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A14033 The whole booke of psalms, collected into English meter by Thomas Sternhold, I. Hopkins and others: co[n]ferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to syng them withall. Faithfully perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes Maiesties Injunctions. very meete to be vsed of al sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort: laying apart al vngodly songes and ballades, which read only to the norishing of vice & corrupting of youth..; Whole book of psalms. 1565 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1565 (1565) STC 2434 175,429 234

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smite Theyr bodies are both stoute and strong and euer in good plyte verse 5 And free from al aduersity when other men be shent And with the rest they take no part of plague or punishment verse 6 Therfore presumptio doth embrace theyr neckes as doth a chayne And are euen wrapt as in a robe with rapine and disdayne verse 7 They are so fed that euen for fat their eyes oft times out start And as for worldly goodes they haue more thē cā wish their hart verse 8 Theyr life is most licentious bostyng much of the wrong Which they haue done to simple men and euer pryde among verse 9 The heauens and the liuing Lord they spare not to blaspheme And prate they do on worldly things no wight they do esteme verse 10 The people of god oft times turn backe to se their prosprous state And almost drinke the self same cup and folow the same rate The second part verse 11 How can it be that God say they should know and vnderstand These worldly things since wicked mē be Lordes of sea and land verse 12 For we may see how wicked men in riches stil increase Rewarded wel with worldly goodes and lyue in rest and peace verse 13 Then why do I from wickednes my fantasy refrayne And wash my hands with innocents clense my hart in vayne verse 14 And suffer scourges euery day as subiect to al blame And euery morning from my youth susteyne rebuke and shame verse 15 And I had almost sayd as they misliking mine estate But that I should thy children iudge as folk vnfortunate verse 16 Then I bethought me how I might this matter vnderstand But yet the labor was to great for me to take in hand verse 17 Vntil the time I went into thy holy place and then I vnderstood right perfectly the end of al these men verse 18 And namely how thou settest them vpon a slippry place And at thy pleasure and thy wil thou doost them al deface verse 19 Then al men muse at that straunge sight to see how sodenly They are destroyd dispatcht consumde and dead so horribly verse 20 Much lyke a dreame when one a wakth so shal theyr welth decay Theyr famous names in al mens sight shal ebbe and pas away The third part verse 21 Yet thus my hart was greued then my mind was much opprest verse 22 So fond was I and ignoraunt and in this poynt a best verse 23 Yet neuertheles by my right hand thou holdest me alwayes fast verse 24 And with thy counsel doost me guide to glory at the last verse 25 What thing is there that I cā with but thee in heauen aboue And in the earth there is nothing like thee that I can loue verse 26 My fleshe and eke my hart do fayle but God doth fayle me neuer For of my hart God is the strength my portion eke for euer verse 27 And lo al such as thee forsake thou shalt destroy echone And those that trust in any thing sauing in thee alone verse 28 Therfore wil I draw nere to God and euer with him dwel In God alone I put my trust his wonders wil I tel Vt quid deus Psalme .lxxiiii. I. H. ¶ The faithfull complayne of the destruction of the Church and true religion vnder the name of Sion and the altars destroyed And trusting in the might free mercyes of God by his couenaunt they require helpe and succor for the glory of Gods holy name the saluation of hys poore afflicted seruauntes and the confusion of his proude enemies Syng this as the .72 Psalm verse 1 WHy art thou Lord so long from vs in al this daunger depe Why doth thine anger kindle thus at thine own pastor shepe verse 2 Lord cal thy people to thy thought which haue ben thine so lōg The which y u hast redemd brought frō bondage sore strōg verse 3 Haue mind therfore and thinke vpon remember it ful wel Thy pleasaūt place thy moūt Siō where thou wast wōt to dwel verse 4 Lift vp thy foote and come in hast and al thy foes deface Which now at pleasure rob and wast within thy holy place verse 5 A mid thy congregations al thine enemies roare O God They set as signes on euery wal theyr banners splayd abrod verse 6 As men with axes hew the trees that on the hils do grow So shine the bils and swords of these within the temples now verse 7 The selings sawde the carued bordes the goodly grauen stones With axes hāmers villes swords they beate thē down at once verse 8 Thy places they consume with flame and eke in al this toyle The house appointed to thy name they race down to the soyle verse 9 And thus they sayd within theyr hart dispatch them out of hand Then burnt they vp in euery part Gods houses through the lād verse 10 Yet thou no signe of helpe doost send our Prophets al are gone To tel when this our plage should end among vs there is none verse 11 When wilt y u Lord once end this shame cease thine enmies strōg Shal they alway blaspheme thy name rayle on thee so long verse 12 Why doost with draw thy hand a backe and hide it in thy lappe O plucke it out and be not slacke to geue thy foes a rappe The seconde part verse 13 O God thou art my king and Lord and euermore hast bene Yea thy good grace throughout y ● world for our good help hath sene verse 14 The seas that are so depe dead thy might did make them dry And thou didst breake the serpents head that be therin did dye verse 15 Yea thou didst break y ● heads so great of whales that are so fel and gauest thē to the folkes to eate that in the desertes dwel verse 16 thou madest a spring w t streames to rise frō rock both hard and hie And eke thy hād doth make likewise depe riuers to be dry verse 17 Both day and eke the night are thine by thee they were begun Thou setst to serue vs with their shine the light eke the Sun verse 18 Thou doost appoint the ends and costes of al the earth about Both sōmer heates winter frosts thy hād hath found thē out verse 19 Thinke on O Lord no tyme forget thy foes that thee defame And how the folish folke are set to rayle vpon thy name verse 20 O let no cruel beast deuour thy Turtle that is true Forget not alwayes in thy power the poore that much doo rue verse 21 Regard thy couenant and behold thy foes posses the land Al sad darke for worne and old our realm as now doth stand verse 22 Let not the simple go away with disapointed shame But let the poore and nedy aye geue prayse vnto thy name verse 23 Rise Lord let be by thee maintaind the cause y t is thyne owne Remember how that thou blasphemd art by the folish one verse 24
so cause me to reioyse verse 165 Great peace and rest shal al such haue which do thy statutes loue Nor daunger shal theyr quyet state impeire or once remoue verse 166 My onely health and comfort Lord I looke for at thy hand And therfore haue I done those things which y u didst me cōmand verse 167 Thy lawes haue ben my exercise which my soule most desired So much my loue to them was bent that nought els I required verse 168 Thy statutes cōmaundements I kept thou knowest a right For al the things that I haue done are present in thy sight TAV The .xxii. part verse 169 O Lord let my complaint and cry before thy face appeare and as thou hast me promise made so teach me thee to feare verse 170 Myne humble supplication toward thee let find acces and graunt me Lord deliueraunce for so is thy promes verse 171 Then shal my lips thy prayses speake after most ample sort when thou thy statutes hast me taught wherin stādeth al cōfort verse 172 My tong shal sing and preach thy word and on this wise say shal Gods famous actes and noble lawes are iust and perfect al. verse 173 Stretch out thy hand I thee besech and spedely me saue For thy cōmaundemēts to obserue chosē O Lord I haue verse 174 Of thee alone Lord I craue helth for other I know none and in thy law and nothyng els I do delite alone verse 175 Graūt me therfore lōg dayes to liue thy name to magnify and of thy iudgements merciful let me thy fauour try verse 176 For I was lost and went astray much like a wandryng shepe Oh seke me for I haue not fayled thy commaundmentes to kepe Ad dominum cum tribularer Psalme Cxx. S. T. ¶ The prayer of Dauid beyng now banished amonge the barbarious people of Arabia by the false reportes of enuions flatterers And therfore be lamenteth his long abode among those infidels who were geuen to all kynd of wickednes and contention IN trouble and in thral