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A14352 Most godly prayers compiled out of Dauids Psalmes by D. Peter Martyr. Translated out of Latine into English by Charles Glemhan. G. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed; Preces sacrae ex psalmis Davidis desumptae. English Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 1499-1562.; Glemhan, Charles.; Simmler, Josias, 1530-1576. 1569 (1569) STC 24671; ESTC S103274 186,941 520

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sing nor by any meanes praise thée Our enimies doe maruelously yea and that with great feruencie desire it should so be but haue thou O good God a regarde vnto the teares and clamours of those that trust in thee and cause the author● and ●n●enters of iniquitie to depart and go farre from vs. Finally giue eare vnto vs in such wise that so many as are enimies to thy glorie and our saluation may be ashamed and brought to vtter confusion Through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the seuenth Psalme A prayer against the aduersaries of the Gospell THou knowest O most mighty and mercifull God wyth what an earnest affection the aduersaries of our saluation do both daye and night assaulte vs who except thou be our ready helper couet most cruelly like fierce sauage beastes to haue vs torne in péeces swallowed vp into euerlasting destruction But like as we put oure trust and confidence in thée only so our earnest desire is that thou wilte succour and defende vs. We doe not lay forth our owne cause before thée as though we had commytted none of these thynges whereof they accuse vs but are perswaded that thou of thine owne mercye wilt pardon and forgiue vs the same through the intercession of Iesus Christ our Mediator Wherefore we humbly require and earnestly beséeche thee to stande vp for to be our helper that thou wilt also direct and as a most strong shield defende vs that those euils may fall from vs and lyght vpon the authors of al temptations deceites maliciousnesse so as we may on the other side praise thée and set forth thy glorious name with all possible studied cōmendations through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen Another prayer out of the same psalme IT is trulie a singuler and right excellēt benefite O almightie God to be an obseruer keper of thy blessed precepts but yet such a one as they can not attaine and reach vnto from whose eyes thou hast not taken away the vayle and cloke of darkenesse Which being not remoued the secret and hidden things of thy diuine lawe cannot be seene wherefore we lamentably desire thée to helpe lighten our infirmitie blinde ignorance that whilst we liue and remaine here as straungers and pilgrimes thou wouldest not hide from vs the pure and right vnderstanding of thy blessed commaundements wherwith for so much as we haue through our owne default béene hitherto little instructed we are fallen into these reproches into this cōtempt and into these euil reportes For besides the perils grieuous afflictiōs wherwith thy holy Church is at this daye sore vexed oppressed are added slaūders of thy sacred doctrine reuylinges of true godlynesse and horrible blasphemies of thy blessed name forgiue therfore thy people and pardon O mightie God whatsoeuer they haue committed against thée refresh those that be fallen with thy sacred word promises We do day by day very boldly open and declare our cause to thee harken vnto vs we earnestly beséeche thée and from tyme to tyme confirme with newe benefites the faith and hope of those that be doubtfull neyther putte them to shame and reproche which call vpon thée so that we being againe quieted and restored to libertie may runne in the way and pathe of thy blessed commaundementes with a perfite ioy and hartye chéerefulnesse through Iesus Christ oure Lord. Amē ¶ A prayer out of the eight Psalme ALl the thinges O most good mercifull God which thou hast created both in heauen earth for our commodity and singuler profite A prayer in trouble for the fauour of Christ declare most euidently howe wonderfull and excellent thy glorious name is and although thy goodnesse be spreade forth and séene in all things neuerthelesse euen the very infantes and sucking babes whome from their mothers wombe thou causest to be cherished and brought vp wyth moste tender and louing carefulnesse do giue vs such assurance thereof that we cannot but warrant our selues al excellency of the same insomuch that the infantes in the time of their noureing whē they begin to speak do set before our eies most euidēt tokens of thy gentlenesse by these wonderful things are all the wicked confounded which carp● and speake euyll of thy excellent goodnesse and diuine prouidence The heauens truelye might haue beene thought a péece of worke worthy such a workemaister as thou art but in that thou wouldest so muche humble and abase thy selfe as to haue so careful a regard to fraile and mortall man it appereth to be a signe and token of thy wonderfull vnspeakable loue towarde vs. Wherefore againe and that worthily are we prouoked although we haue heynously sinned lyued vnworthily both in respect of thee of our owne vocation to begge and craue at thy handes with a verye earnest assured confidence not to permitte thy Churche to be ouerwhelmed with these present troubles For if thou hast so highly extolled man to be litle inferiour vnto Aungels wheras otherwise he is vyle of his owne nature remember them much more I hartily besech thée whome thou hast nowe adopted to be thy deere children and to whom thou wouldst for thy mercies sake haue all the workes of thy handes serue and be obedient suffer them not to be troden vnder foote of vngodly and wicked persons For thou hast alwayes accustomed to visite the children of men with thy fatherly care and prouydence assist vs now also with thy readye helpe when wée stande in moste néede thereof Deliuer vs in such sort we humbly beséech thée that all men may well vnderstande thy name thereby to bée right wonderfull as most certainly it is and by all meanes possible worthy to be honored and made glorious through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen Another prayer out of the same psalme THy magnificence renoumed glory O almighty god is well sufficiently set forth by these things which through thy excellent power diuine prouidence be done both in heauē earth notwithstanding for the more better stirring vp of our grosse and leaden harts thy power would set out it selfe also in babes yong children Euen frō our childhood we are miserable wretched not by the workemanship creation by the which thou hast made and fourmed vs but through our originall and naturall sinne an infinite number of faults that we our selues haue added thereto for the which neuerthelesse wee humblye beséeche thée bée not so displeased with vs but that according to thy accustomed mercie thou wilt often visite and looke vppon vs and those whome thou hast made little inferiour vnto Aungels make them partakers of thy owne nature Finallye seing that thou haste in lawfull wise made vs Lordes ouer all thy creatures graunt that we maye vse them to the praise and glorie of thy name so as thy sacred worde and Gospell maye be spreade abroade amongst all Nations through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out
countenaunce through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme SO long as we liue here O most mightie God all things are so vnquiet and at so small stay vnto vs through the desert of our gréeuous offences that we be on euery side assayled with the deadly assaults of the force of oure aduersaries but vnlesse thou puttest to thy helping hande we shall séeme to be swalowed vppe out of hande Wherefore to the intent we may be defended so oft as our fraile mindes be possest with a vehement feare we poure out our feruent prayers before thy mercie seate which glistereth and shineth most farre abroade that regarding and highlye estéeming thy sacred wordes and louing promises in such sort as being strengthned by them we may with a stout courage ouercome whatsoeuer sorrowfull horrible vnpleasaunt and rough thing setteth it selfe agaynst vs. As our teares O excellent father are gathered and written by thee euen so when thou art called vpon deliuer thy faythfull seruauntes from the Gyues and Fetters of their carefull myndes and thou of thy infinite goodnesse purging our gyltinesse bestow vpō vs so much strength and stedfast hope as we néede nothing at all to feare the violence and power of malicious disposed persons for if thou shalt be our redemer especially from eternal death we will alwayes in oure dayly prayers shew forth the worthie prayses of thy most glorious name through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme WE doe dayly indeuour our selues O moste mightie God lamentably to call vpon thy mercie when as they go about to subuert thy sacred Churche who being not a fewe in number and waxen strong aboue measure do not ceasse by sundrie meanes to assault the same Neyther is there any thing that maketh vs more afrayed then these our owne proper sinnes wherewith we haue moste greeuously offended thée and made our selues vtterlye vnworthy of thy gracious fauour yet notwithstanding of the great and vnspeakeable louing kindnesse that is in thée wée ceasse not to hope but set thy louing promises before our eyes the sayinges and words wherof we commend and approue and also so much as in vs lyeth take holde of them