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A27637 The principles of Protestant truth and peace in four treatises : viz. the true state of liberty of conscience, in freedom from penal laws and church-censures, the obligations to national true religion, the nature of scandal, paricularly as it relates to indifferent things, a Catholick catechism, shewing the true grounds upon which the Catholick religion is ascertained / by Tho. Beverley ... Beverley, Thomas. 1683 (1683) Wing B2188A; ESTC R12543 325,863 502

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may have heard the fame of it with their ears It is the way found out and declared by him that made weights for the winds and ballance for the clouds It is the way of the fear of the Lord the beginning of Wisdom and departing from evil the true understanding There lyes the peace of Natural Religion It is the way of Christianity seen and publisht by Christ Jesus the Way the Truth and the Life That 's the peace of Christian Religion And it is certainly the proper excellency of Christian Religion and its very intention to bring this way both as Natural and Christian to light to lay the grounds of it to give the Rules and Measures of it to sweeten mens tempers to the good nature of it That every one in a clear and still air not darkned with Clouds full of Thunder and terrible with the Lightning of dreadful Laws and Bloody Executions may see may be wary in the choice of his conduct of himself to his unchangeable state and may therefore have light have room have still and silence in which he may weigh every thing prove every thing Now that which I have now declar'd is a way most agreeable to the Word of God and that Reason which respects either all mankind or all Christians This is the Contrivance of Christianity's providing That the Wolf and the Lamb may dwell together that the Lion may lye down with the Kid that the child may play on the hole of the Asp that there may be no hurting or destroying in all Gods Holy Mountain That Knowledg of God and True Religion may have the same scope and freedom that the waves have in the Sea Christianity hath always the Grounds ready by it and with it And to present them in their Rational Possibility is a Vindication of Divine Justice Righteousness and Goodness an Offerture to man to be happy Nor will the Platform be always Vtopian the days will come when it shall pass into life power and effect Now whenever this shall be in its Glory that Degeneracy of mankind that curse that lyes upon the earth that vail of the covering spread upon the face of all Nations that severe indignation of God against Humane Nature shall be removed The Spirit shall be poured out upon all flesh the light of one day shall be as the light of seven All flesh shall see the Glory of the Lord together So come come thus Lord Jesus Even so Amen I have thus far made a Lamentation upon the General State of the World in relation to Religion which till some such mighty Influence come down from Heaven as I have intimated upon it is like to be for a Lamentation For the dark places of the Earth will be full of the Habitations of Cruelty and it is certain the Habitations of Cruelty will be furnished with the Instruments of Cruelty And therefore Oh my Soul come not into their secret unto their Assembly my Honour be not thou united for in their anger they slay and destroy and in their self-will they dig down walls Cursed be their anger for it is fierce and their wrath for it is cruel Their drink-offerings of Blood will I not offer nor take their name of Religion into my mouth I shall therefore leave them and address the close of this Discourse to the Saints that are in the earth and to the Excellent in whom is all my Delight And in the first place it calls us to the Review of the Excellent Christian Religion even as Natural Religion all essence all substance trace it throughout all its Doctrine Worship Rules of Life they are all by their very Goodness plain to him that understandeth and right to them that find knowledg there is nothing froward nor perverse in them its bands of peace are not politick or worldly Intrigues no Ceremonial Symbolism or Ritual Shibboleth but ponderous Verities and Divine Love All the shew or appearance any Religion can make is but a ray borrowed from its Divine perfection a derivation from its light or from Natural Religion which is it self for pure Natural Religion is Christian Religion if you suppose a soul without sin mounting from its Creature-proba●ionership to its highest perfection as Adam if not having 〈◊〉 from Paradise to Heaven And Christian Religion is Natural Religion suppose the soul fallen and rising back from its Apostacy to that perfection by the Redeemer 2. Let me apply this Discourse to the Comprimise of all Differences betwixt Protestants and particularly in our English Christian Nation not defining any Controversal Point but urging to that end such undoubted Principles as I have insisted upon in this Discourse 1. That supposing a National Church cannot be made out to satisfaction yet Christian Kingdoms are so considerable a point of Scripture-Prophecy that it cannot be denied So far therefore as National Worship can be agreeable to a mans Conscience making inquiry and most curious search into the Word of God both as to his Duty and to his Liberty also and possible Freedom from Scruple every Christian is oblig'd to Glorifie God in the publick services of him and Confession of the Faith of Jesus Christ with his native Country Suppose a man should retire to particular private Congregations to supply what he may find wanting in the National Constitution to compleat all the Duties of Christian Communion and the advantages of it yet still he is bound to promote and encourage National Religion so far as it extends to avoid as much as is possible all Divisions and profest separation from it by putting the fairest Construction and the kindest hopes upon those things that seem doubtful and as little infringing the Authority of Laws as may be consistent with sentiments of Conscience and a due enjoyment of that liberty God hath given men of judging for their own souls as in his sight viz. in those things that are not Laws of Natural Religion and so indisputable or those Grand Points of Christianity in which a Christian can have no allowance in all things else a Christian hath a liberty but so that he must not use that his liberty as a cloake of maliciousness but as the Servant of God give due Honour to 1 Pet. 2. 16. all I would therefore propose these three Considerations to draw men to the greatest Conjunction with National Religian that can by any means be reconcil'd with good Conscience towards God Considerat 1. That if we examine things by Scripture there are many abatements from the supposeable evil of external Observances of which we may lawfully make our utmost Advantages to so great a Good as our Professed Conjunction with National Religion while substantially good though the High Places I 1 Kings 15. 14. mean things equivalent in our opinion be not taken away as in the times of the Excellent Kings of Judah First then as fundamental to this case I suppose these two things Equiponderating one another 1. The high Character of National Christian
