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A17154 Christian praiers and holie meditations as wel for priuate as publique exercise: gathered out of the most godly learned in our time, by Henrie Bull. Whereunto are added the praiers, commonly called Lidleys praiers.; Christian praiers and holy meditations Bull, Henry, d. 1575?; Ledley, John.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555. Godlie instruction, conteining the summe of all the divinitie necessary for a Christian conscience. aut 1596 (1596) STC 4032; ESTC S120490 133,439 444

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hereof but certainely be perswaded all this to pertaine to me where I might haue beene borne of Turkes and infidels lot thou wouldest I shoulde bee borne of Christian Parentes brought into thy Church by Baptisme which is a Sacrament of adoption and requireth faith as well of remission of my sinnes as of sanctification and holynesse to bee wrought of thee in mee by thy grace and holy spirite Where I might haue beene bo●e in an ignorant time Region thou wouldest I shoulde be borne in this time and Region wherein is more knowledge reueales than euer was heere or any place is where I might haue beene of a corrupt iudgement and intangled with many errurs loe thou of thy goodnesse as thou hast reformed my iudgement so doest thou keepe it nowe for the same iudgments sake do●st vouchsafe somwhat by the Crosse to trie mee By all which thinges I shoulde confirme my faith of this that thou alwaies hast been art and wilt be for euer my deere father In respect whereof as I shoulde be certain● of saluation of the inheritance 〈◊〉 heauen for 〈◊〉 should I bee thankfull cast my whelt cant on thee trust to thee and call on thee with comforte certaine hope for all things that I want For in that thou hast giuen to me this benefite to bee thy childe vndeserued and undesired on my behalfe simply and onely in respect of thine owne goodnesse and grace in Christ least at any time I shoulde doubt of it how should I but hope certainely that nothing profitable to me can be denied in that thy power in infinite For as thy good will is declared in adopting me so nothing can be finally wanting in mee which may make for my weale for then should not thy power be almightie theref●re my beliefe requireth that I shoulde beleeue in thee the father almighty In consideration whereof I should in all thinges behaue my selfe as a child reioice in thee praise thee trust in thee feare thee serve thee love thee call vpon thee c. But alas howe heaui● harted am I Now vnthankfull am I Nowe full of vnbeleife doubting of this thy rich mercie Nowe little doe I loue thee feare thee call vpon thee c. Oh be mercifull vnto mee forgiue me good Father for thine o wne sake and grant mee the spirit of thy children to reueale thy selte vnto me and Iesus Christ thy deare Sonne our Lorde by whome wee art made thy children that I may truely knowe thee heartily loue thee faithfully hang vpon thee in all my needes with good hope call vpon thee tender faithfully this honor to thee that thou art my God and Father and I thy deare Childe through thy grace in Christ ●nd so alwaies be indued with an assured hope of thy goodnes and a faithfull obedient heart in all things to thy holy will At thy handes and from thee as I must looke for allthings so come I vnto thee pray thee to giue mee these thinges which thy deere children haue and thou requirest of mee that I may come and aske them of thee as now I do through Iesus Christ our Lord. As by this worde Father I am taught to glory of thee and in thee and all that euer thou hast for thou art wholy mine my Lorde my God my father so by this word Our I am taught to glory of all the good that all and euerie of thy seruantes that euer were are or shalbe had haue or shall haue For now I am taught to beleeue that thou hast called mee into the communion of thy Church and people whome heereby I perceiue th●● host commaunded to bee as carefull for mee as for themselues and in all their praiers to be as mindful of me as of themselues Againe as by this word Father I am taught to remember render my duty I ow to thee wardes faith loue feare obedience c. So by this word Our I am taught my dutie towards thy people to be carefull of them and to take their sorrow pouertie affliction c. as mine owne and therefore to labour to helpe them in hart and hand after my vocation and ability vtterly abhorring all pride selfe loue arrogancie and contempt of anie By reason whereof I haue great cause to lament and to reioyce To lament because I am so farre from consideration much more from doeing my duetie to thy people in thoughts words and deeds To reioyce because I am called of thee and placed in the blessed society of thy Saintes and made a member and citizen of the heauenly Ierusalem because thou hast giuen in commaundement to all thy Church to bee as carefull for me as for themselues But alas how farre am I heerefrom As I am guiltie of vnthankfulnesse for this thy callyng mee into the blessed communion of thy deare sonne and Church yea of thy selfe so I am guiltie of selfe loue vnmercifulnesse pride arrogancie forgetfultnesse and contempt of thy children for else I could not but bee otherwise affected and otherwise labour than I doe Oh be mercifull vnto mee good Father forg●ue me and grant for Christes sake that as my tonge scundeth this worde Our so I may in heart feele the true ioy of thy blessed compassion and the true loue and communion which thy children haue and feele towardes their brethern that I may reioyce in all troubles in respect of that ioyfull communion that I may denie my selfe to honour thy children vpon earth and endeuour my selfe to doe them good for thy sake through Iesus Christ our Lorde I come onely to thee to giue mee that which I cannot nor must not elsewhere haue and thou requirest it of me that therefore I should as thy childe come and crane it to thy glorie Which art in heauen AS by these wordes Our Father I am taught to glorie and reioyce for the blessed communion which I am called to with thee deare Father with thy Christ and with thy holy Church so also am I heere taught by these wordes which art in heauen to reioyce in respecte of the place and blessed ioyes whereunto at the length in thy good time I shall come For nowe I may perceiue that as heauen is thy home so is it mine also being as I am thy child through Christ although here for a time I am bodily on earth and in miserie Againe by these wordes which art in heauen I am admonished not onlie to discerne thee from earthly Fathers and to know howe that thou art Almighty present in all places and of moste puritie to confirme thereby my faith to be prouoked the more to feare thee to reuerence thee c. But also I am admonished to iudge of thy fatherly loue by heauenly benefites and not by corporal simply and alonely for oftentimes the wicked prosper more in the world and haue more worldly benefites then thy children So that by this I see thou wouldest pull vp my minde from earth and earthly thinges to heauen
and heauenlie thinges and that I should see further by corporal benefits thy heauenly prouidence for me For if thou place mee thus on earth and thus blesse me as thou doest and hitherto hast done from my youth vp in that thou art nothing so carefull for my bodie as for my soule how should I but think much of thy prouidence for it is thy home where is such glorie as the eie hath not seene c. Of which thinges these corporall benefits of thine giuen mee on earth shoulde bee as it were inductions and the taking of them away admonitions to bee more mindfull of permanent thinges and lesse mindfull of transitorie thinges By reason heereof I haue greate cause to lament and to reioyce To Lament because I am so earthlie minded so little desirous of my home so vnthankefull for thy prouidence and fatherly protection heere on earth To reioyce because of thy home and the greate glorie thereof because thou dost so prouide for me heere because thou doest so cortect and chasten me c. But alas I am altogether a wretch earthly and vnthankfull not onely for these corporall benefites health riches friendes fame wisdome c. for thy fatherly correction sicknesse temptation c. but also for thy heauenly benefites for Christ Iesus for the promise of thy spirit for thy Gospel c. yea euen for heauen it selfe and thy whole glorie as the Israelites were for the lande of Canaan and therefore neuer enioyed it but perished in the wildernesse I am proude in prosperitie and forget thee waxing secure and carelesse I am impatient in thy crosse and too much consider worldly discommodities Oh deare father forgiue mee for thy Christes sake all mine vnthankfulnesse loue of this world contempt and obliuion of the heauenly benefites and grant me thy holy spirite to illuminate the eies of my minde with the light and liuely knowledge of thy presence power wisdom and goodnesse in thy creatures but specially in Christ Iesus thy sonne and so by the same spirit inflame mine effections that I may desire nothing on yarth but thee and to bee presente with thee that my conuersation may bee in heauen continuallie from whence graunt mee still to looke for the Lorde Iesus to make this my vile bodie like vnto his owne glorious and immortall bodie according to his owne power by which he is able to do all things As thou hast giuen me to be thy childe so I pray thee giue me these thinges which bee the properties of thy children giuen from thee in thy good time Hallowed be Thy name Thy name is that whereby thou art knowne for names serue to decerne and knowe one thing from another Nowe though thou art knowne by thy creatures yet is this our corrupt estate they serue but to make vs excuselesse Therefore most properly liuely and comfortablie thou art knowne by thy holie word and specialy by thy promise of grace and freelie pardoning and receiuing vs into thy fauour for Christ Iesus sake For the which goodnesse in Christ thou art praised and magnified according to thy name that is so much as men know thee in Christ they magnifie thee and praise thee which here thou callest hallowing or sanctifying For that thou art the more holy not in respect of thy selfe but in respect of men who the more they know thee the more they cannot but sanctifie thee that is they cannot but as in themselues by true faith loue feare and spiritual seruice honour thee so also in their outward behauiour and wordes they cannot but liue in such sort as other seeing them may in and by their holinesse and godlie conuersation be occasioned as to know thee so to sanctifie thy name accordingly and therefore thou settest forth here vnto me what is the chiefe and principall wishe and desire of thy children and people