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A17014 The second part of the Protestants plea, and petition for preists and papists Being an historie of the holy preisthood, and sacrifice of the true Church of Christ. Inuincibly prouing them to be, the present sacrificing preisthood: prouing also the sacrifice of the Masse, vsed in the Catholike Roman church: and that these were promised, and foretold by the Prophets, instituted by Christ, and exercised by all his Apostles. Morouer that they haue euer from the first plantinge of Christianitie in this our Britanye, in the dayes of the Apostles, in euery age, and hundred of yeares, beene continued and preferued here. All for the most part, warranted by the writinges and testimonies of the best learned Protestant doctors, and antiquaries of England, and others. Broughton, Richard. 1625 (1625) STC 3895.7; ESTC S118746 270,592 733

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who wrote as they cōmonly teach when the Britans still held the Religion deliuered vnto them in the Apostles time without alteration doe testifie that the altars here from the beginning were sacra altaria Sacrosancta altaria sacrificij caelestis sedes holy altars sacred altars the seate of the celestiall sacrifice altars at which preists did sacrifice and say Masse Sacerdotes sacrificantes inter altaria stantes Altars sanctuaries and priuiledges refuge for such as fled vnto them testified by our protestants themselues Gildas epistol de excid conquest Britan. edit per protestant who further witnessing that the first general councell of Nice was receaued here in Britanie in the da i●… of Constantine and now by our protestant statute is of high authoritie and vndeniable in England witnesse also The Ni●…en councell in that canon which Caluine and all other receaue saith plainely that the Lambe of God offered vnbloodely is layed vpon the holy table Stowe and howe 's histor an 542. theater of great Britanie l. 6. statut an 1. Eliz. Regin 1. Iacob Regis Fraunc Mas●…n with direct of the protest Archb. Abbots booke of consecrat pag. 243. and the sacrifice of Christians beeing as is inuincibly proued the moste holy body and blood of Christ and the altar the place whereon it is offered by that connexion in Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 mutuall correlatiues and inseparable nomine re it cannot possibly bee otherwise So that if any testimonie of heauen or earth men or Angels Catholicks or Protestants will satisfy in this matter it is manifestly conuinced that S. Peter preached and established a sacrificing preisthood and the doctrine and practise of holy Masse in this our nation 13. And yet if any man is desirous to heare S. Peter himselfe confirme that from heauen which hee so approued on earthe wee may add such his testimony also to the holy Angels before and bringe other Apostles from heauen also that were massinge preists when they liued here to iustifye the same in and to this kingedome Wee reade in the aunciently written life of S. Sampson Archbishop of yorke when our protestants say the Britans still kept their Apostolick first receaued Religion a man so holy and miraculous that S. Iltutus prophesied of him beeing but a boy of seuen yeares old that he should be a light to this nation the cheife of all and Archbishop very profitable to the church of God Cum septem esset annorum ad S. Iltutum Abbat em discendi gratia adducitur qui videns puerum osculatus est eum dicens gratias Deo agimus qui lumen hoc nobis indignae de gente nostra accendere dignatus est in terra En caput omnium nostrum en Pontifex summus multam Ecclesiae Dei profuturus Manuscript antiq Capgrau in Catalog in vita S. Sampsonis Ep. Confess he was made a deacon and after a massing preist by the great massing preist and Bishop S. Dubritius the Popes Legate consecrated by the massinge Bishop S. Germanus who was sent hither from S. and Pope Celestine to settle the church of Britanie both whē he was made deacon and preist a doue descended vppon him and staied immouably vntill the office was ended Beeing made a preist hee was so glorious and renowned a massinge preist that alwaies in his life he had Angels assisting and ministring vnto him whensoeuer he said Masse Omni tempore vitae suae Angelos dum celebraret sibi assistere in sacrificio ministrare videre meruit Yet this man aboue all of this nation was in such fauour with God S. Peter S. Iames called the brother of our Lord S. Iohn the Euangelist and the court of heauen that these three great Apostles with a great company of celestiall citizens densissimis candidatorum turmis appeared vnto him and S. Peter told him that our Lord Iesus Christ had chosen him to bee a Bishop and soone after an Angell appeared to S. Dubritius and commaunded him to consecrate S. Sampson a Bishop in whose consecration they that were present did see a Doue sent from heauen to stand immouably vppon him Nec multo post Angelus Domini beato Dubritio apparens Sampsonem ordinari Episcopum praecepit in cuius consecratione qui aderant columbam caelitus emissam immobiliter super eum stare videbant 