can we then imagine that neither the ambition of Princes nor interest or gain in private Persons nor curiosity and the desire of Knowledge nor the glory of discoveries nor any other passion or consideration could ever move them in that endless time to try their fortunes upon the Sea and know something more of the World they inhabited Though you should suppose them generally stupid which there is no reason to do yet in a course of infinite Generations there would be some great Genio's some extraordinary persons that would attempt things above the rest We have done more within the compass of our little World which we can but count as to this from the general Deluge than those Eternal Men had done in their innumerable Ages foregoing You will say it may be they had not the advantages and opportunities for Navigation as we have and for discoveries because the use of the Loadstone and the Mariners Needle was not then known But that 's the wonder that either that invention or any other should not be brought to light till t'other day if the World had stood from Eternity I say this or any other practical invention for such things when they are once found out and known are not easily lost again because they are of daily use And 't is in most other practical Arts as in Navigation we generally know their Original and History who the Inventors and by what degrees improv'd and how few of them brought to any perfection till of late Ages All the Artificial and Mechanical World is in a manner new and what you may call the Civil World too is in a great measure so What relates to Government and Laws to Wars and Discipline we can trace these things to their Origin or very near it The use of Money and of Coins nay the use of the very Elements for they tell us of the first invention of Fire
three feet deep made up only of little flakes or pieces of Ice which falling from the middle Region of the Air and meeting with the Earth in their descent are there stopt and heapt up one upon another But if we should suppose little particles of Earth to shower down not only from the middle Region but from the whole capacity and extent of those vast spaces that are betwixt us and the Moon we could not imagine but these would constitute an Orb of Earth some thousands of times deeper than the greatest Snow which being increas'd and swoln by that oily liquor it fell into and incorporated with it would be thick strong and great enough in all respects to render it an habitable Earth We cannot doubt therefore but such a body as this would be form'd and would be sufficient in quantity for an habitable Earth Then for the quality of it it will answer all the purposes of a Rising World What can be a more proper Seminary for Plants and Animals than a soil of this temper and composition A finer and lighter sort of Earth mixt with a benign Juice easie and obedient to the action of the Sun or of what other causes were employ'd by the Author of Nature for the production of things in the new-made Earth What sort or disposition of matter could be more fit and ready to catch life from Heaven and to be drawn into all forms that the rudiments of life or the bodies of living Creatures would require What soil more proper for vegetation than this warm moisture which could have no fault unless it was too fertile and luxuriant And that is no fault neither at the beginning of a World This I am sure of that the learned amongst the Ancients both Greeks Egyptians Phoenicians and others have describ'd the primigenial soil or the temper of the Earth that was the first subject for the Generation and Origin of Plants and Animals after such a manner as is truly express'd and I think with advantage by this draught of the primigenial Earth Thus much concerning the matter of the first Earth Let us reflect a little upon the form of it also whether External or Internal both whereof do manifestly shew themselves from the manner of its production or formation As to the External form you see it is according to the Proposition we were to prove smooth regular and uniform without Mountains and without a Sea And the proof we have given of it is very easie The Globe of the Earth could not possibly rise immediately from a Chaos into the irregular form in which it is at present The Chaos being a fluid mass which we know doth necessarily fall into a Spherical surface whose parts are equi-distant from the Center and consequently in an equal and even convexity one with another And seeing upon the distinction of a Chaos and separation into several Elementary masses the Water would naturally have a superiour place to the Earth 't is manifest that there could be no habitable Earth form'd out of the Chaos unless by some concretion upon the face of the Water Then lastly seeing this concrete Orb of Earth upon the face of the Water would be of the same form with the surface of the Water it was spread upon there being no causes that we know of to make any inequality in it we must conclude it equal and uniform and without Mountains as also without a Sea for the Sea and all the mass of Waters was enclos'd within this exteriour Earth which had no other basis or foundation to rest upon The contemplation of these things and of this posture of the Earth upon the Waters doth so strongly bring to mind certain passages of Scripture which will recur in another place that we cannot without injury to truth pass them by here in silence Passages that have such a manifest resemblance and agreement to this form and situation of the Earth that they seem visibly to point at it such are those expressions of the Psalmist God hath founded the Earth upon the Seas And in another Psalm speaking of the wisdom and power of God in the Creation he saith To him who alone doth great wonders to him that by wisdom made the Heavens to him that extended or stretched out the Earth above the Waters What can be more plain or proper to denote that form of the Earth that we have describ'd and to express particularly the inclosure of the Waters within the Earth as we have represented them He saith in another place By the Word of the Lord were the Heavens made he shut up the Waters of the Sea as in Bags for so the word is to be render'd and is render'd by all except the English and laid up the Abysse as in store-houses This you see is very conformable to that System of the Earth and Sea which we have propos'd here Yet there is something more express than all this in that remarkable place in the Proverbs of Solomon where Wisdom declaring her Antiquity and Existence before the foundation of the Earth amongst other things saith When he prepared the Heavens I was there When he drew an Orb over the surface of the Abysse or when he set an Orb upon the face of the Abysse We render it in the English a Compass or Circle but 't is more truly rendred an Orb or Sphere and what Orb or Spherical Body was this which at the formation of the Earth was built and plac'd round about the Abyss but that wonderful Arch whose form and production we have describ'd encompassing the mass of Waters which in Scripture is often call'd the Abysse or Deep Lastly This Scheme of the first Earth gives light to that place we mention'd before of S. Peter's where the first Earth is said to consist of Water and by Water and by reason thereof was obnoxious to a Deluge The first part of this character is plain from the description now given and the second will appear in the following Chapter In the mean time concerning these passages of Scripture which we have cited we may truly and modestly say that though they would not it may be without a Theory premis'd have been taken or interpreted in this sence yet this Theory being premis'd I dare appeal to any unprejudic'd person if they have not a fairer and easier a more full and more emphatical sence when apply'd to that form of the Earth and Sea we are now speaking of than to their present form or to any other we can imagine Thus much concerning the external form of the first Earth Let us now reflect a little upon the Internal form of it which consists of several Regions involving one another like Orbs about the same Center or of the several Elements cast circularly about each other as it appears in the Fourth and Fifth Figure And as we have noted the External form of this primae●al Earth to have been markt and celebrated in the Sacred Writings so
that Earth being even and smooth without Hills and eminencies and might lay it all under water to some depth so as the Ark if it could not float upon those Rain-waters at least taking the advantage of a River or a Dock or Cistern made to receive them it might be a float before the Abysse was broken open For I do not suppose the Abysse broken open before any Rain fell And when the opening of the Abysse and of the Flood-gates of Heaven are mention'd together I am apt to think those Flood-gates were distinct from the common Rain and were something more violent and impetuous So that there might be preparatory Rains before the disruption of the Abysse and I do not know but those Rains so covering up and enclosing the Earth on every side might providentially contribute to the disruption of it not only by softning and weakning the Arch of the Earth in the bottom of those cracks and Chasms which were made by the Sun and which the Rain would first run into but especially by stopping on a sudden all the pores of the Earth and all evaporation which would make the vapors within struggle more violently as we get a Fever by a Cold and it may be in that struggle the Doors and the Bars were broke and the great Abysse gusht out as out of a womb However when the Rains were faln we may suppose the face of the Earth cover'd over with water and whether it was these waters that S. Peter refers to or that of the Abysse afterwards I cannot tell when he saith in his first Epistle Chap. 3. 20. Noah and his Family were sav'd by water so as the water which destroy'd the rest of the World was an instrument of their conservation in as much as it bore up the Ark and kept it from that impetuous shock which it would have had if either it had stood upon dry land when the Earth fell or if the Earth had been dissolv'd without any water on it or under it However things being thus prepar'd let us suppose the great frame of the exteriour Earth to have broke at this time or the Fountains of the great Abyss as Moses saith to have been then open'd from thence would issue upon the fall of the Earth with an unspeakable violence such a Flood of waters as would over-run and overwhelm for a time all those fragments which the Earth broke into and bury in one common Grave all Mankind and all the Inhabitants of the Earth Besides if the Flood-gates of Heaven were any thing distinct from the Forty days Rain their effusion 't is likely was at this same time when the Abyss was broken open for the sinking of the Earth would make an extraordinary convulsion of the Regions of the Air and that crack and noise that must be in the falling World and in the collision of the Earth and the Abyss would make a great and universal Concussion above which things together must needs so shake or so squeeze the Atmosphere as to bring down all the remaining Vapours But the force of these motions not being equal throughout the whole Air but drawing or pressing more in some places than in other where the Center of the Convulsion was there would be the chiefest collection and there would fall not showers of Rain or single drops but great spouts or caskades of water and this is that which Moses seems to call not improperly the Gataracts of Heaven or the Windows of Heaven being set open Thus the Flood came to its height and 't is not easie to represent to our selves this strange Scene of things when the Deluge was in its fury and extremity when the Earth was broken and swallow'd up in the Abyss whose raging waters rise higher than the Mountains and fill'd the Air with broken waves with an universal mist and with thick darkness so as Nature seem'd to be in a second Chaos and upon this Chaos rid the distrest Ark that bore the small remains of Mankind No Sea was ever so tumultuous as this nor is there any thing in present Nature to be compar'd with the disorder of these waters All the Poetry and all the Hyperboles that are us'd in the description of Storms and raging Seas were literally true in this if not beneath it The Ark was really carry'd to the tops of the highest Mountains and into the places of the Clouds and thrown down again into the deepest Gulfs and to this very state of the Deluge and of the Ark which was a Type of the Church in this World David seems to have alluded in the name of the Church Psal. 42. 7. Abysse calls upon Abysse at the noise of thy Cataracts or water-spouts all thy waves and billows have gone over me It was no doubt an extraordinary and miraculous Providence that could make a Vessel so ill man'd live upon such a Sea that kept it from being dasht against the Hills or overwhelm'd in the Deeps That Abyss which had devour'd and swallow'd up whole Forests of Woods Cities and Provinces nay the whole Earth when it had conquer'd all and triumph'd over all could not destroy this single Ship I remember in the story of the Argonauticks when Iason set out to fetch the Golden Fleece the Poet saith all the Gods that day look'd down from Heaven to view the Ship and the Nymphs stood upon the Mountain-tops to see the noble Youth of Thessaly pulling at the Oars We may with more reason suppose the good Angels to have look'd down upon this Ship of Noah's and that not out of couriosity as idle spectators but with a passionate concern for its safety and deliverance A Ship whose Cargo was no less than a whole World that carry'd the fortune and hopes of all posterity and if this had perish'd the Earth for any thing we know had been nothing but a Desart a great ruine a dead heap of Rubbish from the Deluge to the Conflagration But Death and Hell the Grave and Destruction have their bounds We may entertain our selves with the consideration of the face of the Deluge and of the broken and drown'd Earth in this Scheme with the floating Ark and the guardian Angels pag. 68. Thus much for the beginning and progress of the Deluge It now remains only that we consider it in its decrease and the state of the Earth after the waters were retir'd into their Chanels which makes the present state of it Moses saith God brought a wind upon the waters and the tops of the Hills became bare and then the lower grounds and Plains by degrees the waters being sunk into the Chanels of the Sea and the hollowness of the Earth and the whole Globe appearing in the form it is now under There needs nothing be added for explication of this 't is the genuine consequence of the Theory we have given of the Deluge and whether this wind was a descending wind to depress and keep down the swellings and inequalities of the Abyss or
Theological and we will try them both for our satisfaction Of Philosophers none was more concern'd to give an account of such things than Epicurus both because he acknowledged the Origin of the Earth to have been from a Chaos and also admitted no causes to act in Nature but Matter and Motion Yet all the account we have from the Epicureans of the form of the Earth and the great inequalities that are in it is so slight and trivial that methinks it doth not deserve the name of a Philosophical Explication They say that the Earth and Water were mix'd at first or rather the Earth was above the Water and as the Earth was condens'd by the heat of the Sun and the Winds the Water was squeez'd out in certain places which either it found hollow or made so and so was the Chanel of the Sea made Then as for Mountains while some parts of the Earth shrunk and sunk in this manner others would not sink and these standing still while the others fell lower made the Mountains How the subterraneous Cavities were made according to them I do not find This is all the Account that Monsieur Gassendi who seems to have made it his business as well as his pleasure to embellish that Philosophy can help us to out of the Epicurean Authors how the Earth came into this form and he that can content himself with this is in my mind of an humour very easie to be pleas'd Do the Sun and the Wind use to squeaze pools of Water out of the Earth and that in such a quantity as to make an Ocean They dry the Earth and the Waters too and rarifie them into vapours but I never knew them to be the causes of pressing Water out of the Earth by condensation Could they compress the Earth any otherwise than by drying it and making it hard and in proportion as it was more dry would it not the more imbibe and suck up the Water and how were the great Mountains of the Earth made in the North and in the South where the influence of the Sun is not great What sunk the Earth there and made the flesh start from the bones But 't is no wonder that Epicurus should give such a mean account of the Origin of the Earth and the form of its parts who did not so much as understand the general Figure of the Body of it that it was in some manner Spherical or that the Heavens encompast it round One must have a blind love for that Philosophy and for the conclusions it drives at not to see its lameness and defects in those first and fundamental parts Aristotle though he was not concern'd to give an account how the Earth came into this present form as he suppos'd it Eternal yet upon another consideration he seems oblig'd to give some reason how the Elements came into this disorder seeing he supposeth that according to the order of Nature the Water should lie above the Earth in a Sphere as the Air doth above the Water and his Fire above the Air. This he toucheth upon in his Meteors but so gently and fearfully as if he was handling hot coals He saith the Sea is to be consider'd as the Element or body of Waters that belongs to this Earth and that these Waters change places and the Sea is some Ages in one part of the Globe and some Ages in another but that this is at such great distances of time that there can be no memory or record of it And he seems willing to suppose that the Water was once all over the Earth but that it drid up in certain places and continuing in others it there made the Sea What a miserable account is this As to his change or removal of the Sea-chanel in several Ages as it is without all proof or probability if he mean it of the Chanel of the great Ocean so 't is nothing to the purpose here for the question is not why the Chanel of the Sea is in such a part of the Earth rather than in another but why there is any such prodigious Cavity in or upon the Earth any where And if we take his supposition that the Element of Water was once higher than the Earth and lay in a Sphere about it then let him tell us in plain terms how the Earth got above or how the Cavity of the Ocean was made and how the the Mountains rise for this Elementary Earth which lay under the Water was I suppose equal and smooth when it lay there and what reason was there that the Waters should be dri'd in one part of it more than another if they were every where of an equal depth and the ground equal under them It was not the Climates made any distinction for there is Sea towards the Poles as well as under the Aequator but suppose they were dri'd up in certain places that would make no Mountains no more than there are Mountains in our dri'd Marches And the places where they were not dri'd would not therefore become as deep and hollow as the Sea chanel and tear the Earth and Rocks in pieces If you should say that this very Elementary Earth as it lay under the Waters was unequal and was so originally form'd into Mountains and Valleys and great Cavities besides that the supposition is altogether irrational in it self you must suppose a prodigious mass of Water to cover such an Earth as much as we found requisite for the vulgar Deluge namely eight Oceans and what then is become of the other seven Upon the whole I do not see that either in Epicurus's way who seems to suppose that the Waters were at first within the Earth nor in Aristotle's way who seems to suppose them upon the Earth any rational or tolerable account can be given of the present form of the Earth Wherefore some modern Authors dissatisfied as very well they might be with these Explications given us by the Ancients concerning the form of the Earth have pitch'd upon other causes more true indeed in their kind and in their degree but that ●all as much short of those effects to which they would apply them They say that all the irregularities of the body of the Earth have risen from Earthquakes in particular places and from Torrents and Inundations and from eruptions of Fire or such like causes whereof we see some instances more or less every Age And these have made that havock upon the face of the Earth and turn'd things up-side down raising the Earth in some places and making great Cavities or Chasms in others so as to have brought it at length into that torn broken and disorderly form in which we now see it These Authors do so far agree with us as to acknowledge that the present irregular form of the Earth must have proceeded from ruines and dissolutions of one sort or other but these ruines they make to have been partial only in this or in that Country by piece-meal and
it lay under the Water was a solid uniform mass compact and close united in its parts as we have shewn before upon several occasions no Mines or hollow Vaults for the Vapours to be lodg'd in no Store-houses of Fire nothing that could make Earthquakes nor any sort of ruines or eruptions These are Engines that cannot play but in an Earth already broken hollow and cavernous Therefore the Authors of this opinion do in effect beg the question they assign such causes of the present form of the Earth as could not take place nor have any activity until the Earth was in this form These causes may contribute something to increase the rudeness and inequalities of the Earth in certain places but they could not be the original causes of it And that not only because of their disproportion to such effects but also because of their incapacity or non-existence at that time when these effects were to be wrought Thus much concerning the Philosophical opinions or the natural Causes that have been assign'd for the irregular form of this present Earth Let us now consider the Theological opinions how Mountains were made at first and the wonderful Chanel of the Sea And these Authors say God Almighty made them immediately when he made the World and so dispatcht the business in a few words This is a short account indeed but we must take heed that we do not derogate from the perfection of God by ascribing all things promiscuously to his immediate action I have often suggested that the first order of things is regular and simple according as the Divine Nature is and continues so till there is some degeneracy in the moral World I have also noted upon several occasions especially in the Lat. Treat Cap. II. the deformity and incommodiousness of the present Earth and from these two considerations we may reasonably infer that the present state of the Earth was not Original but is a state of subjection to Vanity wherein it must continue till the redemption and restitution of all things But besides this general consideration there are many others both Natural and Theological against this opinion which the Authors of it I believe will find unanswerable As first S. Peter's distinction betwixt the present Earth and the Ante-diluvian and that in opposition to certain profane persons who seem to have been of the same opinion with these Authors namely That the Heavens and the Earth were the same now that they had been from the beginning and that there had been no change in Nature either of late or in former Ages These S. Peter confutes and upbraids them with ignorance or forgetfulness of the change that was brought upon Nature at the Deluge or that the Ante-diluvian Heavens and Earth were of a different form and constitution from the present whereby that World was obnoxious to a Deluge of Water as the present is to a Deluge of Fire Let these Authors put themselves in the place of those Objectors and see what answer they can make to the Apostle whom I leave to dispute the case with them I hope they will not treat this Epistle of S. Peter's so rudely as Didymus Alexandrinus did an ancient Christian and one of S. Ierom's Masters he was of the same opinion with these Theological Authors and so fierce in it that seeing S. Peter's doctrine here to be contrary he said this Epistle of S. Peter's was corrupted and was not to be receiv'd into the Canon And all this because it taught that the Heavens and the Earth had chang'd their form and would do so again at the Conflagration so as the same World would be T●iform in success of time We acknowledge his Exposition of S. Peter's words to be very true but what he makes an argument of the corruption of this Epistle is rather in my mind a peculiar argument of its Divine Inspiration In the second place these Writers dash upon the old rock the impossibility of explaining the Deluge if there were Mountains from the beginning and the Earth then in the same form as it is in now Thirdly They make the state of Paradise as unintelligible as that of the Deluge For those properties that are assign'd to Paradise by the Ancients are inconsistent with the present form of the Earth As will appear in the Second Book Lastly They must answer and give an account of all those marks which we have observ'd in Nature both in this Chapter and the Ninth Tenth and Eleventh of fractions ruines and dissolutions that have been on the Earth and which we have shown to be inexplicable unless we admit that the Earth was once in another form These arguments being premis'd let us now bring their opinion close to the Test and see in what manner these Mountains must have been made according to them and how the Chanel of the Sea and all other Cavities of the Earth Let us to this purpose consider the Earth again in that transient incompleat form which it had when the Abyss encompast the whole body of it we both agree that the Earth was once in this state and they say that it came immediately out of this state into its present form there being made by a supernatural Power a great Chanel or Ditch in one part of it which drew off the Waters from the rest and the Earth which was squeez'd and forc'd out of this Ditch made the Mountains So there is the Chanel of the Sea made and the Mountains of the Earth how the subterraneous Cavities were made according to these Authors I do not well know This I confess seems to me a very gross thought and a way of working very un-God-like but however let 's have patience to examine it And in the first place if the Mountains were taken out of the Chanel of the Sea then they are equal to it and would fill it up if they were thrown in again But these proportions upon examination will not agree for though the Mountains of the Earth be very great yet they do not equal by much the great Ocean The Ocean extends to half the surface of the Earth and if you suppose the greatest depth of the Ocean to answer the height of the greatest Mountains and the middle depth to the middle sort of Mountains the Mountains ought to cover all the dry Land to make them answer to all the capacity of the Ocean whereas we suppos'd them upon a reasonable computation to cover but the tenth part of the dry Land and consequently neither they nor the Sea-chanel could have been produc'd in this manner because of their great disproportion to one another And the same thing appears if we compare the Mountains with the Abyss which cover'd the Earth before this Chanel was made for this Chanel being made great enough to contain all the Abyss the Mountains taken out of it must also be equal to all the Abyss but the aggregate of the Mountains will not answer this by many degrees
for suppose the Abyss was but half as deep as the deep Ocean to make this Calculus answer all the dry Land ought to be cover'd with Mountains and with Mountains as high as the Ocean is deep or doubly high to the depth of the Abyss because they are but upon one half of the Globe And this is the first argument against the reciprocal production of Mountains and the Sea their incongruency or disproportion Secondly We are to consider that a great many Mountains of the Earth are far distant from any Seas as the great in-land Mountains of Asia and of Africk and the Sarmatick Mountains and others in Europe how were these great bodies slung thorow the Air from their respective Seas whence they were taken to those places where they stand What appearance is there in common reason or credibility that these huge masses of Earth and Stone that stand in the middle of Continents were dug out of any Seas We think it strange and very deservedly that a little Chapel should be transported from Palestine to Italy over Land and Sea much more the transportation of Mount Atlas or Taurus thorow the Air or of a range of Mountains two or three thousand miles long would surely upon all accounts appear incongruous and incredible Besides neither the hollow form of Mountains nor the stony matter whereof they commonly consist agrees with that supposition that they were prest or taken out of the Chanel of the Sea Lastly We are to consider that the Mountains are not barely laid upon the Earth as a Tomb-stone upon a Grave nor stand as Statues do upon a Pedestal as this opinion seems to suppose but they are one continued substance with the body of the Earth and their roots reach into the Abyss as the Rocks by the Sea-side go as deep as the bottom of the Sea in one continu'd mass And 't is a ridiculous thing to imagine the Earth first a plain surface then all the Mountains set upon it as Hay-cocks in a Field standing upon their flat bottoms There is no such common surface in Nature nor consequently any such super-additions 'T is all one frame or mass only broken and disjoynted in the parts of it To conclude 'T is not only the Mountains that make the inequalities of the Earth or the irregularity of its surface every Country every Province every Field hath an unequal and different situation higher or lower inclin'd more or less and sometimes one way sometimes another you can scarce take a miles compass in any place where the surface of the ground continues uniform and can you imagine that there were Moulds or Stones brought from the Sea-chanel to make all those inequalities Or that Earthquakes have been in every County and in every Field The inner Veins and Lares the beds or Strata of the Earth are also broken as well as the surface These must proceed from universal causes and all those that have been alledg'd whether from Philosophy or Theology are but particular or Topical I am fully satisfied in contemplation of these things and so I think every unprejudic'd person may be that to such an irregular variety of situation and construction as we see every where in the parts of the Earth nothing could answer but some universal concussion or dislocation in the nature of a general ruine We have now finisht this first part of our Theory and all that concerns the Deluge or dissolution of the Earth and we have not only establisht our own Hypothesis by positive arguments but also produc'd and examin'd all suppositions that have been offer'd by others whether Philosophical or Theological for the Explication of the same things so as nothing seems now to remain further upon this subject For a conclusion of all we will consider if you please the rest of the Earths or of the Planets within our Heavens that appertain to the same common Sun to see so far as we can go by rational conjectures if they be not of the same Fabrick and have undergone the like fate and forms with our Earth It is now acknowledg'd by the generality of Learned Men that the Planets are Opake bodies and particularly our next neighbour the Moon is known to be a Terraqueous Globe consisting of Mountains and Valleys as our Earth does and we have no reason to believe but that she came into that form by a dissolution or from like causes as our Earth did Mercury is so near the Sun that we cannot well discern his face whether spotted or no nor make a judgment of it But as for Venus and Mars if the spots that be observed in them be their Waters or their Sea as they are in the Moon 't is likely They are also Terraqueous Globes and in much what a like form with the Moon and the Earth and for ought we know from like causes Particularly as to Venus 't is a remarkable passage that S. Austin hath preserv'd out of Varro he saith That about the time of the great Deluge there was a wonderful alteration or Catastrophe happen'd to the Planet Venus and that she chang'd her Colour form figure and magnitude This is a great presumption that she suffer'd her dissolution about the same time that our Earth did I do not know that any such thing is recorded concerning any of the other Planets but the body of Mars looks very rugged broken and much disorder'd Saturn and Iupiter deserve a distinct consideration as having something particular and different from the rest of the Planets Saturn is remarkable for his Hoop or Ring which seems to stand off or higher than his body and would strongly induce one to believe that the exteriour Earth of that Planet at its dissolution did not all fall in but the Polar parts sinking into the Abyss the middle or Aequinoctial parts still subsisted and bore themselves up in the nature of an Arch about the Planet or of a Bridge as it were built over the Sea of Saturn And as some have observ'd concerning the figure of Iupiter that it is not wholly Sphaerical but a Sphaeroid protuberant in the Aequator and deprest towards the Poles So I should suspect Saturn to have been much more so before his disruption Namely That the Body of that Planet in its first state was more flat and low towards the Poles and also weaker and thinner and about the Aequator higher fuller and stronger Built By reason of which figure and construction the Polar parts did more easily fall in or were suckt in as Cupping-glasses draw in the Flesh when the Abyss below grew more empty Whereas the middle parts about the Aequator being a more just Arch and strongly built would not yield or sink but stood firm and unbroken and continues still in its first posture Planets break in different ways according to the quality of their matter the manner of their construction and the Nature of the Causes that act upon them Their dissolutions are sometimes total as in
