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A19602 The estate of the Church with the discourse of times, from the apostles vntill this present: also of the liues of all the emperours, popes of Rome, and Turkes: as also of the Kings of Fraunce, England, Scotland, Spaine, Portugall, Denmarke, &c. With all the memorable accidents of their times. Translated out of French into English by Simon Patrike, Gentleman.; L'estat de l'eglise. English. Hainault, Jean de.; Crespin, Jean, d. 1572.; Patrick, Simon, d. 1613. 1602 (1602) STC 6036; ESTC S109073 532,147 761

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the meanes of Constantia hee himselfe then perswaded touching Arrius namely that hee thought no otherwise then the Councell did Constantine then sent Letters to call againe Arrius who came to Constantinople with Euzoius a Deacon who also had bene deposed by Alexander They by the Emperours commaundement gaue in a disguised and couert confession the beginning whereof was We beleeue in God the Father almightie and in our Lord Iesus Christe his sonne begotten of the Father before all worlds God and Word by which all things were created as wel in heauen as in earth who came downe and tooke humane flesh and suffered death was raised againe and ascended into heauen should come againe to iudge the quick the dead c. The rest is in Sozomen lib. 2. chap. 27. After Constantine had seene this confession he asked them if with a good hart they thought as they spake Arrius affirmed yea Constantine mistrusting his owne iudgement sent Arrius with his adherents to an assembly of Bishops which then was at Ierusalem commanding them diligently to examine the cōfession of Arrius that is if he had reuoked his error if Alexander did him wrong or no. The Sinode of Ierusalem aduertised of the Emperors will sent Letters to the Bishops of Egypt Thebaid and Libia exhorting them that according to the witnesse of the Emperour Arrius might be receiued into the Communion The Arrians strengthened with these witnesses came againe into Alexandria and thrusting themselues into company Athanasius who then hadde the charge of Alexandria would not admit them Arrius returned to Constantinople to make his complaints against Athanasius there likewise hee sought to bring himselfe by force into that Church but Alexander who had the gouernment thereof opposed himself against him saying that the author of such an heresie and a perturber of so many Churches ought not to bee receiued This came to a great contention the Eusebians threatning they would cause Alexander to bee banished Certaine dayes following the Arrians concluded to introduce Arrius by force into the Church But Alexander placing his force in the Armour of pietie entred ouer night into the Temple accompanied with two of his household and with teares passed all the night in Orisons and prayers to the Lord that hee would not suffer that rauishing wolfe lately couered with a Lambes skinne to thrust into his flocke Some say that he added these words in his prayer O Lord if it be thy will and that by thy iust iudgement which is inuestigable this wolfe be admitted into thy Church deliuer mee thy poore seruant from this present life The next morning of this determination Arrius enuironed with a great multitude of Eusebians was ledde to be brought into the Temple as in a triumph but when they were come to the place called the Market place of Constantinople Arrius was suddenly taken with a feare and an astonishment within him which caused a paine in his belly so that leauing the company he was constrained to goe into a secret place to purge his belly the company which should accompany him to the Temple attended him in the meane while but seeing him tarry long some went to the easing place and found Arrius dead vpon the siege his entrails being come out at his fundament This was the end of Arrius which greatly feared his companions who to couer so foule and infamous a death said he was suddenly suffocated and choked with a disease of the stomacke Others that he was poisoned Some said that too great ioy had stifled him yet none could say but this was a iust iudgment of God vpon him Athanasius Lib. I. against the Arrians and the Epist to Serapion Sedulius a Christian Poet reciteth it in his Verses