14. And in the time of S. Mansuetus the first Bishop of London in the Saxons time when S. Peter did miraculously appeare about the dedicatinge of the church of westminster as many both holy and auncient Catholicke writers and protestants antiquaries assure vs and the circumstances of the historie demonstrate it to bee true hee sent this charge and commaund to S. Mellitus Bishop of London who had determined to dedicate it the next day followinge I haue dedicated the church and by authoritie of my sanctification preuented the episcopall benediction Therefore tell the Bishop what thou hast heard and seene and the signes remayninge will iustifie thy wordes to bee true Therfore let him absteine from dedication and supply that which wanteth to offer there the holy sacrifice of our Lords body and blood Ego sum Petrus qui cum meis ciuibus constructam in meo nomine basilicam dedicaui episcopalemque benedictionem meae sanctificationis authoritate praeueni Dic ergo Pontifici quae vidisti audisti tuoque sermoni signa parietibus impressa testimonium perhibebunt Supersedeat igitur dedicatione suppleat quod omisimus Dominici corporis sanguinis Sacrosancta mysteria S. Alured Riuall M. S. in vita S. Eduardi Regis confess Iacob Gen. Episc in eius vit M. S. antiq Sur. in vit eius Capgrau in eius vit Franc. Mason l. of consecrat here wee see that S. Peter now in glory both allowed and commaunded the sacrifice of Masse which when hee liued and conuersed on earth hee had practised frequented and instituted with so great diligence and deuotion 15. So likewise when in the time of the Danish fury here hee appeared to comfort this afflicted contry where hee had preached and taught this holy doctrine hee did not chuse any man to reueale his glad tidings vnto and the deliuery of this kingdome but S. Brithwold that great and famous massinge preist and Bishop of Winchester or Wilton and in the most known massinge place of England the Abbey of Glastenbury and did fortell how S. Edward Kinge and confessor that most great reuerencer of holy Masse perhaps yet vnborne and borne in exile in Normandy should bee Kinge in England and deliuer it from those floods of miseries wherewith it was then surrounded and longe time had beene And to assure vs this was a true vision and prophesie of S. Peter and hee an approuer of all louers of holy Masse as God also is this hee addeth Erit cum dormieris cum patribus tuis visitabit Dominus populum suum faciet Dominus redemptionem plebis suae Eliget enim sibi virum secundum
tu dixisti hoc facite in meam commemorationem 33. And how carefull and diligent an obseruer and practiser of this massing doctrine hee was in act and deed daily in his whole life we may be assured by the worthie writers of his life and death Hilduinus Abbot of S. Denis in Fraunce where hee was buried about 800. yeares since Roswita or Roswida not longe after and others who confidently and from publick testimony write that neither his strict imprisonment in a dungeon could hinder him from performing this holy dutie but there both persuadinge the people present and writinge vnto others absent to confirme them more said Masse in that vnfit place to proue how acceptable it was Christ Iesus with a multitude of Angels appeared vnto them all with such a light from heauen as had beene seene at the very time when they were to communicate comforted his holy Martir Sed nec carcereis praesul praeclarus in antris desinit obsequium Domino persoluere dignum sed docuit plebem studiosè conuenientem ac celebrat sacrae solitò solemnia Missae Est vbi caelestem debebat frangere panem lux noua tristifico subito fulgebat in antro in qua sidereae regnator splendidus aulae scilicet angelica pariter comitante caterua apparens charum consolabatur amicum Trithem l. de scriptorib in Hildonio Roswida Hilduinus Abb. in vita S. Dionisij Areopag cap. 29. Roswita l. de vit S. Dionis Areopag alijs THE X. CHAPTER How all the rest of the Apostles in particular S. Andrew Iames the great Thomas Iames the lesse Philip Bartholomew Symon Thaddaeus and Matthias were sacrificinge Preists and Apostles and vsually offered the sacrifice of Masse NOw let vs come to the rest of the holie Apostles which haue not in scriptures written of these misteries and proue of them all and in order except S. Peter the first whom I haue promised to put in the last place that in their sacred functions they offered the most holy sacrifice of Masse And first to begin with S. Andrew It is a receaued opinion Iodoc. Cocc Tom. 2. l. 7. artic 5. de purgator that this holy Apostle did first deliuer that forme of Masse which was auntiently and from the beginninge vsed in the church of Constantinople and after called the Masse of S. Iohn Chrisostome the great and learned Patriarke of that place because it was enlarged by him and is stil as our protestants acknowledge vsed to this day in the churches of Greece Edwin Sands relation of Religion cap. 53. or 54. And that hee himselfe did vsually and daily offer this moste sacred oblation of Christs body and blood wee haue moste auncient and vndeniable testimonies whether we will professe