namelie that thou in Christ mightest be truelie knowne and honoured both of themselues and of other inwardly and outwardly as by the contrary a man may castlie perceiue that the greatest sorrowe and griefe thy people haue is ignorance of thee false seruice or religion and wicked conuersation Against the which they pray and labour diligently after their vocation as they for the obtaining of the other both to other and to themselues doe take no smale paine in prayer studie and godly exercise By reason heereof I see that I am farre from this desire lamentation which is in thy children I see mine ignorance of the true knoweledge of thee and thy name for else it had not needed thee so by thy word to haue reuealed thy selfe I see also mine owne ignorance of the excellencie of the same for else wouldest thou not haue toulde mee that the sanctifiyng of thy name is the chiefest thing thou requirest of euery man Againe I see my greate want of holynesse for else thou needest not to teach mee to seek and pray for that I want not Moreouer I see my greate peruersitie which would not seeke at thy handes for sanctification although I see my neede thereof For the which thou wouldest not haue commaunded me to pray if I seeing my want would haue prayed vnto thee for the same Last of all I see thy wonderful goodnesse which wilt vndoubtedly giue vnto mee sanctification and holinesse for thou wouldest not that I should aske for that thing that thou wilt not giue me So that I haue greate cause to lament and reioyce To lament because I am so farre from this desire and lamentation which thy children haue Also because of my ignorance pouertie peruersitie vnthankfulnes c. But most of all because thy holy name worde and religion is so blasphemed both in doctrin and in liuing of many especiallie in this realme To reioyce I haue great cause for thy exceeding goodnesse and mercie which wouldest so disclose thy selfe by thy workes worde and Gospell which wouldest open these thinges thus vnto me and so giue vnto mee and others sanctification in thy sight by faith and in the sight of men by purenesse of life and godlie conuersation But alas I doe heartily neither the one nor the other that is lament or reioice as thou father which searchest my hearte doest right wel know Oh be mercifull vnto me and forgiue me yea giue me of thine owne pittie thy holie spirit to reueale and open to my mind effectually my miserable estate condition my ignorance peruersitie and my carelesnes for thy true honour and dishonour in such sort that I may heartily lament these euils and haue them pardoned and taken from me through Iesus Christ our Lord. Againe good father giue mee the same thy holie spirit to reueale to me thy name word and Gospell that I may liuely know thee vnfaynedlie ●●oue thee heartilie obey thee and aboue all thinges desire and labour by all meanes lawfull that all godlines in doctrine and conuersation may bee exercised both in me and in all others
and that wee may vnfainedly purpose and effectually labour to amend our liues this day so long as wee haue to liue in all our doings and wordes and euen in our verie thoughtes to the prayse of thy holy name and good example of our doings and words and euen in our brethren And for as much as thou knowest our weakenesse our ignorance and great vntowardnesse to carrie anie great crosse or affliction wee beseech thee our sweete Father so temper and order all things towards vs this day and for euer that we bee neuer further proued tempted than thou wilt make vs able to beare and so to helpe vs in the same as may be most 〈◊〉 thy glorie our saluation through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An Euening prayer O Lord God Father euerlasting and full of pitie wee acknowledge and confesse that wee bee not worthy to lift vp our eies to heauen much lesse to present our selues before thy diuine maiestie with confidence that thou wilt heare out praiers and graunt our requests if wee consider our owne wretched deseruings For our consciences doe accuse vs our sinnes witnes against vs wee know that thou art an Vpright Iudge which doest not ●ustifie the sinners and wicked men but punishest the faultes of such as transgresse thy commandements Ye● most mercifull Father since it hath pleased thee to commaunde vs to ca●● vpon thee in all our troubles and aduersities promising euen then t● helpe vs when we feele our selue● as it were swallowed vp of death 〈◊〉 desperation we vtterly renounce al● wordly confidence and trust flie to thy soueraigne goodnes as our only stay and refuge beseeching thee not to cal to remembrance our manifold sinnes and wickednesse whereby we continually prouoke thy wrath and indignation against vs neither our negligēce nor our vnkindnes which haue either worthelie esteemed nor in our liues sufficiētly expressed the sweet comfort of thy holy Gospel reuealed vnto vs but rather to accept the obedience and death of thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lord who by offering vp his bodie in sacrifice once for all hath made a sufficient recompence for all our sinnes Haue mercie therefore vpon vs O Lorde and forgiue vs our offences Teach vs by thy holy spirit that we may rightly weigh them earnestly repent vs for the same and so much the rather O Lord our God because that the reprobate such as thou hast forsakē cānot prayse thee nor cal vpō thy name but the repenting heart the sorrowfnl minde the consciēce oppressed hungring thirsting for thy grace shall euermore set forth thy praise and glorie And albeit we be but wormes and dust yet thou art our creator and we be the worke of thy handes yea thou art our father we thy childrē thou art our shepheard and we thy flocke thou art our redeemer and wee thy people whome thou hast deerelie bought thou art our God and wee are thine inheritance Correct vs not therefore in thine anger O Lord our God neither according to our desertes doe thou punish vs but mercifully chastice vs with a fatherly affection that all the worlde may knowe that at what time so euer a sinner dooth repente him of his sinne from the bottom of his hart thou wilt put away all his wickednesse out of thy remembrāce as thou hast promised by thy holie Prophet Finally forasmuch as it hath pleased thee to make the night for man to rest in as thou hast ordayned him the day to trauell graunte O deare father that we may so take our bodily rest that our soules may continuallie watch for the time that our Lord Iesus Christ shall appeare for our full deliuerance out of th●● mortalll life and in the meane seasō that wee be not ouercome by anie fantasies dreames or other temptations but may fully set our mindes vpon thee loue thee feare thee and rest in thee in such sort that our very sleepe also may be to the glorie of thy holie name Furthermore that our sleepe bee not excessiue or ouermuch after the insatiable desire of the flesh but only sufficient to contente our weake nature that wee may the better be disposed to liue in all godlie conuersation to the glorie of thy holy name profit of our brethren through Iesus Christ our Lord in whose name we make our humble petitions vnto thee as he hath taught vs. Our Father which art c. Almightie and euerliuing God vouchsafe we beseech thee to graunt vs perfect continuance in thy liuelie faith augmenting and increasing y e same in vs dailie vntil we growe to the full measure of our perfection in Christ whereof wee make our confessior saying I beleeue in God the father c. The Lorde blesse vs and saue vs the Lord make his face to shine vpon vs and bee mercifull vnto vs the Lord● ●urne his fauorable countenaunce towards vs and graunt vs his peace The grace of the Lord Iesus Christ the loue of God and the communion of the holy Ghost bee with vs and remayne with vs for euer So bee it 2. Cor. 9. 13. An other Euening prayer MOst mercifull God and tender father which besides thine inestimable mercies declared giuen vnto vs in the making of the world for our sakes in the redeeming of vs by the death of thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ in the calling of vs to the knowledge of thy blessed worde in keeping of vs hitherto in thy holie Church and in thy most gratious gouerning of vs and all thinges hitherto for our singular wealth commoditie hast also most fatherlie cared for vs and kept vs this daye from all daungers both of soule and bodie giuing vs health foode apparell and al other things necessary for the comfort and succour of this poore and miserable life which manie other doe want for these and all other thy good giftes and gracious benefites which thou of thine own goodnesse onely and fatherly prouidence hast hitherto powred vpon vs and doest presently powre vpon vs and many other we most humbly thanke thee and praise thy holy name beseeching thee that as all things are now hidden by meanes of the darkenesse which thou hast sent ouer the earth so thou wouldest vouchsafe to hide and burie all our sinnes which this daie or at anie time heeretofore wee haue committed against thy holie commandements and as nowe wee purpose to laye our bodies to rest so graunt the gard of thy good Angels to keepe the same this night for euermore and whensoeuer our last sleepe of death shall come grant that it may be in thee good father so that our bodies may rest both temporally and eternally to thy glorie and our ioy through Iesus Christ our lorde So be it Another Euening prayer O Eternall God and most mercifull-father who this day and al the time of our life hast graciouslie defended nourished and preserued our soules and bodies
