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A20672 Of the visible sacrifice of the Church of God· The first part. VVritten by Anonymus Eremita Doughty, Thomas, fl. 1618-1638. 1638 (1638) STC 7072.4; ESTC S116351 164,395 307

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of the Catholick Church for these 1600. yeares or the omnipotency of God and say that he cannot effect it and so hath deceaued his Church for these many hundred yeares togeather both which is absurd and not befitting the thoughts of any Christian 11. Moreouer our Sauiour promised to giue bread to eate which should be his flesh saying The Our Sauiour promised to giue bread to eate vvhich should be his flesh bread vvhich I vvill giue is my flesh c. Ioh. 6 but he did no promise to giue his flesh to eate cut into peeces for that was the errour of the Capernits but his whole flesh and body and so promised that his whole flesh and body should be in diuerse places distributed or giuen by himselfe and caried in his owne hands who is both able to doe what soeuer he promised Rom. 4. 20. and vvill vvatch vpon his vvord to doe it Ierem. 1. 12. As we find by experience he did in the institution of the communion according to the plaine and expresse Text of Scripture saying Iesus tooke bread and blessed and brake and gaue to his Disciples and said Take ye and eate this is my body Math. 26. And the Scriptures cannot be broken as our Sauiour himselfe said Ioh. 10. 35. 12. That one and the same substantiall body of our Lord may by the omnipotency of his will not only be Sacramentally in diuerse places at the same tyme as it is in the blessed Sacrament but also visibly and personally is manifest for our Aduersaries confesse that the body of our Lord hath The body of our Lord both in heauen and earth at the same tyme. alwayes bin in heauen since the tyme of his Ascention yet the Scriptures say that since the tyme of his Ascension S. Paule being in prison our Sauiour stood by him and said be constant c. Act. 23. 11. and seing that our Sauiour stood by S. Paule in the prison and spoke vnto him standing by him Our Sauiour stood by S. Paule certainly he was vpon earth vnlesse our Aduersaries will make our Sauiour to haue so long leggs as that being in heauen he may also stand vpon the earth which is absurd and then he should not be cōtained in heauen as our Aduersaries affirme 13. At the vocation of S. Paule S. Luke saith that the men who were in the companie of S. Paule when our Lord spoke vnto him Heard a voice but S. Paule heard our Sauiours voice saw noe man Act. 9. 7. so there was a man present to be seen otherwise it were in vaine for the Scriptures to saye They saw no man when there was none to be seen Againe S. Ananias said vnto S. Paule The God of our Fathers hath preordinated the that thou shouldst knowe his will and see the S. Paule heard our Sauiours voice from his mouth just one and here his voice from his mouth Act. 22. 15. all which words import the personall presence of our Lord vpon earth for otherwise S. Paule could not haue heard our Lords voice from his mouth if he had bin in heauen neither would the Scriptures haue said that he had heard his voice from his mouth if our Lord had appeared only in a vision or resemblance and not in his proper person for that had not bin his mouth but a resemblance of it Wherefore seing that S. Paule heard our Lords voice from his mouth it is manifest that our Lord was personally vpon earth 14. The cause why our Lord appeared to S. Paule was as our Sauiour then said To this end that Our Sauiour ordained S. Paule Minister of the Ghospell I may ordaine the a Minister and wittnes of these things which thou hast seen as were the rest of the Apostles who were made Ministers of the Ghospels and wittnesses of the Resurrection not from heauen or in a vision only but by our Lords personally appearing vnto them vpon earth Wherevpon S. Paule saith Am not I an Apostle haue not I seen Christ Iesus our Lord 1. Cor. 9. 1. which argument had not bin sufficient to proue that he was an Apostle had he not seen our Lord in person here vpon earth as did the rest of the Apostles but only in a vision for S. Ananias also saw our Lord after his Ascension in a vision Act. 9. 10. yet he was not an Apostle 15. Moreouer S. Paule affirmeth that he saw our Sauiour as the rest of the Apostles saw him S. Paule savv our Sauiour as the rest of the Apostles did which was corporally here vpon earth saying Our Lord was seen of Cephas after of the eleuen Then was he seen of more then fine hundred Brethren moreouer he was seen of Iames and last of me 1. Cor. 15. 15. where he putteth no difference betweene his manner of seeing our Lord and the manner in which the other Apostles and Disciples saw our Lord which was in his proper person Wherefore seing that our Lord is alwayes personally in heauen and shal be personally in heauen vntill the daye of judgment as our Aduersaries confesse and yet the Scriptures so often affirme that S. Paule since his Ascension saw him vpon earth heard him speake standing by him heard his voice from his mouth was ordained Minister of the Ghospell by him and wittnes of his resurrection from death as were the rest of the Apostles and the ancient Fathers with one voice so constantly affirming that the body of our Lord after consecration is in the blessed Sacrament of the Altar who without Testimony of Scriptures or Fathers shall affirme that one and the same true reall and substantiall body cannot by diuine power be in diuerse places at one and the same tyme that is not very incredulous CHAP. VI. One and the same substantiall body and bloud of our Lord in the holy Sacrament is in diuerse places and vnder diuerse dimensions at the same tyme. Our Sauiours prouidence in preuenting errour in this Sacrament 1. OVr Sauiour foreseeing that there would come a tyme when there should arise men who would call themselues Christians and yet both deny the offring of visible Sacrifice in his body and bloud and also that God by the power of his will could putt one and the same his substantiall body in diuerse places and vnder diuerse dimensions at the same tyme to preuent their incredulitie at the institution of the blessed Sacrament not only said once of the thing which he deliuered in the communion vnto the Apostles This is my body which is giuen for you This is the Chalice the new Testament in my bloud which is shed for you Luk. 22. but also to establish this truth of the being of his one true reall and substantiall body and bloud in all the Christian Sacrifices and Sacraments which were to be offred and communicated throughout the whole world that there might neuer be any more question or doubt of it amongst Christians who should professe the doctrine of Iesus-Christ spoke