Rome and the Reformed Churches Although I have a just value for all those renowned labours of the great lights God hath raised up in the Protestancy a very rational and Christian entertainment of the Writer and Reader Yet I must profess the unshaken Assurance I center upon in all those Controversies is a short Conclusion of the matter That Romish Religion not only is not but cannot be true it is impossible it should be of God if Scripture and our Faculties are true if Natural Religion or Christian Religion that we have in the Scriptures be true And this I take to be a ready and sure Antidote against Popery to all that are equally concern'd to know which is the True Religion Catholick Religion falsly so called Popish Religion or Protestant Religion though they have not opportunity to acquaint themselves with all the Learning so plentiful so valuable at this day in the world for the decision between them 2. That great Principle of Natural Religion Hear Oh Israel the Lord thy God is one Jehovah and Thou shalt love Deut. 6. 4 5. the Lord thy God with all thy soul with all thy mind with all thy might and strength And that great Principle of Christian Religion If any man love not the Lord Jesus let 1 Cor. 16. 22. him be Anathema Maranatha these two joyned together assure me beyond doubt Our Mediator upon whom our Love Trust Service is to rest and that at such a distance as is Heaven from Earth cannot be but the One God with the Father and so I am resolved in the Socinian Controversie And further if he be the Eternal Son of God and his offering up the Humanity united to him a sacrifice I know it must be of infinite value and not a martyrdom not an example only 3. By Natural and Christian Principles united I am convinc'd the great foundations on which the Controversies between the Arminian and Calvinist as we use to express them rest must have great truth on both sides but they being related to those judgments of God that are as a great depth it is impossible to find them out to perfection for how can Finite wade in Infinite without being swallowed by it We need not therefore stay till these two things can be reconcil'd in our Judgments the infinite soveraignty and dominion of the Almighty over every particular immortal spirit that he hath made so that it cannot be dispos'd of or dispose it self without the counsel and foreknowledg of God and yet that no one is prejudg'd by any determination of God in the true liberty of a rational creature much less determin'd to sin and misery upon it by any over-ruling power We may safely with respects to both sides be profoundly abased in the sense of Incomprehensible soveraignty over us in a self-condemnation wherein soever we find our selves degenerate and fallen into sin as knowing our destruction of our selves Nor need we stay till supreme grace and our own free-will are reconcil'd in dispute we may safely on both sides make our humblest and most lowly appeals to him that worketh in us both to will and to do We must do so and are under the same security and obligation in stirring up our utmost Phil. 2. 13. Ezek. 18. 32. powers in turning our selves that we may live in working out our salvation with fear and trembling And all beyond Phil. 2. 12. these two conclusions are but Speculation in which we may imploy and entertain our selves in considering infinite wisdom and glory and searching as near as we dare approve its holy and gracious ways but need not be angry we can't agree in things out of our depth so as to be certain 4. In all the Disputes concerning Forms of Church-Government Modes of Worship we have thus much of resolution from the consent of Christian with Natural Religion Whatever is most substantially good is fittest to be the center of Agreement and Vnion and other things doubtful allowed to particular reason and choice with mutual tolleration and charity As is further to be shewn us under the next Head of Discourse Having now spoken so much of Natural Religion I think it necessary before I quite leave it besides the survey I have taken of it to add these Characters concerning it that it may not possibly be mistaken 1. It is that which depends upon nothing particular but must be the same to all Nations and times it is all essence and hath no accidents or circumstances as it is natural To pray is Natural Religion that is to lift up Desires to God with humility and hope this is and must be the same without any variation to every man in the world Now whatever can be suppos'd to pertain to it if it be not the same every where is not Natural Religion There can be but one nation of a God to all the world there can be but one Justice Sobriety throughout there can be but one notion of sin or of the pardon of it of Judgment to come as they are natural Till you come to Essence you come not to Natural Religion 2. It is that which cannot be demurr'd to but with the failure of all sober reason nor indeed without a consciousness of it while denied I am fully assured no man can deny a God a distinction between good and evil a future state without a strong recoil of the Natural Faculties returning as by an Intellectual Moral Elastick force 3. It is that whereof if any of the Principles be taken away grand inconveniencies and absurdities will follow like taking away light air or water out of the natural world What an infinite necessity is there of God of Prayer to him of Praises of him of his pardoning-mercy since sin of Judgment to come Take away these and universal nature flys in pieces runs every way upon so great a vacuum as the want of any these Principles immediately makes This is Natural Religion and nothing else is Natural Religion but this Having discours'd what a foundation of Vniversal Peace Christian Religion hath laid in not only assuming to but uniting with it self Natural Religion I shall come now to present as in perspective Christian Religion it self and shew the admirable contrivances for unity peace and love it hath found out and most earnestly prest on all its Disciples so infinitely wise reasonable and good so efficaciously insinuated so strongly argued and enforc'd so awfully commanded so to the life the very Divine life of it even Hypostatiz'd in our Lord that it is indeed the inexpiable shame and guilt of the Christian world that it is so unlike the Divine Philosophy the Laws the grand Exemplar of it That I may pursue this Intention with greatest advantage I shall propose under several Heads how this design is laid by the infinite wisdom of our Saviour much different from what is ready on all occasions to offer it self to Humane Imagination that is Vnity in Vniformity without which as