vnto the Lord I cal and he doth me cōfort deliuer me I say frō lyers lippes alway and toung of false report verse 4 What vantage or what thyng Getst thou thus for to styng Thou false and flattering lyer verse 5 Thy toung doth hurt I wene No les then arrowes kene Of whote consuming fire verse 6 Alas to long I slake Within these tentes so blake Which kedars are by name By whom the flocke elect And al of Isaackes sect Are put to open shame verse 7 With thē that peace did hate I came a peace to make And set a quyet lyfe verse 8 But when my word was told Causeles I was controld By thē that would haue stryfe Leuaui oculos meos Psalme Cxxi VV VV. ¶ The Prophet shewed by his own example that the faithfull ought to looke for all their succour of God alone who will gouerne and geue good successe to al their godly enterprises I Lift mine eyes to Sion hil from whence I do attende that succour God me send The mighty God me succour wil which heauen and earth framed and al things therin named verse 3 Thy foote from slip he wil preserue And wil thee safely kepe For he wil neuer slepe verse 4 Lo he that doth Israel conserue No slepe at al can hym catch But his eyes shal euer watch verse 5 The Lord is thy warrant alway ❧ The Lord eke doth thee couer As at thy right hand euer verse 6 The sunne shal not thee partch by day Nor the moone not halfe so bryght Shall with cold thee hurt by nyght ❧ verse 7 The Lord wil kepe thee from distres And wil thy life sure saue And thou also shalt haue verse 8 In al thy busines good successe Where euer thou goest in or out God wil thy thinges bryng about Letatus sum Psalme Cxxii VV. K. ¶ Dauid reioyseth in y ● name of the faithful y ● God hath accomplished his promes placed his Arke in Siō for the which he geueth thākes prayeth for the prosperitie of the Church I Did in hart reioyce to heare the peoples voyce in offering so willingly For let vs vp say they in y ● lords house pray thus spake y e folk ful louīgly Our fete y ● wādred wide shal in thy gates abide O y u Ierusalē ful fayre which art so semely set much like a citie net y e like wherof is not els where verse 4 The tribes with one accord The tribes of God the Lord Are thither bent their way to take So God before did tel That there his Israel Their prayers should together make verse 5 For there are thrones erect And that for this respect To set forth iustice orderly ❧ Which thrones ryght to maintayne To Dauids house perteyne His folke to iudge accordingly verse 6 To pray let vs not cease For Ierusalems peace Thy frends God prosper myghtely verse 7 Peace be thy walles about ❀ And prosper thee throughout Thy places eke continually verse 8 I wish thee prosperous state For my poore brethrens sake That cōfort haue by meanes of thee ❧ verse 9 Gods house doth me allure Thy wealth for to procure So much alwayes as lyeth in mee Ad te leuaui oculos Psalme Cxxiii T. S. ¶ A prayer of the faythfull whiche are afflicted by the wicked worldlynges and contemners of God Sing this as the .23 psalme verse 1 O Lord that heauen doost posses I lift mine eyes to thee I lift mine eyes to thee Euē as the seruaunt lifteth his his maysters hands to see verse 2 As handmaids watch their maistres hāds some grace for to atchiue So we behold the Lord our God til he do vs forgeue verse 3 Lord graunt vs thy compassion and mercy in thy sight For we be filled and ouer commen with hatred and despight verse 4 Our minds be stuffed with great rebuke the rich worldly wise Do make of vs their mocking stocke the proud do vs despise Nisi quia dominus Psalme Cxxiiij VV VV. ¶ The people of God being deliuered out of a great daūger acknowledge not to haue escaped by their own power but through the fauour of God shew in how great peril they were NOw Israel may say and that truly If that the Lorde had not our cause mainteind If that the Lord had not our right susteynd When al the world agaynst vs furiously made their vprors and sayd we should al dye verse 3 Now long a go they had deuourd vs al And swalowed quicke for ought that we could deme Such was theyr rage as we might wel esteme verse 4 And as the flouddes with mighty force do fal So had they now our life euen brought to thral verse 5 The raging streames most proud in roring noyse Had long a go ouer whelmde vs in the depe verse 6 But loued by God which doth vs safely kepe From bloudy teeth and their most cruel voyce Which as a pray to eate vs would
more able to procede in all good workes to the prayse of thy holy name through Iesus Christe our Lord. So be it Our Father which art in heauen c. Another THe eyes of all things do looke vp and trust in thee O Lord thou geuest them meat in due season thou openest thy hande and fillest with thy blessing euery liuing creature good Lord blesse vs and al thy gifts which we receiue of thy large liberality through Iesus Christ our Lord. So be it Our father c. Another thankes geuing after meat GLory praise honor be vnto thee most mercifull and omnipotent father who of thine infinite goodnes hast created man to to thine owne image and similitude who also hast fed and daily fedest of thy most bountiful hand all liuing creatures graunt vnto vs that as thou hast nourished these our mortal bodies with corporal foode so thou wouldest replenishe our soules wyth the perfect knowledge of the liuely word of thy beloued sonne Iesus to whō be praise glory and honor for euer So be it ¶ God saue the church vniuersal our Quene and Realme God cōfort all them that be comfortles Lord increase our faith O Lorde for Christ thy sonnes sake be merciful to the cōmon wealthes where thy Gospel is truely preached and harbor graunted to the afflicted members of Christes body and illuminate accordyng to thy good pleasure al nations with the brightnes of thy word So be it ¶ Another THe God of glory and peace who hath created redemed presently fed vs be blessed for euer and euer So be it ¶ The God of all power who hath called from death that great pastor of the shepe our Lord Iesus comfort and defend the flock which he hath redemed by the bloud of the eternal testament increase the number of true preachers repres the rage of obstinate tirants mitigate lightē the harts of the ignorant relieue the paynes of such as be afflicted but especially of those y ● suffer for y e testimony of his truth finally confound Sathā by the power of our lord Iesus Christ Amē Euening prayer O Lord God fatherr ●●●rlasting and ful of pitie we acknowledge and confes that we be not worthy to lift vp our eyes to heauen muche les to present our selues before thy maiestye wyth confidence that thou wilt heare our prayers and graunte oure requestes if we consider our owne deseruynges for our consciences do accuse vs and our synnes witnes against vs and we knowe that thou art an vpright iudge whiche doost not iustifye the synners and wycked men but punishest the faults of al such as transgresse thy commaundementes Yet moste mercifull father since it hath pleased thee to commaunde vs to cal on thee in all our troubles and aduersities promising euen then to help vs when we fele our selues as it were swalowed vp of death desperation we vtterly renounce al worldly confidence flee to thy soueraign boūtie as our onely stay refuge beseching thee not to cal to remembraunce our manifold sinnes wickednes wherby we continually prouoke thy wrath and indignation against vs neither our negligence and vnkindnes which haue neyther worthely estemed nor in our liues sufficiētly expressed the swete comfort of thy gospel reueled vnto vs but rather to accept the obedience and death of thy sonne Iesus Christ who by offring vp his body in sacrifice once for all hath made a sufficient recompence for all our synnes Haue mercy therfore vppon vs O Lord and forgeue vs our offences Teach vs by thy holy Spirite that we may ryghtly waye them and earnestly repent for the same And so much the rather O Lord because that the reprobate and such as thou hast forsaken cannot prayse thee nor cal vpon thy name but the repenting hart the sorowful mynd the conscience oppressed hungring and thirsting for thy grace shal euer set forth thy prayse and glory And albeit we be but wormes and dust yet thou art our creator and we be the worke of thy hands yea thou art our father and we thy children thou art our shepeheard and we thy flocke thou art our redemer and we the people whom thou hast bought thou art our God and we thyne inheritaunce Correct vs not therfore in thyne anger O Lord neyther accordyng to our desertes punish vs but mercifully chastice vs wyth a fatherly affection that all the world may know that at what tyme soeuer a synner doth repent hym of hys sinne from the bottome of his hart thou wilt put away his wickednes out of thy remembraunce as thou hast promised by thy holy