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A12475 The communion of saincts A treatise of the fellowship that the faithful have with God, and his angels, and one with an other; in this present life. Gathered out of the holy Scriptures, by H.A. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1607 (1607) STC 228; ESTC S118775 187,194 518

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church of Ierusalem not to do the like nor partake in her sisters evils but when they became both after one sort the Lords hart forsook them both alike and because Ierusalem walked in her sisters way therfore God gave the others cup into her hand the cup of destruction and desolation For the Lord being exceeding wroth with Israel and having put them out of his sight that none was left but the tribe of Iudah onely yet Iudah not keeping the cōmandements of the Lord their God but walking after the fashion of Israel which they vsed the Lord did therfore cast off al the seed of Israel afflicted them and delivered them into the hands of spoylers vntil he had cast them out of his sight It behooveth al therfore to mind wel their communion both with their own and other churches and to nourish peace but in holynes to keep cōmunion but in light not in darknes for we must all appear before the judgmēt seat of Christ where everie one of vs shall give account of himself vnto God and every man bear his own burthē As we have sown in this flesh so shal we reap the sowl that hath sinned shall die Noah Daniel and Iob shal deliver neyther son nor daughter but their own sowles by their righteousnes And whosoever overcometh shall inherit all things and shal not be hurt of the second death Sow to your selves in righteousnes reap after the measure of mercie Hos. 10. 12. The conclusion SEeing thē we hav received such grace from God so many as beleev in the name of his son Christ as that we are raised vp from the graves of syn wherin we al lay naturally the children of wrath ar caled with a holy caling from the servitude of Satan and syn and al cōmunion with the wickednes of this world to serv the Lord in freedome of spirit and newnes of life according to his word are conjoyned in a holy societie with himself after a wonderful incomprehensible manner apprehended by fayth and one with another in the fellowship of the Gospel being through his mercie made a chosen generation a kingly priesthood washed frō al our syns in the blood of Christ and reigning with him on earth by mortifying subduing our earthly members and seing we hav in this estate al the promises of life blessing and salvation the presence and protection of him our God the guard and assistance of his holy Angels whatsoever thing is good for our help joy and comfort whiles we live on earth What remayneth thē but that we purge our selves from al filthines of the flesh and spirit so grow vp vnto ful holines in the fear of God making streight steps vnto our seet rūning with patience the race that is set before vs fighting the good fight of faith and of afflictions resisting syn both in our selves and others nourishing mutual love and peace making an end of our salvation in fear trembling That after we hav ended this warfare in the flesh and hav so fought as we win the victory and none other get our crown when our sowles shal flit out of these earthly tabernacles our bodies may sleep and rest in their beds til our chāge come our sowles not sent to the spirits in prison but received among the spirits of just and perfect men we may so rest from our labours and wayt for the ful redemption of our bodies at that day when our Lord Iesus shal shew himself from heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming syre to render vengeance vnto them that know not God nor obey the Gospel of our Lord Christ punishing them with everlasting perdition frō his presence from the glory of his power and to be glorified in his saincts and made marveilous in al them that beleev which al shal be wher himself is see the blessed face of God there enjoy that heavenly communiō in the great assembly of al Saincts with everlasting joy vpon the 〈…〉 heads wher sorow and mourning shal be forgotten and al happines pleasures possessed for evermore For desire of that day the spirit the Bride say Come And let him that heareth say Come The faithful and true witnesse sayth Surely 〈…〉 quickly Amen Even so come Lord Iesus He that is a Sainct let him be sanctified stil Rev. 22. 11. Of the three sorts of mē al diversly affected in things concerning God Men are eyther OPEN WICKED HYPOCRITES SAINCTS ●icentious and profane livers professed enimies of the law of the Lord. Iob. 21. 14. 15. outwardly religious but inwardly wicked hating Gods law and the true righteousnes Isa. 29. 13. Mic. 3 11 that rightly beleev obey Gods word with their vtmost power the friends of the Lord. Psal. 119. 3 5 10. 11 c. These are born but after the flesh therfore savour they onely the things of the flesh ād remayn as they ar by nature Children of wrath Ioh. 3. 6. 1 Cor. 2. 14. ●●h 2. 3. These seem to be renewed born again of ye Spirit they are inlightned and boast of heavenly grace yet continew they stil in their old naturall corruption vnwashed from their filthines Heb 6. 4. Isa 65. 5. Ioh. 8. 41. 42. Pro. 30. 12. These are born a new not of blood nor of the wil of the flesh or of man but of God therefore they savour the things of God and mind heavenly things being children of Wisdome Iohn 1. 