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A28171 The common principiles of Christian religion clearly proved and singularly improved, or, A practical catechism wherein some of the most concerning-foundations of our faith are solidely laid down, and that doctrine, which is according to godliness, sweetly, yet pungently pressed home and most satisfyingly handled / by that worthy and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. Hew Binning ... Binning, Hugh, 1627-1653.; Gillespie, Patrick, 1617-1675. 1667 (1667) Wing B2927; ESTC R33213 197,041 290

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that Jesus Christ may be the only foundation of thy soul as God hath laid him in the Church for a sure foundation That who so believeth in him may not be ashamed What ever beside a soul be established on though it appear very solid and the soul be setled fixed upon it yet a day will come that will unsettle that soul and raze that foundation either it shal be now done in thy conscience or it must be done at length when that great tempest of Gods indignation shal blow from heaven against all unrighteousnesse of men in the day of accounts then shal thy house fall and the fall of it shal be great But a soul established upon the sure promises and upon Christ in whom they are Yea and Amen shal abide that storm and in that day have confidence before God have wherewith to answer in Jesus Christ all the challenges of divine justice and the accusations of conscience He that trusteth in him shal be as Mount Sion which cannot be moved You see all things else change and therefore mens hopes and joyes perish even here the tentations and revolutions of the times undermines their confidence and joy and the blasts of the Northern wind of affliction blows away their hopes Now as Christ is the Foundation so he is the Corner-stone of the building It is Christ who hath removed that Partition-wall between Jews and Gentiles even the Ceremonies of the one and the Atheism of the other He is our peace who hath made of two one The two sides of the House of God are united by this Corner-stone Jesus Christ. Thus we who were the Temples of Satan are made the Temples of God thus poor stranger-Gentiles who had no interest in the Covenant of Promises come to share with Abraham Isaac and Iacob and to be founded upon the Doctrine of the Prophets who taught the Jewish Church Christ is the bond of Christians this is the Head into which all the members should grow up into a Body Distance of Place difference of Nations distinction of Languages all these cannot separate the Members of Jesus Christ they are more one though consisting of diverse Nations Tongues and Customes and dispositions than the people of one Nation or Children of one Family for one Lord one Spirit unites all Alas that all are not united in affection judgement why do the sides of this House contend and wrestle one against another when here is such a Corner-stone joyning them together Are not there many Christians who cannot endure to look one upon another who are yet both placed in one building of the Temple of God Alace this is sad and shamefull But that which I would especially have observed in this is that Jesus Christ is such a foundation that reacheth throughout the whole building and immediatly toucheth every stone of the Building it 's such a Foundation as riseth from the bottom to the top and therefore Jesus Christ is both the Author and finisher of our Faith the beginning and the end the first stone the last 〈◊〉 of our building must rise upon him and by him the least degree of grace and the greatest perfection of it both are in him and therefore Christians should be most dependent creatures dependent in their first being and in after well-being in their being and growing wholly dependent upon Christ that out of his fulnesse they may receive grace and then more grace for grace that all may appear to be grace indeed Now I beseech you my beloved in the Lord to know whereupon ye are builded or ought to be builded There are two great errours in the time take heed of them one is the Doctrine of some and another is the practice of the most part Some do prefer their own fancies and night-dreams and the imaginations of their own heart to the Word of God and upon pretence of Revelation of new Light do cast a mist upon that Word of God which is a light that hath shined from the beginning Be not deceived but try the Spirits whether they be of God or not There are many pretend too much of the Spirit and therefore cry out against the Word as Letter as Flesh But my Brethren believe not every Doctrine that calls it self a Spirit that spirit is not of God that hears not Gods voice as Christ reasons against the Jews seek ye more of the Spirit of Christ which he promiseth who is a Spirit that teacheth all things and bringeth to remembrance these blessed sayings and leads us to all truth It shal be both safest and sweetest to you to meditate on the word of the Prophets and Apostles and the entrance into it shal give you light an old light which was from the beginning therefore a true light for all truth is eternall and yet a new light to your sense and feeling It 's both an old command and a new command an old word a new word if thou search by the Spirits inspiration that old word shal be made new that Letter made spirit and life Such are the words that Christ speaks But yet there are many who do not reject the Scriptures in judgement who notwithstanding do not build on them in practice Alas it may be said of the most part of professed Christians among us that they are not builded upon the foundation of the Prophets Apostles but upon the sayings of fallible and weak men What ground have many of you for your Faith but because the Minister saith so You believe so the most part live in an implicite faith and practice that in themselves which they condemne in the Papists You do not labour to search the Scriptures that upon that foundation you may build your faith in the questioned truths of this Age that so you may be able to answer to those that ask a reason of the Faith that is in you Alas simple souls you believe every thing and yet really believe nothing because you believe not the Word as the Word of the living God but take it from men upon their authority Therefore when a temptation cometh when any gainsayings of the truth you cannot stand against it because your Faith hath no foundation but the sayings of Men or Acts of Assemblies And therefore as men whom you trust with holding out light unto you hold out darknesse in stead of light you embrace that darknesse also But I beseech you be builded upon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles not upon them but upon that whereon they were builded the infallible truths of God You have the Scriptures search them since you have reasonable souls search them other mens faith will not save you you cannot see to walk to heaven by other mens light more than you can see by their eyes You have eyes of your own souls of your own subordinate to none but the God of Spirits and Lord of Consciences Jesus Christ therefore examine all that is spoken to you from the Word