Because God to whom we properly and first Unite in Religion is the most Publick and Universal Being in whom all holy Spirits unite one with another and from whom whoever separates separates also from all good Spirits and so falls into the only dangerous Schism 2. Because the One God and Jesus Christ his Son our Lord the One Mediator would have all come to the Knowledge of this as the Catholick Truth that they might be saved and hath therefore reconciled and recapitulated all in Heaven and Earth into one Catholick Body in himself the Catholick Head 3. Because Gods Manifestations of himself are the only true Publick Authentick Records of this Religion and all other not derived from hence are private and false and the Meetings set up to celebrate any other Religion than thus manifested are indeed the close Schismatical Conventicles For none can be Publick Assemblies where God the supremely Publick and all holy Spirits withdrawn with him are not And all are Publick though but of two or three where God the Publick it self and in whom the whole Assembly of Saints meets is in the midst of them Quest Whence do you take occasion to call that Publick or Catholick that is Divine Answ From the Apostle Peter who when he is asserting concerning the certainty of the Scripture Prophecy affirms it a Principle absolutely necessary to be known that it is not of any Private Interpretation and that he may demonstrate it cannot be Private he avows the Original to be Divine Now the plain Opposite to Private is Publick in that therefore the Apostle does not oppose Publick but Divine to Private it is plain in his sense Divine is the only Publick and whatever is truly Publick is Divine and all else Private Quest How therefore are we to understand Private to oppose it to Publick or Divine Answ Idiotick or Private is applyed to persons whose Knowledge is very narrow and strait and they have cognisance of nothing beyond their little own 2. To those that have no Publick Character of Office or Magistracy And lastly to such whose care interest and concern is confined to themselves and their own Even thus Private is justly affixed to all except only to God and Religion as derived from him No created Knowledge either Angelick or Humane is comprehensive enough to be the Fountain no Power or Authority is supreme or vast enough to Enact nor is any care or concern for the world of Souls large or receptive enough to Ordain a Catholick Religion leading to a Common Salvation but his who is the Father of the whole Family of Spirits in Heaven and Earth Quest What Evidence of this is there Answ It is so much the Result of Reason that whoever considers it cannot deny it and upon this account all who have pretended to found a Religion have pretended some way or other to derive and receive it from God For who can know all that is necessary to be known but the Divine Mind and Spirit that knows and searches it self the Spring of all things and so first to be known Or what Authority can prescribe without much less against Omnipotency Or who can spread tender Mercies over all the Creation but the Faithful Creator himself All which are absolutely necessary to the Concernments of the truly Catholick Publick Religion Quest What are the Records God hath vouchsafed to men of this Catholick Publick Religion Answ They are two The Law ingraven upon Man's heart justified and sealed by the constant Miracle of Creation and Providence that carry semblable Lines of all that is written upon Mens hearts For that which may be known of God is manifest in men for God hath shewed it to them For the invisible things of him from the Creation of the World are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his Eternal Power and Godhead The Work that God commands Men to do is written in their heart their Consciences bearing witness and their Thoughts in the mean time accusing or excusing one another The Eternal Word or Reason that made all things is the Light that lighteth the Reason of every man that cometh into the world Quest Which is the second Record Answ The second Record is Divine Revelation collected into Holy Scriptures All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for Doctrine Reproof Instruction Correction in Righteousness that the man of God may be perfect throughly furnished to every good work No Prophesie of Scripture is of any Private Interpretation for Prophesie came not in old time by the Will of Man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost And even as the Law of Nature is seal'd by Creation and Providence so hath Revelation always been by Evidences of Divinity and Miracles a new Creation proportioned to the Ends of those Revelations Miracles of meer Power or Justice as upon Pharaoh of greatest Mercy and Benefaction only as by the most merciful Saviour of Mercy and sometimes of Justice as by Moses the Prophets and the Apostles who were to establish the Laws of the Old and New Testament Quest I perceive then all the things of Religion were not clear to Man by the Law written in his heart Answ No For some Parts of Religion are so necessary to our very Natures as Men that they were concreated with us and engraven upon our very Souls and the immediate motions of our Faculties must needs lead us to them while right and streight and continuing in that perfect state wherein our Creator left them For he looked upon all things that he had made and behold all was good and very good And he appointed a Sabbatism for all his Creatures and especially his Rational Creatures the Morning Stars to sing together and praise him for them But there are other Divine Truths which are as the breaking up of the Great Deep of the Infinite Wisdom Grace and Goodness of God that can be known to the highest Understandings of Angels or Arch-Angels only by Revelation Much less to Man a Reason of a lower Orb and least of all as fallen and corrupted Yet supposing the Souls of Men had abode in their first Clearness and Luster all his Faculties would have immediately received and adored God in all such Manifestations of himself and Congratulated those mighty Accessions of Light and Truth Quest But what need was there of any Revelation when Man was made perfect and good while he continued so Answ Revelation was even then necessary to shew that it is not consistent with the Nature of a Creature to have Happiness and Perfection within it self but to be in continual dependence upon and expectation from the Creator For even that Perfection wherein Adam was made was thus to maintain continue and assure it self and so to rise to higher Perfection He had therefore at first a Doctrine by Revelation sutable to the two Sacramental Trees so that though he was Perfect as such a