13. 3. 3● Luk. 7. 35. These ar neither chosen of God nor called being neyther of the church nor in the saine Psa. 11. 5 Rev. 22. 15. 1 Cor. 5. 82. These are caled but not chosen ar in the church for a a while but not of it Math. 22. 14. 1 Iohn 2. 19. These are called and chosen of God ar both in of the Church and so continew Ephes. 1. 4. c. Iob. 17. 9. In these syn dayly increaseth inwardly ād outwardly til righteousnes in them be vtterly extinct Psal. 36. 1. 2. 3. 4. In these righteousnes increaseth outwardly but sin liveth inwardly and aboundeth Isa. 1. 11. c. Ier. 3. 4. 5. In these syn dyeth and righteousnes rev●●eth dayly both inwardly and outwardly 〈◊〉 6. 2. ● 4. c. To these the Law if it be sent cometh in tables of stone for such is the nature of their harts but they receiv it not the tables ar broken before they come at them for these dance as it were about the goldē calf of their own impietie I●●●w not what is becom of Moses they break and violate all Exod. 32. Yet vnto such the law is given mid lieth vpon them as a ●urse and condēnation 1 Tim. ● 9. Deut. 27. 15-26 To these God giveth the stony tables and they receiv them but Moses face so shineth that they can not look vpō him vnlesse heveil
into very heaven and obteyned eternal redemption So the Lord took away the iniquitie of his land in one day as he had promised for the ransom was most precious even of infinite value effect seeing by the vnion of the God head with the manhood in this our High-priests person it was the blood of God himself as the scripture speaketh wherewith we are purchased Thus Christ hath reconciled vs that were enimies vnto God by his death and hath put away syn by the sacrifice of himself for he was the ‡ Lamb of God that taketh away the syn of the world and the prophesie of Abraham was fulfilled God wil provide him a Lamb for a burnt offring my son 12. Touching Christs Intercession as he prayed for his church when he was on earth and his Father heard him alwayes so now being ascended and set at the right hand of God he stil maketh request for vs being therefore entred into very heaven to appear now in the sight of God for vs. Whose prayer as it is pure and perfect so prevaileth it with God and is of vnspeakable efficacie to make vs to be accepted For the Father loveth the Son and accepteth him better then he did his servant Iob when he prayed for the trespassers This is that Angel the Angel or messenger of the covenant that hath a golden censer much odours which he offreth with the prayers of all Saincts vpon the golden altar that is before the throne the smoke of which odours with the prayers of the Saincts goeth vp before God out of the Angels hand and vnto his requests which hee maketh for his afflicted people the Lord answereth good and comfortable words Thus our high sacrificer having the names of the whole Israel of God as it were graven vpon two precious stones and embossed in gold beareth vs vpon his two shoulders for a remembrance and presenteth vs pure holy just before the Lord. 13. The things towards vs which ar his Blessing and the fruits that folow he graciously communicateth as a merciful faithful high priest touched with the feeling of our infirmites being raysed vp vnto vs of God and sent to Blesse vs in turning every one of vs from our iniquities And as at the end of his ministery vpon earth he lifted vp his hands and blessed his disciples and then was taken from them into heaven so continewing stil a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedek who met Abrahā blessed him he stil blesseth the children of Abraham giving and applying the promises of the Gospel vnto the harts and consciences of his people even the favour protection of God the light of his countenance and his peace So the blessing of Abraham cometh on vs through Christ Iesus who is that promised seed in whom al nations ar blessed and whom God hath set to be Blessings for ever Thus Christ by Sacrifice hath merited by Intercession obteyneth and by Blessing bestoweth and distributeth vnto vs the love graces of God his Father even all things perteyning to life and godlines that we being partakers of his peace may again blesse God even the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessings in heavenly thinges in Christ as the Apostle sayth 14. The cōmunion of this Blessing is more particularly to be discerned in that honour of Priesthood which is given to al Christians the seales of Gods grace and love towards vs in Christ. For he hath made vs Priests vnto God even his Father and we as lively stones are made a spiritual howse a holy priesthood to offer vp spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Iesus Christ. For first applying him vnto our selves by Faith his suffrings death burial are ours his righteousnes resurrection and glorious victory over syn Satan Death and Hel ours so that we by the blood of Iesus may be bold to enter into the holy place though the Levitical Priests might not enter into the shadow thereof at al times by the new living way which hee hath prepared for vs through the veyl that is his flesh even boldly may we goe vnto the throne of grace that we may receiv mercy and finde grace to help in tyme of need Presenting vnto God his Father and ours this Lamb that was slayne for our syns who is our surety and our sacrifice by whose stripes wee are healed by whose death we are restored to life by whose body once offred we are sanctified