and made such fatherlie prouision for vs poore sinners that of thy louing kindnesse we haue rich portions not onely in the creatures of heauen and earth but also in that plentifull redemptiō which thy most deare Sonne Iesus Christ hath purchased for vs grant vnto vs O merciful father the assistance of thy grace and holy spirite that as our bodies shall nowe take their natural rest euen so our soules and mindes at the beholding of thy goodnesse towardes vs may quiet themselues in thee conceiue such inward pleasure heauēly sweetnes in thy loue that whatsoeuer we shal from henceforth either thinke speak or we it may be all to the honour of thy holy name through Iesus christ thy deare sonne our Lorde and onely Sauiour Amen Thy mightie hand and outstretched arme O Lord be still our defence thy mercie and s●●ing kindnesse in Iesus Christ thy deare sonne bee our saluation thy trueth and holy worde out instruction thy grace and holy spirite our comfort and consolation vnto the end and in the ende A prayer for the remission of sinnes O Almightie and euer liuing Lord God the deare father of our Sauiour Iesus Christ which hast made heauen and earth the sea and al that therein is which art the only ruler and gouernour conseruer keeper of all things together with thy dearely beloued Sonne Christ Iesus our Lord and with the holy Ghost our comforter O holy righteous a wise O strong terrible mightie fearefull Lord God gouernor of the whole world iudge of al me●● O exorable patient most gracious Father whose eies are vpon the wayes of all men and are so clean'● that they cannot abide impietie thou searchest the hearts and triest the verie thoughtes and reines of all men thou hatest sinne abhorrest iniquitie For sinnes sake thou hast greeuously punished mākinde thy most deare creature as thou hast declared by the penalty of death laide vpon all the children of Adam by the casting of Adam and his ofspring out of Paradise by the cursing of the earth by the drowning of the worlde by the burning of Sodom and Gomor by hardening the heart of Pharao so that no miracle could conuert him by the drowning of him and his people in the red sea by the ouerthrowing of the Israelites in the wildernesse so that of fire hundreth thousand there were but two that entred into the land of promise by reiecting King● Saul by the punishmentes vpon thy seruant Dauid notwithstanding his heartie repentance by greeuously afflicting Salomon in himselfe and his posteritie by the captiuitie of the ten tribes and by the thraldome of the Iewes wherein vntill this present day they continue a notable spectacle of thy wrath to the worlde against and for st●ne But of a●● spectacles of thy anger against sinne the greatest and most notable is the death and bloudie passion of thy dearely beloued Sonne Iesu Christ Great was thine anger against sinne when in heauen earth nothing could be found which might appease thy wrath saue the bloudshedding of thine onely most dearely beloued sonne in whom was and is all thy delight Great was the sore of sinne that needed such a salue mightie was the maladie that needed such a medicine If in Christ in whome was no sin thy wrath was so fierce for our sins that he was constrayned to cry My God my God why hast thou forsaken me How great importable then is thine anger against vs which art nothing but sinfull They that are thy children through the contemplation of thine anger against sinne set forth most euidently in the death of Christ doe tremble and are afraide lamenting themselues vpon him and heartily crying for mercy wheras y ● wicked are altogether carelesse and contēptuous nothing lamenting their iniquities or crying to thee heartily for mercy and pardon Amongest whom wee are rather to be placed than amongest thy childrē for that we are so shamelesse for our sinnes carelesse of thy wrath heaping dailie sinne vpon sinne so that the measure hath ouerflowed and ascended vp to heauē brought thy heauy plagues vpon vs which are but earnest for geeater to ensue therefore to vs pertaineth shame and nothing else is one but confusion What shall we doe what shall wee say who shall giue vs penitēt harts who can open our lippes that our mouthes might make acceptable cōfession vnto thee Alas of our selues we cānot think any good much lesse wish it and least of all we it As for Angels or any other creatures they haue nothing but that which they haue receiued and they are made to minister vnto vs. So that where i● passeth the power of the maister the minister must needes want Alas then what shall we doe Thou art holie and we vnholie thou art good and wee nothing but euill thou art pure we altogether impure thou art light and we most darke darkenesse howe then can there be any agreement betwixt vs O what now may we do Dispayre No. for thou art God and therfore good thou art mercifull and therefore thou forgiuest sinnes with thee is mercie and propitiation and therefore thou art worshipped When Adam had sinned thou gauest him mercy before hee desired it wilt thou deny vs mercy which now desire the same Adam excused his fault and accused thee but we accuse our selues and excuse thee and shall we be sent emptie away Noe founde fauour when thy wrath abounded and shall wee seeking grace be frustrate Abraham was pulled out of Idolatrie when the worlde was drowned therein and art thou his GOD onely Israel in captiuitie in Egypt was graciously visited deliuered deare God the same good Lord shall we alwaies be forgotten Now often in the wildernes didest thou deferre spare thy plagues at the requestes of Moses whē the people themselues made no petition to thee and seeing we not onelie now make our petitiōs vnto thee through thy goodnesse but also haue a mediatour for vs farre aboue Moses euen Iesus Christ shall wee I say deare Lorde depart ashamed So soone as Dauid said I haue sinned thou diddest forthwith answere him that he should not die thou hast takē away his sinnes and gratious God euen the selfe same God shall not wee not we which now with Dauid gladlie confesse that we haue sinned shal we I say not heare by thy good spirit that our sinnes bee pardoned O graunt that with Manasses wee may finde fauour and mercie Remember that thou hast not spared thine owne onely deare Sonne Iesus Christ but giuen him to die for our sinnes to rise for our righteousnesse to ascend for our possession taking in heauen and to appeare before thee for vs for euer a high priest after the order of Melchizedech that through him we might haue free accesse to come to thy throne now rather of grace than of Iustice Remēber that thou by him hast bidden vs aske promised that we sho●lde receiue saying Aske and yee shall haue seeke and yee
of the gift and calling neither wilt thou at any time breake thy couenant of race and mercy in Christ thy sonnes merites confirmed in vs by that seale loue token For what though wee be weake in our beleefe shal our vnbeleefe make thy promise of no effect No thou wilt alway bee founde true but all men are lyars And yet Lord thou doest most graciously behold accept bee it neuer so little a sparke of faith We say therfore cry vnto thee with one y e wept said I beleeue Lord helpe my vnbeleefe Yea that little be it neuer so little is thy meere gift also The which as thou hast begun so most merciful Lord increase the same more more to the peace and comfort of our conscience and the glorie of thy name through Iesus Christ Amen A thankesgiuing to God for his great benefites HOnour and prayse bee giuen to thee Lorde God almightie most deare Father of heauen for all thy mercies and louing kindenesse shewed vnto vs in that it hath pleased thy gracious goodnesse freelie and of thine owne accorde to elect and choose vs to saluation afore the beginning of the worlde and euen like continuall thankes bee giuen vnto thee for creating vs after thine owne image for redeeming vs with the precious bloud of thy deare Sonne when we were vtterlie lost for sanctifying vs with thy holie spirite in the reuelation and knowledge of thy sacred word for helping and succouring vs in all our neede and necessity for sauing vs from all daunger both of bodie and soule for comforting vs so fatherlie in al our troubles and afflictions for sparing vs so long and giuing vs so large a time of repentance These benefites O most mercifull Father like as we do acknowledge that wee haue receiued of thy onelie goodnesse euen so wee beseech thee for thy deere sonne Iesus Christ his sake to graunt vs alwaies thy holy spirite whereby we may continually growe in thankefulnesse towardes thee be lead in all trueth and comforted in all aduersitie Strengthen our faith O lorde kindle it more and more in feruentnesse and loue towardes shee and our neighbours for thy sake Suffer vs not most deere Father to receiue thy word any more in vaine but graunt vs alwaies the assistance of thy grace and holy spirite that in heart word and deede we may sanctifie and doe worship to thy holy name that wee may helpe to amplifie and increase thy kingdome and that whatsoeuer thou sendest we may heartily wel be content with thy good wil and pleasure Suffer vs not to lacke the thing O Father without the which wee cannot serue thee but blesse thou so all the workes of our hands that we may haue sufficient and not to bee chargeable but rather helpefull vnto other Bee mercifull O Lorde vnto our offences and seeing our debt is great which thou hast forgiuen vs in Iesus Christ make vs to loue thee and our neighbors so much the more Be thou O father our captayne defender in all temptations holde thou vs by thy mercifull hande that we thereby may be deliuered from al inconueniences and end our liues in the sanctifying and honouring of thy name through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen A prayer for true mortification O God my creator preseruer and euerlasting defender where first in my creation I was made like vnto thine owne likenesse the deuil alas hath since by Adams fall made mee vgly monstrous and euill fauored like to him self For what are nowe Lorde mine earthly members but as thine Apostle writeth adulterie whoredome vncleanesse vnnaturall lustes euill concupiscence couetousnes which is the worshipping of Idols such other for the which thy wrath is wont to come vpon the children of vnbeleefe Neuerthelesse Lord of thy great mercy and goodnesse against this so greate a mischiefe a much greater remedy thy fatherly prouidence hath or dayned for thou hast sent Iesus Christ thy deare only natural sonne into this world the vale of miseries to loose the workes of the deuill and to take away my sinnes Therefore Sathan hath nowe nothing to brag of for through Christ al that beleeue in thee and so become thy children do ouercome the world the flesh the deuil And this is the victorie which ouercometh them al euen our faith That faith I meane which is perswaded that whosoeuer beleeueth in Christ shall not perish but haue euerlasting life That faith which beleeueth the testimony to be true which thou God the father doest testifie of thy sonne so making thee no lyar and this is y ● testimonie that thou hast giuen vs eternall life That faith which beleeueth that thou Father who raisedst vp Christ from death shalt also quicken our mortall bodies through thy holie spirit dwelling in vs. That faith which beleeueth it to bee true which thy Sonne Christe affirmed with a double oth saying Verily velily I say vnto you hee that beleeueth in mee the works that I doe the same shall hee doe and greater workes than these shall he doe because I goe to my Father And finally that faith which beleeueth that nowe Christ hath been lift vpon the crosse he shal drawe all thinges vnto him This faith I say is the victory which ouercommeth our enemies the deuil the world and our flesh Thou therfore deare father which hast promised to giue whatsoeuer I shall aske in thy deare sonne Iesus name for thy great mercie and infall●ble truethes sake do now in mee y e thing that he came for loose in me the workes of the diuel take away my sinnes I beseech thee make stedfast my faith and confidence in thy promised mercies and merciful promises so that I assuredlie beleeuing in thee may haue as thou hast promist euerlasting life making thee deare God no ●i●r may beleeue feele know in my heart and conscience that the same euerlasting life is thy meere and free gift vnto mee yea all readie of thy great goodnes vndoubtedly giuen me being now traslated from death to life Of a thankfulnesse wherof Lord cause me now dailie to mortifie my earthlie members yea deare father ●●th thy spirit which raysed vp christ from death dwelleth within me doe thou who raisedst Christ frō death quicken my mortal bodie throgh thy spirit so dwelling within me I beseech thee yea Lord Iesu according to thy promise because thou art now gone to thy father make mee worke this wōderful great work that thou speakest of I meane make me being of my selfe but a lumpe of sinne and a monster most vgly as the vices whereon the members of my earthlie body are aboue declared to be compact doe proone make me I say yet through thy grace to hate abhorre flee and subdue all adultery whoredome vncleannesse vnnaturrall lusts euill concupiscence vnordinate desires wantonnesse tendernesse delicatenesse idlenesse drunkennesse gluttonie slouthfulnesse distrust despaire ignorance