Prophet Finally for as much as it hath pleased thee to make the nyght for man to rest in as thou hast ordayned hym the day to trauell graunt O deare father that we may so take our bodily rest that our soules may continually watch for the tyme that our Lord Iesus Christ shal appeare for our deliueraunce out of this mortal lyfe and in the mean season that we not ouercomen by any fantasies dreames or other tēptations may fully set our myndes vpon thee loue thee feare thee and rest in thee furthermore that our sleepe be not excessiue or ouer much after the insatiable desires of our flesh but onely sufficient to content our weake nature that we may be better disposed to lyue in all godly conuersation to the glory of thy holy name and profite of our brethren So be it ¶ A Godly prayer to be sayd at al times HOnor and prayse be geuen to thee O Lord God almighty most deare father of heauē for al thy mercies louing kindnes shewed vnto vs in y t it hath pleased thy gratious goodnes frely and of thine owne accord to elect and chose vs to saluation before the beginning of the world and euen lyke continual thankes be geuē to thee for creating vs after thine own image for redeming vs with the precious bloud of thy deare sonne whē we were vtterly lost for sanctifying vs with thy holy spirit in the reuelation knowledge of thy holy word for helping and succoryng vs in al our nedes and necessities for sauing vs from al daungers of body soule for comforting vs so fatherly in al our tribulatiōs and persecutiōs for sparing vs so long and geuing vs so large a time of repētaunce These benefites O most merciful father like as we knowledge to haue receiued them of thy onely goodnes euen so we besech thee for thy deare sonne Iesus Christes sake to graūt vs alwayes thy holy spirit wherby we may continually grow in thākfulnes towardes thee to be led into al truth and cōforted in al our aduersities O Lord strengthē our faith kindle it more in feruentnes loue towardes thee our neyghbours for thy sake Suffer vs not most deare Father to receyue thy word any more in vayne but graunt vs alwayes the assistaūce of thy grace and holy spirit that in hart word and dede we may sanctify and do worship to thy
pursue my soule and eke my life down thrust Vnto the earth and also lay myne honour in the dust verse 6 Stert vp O Lord now in thy wrath and put my foes to payne Performe thy kingdome promised to me which wrong sustaine verse 7 Thē shal great nations come to thee and know thee by this thing If thou declare for loue of thē thy selfe as Lord and kyng verse 8 And thou that art of al men iudge O Lord now iudge thou me According to my rightousnes and myne integritie The seconde part verse 9 9 Lord cease the hate of wicked men and be the iust mans guide verse 10 By whom the secrets of al hearts are searched and descride verse 11 I take my helpe to come of God in al my grief and smart That doth preserue all those that be of pure and perfect hart verse 12 The iust man and the wicked both God iudgeth by his power So that he feleth his mighty hand euen euery day and houre verse 13 Except he chaunge his mind I dye for euen as he should smit He whets his sword his bow he bēds ayming where he may hit verse 14 And doth prepare his mortal dartes his arrowes kene and sharpe For them that do me persecute whilest he doth mischief warpe verse 15 But loe though he in trauel be of his deuilish forecast And of his mischief once cōceiued yet brings forth nought at last verse 16 He digs a ditch and delues it depe in hope to hurt his brother But he shal fal into the pit that he digde vp for other verse 17 Thus wrong retorneth to the hurt of him in whom it bred And al the mischief that he wrought shal fal vpon his head verse 18 I wil geue thankes to God therfore that iudgeth righteously And with my song prayse wil the name of him that is most hie Domine Deus noster Psalme .viij. T. S ¶ The Prophet considering thexcellent liberalitie and fatherly prouidence of God towardes man whom he made as it were a god ouer all his workes doth not onely geue great thankes but is astonished with thadmiration of the same as one nothing able to compasse such great mercyes and so endeth Syng this as the third Psalme verse 1 O God our Lord how wonderful are thy workes euery where Whose fame surmount in dignitie aboue the heauēs cleare verse 2 Euē by the mouths of sucking babes y u wilt cōfoūd thy foes For in these babes thy might is sene thy graces they disclose verse 3 And when I see the heauēs high the workes of thine own hand The sunne the mone and all the starres in order as they stand verse 4 What thing is man Lord thinke I then that y u doost him remēber Or what is mans posteritie that thou doost it consider verse 5 For thou hast made him little lesse then angels in degree And thou hast crowned him also with glory and dignitie verse 6 Thou hast preferd him to be Lord of al thy workes of wonder And at his fete hast set al things that he should kepe thē vnder verse 7 As shepe and neat and al beastes els that in the fieldes do fede verse 8 Foules of the ayre fish in the sea and al that therin brede verse 9 Therfore must I say once again O God that art our Lord How famous how wōderful are thy workes through y e world Confitebor tibi domine Psalme .ix. T. S. ¶ After he had geuē thākes to god for the sundry victories that he had sēt him against his enemies also proued by manifold experiēce how ready god was at hand in all his troubles ●e being now likewise in daunger of new enemyes desireth god to helpe him according to his wont and destroy the malicious arrogancie of his aduersaries Syng this as the third Psalme verse 1 WIth hart mouth vnto the Lord wil I sing laud and prayse And speake of al thy wondrous workes thē declare alwaies verse 2 I wil be glad and much reioyce in thee O God most hie And make my songes extoll thy name aboue the starry skye verse 3 For that my foes are driuen backe and turned vnto flight They fal down flat and are destroyd by thy great force myght Thou hast reuenged al my wrong my grief and al my grudge verse 4 Thou doost w t iustice heare my cause most like a righteous iudge verse 5 Thou doost rebuke the Heathē folke and wicked so confound That afterward the memory of them cannot be found verse 6 My foe thou hast made good dispatch all our townes destroyed thou hast their fame w t thē defaced through al the world so wide verse 7 Know thou that he which is aboue for euermore shal raigne And in the seat of equity true iudgement wil maintayne verse 8 With iustice he wil kepe and guide the world and euery wight And so wil yelde with equitie to euery man his right verse 9 He is protector of the poore what time they be opprest He is in al aduersitie their refuge and their rest verse 10 All they that know thy holy name therfore shal trust in thee For thok forsakest not their sute in their necessitie verse 11 Sing Psalmes therfore vnto the Lord that dwelleth in Sion hil Publish among al nations his noble actes and will verse 12 For he is mindful of the bloud of those that be opprest Forgetting not th' afflicted hart that seekes to him for rest The second part verse 13 Haue mercy Lord on me poore wretch whose enmies stil remaine Which from the gates of death are wont to rayse me vp agayne verse 14 In Sion that I might set forth thy prayse with hart and voyce And that in thy saluation Lord my soule might stil reioyce verse 15 The heathen sticke fast in the pit that they them selues preparde And in the net that they did set their own fete fast are snarde verse 16 God she wes his iudgemēts which wer good for euery mā to mark When as ye se the wicked man lye trapt in his own warke verse 17 The wicked and the sinfull men go down to hel for euer And all the people of the world that God wil not remember verse 18 But sure the Lord wil not forget the poore mans grief and payne The pacient people neuer looke for helpe of God in vayne verse 19 O Lord arise least men preuayle that be of worldly myght And let the Heathen folke receyue their iudgement in thy sight verse 20 Lord strike such terror feare and dread into the harts of them That they may know assuredly they be but mortal men Vt quid domine Psalme .x. T. S ¶ He complayneth of the fraud rapine tyranny and of all kindes of wrong whiche worldly men vse assigning the cause therof whiche was that wicked men beyng as it were dronken with worldy prosperitie and therfore setting a part all feare and reuerence towardes god thinke they may do all thinges without