this God is near hand every one of us Who of us think of a Divine Majesty nearer us than our very souls and consciences in whom we live and move and have our being How is it we move think not with wonder of that first Mover in whom we move How is it we live persevere in being do not always cōsider this fountain-being in whom we live and have our being O the Atheism of many souls prosessing God! We do speak walk eat and drink go about all our businesses as if we were self-being independent of any never thinking of that all-present quickning Spirit that acts us moves us speaks in us makes us to walk and eat and drink as the barbarous people who see hear speak reason and never once reflect upon the principle of all these to discern a soul within This is bruitish in this Man who was made of a straight countenance to look upward to God to know himself and his Maker till he might be differenced from all creatures below is degenerated and become like the beasts that perish Who of us believes this al-present God We imagine that he is shut up in heaven and takes no such notice of affairs below but certainly he is not so far from us though he shew more of his glory above yet he is as present and observant below V. If he be a Spirit then as he is incomprehensible and immense in being so also there is no comprehension of his knowledge The nearer any creature come to the nature of a Spirit the more knowing and understanding it is life is the most excellent being and understanding is the most excellent life Materia est imers mertua the nearer any thing is to the earthly matter as it hath lesse action so lesse life and feeling Man is nearer an Angel then beasts and therefore he hath a knowing and understanding Spirit in him There is a spirit in man and the more or lesse this spirit of man is abstracted from sensual and material things it lives the more excellent and pure life and is as it were more or lesse deliverd from the chains of the body These souls that have never risen above retired from sensible things O how narrow are they how captivated within the prison of the flesh But when the Lord Jesus comes to set free he delivers a soul from this bondage he makes these chains fall off leads the soul apart to converse with God himself and to meditate on things not seen sin wrath hell and heaven the further it goes from it self the more abstracted it is from the consideration of present things the more it lives a life like Angels And therefore when the soul is separated from the body it is then perfectly free and hath the largest extent of knowledge A mans soul must be almost like Pauls whether out of the body or in the body I know not if he would understand aright spiritual things Now then this infinite spirit is an al-knowing spirit al-seeing spirit as well as al-present There is no searching of his understanding Isa. 40. 28. and Psal. 147. 5. Who hath directed this spirit or being his counsellour hath taught him Rom. 11. 34. Isa. 40. 1●… He calls the Generations from the beginning and known to him are all his works from the beginning O that you would alwayes set this God before you or rather set your selves alwayes in his presence in whose sight you are alwayes How would it compose our hearts to reverence fear in all our actions if we did indeed believe that the Judge of all the World is an eye-witnesse to our most retired and secret thoughts and doings If any man were as privy to thy thoughts as thy own spirit and conscience thou wouldst blush and be ashamed before him If every one of us could open a window into one anothers spirits I think this assembly should dismisse as quickly as that of Christs when he bade them that were without sin cast a stone at the Woman we could not look one upon another O then Why are we so little apprehensive of the al-searching eye of God who can even declare to us our thought before it be How much Atheism is rooted in the heart of the most holy We do not alwayes meditate with David Psal. 139. on that al-searching and al-knowing spirit who knows our down-sitting up-rising understands our thoughts a far off and who is acquainted with all our wayes O How would we ponder our path and examine our words and consider our thoughts before hand if we set our selves in the view of such a Spirit that is within us and without us before us and behind us He may spare sinners as long as he pleases for there is no escaping from him you cannot go out of his dominions nay you cannot run out of his presence Psal. 7. 8. 9. He can reach you when he pleases therefore he may delay as long as he pleases Joh. 4. 24. GOD is a Spirit c. THere are two common notions engraved on the hearts of all men by nature That God is and that he must be worshipped and these two live and die together they are clear or blotted together According as the apprehension of God is clear distinct and more deeply engraven on the soul so is this notion of mans duty of worshipping God clear imprinted on the soul and when ever the actions of men do prove that the conception of the worship of God is obliterate or worn out when ever their transgressions do witnesse that a man hath not a live●…y ●…otion of this duty of Gods worship that doth al●…o prove that the very notion of a God-head is worn out and cancelled in the soul For How could souls conceive of God as he is indeed but they must needs with Moses Exod. 34 make haste to pray and worship It is the principle of the very Law of Nature which shall make the whole world inexcusable because that when they knew God they gloriesied him not as God A Father must have honour and a Master must have fear and God who is the common Parent absolute Master of all must have worship in which reverence and fear mixed with rejoycing and affection predomines it is supposed and put beyond all question that it must be He that worships him c. It s not simply said God is a Spirit must be worshipped no for none can doubt of it If God be then certainly Worship is due to him for who is so worshipfull And because it is so beyond all question therefore woe to the irreligious world that never puts it in practice O What excuse can you have who have not so much as a form of Godlinesse Do you not know that its beyond all Controversie that God must be worshipped Why then do you deny it in your practice which all men must confesse in their conscience Is not he God
visions were indeed from the Lord And that they did not frame any imagination in their own hearts and taught it for his Word as many did I say you need no more ask that than ask How shal a man see light or know the Sun-shine light makes it self manifest and all other things it s seen by its own brightnesse even so the holy men of God needed not any mark or sign to know the Spirits voice his revelation needed not the light of any other thing it was light it self he would certainly over power the soul and mind and leave no place of doubting God who cannot be deceived and can deceive no man hath delivered us this Doctrine O with what reverence should we receive it as if we heard the Lord from heaven speak If you ask How you shal be perswaded that the Scriptures are the Word of God his very mind opened to men made legible Truly there are some things cannot be well proved not because they are doubtfull but because they are clear of themselves and beyond all doubt and exception Principles of Arts must not be proved but supposed till you find by triall and experience afterward that they were indeed really true There are no question such characters of Divinity and Majesty imprinted in