Sacrifice to some creature Which S. Paul also signifyeth saying vnto those of Listria who would haue offred Sacrifice vnto him and Barnabe why do you these things we are mortall men like vnto you Act. 14. 11. neither would those of Listria though heathen men haue gonn about to offer Sacrifice to Paul and Barnabe but that they esteemed them Gods saying Gods made like men are descended vnto vs and they called Barnabe Iupiter and Paul Mercurie Act. 14. 11. 7. The reason why Sacrifice is so only due vnto God as that it may not be giuen vnto any creature first is for that Sacrifice is a visible known signe of the deliuery of ourselues vnto him vnto whom the Sacrifice is offered as vnto our God as God himself witnesseth VVhy Sacrifice is only due vnto God saying They haue forsaken mee and haue Sacrificed to strange Gods 4. Kings 22. 17. Again they haue forsaken mee and haue Sacrificed to strange Gods that they might prouoke mee to wrath 2. Paral. 34. 25. and man being Gods by title of his creation conseruation and redemption may not giue himself vnto any other as vnto his God and therefore he may not offer Sacrifice vnto any creature Secondly God created mā according to his owne Image to the Image of God he created him Gen. 1. 27. And as our Sauiour said of the tribute mony Whose is this Image and superscriptiō They sayd vnto him Cesars Then he saith to them render therefore the things that are Cesars to Cesar and the things that are Gods to God Matth. 22. Wherevpon Tertullian in his book of idolatrie saith As the Image of Cesar which is vpon his coyn is due vnto Cesar so the Image of God which is in Man is due vnto God wherefore as thou restorest mony to Cesar so thou oughtest to giue thy self to God 8. And for that exterior Sacrifice is so proper vnto God as a visible signe of the inuisible acknowledging him for our Lord in our harts and a diuine worship or worship of Latria due only VVhy the Diuels desire Sacrifice vnto him to signify the inward spirituall Sacrifice wherewith the soule offreth herself vnto God as vnto the originall cause of her creation and end of her happines therefore the Diuel who is couetous of diuine honor and ambitious to be esteemed as a God desireth to haue external Sacrifice offred vnto him as witnesseth S. Augustin The more fovvl the more ambitions in the 19. Chapter of his 10. Book of the Cittie of God saying The Diuels for no other cause do desire Sacrifices to be offred vnto them then for that they know they are due vnto the true God for it is not true which Porphyrie affirmeth and some others think that the Diuel desireth to haue Sacrifice offred vnto him for that he delighteth in the sauour of dead carkasses burned or rosted but for that he delighteth in deuine honour They haue store of the sauour of things burned euery where and if they should desire more the Diuels themselues could do this for themselues but because these wicked Spirits do impudently chalenge to themselues to be God they are not delighted with the smoak which procedeth from the burning of any body but that which procedeth from the mind of an humble suppliant or petitioner who being deceaued is become subiect vnto them and they domineere ouer him stopp in his passage vnto the true God that man should not become the Sacrifice of God whilst he is offered in Sacrifice vnto another who is not God Agayn in the 22. Chap. of his 20. Book against Faustus the Manichean he saith The proud and wicked Spirits are not fedd with the sauour of things burnt or rosted in the Sacrifices which are offred vnto them or with smoak as many vainly think but they are fedd with the errors of men not by a refection of their bodies but by a malicious delight that they can by any meanes deceaue yea though it be by an arrogant pride of a dissembled majestie and so glory that diuine honor is exhibited vnto them 9. And if there had been any visible outward action more due vnto God or of greater esteeme VVhy our Sauiour redeemed mankind by a Sacrifice or of more woorth in the presence of God then exteriour visible Sacrifice representing the inward Sacrifice of the hart and mind certayn it is that the Sonne of God our Sauiour CHRIST IESVS would haue donn that act or offred it to God the Father for the redemption of mankind Seeing he descended from heauen not to do his own will but the will of God that sent him Ioh. 6. 38. And God the Father in him was well pleased Matth. 3. 17. But seeing he redeemed mankind by exterior visible Sacrifice representing the inward Sacrifice of his hart and soul who can doubt but that of all the outward actions of men externall visible Sacrifice representing the inuisible Sacrifice of the hart is the cheifest and aboue all other visible outward actions due vnto God which S. Augustin in his first book against the aduersaries of the Law and the Prophets and 18. Chapter further witnesseth saying Sacrifice is cheifly and aboue all things due vnto God CHAP. V. Of all the visible actions of men exteri or visible Sacrifice is due vnto God alone 1. ALl other exterior visible actiōs of men except externall visible Sacrifice may be donn or exhibited vnto creatures as visible adoration by bowing to the ground kneeling openning of the lips lifting vp of the hands c. haue been and are giuen vnto men or creatures euen by good and pious men As it is read of Abraham Adoration may be giuen vnto creatures who when he did see three men comming towards him he rann to meet them and adored to the ground Gen. 18. 2. Again Abraham rose vp and adored the people of the land that is to say the Children of Heth Gen. 23. 7. yet Abraham is called Father of the faithfull Rom. 4. And likwise when Iacob did see Esau comming towards him going forward he adored prostrate to the ground seauen times Gen. 33. 3. It being told Moyses that Iethro his father in law was comming towards him Moyses going out mett him adored and kissed him Exod. 18. 7. The Brethren of Ioseph the Patriark adored him prostrate to the ground Gen. 43. 26. Iosue fell flat to the ground and adored an Angell Ios 5. 24. Nathan the Prophet adored king Dauid bowing to the earth 3. Kings 1. 23. 2. God Almightie speaking of the reuerence which shall be vsed towards the chiefe Pastors of his Church in the New Law saith Kings shal be they nureing Fathers and Queenes they nurces with countenance cast down towards the ground they shall adore thee and they shall lick vp the dust of thy feete Isa 49. 23. The Children of the Prophets Adored Elizeus adored Elizeus flat to the ground 4. Kings 2. 15. The Children of Israel being assembled togeather they
plāt peace and preach as S. Paul saith Peace to them that were farr of and peace to them that were nigh Ephe. 2. 17. And God is not the God of dissention but of peace 1. Cor. 14. 33. 6. Fourthly Adam and his sonnes liued in the law of nature and instituted externall visible Sacrifice in the Church of God vpon earth according to the Law of Nature no other law being then published or known as all diuines generally Sacrifice instituted by the Lavv of Nature hold and the law of nature being inserted and ingrafted by God as S. Paul saith Rom. 2. 15. in the harts of all men for them to follow as a rule of Iustice and an instinct of nature proceeding from reason as an euerlasting couenant between God and Man Isa 24. 5. Certayn it is that our The Lavv of Nature immutable Sauiour could not take away externall visible Sacrifice from amongst men and moue them to violate the Law of Nature or change it in the harts of all men seeing that as S. Paul saith He continueth faithfull and cannot deny himself 2. Tim. 2. 