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A13159 A briefe replie to a certaine odious and slanderous libel, lately published by a seditious Iesuite, calling himselfe N.D. in defence both of publike enemies, and disloyall subiects, and entitled A temperate wardword, to Sir Francis Hastings turbulent Watchword wherein not only the honest, and religious intention, and zeale of that good knight is defended, but also the cause of true catholike religion, and the iustice of her Maiesties proceedings against popish malcontents and traitors, from diuers malitious imputations and slanders cleered, and our aduersaries glorious declamation answered, and refuted by O.E. defendant in the challenge, and encounters of N.D. Hereunto is also added a certaine new challenge made to N.D. in fiue encounters, concerning the fundamentall pointes of his former whole discourse: together with a briefe refutation of a certaine caluminous relation of the conference of Monsieur Plessis and Monsieur d'Eureux before the French king ... Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629. 1600 (1600) STC 23453; ESTC S117866 358,520 534

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church neuer taught nor thought so basely of the most holy body of our Lorde and Sauiour Christ Iesus that they imagined that a mouse a dogge a hogge or other brute beast did eate it and presse it with teeth and swallow it downe For they beléeued as wée beléeue that Christ is in heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God and is farre from those pressures and contumelies But the synagogue of Rome beléeueth that a brute beast may eate Christs body If a dogge or hogge saith a Part. 4. q. 45. Alexander Hales shoulde eate the whole consecrated host I see no cause but the Lords body shoulde go therewithall into that dogs or hogs bellie Some haue said as it is in b Part. 3. q. 8. art 3. Thomas Aquinas his summe that Assoone as the sacrament is taken of a mouse or a dogge straightway the body and bloud of Christ cease to bee there but this is a derogation to the truth of this sacrament And where the master of c Lib. 4. dist 13. sentences abhorreth from this position saying that it may bée well saide that the body of Christ is not receiued of brute beastes the masters of Paris put this in the margent that d Hîc Magister non tenetur Heere the master is not beleeued 22. The true catholike church did neuer sell the holy sacrament nor beleeue that it was a meanes to satisfie for sinnes both of quicke and dead Nor did the same promise health to the sicke sig●t to the blinde gaine to merchants husbands to maidens being present at the sacrament But the Romish synagogue doth sell Christ Deteriores sunt Iuda e C. 23. saith the author that made Onus ecclesiae alleaging the authoritie of saint B●git Qui pro solis denarijs me vendidit illi autem pro omni mercimonio And no traffike is more cōmon in the Romish church then the traffike for masses They make men beléeue that this sacrifice of the masse is expiatorie both for the sins of quicke and dead Hoc sacrificium saith f De valore missae parad 12. Guernerus est exp●atiuum debitae poenae tam hîc quam in futuro exoluendae Hée g Ibid. parad 9. sheweth also that It hath miraculous effects against thunder danger of enimies and all other dangers and that he that frequenteth the masse shall bee directed in all thinges Neither can any man desire any thing that priestes by their masses will not promise to obtaine for him 23. The true catholike church did neuer vse to make holy water nor to consecrate paschal lambes nor oyle nor candles nor such like thinges Nor did the same beléeue that by holy water veniall sinnes were remitted or that it was good to driue away mise or make barren women conceiue or that the other hallowed thinges haue such effectes as the schoolemen teach But the Romish church doth h Missal Rom. in fin consecrate holy water and paschall lambes oyle candels and other creatures and hath a great opinion of these consecrate thinges Non mane institut●●●n est saith i In lib. Numer c. 19. Augustin Ste●chus quod aquas sale orationibus sanctificamus vt ad ●orum aspersum delicta nostra deleantur a In dialog Alane Copus telleth vs that holy water is good to driue away mise and to make barreine women to conceiue 25. The true church standeth not much vpon externall ceremonies as in the time of Moyses law The b Coloss 2. apostle writing to the Colossians would not haue men condemned In respect of meate or drinke or of holy dayes Nor would haue them burdened with traditions As touch not tast not handle not And c Iohn 4. Christ saith that in his church True worshippers should worship God in spirit and truth But the seruice of the Romish church for the most part consisteth in externall obseruances as for example in absteining from certaine meates and drinkes and widowhoode and abstinence from mariage in singing ringing going on pilgrimage painting knocking greasing kéeping feastes and holy daies and worshipping the sacrament and externall signes 26. The true church of God neither made the image of the godhead nor set vp images in churches to be worshipped knowing that