same World that our first fore-fathers did nor scarce to be the same race of Men. Our life now is so short and vain as if we came into the World only to see it and leave it by that time we begin to understand our selves a little and to know where we are and how to act our part we must leave the stage and give place to others as meer Novices as we were our selves at our first entrance And this short life is imploy'd in a great measure to preserve our selves from necessity or diseases or injuries of the Air or other inconveniencies to make one Man easie ten must work and do drudgery The Body takes up so much time we have little leisure for Contemplation or to cultivate the mind The Earth doth not yield us food but with much labour and industry and what was her free-will offering before or an easie liberality can scarce now be extorted from her Neither are the Heavens more favourable sometimes in one extreme sometimes in another The Air often impure or infectious and for a great part of the year Nature her self seems to be sick or dead To this vanity the external Creation is made subject as well as Mankind and so must continue till the restitution of all things Can we imagine in those happy Times and Places we are treating of that things stood in this same posture are these the fruits of the Golden Age and of Paradise or consistent with their happiness And the remedies of these evils must be so universal you cannot give them to one place or Region of the Earth but all must participate For these are things that flow from the course of the Heavens or such general Causes as extend at once to all Nature If there was a perpetual Spring and perpetual Aequinox in Paradise there was at the same time a perpetual Aequinox all the Earth over unless you place Paradise in the middle of the Torrid Zone So also the long-lives of the Ante-diluvians was an universal Effect and must have had an universal Cause 'T is true in some single parts or Regions of the present Earth the Inhabitants live generally longer than in others but do not approach in any measure the Age of their Ante-diluvian fore-fathers and that degree of longaevity which they have above the rest they owe to the calmness and tranquility of their Heavens and Air which is but an imperfect participation of that cause which was once Universal and had its effect throughout the whole Earth And as to the fertility of this Earth though in some spots it be eminently more fruitful than in others and more delicious yet that of the first Earth was a fertility of another kind being spontaneous and extending to the production of Animals which cannot be without a favourable concourse from the Heavens also Thus much in general We will now go over those three forementioned Characters more distinctly to show by their unsuitableness to the present state of Nature that neither the whole Earth as it is now nor any part of it could be Paradisiacal The perpetual Spring which belong'd to the Golden Age and to Paradise is an happiness this present Earth cannot pretend to nor is capable of unless we could transfer the Sun from the Ecliptick to the Aequator or which is as easie perswade the Earth to change its posture to the Sun If Archimedes had found a place to plant his Machines in for removing of the Earth all that I should have desir'd of him would have been only to have given it an heave at one end and set it a little to rights again with the Sun that we might have enjoy'd the comfort of a perpetual Spring which we have lost by its dislocation ever since the Deluge And there being nothing more indispensably necessary to a Paradisiacal state than this unity and equality of Seasons where that cannot be 't is in vain to seek for the rest of Paradise The spontaneous fruitfulness of the ground was a thing peculiar to the primigenial soil which was so temper'd as made it more luxuriant at that time than it could ever be afterwards and as that rich temperament was spent so by degrees it grew less fertile The Origin or production of Animals out of the Earth depended not only upon this vital constitution of the soil at first but also upon such a posture and aspect of the Heavens as favour'd or at least permitted Nature to make her best works out of this prepar'd matter and better than could be made in that manner after the Flood Noah we see had orders given him to preserve the Races of living Creatures in his Ark when the Old World was destroy'd which is an argument to me that Providence foresaw that the Earth would not be capable to produce them under its new form and that not only for want of fitness in the soil but because of the diversity of Seasons which were then to take place whereby Nature would be disturb'd in her work and the subject to be wrought upon would not continue long enough in the same due temper But this part of the second Character concerning the Original of Animals deserves to be further examin'd and explain'd The first principles of Life must be tender and ductile that they may yield to all the motions and gentle touches of Nature otherwise it is not possible that they should be wrought with that curiosity and drawn into all those little fine threds and textures that we see and admire in some parts of the Bodies of Animals And as the matter must be so constituted at first so it must be kept in a due temper till the work be finisht without any excess of heat or cold and accordingly we see that Nature hath made provision in all sorts of Creatures whether Oviparous or Viviparous that the first rudiments of Life should be preserv'd from all injuries of the Air and kept in a moderate warmth Eggs are enclos'd in a Shell or Film and must be cherish'd with an equal gentle heat to begin formation and continue it otherwise the work miscarries And in Viviparous Creatures the materials of life are safely lodg'd in the Females womb and conserv'd in a fit temperature 'twixt heat and cold while the Causes that Providence hath imploy'd are busie at work fashioning and placing and joyning the parts in that due order which so wonderful a Fabrick requires Let us now compare these things with the birth of Animals in the new-made World when they first rose out of the Earth to see what provision could be made there for their safety and nourishment while they were a making and when newly made And though we take all advantages we can and suppose both the Heavens and the Earth favourable a fit soil and a warm and constant temper of the Air all will be little enough to make this way of production feasible or probable But if we suppose there was then the same inconstancy of the Heavens
that is now the same vicissitude of seasons and the same inequality of heat and cold I do not think it at all possible that they could be so form'd or being new-form'd preserv'd and nourish'd 'T is true some little Creatures that are of short dispatch in their formation and find nourishment enough wheresoever they are br●d might be produc'd and brought to perfection in this way notwithstanding any inequality of Seasons because they are made all at a heat as I may so say begun and ended within the compass of one Season But the great question is concerning the more perfect kinds of Animals that require a long stay in the womb to make them capable to sustain and nourish themselves when they first come into the World Such Animals being big and strong must have a pretty hardness in their bones and force and firmness in their Muscles and Joynts before they can bear their own weight and exercise the common motions of their body And accordingly we see Nature hath ordain'd for these a longer time of gestation that their limbs and members might have time to acquire strength and solidity Besides the young ones of these Animals have commonly the milk of the Dam to nourish them after they are brought forth which is a very proper nourishment and like to that which they had before in the womb and by this means their stomachs are prepar'd by degrees for courser food Whereas our Terrigenous Animals must have been wean'd as soon as they were born or as soon as they were separated from their Mother the Earth and therefore must be allow'd a longer time of continuing there These things being consider'd we cannot in reason but suppose that these Terrigenous Animals were as long or longer a perfecting than our Viviparous and were not separated from the body of the Earth for ten twelve eighteen or more months according as their Nature was and seeing in this space of time they must have suffer●d upon the common Hypothesis all vicissitudes and variety of seasons and great excesses of heat and cold which are things incompatible with the tender principles of life and the formation of living Creatures as we have shown before we may reasonably and safely conclude that Nature had not when the World began the same course she hath now or that the Earth was not then in its present posture and constitution Seeing I say these first spontaneous Births which both the Holy Writ Reason and Antiquity seem to allow could not be finish'd and brought to maturity nor afterwards preserv'd and nourisht upon any other supposition Longaevi●y is the last Character to be consider'd and as inconsistent with the present state of the Earth as any other There are many things in the story of the first Ages that seem strange but nothing so prodigy-like as the long lives of those Men that their houses of Clay should stand eight or nine hundred years and upwards and those we build of the hardest Stone or Marble will not now last so long This hath excited the curiosity of ingenious and learned men in all Ages to enquire after the possible Causes of that longaveity and if it had been always in conjunction with innocency of life and manners and expir'd when that expir'd we might have thought it some peculiar blessing or reward attending that but 't was common to good and bad and lasted till the Deluge whereas mankind was degenerate long before Amongst Natural Causes some have imputed it to the sobriety and simplicity of their diet and manner of living in those days that they eat no flesh and had not all those provocations to gluttony which Wit and Vice have since invented This might have some effect but not possibly to that degree and measure that we speak of There are many Monastical persons now that live abstemiously all their lives and yet they think an hundred years a very great age amongst them Others have imputed it to the excellency of their Fruits and some unknown vertue in their Herbs and Plants in those days But they may as well say nothing as say that which can neither be prov'd nor understood It could not be either the quantity or quality of their food that was the cause of their long lives for the Earth was said to be curst long before the Deluge and probably by that time was more barren and juiceless for the generality than ours is now yet we do not see that their longaevity decreast at all from the beginning of the World to the Flood Methusalah was Noah's Grandfather but one intire remove from the Deluge and he liv'd longer than any of his Fore-fathers That food that will nourish the parts and keep us in health is also capable to keep us in long life if there be no impediments otherwise for to continue health is to continue life as that fewel that is fit to raise and nourish a flame will preserve it as long as you please if you add fresh fewel and no external causes hinder Neither do we observe that in those parts of the present Earth where people live longer than in others that there is any thing extraordinary in their food but that the difference is chiefly from the Air and the temperateness of the Heavens And if the Ante-diluvians had not enjoy'd that advantage in a peculiar manner and differently from what any parts of the Earth do now they would never have seen seven eight or nine hundred years go over their heads though they had been nourish'd with Nectar and Ambrosia Others have thought that the long lives of those Men of the old World proceeded from the strength of their Stamina or first principles of their bodies which if they were now as strong in us they think we should still live as long as they did This could not be the sole and adaequate cause of their longaevity as will appear both from History and Reason Shem who was born before the Flood and had in his body all the vertue of the Ante-diluvian Stamina and constitution fell three hundred years short of the age of his fore-fathers because the greatest part of his life was past after the Flood That their Stamina were stronger than ours are I am very ready to believe and that their bodies were greater and any race of strong Men living long in health would have children of a proportionably strong constitution with themselves but then the question is How was this interrupted We that are their posterity why do not we inherit their long lives how was this constitution broken at the Deluge and how did the Stamina fail so fast when that came why was there so great a Crisis then and turn of life or why was that the period of their strength We see this longaevity sunk half in half immediately after the Flood and after that it sunk by gentler degrees but was still in motion and declension till it was ●ixt at length before David's time in that which hath
situation as oppos'd to oblique or inclin'd or a parallel situation if you please Now this is a thing that needs no proof besides its own evidence for 't is the immediate result and common effect of gravity or libration that a Body freely left to it self in a fluid medium should settle in such a posture as best answers to its gravitation and this first Earth whereof we speak being uniform and every way equally balanc'd there was no reason why it should incline at one end more than at the other towards the Sun As if you should suppose a Ship to stand North and South under the Aequator if it was equally built and equally ballasted it would not incline to one Pole or other but keep its Axis parallel to the Axis of the Earth but if the ballast lay more at one end it would dip towards that Pole and rise proportionably higher towards the other So those great Ships that fail about the Sun once a year or once in so many years whilst they are uniformly built and equally pois'd they keep steddy and even with the Axis of their Orbit but if they lose that equality and the Center of their gravity change the heavier end will incline more towards the common Center of their motion and the other end will recede from it So particularly the Earth which makes one in that aëry Fleet when it scap'd so narrowly from being shipwrackt in the great Deluge was however so broken and disorder'd that it lost its equal poise and thereupon the Center of its gravity changing one Pole became more inclin'd towards the Sun and the other more remov'd from it and so its right and parallel situation which it had before to the Axis of the Ecliptick was chang'd into an oblique in which skew posture it hath stood ever since and is likely so to do for some Ages to come I instance in this as the most obvious cause of the change of the situation of the Earth tho' it may be upon this followed a change in its Magnetism and that might also contribute to the same effect However This change and obliquity of the Earth's posture had a long train of consequences depending upon it whereof that was the most immediate that it alter'd the form of the year and brought in that inequality of Seasons which hath since obtain'd As on the contrary while the Earth was in its first and natural posture in a more easie and regular disposition to the Sun That had also another respective train of consequences whereof one of the first and that which we are most concern'd in at present was that it made a perpetual Aequinox or Spring to all the World all the parts of the year had one and the same tenour face and temper there was no Winter or Summer Seed-time or Harvest but a continual temperature of the Air and Verdure of the Earth And this fully answers the first and fundamental character of the Golden Age and of Paradise And what Antiquity whether Heathen or Christian hath spoken concerning that perpetual serenity and constant Spring that reign'd there which in the one was accounted fabulous and in the other hyperbolical we see to have been really and Philosophically true Nor is there any wonder in the thing the wonder is rather on our side that the Earth should stand and continue in that forc'd posture wherein it is now spinning yearly about an Axis I mean that of the Aequator that doth not belong to the Orbit of its motion This I say is more strange than that it once stood in a posture that was streight and regular As we more justly admire the Tower at Pisa that stands crook'd than twenty other streight Towers that are much higher Having got this foundation to stand upon the rest of our work will go on more easily and the two other Characters which we mention'd will not be of very difficult explication The spontaneous fertility of the Earth and its production of Animals at that time we have in some measure explain'd before supposing it to proceed partly from the richness of the Primigenial soil and partly from this constant Spring and benignity of the Heavens which we have now establisht These were always ready to excite Nature and put her upon action and never to interrupt her in any of her motions or attempts We have show'd in the Fifth Chapter of the First Book how this primigenial soil was made and of what ingredients which were such as compose the richest and fattest soil being a light Earth mixt with unctuous juices and then afterwards refresh'd and diluted with the dews of Heaven all the year long and cherisht with a continual warmth from the Sun What more hopeful beginning of a World than this You will grant I believe that whatsoever degree or whatsoever kind of fruitfulness could be expected from a Soil and a Sun might be reasonably expected there We see great Woods and Forests of Trees rise spontaneously and that since the Flood for who can imagine that the ancient Forests whereof some were so vastly great were planted by the hand of Man why should we not then believe that Fruit-trees and Corn rose as spontaneously in that first Earth That which makes Husbandry and Humane Arts so necessary now for the Fruits and productions of the Earth is partly indeed the decay of the Soil but chiefly the diversity of Seasons whereby they perish if care be not taken of them but when there was neither Heat nor cold Winter nor Summer every Season was a Seed-time to Nature and every Season an● Harvest This it may be you will allow as to the Fruits of the Earth but that the same Earth should produce Animals also will not be thought so intelligible Since it hath been discover'd that the first materials of all Animals are Eggs as Seeds are of Plants it doth not seem so hard to conceive that these Eggs might be in the first Earth as well as those Seeds for there is a great analogy and similitude betwixt them Especially if you compare these Seeds first with the Eggs of Insects or Fishes and then with the Eggs of Viviparous Animals And as for those juices which the Eggs of Viviparous Animals imbibe thorough their coats from the womb they might as well imbibe them or something analogous to them from a conveniently temper'd Earth as Plant-Eggs do And these things being admitted the progress is much-what the same in Seeds as Eggs and in one sort of Eggs as in another 'T is true Animal-Eggs do not seem to be fruitful of themselves without the influence of the Male and this is not necessary in Plant-Eggs or Vegetable Seeds But neither doth it seem necessary in all Animal Eggs if there be any Animals sponte orta as they call them or bred without copulation And as we observ'd before according to the best knowledge that we have of this Male influence it is reasonable to believe that it may be supplied by
Equinoctial for they have a sort of Winter and Summer there a course of Rains at certain times of the Year and great inequalities of the Air as to heat and cold moisture and drought They had also Traditions amongst them That there was no Rain from the beginning of the World till the Deluge and that there were no Mountains till the Flood and such like These you see point directly at such an Earth as we have describ'd And I call these Traditions because we cannot find the Original Authors of them The ancient ordinary Gloss upon Genesis which some make Eight hundred years old mentions both these Opinions so does Historia Scholastica Alcuinus Rabanus Maurus Lyranus and such Collectors of Antiquity Bede also relates that of the plainness or smoothness of the Antediluvian Earth Yet these are reported Traditionally as it were naming no Authors or Books from whence they were taken Nor can it be imagin'd that they feign'd them themselves to what end or purpose it serv'd no interest or upon what ground Seeing they had no Theory that could lead them to such Notions as these or that could be strengthen'd and confirm'd by them Those opinions also of the Fathers which we recited in the seventh Chapter placing Paradise beyond the Torrid Zone and making it therefore inaccessible suit very well to the form qualities and bipartition of the Primaeval Earth and seem to be grounded upon them Thus much may serve for a short Survey of the ancient Learning to give us a reasonable account why the memory and knowledge of the Primitive Earth should be so much lost out of the World and what we retain of it still which would be far more I do not doubt if all Manuscripts were brought to light that are yet extant in publick or private Libraries The Truth is one cannot judge with certainty neither what things have been recorded and preserv'd in the monuments of Learning nor what are still not what have been because so many of those Monuments are lost The Alexandrian Library which we spoke of before seems to have been the greatest Collection that ever was made before Christianity and the Constantinopolitan begun by Constantine and destroy'd in the Fifth Century when it was rais'd to the number as is said of one hundred twenty thousand Volumes the most valuable that was ever since and both these have been permitted by Providence to perish in the merciless Flames Besides those devastations of Books and Libraries that have been made in Christendom by the Northern barbarous Nations overflowing Europe and the Saracens and Turks great parts of Asia and Africk It is hard therefore to pronounce what knowledge hath been in the World or what accounts of Antiquity Neither can we well judge what remain or of what things the memory may be still latently conserv'd for besides those Manuscripts that are yet unexamin'd in these parts of Christendom there are many doubtless of good value in other parts Besides those that lie hid in the unchristianiz'd dominions The Library of Fez is said to contain thirty two thousand Volumes in Arabick and though the Arabick Learning was mostwhat Western and therefore of less account yet they did deal in Eastern Learning too for Avicenna writ a Book with that Title Philosophia Orientalis There may be also in the East thousands of Manuscripts unknown to us of greater value than most Books we have And as to those subjects we are treating of I should promise my self more light and confirmation from the Syriack Authors than from any others These things being consider'd we can make but a very imperfect estimate what evidences are left us and what accounts of the Primitive Earth and if these deductions and defalcations be made both for what Books are wholly lost and for what lie asleep or dead in Libraries we have reason to be satisfied in a Theory of this nature to ●nd so good attestations as we have produc'd for the several parts of it which we purpose to enlarge upon considerably at another time and occasion But to carry this Objection as far as may be let us suppose it to be urg●d still in the last place that though these Humane Writings have perisht or be imperfect yet in the Divine Writings at least we might expect that the memory of the Old World and of the Primitive Earth should have been preserv'd To this I answer in short That we could not expect in the Scriptures any Natural Theory of that Earth nor any account of it but what was general and this we have both by the Tehom-Rabba of Moses and the description of the same Abyss in other places of Scripture as we have shown at large in the First Book Chap. 7. And also by the description which S. Peter hath given of the Ante-diluvian Heavens and Earth and their different constitution from the present which is also prov'd by the Rainbow not seen in the first World You will say it may be that that place of S. Peter is capable of another interpretation so are most places of Scripture if you speak of a bare capacity they are capable of more than one interpretation but that which is most natural proper and congruous and suitable to the words suitable to the Argument and suitable to the Context wherein is nothing superfluous or impertinent That we prefer and accept of as the most reasonable interpretation Besides in such Texts as relate to the Natural World if of two interpretations propos'd one agrees better with the Theory of Nature than the other caeteris paribus that ought to be prefer'd And by these two rules we are willing to be try'd in the exposition of that remarkable Discourse of S. Peter's and to stand to that sence which is found most agreeable to them Give me leave to conclude the whole Discourse with this general Consideration 'T is reasonable to suppose that there is a Providence in the conduct of Knowledge as well as of other affairs on the Earth and that it was not design'd that all the mysteries of Nature and Providence should be plainly and clearly understood throughout all the Ages of the World but that there is an Order establisht for this as for other things and certain Periods and Seasons And what was made known to the Ancients only by broken Conclusions and Traditions will be known in the latter Ages of the World in a more perfect way by Principles and Theories The increase of Knowledge being that which changeth so much the face of the World and the state of Humane affairs I do not doubt but there is a particular care and superintendency for the conduct of it by what steps and degrees it should come to light at what Seasons and in what Ages what evidence should be left either in Scripture Reason or Tradition for the grounds of it how clear or obscure how disperst or united all these things were weigh'd and consider'd and such measures taken as best suit the