our selues Catholicks or protestants in Religion for both these agree in this that S. Andrew was martyred by Aegeus Procōsull of Achaia in the citie Patras and they celebrate his day of festiuitie vppon the laste of Nouember And they doe or ought if they make not fictions of theire owne deduce the history of his passion from the auncient penners and relators thereof which bee the preists and deacons of Achaia which were eye witnesses and present at the same S. Cyprian or whosoeuer was the auncient Author of the booke amonge his workes de duplici Martyrio The old Anonimus who wrote the booke of the Apostles liues published by the learned Bishop of Vienna Fredericus Nausea S. Simeon Metaphrastes himself a learned grecian and auncient of those parts S. Iuo S. Bernard Algerus the auncient writer of the liues of Saints the whole latine church in the publicke seruice of the feast of S. Andrew the Apostle the auncient Breuiary of the church of Salisbury in England and others are witnesses that S. Andrew beeinge persuaded and threatned by Aegeus the Proconsull to sacrifice to the Pagan Gods answered publicklie vnto him in these wordes Ego omnipotenti Deo qui vnus verus est immolo quotidie non taurorum carnes nec hircorum sanguinem sed immaculatum Agnum in altari cuius carnem posteaque omnis multitudo credentium manducauerit Agnus qui sacrificatus est integer perseuerat viuus I doe daily sacricrifice to God almightie the onely true God not the flesh of bulls nor blood of goates but the immaculate Lambe vppon the altar whose flesh after all the multitude of beleeuers haue eaten the Lambe that is sacrificed remayneth whole and liuinge Breuiar Missale Rom. Martyrolog Rom. Bed Vsuard vlt. Nou. Protestant comm Booke in calendar Nouem infest vlt. Nouem Cooper v. Andreas Godw. conuers Magdeb cent 1. in Andr. Apostolo Act. S. Andrea per Presb. Diacon Achaiae Ciprian l. de duplic Mart. Anonim in mirac vit Pass Apost in S. Andrea Sim. Metaphr in S. Andr. S. Iuo Carnoten Episc serm de Sacram dedicat ser 4. Algerus contra Berengar S. Bernard apud Francisc Feuarden annotat in Frenaeum l. 4. contra haer cap. 32. pag. 361. Iacob Genuen Epis in vit S. Andrea vlt. Nouem Breu. Ecclesiae Salisbur ibidem 2. Thus it is euident that S. Andrewe the Apostle did offer this holy sacrifice of Masse and euery day and that the sacrifice was Christ himself the true Lambe of God that taketh away sinnes Amonge the holy auncient and renowned witnesses S. Iuo supr ser 4. speakinge of this holy sacrifice of Masse thus wtiteth In memoriam veniunt verba beati Andreae Apostoli quibus asserit in caelis esse corpus Domini de altari posse sumi corpus Domini Cuius inquit carnes cum sint comestae in terris à populo ipse tamen in caelestibus ad dexteram Patris integer perseuerat viuus The wordes of S. Andrew the Apostle doe come to memory in which hee affirmeth that the body of our Lord is in heauen and yet may his body bee receued from the altare Whose flesh saith hee when it is eaten of the people on earth yet he perseuereth whole and aliue in heauen at the right hand of his Father And this giueth full satisfaction for S. Andrew that hee was a sacrificinge and massinge preist 3. The next in order is S. Iames the brother of S. Iohn the Apostle and Euangelist martired by Kinge Herode as we reade in the 12. chapter of the Acts of the Apostles where our protestants thus reade About that time Herod the Kinge stretched forth his hand to vexe certaine of the church And he killed Iames the brother of Iohn with the sword Actor cap. 12. ver 1.2 Which his timely death hath taken from him such ample memory as is deliuered of some other Apostles that liued longer in histories But beeing assured before by all kinde of testimonies that he was one of them to whom our blessed Sauiour gaue power and commaundement to offer the holy sacrifice of his body and blood that he there being consecrated a preist and one of the three Apostles which our Sauiour most loued and hee him
satisfactory for sinnes as S. Alexander by these protestants teacheth they haue often told vs before that it was soe esteemed from the first institution thereof by Christ That which hee saith how it ought to bee solemnized with vnleuened breade was also as the protestants besides the generall practise of the Latine church assure vs the ordinance of Christ himselfe and the lawe it selfe as a Protestant Archbishop with others thus expoūdeth this confirmatory decree of this holy Pope Ioh. Whitguife answ to the admonit sect 1.2 pag. 98. and def of the answ pag 594. Alexander was a good and godly Bishop it is reported in some writers that hee appointed vnleuened breade to bee vsed in the Eucharist because that Christ himselfe vsed the same accordinge to the lawe written Exod. 12. Deuteron 16. The wordes pridie quàm pateretur the day before Christ suffered vnto the words hoc est corpus meum this is my body were not newly added by Pope Alexander but declared by him to bee the institution of Christ himselfe and so of necessitie to bee vsed For these hee testifieth thereof Alexand. 1. epist. 