the same is directly contrary to the commaundement of God d Aduers Gentes lib. 8. Arnobius saith That the first Christians had no altars nor temples nor images worshipped in open shew Ne simulachra quidem veneramur saith e Contra. Celsum lib. 7. Origen quippe qui dei vt inuisibilis ita incorporei formam nullam effigiamus f Lib. 2. Diuin instit c. 19. Lactantius saith There is no religion where there is an image The councell of g C. 36. Eliberis forbad pictures in churches Arnobius saith that Christians do not worship the crosse Cruces saith he nec colimus nec optamus lib. 8. aduers gentes h Lib. 9. ep 9. Gregory himselfe would not haue images worshipped albeit he would not haue them broken downe De cultu imag lib. 1. Ionas Aurelianensis writing for images condemneth the popish manner of worshipping them Creaturam adorari eíque aliquid diuinae seruitutis impendi proh nefas ducimus huiusque sceleris patratorem detestandum anathematizandum libera voce proclamamus But the popish church doth make the images of God the father and the holie Ghost and worshippeth them with diuine worship Likewise do the papists worship the crucifixe and crosse and with seruice kissing and crouching do they worship the images of Saints 27. The ancient church did alwaies serue God in a toong vnderstood of the people The Gréekes had their Liturgie in the Gréeke toong the Italians in the Italian toong the Syrians in the Syriake the Armenians in the Armenian language the Slauonians in the Slauon toong a Lib. 8. contr Celsum Origen saith That God that is Lord of all toongs heareth those that praie in any toong and that euery one praieth in his natiue and mother toong b In Epitaph Paulae ad Eustochium Hierome saith that Psalmes were song at the buriall of Paula not onely in Hebrew Gréeke and Latine But in the Syrian toong In an other Epistle of his written to c Epist 17. Marcella he sheweth That euery nation that came to Bethlehem had their seuerall languages in their church seruice For as the apostle saith d 1. Cor. 14. Hee that praieth in a toong not vnderstood profiteth nothing But the papists and church of Rome will haue no other toong vsed in the common Liturgie of the Westerne churches but the Latine of which the vulgar people scarce vnderstand one word 28. The true church is the kingdome of Christ and there hée onely raigneth by the scepter of his worde Transtulit nos saith the e Coloss 2. apostle in regnum filij Dei The apostle Saint Iames saith that hée alone is our law-giuer and our iudge There is one law-giuer
sparing their holy God of the altar Deteriores sunt Iuda saith Christ in Saint a Onus ecclesiae c. 23. Brigits reuelations qui pro solis denarijsme vendidit illi autem pro omni mercimonio She speaketh of priests that trucke and barter masses for all manner of commodities yea to whoores for a nights lodging With the Angelicks they worship angels with the Staurolatrians they worship the crosse crucifixe giuing to the same diuine worship With the Collyridians they worship the virgin Marie With the Manichees they bring in halfe communions or communion in one kinde With the Carpocratians and Simonians and heathen idolaters they fall downe and offer incense and worship dumbe images With the Pelagians they beléeue merits and iustification by workes And almost out of euery heresie haue taken a peece as hath béene lately they say iustified against Giffords treatise intituled Caluinoturcismus Well therefore may it be saide that popish doctrine is full of poison and vnaduised was our aduersarie to charge vs with heresie or to mention any such matter séeing the blame must needes redounde vpon himselfe and vpon his consorts of the Romish synagogue Secondly he telleth vs That ecclesiasticall supremacy ouer all Christian nations is proper and essentiall to the popes office and that to his apostolicall authority is annexed the office of preaching But that should more properly and substantially haue béene prooued This beeing graunted doth shew that the pope doth faile in his apostolicall or rather apostaticall office For if preaching and féeding Christes flocke belong to the popes office why doth he not preach Why doth he not féede Nay why doth he famish Christes flocke by murdering all true preachers that come within his danger He answereth that The pope is obliged to preach by himselfe or by others But Saint Peter a farre greater apostle and greater man in apostolicall gouernment then the pope preached by himselfe and put not ouer his charge as the pope doth to Iesuites and Friers that preach more heresie and sedition then true doctrine The old bishops of Rome also which were honester men then these late popes put not ouer their charge but preached themselues and in their owne person executed all bishoplie functions Yea and saint Paule telleth vs that the office of a bishop is a good worke and not as the popish bishops make it a naked bare title To conclude this is also the iudgement of a In 1. Tim. 3. Ambrose Chrysostome Theodoret and all that write on the third of the first to Timothie from whence our authoritie is drawne He procéedeth notwithstanding further and professeth openly That when the pope leaueth