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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13988 The whole booke of Psalmes collected into Englysh metre by T. Starnhold, I. Hopkins, & others, conferred with the Ebrue, with apt notes to synge the[m] with al ; faithfully perused and alowed according to thordre appointed in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions ; very mete to be vsed of all sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and ballades, which tende only to the norishing of vyce, and corrupting of youth.; Whole book of psalms. 1562 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1562 (1562) STC 2430; ESTC S1798 175,161 470

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pure and well verse 2 Yet lyke a foole I almost slypt my feete began to slide And or I wist euen at a pinch my steps a wrye gan glyde verse 3 For when I saw suche folysh men I grudge and did disdayne That wicked men all thinges should haue without turmoyle or payne verse 4 They neuer suffer panges nor grief as if death shoulde them smite Theyr bodyes are bothe stoute and strong and euer in good plyte verse 5 And free from all aduersitie when other men be shent And with the rest they take no parte of plague or punishment verse 6 Therfore presumption doth embrace theyr necks as doth a chayne And are euen wrapt as in a robe with rapine and disdaine verse 7 They are so fed that euen for fat their eyes oft times out start And as for worldly goodes they haue more then can wish theyr hart verse 8 Theyr lyfe is moste licentious boastyng muche of the wrong Which they haue done to simple men and euer pryde among verse 9 The heauens and the lyuing Lorde they spare not to blaspheme And prate they doo on worldly thynges no wight they doo esteme verse 10 The people of God oft times turne backe to see theyr prosprous state And almost drynke the selfe same cup and folow the same rate The second parte verse 11 How can it be that God say they should know and vnderstand These worldly thinges since wicked men be Lordes of sea and land verse 12 For we may see how wicked men in riches still increase Rewarded well with worldly goodes and lyue in rest and peace verse 13 Then why doo I from wickednes my fantasy refrayne And wash my handes with innocentes and clense my hart in vayne verse 14 And suffer scourges euery day as subiect to all blame And euery mornyng from my youth susteyne rebuke and shame verse 15 And I had almost sayd as they misliking mine estate But that I should thy children iudge as folke vnfortunate verse 16 Then I bethought me how I might thys matter vnderstande But yet the labor was to great for me to take in hand verse 17 Untill the tyme I went into thy holy place and then I vnderstode right perfectly the ende of all these men verse 18 And namely how thou settest them vpon a slippery place And at thy pleasure and thy wyll thou dost them all deface verse 19 Then all men muse at that straung sight to see how sodenly They are destroid dispatche consumde and dead so horribly verse 20 Much like a dreame when one awakth so shall theyr wealth decay Theyr famous names in all mens sight shall ebbe and pas a way The thirde parte verse 21 Yet thus my hart was greued then my minde was much opprest verse 23 So fond was I and ignorant and in this point abeast verse 23 23 Yet neuertheles by my right hand thou holdest me alwayes fast verse 24 And with my counsell dost me guyde to glory at the last verse 25 What thyng is there that I can wishe but thee in heauen aboue And in the earth there is nothyng lyke thee that I can loue verse 26 My flesh and eke my hart do fayle but God doth fayle me neuer For of my hart God is the strength my portion eke for euer verse 27 And lo all suche as thee forsake thou shalt destroy echeone And those that trust in any thyng sauing in thee alone verse 28 Therfore will I draw nere to God and euer with him dwell In God alone I put my trust thy wonders will I tell Vt quid deus Psalme lxxiiii I. H. The faythfull complayne of the destruction of the church and true relygyon vnder the name of Sion and the aultars destroyed And trustyng in the myght and free mercyes of God by hys couenaunt they require help and succor for the glory of Gods holy name the saluatyon of his pore afflicted seruaunts the cōfusion of his proud enemies WHy art thou Lorde so longe from vs in all this daunger depe Sing this as the. lxxii ps why doth thine anger kindle thus at thyne owne pasture shepe verse 2 Lorde call the people to thy thought which haue ben thine so long The which thou hast redemd brought from bondage sore and strong verse 3 Haue minde and thinke vpon remember it full well Thy pleasant place thy mount Sion where thou wast wont to dwell verse 4 Lift vp thy fote and come in hast and all thy foes deface Whiche now at pleasure rob and wast within thy holy place verse 5 A mid thy congregations all thine enemies roare O God They set as signes on euery wall theyr banners splayde abrod verse 6 As men with axes hew the trees that on the hils do grow So shine the bils and swords of these within thy temples now verse 7 The selings sawde the carued bordes the godly grauen stones with axces hammers billes swordes they beate them downe at ones verse 8 Thy places they consume with flame and eke in all this toile The house appointed to thy name they race downe to the soyle verse 9 And thus they sayde within theyr hart dispatche them out of hand Then burnt they vp in euery part Gods houses through the land verse 10 10 Yet thou no sigue of helpe dost sende our Prophets all are gone To tell when this our plage shuld ende among vs there is none verse 11 Whē wilt thou lord once end this shame and cease thyne enemies strong Shall they alway blaspheme thy name and rayle on thee so long verse 12 Why dost with draw thy hand a backe and hide it in thy lappe O pluck it out and be not slack to geue thy foes a rappe The second part verse 13 O God thou art my kyng and Lorde and euermore hast ben yeathy good grace throughout the world for our good helpe hathe seen verse 14 The seas that are so depe and dead thy might did make them drye And then didst breake the serpents head that he therin did dye verse 15 yea thou didst breake the heads so great of whales that are so fell And gauest them to the folkes to eate that in the desertes dwell verse 16 Thou madest a spring with streames to rise from rock both hard and hye And eke thy hand hath made lykewyse depe riuers to be drye verse 17 Bothe day and eke the night are thyne by thee they were begonne Thou settest to serue vs with theyr shine the light and eke the sunne verse 18 Thou doest appoint the endes and costs of all the earth about Both sommer heates and winter frosts thy hand hath founde them out verse 19 Thinke on O Lorde no time forget thy foes that thee defame And how the folish folke are set to rayle vpon thy name verse 20 O let no cruell beast deuoure thy Turtle that is true Forget not alwayes in thy powre the poore that much doo rue verse 21 Regarde thy couenaunt and beholde thy foes posses the lande All sad and darke
hathe accomplished his promes and placed his Arke in Sion for the whiche he geueth thankes and prayeth for the prosperitie of the Church I did in hart reioyce to heare y e peples voyce in offering so willingly For let vs vp say they and in the Lordes house pray thus spake the folke full louingly Oure fete that wandred wide shal in thy gates abide O thou Jerusalem full fayre Which arte so semely set muche lyke a Citie net the like wherof is not els where The trybes with one accorde The tribes of God the Lorde Are thither bent theyr way to take So God before did ●ell That there his israell Their prayers shoulde together make For there are thrones erect And that for this respect To set forth iustice orderly Which thrones right to mainteine To dauids house perteine His folke to iudge accordingly To pray let vs not cease For Ierusalems peace Thy friendes God prosper mightely Peace be thy walles about And prosper the throughout Thy places eke continually I wish thy prosperous state For my poore brethrens sake That comfort haue by meanes of the. Gods house both me allure Thy welth for to procure So much allwayes as lieth in me Adte leuaui oculos Psalm Cxxiii Th. Stern A praier of the faithfull which are afflicted by the wicked worldelinges and contemners of God O Lord that heuen doest possesse Singe this as the. xxiii psal I lift mine eies to the Euen as the seruant lifteth his his maisters handes to see verse 2 As handmaides watch there maistres handes some grace for to atchiue So we beholde the Lord our God til he do vs forgeue verse 3 Lorde graunt vs thy compassion and mercy in thy sight For we be filled and ouer comen with hatred and despight verse 4 Our mindes be stuffed with great rebuke the rich and worldly wise To make af vs their mocking stock the proude do vs despice Nisi quia dominus Psalm Cxxiiii VV. The people of God beyng delyuered out of a great danger acknowledg not to haue escaped by their owne power but throughe the fauour of God and shew in how greate perill they were NO we Israell may say that truly If that the Lord had not our cause mainteind If that the lord had not our right susteind Whē all the worlde against vs furiously made their vprors and said we should all die verse 3 Now long a go they had deuoure vs all And swalowed quick for ought y t we could deme Suche was their rage as we might well esteme verse 4 And as the flouddes with mightye force do fall So had they now our life euen brought to thrall verse 5 The raging stremes most proud in roring noice Had long a go ouer whelmde vs in the depe verse 6 But loued by God whiche doth vs safely kepe From bloudy teeth and theyr most cruell voyce Which as a pray to eate vs woulde reioyce verse 7 Euen as the birde out of the foulers grenne Escapth away right so it fareth vs Broke are theyr nets and we haue scaped thus verse 8 God that made heauen earth is our help thē His name hath saued vs from these wicked men Qui confidunt Psalm cxxv VV. K. He describeth the assurance of the faithfull in their aflictions and desireth their welth and the destruction of the wicked SUche as in God the lord do trust as Mount Sion shall firmely stande and be remoued at no hand the Lorde will count them right and iust So that they shall be sure For euer to indure verse 2 As mightye mountains huge and greate Jerusalem about to close So will the Lorde be vnto those who on his godly will doo wayte Suche are to hym so deare they neuer nede to feare verse 3 For though the rightous trye doeth he by making wicked men his rodde Lest they through grief for sake their God it shall not as their lot still be verse 4 Geue Lorde to those thy lyght whose hartes are true and ryght verse 5 But as for such as turne a syde by croked wayes which they out sought The Lorde will surely bryng to nought with workes vile they shall abide But peace with Israell for euermore shall dwel In conuertendo Psalm cxxvi VV. K This Psalme was made after the returne of the people from Babylon and sheweth that the meane of their deliuerance was wonderful after the seuentie yeres of captiuitie forespoken by Ieremie 25. 