thee to the Diuel and his Angels and all the wicked which euer haue beene be or shalbe into helfire which is vnquenchable and of pains intollerable easeles endles hopeles euen from the face of thy glorious mightie power But if they haue repented and beleeued thy Gospell if they be founde watching with their lampe and oyle in their handes if they bee founde readie apparelled with the wedding garment of innocencie if they haue not hardned their harts and hourded vp their treasure of thy vengeance in the day of wrath to bee reuealed but haue vsed the time of grace the acceptable time the time of saluation that is the time of this life in the which thou stretchest out thy hande and spreadest thine armes calling and crying vnto vs to come vnto thee which art meeke in heart and lawlie for thou wilt ease all that labour and are heauie loaden if they haue visited the ●●●ke prisoners comforted the comfortlesse sedde the hungrie clothed the naked lodged the harbourlesse if they haue not loaden their hearts with gluttony and surferting and carelesnesse of this life if they haue not digged and hid their talent in the grounde doing no good therewith but haue been faithfull to occupie thy giftes to thy glorie haue washed their garments in thy bloode by heartie repentance then shal thy Angels gather them together not as the wicked which shall bee collected as faggots cast into the fire but as the good wheat that is gathered into the barne then shall they bee caught vpto meete thee in the cloudes then shall their corruptible bodie put on incorruption then shall they bee endued with immortalitie and glorie then shall they be with thee and goe whither thou goest then shall they heare Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning c. Thē shal they be set on seats of maiesty iudging the whole world then shall they raigne with thee for euer then shal God bee al in all with them to them then shall they enter and inherit heauenlie Ierusalem and the glorious restfull lande of Canaan where it is alwaies daie neuer night where is no manner of weeping teares infirmitie hunger colde sicknesse enuie malice nor sinne but alwaies ioye without sorrow mirth without measure pleasure without paine heauenly harmony most pleasant melodie saying and singing Holie holie holy Lord God of hostes c. Finallie the eie hath not seene the eare hath not hard neither hath it entred into the heart of man that they shall not inherite and most surely enioy although here they be tormented prisoned solicited of Sathan tempted of the fleshe and intangled with the world where through they are in forced to cry Thy kingdome come Come Lord Iesu c. Howe amiable are thy Tabernacles Like as the Hart desireth the water brookes c. Nowe let thy seruaunt depart in peace I desire to bee dissolued and to be with Christ We mourne in our selues waiting for the deliuerance of our bodie c. Oh gracious Lorde when shall I finde such mercie with thee that I may repent beleeue hope and looke for these things with the full fruition of those heauenlie ioyes which thou hast prepared for all them that feare thee ●●rest with thee for euermore A meditation of the life euerlasting the place where it is the incomparable ioyes thereof THat there is an euerlasting life none will denie but such as will denie God For if hee be true and iust which he must needes be or els he is not God then can there not be but an eternall life That he hath both spoken it and promised it in Math. 25. 1. Cor. 15. Heb 4. 11. 13. 1 Pet. 1. it plainelie appeareth elsewhere in verie manie places So y ● to denie an euerlasting life is to denie God to denie Christ and all that euer he did also to denie al pietie and religion to condemne of foolishnesse all good men Martyrs confessors Euangelists Prophets Patriarches Finally the denial of eternall life is nothing else but a deniall of the immortality of the soule and so a plaine making of man nothing better then beastes If it bee so let vs then eate and drinke for to morrow we shall die Lord preserue vs from this Saduceall and Epicuriall impietie and grant vs for thy mercies sake deare God that we may be assuredly perswaded that there is indeed an eternall life and blisse with thee for them that put their trust in thee amongst whome account mee for thy mercies sake Againe this eternall life and the place appoynted for them that be thy seruauntes all men doe graunt to bee with thee Albeit they do not thinke that because thou art euery where therfore eternal life is euery where For they by thy worde doe knowe that in as much as no man can see thee and liue which eternall life and thy blessed presence is most pleasant and had in fruition after in another worlde whereunto by corporal death they do departe and are translated to a place aboue them wher thou dwellest in a light whereunto no man can approch Abrahams bosom they read was aboue as the place of the wicked was belowe and beneath Helias was caught vp into heauen and thy deare Sonne our Sauiour prayed that where he is those also might bee which thou haddest giuen him and might see his glory Nowe hee deare father we learne by thy spirite was ascended taken vp in his very body into heauen whither Stephen looked vp saw thy Christ standing on thy right hande to whome he prayed O Lord Iesu receiue my spirite Graunt I beseeeh thee gratious God and father that I may haue a cleane heart more and more to see thee and so in spirite to see and looke often vpon this place whither bring mee at the length in bodie also I humblie praie thee Nowe what a thinge this euerlasting life is no man is able to conceiue much lesse able to vtter For the peace of God which is eternall life passeth all vnderstanding The eie hath not seene the eare hath not heard neither can mans hearte conceiue those thinges which thou deare God hast prepared for them that loue thee What so euer therefore can bee spoken or imagined of thy kingdome of the cleerenesse ioye and felicitie of the same is nothing in comparison as wee may see by the Prophets which because they coulde not otherwise vnder corporall thinges haue shadowed the same So that the confidence of eternall life what a thing it is can in no wise bee tolde Howebeit somewhat wee may be brought to some sight of it by earthly things to thinke on this sorte If GOD haue giuen here so many things in a strange place how many are y e great good things y t be at home If in prison are so many mercies how manie are they in the pallace If y e wicked haue so many
that Father to whome we are made Children of adoption through thee Oh our head raigning on high in glorie forget not vs thy poore members heere on earth whereunto abasing thy selfe thou camest downe and sufferedst for vs most cruell death Out of this thy throne of Maiesty glore thou puttest vs in assured hope and confidence that wee also shall attayne to that blessed place whither thou art gone before to take possession for vs. Oh our strōg tower of defence and succour what can hurt vs nowe trusting in thee Most vnhappie are they which are ignorant of thee Most happy are they which alwaies behold thee Blessed are they which haue knowne thee heere in the dayes of their mortalitie But more blessed are they which see thee in the heauens and shall see thee reigning with thy father in ioyes incomparable Oh Lorde the onelie ioye and comfort of our souls shew vs thy louing countenance embrace vs with the armes of thy mercie receiue vs O good Ioseph thy younger brethrē with the kisse of comfort powre into our hearts thy holy spirite pluck vs vp from the earth earthly things open our eies and lift them vp vnto thee open thy mouth call vs vnto thee open our eares that wee may heare thee so that whatsoeuer we do speake or thinke it may bee directed vnto thee alone our redeemer mediator and aduocate If ye be risen againe with Christ seeke the thinges which are aboue where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God set your affection on thinges that are aboue and not on thinges which are on earth Col. 3. Another THou Lord diddest put away Marie Magdalen from the kissing of thy feete because thy flesh was not yet exalted and she knew not yet the dignitie of thy clarified bodie and beautified with the glorie of immortalitie but was addicted only to thy bodily presence She yet sought the liuing among the dead neither was it knowne to her that thou was equall with thy father Wherfore thou wouldest not suffer her so much as to kisse thy feet because it was a thing vnworthy for thy maiesty Oh thou mighty Lion of the tribe of Iuda thou conquerour of hel and death euerliuing and immortall thou art nowe risen from death for vs thou art now ascended to thy father and our father and sittest at his right hand in glorie suffer vs to come neere vnto thee that wee may kisse thee yea Lorde thou louer of our soules come thou rather vnto vs and kisse vs with the kisse of thy mouth that wee may bee glad and reioyce in thee drawe vs that wee may runne after the sauour of thy sweete oyntments that wee may behold thee in righteousnesse and when thy glorie shall appeare wee may bee satisfied for in thy presence there is fulnesse of ioy and in thy right hande there are pleasures for euermore A prayer for true repentance MOst gratious God and mercifull father of our Sauiour Iesus Christ because I haue sinned done wickedlie through thy