He truly supposes the Celestial Bodies and the Inhabitants of them much more considerable than we are and reckons up only Terrestrial things as put in subjection to Man Can we then be so fond as to imagine all the Corporeal Universe made for our use 'T is not the Millioneth part of it that is known to us much less useful We can neither reach with our Eye nor our imagination those Armies of Stars that lie far and deep in the boundless Heavens If we take a good Glass we discover innumerably more Stars in the Firmament than we can with our single Eye and yet if you take a second Glass better than the first that carries the sight to a greater distance you see more still lying beyond the other and a third Glass that pierceth further still makes new discoveries of Stars and so forwards indefinitely and inexhaustedly for any thing we know according to the immensity of the Divine Nature and Power Who can reckon up the Stars of the Galaxy or direct us in the use of them And can we believe that those and all the rest were made for us Of those few Stars that we enjoy or that are visible to the Eye there is not a tenth part that is really useful to Man and no doubt if the principal end of them had been our pleasure or conveniency they would have been put in some better order in respect of the Earth They lie carelesly scatter'd as if they had been sown in the Heaven like Seed by handfuls and not by a skilful hand neither What a beautiful Hemisphere they would have made if they had been plac'd in rank and order if they had been all dispos'd into regular figures and the little ones set with due regard to the greater then all finisht and made up into one fair piece or great Composition according to the rules of Art and Symmetry What a surprizing beauty this would have been to the Inhabitants of the Earth What a lovely Roof to our little World This indeed might have given one some Temptation to have thought that they had been all made for us but lest any such vain imagination should now enter into our thoughts Providence besides more important Reasons seems on purpose to have left them under that negligence or disorder which they appear in to us The second part of this opinion supposeth this Planet where we live to be the only habitable part of the Universe and this is a natural consequence of the former If all things were made to serve us why should any more be made than what is useful to us But 't is only our ignorance of the System of the World and of the grandeur of the Works of God that betrays us to such narrow thoughts If we do but consider what this Earth is both for littleness and deformity and what its Inhabitants are we shall not be apt to think that this miserable Atome hath ingross'd and exhausted all the Divine Favours and all the riches of his goodness and of his Providence But we will not inlarge upon this part of the opinion lest it should carry us too far from the subject and it will fall of its own accord with the former Upon the whole we may conclude that it was only the Sublunary World that was made for the sake of Man and not the Great Creation either Material or Intellectual and we cannot admit or affirm any more without manifest injury depression and misrepresentation of Providence as we may be easily convinc'd from these four Heads The Meanness of Man and of this Earth The Excellency of other Beings The Immensity of the Universe and The infinite perfection of the first Cause Which I leave to your further Meditation and pass on to the second rule concerning Natural Providence In the second place then if we would have a fair view and right apprehensions of Natural Providence we must not cut the chains of it too short by having recourse without necessity either to the First Cause in explaining the Origins of things or to Miracles in explaining particular effects This I say breaks the chains of Natural Providence when it is done without necessity that is when things are otherwise ntelligible from Second Causes Neither is any thing gain'd by it to God Almighty for 't is but as the Proverb says to rob Peter to pay Paul to take so much from his ordinary Providence and place it to his extraordinary When a new Religion is brought into the World 't is very reasonable and decorous that it should be usher'd in with Miracles as both the Iewish and Christian were but afterwards things return into their Chanel and do not change or overflow again but upon extraordinary occasions or revolutions The power Extraordinary of God is to be accounted very Sacred not to be touch'd or expos'd for our pleasure or conveniency but I am afraid we often make use of it only to conceal our own ignorance or to save us the trouble of inquiring into Natural Causes Men are generally unwilling to appear ignorant especially those that make profession of knowledge and when they have not skill enough to explain some particular effect in a way of Reason they throw it upon the First Cause as able to bear all and so placing it to that account they excuse themselves and save their credit for all Men are equally wise if you take away Second Causes as we are all of the same colour if you take away the Light But to state this matter and see the ground of this rule more distinctly we must observe and consider that The Course of Nature is truly the Will of God and as I may so say his first Will from which we are not to recede but upon clear evidence and necessity And as in matter of Religion we are to follow the known reveal'd Will of God and not to trust to every impulse or motion of Enthusiasm as coming from the Divine Spirit unless there be evident marks that it is Supernatural and cannot come from our own So neither are we without necessity to quit the known and ordinary Will and Power of God establisht in the course of Nature and fly to Supernatural Causes or his extraordinary Will for this is a kind of Enthusiasm or Fanaticism as well as the other And no doubt that great prodigality and waste of Miracles which some make is no way to the honour of God or Religion 'T is true the other extream is worse than this for to deny all Miracles is in effect to deny all reveal'd Religion therefore due measures are to be taken betwixt these two so as neither to make the Divine Power too mean and cheap nor the Power of Nature illimited and all-sufficient In the Third place To make the Scenes of Natural Providence considerable and the knowledge of them satisfactory to the Mind we must take a true Philosophy or the true principles that govern Nature which are Geometrical and
they get the mastery and overwhelm all the rest and the whole Earth in a Deluge or Conflagration But as they make these Two the Destroying Elements so they also make them the Purifying Elements And accordingly in their Lustrations or their rites and ceremonies for purging sin Fire and Water were chiefly made use of both amongst the Romans Greeks and Barbarians And when these Elements over run the World it is not they say for a final destruction of it but to purge Mankind and Nature from their impurities As for purgation by Fire and Water the stile of our Sacred Writings does very much accommodate it self to that sence and the Holy Ghost who is the great Purifier of Souls is compared in his operation upon us and in our regeneration to fire or water And as for the external world S. Peter makes the Flood to have been a kind of Baptziing or renovation of the World And S. Paul and the Prophet Malachy make the last Fire to be a purging and re●ining ●ire But to return to the Ancients The Stoicks especially of all other Sects amongst the Greeks have preserved the doctrine of the Conflagration and made it a considerable part of their Philosophy and almost a character of their order This is a thing so well known that I need not use any Citations to prove it But they cannot pretend to have been the first Authors of it neither For besides that amongst the Greeks themselves Heraclitus and Empedocles more ancient than Zeno the Master of the Stoicks taught this doctrine 't is plainly a branch of the Barbarick Philosophy and taken from thence by the Greeks For it is well known that the most ancient and mystick Learning amongst the Greeks was not originally their own but borrowed of the more Eastern Nations by Orpheus Pythagoras Plato and many more who travel'd thither and traded with the Priests for knowledge and Philosophy and when they got a competent stock returned home and set up a School or a Sect to instruct their Country-men But before we pass to the Eastern Nations let us if you please compare the Roman Philosophy upon this subject with that of the Greeks The Romans were a great people that made a shew of Learning but had little in reality more than Words and Rhetorick Their curiosity or emulation in Philosophical Studies was so little that it did not make different Sects and Schools amongst them as amongst the Greeks I remember no Philosophers they had but such as Tully Seneca and some of their Poets And of these Lucretius Lucan and Ovid have spoken openly of the Conflagration Ovid's Verses are well known Esse quoque in fatis reminiscitur affore tempus Quo mare quo Tellus correptaque Regia Coeli Ardeat mundi moles operosa laboret A Time decreed by Fate at length will come When Heavens and Earth and Seas shall have their do●m A fiery do●m And Nature 's mighty frame Shall break and be dissolv'd into a flame We see Tully's sence upon this matter in Scipio's Dream When the old man speaks to his Nephew Africanus and shews him from the clouds this spot of Earth where we live He tells him tho' our actions should be great and fortune favour them with success yet there wou'd be no room for any lasting glory in this World for the World it self is transient and fugitive And a Deluge or a Conflagration which necessarily happen after certain periods of time sweep away all records of humane actions As for Seneca he being a profest Stoick we need not doubt of his opinion in this point We may add here if you please the Sibylline verses which were kept with great Religion in the Capitol at Rome and consulted with much ceremony upon solemn occasions These Sibyls were the Prophetesses of the Gentiles and tho' their Writings now have many spurious additions yet none doubt but that the Conflagration of the World was one of their original Prophecies Let us now proceed to the Eastern Nations As the Romans receiev'd the small skill they had in the Sciences from the Greeks so the Greeks receiv'd their chief Mystick Learning from the Barbarians that is from the Aegyptians Persians Phoenicians and other Eastern Nations For 't is not only the Western or Northern people that they called Barbarians but indeed all Nations besides themselves For that is commonly the vanity of great Empires to uncivilize in a manner all the rest of the World and to account all those People Barbarous that are not subject to their dominion These however whom they call'd so were the most ancient People and had the first Learning that was ever heard of after the Flood And amongst these the Aegyptians were as famous as any whose Sentiment in this particular of the Conflagration is well known For Plato who liv'd amongst them several years tell us in his Timaeus that it was the doctrine of their Priests that the fatal Catastrophes of the World were by Fire and Water In like manner the Persians made their beloved God Fire at length to consume all things that are capable of being consum'd For that is said to have been the doctrine of Hydaspes one of their great Magi or Wise Men. As to the Phoenicians I suspect very much that the Stoicks had their Philosophy from them and amongst other things the Conflagration We shall take notice of that hereafter But to comprehend the Arabians also and Indians give me leave to reflect a little upon the story of the Phoenix A story well known and related by some ancient Authors and is in short this The Phoenix they say is a Bird in Arabia India and those Eastern parts single in her kind never more than one at a time and very long-liv'd appearing only at the expiration of the Great Year as they call it And then she makes her self a Nest of Spices which being set on fire by the Sun or some other secret power she hovers upon it and consumes her self in the flames But which is most wonderful out of these ashes riseth a second Phoenix so that it is not so much a death as a renovation I do not doubt but the story is a fable as to any such kind of Bird single in her species living and dying and reviving in that manner But 't is an Apologue or a Fable with an interpretation and was intended as an Emblem of the World which after a long age will be consum'd in the last fire and from its ashes or remains will arise another World or a new-form'd Heavens and Earth This I think is the true mystery of the Phoenix under which Symbol the Eastern Nations preserv'd the doctrine of the Conflagration and Renovation of the World They tell somewhat a like story of the Eagle soaring a-loft so near the Sun that by his warmth and enlivening rays she renews her age and becomes young again To this the Psalmist is thought to allude Psal. 103. 5. Thy Youth shall be
should throw out so much fiery matter besides all the ashes that were disperst through the Air far and near and could be brought to no account 'T is true all this matter was not actually inflam'd or liquid fire But the rest that was sand stone and gravel might have run into glass or some melted liquor like to it is it had not been thrown out before the heat fully reacht it However sixty million paces of this matter as the same Author computes were liquid fire or came out of the mouth of the pit in that form This made a River of fire sometimes two miles broad according to his computation but according to the observation of others who also viewed it the Torrent of fire was six or seven miles broad and sometimes ten or fifteen fathoms deep and forc'd its way into the Sea near a mile preserving it self alive in the midst of the waters This is beyond all the infernal Lakes and Rivers Acheron Phlegeton Cocytus all that the Poets have talkt of Their greatest fictions about He I have not come up to the reality of one of our burning Mountains upon Earth Imagin then all our Volcano's raging at once in this manner But I will not pursue that supposition yet Give me leave only to add here what I mentioned in the second place The vast Burning Stones which this Mountain in the time of its rage and estuation threw in●o the Air with an incredible force This same Author tells us of a stone fifteen foot long that was slung out of the mouth of the pit to a miles distance And when it fell it came from such an height and with such a violence that it buried it self in the ground eight foot deep What trifles are our Mortar-pieces and Bombes when compar'd with these Engines of Nature When she flings out of the wide throat of a Volcano a broken Rock and twirles it in the air like a little bullet then lets it fall to do execution here below as Providence shall point and direct it It would be hard to give an account how so great an impulse can be given to a Body so ponderous But there 's no disputing against matter of fact and as the thoughts of God are not like our thoughts so neither are his works like our works Thus much for Aetna Let us now give an instance in Vesuvius another Burning Mountain upon the coast of the Mediterranean which hath as frequent Eruptions and some as terrible as those of Aetna Dion Cassius one of the best writers of the Roman History hath given us an account of one that happened in the time of Titus Vespatian and tho' he hath not set down particulars as the former Author did of the quantity of fiery matter thrown out at that time yet supposing that proportionable to its fierceness in other respects this seems to me as dreadful an Eruption as any we read of and was accompanied with such Prodigies and commotions in the Heavens and the Earth as made it look like the beginning of the last Conflagration As a prelude to this Tragedy He says there were strange sights in the air and after that followed an extraordinary drought Then the Earth begun to tremble and quake and the Concussions were so great that the ground seem'd to rise and boyl up in some places and in others the tops of the mountains sunk in or tumbled down At the same time were great noises and sounds heard some were subterraneous like thunder within the Earth others above ground like groans or bellowings The Sea roar'd The heavens ratled with a fearful noise and then came a sudden and mighty crack as if the frame of Nature had broke or all the mountains of the Earth had faln down at once At length Vesuvius burst and threw out of its womb first huge stones then a vast quantity of fire and smoke so as the air was ●all darkned and the Sun was hid as if he had been under a great Eclipse The day was turn'd into night and light into darkness and the frighted people thought the Gyants were making war against heaven and fansied they see the shapes and images of Gyants in the smoak and heard the sound of their trumpets Others thought the World was returning to its first Chaos or going to be all consum'd with fire In this general confusion and consternation they knew not where to be safe some run out of the fields into the houses others out of the house into the fields Those that were at Sea hasten'd to Land and those that were at Land endeavour'd to get to Sea still thinking every place safer than that where they were Besides grosser lumps of matter there was thrown out of the Mountain such a prodigious quantity of ashes as cover'd the Land and Sea and fill'd the Air so as besides other damages the Birds Beasts and Fishes with Men Women and Children were destroy'd within such a compass and two entire Cities Herculanium and Pompeios were overwhelm'd with a showre of ashes as the People were sitting in the Theater Nay these ashes were carried by the winds over the Mediterranean into Africk and into Aegypt and Syria And at Rome they choak'd the Air on a sudden so as to hid the face of the Sun Whereupon the People not knowing the cause as not having yet got the News from Campania of the Eruption of Vesuius could not imagine what the reason should be but thought the Heavens and the Earth were coming together The Sun coming down and the Earth going to take its place above Thus far the Historian You see what disorders in Nature and what an alarum the Eruption of one fiery Mountain is capable to make These things no doubt would have made strong impressions upon us if we had been eye-witnesses of them But I know representations made from dead history and at a distance though the testimony be never so credible have a much less effect upon us than what we see our selves and what our senses immediately inform us of I have only given you an account of two Volcano's and of a single Eruption in either of them These Mountains are not very far distant from one another Let us suppose two such Eruptions as I have mention'd to happen at the same time and both these Moutains to be raging at once in this manner By that violence you have seen in each of them singly you will easily imagine what a terrour and desolation they would carry round about by a conjunction of their fury and all their effects in the Air and on the Earth Then if to these two you should joyn two more the Sphere of their activity would still be enlarg'd and the Scenes become more dreadful But to compleat the supposition Let us imagine all the Volcano's of the whole Earth to be prepar'd and set to a certain time which time being come and a signal given by Providence all these Mines begin to play at once I mean All these
as high and relating to the Natural World The Windows from on high are open and the foundations of the Earth do shake The Earth is utterly broken down the Earth is clean dissolv'd the Earth is moved exceedingly The Earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard and shall be removed like a Cottage and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it and it shall fall and not rise again To restrain all these things to Iudaea as their adequate and final object is to force both the words and the sence Here are manifest allusions and foot-steps of the destruction of the World and the dissolution of the Earth partly as it was in the Deluge and partly as it will be in its last ruine torn broken a●d shatter'd But most Men have fallen into that errour To fancy both the destructions of the World by Water and by Fire quiet noiseless things executed without any ruines or ruptures in Nature That the Deluge was but a great Pool of still Waters made by the rains and inundation of the Sea and the Conflagration will be only a superficial scorching of the Earth with a running fire These are false Idea's and unsuitable to Scripture for as the Deluge is there represented a Disruption of the Abyss and consequently of the then habitable Earth so the future combustion of it according to the representations of Scripture is to be usher'd in and accompanied with all sorts of violent impressions upon Nature and the chief instrument of these violences will be Earth-quakes These will tear the Body of the Earth and shake its foundations rend the Rocks and pull down the tall Mountains sometimes overturn and sometimes swallow up Towns and Cities disturb and disorder the Elements and make a general confusion in Nature Next to Earth-quakes we may consider the roarings of a troubled Sea This is another sign of a dying World S. Luke hath set down a great many of them together Let us hear his words And there shall be signs in the Sun and in the Moon and in the Stars and upon the Earth distress of Nations with perplexity The Sea and the Waves roaring Mens hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the Earth for the powers of Heaven shall be shaken And then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory c. As some would allegorize these Signs which we noted before so others would confine them to the destruction of Ierusalem But 't is plain by this coming of the Son of man in the clouds and the redemption of the faithful and at the same time the sound of the last trumpet which all relate to the end of the World that something further is intended than the destruction of Ierusalem And though there were Prodigies at the destruction of that City and State yet not of this force nor with these circumstances 'T is true those partial destructions and calamities as we observ'd before of Babylon Ierusalem and the Roman Empire being types of an universal and final destruction of all God●s Enemies have in the pictures of them some of the same strokes to show they are all from the same hand decreed by the same wisdom foretold by the same Spirit and the same power and Providence that have already wrought the one will also work the other in due time the former being still pledges as well as prefigurations of the latter Let us then proceed in our explication of this sign The roaring of the Sea and the Waves applying it to the end of the World I do not look upon this ominous noise of the Sea as the effect of a tempest for then it would not strike such a terror into the Inhabitants of the Earth nor make them apprehensive of some great evil coming upon the World as this will do what proceeds from visible causes and such as may happen in a common course of Nature does not so much amaze us nor affright us Therefore 't is more likely these disturbances of the Sea proceed from below partly by sympathy and revulsions from the Land by Earth-quakes there and exhausting the subterraneous cavities of Waters which will draw again from the Seas what supplies they can And partly by Earth-quakes in the very Sea it self with exhalations and fiery Eruptions from the bottom of it Things indeed that happen at other times more or less but at this conjuncture all causes conspiring they will break out with more violence and put the whole Body of the Waters into a tumultuary motion I do not see any occasion at this time for high Winds neither can think a superficial agitation of the Waves would answer this Phaenomenon but 't is rather from Contorsions in the bowels of the Ocean which make it roar as it were for pain Some Causes impelling the Waters one way and some another make intestine struglings and contrary motions from whence proceed unusual noises and such a troubled state of the Waters as does not only make the Sea innavigable but also strikes terror into all the Maritime Inhabitants that live within the view or sound of it So much for the Earth and the Sea The face of the Heavens also will be chang'd in divers respects The Sun and the Moon darkned or of a bloudy or pale countenance The Celestial Powers shaken and the Stars unsetled in their Orbs. As to the Sun and Moon their obscuration or change of colour is no more than what happens commonly before the Eruption of a fiery Mountain Dion Cassius you see hath taken notice of it in that Eruption of Aetna which he describes and others upon the like occasions in Vesuvius And 't is a thing of easie explication for according as the Atmosphere is more or less clear or turbid the Luminaries are more or less conspicuous and according to the nature of those fumes or exhalations that swim in the Air the face of the Sun is discolour'd sometimes one way sometimes another You see in an ordinary Experiment when we look upon one another through the fumes of Sulphur we appear pale like so many Ghosts and in some foggy days the Sun hangs in the Firmament as a lump of Bloud And botl● the Sun and Moon at their rising when their light comes to us through the thick vapours of the Earth are red and fiery These are not changes wrought in the substance of the Luminaries but in the modifications of their light as it flows to us For colours are but Light in a sort of disguise as it passes through Mediums of diff●rent qualities it takes different forms but the matter is still the same and returns to its simplicity when it comes again into a pure air Now the air may be changed and corrupted to a great degree tho' there appear no visible change to our eye This is manifest from infectious airs and the changes of the air before storms and rains which we feel
God will appear A Glory surpassing the Sun in its greatest radiancy which tho' we cannot describe we may suppose it will bear some resemblance or proportion with those representations that are made in Scripture of God upon his Throne This wonder in the Heavens whatsoever its form may be will presently attract the eyes of all the Christian World Nothing can more affect them than an object so unusual and so illustrious and that probably brings along with it their last destiny and will put a period to all humane affairs Some of the Ancients have thought that this coming of our Saviour would be in the dead of the night and his first glorious appearance in the midst of darkness God is often describ'd in Scripture as Light or Fire with darkness round about him He bowed the Heavens and came down and darkness was under his feet He made darkness his secret place His pavilion round about him were dark Waters and thick Clouds of the Skies At the brightness that was before him the thick Clouds passed And when God appear'd upon Mount Sinai the Mountain burnt with fire unto the midst of Heaven with darkness clouds and thick darkness Or as the Apostle expresses it with blackness and darkness and tempest Light is never more glorious than when surrounded with darkness and it may be the Sun at that time will be so obscure as to make little distinction of Day and Night But however this Divine Light over-bears and distinguishes it self from common Light tho' it be at Mid-day 'T was about Noon that the Light shin'd from Heaven and surrounded St. Panl And 't was on the Day-time that St. Stephen saw the Heavens opened saw the glory of God and Iesus standing at the right hand of God This light which flows from a more vital source be it Day or Night will always be predominant That appearance of God upon Mount Sinai which we mention'd if we reflect upon it will help us a little to form an Idea of this last appearance When God had declar'd that he would come down in the sight of the People The Text says There were thunders and lightnings and a thick Cloud upon the Mount and the voice of the Trumpet exceeding loud so that all the people that was in the Camp trembled And Mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke because the Lord descended upon it in fire And the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace and the whole Mount quaked greatly If we look upon this Mount as an Epitome of the Earth this appearance gives us an imperfect resemblance of that which is to come Here are the several parts or main strokes of it first the Heavens and the Earth in smoke and fire then the appearance of a Divine Glory and the sound of a Trumpet in the presence of Angels But as the second coming of our Saviour is a Triumph over his Enemies and an entrance into his Kingdom and is acted upon the Theater of the whole Earth so we are to suppose in proportion all the parts and circumstances of it more great and magnificent When therefore this mighty God returns again to that Earth where he had once been ill treated not Mount Sinai only but all the Mountains of the Earth and all the Inhabitants of the World will tremble at his presence At the first opening of the Heavens the brightness of his Person will scatter the dark Clouds and shoot streams of light throughout all the Air. But that first appearance being far from the Earth will seem to be only a great mass of light without any distinct form till by nearer approaches this bright Body shows it self to be an Army of Angels with this King of kings for their Leader Then you may imagine how guilty Mankind will tremble and be astonish'd and while they are gazing at this heavenly Host the Voice of the Archangel is heard the shrill sound of the Trumpet reaches their ears And this gives the general Alarum to all the World For he cometh for he cometh they cry to judge the Earth The crucified God is return'd in Glory to take Vengeance upon his Enemies Not only upon those that pierc'd his Sacred Body with Nails and with a Spear as Ierusalem but those also that pierce him every day by their prophaneness and hard speeches concerning his Person and his Religion Now they see that God whom they have mock'd or blasphem'd laugh't at his meanness or at his vain threats They see Him and are confounded with shame and fear and in the bitterness of their anguish and despair call for the Mountains to fall upon them Fly into the clefts of the Rocks and into the Caves of the Earth for fear of the Lord and the glory of his Majes●y when he ariseth to shake terribly the Earth As it is not possible for us to express or conceive the dread and majesty of this appearance so neither can we on the other hand express the passions and consternation of the People that behold it These things exceed the measures of humane affairs and of humane thoughts we have neither words nor comparisons to make them known by The greatest pomp and magnificence of the Emperors of the East in their Armies in their Triumphs in their Inaugurations is but like the sport and entertainment of Children if compar'd with this Solemnity When God condescends to an external glory with a visible Train and Equipage When from all the Provinces of his vast and boundless Empire he summons his Nobles as I may so say The several orders of Angels and Arch-Angels to attend his Person tho' we cannot tell the form or manner of this Appearance we know there is nothing in our experience or in the whole History of this World that can be a just representation of the least part of it No Armies so numerous as the Host of Heaven and in the midst of those bright Legions in a flaming Chariot will sit the Son of Man when he comes to be glorified in his Saints and triumph over his Enemies And instead of the wild noises of the rabble which makes a great part of our worldly state This blessed company will breath their Halleluiahs into the open Air and repeated acclamations of Salvation to God which sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb. Now is come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ. But I leave the rest to our silent devotion and admiration Only give me leave whilst this object is before our eyes to make a short reflection upon the wonderful history of our Saviour and the different states which that Sacred Person within the compass of our knowledge hath undergone We now see him coming in the Clouds in glory and triumph surrounded with innumerable Angels This is the same Person who so many hundred years ago enter'd Ierusalem with another sort of Equipage mounted upon an Ass's Colt while the
