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A17140 Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ. Or, the trauels of the holy patriarchs, prophets, iudges, kings, our sauiour Christ, and his Apostles, as they are related in the Old and New Testaments. With a description of the townes and places to which they trauelled, and how many English miles they stood from Ierusalem. Also a short treatise of the weights, monies, and measures mentioned in the Scriptures, reduced to our English valuations, quantitie, and weight. Collected out of the workes of Henry Bunting, and done into English by R.B.; Itinerarium totius Sacræ Scripturæ. English Bünting, Heinrich, 1545-1606.; R. B., fl. 1619. 1636 (1636) STC 4020; ESTC S106784 396,681 582

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commandement of the Lord he made a league with him Gen. 31. 4 From mount Gilead hee went to Mahanaim which is 16 miles and there he met with the Angels of God Gen. 31. 5 From Mahanaim he passed the water and went to Penuel which is foure miles and there wrestled with the Angel of God Gen. 32. 6 From Penuel hee went to Succoth where hee pitched his Tents 2 miles Gen. 33. 7 From Succoth hee passed the riuer of Iordan and went to Sichem not far from Salem about eight miles where his daughter Dinah was rauished Gen. 33. 8 From thence he went to Bethel which is eight and twenty miles Gen. 31. 9 From Bethel he went to Bethlehem Euphrata which is twelue miles in which way Rachel died and was buried not farre from Bethlehem then Iacob went forward and set vp his Tents neere to the Tower of Eder a mile from Bethlehem towards the South Gen. 35. 10 From Bethlehem Euphrata and the Tower of Eder he returned againe to the valley of Mamre neere Hebron to his father Isaac which is 20 miles Gen. 35. 11 From Hebron hee went to Beersaba which is 16 miles Gen. 38. 12 From Beersaba he went to the Towne of Ony a little off Aegypt in the land of Gossen which is 168 miles where Ioseph his sonne gaue him honourable entertainement Gen. 46. 13 From Ony he went to the citie * This was the chiefe Citie of Aegypt Zoan which is also called Tanis 28 miles where he was presented to K. Pharaoh Gen. 47. 14 From Tanis he returned to Ony which is 28 miles and there he dwelt and dyed in the land of Gossen Gen. 49. The Description of the Townes and places to which Iacob trauelled Of Bethel BEthel was a Towne in the Tribe of Benjamin eight miles from Ierusalem toward the North and signifies The house of God In times past it was called Luz but Iacob seeing in that place the vision of the Ladder with the Angells ascending and descending vpon it and because there the Lord renued the couenant with him concerning his seed and the comming of Christ he therefore called it Bethel Afterward Ieroboam hauing vnlawfully vsurpt the kingdome of Rehoboham caused a calfe to be set vp there for which cause it was then called Bethauen which signifieth the house of sinne and abhominable offence Vatablus is of opinion that there are two Bethels one in the tribe of Benjamin the other in the tribe of Ephraim both not far from Hay but if this should be granted then these two townes should stand within two miles one of the other which seemeth very absurd therefore I dare boldly affirme that there was but one Bethel which stood vpon the borders of Benjamin and Ephraim both tribes bordering vpon the South side of the towne of Luz Iosh 16. 18. This towne of Bethel was at first in the Suburbs of Lue vntill the diuision of the tribes for then both these Tribes of Ephraim and Benjamin ending in that place so much increased this town that they became both one city and so were called Bethel Ie. 28. 35. Iosh 7. 18. From hence there is a two-fold mistery to be apprehended the first of Iacob whose sleeping in this place vpon a stone caused this Citie or Towne to be built and to retaine the name of Bethel that is The house of God So whosoeuer seekes to haue eternall life must rest vpon that corner stone Christ Iesus the sonne of the euerliuing God and by faith bee incorporated into the Church which is the house of God of which Christ the Annointed of the Lord is both King and Priest for euer Secondly as Iacob resting vpon this corner stone saw the Angels ascending and descending from heauen vnto earth so by this incorporation into the body of the Church of which Christ is the head by Faith and Baptisme our soules are made capable to ascend into that heauenly Tabernacle which he hath prepared for all those that beleeue according to that in Iohn 14. I am the way the truth and the life no man commeth vnto the father but by me only And whosoeuer is assured of this ladder that reacheth from heauen vnto earth may well say with Iacob surely the Lord Iesus Christ is in this place here is nothing but the house of God and here is the gate of heauen as Christ himselfe testifieth in the tenth of Iohn I am the