men which were so growen to licentiousnes that god was brought to vtter contempt for the which thing although he was greatly greued yet being persuaded that God would send some present remedy he comforteth hymself and others THere is no God as folish men affirme in their mad mode their drifts are al corrupt vayne not one of them doth good The Lorde beheld from heauen hit the who le race of mankynde and saw not one that sought in deede the liuing God to finde verse 3 They went all wyde were corrupt and truly there was none That in the world did any good I say there was not one verse 4 Is all their iudgement so far lost that all worke mischief stil Eating my people euē as bread not one to seeke Gods wil verse 5 When they thus rage then sodenly great feare on them shal fal For god doth loue the righteous men and wil maintain them al. verse 6 Ye mocke the doinges of the poore to their reproche and shame Because they put their trust in God and cal vpon his name verse 7 But who shal geue thy people health when wilt thou fulfil The promise made to Israel from out of Sion hil verse 8 Euen when thou shalt restore agayne such as were captiues lad Then Iacob shal therin reioyce and Israel shal be glad Domine quis habitabit Psalme .xv. T. S ¶ This Psalme teacheth on what condition God did chuse the Iewes for his peculiar people and wherfore he placed his Temple among them which was to th entent that they be lyuing vprightly godlye might witnes that they were his special and holy people Sing this as the third psalme verse 1 O Lord within thy Tabernacle who shal inhabite stil Or whom wilt thou receyue to dwel in thy most holy hil verse 2 The mā whose life is vncorrupt whose works ar iust streit Whose hart doth think y e very truth whose tong speakes no deceit verse 3 Nor to his neighbour doth none il in body goods or name Nor willingly doth moue false tales which might empeyr y e same verse 4 That in his hart regardeth not malitious wycked men But those that loue and feare the Lord he maketh much of them verse 5 His oth and al his promises that kepeth faithfully Although he make his couenant so that he doth lose therby verse 6 That putteth not to vsury his money and his coyne Ne for to hurt the innocent doth brybe or els purloyne verse 7 Who so doth al things as you see that here is to be done Shal neuer perish in this world nor in the world to come Conserua me domine Psalme .xvi. T. S. ¶ Dauid prayeth to God for succour not for his workes but for his faythe 's sake protestyng that he hateth al Idolatry taking God onely for his comfort and felicity who suffreth hys to lacke nothyng Syng this as the .xiiii. Psalme verse 1 LOrd kepe me for I trust in thee and do confesse in deede Thou art my God of my goods O lord y u hast no neede verse 2 I geue my goodnes to the saints that in the world do dwel And namely to the faithful flocke in vertue that excel verse 3 They shal heape sorowes on their heds which rū as they wer mad To offer to the Idols Gods alas it is to bad verse 4 As for their bloudy sacrifice and offrings of that sort I wil not touch nor yet therof my lips shal make report verse 5 For why the Lord the portion is of mine inheritaunce And thou art he that doost maintain my rent my lot my chaūce verse 6 The place wherin my lot did fal in beauty did excel Myne heritage assignd to me doth please me wondrous wel verse 7 I thanke the Lord that caused me to vnderstand the right For by his meanes my secret thoughts do teach me euery nyght verse 8 I set the Lord stil in my sight and trust him ouer al For he doth stand on my right hand therfore I shal not fal verse 9 Wherfore my hart and tonge also doth both reioyce together My flesh and body rest in hope when I this thing consider verse 10 Thou wilt not leaue my soule in graue for Lord thou louest me Nor yet wil geue thine holy one corruption for to see verse 11 But wilt teach me the way to lyfe for al treasures and ●●ore Of perfect ioy are in thy face and power for euermore Exaudi domine iustitiam meam Psalme .xvii. T. S ¶ Here he complayneth vnto God of the cruel pride and arrogancy of Saule and the rest of his enmies who thus raged without any cause geuē on his part therfore he desireth God to reuenge his innocency and deliuer hym This Psalme ought diligentlye to be noted of such as receiue euil for wel doyng Syng this as the xiiii Psalme verse 1 O Lord geue eare to my iust cause attend when I complaine and heare y e praier y t I put forth with lips that do not fayne verse 2 And let y e iudgemēt of my cause procede alwaies from thee And let thine eies behold and cleare this my simplicitie verse 3 Thou hast wel tride me in the night and yet couldst nothing finde That I haue spoken with my tonge that was not in my mynde verse 4 As from the workes of wicked men and pathes peruerse and il For loue of thy most holy worde I haue refrayned stil verse 5 Then in thy pathes that be most pure stay me Lord and preserue That from the way wherin I walke my steps may neuer swerue verse 6 For I do cal to thee O Lord surely thou wilt me ayde Thē heare my prayer way right wel the wordes y t I haue sayd verse 7 O thou the sauiour of all them that put their trust in thee Declare thy strength on them y t spurne against thy maiestie verse 8 O kepe me Lord as thou wouldst kepe the apple of thine eye And vnder couert of thy wings defend me secretly The second part verse 9 From wicked men that trouble me and daily me anoy And from my foes that go about my soule for to destroy verse 10 Which wallow in their worldly wealth so ful and eke so fat that in their pride they do not spare to speak they care not what verse 11 They lie in wait where we should passe w t craft me to confound And musing mischief in their mindes to cast me to the ground verse 12 Much like a Lion gredely that would his pray embrace Or lurkyng like a Lions whelpe within some secret place verse 13 Vp Lord with hast preuent my foe and cast him at thy feete Saue y u my soule frō the euil man and w t thy sword him smite verse 14 Deliuer me lord by thy power out of these tirants hands Which now so long time raigned haue kepe vs in their bands verse 15 I meane frō worldly men to whō al worldly goodes are rife That
vnlose The praises of thy maiestie my mouth shal so disclose I would haue offred sacrifice if that had pleased thee But pleased w t burnt offrings I know thou wilt not bee A troubled spirit is sacrifice deliteful in Gods eyes A broken an humbled hart God thou wilt not despise In thy good wil deale gently Lord to Sion and with al Graunt that of thy Ierusalem vpreard may be the wal Burnt offrings gifts and sacrifice of iustice in that day Thou shalt accept calues they shal vpon thine altar lay Quid gloriaris Psalme .lii. I. H. ¶ Dauid deseribeth the arrogant tyranny of hys aduersary Doeg Saules chief shephearde who by false surmyses caused Achimeleco with the rest of the Priestes to be slayne Dauid prophecyeth his vestruction and encourageth the faythfull to put theyr confidence in God whose iudgements are most sharpe agaynst his aduersaries And finally he rendreth thankes to God for hys delyueraunce In this Psalme is lyuely set foorth the kyngdome of Antichrist WHy doost thou tyraunt boast abrod thy wicked workes to prayse doost thou not know there is a God whose mercies last alwayes Why doth thy mind yet stil deuise such wicked wiles to warpe Thy tong vntrue in forging lies is like a rasour sharpe verse 3 On mischief why setst thou thy mynde and wilt not walke vpright Thou hast more lust false tales to find then bring y e truth to light verse 4 Thou doost delyte in fraud and guile in mischiefe bloud and wrōg Thy lips haue learnd y e flattering style O false deceitful tong verse 5 Therfore shal God for euer cōfound and pluck thee from thy place Thy seede roote out frō of the ground and so shal thee deface verse 6 The iust when they behold thy fal with feare wil prayse the Lord And in reproch of thee withal cry out with one accord verse 7 Behold the man which wold not take the Lord for hys defence But of his goods his God did make and trust his corrupt sence verse 8 But I an Oliue fresh and grene shal spring and spred abrode For why my trust al tymes hath bene vpon the liuyng God verse 9 For this therfore wil I geue prayse to thee with hart and voyce I wil set forth thy name alwayes wherin thy saints reioyce Dixit insipiens Psalme .liii. T. N. ¶ The Prophet describeth the crooked nature the cruelty and punishment of the wicked whē they looke not for it and desyreth the deliueraunce of the godly that they maye reioyce together Sing this as the. xlvi Psalme verse 1 THe folish man in that which he within his hart hath sayd That there is any God at al hath vtterly denide verse 2 They are corrupt they also a hainous work haue wrought amōg them al there is not one of good that worketh ought verse 3 The Lord lookt down on sons of men from heauen al abrode To see if any were that would be wise and seeke for God verse 4 They are gone al out of the way they are corrupted al There is not