Siluester called the dayes otherwise then before for the day of the Sunne le Dimanche the other dayes Feries and Samedi for the day of Saturne Antonie being in Egypt in the wildernesse Constantine writ vnto him to pray to God for him and for his children Victorinus of Affrike an Orator was also of this time and Donatus of whom came the Donatist heretickes against which S. Augustine writeth The constitutions attributed to Siluester touching the consecrattion and vse of creame to marke such as were baptized and annoynt such as were nigh death and such other inuentions are in the booke of Councels whereof Luitprandus Platina and Sabellicus make mention in their bookes and speak of them after their owne iudgement Councells in diuers places After the Councell of Nice Siluester at the commaundement of Constantine made assemble a Sinode at Rome of 277. Bishops wherin there was condemned Arrius Photinus Sabellius with one Calixtus as the booke of Councels shewes And againe by a Sinode following the decrees of the Councell of Nice were confirmed and the solemnitie of Easter established to be obserued on the Sunday from the 14. of the Moone vntill the 21. The multitude of Councels and Sinodes multiplied traditions vpon traditions and brought in great errours and the good and holy constitutions of Nice were soone after by such meanes contradicted 1. At Neocesaria in Pontus Polemoniake betwixt Paphlagonia and Armenia was instituted that none should be a priest before the age of 30. yeares 2. At Elebert in Spaine Bishops Priests Deacons and Subdeacons were commaunded to abstaine from theyr wiues and not to haue children otherwise that they should bee deposed That there should be no Images in the Temples of Christians If any broke an Image and were murdered because it is not written in the Gospell neither is there read that it hath bene done by any of the Apostles it pleased the Councell that such a one be not admitted nor receiued into the number of Martyrs 3. At Rome it was ordained for Churchmen that none should accuse them nor draw them into lawe 4. At Arles the first counsell was giuen to young people by no meanes to marry againe if by chance for adulterie they bee seperated from their wiues 5. At Gangia in Paphalagonia they excommunicated and anathematized such as condemned them that eate flesh so that it were not offered vnto Idols c. Item they excommunicated such as iudged a married Priest ought not to excercise his ministerie because of his marriage and likewise such as abstained from their ministerie At this time vnder the shadowe of chastitie and virginitie men began to despise marriage as appeareth by the first ninth tenth fourteenth and fifteenth Chapter of the said Councell where all such as blame marriage and leaue their children or the wife her husband or the husband his wife to liue in continencie are excommunicated 6. At Arles the second was ordained the contrary that none should be admitted into the Ecclesiasticall estate vnlesse he promised to renounce the bonds of marriage The Iberians were conuerted to the faith they are of Asia vnder the climate of Pontus namely the King the Queene the Nobilitie and al the people by the preaching of
which they chose from among the people hauing charge of things which belonged to the Temple to Iustice and the gouernment of the Church When Iesus had chased from the Temple the buyers and sellers the next morning the high Priests and Elders of the people came to him asking by what authoritie he did those things Math. 21. About the 20. yeare of Christ and the fift of Tiberius as Eusebius saith in his Chronicle thirteene Townes of Asia were ouerthrowne by an Earthquake namely Ephesus Sardis Mesthenes Megechiere Cesarea Magnesia Philadelphia Hincel Tenus Cume Mirthina Apollonia Diahyrcania Such iudgements of God ought to serue for aduertisements and instructions vnto vs. Our Lord Iesus Christ exercised his Ministerie and office the space of three yeares three moneths and tenne dayes and the beginning is taken from his thirtieth yeare because in S. Luke it is said that Iesus began to be about thirtie yeares of age He suffered death and passion the yeare 34. according to the supputation of many authors Caius Caligula was an horrible Monster who by his wicked life despited heauen