12. and. 29. 10. WHen that the Lorde again his Siō had forth brought from bondage great also seruitude extreme his work was suche as did surmount mans hart thought so that we were muche like to them that vse to dreame our mouthes were with laughter filled then and eke our tongues did shew vs ioyfull men The Heathen folke were forced then this to confes How that the Lord for them also great things had don verse 3 But muche more we and therfore can confes no les Wherfore to ioye we haue good cause as we begonne verse 4 O Lorde go forthe thou canst our bondage end As to desertes thy flowing riuers send verse 5 Full true it is that they whiche sow with teares in dede A time will come when they shal reape in mirth ioye verse 6 They went and wept in bearing of their precious sede For that theyr foes full often times did them anoye But their returne with ioye they shall sure see Their sheaues home bryng and not impered be Nisi dominus Palme Cxxvii VV. It is not mannes wit power or labor but the free goodnes of God that geueth ryches preserueth townes and countrepes graunteth noryshment and chyldren EXcept the Lorde the house doo make And therunto doo set hys hande Sing this as the lords pra●● What men doo build it can not stand Likewise in vayne men vndertake Cities and holdes to watch and ward Except the Lord be their safegard Though ye ryse early in the morne And so at night go late to bed Feding full hardly with browne breade yet were your labor lost and worne But they whom God doth loue and kepe Receyue all thinges with quiet slepe Therfore marke well when euer ye see That men haue heires to enioy their lād It is the gift of Gods owne hand For God him selfe doth multiplye Of his great liberalitie The blessing of posteritie And when the children come to age They grow in strength and actiuenes In person and comelines So that a shaft shot with courage Of one that hath a most strong arme Flyeth not so swyft nor doth lyke harme Oh well is him that hath his quiuer Fournished with such altilerye For when in perill he shalbe Suche one shall neuer shake nor shiuer When that he pleadeth before the iudge Against his foes which beare him grudg Beati omnes qui timent Psalm cxxviii T. T He describeth the prosperous estate of them that be maryed in the feare of God ioyning with all the promises of Gods blessinges to all them that lyue in thys honorable estate
haue regard ye seruants of the Lorde Which in his house by night do watch prayse him with one accorde Lyft vp your hands on high vnto his holy place And geue the Lorde his prayses due his benefites embrace For why the Lord who did both earth and heauen frame Doeth Sion bles and will conserue for euer more the same Laudate nomen Psalme Cxxxv. M. He exhorteth all the faithful of what estate so euer they be to praise God for his merueylous worcks specially for his graces towards his people wherein he hath declared his maiestie To the confession of all Idolaters and theyr Idolls O Praise y e lord praise him praise him praise him with one accord o praise him stil al ye that be the seruaunts of y e lord o praise him ye that stand be in the house of the Lord ye of his court and of his house praise hym with one accord Prayse ye the Lord for he is good syng prayses to his name It is a comly and good thing alwayes to doo the same For why the Lorde hath chose Iacob his very owne you see So hath he chosen Israell his treasure for to be For this I know and am right sure the Lorde is very greate He is in dede aboue all Goddes most easy to intreate For what so euer pleased him all that fulwell he wrought In heauen in earthe and in the sea whiche he hath framde of nought He lifteth vp cloudes euen from the earthe he makth the lightnings and rayne He bringkth forth the windes also He made nothing in vayne He smote the first borne of eche thing in Egipt that toke rest He spared there no lyuing thyng the man nor yet the beast He hathe in thee shewde wonders great O Egipt voyde of vauntes On Pharao thy cursed kyng and his seuere seruauntes He smote then many nacyons and did great actes and thynges He slew the great and mightyest and chefest of theyr kynges Syhon king of Ammorites and Og kyng of Basan He slew also the kingdomes all that were of Canaan And gaue their lande to Israell an herytage we see To Israell his owne people an heritage to be Thy name O Lorde shall still endure and thy memoriall Throughout all generations that are or euer shall The Lorde will surely auenge his people all in dede And to his seruauntes he will shewe fauour in tyme of nede The Idols of the Heathen are made in all theyr coste and landes Of syluer and of golde be they the workes euen of mens handes They haue mouthes and cannot speake and eyes to at haue no sight They haue eares that heare nothyng Theyr mouthes be breatheles quite Wherfore all they are lyke to them that so doth set them forth And lyke wyse those that trust in them or thinke they be ought worth O all ye house of Israell see that ye prayse the Lorde And ye that be of Aarons house prayse him with one accord And ye that be of Leuis house prayse ye lykewise the Lorde And all that stand in awe of hym prayse him with one accord And out of Syon sound his prayse the great prayse of the Lorde Whiche dwelleth in Ierusalem praise him with one accord Confitemini Psalme Cxxxvi. N. ☞ A most earnest exhortaciō to geue thanks vnto God for the creation and gouernaunce of all thinges which standeth in confessing that he geueth vs all of his mere liberalitie PRaise ye y e lord for he is good for hys mercy endureth for euer Geue prayse vnto the God of Gods for his mercy endureth for euer Geue prayse vnto the Lorde of Lordes for his mercy endureth for euer which only doth great wōders work for his mercy endureth for euer verse 5 Which by his wisdome made the heauens for his mercy endureth for euer verse 6 Which on the waters stretcht the earth for his mercy endureth for euer verse 7 Which made great light to shine abrode for his mercy endureth for euer verse 8 As sonne to rule the lightsome day for his merry endureth for euer verse 9 The mone and sterres to guide the night for his mercy endureth for euer verse 10 Whiche smote Egipt with their first-borne for his mercy endureth for euer verse 11 And Israell brought out from them for his mercy endureth for euer verse 12 With mighty hand and stretched arme for his mercy endureth for euer verse 13 Whiche cut the red sea in two partes for his mercy endureth for euer verse 14 And Israell made passe there through for his mercy endureth for euer verse 15 And drouned Pharao and his host for his mercy endureth for euer verse 16 Through wildernes hys people led for his mercy endureth for euer verse 17 He whiche did smite greate noble kinges for his mercy endureth for euer verse 18 And whiche hath slayne the mighty kynges for his mercy endureth for euer verse 19 As Sihon king of Amorites for his mercy endureth for euer verse 20 And Og the king of Basan land for his mercy endureth for euer verse 21 And gaue their land for heritage for his mercy endureth for euer verse 22 Euen to his seruant Israell for his mercy endureth for euer verse 23 Remembred vs in base estate for his mercy endureth for euer verse 24 And from oppressors rescued vs. for his mercy endureth for euer verse 25 Which geueth fode vnto all flesh for his mercy endureth for euer verse 26 Praise ye the God of heauen aboue for his mercy endureth for euer verse 27 Geue thankes vnto the Lorde of Lordes for his mercy endureth for euer Super flumina Babilonis Psal. cxxxvii VV. VV ☞ The people of God in their banishment seing Gods true religion decaye lyued in greate anguish and sorow of harte the whiche grief the Eaideons did so litle pitie that they rather increased the same dayly with tauntes reproches and blasphemies againste God wherfore the Israelites desire God to punish the Edomites who prouoked the Babilonians againste them and moued by the spirite of God prophery the destruction of Babilon where they were handeled so tirannously WHen as we sat in Babylon y e riuers rounde about and in remēbraunce of Sion the teares for grief burst out We hāgd out harps instruments the willow trees vpon for in that placemen for their vse had planted many one verse 3 Then they to whom we prisoners were sayde to vs tauntingly Now let vs heare your Ebrue songes and pleasant melody verse 4 Alas sayd we who can once frame his sorowfull hart to syng The prayses of our louing God thus vnder a straunge kyng {punctel} verse 5 But yet if I Ierusalem out of my hart let flyde Then let my fingers quyte forget the warblyng harp to guyde verse 6 And let my tong within my mouth be tyde for euer fast If that I ioy before I see thy full deliueraunce past verse 7 Therfore O Lorde remember now the cursed noyse and cry That Edoms sonnes againste vs made when they razed our citie Remember