his supremacy and embraceth that religion that is preached in England he ceaseth to be pope Which I do in part also confesse to be most true For antichrist shall in the church of God exalt himselfe and clayme not onely supreme but also diuine power He shall also defend manifold heresies and abhorre all true doctrine that may concerne his supreme title And if he should not so do he should not shew himselfe to be antichrist Herein therefore the Iesuites and he may be conioyned and march together hand in hand For all of them haue shut their eies and hardened their hartes against Christes true doctrine although it be to their shame in this life among all godly Christians and if they repent not shall be to their euerlasting confusion in the life to come Yet this hard faced Sycophant sticketh not to glory in his shame and to reioice that the pope and his children the Iesuites are matched togither At the length our aduersarie hauing highly extolled the father of heretikes and traitors the pope he descendeth to discourse of the popes darlinges begotten by him now in his declining state and decrepit age the Iesuites and saith They haue many enimies A matter true and by vs confessed and by them well deserued being a sect new vpstart and openly professing obedience to antichrist and enmitie to Apostolike and true catholike religion a societie conspiring mischiefe against al such as they hate practising diuision in priuate houses sedition and trouble in common-wealthes treason against godly princes and leauing the markes of their abominations and wicked actions behinde them wheresoeuer they come A generation stirred vp by Sathan to disturbe the peace of Christendome and to scourge all those that are not thankefull for the reformation of Gods church nor studious in sea●ching the truth nor zealous in rooting out of heresies and planting true religion What maruell then if they haue many enimies among those especially that beare good mindes either to true religion or to the state where they liue As for the example of Christian religion and of the first Christians and Christes disciples the holy apostles which were euery where spoken against and persecuted which the discourser our party pretendeth and alleageth to iustifie the generall opposition of al sorts of men against the Iesuits it fitteth his purpose nothing The example likewise of godly men that are often put to their trials is excéedingly euil applied to this sect of vngodly fellowes most absurdly doth he compare these Antijesuites to Christ Iesus that was as it were a marke set vp to be contradicted and was hated and persecuted of those that were of most eminent authoritie among his nation borrowing as it shoulde séeme a péece of some olde declamation vttered in the college of Iesuites or else where in praise of this sect and thrusting it in héere His defence I say is absurd and his comparisons most odious First Christ Iesus that I may beginne with him that is the beginning and fountaine of all spirituall graces and whom these Antijesuites do seeme in some things to counterfait and yet in most things oppugne came from God and did teach no doctrine but which he had receiued from his father humane traditions and pharisaicall boasting of workes of the law he disallowed and condemned These Antijesuites that I say no worse of them come from the pope and teach his decretalles and doctrine grounding themselues vpon mens traditions and vainely bragging of their owne merits and workes Christ Iesus loued his owne and was beloued of his owne These vsurpers of the name of Iesus loue none but thēselues and were charged by their owne friends and were accused of heresie schisme and many grieuous crimes as witnesseth Ribadineira that wrote the legend of his father Ignatius Our sauiour ●or determining controuersies and finding out the truth sent vs to the law and the prophets these destroyers of soules send vs to the pope and his tribunall and most vaine decretalles Iesus Christ though Lord of heauen and earth taught obedience to Caesar and earthly princes these fellowes albeit neither lordes nor princes yet teach disobedience to princes and dissolue the bond of obedience that tyeth subiectes to their superiors Christ Iesus was the true shepheard and sought the saluation of his flocke and albeit iniuriously apprehended and
quod causa dispositiua schismatis Graecorum inter alias vna fuit propter grauamina Romanae ecclesiae in exactionibus excommunicationibus statutis saith Peter de Alliaco who doth shew many particulars of these gréeuances The Princes of Germany in a certaine diet at Nuremberg e 100. grauan Germ. in Fascic rer expet fugiend did complaine that the popes did offer thē A hundred greeuances and wrongs not sufferable which they declared by the particulars And yet none of those concerned corruptions of doctrine By her Maiestie we became frée from all the popes pillages exactions from the iniustice of his censures from the bondage of his decretals farre more gréeuous then the ceremoniall lawes of Moses whose yoke notwithstanding as the a Act. 15. apostle testifieth was so heauy that neither the people then nor their fathers were able to