and earth vttering his furie through all the iurisdictions of the Romane Empire and by his Edicts would needs make himselfe a God But finally he was taken with a straunge death Iosephus maketh a singular recitall thereof in the 1. Chapter of the 20. booke of Antiquities Chareas Sabinus Aquila and others which of long time had conspired his death slew him cruelly after he had raigned three yeares tenne monethes and eight dayes His body as Suetonius rehearseth was secretly carried to the Gardens of Lamius and being halfe burnt was couered with a litle earth He was of the age of 24. yeares Such a Tirant who had prouoked both God and men against him could no otherwise end his daies Caligula banished Herod the Tetrarch who went to Rome at the perswasion of Herodias the yeare 40. into the Towne of Lions in Gaul where he died in pouertie with the said Herodias his harlot The same yeare the Iewes endured great afflictions One was at Alexandria vpon this occasion Caligula had ordained that through all the Iurisdiction of the Romanes there should be builded vnto him Temples and Aultars where they should worship him as God The Iewes alone resisted his impietie Then were there many Grecians in Alexandria who wished death vnto the Iewes therefore then they tooke occasion to make them odious vnto the Emperour except they obeyed his ordinance When it came to proofe the Iewes resisted it strongly and the sedition about it was such that many were slaine on both sides The cause was finally debated at Rome and Caligula a peruerse man made chase away Philo the Iewe who pleaded the Iewes cause Who then said It behooueth vs whom the Emperour hateth to take courage For it is necessarie that God should helpe when humane succours faileth Caligula vsed to say Would to God the Romane people had but one Head The Iewes also were greatly afflicted in Babilon of the Chaldeans and in Seleucia of Siria There were two brethren Iewes of base condition the one named Asniens and the other Anileus the which being Robbers and Theeues they gathered together a great number of Rake-hells and disordered persons Artanabus seeing this euill encrease thought good to remedie it But it was too late And finally mooued with the prowesse of these two yoong men receiued them into amitie and gaue them the gouernment of the Kingdome of Babilon See Ioseph in the 18. Booke and last Chapter Iesus Christ ascended visibly into Heauen to confirme his Resurrection the better and the glorie of his Kingdome 40. dayes after his Resurrection His Disciples yet dreamed of an earthly kingdome of Messias asked of him if he would not begin it But Iesus Christ after he had spoken of the eternall Kingdome and had blessed them was lifted vp aloft and a bright Cloude receiued him into Heauen where he sitteth at the right hand and power of God Now then we must consider what aduancements and encrease the Primitiue Church made by the Apostles and their Disciples that all the faithfull may know that Iesus Christ the King of glory remaineth not Idle in Heauen but by an admirable manner maintained gouerneth and aydeth his that his Gospell may be sowne through the world But as God shewed that honour to the Land of Canaan as to giue it the promises touching the Redeemer so there also by his death he obtained saluation vnto mankinde Aboue all Countries Asia the lesse had at that time the most flourishing Churches After the Ascention of Christ there was an excellent Church in Ierusalem In the first of the Acts it is recited that there were about sixe score persons at the beginning The holy scripture calleth Churches the publicke assemblies of many faithfull Tenne dayes after the Ascension was the Feast of Pentecost The Lord Iesus then raigning in Heauen at the right hand of his Father powred visibly and sensibly the holy Ghost vpon the Apostles which then were assembled at Ierusalem The word of the Lord tooke his course and the number of the faithfull by litle and litle encreased in Ierusalem by the preaching and miracles of the Apostles Behold the booke of the Acts for the first preachings and the persecutions which came after the death of our Lord. The 34. yeare after the Natiuitie of Christ and the 19. of the Kingdome of Tiberius after the death of S. Steuen the high Priests of Ierusalem