doore and whosoeuer entreth not by me c. So that Christ is the head of his Church the ladder that ascendeth into heauen and the doore whereby we may enter into eternall life Of Gilead THis land of Gilead was a country that lay betweene Iordan and the mountaine of Gilead or rather betweene the sea of Galilee and the mount Gilead sixtie miles from Ierusalem towards the Southeast for the mountaines of Gilead beginning at mount Gilead extended thence vnto Arabia the stony and seperated the countrey of Israel beyond Iordan from the countrey of the Amonites But that part which lyeth betweene the Sea of Galilee and Ammon is properly called Gilead for when Iacob and Laban made a couenant either with other in the mount Gilead they gathered a heape of stones and making a banquet eat together vpon it Gen. 13. and from thence that mountain and all the countrey thereabouts tooke the name For Laban in the Syrian tongue is called IEGAR SAHADVTA the heap of couenant But Iacob in the Hebrew language called that mountain together with all the Countrie thereabouts Galeed or Galaad the heape of testimonie for Gal signifieth a heape or graue and Galal He rolled or hee thrust into a round heape From whence the Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to roule and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a circle is deriued Also Edah signifies testomonie with the Hebrewes being deriued from Id which signifies testaetus est that is he beareth witnesse and from hence 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 amongst the Grecians is deriued which signifieth a witnesse This land of Gilead was very fertile and pleasant being adorned with many Castles and strong Cities And in this countrey the Prophet Eliah was taken vp into heauen in a fierie Chariot 1 Reg. 17.2 Reg. 2. The Graecians call this Decapolin from ten cities that are strongly built in that countrey Marc. 7. Of Machanaim MAchanaim was a Citie of the Leuites in the Tribe of Gad neere to the floud of Iordan and Iaboch fortie foure miles from Ierusalem toward the Southeast and scituate in the land of Gilead beyond Iordan being so called of the Patriarch Iacob because there he saw the Tents and Armie of Angels which he vnderstood to be his assistants against his brother Esau whom hee feared Genesis 31. For Chana signifieth Castrametatus est that is the Tents are measured out from whence Machanaim is the proper name of a place being deriued from two Tents of Angels which appeared to Iacob That they might defend him in his journey For the Angels of God compasseth
holy Sepulchre THis Temple lieth vpon the West within this new towne at first fairely built by the Emperor Constantine but destroyed by Caliphas Sultan of Egypt then by the Emperours of Constantinople rebuilt which continueth to this day It is round in the proportion adorned with 79 pillars 30 foot long the widenes by the Diameter besides the pillars is 73 feet leaded aboue and vpon the top of the roofe standeth a Lanthorn by which the light commeth in this Lanthorne is very curiously glased In the middle standeth the holy Sepulchre To this ioyneth the Church in mount Golgotha and serueth in stead of a Quire It standeth something lower but all vnder one roofe The place where the holy Sepulchre standeth is four square eight foot long and eight broad hewne out of a rocke and couered with marble there is a little doore in the East part of it very low by which men go into it and within that the Sepulchre it self standeth vpon the North side made of gray marble three handfuls high and eight foot long There are no windowes for light to come to it but ouer there hangeth continually nine lamps burning wherby it receiueth light The vault of this Sepulchre is diuided with a wall the outward is both of the same proportion and length as the inward but that which is without seemeth to be an entrie to the inner caue where Christ was buried and there as some say euen to this day is found a piece of the stone which the Angell rolled from the graue before the resurrection the other part of the stone howsoeuer it came there lyes vpon mount Sion But some thinke that the Armenians carried it thither because vpon it they haue built an Altar In this inner caue there hangs nine lamps to giue light vnto them that enter in by the East so that in the inner and outer Vault there standeth eighteene Lamps The Mount whereon Christ was crucified seemeth to stand vpon a rocke of stone whitish and somthing blushing It is distant from the holy Sepulcre 130 foot The place where the Crosse stood was an hard rocke eighteene steps in the ascent and answereth to nine and twenty feet The hole where the Crosse stood is about the roundnesse of a mans head in latitude and if a man might beleeue the Monkes thereabouts they say also that in that place is to be seene the colour of our Sauiours bloud euen to this day Vpon the left hand of this