another we doo not only make request O Lord for ourselues and them that thou hast alreadie called to the true vnderstanding of thy heauenly wil but for all people and Nations of the world who as they knowe by thy wonderfull workes that thou art god ouer al So they may be instructed by thy holy spirite to beleue in thee theyr only Sauior and redemer But for as much as they cānot beleue except they heare nor can not heare but by preachyng and none can preache excepte they be sent therfor O Lorde raise vp faithfull destributers of thy misteries who setting apartal worldly respectes may bothe in their life and doctryne only seeke thy glorye Contrarylye confound Sathan Antichriste with all hierlinges whom thou hast already cast of into a reprobate sēce that they may not by sectes schismes heresies and errours disquiet thy littell flocke And because O Lorde we be fallen into the latter dayes daungerous tymes wherin ignoraunce hathe gotten the vpper hande and Sathan by his ministeres seke by all meanes to quenche the light of thy Gospel we besech the to maintaine thy cause against those rauening wolues and strengthen all thy seruauntes whom they keepe in prison and bondage Let not thy long suffryng be an occasion either to encrease theyr tirannye or to discourage thy childrē nether yet let our sinnes and wickednes be a hinderance to thy mercies but with spede O Lorde consider these great miseries For thy people Israel many times by theyr sinnes prouoked thine anger and thou punishedst them by thy iust iudgemente yet though their sinnes wer neuer so greuous if they once returned from their iniquitie thou receiuedst them to mercye We therfore moste wretched synners be wayle our manifolde sinnes and earnestly repent vs for our former wickennes and vngodly behauior towards thee and where as we cannot of our selues purchase thy pardon yet we humblie beseche thee for Iesus Christes sake to shew thy mercyes vpon vs and receyue vs agayne to thy fauour Graunt vs deare father these oure requests and all other thinges necessary for vs thy whole churche according to thy promise in Iesus Christ our Lorde In whose name we beseche thee as he hath taught vs saying Oure father c. A prayer to be sayde before meales ALl thinges depende vpon thy prouidence O Lord to receiue at thy handes due sustenāce in time conuenienie Thou geuest to them they gather it thou openest thy hand and they are satisfied with al good things O heauenly father whiche art the fountaine ful treasure of all good nes we besech thee to shew thy mercyees vpon vs thy children and sanctifye these giftes whiche we receiue of thy merciful liberalitie graunt vs grace to vse them soberlye and purely according to thy blessed wyll so that hereby we may acknowledge thee to be the author and geuer of all good things and aboue all that we may remember continually to seke the spiritual fode of thy word wherwith our soules may be norished euerlastingly throughe oure sauior Christe who is the true breade of lyfe whiche came downe from heauen of whom whoso euer eateth shall lyue for euer and reigne with him in glory worlde without ende So be it ☞ A thankes geuing after meales LEt all nations magnifye the Lorde let all people reioyce in praysing extollyng his great mercyes For his fatherly kindnes is plentyfully shewed forth vpon vs and the truth of his promise indureth for euer We render thankes vnto thee O Lorde god for the manifold benefites whiche we continually receaue at thy bountifull hande not only for that it hath pleased thee to fede vs in this present life geuyng vnto vs all thinges necessary for the same but especially because thou hast of thy free mercies facioned vs a new into an assured hope of a farre better lyfe the whiche thou hast declared vnto vs by thy holy Ghospell Therfore we humbly besech thee O heauenly father that thou wilte not suffer oure affections to bee so intangled or roted in these earthly and corruptible thinges but that we maye alwayes haue oure mindes directed to thee on high continually watching for the comming of oure Lorde and Saiuour Chryste what tyme he shall appeare for oure full redemption To whom with thee and the holye Ghoste be all honor and glory for euer and euer So be it A nother thankes geuing before meate ETernall and euer liuing God Father of oure Lord Iesus Christ who of thy most singular loue whiche thou bearest to mankinde haste appointed to his sustenance not only the frutes of thearth but also the foules of the ayre the beastes of thearth and fishes of the sea and hast commaūded thy benefites to be receyued as from thy hāds with thanks geuing assuring thy children by the mouth of thy Apostle that to the cleane all things are cleane as the creatures which be sanctified by thy word and by prayer graunt vnto vs so moderatly to vse these thy giftes present that the bodies beyng refreshed the soules may be more hable to procede in all good works to the prayse of thy holy name through Iesus Christ our Lord. Sobeit Oure Father whiche art in heauen c. Another THe eyes of all things doo loke vp and trust in thee O Lord thou geuest them meat in due season thou openest thy hand and fillest with thy blessinge euery liuing creature good Lorde bles vs and all thy giftes which we receyue of thy large liberalitie through Iesus Christ our Lorde Sobeit Our father c. Another thanks geuing after meat GLorye prayse and honor be vnto thee moste merciful omnipotent Father who of thyne infinite goodnes hast created man to thyne owne image similitude who also hast fed dayly fedest of thy most bountiful hand all liuing creatures graunt vnto vs that as thou hast norished these oure mortall bodies with corporall foode so thou woldest replenish our soules with the perfet knowledge of the liuely word of thy beloued sonne Iesus to whom be prayse glorye and honor for euer Sobeit ☞ God saue the Church vniuersall our Quene and Realme God comforte all them that be comfortles Lord increase our faith O Lord for christ thy sōnes sake be mercifull to the cōmon wealths where thy Gospell is truely preached and harbor graunted to the afflicted members of Christes body and illuminate according to thy good pleasure all nations with the bryghtnes of thy word So beit Another THe God of glory and peace who hath created redemed and presently fed vs be blessed for euer and euer Sobeit The God of all power who hathe called frō death that great pastor of the shepe our Lorde Iesus comfort and defend the flock whiche he hathe redemed by the bloud of the eternall Testamente increase the number of true Preachers repres the rage of obstinate tirants mitigate and lightē the hartes of the ignorant relieue the paynes of suche as be afflicted but especially of those that suffer for the testimony of thy truth and finally cōfoūd Sathan by
the power of our Lord Iesus Christ. Amen Euening prayer O Lorde God Father euerlasting full of pitie we acknowledge and confesse that we be not worthy to lyft vp our eyes to heauē muche les to presente our selues before thy maiestie with confidence that thou wilt heare our prayers and graunt our requestes if we consider o●●e owne deseruinges for oure conciences doo accuse vs and our sinnes witnes against vs we know that thou art an vpright iudge which dost not iustifye the sinners and wicked men but punishest the fautes of all such as transgres thy commaundements Yet most mercifull father since it hathe pleased thee to commaunde vs to call on thee in aloure troubles and aduersities promising euen thē to help vs when wefele our selues as it wer swalowed vp of death and desperation we vtterly renounce all worldly confydence and flee to thy so-souerayne bountie as our only stay and refuge beseching thee not to call to remembraunce our manifolde sinnes and wickednes wherby we contynuallye prouoke thy wrathe and indignation againste vs neyther oure negligence and and vnkindnes whiche haue neyther worthely estemed nor in our liues sufficiently expressed the swete cōfort of thy Gospell reueled vnto vs but rather to accept the obedience and death of thy sonne Iesus Christ who by offring vp his body in sacrifice once for all hathe made a sufficient recompence for all our sinnes Haue mercy therfore vpon vs O lord and forgeue vs our offences Teache vs by thy holy spirite that we may rightly wey them and earnestly repent for the same And so much the rather O Lorde because that the reprobate and suche as thou hast for saken cannot prayse thee nor call vpon thy name but the repenting hart the sorow full minde the conscience oppressed hungring and thirsting for thy grace shal euer set forth thy praise and glory And albeit we be but worms and dust yet thou arte oure creator and we be the worke of thy handes yea thou art oure father and we thy children thou art oure shepeherd and we thy flock thou art our redemer and we the people whō thou hast bought thou art oure God and we thyne inheritaunce Correct vs not therfore in thine anger O Lorde neither according to our desertes punish vs but mercifully chastyce vs with a fatherly affection that all the worlde may knowe that at what time soeuer a sinner doth repent him of hys sinne from the bottom of his hart thou wilt put a way his wickednes out of thy remembraunce as thouhast promised by thy holy prophet Finally for asmuche as it hathe pleased thee to make y e night for mā to rest in as thou hast ordayned him the day to trauel graunt o deare father that we may so take our bodely rest y t oure soules may continually watch for the time that our lord Iesus christ shall appeare for our deliuerance out of this mortall lyfe and in the meane season that we not ouercomen by any fantasies dreames or other temptations may fully set our mindes vpon thee loue thee feare thee and rest in thee furthermore that our slepe be not excessiue or ouermuche after the insaciable desires of our flesh but onelye sufficient to contente oure weake nature that we may be better disposed to lyue in all godly conuersatyon to the glory of thy holy name and profit of oure brethren Sobeit A godly Prayer to be sayd at all tymes HOnor and prayse be geuen to thee O Lorde God almightie most deare Father of heauē for all thy mercies and louing kindnes shewed vnto vs in that it hathe pleased thy gratious goodnes frely and of thine owne accorde to elect and chose vs to saluation before the beginning of the worlde and euen like continull thankes be geuē to the for creating vs after thine owne image for redeming vs with the precious bloude of thy deare some when we were vtterly lost for sanctifying vs with thy holy spirit in the releuing and succoring vs in all our nedes and necessities for sauing vs from aldaungers of body and soule for comforting vs so fatherly in all oure tribulations and persecutions for sparing vs so long and geuyng vs so large a tyme of repentance These benefites O most mercifull father like as we know ledg to haue receyued them of thy only goodnes euen so we beseche thee for thy dere sonne Iesus Christes sake to graunte vs alwayes thy holy spirite wherby we may continually grow in thankfulnes towardes thee to be led into all truth and comforted in all our aduersities O Lorde strengthen our faith kindle it more in feruentnes loue towardes thee and our neyghbours for thy sake Suffer vs not most deare Father to receyue thy worde any more in