one doth any good there is not one at al. verse 5 Do not al wicked workers know that they do feede vpon My people as they feede on bread the lord they cal not on verse 6 Euen there they were afraid stoode with trembling and dismayd Where as there was no cause at al why they should be afrayd verse 7 For God his bones that thee besieged hath scattred al abrode Thou hast confounded them for they reiected are of God verse 8 O lord geue thou thy people health and thou O Lord fulfil Thy promise made to Israel from out of Sion hil verse 9 When God his people shal restore that erst was captiue lad Then Iacob shal therin reioyce and Israel shal be glad Deus in nomine Psalme .liiii. I. H. ¶ Dauid brought into great daunger by reason of Ziphtins calleth vpon the name of God to destroy his enemies promising sacrifice and free offrings for their deliueraunce Sing this as the. xivi Psalme verse 1 GOd saue me for thy holy name and for thy goodnes sake Vnto the strēgth Lord of the same I do my cause betake verse 2 Regard O Lord and geue an eare to thee when I do pray Bow down thy self to me heare the words y ● I do say verse 3 For straungers vp against me ryse and tyrauntes vexe me stil Which haue not God before their eyes they seeke my soule to spil verse 4 But loe my God doth geue me ayd the Lord is straight at hand with thē by whom my soule is stayd the Lord doth euer stand verse 5 With plages repay agayne al those for me that lie in wayte and with thy truth destroy my foes with their own snare baite verse 6 An offring of free hart and wil that I to thee shal make And prayse thy name for therin stil great comfort I do take verse 7 O Lord at length do set me free from them that craft conspire And now mine eye with ioy doth see on them my harts desire Exaudi deus psalme .lv. I. H ¶ Dauid beyng in great heauines and distres complaineth of the cruelty of Saule of the falshod of his familiiar acquaintaunce vttering most ardent affections to moue the Lord to pitie hym After being assured of deliuerance he setteth forth the grace of god as though he had already obtayned his request Syng this as the. xxxv Psalm verse 1 O God geue eare and do apply to heare me when I pray And when it thee I cal and cry hide not thy selfe away verse 2 Take hede to me graunt my request and aunswer me agayne with plaints I pray ful sore opprest great grief doth me constrain verse 3 Because my foes with threates cries oppres me through despight And so the wicked sort likewise to vexe me haue delyght verse 4 For they in counsel do conspire to charge me with some il So in their hasty wrath and ire they do pursue me stil verse 5 My hart doth faint for want of breath it panteth in my brest The terrours and the bread of death do worke me muche vnrest verse 6 Such dreadful feare on me doth fal that I therwith do quake Such horror whelmeth me with al that I no shift can make verse 7 But I do say who wil geue me the swift and pleasaunt wings Of some fayre doue that I may flee and rest me from these things verse 8 Lo then I would go far away to fly I would not cease And I would hide my self and stay in some great wildernes verse 9 I would be gone in al the hast and not abyde behynd That I were quite and ouer past these blastes of boystrous wind verse 10 Deuide them lord and from them pul their diuelish double tong For I haue spied their city ful of rapine strife and wrong verse 11 Which things both night day throughout do close her as a wal In midst of her is
I flee he is my strength and rocke And he shal cause their mischiefs al themselues for to annoy and in their malice they shal fal our God shal them destroy Venite exultemus psalme .xcv. I. H. An carnest exhortation to prayse God for the gouerment of the world and the election of hys church An admonition not to follow the rebellion of the oldfathers that tempted God in the wildernes For the which they might not enter into the land of promise O Come let vs lift vp our voyce and syng vn to the Lorde in hym oure rocke of health reioyce let vs wyth one accord Yea let vs come before hys face to geue hym thanks and prayse in syngyng Psalmes vnto his grace let vs be glad alwayes verse 3 For why the Lord he is no doubt a great and mighty God A kyng aboue al gods throughout in al the world abrode verse 4 The secrets of the earth so depe and corners of the land The tops of hils that are so stepe he hath them in his hand verse 5 The sea and waters al are his for he the same hath wrought The earth and al that therin is his hand hath made of nought verse 6 Come let vs bow and prayse the Lord before hym let vs fal and knele to hym with one accord the which hath made vs al. verse 7 For why he is the Lord our God for vs he doth prouyde We are his folke he doth vs fede his shepe and he our guide verse 8 To day if ye his voyce wil heare then harden not your hart as ye with grudging many a yeare prouokte me in desert verse 9 Where as your fathers tempted me my power for to proue my wōdrous works whē they did see yet stil they wold me moue verse 10 Twise twenty yeares they did me greue and I to them did say They erre in hart and not beleue they haue not known my way verse 11 Wherfore I sware whē that my wrath was kindled in my brest That they should neuer tread the path to enter to my rest Cantate domino Psalme .xcvi. I. H. An exhortation both to the Iewes and Gentils to praise god for hys mercy And this specially ought to be referred to the kingdom of Christ Sing thys as the .77 ▪ psalme verse 1 SYng ye with prayse vnto the Lord new songs of ioy mirth Sing vnto hym with one accord al people on the earth verse 2 Yea sing vnto the Lord I say prayse ye his holy name Declare and shew from day to day saluation by the same verse 3 Among the heathen eke declare his honor round about To shew his wonders do not spare in al the world throughout verse 4 For why the Lord is much of might and worthy prayse alway and he is to be dread of right aboue al Gods I say verse 5 For al the gods of Heathen folke are idols that wil fade But yet our God he is the Lord that hath the heauens made verse 6 Al prayse and honor eke do dwel for aye before his face Both power and might likewyse excel within his holy 〈◊〉 verse 7 Ascribe vnto the Lord alway ye people of the world Al might and worship eke I say ascribe vnto the Lord. verse 8 Ascribe vnto the Lord also the glory of his name And eke into his courtes do go with giftes vnto the same verse 9 Fal down and worship ye the Lord within his temple bright Let al the people of the world be fearful at hys syght verse 10 Tel al the world be not agast the Lord doth raigne aboue Yea he hath set the earth so fast that it did neuer moue verse 11 And that it is the Lord alone that rules with princely might To iudge the nations euery one with equity and right verse 12 The heauens shal great ioy begin the earth shal eke reioyce The sea with al that is therin shal shoote and make a noyce verse 13 The field shal ioy and euery thyng that springeth of the earth The wood and euery tree shal syng with gladnes and w t mirth verse 14 Before the presence of the Lord and commyng of hys might when he shal iustly iudge the world and rule his folke w t right Dominus regnauit psalme .xcvii. I. H The prophet exhorteth al to reioyce for the comming of the kyngdome of Christ dreadfull to the rebels and Idolaters and ioyful to the iust whom he exhorteth to innocency to reioycing and thankes geuyng Sing this as the 9● Psalme verse 1 THe Lord doth raign where at y ● earth may ioy w t pleasāt voyce and eke the yles wich ioyful mirth may triūph and reioyce verse 2 Both cloudes darknes eke do swel round about him beat yea right and iustice euer dwel and bide about hys seat verse 3 Yea fyre and heat at once doth run and go before his face Which shal his foes and enmies burne abrode in euery place verse 4 His lightnes eke ful bright did blase and to the world appeare wherat the earth did looke and gase with dread and deadly feare verse 5 The hils like waxe did melt in sight and presence of the Lord they fled before that rulers might which gideth al the world verse 6 The heauens eke declare and shew his iustice forth abrode That al the world may see and know the glory of our God verse 7 Confusion sure shal come to such as worship Idoles vayne and eke to those that glory much dome pictures to maintayne verse 8 For al the Idols of the world which they as gods did cal Shal fele the power of the Lord and down to him shal fal verse 9 With ioy shal Sion heare this thing and Iuda shal reioyce For at thy iudgements they shal sing and make a pleasant noyce verse 10 That thou O Lord art set on hye in al the earth abrode And art exalted wondrously aboue ech other God verse 11 Al ye that loue the Lord do this hate al thyng that is il For he doth kepe the soules of his from such as would them spil verse 12 And lyght doth spring vp to the iust with pleasure for his part Great ioy w t gladnes mirth and lust to them of vpright hart verse 13 Ye righteous in the Lord reioyce his holines proclayme Be thankful eke with hart and voyce and mindful of the same Cantate domino Psalme .xcviii. I. H. An earnest exhortation to al creatures to prayse the Lord for his power mercy tidelity in the promise by Christ by whom he hath communicated his saluation to al nations Syng this as the .95 Psalme verse 1 O Sing ye now vnto the Lord a new and pleasaunt song for he hath wrought throughout y ● world his wōders great strōg w t his right hād ful worthely he doth his foes deuour And get himself the victory with his own arme and power verse 2 The lord doth make the people know his sauing helth and myght The Lord