beare it Secondly where in Quéene Maries time the people had the Scriptures taken from them in their mother toong and liued in great ignorance of matters of saluation as seldome being instructed in matters of religion not onely the word of God began againe to be publikely read in Churches but also more sincerely expounded then before neither were any excluded from the knowledge of the same Thirdly the true administration of Christs Sacraments which by the abominable masse had beene abolished was restored and Gods people made partakers both of the Sacrament of his body and of the cup also and withall the true doctrine of Sacraments was publikely deliuered vnto the people of God Fourthly Gods true worship was againe restored according to his most holy worde and the practise of the Catholike church of Christ which before that had beene most shamefully corrupted with popish traditions and humane inuentions Fiftly the rodde of the oppressor by her peaceable gouernment was broken and the fires quenched that had burned so many innocents and true martyrs and the tortures remooued wherewith many honest men had beene greeuously afflicted and peace was giuen to the church so that all true Christians might without feare make profession of their faith and publikely meete to celebrate the name of God Those that were exiled returned and such true Christians as kept themselues secret did manifestly shew themselues Finally shée did not onely restore true religion and the right administration of Sacraments and Gods true worship but also abolished the manifold heresies and corruptions of popish doctrine Shee shut the mouthes of priests and friers preachers not of peace nor sent from God but sent by the pope and his adherents to maintaine heresie and faction whose preaching notwithstanding as saith Stapleton c In praefat ante relict princip doctrin Is the foundation of b Viz. according to the pope● definition Christian religion Is it not a braue religion thinke you that is built vpon impious popes frier fraparts and massing priests mouthes Quomodo Christus saith hee ciúsque doctrina Christianae religionis fundamentum est sic alij nunc à Christo missi eorúmque doctrina praedicatio determinatio fundamenti apud me locum habebunt And a Ibidem againe In hac docentis hominis authoritate in qua Deum loquentem audimus religionis nostrae cognoscendae fundamentum necessariò poni cernimus Note I pray you how he saith most blasphemously that God speaketh by the popes mouth and by the mouthes of such friers and priests as he sendeth for of them he speaketh and how vpon their preaching he buildeth his Romish religion Well this abusiue foundation is nowe discouered and we are taught to builde not on pope nor on friers nor on legends nor lies nor vncertaine traditions but vpon the word of God Now also by her Maiesties authoritie the most blasphemous and idolatrous sacrifice and seruice of the masse and the priests of Baal with their Balaamiticall friers are remooued out of the church The same is also purged of idols and idolatrie and men from worshipping of stockes and stones and rotten ragges and bones and from adoration of angels and men departed this life are brought to worship the true and euerliuing God Finally where héeretofore men were taught to séeke remission of sinnes by masses indulgences iubileies holy water and other humane deuises and beléeued that if they had not remission héere they shoulde at the least finde it in purgatorie nowe these abuses were quite remooued and men taught that Christ Iesus without these ceremonies was the onely way to heauen and that Christians obteined remission of sinnes by faith in him and that no workes pleased God but such as he commanded This then is the first and principall blessing which by her Maiesties most happie gouernment this land enioieth a blessing I saie farre excelling all others as farre as spirituall and eternall happinesse excelleth temporall commodities And yet as appéereth by the confession of strangers that woondred at the happinesse and tranquillitie of this state in the troubles and turmoiles of all our neighbors round about vs God hath accumulated vpon this people of England by the meanes of her gouernment diuers temporall blessings also Wée are therefore secondly to consider what temporall graces we haue obteined by meanes of her happy attaining to the crowne and by her gouernment albeit I make no doubt but that all these latter graces do flow from the first as from a fountaine For God saith a 1. Sam. 2. expresly That he will honor those that honour him and experience teacheth vs that God blesseth those nations which giue harbor to his church and with a true hart receiue his worde and serue him duly according to the same First then we may remember that by her meanes we were deliuered from the thraldome of the Spaniard and the feare of forraine lords into which dangerous state Quéene Marie with her poperie had brought this lande Now how great a blessing this is we may easily vnderstand if we do but looke either into the miserable bondage of our neighbours of the low Countries or else of the Spaniards themselues And better then these we coulde not