themselves as well as persons wherein Religion hath prevail'd to such degrees as to be called National is conserv'd in those that are sav'd even as the honour of the Angelick nature is conserv'd in the holy and elect Angels as the humane nature in the seed of Abraham the father of the faithful of them that are saved in all Nations as in Isaac the seed of Abraham is called as in Isaac's children the children of promise are counted for the seed Thus the honour of particular Rom. 9. 7 c. Nations is treasur'd up in the elect of it so that if we suppose a Nation without Converts it is lost as to happiness or as if it had not been as the Tribe of Dan has no name among those Rev. 7. 5 c. sealed Tribes to which we had relation before And as the order of each Tribe is disposed according to the happy memory of the worthies of every Tribe and their more noble Acts in or for the True Religion as is observed by Interpreters and as there are degrees of Glory to every Christian according to the excellency of his Graces and services that abound to his account So the case is with Nations and Generations the more and more eminent men any hath brought forth the more it shall be adorn'd at that day It becomes a Diadem and Crown in the hand of God and is as the Isa 62. 3. 5. Prophet expresseth it as a Bride married by the multitude of her sons So that the last Glory and happiness of Nations is very greatly concerned in their common Faith and Religion and the nearest participation they have been capable of in one anothers holiness and piety and therefore the more they can do to inlarge and increase it the more they add to the common glory and salvation and do most ensure their own On the other side Although there be a lessening of honour to a Nation by the fewness of those that are saved and in the many of those that perish yet it is not so as that the Glory is counter-ballanc'd by the disadvantage for there is a much higher account of Glory to the Goodness Grace and Mercy of God to the salvation of Christ in that excellent state of Gods Creation in the elect Angels and the recovered parts of mankind in that new Heaven and new earth wherein dwells righteousness than there is depression of that Glory in those that perish and their contrary state so the the Glory of the Angelick and humane nature it self and so of Nations is more conserv'd in those that are saved of them than in those of them that are lost for there is a much more a much higher reign of righteousness and life asserted by the Apostle than of Rom. 5. 17. sin and death although Scripture and general observation give reason to fear there are more that perish than that are sav'd and however we cannot unfold the mystery of it This then stands as an impregnable argument for National Religion If it conduces so much to the future happiness and salvation of N●tions and so to the more exalted Glory and salvation of all those that are z●alous herein and both these in a more National visible way than things are transacted before our eyes in this world but that there shall be some such future state whether at the the day of Judgment or throughout Eternity we cannot define yet that it shall be cannot be denied when so much of Scripture so much of Reason concur in it and so on the contrary that the irreligion of Nations towards the true God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent shall be revenged by the most sensible apparent infamy contempt and wrath from Heaven in which those that have had the most malignant influence into such irreligion shall have a double measure and all this in a National way I know not what can perswade more to National Religion than so great a consideration And so I finish this fourth Argument The Fifth Argument for National Religion shall be only a complication Argum. 5 of consequential benefits flowing from true National Religion united in which may indeed be made use of to perswade union in Religion whether true or false yet they are only applicable upon true Reason to the true Religion 1. National Religion contributes to the most happy state peace and union of Nations J●rusalem by virtue of its National Religion as the Psalmist says was as a City compact together now that which hath a fitness and aptitude by the very law of Nature and the reason of things to strengthen and corroborate a Nation may very justly be chosen by it for its own conservation and happiness upon that very account but especially when it is subordinated to better reasons too and of a much higher nature Every one therefore should give the advantage to National Peace by consenting in National Religion so that we lose not the truth of Religion for the sake of National Peace which may be supposed too to rise from a National Religion though false But National true Religion is a means fitted by God to the peace of Nations and such a means as is acceptable and well pleasing to him First For the sake of Religion for Unity in Religion gives excellency to Religion and makes all the services of it more acceptable as I have already shewn It is also well pleasing to God as it cements the peace of Nations which is of high price with the God of peace and Christ the Prince of peace who hath commanded us to seek peace and pursue it To study to be quiet to live in peace as much 1 Thes 4. 11. Rom. 12. 18. Prov. 6. 19. Mat. 5. 1. Psalm 133 as lies in us and if it be possible with all men who hath branded the sowing discord among Brethren as one of the principal Abominations to him but hath blessed the peace-makers owning them as his children He hath made truth and peace the stability of any time these are the pillars that are the Lords and he hath set the Nations he loves upon them Behold how good and how pleasant it is for Brethren to live thus together in Vnity It is like the precious Oyntment of the Sanctuary and the Dew of Heaven where it is found the Lord hath commanded the blessing even life for evermore Thus Religion by being National is freed from the charge of being a design and occasion of disturbance Thus the Hearts of Princes safely trust in it thus it becomes the very ligament and sinews of Government a pia mater to the sacredness of Authority and makes Soveraignty easie and sweet both to Prince and people What but Truth can be weighed against this Peace And that not all Truth but Truth dwelling so near the essence of Religion the very purity of Divine Worship that as it cannot be sold nor parted with so it may not be concealed A man may not have it to himself