vpon whose head wee have layd the burden of our syns and by whose curse we are made the heyres of blessing and of all the riches of Gods grace 15. We also giv vp our own bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable vnto God which is our reasonable serving of God so the heavenly Ierusalem is filled with the Flocks of men as the earthly once was with Flocks of holinesses or sacrifices external Our spirits being contrite our harts humbled and broken for our syns ar the sacrifices of God also which he wil not despise By Christ we offer the sacrifice of Praise alwayes to God that is the fruit or calves of our lips which confesse his name and magnify him with thanksgiving this also pleaseth the Lord better then oxe or heiffer that beareth hornes that parteth the hoof Our almes and offrings for relief of the poor especially the ministers of the Gospel of Christ are an odour that smelleth sweet a sacrifice acceptable pleasant to God Finally if we be powred out as a drink offring vpon the sacrifice service of the faith of Christs church do resist vnto blood striving against syn we have cause to rejoyce for precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saincts the ‡ soules of such rest vnder the altar til the Lord holy and true doe avenge their blood on thē that dwel on the earth 16. This honour of Priesthood which no man can take to himself nor any other thing except it be given him frō heavē Christ giveth vnto vs of his rich grace by his word spirit For as by the preaching of the Gospel he is dayly described in our sight and among vs crucified so we by the ministerie of the Gospel are made an acceptable offring vnto the Lord being sāctified by the Holy Ghost His word is a sharp two edged sword and divideth a sunder the sowl and the spirit the joynts and the marow by it we are taught to mortify our members which are on earth his spirit is as fyre where with we being baptised doe also mortifie the deeds of the bodie that we may live give our selves vp vnto God for a living sacrifice The afflictions
damned spirits are of the bottomlesse-deep which they desired Christ that he would not command them into and fearfully they exspect from his hand torment the effect of that curse which is come vpon them to the vtmost and shal be executed in vnspeakeable manner mesure in that day when having fulfilled the mesure of their sin they shal be cast into the lake of everlasting fyre brimstō prepared for them so without end or relaxation of their miserie be separated from the Lord and al his Saincts from hïs life light and blessed communion for ever and yet 4. Men that had ben made in the similitude of God holy just happy immortal without any want or imperfection in sowl or body not cōtinewing in this honour but making shipwrack of faith by beleeving the word of Satan of good conscience by obeying his counsel acting the same wheras they were promised to be as Gods knowing good evil fel by this means into corruption and miserie and became like divils without God in the world subject to the horrour of his wrath and eternal damnation Whose woeful estate is to be considered first in regard of sin which stayed not in one actiō but fretted as a canker and overflowed all secōdly of punishments for sin Both of these are in sowl and body and their ful mesure or accomplishment is of the one in this world of the other in the world to come 5. The first sin of man was as venim that soddēly spred it self into al the powers of sowl body subdued thē al vnder death corruption so soon as the serpent had bittē him And as he was the root of al mankind so did the contagion also spread into al the branches his children By his disobedience many wer made synners and became ● dead even by the one offence of that one man was the evil propagated vnto al men to condemnation who now being evil by nature could neyther speak nor doe good but dayly wexed worse So that when the Lord from heaven looked down vpon the son●s of Adam to see if ther wer any that did vnderstand that did seek God behold al wer gone back al wer corrupt none that did good no not one yea even the children from theyr birth conception vnclean and sinful 6. The corruption and nakednes of man in sowl is to be seen in the Vnderstanding which perceiveth not neyther can know the things of God yea though light shine into this darknes yet doth not the darknes comprehend it the hart knowes not the ey sees not the ear hears not after much instruction mans wisdom is but foolishnes and whatsoever he savoureth in mind is enmitie against God and death to himself The hart of man which is the fountayn whence al the actions of life do flow is crooked crafty deceitful above al and wretched desperatly sick even vnto death so that every fiction of the thoughts of his hart is onely evil every day even from his childhood And as the mind is without the knowledge of God or forgetful if it hav known him so is it otherwise corrupted in the faculties therof caried with vanitie The Conscience which al mē hav within them to bear witnes of their works this also is defiled togither with the mind and through custom of syn Satans effectual working is seared as with a hot yron and bcome without remorse or feeling The Wil is also alienated from God and from his correction counsel or hearing the same Al the other affections in like manner corrupted by cruel hatred one of an other even of own brethren of that which is good yea even of God himself