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A16580 Godlie meditations vpon the Lordes prayer, the beleefe, and ten commaundementes with other comfortable meditations, praiers and exercises. Whereunto is annexed a defence of the doctrine of gods eternall election and predestination, gathered by the constant martyr of God Iohn Bradford in the tyme of his imprisonment. The contentes wherof appeare in the page nexte folovvyng.; Godlie meditations upon the Lordes prayer, the beleefe, and ten commaundementes. Bradford, John, 1510?-1555. 1562 (1562) STC 3484; ESTC S118261 91,610 260

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I shoulde so consider them especially in praier that I shuld not doubt but that thou workest rulest gouernest all things euery where in all persons and creatures moste wysely iustelye and mercifully Thirdely that in praier all my peticions shuld tend to the setting forth of thy power of thy kingdome and of thy glorye Laste of all that in prayer I shoulde in no wyse doubte of beinge heard but be assured that thou which hast commaunded me to pray and hast promised to here me doest moste graciousely for thy mercyes sake and truthes sake heare my peticions according to thy good wil throughe Iesus Christe thy deare sonne our lord and onely sauiour By reason whereof I haue greate cause to lament and reioyce To lament because I consider not these thinges in praier in suche sorte as should moue me to admiracion and gratitude because I consider not thy power and wisedome generally in all things because I am so careles for thy kingdome and because I am so full of dubitacion and doubtinge of thy goodnes To reioyce I haue greate cause because thou reuelest these thinges vnto me on this sorte because of thy power kingdome and glory which maketh to the hearing of my praiers and helping of me be cause thou wilt vse me as thine instrument to set forth thy kingdome power glory and because it pleaseth thee to here my praiers and assuredly wilt saue me for euer But alas how farre am I frō these lamentacions and reioycinges by reason wherof I deserue damnaciō Oh be mercifull vnto me ▪ forgeue me and of thy 〈◊〉 graunte me thy holy spirit 〈◊〉 reueale to me my blindnes obliuion and contempt of thy kingdome power and glory w t the greatnes of my doubtings that I maye hartely as lament them so haue them pardoned and taken frō me throughe the merites of Iesus Christ thy sonne Againe geue me thy holy spirit to reueile to me in such sort thy kyngdome power glorye and eternitie that I maye alwaies haue the same before myne eies be moued wyth thadmiration therof labour effectually to set forth y ● same and finallye as to haue the sruic●on thereof after this life so encrease ●an assured certain and liuely expectacion of the same that I maye alwaies in all thynges reioyce in thee thorowe Christe and geue lauds thankes praises perpetually vnto thy moste holy name oh blessed father sonne and holye ghost thre persons one god to whom be all honour glory world without ende Here thinke that if the kingdome power glory and eternitie be gods which is our father what our dignitie is whiche be his chyldren yf the power be our fathers of whō shuld we be affraies yf the deuell be subiect to the lords power kingdome as he is howe can the subiect haue power ouer vs which be sonnes and heires in that he hath not power ouer porketts w toute the prouidence and permission of god Therfore ful well shuld we pray lead vs not into temptation rather then let vs not be led into tentation For power is the lords and the deuell hath none but that he hathe of gods gifte No he were not of capacitie to receaue power yf god did not make hym of capacitie althoughe the execution of it is rather of gods permission ¶ Geue all thankes praise and glorye to god oure father throughe Christ oure lord and sauiour So be it A meditation vpon the twelue articles of the Christian faith I beleue in god the father c. THy people oh lord god the father of our sauiour Iesus Christe doe here in saieng this article I beleue in god the father almighty c by faith knowe that thou togither with Iesus Christ and the holy ghost diddest create all thinges that be in heauen and in earth for by heauen and earth are vnderstand all thinges therein And as they knowe thys so they by the same faith doe see thee the same god the father the sonne and the holy ghoste to gouerne all thinges after thy great wisedome power rightuousnes and mercy vsing euery creature they see as meanes to put thē in remembrance of fearing reueren cing trusting louing the for in euery creature they beholde thy presence power wisedome and mercy Againe by this worde Father they declare their beleife how that they are not onely thy creatures and all that euer they haue to be thy graciouse gyftes and blessinges but also how that they are thy childrē derely beloued cared for of thee through Iesus christ Where throughe notwithstanding theyr vnworthines as they conceyue a sure hope of thy goodnes and fatherly loue towards them in soule and bodye for euer so are they thankfull for their creation for that thou hast made thē thy excellet creatures lords of al. They are thankfull for the creation of all creatures vse the same w t thankefulnes as visible