by fayth Graunt therefore O excellent father that we be not more feareful then is decent which the flesh is able to worke agaynst vs. We know assuredly that the wicked do now euery where maliciously rayle vpon vs bending all their deuices agaynst thy most sacred doctrine lying in wayte and séeking occasion by all meanes possible quite to subuert and vtterly ouerthrowe thy sacred Churche Dispise not thou O good God the prayers and sighes of thy faythfull seruauntes so strengthen and confirme our weake consciences that we passe nothing at all what men doe agaynst vs. Deliuer our soules from sliding and destruction so that we may both nowe and also after this life be partakers of thy most commodious and splendent blessed light throughe Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lvij. Psalme SEing that there is no refuge for vs O moste gracious and moste mightie God but to flie vnto thée onely A prayer for the aduaūcement of the Gospell contrary to hir enimies expectation we commit our whole saluation into thy tuition and gouernment to the intent thou shouldest miraculously preserue the same so that thou mayest bée our strong defence vntill this their outragious furie who violently oppresse thy sacred Church be much abated and greatly brought lowe Therefore we incessauntly call vpon thy euerlasting name through whose mightie power and high aucthority all thinges maye for the Godly be surely brought to passe Graunt we humbly beséech thée that our heynous sinnes be not the cause thou withdrawest thy mercifull goodnesse from vs which as we confesse them to be most gréeuous and infinite so are wée nothing doubtfull but that they shall be forgiuen vs for our onely mediator Iesus Christes sake through whose louing fauour thy faythfull seruaunts shal not only be preserued in the glorious kingdome of heauen but for thy excellent promise and goodnesse sake they shall also at length be brought to confusion whosoeuer they are which go aboute to oppresse thy constant and stedfast beleuers Thou thy selfe right well seest O excellent father howe his blessed Church is compelled to haue hir dwelling continually amongest Lyons in the middest of whote burning flames inuironed with moste forceable weapons and tongues chiefly that be very noysome and do excéeding great hurt To the intent therefore thou mayst shew forth and mightily declare thy inuincible power touching hir preseruation graunt that the snares and great layings awayte which be prepared for thy holy ones may in conclusion be onely hurtfull to the Authors and chiefe deuisers thereof but vouchsafe to giue vnto vs a right stedfast heart and excéeding constant minde touching the confession and publishing of thy blessed name For wée heartily acknowledge and earnestly confesse thy vnspeakable goodnesse to be so great as it deserueth high prayse not onely in voyce but with Lute and Harpe and by all wayes and meanes of commendation that possible may be which pearceth the clowdes euen vnto the glorious heauen And for bicause it may dayly increase the better and be more vnderstood lift vp thy selfe in this our age by shewing forth thy right excellent power in being oure shielde of defence and buckler through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THere is nothing that doth more reléeue and comfort our féeble mindes being in great distresse and extréeme calamities O most good and merciful God then the Ancre of fayth which dependeth most stedfastly vpon thy excellent goodnesse Wherfore seing that not without iust cause we burne and frie in our lewde vices we resort vnto thy diuine Maiestie and being marueylous sore burthened with the gréeuous fardell of our most heynous sinnes do dayly call vpon thée for thy assistant and readye helpe Send vs ayde from heauen we humbly beséech thée otherwise we shall not be in safetie from the Lions Speares Darts and deceiptfull tongues wherewith Sathan doth merueylouslye aflict thy holye Church Aduaunce thy selfe and make thy infinite power most manifest in taking vs out of our enimies handes For so thy vnspeakable clemencie and notable faythfulnesse which farre surmount the Clowdes and glorious heauens shall appéere bright in their owne excellent greatnesse and we in giuing due thankes for our deliuerance will ioyfullye sing double prayses to thy glorious name for euermore through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme SEing that thy blessed Church O moste mightie God is so vexed with the cruell enimies of thy glorious name and blessed doctrine we repose our whole confidence in thee onely and flie for succor vnder the shadowe of thy wings we acknowledge and confesse that it is our partes to direct oure supplications parpetually vnto thée when thou only and none else art
the vngodly which thing they are very readie to do vpbrayde vs therewith through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxj. Psalme A praier that ●ur faith fay●th vs not in ●ge and great ●istresse FOrsomuch as we doe euidentlye knowe O almightie God that there is alwayes spéedie succour in a readinesse to helpe and further such as flie vnto thy protection therefore haue we reposed our whole trust and confidence in thée onely that of whom we ought to craue assistaunce vnto him must our fayth and hope be most aduisedly directed Thou aydest chéerishest and garnishest those which honour thée from their youth insomuch as that if thou séemest at any tyme to leaue them it is woont to bée taken for a wonder We hope therefore that séeing thou hast béene alwayes with vs from our conception birth thou wilt not forsake vs neyther in our crooked olde age nor at the last ende of our life in consideration whereof that what prayses and thankes we are bounde to giue vnto thée the same do we dayly yeelde and as our assured trust is shall yéelde for euer that as thy benefites towardes vs are infinite and the more thy goodnesse also and mightie déedes are set forth so much the more are they knowen to surmount the prowes of all prayse and commendation Notwithstanding vnto the rest of thy benefits adde this also we hartily beséech thée that as thou layest now and then bitter and vnfortunate things vpon thy faythfull seruants so thou thy selfe wouldst vouchsafe readily to comfort and quicklye ease them of the same through Iesus Christ our lord Amē ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxij Psalme A praier that the kingdom of heauē may come vpon vs through the preaching of the gospell FOrsomuch as we shall haue Iesus Christ our Lorde as a moste iust iudge it is méete that wée should alwayes both feare and reuerence him For seing that his father hath as nowe also indued him with a singuler power this was his chiefest care that the righteous might be strengthned to the intent they should both set vp and also inlarge the true worshipping of him so farre as might be Our humble request is therefore O heauenly father that before we be brought vnto his tribunal iudgement seat we may be redéemed from the heynous sinnes which we are giltie of who being thus regenerated by his blessed spirit may bring forth plentie of good workes so that we be not dampned for oure wicked misdéedes which thing if we by strong and constant fayth may perceyue our selues to haue obteyned we shall verily by reason thereof iudge our selues blessed and marueylous happie for the same who minde to extoll and celebrate thy excellent name and glorie with moste high prayses whereby the whole earth if it were possible may haue true and perfite knowledge of thée through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxiij Psalme ALthough thy goodnesse O almightie and most gracious God A praier th● we may n● repine at th● prosperitie the wicked ▪ be excéeding notable towardes those men that reuerence thée with true and perfect deuocion Yet notwithstanding such is the weaknesse of man that the prosperity of the wicked doth very often bleare and dasell the eyes of thy elect and chosen seruaunts whilest they sée all things happen vnto them luckely and as they woulde wishe who contemne aswell all humaine lawes as diuine and are fallen into so extréeme wickednesse insomuch as they both thinke and preach most shamelessely that thou hast nowe no regarde of our affayres and welfare Neither suffer we humbly beséech thée the féete of our fayth eyther to stacker or to be any thing doubtfull stretch forth thy mightie hand to our great misfortune and bridle our mouthes and imaginations in such sort that we beginne not to ymagine a vaine and vnprofitable maner of worshipping thée Strengthen vs so as we may paciently and with a Christian kinde of sufferaunce abide the issue and vttermost successe of things At what tyme thy last excéeding great iudgement shall mightily shew forth hir selfe then wil it appéere with howe notable an vprightnesse thou orderest all thinges Graunt vs also in the meane season to desire nothing more feruently then that our mindes may be fastned and linked vnto thée with an indissoluble knot through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxiiij Psalme A prayer for ●e churches ●reseruation ●gaynst the ●duersaries the gospell IF it shall happen O most mighty God which we right well knowe doth oftentimes come to passe that by reason of the manifolde sinnes which are by vs oftentymes committed we prouoke thy wrathfull indignation agaynst vs and purchase the gréeuous scourges wherewith we be much chastised Be mindfull we humbly beseech thée of thy exceeding