goodnesse haue receiued a desire of repentaunce whereunto this thy long● suffering doth drawe my hard heart● I beseech thee for thy great mercies sake in Christ to worke the same repentaunce in mee and by the spirite power and grace so to humble mortifie and feare my conscience for my sinnes to saluation that in thy good time thou maiest comfort and quickē me again through Iesus Christ thy dearely beloued sonne So be it I. B. A prayer for the strength and increase of faith O Merciful God and deare father of our Lorde Sauiour Iesus Christ in whome as thou art well pleased so hast thou commaunded vs to heare him for as much as hee often biddeth vs to aske of thee and also promiseth that thou wilt heare vs and graunt vs that which in his name we shall aske of thee loe gracious father wee are bold to beg of thy mercie through thy sonne Iesus Christ one sparkle of true faith and certaine perswasion of thy goodnesse loue towardes vs in Christ where through I being assured of y e pardon of all my sins by the mercies of Christ thy sonne may be thankful to thee loue thee a serue thee in holinesse and righteousnes al the daies of my life I. B. A prayer for the true sense and feeling of Gods fauour and mercie in Christ OH Lorde God and deare Father what shall I say that feele all thinges to bee in manner with mee as in the wicked blind is my mind crooked is my will and peruerse concupiscence is in mee as aspring or stinking puddle O howe fainte is faith in mee How little is my loue to thee or to thy people How greate is selfe loue Howe harde is my heart By the reason whereof I am mooued to doubt of thy goodnesse towardes mee whether thou art my mercifull father and whether I bee thy childe or 〈◊〉 In deede worthily might I doubt of that the hauing of these were the cause and not the 〈◊〉 rather of thy children The 〈◊〉 why thou art my father is thy mercie goodnesse grace and trueth in Christ Iesus which cannot but remaine for euer In respect whereof thou haste borne me this good will to bring me into thy Church by baptisme and to accept me into the number of thy children that I might bee holy faithfull obedient and innocent and to cal me diuers times vp the ministerie of thy worde into thy kingdome besides thy innumerable other benefites alwayes hitherto powred vpon mee All which thou hast done of this thy good will which thou of thine owne mercie barest to mee in Christe and for Christe before the world was made The which thing as thou requirest straitely that I should beleeue without doubting so wouldest thou that in all my needes I should come vnto thee as vnto a Father and make my mo●e without mistrust of being heard in thy good time as most shall make to my comfort Loe therefore to thee deare Father I come through thy sonne our Lorde mediator and aduocate Iesus Christ who sitteth on thy right hand making intercession for mee and pray thee of thy great goodnesse and mercy in Christ to bee mercifull vnto mee that I may feele in deede thy sweete mercie as thy childe The time Oh deare Father I appoint not but I praie thee that I may with hope f●ll expect and looke for thy helpe I hope that as thou for a little while hast left mee so thou wilt come and visit mee and that in thy great mercie wherof I haue neede by reason of my great miserie Thou art wont for a little season in thine anger to hide thy face from them whom thou louest but surelie O Redeemer in eternal mercies thou wilt shew thy compassions For when tho ●eauest vs O Lord thou doest not leaue vs verie long neyther doest thou leaue vs to our own losse but to our lucre aduantage men that thy holy spirite with bigger portion of thy power and
destruction For thy hand is not shortned that thou canst not helpe neither is thy goodnesse abated that thou wilt not heare Thou hast promised O Lord that afore wee crye thou wilt heare vs whilest wee yet speake thou wilt haue mercie vpon vs. For none that trust in thee shal be confounded neither any that call vppon thee shall be despised For thou art the onely Lord who woundest and dost heale againe who killest and reuiuest bringest euen to hel and bringest backe againe Our fathers hoped in thee trusted in thee and thou diddest deliuer them They called vpon thee and were helped they put their trust in thee and were not confounded O Lord rebuke vs not in thine indignation neither chasten vs in thy heauie displeasure O remember not the sinnes and offences of my youth but according to thy mercie think thou vpon vs O Lord for thy goodnesse Haue mercie vpon vs O Lord for we are weake O Lord heale vs for our bodies are vexed And nowe in the vexation of our spirites and the augnish of our souls we remember thee and we crie vnto thee heare Lord and haue mercie For thine owne sake and for thy holie names sake incline thine care heare O merciful Lord. For wee doe not powre out our praiers before thee trusting in our owne righteousnesse but in thy great and manifolde mercies Wash vs thoughly from our wickednesse and clense vs from our sins Turne thy face from our sins and put out all our misdeeds Make vs cleane heartes O God and renue aright spirite within vs. Helpe vs O God of our saluation for the glorie of thy name O deliuer vs and be mercifull to our sinnes for thy names sake So wee that bee thy people sheep of thy pasture shal giue thee thankes for euer and will alwaies be shewing foorth thy praise from generation to generation Glorie be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. A psalme of thankesgiuing for deliuerance from the plague or any other kinde of sicknes trouble or affliction LOrde thou art become gracious to thy lande thou hast turned away the afflictions of thy seruants Thou hast taken away all thy displeasure and turned thy selfe from thy wrathfull indignation For if thou Lorde hadst not helped vs it had not failed but our soules had been put to silence But when wee said our feet haue slipped thy mercy O Lorde helped vs vp In the multitude of the sorrowes that wee had in our hearts thy comforts haue refreshed our soules Our soules waited still vpon the Lorde our soules hanged vppon his helpe our hope was alwaies in him In the Lordes word will wee reioyce in Gods worde did wee comfort onr selues For the Lord said Call vpon mee in the time of trouble I wil heare thee and thou shalt praise mee So when wee were poore needie sickly in heauines the Lord cared for vs hee was our helper ●nd our deliuerer according to his word In our aduersitie and desiresse he hath lifted vp our head and sau●● vs from vtter destruction He hath deliuered our soules fro● death hee hath fed vs in the time 〈◊〉 dearth hee hath saued vs from th● noysome pestilence Therefore wil wee offer in his holy temple the oblation of thankesgiuing with great gladnes wee w●●sing and speake praises vnto the lor● our Sauiour Wee will giue thankes vnto th● Lord for he is gratious and his me●●cie endureth for euer The Lord is ful of compassion an● mercie long suffering plenteous i● goodnesse and pitie His mercie is greater than the h●●uens and his gracious goodnes rea●cheth vnto the cloudes Like as a father pitieth his ow● children euen so is the Lord merciful vnto them that feare him Therefore will we praise thee and thy mercies O God vnto thee will wee sing O thou holy one of Israel We will sing a new song vnto thee O God wee will praise the Lorde with psalmes and thankesgiuing O sing praises sing praises vnto our God O sing praises sing praises vnto our king For God is the king of the earth sing praises with vnderstanding We will magnifie thee O God our king wee will praise thy name for euer and euer Euery daye wil wee giue thankes vnto thee and praise thy name for euer and euer Our moutn shall speake the praises of the Lord let all flesh giue thanks to hs holy name for euer and euer Blessed bee the Lorde God of Israell for euer and blessed be the name of his maiesty worlde without end Amen Glorie be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. Prayers to be said before meales and after ALL things depend vpon thy prouidence O Lord to receiue at thy hands due sustenance in time conuenient Thou giuest to them and they gather it thor openest thy hand and they are sanctified with all good things O heauenly father which art the fountaine and full treasure of all goodnesse Wee beseech thee to shewe thy mercie vpon vs thy children and sanctifie these thy giftes which we receiue of thy merciful liberalitie granting vs grace to vse them soberly and purely according to thy blessed will so that thereby we may acknowledge thee to be the author and giuer of all good thinges and aboue all that we may remember continually to seeke the spiritual foode of the world wherwith our soules may be norished euerlastingly through our Sauiour Christ who is the true breade of life which came downe from heauen of whom whosoener eateth shal liue for euer and raigne with him in glorie world withour end So be it Another prayer before meales VVHether ye eat or drinke saith S. Paule or whatsoeuer ye do else let all be done to the praise glorie of God Eternall and euerlasting God fathere of our Lord Iesus Christ who of thy most singular loue which thou barest to mankinde hast appointed to his sustenance not only the fruits of the earth but also the fouls of the aire the beastes of the field and fishes of the sea and hast commaunded thy ben● fites to be receiued as from thy handes with thankesgiuing assuring thy children by the mouth of thine Apostle that to the cleane al things are cleane as the creatures which be sanctified by the worde and prayer grant vnto vs so moderatly to vse these thy giftes present that our bodies being refreshed our soules may be more able to proceede in all good works to the praise of the holy name through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Our father which art in heauen c. Another O Eternall God the very God of peace and al consolation which broughtest againe from death our Lorke Iesus the greate shepheard of the sheep through the bloud of the euerlasting couenante make vs fruitful in all good works to do thy wil and