tokens of thy inuisible loue they are thankefull for thy conseruing and keping them for the gouerning them and all this world lamenting that they are nomore thankfull that they beleue no deper that reason hath so greate a swing with them in these matters But I moste gracious good lorde and father thoughe I say I beleue in thee my father almyghtye maker of heauen and earthe yet thou knoweste that I am full of muche doubtinge not onelye of this whether thou art my good almighty and moste louinge deare father in christ because I fele in my selfe suche a conscience of vnworthines so great want of those thinges which thou requirest of thy children and so transfer the cause of my being thy childe in part to myself where it is due onely and wholy alwaies to thy mercye and grace in Christe but also thou knowest my doubting of my creation and gouernaunce and of the creation and gouernaunce of al this world as I declare by my vnthankfulnes for my creation for mine adoption for my gubernation for thy prouidence for me or ells deare father I could not but hartely with thy childrē reioyce and praise thy holye name and that continually being hence forth carefull for nothinge but howe to please thee profit thy people that they might praise thy name in all things for ouermore desiringe the sanctification of thy name the comming of thy kingdome the doing of thy will vpon earth as it is in heauen Thou mightest haue made me a dogge but of thy goodnes hast made me a creature after thine Image y ● mightest haue made me a Turcke a Iewe a Sarracen but thou hast made me a christiā a member of thy Churche thou after my birth mightest haue lefte me and in all nede haue made no prouidence for me as we sometimes see hath hapned vnto others but yet thou neuer diddest so with me and yet I am of all others most vnthankfull Thy creatures I thankefully vse not thy inuisible loue by thy manifolde visible tokens I consider not as nowe I shoulde by this apparell of
how that thou art almightie present in all places and of most puritie to cōfirme therby my faith to be prouoked y e more to feare thee to reuerence thee c but also I am admonished to iudge of thy fatherly loue by heauenly benefites and not by corporall simply and alonely for often times the wicked prosper more in the worlde and haue more worldly benefites then thy children So that by this I see thou woldest pul vp my minde from earth and earthly things to heauen and heauenly thinges and that I should see further by corporall benefites thy heauenly prouidence for me For if y u place me thus on earth and thus blesse me as thou doest hitherto hast done from my youthe vp in that thou art nothing so careful for my body as for my soule how shuld I but thinke much of thy prouidence for it in thy home where is such glory as y t eie hath not sene c. of which thinges these corporall benefites of thine giuen me on earth should be as it were inductions and the taking of them away admonitions to be more mindefull of permanent thinges and lesse mindefull of transitorie thinges By reasō hereof I haue great cause to lament and to reioyce To lamēt because I am so earthly minded so litle desirous of my home so vnthākfull for thy prouidence and fatherly correction here on earth To reioyce because of my home and the greate glory thereof because thou doest so prouide for me here because thou doest so correct and chastē me c. but alas I am altogether a wretch earthlie vnthankful not onely for these corporall benefites health ryches frendes fame wisedome c for thy fatherly correction sicknes temptacion c but also for thy heauenly benefites for Christ Iesus for the promise of thy spirit for thy gospell c. Yea euen for heauen it selfe and thy whole glorye as the Israelits were for the land of Canaan therefore neuer enioyed it but perished in the wildernes I am proude in prosperitie and forget thee waxing secure careles c I am impacient in the crosse and to much consider worldly discommoditie Oh deare father forgiue me for thy Christes sake all mine vnthankfulnes loue of thys world contempt and obliuion of thy heauenly benefites and graunte me thi holy spirit to illuminate the eies of my minde with the light and liuely knowledge of thy presence power wisdom goodnes in thi creatures but specially in christ iesus thy sōne so by the same spirit enflame mine affections that I may desire nothing in earth but thee and to be present with thee that my conuersaciō may be in heauen cōtinually Frō whence graunt me stil to loke for the lord Iesꝰ to make this my vile body like vnto his owne glorious and immortal bodye according to his owne power by whiche he is able to doe all things As y u hast giuē me to be thy childe so I praye the giue me these things which be y e properties of thy childrē giuen frō y ● in thy good time Halowed be thy name THy name is that wherby thou art knowen for names serue to discerne and knowe one thinge from an other Nowe thoughe thou art knowen by thy creatures yet in this our corrupt estate thei serue but to make vs excuseles Therfore properly most liuely and cōfortably y u art knowen by thy holy worde and specially by thy promise of grace and freely pardoning and receiuinge vs into thy fauour for christ Iesꝰ sake For the which goodnes in