13. to change his diuine decrees and alter the Law of Nature in all men or change the naturall diuine instinct which he hath engrafted in all men to follow euen from the first beginning of his Church vpon earth which Lactantius in his 6 Book and 8. Chapter of diuine Institutions obserueth out of the 3. book of Ciceros common-wealth saying Cicero almost with a diuine voice hath in these words described the Law of Nature saying The Law of Nature is right reason agreable Description of the Lavv of Nature to nature spread amongst all men constant and euerlasting To this Law it is not lawfull to add any thing or to take away Thus Lactantius and Cicero of the Law of Nature Wherefore seeing that visible Sacrifice was instituted by the Law of Nature most certayn it is that our Sauiour came not to take it away but to institute it in better termes with he did when taking bread he gaue thanks and brake and gaue to the Apostles saying This is my Body which is giuen for you to God do this for a commemoration of mee In like manner the Chalice also after he had supped saying This is the Chalice the New Testament in my Bloud which is shed for you to God This do ye as often as you shall drink for a commemoration of mee Wherefore we may iustly complayn of these who persecute the offering of visible Sacrifice vnto God in the words with the Prophet Isaie vsed when he complayned of the Iewes for violating the Law of Nature saying The earth is infected with the inhabitants thereof because they haue transgressed the Lawes changed right dissipated the euerlasting couenant Isa 24. 5. 7. Fiftly the Prophet Daniel promiseth that externall visible Sacrifice shall be offered vnto God in the Church of God vntill the end of the Sacrifice to last vntil the end of the vvorld world saying And in the half of the week shall the host and the Sacrifice fail and there shal be in the Temple the abomination of desolation euen to the consummation Daniel 9. 27. Agayn The continuall Sacrifice shal be taken away and the abomination of desolation shal be set vp Dan. 12. 11. And our Sauiour himself setting down the tyme when this Prophecy of Daniel shall be fulfilled and when there shal be no more hosts nor Sacrifices offered to God in his Church vpon earth saith And when you shall see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of by Daniel standing in the holy place c. immediatly afther the tribulation of those dayes the Sunn shal be darkned and the Moone shal not giue light and the Starres shall fall from heauen Math. 24. And so forth describeth the day of Iudgment signifying that externall visible Sacrifice shal be offered in the Church of God vntill a litle before the consummation of the world 8. Sixtly God Almightie promised saying I will send of them which shall be saued to the Gentils into the Sea into Africa and Lidia into Italy and Greece to the Ilands farr of to them that haue not Priests and Leuits shal be allvvayes in the Church to offer Sacrifice heard of mee and haue not seene my glory And they shall shew forth my glory to the Gentils and they shall bring all your Brethren of all Nations a guift to our Lord. And I will take of them to be Priests and Leuits saith our Lord because as a new Heauen and a new earth which I make to stand before mee saith our Lord so shall your seed stand and your name Isa 66. 19. Where we see that God almightie promiseth to make Priests and Leuits whose office is to offer and assist at the offering of visible Sacrifice of the gentils conuerted vnto Christianity and that their seede shall not fail vntill the end of the world Wherevpon S. Augustin in the 21. Chapter of his 20. Book of the Cittie of God alledging this place saith God compareth the conuerted Gentils as it were by a similitude vnto the Children of Israel offring vnto him their hosts or Sacrifice with Psalmes in his house or Temple which the Church doth now euery where and hath promised that he would take of them Priests and Leuits for himself which now we see donne for now Priests are not by succession of flesh and bloud according to the order of Aron but as it ought to be in the new Testament where Christ is the chiefe Priest according to the order of Melchisedech thus S. August 9. Seuenthly God promised by the Prophet Ieremy saying Behold the dayes shall come saith our Lord and I will raise vp the good word that I haue spoken to the house of Israel c. This is the name they shall call him the lord of our iust one c and of Priests and Leuits there shall not faill from before my face a man to offer Holocausts and to burne Sacrifice and to kill victimes all dayes Ierem. 33. 14. Wherevpon Theodoret in his interpretation of this place saith Wee see the euent of this Prophecy for the new Testament being giuen according to the diuine promise The Priest-hood according to the order of Melchisedech is also giuen which whosoeuer haue obteyned do offerr vnto God reasonable Sacrifice 10. Eightly S. Paul commaundeth all Christians No communion vvithout Sacrifice saying As often as you shall eate this Bread and drink the Chalice you shall shew the death of our Lord vntill he come 1. Cor. 11. 26. and our Lord dyed offering vp himself to God in an externall visible Sacrifice as our aduersaries do graunt whereby it is manifest that exteriour visible Sacrifice by the commaund of the Scriptures shall last vntill the later day 11. Ninthly externall visible Sacrifice being a thing only and chiefly aboue all things due vnto God and giuen vnto God by the consent of all Nations thereby to acknowledg him for
of God who liue after the Passion of Christ stand in need of a Sacrifice in their communion to represent the Sacrifice of our Sauiour vpon the Crosse past to apply his merits vnto them who was slaine as S. Iohn saith from the beginning of the world Apoc. 13. 8. And as many as were saued in the law of nature or vvritten lavv or shal be saued in the law of Grace all were and shal be saued by the merits of the passion of our Sauiour and his Sacrifice vpon the Crosse And therefore if in the lavv of nature and written lavv they had need of externall visible Sacrifice to apply the Passion of our Sauiour vnto them so likevvise haue vve in the nevv lavv seeing that the ould lavv vvas a figure of the nevv 1. Cor. 10. 6. Wherevpon S. Augustine in the 18. chapter of his 20. booke against Faustus saith At this present Christians do celebrate the memorie of the sacrifie of Christ passed vpon the Crosse by the most holie oblation of the body and bloud of Christ 8. The chiefest act whereby our Sauiour redeemed vs vvas his offering or giuing himselfe to God for our Redemption according to his word saying I yeild my life for my sheepe Ioh. 10. 15. Sacrifice taken avvaie the commemoration of our Sauiours passion is also taken avvaie Against Christ gaue himselfe for vs that he might redeeme vs. Tit. 2. 14. Wherefore if our Sauiour had taken away all externall visible Sacrifice out of his Church he had left in deeds or actions no expresse commemoration of his Passion 9. God Almightie threatneth it as a great To be depriued of Sacrifice is threatned as a punishment plague to the pleople of Israel to take away from amongst them for their sinnes Sacrifices and Altars saying Manie daies shall the kingdome of Israel sit without King and without Prince and without Sacrifice and without Altar c. And after this the children of Israel shall returne and shall seek the lord their God and his goodnes in the last dayes Osee 34. Where we see that God himself accompted it a great plague for the Children of Israel to be without Sacrifice and Altar as they are and shal be vntill a litle before the last dayes according to this prophecy and at the last dayes they shall seeke the Lord their God and his goodnes and become Christians and haue Sacrifice and Altars Wherefore if our Sauiour should haue planted his new lavv and Testament vvithout any externall visible Sacrifice or Altar the nevv lavv had bin a lavv and Testament of greater anger vvrath and punishmēt then vvas the ould law and not a law of greater grace and fauor which is repugnant to the promises saying Christ came to preach the acceptable yeare of our Lord Psal 71. 