the Lorde is and are becom new creatures by the heauenlie regeneration through the doctrine of the gospell should like holie and innocent babes lay aside all such workes of the flesh which do depriue a man of the kingdome of God And Saint Paule commaundeth vs that laying aside those cursed vvorkes of darknesse vve should in the steed thereof put on euen as the elect of God holie and beloued tender mercie kindness humblenesse of minde meeknesse long suffering forbearing one another forgiuing one another if anie haue a quarrell to another as Christ forgaue vs end aboue all these things saith he put on loue vvhich is the bond of perfection let the peace oh God rule in your hearts vvhen ye shall stand and praie saith S● Marke forgiue if ye haue anie thing against anie man that your Father also vvhich is in heauen maie forgiue you your trespasses● for if yee vvill not forgiue your father vvhich is in heauen vvill not pardon you your trespasses Moreouer we must haue such a feeling of our owne miserie and wretehednes as may worke in vs an earnest sorrowe and vexation of minde for the same Example whereof wee may see in the deare seruantes of God when they say that out of the deep deepenesse and out of the middes of the iawes of death they vtter vnto the Lord a sorrowfull voice He that desireth mercy must haue a feeling of his owne miserie And therefore saith Dauid Heale my soule O Lord for I haue sinned against thee There is nothing in my flesh saith hee because of thy displeasure neither in there any rest in my bones because of my sin This anguish and sorrowe stirreth vp in Gods children a feruent desire to obtain cōfort help and succour at Gods hande and therfore such as f●ele themselues oppressed with great calamities hauing by the help of man no hope of deliuerance doe crie vnto God with afflicted hearts as Dauid did in his distresse My soule thirsteth for God euen for the liuing God and as the hart being vvounded brai●th for the riuers of vvater so panteth my soule after thee O God This is that godlie sorrow which S. Paule saith worketh in Gods children repentaunce to saluation The Lorde is nigh to them saith Dauid that are of a contrite heart and vvill saue all such as are afflicted in spirite To him vvill I looke euen vnto him saith the Lord that is afflicted and broken hearted and trembleth at my vvordes Therefore Dauid calleth the time of trouble the fit and conuenient time for the faithful to fly vnto God by prayer And albeit they be not at al times in like distresse or continuallie groning vnder the burthen of present euils yet must they needes bee euer in dread of new daungers and carefully ●ffraid of further troubles to follow As trouble and feare therfore are the verie spurs to ●ir them vp to heartie and feruent prayer ●o by occasion thereof they haue more free accesse vnto God as though he did therby call them vnto him This godly sorrow for sinne and feruent desire and longing for Gods louing mercie and fauour commeth not of our selues but of the speciall goodnesse of God for we are of our selues dul and without al lust to pray ●ea so great is our imperfection that wee know not howe to pray as wee ought and therefore the spirite helpeth our infirmities inst●ucteth vs what is right and guideth our affections Hee maketh intercession for the Saintes saith 〈◊〉 Paule according to the vvill of God and that vvith Vighes and gr●anings vvhich cannot be expressed that is hee stirreth vp our he arts giueth vs a desire and boldnesse to pray causeth vs to mourn when we are by any meanes hindred from it and feele not our selues moued therunto with such feruent zeale and affection as we should be Now although wee knowe that it is the only work of the holie Ghost thus to mo●e and incline our heartes to prayer notwithstanding we may not be negligent slouthfull to dispose and stirre vp our selues therevnto but rather contrariwise so often as we feele our selues colde and not disposed to praier as we ought to be wee must make our supplication vnto the Lorde that it woulde please him to inflame vs with his holie spirit wherby we may be framed to pray with such feruencie of mind as we ought to doe When we are cast downe by the sence feeling of our owne infirmity sinne aud miserie Yet must we pray notwithstanding in sure and stedfast hope to obtaine our requests These be things in deed contrarie in shewe to ioyne with the feeling of the iust vengeance of God sure affiance of fauour which things doe yet verie wel agree in that it is the goodnesse of God onlie that raiseth vs vp being oppressed with our owne euils from the which of our selues we cannot rise For as repentance and faith are knit as companions together albeit the one driueth vs downe with feare and the other lifteh vs vp again with comfort so in praying they must needs go together And this agreement Dauid expresseth in few wordes I vvill saith he in the multitude of thy mercies enter into thy house and in the temple of thy holinesse I vvill vv●rship thee vvith feare Therefore when wee are once touched with true repentance and feling of our own miserie we must withall haue such a perswasion of Gods fauor and mercie towards vs in all our praiers that they shall be accepted of God so far foorth as it shall be necessary for ●s This is the assurance saith S. Iohn that vve haue in God that if vve aske anie thing according to his vvill he heareth vs. If we haue not a sure ●rust and confidence in the mercie and promises of God it is vnpossible to make our praier to him aright and whosoeuer doubteth whether God heareth his prayer that man obteineth nothing to such praiers God hath made no promise But contrariwise he saith vvhatsoeuer ye shall a●ke in praier if ye beleeue ye shall receiue it And againe VVhatsoeuer yee desire beleeue that yee shall obtaine it and it shal be done vnto you Ask saith Saint Iames in faith and vvauer not for hee that vvauereth is like to the vvaues of the sea vvhich are tossed of the vvind and caried avvaie And why should wee wauer or doubt seeing the holie scriptures testifie of God that he is faithful iust and true in all his wordes and promises saying The Lord is faithfull in all his vvordes hee vvill euer bee mindfull of his couenant the trueth of the Lorde endureth for euer And although our faith be not so strong and therfore our prayer so hearty and zealous as it ought to be yea though our faith be faint and cold yet let vs hold fast this principle that our praiers are not frustrate or in vaine For our comfort herein we haue an example in the father which brought his sonne first to the Apostles and
earth do most humbly beseech thee to be mercifull vnto vs to pardon our offences and to forgiue vs all our sinnes O Lord enter not into iudgement with thy seruantes for if thou doe there shall no flesh bee saued in thy sight Wee confesse and acknowledge O Lorde that it is our sinnes which hath moued thee to wrath and to shewe such fearefull tokens of thy displeasure towardes vs in these our daies first with fire from heauen betokening thy hote burning iud gnation and wrathful displeasure for sinne which aboundeth at this day then with such horrible and monstrous shatmpes against nature as wer neuer seen heere in our daies nor in any time before vs which doe betoken to vs none other thing but thy plagues to come vpon vs for our degenerate monstrous life and conuersation and now besides all this by great mortalitie plague and pe●ilence thou hast terribly threatned vs fatherly warned vs and merci●ully called vs to repentance The axe is set to the roote of the tree and if wee bee not as rotten members without all sense and feeling wee may perceiue our carefull destruction and desolation to bee at hande vnlesse wee speedilie repente and ●arne vnto thee because wee haue ●●ene so long taught out of thy most holy and sacred worde and yet no fruites of repentance or Christian life will appeare Woe and alas to these our daies that neither preaching by word most comfortable nor preaching by fire most terrible nor preaching by monsters most straunge and ouglie neither yet by plagues and pestilence most horrible will stirre by our stonie heartes and awake from our sinnes Wee feare O Lorde that the Turkes with all the rest of the vnbeleeuing will condemne vs in the lust day which if they had bin so lōg instructed by the comfortable preaching of thy word sweet promises of thy Gospell or seene the wonders which we haue seene no doubt their righteousnes would haue shined at this day to our greate shame and confusion thou hast no lesse 〈◊〉 vs O Lorde of thy fearefull displeasure heauy plagues at hand for our great wickednes than thou diddest the Israelites of that horrible destruction which came vpon them whome thou first in mercie diddest cal to repentāce by the preaehinge of thy worde but when no warning would serue thou diddest sende them monstrous and fearefull ●●gnes and tokens to declare that thy vis●●ation was not far off But they like vnto vs at this day did alwaies interpret these things after the imagination of their own vaine hearts promising to themselues peace whē 〈◊〉 struction was ouer their heades Which things when we do cal to minde for asmuch as they are written for our learning Example and warning it maketh vs to tremble and quake for feare of thy iust iudgements For if thou hast thus dealt with thine owne deare and those● children in take of thy great wrath against sinne what shall wee looke for who doe no lesse deserue thy fearfull scourge for of mercie it is that thou doest thus long forbeare vs and liue as though there were no God at all to be reuenged vppon our sinnes It maketh vs to feare crye inwardly in our soules Come Lorde Iesu holy and true in all thy doings shorten our dais bring this our pilgrimage to an eude suffer vs not to heape sinne vpon sin vntil the day of vengeance least wee be caught vp amongest the number of the wicked reprobate which shall neuer fee thy louing countenance It maketh vs to cry to thee O Lorde Let thy kingdome come and end this our sinfull life wherein we doe nothing but prouoke thee to wrath Correct vs not O Lorde in thine indignation neither chasten vs in thy heauie displeasure And though to vs belongeth nothing but shame confusion though our offences haue deserued to be visited with the rod and our sinnes with scourges yet in mercie Lord with fatherlie correction chasten vs and thy louing kindnesse take not away from vs. To thee wee flie for succour vnder the wings of thy mercie shall be our refuge vntil thou turne thy wrathfull countenaunce from vs. Wee knowe that thy mercie is aboue all thy workes and euen as greate as thy selfe Therefore will wee saie with holie Iob Though thou kill vs yet will wee put our whole trust in thee Thou camest to comfort plucke out of the dungeon of Hell such wretches as wee are Thou art the good Samarican that camest to heale our deadlie woundes thou art that good Phisition that camest to cure our mortall infirmities thou art the good Shepheard that camest to seeke vs wandring lost sheepe to bring vs to thy sold againe and more than that thou art our brother flesh of our flesh bone of our bones which hast tasted of our infirmities felt our temptations borne the burden of our sinnes therefore at thy hands we looke for mercie against the day of vengeance And though thou punish vs yet our hope is euer shal be that thy rodde shall no further touch vs than shall make to thy glorie