1. ad omnes Orthodox Tom. 2. concil de conse dist 2. nihil in Sac. Ipsa veritas nos instruxit c. Christ Iesus truth it selfe hath instructed vs to offer the chalice and breade in the Sacrament when hee saith Iesus tooke breade and blessed it and gaue to his disciples sayinge Take and eate for this is my body which shall bee giuen for you likewise after hee had supped hee tooke the chalice and gaue to his disciples sayinge Take and drinke you all of it for this is the chalice of my blood which shall bee shed for you for remission of sinnes For offences and sinnes are blotted out with these sacrifices offered vnto our Lord. And therfore his passion is to bee remembred in these by the which wee are redeemed and often to bee recited and these to bee offered vnto our Lord. With such sacrifices our Lord will bee delighted and pacified and forgiue great sinnes For in sacrifices nothinge can bee greater then the body and blood of Christ. Nor any oblation better then this but this excelleth all Which is to be offered to our Lord with a pure conscience and to bee receaued with a pure minde and to bee reuerenced of all men And as it is better then all others so it ought more to bee worshipped and reuerenced Quae pura conscientia Domino offerenda est Pura mente sumenda atque ab omnibus veneranda Et sicut potior est cateris ita potius excoli venerari debet 8. This was the opinion of this holy Pope and all good Christians vnder his charge in that prime age of Christianitie and hereby wee perfectly knowe that S. Alexander did not add any new thinge to the holy sacrifice of Masse but only proposed the ordinance and institution of Christ himselfe to bee followed and obserued as is euident in that I haue cited from him wherby it appeareth that what he wrote in that matter ipsa veritas nos instruxit that Christ the infallible truth did teache and so instruct and institute as euidently is proued by comparinge those wordes which these protestants say S. Alexander added in the Masse to the institution of Christ as it is deliuered in holy scriptures by the Euangelists and S. Paule The words supposed to bee added bee these Qui pridie quàm pateretur who Christ the day before his passion tooke breade into his holy and venerable hands and lifting vp his eyes towards heauen to thee God his Father omnipotent giuinge thanks vnto thee blessed it brake and gaue to his disciples saying take and eate you all of this For this is my body All vnto the last wordes for this is my body They say were S. Alexanders addition But S. Paul as hee is translated by our protestants hath the same from Christs institution in this maner 1. Corinth cap. 11. vers I haue receaued of the Lord that which also I deliuered vnto you that the Lord Iesus the same night in which he was betraied tooke bread and when hee had giuen thankes hee brake it and saide take eate this is my body which is broken for you doe this in remembrance of mee After the same maner also hee tooke the cup when hee had supped sayinge this cup is the new testament in my blood this doe yee as oft as yee drinke it in remembrance of mee For as often as yee eate this bread and drinke this cup yee doe shew the Lords death till hee come Wherfore vvhosoeuer shall eate this bread and drinke this cup of the Lord vnvvorthily shall be guilty of the bodie and blood of the Lord. The like haue the Euangelists S. Matthew Marke and Luke from the wordes and institution of Christ himselfe Matth. cap. 26. Marc. cap. 14. Luc. cap. 22. 9. And it plainely appeareth by that is said that without these wordes or their equiualent it is vnpossible to obserue the institution and commaundement of Christ in this behalfe And therfore our most learned holy and auncient contriman S. Albinus or Alcuinus Remigius Antisiodorensis and others after them confidently and truely say Albin Flac. Alcuin l. de diuin officijs cap. de celebratione Missa Remigius Antissiodor in exposit Missae Hoc quod sequitur qui pridie quam pateretur vsque in memoriam facietis Apostoli c. This which followeth who the day before hee suffered vnto those wordes you shall doe it in my commemoration the Apostles had in vse after the ascension of our Lord. Therefore that the church might celebrate a continuall memory of her redeemer our Lord deliuered it to his Apostles and the Apostles generally to the whole church in these words without which no tonge no Region no citie that is no part of the church can consecrate this Sacrament Which the Apostle doth make manifest sayinge for I haue receaued of our Lord which I haue also deliuered vnto you that our Lord Iesus the night when he was betrayed tooke breade and the rest Therfore by the power and wordes of Christ this breade and this chalice was consecrated from the beginninge is euer consecrated and shall be consecrated For he speakinge his words by his preists doth by his heauenly blessing make his holy body and blood 10. S. Ambrose relateth this in the same maner in these wordes Ambros l. 4. de Sacramentis cap. 5. vis scire quia verbis caelestibus consecratur c. Wilt thou knowe that consecration is done by heauenly wordes receaue what the wordes bee The preist doth say make vnto vs saith he this oblation ratified reasonable acceptable which is the figure of the body and blood of our Lord Iesus Christ Who the day before hee suffered did take breade in his holy hands and looked to heauen to thee ô holy Father omnipotent euerlastinge God giuing thanks blessed it brake it and beeinge broken gaue to his disciples sayinge take and