the very Scriptures themselves that whosoever hath the eyes of his understanding opened though he run he may read them and find God in them What Majesty is in the very simplicity and plainnesse of the Scriptures They do not labour to please mens ears and adorn the matter with the curious garments of words and phrases but represent the very matter it self to the soul as that which in it self is worthy of all acceptation and needs no humane eloquence to commend it Painting doth spoil native beauty external ornamēts would disfigure some things that are of themselves proportioned and lovely therefore the Lord choses a plain and simple style which is foolishnesse to the world but in these swadling cloaths of the Scriptures and this poor Cottage the Child Jesus the Lord of Heaven and Earth is contained There is a jewel of the mysterious wisdom of God and mans eternal blessednesse in the Mineral What glorious and astonishing humility is here What humble and homly Glory and Majesty also He is most high and yet none so lowly What excellent consent and harmony of many writters in such distant times Wonder at it All speak one thing to one purpose to bring men to God to abase all glory and exalt him alone Must it not be one Spirit that hath quickned all these and breathes in them all this one heavenly Song of Glory to God on high and good will towards men Other Writers will reason these things with you to convince you and perswade you and many thinks them more profound and deep for that reason and do despise the basenesse of the Scriptures But to them vvhose eyes are opened the Majesty and authority of God commanding and asserting and testifying to them is more convincing from its own bare assertion then all humane reason Although there be much light in the Scriptures to guide mens vvay to Gods glory and their own happinesse yet certainly it vvill all be too smal purpose if the eyes of our understanding be darkned and blinded If you shal surround a man vvith day-light except he open his eyes he cannot see The Scriptures are a clear Sun of life and righteousnesse but the blind soul compassed vvith that light is nothing the vviser but thinks the lamp of the Word shines not because it sees not it hath its own dungeon vvithin it therefore the Spirit of God must open the eyes of the blind enlighten the eyes of the understanding that a soul may see vvonderfull things in Gods Law Psal. 119. 5. 8. Ioh. 1. 5. The light may shine in the darknesse but the darknesse cannot comprehend it I vvonder not that the most part of men can see no Beauty no Majesty no excellency in the holy Scriptures to allure them because they are natural and have not the spirit of God and so cannot know these things for they are spiritually discerned 2 Cor. 2. 14. c. Therefore as the inspiration of God did conceive this writting at first and preached this Doctrine unto the world so there can no soul understand it or profite by it but by the inspiration of the Almighty Verily there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty gives him understanding saith Iob. When the spirit comes into the soul to engrave the Characters of that Law and truth into the heart which were once engraven on Tables of Stone and not written with Pen and Ink then the spirit of Christ Jesus writes over and transcribes the Doctrine of the Gospel on fleshly Tables of the heart draws the lineaments of that faith and love preached in the word upon the soul then the soul is the Epistle of Christ written not with ink and pen but with the spirit of the living God 2 Cor. 3. 3. And then the soul is manifestly declared to be such when that which is impressed on the heart is expressed in the outward man in walking that it may be read of all men Now the soul having thus received the Image of the Scriptures on it understands the Spirits voice in them and sees the truth and divinity of them The eye must receive some species and likenesse of the object before it see it it must be made like to the object ere it can behold it Intelligens in actu fit ipsum intelligible So the soul must have some inspiration of the holy Ghost before it can believe with the heart the inspyred Scriptures Now for the utility and profit of the Scripture who can speak of it according to its worth Some things may be over-commanded nay all things but this one God speaking in his word to mankind Many Titles are given to humane writings some are called accurate some subtile some ingenious and quick some profound and deep some plain some learned But call them what they please the Scriptures may vindicate to it self these two Titles as its own prerogative Holy and profitable The best speaker in the world in many words cannot want sin The best Writer hath some drosse refuse but here all is holy all is profitable Many Books are to no purpose but to feed and inflame mens lusts many serve for nothing but to spend drive over the time without thought most part are good for nothing but to burden and over-weary the world to put them in a fancy of knowledge which they have not many serve for this only to nourish mens curiosity and vain imaginations and contentions about words and notions but here is a Book profitable all profitable If you do not yet profit by it you can have no pleasure in it it s only ordained for souls profiting not for pelasing your fancy not for matter of curious speculation not for
long-suffering patient and if he had not been so we had been damned ere now patience hath a long term and we cannot out-run it out-weary it Why do we not wonder that he presently and instantly executed his wrath on angels gave them not one hours space for repentance but cast them down head-long into destruction as in a moment and yet his Majesty hath so long delayed the execution of our sentence and calls us to repentance and forgivenesse that we may escape the condemnation of Angels His patience is not slacknes and negligence as men count it 2 Pet. 3. 9. He sits not in heaven as an Idol and idle spectator what men are doing but he observes all wrongs and is sensible of them also And if we were mindfull and sensible of them also he would forget them He is long-suffering This is extended and stretched-out patience beyond all expectation beyond all deserving yea contrary to it Therefore as long as he forbears if thou apprehend thy misery and sin and continuance in it so not conclude that it is desperate Why should a living man complain As long as patience lengthens thy life if thou desire to come to him believe he wil accept thee But saith the doubting soul I am exceeding perverse and wicked there is nothing in me but wickednesse it so abounds in me that there is nothing in me but wickednesse it so abounds in me that there is none like me but saith the Lord I am aboundant in goodnesse Thy wickednesse though it be great it is but a created wickedness but my goodness is the goodness of God I am as abundant in grace goodnesse as thou art in sin nay infinitely more thy sin is but the transgression of a finite creature but my mercy is the compassion of an infinite God it can swallow it up suppose thy sin cry up to Heaven yet mercy reaches above Heaven is built up for ever Here is an invitation to all sinners to come and taste O come taste and see how good the Lord is goodnesse is communicative it diffuses it self like the Suns light There is riches of his goodnesse Rom. 2. 