little people and the multitude cry'd Hosanna to the Son of David Nay This is the same Person that at his first comeing into this World was laid in a Manger instead of a Cradle A naked Babe dropt in a Crib at Bethlehem His poor Mother not having wherewithal to get her a better Lodging when she was to be deliver'd of this Sacred Burthen This helpless Infant that often wanted a little Milk to refresh it and support its weakness That hath often cry'd for the Breast with hunger and tears now appears to be the Lord of Heaven and Earth If this Divine Person had faln from the Clouds in a mortal Body cloath'd with Flesh and Bloud and spent his life here amongst sinners That alone had been an infinite condescension But as if it had not been enough to take upon him Humane Nature he was content for many months to live the life of an Animal or of a Plant in the dark Cell of a Womans Womb. This is the Lord 's doing it is marvellous in our eyes Neither is this all that is wonderful in the story of our Saviour If the manner of his death be compar'd with his present glory we shall think either the one or the other incredible Look up first into the Heavens see how they bow under him and receive a new light from the Glory of his Presence Then look down upon the Earth and see a naked Body hanging upon a cursed Tree in Golgotha ● Crucified betwixt Two Thieves wounded spit upon mock'd abus'd Is it possible to believe that one and the same person can act or suffer such different parts That he that is now Lord and Master of all Nature not only of Death and Hell and the powers of darkness but of all Principalities in heavenly places is the same Infant Jesus the same crucified Jesus of whose life and death the Christian records give us an account The History of this Person is the Wonder of this World and not of this World only but of the Angels above that desire to look into it Let us now return to our Subject We left the Earth in a languishing condition ready to be made a Burnt-offering to appease the wrath of its offended Lord. When Sodom was to be destroy'd Abraham interceded with God that he would spare it for the Righteous sake And David interceded to save his guiltless People from God's Judgments and the Destroying Angel But here is no Intercessor for Mankind in this last extremity None to interpose where the Mediator of our Peace is the party offended Shall then the righteous perish with the wicked Shall not the Iudge of all the Earth do right Or if the Righteous be translated and delivered from This Fire what shall become of innocent Children and Infants Must these all be given up to the merciless flames as a Sacrifice to Moloch and their tender flesh like burnt incense send up fumes to feed the nostrils of evil Spirits Can the God of Israel smell a sweet favour from such Sacrifices The greater half of Mankind is made up of Infants and Children and if the wicked be destroyed yet these Lambs what have they done Are there no bowels of compassion for such an harmless multitude But we leave them to their Guardian Angels and to that Providence which watches over all things It only remains therefore to let fall that Fire from Heaven which is to consume this Holocaust Imagine all Nature now standing in a silent expectation to receive its last doom The Tutelary and Destroying Angels to have their instructions Every thing to be ready for the fatal hour And then after a little silence all the Host of Heaven to raise their voice and sing aloud LET GOD ARISE Let his enemies be scatter'd As smoak is driven away so drive them away As wax melteth before the fire so LET the wicked perish at the presence of God And upon this as upon a signal given all the sublunary World breaks into Flames and all the Treasuries of Fire are open'd in Heaven and in Earth Thus the Conflagration begins If one should now go about to represent the World on Fire with all the confusions that necessarily must be in Nature and in Mankind upon that occasion it would seem to most Men a Romantick Scene yet we are sure there must be such a Scene The heavens will pass away with a noise and the Elements will melt with fervent heat and all the works of the Earth will be burm up And these things cannot come to pass without the greatest disorders imaginable both in the minds of Men and in external Nature and the ●addest spectacles that eye can behold We think it a great matter to see a single person burnt alive here are Millions shrieking in the flames at once 'T is frightful to us to look upon a great City in flames and to see the distractions and misery of the people here is an Universal Fire through all the Cities of the Earth and an Universal Massacre of their Inhabitants Whatsoever the Prophets foretold of the desolations of Iudea Ierusalem or Babylon in the highest strains is more than literally accomplinsn'd in this last and general Calamity And those only that are Spectators of it can make i●s History The disorders in Nature and the inanimate World will be no less nor less strange and unaccountable than those in Mankind Every Element and every Region so far as the bounds of this Fire extend will be in a tumult and a fury and the whole habitable World running into confusion A World is sooner destroyed than made and Nature relapses hastily into that Chaos-state ou● of which she came by slow and leisurely motions As an Army advances into the field by just and regular marches but when it is broken and routed it flies with precipitation and one cannot describe its posture Fire is a barbarous Enemy it gives no mercy there is nothing but fury and rage and ruine and destruction wheresoever it prevails A storm or Hurricano tho' it be but the force of Air makes a strange havock where it comes but devouring ●lames or exhalations set on Fire have still a far greater violence and carry more terror along with them ● Thunder and Earthquakes are the Sons of Fire and we know nothing in all Nature more impetuous or more irresistibly destructive than these two And accordingly in this last war of the Elements we may be sure they will bear the●● parts and do great execution in the several regions of the World Earthquakes and Subterraneous Eruptions will tear the body and bowels of the Earth and Thunders and convulsive motions of the Air rend the Skies The waters of the Sea will boyl and struggle with streams of Sulphur that ●un into them which will make them fume and smoak and roar beyond all storms and tempests And these noises of the Sea will be answered again from the Land by falling Rocks and Mountains
Heaven and of Divine Authority They ought in the first place to examine matter of Fact and the History of our Saviour That there was such a Person in the Reigns of Augustus and Tiherius that wrought such and such Miracles in Iudaea taught such a Doctrine was Crucified at Ierusalem rise from the dead the Third Day and visibly ascended into Heaven If these matters of Fact be denied then the controversie turns only to an Historical question Whether the Evangelical History be a fabulous or true History which it would not be proper to examine in this place But if matter of Fact recorded there and in the Acts of the Apostles and the first Ages of Christianity be acknowledged as I suppose it is then the Question that remains is this Whether such matter of Fact does not sufficiently prove the divine authority of Jesus Christ and of his Doctrine We suppose it possible for a person to have such Testimonials of divine authority as may be sufficient to convince Mankind or the more reasonable part of Mankind And if that be possible what pray is a wanting in the Testimonies of Jesus Christ The Prophecies of the Old Testament bear witness to him His Birth was a miracle and his Life a train of Miracles not wrought out of levity and vain ostentation but for useful and charitable purposes His Doctrine and Morality not only blameless but Noble designed to remove out of the World the imperfect Religion of the Iews and the false Religion of the Gentiles All Idolatry and Superstition and thereby to improve Mankind under a better and more perfect dispensation He gave an example of a spotless innocency in all his Conversation free from Vice or any evil and liv'd in a neglect of all the Pomp or Pleasures of this Life referring his happiness wholly to another World He Prophesied concerning his own Death and his Resurrection and concerning the destruction of Ierusalem which all came to pass in a signal manner He also Prophesied of the Success of his Gospel which after his Death immediately took root and spread it self every way throughout the World maugre all opposition or persecution from Iews or Heathens It was not supported by any temporal power for above three hundred Years nor were any arts us'd or measures taken according to humane prudence for the conservation of it But to omit other things That grand article of his Rising from the Dead Ascending visibly into Heaven and pouring down the miraculous Gifts of the Holy Ghost according as he had promis'd upon his Apostles and their followers This alone is to me a Demonstration of his Divine Authority To conquer Death To mount like an Eagle into the Skies and to inspire his followers with inimitable gifts and faculties are things without controversie beyond all humane power and may and ought be esteemed sure Credentials of a person sent from Heaven From these matters of Fact we have all possible assurance that Jesus Christ was no Impostor or deluded person one of which two Characters all unbelievers must fix upon him but Commission'd by Heaven to introduce a New Religion to reform the World to remove Judaism and Idolatry The beloved Son of God the great Prophet of the later Ages the True Messiah that was to come It may be you will confess that these are great arguments that the Author of our Religion was a Divine Person and had supernatural powers but withal that there are so many difficulties in Christian Religion and so many things unintelligible that a rational man knows not how to believe it tho' he be inclin'd to admire the person of Jesus Christ. I answer If they be such difficulties as are made only by the Schools and disputacious Doctors you are not to trouble your self about them for they are of no Authority But if they be in the very words of Scripture then t is either in things practical or in things meerly speculative As to the Rules of Practice in Christian Religion I do not know any thing in Scripture obscure or unintelligible And as to Speculations great discretion and moderation is to be us'd in the conduct of them If these matters of Fact which we have alledg'd prove the Divinity of the Revelation keep close to the Words of that Revelation asserting no more than it asserts and you cannot err But if you will expatiate and determine modes and forms and consequences you may easily be puzled by your own forwardness For besides some things that are in their own nature Infinite and Incomprehensible there are many other things in Christian Religion that are incompleatly reveal'd the full knowledge whereof it has pleased God to reserve to another life and to give us only a summary account of them at present We have so much deference for any Government as not to expect that all their Councels and secrets should be made known to us nor to censure every action whose reasons we do not fully comprehend much more in the Providential administration of a World we must be content to know so much of the Councels of Heaven and of supernatural Truths as God has thought fit to reveal to us And if these Truths be no otherwise than in a general manner summarlly and incompleatly revealed in this life as commonly they are we must not therefore throw off the Government or reject the whole Dispensation of whose Divine Authority we have otherways full proof and satisfactory evidence For this would be To lose the Substance in catching at a Shadow But Men that live continually in the noise of the World amidst business and pleasures their time is commonly shar'd betwixt those two So that little or nothing is left for Meditation at least not enough for such Meditations as require length justness and order They should retire from the crowd for one Month or two to study the truth of Christian Religion if they have any doubt of it They retire sometimes to cure a Gout or other Diseases and diet themselves according to rule but they will not be at that pains to cure a disease of the Mind which is of far greater and more fatal consequence If they perish by their own negligence or obstinacy the Physician is not to blame Burning is the last remedy in some distempers and they would do well to remember that the World will flame about their heads one of these days and whether they be amongst the Living or amongst the Dead at that time the Apostle makes them a part of the Fewel which that fiery vengeance will prey upon Our Saviour hath been true to his Word hitherto whether in his Promises or in his Threatnings He promis'd the Apostles to send down the Holy Ghost upon them after his Ascension and that was fully accomplish'd He foretold and threaten'd the destruction of Ierusalem and that came to pass accordingly soon after he had left the World And he hath told us also that he will come again in the Clouds of
requires much Learning Art or Science to be Master of it But a love and thirst after Truth freedom of Iudgment and a resignation of our Understanding to clear Evidence let it carry us which way it will An honest English Reader that looks only at the Sence as it lies before him and neither considers nor cares whether it be New or Old so it be true may be a more competent Iudge than a great Scholar fall of his own Notions and puff'd up with the opinion of his mighty knowledge For such men think they cannot in honour own any thing to be true which they did not know before To be taught any new knowledge is to confess their former ignorance and that lessens them in their own opinion and as they think in the opinion of the World which are both uneasie reflections to them Neither must we depend upon age only for soundness of Iudgment Men in discovering and owning truth seldom change their Opinions after threescore especially if they be leading Opinions It is then too late we think to begin the World again and as we grow old the Heart contracts and cannot open wide enough to take in a great thought The Spheres of mens Understandings are as different as Prospects upon the Earth Some stand upon a Rock or a Mountain and see far round about Others are in an hollow or in a Cave and have no prospect at all Some men consider nothing but what is present to their Senses Others extend their thoughts both to what is past and what is future And yet the fairest prospect in this Life is not to be compar'd to the least we shall have in another 〈◊〉 clearest day here is ●●irty and hazy We see not far and what we do see is in a had light But when we have got better Bodies in the first Resurrection whereof we are going to Treat better Senses and a better Understanding a clearer light and an higher station our Horizon will be enlarg'd every way both as to the Natural World and as to the Intellecual Two of the greatest Speculations that we are capable of in this Life are in my Opinion The REVOLUTION OF WORLDS and the REVOLUTION OF SOULS one for the Material World and the other for the Intellectual Toward the former of these Our Theory is an Essay and in this our Planet which I hope to conduct into a Fix'd Star before I have done with it we give an instance of what may be in other Planets 'T is true we took our rise no higher than the Chaos because that was a known principle and we were not willing to amuse the Reader with too many strange Stories as that I am sure would have been thought one TO HAVE brought this Earth from a Fix'd Star and then carried it up again into the same Sphere Which yet I believe is the true circle of Natural Providence As to the Revolution of Souls the footsteps of that Speculation are more obscure than of the former For tho' we are assur'd by Scripture that all good Souls will at length have Celestial Bodies yet that this is a returning to a Primitive State or to what they had at their first Creation that Scripture has not acquainted us with It tells us indeed that Angels fell from their Primitive Celestial Glory and consequently we might be capable of a lapse as well as they if we had been in that high condition with them But that we ever were there is not declared to us by any revelation Reason and Morality would indeed suggest to us that an innocent Soul fresh and pure from the hands of its Maker could not be immediately cast into Prison before it had by any act of its own Will or any use of its own Understanding committed either error or sin I call this Body a Prison both because it is a confinement and restraint upon our best Faculties and Capacities and is also the seat of diseases and loathsomness and as prisons use to do commonly tends more to debauch mens Natures than to improve them But tho' we cannot certainly tell under what circumstances humane Souls were plac'd at first yet all Antiquity agrees Oriental and Occidental concerning their pre existence in general in respect of these mortal Bodies And our Saviour never reproaches or corrects the Jews when they speak upon that supposition Luk. 9. 18 19. Joh. 9. 2. Besides it seems to me beyond all controversie that the Soul of the Messiah did exist before the Incarnation and voluntarily descended from Heaven to take upon it a Mortal Body And tho' it does not appear that all humane Souls were at first plac'd in Glory yet from the example of our Saviour we see something greater in them Namely a capacity to be united to the Godhead And what is possible to one is possible to more But these thoughts are too high for us while we find our selves united to nothing but diseased bodies and houses of clay The greatest fault we can commit in such Speculations is to be over-positive and Dogmatical To be inquisitive into the ways of Providence and the works of God is so far from being a fault that it is our greatest perfection We cultivate the highest principles and best inclinations of our Nature while we are thus employ'd and 't is littleness or secularity of Spirit that is the greatest Enemy to Contemplation Those that would have a true contempt of this World must suffer the Soul to be sometimes upon the Wing and to raise her self above the sight of this little dark Point which we now inhabit Give her a large and free prospect of the immensity of God's works and of his inexhausted wisdom and goodness if you would make her Great and Good As the warm Philosopher says Give me a Soul so great so high Let her dimensions stretch the Skie That comprehends within a thought The whole extent 'twixt God and Nought And from the World's first birth and date Its Life and Death can calculate With all th' adventures that shall pass To ev'ry Atome of the Mass. But let her be as GOOD as GREAT Her highest Throne a Mercy-Seat Soft and dissolving like a Cloud Losing her self in doing good A Cloud that leaves its place above Rather than dry and useless move Falls in a showre upon the Earth And gives ten thousand Seeds a birth Hangs on the Flow'rs and infant Plants Sucks not their Sweets but feeds their Wants So let this mighty Mind diffuse All that 's her own to others use And free from private ends retain Nothing of SELF but a bare Name THE THEORY OF THE EARTH BOOK IV. Concerning the new Heavens and new Earth AND Concerning the Consummation of all things CHAP. I. THE INTRODVCTION That the World will not be annihilated in the last Fire That we are to expect according to Scripture and the Christian Doctrine New Heavens and a New Earth when these are dissolv'd or burnt up WE are now so far advanc'd
in the Theory of the Earth as to have seen the End of Two Worlds One destroy'd by Water and another by Fire It remains only to consider whether we be yet come to the final period of Nature The last Scene of all things and consequently the utmost bound of our enquiries Or whether Providence which is inexhausted in Wisdom and Goodness will raise up from this dead Mass New Heavens and a New Earth Another habitable World better and more perfect than that which was destroyed That as the first World began with a Paradise and a state of Innocency so the last may be a kind of Renovation of that happy state whose Inhabitants shall not die but be translated to a blessed Immortality I know 't is the opinion of some that this World will be annihilated or reduc'd to nothing at the Conflagration and that would put an end to all further enquiries But whence do they learn this from Scripture or Reason or their own imagination What instance or example can they give us of this they call Annihilation Or what place of Scripture can they produce that says the World in the last Fire shall be reduc'd to nothing If they have neither instance nor proof of what they affirm 't is an empty Imagination of their own neither agreeable to Philosophy nor Divinity Fire does not consume any substance It changes the form and qualities of it but the matter remains And if the design had been Annihilation the employing of fire would have been of no use or effect For smoak and ashes are at as great a distance from Nothing as the bodies themselves out of which they are made But these Authors seem to have but a small tincture of Philosophy and therefore it will be more proper to confute their opinion from the words of Scripture which hath left us sufficient evidence that another World will succeed after the Conflagration of that we now inhabit The Prophets both of the Old and New Testament have left us their predictions concerning New Heavens and a New Earth So says the Prophet Isaiah ch 65. 17. Behold I create New Heavens and a New Earth and the former shall not be remembred or come into mind As not worthy our thoughts in comparison of those that will arise when these pass away So the Prophet S. Iohn in his Apocalypse when he was come to the End of this World says And I saw a new heaven and a new earth For the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more Sea Where he does not only give us an account of a New Heaven and a New Earth in general but also gives a distinctive character of the New Earth that it shall have no Sea And in the 5th ver He that sat upon the Throne says Behold I make all things New which consider'd with the antecedents and consequents cannot be otherwise understood than of a New World But some Men make evasions here as to the words of the Prophets and say they are to be understood in a figurate and allegorical sence and to be applyed to the times of the Gospel either at first or towards the latter end of the World So as this New Heaven and New Earth signifie only a great change in the moral World But how can that be seeing S. Iohn places them after the end of the World And the Prophet Isaiah connects such things with his New Heavens and New Earth as are not competible to the present state of Nature However to avoid all shuffling and tergiversation in this point let us appeal to S. Peter who uses a plain literal style and discourses down-right concerning the Natural World In his 2d Epist. and 3d. Chap when he had foretold and explain'd the Future Conflagration he adds But we expect New Heavens and a New Earth according to his promises These Promises were made by the Prophets and this gives us full authority to interpret their New Heavens and New Earth to be after the Conflagration S. Peter when he had describ'd the Dissolution of the World in the last Fire in full and emphatical terms as the passing away of the Heavens with a noise the melting of the Elements and burning up all the works of the Earth he subjoyns Nevertheless notwithstanding this total dissolution of the present World We according to his promises look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth Righteousness As if the Apostle should have said Notwithstanding this strange and violent dissolution of the present Heavens and Earth which I have describ'd to you we do not at all distrust God's Promises concerning New Heavens and a New Earth that are to succeed these and to be the seat of the Righteous Here 's no room for Allegories or allegorical expositions unless you will make the Conflagration of the World an Allegory For as Heavens and Earth were destroy'd so Heavens and Earth are restored and if in the first place you understand the natural material World you must also understand it in the second place They are both Allegories or neither But to make the Conflagration an Allegory is not only to contradict S. Peter but all Antiquity Sacred or Prophane And I desire no more assurance that we shall have New Heavens and a New Earth in a literal Sence than we have that the present Heavens and Earth shall be destroyed in a literal Sence and by material Fire Let it therefore rest upon that issue as to this first evidence and argument from Scripture Some will fancy it may be that we shall have New Heavens and Earth and yet that these shall be annihilated They would have These first reduc'd to nothing and then others created spick and span New out of nothing But why so pray what 's the humour of that Lest Omnipotency should want employment you would have it do and undo and do again As if new-made Matter like new Clothes or new Furniture had a better Gloss and was more creditable Matter never wears as fine Gold melt it down never so often it loses nothing of its quantity The substance of the World is the same burnt or unburnt and is of the same Value and Virtue New or Old and we must not multiply the actions of Omnipotency without necessity God does not make or unmake things to try experiments He knows before hand the utmost capacities of every thing and does no vain or superfluous work Such imaginations as these proceed only from want of true Philosophy or the true knowledge of the Nature of God and of his Works which should always be carefully attended to in such Speculations as concern the Natural World But to proceed in our Subject If they suppose part of the World to be annihilated and to continue so they Philosophize still worse and worse How high shall this Annihilation reach Shall the Sun Moon and Stars be reduc'd to nothing but what have They done that they should undergo so hard a fate must
they be turn'd out of Being for our faults The whole material Universe will not be Annihilated at this bout for we are to have Bodies after the Resurrection and to live in Heaven How much of the Universe then will you leave standing or how shall it subsist with this great Vacuum in the heart of it This shell of a World is but the fiction of an empty Brain For God and Nature in their works never admit of such gaping vacuities and emptinesses If we consult Scripture again we shall find that that makes mention of a Restitution and Reviviscency of all things At the End of the World or at the Coming of our Saviour S. Peter whose doctrine we have hitherto followed in his Sermon to the Iews after our Saviour's Ascension tells them that He will come again and that there will be then a Restitution of all things such as was promised by the Prophets The Heavens says he must receive him until the time of Restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of his holy Prophets since the world began If we compare this passage of S. Peter's with that which we alledged before out of his second Epistle it can scarce be doubted but that he refers to the same Promises in both places and what he there calls a New Heaven and a New Earth he calls here a Restitution of all things For the Heavens and the Earth comprehend all and both these are but different phrases for the Renovation of the World This gives us also light how to understand what our Saviour calls the Regeneration or Reviviscency when he shall sit upon his Throne of Glory and will reward his followers an hundred fold for all their Losses in this World Besides Everlasting Life as the Crown of all I know in our English Translation we separate the Regeneration from sitting upon his Throne but without any warrant from the Original And seeing our Saviour speaks here of Bodily goods and seems to distinguish them from everlasting life which is to be the final reward of his Followers This Regeneration seems to belong to his Second Coming when the World shall be renew'd or regenerated and the Righteous shall possess the Earth Other places of Scripture that foretel the fate of this Material World represent it always as a Change not as an Annihilation S. Paul says The Figure of this World passes away 1 Cor. 7. 31. The form fashion and disposition of its parts But the substance still remains As a Body that is melted down and dissolv'd the Form perishes but the Matter is not destroy'd And the Psalmist says The Heavens and the Earth shall be chang'd which answers to this Transformation we speak of The same Apostle in the Eighth Chapter to the Romans shows also that this change shall be and shall be for the better and calls it a Deliverance of the Creation from vanity and corruption and a participation of the glorious liberty of the Children of God Being a sort of Redemption as they have a Redemption of their Bodies But seeing the Renovation of the World is a Doctrine generally receiv'd both by ancient and modern Authors as we shall have occasion to show hereafter We need add no more in this place for confirmation of it Some Men are willing to throw all things into a state of Nothing at the Conflagration and bury them there that they may not be oblig'd to give an account of that state of things that is to succeed it Those who think themselves bound in honour to know every thing in Theology that is knowable and find it uneasie to answer such questions and speculations as would arise upon their admitting a New World think it more adviseable to stifle it in the birth and so to bound all knowledge at the Conflagration But surely so far as Reason or Scripture lead us we may and ought to follow otherwise we should be ungrateful to Providence that sent us those Guides Provided we be always duly sensible of our own weakness and according to the difficulty of the subject and the measure of light that falls upon it proceed with that modesty and ingenuity that becomes such fallible enquirers after Truth as we are And this rule I desire to prescribe to my self as in all other Writings so especially in this where tho' I look upon the principal Conclusions as fully prov'd there are several particulars that are rather propos'd to examination than positively asserted CHAP. II. The Birth of the new Heavens and the new Earth from the second Chaos or the remains of the old World The form order and qualities of the new Earth according to Reason and Scripture HAving prov'd from Scripture that we are to expect New Heavens and a New Earth after the Conflagration it would be some pleasure and satisfaction to see how this new Frame will arise and what foundation there is in Nature for the accomplishment of these promises For tho' the Divine Power be not bound to all the Laws of Nature but may dispence with them when there is a necessity yet it is an ease to us in our belief when we see them both conspire in the same effect And in order to this we must consider in what posture we left the demolish'd World what hopes there is of a Restauration And we are not to be discourag'd because we see things at present wrapt up in a confus'd Mass for according to the methods of Nature and Providence in that dark Womb usually are the seeds and rudiments of an Embryo World Now as to the lower of these two regions the region of melted matter A. A. we shall have little occasion to take notice of it seeing it will contribute nothing to the formation of the new World But the upper region or all above that Orb of fire is the true draught of a Chaos or a mixture and confusion of all the Elements without order or distinction Here are particles of Earth and of Air and of Water all promiscuously jumbled together by the force and agitation of the fire But when that force ceases and every one is left to its own inclination they will according to their different degrees of gravity separate and sort themselves after this manner First the heaviest and grossest parts of the Earth will subside then the watery parts will follow then a lighter sort of Earth which will stop and rest upon the Surface of the Water and compose there a thin film or membrane this membrane or tender Orb is the first rudiment or foundation of a new habitable Earth For according as terrestrial parts fall upon it from all the regions and heighths of the Atmosphere or of the Chaos this Orb will grow more firm strong and immoveable able to support it self and Inhabitants too And having in it all the Principles of a fruitful Soil whether for the production of Plants or of Animals it will want no property or character of an