there stands an Altar made of marble and ouer that a sumptuous Chappel paued and couered with polisht marble gilt and adorned with refulgent gold the wals wherof are very curiously wrought and gilded In the Church vpon mount Golgotha they also shew part of a pillar naturally blacke spect with red spots where they say Christ was whipt and make the Vulgar beleeue that these specks are the drops of bloud that fell from him The other part of this Colume was caried to Constantinople as it was thought In this church Godfrey first Christian King of Ierusalem and the rest of his successors lie buried Of the Temple of Solomon as it is at this day THis Temple lieth towards the East and was built by the Christians iust in the same place where the former Temple stood at the time when this City was rebuilt and inlarged The body thereof is very high and spatious and built of polisht marble adorned with most exquisit and curious workemanship very artificiall and glorious both within and without insomuch that the polished stones cast a singular beautifull and resplendant lustre Aboue it is couered with lead and was built vp at the cost and labor of the Grecians in the roofe whereof the Turks place an halfe moone as they vsually doe in all such churches wherein they come and haue authority The Turkes and Saracens haue this Temple in great reuerence and deuotion they adorne it according to their custome with diuers artificial pictures and emblems They will suffer no Christians to enter into it nor any Iewes vpon paine of death And if it happens that at any time they go into it they first wash themselues with water very clean then put off their hose and shoos and so go bare foot This Temple they call the holy Rocke and in the body thereof there hangeth 700 lamps which burne night and day In the midst hereof there standeth a certaine little rocke euery where indented with yron neere to which not any of the Saracens or Infidels dare to approach or touch although there come many very farre to visit it for they beleeue that there were many memorable worthy things done in that rock they think that Melchisedeck the first Priest of the great God offered bread and wine vpon it Genes 14. and that here the Patriarch Iacob saw the Ladder which reached from heauen to earth Gen. 28. which indeed hapned not in Ierusalem but in Bethel as the Scriptures witnesse Further they beleeue that vpon this stone Dauid saw the Angel of the Lord standing with a shaken sword when he strook the city with the pestilence 2 Sam. 24. and that the Priests of the old Testament offered vpon this stone their sacrifices to the Lord which were deuoured with fire from heauen All which things do vtterly differ from holy Scripture The Iewes also are of opinion That the prophet Ieremy about the time of the captiuity of Babylon in this stone hid the Ark of the Couenant vntill such time as the Lord brought the people backe again from the captiuitie Which is contrarie also to the books of the holy Scripture for 2 Mach. 2. it is said it was hid in the mount Nebo where Moses stood when he saw the whole land of Canaan Also the Turkes say that Christ sate vpon this stone when Simeon tooke him in his armes and blessed him Here also he sate in the midst of the Doctors when he was but twelue yeares of age Luk. 2. which also differeth from the Scripture for this was not the body of the Temple but in the middle court or Solomons porch which sometimes was taken for the Temple because it ioyned to it And diuers circumstances of the Scripture do seeme to make this euident because heere Christ taught and here the people vsually met together as appeareth Iosh 10. and Psal 72. About the Temple of Ierusalem there is a fair Plain much resembling our Church yards all paued with marble stone To this there is adioyning a faire Church couered with lead was somtimes called Solomons porch but after the Christians had woon Ierusalem they gaue it the name of S. Maries The Turke keepes burning in this daily 800 lamps and it is much greater than that of Solomons Temple The Sultan of Egypt also about an hundred yeares before built a little Church or Moscho close by Solomons Temple wherein are continually burning 88 Lampes There is a vault vnder the Temple of the blessed Virgin Mary of such an extraordinary greatnesse that 600