stirred more and more grieuous persecutions against the Church Saul which is also Paul was chosen to persecute the faithfull for before his conuersion he burnt with false zeale espying into each house and drawing into prison all he could catch S. Ierome reciteth that S. Paul his parents dwelt in Sischal a Towne of Iuda but when the Romanes tooke the Countrie they went into Tharsis which is in Cilicia where Paul was borne His father was a Iewe of the Tribe of Beniamin and a Burgesse of Rome Act. Chap. 22. Many then were Martired others were constrained to retire themselues into Countries adiacent which occasioned the Gospell to be further spread abroad About the yeare fortie and fiue after the Natiuitie of our Lord Iesus Christ and twelue yeares after his Resurrection the third yeare of Caligula a great persecution was stirred by Herode Agrippa against the Christians wherein Iames the brother of Iohn was beheaded Peter put in prison but the Angell of the Lorde drewe them out most miraculously Soone after the Lord reuenged the death of his For it happened that this Herode went to Cesarea The cause was for that hee hadde enterprised a warre against the Tyrrians and Sidonians which they preuented by gaining the Chamberlaine Blastus and demaunding of a peace One day Herode sumptuously adorned sate downe in Throne and spake to them and the people made an acclamation as if GOD himselfe hadde spoken vnto them But Herode was incontinently strooken by the Angell
against Arrius was Macarius Bishop of Hierusalem Eustachius Bishop of Antioche Hosius Bishop of Corduba in Spaine Pathuntius of Egipt and Maximus these two had their eyes put out for the Faith and many other persons which had suffered persecution vnder the aforesaid Titants There was also Spiridian Bishop of Tremythe in Cyprus and Nicholas Bishop of Mirme in Licia a very graue man Also Athanasius then a Deacon of the Church of Alexandria Theophilus Bishop of the Gothes and Alexander Bishop of Alexandria c. Spiridian was he that in Lent presented flesh to a Pilgrim as he passed by and did eate himselfe and caused him also to eate saying that to pure Christians all things are pure Hist tripart lib. 1. Chap. 10. After that license was graunted to the two parties Eusebius Bishop of Nichomedia the Patrone of Arrius presented a Libell full of blasphemies conteining briefly that which hath bene before said That God who is for euer was not alwaies the Father And seeing all things were created of God the sonne also must be a worke made and many other blaspemies This Libell was recited and read with great sorrowe of most part of them which were there because of the blasphemies conteined therein and was torne in peeces to the great confusion of the Author There followed a very sharpe contention of both parts which the Emperour harkened vnto with great patience But finally Eusebius and his consorts fearing to be banished made a countenance to renounce their errours and to subscribe to the determination of the Fathers except Secundus and Theon as Athanasius reciteth in the decrees of the Sinode of Nice But the Bishops after they knew their fraude and how they disguised the truth with words began to vse the word Essence and Homousios that is to say of one same substance Then the Eusebians abhorred these words Homousios and Essentiall as straunge vnvsed in the holy scripture The Fathers declared that necessarily they were constrained to vse these words to signifie that the Sonne was engendered of the substance of the Father according to which bee was consubstantiall to the Father that is to say of one same substance and essence A Philosopher who by no Arguments could be surmounted was finally conuerted by a simple Bishop who said vnto him Harken Philosopher there is one God which made all things in the power of his word and by the sanctification of his holy spirite confirmed them This word which we call the Sonne of God hath redeemed mankinde which was in the bottomelesse pit of hell by his death and resurrection Torment nor trouble thy selfe too much with thine owne arguments and demonstrations in this matter which must be apprehended by faith and that Iesus Christ himselfe and his Apostles hath taught vs. Answere mee doost thou beleeue it is so The Philosopher astonished said