great goodnesse and louing promises which thou knowest we haue alreadie layde holde of by fayth neyther deliuer thou our soules into the power of the outragious aduersaries of thy glorie and our saluation Forsomuch as they earnestlye bend themselues about none other thing but eyther to throwe downe thy excellent works or to make voyde and of none effect the saluation of mankinde which with so great mercifulnesse thou hast purchased let their enterprises be made frustrate whose driftes tend to none other ende but that thy glorious name maye be blasphéemed and very euil spoken of Be mindefull we hūbly beseech thée of the good thinges which thou hast hitherto bestowed vpon vs neyther ceasse to bring vnto perfection the work of redemption that thou hast alredy mightily begunne in vs. Arise O good god and aide such with thy spéedie helping hand as vnfeynedly call vpon thée that the fonde deuises of the vngodlye haue no successe at all either agaynst thy renowmed glorie or our saluation through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxv. Psalme A praier that we may be obedient to ●he worde of God OVr earnest and feruent desire is O moste mightie God to celebrate thy glorious name and excéeding wonderous actes for we require thée euen from the bottome of the heart to bring to passe that thy blessed people maye be defended from these terrible daungers in such wise as they come not to vtter ruine Remoue our heynous sinnes out of thy remembraunce we humbly beséech thée neyther impute this thing chiefly vnto vs that where as thou hast called vs vnto thée and set before our eyes an order of true godlinesse and made the same free for euery one of vs to leade our life according to thy blessed word and christian profession we haue not onely behaued oure selues coldely therein but haue most vnthankfully cast away the discipline trade of liuing which the fayth thou inlargest vs with and bestowest vpon vs is worthy of Regard not therfore the nūber of our heynous sinnes neither how great our deserts be nor yet what thy iustice might rightfully require at our handes
Mistresses euen so doe our eyes wayte vppon thee being the onely refuge of our saluation that like as they do wholy depende and hang vpon their Maisters and Mistresses so do we crie dayly to thee vntill thou haue mercy vppon vs. Bee not thus excéeding wrathfull and angry at our wickednesse wherewith we are little better then ouerwhelmed that thou doest lesse regarde the glorie of thy name then the reuenging of them Pardon we humbly beséech thée thy poore suppliants that they may be nothing destitute of thy infinite mercy and singuler goodnesse Haue pitie vpon vs O good god in these miserable dayes be fauourable vnto vs who knowe right well with what troubles and reproches thy holy Church is euery where sore touched Let not the arrogancie and dispitefulnesse of the wicked passe any further being now so puft vppe without measure through the prosperous successe of the matters they take in hande as mans power is nothing able to asswage the same Make thou therfore who art inuincible and omnipotent an ende of theyr outragious madnesse and kepe them within their bounds through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme ALthough thou hast appoynted thy seate and dwelling place O moste good and mercifull God to bée in the passing highe heauens yet notwithstanding thou neuer ceasest to styrre vs vp with thy holy spirite whereby thou instructest the heartes of the faythfull who at what tyme we be tryed with heauinesse of mind yrksome tribulations and daungerous perils indeuor our selues both by our earnest prayers and continuall petitions to craue helpe at thy handes onely Now therefore like as seruants are attendant onely at the handes of theyr Maysters and handmaydes wayt diligently vpon their Mistresse hande euen so the eyes of our fayth looke onely vppon thee O heauenly father and shall alwayes hereafter haue a due regarde to thy diuine Maiestie vntill thou hast mercie vpon vs. Be fauorable vnto vs we humbly beséeche thée according to thy accustomable mercie and louing kindnesse neyther suffer the force of our fierce aduersaryes to haue thy faythfull seruantes in contempt and make vs a ieasting stock We doubt not but thou knowest right well that the mightie and highe minded of this wretched worlde doe with much arrogancie both hate and dispise thy holy and sanctified Church Wherefore our earnest request is that thou wouldest speedily lay to thy readie helping hand not permitting hir neyther to be polluted with supersticious and deuilishe errors nor yet opprest by Sathan or force of the vngodlye through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme LOke downe from heauen vpon vs O most excellent father who doe eleuate and lift vp our eyes to thee onely earnestly requyring that thou wouldest defend vs by thy readie helpe from the great perilles wherewith we be at this present sore vexed For séeing thou hast created vs and wée be duly and rightfully thine lord of thy infinit goodnesse dispise not thou thy seruants who looke for helpe at thy handes onely in this their néedfull tyme. We acknowledge verily we confesse I say that we haue by reason of our heynous sinnes and great offences committed agaynst thée deserued these things which are now fallen vpon vs. But our feruent desire is that thou hauing compassion vppon thy louing feruauntes wouldst pardon for thy great goodnesse and infinite mercies sake what things soeuer they offend thée in them Wey not O good God our vnworthinesse but consider the rebukes and slaunders wherewith thou art touched in vs. For whilest the wicked enimies do stirre vp blasphemies agaynst thy faythfull people they doe wrong not vnto vs but to thy glorious name when as they rage by force of armes and great violence they chiefly shoote at the ouerthrowing of thy true honor sincere religion and most blessed worde these are the thinges which they meane to take vtterly away if they might haue successe For so long as they perceyue themselues to abounde in much strength and doe whatsoeuer it pleaseth them they become marueylous high minded and thy Church being troubled by them is put to an excéeding great foyle which hath none to flie vnto for helpe but thée onely who art their Lord. Driue thou away these iniuries and mischieuous euilles which they bring vpon vs we humbly beseech thée for nothing is required in this behalfe but that thou wouldest defende the honor and glorie of thy true doctrine and sacred gospel least the wicked make a laughter hereat Graūt O good God that those men may one day feele the force of thy blessed veritie so as they shall will they ●ill they acknowledge thee to bée a God of might through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxxiiij Psalme A prayer against violence and deceypt VNlesse thou doest assist vs O most mightie God with thy puyssaunt power and readie helping hande the Antichristians are so bent to rise vp agaynst thy faythfull people as they séeme to committe nothing more then to swallow vs all vppe euen quicke whose woodnesse is in such wise kindled that if thou puttest not to thy helping hande they are like to consume and deuoure vs which truely we can not denie but hath béene of our partes iustly deserued if we well wey and consider our owne sinnes For what scourge and tormentes can wée déeme that thou ordeynest vniustly for vs weying so great ingratitude as we haue shewed towardes thée who haue beene such transgressors of thy holy commaundements as there is no penaltie so great but that wée both are worthie thereof and also seeme so to be For although thou wilt not be present to helpe thy sacred Church for our sakes yet do it for the glory of thy name least the most raging riuers do ouerwhelme and choke it vp with their ouerflowing and violence of waters turne away we heartily require thée their mouthes and téeth from thy holy ones least they teare them in peeces like vnto a pray who verily hunt for nothing else by their subtilties and lewde practises then to catch and snarle in the trappes of their vngodlynesse those which haue addicted themselues to thy blessed wordes to the pourging of the true worshipping of thee and to a more sincere and pure maner of religion Make hast therfore O good God to be our speedie helper and deliuer vs from the Nettes of such cruell hunters But vouchsafe thou we humbly beséeche thée who hast made heauen and earth that we may impute our whole saluation vnto thée only and none other thorow Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme VNlesse thou thy owne selfe O most good and mercifull God doest at this present suppresse and kéepe vnder the fury and madnesse of the Antichristians in such sort as they be not able to accomplish those things which they haue now enterprised and deuised amongst themselues they will swallow vp thy sacred Church whole and quicke who doe