vaine but graunt vs alwayes the assistance of thy grace and holy spirite that in hart worde and dede we maye sanctifye and doo worship to thy name Helpe to amplifie increase thy kingdome and what so euer thou sendest we may be hartely well contente with thy good pleasure and will Let vs not lack the thynge O Father without the whych we can not serue the but blesse thou soo all the workes of our handes that we may haue sufficiente and not to be chargeable but rather helpefull vnto others be mercifull O Lord to our offences and seyng our det is great whiche thou haste for geuen vs in Iesus Christe make vs toloue thee and our neyghbors so muche the more Be thou our Father our captayne and defender in all temptations holde thou vs by thy mercyfull hand that we may be deliuered from all inconueniences and end our lyues in the sanctifying honor of thy holy name through Iesu Christ our Lord and only sauior Sobe it Let thy mightie hand and out stretched arme O Lorde be still oure defence thy mercy and louyng kindnes in Iesu Christ thy deare sonne our saluation thy true and holy woord our instruction thy grace and holy spirit our comforte and consolatiō vnto the ende and in the ende Sobe it O Lorde increase our fayth A confession of all estates and tymes O Eternall God and most mercifull father we confesse and acknowledg heare before thy diuine maiestie that we are miserable synners conceyued and borne in sinne and iniquitye so that in vs there is no goodnes For the flesh euermore rebelleth agaynst the spirite wherby we continually transgres thy holy precepts and commaundemēts so purchase to our selues through thy iust iudgement deathe and damnation Notwithstanding O heauenly father for asmuche as we are displeased with oure selues for the synnes that we haue committed against thee and do vnfeynedly repent vs of the same we most humblye beseche thee for Iesus Christes sake to shewthy mercy on vs to forgeue vs al our sinnes and to increase our holy spirite in vs that we acknowledgyng from the botome of our hartes our owne vnrighteousnes may from henceforth not only mortifie our sinful lusts and affections but also bring forth such frutes as may be agreable
he desireth forgeuenes be wayling that if God toke him away in hys indignation he shoulde lacke occasion to praise him as he was wonte to doo whilest he was amongest men Then so deinly felyng Gods mercy he sharpely rebuketh his enemyes which reioyseth in hys afliction LOrd in thy wrath reproue me not though I deserue thyne ire Ne yet correcte me in thy rage O Lorde I thee desire For I am weake therfore O Lorde of mercy me forbeare and heale me Lorde for why thou knowest my bones do quake for feare verse 3 My soule is troubled very sore and vexed vehemently But Lorde how long wilt thou delay to cure my miserie verse 4 4 Lord turne thee to thy wonted grace my sely soule vp take Oh saue me not for my desertes but for thy mercies sake verse 5 For why no man among the dead He feared not so muche the death of the body but trembled as it werfor fear of gods iudgement so waxed dimand cold not praise God remembreth thee one whit Or who shall worship thee O Lorde in the infernall pit verse 6 So greuous is my plaint and mone that I waxe wonderous faint All the night long I wash my bed with teares of my complaint verse 7 My sight is dymme and waxetholde with anguishe of mine hert Heb. mine eye is eaten as with wormes For feare of those that be my foes and would my soulesubuert verse 8 But nowe a way from me all ye God sendeth comfort boldenes in affliction that worke iniquitie For why the Lord hath heard the woyce of my complaint and crye verse 9 He heard not onely the request and praier of my heart But it receiued at my hande and toke it in good part verse 10 And nowe my foes that vexed me the Lord will sone defame And sodenly confunde them all to theyr rebuke and shame Domine deus meus in te speraui Psal. vii T. S. Dauid being falsely accused by Thus one of Sauls kinsmen he calleth to God to be hys defender to whom he commendeth hys innocency Firste shewyng that hys conscience dyd not accuse hym of any euyll towards Saule Next that it touched gods glory to awarde sentence against the wicked And so entring in to the consideration of Gods mercies and promises hewaxeth bolde derideth the vaine enterprises of his enemies threatning that it shall fall on theyr owne necks that which they haue purposed for others O Lorde my God I put my trust Sing this as the thirde psalme and confidence in thee Saue me from them that me pursue and eke deliuer me verse 2 Lest like a Lyon he me teare and rent in pieces small While there is none to succor me and rid me out of thrall verse 3 O Lorde my God If I haue done Where with Thus chargeth me He reioyseth that God only hath aproued hys cause the thyug that is not ryght Or ells if I be found in faut or giltie in thy syght verse 4 Or to my frend rewarded euyll or left him in distres Which me pursued most cruelly and hated me causeles verse 5 Then let my foes pursue my soule A sygne of a pure consciēce and eke my life downe thrust Unto the earth and also lay myne honour in the dust verse 6 Stert vp O Lord now in thy wrath Selah and put my foes to payne Performe thy kingdome promised to me whyche wrong sustayne verse 7 Then shall great nations come to thee and know thee by this thing If thou declare for loue of them thy selfe as Lorde and king As touchyng my behauor towardes Saul and mine enemyes verse 8 And thou that art of all men iudge O Lorde now iudge thou me According to my rightousnes and mine integritie The second parte verse 9 Lorde cease the heart of wicked men and be the iust mans guide verse 10 By whom the secretes of all hartes are searched and descride verse 11 I take my helpe to come of God in all my grief and smarte That doth preserue all those that be of pure and perfect heart verse 12 The iust man and the wicked bothe God iudgeth by his poure So that he feleth his mighty hand euen euery day and houre He derideth Sauls enterprises beyng surely perswaded to be preseruedby Gods fauour verse 13 Except he chaunge his mind I die for euen as he should smite He whet his sword his bow he bendth ayming where he may hit verse 14 And doeth prepare his mortall dartes his arrowes kene and sharpe For them that doo me persecute The wicked s●me to labor of child ●●ll th●y haue cōfessed the●● ▪ whilest he doth mischief warpe verse 15 But we though he in trauell be of his deuilish fore cast And of his mischief once conceiued yet bringeth forth nought at last verse 16 He digth a ditche and delueth it depe The wicked mā is beat with his owne rod. In hope to hurte his brother But he shall fall into the pit that he digde vp for other verse 17 Thus wrong retorneth to the hurt of him in whom it bread And all the mischief that he wrought shall fall vpon his head verse 18 I will geue thankes to God therfore that iudgeth rightuously And with my song prayse will the name of hym that is most hye Domine Deus noster Psal. viii Tho. Ster The Prophet considering thexcellent liberalitie and fatherly prouidence of God towards man whom he made as it were a God ouerall his workes doth not only geue great thanks but is astonished with thadmiration of the same as one nothinge hable to compasse suche greate mercies and so endeth O God our Lord how wonderfull Sing this as the thirde psalme are thy workes euery where Whose fame surmounte in dignitie aboue the heauens cleare verse 2 Euen by the mouthes of sucking babes thou wilt confound thy foes For in these babes thy might is sene thy graces they disclose verse 3 And when I see the heauens highe the workes of thine owne hand The Sunne the Mone and al the Starres in order as they stand verse 4 What thing is man Lorde thinke I then that thou doest him remember Or what is mans posteritie that thou doest it considre verse 5 For thou hast made him litle les Herein appeareth the greate loue of god toward man Hebr. 2. then Angels in degree And thou hast crowned him also with glory and dygnitie verse 6 Thou hast preferd him to be Lorde of all thy workes of wonder And at his fete hast set all thinges that he should kepe them vnder verse 7 As shepe and neat all beastes els that in the fieldes doo fede verse 8 Foules of the ayre fishe in the sea and all that therin brede verse 9 Therfore must I say once agayne O God that art our Lorde How famous and how wonderfull are thy works through the world Confitebor tibi domine in toto Psalm ix T. S. After he had geuen thankes to God for the sundry victoryes that he had sent hym against his enemies
and hide you in youre hyll verse 2 Beholde the wicked bende theyr bowes and make their arrowes prest To shote in secret and to hurte the sound and harmeles brest verse 3 Of worldly hope and stayes were shrunke and clearly brought to nought Alas the iust and rightuous man what euill hath he wrought verse 4 But he that in his temple is most holy and most hye And in the heauens hath his seate of royall maiestie The poore and simple mans estate All thinges are gouerned by gods prouidēce considereth in his minde And searcheth out full narowly the maners of mankinde verse 5 And with a cherefull countenaunce the rightuous man will vse But in his harte he doth abhorre all suche as mischiefmuse verse 6 And on the sinners casteth snares as thicke as any rayne ▪ Fire and brimstone and whirle windes thicke As in the distruction of Sodom and Gomo appoynted for theyr payne verse 7 Ye see then how a righteous God doeth righteousnes embrace And to the iust and vpryght man sheweth forth his pleasant face Saluum mefac Deus Psalm xii T. S. The Prophet learnyng the miserable estate of the people and the decaye of all good order desyreth God spedely to sende succor to his children Then comfortyng himselfe others with thassuraunce of gods helpe he commendeth the constant beritye that God obserueth in keping his promises concluding that when all orders are most corrupted then will God delyuer hys HElpe Lorde for good and godly men Sing this as the third psalme doo perysh and decay And fayth and truth from worldly men is parted cleane away verse 2 Who so doeth with his neighboure talke his talke is all but vayne For euery man bethinketh how to flatter lye and fayne verse 3 But flatteryng and deceitfull lippes and tounges that be so stoute To speake proud words make great bragges the Lorde soone cut them out verse 4 For they say still we wyll preuayle our tonges shall vsextoll Oure