Christ y u art praised magnified accordinge to thy name that is so much as mē know thee in Christ they magnifye thee praise thee which here thou callest halowing or sanctifieng not that thou arte the more holye in respect of thy self but in respect of mē who the more they knowe thee the more they cannot but sanctify thee that is they cannot but as ●n them selues by true faith loue feare and spiritual seruice honour thee so also in their outwarde behauour and wordes they cannot but liue in such sorte as other seing them maye in and by their holines godly conuersatiō be occasioned as to know thee so to sanctify thy name accordingly And therfore thou settest forth here vnto me what is the chiefe and principall wyshe and desyre of thy children and people namelye that thou in Christe mightest be truelye knowen and honored bothe of them selues and of others inwardlye and outwardly By reasō wherof easely a man may perceiue by the cōtrary y ● the greatest sorow greife thy people haue is ignoraunce of thee false seruice or religion and wicked conuersation Against the whiche they pray and labour diligētly after their vocations as they for the obtaining of the others both to others and to them selues doe take no smal payne in praier studie and godly exercise By reason hereof I se that I am far from this desyre and lamentation which is in thy children I see myne ignoraunce of the true knowledge of thee and thy name for ells it had not neded thee so by thy worde to haue reueled thy self I see also mine ignoraunce of the excellencie of the same For els woldst y ● not haue told me that the sanctifinge of thy name is the chiefest thing y u requirest of euery mā Again I se my great want of holines for els thou nedest not to teach me to seke pray for y ● I want not Moreouer I se my great peruersitie whiche woulde not seke at thy hands for sanctification although I se my nede therof For els y u woldest not haue cōmaunded me to pray for it if I seinge my want wolde haue praied vnto the therfore Last of al I see thy wonderfull goodnes whiche wilt vndoubtedly giue vnto me sanctification holynes for y u woldest not that I shuld aske for that thing that y u wilte not giue me So that I haue great cause to lament and reioyse To lament because I am so farre from this desire and lamentacion which thy chyldren haue also because of my ignoraunce pouertie peruersitie vnthankefulnes c. but most of all because thy holye name worde and religiō is so blasphemed both in doctrine and in liuing of many especially in thys Realme To reioyse I haue greate cause for thy exceding goodnes and merry which woldeste so disclose thy selfe by thy workes word gospel which woldest opē these things thus vnto me and also giue vnto me others sanctification in thy sight by saithe in the sight of men by purenes of life godly conuersation But alas I doe hartely neither the one nor y ● other that is lame● or reioyce as y u father which serchest my hart doest righte well know Oh be merciful vnto me and forgiue me yea giue me of thin owne pitie thy holy spirit to reuele opē to my mind
therfore to thee dere father I come through thy sonne our lord mediatour and aduocate Iesus christ who sitteth on thy right hand making intercession for me praye thee of thy great goodnes mercye in christ to be merciful vnto me that I may feele in dede thy swete mercy as thy childe The time oh deare father I appoint not but I pray thee that I may w t hope stil expect loke for thy help I hope that as for a litle while y u hast left me thou wilt come and visite me and that in thy great mercie whereof I haue nede by reason of my great miserie Thou arte wont for a litle season in thine anger to hyde thy face from them whom thou louest but suerly o● redemer in eternal mercies y u wilt shewe thy compassions For when thou leauest vs oh lord y u doest not leaue vs very long neither doest y u leaue vs to our losse but to our lucre aduantage euē that thy holy spirit with bigger porcion of thy power vertue maye lighten and cheare vs that y ● want of feeling to our sorow maye be recompenced plentifully with the liuely sense of hauīg thee to our eternal Ioy and therfore thou swarest that in thine euerlastīg mercy thou wilt haue cōpassiō on vs. Of which thīg to thende we might be most assured thin o●he is to be marked for y u saist as I haue sworne y ● I will not bring any more the waters to drowne the world so haue I sworne y ● I wil neuer more be angry with thee nor reproue thee The moūtains shal remoue y ● hils shal fal downe but my louing kindnes shall not moue y ● bond of my peace shal not faile thee thus saiest y u y ● lord our merciful redemer Dere father therfor I pray thee remēber euē for thine owne trueth mercies sake this promise euerlasting couenāt w t in thy good time I thee to write in my hart that I may know thee to be the only true god and Iesus Christe whom thou haste sent that I maye loue thee with all my harte for euer y t I may loue thy people for thy sake that I may be holy in thi sight through Christ that I may always not only striue against sinne but also ouercome the same daily more and more as thy children doe aboue all thinges desiringe the sanctification of thy name the comming of thy kingdome the doyng of thy will here