Iesu it behoueth vs to leade a life amongest our selues not like straungers but as brethren and sisters ought to do neither haue the godly a greater desire or more pleasure in anye thing then to be in perfect vnitie peaceable agreement in the house of God Wherefore it is no small griefe vnto vs that this brotherly affinitie is euery where rent and broken asunder which we ought warely to chéerishe and haue in great estimation But we acknowledge oure selues to haue giuen an apparaunt cause of this gréeuous vexation and sorowfull calamitie for how can it be then that we who are not knit vnto thee with our whole heart and be nothing in such wise obedient to thy sacred commaundements as thou requirest should be well ioyned togither or be in loue with our neighbours We humbly beseech thée therefore O good God to pardon whatsoeuer we haue heretofore lewdly committed agaynst thee béeing aduersaries to thy diuine lawe and sacred commaundementes and to couple vs one to another with an excéeding stedfast charitie into the sacred bodie of thy holye Church so that our louing consent faythfull agreement may spread it selfe abroade most largely as a swéete smell of mutuall loue and through the pleasaunt dew of thy heauenly blessing become euery day more fruitfull then other in good and godly workes leading of thy singuler good will not onely a quiet and peaceable life frée from the present euils in this wretched worlde but finally obteyne such a one as is blessed and euerlasting through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme SEing thou hast of thy louing kindnesse O most good and mercifull God chosen all faythfull people to be thy déere children graunt that we who are brethren by a blessed generation may be fastned togither in mutuall loue long peace and perpetuall charitie so that during this lfie wée maye take perfect pleasure of such kinde of tranquilitie and also become an excéeding delectable odor towardes the perpetuall saluation of all others which be as yet straungers to thée Thy blessed Church may bee O heauenly father through this especiall example greatly wondered at of all men For certainly we know by experience that thou hast vsed to poure out a moste ample blessing vpon so many as lead an agréeable and friendly lyfe in thy healthfull doctrine and pure religion and therefore doe wée nowe requyre this earnestlye at thy mercifull handes béefore all ritches and other earthly commodities through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxxxiiij Psalme A prayer for fayth in our dayly peticions IT ought to be a most pleasant and ioyfull thing vnto vs O almighty God to celebrate thy high prayses perpetually and shewe forth thy marueylous workes without ceassing for the performance whereof godlinesse would require that we shoulde not onely doe the same on the day tyme but also in the night season But yet notwithstanding our most heinous sinnes and continual backslidings compell vs rather to brust out into sorowfull teares piteous sobbinges and déepe sighes wherethrough we may say alwayes before thée we verily haue sinned O good God excéeding gréeuously whose offences are more in number then the sande of the sea and Starres of the skie but nowe wée lift vp our handes vnto our holy sanctuary which is Iesus Christ thy dearely beloued Sonne so that whatsoeuer we cannot obteyne through our owne worthinesse and desertes we indeuour to atchieue the same by his onely meanes and gracious fauour We heartily require this at thy mercifull handes O most excellent father that thou wouldest at one tyme or other out of Sion that is to say out of the hid treasure of thy clemencie be fauourable vnto the people which flie to thee for succor by deliuering them from present mishaps whereby thou who diddest make heauen and earth hast vouchedsafe to call vs vnto the knowledge of thy blessed name so that we maye lawfully render abundant thankes and shewe forth thy worthy prayses with a moste free and ioyfull heart through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme SEing thou hast bewtified all those with a notable promise O most mightie god which are knitte togither in the honouring of thy blessed name so that thou wilt not onely be present with them but also bestowest excellent benefites vpon these men whosoeuer they are that excell in sincere fayth and pure godlinesse and haue an exceeding desire to be in the blessed congregations insomuch as there is nothing which they more couet or desire then to appeare diuers tymes before thée in the sacred assemblies But bicause we see our selues greatly defiled with most heynous faultes ouerlading vs in such wise as we dare not celebrate and prayse thée as Christians ought to do our earnest request is therfore that thou wouldst of thy vnspeakable mercie infinite goodnesse and excellent clemencie deliuer vs from the Champions of Antichrist and his ministers who indeuour themselues so much as they can possible that thy faythfull seruaunts might no more assemble and meete togither for to honor thée sincerely and as they are willed to do Reserue those to thy selfe we humblye beseech thée who haue so great a desire to lift vp their handes vnto thée and to direct their prayers vnto thy mercies seate with a most holye intent shewe these men much pleasure from heauen cherishe them greatly and be their strong defence being a thing nothing impossible to thy wonderfull and inuincible power forsomuch as the whole worlde and all thinges conteyned therin were not only made by thy puissant might but also indure and bée preserued through thy omnipotencie by Iesus Christ our lord Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THy vnspeakeable goodnesse is such O most merciful God as it ought alwaies to be greatly praised and highly magnified Wee will therefore lift vp pure handes in all places touching the publishing of thy glorious name render perpetuall thanks according to our bounden dutie for thy louing kindnesse extended towards vs. But seing that this ought to be done in the most sacred and holy assemblies our earnest desire is for to haue thée present there wyth vs to bestow thy plentifull blessing vpon thy beloued Israell through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxxxv. Psalme WHosoeuer they be that are moued by the holy ghost to assemble togither O almightie God for to celebrate thy glorious name A prayer against a 〈◊〉 and false confidence haue a wonderfull heape of benefites set out before them which thou hast most plentifully bestowed vpon vs. For looke what thinges thou hast by thy wonderfull wisdome created in heauen and earth all the same doest thou continuallye dispose according to the pleasure of thy good will causing the clowdes raine windes and other workes of nature to be in such wise obedient to thée as they serue excéeding commodiously for the vtilitie of mankinde But seeing that the
thou art forgetfull and takest thy grace and fauour vtterly away fro them Graunt that suche maner of thoughtes and suspicions be not graft and fixed in our minds for surely we deserue to be vtterly left and quite forsaken of thée by reason of our most heynous offences but suffer not O good God for thy most glorious names sake the stoute arrogant enimies of Godlinesse eyther to preuaile any thing at all or haue occasion to triumphe ouer thy faythfull seruauntes like victorious conquerors illuminate and lighten the eyes of our minde we humblie beséech thée with thy holy spirit that wée séeing and right well allowing those thinges which be most iust may neyther honor nor worship thée amisse nor yet become slouthfull towardes the amendment of our sinfull life for so shall all occasion of reioysing and vaunting be quite taken from our aduersaries and we haue great cause to render eternall thankes vnto thy diuine Maiestie as thou hast right well deserued through Iesus christ our lord Amē ¶ A prayer out of the .xiiij. Psalme A praier that we may perceuer in the nūber of true christians TAke away from thy déere children O most mightie God those notorious wicked Counsels and foolishe imaginations whereby we may surmise in our mindes that thou art no God at all and although thou knowest well ynoughe that we haue oftentymes erred gone astray from the true path of righteousnesse for which cause sake we haue very well deserued euen like bread and most delicious meate of them to be deuoured and vtterly consumed as are the most mischieuous and furious enimies of godlines We humblie besech thée that as thou hast promised to ayde and assist the generation of these men and all such as put their trust in thée so thou wouldest not forsake vs being thus extréeme miserable greauously afflicted Let thy help appeere and shew forth it selfe out of the heauenlye Sion that when thou hast deliuered vs from the bondage and corruption of sinne death and the Deuill thy beloued Church maye not onely be cheered and refreshed but also be excéeding ioyous through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xv. Psalme SEing that O most mighty god none can inhabite and dwell in perpetuall felicitie and thy heauenly kingdom but such as haue béene voyde of fault and vndefiled fro the filthie corruption of wickednesse who haue in suche wise yéelded and dedicated their heart tongue and outward workes to the honor of thy blessed name that they do omit or let slip by negligence or malice none of thy sacred cōmaundements Hereby we nowe perceyue and right well vnderstand that if we should be dealt withal as our owne deserts are and according to the worthinesse of our workes how farre of we be from thence so as we may in a maner dispayre and be altogither doubtfull of our saluation but trusting in thy excellent goodnesse we boldely demaunde this at thy mercifull handes that the merits of our déedes beyng layde apart thy faythfull promises maye according to our assured hope still remaine most firme and stable and vouchsafe to graunt vnto vs receyued againe into thy louing fauour that being henceforth adourned with the ornamentes of perfite righteousnesse