1. Luc. 4. 19. Insomuch as S. Paul speaking of this tyme of grace saith Behold now is the time acceptable behold now the day of saluation 2. Cor. 6. 2. c. 10. As I said in the 2. Chapter two things haue alvvayes been highly esteemed amongst men the honor of their God and their vnity peace and society with him and amongst themselues and these two haue been chiefely mainteyned amongst men of all nations by offering visible Sacrifice vnto God and after by eating or communicating of the said Sacrifice amongst themselues as I haue prooued in the 2. chapter By Sacrifice peace and vnitie is preserued and our Sauiour came not to take away peace vnitie and societie of men with God or amongst themselues but to plant it saying Not for the Apostles only do I pray but for them also that by their word shall beleeue in mee that they all may be one as thou Father in mee and I in thee that they also in vs may be one that the world may know that thou hast sent mee Ioh. 17. 20. 11. God Almightie promised by the Prophet Ieremie that visible Sacrifice should neuer be taken away saying Of Priests and Leuits there shall not fail from before my face a man to offer Holocausts and to burn Sacrifice and kill victimes all dayes Ier 33. 18. According to which promises S. Paul commandeth the Christians to offer Sacrifice saying you shall shew the death of our Lord vntill he come 1. Cor. 11. 26. who dyed offering vp himself in a visible Sacrifice as our aduersaries will confesse 12. If our Sauiour had taken away the offering of visible Sacrifice to God and had instituted a communion by taking an eating a peace of bread and apprehending Christ in heauen by VVithout Sacrifice there is no difference betvveen the communion and eating of common meat faith he had made no difference betweene the eating of common meat and the communion for euery one who eateth or drinketh piously like a Christian and not like a beast apprehendeth God or CHRIST IESVS our Lord in heauen by the hand of faith as author and giuer of that meat as often as they eat or drink 13. The offering of visible Sacrifice in generall vnto God vvas a matter of faith planted in the Church of God vpon earth euen from the first foundatiō of the Church of God vpon earth after the fall of Adam as I haue prooued in the last Chapter and faith is one and vnchangeable as also there I haue prooued Whereby it is sufficiently Our Sauiour changed not the faith but ceremonies of the old Lavv. manifest vnto any indifferent Reader that our Sauiour at his comming did not nor would take away out of his Church which he founded vpon earth externall visible Sacrifice but took away only the ceremoniall law and planted externall visible Sacrifice in more worthy gifts as made suertie of a better Testament Heb. 7. 22. 14. And to conclude all the known world as I haue prooued in the 2. and 3. chapters at the tyme of our Sauiour offered visible Sacrifice vnto some God true or false thereby to adore him with the honor of Latria or honor due only vnto God and signifie the Sacrifice of their harts vnto him and vnion with him Wherefore if our Sauiour had quite taken away the offering of visible Sacrifice to any God some Iew or gentill would haue accused him or the Apostles of it Our Sauiour neuer accused of taking avvay Sacrifice which vve neuer read that they did yet the Iewes so highly esteemed visible Sacrifice as they accounted it a punishment or curse to be without it as appeareth Dan. 9. 27. the 11. 31. and the 12. 11. Osee 3. 4. Ioel. 1. 9. and the Gentils esteemed it a sinne worthy of death to abuse it as vvitnesseth Plato in his 10. Dialogue and a signe of atheisme and impietie to neglect it as testifyeth Plutark in his booke intituled That there Epicurus only for feare offered Sacrifice contrary to his doctrine is no pleasant life according to Epicurus who in doctrine and words denied the offering of visible Sacrifice but not in practise for feare of the
vexation might cease and by the mercies of God it forth with ceased And in the 10. chapter of the same book he saith We Sacrifice and doe immolate Sacrifice to God only and the Sacrifice it selfe is the body of Christ In the 11. chapter of his first booke de origine animae he saith According to the Catholick faith and Ecclesiasticall rule it is by no meanes granted that the participation of the body and bloud of Christ should be offered for such as are not baptised Which he also repeateth againe in the 15. chapter of his 2. book 4. In his 1. Sermon vpon the 33. Psalme he saith The sacrifice of the body and bloud of our Lord This sacrifice spread ouer the vvhole earth which the faithfull who haue read the Scriptures doe know was not in the time of the old Law which sacrifice is spread ouer the whole globe of the earth And againe in his second Sermon vpon the same Psalme he saith Christ at his last Supper instituted a sacrifice of his body and bloud according to the order of Melchisedech Whervpon in his 86. Epistle he saith Christ gaue his bloud to drinke before his Passion And in the 20. chapter of his 12. booke against Faustus he saith In this Sacrament is drunck that which flowed out of the side of Christ And vpon the 56. Psalme he affirmeth that the Iewes who crucified Christ and afterwards were conuerted to beleeue in him in this Sacramēt drunck by grace the same bloud which through furie they had shed 5. And because the same body and bloud of One body and bloud in all sacrifices our Lord is offered to God in all Christian Sacrifices which was offered to God in the Sacrifice of the Crosse though after an other manner therefore S. Augustine in the 12. chapter of his 9. booke of Confessions calleth that which is offered to God in Sacrifice by Christians the Sacrifice of our Redemtion saying The Sacrifice of our Redemtion was offered for his Mother after her decease at her Funeralls And in the 13. chapter of the same book speaking of his said Mother S. Monica saith She desyred to be remembred at the Altar of God where at she vsed to assist without pretermission of This Sacrifice dispensed from the Altar any one day and from whence she knew that holy sacrifice to be dispensed whereby the hand writing was blotted out which carried our condemnation in it and whereby our Enemie had triumphed ouer vs. Thus the glorious S. Augustine and that according to the Scriptures as he further affirmeth in the 3. question of his 49. Epistle saying The sacrifice which we Christians doe now offer is not only demonstrated by the written word of the Ghospells but also by the Prophecies 6. Neither is this expression of the Sacrifice of the body and bloud our Lord found only in S. Augustine but also in the rest of the ancient Fathers who are commonly stiled Doctors of the Catholick Church as namely in S. Basil S. Chrisostome S. Ambrose S. Gregorie and S. Hierome for the Church being in peace in their times the first fower of these fiue that is to saie S. Basil S. Chrisostome S. Ambrose and S. Gregorie euery one of them sett forth books where in they expresse the forme and manner how to offer Sacrifice in the body and bloud of our Lord with great solemnitie Fouer Doctors sett forth Missalls and how to administer the Sacramēt