hope for but many reasons might mooue vs to feare woorse of which we shall haue occasion to speake héereafter In the low Countries during the time of Charles the fift it is b Hist Belgi● Meterani lib. 2. reported and prooued by record That aboue fiftie thousand were done to death about the cause of religion onely and yet then neither was there any inquisition established nor did the Spaniard command so absolutely as sithence he hath Since that time all the priuileges of the countrey haue béene broken and such intollerable wrongs offered and impositions and taxes laide vpon them that the most aboundant countrey in Europe is now consumed and brought to nothing In Spaine the people liueth in excéeding feare of the Inquisition and paieth the tenth of all things bought and sold in the market and beside that diuers customes and whatsoeuer burthens or impositions else the Princes can with any
subiect to lawes and not lawes to mens fancies as it is in the popes gouernement where all matters are referred to his determination Further he had dealt more wisely if he had passed ouer in silence this ordination by the holy ghost and succession from the apostles For if bishops appointed by the holy ghost and that haue right of succession from the apostles be to gouerne the church of God then must the popes of Rome lay handes off of this gouernement For neither can they shew commission from the holy ghost nor right of succession and truth of doctrine from the apostles Nay it appeareth they are rather wolues then true bishops and pastors and succéede Nero rather in killing and murdering then Peter in feeding and cherishing Christes lambes Neither is it sufficient for them to alledge that they sit at Rome For the Turkish priests sit at Hierusalem Antioche and Cesarea yet are they neither successors of Iames nor Peter that sometime taught in those places His third reason as he saith is drawne from the light of nature For because among the prelates of the church Christ would haue some subordination for auoyding schisme and confusion and because all philosophers held without controuersie that the monarchie was the best among all regiments he saith it is very probable euen by reason it selfe that Christ instituted a monarchicall gouernement in his church But first it is no small error in matters of spirituall gouernement to draw a patterne from humane reason that in spirituall matters is so blind and from philosophers that vnderstood nothing and to ground faith vpon probabilities and likelyhoods a Lib 2. de pontif R●m Bellarmine hath hitherto borne vs in hand that Christ instituted the papacy But this wise Noddy layeth the foundation of it vpon probability and humane reason Secondly it is absurd to thinke that the same gouernement is best both for church and common wealth For the church is Christes mysticall body and hath her head in heauen and is gouerned by diuine lawes The common wealth is a politicall body and hath her gouernors present with her here in earth and is gouerned by lawes of men There all commaund commeth from heauen here the most part commeth from men Thirdly albeit Christ would haue a subordination of officers in church gouernement yet maketh that nothing for the popes extrauagant power but rather against it For when Christ made his subordination b Ephes 4. 1. Cor. 12. set out the list of the officers of the church he gaue apostles prophets euangelistes pastors and doctors not so much as mentioning the popes holinesse which could not haue béene doone if the pope had bin constituted chiefe gouernor of Christ his church Lastly it is a bould and impudent vntruth to say that all philosophers held a monarchie to be the best forme of gouernment This simple hoddy Noddie hath neither read all nor many and therefore cannot tell But his fellowes could haue told him and their writings declare that Plato Cicero Philo Iosephus diuers others condemne monarchical gouernment and that Aristotle preferreth an aristocratical gouernment before a monarchicall Nay Bellarmine himselfe aboue all gouernments commendeth a forme mixed of diuers states and formes of common-welthes His fourth reason is very celestiall for Because God made Lucifer first head of the angels and afterward head of all diuels he beléeueth That one pope must necessarily be head of the catholike church So his first reason for the papacie was from man and humane reason the second is from the diuell of hell and his authoritie Is it not likely to prooue a braue gouernment that hath so strange a precedent Beside it is very vncertaine whether God established any such gouernment among angels as is supposed Nay it is not likely seeing Christ Iesus is head of angels and present with them that they haue any head but him In the 40. of Iob and 14. of Isay there is no such matter to bée founde as our aduersary pretendeth nor doth Saint Austin or any other father teach any such doctrine Mention is made of Michael and his angels Apocal. 