sincere truth and pure loue wee maye neuer bée drawen away from the habitation of thy blessed felicitie through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xvj. Psalme FOrsomuch as we are so poore O most déere father of heauen and thou so exceding rich in al things A praier tha● we may not perishe by fayth but attayne vnto glory therby ▪ and thy workes most noble and plentiful surely nothing is giuen vnto vs nor any thing at all in our power whereby we may eyther merite or increase thy most blessed estate and felicitie but yet seing that our whole trust and affiaunce dependeth on thée onely we humbly present our selues and fall downe before thy deuine Maiestie beséeching thée to preserue vs from those euils which inuiron compasse vs about on euery side And our heynous sinnes wherewith thou well perceyuest vnto be ouerladen being pardoned graunt that as thou art become our rightful inheritaunce so we may whol● set our ioy and delight in thée aga●● and accompt it a most pleasant camely thing to set forth and commend thée onely and none else instruct thou vs counsaile thou vs be thou alwaies before our eies least we swarue at any tyme from the right way so that wee may with great ioy during this mortall life remaine and abide in thée and after the most and glorious resurrection be partakers of those euerlasting perfect pleasures which we beleue do consist onely in thy most mightie will and power through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xvij. Psalme ● praier that ●ur enimies may not get ●he victorie ●uer vs. THy blessed Churche prayeth thée O most mightie God and lifteth vp hir voice daily vnto thy throne beséeching thée to weigh and consider at one time or other hir most righteteous cause wherefore giue eare and haue regarde vnto the prayers which the faythfull sort poure out before thée with an vnfayned heart who knowe verie well that we are laden and burthened with other innumerable sinnes so as we are faine at all tymes humbly to craue pardon of thée for the same but as for those which oure aduersaries doe lay to our charge wée are nothing giltie in them wherefore if thou thy selfe who art a most righteous iudge be examined in this case we knowe nothing can be found that by thy holy worde may be condemned But our whole doing is onely for this ende and purpose that the renuing and setting vp againe of religion and true godlinesse may be aduaunced to the intent thy blessed commaundementes might be duly obserued and thy sacred law with more sinceritie obeyed And whereas this care and studie hath brought vpon vs most extreeme perils yea almost vtter destruction vnlesse thou remoue and turne the same away quite from vs we humbly beséech thée to hold vp and strengthen our goynges in thy pathes with a puyssaunt steadinesse which are otherwise of themselues very slipperie that we may neither stand in doubt nor be discouraged in these kinde of distresses Thou mayest hereby make thy excellent goodnesse O mercifull God to be much marueled and wondered at if thou wilt defende those that trust in thee at a tyme vnlooked for yea thou shalt not onely reuenge vs thy louing seruants by that meanes but thy selfe also forsomuch as they haue chiefly risen vp and bēt themselues against thee Hide vs therefore vnder the shadowe of thy winges and the more prosperous successe that they seeme to haue in their doyngs so that now they hang vpon our neckes like hungry Lions the more a great deale preuent thou their furye and spéedily deliuer and rescue the life of thy faithfull seruauntes out of theyr handes and vnto the same graunt that by acknowledging
God are tormented with these sorrowfull most troublesome times our heartes and eyes are erected to thee onelye as vnder whose dominion we doubt not but the chiefe force of all thinges consisteth whereby we are greatly inflamed lamentably to requyre thy readie helpe For by what most excellent power thou hast formed the heauen and earth it is nowe very needefull for thée to helpe thy blessed Church with the same when it is in a maner swalowed vp with the most noysome Iawes of hir cruell enimies Suffer not wée humbly beseech thée the féete of our fayth to stagger or folter for of it selfe such is the infirmitye wherewith we are clothed rounde about it is weake and wauering ynough We truly fell first from thée and swarued wretchedly from the law and decrées of thy blessed wil but vouchsafe we humbly beséech thée not to deale with vs according to our worthinesse but after thy vnspeakable goodnesse and most excellent mercie preseruing the Church being well hedged in and compassed about with thy puyssaunt defence for if thou shouldest forsake hir who art otherwise the keeper of Israell shée can in no wise indure But if it be bereft and spoiled of thy mightie protection then through whose care and industrie maye shée bée preserued Graunt that we maye gather our wittes to vs and call them backe vnto thée to the intent thou mayest not onely be our defender but also the preseruer of all that euer we haue through Iesus christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme FOrsomuch as we are alwayes subiect to aduersities O most mightie god during this wretched life therfore do we loke euery where about vs with our eyes frō whence found and perfect helpe might be ministred vnto vs and thou before all things méetest with our fayth For seeing we right well know that all creatures were made by thée euen from the beginning and that thou nourishest with thy perpetuall goodnesse both celestiall powers and also terrestriall we humbly beséeche thée that whereas otherwise thy high and excellent prouidence is not vsed to be interrupted thou wouldst shewe thy selfe to be a most vigilant shepheard towards vs. Let thy louing fauour we heartily pray thee be euery where our sure defence that we burne not with to feruent an heate of filthye lustes or through coldnesse of infidelitie graft in our sinfull heartes both the loue we ought to beare towards our neighbours and also the godly deuotion which of right is due to thée be not vtterly extinguished O that we might by dayly prayer and intercession obteyne to be kept pure by thée from all infection of vices so that our lyfe maye be such as eyther by our going or comming we may be both clensed from our wicked faultes and also plentiously garnished with most excellent vertues through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxxij Psalme A praier that ●he christian Church may throughe ●ayth cha●itie be re●ayred THe Godly do continually stirre vp one another to make holy assemblies O almightie God with wōderfull exhortations wherein thy blessed name is lifted vp with high praises the faythfull instructed in thy sacred words and thy holye Sacraments duly receyued Nowe forsomuch as wee see presently before our eyes that this is in a maner hindered by Antichrist to our excéeding great sorow for like a naughtie packe and cast away as he is he practiseth nothing else but that the holy Hierusalem which is newlye begunne to be edified and repayred should fall to decaye againe and be vtterly ouerthrowne to the intent the pure worshipping and holye inuocating of thy blessed name might haue no more place there We earnestly and with a feruent minde and vehement affection humbly beséeche thée O most excellent father who well considerest how great a broyle and trouble he maketh that thou wouldst cause those things for to haue good successe which appertaine vnto the quietnesse of Ierusalem being thy holy and santified Churche our vnséemely deserts somewhat layde apart For séeing we do exceeding filthtly transgresse and moste lewdly defile thy sacred lawes we ought of right to assure our selues of no good thing But when as we haue an especiall regard to the honor of thy glorious name then taking a courage again we do boldly require thée that thou wouldest be present with thē which are assembled togither in the name of Iesus Christ and do call vpon thée therby to the entent we may one day repose our selues in the true Hierusalem being quite deliuered from the furious and violent inuasion of Antichrist And cause that those Citizens which doe credite the sacred doctrine of thy holy Church may by thy excellent benefites become friendes and faythful brethren one to an other through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme ALthough the holy Scriptures doe teach vs euery where that the heauē O most good and mercifull God is thy dwelling place yet the same doe in such wise set out thy infinit goodnesse as the Church is both called and also is in déede thy sanctified house wherein thou most frequentest at what time therefore we shall come togither in the holy congregations our earnest request is that we may be there with chéerfull and very desirous mindes For thou truly hast of an excéeding liberalitie adorned thy holy Church with most flourishing and excellent giftes neyther is there any thing pretermitted that apperteyneth to hir garnishing which maye eyther belong to the spirituall decking and bewtifiyng thereof or to the plenteous inriching of it in abundaunce of all heauenly good things Which seeing they haue procéeded most fully from thée this only remayneth that thou wouldest so condiscend vnto our feruent prayers as the members therof may be annixed togither with a perpetuall concorde cause their meetinges to bée in such sort as they may render due honor vnto thée let the sacred scriptures be there purely and sincerely interpreted and let thy glorious Kingdome from day to day be more and more inlarged making all these things to be stablished with thy ioyous peace and the tranquilitie of thy holy spirite For so long as we pray for the quietnesse and felicitie hereof let vs procure substanciall and perfect good things both to our neighbours and also vnto thy blessed house through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxxiij Psalme THere remayneth no greater helpe for thy faythful seruaunts O most mightie God then that which cōmeth from heauen A prayer fo● the mercie of God for the puissant force of Antichrist and his deuilish practises haue so greatly preuayled as true godlynesse and the right honoring of thée are in a maner extinguished and vtterlye ouerthrowne Therefore lift we vp our eyes to heauen vnto thée to the intent thy helping hand may reuiue vs againe and that wée may escape out of so manyfold great daungers For as the eyes of seruauntes and maydes looke vnto their Maisters and