habitable Earth And particularly will become such an Earth and of such a form as the first Paradisiacal Earth was Which hath been fully describ'd in the first and second Books of this Theory There is no occasion of examining more accurately the formation of this Second Earth seeing it is so much the same with that of the First which is set down fully and distinctly in the Fifth Chapter of the first Book of this Theory Nature here repeats the same work and in the same method only the materials are now a little more refin'd and purg'd by the fire They both rise out of a Chaos and That in effect the same in both cases For though in forming the first Earth I suppos'd the Chaos or confus'd Mass to reach down to the Center I did that only for the ease of our imagination that so the whole Mass might appear more simple and uniform But in reality that Chaos had a solid kernel of Earth within as this hath and that matter which fluctuated above in the regions of the Air was the true Chaos whose parts when they came to a separation made the several Elements and the form of an habitable Earth betwixt the Air and Water This Chaos upon separation will fall into the same form and Elements and so in like manner create or constitute a second Paradisiacal World I say a Paradisiacal World for it appears plainly that this new-form'd Earth must agree with that Primigenial Earth in the two principal and fundamental properties First It is of an even entire uniform and regular Surface without Mountains or Sea Secondly That it hath a straight and regular situation to the Sun and the Axis of the Ecliptick From the manner of its formation it appears manifestly that it must be of an even and regular Surface For the Orb of liquid fire upon which the first descent was made being smooth and uniform every where the matter that fell upon it would take the same form and mould And so the second or third Region that were superinduc'd would still imitate the fashion of the first there being no cause or occasion of any inequality Then as to the situation of its Axis this uniformity of figure would determine the center of its gravity to be exactly in the middle and consequently there would be no inclination of one Pole more than another to the general center of its motion But upon a free libration in the liquid Air its Axis would lie parallel with the Axis of the Ecliptick where it moves But these things having been deduc'd more fully in the second Book about Paradise and the Primigenial Earth they need no further explication in this place If Scripture had left us several distinct Characters of the New Heavens and the New Earth we might by compare with those have made a full proof of our Hypothesis One indeed St. Iohn hath left us in very express terms There was no Sea there He says His words are these And I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth for the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away AND THERE WAS NO MORE SEA This character is very particular and you see it exactly answers to our Hypothesis for in the new-form'd Earth the Sea is cover'd and inconspicuous being an Abyss not a Sea and wholly lodg'd in the Womb of the Earth And this one Character being inexplicable upon any other supposition and very different from the present Earth makes it a strong presumption that we have hit upon the true model of the New Heavens and New Earth which S. Iohn saw To this sight of the New Heavens and New Earth S. Iohn immediately subjoyns the sight of the New Ierusalem ver 2. as being contemporary and in some respects the same thing 'T is true the Characters of the New Ierusalem in these two last Chapters of the Apo●alypse are very hard to be understood some of them being incompetible to a Terrestrial state and some of them to a Celestial so as it seems to me very reasonable to suppose that the New Ierusalem spoken of by S. Iohn is twofold That which he saw himself ver 2. and that which the Angel shewed him afterwards ver 9. For I do not see what need there was of an Angel and of taking him up into a great and high mountain only to shew him that which he had seen before at the foot of the Mountain But however that be we are to consider in this place the Terrestrial New Ierusalem only or that which is in the New Heavens and New Earth And as St. Iohn hath joyned these two together so the Prophet Isaiah had done the same thing before when he had promised New Heavens and a New Earth he calls them under another name Ierusalem and they both use the same character in effect in the description of their Ierusalem Isaiah says And I will rejoyce in Ierusalem and joy in my people and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her nor the voice of crying S. Iohn says also in his Jerusalem God shall dwell with them and they shall be his people And he shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain Now in both these Prophets when they treat upon this subject we find they make frequent allusions to Paradise and a Paradisiacal state so as that may be justly taken as a Scripture-Character of the New Heavens and the New Earth The Prophet Isaiah seems plainly to point at a Paradisiacal state throughout that Chapter by an universal innocency and harmlesness of animals and peace plenty health longaevity or immortality of the inhabitants S. Iohn also hath several allusions to Paradise in those two Chapters where he describes the New Jerusalem And in his discourse to the seven Churches in one place ch 2. 7. To him that overcometh is promised to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God And in another place ch 3. 12. to him that overcometh is promised to have the name of the New Ierusalem writ upon him These I take to be the same thing and the same reward of Christian Victors The New Ierusalem or the New Heavens and New Earth and the Paradise of God Now this being the general Character of the New Earth That it is Paradifiacals and the particular Character That it hath no Sea and both these agreeing with our Hypothesis as apparently deducible from those principles and that manner of its formation which we have set down We cannot but allow that the Holy Scriptures and the Natural Theory agree in their Testimony as to the conditions and properties of the New Heavens and New Earth From what hath been said in this and the precedent Chapter it will not be hard to interpret what S. Paul meant by his Habitable Earth to come which is to be subjected to our Saviour
and not to the Angels In the second chapter to the Hebrews ver 5. he says For unto the Angels hath he not put in subjection the WORLD TO COME So we read it but according to the strictest and plainest Translation it should be The habitable Earth to come Now what Earth is this where our Saviour is absolute Soveraign and where the Government is neither Humane nor Angelical but peculiarly Theocratical In the first place this cannot be the present World or the present Earth because the Apostle calls it Future or the Earth to come Nor can it be understood of the days of the Gospel seeing the Apostle acknowledges ver 8. That this subjection whereof he speaks is not yet made And seeing Antichrist will not finally be destroy'd till the appearance of our Saviour 2 Thess. 2. 8. nor Satan bound while Antichrist is in power during the reign of these two who are the Rulers of the darkness of the World our Saviour cannot properly be said to begin his reign here 'T is true He exercises his Providence over his Church and secures it from being destroy'd He can by a power paramount stop the rage either of Satan or Antichrist Hitherto shall you go and no further As sometimes when he was upon Earth he exerted a Divine Power which yet did not destroy his state of Humiliation so he interposes now when he thinks fit but he does not finally take the power out of the hands of his Enemies nor out of the hands of the Kings of the Earth The Kingdom is not deliver'd up to him and all dominion and power That all Tongues and Nations should serve him For S. Paul can mean no less in this place than that Kingdom in Daniel Seeing he calls it putting all things in subjection under his feet and says that it is not yet done Upon this account also as well as others our Saviour might truly say to Pilate Ioh. 18 36. my kingdom is not of this World And to his Disciples The Son of man came not to be ministred unto but to minister Matt. 20. 28. When he comes to receive his Kingdom he comes in the clouds of Heaven Dan. 7. 13 14. not in the womb of a Virgin He comes with the equipage of a King and Conquer or with thousands and ten thousands of Angels not in the form of a Servant or of a weak Infant as he did at his first coming I allow the phrase 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or in the Hebrew 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The World to come is sometimes us'd in a large sence as comprehending all the days of the Messiah whether at his First or Second Coming for these two Comings are often undistinguish'd in Scripture and respect the Moral World as well as the Natural But the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Orbis habitabilis which S. Paul here uses does primarily signifie the Natural World or the Habitable Earth in the proper use of the word amongst the Greeks and frequently in Scripture Luke 4. 5. and 21. 26. Rom. 10. 18. Heb. 1. 6. Apoc. 3. 10. Neither do we here exclude the Moral World or the Inhabitants of the Earth but rather necessarily include them Both the Natural and Moral World to come will be the seat and subject of our Saviour's Kingdom and Empire in a peculiar manner But when you understand nothing by this phrase but the present moral World it neither answers the proper signification of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 nor of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the first or second part of the expression And tho such like phrases may be us'd for the Dispensation of the Messiah in opposition to that of the Law yet the height of that distinction or opposition and the fulfilling of the expression depends upon the second coming of our Saviour and upon the Future Earth or habitable World where he shall Reign and which does peculiarly belong to Him and His Saints Neither can this World to come or this Earth to come be understood of the Kingdom of Heaven For the Greek word will not bear that sence nor is it ever us'd in Scripture for Heaven Besides the Kingdom of Heaven when spoken of as future is not properly till the last resurrection and final judgment Whereas This World to come which our Saviour is to govern must be before that time and will then expire For all his Government as to this World expires at the day of Judgment and he will then deliver up the kingdom into the hands of his father that he may be all in all Having reigned first himselfe and put down all rule and all authority and power So that S. Paul in these two places of his Epistles refers plainly to the same time and the same reign of Christ which must be in a future World and before the last day of Iudgment and therefore according to our deductions in the New Heavens and the New Earth CHAP. III. Concerning the Inhabitants of the New Earth That Natural Reason cannot determine this point That according to Scripture The Sons of the first Resurrection or the Heirs of the Millennium are to be the Inhabitants of the New Earth The Testimony of the Philosophers and of the Christian Fathers for the Renovation of the World The first Proposition laid down THUS we have setled the True Notion according to Reason and Scripture of the New Heavens and New Earth But where are the Inhabitants you 'l say You have taken the pains to make us a New World and now that it is made it must stand empty When the first World was destroyed there were Eight Persons preserv'd with a Set of Living Creatures of every Kind as a Seminary or foundation of another World But the Fire it seems is more merciless than the Water for in this destruction of the World it does not appear that there is one living Soul left of any sort upon the face of the Earth No hopes of posterity nor of any continuation of Mankind in the usual way of propagation And Fire is a barren Element that breeds no living Creatures in it nor hath any nourishment proper for their food or sustenance We are perfectly at a loss therefore so far as I see for a new race of Mankind or how to People this new-form'd World The Inhabitants if ever there be any must either come from Heaven or spring from the Earth There are but these two ways But Natural Reason can determine neither of these sees no tract to follow in these unbeaten paths nor can advance one step further Farewel then dear Friend I must take another Guide and leave you here as Moses upon Mount Pisgah only to look into that Land which you cannot enter I acknowledge the good service you have done and what a faithful Companion you have been in a long journey from the beginning of the World to this hour in a tract of time of six thousand years We have travel'd together through the dark
regions of a First and Second Chaos seen the World twice shipwrackt Neither Water nor Fire could separate us But now you must give place to other Guides Welcom Holy Scriptures The Oracles of God a Light shining in darkness a Treasury of hidden Knowledge and where humane faculties cannot reach a seasonable help and supply to their defects We are now come to the utmost bounds of their dominion They have made us a New World but how it shall be inhabited they cannot tell know nothing of the History or affairs of it This we must learn from other Masters inspir'd with the knowledge of things to come And such Masters we know none but the holy Prophets and Apostles We must therefore now put our selves wholly under their conduct and instruction and from them only receive our information concerning the moral state of the future habitable Earth In the first place therefore The Prophet Isaiah tells us as a preparation to our further enquiries The Lord God created the Heavens God himselfe that formed the Earth He created it not in vain he formed it to be inhabited This is true both of the present Earth and the Future and of every habitable World whatsoever For to what purpose is it made habitable if not to be inhabited That would be as if a man should manure and plough and every way prepare his ground for seed but never sow it We do not build houses that they should stand empty but look out for Tenants as fast as we can as soon as they are made ready and become Tenantable But if man could do things in vain and without use or design yet God and Nature never do any thing in vain much less so great a work as the making of a World Which if it were in vain would comprehend ten thousand vanities or useless preparations in it We may therefore in the first place safely conclude That the New Earth will be inhabited But by whom will it be inhabited This makes the second enquiry S. Peter answers this question for us and with a particular application to this very subject of the New Heavens and New Earth They shall be inhabited he says by the Iust or the Righteous His words which we cited before are these When he had describ'd the Conflagration of the World he adds But we expect New Heavens and a New Earth WHEREIN DWELLETH RIGHTEOUSNESS By Righteousness here it is generally agreed must be understood Righteous Persons For Righteousness cannot be without Righteous Persons It cannot hang upon Trees or grow out of the ground 'T is the endowment of reasonable Creatures And these Righteous Persons are eminently such and therefore call'd Righteousness in the abstract or purely Righteous without mixture of Vice So we have found Inhabitants for the New Earth Persons of an high and noble Character Like those describ'd by S. Peter 1 Ep. 2. 9. A chosen generation a Royal Priesthood an Holy Nation a peculiar People As if into that World as into S. Iohn's New Ierusalem nothing impure or unrighteous was to be admitted These being then the happy and holy Inhabitants The next enquiry is Whence do they come From what off-spring or from what Original We noted before that there was no remnant of Mankind left at the Conflgration as there was at the Deluge nor any hopes of a Restauration that way Shall we then imagine that these New Inhabitants are a Colony wafted over from some neighbouring World as from the Moon or Mercury or some of the higher Planets You may imagine what you please but that seems to me not imaginary only but impracticable And that the Inhabitants of those Planets are Persons of so great accomplishments is more than I know but I am sure they are not the Persons here understood For these must be such as inhabited this Earth before WE look for New Heavens and New Earth says the Apostle Surely to have some share and interest in them otherwise there would be no comfort in that expectation And the Prophet Isaiah said before I create New Heavens and a New Earth and the former shall come no more into remembrance But be YOU glad and rejoyce for ever in that which I create The truth is none can have so good pretensions to this spot of ground we call the Earth as the Sons of Men seeing they once possest it And if it be restor'd again 't is their propriety and inheritance But 't is not Mankind in general that must possess this New World but the Israel of God according to the Prophet Isaiah or the Iust according to S. Peter And especially those that have suffer'd for the sake of their Religion For this is that Palingenesia as we noted before that Renovation or Regeneration of all things where our Saviour says Those that suffer loss for his sake shall be recompenced Matt. 19. 28 29. But they must then be raised from the Dead For all Mankind was destroy'd at the Conflagration and there is no resource for them any other way than by a Resurrection 'T is true and S. Iohn gives us a fair occasion to make this supposition That there will be some raised from the Dead before the General Day of Judgment For he plainly distinguisheth of a First and Second Resurrection and makes the First to be a Thousand Years before the Second and before the general Day of Judgment Now If there be truly and really a two-fold Resurrection as St. Iohn tells us and at a thousand Years distance from one another It may be very rationally presum'd that Those that are raised in the first Resurrection are those Iust that will inhabit the New Heavens and new Earth Or whom our Saviour promis'd to reward in the Renovation of the World For otherwise who are those Iust that shall inhabit the New Earth and whence do they come Or when is that Restauration which our Saviour speaks of wherein those that suffer'd for the sake of the Gospel shall be rewarded St. Iohn says the Martyrs at this first Resurrection shall live again and reign with Christ. Which seems to be the reward promis'd by our Saviour to those that suffer'd for his sake and the same Persons in both places And I saw the Souls of them says St. Iohn that were beheaded for the witness of Iesus and for the Word of God and which had not worshipped the Beast c. and They lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years These I say seem to be the same Persons to whom Christ had before promis'd and appropriated a particular reward And this rewa●d of theirs or this Reign of theirs is upon Earth upon some Earth new or old not in Heaven For besides that we read nothing of their Ascension into Heaven after their Resurrection There are several marks that shew it must necessarily be understood of a state upon Earth For Gog and Magog came from the four quarters of the Earth and besieged the Camp of the Saints and the
Future Renovation And to this day the posterity of the Brackmans in the East Indies retain the same notion That the World will be renewed after the last Fire You may see the citations if you please for all these Nations in the Latin Treatise Ch. 5. Which I thought would be too dry and tedious to be render'd into English To these Testimonies of the Philosophers of all Ages for the Future Renovation of the World we might add the Testimonies of the Christian Fathers Greek and Latin ancient and modern I will only give you a bare List of them and refer you to the Latin Treatise for the words or the places Amongst the Greek Fathers Iustin Martyr Irenaeus Origen The Fathers of the Council of Nice Eusebius Basil The two Cyrils of Ierusalem and Alexandria The two Gregorys Nazianzen and Nyssen S. Chrysostom Zacharias Mitylenensis and of later date Damascen Oecumenius Euthymius and others These have all set their hands and Seals to this Doctrine Of the Latin Fathers Tertullian Lactantius S. Hilary S. Ambrose S. Austin S. Ierome and many later Ecclesiastical Authors These with the Philosophers before mentioned I count good authority Sacred and Prophane which I place here as an out-guard upon Scripture where our principal force lies And these three united and acting in conjunction will be sufficient to secure this first post and to prove our first Proposition which is this That after the Conflagration of this World there will be New Heavens and a New Earth and that Earth will be inhabited CHAP. IV. The proof of a Millennium or of a blessed Age to come from Scripture A view of the Apocalypse and of the Prophecies of Daniel in reference to this Kingdom of Christ and of his Saints WE have given fair presumptions if not proofs in the precedent Chapter That the Sons of the first Resurrection will be the persons that shall inhabit the New Earth or the World to come But to make that proof compleat and unexceptionable I told you it would be necessary to take a larger compass in our discourse and to examine what is meant by That Reign with Christ a thousand years which is promis'd to the Sons of the First Resurrection by St. Iohn in the Apocalypse and in other places of Scripture is usually call'd the Kingdom of Christ and the reign of the Saints And by Ecclesiastical Authors in imitation of S. Iohn it is commonly styled the Millennium We shall indifferently use any of these words or phrases and examine First the truth of the Notion and Opinion whether in Scripture there be such an happy state promised to the Saints under the conduct of Christ. And then we will proceed to examine the nature characters place and time of it And I am in hopes when these things are duly discuss'd and stated you will be satisfied that we have found out the true Inhabitants of the New Heavens and New Earth and the true mystery of that state which is call'd the Millennium or the Reign of Christ and of his Saints We begin with S. Iohn whose words in the twentieth Chapter of the Apocalypse are express both as to the first Resurrection and as to the reign of those Saints that rise with Christ for a thousand years Satan in the mean time being bound or disabled from doing mischief and seducing mankind The words of the Prophet are these And I saw an Angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand And he laid hold on the Dragon that old Serpent which is the Devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years And I saw Thrones and they sat upon them and judgment was given unto them and I saw the Souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Iesus and for the word of God and which had not worshipped the beast neither his image neither had received his mark upon their fore-heads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished This is the first Resurrection Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first Resurrection on such the second death hath no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years These words do fully express a Resurrection and a reign with Christ a thousand years As for that particular space of time of a thousand years it is not much material to our present purpose but the Resurrection here spoken of and the reign with Christ make the substance of the controversie and in effect prove all that we enquire after at present This Resurrection you see is call'd the First Resurrection by way of distinction from the Second and general Resurrection which is to be plac'd a thousand years after the First And both this First Resurrection and the Reign of Christ seem to be appropriated to the Martyrs in this place For the Prophet says The Souls of those that were beheaded for the witness of Iesus c. They lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years From which words if you please we will raise this Doctrine That Those that have suffered for the sake of Christ and a good Conscience shall be raised from the dead a thousand years before the general Resurrection and reign with Christ in an happy state This Proposition seems to be plainly included in the words of S. Iohn and to be the intended sence of this Vision but you must have patience a little as to your enquiry into particulars till in the progress of our discourse we have brought all the parts of this conclusion into a fuller light In the mean time there is but one way that I know of to evade the force of these words and of the conclusion drawn from them and that is by supposing that the First Resurrection here mentioned is not to be understood in a literal sense but is Allegorical and mystical signifying only a Resurrection from sin to a Spiritual Life As we are said to be dead in sin and to be risen with Christ by Faith and Regeneration This is a manner of Speech which S. Paul does sometimes use as Ephes. 2. 6. and 5. 14. and Col. 3. 1. But how can this be applyed to the present case Were the Martyrs dead in sin 'T is they that are here rais'd from the dead Or after they were beheaded for the witness of Jesus naturally dead and laid in their graves were they then regenerate by Faith There is no congruitiy in allegories so applyed Besides Why should they be said to be regenerate a thousand years before the day of Judgment Or to reign with Christ after this Spiritual Resurrection such a limited time a Thousand Years Why not to Eternity For in this allegorical sence of rising and reigning they will reign with him for everlasting Then after a Thousand Years must all the wicked be
This must be the same state and the same thousand-years-reign mention'd in the 20th Chapter Where 't is said ver 6. the partakers of it shall be Priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years Another completory Vision that extends it self to the end of the World is that of the seven Vials Ch. 15 16. And as at the opening of the Seals so at the pouring out of the Vials a triumphal Song is sung and 't is call'd the Song of Moses and of the Lamb. 'T is plainly a Song of Thanksgiving for a Deliverance but I do not look upon this deliverance as already wrought before the pouring out of the Vials though it be plac'd before them as often the grand design and issue of a Vision is plac'd at the beginning It is wrought by the Vials themselves and by their effusion and therefore upon the pouring out of the last Vial. The Voice came out of the Temple of Heaven from the Throne saying Consummatum est It is done Now the Deliverance is wrought now the work is at an end or The mystery of God is finish'd as the phrase was before concerning the 7th Trumpet Ch. 10. 7. You see therefore this terminates upon the same time and consequently upon the same state of the Millennium And that they are the same Persons that triumph here and reign there Ch. 20. You may see by the same Characters given to both of them Here those that triumph are said to have gotten the victory over the Beast and over his Image and over his mark and over the number of his name And there Those that reign with Christ are said to be those that had not worshipped the Beast neither his image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands These are the same Persons therefore triumphing over the same Enemies and enjoying the same reward And you shall seldom find any Doxology or Hallelujah in the Apocalypse but 't is in prospect of the Kingdom of Christ and the Millennial state That is still the burthen of the Sacred Song The complement of every grand Vision and the life and strength of the whole Systeme of Prophecies in that Book Even those Halleluja's that are sung at the destruction of Babylon in the 19th Chapter are rais'd upon the view of the succeeding state the Reign of Christ. For the Text says And I heard as it were a voice of a great multitude and as the voice of many waters and as the voice of mighty thunders saying Hallelujah FOR THE LORD GOD OMNIPOTENT REIGNETH Let us be glad and rejoyce and give honour to him FOR THE MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB IS COME AND HIS WIFE HATH MADE HER SELF READY This appears plainly to be the New Ierusalem if you consult the 21th ch ver 2. And I Iohn saw the Holy City New Ierusalem coming down from God out of Heaven PREPARED AS A BRIDE ADORNED FOR HER HUSBAND 'T is no doubt the same Bride and Bridegroom in both places the same marriage or preparations for marriage which are compleated in the Millennial bliss in the Kingdom of Christ and of his Saints I must still beg your patience a little longer in pursuing this argument throughout the Apocalypse As towards the latter end of S. Iohn's Revelation this Kingdom of Christ shines out in a more full glory so there are the dawnings of it in the very beginning and entrance into his Prophecies As at the beginning of a Poem we have commonly in a few words the design of the Work in like manner S. Iohn makes this Preface to his Prophecies From Iesus Christ who is the faithful witness the first begotten of the dead and the Prince of the Kings of the Earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own bloud And hath made us Kings and Priests unto God and his Father to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever Amen Behold he cometh in the clouds c. In this Prologue the grand argument is pointed at and that happy Catastrophe and last Scene which is to crown the Work The Reign of Christ and of his Saints at his second coming He hath made us Kings and Priests unto God This is always the Characteristick of those that are to enjoy the Millennial Happiness as you may see at the opening of the Seals ch 5. 10. and in the Sons of the First Resurrection ch 20. 6. And this being joyned to the coming of our Saviour puts it still more out of doubt That expression also of being washt from our sins in his bloud is repeated again both at the opening of the Seals Chap. 5. 9. and in the Palm-bearing Company Chap. 7. 14. both which places we have cited before as referring to the Millennial State Give me leave to add further that as in this general Preface so also in the Introductory visions of the Seven Churches there are covertly or expresly in the conclusion of each glances upon the Millennium As in the first to Ephesus the Prophet concludes He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches TO HIM THAT OVERCOMETH WILL I GIVE TO FAT OF THE TREE OF LIFE WHICH IS IN THE MIDST OF THE PARADISE OF GOD. This is the Millennial happiness which is promised to the Conquerour as we noted before concerning that phrase In like manner in the second to Smyrna He concludes He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death This implyes he shall be partaker of the first Resurrection for that 's the thing understood as you may see plainly by their being joyn'd in the 20th Ch. ver 6. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first Resurrection on such the second death hath no power but they shall be Priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years In the 3d to Pergamus the Promise is to eat of the hidden Manna to have a white stone and a new name written in it But seeing the Prophet adds which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it we will not presume to interpret that new state whatsoever it is In Thyatira the reward is To have power over the Nations and to have the Morning Star Which is to reign with Christ who is the Morning Star in his Millennial Empire both these phrases being us'd in that sence in the close of this Book In Sardis the promise is To be clothed in white raiment and not to be blotted out of the Book of Life And you see afterwards the Palm-bearing Company are clothed in white robes and those that are admitted into the New Ierusalem are such as are written in the Lamb's book of life Ch. 21. 27. Then as to Philadelphia the reward promised there does openly mark the Millennial state by the City of God New Ierusalem which cometh down out of Heaven from God compar'd with Chap.