ay That frō the earth their memory he may cut cleane away verse 16 Sith mercy he forgat to shew but did pursue with spite The troubled mā sought to slay the woful harted wight verse 17 As he did cursing loue it shal betide vnto him so and as he did not blessing loue it shal be far him fro verse 18 As he with cursing clad him selfe so it like water shal Into his bowels and like oyle into his bones befal verse 19 As garment let it be to him to couer him for ay and as a gyrdle wherwith he shal gyrded be alway verse 20 Lo let this same be from the Lord the guerdon of my fo yea and of those that euel speake against my soule also verse 21 But thou O Lord that art my God deale thou I say w t me after thy name deliuer me for good thy mercyes be verse 22 Because in depth of great distres I nedy am and poore and eke within my payned brest my hart is wounded sore verse 23 Euen so do I depart away as doth declining shade and as the grashopper so I am shaken of and fade verse 24 With fasting long frō nedeful fode enfebled are my knees and al her fatnes hath my flesh enforced ben to leese verse 25 And I also a vile reproch to them was made to be and they that did vpō me looke did shake their heds at me verse 26 But thou O Lord that art my God mine ayde succour be according to thy mercy Lord saue and deliuer me verse 27 And they shal know therby y ● this lord is thy mighty hād and that y u thou hast done it Lord so shal they vnderstand verse 28 Although they curse with spite yet thou shalt bles w t louing voice They shal arise and come to shame thy seruaunt shal reioyce verse 29 Let them be clothed al with shame that enmyes are to me and with confusion as a cloke eke couerd let them be verse 30 But greatly I wil with my mouth geue thankes vnto the Lord and I among the multitude his prayses wil record verse 31 For he with help at his right hand wil stand the poore man by To saue him from the men that would condemne his soule to dy Dixit dominus domino Psalme Cx. N. ¶ Dauid prophecieth of the power and euerlastyng kyngdome geuen to Christ of his priesthood whiche should put an end to the priesthood of Leuy Sing this ad the .68 Psalm verse 1 THe Lord did say vnto my Lord sit thou at my right hand Til I haue made thy foes a stoole wheron thy feete shal stād verse 2 The Lord shal out of Sion send the scepter of thy might Amid thy mortal foes be thou the ruler in theyr sight And in the day on which they raygne and power they shal see verse 3 Then hereby frewil offrings shal thy people offer thee yea with a holy worshipping then shal they offer al Thy birthes dew is the dew that doth frō wōbe of morning fal verse 4 The Lord hath sworne neuer wil repent what he doth say By thorder of Melchisedech thou art a priest for ay verse 5 The Lord thy God on thy right hand that standeth for thy stay Shal woūd for thee the stately kings vpon his wrathful day verse 6 The heathen he shal iudge and fil the place with bodyes dead and ouer diuers countreys shal in sonder smite the head And he shal drinke out of the broke that runneth in the way Therfore he shal lift vp on hye his royal head that day Confitebor tibi domine Psalme .cxi. N. ¶ He geueth thankes to the Lord for his mercifull workes towardes his Churche and declareth wherein true wisedome and right knowledge consisteth WIth hart I do accord to prayse laud the Lord In presence of the iust For great his workes are found To search them such are bound as do him loue and trust His workes are glorious also his righteousnes it doth endure for euer his wondrous workes he would we stil remember should hys mercy fayleth neuer verse 5 Suche as do loue him beare a portion full fayre He hath vp for them laid for this they shal wel finde He will them haue in minde and kepe them as he sayd verse 6 For he did not disdayne his workes to shew them playne By lightning and by thunders when he the Heathens land Did geue into their hand where they beheld his wonders verse 7 Of all his workes insueth both iudgement right and truth Wherto his statutes tend verse 8 They are decreed sure For euer to endure whiche equitie doth end Redemption he gaue his people for to saue verse 9 And hath also required his promes not to fayle But alwayes to preuaile his holy name be feared verse 10 Whoso with hartful faine true wisdom wold attaine The Lord feare and obey such as his lawes do kepe shall knowledge haue ful depe his praise shal last for aye Beatus vir psalme Cxii VV. K. ¶ He praiseth the felicitie of them that feare God and condemneth the cursed state of the con●emners of God Sing this as the Pater noster verse 1 THe man is blest that god doth feare and that his lawes doth loue in dede His sede on earth God wil vpreare And bles such as from hym procede His house with good he wil fulfil His rightousnes endure shal stil verse 2 Vnto the righteous doth aryse ❧ In trouble ioy in darkenes lyght Compassion is in his eyes And mercy alwayes in his syght verse 3 Yea pitie moueth such to lend He doth by iudgement things expend ❧ verse 4 And furely such shal neuer fayle For in remembrance had is he verse 5 No tidings il can make hym quayle Who in the Lord sure hope doth see verse 6 His hart is firme his feare is past For he shal see his foes down cast verse 7 He did wel for the poore prouide ❧ his righteousnes shal stil remayn And hys estate with prayse abyde Though that the wicked man disdayne verse 8 Yea gnashe his teeth therat shal hee And so consume hys state to see Laudate pueri Psalme Cxiii VV. K. ¶ An exhortation to prayse the Lord for his prouidence in that that contrary to the course of nature he worketh in his church YE childrē which do serue the Lord praise ye his name with one accorde yea blessed be alwayes hys name who from the rysing of the sunne till it returne where it begunne is to be praysed with great fame The Lord al peoples doth surmount as for his glory we may count aboue the heauens hye to be With God the Lord who may compare whose dwellings in the heauens are of suche great power and force is he verse 6 He doth abase himself we know Thinges to beholde both here below And also in heauen aboue verse 7 The nedy out of dust to drawe and eke the poore which help none sawe His onely mercy did him moue verse
power of encreased strength within my soule to grow verse 4 Yea al the kings on earth they shal geue prayse to thee O Lord For they of thy most holy mouth haue heard the mighty word verse 5 They of the wayes of God the Lord in syngyng shal entreat Because the glory of the Lord it is excedyng great verse 6 The Lord is hye and yet he doth behold the lowly spirit But he contemnyng knowes a far the proud lofty wight verse 7 Although in midst of trouble I do walke yet shal I stand Renued by thee O my Lord thou wilt stretch out thy hand Vpon the wrath of al my foes and saued shal I bee By thy right hand The Lord God wil performe his work to me verse 8 Thy mercy Lord endures for ay Lord do me not forsake Forsake me not y ● am the worke which thine own hād did make Domine probasti psalm .cxxxix. N Dauid to clense his hart from al hipocrisy sheweth that there is nothyng so hyd which god seeth not which he confirmeth by the creation of man After declaryng his zeale and feare of god he protesteth to be enemy to al them that comtemne god Sing this as the .137 Psalme verse 1 O Lord thou hast me tride known my sitting doost thou know verse 2 and rising eke my thoughts a far thou vnderstandst also verse 3 My pathes yea and my lieng down thou cōpassest alwayes and by familiar custome art acquainted with my wayes verse 4 No word is in my tonge O Lord but known it is to thee verse 5 thou me behind holdst before thou layest thy hand on mee verse 6 To wonderful aboue my reach Lord is thy cunning skil It is so hye that I the same cannot attayne vntil verse 7 From sight of thy al seing spirite Lord whether shal I go Or whether shal I flee away thy presence to