the 49. yeare of Christ in the Empire of Claudius Guliel Eisengr centur 1. fol. 56. cit Petr. de natal l. 11. Demochar l. 2. so that if this Britanie had a massinge preist made by S. Peter whose disciple he was in the 40. yeare of Christ and the same a massinge Bishop within 9. yeares after the sacrifice of Masse beeing of continuance here aboue 1580 yeares it maketh a sufficient time of prescription to claime title of continuance And hee was one of the oldest massing preists and Bishops that I finde of this nation onely S. Kentigern equall perhaps vnto him therin for the annals of Treuers say that this S. Mansuetus I finde no other in that time was successor to the greate massinge Archbishop of that city S. Maternus of whome I haue spoken before Anno Domini 160. in the 160. yeare of Christ at which time by many authors Kinge Lucius and this kingdome was conuerted and besides many such preists had 28. massing Bishops as I shall demonstrate in the next age Petrus Mersseus Catalog Archiep. Treuer an 160. 9. And very probable it is euen by our English Protestants The Protestant Theater of great Britanie l. 6. teaching that about this time betweene the 40. and 50. yeare of Christ many in Britany became Christiās as namely Pomponia Graecina the wife of the Romans Lieutenant Aulus Plautius and about the same time S. Beatus and his holie companion Anonymus but that a German writer calleth him Achates made massing preists by S. Peter directed by him this holy massinge preist S. Mansuetus had some cooperatiō in that happy busines And that these our two renowned contrimen S. Beatus and his companion were sacrificing massing preists it is euident first because they were here first instructed in the faith of Christ by thē which of necessitie no others being here or els where at that time were massinge preists secondly because as these protestāts both Germā English tell vs they were further instructed directed by S. Peter a massing preist and Apostle if perhaps which these men doe not insinuate S. Peter was martired before they were consecrated preists yet beeing consecrated at Rome without all question where none but massinge Bishops and consecrators were S. Linus Cletus or Clemens they must needs bee consecrated massinge preists which is further proued by the places of their moste aboade after S. Beatus liuinge in and beeinge the Apostle of Heluetia where abouts many massinge preists before remembred consecrated by S. Peter as S. Eucharius Valerius Clemens Mansuetus his contryman with others were The other came into his owne contry of Britanie here where as before as he could finde none but massinge preists so hee left behinde him no others as I shall proue herafter 10. And manifest it is that our Christian Britans which were conuersinge at Rome when and where they were consecrated and with whome they also at their beeing there conuersed were for their qualities sayers or hearers of Masse Which is clearely proued by the Christian family of our noble contriwoman Claudia or Sabinella wife to Aulus Pudēs whose house by the Romane antiquities as it was the first lodginge of S. Peter the Apostle that great massinge preist so it was their cheifest place of saying and hearinge Masse Maiorum traditione praescriptum est domum Pudentis Romae fuisse primum hospitium Sancti Petri illicque primum Christianos conuenisse ad Synaxim coactam Ecclesiam Martyrolog Rom. in S. Pudente Praxede Pudentiana Donato Timotheo Baron ib. annotat die 19. Maij. Where wee see it the first and principall massinge church in Rome both for the Britans Romans also that were Christians and the best residency S. Peter or his successors which were the consecrators of preists there had at that time And hee had such care of this house and family that not onlie the parents Pudens and Claudia but all their children S. Nouatus S. Timotheus Pudentiana and Praxedes were by him instructed in the faith and S. Timothie was made massinge preist as the auncient Roman Martyrologe and others witnes Romae depositio S. Nouati filij beati Pudentis Senatoris fratris S. Timothei presbyteri sanctarum Christi virginum Pudentianae Praxedis qui ab Apostolis eruditi sunt in fide Martyrolog Rom. die 20. Iunij Vsuard eod die Baron annotat in 20. diem Iun. act S. Nouati S. Iustine Therefore this S. Timotheus our holy cōtriman by his blessed Mother S. Claudia beeinge instructed by S. Peter a massinge preist and consecrated by a massinge preist and Pope and resigninge his house to be a massinge church as will euidentlye appeare in the beginninge of the next age when I come to that notorious massinge preist and Pope S. Pius by our protestants confessions who dedicated that house for a massing church must himselfe also by these protestants