in the same which books are extant in print vnder the Titles of The Liturgie of S. Basil The Liturgie of S. Chrisostome The Masse of S. Ambrose and the Booke of the Sacraments of the circle of the yeare sett forth by S. Gregorie the Pope Where of the first two are printed with their works the latter are printed by Pamelius in his two Tomes of the Missalls of the Latin Fathers which Liturgies or Missalls are in substance the same with those Liturgies and Missalls which are vsed at this daie in the Catholick Church for the offering of Sacrifice in the body and bloud of our Lord and also with the Liturgies and Missalls which were before their times as with the Liturgie of S. Peter S. Iames S. Andrew S. Marke S. Clement c. as may manifestly appeare vnto anie man who shall take the paines to vew them 7. Moreouer S. Ambrose in the 2. chapter of his 4. book of Sacraments setteth down the words which at this daie are vsed in the Catholick Church in the consecration of the Eucharist and offering Sacrifice in the body and bloud of our Lord saying Wilt thou know how the Eucharist is consecrated by diuine wordes He are the wordes The Priest saith make this oblation apply able vnto vs reasonable and acceptable which is downe vpon the figure Bread a figure of Christs body before consecration of the body and bloud of our Lord Iesus Christ. that is to saie vpon the bread not yet consecrated After it followeth Who the daie before he suffered tooke bread into his holy handes looked vp into heauen vnto thee ô holy Father Almighty eternall God giuing thankes blessed broake and broken gaue vnto his Apostles saying Take and eate of this all for this is my body which is giuen for you And in like manner he tooke the Chalice after he had supped that is the daie before he suffered looked vp into heauen vnto thee holy Father Almighty eternall God giuing thankes blessed deliuered to his Apostles saying Take ye and drinck ye all of it for this is my bloud consider euery thing he saith who the daie before he suffered he tooke bread into his holy handes therefore it is bread before it be consecrated but when Christs wordes doe approach it is the After consecration the Eucharist is the body of Christ. body of Christ Finally heare him saying take ye eate ye all of it This is my body And before the wordes of Christ it is a Chalice full of wine and water but assoone as the wordes of Christ haue done their worke there is made the bloud which redeemed the People therefore consider after how many sortes the word of Christ is powerfull to conuert all things And to conclude our Lord Iesus-Christ himselfe doth testify vnto vs that we receaue his body and bloud and ought we to doubt of his sinceritie and testimonie Thus S. Ambrose explicating the manner of the consecration of the body and bloud of our Lord in his time and the certaintie there of in the Eucharist before receauing which manner of consecration is also vsed in the Catholicke Church at this daie Againe in the 6. chapter of the same booke he sheweth that the intent of these wordes As often as you shall doe this so often you shall doe it in commemoration of me vntill I commeagaine were to command a Sacrifice in the commemoration of his Passion and for that cause he immediatly addeth to these wordes The Priest saith therefore mindfull of his glorious
common people and not to displease the Athenians as witnesseth Cicero in his bookes of the ends of good and euill of Tusculans quest and of the nature of the God and Plutark in his book against Coletes an Epicure Wherefore seeing that it was a thing impossible and altogether incredible that our Lord and Sauiour IESVS CHRIST should quite take away the offering of externall visible Sacrifice to God for the good of those who are deceaued to the violating of Religion contempt of God and damnation of their poore soules it wil be worth our labour yet more exactly to handle this matter and seeke out how and what visible Sacrifice our Sauiour appointed for his followers to vse in his Church vpon earth which by Gods grace I will do in the ensueing chapters CHAP. IX Our Sauiour was to be a chiefe Priest of the order of Melchisedech and to offer vnbloudy Sacrifice in his body and bloud vnder the formes of bread and wine vntill the end of the world 1. THe Prophet Dauid speaking of the Priesthood of our Sauiour in the 109. Psal and 4. Ver. according vnto our account Christs Priest hood foreuer of the order of Melchisedech vvas to be performed vpon earth and 110. according to the account of Protestants and Puritans saith Our Lord hath sworn and it shall not repent him thou art a Priest foreuer according to the Order of Melchisedech This to be spoken of our Sauiour S. Paul witnesseth Heb. 5. 6. 10. Heb. 6. 20. So here we haue that our Sauiour vvas to be a Priest not for once or for a litle while as vpon the Crosse but as long as the world shall last vntill Eternitie come or as the Apostle saith vntill Christ shall come to Iudgment 1. Cor. 11. 26. For these words foreuer euerlasting are many tymes taken for as long as the world shall last or for a long time as Leuit. 25. 46. Exod. 15. 18. Exod. 21. 6. Exo. 31. 16. Leuit. 23. 31. Eze. 26. 21. And S. Hierome in his commentaries vpon the 26. of Ezechiel and 21. Ver. and vpon the first to the Gal and 4. Ver. affirmeth that the hebrew word Leolam vvhich is here translated foreuer doth not signify the eternity of the other life but the whole tyme of this life or as long as the world shall endure c. 2. The end and vse of Priesthood and offering The vse of Priesthood and sacrifice vp of Sacrifice is as S. Paul saith Heb. 5. 1. to obtayn remission of sinnes but after the day of Iudgment and end of this world there wil be no more any remission of sinnes wherefore it were in vayn to say that Christ were a Priest foreuer in the other world of eternitie according to the order of Melchisedech seeing that in the eternitie of the other life there is no remission of sinnes or vse of Priesthood or Sacrifice according to the order of Melchisedech which S. Paul further signifyeth saying Where there is no remession of sinnes as in the eternitie of the other life now there is not an oblation for sinnes Heb. 10. 18. Agayn S. Paul sayith Euery high Priest is appointed that he may offer guifts and hosts wherefore it is necessary that he also haue somthing that he may offer Heb. 8. 3. But it were absurd to say that Christ in heauen offered Sacrifice hosts or gifts according to the order of Melchisedech seeing that in heauen earthly Sacraments and Sacrifices which are represented vnder outward corruptible materiall signes do cease by reason of the imperfection for in heauen is no imperfection 1. Cor. 13. 10. 3. And S. Paul speaking of the Priesthood of our Sauiour according to the order of Melchisedech saith If then consummation was by the Leuiticall Priesthood what necessitie was there yet of an other Christ a Priest of the order of Melchisedech and not of Aaron Priest to rise according to the order of Mechisedech and not to be called according to the order of Aaron for the Priesthood being translated it is necessary that a translation of the law also be made for Christ of whom these things be said is of another tribe of the which none attended on the Altar Heb. 7. 