4. Poor soul thou canst not spend it though thou have many wants But I am full of doubtings fears and jealousies I cannot believe his Promises I often question them How then will he perform them I say saith the Lord I am abundant in truth He will certainly perform Shal our unbelief or doubting make the faith of God of none effect c. Rom. 3. 3. God forbid His faithfulnesse reaches unto the Clouds he will keep Covenant with thee whose soul hath chosen him though thou often question and doubt of him Indeed thou would not give indulgence to thy doubtings jealousies but look on them as high provocations for what can be more grievous to fervent love than to meet with jealousie jealousie would quench any creatures love but though it grieve provoke him yet he will not change he will not diminish his only do not think your disputings quarrellings innocent and harmlesse things no certainly they grieve the Spirit stir up the Beloved to go away as it were before he please make thee walk without comfort without fruit yet he will bear with quench the smoaking flax of a Believers desires though they do not arise to the flame of Assurance But the wounded spirit hath one or two burdens more I have abused much mercy How can mercy pitty me I have turned grace into wantonnesse so that when I look to mercy and grace to comfort me they do rather challenge me the sins of none are like mine none of such a hainous presumptuous nature But let us hear what the Lord speaks I keep mercy for thousands and forgive iniquity transgression and sin Thou hast wasted much mercy but more is behind all the treasure is not spent though there were many thousand worlds beside I could pardon them all if they would flee unto my mercy thou shalt not be straitned in me mercy will pardon thy abuse of mercy it will forgive all faults thou dost against it self Thou that sins against the Son of man the Redeemer of the World remedy of sin yet there is pardon for thee what ever thy quality condition or circumstance of thy sin be whoever convinced of it and loadned with it desires rest to thy soul thou may find it in Christ whose former kindnesse thou hast answered with contempt many sins many great sins and these presumptuous sins cannot exclude nay no sin can exclude a willing soul. Unbelief keeps thee unwilling and so excludes thee Now as the Spider sucks poyson out of the sweetest Flower so the most part of souls suck nothing but delusion and presumption and hardening out of the Gospel Many souls reason for more liberty to sin from mercy but behold how the Lord backs it with a dreadful word who will by no means clear the guilty As many as do not condemn themselves and judge themselves before his Tribunall of Justice there is no rescinding of the condemnatory Sentence but it stands above their heads He that believes not is condemned already Justice hath condemned all by sentence he that doth not in the sense of this flee into Jesus Christ from sin and wrath is already condemned his Sentence is standing there needs no new one since he flees not to mercy for absolution the sentence of condemnation stands unrepealed Yo●… guilty souls who clear your selves God will not clear you alas How many of you do clear your selves Do you not extenuate and mince your sins How hard is it to extort any confession of guilt out of you but in the general If we condescend to particulars many of you will plead innocency almost in every thing though ye have like children learned to speak these words That ye are sinners I beseech you consider it it is no light matter for God will by no means clear the guilty by no means by no intreaties no flatteries What will he not pardon sin Yes indeed His Name tells you he will pardon all kind of sins absolve all manner of guilty persons but yet such as do condemn themselves such as are guilty in their own conscience their mouths stopped before God you who do not enter into the serious examination of your wayes and no not arraign your selves before Gods Tribunal daily till you find your selves loathsome and desperate and no refuge for you you who do flatter your selves alwaies in the hope of heaven and put the fear of hell alwayes from you I say God will by no mean no prayers no intreaties clear or pardon you because you come not to Jesus Christ in whom is preached forgivenesse and remission of sins You who take liberty to sin because God is gracious and delay repentance till the end because God is long suffering know God will not clear you he is holy and just as he is mercyfull If his
desired tasting of it only begets a kindly appetite after it the more tasted still the fresher and more recent But yet it is above both desire and fruition thou cannot see my face c. All our knowledge of God all our attainments of experience of him do reach but to some dark confused apprehension of what he is the clearest and nearest sight of God in the world is as if a man were not known but by his back which is a great point of estrangement It 's said in the heaven we shall see him face to face and fully as he is because then the soul is made capable of it Two things in us here puts us in an incapacity of nearnesse with God Infirmity and Iniquity Infirmity in us cannot behold his glory it 's of so weak eies that the brightnesse of the Sun would strike it blind and Iniquity in us he cannot behold it because he is of pure eyes that can look on no unclean thing it 's the only thing in the Creation that Gods holinesse hath antipathy at and therefore he is stil about the destroying of the body of sin in us about the purging of all filthinesse of the flesh and spirit and till the soul be thus purged of all sin by the operation of the Holy Ghost it cannot be a Temple for an immediate vision of him an immediate exhibition of God to us Sin is the wall of partition and the thick cloud that eclipses his glory from us it is the opposite Hemesphere of darknesse contrary to light according to the accesse or recesse of Gods presence it is more or lesse dark the more sin reigns in thee the lesse of God is in thee and the more sin be subdued the readier nearer is Gods presence but let us comfort our selves That one day shal put off both Infirmity and Iniquity mortality shal put on immortality and corruption be cloathed with incorruption we shal leave the rags of mortall weaknesse in the grave and our menstruous cloaths of sin behind us then shal the weak eyes of flesh be made like Eagles eyes to behold the Sun and then shal the soul be cloathed with holinesse as with a Garment which God shal delight to look upon because he sees his own Image in that glasse We come to the Lords satisfying of Moses desire and proclaiming his Name before him it is himself only can tell you what he is it is not Ministers preaching or other discourse can proclaim that Name to you we may indeed speak over those words unto you but it is the Lord that must write that Name upon your heart he only can discover his glory to your spirit There is a spirit of life which cannot be inclosed in Letters and Syllables or transmitted through your ears into your hearts but he himself must create it inwardly and stir up the outward sense feeling of that Name of those Attributes Faith indeed comes by hearing and our knowledge in this life is thorow a glasse darkly thorow ordinances and senses but there must be an inward teaching and speaking to your souls to make that effectuall the anointing teacheth you all things 1 Ioh. 2. 