scape fro verse 8 To heauen if I mount aloft lo thou art present there In hel if I lye down below euen there y u doost appeare verse 9 Yea let me take the mornings wings and let me go and hide Euen there where are y ● farthest parts wher flowing se a doth slide verse 10 Yea euen thether also shal thy reachyng hand me guyde and thy right hand shal hold me fast and make me to abyde verse 11 Yea if I say the darknes shal yet shroud me from thy sight Lo euen also the darkest nyght about me shal be lyght verse 12 Yea darknes hydeth not from thee but night doth shyne as day To thee the darknes and the lyght are both alyke alway verse 13 For thou possessed hast my raynes and thou hast couered mee Whē I within my mothers womb enclosed was by thee verse 14 Thee wil I prayse made fearfully wondrously I am they workes are maruelous right wel my soule doth know y ● same verse 15 My bones they are not hid from thee although in secret place I haue bene made and in the earth beneath I shapen was verse 16 When I was formeles then thine eye saw me for in thy booke were written al nought was before that after fashion tooke verse 17 The thoughts therfore of thee O God how deare are they to mee and of them al how passing great the endles numbers be verse 18 If I should compt thē loe their summe more then the sand I see and whensoeuer I awake yet am I stil wyth thee verse 19 The wicked and the bloudy men oh that thou wouldest slay Euen those O God to whom depart depart from me I say verse 20 Euen those of thee O Lord my God that speake ful wickedly Those that are lifted vp in vayne beyng enemies to thee verse 21 Hate I not them that hate thee Lord and that in earnest wyse Contend not I against them al against thee that aryse verse 22 I hate them with vnfayned hate euen as my vtter foes verse 23 Try me O God and know my hart my thoughts proue disclose verse 24 Consider Lord if wickednes in me there any be and in thy way O God my guide for euer lead thou me Eripe me Psalme Cxl. N Dauid cōplayneth of the cruelty falshod iniuries of hys enemies against which he prayeth vnto the Lord and assureth hymself of his help and succor Wherfore he prouoketh the iust to prayse hym and to assure themselues of his tuition Sing this as the Lamentation verse 1 LOrd saue me the euil man and form the cruel wight verse 2 Deliuer me which euil do imagine in their sprit verse 3 which make on me cōtinual war their tongs lo they haue whet Like serpents vnderneth their lips is adders poyson set verse 4 Kepe me O Lord from wicked hands preserue me to abyde Free from the cruel man that meanes to cause my steps to slyde verse 5 The proud haue layd a snare for me and they haue spred a net with cordes in my path way and gins for me eke haue they set verse 6 Therfore I sayd vnto the Lord thou art my God alone Heare me O Lord oh heare the voyce wherwith I pray mone verse 7 O Lord my God thou onely art the strēgth that saueth mee My head in day of battle hath bene couerd stil by thee verse 8 Let not O Lord the wycked haue the end of his desyre Performe not hys wycked thought least with pride be set on fire verse 9 Of them that compas me about the chiefest of them al Lord let the mischief of their lippes vpon themselues befal verse 10 Let coales fal on them let hym cast them in consuming flame and in depe pits so as they may not rise out of the same verse 11 For no backbiter shal on earth be set in stable plight and euil to destruction stil shal hunt the cruel wyght verse 12 I know the Lord thafflicted wyl reuenge and iudge the poore verse 13 The iust shal prayse thy name iust shal dwel with thee euermore Domine clamaui psalme .cxli. N Dauid beyng greuously persecuted vnder Saule onely flyeth vnto God to bane succour desiryng hym to bridle his affections that he may patiently abyde til god take vengeaunce of hys enemies O Lord vpon thee do I cal Lord hast thee vnto me and harken Lord vnto my voyce when I do cry to thee 2 As insence let my prayers be directed in thine eyes the vplifting of my handes as euenyng sacrifice verse 3 My Lord for guiding of my mouth set thou a watch before and also of my mouing lips O Lord kepe thou the dore verse 4 That I should wicked works commit inclyne thou not my hart With il men of their delicates Lord let me eat no part verse 5 But let the righteous smite me Lord for that is good for me Let hym reproue me and the same a precious oyle shal be Such smityng shal not breake my hed the tyme shal shortly fal when I shal in their misery make prayers for them al. verse
and meditate vpon thy workes most wonderful O Lord. verse 6 And they shal of thy power and of thy feareful actes declare and I to publish al abrod thy greatnes wil not spare verse 7 And they into the mētion shal breake of thy goodnes great and I aloud thy righteousnes in singing shal repeat verse 8 The Lord our God is gratious and merciful also Of great abounding mercy and to anger he is slow verse 9 Yea good to al and al his workes his mercy doth excede verse 10 Lo al thy works do praise thee lord doe thy honor spred verse 11 Thy saints do blesse thee they do thy kingdomes glory shew verse 12 And blase thy power to cause the sōnes of mē his power to know And of his mighty kingdome eke to spread the glorious praise verse 13 Thy kingdome Lord a kingdome is that doth endure alwayes And thy dominion through ech age endures without decay verse 14 The Lord vpholdeth them that fal the sliding he doth stay verse 15 The eyes of al do wayt on thee thou doost them al releue and thou to ech suffising foode in season due doost geue verse 16 Thou openest thy plentuous hand and bounteously doost fil al things whatsoeuer doth lyue with gifts of thy good wil. verse 17 The Lord is iust in al his wayes his workes are holy al verse 18 Nere al he his that cal on him in truth that on him cal verse 19 He the desires which they require that feare him wil fulfil and he wil heare thē whē they cry saue them al he wil. verse 20 The Lord preserues al those to him that bear a louing hart But he them al that wicked are wil vtterly subuert verse 21 My thākful mouth shal gladly speake the praises of y e Lord al flesh to prayse his holy name for euer shal accord Lauda anima mea Psalme Cxlvi I. H. ¶ Dauid shewing the great desire he had to prayse God teacheth that none should put theyr trust in men but in God alone who is almighty and deliuereth thafflicted nourisheth the poore setteth prisoners at libertie comforteth the satherles widowes and the straūgers and rangneth kyng for euer Sing this as the .2 137 Psalme verse 1 MY soule prayse thou the Lord alwayes my God I wil cōfes While breath life prolōg my daies my tōg no time shal cease Trust not in worldly princes thē though they abound in wealth Nor in the sonnes of mortal mē in whō there is no health verse 2 For why their breath doth sone depart to earth anone they fal and then the counsels of theyr hart decay and perish al. verse 3 O happy is that man I say whom Iacobs God doth ayde and he whose hope doth not decay but on the Lord is stayd verse 4 Which made the earth waters depe the heauens hye wythal which doth his word and promise kepe in truth and euer shal verse 5 With right alwayes doth he procede for such as suffer wrong The poore and hungry he doth fede and lose the fetters strong verse 6 The Lord doth sēd the blind theyr sight the lame to lims restore The Lord I say doth loue the right and iust man euermore verse 7 He doth defend the fatherles the straungers sad in hart And quyt the widow frō distres il mens wayes subuert verse 8 Thy Lord and God eternally O Sion stil shal rayne In tyme of al posterity for euer to remayne Laudate dominum Psalme Cxlvii N. ¶ The Prophet prayseth the bounty wisedome power suffice and prouidence of God vpon al his creatures But specially vpon his Church which he gathereth together after their dispersion declaring his word iudgement so vnto them as he hath done to no other people PRaise ye the Lord for it is good vnto our God to syng For it is pleasaunt and to prayse it is a comely thing 2 The Lord his own Ierusalem he buildeth vp alone and the disperst of Israel doth gather into one verse 3 He heales the broken in their hart theyr sore vp doth he bynd verse 4 He counts the nūber of the starres names them in their kind verse 5 Great is our Lord great is his power his wisedome infinit verse 6 The Lord releues y e meke throwes to groūd the wicked wight verse 7 Sing vnto God the Lord with prayse vnto the Lord reioyce and to our God vpō the harpe aduaunce your singing voyce verse 8 He couers heauen with cloudes for the earth prepareth rayne and on the mountaines he doth make the gras to grow agayne verse 9 He geues to beastes theyr foode to young rauens when they cry verse 10 His pleasure not in strength of