on earth as it is in heauen c through Iesus Christ our redemer mediatour aduocate Amen AN OTHER PRAIER FOR remission of sinnes O Gracious god which sekest all meanes possible how to bring thy children into the feeling and sure sense of thy mercy therfore whē prosperitie will not serue then sendeste thou aduersitie graciouslye correcting them here whō y ● wilt shal with thee ells where lyue for euer we poore misers geue humble praises and thankes vnto thee deare father that thou hast vouched vs worthy of thy correction at this present hereby to worke that whiche we in prosperity liberty did neglect For the which neglecting and manye other our greuous sinnes wherof we nowe accuse oure selues before thee most mercifull lorde thou mightest most iustely haue geuen vs ouer and destroied vs bothe in soules and bodies But suche is thy goodnes towardes vs in Christe that thou semest to forget all our offences and as though we were farre otherwise then we be in deed thou wilte that we shuld suffer this crosse now laied vpon vs for thy trueth and gospelles sake and so be thy witnesses wyth the prophets apostles martyrs and confessours yea with thy dearly beloued sonne Iesus Christe to whō thou doest now here beginne to fashion vs like that in his glorye we may be like him also Oh good god what are we on whō thou shouldest she we this great mercy Oh louing lorde forgiue vs oure vnthankfullnes sinnes Oh faithfull father geue vs thyne holy spirit now to crie in our harts Abba dere father to assure vs of our eternal elections in Christ to reueile more more thi trueth vnto vs to cōfirme strengthen and stablishe vs so in the same that we may liue and die in it as vessells of thy mercy to thy glory and to the comoditie of thy churche Indue vs with the spirit of thy wisdome that with good conscience we maye alwaies so answere y ● enemies in thy cause as maye turne to their conuersion or confusion and our vnspeakable consolatiō in Iesꝰ christ for whose sake we besech thee hence forth to kepe vs to geue vs paciēce and to will none otherwise for delyneraunce or mitigation of our miserye then maye stande alwaye wyth thy good pleasure and mercyful wil towardes vs. Graunt this deare father not onely to vs in this place but also to all other ells where afflicted for thy names sake through the death and merites of Iesus Christ our lord Amē A PRAIER FOR DELIVERANCE from sinne and to be restored to goddes grace and fauour againé OH almightie and euer lasting lord god which hast made heauen earth c oh incōprebensible vnitie oh alwaies to be worshipped most blessed Trinitie I humbly beseth thee and pray thee by the assumption crucifyed humanitie of our lord Iesus Christe that thou wouldest enclyne and bowe downe the great depth of thy deitie to the botomeles pitte of my vilitie driue frō me al kynde of vice wickednes and synne and make in me a newe and cleane harte and renewe in me a right spirit for thy holy names sake Oh lord Iesu I besech thy goodnes for y ● excedig great loue which drew thee out of thy fathers bosome into the wombe of the holye virgin and for the assumptiō of mānes nature wherin it pleased thee to saue me to deliuer me from eternall death I besech thee I say that thou woldest drawe me out of my selfe into thee my lorde god and graunte this thy loue maye recouer againe to me thy grace to increase and make perfecte in me that which is wantinge to raise vp in me that which is fallen to restore to me that whiche I haue lost to quicken in me that whiche is dead shuld liue that so I may be come conformable vnto thee in all my life and conuersation thou dwelling in me and I in thee my hart being soupled with thy grace settled in thy faith for euer Oh y u my god lose set at libertie my spirit from al inferriour things gouerne my soule so worke that both in soule and body I may be holy and lyue to thy glory world with out ende Amen A PRAIER FOR THE OBTAIning of faith O Mercifull god and dere father of our lord sauiour Iesus christ In whom as thou art wel pleased so hast thou commaunded vs to heare him for as muche as he often biddeth vs to aske of thee and therto promiseth that thou wilt
works and therefore praye alwayes that we maye be content with thy wil and be borome thereto And for asmuch as thou hast reuealed to vs so muche of thy wyll in thy word writen as is necessarye for vs in thys life to know yea as we can attaine vnto and a lytle further we ought to take all thynges done there agaynste as synne and transgressyon althoughe thou canste vse the same synne to serue thy prouydence Of the which prouidence w● can not nor maye not Iudge further then thou hast shalte open it vnto vs. So that this peticion Thy will be done is not simplie to be vnderstand concerninge thy omnipotent wil vn reueled against the which nothing is nor can be done but rather concerning thy will reueled in thy lawe gospel the which thou here teachest me that we shuld desire not only to know it but also to doe it and that in suche perfection willingnes as it is in heauen The which thinge I perceiue hereby that thy childrē doe desire daily in for themselues and others do lament the contrary in whōsoeuer it be so that often their eies gushe out with riuers of teares because men kepe not thy lawes By