publick too as it may be The duties of Pastors and Teachers towards the people and of them towards those that are so over them in the Lord which consist in watchng for their souls as those that must give an account for them and those souls therefore yielding obedi●nce to those Rules of the Word of God the Administring of which is stil'd a Ruling All these require a particular presence one with another and in such a proportion of number one to another that the principal Duties may not be defeated by the over-number but that the services of all one to another may extend to all may comprehend all may continually pass and re-pass between all and in which all may continually demonstrate their consent and agreement But yet all these things cannot be in bar of a National Religion seeing that a Nation as I have already said hath and undeniably must have a National Union and if True Religion be fixed there and carried along with that Union it may well be call'd a National Religion at least and without any injury a National Church the Agreement in the one carrying also an Agreement in the other makes it so And as in such a National Union though the standard of all things as of the whole state of Law Judicature Trade Business Militarystrength of a Nation be preserv'd in Capital Cities and Courts yet by the care of Government they are all in due proportions distributed as the Blood in the veins by fit Channels to every particular as it were in circuit so the publick agreement in Religion settles the Religious Interest of a Nation more eminently in those things that do most represent the consent of the whole in it yet with due care of every part and member of the Nation to bring it home particularly to them and making the mutual entercourse in it free and open to all persons in all places where they have occasion to pass up and down and maintain an entercourse one with another that wherever they are or have occasion to be they may enjoy the Freedom of publick Worship and National Religion to which at all times they give a knowing and even conscious Vote that agree in it the Assemblies being as it were in view under a sufficiency of Masters of the Assemblies of the Nation together and as National Union does not swallow up lesser or even Family Union no more does a National any lesser Church or Religious Society except by mens own fault And wherever men thus united come in the Nation they gladly lay hold of the opportunity of joyning with any other particular Assembly to which sameness of language and manners give them ready admission besides particular knowledge and that National Religion cannot be so very particular as congregational is no more reason to deny National and rest wholly in Congregational than it is to deny Congregational and rest in Family Religion or to deny Family and rest in Personal Religion because these are each closer than other 3. A third end of Churches comes to be considered that more particularly enforces National Religion and justifies its Nationality viz. That there may be a more illustrious famous and remarkable offer of Religion to notice and observation for the drawing in and congregating others to it Thus a Church is a Pillar and Ground or Seat of Truth and a magnificent House of the Living God And what more advantageous to this end than a Nation united in the True Religion which we know hath greatly the odds of particular Congregations in this Illustriousness and Magnificence nor does this run out yet to the building the Babel of Rome that would mount up as a Tower to Heaven or as too ambitious Pyramids that are often rebuked with Lightning from Heaven for coming too near it seeing as I have before shown such an Universality enforced is destructive to all the ends of publick Religion Humane Society being so bounded by Nations though all the Treaties of Nations of the same True Religion may be managed to give it the honour due to it that can be procurated in such Treaties So much then as National exceeds and extends it self beyond any narrower compass and yet rejoyns it self to and with it self after the manner of particular Congregations so much does it partake of the magnificencies of Scripture concerning the publickness of Christian Religion and the Catholick Church and yet returns into the closeness of particular Churches with themselves and is the just point betwixt the Tyranny Ambition and endlesness of Popish Vniversality and putting Christianity under a Bed or Bushel National Religion and National Union in it is as a city set upon an Hill that cannot be hid as a candle set upon so exalted a candlestick that gives light to all within it self and about it even as far as the Fame of that Nation reaches The Churches much more as rising up into a National State are the Glory of Christ As therefore though we may be in some regard more exact in the most private we go out of our Personal Religion into Family Religion out of our Family Religion into Congregational and as the Christians at first most probably according to the Laws of Humane Society went out of Congregations into Consociation of Churches in Religion so we out of all these where National Union in true Religion allows it go into that National State that we may build the honour of Religion to the highest in so sensible and understanding a Consent and Union in it so publick an acknowledgment of God and though hereby it be as a Net that draws in bad as well as good even visibly and apparently yet when we consider the possible care against it in particular Congregations though still National when we further consider the state of the Jewish Church of Corinth the state of the Apocalyptick Churches the doubt will not be so cogent as to move National Religion out of the Nature of things The only remaining Doubt is that thus National Magistracy becomes as the Head of such a Religion the National Religion is gathered and united in the Magistrate and his Laws and that which should only be united in and depend upon the Laws of Christ becomes subject to another Head on pretence of which Magistrates have been attempted on too with force to bring their power to true Religion The Answer I give to this shall be very brief in three Heads 1. I always own any pretence taken from exalting Christ and his Kingdom to enforce Civil Powers to ratifie truest Religion into National Consti●utions and Laws is most destructive of the Kingdom of Christ which is not of this world that is to use force for its own promotion and utterly subverts Government seeing private persons may under this shelter and disguise rise up and invade and disturb any Civil State or Government whatever When Religion is our Birthright by our Laws it may be by the same Laws defended when it is not Prayers