the love and delite being set on vanitie wickednes Finally the sowle of synfull man is fraught w th al vnrighteousnes wickednes maliciousnes wrath envie debate covetousnes inordinat lusts ambition pride vnmercifulnes and deep hypocrisie with al other vices being empty and destitute of every good grace virtue he hath neyther fear of God nor reverence of man yea that there is no God be al his cogitations 7. The body which is the earthly tabernacle sheath of the sowl and al the members of the same ar fit instruments to fulfill the evil thoughts of the mind be given over in like weise to the service of vncleānes iniquity The evils which lust hath conceived inwardly ar by Satans help and these instruments brought forth and effected Herevpon doth man commit al iniquity with greedines his hands execute wickednes and crueltie his feet run to evil and make hast to shed blood his eyes ar full of adulterie and cannot cease to syn defiled with haughtines and mockinge with murder and maliciousnes his thorat is an open sepulchre the venim of aspes is vnder his lips his mouth full of cursing and bitternes his tongue an vnruly evil ful of deadly poisō a world of wickednes defiling the whol body setting on fyre the wheel or course of nature being it self set on fyre of hell wherwith he curseth men blasphemeth God His carkesse he decketh clotheth with pride his belly he pampereth filleth with excesse for it is his God he is powred out into al lasciviousnes Neyther is ther any vncleannes fornication vnnatural filthines or beastlines wherwith he abuseth not his own body no trecherie theft murder Witchcraft worship of idols yea even of Divils which he committeth not And these things he doth with an high hand obstinat hart til he becom most abominable fiilthy drinking iniquitie as water making it a pastime to doe wickedly refusing not any evil but for to glutt himself with his lothsom delites addeth syn vnto syn and drunkennes vnto thirst groweth past feeling and after his hardnes hart which cānot repēt heapeth vp wrath against the day of wrath and of the revelation of the just judgement of God vnto whom he hath sayd depart from me for Idesire not the knowledge of thy wayes who is the Almighty that I should serv him and what profit should I hav if I should pray vnto him 8. So men that would themselves be Gods ar fallen to such impietie that they ar not far from the lothsom nature of divils which our Saviour signified when he caled Iudas a Divil and the Iewes the Divils children And now God abhorreth al wretched mans works even his most religious actions which his troubled ignorāt hypocritical cōscience causeth him to perform The Lord regardeth neyther him nor his offring his sacrifice is an abomination his prayer is turned to syn al his worship is vayn his works of mercy vnprofitable and nothing is pure vnto
fruitlesse lamentation in that second death and vtter darknes where the ” worm shal not die nor the fyre be quenched for evermore This is the portion of the wicked from God and the reward of their sins from the hand of the Most High The wicked is kept vnto the day of destruction they shal be brought forth to th● day of wrath Iob. 21. 30. CHAP. III. Of mans redemption the renewing of his peace by the grace of God in Iesus Christ. 1. God though he spared not the Angels which sinned of their own accord and maliciously drew man into their condemnation yet shewed he favor to Adam and his children when it was neyther deserved nor asked For of them he had chosen to be his before the foundations of the world prepared for them a kingdome which it was his pleasure to giv vnto them therfore could he not be hindered no wisdome nor vnderstanding nor counsel could prevail against him but his own counsel did stand for ever the thoughts of his hart throughout al ages he also is greater then al and none is able to take his sheep out of his hand therfore he sayd vnto them when they were polluted in their own blood ye shal live even when they wer in their blood he said vnto them ye shal live I wil redeem them from the power of the grave I wil deliver them from death 2. Yet because as his mercy should be magnified his justice also was to be satisfied and death inflicted for the transgression of his law now mans miserie weaknes was such as endure death he might but overcome it he could not nor deliver his sowl frō the hand of the grave therfore had God of his rich grace and incomprehensible love ordeyned his onely begotten Son which was in his bosome one with himself and in glorie with him before the world was by whom al things were created in heaven and in earth things visible invisible and in whom al things consist even this his own dear son had the Father ordeyned before the foundatiō of the world that he should save his people from their syns and deliver them from the wrath to come 3. And forasmuch as being in the form of God and very God himself who liveth and is blessed for ever he could not in that nature glorie wherin onely is immortalitie partake with mans wretchednes or tast of his death which yet by Gods grace he was to tast for al men therfore was it also ordeyned that the Word should be made flesh even the Son of God when hee came into the world should be made of a woman and of the seed of earthly man according to the flesh that he should take on him the form of a servant and be found in shape as a man partaker with his children of flesh and blood that he might suffer for