bee a massing preist and his holy parents brother and and sisters sacred Virgins with the rest of our Christian contrimen there bee reuerencers and frequenters of holy Masse 11. The like I might without reprofe write of others whose names I haue els where remēbred that probably they preached in Britanie in this age and out of question were massinge preists but hauing so many certaine and euident examples without exception I neede not the assistance of probabilities onely because wee are assured by great English Protestants Bishops and others that as the truth is there is a mutuall relation and dependance betweene an altare and sacrifice and that an altar doth as naturally and as necessarily infer a sacrifice as a shrine doth a Saint a Father a sonne Morton Apolog. part 2. pag. 82. Morton appeale l. 2. sect 1. pag. 162. these protestants confesse vnto vs againe which they cannot deny that longe before they imagine any alteration of Religion in the church of Rome this kingdome had Christian altars Theater of great Britanie l. 6. Gildas l. de excid and amonge others they iustifie vnto vs the antiquities of Glastenbury which assure vs there was an altare in the olde church there builded by S. Ioseph of Aramathia and his holy company and this altar and holy place was of such reuerence that the holy Saint Patrick with others desired to bee buried by that holy altar and an Angel from heauen did assigne him that place of buriall Sepulturam Angelo monstrante flamamque ingente de eodem loco cunctis videntibus erumpente in vetusta Ecclesia in dextera parte altaris promeruit Where we see an Angel from heauen and with a great signe and miracle openly before all people present cunctis vidētibus to giue testimony to the worthines of the holy altar place in respect therof Io. Leland in assert Arthur Math. Park antiquit Britan. Stow hist Godw. conuers of Brit. antiquit Glastō apud Capgrau in S. Patric Gul. Malm. l. antiq caenob Glast 12. And not without iust cause deseruing by these our protestāts who in Gildas as they allowe him
cor suum qui faciat omnes voluntates suas qui me opitulante regnum adeptus Anglorum Danico furori finem imponet Erit enim acceptus Deo gratus hominibus terribilis hostibus amabilis ciuibus vtilis Ecclesiae laudabilemque vitam sancto fine concludet It shall come to passe when thou shalt sleepe with thy Fathers our Lord will visit his people and our Lord will cause a redemption of his people For hee will chuse vnto himselfe a man accordinge to his owne hart which shall doe all his desires who by my helpe obteyninge the crowne of England shall make an end of the Danish fury For hee shall bee acceptable to God gratefull to men terrible to his enemies amiable to his citisens profitable to the church and hee shall conclude his laudable life with an holy end And the holy and learned writers of his life thus immediatly add all which things the euent of the thinge proued to bee fulfilled in S. Edward Quae omnia in beato Eduardo completa rei exitus comprobauit Therefore this must needs bee a true vision and prophesie of S. Peter Alured Riuall l. de vit S. Eduardi Iacob Episc Gen. in vit eius M. S. antiq ibid. Capgrau in Catal. in S. Eduardo Rege Confessore Sur. in vit eius Lippom. Godwin Catal. of Bishops in B. Brithwild 16. This is that holy Kinge that left the hereditary miraculous power of curing the disease called the Kings euill obteyned by his piety to his successors This is that great reuerencer of massinge preists this is hee who at the time of eleuation at holy Masse in England vpon Whitsunday did see by reuelation the Kinge of Denmarke drowned in the sea by the coaste of Denmarke as hee was takinge ship to come to inuade England and his nauy dispersed which peractis Missarum solemnijs as soone as Masse was ended hee confidently related This holie Kinge to speake in protestants and their authors words Stowe histor in Edward Cōfessor before the day of his natiuitie was elected of God who perseuering in chastitie ledd all his life dedicated to God in true marriage wherefore as wee haue knowne proued by good and sufficient men being witnesses God greatlie glorified him in his life with wonderful signes Therefore it is euident that S. Peter and God himselfe with the whole court of heauen did and doe allowe of massinge preists and the holy sacrifice of Masse not only as it was celebrated in the beginning but after all additions which protestantes write or imagine were put vnto it for after all these added and longe after as wee see both S. Peter and God himselfe did thus approue and honor the both reuerent sayers and hearers of that blessed sacrifice THE XIII CHAPTER Wherein is proued how after the death of S. Peter in the time followinge commonly ascribed to S. Linus and Cletus in the see of Rome and to Marius Kinge in Britanie the Britans both at home and abroade vsed the sacrificing preisthood preists and Masse HItherto wee haue spoken of S. Peter who being martired by Nero the Emperor it is a question whether S. Linus whom and S. Cletus he had consecrated Bishops at his beeinge at Rome before he●… came into these