are mentioned Of Esdras the Lawyer ESdras signifies a helper of Asar he helped He is a type of our Lord Iesus Christ who is our helper and Sauiour which hath brought vs into that holy land eternall life and is the restorer of religion and the Christian Common-wealth This Esdras was sent to Ierusalem to restore the common-wealth of the Iewes Anno mundi 3511 before Christ 457 in the seuenth yeare of Artaxerxes Longimanus that good Emperour of the Persians So he went from Babylon to Ahaeua a certaine riuer neere Babylon to which place he assembled a great multitude of Iewes and from thence sent to Caspia to fetch a certaine number of Leuites this land was in Chaldea not far from Babylon These being here met together celebrated a fast vnto the Lord and with solemne prayers besought his aide and furtherance in their enterprise then they went thence to Ierusalem which was 680 miles and there restored the Iudaicall gouerment instituting Ecclesiasticall officers chiefe Priests Princes and other gouernours Of the land of Caspia THe land of Caspia signifieth the land of siluer being deriued of Kesaeph that is siluer It was so called because they vsed to dig siluer in that place see Lyra it was a country neere Babylon where the priests and Leuites were in captiuitie and stood 680 miles from Ierusalem towards the East Of Nehemia IN the 20 yeare of Artaxerxes Longimanus which was anno mun 3524 and before Christ 444. Nehemias went from Susan to Ierusalem which was 920 miles there hee repaired the walls and gates in 52 daies Nehem. 1.2.6 When he had gouerned Iudaea 12 yeares he returned backe againe to Susan to Artaxerxes Longimanus which was 920 miles Nehem. 3. Afterward Artaxerxes about the end of his raigne suffered Nehemia to returne backe againe to Ierusalem which was 920 miles Nehem. 17. So these journeyes of Nehemia make 2760 miles Of this citie Susan you may reade before Of the name and typicall signification of Nehemiah NEhemiah signifies The consolation of God being deriued of Nicham He hath comforted This man was a type of our Lord Iesus Christ for as Nehemias was a comfort vnto the dispersed Iewes in that he was sent to restore them into their own country and to rebuild Ierusalem so Christ our comforter was sent by his Father from that euerlasting throne of heauen to refresh comfort vs by his doctrine and gather the dispersed members of his Church into one communion that he might bring them into that heauenly Ierusalem which he hath built and where he hath prepared a place for vs. The Trauels of Serubabel SErubabel carried the people of Israel from Babylon to Ierusalem which was 680 miles in the first yeare of Cyrus Emperor of Persia anno mundi 3433 before Christ 535. In the 17 yeare of his gouernment he went from Ierusalem to Susan 920 miles 3 Esd 3.4 From Susan he went to Babylon which was 242 miles 3 Es 4. From Babylon in the same yere he returned to Ierusalem 680 miles where the next yeare after in the beginning of the second moneth which answers to the 21 of May in the 3 yere of Darius Ahasuerus Zerubabel and Iosua the chiefe Priests of the Iewes began to build the Temple and finisht it in the sixt yere of the same King 1 Esd 6. So all the trauels of Zerubabel were 2280 miles The Booke of ESTER MOrdochius was led prisoner with Iechoniah to Babylon which was 680 miles From Babylon he went to Susan which was 252 miles there he brought vp Ester his brothers daughter and taught her honest discipline and the feare of God This maid was very beautifull and comely wherefore at such time as Darius Ahasuerus the sonne of Hystaspis had caused all the beautifull Virgins of his Empire to be brought before him that from amongst them he might chuse him a wife Mordochius adorned this Virgin with goodly apparell and she also went with them in whose presence by his instruction she behaued her selfe so well that the Emperor chose her from among the rest and made her his Queene she being at that time but a poore maid and of small abilitie They were married in Susan in the second yere of his Empire an mun 3454 and before Christ 514. From whence it is euident That preferment commeth neither from the East nor from the West but from the Lord. So these two journies make 932 miles The Types and Allegories collected out of the Booke of Ester MOrdochius or Mordochai signifies bitter and contrite being deriued of Marah He was bitter and Dachah Sorrowfull and contrite A fit resemblance of that true Mordochius Christ Iesus who for our sinnes and offences was constrained to drinke of that bitter cup of afflictions the necessities of this world suffering in his body more than tollerable torments as you may reade in his passion therefore justly called Mordochius that is bitter and contrite Ester and Alma haue both one signification that is a virgin or one kept from the bed of man Therefore she was a notable image of the Church who keepeth her selfe chast and vndefiled auoyding the society of euill men and although she seeme to be desolate and forsaken in this world in respect of the wicked who flourish like a floure and glory in voluptuousnesse and pleasure yet hath shee her Mordochius her Spouse her deerely beloued which prouides for her euen Iesus Christ that immaculate lambe who died for her saluation and will clothe her in white put into her hand a regall scepter crowne her with glory and set her with him in the throne of eternall happinesse Ahasuerus signifies a noble Captaine and typically represents God the father for as