27. Alas its the separation of that from the word that makes it so unprofitable if the spirit of God were inwardly writing what the word is teaching then should our souls be living Epistles that ye might read Gods Name on them O be much in imploying of depending on him that teacheth to profit who only can declare unto your souls what he is These names expresse his Essence or Being his Properties what he is in himself what he is to us in himself he is Jehovah or a self-being 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as we heard in the 3. Chap. I am that I am and EL a strong God or Almighty God which two hold out to us the absolute incomprehensible perfection of God eminently and infinitely enclosing within himself all perfections of the creatures the unchangeable and mutable being of God who was and is is to come without succession without variation or shadow of turning and then the Almighty power of God by which without difficulty by the inclination and beck of his will pleasure he can make or unmake all create or annihilate to whom nothing is impossible which three if they were pondered by us till our souls received the stamp of them they would certainly be powerfull to abstract and draw our hearts from the vain changeable and empty shadow of the creature gather our scattered affections that are parted among them because of their unsufficiency that all might unite in one and joyn with this self-sufficient and eternal God I say if a soul did indeed believe and consider how All sufficient he is how insufficient all things else are would it not cleave to him and draw near to him Psal. 73. ult It is the very torment and vexation of the soul to be thus racked distracted divided about many things therefore many because there is none of them can supply all our wants our wants are infinit our desires insatiable the good that is in any thing is limited bounded it can serve one but for one use and another for another use and when all are together they can but supply some wants but they leave much of the soul empty But often these outward things crosses one another and cannot consist together and hence ariseth much strife and debate in a soul his need requireth both and both will not agree But O that you could see this one universall good One for all and above all your souls would choose him certainly your souls would trust in him ye would say Ashur soal not save us we will not ride on horses Creatures shal not satisfie us we will seek our happinesse in thee and no where else since we have tasted this new wine away with the old the new is better I beseech you make God your friend for he is a great one whether he be a friend or an enemy he hath two properties that make him either most comfortable or most terrible according as he is at peace or war with souls Eternity and Omnipotency You were once all enemies to him O consider what a Party you have an Almighty Party and unchangeable Party if you will make peace with him and that in Christ then know he is the best friend in the world because he is unchangeable and Almighty if he be thy friend he will do all for thee he can do and thou hast need of But many friends willing to do yet have not ability but he hath power to do what he will and pleases Many friends are changeable their affections dry up of themselves die and therefore even Princes friendship is but a vain confidence for they shal die then their thoughts of favour perish with them but he abides the same for all Generations there is no end of his
mercy make thee not fear and tremble before him and do not separate thee from thy sins if remission of sins be not the strongest perswasion to thy soul of the removing of sin certaiuly thou dost in vain presume upon his mercy Now consider what influence all this glorious Proclamation had on Moses it stirs up in him reverence and affection reverence to such a glorious Majesty great desire to have him amongst them and to be more one with him If thy soul rightly discover God it cannot but abase thee he made bade haste to bow down and worship O Gods Majesty is a surprising and astonishing thing it would bow thy soul in the dust if it were represented to thee labour to keep the right and intire representation of God in thy sight his whole Name Strong Mercifull Iust Great and Holy I say keep both in thy view for half representations are dangerous either to beget presumption and security when thou looks on mercy alone or despair when thou looks on Justice and power alone Let thy soul consider all joyntly that it may receive amixed impression of all this is the holy composition and temper of a Believer Rejoice with trembling love with fear let all thy discoveries of him aime at more union communion with him who is ●…ch a self-sufficient al-sufficient and eternal Beeing Joh. 4. 24. God is a Spirit and they who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth WE have here something of the Nature of God pointed out to us somthing of our duty towards him God is a spirit that is his Nature and man must worship him that is his duty that in spirit in truth that is the right manner of the duty if these three were right pondered till they sink in to the bottome of our spirits they would make us indeed Christians not in the Letter but in the Spirit That is presupposed to all Christian worship walking to know what God is it s indeed the Primo cognitum of Christianity the first Principle of true Religion the very root out of which springs grows up walking sutably with worshipping answerably of a known God I fear much of our Religion be like the Athenians They builded an Altar to an unknown God and like the Samaritanes Who worshipped they know not what Such a Worship I know not what it is when the God worshipped is not known The two parents of true Religion are the knowledge of God and of our selves this indeed is the beginning of the fear of God which the wise Preacher cals the beginning of wisdom And these two as they beget true Religion so they cannot truly be one without the other It is not many notions and speculations about the Divine nature it is not high strained conceptions of God that comprises the true knowledg of him many think they know something when they can speak of these mysteries in some singular way and in some tearms removed from common understandings which neither themselves nor others know what they mean thus they are presumptuous self-conceited knowing nothing as they ought to know there is a knowledge that puffes up there is a knowledge that casts down a a knowledge in many that doth bu●… swell them not grow them It s but a rumor full of wind a vain and empty and f●…othy knowledge that is neither good for edifying others nor saving a man●… self a knowledge that a man knows and reflects upon so as to ascend upon the height of it and measure himself by the degrees of it this is not the true knowledge of God which knows not it self looks not back upon it self but straight towards God his holinesse and glory our basenesse misery and therefore it constrains the soul to be ashamed of it self in such a glorious presence and to make haste to worship as Moses Iob Isaiah did This definition of God if we did truly understand it we could not but worship him in another manner God is a spirit