12. But that hée is head of all angels cannot out of those words be prooued As for our aduersaries themselues it is very vnlikely they shoulde know the oeconomy and gouernment of angels in heauen that will not sée what God hath ordeined concerning his church on earth Fiftly he affirmeth That God established a monarchicall gouernment in the church of the Iewes giuing them a high priest to direct all other priests and al synagogues in the world Wherein he bewraieth his great ignorance in matters of the people of God For in that state the chéefe authoritie for matters both ecclesiasticall and ciuill was in the councell of state which they called Sanedrin which was appointed by God himselfe Deut. 17. and iudged all causes and persons yea the high priest himselfe Afterward the chéefe commaund was in princes both concerning priestes and other church matters Salomon deposed one high priest and placed another all which maketh against the supposed gouernment of the chéefe priest They that list to sée these matters prooued out of Scriptures writers of the histories of that people let them read M. Sutcliffes treatise De Pontifice Rom. lib. 1. c. 5. 6. 7. 8. His sixt reason is drawne from the similitude of riuers trées and all creatures But he is much deceiued if he thinke all creatures to haue liked of monarchicall gouernement All birdes haue not one head no nor all beasts nor all trées Could he shew me who is the head gouernour of all owles or woodcockes he should worke a wondrous feat for the establishing of his holy fathers monarchie If not then his similitudes will shew him to be a Noddy and a woodcocke Which also appeareth in this that there is great difference in things naturall and politicall and that the papall gouernement is not like to those naturall things which he mentioneth His seuenth reason standeth vpon this ground That without a monarchie in the church schisme and diuision cannot be auoyded But that is but a point of his folly and ignorance For no doubt but God prouided against schisme when he gaue chiefe authority to the councell of state Deut. 17. And Christ prouided for the same likewise when he chose not one but twelue apostles and sent them abroade into the world with one and the same commission As for the humane deuises of popes they were neuer so sufficient remedies against this supposed mischiefe of schisme but that there hath fallen out among the popes some 22. or more schismes and infinite sects and diuisions among the members of the Romish synagogue Last of all he saith The church is compared to a well ordered army that must necessarily haue a knowne generall likewise to a house a sheepefould a ship the arke of Noe all which things haue one head gouernour But nothing is more preiudiciall to so great a gouernment then that
Christianlike baptized Nay they beléeue that as many as are regenerate are without sinne and albeit examined by the law yet are to be reputed iust The Iacobites and Armenians were condemned for heretickes For that they made the images of God the father and God the holy ghost imagines saith c Lib. hist 18. c. 52. Nicephorus patris spiritus sancti effigiant quod est perquam absurdum Yet this absurdity is a high point of popish religion The worshippers of the crosse which were called Chazinzartj and Staurolatrae were therefore estéemed heretickes Crucem saith d Ibid. c. 54. Nicephorus adorare colere dicuntur Which is a plaine conuiction of the heresies of papistes who worship the crosse with diuine worship which percase those heretickes did neuer The Collyridian heretickes were condemned for worshipping the virgin Mary and that worthily For as saith e Haeres 78. Epiphanius she was a virgin and honorable but not to be adored Non dominabitur nobis antiquus error saith f Ibidem he vt relinquamus viuentem adoremus ea quae ab ipso facta sunt But the papistes not onely adore her but also giue vnto her 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is an honor aboue the common sort Nay they deuise masses and offices in her honor and Bonauenture hath shamefully falsified the psalmes of Dauid to draw them to her honour and superlatiue worship The worshippers of images of saintes by a certaine g Hist Miscell Pauli diac lib. 21. councell of Constantinople whose actes are inserted in the sixt action of the second Nicene councell were noted as idolators and condemned by the fathers as heretickes or worse The synode of a In lib. Caroli magni contra synod in partib Graeciae pro imaginib adorand Francford did condemne the second Nicene councell that allowed the worship of images Non nos imagines in basilicis positas say they idola nuncupamus sed ne idola nuncupentur adorare colere eas recusamus b Haeres 79. Epiphanius saith That by worishipping images the minde is turned from one onely God to commit fornication with images All which notwithstanding the papistes kisse them bow to them worship them and burne incense to them The bare footed brethren c Augustin de haeres c. 68. were condemned for their hereticall singularity in going barefoote Yet the papists account this a part of their frierlike perfection and beléeue that it is meritorious to goe barefoote in pilgrimages and processions The Apostolikes notwithstanding their arrogant presumption in taking on them the name and profession of the apostles followers were condemned of heresie for that they receiued none