and of the thousand years reign of Christ does joyn these two as the same thing and common to the same persons yet I know there are some that would distinguish them as things of a different extent and also of a different nature They suppose the Martyrs only will rise from the dead and will be immediately translated into Heaven and there pass their Millennium in celestial glory While the Church is still here below in her Millennium such as it is a state indeed bet●er than ordinary and free from persecution but obnoxious to all the inconveniences of our present mortal life and a medly of good and bad people without separation This is such an Idea of the Millennium as to my eye hath neither beauty in it nor foundation in Scripture That the Citizens of the New Ierusalem are not a miscellaneous company but a Community of righteous persons we have noted before and that the state of nature will be better than it is at present But besides this what warrant have they for this Ascension of the Martyrs into Heaven at that time Where do we read of that in Scripture And in those things that are not matters of Natural Order but of Divine Oeconomy we ought to be very careful how we add to Scripture The Scripture speaks only of the Resurrection of the Martyrs Apoc. 20. 45. But not a word concerning their Ascension into Heaven Will that be visible We read of our Saviour's Resurrection and Ascension and therefore we have reason to affirm them both We read also of the Resurrection and Ascension of the Witnesses Apoc. 11. in a figurate sence and in that sence we may assert them upon good grounds But as to the Martyrs we read of their Resurrection only without any thing exprest of imply'd about their Ascension By what Authority then shall we add this New Notion to the History or Scheme of the Millennium The Scripture on the contrary makes mention of the descent of the New Ierusalem Apoc. 21. 2. making the Earth the Theatre of all that affair And the Camp of the Saints is upon the Earth ver 9. and these Saints are the same persons so far as can be collected from the text that rise from the dead and reign'd with Christ and were Priests to God ver 4 5 6. Neither is there any distinction made that I find by S. Iohn of two sorts of Saints in the Millennium the one in Heaven and the other upon Earth Lastly The four and twenty Elders ch 5. 10. tho' they were Kings and Priests unto God were content to reign upon Earth Now who can you suppose of a superiour order to these four and twenty Elders Whether they represent the twelve Patriarchs and twelve Apostles or whomsoever they represent they are plac'd next to him that sits upon the Throne and they have Crowns of Gold upon their heads ch 4. 4. There can be no marks of honour and dignity greater than these are and therefore seeing these highest Dignitaries in the Millennium or future Kingdom of Christ are to reign upon Earth there is no ground to suppose the assumption of any other into Heaven upon that account or upon that occasion This is a short and general draught of the Millennial state or future Reign of the Saints according to Scripture Wherein I have endeavour'd to rectifie some mistakes or misconceptions about it That viewing it in its true Nature we may be the better able to judge when and where it will obtain Which is the next thing to be consider'd CHAP. VIII The Third Proposition laid down concerning the Time and Place of the Millennium Several Arguments us'd to prove that it cannot be till after the Conflagration and that the New Heavens and the New Earth are the true Seat of the blessed Millennium WE come now to the Third and last head of our Discourse To determine the Time and Place of the Millennium And seeing it is indifferent whether the proofs lead or follow the Conclusion we will lay down the Conclusion in the first place that our business may be more in view and back it with proofs in the following part of the Chapter Our Third and last Proposition therefore is this That the Blessed Millennium properly so called according as it is describ'd in Scripture cannot obtain in the present Earth nor under the present constitution of Nature and Providence but is to be celebrated in the New Heavens and New Earth after the Conflagration This Proposition it may be will seem a Paradox or singularity to many even of those that believe a Millennium We will therefore make it the business of this Chapter to state it and prove it by such Arguments as are manifestly founded in Scripture and in Reason And to prevent mistakes we must premise this in the first place That tho the Blessed Millennium will not be in this Earth yet we allow that the state of the Church here will grow much better than it is at present There will be a better Idea of Christianity and according to the Prophecies a full Resurrection of the Witnesses and an Ascension into power and the tenth part of the City will fall which things imply ease from Persecution The Conversion of some part of the Christian World to the reformed Faith and a considerable diminution of the power of Antichrist But this still comes short of the happiness and glory wherein the future Kingdom of Christ is represented Which cannot come to pass till the Man of Sin be destroy'd with a total destruction After the Resurrection of the Witnesses there is a Third WOE yet to come and how long that will last does not appear If it bear proportion with the preceding WOES it may last some hundreds of years And we cannot imagine the Millennium to begin till that WOE be finish'd As neither till the Vials be poured out in the 15th chap. which cannot be all pour'd out till after the Resurrection of the Witnesses those Vials being the last plagues that compleat the destruction of Antichrist Wherefore allowing that the Church upon the Resurrection and Ascension of the Witnesses will be advanc'd into a better condition yet that condition cannot be the Millennial state where the Beast is utterly destroy'd and Satan bound and cast into the bottomless pit This being premis'd let us now examine what grounds there are for the Translation of that blessed state into the New Heavens and New Earth seeing that Thought it may be to many persons will appear new and extraordinary In the first place We suppose it out of dispute that there will be New Heavens and a New Earth after the Conflagration This was our first Proposition and we depend upon it as sufficiently prov'd both from Scripture and Antiquity This being admitted How will you stock this New Earth What use will you put it to 'T will be a much nobler Earth and better built than the present and 't is pity it should only float
about empty and useless in the wild Air. If you will not make it the seat and habitation of the Just in the blessed Millennium what will you make it How will it turn to account What hath Providence design'd it for We must not suppose New Worlds made without counsel or design And as on the one hand you cannot tell what to do with this New Creation if it be not thus employ'd so on the other hand it is every way fitted and suited to be an happy and Paradisiacal habitation and answers all the natural Characters of the Millennial state which is a great presumption that it is design'd for it But to argue this more closely upon Scripture-grounds S. Peter says the Righteous shall inhabit the New Heavens and the New Earth 2. Pet. 3. 13. Nevertheless according to his promise we look for New Heavens and New Earth WHEREIN DWELLETH RIGHTEOUSNESS that is a Righteous People as we have shewn before But who are these Righteous People That 's the great question If you compare S. Peter's New Heavens and New Earth with S. Iohn's Apoc. 21. 1 2. it will go far towards the resolution of this question For S. Iohn seems plainly to make the Inhabitants of the New Ierusalem to be in this New Earth I saw says he New Heavens and a New Earth and the New Ierusalem descending from God out of Heaven therefore descending into this New Earth which he had mention'd immediately before And there the Tabernacle of God was with men ver 3. and there He that sat upon the Throne said Behold I make all things New Referring still to this New Heavens and New Earth as the Theatre where all these things are acted or all these Scenes exhibited from the first Verse to the eighth Now the New Jerusalem state being the same with the Millennial if the one be in the New Heavens and New Earth the other is there also And this interpretation of S. Iohn's word is confirm'd and fully assur'd to us by the Prophet Isaiah who also placeth the joy and rejoycing of the New Ierusalem in the New Heavens and New Earth Chap. 65. 17 18. For behold I create new Heavens and a new Earth and the former shall not be remembred but be you glad and rejoyce for ever in that which I create for behold I create Ierusalem a rejoycing and her people a joy Namely in that New Heavens and New Earth Which answers to S. Iohn's Vision of the New Ierusalem being let down upon the New Earth To these Reasons and deductions from Scripture we might add the testimony of several of the Fathers I mean of those that were Millenaries For we are speaking now to such as believe the Millennium but place it in the present Earth before the Renovation whereas the ancient Millenaries suppos'd the regeneration and renovation of the World before the Kingdom of Christ came As you may see in Irenaeus Iustin Martyr Tertullian Lactantius and the Author ad Orthodoxos And the neglect of this I look upon as one reason as we noted before that brought that doctrine into discredit and decay For when they plac'd the Kingdom of the Saints upon this Earth it bec●me more capable of being abus'd by fanatical spirits to the disturbance of the World and the invasion of the rights of the Magistrate Civil or Ecclesiastical under that notion of Saints And made them also dream of sensual pleasures such as they see in this life Or at least gave an occasion and opportunity to those that had a mind to make the doctrine odious of charging it with these consequences All these abuses are cut off and these scandals prevented by placing the Millennium aright Namely not in this present Life or on this present Earth but in the New Creation where Peace and Righteousness will dwell And this is our first Argument why we place the Millennium in the New Heavens and New Earth and 't is taken partly you see from the reason of the thing it self the difficulty of assigning any other use of the New Earth and its fitness for this and partly from Scripture-evidence and partly from Antiquity The second argument for our opinion is this The present constitution of Nature will not bear that happiness that is promis'd in the Millennium or is not consistent with it The diseases of our Bodies the disorders of our Passions the incommodiousness of external Nature Indigency servility and the unpeaceableness of the World These are things inconsistent with the happiness that is promis'd in the Kingdom of Christ. But these are constant attendants upon this Life and inseparable from the present state of Nature Suppose the Millennium was to begin Nine or Ten Years hence as some pretend it will How shall this World all on a sudden be metamorphos'd into that happy state No more sorrow nor crying nor pain nor death says S. Iohn All former things are past away But how past away Shall we not have the same Bodies and the same external Nature and the same corruptions of the Air and the same excesses and intemperature of Seasons Will there not be the same ba●●enness of the ground the same number of People to be fed and must they not get their living by the sweat of their brows with servile labour and drudgery How then are all former evils past away And as to publick affairs while there are the same necessities of humane Life and a distinction of Nations those Nations sometimes will have contrary interests will clash and interfere one with another whence differences and contests and Wars will arise and the Thousand Years Truce I am afraid will be often broken We might add also that if our Bodies be not chang'd we shall be subject to the same appetites and the same passions and upon those vices will grow as bad fruit upon a bad Tree To conclude so long as our Bodies are the same external Nature the same The necessities of humane Life the same which things are the roots of evil you may call it a Millennium or what you please but there will be still diseases vices wars tears and cries pain and sorrow in this Millenuium and if so 't is a Millennium of your own making for that which the Prophets describe is quite another thing Furthermore if you suppose the Millennium will be upon this Earth and begin it may be ten or twenty years hence How will it be introduc'd how shall we know when we are in it or when we enter upon it If we continue the same and all Nature continue the same we shall not discern when we slip into the Millennium And as to the Moral state of it shall we all on a sudden become Kings and Priests to God wherein will that change consist and how will it be wrought St. Iohn makes the First Resurrection introduce the Millennium and that 's a conspicuous mark and boundary But as to the modern or vulgar Millennium I know
Old Testament As to the Apocalypse Babylon the seat of Antichrist is represented there as destroy'd by Fire Chap. 18. 8 18. Chap. 14. 11. Chap. 19. 3 20. And in Daniel when the Beast is destroy'd Chap. 7. 11. His body was given to the burning flame Then as to the other Prophets they do not you know speak of Antichrist or the Beast in terms but under the Types of Babylon Tyre and such like and these places or Princes are represented by them as to be destroy'd by fire Isa. 13. 19. Ier. 51. 25. Ezek. 28. 18. So much for this third Argument The fourth Argument is this The Future Kingdom of Christ will not be till the day of Judgment and the Resurrection But that will not be till the end of the World Therefore neither the Kingdom of Christ. By the day of Judgment here I do not mean the final and universal Judgment Nor by the Resurrection the final and universal Resurrection for these will not be till after the Millennium But we understand here the first day of Judgment and the first Resurrection which will be at the end of this present World according as S. Iohn does distinguish them in the 20th Chap. of the Apocalypse Now that the Millennium will not be till the day of Judgment in this sence we have both the Testimonies of Daniel and of S. Iohn Daniel in the 7th Chap. supposes the Beast to rule till judgment shall sit and then they shall take away his dominion and it shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most High S. Iohn makes an explicite declaration of both these in his 20th Chap. of the Apocalypse which is the great Directory in this point of the Millennium He says there were Thrones set as for a Judicature Then there was a Resurrection from the Dead and those that rise reigned with Christ a Thousand years Here 's a Judicial Session a Resurrection and the reign of Christ joyned together There is also another passage in S. Iohn that joyns the judgment of the Dead with the Kingdom of Christ. 'T is in the 11th Chap. under the seventh Trumpet The words are these ver 15. And the seventh Angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever And the four and twenty Elders c. And the nations were angry and thy wrath is come and the time of the Dead that they should be judged and that thou shouldst give reward unto thy servants the Prophets and to the Saints and them that fear thy name Here are two things plainly express'd and link'd together The judging of the Dead and the Kingdom of Christ wherein the Prophets and Saints are rewarded Now as the judging of the Dead is not in this life so neither is the reward of the Prophets and Saints in this life as we are taught sufficiently in the Gospel and by the Apostles Mat. 19. 28. 1 Thess. 1. 7. 2 Tim. 4. 8. 1 Pet. 1. 7. and Ch. 5. 4. Therefore the Reign and Kingdom of Christ which is joyned with these two cannot be in this life or before the end of the world And as a further testimony and confirmation of this we may observe that S. Paul to Timothy hath joyn'd together these three things The appearance of Christ the Reign of Christ and the judging of the Dead I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Iesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his Kingdom 2 Tim. 4. 1. This might also be prov'd from the order extent and progress of the Prophecies of the Apocalypse whereof some are such as reach to the end of the World and yet must be accomplish'd before the Millennium begin as the Vials Others are so far already advanc'd towards the end of the World as to leave no room for a thousand years reign as the Trumpets But because every one hath his own interpretation of these Prophecies and it would be tedious here to prove any single Hypothesis in contradistinction to all the rest we will therefore leave this remark to have more or less effect according to the minds it falls upon And proceed to our fifth Argument Fifthly The Ierusalem-state is the same with the Millennial state But the New Ierusalem state will not be till the end of the World or till after the Conflagration Therefore neither the Millennium That the Ierusalem-state is the same with the Millennium is agreed upon I think by all Millenaries Ancient and Modern Iustin Martyr Irenaeus and Tertullian speak of it in that sence and so do the later Authors so far as I have observ'd And St. Iohn seems to give them good authority for it In the 20th Chap. of the Apocalypse he says the Camp of the Saints and the Beloved City were besieg'd by Satan and his Gigantick crew at the end of the Millennium That Beloved City is the New Ierusalem and you see it is the same with the Camp of the Saints or at least contemporary with it Besides the Marriage of the Lamb was in or at the appearance of the New Jerusalem for that was the Spouse of the Lamb Apoc. 21. 2. Now this Spouse was ready and this Marriage was said to be come at the destruction of Babylon which was the beginning of the Millennium Chap. 18. 7. Therefore the New Jerusalem run all along with the Millennium and was indeed the same thing under another name Lastly What is this New Jerusalem if it be not the same with the Millennial state It is promis'd as a reward to the sufferers for Christ Apoc. 3. 12. and you see its wonderful priviledges Ch. 21. 3 4. and yet it is not Heaven and eternal Life for it is said to come down from God out of Heaven Ch. 21. 2. and Ch. 3. 12. It can therefore be nothing but the glorious Kingdom of Christ upon Earth where the Saints shall reign with him a Thousand Years Now as to the second part of our Argument that the New Jerusalem will not come down from Heaven till the end of the World of this S. Iohn seems to give us a plain proof or demonstration for he places the New Jerusalem in the New Heavens and New Earth which cannot be till after the Conflagration Let us hear his words Apoc. 21. 1 2. And I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea And I Iohn saw the Holy City New Ierusalem coming down from God out of Heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband When the New Earth was made he sees the New Jerusalem coming down upon it and this Renovation of the Earth not being till the Conflagration The New Jerusalem could not be till then neither The Prophet Isaiah had long before said the same thing though not in
terms so express He first says Behold I create new heavens and a new earth wherein you shall rejoyce Then subjoyns immediately Behold I create Ierusalem a rejoycing This rejoycing is still in the same place in the New Heavens and New Earth or in the New Jerusalem And S. Iohn in a like method first sets down the New Earth then the New Jerusalem and expresses the mind of the Prophet Isaiah more distinctly This leads me to a Sixth Argument to confirm our Conclusion The time of the Restitution or Restauration of all things spoken of by S. Peter and the Prophets is the same with the Millennium But that Restauration will not be till the coming of Christ and the end of the World Therefore neither the Millennium That this Restitution of all things will not be till the coming of our Saviour S. Peter declares in his Sermon Act. 3. 21. and that the coming of our Saviour will not be till the end of the World or till the Conflagration both S. Paul and S. Peter signifie to us 1 Thess. 1. 7 8. 2 Pet. 3. 10. Therefore it remains only to prove that this Restitution of all things spoken of here by the Apostle is the same with the Millennium I know that which it does directly and immediately signifie is the Renovation of the World but it must include the Moral World as well as the Natural otherwise it cannot be truly said as S. Peter does there that all the Prophets have spoken of it And what is the Renovation of the Natural and Moral World but the New Jerusalem or the Millennium These Arguments taken together have to me an irresistible evidence for the proof of our Conclusion That the Blessed Millennium cannot obtain in the present Earth or before the Conflagration But when Nature is renew'd and the Saints and Martyrs rais'd from the Dead then they shall reign together with Christ in the New Heavens and New Earth or in the New Jerusalem Satan being bound for a Thousand Years CHAP. IX The chief employment of the Millennium DEVOTION and CONTEMPLATION WE have now done with the substance of our Discourse which is comprehended in these Three Propositions I. After the Conflagration of this World there will be New Heavens and a New Earth and That Earth will be inhabited II. That there is an happy Millennial state Or a future Kingdom of Christ and his Saints prophesied of and promis'd in the Old and New Testament and receiv'd by the Primitive Church as a Christian and Catholick Doctrine III. That this blessed Millennial state according as it is describ'd in Scripture cannot take place in the present Earth nor under the present constitution of Nature and Providence But is to be celebrated in the New Heavens and New Earth after the Conflagration These Three Propositions support this Work and if any of them be broken I confess my design is broken and this Treatise is of no effect But what remains to be spoken to in these last Chapters is more circumstantial or modal and an error or mistake in such things does not wound any vital part of the Argument You must now therefore lay aside your severity and rigorous censures we are very happy if in this Life we can attain to the substance of truth and make rational conjectures concerning modes and circumstances where every one hath right to offer his sence with modesty and submission Revelations made to us from Heaven in this present state are often incompleat and do not tell us all as if it was on purpose to set our thoughts a-work to supply the rest which we may lawfully do provided it be according to the analogy of Scripture and Reason To proceed therefore We suppose as you see the new Heavens and the new Earth to be the seat of the Millennium and that new Creation to be Paradisiacal Its Inhabitants also to be Righteous Persons the Saints of the most High And seeing the ordinary employments of our present Life will then be needless and superseded as Military affairs Sea-affairs most Trades and Manufactures Law Physick and the laborious part of Agriculture it may be wonder'd how this Happy People will bestow their time What entertainment they will find in a state of so much ease and so little action To this one might answer in short by another question How would they have entertain'd themselves in Paradise if Man had continued in Innocency This is a revolution of the same state and therefore they may pass their time as well now as they could have done then But to answer more particularly besides all innocent diversions ingenuous conversations and entertainments of friendship the greatest part of their time will be spent in Devotion and Contemplation O happy employment and next to that of Heaven it self What do the Saints above but sing Praises unto God and contemplate his Perfections And how mean and despicable for the most part are the employments of this present Life if compar'd with those Intellectual Actions If Mankind was divided into ten parts nine of those ten employ their time to get bread to their belly and cloaths to their back And what impertinences are these to a reasonable Soul if she was free from the clog of a Mortal Body or if that could be provided for without trouble or loss of time Corporeal Labour is from need and necessity but intellectual exercises are matter of choice that please and perfect at the same time Devotion warms and opens the Soul and disposes it to receive Divine Influences It sometimes raises the mind into an heavenly ecstasie and fills it with a joy that is not to be exprest When it is pure it leaves a strong impression upon the heart of Love to God and inspires us with a contempt of this World having tasted the pleasures of the World to come In the state which we speak of seeing the Tabernacle of God will be with men we may reasonably suppose that there will be greater effusions and irradiations of the Holy Spirit than we have or can expect in this region of darkness and consequently all the strength and comfort that can arise from private devotion And as to their publick Devotions all beauties of Holiness all perfection of Divine Worship will shine in their Assemblies Whatsoever David says of Sion and Ierusalem are but shadows of this New Ierusalem and of the glory that will be in those Solemnities Imagine what a Congregation will be there of Patriarchs Prophets Apostles Christian Martyrs and Saints of the first rank throughout all Ages And these all known to one another by their Names and History This very meeting together of such Persons must needs create a joy unspeakable But when they unite in their praises to God and to the Lamb with pure hearts full of divine Love when they sing their Hallelujahs to him that sits upon the Throne that hath wash'd them in his blood and redeem'd them out of every Kingdom and Tongue and