reason hereof I see that I am farre from the syghes and teares of thy people I see my ignoraunce of thy wyll yf thou hadeste not opened the same by thine owne mouth I see my ignoraūce how acceptable a seruyce obedyence to thy wil is and therfore doest y u place this peticion amonges the fyrst and continual desires of thy childrē Againe I se my pouertie in godly obediēce which had nede to be taught to pray for it therby to signifie vnto me my want and vnhabilitie to attayne it but by thy gift Thirdly I se my disobedience for els neuer woldst thou haue cōmaunded me to haue praied for the doing of thy will if I seinge my want wold haue prayed so Last of all I se thy goodnes whiche wilt giue to me and others to obey thy will that is to loue thee wyth al our harts to loue our neighbour as our selfes to die to our selues to liue to thee to take vp oure crosse and to followe thee to beleue to repent c for ells thou woldest neuer haue bidden vs to pray for a thinge which we shuld not loke for So that I haue great cause to lamēt and reioyce To lament because of my miserable state and condition because of my sinne ignoraunce pouertie and peruersitie also because thy will is euerye where either not knowen or contēned and Sathans will the wil of the world and of the fleshe readily obeyed To reioyse I haue great cause for that thou hast opened thy selfe and will vnto mankind for that also ▪ thou peculiarlye hast taught me these things and because also thou wilt graūt me grace to doe the same But alas howe vnthankfull I am and how hard harted thou Lorde doest knowe Oh be mercifull vnto me and forgyue me I pray thee graciouse god graūt me thy holy spirit to reueale to me my ignoraunce of thy will my pouertie and peruersitie that I may hartely bewayle it c and by thy helpe and working of the same spirit may suppresse the will of the fleshe Agayne graunt me thy holy spirit to reuele to me thy will declared in thy lawe and gospell that I may truly know the same and enflame so my affections that I maye will and loue the same in such sort that it may be my meate and drynke to doe thy wyll Here cal to minde the .x. cōmaūdementes of god particularly or generally what therin he requireth and praye for the same particularlye as you se your nede that not only for your self but also for other Praye for patience to suffer what crosse soeuer god shal laye vpō you pray for thē that be vnder y ● crosse that they maye be pacient praye for spirituall wisedome in euery crosse peculiarlye or publikelye that you may see and loue gods will Geue vs this day our daily Bread BY Breade the foode of the bodye is vnderstande all thynges necessarye for thys corporall life as meate drinke health successe in vocatyon c. By this word Gyue we shoulde vnderstande that not onelye spyrytuall thynges but also corporall benefytes are goddes free gyftes and come not for our worthynes or traueyle taken aboute the same althoughe ours traueyls be often tymes meanes by the whiche god doth gyue corporall thinges By dailye is vnderstande the contented mindes of thy children wyth that which is sufficient for the present time as hauinge hope in thee y ● they shal not want but daily shal receyue at thy handes plentie and enough of all thinges By this word our is as well vnderstande publike benefytes as peace in the common weall good Magistrats seasonable wether good lawes c as particular benefites as be children health name successe in the workes of our vocation c. And besides this by it we shuld se the care euē for corporal things which thy children haue for others aswel as for themselues So that here I may learne how far I am frō that I should be and I see thy children are come vnto I se my ignoraunce also how that as spirituall thinges do come from thee so doe temporall thinges and as they come from thee so are they conserued and kepte of thee And therefore thy chyldren are thankefull and looke for theym as thy meare gyftes notwythestandynge the meanes whiche they vse if they haue them How be it they vse them but as meanes for except y u worke therwith all is in vaine Againe here I am taught to be content with sufficient for the present time as thy children be which haue the shortnes of this life alwaies before their eyes and therefore they aske but for daily sustenaūce knowing this life to be cōpared to a day yea a watch a sounde a shadow c. Moreouer I may learne to se the cōpassion and brotherly care thy children haue one for an other Last of al here I may see thy goodnes which as thou wilt geue me all thinges necessarie for this life or els y u woldest not bid me aske c so thou commaundest all men to praye and care for me and that bodely much more then if they be able they are cōmaūded to help me both in bodie soule By reasō wherof I haue great cause to lament and reioyse To lament because I am not so affected as thy children be because of my ignoraūce my ingratitude my peruersitie and contempt of thy goodnes and of the necessitie of thy people whiche alas be in greate miserie some in exile some in prisō some in pouertie sicknes c. To reioyce I haue greate cause because of thy goodnes in teaching me these thinges in commaundinge me to aske what soeuer I wante in geuinge me so manye thinges vnasked in keping the