Many ignorant people form in their own mind some liknesse and Image of God who is invisible you know how ye fancy to your selves some bodily shape when you conceive of him you think he is some Reverend and Majestick Person sitting on a Throne in Heaven But I beseech you correct your mistakes of him there is outward idolatry and there is inward there is idolatry in action when men paint or ingrave some similitude of God there is Idolatry in imagination when the fancy and apprehension runs upon some Image or likenesse of God The first is among Papists but I fear the latter be too common among us it is indeed all one to form such 〈◊〉 similitude in our mind and to ingrave or paint it without so that the God whom many of us worship is not the living and true God but a painted or graven Idol When God appeared most visible to the world ●…s at the giving out of the Law yet no man did see any liknesse at all he did not come under the percep●…ion of the most subtile sense he could not be perceived but by the retired understanding going aside ●…om all things visible therefore you do but fancy ●…n idol to your selves in stead of God when you ap●…rehend him under the likenesse of any visible or sen●…ble thing so what ever love or fear or reverence ●…ou have it is all but mispent superstition the love ●…nd fear of an idol 1. I know then that God is a Spirit and therefor he is like none of all these things you see or hear or smel or taste or touch The heavens are glorious indeed the light is full of glory but he is not like that If all your senses should make an inquiry and search for him throughout the world you should not find him though he be near hand every one of us yet your eyes and ears all your senses might travel the length of the earth and breadth of the sea and should not find him even as you might search all the corners of heaven ere ye could hear or see an Angel if you saw a man asunder and resolve him in atomes of dust yet you could not perceive a soul within him why Because these are spirits and so without the reach of your senses II. If God be a Spirit then he is invisible dwels in light inaccessible which no man hath seen or can see then ou●… poor narrow minds tha●… are drowned as it were and immersed into bodies of clay in this state of mortality receives all knowledge of the senses cannot frame any suitable notion of his spiritual and abstracted nature We cannot conceive what our own soul is but by some sensible operation flowing from it and the height that our knowledge of that noble part of our selves amounts to is but this dark confused conception that the soul is some inward principle of life and sense and reason
searching we could find them out unto perfection but to believe what is spoken till the day break and the shadows flee away and the darknesse of ignorance be wholly dispelled by the rising of the Sun of Righteousnesse We are called then to receive this truth that God is one truly one and there are three in this one the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost This I say you must believe because the wisdom of God faith it though you know not how it is or how it can be though it seem a contradiction in reason a Trinity in Unity yet you must lead your reason captive to the obedience of faith silence it with this one answer The Lord hath said it If thou go on to dispute and to enquire how can these things be Thou art escaped from under the power of Faith and are fled unto the tents of humane wisedom where thou mayest learn artheism but no Religion for the world through wisedom knew not God 1 Cor. 1. And certainly who ever he be that will not quiet his conscience upon the bare word of truth in this particular but will call in for the help of reason and disputation how to understand and maintain it I think he shall be further from the true knowledge of God and satisfaction of mind than before There is no way here but to flee into Pauls Sanctuary Who art thou O man that disputes When ever thou thinks within thy self How may this be how can one be three and three one then withall let this of Pauls sound in thine ears Who art thou O man who disputes Think that thou art man think that he is God Believing ignorance is much better than rash presumptuous knowledge ask not a reason of these things but rather adore and tremble at the mysterie and Majesty of them Christianity is foolishnesse to the world upon this account because it 's an Implicite faith so to speak given to God but there is no fear of being deceived though he lead thee blind by a way thou know not yet he cannot lead thee wrong This holy simplicity in believing every word of God trusting without more trying by disputation is the very Character of Christianity and it will be found only true wisdome for if any will become wise he must be a fool in mens account that he may be wise he must quite his reason to learn true Religion which indeed is a more excellent and divine reason neither is it contrary to it though it be high above it In this place of Moses you have the Unity of God asserted The Lord thy God is one Lord And that is indeed engraven on the very hearts of men by nature That God is One for all may know that the common notion and apprehension of God is that he is a most perfect being the Originall of all things most wise most powerfull infinite in all perfections Now common reason may tell any man that there can bee but one thing most perfect Excellent there can be but one infinite one Almighty one beginning and end of all one first mover one first cause of whom are all things and who is of none Again in this place of Iohn ye have a Testimony of the blessed Trinitie of Persons Father Son and holy Ghost in that holy Unity of Essence The great point which Iohn hath in hand is this fundamentall of our Salvation that Jesus Christ is the Son of God Saviour of the World in whom all our confidence should be placed and upon whom we should lean the weight of our souls this he proves by a twofold testimony one out of Heaven another in the Earth There are three bearing witnesse to this truth in heaven The Father the word that is Jesus Christ the eternal Son of God whom this Apostle calls the word of God or wisdom of God Ioh. 1. 1. and the Holy Ghost The Father witnessed to this truth in an audible voice out of Heaven when Christ was baptized Mat. 3. 17. This is my wel-belovd Son hear him here 's the Fathers Testimony of the Son when he was baptized which was given very solemnly in a great congregation of people and divinely with great glory and Majesty from Heaven as if the heavens had opened upon him and the inaccessible light of God had shined down on him which was confirmed in the transfiguration Mat. 17. 5. VVhere the Lord gave a glorious evidence to the astonishment of the three Disciples how he did account of him how all Saints and Angels must serve him Him hath God the Father sealed saith Iohn Indeed the stamp of divinitie of the divine Image in such an excellent manner upon the man Christ was a Seal set on by God the Father signifying confirming his approbation of his well-beloved Son and of the work he was going about Then the Son himself did give ample Testimony of this this was the subject of his Preaching to the VVorld I am the light and life of men He that beleeveth on mee shall be saved and therefore he may be called the word of God and the wisedom of God Joh. 1. 