the Emperour had the command of 127 Prouinces and in them did principally rule so God our heauenly father is the Emperor and gouernor of all Kingdomes and all creatures both in heauen and in earth be obedient to his will he sitteth in that euerlasting pallace of heauen that place of joy and that eternall Paradice from whence he looketh downe to behold vs miserable and distressed creatures vpon earth of his mercifull goodnesse electing and chusing vs to be heires of that eternall Kingdome and purifieth vs with the graces of his holy Spirit so that we might be made capable to sit with him in eternall felicitie The disdainfull Queene Vasthy may be a fit Type and Effigies of this world not onely in respect of her pride but her excesse in drinking taking her name from Schatha which signifies To drinke so this World liueth in all manner of prodigalitie and luxurie and contemneth the Lord and King thereof that Almighty God which sitteth in the Heauens and therefore is justly throwne downe from that eternall Kingdome whereas on the contrary humble Ester that is the Church is taken vp into dignitie and crowned in that euerlasting Kingdome of Heauen Haman signifies A rebellious and proud man being deriued of HAMAN He hath stirred vp a tumult typically representing the Diuel
Thus they continued for the space of eighteene yeares at the end of which time Adrianus Aelianus the Emperor hearing of those insolencies leuied an Army and sent them into Iudea vnder the gouernment of Iulius Seuerus who in a pitcht field neere to Bethcoron and not far from Emaus conquered this Benchochab or Pseudo-Messiah and with him slew fiue hundred thousand Iewes that were deceiued by his persuasion Now when they went to seeke for the body of this Deceiuer amongst the Dead as saith Talmudista hee was found lying with an horrible Serpent about his necke intimating how God reiected him that would seem to imitate his Son for euen as the Serpent deceiued our first Parents so this Benchochab deceiued the Iews and for this cause they called him Bencozba that is The Son of Lying The number of the Iewes which in the time of this war were slaine amounted to 500000 men besides many others that perished by pestilence and famin This warre hapned 64 yeares after the destruction of Ierusalem After this second desolation of the Iewes at the command of the Emperor that there might be a final extirpation of the antient city of Ierusalem and that the words of our Sauior might be fulfilled Lo there shall not be a stone left vpon a stone Mat. 24 the ruines and foundations thereof were digged vp the stones broken in pieces the ground left desolate and the mountains are now become barren and ouergrown with brambles And that the name thereof might vtterly be forgotten and as it were rooted out of the earth hee set vp a new towne not far from the hill Gihon and Golgotha where Christ was crucified which after he had adorned with many goodly buildings he called it by his owne name Aelia In the place of the Temple he set vp a Church in the honour of Iupiter and Venus Iust in the place where the holy Altar stood he erected his own image vpon a marble pillar which continued vntill Saint Hieroms time At Bethlehem he erected the Image of Adonis and to that he consecrated at Church Vpon the gates of the City he cut Hogs in marble in contempt of the Iewes Then did hee abiure them That they should not come within the walls of the City nor set foot vpon the ground neere Ierusalem This being done as Dion saith he dedicated it to the honour of Iupiter Capitolinus and only made it free for Christians and such like to be in it This town at this day we call Ierusalem although it be scituated in another place and called by another name Future Ages calling the actions of precedent times into question puld a great contempt vpon this Towne and so much the rather because Infidelitie and other heathenish prophanesse was cherisht within this city So that that which a little before was set vp in honour of the Emperour Aelianus is now growne into contempt Wherfore Helena the mother of Constantine the Great hauing command of that Empire to giue some satisfaction to the vniuersalitie caused those prophane Temples and Idols to be abolished and in their places erected others Vpon mount Golgotha the church called Golgothanus vpon the mount of Olives one in the place of the ascention of Christ and Constantine her son richly adorned the Sepulchre and ouer it built a stately Temple all of polisht marble richly gilt with gold so that to this day it remaines as the chiefe ornament of the town In this mans time the Iewes with great boldnesse indeauoured to rebuild the Temple iust in the place where it stood before but at the commandement of the Emperour they were repelled and in recompence of their presumption had their eares cut off and their noses slit because they had eares and would not heare neither obey