horse nor in mans legs dothly verse 11 But in al those that feare the Lord the Lord hath hys delight and such as do attend vpon his mercies shyning light verse 12 O prayse thy Lord Ierusalem thy God O Sion prayse verse 13 For he the barres hath forged strōg wherwith thy gate he stayes verse 14 Thy children he hath blest in the● and in thy borders he Doth settle peace with y ● flower of wheat he filleth thee verse 15 And his commaundement vpon the earth he sendeth out and eke the word with spedy course swyftly run about verse 16 He geueth snow like wol hore frost like ashes doth he spred verse 17 Like morsels casts hys I se therof the cold who can abide verse 18 He sendeth forth his mighty word and melteth thē agayn His wind he makes to blow thē y ● waters flow amayn verse 19 The doctrine of his holy word to Iacob doth he shew his statutes his iudgments he geues Israel to know verse 20 With euery nation hath he not so dealt nor they haue knowne his secret iudgements ye therfore prayse ye the Lord alone Laudate dominum Psalme Cxlviij I. P. ¶ He prouoketh al creatures to prayse the Lord in heauē in earth in all places specially for the power that he hath geuen to his people Israel whō he hath taken so nere vnto hym GEuelaud vnto the Lord from heauē that is so hye Praise him in dede and word Aboue the starry skie And also ye his angels al armies royal prayse him with glee verse 3 Prayse him both mone sunne Which are so cleare and bright The same in you be done He glistring stars of light verse 4 And eke no les He heauens fayre verse 5 And cloudes of the ayre His laud expresse verse 6 For at his word they were Al formed as we se At his voyce did appere Al things in theyr degre Which he set fast To them he made A law and trade For ay to last verse 7 Extol and prayse Gods name In earth ye Dragons fel Al depe do ye the same For it becommeth you wel verse 8 Him magnify Fyre hayle I se Snow And stormes that blow At hys decree verse 9 The hils and mountaynes al And trees
hast committed the dispensation of thy holy word and charge of thy chosen people may both in their life and 〈…〉 be found faithful settyng onely before theyr eyes thy glory and 〈◊〉 by them al poore shepe whiche wander and go astray may be gathered brought home to thy fold Moreouer because the harts of rulers are in thy handes we besech thee to direct and gouerne the hartes of al kings princes maiestrates to whom thou hast committed the sword especially O Lord accordyng to our bounden duty we besech thee to mainteine encrease the honorable estate of y e Queenes maiestie and al her most noble counsellers and maiestrates and al the whole body of this cōmune weale Let thy fatherly fauor so preserue them thy holy spirite so gouerne their hartes that they may in such sorte execute their office that thy religion may be purely maintayned maners reformed and sin punished according to the precise rule of thy holy word And for that we be al members of the mistical body of Iesus Christ we make our requestes vnto thee O heauenly father for al such as are afflicted with any kind of cros or tribulation as warre plague famine sicknes pouertie imprisonment persecution banishment or any other kinde of the rods whether it be calamitie of body or vexation of minde that it would please thee to geue them patience and constancy til thou send them ful deliueraunce of al theyr troubles Roote out frō hence O Lord al rauening wolues which to fil theyr bellies seke to destroy thy flocke And shew thy great mercyes vpon those our brethren in other coūtreis which are persecuted cast into prison daily cōdēned to death for y e testimony of thy truth And though they be vtterly destitute of al mās ayde yet let thy swete comfort neuer depart from them but so inflame their hartes with thy holy spirite that they may boldly and cherefully abide such trial as thy godly wisedome shal appoynt So that at length as wel by theyr death as by their life the kingdō of thy dere sonne Iesus Christ may increase shine through al the world In whose name we make our hūble peticiōs vnto thee as he hath taught vs. Our Father which art in heauen halowed by thy c. FINIS ❧ A Table both for the number of the whole Psalmes and also in what leafe you may finde euery of them Psalme A. Fol. 30 ALl laude and prayse 49 49 All people her 59 78 Attend my people to my 106 82 Amid the prease 114 B. 81 Be light and glad 113 119 Blessed are they 158 128 Blessed art thou 175 134 Behold and haue 178 142 Before the Lord. 187 144 Blest be the. 188 D. 83 Do not O God re 15 E. 127 Except the Lord. 174 G. 29 Geue to the Lord ye 48 37 Grudge not to see 58 48 Great is the Lord. 70 54 God saue me for thy 80 105 Geue prayses vnto 140 107 Geue thankes vnto 145 148 Geue laud vnto 192 H. 12 Helpe Lord for 32 13 How loug wilt 32 51 Haue mercy on 77 56 Haue mercy Lord. 82 67 Haue mercy on vs. 91 73 How euer it be yet 100 84 How pleasaunt is 116 91 He that within 125 I. 5 Incline thine eares 25 11 I trust in God 31 20 In trouble and aduersitie 40 25 I lift my hart 44 34 I wil geue laude 54 39 I sayd I wil looke 61 40 I waited long and. 62 43 Iudge and reuenge 66 77 I with my voyce 105 92 It is a thing both 126 100 In God the Lord. 133 101 I mercy wil and. 133 109 In specheles scilence 148 116 I loue the Lord. 155 120 In trouble and in 168 121 I lift mine eyes 169 122 I did in harte 170 L. 6 Lord in thy wrath reproue me not 26 16 Lord kepe me for 35 26 Lord be my iudge 46 35 Lord plead my cause 35 42 Like as the hart 65 68 Let God arise 92 72 Lord geue thy iudg 99 86 Lord how thine eare 104 88 Lord God of health 106 130 Lord to thee I. 176 140 Lord saue me 185 143 Lord heare my 187 M. 23 My sheperd is the. 43 45 My hart doth now 67 62 My soule to God 87 71 My Lord my God 97 103 My soule geue 135 104 My soule prayse 137 146 My soule prayse 193 N. 115 Not vnto vs. 154 124 Now Israel 171 O. 3 O Lord how are my 24 4 O God that art my 25 7 O Lord my God 27 8 O God our Lord how 28 15 O Lord within thy taber 33 17 O Lord geue eare 35 18 O God my strength 36 21 O Lord how ioyful 40 22 O God my God 41 31 O Lord I put my 50 44 Our eares haue heard 66 51 O Lord consider my 74 55 O God geue eare 80 60 O Lord thou didst 86 63 O God my God 88 64 O Lord vnto my voyce 89 70 O God to me take 97 79 O Lord the Gentils 111 94 O Lord thou doost 12 95 O come let vs. 128 98 O sing ye now 131 102 O heare my prayer 133 108 O God my hart 147 117 O all the nations 156 118 O geue ye thankes 136 123 O Lorde that 171 109 Of this Israell 175 130 O Lorde I am not 176 133 O howe happy a. * 178 135 O prayse the Lorde 179 139 O Lorde thou haste 184 141 O Lorde vpon thee 186 P. * 38 Put me not to rebuke 60 106 Prayse ye the Lorde 142 136 Prayse ye the Lorde 181 147 Prayse ye the Lorde 191 R. * 61 Regarde O Lorde for 87 132 Remember Dauids 177 S. 59 Sende ayde and saue 84 69 Saue O God * 94 96 Syng ye with 129 125 Such as in God 172 T. 1 The man is blest 22 14 There is no God * 33 19 The heauens and the. 39 24 The earth is all 44 27 The Lorde is both 47 28 Thou art O Lorde 84 32 The man is blest 52 36 The wicked with * 57 41 The man is blest 46 46 The Lorde is our 69 50 The myghty God 72 50 The God of Gods 74 53 The foolishe man 79 57 Take pitie for thy * 83 65 Thy prayse alone 89 76 To all that nowe 104 80 Thou Lorde that Israell 111 85 Thou haste bene 117 87 That Citie shall 119 89 To syng the mor. * 121 90 Thou Lorde haste 124 93 The Lorde as kynge 127 97The Lorde doth raygne 130 99 The Lorde doth raygne 132 110 The Lorde dyd * 150 112 The man is blest 151 125 Those that doo put 172 138 Thee will I prayse 183 145 Thee will I laude 189 V. 75 Vnto the God we 103 W. * 2 Why did the Gentiles 23 9 With hart and mouth 29 16 What is the cause 35 52 Why doost thou tyrant 78 74 Why art thou Lorde 102 111 With hart I doo * 150 114 When Israell by 153 126 When that the Lorde 173 137 When as we sat in Babi 182 Y. 33 Ye ryghteous in the. 52 47 Ye people all 70 58 Ye rulers that * 84 66 Ye men on earth 90 113 Ye children whiche 152 150 Yelde vnto the. 194 ¶ These folowe after the Psalmes PRayse the Lorde ye Beholde nowe geue * Attende my people Our father whiche art All my belefe Come holy spirite * Geue peace in these Where ryghteousnes doth O Lorde in thee is all my * Preserue vs Lorde The Lorde be thanked ¶ Also certayne Godly Prayers ¶ These ye shall haue in the beginnyng of the Booke VEni creator spiritus Venite exultemus Te Deum laudamus * Benedicite Benedictus dominus Magnificat anima * Nunc dimittis The Lamentation of a. The humble sute of a sinner Quicunque vult * The Pater noster The ten Commaundementes ❧ Imprinted at London by Iohn Day dwellyng ouer Aldersgate beneath Saint Marrins ¶ Cum gratia Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis per septennium