11. Where we Chriests Priesthood to be performed on earth see that our Sauiours Priesthood according to the order of Melchisedech was to be performed vpon earth as the Priesthood according to the order of Aaron was performed vpon earth and the law was translated vpon earth and the tribes and Altars were vpon earth 4. Neither can this prophecy be vnderstood of This Prophecie not vnderstood of the Sacrifice vpon the Cross our Sauiours Sacrifice vpon the Crosse for that was but once offered Heb. 10. 10. and if the Scriptures here should speake of the Sacrifice of the Crosse it should say thou art a Priest for once and not say thou art a Priest foreuer Secondly S. Paul saith Other Priests by death were prohibited to continue but Christ for that he continueth foreuer hath an euerlasting Priesthood Heb. 7. 23. But as our Sauiour offered himself in Sacrifice vpon the Crosse he was neither euerlasting nor immortall but mortall and dyed and therefore as he was offered vpon the Cross he was by death prohibited to continue aswell as other Priests wherefore it cannot be said that Christ is a Priest foreuer according to the order of Melchisedech because he offered himself vpon the Crosse 5. The Sacrifice of our Sauiour vpon the Crosse was bloudy and rather according to the order of Aaron then Melchisedech of which order our Sauiour was not as S. Paul witnesseth saying Christ Our Sauiour vvas not a Priest of the order of Aron was not called according to the order of Aaron Heb. 7. 11. Wherefore seeing that our Sauiour was to be a Priest to offer Sacrifice vnto God vntill the end of the world and that there neither is nor hath been any other Sacrifice offered in the Christian Church but that which amongst Christians No Sacrifice amongst Christians but that of the body and bloud of our Lord. is called the Sacrifice of the body and bloud of our Lord as all the Christian Church seruice bookes Histories Chronicles and testimonies of ancient tyme beare witnes what Christian man can deny that our Sauiour was to be a Priest foreuer to offer this Sacrifice of his body and bloud by himself his Apostles and their Successors vntill the end of the world and that this oath of God is fulfilled in offering or giuing to God his body and bloud vnder the species of bread and wine according to his commaund at his last supper when taking bread he gaue thanks and brake and gaue to the Apostles saying This is my body which is giuen for you to God And in like manner the Chalice after he had supped saying This is the Chalice of the new Testament in my blood which is shed for you to God Luc. 22. Do this the same which he then
they being for the most part daily and publickly vsed and practised in all the Curches of Christendome and no knowne Christian Catholick man to take notice of such a generall corruption was a thing impossible as we see by experience in thinges of lesser moment and more rarelie practised and of meaner account and reckoning Neither could the whole Christian Catholick Church the promises of God vnto his Church considered so suddenly decaie after the death and Passion of our Lord that in all Christendome there should be no knowne publick practise of the right administration of the Sacrament of the bodie and bloud of our Lord. 3. And if wee looke in to the first Liturgie or publicke Church seruice booke which was made The Christian vnbloudie sacrifice begunn at Hierusalem in the Apostles tymes for the Church of Hierusalem where the Ghospell first began and from whence it was to be spredd and preached vnto all nations according to the wordes of our Lord Luck 24. 47. Act. 1. 8. as into the Liturgie which was made by S. Iames the Apostle for the Church of Hierusalem whereof he was instituted Bishop by the Apostles as witnesseth Eusebius in the 22. chapter of his 2. booke of histories which Liturgie is also confirmed to be his by the 32. Canon of the 6. generall Councell by Proclus Bishop of Constantinople in his Tradition of the Diuine Liturgie and S. Cirill Bishop of Hierusalem in his 5. Catechesis both which liued aboue 1200. yeares past and see what will be found there it will directe vs in all the rest 4. In this Liturgie the Priest saith Lord thou S. Iames his Liturgie hast granted that we should confidentlie approach vnto thy holie Altar and offer vnto thee this reuerend and vnbloudie Sacrifice for our sinns c. Let it please thee that these Giftes which we offer with our handes maie be acceptable vnto thee c. Doe not turne awaie from vs sinners handeling tbis fearefull and vnbloudie Sacrifice c. Let it please thee o Lord that we maie be ministers of thy new testament and sacrifice of thy immaculate misteries and admitt vs approaching vnto thy holie Altar according to the multitude of thy mercies that we may be worthie who would offer vnto thee Giftes and sacrifice for our selues and for those sinnes which the people haue committed through ignorance Grāt vs ô Lord that we maie offer vnto thee with all feare and a pure concience this spirituall and vnbloudie Sacrifice c. We bend our knees vnto thy goodnes haue mercie vpon vs ô Lord seeing that we worship and tremble when wee are to aproache vnto tby holie Altar to offer this fearefull and vnbloudie sacrifice for our sinnes c. We offer vnto thee this venerable and vnbloudie sacrifice c. Send vpon vs and vpon these giftes thy holie Spirit 5. And setting downe the wordes of consecration he saith Iesus Christ the night in which he was betraied or rather the night in which be deliuered himself for the life and saluation of the world taking bread into his holy immaculate blamelesse and immortall hands looking vp into heauen and shewing to thee God and father giuing thankes sanctifying breaking he gaue vnto vs his disciples and Apostles saying Take ye and eate this is my bodie which is broken for you and is giuen for the remission of sinns In like manner after he had supped taking the Chalice and mingling wine and water and looking into heauen and shewing to thee God and Father giuing thankes Sanctifying blessing filling with the holie Ghost he gaue vnto vs his disciples saying Drincke yee all of this This is my bloud of the new Testament which is shedd for you and for manie and is giuen for the remission of sinnes doe this for a commemoration of me for as often as you shall eate this bread and drinke this Chalice you doe shew forth the death of the Sonne of man and doe confesse his resurrection vntill he come 6. And further telling vs what these Giftes and vnbloudie Sacrifices were he saith Christ our Lord doth come forth that he may be immolated and giuen for meate to the faithfull And putting a parte of the consecrated bread into the Chalice mingling them together he saith The vnion of the most pretious bodie and bloud of our Lord and God and Sauiour Iesu Christ. And sygning the consecrated bread he saith Behold the lambe of God the Sonne of the Father who taketh awaie the sinnes of the world slaine for the life and saluation of the world Thus S. Iames the Apostle and much more to this effect in his Liturgie or publick Church-seruice booke which he made for the Church of Hierusalem whereof he was Bishop 7. And the like hath all the rest of the Liturgies or publicke Church-seruice-bookes which were made by the rest of the Apostles and Euangelistes or Apostolicall men for the countries and Prouinces which they had vnder their charge or which they had conuerted vnto the Christian Catholicke faith to the publishing and dilating the vnbloudie sacrifice or sacrifice of Giftes in the bodie and bloud of our Lord which was begun in Hierusalem by our