the commandement of our Sauior But as the Emperor was religious and endeauored to support Christianitie so his successor Iulianus was as full of impietie and prophanenesse who that he might frustrat the prophecie of our Sauior That Ierusalem should neuer be built again in contempt caused the Iewes to assemble together and with all expedition restore it to its former glory giuing the vttermost of his helpe to their endeauours But as they were seriously labouring in this work of a sudden there came a great earthquake and looke what they had built was by that quite ouerturned then fire came out of the earth and from heauen which destroied both the matter and the Workemen And that the Iewes nor any Philosophers might impute it to a natural cause there was seen in the heauens a bloudy crosse and vpon their cloathes crosses shining like stars which the Iewes could by no means wipe off Yet this little preuailed a second time they attempted as before a second earthquake hapned with a storme of winde which came with such extreme violence that all the stuffe which they had heaped together for this purpose was vtterly blown away and destroyed So that of force they were constrained to leaue off acknowledge That Christ whom their Forefathers had crucified was the true Messiah Greg. Nazianzen and Hierome report That neuerthelesse the Iewes euen to this day although it cost them much money come yearely to the place where Ierusalem stood and vpon the day of the destruction thereof weep ouer it Such was their affection vnto this City But these euils were purged with a sudden inuasion for no crying iniuries nor prophane insolencies against God passe vnpunished but that then or soone after a iust reuenge falls vpon them for Cosroës Emperor of the Persians whose impudencie and impietie was so great that hee would be worshipped as a god about the yeare of our Lord 615 besieged this town tooke it and put to death 90000. Christians carried the Patriarch thereof together with many others away captiue But Heraclius the Emperor to punish him for his pride and crueltie set vpon Persia and with fire and sword destroied the country not far from Nineueh conquered his chiefe captain Razetis in a set battell won the city of Nineueh and went away with an honorable victorie Seroës also the only begotten sonne of Cosroës but a little before inuading the kingdom kild his father in prison restored the Patriarch and the rest of the Captiues which his father had taken to Heraclius and about the seuenth yeare after hee had warred vpon Persia hee returned to Aelia with great pompe Not long after in the yeare 637 Haumar the chiefe Prince of the Saracens which was the third from Mahomet with a great Army afflicted Syria and Iudaea conquered these Countries and in his victories vsed great tyrannie and crueltie Within two yeares after he won Aelia which had maintained a long and sharp siege neither would Zacharias the Patriarch giue it vp til he was compelled thereto by extreme famin and soon after died with griefe Thus this towne continued for the space of 450 yeares in the hands of the Saracens Then in the yere 1012 Caliphas Sultan of Egypt won it beat
Southwest and is deriued from Aial which signifies a Hart a strong and swift Creature of which it seems there were great multitudes which resorted to this place to drink and from thence it is called Elim Here stood 12 fountains and 70 Palme trees Of Sin THis was a thorny place in the desart 156 miles from Ierusalem toward the Southwest Here it rained down Quailes and Manna from heauen being a type of our Sauior Iesus Christ that heauenly Manna which raiseth vs vp vnto eternall life Ioh. 6. and is deriued of Manah which signifies to distribute and therefore Man or Mannah signifies a distributiue gift or meat fallen from heauen distributiuely Sin signifieth a thorny place from Zemeh which signifies a bush for Christ flourisheth in the midst of his enemies as a Lilly amongst thornes Can. 2. Psal 10. Of Raphadim RAphadim was a place where the children of Israell pitched their tents in the desart not far from mount Sinai 132 miles from Ierusalem towards the Southwest and signifieth a Grasse bench strewed with sweet herbs and floures being deriued from Raphad which is as much to say in our Language as To make a bed or place for one to lie down on Here Moses strook the rock out of which water issued Exod. 17. which was a type of that spirituall Rock Christ Iesus 1 Cor. 10. who being strooke with the staffe of the curse of the Law out of his pretious wounds and side sent forth that Water of life which runneth into eternall happinesse In this place the children of Israel fought against the Amalekites and ouercame them Ex. 17. and here Iethro came vnto Moses where according to his counsell there were seuenty Elders chosen ouer the people Ex. 18. This was a fruitfull and pleasant place Of Mount Sinai SInai is 120 miles