prayer out of the same Psalme WEe acknowledge O moste mightie God with howe great a pernicious infection of sinnes wée haue defiled oure mindes which thing séeing that it is most troublesome and excéedingly gréeueth vs neyther can we through our own strength and good workes wash out the spottes alreadie conceyued but this is our onely refuge that we may come vnto thée béeing the well spring of mercye so that thou hauing compassion vpon vs mayest doe away our greeuous offences washe away our deadly iniquities blot out our heinous sinnes and purifie againe our vices wherwith we are wonderfully infected euen frō our conception and birth For if thou wilt most franklye pardon the misdeedes and wickednesse wherwith we are sore burthened then verily shalt thou appéere to be exceeding true faythfull and most constant in thy faythfull promises Vouchsafe to sprinckle vs with the bloud of thy only begotten sonne by whiche one souereigne thing both the soule and bodie maye bée renued with a marueylous comfortable ioy We earnestly desire a new heart to be created in our bowels and to be indued also with thy most noble spirite to the entent we may not compelled but with right good will offer vnto thee a sacrifice of a troubled and contrite heart which thou neuer vsest to contemne that finally beyng so clensed by thy gracious fauour and louing mercie we maye alwayes offer vnto thée an acceptable sacrifice of thankesgiuing throughe Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lij Psalme SVch as haue through their owne maliciousnesse preuayled A prayer agaynst all pernicious seducement and by their pernicious factes attayned vnto some aucthoritie are woont to boast arrogantly thereof and haue alwaies had a great delight in cursed words accompting it for the singularest pleasure in the worlde to do hurt to lye to speake very deceyptfully But yet like miserable wretches as they be they doe not in the meane while diligently consider howe sodainly in a time vnlooked for their prosperous estate and such transitorie goodes will be turned vp side downe and they also to haue no porcion at all of eternall saluation in such sort as they shall not haue any place in the land of the liuing But we O almighty and most mercifull God who chiefly trust in thy vnspeakable mercy infinite goodnesse beséech thée that the heynous sinnes being done awaye whereinto we haue through humain inbecility oftētimes fallē may be of a right lowly mind neither puffed vp with arrogancye through any of thy excellent gifts but by the fall ouerthrow of prowde persons may rightly perceyue that they tooke not God for their inuincible strength and sure defence but riches and worldlye prosperitie Graunt vs wée humbly beséech thée for thy infinite mercie and goodnesse sake stedfastly to repose our whole confidence in thée only and that we may like the leauie and florishing Oliue trée liue fruitfullye in thy sacred Church and magnifie thée as meete it is so to bée bycause thou art moste richely liberall to suche as be thy faythfull and louing seruauntes through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Liij Psalme A prayer for deliueraunce ●ut of trouble through faith WO be vnto the brainsicke lewdnesse of the vngodly which hath burst forth into suche madnesse that they perswade themselues howe there is no God whereby they leade a most filthy life and are defiled thorowout with detestable conditions and most abhominable factes but as they be beneficiall to none so do they séeke their owne things with doing of wrong to other folke But God whome they little set by knoweth these their lewde practises right well who although he filleth the heauens with his Maiestie yet espyeth he out mens wicked and lewde facts amongst whome alas for sorrow he séeth not one truly that setteth hys minde vpon goodnesse faythfulnesse and vprightnesse all haue strayed aside from the right way al oppresse the weaker sort neyther do they vprightly honor God nor truly call vpon his blessed name But the tyme will come when as these that be so carelesse shall be quickned vp with most vehement feare And such as nowe seeme to welter fortunately in their owne wickednesse shall at the last be depriued of all their goodes and feele God to shewe himselfe angrie with them Wherefore oure earnest request is O heauenly father that thou wouldest be fauourable and mercifull to such as flie vnto thée for succour and losen vs from the Chaynes of our gréeuous sinnes wherewith we are fast bound so that we maye be comforted with a right perfect ioy and liue with thee in perpetuall felicitie and most happie blessednesse thorow Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Liiij Psalme A prayer for helpe in necessitie against the crueltie of the vngodly AT what time thy faythfull seruants O most good and mercifull God bée tost with doubtfull casualties and their mindes very vnstable through most gréeuous thoughts then laying a side all mans helpe which thou tellest them is altogither vaine and in no wise to be trusted vnto do come vnto thée as their most strong defence calling vpon thy inuincible Godhead and that from the bottome of their heart to deliuer them frō the outragious vnmerciful and cruel harted who rise vp to assault thy déere saints whome thou hast chosen vnto thy selfe to inherite thy glorious kingdome and so much the more maliciously doe they deale with them and practise all kinde of outrage bicause they neuer sette thée before their eyes whome they ought to haue in great honour and high reuerence Séeing therefore by reason of the heynous sinnes by vs committed we perceyue that deserued tormentes and gréeuous punishments doe hang ouer our heades we require thée to shewe thy lawfull fauour vnto them which make humble intercession who are hartily sorie in that they haue so gréeuously offended thée and for thy infinite mercies sake stand in their defence when their raging and most cruell enimies do assault them for although our merites require it not yet neuerthelesse doth thy assured faithfulnesse stedfast truth and constant promises assure vs the same But hauing atchieued our desires we shall with songes of prayses continually call vpon thée and wil shewe forth our thankefull minde in the ioyfull Congregation of faithfull and godly men through Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme WE doe continually call vpon thy glorious name O most mightie God to the intent we may find thy present helpe in these extréeme miseries of thy greeuous afflicted Church it is nowe néedefull for thée through thy force inuincible power to rescue vs out of the hands of the vngodlye and take vs vnto thy selfe and although our corrupt maners and wicked life which we haue hitherto led do nothing at all deserue the same yet notwithstanding we knowe thy fauourable mercie to be such that thou wilt not dispise those that flie vnto thée
and very ioyfull For although thy faithful seruants be punished for a while so lōg as they are in this wretched life yet the time will one day come when thou by fire and with the cléere lightsome presence of thy diuine Maiestie shalt iudge the world rewarding euery man vprightly according to his deserts Then shall the very heauens shewe foorth thy righteousnesse and al men compelled whether they will or no to say that thou art most iust and then also shall thy blessed Church be filled with true and perfect ioy Seing that therefore the matter standeth thus so long as we are here straūgers from thée cause light to rise in vs and a spirituall reioycing with excéeding purenesse of heart whereby we may sincerely and after a due maner ioy in thée onely so that one of vs maye alwayes put an other in remembraunce not to bée forgetfull to publish thy vnspeakable holinesse through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xcviij. Psalme A prayer for the fauour of Christ through his glorious resurrection THou hast shewed oftentimes that saluation belongeth vnto thee only O moste mightie God for the doing and accomplishing whereof thou hast no néede of any creatures assistaunce Thou shewedst marueylous wonders in our fathers dayes and diddest often preserue them with thy onely right hande and blessed arme for thou hast in such wise extended thy readie helpe towards them that thy excellent mercy vnspeakable goodnes became manifest to al nations Seing that therfore thou hast not hitherto bene forgetful of thy faithful promises but rather hast alwayes assisted thy beloued seruants