vnto him I beleeue and confesse to be vanquished after exhorted others of his profession with him to beleeue the doctrine At the said Councell Constantine hauing receiued diffamatorie Libels accusations debates and particular quarells of Bishops one against an other caused them all to be cast into the fire that none might vnderstand their debates or errours God hath ordeined you Bishops saith he and hath giuen you power to iudge of your selues by meanes whereof we yeelde our selues to your iudgement Men may not iudge you but God alone vnto whom we referre the deciding and determination of your controuersies This humilitie of Constantine afterward brought great damage to his Successors The said Councell would haue forbidden Priests and Deacons to dwell with their wiues but Pathuntius whome Constantine had in such reuerence that hee often caused him to come into his Pallace and imbraced yea kissed the place frō whence his eye was plucked out rising vp confessed that marriage was honourable amongst all men and the bed vndefiled and said that the company of the husband with the wife was chastitie and perswaded the Councell not to set out such Lawes which might giue occasion of fornicatiō both to them their wiues The Councell approued his opinion and so dealt nothing vpō that matter but left to euery one liberty to marry or not according as to euery one should seeme expedient wherefore as before so now also was it lawful for Priests to retain their wiues and to marry But after Siritius Gregorie the seuenth forbad such marriage and commaunded continency which notwithstanding the Easterne Priests neuer receiued It is not then true which some write that Calixus who was before this Councell commanded continencie For then there would haue bene some mention of him in the said Councell and of his decree Eusebius Extract out of the Acts of the Councell of Nice We beleeue in God the Father Almightie Creator of all things as well visible as inuisible and in our Lord Iesus Christ the onely sonne of God borne engendered of him that is to say of his proper substance and therefore God of God borne and not made of the same substance of the Father by which sonne all things were made as well in heauen as in earth who also for the loue of vs men and for our saluatiō discended from heauen tooke our humaine flesh was made man He suffered death passion and after rose again the third day then he ascended into heauen and finally must come to iudge the quicke and the dead We also beleeue in the holy Ghost All such as say that there was a time that the sonne was not and that before be was borne in the earth he was not and that he was created of nothing or of other substance then of the father or that he is the sonne of God but cōuertible mutable the holy Catholicke and Apostolicke Church excommunicateth and anematizeth them It was also amongst other things ordeined in this Councell that no Bishop ought to receiue any of them which an other Bishop hath excommunicated or thrust frō his Church were he Clarke or Laie man But if we vniustly for hatred or anger were excommunicated or chased away It was ordained that in each Prouince the Prelates there should assemble euery yeare twise to holde their prouinciall Councell to knowe and iudge of such matters to the end that if any man had done any thing vniustly it might be retracted by others and that if he had done well it might be approued That in Alexandria and Rome the auncient custome should be kept namely that the Bishoppe of Alexandria should haue care of the Churches of Egipt and that of Rome of such Churches as are about Rome That if two or three Bishops striue or do not agree to consecrate one elected for some dissention In this case they must hold themselues to the determinatiō of others of the prouince and especially of the Metropolitane That the prerogatiue which before times hath bene giuen to the Bishop of Ierusalem shal be kept for him without preiudice notwithstanding of