People and Nation When with their Palms in their hands they triumph over Sin and Death and Hell and all the Powers of Darkness can there be any thing on this side Heaven and a Quire of Angels more glorious or more joyful But why did I except Angels Why may not they be thought to be present at these Assemblies In a Society of Saints and purified Spirits Why should we think their converse impossible In the Golden Age the Gods were always represented as having freer intercourse with Men and before the Flood we may reasonably believe it so I cannot think Enoch was translated into Heaven without any converse with its Inhabitants before he went thither And seeing the Angels vouchsaf'd often in former Ages to visit the Patriarchs upon Earth we may with reason judge that they will much more converse with the same Patriarchs and holy Prophets now they are risen from the Dead and cleans'd from their sins and seated in the New Ierusalem I cannot but call to mind upon this occasion That representation which S. Paul makes to us of a glorious state and a glorious Assembly too high for this present Earth 'T is Hebr. 12. 22 c. in these words But you are come unto Mount Sion and unto the City of the living God the heavenly Ierusalem and to an innumerable company of Angels to the general Assembly and Church of the First-born which are written in Heaven and to God the Iudge of all and to the Spirits of just men made perfect This I know several apply to the Times and state of the Gospel in opposition to that of the Law and it is introduc'd in that manner But here are several expressions too high for any present state of things They must respect a future state either of Heaven or of the Millennial Kingdom of Christ. And to the later of these the expressions agree and have a peculiar fitness and applicability to it And what follows in the context ver 26 27 28. About shaking the Heavens and the Earth once more Removing the former Scenes and bringing on a New Kingdom that cannot be shaken All this I say answers to the Kingdom of Christ which is to be establish'd in the New Heavens and New Earth But to proceed in their Publick Devotions Suppose this August Assembly inflam'd with all Divine Passions met together to celebrate the Name of God with Angels intermixt to bear a part in this Holy Exercise And let this concourse be not in any Temple made with hands but under the great roof of Heaven the True Temple of the most High so as all the Air may be fill'd with the chearful harmony of their Hymns and Hallelujahs Then in the heighth of their Devotion as they sing Praises to the Lamb and to Him that sits upon the Throne suppose the Heavens to open and the Son of God to appear in his glory with Thousands and Ten Thousands of Angels round about him That their eyes may see him who for their sakes was crucified upon Earth now encircled with Light and Majesty This will raise them into as great transports as humane nature can bear They will wish to be dissolv'd they will strive to fly up to him in the clouds or to breath out their Souls in repeated doxologles of Blessing and honour and glory and power to him that sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb for ever and ever But we cannot live always in the flames of Devotion The weakness of our Nature will not suffer us to continue long under such strong Passions and such intenseness of Mind The question is therefore What will be the ordinary employment of that Life How will they entertain their thoughts or spend their time For we suppose they will not have that multiplicity of frivolous business that we have now About our Bodies about our Children in Trades and Mechanicks in Traffick and Navigation or Wars by Sea or Land These things being swept away wholly or in a great measure what will come in their place how will they find work or entertainment for a long life If we consider who they are that will have a part in this first Resurrection and be Inhabitants of that World that is to come we may easily believe that the most constant employment of their life will be CONTEMPLATION Not that I exclude any innocent diversions as I said before The entertainments of friendship or ingenuous conversation but the great business and design of that life is Contemplation as preparatory to Heaven and eternal Glory Ui paulatim assuescant capere Deum as Irenaeus says That they may by degrees enlarge their capacities fit and accustom themselves to receive God Or as he says in another place That they may become capable of the glory of the Father that is capable of bearing the glory and presence of God capable of the highest enjoyment of him which is usually call'd the Beatifical Vision and is the condition of the Blessed in Heaven It cannot be deny'd that in such a Millennial state where we shall be freed from all the incumbrances of this life and provided of better Bodies and greater light of Mind It cannot be doubted I say but that we shall then be in a disposition to make great proficiency in the knowledge of all things Divine and Intellectual and consequently of making happy preparations for our entring upon a further state of glory For there is nothing certainly does more prepare the mind of man for the highest perfections than Contemplation with that Devotion which naturally flows from it as heat follows light And this Contemplation hath always a greater or less effect upon the mind according to the perfection of its object So as the Contemplation of the Divine Nature is of all others the most perfective in it self and to us according to our capacities and degree of abstraction An Immense Being does strangely fill the Soul and Omnipotency Omnisciency and Infinite Goodness do enlarge and dilate the Spirit while it fixtly looks upon them They raise strong passions of Love and Admiration which melt our Nature and transform it into the mould and image of that which we contemplate What the Scripture says of our Transformation into the Divine likeness what S. Iohn and the Platonists say of our Union with God And whatever is not Cant in the Mystical Theology when they tell us of being Deified all this must spring from these sources of Devotion and Contemplation They will change and raise us from perfection to perfection as from glory to glory into a greater similitude and nearer station to the Divine Nature The Contemplation of God and his Works comprehends all things For the one makes the uncreated World and the other the Created And as the Divine Essence and Attributes are the greatest object that the mind of man can set before it self so next to that are the effects and emanations of the Divinity or the Works of the Divine Goodness Wisdom
Father above Angels and Arch-Angels These great things are imperfectly reveal'd to us in this life which we are to believe so far as they are reveal'd In hopes these mysteries will be made more intelligible in that happy state to come where Prophets Apostles and Angels will meet in conversation together In like manner how little is it we understand concerning the Holy Ghost That he descended like a Dove upon our Saviour Like cloven Tongues of fire upon the Apostles The Place being fill'd with a rushing mighty Wind That he over-shadowed the Blessed Virgin and begot the Holy Infant That He made the Apostles speak all sort of Tongues and Languages ex tempore and pour'd out strange Vertues and Miraculous Gifts upon the Primitive Christians These things we know as bare matter of fact but the method of these operations we do not at all understand Who can tell us now what that is which we call INSPIRATION VVhat change is wrought in the Brain and what in the Soul and how the effect follows VVho will give us the just definition of a Miracle VVhat the proximate Agent is above Man and whether they are all from the same power How the manner and process of those miraculous changes in matter may be conceiv'd These things we see darkly and hope they will be set in a clearer light and the Doctrines of our Religion more fully expounded to us in that Future VVorld For as several things obscurely exprest in the Old Testament are more clearly reveal'd in the New So the same mysteries in a succeeding state may still receive a further explication The History of the Angels Good or bad makes another part of this Providential Systeme Christian Religion gives us some notices of both kinds but very imperfect VVhat interest the Good Angels have in the Government of the VVorld and in ordering the affairs of this Earth and Mankind What subjection they have to our Saviour and what part in his Ministry Whether they are Guardians to particular Persons to Kingdoms to Empires All that we know at present concerning these things is but conectural And as to the bad Angels who will give us an account of their Fall and of their former condition I had rather know the History of Lucifer than of all the Babylonian and Persian Kings Nay than of all the Kings of the Earth What the Birth-right was of that mighty Prince what his Dominions where his Imperial Court and Residence How he was depos'd for what Crime and by what Power How he still wages War against Heaven in his exile What Confederates he hath What is his Power over Mankind and how limited What change or damage he suffer'd by the coming of Christ and how it alter'd the posture of his affairs Where he will be imprison'd in the Millennium and what will be his last fate and final doom whether he may ever hope for a Revolution or Restauration These things lie hid in the secret Records of Providence which then I hope will be open'd to us With the Revolution of Worlds we mention'd before the Revolution of Souls which is another great Circle of Providence to be studied hereafter We know little here either of the pre-existence or post-existence of our Souls VVe know not what they will be till the loud Trump awakes us and calls us again into the Corporeal VVorld VVho knows how many turns he shall take upon this stage of the Earth and how many trials he shall have before his doom will be finally concluded Who knows where or what is the state of Hell where the Souls of the wicked are said to be for ever What is the true state of Heaven What our Celestial Bodies and What that Sovereign Happiness that is call'd the Beatifical Vision Our knowledge and conceptions of these things are at present very general and superficial but in the future Kingdom of Christ which is introductory to Heaven it self these imperfections in a great measure will be done away and such preparations wrought both in the Will and Understanding as may fit us for the Life of Angels and the enjoyment of God in Eternal Glory Thus you see in general what will be the employment of the Saints in the blessed Millennium And tho' they have few of the trifling businesses of this life they will not want the best and noblest of diversions 'T is an happy thing when a Man's pleasure is also his perfection for most Men's pleasures are such as debase their nature We commonly gratifie our lower faculties our Passions and our Appetites and these do not improve but depress the Mind And besides they are so gross that the finest tempers are surfeited in a little time There is no lasting pleasure but Contemplation All others grow flat and insipid upon frequent use and when a Man hath run thorow a Sett of Vanities in the declension of his Age he knows not what to do with himself if he cannot Think He saunters about from one dull business to another to wear out time And hath no reason to value Life but because he 's afraid of Death But Contemplation is a continual spring of fresh pleasures Truth is inexhausted and when you are once in the right way the further you go the greater discoveries you make and with the greater joy We are sometimes highly pleas'd and even transported with little inventions in Mathematicks or Mechanicks or Natural Philosophy All these things will make part of their diversion and entertainment in that state All the doctrine of Sounds and Harmony Of Light Colours and Perspective will be known in perfection But these I call Diversions in comparison of their higher and more serious Speculations which will be the business and happiness of that Life Do but imagine that they will have the Scheme of all humane affairs lying before them from the Chaos to the last period The universal history and order of Times The whole oeconomy of the Christian Religion and of all Religions in the World The Plan of the undertaking of the Messiah with all other parts and ingredients of the Providence of this Earth Do but imagine this I say and you will easily allow that when they contemplate the Beauty Wisdom and Goodness of the whole design it must needs raise great and noble Passions and a far richer joy than either the pleasures or speculations of this Life can excite in us And this being the last Act and close of all humane affairs it ought to be the more exquisite and elaborate that it may crown the work satisfie the Spectators and end in a general applause The whole Theatre resounding with the praises of the great Dramatist and the wonderful Art and Order of the composition CHAP. X. Objections against the Millennium answer'd With some Conjectures concerning the state of things after the Millennium and what will be the final Consummation of this World YOU see how Nature and Providence have conspir'd to make the Millennium as happy
Cor. 15. 54. But in the Eighth Chapter to the Romans He extends it to all Nature The Creation it self also shall be deliver'd from the bondage of Corruption into the glorious liberty of the Sons of God And accordingly S. Iohn speaking of the same time with St. Paul in that place to the Corinthians namely of the general Resurrection and day of Judgment says Death and Hades which we render Hell were cast into the lake of fire This is their being swallowed up in victory which S. Paul speaks of when Death and Hades that is all the Region of mortality The Earth and all its dependances are absorpt into a mass of Fire and converted by a glorious Victory over the powers of darkness into a Luminous Body and a region of Light This great Issue and Period of the Earth and of all humane affairs tho' it seem to be founded in nature and supported by several expressions of Scripture yet we cannot for want of full instruction propose it otherwise than as a fair Conjecture The Heavens and the Earth shall flie away at the day of Judgment says the Text Apoc. 20. 11. And their place shall not be found This must be understood of our Heavens and our Earth And their flying away must be their removing to some other part of the Universe so as their place or residence shall not be found any more here below This is the easie and natural sence of the Words and this translation of the Earth will not be without some change preceding that makes it leave its place and with a lofty flight take its seat amongst the Stars There we leave it Having conducted it for the space of Seven Thousand Years through various changes from a dark Chaos to a bright Star FINIS A REVIEW OF THE THEORY OF THE EARTH And of its PROOFS ESPECIALLY IN REFERENCE TO SCRIPTURE LONDON Printed by R. N. for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in S. Paul's Church-Yard 1697. A REVIEW OF THE THEORY OF THE EARTH TO take a review of this Theory of the Earth which we have now finish'd We must consider first the extent of it and then the principal parts whereof it consists It reaches as you see from one end of the World to the other From the first Chaos to the last day and the Consummation of all things This probably will run the length of Seven Thousand Years which is a good competent space of time to exercise our Thoughts upon and to observe the several Scenes which Nature and Providence bring into View within the compass of so many Ages The matter and principal parts of this Theory are such things as are recorded in Scripture We do not feign a Subject and then descant upon it for diversion but endeavour to give an intelligible and rational account of such matters of Fact past or future as are there specifi'd and declar'd What it hath seem'd good to the Holy Ghost to communicate to us by History or Prophecy concerning the several States and general Changes of this Earth makes the Argument of our Discourse Therefore the things themselves must be taken for granted in one sence or other seeing besides all other proofs they have the Authority of a Revelation and our business is only to give such an explication of them as shall approve it self to the faculties of Man and be conformable to Scripture We will therefore first set down the things themselves that make the subject matter of this Theory and remind you of our explication of them Then recollect the general proofs of that explication from Reason and Nature but more fully and particularly shew how it is grounded upon Scripture The primary Phaenomena whereof we are to give an account are these Five or Six I. The Original of the Earth from a Chaos II. The state of Paradise and the Ante-diluvian World III. The Universal Deluge IV. The Universal Conflagration V. The Renovation of the World or the New Heavens and New Earth VI. The Consummation of all things These are unquestionably in Scripture and these all relate as you see to the several forms s●●tes and revolutions of this Earth We are therefore oblig'd to give a clear and coherent account of these Phae●o●ena in that or●er and consecution wherein t●ey stand to 〈◊〉 another There are also in Scripture some other things relating to the same Subjects that may be call'd the Secondary Ingredients of this Theory and are to be referr'd to their respective primary heads Such are for instance I. The Longevity of the Ante-diluvians II. The Rupture of the Great Abyss at the Deluge III. The appearing of the Rainbow after the Deluge as a sign that there neve●●hould be a second Flood ●hese ●hings Scrip●ure hath al●● left upon ●●cord as directions and indications how to understand the Ante-diluvian state and the Deluge it self Whosoever therefore shall undertake to write the Theory of the Earth must think himself bound to give us a just explication of these secondary Phaenomena as well as of the primary and that in such a dependance and connexion as to make them give and receive light from one another The former part of the Task is concerning the World behind us Times and Things past that are already come to light The later is concerning the World before us Times and Things to come That lie yet in the bosom of Providence and in the ●eeds of Nature And these are chiefly the Conflagration of the World and the Renovation of it When these are over and expir'd then comes the end as S. Paul says Then the Heavens and the Earth fly away as S. Iohn says Then is the Consummation of all things and the last period of this sublunary World whatsoever it is Thus ●ar the Theorist must go and pursue the motions of Nature till all things are brought to rest and silence And in this latter part of the Theory there is also a collateral Phaenomenon the Millennium or Thousand Years Reign of Christ and his Saints upon Earth to be consider'd For this according as it is represented in Scripture does imply a change in the Natural World as well as in the Moral and therefore must be accounted for in the Theory of the Earth At least it must be there determin'd whether that state of the World which is singular and extraordinary will be before or after the Conf●agration These are the Principals and Incidents of this Theory of the Earth as to the Matter and Subject of it which you see is both imp●rtant and wholly taken out of Scripture As to our explication of these points that is sufficiently known being set down at large in four Books of this Theory Therefore it remains only having seen the Matter of the Theory to examine the Form of it and the proofs of it for from these two things it must receive its censure As to the form the characters of a Regular Theory seem to be these three Few and easie Postulatums Union
with the Hypothesis As to the present Form of the Earth we call all Nature to witness for us The Rocks and the Mountains the Hills and the Valleys the deep and wide Sea and the Caverns of the Ground Let these speak and tell their origine How the Body of the Earth came to be thus torn and mangled If this strange and irregular structure was not the effect of a ruine and of such a ruine as was universal over the face of the whole Globe But we have given such a full explication of this in the first part of the Theory from Chapt. the 9th to the end of that Treatise that we dare stand to the judgment of any that reads those four Chapters to determine if the Hypothesis does not answer all those Phaenomena easily and adequately The next Phaenomenon to be consider'd is the Deluge with its adjuncts This also is fully explain'd by our Hypothesis in the 2d 3d. and 6th Chapters of the first Book Where it is shewn that the Mosaical Deluge that is an universal Inundation of the whole Earth above the tops of the highest Mountains made by a breaking open of the Great Abyss for thus far Moses leads us is fully explain'd by this Hypothesis and cannot be conceiv'd in any other method hitherto propos'd There are no sources or stores of Water sufficient for such an effect that may be drawn upon the Earth and drawn off again but by supposing such an Abyss and such a Disruption of it as the Theory represents Lastly As to the Phaenomena of Paradise and the Ante-diluvian World we have set them down in order in the 2d Book and apply'd to each of them its proper explication from the same Hypothesis We have also given an account of that Character which Antiquity always assign'd to the first age of the World or the Golden Age as they call'd it namely Equality of Seasons throughout the Year or a perpetual Equinox We have also taken in all the adjuncts or concomitants of these States as they are mention'd in Scripture The Longevity of the Ante-diluvians and the declension of their age by degrees after the Flood As also that wonderful Phaenomenon the Rainbow which appear'd to Noah for a Sign that the Earth should never undergo a second Deluge And we have shewn wherein the force and propriety of that Sign consisted for confirming Noah's faith in the promise and in the divine veracity Thus far we have explain'd the past Phaenomena of the Natural World The rest are Futurities which still lie hid in their Causes and we cannot properly prove a Theory from effects that are not yet in being But so far as they are foretold in Scripture both as to substance and circumstance in prosecution of the same Principles we have ante dated their birth and shew'd how they will come to pass We may therefore I think reasonably conclude That this Theory has performed its task and answer'd its title having given an account of all the general changes of the Natural World as far as either Sacred History looks backwards or Sacred Prophecy looks forwards So far as the one tells us what is past in Nature and the other what is to come And if all this be nothing but an appearance of truth 't is a kind of fatality upon us to be deceiv'd SO much for Natural Evidence from the Causes or Effects We now proceed to Scripture which will make the greatest part of this Review The Sacred Basis upon which the whole Theory stands is the doctrine of S. Peter deliver'd in his Second Epistle and Third Chapter concerning the Triple Order and Succession of the Heavens and the Earth That comprehends the whole extent of our Theory which indeed is but a large Commentary upon S. Peter's Text. The Apostle sets out a threefold state of the Heavens and Earth with some general properties of each taken from their different Constitution and different Fate The Theory takes the same threefold state of the Heavens and the Earth and explains more part●cularly wherein their different Constitution consists and how under the conduct of Providence their different fate depends upon it Let us set down the Apostle's words with the occasion of them and their plain sence according to the most easie and natural explication Ver. 3. Knowing this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts 4. And saying Where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation 5. For this they willingly are ignorant of that by the word of God the heavens were of old and the earth consisting of water and by water 6. Whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished 7. But the heavens and the earth that are now by the s●me word are kept in store reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men 10. The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up 13. Nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness This is the whole Discourse so far as relates to our Subject S Peter you see had met with some that scoff'd at the future destruction of the World and the coming of our Saviour and they were men it seems that pretended to Philosophy and Argument and they use this argument for their opinion Seeing there hath been no change in Nature or in the World from the beginning to this time why should we think there will be any change for the future The Apostle answers to this That they willingly forget or are ignorant that there were Heavens of old and an Earth so and so constituted consisting of Water and by Water by reason whereof that World or those Heavens and that Earth perish'd in a Deluge of Water But saith he the Heavens and the Earth that are now are of another constitution fitted and reserved to another fate namely to perish by Fire And after these are perish'd there will be New Heavens and a New Earth according to God's promise This is an easie Paraphrase and the plain and genuine sence of the Apostle's discourse and no body I think would ever look after any other sence if this did not carry them out of their usual road and point to conclusions which they did not fancy This sence you see hits the objections directly or the Cavil which these scoffers made and tells them that they vainly pretend that there hath been no change in the World since the beginning for there was one sort of Heavens and Earth before the Flood and another sort now the first having been destroy'd at the Deluge So that the Apostle's argument stands upon this Foundation That there
the foregoing verse but it is the Natural World that is describ'd there the Heavens and the Earth so and so constituted and therefore in fairness of interpretation they ought to be understood here that World being the subject that went immediately before and there being nothing in the words that restrains them to the animate World or to Mankind In the 2d ch ver 5. the Apostle does restrain the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by adding 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the World of the ungodly but here 't is not only illimited but according to the context both preceding and following to be extended to the Natural World I say by the following context too for so it answers to the World that is to perish by Fire which will reach the frame of Nature as well as Mankind For a conclusion of this first point I will set down S. Austin ' s judgment in this case who in several parts of his works hath interpreted this place of S. Peter of the natural world As to the heavens he hath these words in his Exposition upon Genesis Hos etiam aerios coelos quondam periisse Diluvio in quâdam earum quae Canonica appellantur Epistolâ legimus We read in one of the Epistles called Canonical meaning this of S. Peter ' s that the aerila heavens perish'd in the Deluge And he concerns himself there to let you know that it was not the starry heavens that were destroy'd the waters could not reach so high but the regions of our air Then afterwards he hath these words Faciliùs eos coelos secundum illius Epistolae authoritatem credimus periisse alios sicut ibi scribitur repositos We do more easily believe according to the authority of that Epistle those heavens to have perish'd and others as it is there written substituted in their pla●e In like manner and to the same sence he hath these words upon Psal. 101. Aerii utique coeli perierunt ut propinqus Terris secundum quod dicuntur volucres coeli sunt autem coeli coelorum superiores in Firmamento sed utrùm ipsi perituri sint igni an hi soli qui etiam diluvio perierunt disceptatio est aliquanto scrupulosior inter doctos And in his Book de Civ Dei he hath several passages to the same purpose Quemadmodum in Apostolicâ illâ Epistolâ à toto pars a●cipitur quod diluvio periisse dictus est mundus quamvis sola ejus cum suis coelis pars ima perierit These being to the same effect with the first c●tation I need not make them English and this last place refers to the Earth as well as the Heavens as several other places in S. Austin do whereof we shall give you an account when we come to shew his judgment concerning the second point the diversity of the ante-diluvian and post-diluvian World This being but a foretaste of his good will and inclinations towards this Doctrine These considerations alledg'd so far as I can judge are full and unanswerable proofs that this discourse of the Apostle's comprehends and refers to the Natural World and consequently they warrant our interpretation in this particular and destroy the contrary We have but one step more to make good That there was a change made in this natural world at the Deluge according to the Apostle and this is to confute the second part of their interpretation which supposeth that S. Peter makes no distinction or opposition betwixt the antediluvian Heavens and Earth and the present Heavens and Earth in that respect This second difference betwixt us methinks is still harsher than the first and contrary to the very form as well as to the matter of the Apostle's discourse For there is a plain antithesis or opposition made betwixt the Heavens and the Earth of old ver the 5th and the Heavens and the Earth that are now ver the 7th 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the adversative particle but you see marks the opposition so that it is full and plain according to Grammar and Logick And that the parts or members of this opposition differ in nature from one another is certain from this because otherwise the Apostle's argument or discourse is of no effect concludes nothing to the purpose he makes no answer to the objection nor proves any thing against the Scoffers unless you admit that diversity For they said All things had been the same from the beginning in the Natural World and unless he say as he manifestly does that there hath been a change in Nature and that the Heavens and Earth that are now are different from the ancient Heavens and Earth which perish'd at the Flood he says nothing to destroy their argument nor to confirm the Prophetical doctrine of the future destruction of the Natural World This I think would be enough to satisfie any clear and free mind concerning the meaning of the Apostle but because I desire to give as full a light to this place as I can and to put the sence of it out of controversie if possible for the future I will make some further remarks to confirm this exposition And we may observe that several of those reasons which we have given to prove That the Natural World is understood by S. Peter are double reasons and do also prove the other point in question a diversity betwixt the two Natural Worlds the Ante diluvian and the present As for instance unless you admit this diversity betwixt the two natural Worlds you make the 5th verse in this Chapter superfluous and useless and you must suppose the Apostle to make an inference here without premises In the 6th verse he makes an inference Whereby the World that then was perish'd in a Deluge what does this whereby relate to by reason of what sure of the particular constitution o● the Heavens and the Earth immediately be fore describ'd Neither would it have signified any thing to the Scoffers for the Apostle to have told them how the Ante diluvian Heavens and Earth were constituted if they were constituted just in the same manner as the present Besides what is it as I ask'd before that the Apostle tells these Scoffers they were ignorant of does he not say formally and expresly ver 5. that they were ignornat that the Heavens and the Earth were constituted so and so before the Flood but if they were constituted as these present Heavens and Earth are they were not ignorant of their constitution nor did pretend to be ignorant for their own mistaken argument supposeth it But before we proceed any further give me leave to note the impropriety of our Translation in the 5th Verse or latter part of it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vel 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This we translate standing in the water and out of the water which is done manifestly in compliance with the present form of the Earth and the notions of the Translators and not according to the natural force and