their sake be touched with the feeling of their infirmities and in all things tempted in like sort yet without syn 4. This incarnation of the Lord wherby he should become our Emmanuel that is God with vs was not to be mans work or brought to passe by carnal generation but by the holy Ghost and power of the most high overshadowing a virgin whereby she should conceiv in her womb and bear a holy thing that should be caled the Son of God Who for the fulnes of the grace of the Godhed which was to dwel in him bodily the spirit wherewith he was to be anoynted should be named the Messiah and the Christ that is the Anoynted of God for the salvation of synners should be crowned with the title of Iesus that is the Saviour or Deliverer at whose name every knee should bow both of things in heaven things in earth things vnder the earth and everie tongue confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord vnto the glory of God the Father who gave him to be his salvation to the end of the earth 5. For by this his Son the brightnes of his glory God would reconcile the world to himself not imputing but freely forgiving their syns vnto them and by this image of his owne invisible maiestie would renew the heavenly image in man which now was defaced giving him a new hart and a new spirit even putting his own spirit within him making him a new creature For wheras the first Adam was made but a living sowl and having lost his life by syn could not recover the same againe but death reigned over al this second Adam which was a live-making spirit should quicken them that wer dead in trespasses and syns and by his voyce should rayse them vp and give them life eternal that so the dead men might liv againe and they awake and sing that dwel in dust 6. The way to work out this wōdrous grace for mens redemption was appointed to be by great afflictiōs through which the Prince of their salvation was to be consecrate that many children might be brought vnto glory For this Son of God the Lord and heyr of all things was to † empty himself and take on him the form of a servant to become lesser then the Angels yea more deformed then the sons of Adam even a worm and not a man the shame of men and contempt of the people that when we should see him he should have neyther form nor bewtie that we should desire him though yet in himself he was much fayrer then the sons of Adam al his parts and features and countenance so excellent as he was wholly delectable 7. So when the first begotten of the Father was brought into the world though al the Angels of God did worship him the winds and seas obeyed him the Fish payed his tribute the wild beasts lived at peace with him and the very Divils confessed him and were afrayd yet wretched man would not acknowledge him his own received him not he was a stranger to his brethren an aliant to his Mothers sons despised he was we esteemed him not Yea God himself would break him make him subject to infirmities lay vpō him the iniquity of vsal for we made him to serve for our syns we wearied him with our iniquities so that innumerable troubles compassed him about our syns which now were his tooke such hold vpon him that he was not able to lookvp for which a cup was givē him of the Father to drink ful of sorow fear heavines agonie that made his sowl heavy even vnto the death he prayed his Father that if it had been possible it might hav passed from him offring vp his prayers with
youth for now ther shal be no more curse but the throne of God of the Lamb that was slayn shal be in the city he wil be merciful vnto his land vnto his people The Angels saw this were glad for our salvation they sung at our Saviours birth Glory to God in the highest heavens and vpon earth peace towards men goodwill And when he was glorified the thowsand thowsands of them praysed him saying worthy is the Lamb that was killed to receiv power and riches and wisdome and strength and honour and glory and prayse The heavens rejoyced for that the Lord had done the lower parts of the earth showted the mountaynes forrests and every tree burst forth into prayses for that the Lord had redeemed Iaakob would be glorified in Israel and al creatures in heaven in earth vnder the earth and in the sea al that are in them gave Praise honour and glorie power vnto him that sitteth vpon the throne and vnto the Lamb for ever more Amen 14. This grace was the Wisedom of God in a mysterie the hidden wisedom which God had fore-determined before the world vnto our glorie but it was hid from the eyes of al the living hid from the fowls of the heavē none of the Princes of this world knew it no ye had seen it nor ear heard it neyther came it into mans hart onely God vnderstood the Way thereof and from the beginning of the world it was kept secret and hid in him and stil he hideth it from the wise men of vnderstanding neyther can the natural perceiv it vntil he revele it vnto them by his spirit which spirit sercheth al things even the deep things of God and by it we know the things that are given to vs of God 15. And now he hath opened vnto vs the mysterie of his will according to his good pleasure which he had purposed in Christ he hath proclaymed vnto the ends of the world that the Saviour of the daughter Sion is come his wages with him and his work before him that we might cleerly see the fellowship of the mystery might be able to cōprehend with al Saincts what is the bredth and length and depth and height to