preserued in the middest of the fiercest waues As is said in Esay 60. Thou shalt haue no more the Sunne to shine by day neither shall the brightnesse of the Moone shine vnto thee For the Lord shall be thine euerlasting light and thy God thy glory and thy Sunne shall neuer goe downe neither shall thy Moone be hid for the Lord shall be thine euerlasting light and the dayes of thy sorrow shall be ended The assurance then of the Church ought not to be considered according nor in regard of things present because it is established in God and feareth no chaunges For God is her light so that she hath no need to borrow any brightnesse from either Sunne or Moone And although the faithfull be not depriued of the commodities of this present life but rather there is nothing either in heauen or earth which God hath not created for the loue of them seeing he hath a particular care of them yet is there one thing much more excellent which the children of God do enioy namely the heauenly light which from all times hath bene cast on it We must then lift vp our spirits vnto God who gouerneth all both aboue and below and not attribute any thing to Fortune as prophane men doo heereunto men pretend to bring all the faithfull Therefore hither men come not to feede the spirit of foolish curiositie or here to learne any thing to babble with vaine ostentation or to take pleasure to heare a well adorned language and assoone as the eyes are taken from off the booke all fruite of that reading is lost but there is neither fact nor chance nor issue which euery man oght not to borrow for himselfe If he finde that some vertuous and well liuing man hath bene well beloued of God and honoured of men that vertue ought to be vnto him as a flame to lighten his heart that following such a man he may come to a like felicitie If contrary he encounter and light on one who for his vices fell into some greeuous inconueniences it is an example to serue him for a bridle that hee do not precipitate and throw himselfe headlong into the same ditch and aboue all such as haue great dignities and are called to doo great things so much more as their ruine is daungerous so much more also ought they to be carefull to looke how faithfully they acquite themselues in their charge committed vnto them But well hath one said that The Historie is a treasure which should neuer depart from the hands wherwith men being aided may more commodiously handle their affaires like to such as they finde registred in histories seeing that almost alwaies alike causes happen and come to passe This small aduertisement may profit if it light not vpon crooked and brutish spirits vnto whom this labour will not be profitable but onely vnto such as with an honest pleasure will ioyne a good desire to carry an humble reuerence to all the workes of God But then O Church of God seeing all things come and are done for the loue of thee it is good reason that thy litle estate or rather glasse of thy condition of that thou hast endured since the comming of thy espouse be dedicated and consecrated vnto thee On the one side thou shalt know the heretikes schismatikes mockers contemners with the tyrants and violent oppressors which haue done vnto thee a thousand euils but on the other side thou shalt see Iesus Christ the stronger who hath not declared himselfe thy head for a world or two but for euer a protector of thine And now is there any vnderstanding that can cōprehend lesse tongue to expresse what he hath done for thee in these last dayes when from thy renting and treading vnder foote we see so many children each where of so fruitfull a mother O admirable bountie O indicible ioy and consolation to see the meruailes of the Lord in these last times Let vs pray that hee will continue that hee hath begun and aduanced to his glory and honour So be it Thine in the Lord Iohn Crispin The order of the Bishops and Pope of Rome after this Booke SAint Peter vpon false tokens called the first in number of the Bishops of Rome Linus Cletus Clement Anacletus Euaristus Alexander Sixtus or Xistus Telesphorus Higinus Pius 1. Auicetus Soter Eleutherius Victor Zephirin or Seuerin Calistus Vrbain Pontian Antherus Fabian Cornelius Lucius Stephanus Zistus 2. Denis Felix Eutichien Caius Marcellin Marcel Eusebius Melchiades Siluester Marcus Iulius Liberius Felix Damasus Siricius Anastasius 1. Innocentius 1. Zozimus Boniface 1. Celestinus 1. Sixtus 3. Leo 1. Hilarius Simplicius Felix 3. Gelatius Anastasius 2. Simmachus Hormisda Iohn 1. Felix 4. Boniface 2. Iohn 2. Agapetus Siluerius Vigilins Pelagius 1. Iohn 3. Benit 1. Pelagius 2. Gregorie 