Now to the discharge of Conscience in this it s so high Office and Trust it owes to it self and the Soul that it be richly and abundantly furnished with the knowledge of the Divine Will and the Word of God dwelling in it that seeing it is both the Scribe and Doctor or if I may so speak the Bishop of the Soul within it self it be as the good Householder that brings forth out of his Treasury things new and old that it attend to all Means of Instruction for the Kingdom of Heaven entertain all Wisdom lift up its voice for it seek it as Silver and search for it as for hid Treasure And that its influence may be powerful and effective upon the Soul to all Holy and Heavenly Obedience there must be a just preservation of its Authority and good Conduct that so it may promote the Soul into all goodness having gained a high Reputation and Honour by the success it hath had already and the comfort and good expectation it raises within the Soul upon its happy Government For the upright man from this vigor of Conscience holds on his way and grows stronger and stronger and Job 17. 9. Prov. 4. 18. the way of the Just becomes as the shining Light that shines more and more to the perfect day And therefore one of the principal Scandals Scripture remarques upon is this When Conscience upon any Sollicitation upon any Insinuation or Usurpation upon it betrays this Trust and surrenders it self to any other Dictate or Authority but that which is Divine and that shining within it self and so assuring it by its Rationality Goodness Purity Majesty that it is from God To take any thing upon trust from Men that it does not try and examine or to let go any thing it hath so tryed and examined and found good upon any pretence whatever is indeed to be Scandalised that pretence that does so assume over it and prevail with it against it self Scandalises it For the charge of representing to the Soul the Authority of the Divine Laws is committed to the Conscience the supream Moderation is in God and the Divine Law yet it is transmitted into the Soul it enters thither through the Dictates of Conscience whatever then so imposes on Conscience as that it recedes from its Government Scandalises it for the Government of God is lost also thereby And though Conscience cannot justifie a man in any error nor ought to possess a Man with unnecessary scruples yet still the main Government of Conscience deriving it self from God and the true understanding of his Will is by no means to be shaken For Man as a Rational Creature as a Creature of Religion cannot obey God but by the Mediation of Conscience He must know and judge within himself what is the Divine Law and obey it If he does in Conformity to that Will and does not know it it is not true Obedience because it is not Religious it is not reasonable or rationally Religious Obedience The Obedience of God is seated in the Judgment in the Conscience if these Reins are slack and loose if this Golden Bridle be neglected Men know not whither they may run upon what they may be driven and never discover the danger A man cannot distinguish what is from God from what is not if this gust of the Soul be not quick vigorously exercised and left free Conscience may be instructed advised perswaded yea even menaced and terrified by the Applications of the Word of God to it nay it may be over-ruled by Lawful Authority wherein it turns Apostate or Renegade to Natural Religion yet it can never be Lawfully depos'd or put out of Authority The Mystery of Faith the Rule of Obedience the Consolation and Vigor of the Soul are all preserved in a pure Conscience and Shipwracked together with it Now because Conscience is placed by God in this great Trust and Dignity it becomes and it must needs become so great a matter of Scandal as the Apostle discourses when Conscience not duly regarding its own light and inward Sense surrenders it self to a forreign Rule steers it self by a compass out of it self says another shall be wise and see and Dictate for it and so gives up it self in an implicite Faith and blind Obedience Here is Scandal in its Delusive Deceptive Power a Man thinks it modest cautious a point of Honour and Subjection to those that are above him to be carried by an Authority out of himself Conscience hereupon deserts its own Principles and its own place in directing according to them Upon this it falls into all the miserable consequences the mischief of Scandal Conscience is wounded grieved weakned and lies prostrate and without Repentance the work of God in the Natural or new Creation is destroyed and even the Man for whom Christ dyed perishes God hath concredited the Keys of Knowledge and Jurisdiction within the Soul to Conscience alone and I cannot find that it can be at all excused in resigning them into any Hand but his that gave them no not to an Angel from Heaven The Ministers of Religion and Magistrates in their place have these Keys as they are Administred without a Man to offer and press upon him all considerations of his Duty But every Man must see with his own Eyes and not anothers for him he must be enlightned by Beams and Rayes that shine within his own Soul He hath a private double Look upon himself and none may open and shut but Conscience in and with God whoever else does becomes a Father and a Master upon Earth to him in the place of God and Christ Upon this account the Apostle lays down these three Rom. 14. 22 23 great Positions 1. That whatever is not of Faith of a free and full perswasion of Conscience is Sin For though the Natures of things cannot be changed in themselves yet as we are conversant in them it is an undoubted Rule Bonum oritur ex integris causis Every thing conspires to and concerts Good but Evil being a declension and fall from Good every degree of fall or aberration from Good is Evil and this Plenipotence of Conscience committed to it by God is a prime necessary in every good thing and the want of it greatly evil though it hath not an Omnipotence of changing Nature it self 2. From hence it follows he that does and doubts in what he does is condemned in his doing whatever the thing be in it self because to him it is so far Evil that he does it against that Domestick Authority of Conscience 3. He is a happy Man that especially having fallen into doubt in doubtful things is come to so good a Resolution as not to condemn himself in that wherein he allows himself He that hath a good assurance rising neither from Ignorance nor Carelesness is a happy Man by way of Eminency It is a rare and extraordinary happiness and he that hath not but is perplexed with Doubt ought not