know the lov of Christ which passeth knowledge and might be filled with al fulnes of God who hath given vs bewty for ashes the oyl of ioy for mourning the garment of gladnes for the spirit of heavines because our ‡ warfare is accomplished and our iniquitie is pardoned For while we were yet sinners Christ died for vs and when wee were enemies we were reconciled to God by his death and now shal be saved by his life for the chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes we are healed he hath washed vs from our syns in his blood and purged our conscience from dead works to serve the living God and is gone vp into very heaven to appear now in the sight of God for vs and there to prepare vs a place that where he is we may be also From whence he wil shortly shew himself with his mightie Angels to be glorified in his Saincts and made marveilous in them that beleev who after that they have drunk of his cup been baptised into his death and buriall and walked with him in newnes of life in this vale of tears and fulfilled the rest of his afflictions in their flesh shal have their vile bodies changed fashioned like to his glorious bodie the dead being raysed vp incorruptible and such as live remayn being chāged and caught vp with them also in the clowds to meet the Lord in the ayre and so shall they ever be with the Lord their faces shyning as the Sun in the kingdome of their Father 16. Although this mysterie of Christ was not opened vnto the sons of men in other ages as it was at last reveled vnto his holy Apostles and Prophets by the spirit yet was the effect and summe therof made known to all the Patriarchs from the beginning For Iesus Christ was yesterday is to day the same for ever Abraham saw his day and was glad Abel also by faith in him obteyned testimonie that he was righteous which faith he learned of his father Adam who heard of God the riches of this grace freely preached in paradise before the sentence of exile and death was pronounced vpon him namely that the womans seed should crush the Serpents head who also was shewed the way to be by death and sacrifice a shadow wherof he saw in the Lambs then slayn and sacrificed in the service of the Lord. The great afflictions of Christ and of his people wer foretold in the Serpents crushing of his ●eel and the enmitie between the womans seed that Serpents foreshewed also in the murder of Abel the iust by Cain his wicked brother To Christ gave all the Prophets witnes that through his name all that beleeved in him should receive remission of syns and the twelve tribes instantly serving God night day hoped to come vnto this promise So in this hope and exspectation of redemption by the Son of God the Fathers rested and comforted their fainting sowles by faith the evidence of things not seene by which faith they saw the promises a farr off were perswaded saluted them confessed that they were strangers and pilgroms vpon earth and so died having through their faith obteyned testimony but received not the promise God providing a better thing for vs that they without vs should not be made perfect but in patient hope passe out their dayes on earth after death wayt al the dayes of their appoynted time til their changing shall come and then stand vp in their lot with vs and al Saincts at the end of the dayes 17. But al this grace and riches of the glorious mysterie now manifested to the Saincts which is Christ in vs the hope of glory God did not communicate with al men neyther yet doeth save with some few chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world Which little flock have their election not by works but by him that caleth according to the good pleasure of his own wil who without any vnrighteousnes hath mercy on whom he wil and whom he will he hardneth having made as the clay-potter of one lump some men vessels of mercie prepared vnto glorie some vessels of wrath prepared to destruction which yet notwithstanding have many favours and benefits from God to draw them to repentance out of the snare of Satan but all in vayn for they despise the grace proffered vnto them and run headlong into the condemnation whereto they were of old ordeyned
evil that he may know that the fear of the Lord is his tresure as sayth the Prophet 16. But because the end of the Commandement is Love out of a pure hart and of a good cōscience of faith vnfeighned Love is the fulfilling of the Law therfore hath God comprised his whol wil touching our Sanctification and obedience in two precepts 1 Thow shalt Love thy Lord thy God with al thy hart with al thy sowl and with al thy mind 2 Thou shalt Love thy neighbour as thy self on these two commandements hangeth the whol Law and the Prophets As evil therfore is to be hated and eschewed so that which is good ought to be loved and cleaved vnto the head and fountain of al which good is onely God himself who first is to be loved and above all but hath given vs this commandement that he which loveth God should love his brother also 17. And as we have of him this Law of love so have we from him the grace to love both him his law and shal from him receive the fruit therof which is Life This Moses shewed Israel of old saying The Lord thy God wil circumcise thyne hart and the hart of thy seed that thou mayst Love the Lord thy God with al thy hart and with al thy sowl that thou mayst Live Thus we love him because he loved vs first and hath inclined our harts drawn vs after him Again