West parts or S. Clement did immediatly succed him S. Leo the second with our renowned contrimen S. Marianus Florentus Wigorniensis and to speake in Martinus Polonus wordes Leo Papa 2. epistol decretal Marian. Scot. lib. 2. aetat 6. in Nerone Florent Wigorn. an 50. al. 72. Martin Pol. supputat col 33. in Lino They which searched more diligently concerning the chaire of the Romane church doe say that Linus and Cletus did not sitt as Popes but as coadiutors of the Pope to whome S. Peter in his life onely committed the dispensation of ecclesiasticall things for which beeing endowed with so great authoritie they deserued to bee placed in the catalogue of the Popes but S. Peter appointed S. Clement his successor Dicunt qui de cathedra Romanae Ecclesiae diligentius perserutati sunt quod Linus Cletus non sederunt vt Pontifices sed vt summi Pontificis coadiutores quibus in vita sua beatus Petrus vnam tradidit ecclesiasticarum rerum dispensationem propter quod tanta authoritate dotati meruerunt in catalogo Pontificum poni Clementem vero ipse beatus Petrus successorem constituit Which S. Clement himselfe as he is commonly receaued doth also likewise affirme of himselfe and S. Leo saith Linum Cletum nihil vnquam legibus suis ex pontificali ministerio potestatiuè egisse sed quantum eis àbeato Petro praecipiebatur tantum solumodo agebant Linus and Cletus did nothinge at any time by theire lawes by papall ministery or power but how much was commaunded them by S. Peter so much onely they did Clem. Roman epistol 1. Leo Papa 2. epist decretali supr apud Marian. Wigorn. alios which wee finde in their liues that the first ex praecepto Petri Apostoli constituit vt mulier in Ecclesiam velato capite intret constituted by the commaundement of S. Peter that a woman should haue her head couered when shee entred the church The other by the precept of S. Peter ordeyned 21. preists in the citie of Rome Cletus hic ex praecepto Petri viginti vnum presbyteros ordinauit in vrbe Roma Martin Polon supputat in Lino Cleto alij 2. But because many others and great authors incline to thinke they were Popes I meddle not to discusse this matter little pertinent to my present purpose because very little is written of them But this most certaine it is that whether they were Popes or no being consecrated by S. Peter that knowne massing preist and Pope and hauinge S. Clement their successor that knowne massinge Pope they must needs bee also massinge preists and Popes if they were Popes And for S. Linus who as both Catholicks Protestants testifie did write the acts of S. Peter in the same sort as they are published giueth plaine testimony to the daily saying of Masse offering therin the blessed body and blood of Christ and sheweth how the signe of the Crosse was vsed in the celebration thereof euerie day ô crux quae quotidiè car●…s immaculati Agni fidelibus diuid●… populis Linus in histor pass S. Petri. And it is proued not onely by histories but S. Paul himselfe doth sufficiently incline vs to knowe that his cheife lodginge was in the then cheife massinge house of our Christian Britans at Rome and not onely of him and other the Popes but such holy disciples as came to Rome vnto them for writing vnto S. Timothie 2. Timoth. 4. hee remembreh onely to salute him but fower parsons Eubulus Linus Pudens and Claudia which seeme to haue had all or the moste of their permanency in that house where S Timothy also had beene entertayned when hee was at Rome and therefore they alone salute him beeing as S. Chrisostome and Theodoret wel
councell doe purport Soe that the Bishop of Alexandria should haue power of Libia and Pontapolis in Egipt for as much as the Bishop of Rome hath the like or same maner Therefore seeing there is none named either by the councell or custome related by that councell but the Bishops of Rome Antioch and Alexandria to haue this high Regiment and power ouer the churches wee must needs adhere and appeale to Rome by these men as wee euer did by the old custome from the beginninge of our first life in Christ otherwise wee shall fall into errors and conclude inualidate things euen in the highest matters these men assuringe vs that at this time there were but three 〈◊〉 Metropolitane churches before recited and that to vse their words Whitgift def pag. 359. The church of Rome is called all that is subiect to the Bishop of Rome And Whitgift Answeare to the Admonit cap. 2.17 diuision that notable and famous councell of Nice must be and is of all wise and learned men next vnto the scriptures themselues reuerenced esteemed and embraced in the sixt canon of that councell it is thus written This councell doth determine him to bee noe Bishop which is made without the consent Metropolitani Episcopi of the Metropolitane Which cheife Metrotropolitane to vs then as these men haue told vs was the Bishop of Rome soe that it is euident by them that we could not here haue any Archbishop or Bishopp made without his allowance And yett these our Protestant Bishops Doctors must needs eleuate this power spiritual higher then to make it onely cheife ouer Britanie those West nations