themselves They may then taste the Graciousness of God and the Gratefulness of Truth in them without imposing on any others who cannot see by their Light 5. Yea even in things controverted between Holy Wise and Good Men in Interpreting Scri●●ure each part of the Controversie when both cannot be reconciled in their Sense yet supports and makes stronger to their Faith some grand evident Principles of Divine and Publick Truth in which both Sides meet and are firmly united and to which each reconcile their own Opinions wherein they seem to differ from such Principles or from one another and leave a Middle in which they may meet one another and wherein Persons unconcern'd in their Controversies rest Upon which Agitations yet follow great Illustrations and Confirmations of such Grand Principles and Enlargements of Knowledge by the very Traverses of Dispute among Men sincerely affected to Truth and who search into it without the Love of Contention without Bitterness and Animosity but humbly modestly and with largeness of Mind towards those that dissent from them 6. God the Friend of Universal Knowledge allows the Souls gratification of it self with probable Sentiments restrained within due Bounds that may grow from Scripture-Interpretation 7. And lastly Pardons the Infirmities adhering to Humane Transactions in this most necessary Duty of Searching the Scriptures and over-rules such Miscarriages yea and even the more malevolent Distempers of Men herein some way or other to Good and makes them oftentimes Servants to some great Points of Truth Quest All this that hath been described I confess agrees with so Publick and Catholick a Record as Scripture is A Record wherein every one that comes to it may search his own Interest and Concern in it and improve it to the utmost A Record that offers and exposes it self to be understood and closely inquired into by all But how is it secured from a multitude of Private Interpretations when so many Interpretations acknow●●dgedly Private continually pass upon it Answ Herein it is secure 1. That Scripture is not of any Interpretation but it s own native Sense It is not under the Power of any other It stands free and clear far above all Interpretation of Men to be considered by any one in it self and not under such Interpretation Such Interpretation does not become Scripture nor bind any one under the Curse fixed on those that add to Scripture or take from it These Interpretations may be added to or taken from according as Men see Reasons of Scripture preponderating one way or other This is the Freedom of Scripture to suffer all due approaches to its Sense This is its most severe Constancy to refuse all but it s own true Sense 2. As Scripture is not of any Interpretation but it s own Native Sense so its Sense is of no other Evidence but of Spiritual Divine and truly Rational Evidence so that if any Man does not bring such proofs of Scripture Sense as agree with Scriptures way of Evidencing it self and Scriptures way is not that of Private Authority or Humane Imposition but of Divine Authority and Presence his Interpretation however true yet does not bind as it is his Interpretation or upon any other Recommendation but Scriptures proper ways of recommending it self I speak as to Wise Men judge ye what I say Quest What then is that Private Interpretation the Apostle remonstrates against Answ All Interpretation that brings no Credentials from evident Scripture-sense nor from Heaven of immediate Inspiration much more if False or Mean and impossible to be so derived and yet would impale and inclose Scripture within it self and impose it self upon the Consciences and Judgments of others and so bring them under Bondage That which forbids Men to Interpret for themselves though with utmost Industry and all the Assistance they can use and the Implorings of Divine Assistance That which gives out Private Oracles at pleasure and too often most False ones as if they were Scripture and for its own Private sake would lock Scripture from the possibility of being Interpreted even by it self sequestring it into an unknown Tongue from great Multitudes of all Nations professing Jesus Christ This is indeed Private Interpretation and adding to Scripture making another Scripture which yet is not another And thus are all lower Degrees of this Tyranny to be estimated according to their several Graduations in it imposing upon Men as from some Scriptural Authority what is not of the True Excellency Spirit and High Descent of Scripture nor manifested in Mens Consciences as Scripture manifests it self Quest Is it not then necessary in regard of the Confusion arising from the variousness and incertainty of every Man Interpreting for himself and without certain Divine Evidence that there should be some Infallible Publick Interpreter so Divinely assisted as you describe And is it not reasonable to believe there is such a one seeing we cannot suppose God is wanting to his Church in such a Necessary Answ 1. Scripture it self is such an Infallible Interpreter it being in all things necessary to Salvation both clear and certain to all but the self condemned Heretick or Ignorant 2. When there comes such an Infallible Interpreter bearing the Seal of such Credentials as the Scripture does we will receive him Till such an Interpreter so arm'd comes to us we are never the better for his Pretence to Infallibility But all that receive him are destroyed by him when he brings Falshood for Truth under so great a Title so that he becomes more an Apollyon or Destroyer of the Church than an open Enemy can be Quest Must we not then necessarily suppose great Tracts of Scripture lying like unknown Land for want of Publick Interpretation Answ That there may be so cannot be denied in Controverted or Prophetick Parts of Scripture Yet that God hath been pleased to communicate much useful Knowledge relating to them is most evident and most thankfully to be acknowledged to his Goodness and Bounty Quest What Expectation is there of a Full and Certain Publick Interpretation of all such Scriptures Answ It is not for us to know the Times and Seasons which the Father hath put in his own power But most probably at the time of fulfilling the great Prophesies of the New Testament there shall be such ex●raordinary Effusions of the Divine Spirit as shall expedite all Doubt and make every thing clear the Knowledge of which is not reserved for Heaven to adorn the Absolute State of Perfection there Quest Seeing by all that hath been said it appears how incongruous Private Interpretation is to Publick Scripture or that the Will of Man should be trusted with the one and not with the other What Account therefore can be given of Translations May not they bring in a Private Interpretation upon Scripture if not performed by an immediate Divine Assistance Answ Even as in the safe Conveyance of Scripture it self and preserving it pure from gross Falsifications so in Translations we must leave