into their communion that vsed wiues or possessed any thing in priuate Apostolici qui se isto nomine arrogantissimè vocauerunt saith saint d De haeres c. 40. Augustine eo quod non reciperent in suam communionem vtentes coniugibus res proprias possidentes quales habet ecclesia catholica monachos clericos plurimos Where note that Augustine saith that monkes and clergy men had wiues and goodes in property The papistes do notwithstanding receiue this heresie condemning all monkes and friers that possesse any goods in property and both monkes and priests that match themselues in mariage The Heraclites as saith e Orig. lib. 8. c. de haeres Isidorus were heretikes that receiued onely monkes and condemned married folkes Monachos tantum recipiunt saith f he coniugia respuunt They also do not beléeue that children dying yoong shall possesse the kingdome of heauen So the papistes do beléeue that onely monkes and friers are in the state of perfection and do not suffer either them or priests to marry They beléeue not also that any child dying before baptisme can be saued albeit the parentes be christians and vse all meanes to haue their childe baptized But such children they place betweene heauen and hell in Limbo puerorum or at least in hell without sensible paine The Priscillianists disioyne maried folkes for religion sake Coniuges saith a Augustin haeres 70. Saint Augustine speaking of Priscillian quibus hoc malum potuerit persuadere disiungens For hiding their wickednesse filthinesse they b Ibidem made no account to forsweare themselues Propter occultandas contaminationes turpitudines suas habēt in suis dogmatibus haec verba Iura periura secretum prodere noli The papists likewise separate maried folkes that vowe religion before mariage consummate they holde that either partie may enter into a monasticall religion They séeme also to make small reckoning of oathes If thou be put to an oath say the c In annot in act 23. resolut quorundam casuum nationis Anglicanae Rhemistes to accuse catholikes for seruing God as they ought to do or to vtter any man to Gods enimies and his thou oughtest first to refuse such vnlawfull oathes but if thou haue not constancy and courage so to do yet know thou that such oathes binde not in conscience and law of God but may and must be broken vnder paine of damnation Now by catholikes these good fellowes vnderstand such as come with an intention to murder their dread souereigne and to raise rebellion or at least such as embrace all popish heresies which are no lesse damnable then the wicked opinions of the Priscillianistes The Helcesaites make Christ in heauen to differ from Christ in earth Christum saith d Haeret. fabul lib. 2. de Helcesaeis Theodoret non vnum dicunt sed hunc quidem infernè illum verò supernè eum olim in multis habitasse One Christ they make dwelling in heauen and another in earth So likewise the papists beléeue teach that Christ in heauen is visible and palpable and hath the dimensions and iust proportion of a mans body but their Christ on the altar and in the Sacrament they beléeue and teach to bée neither visible nor palpable nor that hee hath any iust proportion or dimensions of a true naturall and humane body The Eutychianistes denie that Christ after the vnion of the two natures had a true body but as e De ieiunio 7. mensis ser 6. Leo signifieth A body without shape dimensions or circumscription They saide also that Christ was whole both in heauen and earth against whom f Lib. 4. cont Eutych c. 4. Vigilius disputing saith That the flesh of Christ when it was in earth was not in heauen and nowe being in heauen is not on earth And their chiefe ground as appéereth by g Dialog 2. Theodoret was That Christs humane nature was abolished euen as in the sacrament after consecration the signes are changed into an other nature Who then doth not plainly sée that the papists by their transubstantiation do bring in Eutychianisme holding that Christes bodie in the sacrament is without shape and true dimensions and that his body is both in heauen and in earth and as many seuerall
Ephes 2. apostle Is the head of the church and hee is the sauiour of his body Neither can anie thing be deuised more deformed and prodigious then one bodie with two heads d Lib. 4. epist 38. ad Joan. Constant Gregory the first could not endure that Peter shoulde bée called the head of the whole church Peter the apostle saith hée is the first member of the holy catholike church and Paule Andrew and Iohn what are they but heads of diuers parishes and yet all are members of the church vnder one head Neither coulde hée suffer any to bée called the vniuersall bishop of the church Saint e De agon Christ in Psal 9. Augustine saith that Christ Iesus that is the mediator betwixt God and man is the head of the church But the Romish church doth allow acknowledge the pope to bée her head And the canonist f In gloss in c. vnam ●xtr de maior obed Bertrand blasphemously saith That Christ had not bin discreet if he had not left a vicar generall behinde him And this doth a In praefat in lib. de p●ntif R m. lib. 2. de pont●f R●m c. 31. Bellarmine teach and all papists beléeue and professe or else they are not perfect papists Oh strange church that liueth vnder such a head oh miserable people that endure this Babilonish slauerie 12. The true church is Christes faithfull spouse Sponsabo te mihi b Oseae 2. saith God to his church in fide c De vnitate eccles Cyprian saith that shée cannot bée drawne to like of an adulterer being incorrupt and chaste Adulterari non potest Christi sponsa incorrupta est pudica Shée harkeneth onely to the voice of her spouse En dilectus meus saith the church Cantic c. 2. loquitur mihi surge propera amica mea columba mea formosa mea veni But the church of Rome doth e Turr●●rem sum lib. 2. c. 28. Thom. Aq. in 4. sent d●st 3. 