tonges are ours we ought to speake what Lorde shall vs controll verse 5 But for the great complaint and cry The lord doth deliuer from all daungers of poore and men opprest Arise will I now sayeth the Lorde and them restore to rest verse 6 6 Gods worde is lyke to siluer pure that from the earth is tried And hath no les then seuen times in fire bene puryfyed verse 7 Now since thy promise is to helpe God can not deceue them that put theyr trust in him Lorde kepe thy promise then And saue vs now and euermore from this ill kinde of men verse 8 For now the wicked world is full of mischief manifolde When vanitie with mortall men so highly is extolde Vsquequo domine Psalme xiii T. S. Dauid as it were ouercomen with sundry and new afflictions fleeth to God as his onely refuge and so at the length being encouraged through Gods promises he conceyueth moste sure confidence againste the extreame horrors of deathe HOwe longe wilt thou forget me Lorde shall I neuer be remembred Sing this Psalm with the iii. tune ▪ How long wilt thou thy visage hide as though thou were offended verse 2 In hart and mynde how longe shall I. with care tormented be Howe longe eke shall my deadly foe thus tryumphe ouer me verse 3 Beholde me now my Lorde my God and heare me sore opprest Lighten mine eyes lest that I slepe as one by death possest verse 4 Lest this mine enemie sai to me beholde I doo preuayle Lest they also that hate my soule reioyse to see me quayle verse 5 But for thy mercyes and goodnes The mercye of God is the cause of our saluation my hope shall neuer start In thy relife and sauing health right glad shall be my hart verse 6 I will geue thankes vnto the Lorde and prayses to hym syng Because he hathe hard my request and graunted my wishyng Dixit insipiens Psalme xiiii T. S. He described the peruerse nature of men whiche were so growen to licenciousnes that God was brought to vtter cotempt for the which thing although he was greatly greued yet being perswaded that god would send som present remedy he comfort him selfe and others THere is no God as folish mē affirm in their mad mode their drifts ar al corrupt and vain not one of thē doth good The lord beheld frō heauen hie y e whole race of mākind and saw not one y t sought in dede y e liuing god to find verse 3 They went all wide and were corrupt and truely there was none That in the worlde did any good I say there was not one verse 4 Is all theyr indgement so farre lost that all worke mischief styll Eatyng my people euen as breade not one to seke Gods wyll verse 5 When they thus rage then sodenly great feare on them shall fall For God doth loue the rightuous men and will maintayne them all verse 6 He mocke the doinges of the poore to theyr reproche and shame Because they put theyr trust in God and call vpon hys name verse 7 But who shall geue thy people health and when wilt thou fulfill Where wicked men raine all felicitie is but very slauery lyke to Egipte or Babilon The promise made to Israell from out of Sion hill verse 8 Euen when thou shalt restore agayne suche as were captiues lad Then Iacob shall therin reioyse and Israell shall be glad Domine quis habitabit Psalm xv T. S This Psalme teacheth on what condition Goddid chuse the Jewes for his peculiar people and wherfore he placed his Temple amonge them whyche was to thentent that they by liuing vprightly godly might witnes that they were his speciall and holy people O Lorde with in thy tabernacle Sing thisas thr iiii Psa. who shall inhabite styll Or whom wilt thou receyue to dwell in thy most holy hill verse 2 The man whose lyfe is vncorrupt whose workes are iust and streit Whose hart doth thinke the very truthe whose tong speaketh no deceyt verse 3 Nor to his neyghboure doth none ill in body goods or name Nor willingly doeth moue salse tales which might empere the same verse 4 That in hys hart regardeth not malicious wicked men But those that loue and feare the Lorde he maketh muche of them verse 5 His othe and all his promises that kepeth faithfully Although he make his couenaunt so that he doth lose therby verse 6 That put teth not to vsury hys money and hys coyne Them the which doo not this shalbe cast out of the church with Ismaelli and the hipocrites Ne for to hurt the innocent doeth brybe or els purloyne verse 7 Who so doeth all thynges as you see that here is to be done Shall neuer perish in thys world nor in the worlde to come Conserua me domine psalm xvi T. S. Dauid prayeth to God for succor not for hys workes but for hys faithes sake protestyng that he hateth all Idolatry takyng God only for hys comforte and felicytie who suffereth hys to lacke nothing LOrde
comfort of thy sauing help geue me againe I pray With thy free sprite establish me And I will teache therfore Sinners thy wayes and wicked shall be turnde vnto thy lore O God that art God of my health from blood deliuer me That prayses of thy righteousnes my tonge may syng to thee My lippes that yet fast closed be doo thou O Lorde vnlose The prayses of thy maiestie my mouth shall so disclose I would haue offred sacrifice if that had pleased thee But pleased with burnt offringes I knowe thou wilt not be A trobled sprite is sacrifice delytefull in Gods eyes A broken and an humbled hart God thou wilt not despise In thy good will deale gently Lorde to Sion and with all Graunt that of thy Ierusalem vpreard may be the wall Burnt offrings giftes and sacrifice of iustice in that day Thou shalt accept and calues they shal vpon thyne altar lay Quid gloriaris Psalme lii I. H Dauid describeth the arrogante tyrannye of hys aduersarye Doeg Saules chief shepherde who by false surmyses caused Achimelech with the rest of the priestes to be slain Dauid prophecieth his destruction and encourageth the faithfull to put theyr confidence in God whose iudgements are most sharpe against his aduersaryes And fynally he rendreth thankes to God for his deliueraunce In thys Psalme is lyuely set forthe the kingdome of Antichrist WHy dost thou tyrāt boast abrode thy wicked works to prayse dost thou not knowe there is a God whose mercies last alwayes Why doth thy mind yet still deuise suche wicked wiles to warpe Thy tong vntrue in forging lies is like a rasour sharpe verse 3 On mischief why settest thou thy minde and wilt not walke vpryght Thou hast more lust false tales to fynde then bryng the truth to lyght verse 4 Thou doest delyte in fraude and guile in mischief blud and wrong Thy lyppes haue learnde the flateryng style O false deceitfull tonge verse 5 Therfore shall God for euer confounde and pluck thee from thy place Thy sede rote out from of the grounde and so shall thee deface verse 6 The iust when they beholde thy fall with feare will praise the Lorde And in reproche of thee withall cry out with one accorde verse 7 Behold the man which would not take the Lorde for his defence But of his goods his God did make and trust his corrupt sence verse 8 But I an Oliue fresh and grene shall spring and sprede abrode For why my trust all times hathe bene vpon the lyuing Ood verse 9 For this therfore will I geue prayse to thee with hart and voyce I will set forth thy name always wherin thy sainctes reioyce Dixit in sipiens Psalme Liii T. N The Prophet describeth the croked nature the crueltye and punishment of the wicked when they loke not for it and desireth the deliueraunce of the godlie that they may reioyce together THe foolish man in that whyche he within his hart hath sayde Sing this as the. xiv psalme That there is any God at all hathe vtterly denyde They are corrupt and they also a haynous worke haue wrought Amonge them all there is not one of good that worketh ought The Lorde loked downe on sons of men from Heuen all abrode To see if any were that would be wise and seke for God They are gone all out of the way they are corrupted all There is not one doth any good there is not one at all Do not all wicked workers know that they do fede vpon My people as they fede on breade the Lorde they call not on Euen there they were afrayde and stode with trembling all dismayde Where as there was no cause at all why they should be afrayde For God his bones that thee beseged hath scattered all abrode Thou hast confounded them for they reiected are of God O Lorde geue thou thy people health and thou O Lord fulfill thy promise made to Israell from out of Syon hill When God his people shall restore that erst was captiue lad Thou Iacob shall therin reioyse and Israel shalbe glad Deus in nomine Psalm Liiii I. H Dauid brought into Great daunger by reasō of Ziphius calleth vpō the name of God to destroy e his enemies promysing sacrifice and froe offerings for their delyueraunce GOd saue me for thy holy name and for thy goodnes sake Sing this as the. xlvi Psa Unto the strength Lorde of the same I doo my cause betake verse 2 Regarde O Lorde and geue an eare to thee when I doo praye Bow downe thy sealfe to me and heare the wordes that I doo saye verse 3 For straungers vp against me ryse and tirauntes vex me still Whiche haue not God before theyr eies they seke my soule to spill verse 4 But loe my God doeth geue me ayde the Lorde is strayght at hand with them by whom my soule is stayed the Lorde doth euer stande verse 5 With plages repay agayne all those for me that lye in wayte And with thy truth destroy my foes with theyr owne snare and bayte verse 6 An offering of free hart and will that I to thee shall make And prayse thy name for therin still greate comfort I doo take verse 7 O Lorde at length doo set me free from them that craft conspire And now mine eye with ioye doeth see on them my hartes desire Exaudi deus Psalme Lv. I. H. Dauid being in greate heauines and distres complayneth of the crueltye of Saule and of the falshod of his familyar acquaintaunce vtteryng most ardent affections to moue the Lord to pitie hym After being assured of deliueraūce he setteth forth the grace of god as though he had all ready obtayned his request O God geue eare and do apply To heare me when I praye Sing this as the. xxxv psalme And when to thee I call and crye hide not thy selfe awaye verse 2 Take hede to me graunt my request and aunswer me agayne with playntes I pray full sore opprest greate grief doeth me constrayne verse 3 Because my foes with threates and cries oppres me through despighte And so the wicked sorte lykewise to vex me haue delighte verse 4 For they in counsell doo conspire to charge me with some ill So in their hasty wrath and ire they doo pursue me styll verse 5 My hart doth faynte for want of breathe it panteth in my breste The terroures and the dread of deathe doo work me muche vnrest verse 6 feare on me doth fall with doo quake Suche 〈◊〉 whelmeth me with all that I can make verse 7 But I will geue me ▪ Of some fayer doue that I may flee and rest me from these thinges verse 8 Lo then I woulde go farre awaye to flye I woulde not cease And I woulde hide my selfe and staye in some greate wildernes verse 9 I would be gon in all the hast and not abide behinde That I weare quite and ouer past these blasts of boisteous winde verse 10 Deuide them Lord and from them pul their diuilish double tounge