and Europe and giue it the highest place in the whole church of Christ for soe all that can bee pretended by these Protestants to haue had interest in such things at that time whether the Pope himselfe S. Siluester and others our kinge and Emperor Constantine or the Bishops of Britanie and other nations for all these in those daies acknowledged the Supreamacy in the Romane See ouer all churches S. Siluester Pope with the consent and Subscription of the Emperor Constātine his Mother S. Helena and 284. western Bishops and 45. preists decreed Concil Roman sub Syluestro can 20. to 1. Concil Nemo Iudicabit primam sedem quoniam omnes sedes à prima sede desiderant temperari neque ab Augusto neque ab omni clero neque à Regibus neque à populo Iudex iudicabitur Noe man shall iudge the cheife See of Rome because all Sees desire to bee gouerned by the cheife See The iudge Pope of Rome shall not bee iudged neither by the Emperour nor by all the cleargie nor by kings nor by the people Where wee see the Pope of Rome to bee by all consent the highest iudge and subiect to noe others iudgment whosoeuer The honor and reuerence which Constantine yeelded to Saint Siluester then Pope is sufficiently knowne by Eusebius in his life and others Euseb de vita Constantini I will onely exemplify by the warrant of an english Protestant Bishop how this greate dutie and Reuerence of him to that holy Pope and endowinge that Apostolicke See with honor and ritches was such that it was longe before foretold by an Angell from heauen to S. Blasius saying l. 1. de Act. Rom. Pontif. in Syluestro That in the time of Constantine Idolatry should cease by his meanes and this Constantine for his honor to the See of Rome should translate the seate of his Empire from thence into Thracia and there settle it at the mouth of the Riuer Bosphorus and leaue Italy and Rome to the Pope Christs vicar there Adueniet Princeps sub quo pacabitur orbis finem accipiet veteram cultura deorum Constantinus apud Thraces qua Bosphorus aequor Thracius Euxinis Aegaeum ingurgitat vndis constituet sedem Imperij latiumque relinquet Christo Romuleam septem in collibus vrbem Now for the Bishops of Britanie there can bee noe question but they gaue this primacie to S. Siluester for first it is most probable some of them were present at this Roman councell soe great consistinge of the westerne Bishops Secondly in all Iudgments they must needs acknowledge this supreamacy either in the Pope or Emperor But not the Emperor which yeelded it to S. Siluester Thirdly because the next Pope Saint Marke who was Pope but three yeares claimed for the Romane See to be mater omnium ecclesiarum the mother of all churches and priuiledged from heresie Marcus epist. ad Athanas caeter Egipti Episcopos And as these Protestants tell vs his successor S. Iulius appointed appeales to the See of Rome and taught noe councel could bee kept lawfully without his consent Rob. Barns in vita Pontif. Roman in Iulio And two other Protestant Bishops speaking of this time affirme The canō of the primatiue church made euery thinge voyde that was done without the Bishop of Rome Bilson true differ pag. 66.67 And againe The canon of the primatiue church forbad any councell to bee called without his consent Morton Appeale pag. 286. And to make all sure in this matter that the whole cleargie of Britanie and Christians vnder them at this time attributed this spirituall supreamacie to the Pope of Rome our Protestants haue told vs before which aunciēt Authorities alsoe affirme Theater of greate Britanie l. 6. Sulpit. Seuer sacr histor lib. 2. Athan. apol l. 1. cont Ar. Concil Sardic can 4.7 that wee had of this nation diuers Bishops in the generall councell of Sardis a cytie of Lydia in Asia with 300. Bishops and therfore this kingedome with the rest acknowledged the supreamacie of the Pope of Rome in all places and that Appeales were to bee made to him as highest iudge And whereas the councell of Arles in Fraunce in the time of S. Siluester in the subscription of the Bishops there many Protestants and other Antiquaries assure vs Concil Arelat in subscript Theater of Brit. lib. 6. Stow histor in Lucius Godwyn catalog in London 1. that Restitutus our Archbishop of London was present there and subscribed for this nation that place beeinge soe remote from London wee must needs say that hee was called thither by the Pope of Rome or doe that which neuer any yett would allowe to graunt a superioritie vnto the Bishops of Fraunce ouer them of this kingedome And soe for those our Bishops which were at the councell of Ariminum in this time for noe others medled in these affaires in those dayes Which wee are further taught by the Example of our holy Bishop S. Ninian Capgrau in Catal. in Ninian Bed hist Anglic. Theater of greate Britanie lib. 6. Bal. centur 1. de script in Ninian●… Bernini whoe towards the later end of this centurie of yeares was made Bishopp at Rome by the Pope there and by him sent Apostle to the Western parts of Britanie to people there which had not yett receaued the faith of Christ Where hee conuerted the nation of the Picts preached