our cōmoditie and the strengthening increase of our faith Let this thy Preaching sundrie wayes O Lord be sufficient for our warning and graunt that wee maye speedily and from the bottome of our heartes repent endeuour to doe thy righteous and blessed will reuealed in worde and frame our liues according to the same that wee maie here liue in thy feare al the dayes of our life after this our sinful course is ended may dwel with thee in thy blessed kingdome through the death merites of Iesus Christ our onely redemer So be it Another prayer for the auoyding of Gods deserued wrath hanging ouer vs for our sinnes VVHen wee looke backe and beholde our sinnefull life past what a dungeon of errours vice and wickednes openeth himself vnto vs So that there is no mā but he must needs be ashamed of himself whē he calleth to mind what he hath bin trembleth when he conf●aereth the wickednes ●S sinful course of his life to come for who shall vndertake that the rest of our a●fe shall bee anie better than is past Howe can wee then sufficientlie magnifie prayse thy great mercy which hast deferred thy punishment so long Beholding therfore this our dangerous miserable state wee come vnto thee O thou great and mightie Iudge in trembling feare humbly beseeching thee not to heape vpon vs thy deserued vengeance but let thy tender kindnesse loue thou dearest to Iesus Christ thy Sonne our gracious Lord redeemer couer our iniquities for whose sake though wee deserue al extremity thou doest pardon vs. If thou Lord shalt straitly marke our iniquities O Lorde who shall bee able to abide it psal 103. A prayer to be saide of all such as suffer any kinde of crosse ALmighty God king of al kings and gouernour of all thinges whose power no treasure is able
greeuously tormented in sundry places for the true profession of thy holy Ghospel who in their extreme necessities cry for comfort vnto thee Let not thy long suffering O Lord be an occasion either to increase the tyranny of thy enimies or to discorage thy children but with speede O Lorde consider their greate miseries and afflictions Preuent the cruell deuise of Hamon stay the rage of Holophernes breake off the counsel of Achitophell Let not the wicked say Where is now their God Let thy afficted flocke feele present aide and releefe from thee O Lord looke down vpon them with thy pytiful eye from thy holy habitation sende terrour and trembling among their enemies make an ende of their outragious tyranny beate backe their boldenesse in suppressing thy truth in destroying thy true seruants in defacing thy glorie and in setting vp Antichrist Let them not thus proudly aduance themselues against thee and thy Christ but let them vnderstande and feele that against thee they fight Preserue and defend the Wine which thy right hande hath planted and let all Nations see the glorie of thine annointed Amen A prayer to be saide before the preaching of Gods worde ALmightie God and most mercifull father whose worde is a lanterne to our feete and a light vnto our steppes we most humbly beseech thee to illuminate our mindes that wee may vnderstand the misteries conteined in thy holy lawe and into the selfe same thing that wee godly vnderstand we may be vertuously transformed so that of no part wee offend thy diuine maiestie through Iesus Christ our Lord. An other IN this great darknes of our soule● O Lord thou shinest diuers waie● vnto vs by the light of thy grace but in nothinge so effectually as in the preaching of thy worde Greate is the Haruest as thou thy selfe hast saide and the workmen are few The greatest part of men are ignorant wrapped in miserable blindnesse and fewe there bee that teach thy worde truely and as they ought Wee beseech thee therefore to sende foorth woorkemen into thy haruest Sende ●eachers O Lord which are taught of thee and instructed by the spirite of godly wisdome and vnderstanding which by their preaching will ●eeke not themselues but thee because they are godly and can so doe because they are wise vnderstand ●iue to the preacher of thy wor●e are present out of the treasures of by wisdome that which hee may ●●wre vpon vs to our saluation and ●●to vs giue thy grace holy spirite O Lord so to heare and to receiue thy worde that the good seede which falleth vppon vs bee not choked with thornes or withered away with heate or deuoured by the foules of the aire but may grow vp in a good-grounde and fructifie with greate increase A prayer to be sayde after the preaching of Gods worde ALmightie God and most mercifull Father wee heartely beseech thee that this seede of thy worde no● sowen amongest vs may take such deepe roote that neither the burning heate of affliction or persecuti●e cause it to wither neither the th●●●nie cares of this life doe choke it be that as seede sowen in good ground it may bring foorth thirtie sixtie 〈◊〉 an hundred folde as thy heauen●● wisedome hath appointed And ●●●cause wee haue neede continually to craue many thinges at thy hands we humbly beseech thee O heauenly father to grant vs thy holy spirite so to direct our petitions that they may proceede from such a feruent minde is may be agreeable to thy most blessed will And seeing that our infirmitie is such that wee are able to doe nothing without thy helpe and that thou art not ignorant with howe manie and ●reate tentations wee poore wretches are on euery side compassed and inclosed let thy strength O Lorde ●ustaine our weakenesse and assist vs with thy grace that wee may be fafe●pre serued against all the assaultes 〈◊〉 Sathan who goeth about like a ●aring Lyon seeking to deuour vs. Increase our faith O merciful Father that wee doe not swar●e at a●etime from thy heauenly worde Augment in vs hope and loue with a carefull keeping of all thy commandements that no heardnes of heart no hypocrisie no concupiscence of the eyes nor intisements of the worlde doe drawe vs away from thy obedience And seeing the times are dangerous wherein wee liue let thy fatherly prouidence defende vs against the violence of all our enimies and specially against the furious rage of that Romish Idoll enimie to thy Christ Furthermore for as much as by thy holie Apostle wee bee taught to make our prayers and supplications for all men wee praye not only for our selues heere present but beseech thee also to reduce all such as bee yet ignorant from the miserable captiuitie of blindnesse and error to the pure vnderstanding of thy heauenly trueth that wee all with one consent and vnitie of minde map worship thee our onely God and sauiour Wee beseech thee also most decare Father for pastors and ministers to whome thou hast committed the dispensation of thy holy worde and charge of thy chosen people that both in their life and doctrine they may bee founde faithfull setting onely before their eyes thy glorie and that by them all poore sheepe which wander and goe astray may be sought out brought to thy fold Againe that it woulde please thee to deliuer thy church from such idle ●h●pe heardes wolues and hirelings ●s seeke themselues and their bellies and not thy glorie and the safegarde of thy flocke Moreouer because the heartes of ●ulers are in thy handes wee make our praers vnto thee for all Princes and Magistrates to whome thou ●ast committed the administration of iustice especially O Lord for the Queenes Maiestie that it woulde please thee to Indue her with thy plentifull grace and principall spirit that she may with a pure faith acknowledge Iesus Christ thy onely sonne to bee King of all Kinges and gouernour of all gouernours euen as thou hast giuen all power vnto him both in heauen and earth and so work in her heart that shee considering whose Minister shee is may heartely seeke and zealously promot● thy true honour and glorie carefully trauelling to bring thy people comemitted to her charge and yet remaining almost in all partes of this Realme in miserable blindenesse and darke ignorance to the true knowledge of thee ruling guiding them as shee is taught and commanded by thy holy worde Also wee beseech thee to indue all such as are in any authoritie vnder her with thy grace and holie spirite that they may bee found vpright and faithfull in their calling fauoureres and furtherers of thy holy Ghospell maintainers defenders of the true Preachers and Ministers thereof such as in singlenes of heart wil seeke not themselues but thy glory and the comm●●tie of thy people And for that wee bee all
all thinges in this world as they be transi●orie soone vanishing away and my selfe also with them drawing towardes mine end For nothinge vnder the Sunne may long abide but all is vanitie and affliction of spirite Oh Lorde God which art sweetenesse vnspeakeable turne into bitternesse vnto me all transitorie earthly delights which may drawe mee from the loue of eternall things and for al worldly comforts giue me the sweete comfort of thy holy spirit for thou Lord art my ioy my hope my crowne and my glorie Blessed are they that for the loue of thee set not by the pleasurs of this worlde but crucifie the flesh and the iustes thereof so that in a cleane pure conscince they may offer their praiers vnto thee and be accepted to haue companie with thee together with the Angels heauenly spirits O euerlasting light send down the beames of thy brightnesse and lighten the inward partes of my heart Open my heart that I may behold thy lawes and teach me to walke in thy commaundements Beholde my weaknes O Lord be clarified and made glorious in thy kingdome Oh holie father thou hast ordeyned it so to be and it is done as thou hast appoynted Wherefore O Lorde giue mee the grace to rest in thee aboue all things and to quiet my heart in thee aboue all creatures aboue all glorie and honour aboue all dignitie and power aboue all health and beauty aboue all riches and treasure aboue al ioy and pleasure aboue all fame praise aboue al mirth and consolation that mans hart may take or feele besides thee For thou Lorde art most good most wise most righteous most holie most iust most blessed most high most mightie most comfortable most beautifull most louing most glorious in whom all treasures of goodnesse most perfect●y rest And therefore whatsoeuer I haue besides thee it is nothing vnto me or my heart may not rest nor fully bee pacified but onely in thee Oh Lord Iesu who shall giue mee wings of perfect loue that I may fly vp from these worldly miseries and rest with thee Oh Christ the king of euerlasting glorie my soule crieth vnto thee with continual gronings saith How long tarrieth my Lord God to come to me Oh when shall the ende come of all these miseries When shall I cleane be deliuered from the bondage of sinne When shall I Lord haue my minde onely fixed on thee and be merrie in thee with perfect ioy and gladnes When shal that blessed