from Ierusalem towards the South and because in that place there are many bushes and thorns it is called Sinai for Senaëh signifies a Bush Here the Law which wee call the ten Commandements was giuen not vnfitly because like thornes they prick and vex the hearts and consciences of wicked men It is also called Horeb or Chareb which signifies a place made dry Bernard Breitenbacchus and many others in the moneth of September 1483 went purposely to see this mountaine and with great labor ascended to the top thereof for as he saith it is a great mountain and of an extraordinary height in the lower part round in the vpper part diuided into two tops or mountains one standing toward the West the other toward the East That toward the West is called Horeb that to the East Sinai And from these two it is somtimes called Horeb somtimes Sinai being both one hill of the base Between these there lies a faire and spatious Plain in the middle whereof and as it may be thought in the midst of the mountain there stands a monasterie neere to which there is adioyning a very pleasant Garden and Orchard plentifully furnished with Date trees Fig trees and many others very profitable and pleasant where in antient times were many Monks that continued there But it hapned that a certain number of Pagans in hope to find some booty came from a hauen of the red sea called Thor and vpon a sudden broke in vpon them and put forty of them to the sword from whence it was euer after called the Abby of the forty Martyrs Now it remains desolate few or none inhabiting there onely two Monks of S. Katharines Order and these are also grieuously troubled with the incursions of the Arabians The orchard also is destroyed with locusts and the ground become barren In this orchard there stands a little chappell in which there is a caue where S. Onuphrius the Anchorist liued At the foot of Mount Sina vpon the North standeth the monasterie of Saint Katherin of which the Emperour Iustinian was the first founder it is compassed about with a wall close by it standeth a goodly Orchard furnished with diuers trees of fruit pleasant and delightfull in that there standeth a goodly fountain which watereth all about it In this place there are a great number of poore Monkes which get their liuing by their hands in the desart thereabouts They say that here stood the golden calfe spoken of in the 32 of Exodus And they shew a round stone lying there where they say Moses broke the two Tables that were giuen him by God To pilgrims also they shew the tomb of Saint Katherine standing vpon the right side of the Quire with certain other reliques of hers Vpon the left side of the quire there stands a little doore by which you enter into a place called the Chappell of Saint Marie of the Bush where they shew the place of the Bush in which God appeared vnto Moses And to giue grace vnto their superstitions there may none enter into that place but hee must put off his hose and shooes There is another place where they say God commanded Moses to bring vp Aaron Nadab and Abihu with him and the seuenty Elders with many other superstitious chappels which would be too tedious friuolous to recite Not far from this there standeth also a Mosko of the Sarazens ful as faire and spacious as that of Saint Katherines to which there is adjoyned a certaine Turret hither the Arabians and Sarazens do also often come to visit Saint Katherine At the ascent of the Mount Horeb neere to the Monastery of saint Katherine there standeth a fountaine of very cleare water in the likenesse of a bow made of stone reaching from the one side of it to the other and standeth like vnto an arch or gate A little aboue that at the foot of Mount Horeb is to be seene the caue where Eliah rested when the Lord spake vnto him 1 Reg. 19. Something aboue that the cliffe of the rocke where Moses stood by Gods appointment when he past by and he saw his backe parts Ex. 33. A little beyond that is the top of Mount Horeb where is built a little chappell that hath an iron doore the keyes of which are in the Monkes custody of the Abbie of saint Katherine In this place they say Moses receiued the two tables of stone wherin the ten Commandements were written by the finger of God Ex. 34. There is none that enters into this Chappel but with great reuerence bare foot and bare legged and casting themselues vpon the earth kisse it About fifteene paces from this they shew the Caue wherein Moses fasted fortie daies and fortie nights Exod. 24.34 A little aboue that there is a Moske to which there daily resorts Arabians and Saracens in honour of Moses whom they reuerence as a Prophet Betweene these there lyeth a Well of cold wholesome water which is called Moses Well Here seemeth in times past to haue beene some Monastery for there are diuers ruins of walkes and buildings to be seene This mountain is round and difficult to ascend it is 7000 steps to the top