exhortaciō to prayse god for the gouernment of the world and the election of his church An admonishion not to folow the rebellion of the olde fathers that tempted God in the wildernes For the which they might not enter into the land of promise O Come let vs lyfte vp oure voyce and synge vnto the Lorde in him our rock of health reioyce let vs with one accorde yea let vs come before his face to geue him thanks and prayse in singing Psalmes vnto his grace let vs be glad all wayes verse 3 For why the Lorde he is no doubte a greate and myghty God A kynge aboue all Gods throughout in all the worlde abrode verse 4 4 The secretes of the yearth so depe and corners of the land The toppes of hilles that are so stepe he hath them in his hand verse 5 The sea and waters all are his for he the same hath wrought The earth and all that therin is his hande hath made of nought verse 6 Come let vs bow and prayse the Lorde before him let vs fall And knele to him with one acorde the whiche hathe made vs all verse 7 For why he is the Lorde our God for vs he doth prouide We are his folke he doth vs fede his shepe and he our guide verse 8 Today if ye his voice will heare then harden not your hart As ye with grudging many a yeare prouoked me in deserte verse 9 Wher as your fathers tempted me my power for to proue My wondrous works whē they did see yet still they woulde me moue verse 10 Twise twenty yeare they did me greue and I to them did saye They erre in heart and not beleue they haue not knowne my waye verse 11 Wherfore I sware when that my wrath was kindled in my brest That they should neuer treade the pathe to enter to my rest Cantate domino Psalme lxxxxvi I. H An exhortacyon bothe to the Iewes and gentiles to prayse God for hys mercye And this specyallye ought to be referred to the kingdom of Chryste Syng ye with prayse vnto the Lorde Sing this as the. lxxvii psalme New songs of ioy and mirthe Sing vnto him with one accorde all people on the yearthe verse 2 yea sing vnto the Lorde I saye prayse ye his holy name Declare and shew from day to daye saluation by the same verse 3 Amonge the Heathen eke declare hys honor round about To shew his wonders doo not spare in all the worlde throughout verse 4 For why the Lord is much of might and worthy prayse alway And he is to be dred of ryght aboue all Gods I saye verse 5 For all the Gods of Heathen folke are idoles that will fade But yet our God he is the Lord that hath the heauens made verse 6 All prayse and honor eke doo dwell for aye before his face Both power and might likewise excell within his holly place verse 7 Ascribe vnto the Lorde alway ye people of the worlde All might and worship eke I say ascribe vnto the Lorde verse 8 Ascribe vnto the Lorde also the glory of his name And eke into his courtes doo goe with giftes vnto the same verse 9 Fall down and worship ye the lorde with in his temple bright Let all the people of the worlde be fearefull at his sight verse 10 Tell all the world be not agaste the Lorde doth raigne aboue Yea he hath set the yerth so fast that it did neuer moue verse 11 And that it is the Lorde alone that ruleth with princely might To iudge the nations euery one with equity and right verse 12 The heauens shall great ioy begin the earth shall eke reioyce The sea with all that is theirin shall shoute and make a noice verse 13 The field shall ioye and euery thing that spryngeth of the earth The wod and euery tree shall sing with gladnes and with mirth verse 14 Before the presence of the Lorde and comming of his might when he shall iustly iudge the worlde and rule his folke with right Dominus regnauit Psalme lxxxxvii I. H The prophet exhorteth all to reioyce for the coming of the kingdome of Christ dreadfull to the rebels and Idolaters and ioyfull to the iust whom he exhorteth to innocency to reioysing and thanks geuing THe lord doth raigne where all y e earth Sing this as the. lxxxxv may ioy with pleasaunt voyce And eke the yles with ioyfull mirth may triumphe and reioyce verse 2 Bothe cloudes darknes eke doo swell and rounde aboute him beate Yea right and iustice euer dwell and byde aboute his seate verse 3 Yea fier and heate at once doth runne and go before his face Which shall his foes and ennemies burn abrode in euery place verse 4 His lightnes eke full bright did blase and to the world appere Wherat the yearthe did loke and gase with dreade and deadly feare verse 5 The hilles like war did melt in sight and presence of the Lorde They fled before that rulers might which gideth all the worlde verse 6 The heauens eke declare and shew his iustice forth abrode That all the world may see and knowe the glory of our god verse 7 Confusion sure shall come to suche as worship Idols vayne And eke to those that glory muche dome pictures to maintayne verse 8 For all the Idouls of the worlde whiche they as Gods doo call Shall feele the power of the Lorde and downe to hym shall fall verse 9 With ioy shall Sion here this thyng and Iuda shall reioyce For at thy iudgements they shall sing and make a pleasaunt noyce verse 10 That thou O Lorde art set on hie in all the earth abrode And arte exalted wonderously aboue eche other God verse 11 All ye that loue the Lorde doo thys hate all thinges that is ill For he doth kepe the soules of his from suche as would them spill verse 12 And light doth spring vp to the iust with pleasure for his part Greate ioye with gladnes mirth lust to them of vpright hart verse 13 Ye rigteous in the Lord reioyce his hollines proclayme Be thankfull eke with hart and voyce and mindefull of the same Cantate domino Psal lxxxxviii I. H An Earnest exhortacyō to all cratures to prayse the Lorde for his power mercy and fydelitie in his promyse by Christ by whō he hath communicated his saluation to all natiōes OSyng ye now vnto the Lorde a new and pleasaunt songe Sing this as the. lxxxxv For he hath wrought throughout the world His wōders great strong With his rigt hand full worthely he doth his foes deuoure And get him sealf the victory with his owne arme and power verse 3 The Lord doth make the people know his sauing health and might The Lorde doth eke his iustice shew in all the Heathens sight verse 4 His grace and truth to Israell in minde he doth recorde That al the yearth hath sene right wel the goodnes of the Lorde verse 5 Be glad in him with ioyfull voyce all
procede His house with good he will fulfill His rightousnes endure shall still verse 4 Unto the righteous doth aryse In trouble ioy in darkenes light Compassion in his eyes and mercy alwayes in hys syght verse 5 yea pitie moueth suche to lend he doeth by iudgement things expend verse 6 And surely suche shall neuer fayle for in remembrance had is he verse 7 7 No tidings ill can make him quayle who in the Lorde sure hope doeth se. verse 8 His hart is firme hys feare is past for he shall se his foes downe cast verse 9 He did well for the poore prouide his rightousnes shall still remayne And his estate with prayse abyde though that the wicked man disdaine verse 10 yea gnash his teeth thereat shall he and so consume his state to see Laudate pueri Psalme Cxiii VV. K. An exhortation to prayse the Lorde for his prouidence in that that contrarye to the course of nature he worketh in hys Churche YE childrē which do serue y e lord prayse ye his name with one accord yea blessed be alwayes his name who from the rising of the sunne til it returne where it begonne is to be praysed with great fame The Lord all peoples doth surmount As for his glory we may counte aboue the heauens hygh to be With God the Lorde who may compare whose dwellyngs in the heauens are of such great power and force is he verse 6 He doeth abase him self we knowe thinges to beholde bothe here belowe And also in heauen aboue verse 7 7 The nedie out of dust to drawe And eke the poore whiche helpe none saw verse 8 His onlye mercy did him moue And so him set in high degre with princes of great dignitie That rule his people with great fame verse 9 The barren he doth make to beare And with great ioye her frute to reare therfore prayse ye his holy name In exitu Israel C. xiiii VV. VVhit Howe the Israelites were delyuered out of Egipt and of the wonderfull miracles that God shewed at that tyme whiche put vs in remembraunce of Goddes great mercyes towardes his children and of oure vnthankfullnes for the same WHen Israell by Gods addres from Pharos land was bent Sing this as the. ixxviii psa And Iacobs house the straungers left and in the same trayne went verse 2 In Iuda God his glory shewde his holynes most bryght So did the Israelites declare his kingdom power and myght verse 3 The sea it saw and sodenly as all amased did flee The roring streaimes of Iordans floud reculed backwardly verse 4 As rammes afrayde the mountaines skipt theyr strength did them forsake And as the sely tremblyng lambes theyr toppes did beate and shake verse 5 What ayled the sea as all amased so sodenly to flee Ye rowlyng waues of Iordans floud why ran ye backwardly verse 6 Why shoke ye hils as Rammes afrayd why did your strength so shake Why did your tops as trembling lambs for feare quiuer and quake verse 7 O earth confesse thy soueraygne Lord and dread hys myghty hand Before the face of Iacobs God feare ye both sea and land verse 8 I meane the God which frō hard rocks doth cause many flouds appeare And from the stony flint doth make gush out the fountaynes cleare Non nobis domine Psalme Cxv. N. A prayer of the faythful oppressed by idolatrous tirants against whō they desire that God woulde succor them for asmuche as there is no comparyson betwene him and theyr false God or Idoles trustyng most constantly that God will preserue them in this theyr nede seeyng that he hath adopted and receaued them to hys fauoure promising finally that they will not be vnmindfull of so greate a benefyte if it would