Lord and the Apostles all ouer the world for a commemoration of our Lord to the fulfilling of the prophecies in that kinde As the Liturgie or publick Church-seruice Booke of S. Peter made for the Romans and these westerne partes of the world The Liturgie of S. Matthew made for the Ethiopians and further partes of Asia and Africa The Liturgie of S Marke made for the Egiptiens and Grecians and so forth as they are sett downe by Margarinus in his sixt Tome of his Bibliotheca Patrum And in the first and laste Tome of the Bibliotheca Patrum sett forth by the Deuines of Colen 8. Of these Liturgies and publique Church-seruice bookes the afore said Proclus Bishop of Constantinople in the place afore cited writeth thus Verie manie Pastors and Doctors of the Church who were famous for pietie and some of those who succeded the Apostles haue deliuered vnto the Church in writing the exposition of the mystitall Liturgie Amongst whom S. Clement doth challenge the first place who was a disciple of the Prince of the Apostles and declared his successor by the Apostles themselues and S. Iames the first Bishop of Hierusalem Afterwards Basill the great finding that manie men thought the former Liturgies to long brought it into a more compendious forme Not long after our Iohn who of his golden eloquence was called Chrisostome hauing consideration of the infirmitie of men that they might haue no excuse tooke awaie manie things and prescribed a briefer forme c. After our sauiour was assumptod into heauen the Apostles before they were dispersed ouer the world being of one minde and liuing together gaue themselues wholy vnto praier and finding great consolation in that mysticall sacrifice of our Lords bodie they sunge the Liturgie at large with manie praiers Thus Proclus Bishop of Constantinople who
Sacrifices of the ould Law and establishing the giuing of his body to God for vs added Do this in a commemoration of me and so as S. Paule here saith he took away all the former Sacrifices of the ould Law to establish the giuing of his body to God for vs which was to follow after they were abrogated or ended 4. Though in the ould Law there were many Sacrifices Holocausts Oblations and Hosts yet in the new Law all the Sacrifices Oblations and Hosts should be but one as S. Paule saith A body thou hast fitted to me one body in all the Sacrifices of the new Law though offered in euery place amongst the conuerted One host at the last Supper vpon the Cross and daily Sacrifices of the Church Gentils as was foretold by the Prophet Malachie which here also S. Paul further signifyeth saying Christ offering one host for sinnes for euer fitteth on the right hand of God for by one oblatiō hath he consumated for euer them that are sanctifyed shewing that in the new Law there are not many Hosts Oblations or Holocausts to be offered but only one Host the body of the Sonne of God which was giuen for vs to God at his last Supper and vpon the Crosse and shall be giuē to God for vs in his Church vntill the end of the world according to the words of our Sauiour saying This is my body which is giuen for you to God doe this for a commemoration of me as S. Paul addeth vntill he come to Iudgment 1. Cor. 11. Wherevpon S. Augustin in the 20. chapter of his 10. book of the cittie of God saith Christ is the Priest he it is that offereth and he is the oblation The Christ both the Priest and the oblation Sacrament of which thing he would that it should be the daily Sacrifice of the Church which being the body of him her head hath learned to offer herself by him and of this Sacrifice the many and diuers ancient Sacrifices of the Saincts were signes that whilst this one Sacrifice was figured or sett forth by many one thing might as it were be expressed by many words and be much commended without tediousnes To this chiefe and true Sacrifice all the false Sacrifices haue giuen place Thus S. Augustin where the Sainct manifestly and clearely sheweth that Christ himself is the oblation in the daily Sacrifice of his Church succeeding in place of all the Sacrifices of the Saincts in ould Law and that the Church which is his body hath learned to offer herself by him to God in ths one and yet daily Sacrifice of his Church which is the same that the Catholick Church doth teach at this day 5. Moreouer S. Augustin in the 20. chapter of the 17. book of the cittie of God reciting this same place which S. Paul hath before cited out of the 39. Psal saith To be partakers of this table is to begin to liue for in another book which is called Ecclesiastes he saith There is no such good belonging to man as that he shall eat and drinck which we may easely vnderstand to belong vnto the being partaker of this table which the Mediator himself or Priest of the new Testament according to the order of Melchisedech doth bring in of his body and bloud for that Sacrifice hath succeeded in place of all those Sacrifices of the ould Testament which The Sacrifice of the body and bloud of our Lord succeeds all the Sacrifices of the ould Lavv. were immolated in figure of this to come for which cause we also do acknowledge that voyce of the same Mediator speaking by way of Prophecy in the 39. Psalme Sacrifice and oblation thou wouldst not but a body thou hast fitted to me for in place of all these Sacrifices and oblations of the ould Law his body is offered and administred to the communicants So S. Augustin where he sheweth most playnely that this same body of Christ is offered in Sacrifice and deliuered in the communion vnto all the communicants Againe in his book vpon the Psalmes expounding these words of the 39. Psal alledged here by S. Paul he saith Sacrifices and oblations thou wouldst not What Christians are not vvithout Sacrifice then are wee therefore in this tyme sent away with out Sacrifice God forbid But a body thou hast fitted to me therefore thou wouldst not the other that thou mightest perfect this c. and so shewing that this body is that which is sacrificed and giuen in the communion addeth In this body we are of this body we are partakers that which we haue receaued we know and you that doe not know shall know and when you haue learned I pray to God that you may not take it to your condemnation for he that eateth and drincketh vnworthily eateth and drincketh judgment to himfelf So S. Augustin 6. Primasius Bishop of Vtica in Africa and a disciple of S. August vpon the 10. to the Hebrewes saith In the Sacrifices of the Altar the host is one and not many though it be offred vp by many in diuers places and at diuers tymes the diuine power of the vvord The Sacrifice offred by many is one though offered in diuers places and at diuers tymes doth make that there are not many Sacrifices but one all though it be offered by many c. Neither is there now one greater Sacrifice and an other lesser or one offred to day and another to morrow but allwayes the selfsame hauing equall magnitude Wherefore this Sacrifice of Christ is one and not many for if it should be otherwise because it is offered in many places there should be many Christs which God forbidd one Christ therefore is in all them places And as that which is offred euery where is one body and not many bodies so also the Sacrifice is one Thus Primasius 7. And in like manner S. Chrysostome vpon the 10. to the Heb. saith The holy oblation by what Priest soeuer it be offred is the self same which Christ gaue to his Disciples this hath nothing less in it then that All Priests offer the same oblation or host had because men do not sanctify it but Christ himself who before had consecrated that And in his 24. Hom. vpon the first to the Corinthians speaking of the Christian Sacrifice which was vpon the Altar saith This body when it was placed in the manger was reuerenced The same body vpon the Altar vvhich vvas in the manger and adored by the Magi. by the Magi who though wicked and Barbarous men by nation yet left their contrey and home and vndertook a long voyage and when they came they adored with great fear and trembling Let vs Cittizens of heauen imitate at least these Barbarous people for they though they saw him in a manger and in a cottage and not in such state as thou seest him now yet they approached vnto him wit great reuerence and thou dost not see him in a manger but vpon