1. Prov. 8. Because he hath revealed unto us the blessed mysterie of Wisdom concerning our Salvation He is the very expression and Character of the Fathers person and Glory Heb. 1. In his own Person and he hath revealed and expressed his Fathers mind and his own Office so fully to the World that there should be no more doubt of it Out of the mouth of these two witnesses this Word might be established But for superabundance behold a third the Holy Ghost witnessing at his baptisme in his Resurrection after his Ascension the Holy Ghost signifieth his presence and consent to that work in the similitude of a Dove the Holy Ghost testified it in the power that raised him from the dead the Holy Ghost put it beyond all question when he descended upon the Apostles according to Christs promise For the other three witnesses on earth we shal not stay upon it only know that the work of the regeneration of souls by the power of the word and spirit signified by water the justification of guilty souls signified by the blood of Jesus Christ the Testimony of the spirit in our Conscience bearing witnesse to our Spirits is an assured Testimony of this that Jesus Christ in whom we believe is the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth The changing pacifying and comforting of souls in such a wonderfull manner cryes aloud that he in whom the soul believes is the true and living God whom to know is eternal life But mark I pray you the accuracy of the Apostle in the change of the speech these three witnesses on earth saith he agree in one in giving one common testimony to the Son of God and Saviour of Sinners But as for the heavenly witnesses the Father the Word and Holy Ghost how ever they be three after an inconceivable manner
his will Since by his will he hath chained us with an inevitable necessi●…y to sin what can we do Men cannot wrestle with him why then doth he condemn accuse them But who art thou O man that disputes against God as if Paul had said thou art a man and so I am why then looks thou for an answer from me let us rather both consider whom we speak of whom thou accusest and whom I defend it is God what art thou then to charge him or what am I ●…o to clear Him Beleeving ignorance is better than presumptuous knowledge especially in these forbidden secrets in which it is more concerning to be ignorant which faith and admiration than to know with presumption disputes thou O man I will wonder reply thou I will believe doth it become thee the clay to speak so to the former Why hast thou made me thus Let the consideration of the absolute right and dominion of God over us more than any creature hath over another yea or over themselves let that restrain us and keep us within bounds He may do with us what he pleaseth for his own honour and praise but it is his will that we should leave all the blame to our selves and rather behold the evident cause of our destruction in our sin which is nearer us than to search into a secret and incomprehensible cause in Gods Counsel Heb. 11. 3. Through Faith we understand that the worlds were made c. with Gen. 1. WE are come down from the Lords purposes decrees to the execution of them which is partly in the works of Creation and partly on the works of Providence The Lord having resolved upon it to manifest his own glory did in that due and predeterminate time apply his own power to this businesse Having in great wisdome conceived a frame of the world in his mind from all eternity he at length brings it forth and makes it visible We shal not insist upon the particular story of it as it is set down in generall but only point at some things for our instruction First ye see who is the maker of all things of whom all things visible and invisible are it is God And by this he useth to distinguish himself from idols and the vanities of the Nations that he is that self-being who gave all things a being who made the heavens the earth This is even the most glorious manifestation of an invisible and eternall being These things that are made shew him forth If a man were travelling into a far Country and wandred into a wildernesse where he could see no inhabitants but only houses villages and cities built he would straight way conceive there hath been some work-man at this this hath not been done casually but by the Art of some reasonable creatures how much more may we conceive when we look on the Fabrick of this world how the heavens are streatched out for a Tent to cover them that dwel on the earth and the earth settled and established as a firm foundation for men living creatures to abide on how all are done in wisdome discretion we cannot but straight way imagine that there must be some curious and wise contriver and mighty Creator of these things It is here said that by Faith we understand that the worlds were made Indeed faith only in the word of God gives true and distinct understanding of it Innumerable have been the wandrings and mistakes of the wise of the world about this matter wanting this lamp light of the Word of God which alone gives a true and perfect account of this thing many strange dotages and fancies have they fallen into yet certain it is that there is so much of the glory of God engraven without on the creature and so much reason imprinted on the souls of men within that if it were not for that judiciall plague of the Lords darkning their understandings who do not glorifie him in as far as they know him no man could seriously soberly consider on the visible world but he would be constrained to conceive an invisible God Would not every one think within himself all these things so excellent as they are cannot be out of chance neither could they make themselves so that of necessity they must owe what they are to something beside themselves and of this it is certain that it cannot have its originall from any other thing else there should be no end therefore it must be some supream beeing that is from no other and of which are all things But next consider when these things were made in the beginning and what beginning is that certainly the beginning of the creation of time to exclude Eternity what ever may be said of that subtility that God might have created the world from all Eternity for it appears even in created things that there is no necessity of the precedent existence of the cause since in the same instant that many things are into being in the same do they bring forth their effects as the Sun in the first instant of its creation did illuminate yet certainly we believe from the word of the Lord that the world is actually but of a few thousand years standing six are not yet out run since the first creating word was spoken since the spirit of the Lord moved upon the waters this we know also that if it had pleased his Majesty he might have created the world many thousand years before that So that it might have been at this day of ten hundred times ten thousand years standing and he might have given it as many years as there are numbers of men Angels Beasts yea pickles of sand upon the sea-coast But it was his good pleasure that that very point of time in which it was created should be the beginning of time and from that he gives us a History of the World upon which the Church of God may rest and so seek no other God but the God that made these heavens and earth This will not satisfie the ungodly curiosity and vanity of mens spirits who will reproach the Maker for not applying sooner to his work and sitting idle such an unmeasurable space of Eternity Men wonder what he could be doing all that time if we may call it time which hath no beginning and how he was imployed I beseech you restrain such thoughts in you with the fear of his glorious incomprehensible Majesty who gives no account of his matters It is enough that this is his good pleasure to begin then he conceals his reasons to prove the sobriety of our faith that all men may learn an absolute and simple stouping to his Majesties pleasure Remember that which a godly man answered some wanton curious wit who in scorn demanded the same of him He was preparing hell for curious and proud fools said he Let us then keep our hearts as with a bridle and represse their boundless wanderings