Peace and Welfare and to punish Offenders and Transgressors according to the Degree of their Guilt and can no more be Impeached in that procedure than in any the most undoubted Functions or Rights of Government whatever Quest I must desire to be guided in my Thoughts concerning the Power of Governours in Revealed Religion Answ Besides the Legislative and Vindictive Power of Supreme Magistrates in Natural Religion there is that Divine stamp of Authority God hath Engraven upon them so that besides their Laws they recommend Religion by the very representation of God himself whose Presence they bear and have not only the more Remote Authority of a Prince but the nearest most Natural and kindly Authority of a Father On account of which Solomon as a King so often speaks Hear O ye Children the Instruction of a Father and as having all Parental Affection in himself forsake not saith he the Law of a Mother The Care of all means for Instruction and Propagation of Religion is most proper to Government And all these Administrations in Religion run not only through all points of Natural Religion in that ampleness before expressed but do most genuinely and freely stream through all points of Revealed Truth and the whole Counsel of God in the Scripture nothing being more Princely and Paternal than the utmost Providence and Influence of Princes and Soveraign States herein wherein they fulfill the Prophesie of Kings being Nursing Fathers and Queens Nursing Mothers to the Church of God But there is this difference between Natural and Revealed Religion Natural Religion is written in the Heart and may certainly be found there however it comes to be known clearly and truly only by Revelation and so may be absolutely Commanded But Revealed Religion is recorded by Faith and Faith cometh by Hearing and Hearing by the Word of God and therefore cannot be Commanded but must be expected by the Blessing of God upon Instruction But if any Man profess to believe Revealed Religion to have received it as the undoubted Truth of God it is then the Law of Nature he should deport himself in it and towards it as to the Truth of God Nebuchadnezzer Darius and the King of Nineveh their Laws were rightly grounded upon the Principles of Natural Religion concerning the True God The Laws of Moses and the Princes of Judah in Revealed Religion were upon the so unavoidable acknowledgement of the Divine Presence and Authority in and with those Laws the so many Repeated Covenants Indentures and Engagements of that People on the evident Appearances of God to be obedient to those Laws But in the Revelation o● Jesus Christ we find no tracks of Humane Power b●●●ll was done by Instruments fitted from Heaven naked of ●ll Humane Authority that the Excellency of th● 〈◊〉 might be of God and not of Men till Princes and 〈◊〉 agreed in the Faith of the Gospel not by Compulsion but by Evidences and inward Assurances of the Faith and so it is still to continue Quest Before you pass from this point that it may be made the clearer will you give the Distinction between Sovereign Powers and the Elders of the Church For they are both called Rulers they are both called the Ministers of God Answ This is indeed most necessary to be known as tending much to Illustrate this whole Matter 1. The Power of the Elders of the Church lies wholly and intirely in the Evidence of the Truth and the Word of God they Minister without which their Persons are Invested with no Power or Authority at all But there is a Sacred Character upon Soveraign Powers and their very Persons so that Reverence Prostration Obeysance Honourable Titles and Obedience in all Lawful Things are due to them even when their Commands in some things being unlawful cannot be obeyed as appears every where in Scripture 2. The Authority Power and Majesty of Sovereign Princes remains Inviolable and not to be invaded by any no not by those who have Commission to speak the Word of God There is no Temporal Power in order to Spirituals Conferred by Christ or Ordained to his Ministers to Create a Civil-Spiritual Power within a Civil and to rencounter it But Princes are in all Causes and over all Persons within their own Dominions under God and according to his appointment Supream Governours so contrary is Scripture to the Usurpation of the Anti-Church herein All Religious Princes guiding themselves by Gods Word have great Power and Authority not only by that Word but by Virtue of that Authority and Majesty God hath Cloathed them with as his Vicegerents to Direct and Govern according to Truth wherein the Divine Spirit is pleased often to be so immediately present with them that a Divine Sentence is in the Kings Lips that they may direct according to Truth and in all Truth they are to be Obey'd not only for the Truths sake but for that Authorities sake also God hath Invested them with 3. The Elders of the Church lose their Power by erring from Truth and the Word of God for of what Authority is the False Prophet or the False Teacher But Princes and Soveraign Powers have a Power though misapply'd to vindicate their Authority upon those that cannot Obey them except they should Disobey God to Obey Magistrates which none dare assert that acknowledge God in which Power Magistrates must not be resisted even while they cause Men to suffer for Righteousness sake 4. The Admonitions Excommunications Anathema's of Church Rulers have no Force when not grounded upon Divine Truth nor ought to make Impression upon Conscience but to be rejected with Disdain But the Penal Sentences and Vindictive Decrees of Sovereign Powers have their Effect so far even when they are unjust as to be received as an Ordination of Power appointed by God though us'd to a wrong purpose Where the Word of a King is there is Power and his Wrath is as the Roaring of a Lion and it is so appointed by God Against such a Supream Executive Power Arm'd with the Supream Legislative Power of a Nation there is no rising up no remedy but appeal to God by Prayers and Tears Quest This whole Account might be much Illustrated if it be declared on the other side what Obedience is due to the Ministers of the Word and Truth of God whether extraordinary as Prophets and Apostles or ordinary as the Elders of the Church and Ministers of the Gospel even when Supream Magistrates Command the contrary Answ The Word and Truth of God are of so Supream Authority that though the Ministers of it are of no Authority separated from that Word yet the Word and ●●uth o● God of which they are Embassadours is much high●● 〈◊〉 ●he Kings and Princes of the Earth and there is no Compare between th● one and the other God therefore raised up extraordinarily what Messengers he pleased and sent them with what Messages he thought good to what Princes or Magistrates soever because immediately 〈◊〉 God the