God is true and euery man that speaketh contrary to his word and promises is a lyar Rom. 3. 4. and beleeue as an article of our Creed that the true reall and substantiall body and bloud of our Lord is in the blessed Sacrament after consecration by the omnipotency of the word of God and so make good the promises of God our 3. Creeds and the honor of the Catholik Church of former ages 23. If thou beest a Christian and esteemest Christians bound to honor their Parents that thou art bound to keep the ten commaundements and honor they carnall Father and Mother how much more art thou bound to honor God who is Father of all Fathers and the Catholik Church who is Mother of all Mothers who are or shal be saued So do but beleeue thy Creed which teacheth thee to saye I beleeue in God the Father Almighty and in Iesus-Christ his only Sonne our Lord and not to saye I beleeue mine owne witt judgment knowledge or learning and perswade they selfe that thou art bound to honor Father and Mother and then thou wilt finde that it is as certaine that the true reall and substantiall body and bloud of our Lord is in the blessed Sacrament after consecration when it is consecrated aright by a Priest lawfully ordained as are certaine the articles of they Creed or that the promises of God are true or that thou art bound to keep the fourth commandement CHAP. X. The Amen or conclusion of this book and how all faithfull communicants haue vsed to saye Amen to the body and bloud of our Lord in the blessed Sacrament before they communicated 1. OVr Sauiour foreseeing the infidelity which vvould arise amongst men towards the end of the world against this article of the reall presence of the body and bloud of our Lord in the Eucharist after consecration Confirmation of the reall presence by oath affirmed vnder a kind of oath that we shoud eate his flesh and drink his bloud saying Amen Amen I say to you vnlesse you eate the flesh of the Sonne of man and drinke his bloud you shall not haue life in you He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud hath life euerlasting and I will raise him vp at the last daye Io. 6. For as S. Augustine in his 41. Tract vpon the Ghospell of S. Iohn saith Amen Amen is after a certaine manner Christs oath And this our Sauiour did to establish in men a confident assurance of the deliuering of his true and reall flesh to eate and bloud to drink in the Communion For to thinke that Christ our Lord who came down from heauen to teach men the truth should vse a kinde of oath in so serious a matter as did concerne the euerlasting life or death of all his Auditors and yet equiuocate rightly considered is too great an impietie to enter into the heart of any one who professeth himselfe a Christian so that it cannot be doubted but the end why our Lord vsed this his kind of oath or earnest asseueration was to assure the faithfull that The cause vvhy our Sauiour confirmed the reall presence by oath he would giue them his true reall and substantiall flesh to eate in the Eucharist for as S. Hierome in his commentaries vpon the last chapter to the Galathians saith In the ould Testament God confirmeth his words by a certaine custome of swearing saying I liue saith the Lord c. and our Sauiour in the ghospell by the word Amen doth pronounce these things to be true which he saith 2. This Doctrine being thus established by our Lord vnder his kind of oath the Apostles also according to the example of our Lord foreseeing Preuention against future difficulties the difficulty which in future tymes would arise about it taught the Children of the Church of God in the celebration of this Sacrament either presently after the words of the consecration of the body and bloud of our Lord or before the Communion or both to add to their acclamations and consent by saying Amen either to the words of consecration or els to the Priest when he should call the Eucharist the body of Christ thereby to instruct all her faithfull children constantly to beleeue the being of the true reall and substantiall body of our Lord in the Eucharist after consecration before Communion and couragiously to professe this their beliefe by acclamations of Amen to the confusion and shame of all those who at any tyme thereafter should deny it As wittnesseth the practise of the Church in all ages euen from the Apostles tymes both in the publike Liturgies or Church seruice books and the workes of the ancient Fathers 3. And as for the Liturgies the Liturgy of S. Iames the Apostle sett fort for the Church of Hierusalem saith Iesus taking bread into his holy immaculate Amen to the reall presence taught by S. Iames. inculpable and immortall hands looking into heauen and shewing to thee God and Father giuing thankes sanctifying breaking he gaue vnto vs his Disciples and Apostles saying Take ye and eate this is my body which is broken for you and giuen for the remission of sinnes Wherevnto the people aswere with a lowde voice Amen to demonstrate that they beleeued the Eucharist after the consecration to be the true and reall body of Christ for to say Amen is as much as to saye It is true And the like they answere after the consecration of the chalice the Liturgie saying Then the Priest taketh the chalice and sayth In like manner also after he had supped taking the chalice and mixing it with wine and water and looking into heauen and shewing to thee God and Father giuing thankes sanctifying blessing filling with the holy Ghost he gaue it to vs his Disciples saying Drinke ye all of this this is my bloud of the new Testament which is shed for you and for many and is giuen for the remission of sinns Where vnto the people answere with a lowde voice Amen constantly to shew their faith and beliefe of the true reall and substantiall bloud of our Lord in the Eucharist after consecration and before they receiued it 4. Amen is an Hebrew word vsed in confirmation VVhat Amen signifyeth of a thing spoken of before and signifyeth true or truth as it is true or be it so As witnesseth the Scripture saying The Leuites shall pronounce and saie to all the men of Israel with alowde voice cursed is the man that maketh a grauen thing or idoll and shall put it in secret and all the people shall answere and saye Amen Cursed is he that honoreth not his Father and Mother and all the people shall saye Amen Cursed is he that remoueth his neighbours bounds and all the people shall saye Amen c. as is sett down Deut. 27. So likewise S. Paule saith To God be honor and glory for euer and euer Amen Rom. 16. 27. Againe The holy Ghost be with you all Amen Apoc. 22. 5. So