houre come that thou shalt visit mee and make mee glad with thy blessed presence when thou shalt bee to mee all in all When shall I come vp to thee and feele and enioy those sweete consolations which with thy blessed Saints are alwaies present When shall I haue peace without trouble peace without peace within and on euery side stedfast sure O Lord Iesu when shal I stand and behold thee and haue full sight contemplation of thy glorie When shall I bee with thee in thy kingdom that thou hast ordained for thine elect before the beginning Oh blessed mansion of that heauenly citie Oh most cleare daie of eternitie whom the night may neuer darken This is the daye alwaies cleare merrie alwaies sure and neuer changing This daye shineth cleare to thy saints in heauen Oh gracious God with euerlasting brightnesse but to vs heere on earth so great is y e darknes of sinne in vs it shineth obscurely and as it were a farre off wee see but a glimmering thereof Would to GOD this day might shortly appeare and shine vnto vs and that these wordly vanities were at an ende Thy heauenly Citizens know and feele how ioyfull this day is but we the children of Eue strangers exiles here on earth do lament and bewaile the bitter tediousnesse of this present life short and euil ful of sorrow and anguish Where man is oftentimes defiled with sinne disquieted with troubles oppressed with cares bus●ed with vanities blinded with errors ouercharged with labours vexed with tentations ouercome with vaine delightes and pleasures of the worlde and miserably wrapped in manie kindes of calamities Wherefore O Lord arise helpe mee comfort mine exile asswage my sorrowe destroy the power of mine enemies the kingdom of sinne Sathan the worlde my wicked flesh which alway make battel against me and bring these cōflicting daies to an end So shal I sing praises vn to thee O God of my saluation magnifie thy holy name world with out end Amen A confession of sinnes and a prayer for the remission thereof O Lorde God rich in mercie and of ●reat goodnesse who of thy tender loue towardes vs euen whē we were thine enemies didst sende into the worlde thine owne deare Sonne Iesus Christ to be a slayne sacrifice for our sinnes so that whosoeuer beleeueth in him shoulde not perish but haue life euerlasting haue mercy vpō me acording to thy great mercies according to the multitude of thy compassions put awaie mine iniquities For mine iniquities are gone ●uer my head and as a weightie burthen they presse me downe Against heauen and against thee haue I st●ned O Lorde I am not worthy to be called thy childe I am ashamed to lift vp mine eies vnto thee for my sinnes are ascēded vp into thy sight There is nothing sounde in my flesh because of thy displeasure neither is there any rest in my bones because of my sinne Behold I am solde vnder sin in my flesh ther dwelleth no good thing For the good which I would doe I doe not but the euill which I would not doe that I doe ●●tash me therfore O Lord frō mine iniquities clense me from my sinne Purifie my hart by the sanctifying of thy holy spirite by the sprinckling of the bloud of thy deare Sonne from the filth of sinne and an euil cōscience Make mee to heare ioy gladnes that the bones which thou hast broken may reioyce Create in mee a new hart O God and renew a right spirit within mee Cast mee not away from thy presence take not thy holy spirite from mee Restore to me the ioy of thy saluation and stablishe mee with thy free spirite For thou art good to them y ● trust in thee and to the soule that seeketh thee AL thy waies are mercy and trueth to them that seeke out thy couenaunt and thy testimonies The fountaine of thy goodnes is euer full and ouerflowing thy mercie neuer decayeth Thou woundest and healest againe thou killest and reuiuest bringest euen downe to hell and bringest backe againe Thou raysest vp those that are fallen thou comfortest y e broken harted Thou strengthenest the wearie standes and crooked knees out of the gulfe of hel thou deliuerest the afflicted Out of darknes thou bringest light out of death life and out of damnation thou bringest saluation Heare me therefore O Lorde according to thy louing kindnes turne vnto mee according to
worke in vs that which is acceptable in thy sight SanctifiE vs thoroughout and keepe our whole spirit soule and bodie faultlesse vnto the comming of thy dear sonne our Lord Iesus Christ Thou art faithful O Father who hast promised this who also shall bring it to passe to thee therfore be giuen euerlasting praise honour and glorie Amen A thankesgiuing after meales LEt al nations magnifie the Lord let all people reioyce in praysing and extolling his greate mercies For his fatherly kindnesse is plentifully shewing foorth vpon vs and the truth of his promise endureth for euer Wee render thankes vnto thee O Lord God for thy manifold benefits which we continually receiue at thy bountifull hand not onely for that it hath pleased thee to feede vs in this present life giuing vnto vs al things necessarie for the same but especially because thou hast of thy free mercie fashioned vs anewe into an assured hope of a farre better life the which thou hast declared vnto vs by thy holie Gospel Therefore we humbly beseech thee Oh heauenly father that thou wilt not suffer our affections to bee so intangled and ro●ted in these earthly corruptible things but that we may alwayes haue our mindes directed to thee o● high continually watching for the cōmming of our lord Isesus Christ what time he shal appeare for our full redemption To whom with thee and the holy Ghost bee all honor and glorie for euer and euer So bee it Another thankesgiuing after meales GLorie praise and honour be vnto thee most mercifull and omnipotent Father who hastfed and daylie doest feede of thy most bountifull goodnesse al liuing creatures we beseech thee that as thou hast nourished these our mortal bodies with corporall food so thou wouldest replenish our souls with the perfect knowledg of the liuely word of thy beloued son Iesus Christ to whom with thee the holy Ghost be praise glorie and honour for euer So be it Another MOst bountifull and gratious God which feedest all flesh and hast promised that asking of thee we shall not lacke if wee first seeke thy kingdome the righteousnes thereof we feeling presently the benefit of this thy gratious promise in feeding our bodies with this corporal foode do rendervnto thee most harty thanks for the same beseeching thee likewise to feed our soules with that heauenlie foode which perisheth not but abideth vnto euerlasting life so that we being norished by thy goodnesse both in bodie soule may be apt readie to do al good workes which thou hast prepared for vs to walke in through Iesus Christ our Lord. Vnto him that loueth vs and washed vs from our sinnes in his bloud and made vs Kings and Priestes vnto God his father be all glory power and dominion for euermore Amen Another THe God of glorie who hath created redeemed and presently fed vs be blessed for euermore Amen The God of all power who hath called from death the greate pastor of the sheepe our Lord Iesus comfort defend the flock which he hath redeemed by the bloud of the eternall Testament increase the number of true preachers represse the rage of obstinate tyrants lighten the harts of the ignorant releeue the pains of such as be afflicted but specially of those that suffer for the testimonie of thy truth and finally confound Sathan by the power of our Lord Iesus Christe So be it Prayers commonly called Lydleys prayers with certayne godly additions Before thou prayest forgiue if thou hast any thing against any man and come not to GOD with a double heart but lift vp pure handes without wrath or doubting 1. Tim. 2. AL mightie and most mercifull Father I thy poore creature work of thy hands acknowledge confes vnto thee my manifolde sinnes and ●ffences which I frō my youth vp vnto this day haue committed against thee in thoughte word deede beseeching thee for Iesus Christ thy deere sonnes sake to haue mercie vpon mee and to pardon the same according to thy greate mercie which hast promised that At what time soeuer a sinner doth repent him of his sinne from the bottome of his heart thou wilt put his wickednesse out of thy remembrance O Lord I confesse that I was borne in sinne and conceiued in wickednesse and am by nature a childe of wrath for in my flesh dwelleth no good thing and of my selfe I am not able to thinke a good thought much lesse to doe that thou in thy lawe requirest of mee saying Cursed is he that continueth not in all thinges that are written in the lawe to doe them Againe thy lawe is spirituall but I am carnall sould vnder sinne Therefore O LORD I come vnto thee for grace which hast said Aske ye shal haue seeke ye shall find knock it shal be opened vnto you to preuent draw my will vnto all goodnesse for none can come vnto thee except he be drawn except we be borne from aboue we cannot see the kingdom of God Therefore O Lord renew in mee a right spirit that I may receiue strength and ablenes to doe thy righteous will Grant that I may euer desire and will that which is most pleasing and acceptable to doe thy will Thy will be my will and my will be alwayes to follow thy will Let there be euer in mee one will one desire with thee and let me neuer desire to will or not to will but as thou wilt Graunt mee that aboue all things I may rest in thee and fully quiet pacifie my heart in thee for thou Lord art the true peace of the heart and the perfect rest of the soule Thou knowest Lord what is most profitable expedient for me where fore doe with mee in al things as it shall seeme best vnto thee For it may not be but well that thou dost which doest most iustly and blessedly dispose al things after thy most godly wisedome Therefore whether it be by prosperitie or aduersitie losse or gain sicknesse or health life or death thy will be done Cast out of my heart al vnprofitable cares of worldly thinges and suffer me not to be lead with the vnstable desires of earthly vanities but giue me grace that all worldlye and carnal affections may bee mortified die in mee Graunt vnto mee the strength of thy holie spirite to subdue this body of sinne with the whole lustes thereof that it may be obedient both in wil minde and members to do thy holy wil Assist me with thy grace O Lord that I may be strenthened in the inwarde man and bee armed with thy holy armor which is the breast-plate of righteousnesse the shielde of faith the hope of saluation for an helmet and the sworde of the spirit which is thy holy word that I may stand perfect in all that is thy will be found worthy through Christ to receiue the crowne of life which thou hast promised to all them that loue thee Giue me grace that I may esteeme