please God to heare theyr prayer and delyuer them by his omnipotent power NOt vnto vs Lord not to vs but to thy name geue prayse bothe for the mercy and the truthe that are in thee alwayes Why shall the Heathen scorners say where is theyr God become Our God in heauen is and what he will that hath he done Their idols siluer are and gold worke of mens handes they be They haue a mouth and do not speake and eyes and doo not see And they haue eares ioynd to their heds and doo not heare at all And noses eke they formed haue and doo not smell withall And handes they haue and handle not ▪ and feete and doo not goo A throte they haue yet through the same they make no sounde to blowe Those that make them be like to them and those whose trust they be O Israell trust in the Lorde their help and shield is he O Aarons house trust in the Lorde their helpe and shield is he Trust ye the Lorde that feare the Lord ▪ their help and sheld is he The Lord hath mindefull ben of vs and will vs bles also On Israels and Aarons house his blissing he will shew They did beset me round about with wordes of hatefull spite Without all cause of my desert against me did they fight For my good will they were my foes but then gan I to pray my good with ill my frendlynes with hate they did repay The second parte Set thou the wicked ouer him to haue the vpper hand At his right hand eke suffer thou his hatefull foe to stand When he is iudged let him then condemned be therin And let the prayer that he makes be turned into sinne Few be his dayes his charge also let thou an other take His children let be fatherles his wyfe a wydow make Let his ofspring be vagabundes to begge and seke theyr bread wandring out of the wasted place where erst they haue ben fed Let couetous extorcionet catch all his goods and store And let the straungers spoyle the frutes of all his toyle before Let there be none to pitie him let there be none at all That on his children fatherles will let their mercye fall And so let his posteritie for euer be destroyed Their name out blotted in the age that after shall succed Let not his fathers wickednes from Gods remembrance fall And let thou not his mothers sinne be done away at all But in the presence of the Lorde let them remayne foray That from the earth their memorye he may cut cleane away Sith mercye he forgat to shew but did pursue with spite The troubled man and sought to slay the woefull harted wight The third parte As he did cursing loue it shall betide vnto him so And as he did not blessing loue it shalbe far him froe As he with cursing clad himself so it like water shall Into his bowels and like oyle into his bones befall As garment let it be to him to couer him for ay And as a girdle wherwith he shall girded be alwaye Lo let this same be from the Lord the guerdon of my foe Yea and of those that euell speake against my soule also But thou O Lorde that art my God deale thou I say with me After thy
praise his greatnes not cāreach frō race to race they shal thy works praise and thy power preache I Of thy gloryous maiestye the beauty will recorde And meditate vppon thy workes most wonderfull O Lorde And they shal of thy power and of thy fearfull actes declare And I to publish all abrode thy greatnes will not spare And they into the mention shall breake of thy goodnes great And I aloud thy righteousnes in singing shall repete The Lorde our God is gratious and mercifull also Of great abounding mercy and to angre he is slowe yea good to all and all his workes his mercy doth excede Loe all thy workes doo praise thee lord and doo their honor sprede Thy sainctes doo bles thee and they doo thy kingdomes glorye shewe And blase thy power to cause the sonnes of men his power to know And of his mighty kingdome eke to sprede the glorious prayse Thy kingdome Lorde a kingdom is that doth endure alwayes And thy dominion through eche age endures without decay The Lorde vpholdeth them that fall the sliding he doth stay The eyes of all doo wayte on thee thou doest them all releue And thou to eche sufficing foode in season due dost geue Thou openest thy plentuous hand and bounteously doest fill All thinges what euer liue with giftes of thy good will The Lorde is iust in all his wayes his workes are holy all Nere all he is that call on him in truthe that on him cal He the desires whiche they require that feare him will fulfill And he will heare them when they crye and saue them all he will The Lorde preserues all those to him that beare a louing hart But he them all that wicked are will vtterly subuert My thankfull mouth shall gladly speake the prayses of the Lorde All flesh to prayse hys holy name for euer shall accorde Lauda anima mea Psalm cxlvi I. H Dauid shewing the great desire he had to prayse God teacheth that none should put theyr trust in men but in God alone who is almightye and deliuereth thafflicted nourisheth the poore setteth prisoners at lybertie comforteth the fatherles widowes and the straungers and raygneth kinge for euer My soule prayse thou the Lord alwayes My God I will confes Sing thys as the. cxxxvii Whyle death and lyfe prolong my dayes my tonge no tyme shall cease verse 3 Trust not in worldly princes then though they abound in wealth Nor in the sonnes of mortall men in whom there is no health verse 4 For why theyr breath doth sone depart to earth anone they fall And then the counsels of their hart decay and pearysh all verse 5 O happy is that man I say whom Iacobs God doth ayde And he whose hope doth not decay but on the lorde is stayd verse 6 Whiche made the earth waters depe the heauens hie with all Which doth his word and promise kepe In truth and euer shall verse 7 With right alwayes doth he procede for suche as suffer wrong The poore and hungry he doth fede and lose the fetters strong verse 8 The lord doth send the blind their sight the lame to limmes restore The lorde I saye doth loue the ryght and iust man euermore verse 9 He doth defend the fatherles the strangers sad in hart And quite the wydow from distres and ill mens wayes subuert verse 10 Thy lorde and God eternally O Syon still shall rayne In tyme of all posteritie for euer to remayne Laudate dominum Psalme cxlvii N. ☞ The Prophet prayseth the bountye wisdom power iustice prouidence of God vpō all his creatures But specially vpō his church whiche he gathereth together after theyr dispersion Declaring hys word and iudgmēts so vnto them as he hath don to no other people PRaise ye the Lord for it is good vnto our God to synge For it is pleasante and to prayse it is a comely thyng the Lord his owne Ierusalem he buildeth vp alone and the disperst of Israell doth gather into one He heales the broken in their hart theyr sore vp doth he bynde He countes the number of the starres and names them in theyr kynde Great is our Lord great is his power his wisdome infinite The Lord releues the meke throwes to ground the wicked wight Sing vnto God the Lord with prayse vnto the Lord reioyse And to our God vpon the harp aduaunce your singing voyce He couers heauen with cloudes and for the earth prepareth rayne And on the mountaines he doth make the grasse to grow agayne He geues to beastes their fode and to yong rauens when they crye His pleasure not in strength of horse nor in mans legges doth lye But all in those that feare the Lorde the Lord hath his delight And suche as doo attend vpon his mercies shining light O prayse thy Lorde Ierusalem thy God O Syon prayse For he the barres hath forged strong where with thy gaie he stayes Thy children he hath blest in thee and in thy borders he Doth settle peace and with the floure of wheat he filleth thee And his commaundement vpon the earth he sendeth out And eke his word with spedy course doth swiftly runne about He geueth snow like woll hore frost like ashes doth he spreade Like morsells castes his ise therof the colde whoe can abide He sendeth fourth his mightye worde and melteth them agayne His winde he makes to blow and then the waters flow amayne The doctrine of his holy worde to Iacob doth he shewe His statutes and his iudgements he geues Israell to knowe With euery nation hath he not so dealt nor they haue knowne His secrete iudgementes ye therfore prayse ye the Lord alone Laudate dominum Psalme cxlviii I. P. ☞ He prouoketh all creatures to prayse the Lode in heauen in earth and in all places specially for the power that he hathe geuen to his people Israell whom he hathe taken so nere vnto hym GEue laude vnto the Lord frō heauen that is so hie Praise him in dede and worde Aboue the starry skie 2. And also ye his angels all armies royall prayse him with glee Praise him both mone and Sunne Whiche are so cleare and bryght The same in you be done Ye glistring starres of lyght And eke no les De Heauens faire And cloudes of the ayre His laud expresse For at his worde they were All formed as we see At his voyce did appeare All thinges in their degree Whiche he set fast To them he made A law and trade For aye to laste Extoll and prayse Gods name In earth ye Dragons fell All depe doo ye the same For it becommeth you well Him magnyfye Fyre Hayle Ise Snowe And stormes that blow At his decree The hilles and mountaines all And trees that frutfull are The Cedres great and tall His worthy prayie declare Beastes and cattell yea birdes fliyng And wormes crepyng That on earth dwell All kinges both more and les With all their pompons trayne Princes and all iudges That in the worlde remayne Exalte his name