1. Sauian or Sabinian Boniface 3. Boniface 4 Deus dedit Boniface 5 Honorius Seuerin Iohn 4 Theodorus 1 Martin 1 Eugenius 1 Vitalian Adeodatus Donus Agathon Leo 2 Benit 2 Iohn 5 Conon Sergius Iohn 6 Iohn 7 Sisinius Constantine 1 Gregorie 2 Gregorie 3 Zacharie Stephen 2 Paulus 1 Constantine 2 Stephen 3 Adrian 1 Leo 3 Stephen 4 Paschal Eugenius 2 Valentine 2 Gregorie 4 Sergius 2 Leo 4 Iohn 8 Benit 3 Nicholas 1 Adrian 2 Iohn 9 Martin 2 Adrian 3 Stephen 5 Formosus Boniface 6 Stephen 6 Romaine Theodorus 2 Iohn 10 Benit 4 Leo 5 Christopher Sergius 3 Anastasius 3 Lando Iohn 11 Leo 6 Stephen 7 Iohn 12 Leo 7 Stephen 8 Martin 3 Agapetus 2 Iohn 13 Benit 5 Leo 8 Iohn 14 Benit 6 Donus 2 Boniface 7. Benit 7 Iohn 16 Iohn 17 Gregorie 5 Iohn 18 Siluester 2 Iohn 19 Iohn 20 Sergius 4 Benit 8 Iohn 21 Benit 9 Siluester 3 Gregorie 6 Clement 2 Damasus 2 Leo 9 Victor 2 Stephen 9 Benit 10 Nicholas 2 Alexander 2 Gregory 7 Victor 3 Vrbaine 2 Pascall 2 Gelasius 2 Calixtus 2 Honorius 2 Innocent 2 Celestine 2 Lucius 2 Eugenius 3 Anastasius 4 Adrian 4 Alexander 3 Lucius 3 Vrbain 3 Gregorie 8 Clement 3 Celestine 3 Innocent 3 Honorius 3 Gregorie 9 Celestine 4 Innocent 4 Alexander 4 Vrbain 4 Clement 4 Gregorie 10 Innocent 5 Adrian 5 Iohn 22 Nicholas 3 Martin 4 Honorius 4 Nicholas 4 Celestine 5 Boniface 8 Benit 11 Clement 5 Iohn 23 Benit 12 Clement 6 Innocent 6 Vrbain 5 Gregorie 11 Vrbain 6 Clement 7 Boniface 9 Benit 13 Innocent 7 Gregory 12 Alexander 5 Iohn 24. Martin 5. Eugenius 4. Felix 5. Nicholas 5. Calixtus 3. Pius 2. Paul 2. Sixtus 4. Innocent 8. Alexander 6. Pius 3. Iulius 2. Leo 10. Adrian 6. Clement 7. Paul 3. Iulius 3. Marcel 2. Paul 4. Pius 5. Gregorie 13. FINIS A Table of the Romaine Emperours with the declaration of the yeares which euery one raigned AVgustus raigned 56. yeares that is to say 12. with Antonius and Lepidus and 44. alone The yeare 42. of his Empire was our Sauiour Iesus borne   yeares moneths
And as the light of the Gospell got aboue his mysts and cloudes he came to Rome in the time of Claudius the Emperour leading with him an whore called Selene or Helena which he had drawne out of the common Stewes of Tyre in Phinicia he called her the first conception of his vnderstanding and the mother of all by whom from the beginning hee had conceiued to make Angels and Arch-angels He attributed also vnto her almost all things which the holy Scripture yeeldeth vnto the eternall word of God in the creation Hee said also of himselfe that he was the soueraigne God which descended and was transfigured to correct things which had bene euill administred by the Angels And although he appeared in an humane forme yet was he not man and although men thought he suffered in Iudea yet he suffered not So promised he saluation to all them which would trust in him and in his Selene and full libertie to do whatsoeuer their appetite desired For men should be saued by his grace and not by their owne good workes For such workes were not after his nature but from his Angels which by his permission had made the world and had imposed such workes vpon men to drawe them into bondage Behold heere the doctrine of this Maister who afterward brought out the like fruite as pailliardizes adulteries thefts drunkennesse blasphemies against the true God and other the like fruites Briefly Ireneus calleth him the fountaine and father of all Heretickes in the Preface of his third booke of Heresies Of his manner of death Epiphanius accordeth not with Theodoretus Menander the Disciple of this Simon was also a Magician The yeare fortie foure as many thinke Saint Peter came to Rome and gouerned that Church twentie and fiue yeares but hardly can they shewe that he was at any time there nor at what time nor vnder what Emperour For first if Saint Peter were at Rome he came not to Rome at the time they say namely in the yeare fortie foure after the Natiuitie of our Lord Iesus and that which they say that hee ruled the Church twentie and fiue yeares hath no likelihood For it may easily be gathered from the Epistle to the Galath that hee was in Ierusalem the yeare 51. where the Apostles great Councell was held Let the yeares be numbred The yeare thirtie and fiue S. Paul was cōuerted to which adde seuenteen euen vntill that Councell and it comes to fiftie and two How could