8. acknowledge the pope to bée her spouse And f Lib. 2. de pontif Rom. c. 31. Bellarmine doth defend that the pope is iustly entituled the spouse of the church Nay the pope g Canter corsoralia de tra●st episc c. qu●niam de imm●nitate eccles doth so call himselfe and therefore the papists must take héede that they do not hencefoorth denie him to bée the spouse of their c●colike church Who then is so blinde as not to sée that shée is rather that purple harlot of whom mention is made Apoc. 17. of whose cup the nations of the earth haue drunken so manie abominations then Christes vndefiled spouse 13. The true church is a communion of saints For so wée professe when wée say we beléeue The holy catholike church the communion of Saints The h 1. Cor. 1. apostle doth describe the church of Corinth To bee a societie of saints calling on the name of the Lord Iesus So that to bée a true member of this church it is requisite that a man haue faith in Christ and that hee shew his faith by his workes But the Romish church is a societie of such as professe the faith and receiue the sacraments of the Romish church And i Lib. de eccles milit c. 2. 3. Bellarmine confesseth That to be a member of the Romish church there is neither inward faith nor charitie nor any inward vertue required Nay k Ibid. c. 10. 11. he saith That such as be inwardly atheistes and heretikes and most heinous sinners may be true members of that church which is a most euident argument that they are not the true church 14. The true church is not necessarily tied to the obedience of the bishop of Rome nor neuer was The spirituall Ierusalem Which is the mother of l Galath 4. vs all is free and acknowledgeth no Lorde but one which is Lord of all For so the apostle a Ephes 4. saith There is one Lorde one faith one baptisme But the church of Rome beside this Lorde doth acknowledge herselfe subiect to the pope her Lord and God in earth b C. vnam ext de ma. obed Boniface the 8. determineth that none can bée saued in the Romish arke but they that are subiect to the pope And c De eccles milit c. 2. Bellarmine doth exclude all from the church of Rome that liue not vnder the obedience of the pope Finally this is the common opinion of the d Ibidem c. 5. aduersaries that exclude out of their church al schismatikes and account all to bee so that are not subiect to the pope 15. The true church doth professe the catholike faith Which vnlesse a man keepe intier and inuiolate he shall perish euerlastingly as e In symbolo Athanasius teacheth vs and we publikely professe Now the catholike faith concerning Iesus Christs incarnation and ascension f Ibidem is this That I●sus Christ is perfect man as he is perfect God and that he tooke mans flesh and yet is but one Christ and that in his humanity he is ascended into heauen We beléeue also That we are g Rom. 4. iustified by faith in Christ Iesus and not by the workes of the law as the apostle teacheth vs and that Beeing h Rom. 5. iustified by faith we haue peace with God We beléeue also i Rom. 6. That the reward of sinne is death and that eternall life is the gift of God We beléeue that Christs institution is to be obserued in the sacraments and that in baptisme we are to vse cleane water and that in the supper of the Lord al that are present are to communicate and to receiue the cup as well as the sacrament of the Lordes body according to k Matth. 26. Christs words Take eate and Drinke yee all of this We beléeue also that Christ is to be worshipped as he hath appointed and not according to the inuentions of men Finally we beléeue That l Ephes 4. Christ ascending to his father gaue some Apostles some Prophets some Euangelistes some Pastors and teachers and that these are sufficiēt for the building of the church and the bringing togither of the saints And this all belongeth to the catholike faith But this false and adulterous synagogue of Rome hath violated these points of catholike faith For it beleeueth not that Christ is perfect man but that he hath a body neither visible nor palpable that is conteined vnder the formes of bread no bigger then a counter It beléeueth not that he tooke other flesh then that which may be in heauen and in earth and in as many places as the sacrament is at one time But a Contr. Eutychen lib. 4. c. 4. Vigilius saith That the flesh of Christ that is in heauen is not in earth Fulgentius writing to Thrasimundus saith That the body of Christ now hath the properties of a true body It beléeueth also that Christ is not so