because as Christ sayth he that hath his cōmandements and keepeth them is he that Loveth him therefore have we this rule direction given vs by Moses further joyning these two togeither Thou shalt love the Lord thy God and shalt keep that which he commandeth to be kept that is his ordinances and his lawes and his commandements alway 18. From this ariseth much cōfort to the Saints which finding themselves affected with the Lov of God feeling his love shed abroad in their harts by the holy Ghost which is given vnto thē do grow in this grace keep themselves in the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ vnto eternal life They lov his commandements above the finest gold therfore have much peace and shal have no hurt or scandal their delight is in his cōmandements which they have loved their hands also doe they lift vp vnto them and herevpon doe expect to be quickened and conserved in life according to the loving kindnes of the Lord who preserveth al them that love him keepeth covenant and mercy towards them and causeth al things to work togither for the best vnto them For God is Love as sayth the disciple whom Iesus loved and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him and grace shal be vnto al them that love him vnto immortalitie Moses in spirit foreseing this sayd vnto Israel I cal heaven and earth to record this day agaynst you that I have set before you Life death the blessing the curse therfore chuse Life that thou and thy seed may live by loving the Lord thy God by obeying his voice and by cleaving vnto him for he is thy Life and the length of thy dayes 19. But because our Life is hid with Christ in God though now we be the sonnes of God yet it doth not appear what we shal be but when Christ which is our Life shal appear then shal we also appear with him in glory be like vnto him and see him as he is therfore hath he given vs another grace perteyning to Life and godlines called a living Hope vnto which God of his aboundāt mercy hath begotten vs by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead This vertue respecteth our good that is to come our inheritance reserved for vs in heaven yea thither hath it power to come entring as the Apostle saith into that which is within the vail whither the forerunner Iesus is for vs entred in this Hope we have as an anker of the soul both sure stedfast holding it fast in al tempests of tribulations or tentations knowing as Salomon sayth that ther is an end and our hope shal not be cut-off 20. Ther be two companions and as it were sisters of this grace 1 Faith 2 patience Faith goeth before as the guide and susteyner being the subsistance or ground of things hoped for as Abraham by faith even above hope beleeved vnder hope Patience accompanieth it and teacheth to wayt as it is written if we hope for that we see not we doe with patience abide for it And thus is fulfilled that which Isaias sayth he that beleeveth shal not make hast and consequently shal not be ashamed but being assured that he which shal come wil come and wil not delay though he tary yet we wayt as the prophet biddeth vs because the Father which hath loved vs hath given vs everlasting consolation and good hope through grace and hope maketh not ashamed yea we rejoyce in hope as being the thing wherby we ar saved he which is the God of hope filleth vs with al joy and peace in beleeving and causeth vs to abound in hope through the power of the holy Ghost 21. One of the special promises which the anker of Hope layeth hold vpon and that by reason of the Covenant of God with vs is the Resurrection of the Dead For as God caling himself the God of Abraham Isaak Iaakob when they wer dead vnto the world but Living vnto him did teach his people therby that he would rayse them vp again from death as our Saviour expoundeth his Fathers oracle even so we all that are in the same covenant of grace and have him for our God do beleev that after our flesh hath ben sown in dishonour and seen corruption it shal be raysed in glory by the power of God for in our graves we shal heare the voyce of Christ at his appearing shal come forth vnto the resurrection of Life And then shall we injoy all the good promises in that Citie which hath foundations whose buylder and maker is God who is not ashamed of vs to be called our God because he hath prepared for vs a citie 22. Thus have we through the grace of our God those three heavenly vertues mentioned by the Apostle 1 an effectual Faith 2 adiligent Love 3 and the patience of Hope in our Lord Iesus Christ by Faith to beleev the mysteries of life and al his word by Love to cleav vnto him and keep his commandemēts by hope to exspect the fulfilling of al good promises which God that cannot lie hath made vnto vs and these three things doe abide with vs during this present life that walking in them we may