he then before seuen yeares bee at Rome If hee were there he returned soone But S. Luke then would not haue concealed it if it had beene so neither is it found in any Historie of credit that after Saint Peter was entred Rome hee left that place to returne into the Towne of Ierusalem Moreouer it is certaine he was not at Rome the yeare fiftie eight and three score And that it is so when Saint Paul was ledde thither prisoner he remained there in an hyred house two yeares Heereof Saint Luke makes no mention of Saint Peter And by the second Epistle to Timothie it may be plainely knowne that Saint Peter was not at Rome at the time that S. Pauls death was so nie For then S. Paul hauing occasion to make mention of all that was with him would not haue forgotten Saint Peter if hee hadde beene there Many wise and good men haue handled this matter at large vnto which I referre you The same yeare Herod the brother of Agrippa was made King of Calcide The yeare 45. S. Marke the Disciple of Saint Peter preached Iesus Christ in Egypt and Euodius was first ordeined Bishop of Antioche And there was Iames the brother of Iohn beheaded and Peter deliuered from prison by the Angell The yeare 46. which was about the ninth and tenth of the Kingdome of Claudius the Emperour there was a great Famine through all Greece at Rome and in other parts of the earth and this Famine was foretolde in Antioche by the Prophet Agabus Who being mooued with that hee heard say of the Churches prosperitie of Antioche departed from Ierusalem to come thither with other faithfull Dion and Eusebius make mention of this Famine At this time Helena Queene of the Adiabenians and the King Isares were accounted to serue God faithfully Iosephus speaketh amply thereof in his Antiquities Lib. 15. Chapter 2.3 and 5. The same yeare Agrippa who was called Herodes died after a straunge maner In an assembly at playes he suffered the people to call him God and therefore the Angell strooke him for that he gaue not glory vnto God and he was consumed with Lice Iosephus reciteth it at large and herevnto agreeth the holy scripture But it is worthy to be noted that when he felt the horrible pangs of death beholding his friends he said Looke vpon your God I am now constrained to chaunge my life And the necessitie imposed vpon me redargueth your lye You called me Immortall but now behold how I am drawne to death Iosephus reciteth these things more at length in his Antiquities His Kingdome was chaunged into a Prouince and Cuspins Fadus was made Gouernour of the Iewes The yeare fortie and seuen Abbarus raigned ouer the Arabians and Cassius Longinus was made Gouernour of Siria The yeare 48. Marie our Lords mother died after the common opinion of the age of fortie nine yeares Nancle See also Epiphanius Lib. 3. of heresies If we will beleeue some dreames shee was in body carried vp to Heauen but that tale is so friuolous as he that cannot see it is more then blinde Vpon such foundations Papists began by litle and litle to build the Articles of their faith namely vpon tales and dreames The Councell of Ierusalem recited in the 15. of the Acts was about this yeare and the 6. of the Kingdome of Claudius and the 14. yeare after the conuersion of S. Paul as appeareth by that which is rehearsed in the Galath 2. The same yeare during the said famine Tiberius Alexander was made Gouernour of the Iewes The yeare 49. which was the seuenth of the Emperour Claudius there was so great a sedition in Ierusalem vpon Easter day that twentie thousand men were stifled betwixt the gates as Iosephus saith but as others thirtie thousand The same yeare Cumanus was Gouernour of Iudea and Quadratus of Siria In the 50. yeare a numbring was made of the people of Rome and there were found three skore and foure hundreth thousand an hundreth three and fortie The same yeare Herod the brother of Agrippa dyed and his Kingdome was giuen to Agrippa the younger This was he that gaue audience to S. Paul Act. 25. The same yeare were seene three Sunnes which by litle and litle ioyned themselues together There was also an horrible Famine in Greece and the Iewes were chased from Rome by Claudius The yeare 52. S. Paul did that which is conteined in the 21.17 and 18. Chap. of the Acts. This yeare he came first to Corinthe where