if I may speak so our creation in holynesse and righteousness after his own Image that same hath consulted about the rest of it hath found out this course that one of them shal bee made after mans Image and for this purpose that he may restore again Gods Image unto us O bless this deep invention and happy contrivance of heaven that could never have bred in any breast but in the depths of eternal wisedome and let us abandon forsake our own imaginations and foolish inventions let us become fools in our own eyes that we may become wise Man by seeking to be wise became a fool that was an unhappy invention now it s turned contrary let all men take vvith their folly and desperate vvickedness let not the vain thoughts and dreams of our own vvel-being and sufficiency lodge vvithin us and vve shal be made vvise come to the Fathers vvisdom unto Jesus Christ vvho is that blessed invention of Heaven for our remedy How long shal vain thoughts lodge within you O when will you be washed from them How long shal not your thoughts transcend this temporal and bodily life How long do you imagine to live in sin and die in the Lord to continue in sin and escape wrath Why do you delude your souls with a dream of having interest in the love of God and purchasing his favor by your works These are some of those many inventions man hath sought out Rom. 5. 22. Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin so death past upon all men for that all have sinned THis is a sad subject to speak upon yet it is not more sad then useful though it be unpleasant to hold out a glass to men to see their own vile faces into yet it is profitable yea and so necessary that till once a soul apprehend its broken and desolate condition in the first Adam it can never heartily imbrace and come to the second Adam You have here the woful and dreadful effects and consequents of the first transgression upon all mankind the effect is twofold sin and misery or sin and death the subject is universal in both all men the whole world Behold what a flood of calamity hath entred at a smal cranny by one mans transgression May it not be said of sin in general which the wise man speaks of strife The beginning of sin is as when one lets out water therefore it had been good leaving it off before it had been medled vvith it entred at a smal hole but it hath overflowed a vvhole vvorld since That vvhich first occurs is that all mankind proceeding from Adam by ordinary birth are involved in sin by Adams transgression But that may seem a hard saying that sin and death should flow unto the vvhole posterity vvho had no accession to Adams transgression It vvould seem that every man should die for his own iniquity and that it should reach no further in justice But consider I pray you the relation that Adam stood into and in vvhich he is here holden out as a figure of Christ. Adam the first man vvas a common person representing all mankind in vvhose happiness or misery all should share God contracts vvith him on these terms that his posterities estate should depend on his behavior Now if all mankind vvould have reaped the benefite and advantage of Adams perseverance i●… such an undeserved reward of eternal life vvould have redounded by the free promise unto them all vvhat iniquity is it that they also be sharers in his misery Our stock treasure vvas ventured in this vessel if vve vvere to partake of its gain vvhy not of its loss You see amongst men children have one common lot vvith their parents if the father be fore-faulted the heirs suffer in it are cast out of the inheritance It might appear a surer vvay to have the fortunes of all so to speak depend upon one their happiness assured unto them upon the standing of one then to have every one left unto himself his own vvell-being depending upon his own standing as it is more likely one and that the first one shal not sin then many and especially when that one knew that the weight of all his posterity hung upon him it might have made him very circumspect knowing of how great moment his carriage 〈◊〉 But certainly vve must look a little higher then such reasons there was a glorious purpose of Gods predominant in this else there was no natural necessity of imputing Adams sin to the children not yet born or propagating it to the children He that brought a holy one undefiled out of a Virgin who was defiled could have brought all others clean out of unclean parents but there is a higher counsel about it the Lord would have all men subject to his judgement al men once guilty once in an equal state of misery to illustrate that special grace shewed in Christ the more and demonstrate his power and wrath upon others That which concerns us most is to believe this that sin hath over-spread all and to have the lively impression of this were of more moment to true Religion than many discourses upon it I had rather ye went home not cursing Adam or murmuring against the most High but bemoaning yourselves for your wretched estate then be able to give reasons for the general imputation propagation of sin Ye all see it is therefore you should rather mourn for it then ask why it is There is sin entred into the world by imputation and also by propagation Adams first sin and hainous transgression is charged upon all his posterity and imputed unto them even unto them who have not sinned according to the similitude of Adams transgression that is actually as he did Infants whom you call innocents and indeed so they are in respect of you who are come to age yet they are guilty before God of that sin that ruined all Now that you may know what you are and what little reason you have to be pleased with your selves and absolve your selves as ye do I shal unbowel that iniquity unto you First there was in it an open banner displayed against God When the soveraign Lord had enjoyned his 〈◊〉 ●…uch a testimony of his homage and loyalty and that so easie to be performed and such as not a whit could ●…ba e from his happiness what open rebellion was it to refuse it It was a casting off the Soveraign dominion of God than which nothing can be more hainous as if the clay should refuse to serve the Potters pleasure and therefore it is eminently and signally styled disobedience as having nothing in it but the pure naked nature of disobedience no difficulty to excuse it for it was most easie no pleasure to plead for it for there were as good fruit beside a world of them No necessity to extenuate it so that you can see nothing in it but