have fellowship with the Lord in spirit who having thus decked vs with the garments of bewtie and glorie with mercy and salvation through faith in his name doth then seal vs with that holy spirit of Promise which is the earnest of our inheritance vntil the redemption of the possession purchased the ful redemption of al Saincts vnto the prayse of his glory For as he hath chosen vs in Christ before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love so having effectually caled justified and sanctified vs of his vnspeakable grace he giveth vs also certainty and assurance of our election that we shal never fal from nor be forsaken of him For the seed wherwith we are born anew is an immortal seed which can never die this seed remayneth in vs to keep vs from syn and if we syn we have an advocate with the Father even Iesus Christ the just who maketh intercession and prayeth for vs that our faith fail not he also giveth vs repentance vnto Life and worketh in vs godly sorow for our misdeeds so we ar renewed by repentance dayly and revived by faith knowing that God hath stablished to himself his people Israel to be his people for ever he is their God his gifts and caling are without repentance he that hath begun his good work in vs wil perform it vnto the day of Iesus Christ for he hath made an everlasting covenant with vs that he wil never turn away from vs to doe vs good and hath put his fear in our harts that we shal never depart from him and hath sayd concerning vs by his prophet My people shal never be ashamed Thus the hope of salvation is for an helmet vpon our heads for that God hath not appointed vs vnto wrath but to obteyn salvation by our Lord Iesus Christ and we rejoyce with joy vnspeakable glorious being perswaded that neyther death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things presēt nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shal be able to separate vs fiō the love of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. 23. Our God it is which thus stablisheth vs in Christ hath anoynted vs and also sealed vs and given vs the earnest of his spirit in our hartes even the spirit of adoption whereby we crie vnto him Abba Father and of vs he sayth This people have I formed for my self they shal shew forth my prayse And being thus furnished with his graces we find feel the sweetnes of that fellowship and communion that we hav with him in Christ Iesus and by his Spirit 24. This communion the scripture setteth down by similitude of walking and dwelling together For God hath promised I will walk among you and I wil be your God ye shal be my people and for his habitation although he filleth heavens and earth the heavens of heavens ar not able to cōteyn him being cōsidered in his infinite majestye yet abaseth he himself to converse with vs that dwel in houses of clay as he sayth by the Prophet I dwel in the high holy place with him also that is of a contrite humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble and to give life to them that are of a contrite hart Which grace that all the Saincts might take knowledge of the voice is written which was heard out of heaven to say Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwel with them and they shal be his people and God himself will bee their God with them This Tabernacle is the bodies and sowles of the Saincts as the Apostle sayth Ye are the Temple of the Living God even as God hath sayd I will dwell in thē walk with them your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost On the other side wee are sayd to walk with God as did Enoch Noah and as the Lord requireth of every man that he humble himself to walk with his God we dwel in his tabernacle for ever our trust is vnder the covering of his wings as the Apostle Iohn sayth He that keepeth his commandements dwelleth in him and he in him 25. This grace is so heavenly and supernatural as it cannot be comprehended by the carnal man nor embraced walked in with comfort by synners hypocrites The naturall man thinketh the dwelling of God is not with flesh the vnbeleeving among the Saincts in day of their distresse do say Is the Lord among vs or no The synners and hypocrites 〈…〉 Sion are afrayd saying who among vs shal dwel with the devouring syre who amōg us shal dwel with the everlasting burnings And indeed the throne of iniquitie hath no fellowship with him but the pure of hart edure as seing him who is invisible they sing The Lord of hosts is with vs the God of Iaakob is our refuge they serve him and see his face his name is on their foreheads they say It is good for vs to draw neer vnto God Lord lift vp the light of thy countenance vpon vs. 26 This conversing of the Saints with God is spiritual and mystical we walk by faith and not by sight faith which is the evidence of things not seen He that is joyned to the Lord is one spirit sayth the Apostle Again Gods walking with vs is strange and vncouth to the world for he bringeth vs into many tribulations his way is in the sea his paths in the great waters and his footsteps ar not knowen he leadeth vs through the wildernes through a desert and wast land and by the shadow of death where fyry serpents are and scorpions and drought without water to humble vs and to prove vs to know what is in our hart that he may doe vs good in the latter end he bringeth vs through the fyre and fineth vs as the silver is fined and trieth vs as gold is tried yet he sayth It is my people we do say The Lord is our God 27. And hence ariseth the comfort of our harts that alwayes we behold God with vs yea feel him within vs and answer Amen by faith to al his promises He sayth Fear not for I am with thee be not afrayd for I am thy God we say again Though I should walk through the vally of the shadow of death I will fear no evill because thou art with me He sayth of every of his Saincts I wil be with him in trouble I wil deliver him and glorify him they testify say I beheld the Lord alwayes before me for he is at my right hand that I should not be shaken gather together on heaps ô ye people and ye