whē soeuer they stoode in néede of a deliuerer whervpō they thought thy glorious name was to be extolled praysed all maner of wayes so much as in them lay both with heart voyce trumpets harpes shawmes and sundrie ditties of songes we therfore thy faythfull people doe in like sort pray at this present that thou hidest not thy selfe from vs in this time Thou truely art not ignoraunt how many and howe great the perils are which do gréeuously molest vs. And so long as we do wey the case by our owne deserts they séeme to be more hard and gréeuous vnto vs then we be able in any wise to beare for we haue sinned in such wise agaynst thee so impudētly transgressed thy sacred lawes and so often playd the rebelles agaynst thy diuine Maiestie that if thou shouldest reward vs according to our lewde lyfe and filthie condicions we may be euen in vtter dispayre of our saluation But we do greatly with much feruencie labour to obteyne this at thy fauourable handes both that thou wouldst deale with vs according to thy accustomed maner by forgiuing the penitent pardoning their heynous offences which vncessauntly call vpon thy blessed name and being mercifull vnto such as faythfully trust in thée And also that of thy singuler iustice and excellent clemencie thou wouldst mightily deliuer vs after a puyssaunt maner maintaine vs and defend vs with an inuincible force from the most cruell enimies of thy blessed name through Iesus Christ oure Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme AL mankind in generall O most mightie God are bounde to prayse and sette forth thy blessed name excéedingly for the notable benefits thou bestowest vpō them and most especially for that thou hast deliuered vs from euerlasting death by the helpe of none other creature but onelye through the sole oblation of thy alone and most dearly beloued Sonne insomuch as we may rightly saye that thou onely defendest vs with thy holy arme and puissant right hande Thou hast verye certainlye shewed howe mindfull and what a good kéeper thou art of faythfulnesse and goodnesse which the whole endes of the earth and all mortal creatures may assuredly see and right well perceyue by our redemption but we be so dull rude and blockishe that we haue in a maner lost the whole perceyueraunce of so noble and great liberalitie the fault whereof we must impute to our heynous wickednesse and mischieuous déedes Wherefore with a mightye lamentation and verye sorrowfull crie wée doe earnestly call vpon thy inestimable mercie to forgiue whatsoeuer wée haue moste gréeuously committed agaynst thée and to take from thy blessed Churche the occasions of so great sorrow For whilest we knowe godlinesse and religion to hang in so great distresse we can in no wise sing vnto thée with heart and voyce as we ought to do or prouoke all creatures through oure great ioye to vnspeakeable gladnesse We do nowe earnestly require thée to come and iudge the case of thy faithfull people Rayse vp and sustaine with thy iudgement such as mourne and comfort the afflicted that thy equitie and iustice wherein thou doest much excell all others may moste manifestly shewe forth it selfe through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xcix. Psalme A prayer for the iustification of fayth agaynst the righteousnes of workes IT is truly an excéeding great force of thy glorious kingdom that thou moste mightye God vsest in the defence of the Godly and ouerthrowing of the enuious and rebellious people which our fathers haue oftentimes had tryall of Whereby we doe most certainly beleue and earnestly confesse that so long as thou doest fauour thy faythfull seruaunts the courages minds and strengt● of those that assault them yea and the ver● earth also doth quaile seeing therfore tha● thy puyssaunce and strength is so great i● the Church let thy mightye power we b●séech thee disquiet and trouble all nations which would quite subuert and vtterly ouerthrow thy glorious kingdome And as thy puyssaunt force and mightie strength surmounteth all Gods and kings euen so nowe shew thy selfe a terrible and feareful GOD for the preseruation of thy blessed Church It is verily not vnbeknowne vnto vs that thou louest iugdement and decidest mens causes vprightly We heartily require thée therefore to vouchsafe that when as our iniquities which we haue cōmitted prouoke thée to extend thy seueritie vpon vs thou wouldst turne thy eyes from these thinges and bend them wholy vpon Iesus Christ our sauiour who is for vs in the stead of Aaron Moses Samuell and a true Bishop Bée mindfull of the prayer sacrifice bloud and teares which he shed for vs vpon the Alter of the Crosse Admit we haue committed an infinite number of naughty factes yet remember that we thorowe him doe call vpon thy blessed name pardon therefore forgiue and vtterly remit our heynous transgressions and make no ●ariance in deliuering vs from these exceeding great and daungerous perils so that we may leade our lyfe with an vncorrupt heart towards thee and exalt thy glorious name euen as it right wel deserueth with such prayses as maye pearce the heauens through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme ALthough the vngodly O most mightie God seeme to ruffle sometime so greatly as they turne all things vpside downe yet
vyces and be now according to our iust deserts sore tost with the heauie burthen of extréeme aduersities Stretch thou out thy helping hand to ayde our princes armies who vsest to take the simple out of the dust doest lift the poore from the dunghill and succor thy blessed Church in such sort as it do not become altogither barren Vouchsafe that it may one day reioyce in peace and tranquillitie and graunt hir to bee made vnto thée through thy sacred worde and holye spirit a mother of many children by whom thy glorious name maye bee exalted with perpetuall prayses euen as it behoueth thē through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme WHosoeuer addict themselues to honor thée O moste mightie God wyth fayth and pure deuocion are bound to render immortal thanks to thy glorious name which they ought to paye vnto thée in all places euery yere without ceassing euery day and euery houre The puyssaunt force of thy great goodnesse extended towards vs is manifested in such wise as all men must néedes confesse that thou art no lesse mercifull then inuincible For although thou art sayde to haue placed thy kingly Court and Pallace in the highest coastes of the Heauens notwithstanding thou submittest thy diuine prouidēce to euery base thing which lyeth hid in the lowest part of the earth insomuch as nothing can be done eyther in heauen or earth but is cléerely and moste plainely séene of thée For séeing therefore we perfectly vnderstande that such thinges as bée done of vs are not vnbeknowne to thée and that it is alwayes thy accustomed maner to rayse vp the poore and needie so they beleue vnfeynedly in thée out of the fowle and filthie dust to more noble most renowmed Kingdomes who also doest often cause the childlesse and barren women to haue a plenteous houshold we doe with great humilitie lamentably require this at thy fauourable handes that thou wouldest be mercifull vnto the calamities thy blessed Church is nowe in so as it may at length by thy good meanes be most noble right famous which yet goeth bestoubered with filth and dust and whereas she séemeth to haue left child bearing let hir be glad with a perfect and substanciall ioy for the number of hir most faythfull sonnes through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxiiij Psalme WHen as thou O moste mercifull God broughtest the children of Israell by thy inuincible power A prayer for a true fayth by the contemolation of Goddes wonderfull workes from the bondage of Egypt and hadst layd sufficient greeuous punishments vpon the cruell and obstinate Egyptians hauing a fatherly carefull regarde and singuler affection towardes the people of the Iewes diddest therefore moste manifestly declare through wonderfull examples and moste abundaunt fauour that thou wert with them at the deuision of the waters in the red sea by the marueylous quaking of mount Sinay by the goyng backe of the riuer of Iordane the vncredible gushing of waters out of the hard rocke whereby we may right euidently vnderstand that al things happen prosperously and are greatly obedient to those whome thou hast vouchedsafe to regester in the number of thy elect seruaunts For which cause sake an excéeding liuely hope is raised vp in vs that séeing our assured affiaunce is that we belong to thy blessed house by the adoption of fayth it will come to passe that as we bée alreadie deliuered by thy benigne grace from the miserie of eternall death so also whatsoeuer is among thy blessed creatures whether it be the likenesse of prosperitie or aduersitie shall redounde at length moste luckely for the welfare of thy sacred church vnto the which thing as we right well perceyue that our heynous sinnes be worthily and not without iust cause a great let and hinderance so also we humbly beséech thée for thy infinite mercie and promised good willes sake to bring the same very spéedily to passe and that in the name of thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde who liueth and reigneth with thée euermore worlde without ende Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxv. Psalme AT what time we do lamentably require thy fauourable mercy O most mightie God A prayer for a constant confession of the