to thy moste blessed will not for the worthines thereof but for the merites of thy dearelye beloued sonne Iesus Christ our only Sauior whom thou hast already geuen an oblation and offering for oure sinnes for whose sake we are certenlye perswaded that thou wilte denie vs nothing that we shall aske in his name according to thy will For thy spirit doth assure our consciences that thou art our mercifull father and so louest vs thy children through hym that nothing is able to remoue thy heauēly grace and fauoure from vs to thee therfore O father with the sonne and the holy Ghoste be all honor glory worlde without ende Sobeit ☞ A Prayer to be sayde before a man begin his worke O Lorde God most mercifull father and Sauiour seyng it hath pleased thee to cōmaūd vs to traueil that we may releue our nede webeseche thee of thy grace so to blesse our labour that thy blessing may extend vnto vs without the whiche we are not able to continue and that this great fauour may be a witnes vnto vs of thy boūtifulnes assistance so that therby we may know the fatherly care that thou hast ouer vs. Moreouer O Lord we beseche thee that thou woldest strengthen vs with thine holye spirite that we may faithfully trauaill in oure estate and vocation without fraude or deceit that we maye indeuour our selus to folow thine holy ordinance rather then to seke to satisfye our gridie affectiōs or desire to gayne And if it please thee O Lorde to prosper our labour geue vs a mind also to help thē that haue nede according to that abilitie that that thou of thy mercy shalte geue vs and knowing that all good things come of thee graunt that we may humble oure selues to our neyghbours not by any meanes lift our selues vp aboue them whiche haue not receyued so liberalla portion as of thy mercy thou haste geuen vnto vs. And if it please thee to try and exercise vs by greater pouertie and nede then our flesh would desire that thou woldest yet O Lorde graunt vs grace to knowe that thou wilt nourish vs continually through thy bountifull liberalitie that we be not so tempted that we fall into distrust but that we may paciētly wayte tyll thou fill vs not only with corporall graces and benefites but chiefly with thine heauēlye and spirituall treasures to the intent that we maye alwayes haue more ample occasion to geue thee thankes and so wolly to rest vpon thy mereyes Heare vs O Lorde of mercy through Iesus Christ thy Sonne our Lorde Amen A Prayer for the hole state of Christes church ALmyghtye God and most mercifull father we humbly submit ourselues and fal downe before thy Maiestie beseching thee from the botome of oure hates that thys sede of thy worde nowe sowen amongest vs may take suche deepe rote that neyther the burning heat of persecution cause it to wither neither thorny cares of thys life choke it but that as sede sowen in good ground it may brynge foorth thirtie sixtie and an hundreth folde as thy heauenly wysdom hath appointed And because we haue nede cōtinually to craue many thyngs at thy handes we humbly beseche thee O heauenly father to graunt vs thy holy spirite to directe our petitions that they may procede frō suche a feruente minde as may be agreable to thy most blessed will And seing that our infirmitie is hable to doo nothing withoute thy helpe and that thou art not ignorant with how many and great temptations we poore wretches are on euery syde enclosed and compassed Let thy strength o lord sustayne oure weaknes that we being defended with the force of thy grace may be safely preserued against all assaults of Sathan who goeth about continually like a roring Lion seking to deuoure vs. Encrease our fayth o merciful father that we do not swarue at any time frō thy heauenlyword but augment in vs hope and loue with a carefull keping of all thy commaundements that no hardnes of harte no Ipocrisie no concupiscence of the eyes nor inticements of the world do draw vs away from thy obedience And seyng we liue now in these most perilous times let thy fatherly prouidence defend vs againste the violence of our enemies whiche doo seke by all meanes to oppres thy truth Furthermore for as much as by thy holy apostle we be taught to make our prayers and supplication for all menne We pray not only for oureselues here present but beseche thee also to reduce all such as be yet ignorant from the miserable captiuitie of blindnes and errours to the pure vnderstanding and knowledge of thy heauenly truthe that we all with one consent and vnitie of mindes may worship thee our only God and sauior And that all pastors shepeheards ministers to whō thou hast committed the dispensation of thy holye worde and charge of thy chosen people may both in theyr lyfe doctrine befound faythfull setting onely before theyr eyes thy glory and that by thē all poore shepe which wander and go astray may be gathered and brought home to thy folde Moreouer because the hartes of rulers are in thy handes We beseche thee to direct and gouern the harts of all kinges princes and maistrats to whō thou hast committed the sword especially O lord according to oure bounden dutye we beseche thee to mainteine and encrease the honorable estate of the Queenes maiestie and all her most noble coūsellers and maiestrates and all the whole bodye of thys commune weale Let thy fatherly fauor so preserue them and thy holy spirit so gouerne their harts y t they may in such sort execute theyr office that thy relygion may be purely mainteined maners reformed and sin punished accordynge to the precise rule of thy holy word And for that we be all members of the mistical body of Iesus Christ we make our requests vnto thee O heauenly father for all suche as are afflicted with any kind of cros or tribulation as warre plage famyne sicknes pouertie imprisonmente persecution banishment or any other kinde of thy rods whether it be calamitie of body or vexatiō of mind that it wold please the to geue them pacience and constancye til thou send them full deliuerance of all theyr troubles Rote out from hence O Lorde all rauening wolues which to fyll theyr bellyes seke to destroy thy flock And shew thy great mercyes vpon those our brethren in other countreis which are persecuted cast into prison and daily condemned for the testimony of thy truth And though they be vtterlye destitute of all mans aide yet let thy swete cōfort neuer depart from them but so inflame theyr hartes with thy holy spirit that they may boldlye and chearfully abyde such triall as thy godly wisdome shall appoynt So that at length as wel by theyr deathe as by their lyfe the kingdome of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ may increase and shine throughe all the worlde In whose name we make hurt humble peticions to thee as he hathe taught
vs. Our Father whiche arte in Heauen halowed by thy c. EINIS The Table A Table bothe for the number of the whole Psalmes olso what leafe you may fynde euery of them A     Psal.   Fol. 30 ALl laud praise 61 40 All people her III 78 Attend my people to my law 186 82 A mid the prease 204 B     81 Be light and glad 201 119 Blessed are they 302 128 Blessed art thou 337 134 Beholde and haue 344 142 Before the Lorde 360 144 Blest be the. 363 D     83 Do not O Bod re 205 E     127 Except the Lord 335 G     29 Geue to the Lorde ye 59 37 Grudge not to see 81 48 Great is the Lord. 109 54 God saue me for thy 127 105 Geue prayses vnto 261 107 Geue thankes vnto 275 147 Geue laud vnto 271 H     12 Helpe Lorde for 22 13 How longe wylte 23 Psalm   Fol. 51 Haue mercy on 121 56 Haue mercy Lord 131 67 Haue mercy on vs. 153 73 How euer it be yet 173 84 How pleasant is 208 91 He that within 228 I     5 Incline thine eares 8 11 I trust in God 21 20 In trouble and aduercitie 40. 25 I lyft mine hart 50 34 I will geue laude 71 39 I said I will loke 89 40 I wayted longe and 91 43 Iudge and reuenge 98 77 I with my voice 183 92 It is a thyng bothe 231 100 In God the Lord. 245 101 I mercy will and 246 109 I specheles scilence 281 116 I loue the Lorde 296 120 In troble and in 326 121 I lift myne eyes 327 122 I did in harte 328 L     6 Lorde in thy wrath re proue me not 9 Psal.   Fol. 16 Lorde kepe me for 27 26 Lorde be my iudge 84 35 Lord plead my cause 74 42 Like as the hart 96 68 Let God aryse 154 72 Lord geue thy iudg 169 86 Lord bow thine eare 212 88 Lord God of health 215 130 Lorde to thee I. 338 140 Lorde saue me 356 143 Lord heare my 361   M   23 My sheperd is the 48 45 My hart doth now 10 62 My soule to God 143 71 My Lord my God 166 103 My soule geue 251 14 My soule prayse 254 146 My soule prayse 367   N   115 Not vnto vs. 291 124 Now Israll 331   O   3 O Lord how are my 5 4 O God that art my 6 7 O Lord my God 13 8 O god oure lord how 14 15 O Lord within thy ta 29 17 O Lorde geue eare 28 18 O God my strength 31 21 O Lorde how ioyful 41 22 O God my God 44 31 O Lorde I put my 64 44 Our eares haue hard 99 51 O Lord consider my 118 55 O God geue eare 128 62 O Lord thou didest 140 63 O God my God 145 64 O lord vnto my voy 146 70 O God to me take 165 79 O Lord the Gentils 196 94 O Lord thou dost 233 95 O come let vs. 237 98 O syng ye now 243 102 O here my prayer 247 108 O God my hart 279 117 O all the nations 298 118 O geue ye thankes 298 123 O Lorde that 330 129 Of Israell this 337 131 O Lord I am not 340 133 O how happy a. 343 135 O praise the Lorde 344 139 O Lorde thou hast 353 141 O Lorde vpon thee 358   P   38 Put me not to rebuk 86 106 Praise ye the Lord. 267 136 Prayse ye the Lord. 347 147 Praise ye the Lorde 369   R   61 Regard O Lord for 141 132 Remember Dauids 340   S   59 Sende ayde and saue 137 69 Saue O God 159 96 Sing ye with 239 125 Such as in God 332 Psal   Fol. T     1 The man is blest 1 14 There is no God 24 19 The heauens and the. 38 24 The earth is all 49 27 The Lorde is bothe 56 28 Thou art O Lorde 58 32 The man is blest 67 36 The wicked with 79 41 The man is blest 94 46 The Lord is oure 105 50 The God of Gods 113 53 The foolish man 125 57 Take pitie for thy 133 65 Thy prayse alone 149 76 To all that now 181 80 Thou Lord that Isra 198 85 Thou hast ben 210 87 That citie shal 214 89 To syng the mor. 218 90 Thou Lorde haste 226 93 The Lorde as kyng 233 97 The Lord doth rain 241 99 The lord doth raine 244 110 The Lorde dyd 283 112 The man is blest 283 138 Thee will I prayse 352 145 Thee will I laude 365 V     75 Unto the God we 186 2 why did the Gentils 3 9 with hart and mouth 15 10 what is the cause 18 52 why dost thou tirant 123 74 why art thou Lord. 176 111 with hart I doo 284 114 when Israell by 296 126 when that the Lord. 334 137 when as we sat 350 Y     33 ye righteous in 68 47 ye people all in 107 58 ye rulers that 135 66 ye men on earth 150 113 ye children which 288 150 yeld vnto the. 375 These folowe after the Psalmes Attende my people Oure Father whiche art All my belefe Come holy spirit Geue peace in these where righteousnes doth O Lorde in thee is all my Preserue vs Lorde The Lorde be thanked Also serten godly praiers ☞ These ye shall haue in the beginning of the boke Venicreator spiritus Tedeum laudamus Benedicite Benedictus dominus Magnificat anima Nunc dimittis The Lamentation of a. The humble sute of a sinner Quicunque vult The Pater noster The. x. Cōmaundements FINIS POST FVNERA VIRTVS VIVET TIMEN ETSI MORS INDIES ACCELERAT Imprinted at London by Iohn Day dwelling ouer Aldersgate beneath Saincte Martines Cum gratia priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis perseptennium These bookes are to be solde at his shop vnder the Gate 1562.