sence of the Greek words If one met with this sentence in a Greek Author who would ever render it standing in the water and out of the water nor do I know any Latin Translator that hath ventur'd to render them in that sence nor any Latin Father St. Austin and St. Ierome I 'm sure do not but Consistens ex aquâ or de aquâ per aquam for that later phrase also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 does not with so good propriety signifie to stand in the water as to consist or subsist by water or by the help of water Tanquam per causam sustinentem as St. Austin and Ierome render it Neither does that instance they give from 1 Pet. 3. 20. prove any thing to the contrary for the Ark was sustain'd by the waters and the English does render it accordingly The Translation being thus rectified you see the ante diluvian Heavens and Earth consisted of Water and by water which makes way for a second observation to prove our sence of the Text for if you admit no diversity betwixt those Heavens and Earth and the present shew us pray how the present Heavens and Earth consist of water and by water What watery constitution have they The Apostle implies rather that The now Heavens and Earth have a fiery constitution We have now Meteors of all sorts in the air winds hail snow lightning thunder and all things engender'd of fiery exhalations ●as well as we have rain but according to our Theory the antediluvian Heavens of all these Meteors had none but dews and vapors or watery Meteors only and therefore might very aptly be said by the Apostle to be constituted of water or to have a watery 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Then the Earth was said to consist by water because it was built upon it and at first was sustain'd by it And when such a Key as this is put into our hands that does so easily unlock this hard passage and makes it intelligible according to the just force of the words why should we pertinaciously adhere to an interpretation that neither agrees with the words nor makes any sence that is considerable Thirdly If the Apostle had made the ante-diluvian Heavens and Earth the same with the present his apodosis in the 7th Verse should not have been 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. I say it should not have been by way of antithesis but of identity or continuation And the same Heavens and Earth are kept in store reserv'd unto fire c. Accordingly we see the Apostle speaks thus as to the Logos or the Word of God Verse 7. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by the same Word of God where the thing is the same he expresseth it as the same And if it had been the same Heavens and Earth as well as the same Word of God Why should he use a mark of opposition for the one and of identity for the other to this I do not see what can be fairly answer'd Fourthly the ante-diluvian Heavens and Earth were different from the present because as the Apostle intimates they were such and so constituted as made them obnoxious to a Deluge whereas ours are of such a form as makes them incapable of a Deluge and obnoxious to a Conflagration the just contrary fate If you say there was nothing of natural tendency or disposition in either World to their respective fate but the first might as well have perish'd by fire as water and this by water as by fire you unhinge all Nature and natural providence in that method and contradict one main scope of the Apostle in this discourse His first scope is to assert and mind them of that diversity there was betwixt the ancient Heavens and Earth and the present and from that to prove against those Scoffers that there had been a change and revolution in Nature And his second scope seems to be this to show that diversity to be such as under the Divine conduct leads to a different fate and expos'd that World to a Deluge for when he had describ'd the constitution of the first Heavens and Earth he subjoyns 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Quià talis erat saith Grotius qualem diximus constitutio Terrae Coeli WHERE BY the then World perish'd in a Flood of Water This whereby notes some kind of causal dependance and must relate to some means or conditions precedent It cannot relate to Logos or the Word of God Grammar will not permit that therefore it must relate to the state of the Ante-diluvian Heavens and Earth immediately premis'd And to what purpose indeed should he premise the description of those Heavens and Earth if it was not to lay a ground for this Inference Having given these Reasons for the necessity of this Interpretation in the last place let 's consider S. Austin's judgment and his sence upon this place as to the point in question As also the reflections that some other of the Ancients have made upon this doctrine of S. Peter's Didymus Alexandrinus who was for some time S. Ierome's Master made such a seve●e reflection upon it that he said this Epistle was corrupted and should not be admitted into the Canon because it taught the doctrine of a Triple or Triform World in this third Chapter As you may see in his Enarr in Epist. Canonicas Now this threefold World is first that in the 6th ver The World that then was In the 7th ver The Heavens and the Earth that are now And in the 13th ver We expect new Heavens and a new Earth according to his promise This seems to be a fair account that S. Peter taught the doctrine of a Triple World And I quote this testimony to show what S. Peter's words do naturally import even in the judgment of one that was not of his mind And a Man is not prone to make an exposition against his own Opinion unless he think the words very pregnant and express But S. Austin owns the authority of this Epistle and of this doctrine as deriv'd from it taking notice of this Text of S. Peter's in several parts of his Works We have noted three or four places already to this purpose and we may further take notice of several passages in his Treatise de Civ Dei which confirm our exposition In his 20th Book ch 24. he disputes against Porphyry who had the same Principles with these Eternalists in the Text or if I may so call them Incorruptarians and thought the World never had nor ever would undergo any change especially as to the Heavens S. Austin could not urge Porphyry with the authority of S. Peter for he had no veneration for the Christian Oracles but it seems he had some for the Iewish and arguing against him upon that Text in the Psalms Coeli peribunt he shows upon occasion how he understands S. Peter's destruction of the Old World Legitur Coelum Terra
there can be nothing more like a Vulgar style than to set God to work by the day and in Six-days to finish his task as he is there represented We may therefore probably hope that all these disguises of truth will at length fall off and that we shall see God and his Works in a pure and naked Light Thus I have finish'd what I had to say in confirmation of this Theory from Scripture I mean of the former part of it which depends chiefly upon the Deluge and the Ante-diluvian Earth When you have collated the places of Scripture on either side and laid them in the balance to be weigh'd one against another If you do but find them equal or near to an equal poise you know in whether Scale the Natural Reasons are to be laid and of what weight they ought to be in an argument of this kind There is a great difference betwixt Scripture with Philosophy on its side and Scripture with Philosophy against it when the question is concerning the Natural World And this is our Case which I leave now to the consideration of the unprejudic'd Reader and proceed to the Proof of the Second Part of the Theory THE later Part consists of the Conflagration of the World and the New Heavens and New Earth And seeing there is no dispute concerning the former of these two our task will now lie in a little compass Being only this To prove that there will be New Heavens and a New Earth after the Conflagration This to my mind is sufficiently done already in the first second and third Chapters of the 4th Book both from Scripture and Antiquity whether Sacred or Prophane and therefore at present we will only make a short and easie review of Scripture-Testimonies with design chiefly to obviate and disappoint the Evasions of such as would beat down solid Texts into thin Metaphors and Allegories The Testimonies Scripture concerning the Renovation of the World are either express ●implicit Those I call express that mention the New Heavens and ●ew Earth And those implicit that signifie the same thing but r●● express terms So when our Saviour speaks of a Palingenesia 〈◊〉 Regeneration Matt. 19. 28 29. Or S. Peter of an Apocatastas● or Restitution Act. 3. 21. These being words us'd by all Auth●rs Prophane or Ecclesiastical for the Renovation of the World ●●ght in reason to be interpreted in the same sence in the Holy W●●tings And in like manner when S. Paul speaks of his Future Ea●●h or an habitable World to come Hebr. 2. 5. or of a Redemption or ●●lioration of the present state of Nature Rom. 8. 21 22. These lead 〈◊〉 again in other terms to the same Renovation of the World ●●t there are also some places of Scripture that set the Heavens●●d ●●d New Earth in such a full and open view that we must shut our●●yes not to see them S. Iohn says he saw them and observ'd the f●●m of the New Earth Apoc. 21. 1. The Seer Isaiah spoke of then● in express words many hundred years before And S. Peter mar●● the time when they are to be introduc'd namely after the Co●●lagration or after the Dissolution of the present Heavens and Ea●●h 2 Pet. 3. 12 13. These lat●●r Texts of Scripture being so express there is but one way left to ●●lude the force of them and that is by turning the Renovation 〈◊〉 the World into an Allegory and making the New Heavens and ●ew Earth to be Allegorical Heavens and Earth not real and mate●●al as ours are This is a bold attempt of some modern Authors ●ho chuse rather to strain the Word of God than their own No●●ons There are Allegories no doubt in Scripture but we are not 〈◊〉 allegorize Scripture without some warrant either from an Apo●olical Interpretation or from the necessity of the matter and I d● not know how they can pretend to either of these in this case ●owever That they may have all fair play we will lay aside at pres●nt all the other Texts of Scripture and confine our selves wholly to S. Peter's words to see and examine whether they are or can ●e turn'd into an Allegory according to the best rules of Interpre●ation S. ●eter's words are these Seeing then all these things shall be dissolv'd what manner of persons ought ye to be in holy conversation and godli●●ss Looking for and hasting the coming of the Day of God wher●in the Heavens being on fire shall be dissolv'd and the Elements shall melt with servent heat NEVERTHELESS we according 〈◊〉 his promise look for New Heavens and a New Earth wherein Rig●●eousness shall dwell The Question is concerning this last Verse Whe●her the New Heavens and Earth here promis'd are to be real and ma●●rial Heavens and Earth or only figurative and allegorical The wo●ds you see are clear and the general rule of Interpretation is thi● That we are not to recede from the letter or the literal sence un●ess there be a necessity from the subject matter such a necessity as makes a literal Interpretation absurd But where is that necessity in this Case Cannot God make New Heavens and a New Earth as ●easily as he made the Old ones Is his strength decay'd since that Time or is Matter grown more disobedient 〈◊〉 does not Nature offer her self voluntarily to raise a New Wor●● from the Second Chaos as well as from the First and under th● conduct of Providence to make it as convenient an habitation as 〈◊〉 Primaeval Earth Therefore no necessity can be pretended of leavin● the literal sence upon an incapacity of the subject matter The Second Rule to determine an Interpretatio● to be Literal or Allegorical is The use of the same words or phra●● in the Context and the signification of them there Let 's then exa●ine our case according to this rule S. Peter had us'd the same p●ase of Heavens and Earth twice before in the same Chapter The 〈◊〉 Heavens and Earth ver 5. The Present Heavens and Earth ver 7. and now he uses it again ver 13. The New Heavens and Earth Have we not then reason to suppose that he takes it here in the s●me sence that he had done twice before for real and material Hea●●ns and Earth There is no mark set of a new signification nor wh● we should alter the sence of the words That he us'd them alw●ys before for the material Heavens and Earth I think none will ●uestion and therefore unless they can give us a sufficient reason w●y we should change the signification of the words we are bound 〈◊〉 this second rule also to understand them in a literal sence Lastly The very form of the Words and the manne● of their dependance upon the Context leads us to a literal sence ●nd to material Heavens and Earth NEVERTHELESS says ●he Apostle we expect New Heavens c. Why Nevertheless that is no●●ithstanding the dissolution of the present Heavens and Earth T●e Apostle foresaw what he had
said might raise a doubt in their m●●ds whether all things would not be at an end Nothing more o● Heavens and Earth or of any habitable World after the Conf●●gration and to obviate this he tells them Notwithstanding that w●nderful desolation that I have describ'd we do according to God's ●●mises expect New Heavens and a New Earth to be an Habitatio● for the Righteous You see then the New Heavens and New Earth which the ●postle speaks of are substituted in the place of those that were dest●●y'd at the Conflagration and would you substitute Allegorical H●avens and Earth in the place of Material A shadow for a subs●●nce What 〈◊〉 Equivocation would it be in the Apostle when the ●oubt was about the material Heavens and Earth to make an answer ●bout Allegorical Lastly The Timeing of the thing determines the 〈◊〉 When shall this New World appear after the Conflagration the Apostle says Therefore it cannot be understood of any Moral R●novation to be made at or in the times of the Gospel as these ●●llegorists pretend We must therefore upon all accounts con●●de that the Apostle intended a literal sence real and material Heav●ns to succeed these after the Conflagration which was the thing to be prov'd And I know not what Bars the Spirit of God can set to keep us within the compass of a Literal Sence if these be not su●ficient Thus much for the Explication of S. Peter's Doctrine concerni●g the New Heavens and New Earth which secures the Second Pa●t of our Theory For the Theory stands upon two Pillars or two Pedestals The Ante-diluvian Earth and the Future Earth or in S. Peter's phrase The Old Heavens and Earth and the New Heavens and Earth And it cannot be shaken so long as these two continue firm and immoveable We might now put an end to this Review but it may be expected possibly that we should say something concerning the Millennium which we have contrary to the general Sentiment of the Modern Millenaries plac'd in the Future Earth Our Opinion hath this advantage above others that all fanatical pretensions to power and empire in this World are by these means blown away as chaff before the wind Princes need not fear to be dethron'd to make way to the Saints nor Governments unhing'd that They may rule the World with a rod of Iron These are the effects of a wild Enthusiasm seeing the very state which they aim at is not to be upon this Earth But that our sence may not be mistaken or misapprehended in this particular as if we thought the Christian Church would never upon this Earth be in a better and happier posture than it is in at present We must distinguish betwixt a melioration of the World if you will allow that word and a Millennium We do not deny a reformation and improvement of the Church both as to Peace Purity and Piety That knowledge may increase mens minds be enlarg'd and Christian Religion better understood That the power of Antichrist shall be diminish'd Persecution cease Liberty of Conscience allow'd amongst the Reformed and a greater union and harmony establish'd That Princes will mind the publick good more than they do now and be themselves better examples of Vertue and true Piety All this may be and I hope will be e're long But the Apocalyptical Millennium or the New Ierusalem is still another matter It differs not in degree only from the present state but is a new order of things both in the Moral World and in the Natural and that cannot be till we come into the New Heavens and New Earth Suppose what Reformation you can in this World there will still remain many things inconsistent with the true Millennial state Antichrist tho' weakned will not be finally destroy'd till the coming of our Saviour nor Satan bound And there will be always Poverty Wars Diseases Knaves and Hypocrites in this World which are not consistent with the New Ierusalem as S. Iohn describes it Apoc. 21. 2 3 4 c. You see now what our notion is of the Millennium as we deny this Earth to be the Seat of it 'T is the state that succeeds the first Resurrection when Satan is lockt up in the bottomless pit The state when the Martyrs are to return into Life and wherein they are to have the first lot and chief share A state which is to last a thousand years And Blessed and Holy is he that hath a part in it on such the second death hath no power but they shall be Priests of God and Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years If you would see more particular reasons of our judgment in this case why such a Millennium is not to be expected in this World they are set down in the 8th Chapt. of the 4th Book and we do not think it necessary that they should be here repeated As to that dissertation that follows the Millennium and reaches to the Consummation of all things seeing it is but problematical we leave it to stand or fall by the evidence already given And should be very glad to see the conjectures of others more learned in Speculations so abstruse and remote from common knowledge They cannot surely be thought unworthy or unfit for our Meditations seeing they are suggested to us by Scripture it self And to what end were they propos'd to us there if it was not intended that they should be understood sooner or later I have done with this Review and shall only add one or two reflections upon the whole discourse and so conclude You have seen the state of the Theory of the Earth as to the Matter Form and Proofs of it both Natural and Sacred If any one will substitute a better in its place I shall think my self more obliged to him than if he had shew'd me the Quadrature of the Circle But it is not enough to pick quarrels here and there that may be done by any writing especially when it is of so great extent and comprehension They must build up as well as pull down and give us another Theory instead of this fitted to the same Natural History of the Earth according as it is set down in Scripture and then let the World take their choice He that cuts down a Tree is bound in reason to plant two because there is an hazard in their growth and thriving Then as to those that are such rigorous Scripturists as to require plainly demonstrative and irresistible Texts for every thing they entertain or believe They would do well to reflect and consider whether for every article in the three Creeds which have no support from natural reason they can bring such Texts of Scripture as they require of others or a fai●er and juster evidence all things consider'd than we have done for the substance of this Theory We have not indeed said all that might be said as to Antiquity that making no part in this Review and being capable still of great additions But
Ch. 24. 18 19 20. Ch. 21. 25 26 27. Ver. 28. Matt. 24. 31. Ch. 2. 6. Heb. 12. 26. Isa. 34. 4. Matt. 24. 30 31. Act. 1. 11. 3. 20 21. Apoc. 1. 7. Heb. 9. 28. 1 Ep. 1. 7. Matt. 16. 27. ch 12. 18 19 20 21. * 'T is ill render'd in the English cast down 2 Pet. 3. 10. Psal. 18. 9 11 12. Psal. 97. Deut. 4. 11. Hebr. 12. 18. Act. 22. 6. Act. 7. 55 56. Isa. 2. 19. Rev. 6. 16 17. Apoc. 7. 10. 12. 10. Luke 2. 12. 1 Pet. 1. 11 12. Gen. 18. 2 Sam. 24. 17. Matt. 18. 10. Isa. 24. Ier. 51. Lament Isa. 30. Revel 15. 3. 2 Epist. 3. 11. 2 Thess. 1. 7 8. Heb. 10 27. Matt. 24. 30. 25. 32 c. Ver. 41. 2 Thess. 1. 7 8 9. Joh. 3. 13. 6. 38. 62. 17. 5. Apoc. 21. 1. Ch. 65. Act. 3. ver 21. Matt. 19. 28 29. Psal. 102. 26. Ver. 21 22 23 24. Ch. 65. 17 18. Ver. 19. Apoc. 21. 3 4. Ch. 21. ch 23. T' 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Isa. 9. 6. Ephes. 6. 12. ch 7. 13. 25 26. Hebr. 2. 8. 1 Cor. ●5 24 c. Isa. 45. 18. Apoc 21. 27. Ap●c 20. Apoc. 20. 4. Ver. 9. Ver. 6. Ver. 1● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lact. l. 7. c. 23. Euseb. prap Ev. l. 7. c. 23. Chap. 9. Propos. ● Ver. 1 2 4 5 6. ver 5. ver 5. Book 3. ch 5. Ch. 11. 15 16 17 18. ch 15. 3. ch 16. 17. ch 15. 2. ch 20. 4. ch 19. 6 7. ch 1. 5 6. Ch. 2. 7. Ch. 2. 11. Ch. 2. 17. Ch. 2. 26 27. Ch. 3. 5. Ch. 7. 9 14. Ch. 3. 12. Ch. 3. 21. Ch. 2. v. 44. Ver. 34 35. Ver. 35. Ch. 7. 13. Ch. 7. 28. Ch. 12. 13. Mat. 20. 21. Mat. 19. 28. Dan. 7. 9. Apoc. 20. 4. Mat● 20. 21. Luk. 23. 42. Isa. 65. Ver. 18. Ver. 32 c. Ps. 45. 3 4 6. Apoc. 19. 15 16. * Isaiah ch 11. ch 43. ch 49. 13 c. ch 66. Ezekiel ch 28. ch 37. Hos. ch 3. ch 14. Ioel 3. 18. Amos ch 9. Obad. ver 17 c. Mich. ch 4. ch 5. Zeph. 3. 14 c. Hag. ch 2. Zac. 2. 10 c. ch 9. 9 c. ch 14. Mal. ch 3. ch 4. Iren. Lib. 5. c. 33. Dial. with Tryphon the Iew. De Script Eccles Dogm Eccl. c. 55. De Script Eccles Vide Hieron Epist. 28. ad Lucinium Book 7. Propos. 2. Eccles. Hist. 3. 22. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 l. 3. 32. de vit Constan. Apoc. 5. 9 Ch. 7. 14. Ch. 14. 3 4. Ch. 21. 27. Apoc. 21. 3. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Maimon Mor. Nev. par 1. c. 25. ch 11. 1● Propos. 3. 〈…〉 * Li. 5. ch 32 c. (a) Dial. cum Tryph. (b) Contra Marc. (c) Li. 7. (d) Quaest. respon 93. Apoc. 21. 4. Psal. 2. Psal. 72. Isa. 2. 2. Ver. 9 c. Ver. 26 c. Ver. 4. Isa. 65. 17 18. Apoc. 21. 3. Psal. 84. Psal. 87. Apoc. 5. 11. ch 5. 13. L. 5. c. 32. Mat. 3. 16. Act. 2. Matt. 1. 18. Luk. 1. 35. Luk. 18. 8. Act. 7. 55 5● See Mr. Mede Apoc. 20. 8 9. Ch. 38. 39. Apoc. 20. 8 9 R●● 8. 21. Ver. 23. Ver. 25. Ver. 21. Apoc. 20. 14. 1 Cor. 15. Apoc. 20. 〈…〉 Theor. Book 3. ch 7 8. Theor. Book 2. chap. 5. 2 Pet. 3. There was a Sect amongst the Iews that held this perpetuity and immutability of Nature and Maimonides himself was of this principle and gives the same reason for it with the Scoffers here in the Text Quod mundus reti●et sequitur consuetudinem suam And as to those of the Iews that were Aristoteleans it was very suitable to their principles to hold the incortuptibility of the World as their Master did Vid. Med. in loc 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 per quae Vulgat Quamobrem Beza Quâ de caus● Grot. Nems interpretum reddidit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 per quas subintelligendo aquas Hoc enim argumentationem Apostolicam tolleret supponeretque illussores illos ignorâsse quod olim fuerit 〈…〉 supponi non posse suprà o●tendimus * This phrase or manner of speech 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vel 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is not unusual in Greek Authors and upon a like subject Plato saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but he that should translate Plato The World stands out of fire water c. would be thought neither Graecian nor Philosopher The same phrase is us'd in reciting Heraclitus his opinion 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And also in Thales his which is still nearer to the subject 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which Cicero renders ex aquâ dixit constare omnia So that it is easie to know the true importance of this phrase and how ill it is render'd in the English standing out of the water Book 2. c. 5. p. 233. Whether you refer the words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 separately to the Heavens and the Earth or both to the Earth or both to both it will make no great difference as to our interpretation The●r 1. Book c. 2. cap. 18. cap. 16. De 6. dier creat See Theor. Book 2. ch 5. * I know some would make this place of no effect by rendering the Hebrew particle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 juxta by or near to so they would read it thus He hath founded the Earth by the Sea-side and establish'd it by the Floods What is there wonderful in this that the shores should lie by the Sea-side Where could they lie else What reason or argument is this why the Earth should be the Lord's The Earth is the Lord's for he hath founded it near the Seas Where is the consequence of this But if he founded it upon the Seas which could not be done by any other hand but his it shows both the Workman and the Master And accordingly in that other place Psal. 136. 6. if you render it he stretched out the Earth near the Waters How is that one of God's great wonders as it is there represented to be Because in some few places this particle is render'd otherwise where the sense will bear it must we therefore render it so when we please and where the sence will not bear it This being the most usual signification of it and there being no other word that signifies above more frequently or determinately than this does Why must it signifie otherwise in this place Men will 〈◊〉 any way to get from under the force of a Text that does not suit to their own Notions Book 1. p. 88. * This reading or translating is generally followed Theor. Book 1. p. 86. though the English Translation read on a heap unsuitably to the matter and to the sence 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ch 3● Theor. book 2. p. 194 195. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 See Philo Iudaeus his description of the Deluge both as to the commotions of the Heavens and the fractions of the Earth In his first Treatise de Abrahamo mihi p. 279. * Uti comparatio praecedens Ver. 4 5 6. de ortu Telluris simitur ab aedificio ita haec altera de ortu maris sumitur à partu● exhibetur Oceanus primùm ut foetus inclusus in utero dein ut erumpens prodeuns denique ut fasciis primis suis pannis involutus Atque ex aperto Terrae utero prorupit aquarum moles ut proluvies illae quam simul cum foetu profundere so●et puerpera See Theor. Book 1. p. 99. 〈…〉 Isa. 65. 17. 2 Pet. 3. 11 12 13.