Gospell thereby to be deliuered from such horrible calamities as do greatly assaile vs which is not done onlye to the intent we our selues shoulde receiue benefite thereby but also that thy blessed name might become more glorious through out wonderfull deliuerance For if thou shouldst suffer thy blessed seruaunts to lie vnder foote we sée it woulde easilye come to passe that the children of this wretched world will vpbrayde them accompt the hope they repose in thée onely to be as a vaine thing As for our part who being illumined with thy heauenly grace doe very well consider that what good thing soeuer is in this wretched worlde whereof the vnbeleuers haue made thēselues their ydols they haue neyther power nor habilitie at all to make men happie blessed although they both honor reuerence them Wherefore we knowe this to be still remayning for vs that so many as haue the feare of thy diuine maiesty before their eies and appertaine to the spirituall Israel be also graffed in the Kingdome priesthood of Christ should make their ful accompt to haue thée as their onely helper and defender For if that be done which they are bound to performe they shall dayly attaine greater encreasementes of perfect good thinges For which cause we heartily require thée who dwellest in the high heauen and hast ordeined vs to haue our habitation in the earth so long as this life indureth graunt vs so to liue that thou suffer vs not to passe our tyme like vnto them which be deade who can not set forth thy worthye prayses but our earnest desire is that we may both in talke and holy workes alwayes set out thy most glorious name through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxvj. Psalme THou doest then moste chiefly declare thy singuler good will towardes the Godly O almightye God A prayer to the like effe● of the psalm● which goe● next before when as thou art present to helpe such as lamentably call vpon thée in the middest of their vnfortunate mishaps and the heynouser those be whereout thou doest deliuer them so much the greater is thy notable louing kindnesse manifested vppon them and the mindes of them all more inflamed to haue accesse vnto thée in their moste harde and troublesome tymes Wee therefore being sore cast downe and ouerwhelmed with the most gréeuous burthen of our heynous sinnes do humbly call vpon thée And forsomuch as we know by experience that men are lyers and all hope to be of none effect which shall be reposed in things created we hartily require thée with so much earnestnes as can be deuised to forgiue vs whatsoeuer we haue wickedly and lewdly
when as they shall perceyue the marueylous wisdome of thy deepe counsels and excellent deuices For though thou excellest all others in heigth yet doest thou not dispise such thinges as be humble and lowly but séemest to behold the prowde a farre of bicause thou alowest in no wise their doings We humbly require thée therefore to refreshe and quicken vs in the middest of our sorowfull tribulations and represse the violence and hatred of the outragious enimies of godlinesse so that whilest thou shalt nourishe and defende vs being the worke of thy puyssaunt handes thy infinite mercie maye be made right famous wyth eternall glorie through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxxxix Psalme A prayer for the knowledge of Gods diuine prouidence THy knowledge and wisdome O most mightie God is of such force as thou perfectly knowest all mens wordes déedes and thoughts who also vnderstandest the ymaginations of our mindes before we vtter them For no man is able to conceyue and euidently discerne the great wisdome thou shewest in making and fourming of our bodies if wée were comparable to the swift course of the Sunne or did excell the quickenesse of the Morning or might clime vp to heauen or go downe to hell there is no place but thou wouldst méete with vs who hast seene and moste euidently perceyued euen from the first creation the vnshapen masse of our bodies with all the members thereof when as yet there was none of them Forsomuch therefore as thou séemest to bée on all sides so wonderfull our earnest request is that thou wouldest for thy famous honors sake be at length highlye reuerenced and dulye worshipped in thy blessed Church Let the wicked and such as haue thy glorious name in great contempt depart thence but trie thy faythfull seruaunts we humbly beseech thée and search them thorowly out to the intent they may know themselues that if perhaps they swarue from the true right way as it often so happeneth by humaine infirmitie bring thou them againe of thy great goodnesse into the streight path of perpetuall felicitie through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxl. Psalme SEing that wée can looke for none other thing to procéede from wicked and vngodlye men O moste good and mercifull God then abhominable naughtinesse A prayer agaynst the venemous tongues of the vngodly for where there is a lewd heart a man can neuer sée an vprightnesse to be obserued neither in wordes nor déedes Therefore do we most earnestly call vpon thée so much as we ran possible to rid and deliuer vs from the violence and malicious enterprises of lewd persons But many are the coardes trappes and snares which the Deuill and his cursed members doe prepare agaynst the Church Bée thou thy selfe therefore hir mightie strength and puyssant preseruation by fortifying the same in such sort with thy stedfast defence at what time the battayles of temptations are fought as the lewde subtilties wherewith it is furiously assayled and vnluckely opprest maye fall and light vpon the Authors thereof Which thing if thou wilt thus doe thou shalt reteyne thy olde wont by vndershoring with thy diuine and celestiall helpe such as be vtterly destitute of mans ayde whereby the godly may continually set forth thy glorious name and inioy eternall felicitie by the fauour of thy bright and shining countenaunce through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxlj. Psalme A prayer agaynst hipocrisie WEe dayly craue for thy gracious helpe O almightie God and earnestly require this at thy mercifull hands that our feruent prayers maye be accepted with thee as a moste laudable sacrifice for séeing we perceyue it can not bée done vnlesse we refraine oure minds wholy from vice we desire thée therfore inespecially to remooue all our sinnes from vs wherewith we haue excéeding filthily defiled both our owne selues and thy glorious name also who do not kéepe this secret that we haue liued heretofore vnworthily and after a most wretched maner but acknowledge and make the same manifest before thee with a common and verye willing confession Our earnest desire is then that thou wouldst pardon thy poore suppliants by seuering our heartes in such sort hereafter from the contagion of filthie wickednesse as wée maye in no wise attaine thereto either by thought worde or deede vouchingsafe to fortifie godly mens minds with such a maner of puyssant force and renowmed godlynesse that they suffer not themselues to be deceyued with the subtile allurementes and craftie promises of the wicked but rather beate chastice and correct thou vs thy selfe O good God then permit vs to bee shaken or made tender with the subtile inticementes delectable pleasures and poysoned flatteries of mischieuous persons We be discouraged and slain as thou right well knowest and finall destruction hangeth ouer the Church notwithstanding we lift vp our eyes excéeding stedfastly towards thée and heartily require that thou wouldst deliuer vs from the subtile wiles and craftie layings awayte of execrable men But forsomuch as they are past all hope of recouerie better it is for them to be caught in their owne nettes and lewde engynes to the intent thy sacred Church may escape the mischieuous hands of those wicked and vngodly men through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme MAke hast to be present with vs O most mightie God according to thy accustomed goodnesse when we heartily inuocate and call vpon thée least we be inticed by any meanes from thy sacred worde and pure religion Let the vnfayned prayers which we poure forth ascende into thy sight like a pleasant perfume and a most acceptable sacrifice although our sinnes do not deserue the fame For we earnestly confesse euen from the heart roote that we haue verye often inclined to most hurtfull thinges and not obeyed thée hitherto in worde and wyth mouth but haue offended thée in that behalfe also and bene more readie and hastie then néedeth to committe deadly wickednesse which is the onelye cause why thou doest nowe thus gréeuouslye rebuke and chastice vs. But graunt this O good God for thy excéeding great goodnesse and infinit mercies sake that we may assuredly know these thy fauorable chasticements to be the m●ere benefites of thy most fatherly good affection towardes vs so that when as they procéede from thy diuine prouidence wee maye both accompt and also estéeme them more profitable then if we inioyed marueilous aboundantly the loue of the world and pleasure of vngodly persons for our assured affiance is such in thee as we knowe most certainly that it is thy accustomed vse to helpe them so that they craue the same at thy fauourable handes whose bones are both broken a sunder and also dispersed in such wise as though they should go downe out of hand into hell Forsake not therefore the Church according to thy woonted maner in these perillous dayes at what time she is